THE SORANTON TlttBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANFARY 15, 1002. ' ? TFjfe'e Mews of Caribondale. v ,. mf.1 J n't .i i')' ' - .i ii -'.. ii.. ! .RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnttHudson Itailrorid', "'"NnuwVr 21, llml." Tt.iltii l ailiondile 01 il( 'Inllnn m nil- T'oi Sinnilon iiii.I re -0.00, 7.lnl, S.CO, .11.01, III ill, Il.'.'l n. in.: I '". I.W '-'"" '''". '.00. 7.U0, 10.111, 11.00 p. in. Mini IV tre!nt hate ilt f.6'1, Il.'.'l n. l".i 1.11', i.tii. n.'o, aoo ii. iii. , I'or Allnnv, MMtoKi, Montreal. 1I.hI.iii. Vm r.iiirl.itul io(nI, Mi., 7.U0 ii. in. I !." I. I". lihiil.t.) I'm Untin.iil iiii.I lloncililc, 7.22, It.".. 11. in.; .Ul. (1.11 i. in. Sunday ilium Inn i Wnjiiuil nml Hoiic'dtlo nt li.::u ii. in.; I.I", p. in. Tuliu unite ill (uiliiiiul.ili. fiom WllliM-lllnc nml Sir.tnlim ii fotlotw: II..1H, ..17. n.SO, HUO ii. in. j 12.37, 2.1X1. 11.1.1. I.2. III1". T.ol, S.lll. 1I...I. 11.57 11. m. 1 i.lW 11. 111. .... ... Smidie li.ilm anlte nt 11.27 fl. tn.i 12.10, .'U3, 4.-.V, II.2U, ll.ili) i. 111. Mimliy Ii.iIih inrlte nl .itbnmlilc funn Way nml llonc-dile t 12.17 nml 7.'.', i in. New Yoik, Ontario and Western. September 17, 1'ifll. Tinlm lento Ciuliuiulili' Ml ii.!titnii at 7 mi n in.; I, ml p, in, niii.I.i) ii.iiiii nl 7.1m ii. hi.! n.iM p. in. Ti lliu lone t .iiluiii.l.ili' tor p.jlntn twill, nt 1i in a. in. I in Snndn al m In. I in. ii- 1 ill 'lU III II. Ill .1.' III. tied, .Mill II 111 II In. ".lllldill 1 lll.lkl i.miui'linlH (in- .Nun ! U. I v ill, id-. Ti.ilm unite limn Siiniiiii'i ill 1 1. Id .i. in.. I p. in,: (nun poliiN not tli. inn p. in. "iii'iliy linin seiatilnn nl ii.ln ii. in, nml 7.1". p. in limn (',tilml.i (it is. 0J i. in. Erie Bailrond. .linn. 2".. nml. Tl.lllW 0 lll.t ftMliotl. .lllnillilllr. ll llll fi rill ill 7.00 a. iii. nml I ..I p in In 111 null mul Munch: ul Hill ii in., ilul.t lev nidlns .Nimliti, fin Dlnulnini.iiii, makliii; ion nedlotn l,.i ten mk 111 iiii.I lluillllli, .Hill in it.10 p. in. Ml Sosqu'Iiaiin.!, i i ur uiiiiu'i ii'in for t i".i'in pnliiH. slllllll,l tl.MIH 111 1.'" .1. 111. f 'I Nl-,ltlch.ltlll i null u-liin (uiiiuili in-, .mil I..27 p. in. twili frame loiini'i i. on-.. Ti.iim ti ul s'! .1. m nml "15 p. in s-nndai-i .u s ..: .i. in. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED The Official Vote Also Determined at the City Convention Held Last Night in Council Chambers Scott Gets Long' Term for Assessor; Waterfield the Two Year Term and Williams the Shortest Term Busi ness of the Convention. Tin- city llL'iHiblU'iin i'lill volition was li"UI lust nlb'ht In Hit- coiu'ii II clium-"ict-i in tin- city building Tlie child" l)UhliK"-K nl tin1 convutlim to re c. lvi tin- lptmns of tlu' primal Ich ln-Id i i:K -.. iii)M.MMr.r.ii:ii, lii'iHil.liL.iii Nuinlnt'c for In u. las-t Saturday, to determine the vote and officially announce the nominee" for election at the municipal election in the Rprlng. The otllelal returns showed the foi lowliiK vote for the piineipal offices as named below: JIAYOlt. ltomi!i(.'liii,ur mo ItolictU , j-,s I'taku (,s l.Hii! ItuiiiiiK'Iinjin'.s iinjoilly m 'lUIUSUIIIII!. 'j'.ir.j'.m ,-,is llflil" fii; I'iti- "pi lietcr , i'.j 1,1". I TajipinV vulo otir (li-Mir 2,-, (.o,Tlt()I.I,i:i!. i:tmi r,i:t Mt.innoii ij 1,IM) IJtCUi' in.ijoiify (i .fr,-lN01!, f-ii'tt 7i Wntuhi'M .,,, ;n7, ;,; K.IIOOI, PllllX'IOIl, I.O.fl TIIIIM. topOiml f,ni 1-utc m Ml' I Cupcl.iinri. in.ijoiily Mjiiooi, Dimxrroii, wionr 'h:i:m l!tU118 , .Nnitli ., .i i;.ill,' inajotlty ,,, ! Mjiooi. 'piiir.fniii, unvint ihm-iik r. l.utvis 17(1 ( li.ipi'u,iii f 21 A MMy nujoiit.t' p.; I'lie'l'tinventloH wiib culled to outer by rcTfumphrey, chaliiuan of thu city ItopuV)ll6iu con'unltte'e,' "On motion of Wty'SMlcUor it." t). 'fttiufulw wan made )ornrtlueiit chairman. Secretary X, j iioon wis elected iiefnianent secretary ffld FchtioJ IJIreutor (1, p. Swltfert it as named as ubslHlant secretary. jTIm llrst buslnesH was thu receipt of e rrturns from tho iPturii Jmlires of dllferent districts, who uutuuu fol lows; C, ir. Hoiton, W. !:. .Matthews, p, U.-Van Gorder, fleorse Herbert. jVllllanii.jCvans, Jolm jvico, AVIIIIam Your HoteS, will serve f K la - 1 , 1 Grape-Nuts ? , . f you ask r Order the food served dry and with cream to, pour; : over it. SK' ZJiZZTZJ I'asmtmre, JiKopti Mmlpny, ,lo?oph ltnynor, John Klllccii, 12. II, Stone. An thony O'llnui, J.'innk I'luiii1, Uoboit llpuril. The rolmiiM wore read liv Mr. Hwl 1,'eit nml tnliulutoit by f-V'ciotni'.v Moon. Whoa thin wild tllHiKiceil or the conven tion, favorably reeulvliiB the siikko'IIoh of (Mmlrniaii lluinpliiey, the oiunlldali'ft who U'ulvett tho best yoleH as ludloutcd In the rctiii'iin nit ptiuti'il liciewllh, were oflli'lully ilcelareil the noinlncoM. On motion nf Secretary Moon the convention adopted a H'fiolntlou pie sented by him, ileleKatlliK to the city coininlttpc tho power to revise and unit-lid the C'rawfonl county riikw yo ait to siiupllfy them and make them conform with 1 lit neetlM of ti town the nlze of Ciirboiidrik'. Terms of Ansessois. An lninoitiinl matter that ia dis posal of tust the tcl'lilM (if the city as-si"-!iiiru. I'lidpr the now law, mi ayes lor tlll be droted caeh year, the tirina Mi:t.VIN 11 T,'I'VV. .ml. lie ill VullljlU'i f .1" Ti 1! btiuj,' Hsrd at one, tto and three jc.trH. This ttas ofprloohcd and t'o amend the oversight the asseFf-'ors die hied to ill aw for their terms". The dratIn;r resulted In Thomas Scott receiving the thrpe-vear term; .lohn AVaterlleld, the two-year term, and "William1', the one-year term. Mr. Scntt and Mr. Waterfield each drew lor himself, while Jlr. "Wllllami, who was absent, was represented by Fred Thomas, Chairman Humphrey piesented a nn.tnclal statement of the city commit tee, which showed a balance of Ml). This sum. it was decided, to tuin oter to the next city committee to uise in the sp'iiiK c.tinpalsn with oilier funds. After it belns .iKreed ilium iimonj,' the eiinilld-itts to hold a meeting on tomor ntt itiidiiK: to oi'Rimlzgi' and elect a i h.ilriiMii. aim to supply the olllces not t'oted for at the primal les the con vention adjoin tied. The Official Vote. Tlie ofllcial vole of tho iulumiies on Saturday Is heiewlth printed for the first time: 1'iii-t H.inl, Pn.,1 ilistiii t M.nni, Ifoiniu.liii.'ii', lt; t-., .11; llinki-, 14. 'Iicimiii-i, T.ippin, Ni lii'ldi'i, ..1; II.uUi il;, ! ('uiil)nlli r, l't.llif, ",7, Mi.ii.imn, 171 ' .-st-rtii-", Willi, mi,, 1""; ii'ntt, 177, WnlulUl.l, 171. nIkwI ililei-toi-, Nnitli, do;, ll",; Lot,., n; (op linnl, I"!. t'oiMalili, l'.li.i, 2,1.1." Thliil ili-Uiil-M.ijoi. llonmi-liiijii. 'i; liu'i tft., "il; H'liki-, 7. I'liM-nicr, Tapp.-n, JT; (M ili", L'j Di'ti'i, ::, Ditl-, :;. viiinllii, linn,, jii; Mi.iiiiii.ii, 'i. Ai'oi., William-. 2-i; W.itf -Hi lil, 22; Sinit, 11. Silmol iliii'itnr, Nhitli. .!; 1'i.iih, .i'i! ('..pel.iiul, :17; I.oti', 1. ( on.tiibli', IV.HU', 121. 'u-cniil waul. 1'irit ili-tiifl -r.nor, lii.miml uijir, f,.'; IIuIjuK 11; lluil.r, .'.. Ticj-.ui,'i, "lap. luii. :!7; fiil.k'i. 17; Pjti-, :!1; Dotii, .",. I uii liuilir, Kiai-,, .".I; Mnmimi, 2:i. .-i'- oi-. W ill niiii. 01; Watiill'l'l, ); Noti, .",2. vied loun ill, lluiiip'.iH'y, 7U; llo inn, ,s ( oiuiiicn inuii 11, Salmi. .'.7; l l.iilc, (HI. Pom ili'i-it,.i, M..y, ii'i. C'on-it.ibli-, Ni-iiiy, i.,",. . si-lujol iliuctnr, lu,o l.inil, (W; Lot p, 7; Ktau-,. Ul; Nnitli, 10. Mu'nml ilMiiet-Maiui' ltoinniilin.tii, 2(,; lloli nl, 10; l'.nike. 0. TiiM-iiiiT,, wll; (iol ilei, SI; 1ji N, Ir Dot o, 1. Ci.nti oiler, lltam, S-i: Sli union, . A.m-iai". Willkiiiw, II; W.itci fti'lil, :is; "-uitt, 3',. Mut council, llninphiu, lr;, is. ('oiumi'ii loiineil, hilmi, J); CI.uK. 111. IVoi iliiutoi, May, M. CtiL-lakU', Xr.u.t, fi. Nhuol iltu-uoi, I'upclaiui, Hi, i.oto, 111; lltnn-, .".2; .Nnitli, 0, 'lliliil ilMilit M.i,tor, 11,'iinni'liii.ti'i, 11: lloli-cit-,, 0; P.nii, ::. 'I'leanuei T.ippin, 11 (ivM.r, 10; I ii I-,, (1; linin, 7. f 'oiilioller, llvaiw ."; Slumiuii, 1" Arw i-,, illiaiii-, 22; W. luik-ll, 21; Noll, 21. S.teii ii.uiiiil, lloi.ui, 21; llu u. plui'.t, 2 ( nil 111 ll coi'iuil, Siliui. I'I; ll ik, HI, ( oil i Nuii l." Pour llll. -1 I, Mn, 11. (.oiu.i t Kip ililu.iii ,ii nil I.) lot ( --nil. ,1 i. .Nhuol iln Nllltll, 0. i lol, I K 1.111(1, 17; l.oic, ,1, llt.ili-, 11; 'lliliil Haul, l'ut ilUiiiu Miji.i, It .mmilniti'r, 27; llubi'it,, I'i; lliii,',., :i Ticuuii-i, r.i,piii, 2i; (ii-niii, hi; u.r. ,-,, it, n -J, t niiiiulli-r, .- im, 2! Mmiuioii, il. A.i'-oin, lli,inii, .,'.'; Wali'tlle-liJ, S."i; i-i-oii, ill hclni.,1 (liiii'iors, 1.1'ttU, 22; ( lupiniui, 2'L I'uiikldlilv, Mull. Seiolid (IWilit-Majoi, loiunii'ci)n-, 5; lloli-cij-, B.'ij lluiki', li. 'liiv.uiu, 7; (Ii'i. der. I; Pitci, I; litl, Ul. font.-. Nil, i:viin, i'i; Mian.ion, l. Avcatou, Willlaiii-. ;itl; Wuloi. fli'lil, it'll .Noll, W. Siliool (lliiilor, LortU, S; (, ll. fuiialalilc. Moan. Tlill.l (IItrlit-r-JI,'ij(,i1 ItoiiiDloliiiiVr, I; lolicil, 2; lluike, o. 'I'lcanau, Tmipni, I; ijcjilcr, I; IMiN, 1; Di'ti'i, A iLiitmllir, 1;vjii, ,1; Mur ium, l. AwwwH, illtam-, ,l, Mati'ilieM j; fiott, fi, Comlalik, Mom, ll. Nl,...,l iliuetuv,, 1; I.enU, 1. ruinlli (ILtiiit- Ma.toi, Kjiiiiih.Iiiiu'I, 27: lloli. irts, 771 DuiU', 1, Tii'iituvi, Tuppan, ;W; (irl ilu, 2U; PitH, 17; lljti'r, 2. loiipollci, Ctau, lJ; Miaimon, . A('-,.-ra'-WlllMiiV(, 1,0; Walu. Hi M. UM Scolt, (HI. b.hool lllll'llol li-nn, pi; 4 iiiapiiiiu, it. i vuiiaoii'. huii 1'umlli ttai.j, I'li.t, lluiiiiuul. injii 2: llulwil, 13; HuiU1, :i. 'Iiei.tiur, 'I'JIf pan, :; l.i'Klt'i, U; Hati,, M; lKU'i, n, i 'ujjfiul li, I'.tai.i, 10: iUataion, a. fetliool dilator, (lupm.111, ft, L'JitU. 1. Ai'toyi-k(ol(, U; William,, 12: WatnlWliI, 1",. Suoiul ditlilu- .Uajoi, lluiiuutluivii, 0; l.'di. rli '"L lliid.n. 8 'i'ri'isuidi -ruptuii, .;: IM. ilcr, 0; l)iti, I; i)i,i tr, 0. CVutiolUr, L'.ain, 5; fclijiiiion, l. ijckt-ol illifitor. (Iiupiiuu. 2; .u,U. i. AkUM, ifplt. ); Walwffcl.1, 3; Willbiii., .1. Tliilil illiUU-l-iioi', l.'ouuiu-liuj.'l, 2: ll'Jo 6tl, lj lliitke, 0. TK-.mirfr-T.tppcn, ni (Iclilcr, 2 l)ail, 0j Peter, 0. Controller, town, 2 Slmmion, (T, Bclionl illrcvtnr. Clupniiii), 2j I.CtvU li A'eHCM, Scnlt, !l MIIjm :! WilU'r. field, n. , I'lflli Win), ).'lrl Jlil tlcl Mil) or,ltontinrliticr, 13ii llolicrU, 7.j llmko, I). Ti.iirrr, Tiipinn, 108; ticUU'i', fri! J)etl, 20! I'ottr, l. foiillnlliT, Kiim, 11U,' ili.miinti, 7". Sflmol illi(.lor, La 1.111(1, t07 J.-uti', !)Ji KiJli., Ii7l Smith, 'OH. M im)M, Scolt, 11(1; WiilnllcM, H3j Wlllldim, 1.11. I'.ior itltccdii. W.tllc, 17(1. (.'oint.ltilp, Clllliy, .11 1 Dnlpli, COt Hiker, nsj carcy, 61. Siiwitl ilMrlol M,ttor, llommclinjrr, 17i llli elH, .I) llurke, .'I. 'liM,iirer, Tjpp.Hi, III; lldilii', .'I; I).itl, 1 Pi'tci, ij, fontrnllrr, lltiiii", :'l; fli.liiiion, 2. fchoiil illid'lr.r, to)ieUinl, 21 1 Line, 2; I'.tiiin, 111; Smith, I. Afw-mH, hi nil, 11; W.iiailelil, 121 WllllMiH, 11, Poor tllurl ir, Willlo, I, UoiiMalilc, (lllliy, 10; IMlpli, .1 Il.iker, .1; fiiiey, 1. SKtli tt.iiil, l'lit tllitrkl -M.i)i.r, lloininclnijir, iiO',4 llolictu, li; lluiki', li. TftMiuior, 'I'app.m, fldt (iclilcr, ,)i Jj.uio. n Pi-trr, 1 1. Onilioller, r.Villii, Ills Sliliilinn, ."ll. Awci'ui. "iiitt, 12,"; WnimU'liI,. 12') Wllllims 12?. Svlmul illror liii, t'1, 70; t.ote, Ml; l!uii, Ml; Smllli, t'-.". Ciimlnljlo, Kimitplt, l-",0. Si-lert (ouiicll, lolfiiiniii, l(i"ij 'I lininp.-Toii. nij Common round), Dtnlii, 61; If.iMn, fljj lluiilrt, 111; lfp, (it, FIRST ARRESTS FOR SUNDAY VIOLATIONS Chief MoAmlrew Proceeds Agnlimt Louis Garelelln, "Mike" Bonuottl nnd Alphonso SirrinnI, Confectlou- ers, Who Are Fined ?5 nnd' Costs by Alderman Atkinson. ' The first nt rests on charm's of ,Io Ii'IIiht tlie laws of Kimilav observanco wrrc made yesterday, when three of fenders, Louis flardella, ".Mike" Uon liettl and Alphonso .Slrllanl, wne bioiiKht before Alderman Atkinson. The clmi'tie wns sellliiK confectionery on the Pttbbalh of litis Meek. They pleaded Kiillty and each were lined ?", and eosls, ulilch amounted to S.1.S-". Chief AlcAndrew wan the complainant i'i the tluee casts. Warrants have also been vmade out' for U'aleiis r,ros. and John Ciubert. They will be ulven a hearhiK In a few iliij'. The fines Imposed In the three cases tried were llsht, the lowest line allotted under Hie uidinance cowiintc tlie ease lieltiR SI iind the hli;hest penalty $."0. A npolltlon of (he offenses, tlie alderman rt.iU'd, would mean a much heavier line. Ciller .McAudrew has decided to be no loimer lenient with oll'endets, but will in the fuluio keen a w-atehful eye on till stores each Sunday. Whether or not there will be a reaching out for all perrons who violate the Sunday closing law no one seems to know; but it is known that there Is a feeling; among thoi-e proceeded uKalusl that they are beinir discriminated agalnM. They in sist that llielts Is the least lla.irnnl of the violations of the Sunday' laws. TH FIRE ilLARM AGAiN. Through Councils' Indifference .It Fails to Work and Is Responsible for Loss at an Early Morning- Fire . Yesterday. The failure on the part of councils to sec to the dally testing of the lite alarm system is likely to be responsible for a Rood deal of damnse If it be persisted in. The most recent Instance in which It cut a limine was durins the early bouts of yesterday morning, when a fire occurred in the residence of .Martin Gordon, on Sand street. An alarm was sent in from bov lfi, corner of South Main si reel and Eishth avenue. The number of the bos "rani; in" on the indicator in tlie hose houses, but It failed to mote tlie "stilker" under the bell in the city hall tower. The con sequence was that only the men who sleep In the Columbia's iiuurleis knew of tho lite, and weie the only fire men who responded. Chief HeXulty was on tlie scene, and with the aid ot the one or ttto lhemen who icponded, battled with the Humes as well as pos sible. Their woik was praiseworthy, as they succeeded in checking tho lire and confining it to the roof. The loss will be several hundred dollars. Tho ex amination and test made yesterday by City Eleclilclau and Chief Jle Xulty revealed that tlie trouble was with the "stiiker" of tho hell. Xo alarm had been sounded since Dec. I, nnd in the meantime the mechanism of the "stiiker," which is necessarily exposed to the Inllucnce of the weather, became stiff and gummy because of its not being operated, and could not ie spond to the alarm. This Is the old, old story point ed out so often that It seemed lke harping on the subject. Anil the story will be continued unless councils take some action towards reiptlting a dally test of the f.y:,tem. This dally , test will keep the mechanism In work I Ins order. There will be no ehtmee tor I the delicate machinery to become stiff I or gummy if an alarm is rung In dally. The remedy Is quite patent, but the I spirit of Indllfereiiee that rules cotin I ells In so many mutteis has Its strong intlueuce In the mailer of the flic alarm. The system, itself, is all light; It Is kept in order, but to maintain Its high est efficiency 't must needs bo tested dally. In the Inteiesls of tho commun ity lot this be commenced at once. Euchte in Honor of Miss Fagnn. The Ihitice Kuchro club had a pleas u'U , veiling at tho home of JIIss .Lizzie l'.ii, in on South Main street on Mon ti ly evening. The party wad a f n re in ll for the young hostess, Miss Fa gaii, who leaves boon to take up her lesldeneei in Connecticut. The Indy's pilzo was won by Miss Annlo Cnvan uiigh and the leading man's prize was won by Michael Keogh, while the booby prize was captured by Miss .May Karrrll, of Muylleld, MIRROR, SCALES, ETC. There was a man. And his mirror .said "sallow skin." And thu scales said "losing weight." And his friends did wag their heads as he passed by. J hit being a prudent man he forthwith b wallowed daily certain pleasant doses of Scott's Emulsion. . Thou his mirror said "ruddy face," And the scales sunk b.-neath his weight, Aud-his friends looked upon him with amaze. i (NoiK.-r-Thi.'j is .f,ilili ljtit i. liuu Juatury), NVil Msiu! ov Siyls a. try, if f?u feke, SfcWt't. WiWy, 4 j'sajj yripif, '; Yjn'.. After the games, refreshments were served, Tho following wore present: Misses Sarah McDonougli, Anna nml May I-iiiToll, Llzzlo and ltnnimh TJglie, Agnes Connor, Margaret, kydta and Kutlp MorrlBon, May alhoy, Anna, Mary and Maine CavanaiiRh, Messrs. V. It. Connor, p. it, and W, M, Cnv anttUBli, ( ,i, Mahoney, Kdward Cod dlngton, ,T, ,r. Mori lion, .lohn Medium, Joseph l.'nrretl, M, J, and T. P. Kcogh, Will Poxo, T. J, MoDouuilgh, 11. .1 Golden and dames ailroy, THE FAIR A SUCCESS. Digger Crowd Enjoyed the Colum bia's Enterprise Last Night Than on Mondny Evening. Last night was another big night al the Columbia hose company's fair, In progress In Halite's hall. The elaborately decorated hall was Well filled at a o'clock when tho pro gramme was opened with tt selecllqn by tho Mozart orchestra. .lorenh Unt il" then delighted the crowd with a vocal solo sung In his faultless style, lie was forced to respond to an encore. Miss 'Alice llildget followed with a piano solo for which she received much apiiliiuse. The dancing then started and until a late hour tho friends of the firemen made merry. The plum tree has proved a big success and much fun Is derived from it. Many valuable prizes are on the ttoe and the fortun ate ones are carrying nway prizes caeh night. Tlie chances on the five dol lars In gold are going rapidly; nlso tho chances on the leu dollars' worth ot laundry. The music for dancing which is furnished by the Mozart or chestra is moving a treat for the many socially Inclined. The various commit tees in charge of the fair are working hard to make it a grand success and they are certainly fullllllng their part of the contract. livery attendant Is jnade to feel at home, and a warm wel come is extended to all. Friday night will be Aichbald night and the gallant fire laddies of that place In their natty suits of blue will be given tho qltul hand. This company comprises some of the best known young men In the county and they are all favoiltes with Carbondale people. Tonight a first clasy programme has been arranged for. It will be given by Carbondale entertainers, AMUSEMENTS. Van H. Kinzie Tonight. ,Vnn Jf. Klnzle, the clover romantic actor, who was admired here last year, will appear at the Grand, tonight, in David Jllgglns' -now play, "The Secret Dispatch," a drama of the period of liCl-a, In four acts. The play is in the characteristic stylo of this writer, and has the vigor and body of his other plays. "At l'Iney nidge" and "Cp York State." The story is stiongly dramatic and one of gteat pathos and filled with deep patriotic feeling, and its second act in the Tennessee hills, showing an outpost of tho Union army, is seldom equalled for rush of excitement and realism of emotion. "The People and Labor Question." An evening of interest and instruction is what is promised the patrons of the Knights of Columbus course on Friday night, -when Rev. Dr. Kirby. of Wash ington, D. C, will discuss "Tlie People and the Labor Question." Dr. Kirby is uaMslunt professor ot sociology in the Catholic university at Washington, a fact which qualifies him to deal with this social question that rules among the problems of tho day. Therefore, it can be exnecletl that his discussion will be' a worthy one and will be filled with the information that is being- sought on this question in every walk of life. Rev. E. A. BoyPs Recital. A varied progi annuo of merit will bo the offering at tho ISerenn Baptist church on Friday etenlng, when ltev. K. A. Tloyl will give his recital. It will include tho best on the great pto ductlons of liloratuie, tilth sultleiont Viiiiety to give it spice. There will be a rare display of elocutionary powers, as Kov. Mr. IJoyl Is a graduate of the King school of elocution in Pittsburg, and has had a brilliantly successful career as a lecturer. Good Vaudeville Artists. Eleven vaildetille artista nio carried with tho Perry O'Dell and Dee come dians ut tho Grand this week. Last night the company played "Nicked London," a comedy drama In four acts. The audience was liberal ttlth ap plause, especially for the specialties anil several were forced to respond a second and third time. Tonight the company it 111 lay on' and thu "Secret Despatch" by a one night stand com pany will bo the attraction. Tomorrow afternoon and evening the nepertolre company will again hold forth. On tomorrow night they play "The Indian," one of ihe strongest plays of their number. Meetings of Tonight. Father Caruw branch, Catholic Knights. Pioneer castle, Knights My&tiu Chain. Caibondale lodge, Knights of Pythias. Ladles' auxiliary, Itullrotid Engineers (afternoon.) Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold, Laxative Ilromo-Qulnluo Tablets euro a cold in olio ilny. Xo Cure, Xo Pay. Prico J3 cents. JERHYN AND MAYFIELD. I'ui' ii miiuliir of jur (ittiuin uf luU in llu liumuiili iiliii'luy lute lii't'ii uiimycil nt hi., l.t lutliii,' iho Kuti'i 0( iui, ,UUlU'd U!IH lll'iKl.llcl lJ' tllu 1 1,1,1,1 1 1 Of IIJIU'H ,iiul liuiln. Tin' t'emcluy a.smljtluii !u tiiuu kii.I ialu l-fliiul ttdiiil'is nollu". u( tliu i'iloii,m,i '(jf Midi lilkMIM's I'lul .1 tu ,IU,l'Ulll llll)(,lll! tii'impu K.iiiiiiiuiiii,- mm uiitusn. The litt olliiin) i.r thu Uiiii! it ii i lommitti'il j ihy r ma U'loie ( liilitiiij', tiluii a kui;; ut lif.ji nf tlu tottli ttm- Jf nui't ,if .1 UiiMm.u tiu li.1J iiu moil' ri'ii'iiniu fur the uui-il hfiov linn to 1'iitiT llie Kiuund idid ilcpoll dim of the hm by uuili'it ilomi ,i such (I'iIji- liiu it )ii li Ihey look home mid tiseJ f'.r the iui,o,e uf ,i I'hiM HM4 nee. Of tuiiuo Una' iuiliiU i.cio iiiutiaio nf Iho tjiot Hum n lili li ihe mv uino ,iim nu jiObdl llu: lji lu.1 jrot a In the ttvoil. ttiii'ie they imtciiiliil tin- ttcie ffulii- foi wie. '(ho illiutois if tho Ceiiutei) Herniation an, , ,,, lileublu tUiuhlc lute liultid raillu' iiitu.iiu, Hull jii4 the ii until, of Hie It,) nho luinnillt il lliu otlciuo .mil the UupuH) in.iMin; jii evmiilu of tlu'iii. Willi thU mil in lett tiny jc.lci.Ui' had ttjicint, lime.l foi the juo,t of the ollcml- en ttl.o tun lie piuieiuteil iindu a .eeljl .nt MiUl ui the iwtu.tlun lium ilvt.'M.ition i iiineti'i!e. the iin.ilt) of iho olhuw bcllii; a il.iu not iMi'idiiiK SW, .'i u .tear' iiii.uw.iiiiieut ir both. 'Ihe dliiituu Jie to lie lomniiuded r thilr uilli'li. 'Ihe .lil in,) n silmol boiiul iirJ la.l etudny, .ill liicinhiri IivIiik uc4.'iit j.uii ). Hunt, of -ha 'Ililld w Jl it. A liuiillii-r of hill, iftu. mid it. lUrod iuld aftvr Ut. Vwln, ut Olyj.lumi, repiajeiitUig Ihe llildanviii naiv kil.oal iujiw, gtteti dm iniviU'SB oi ilwttiu,- tlm uwiKh '1'lij Uwid tfiis j fatoruldy lin,iet(l uijlj tUyn tlijt lUr iWK'lwMul wten. iihiitui M.iieiiiiiiuJ MlttkllPfKl in flln rvrnnfnbf. linnl wittlmr illW.tin wnrlfli WllPn H T tho hard working man 1ms laid aside a little money to pmeliiiBO a home or proviuo for the education of children sickness comco, and coin by coin Btcala tho slowly accumulated navinga.of years. Sickness is tho one standing menace of tho working man's pros perity. When the wife is ill and unahlo to manago the house hold, or when tho husband is sick and must draw on his savings to pay doctors' fees, tho hard earned wage which economy has laid asido is slowly exhausted until notliing is left for a rainy day. There are thousands of uconlo who if they could have ono wish nratilied would health to make a homo vido for the days of "old and sinew of America. ior iicnu men a suocs or hick, an uioy want, is nuaiui aim sirengui to earn a day's wage and support those they love. Now tlie wish for health can bo gratified as a general thing. If wo know the common cause of much ill-health, u know where to begin to re store the health to its proper standard. There is no such thing as a cure-all. Medicine advertised to cure all complaints may ne set aside as valueless. Some people might bo misled by the cures claimed for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and considcrit a cure-all. Hut a few minutes reflection will show that this is a mistaken notion. It is quite true that there ate thousands of testimonials by grateful men and women to tho cures effected by "Golden Medical Discovery," and that these cures cover diseases of tho stomach, blood, kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, etc. But after all tho primary purpose of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in to cure diseases of tho stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. And when it cures diseases of other organs it is be causo tlieso diseases have their origin in a discascdcondition of the stomach and the digestive and nutritive tract. Supposo a city has its water supply contaminated. Typhoid and other dis eases appear. One way of protection would bo for every faucet to have a filtering attachment. But ono purifying filter con nected with tho original source of supply would entirely remedy tho evil, and thcro would q no need to filter in thousands of homes. Now tho stomach is the original sourco of supply of tho nutri tion for the body. Tho physical strength is sustained by food ami ioou aiono. v nen me aiomacn is diseased mac uiscaso auccts the wholo body. It affects tho blood, because blood is only digested food, and tho disease which affects the food in tho stomach must affect tho blood inado from this food. It affects the heart, lungs, liver, kidnej's, etc., because they depend on tho blood for nutrition, and impure- blood cannot nourish a healthy life. Thus, when Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, it euros diseases of tho blood and of orgaiiB de pending on tho blood for nutrition lieart, liver, lung?, kidneys, etc., becauso it haa cured the original source of disease. "Mr. Thomas A. Swarts, of Sub. Station C, Columbus, Ohio, llox ioj, writes: "In Tunc, 1S91, I was takeu very sick nnd doctors told uie it would kill me If I did not do something for my self. I was taken with severe headache, then cramps in the stomach, and my food would not digest then kidney and liver trouble, and my back got weak so I could scarcely get around. At last I had all the complaints at once, and I just gave money to the doctors whenever I thought they would do ine any good, but the more I doctored the worse I got until six years passed. I had become co poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I )xaA. given up to die, thinking I could not be cured. Then I caw one of my neighbor's boys, and he said, ' Take my advice and take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and make a new man out of yourself.' Tlie first bottle helped me so I thought I would get another, and after I had taken eight bottles in about six weeks I was weighed and found I had gained twenty bcveu pounds. I have done more hard work in the past eleven months than I did in two years before, and I am as stout and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was. I do not feel anything like dying to-day. I cannot give Dr. Pierce's G6Tden Medical Discovery too much praise." When tho stomach is diseased one of the common signs i3 loss of flesh, becauso of loss of nutrition. In such cases tho euro effected by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover i3 marked by a gain in flesh and corresponding increase in weight, which proves the weak stomach being made strong and its diseases cured. Medicine can't make strength. Strength ismado from food and food alone after it has been properly digested and assimilated. "Golden Medical Discovery" enables tho perloct digestion and assimilation of food, through which the body is strengthened and built up. "I received your letter of advice and instruction," writes Mrs. W. C. Gill, of Weldon, Shelby Co., Ala. "I was suffering very much with my head and stomach ; head was so dizzy when I -would raise up in bed would fall right back. Could eat but very little, in fact, scarcely any thing. There seemed to be a heavy weight in my stomach so I could not rest ; I had to belch very often and would vomit up nearly everything I ate. I was in a bad condition. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five of his 'Favorite Prescription, and am now well and hearty. I feel like a new woman, and give Dr. Pierce's medcines credit for it all. I had taken medicine from physicians without any benefit Cf6! WOE, , EOPLESl! ftmiLiSuist! BOPUS? AteAL, --.- ,,, I w.ryf. RAIJ-ROAO TIME TABLES Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, In r.fteU Not. 2, VJOI. Ti.ilm lcne Sciaiilon for Xew Yoil; Al 1.10, a.ij, ii.ij-,. r.nn ami io.u, ,i. in.; i-U', ii.-ii), a.j.i 1. in. I'or Xew Vori; and i'lill idelplihi 7.50, 10.01 i .mil 12.4o .Hid Jl.!-.! . in. I'or Tub- humu At U.1D p. in. I'or l!ntr.ilo 1.15, H.2J .mil 'Ml u. in.; 1.55, 0.00 i'lill 11.35 p. Ill, Tor iliiie hanitoii mid ttjy .si alouv lll.'JO ,i. in. mid 1.10 p. in, I'or O.ttcaio, byuense .uul L'tlia 1.15 und ii. 'Ji a. in.; 1.55 ii. in. 0itiir, Sjiauiie and I'tlr.i li.iln at I'.-- a. in. ilall.t, e'.iept Sund.i.t, I'm' .Monti (),( !.IW a. in. 1.10 and H.50 p. in, Mihohon uicmiinodatlon l.W) und 11.15 p. in, IlloninUiiiijC Hit lolon I'or Noitliiniilii'rl.iinl, at tl.'i"i and 10,o5 a. in,; 1.55 and n.iu p. in. I'or l'l.tinoiith, at S.Kl a. in.; 3.10 and IMI p. in 'I'i a Iiu I'or Xetv Yoil,, 110, J.15, 0 01 ai.d 10.05 a. in,; a.IU, d.aj p. i.i. I'or llniralo 1.15 and (1,-11 a. in,; 1.55, (1.50 and 11, U5 p, in. I'or lllngh union and way l.itlom 10,:M a. in. lllooiiiliiu DIvUliui I-eate biMiiton, 10.05 a. in. and 0,10 p. in. Pennsylvania Rnllioad. Fihednlo in :Hut .lime 2, 1CHJI. Tiaim Kate hcraiiloni il.tlS a. ni tteA iljt, lliiou-h t(",tllmle lialn fioni Wll.i'j-Il.iie. l'ull. nun Imlli'i pnlor iar and uuilici l I'hilulel plilu, tla l'oittllle; ttop.-, at prlnilpjl intiniic jll.itu Ktatlunt. Al.o lonnciii tor ,-uiilaii . Ilai i Wim ,r, I'hlla.lilplila, llultlnioie, W.iMiiiiKiun and lor ntt-i'.rg ami tno o.iiS a. in., tvtel. il.ijs. foi Mmliui.1, llailMiiitir, 'lillidi'lpllla, lliltlnioie, Waehlniitoii and I'jtlv 1 bmir and the ttist 1.1J p. in., ul; (Mimlii.-i, I.5.-, ii. in.), for Sinibiny, Ilaiilrfan,;, l'illadiiihla, llalilinoif, talilntoii ami I'ltulmiu: find ihe itcsi. .1.2) p. in., tteeK dats, thionisli tr-tilHile n.iln fioni Wilhevllaiic. I'ulliiMii hnfTd pirlur ear and loailit-, to I'lill ldelplilj tla I'oltstilU. Jjtop, at piiiuipil iiiteiinedlate nlatlon,. I.JI p. in., ttcil; ilay, tor lljiliion, bunUiit, llaillilintr, I'ldladi'liililj and I'liwliurti, .1. II. Ill TtlllN-OX. n,n. M-r. J. I). Miioi), e,'m, pj,, Ajt, tlslllnj,- thu fciliool and limilii',' i'ciy tiling t 'iy wlUfaitoo. Ilvnti. Ctattfonl, Moicoin and i:J. ttaul, tciu appointed iIjUIiij; ii'iiiniillee loi lliu pnunit nwntli. 51i. 'Ilionun Itinld) a tvell l.'iottu iisiileut o lliv i:.ui biiU, died ycoterday inoiiiln; 'Iter n bll!f jllnej of pnuiiiuiiu. DilcimM a w .ia.- i .ii,.. . la, n,, oiiii a unbent i 1,11, totvu foi the past thUO'ilto .teai. Mic I, sui tltid b) her hiteUii.d aud .1 j;iotii-Ui lainlly. Haiiy Jluiin, ,.f Wet MjyUeld, )4 ill of plcinby. Jli. Janw htuplij, i;t Wu.iinail, hLq t.hllij vUltliiK h diUifhtu, JU. A. I'r A. lUilmh.'iy, of .Main ttii'it, va ulun HI, U iiupimlinr, 4my Qakley, he ttuil kni &44t tiOsw1. V'Ho b IU !' nw;iiui.)nl.i, U not itauJ .. iip.niul li?' n :m 'nil ,asm tfiisKPRi estxr ifw ffl " ask only for health: Health to labor; for wife and children ; health to pro- Nv age. These people arc the backbone They dignify labor. Thoy don't wish as i coma see, so a. snau recommend your medicine. I leel very thankful to you for your advice in my case." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the " Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. lie gains ;" you lose. Therefore, accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." i PBMYB&T )&E MMB-TE-fl tlo& to do this la fully taught in Dr. Piarco'a Com mon Sonso ftladlcat Adviser. Title grczt niodicnl vor!t, containing mono than a tltouoantj largo pagaa and over TOO lltusfpaflonB, la sent FREE on eecalpt el atampc to pay oxsisnsa of mailing ONLY. Send 31 ono-cent stamps for tlta ctotli-bountS volume, on only SI stamps fop tho bode In papep covxrs. Adtlfosas Dp, ll, V. FIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. AJJ:ttlJWEjrABLES:t Lohigh Valley Hailvond. Ill I'flVct, .Nov. .1, 1WH. Ti.ilii lcito Mi.mlon. Tor 1'lillailclphl.i and -Vdv VoiK tla 1). .t. 11. It. I!., at 0.3 and U.tlS a, in., and 'J.1S, 4 27 (IllaiU llianinnd i:pKSij, and ll.'i'l p. in, Mm tli.tri, 1). c II. 1(, It., 1.5S, S.L'7 p. in. I'or White llntcn, ll.itlctoii and points in the coil leiclutH, tla ll. tc II, It, II,, U.liS, 2,lh and 1.27 p. in, roi'l'nmcllle, 0'.S a, in,, i.lH p. in. I'or Ditlilelieni, Ka,ton, lleaillni;, llauitbinu', and principal liuciinuli.itu tutloiu, tla 1). & II. It. I!., ., II.3S u. in. j 2,18, 1.27 tlllaiU 1)1.1 inoiid J.'Mni'S-O, 11,10 p, in. .Sumla.t?, I). & II, II. It., fi.;it a. in.; 1,5s, S.27 p. in. I'or 'i'unkhinnoiK, '1'otraniU, Kliniia,, (leneta and inliiclpal tiiteiinedlalo t.i tlon.-., tla 1).. 1,. and U, It. It., S.10 n. in. and .50 p, m, I'or Ueneta, Hoeiii'SUi,,, Niagara 1'alU, C'hliairo and all points tteit, tla 1), i: 11, (, It,, 7.15, 12.01 a. in.; 1.12, I!.23 ( Diamond I!. pre-.), 7,1S I". II, 11.J0 p. in. Suml.1), ), ft II, II. II . L'.W, S.27 p in. I'ullii'.an pailor and Ki-pln' or Lchlli Valle.t l'ailor cui on all triliH hctttcfii Wllbrs-llariu and .Vew Unl., l'hllad.'lphli, HulFalo and sihhh--.lull llild;e, IIOM.I.S' 11, Wll.lllll, (,ui. Mpt., 2il L'oillJiiil Hicit, Nctt Voi I;. CIIAIIM'S H. l.i:i:. (I p. 4. Apt., 2 Coitland tint, Niw York. A. V. .NO,i:JIAL'lll',II, Mr, V.m. Ait,, South , 11,'llilihtin, l'a. I'll' tlil'ts and I'nlliii.iii i.'.-ntahiii apply to illy iliKcl olflte, 0-1 I'hIiIIc Npiai,-, WllUIUrii', a- New Jersey Central. In I'fU'U Not, 17, :mi. 5-Ullum ill Nitv n,k, lout uf l,lhi'll unit aiul s.nilli I'liry, N. II. 'I'l.dii'. Into SuanliDi fur New 'toil., I'iilljilel plil.l, K.wtull, Itillilt'luin, Allilitoitn, M.uirli ( lunik, VYIi'ti- ll.itcn, Aldoy and ilkei-lUtie at 7.S0.1. in., 1 p. in. and I p. PI. bvndai, 2.10 p. in. I'uakei I liv li.un le.un .-(lanlou at 7.'20 a in., thiouuli null,! na.ll.nk luln ttitli l'ulliiiim Itnltit i'ailor I ir,. lui rhllnhlphia. I'o.' Atoia, I'liulmi and Wilkee-llaiic, I p. m. and I p. niy "Miii'li, 2.10 p. in. I'or l.oiw' Ilijnili, O.ian (jioie, ill., 7,i, j. in and 1 p. in I 'it lliadlinr, Ia'Iwiuii ami lailbiir(r, ila l lilltoitn, i.l 7.3' a. pi. ami 1 p. m. a . jo p. in. lor IMitiillc al 7.tUi o. m, iui.1 1 p. in, Ir'iu iate and Ibkel iipply aj-vnt jt station. I'. ,M. IIL'iU', (Icn. l'a. A-fi. w. w. vi:vix. oii. -jiip., ill a lontsmpoiary jesleiday, tvj wniettLal jinprotcil hit otuiliu. '(lie nieink'n, of vtwull 17, Young-Mm' liJ Inlc, hail a Uan.iuM in tlw Wlmtor hut el oiinligr Hotted by a tutll In Awiuldy Iwll, RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delaware and Hudson. In Klteit Xotunhcr 2l, 1101. Tialiio for 1'uilioiul.iti' Irate bd.inton al d.20, S.lHl ,S.5.I, in.l'i a. in.; I2.inl, 1.2), S.SI, :t.52, 5,2'.l, 0,25, 7,57. tl.1.5, 11.20 p. in.; l.lll a. 111. I'or lluncl.ile -11.20, lO.l.ta. in,; 2..II and 5.29 'Vor Wllke.lljirc-a.n. 7.1?, Ml, H..18. V),i a. in.; 12.11.1, 1.1.', 2.1S ,1.2s, 1.27, 11.10, 7.U 10.11, 11,30 p. in. I'm- I,. , 11. It, 'uiiii. -('..', li.SS .1. HI.; 2.1S 1.27 and 11. ',0 p. in. Tor PeiiiH.thanla II. II, Point,, (1.3S, 0.38 a. in.; 1,12, 3,2a and 1.27 p, in. I'or Albany and all point-, noith (1,20 a, in. and ,1.52 p. in. hi .NIJAY TII.MXS. I'or Cailionilale-S.50, 11.3.1 a. in.; 2,31, 3.'2 S.52 und 10.52 p. in. I'or Wflkcs'ltinc I'.m a. in,; 12.01, 1.5S, 3,2s (1.32 and S. 12 p. in, I'or Albany und polnu noith 3.52 p. in. I'or Honcsdale H.ftO a, in. nnd ,1.52 ii, in. V. U. I'KVOIl, 1), 1. A., huantoii, l'a. New York, Ontario and Wostern, In l.'iltet Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1D0I. xoitni norM). ,5lte l,eate nt '1'iaiin. .Siianteli. laihondile. I ailo,ia, Xo, I i),;,o a. in. 11.10a. in. I.oilp in. Xo, - 0,10 p. in. Ar. (.'aibondaleU. I0p in. sointl HOUND. l.nite l.eate Vune Tuin,, l'adoia, t'arliondali'. Siunun. Xo, I! ,, 7 0.1 a, m. 7.10 a in Xp, a 2.15p.m. 4.H0 p. in. 1.10 p. ir MJIiDAVt. O.S'hV, Mill I'll llOl'Mi. l,jaio I.satu Vi(in Tialiw, suanton. I'aibon.lali'. ( adj, Xo, 11 b Iiu .i.m. u.10 p. in, 10,15a in. Xo. a T.thl p. in. Ar. Caibaiidalo 7.10 p. in. SH'TII lUH'XD. I,, ate Uaio An it i TmIii, l iilatlJ. ('arhoi-.djle, ''iijiitoii, Xo, i 7.n) a. in. 7.10a. in. Xo. ll I..i0p. in. 0.00 1 1. in, 0.15p. in. Ti.iiiw Xo-. 1 on t.rek il.i), and !i on HundatK, make main lliu eonnei Uoin for New yoiK illy Mlddlctottn, V.ilioi(, SJTli li, llni-hb, (l.ttita and all paintt net. I'm- fniiher infuiinaLiuii .cn.nli tliUi'l au'iiui. .1 C. AMIDItsOV, (i. I'. ., Xett oik. J. r, tUXfell, T. I'. A., SiiJiiton, l'a. Erie Railroad, Wyomlne' Division. 'iialiu, Mi Xew YmL, Xetthmuli and intenni'. dlate pdinlt leatu fei-iat.toii a, lol!o: 7.20 a Ui.; '1.25 1 1. iu. Ault iI"-M.8m J- hi. fioni llIiIdljtoHii, llontw- . ilale, llaulc,i Mud Intwm.'dUlp pulnU. US p. . -frjin Xotv YjU, X'Kftbinifli and )nternied,jlP lint. X'o mdjy U4I14 1 5; t