The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    -pv ' cv
fyg y - - if r--v ,j
That constant backache! Strikes you any time'Tis the first symptom of
kidney iIiscomes in many forms "Sudden twinges of painSlow exhaustive
achesKidneys out of order, require relief.
Backache is a Kidney warningneglect the warning other troubles follow.
Sick Kidneys cause bad backs.
Bad backs are weak and Same and aching.
Sick Kidneys cause wearinessheadaches dizziness Rheumatic pains and
numerous other aches.
Cure every ill of the Kidneys and Bladder.
Relieve the aching back and cure it.
Doan's Kidney Pills Cure dangerous Urinary disorders infrequent and too fre
quent Urinary dischargesNot a symptom in the Kidney calendar they do not reach,
down to the borderland of Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's disease. The evidence is home
All It Dinonil 1'u mli, of nil) (Infield nrniic,
Ilwlo PiiL, Mi' "I suirtipil mom or !("! for till
jijia with kidiii) .mil lil itldei tionlik. 'lime wn
a constant Mi irp, shooting P'in tuo in) huh,
and if I Moipul it wi so scero t conlil liiull)
stiaiftlitin. When I took inM It a hi us Mttliil in
inv link and nude mi icel ni Mill mid bnre I
could hndli move about. I MilTuid a irielt deal
friri Mulder tuiiblv .iicriinp.iniid i-imptnni,
rcrmlilliu wt icl. I rind .ilinut Doin'i Iiiilnr-
Pills in our pipus nnd got i lw it MjIiIich i
IB 1 1 ' ilrmr Muie. I ipmicil u Kint deal ot
lirncflL fiom lliiin The dillkult) villi the l.hlno)
fiUPlioiib mi uliuul intirel), anil 1 eldom
fool aiiv piin- in in) link. My wife ir-cd Djjn'h
Ointment ith the lust of iPsults. Sue lull
pnn i for i oi moio and slip sot Dmn'i,
Olntliiciit, ipplhd it and was proiiipllv impel
ijicrp Ins linn no ,ituin of the tciiihle plague
Mis. William Riley, of 10U Cnpouse
avenue, says,: "For seven )eais I li.ul
Uoublp AIth my back ami kidneys.
When I stooped, walked or stood long
my back got very bad. I could not do
bard woik about the tiouho without
glvlmj out completely. I felt all play
ed out and had no ambition. I toad a
Stent deal about Doan's Kidney Pills,
and got u bov at Matthews Bios.' diufj
stole. I took In all, tin oe boxes, and
thev euied me."
Mm. M. i:v.uis, of 1S22 W.tshbuin
fctteol, s.os. "I had backache for at
least thiee yeais, not alwajh ital bad,
but It giew gradually worse. I saw
Doan's Kidney Pills .ulvcitisecl and
got them In Matthews Uios.' ding
stote. They began to help me within
a week, and fiom Unit time I giew
better lapidly until euied."
Mr. John Cavanaugh, of 537 Orchard
stieet, South Side, employed in one of
the largo steel mills, says: "One bos
of Doan's Kidney Pills euied me of a
pain ncioss my kidneys, which I suf
feied from for yeats. I have been so
bad that I could not bend over without
gieat pain. If I took cold it became
much mote seveie. I used all kinds
of lemedies and woie plasters on my
back for weeks, but without giving
me lelief, until I piocured Doan's Kid
ney Pills fiom Matthews Dtos.' dint?
stoie. I had only taken a few doses
hen I began to feel better and I
steadily inijnoved until I was com
pletely uuied of my long-standing
I j HM'iraKaaKJHKassaa
Get what you ask for. Get DOAN'S. Don't accept
something "just as good." Host druggists sell Doan's Kid- 8
ney Pills and will give you wfaat you call for. Some may
endeavor to substitute an article they make more profit on.
Insist on having the genuine. Price 50 cents. Manufac
tured by Foster-Hilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
(Concluded fiom Page .. 1
naih; W. I'.ilmpi, pin. 1'. M. llialleii; 1 na
Hii, pro-.. John O'llruii nml Julin llo-kaiillc:
oiu pi), pioi. Junes l.utln; John Muitli. plus.
1'il-c Prctcnac-s Diniel I, Md'ague, W. 1'.
Sni) th, pros. John lluslio; JWph J. Uiiuiu,
pro.s. Ucni)' hiiiuid).
Cruelly l o Anitnil-. llcnr Kenned) ; Ihigcne
1 Penning, pro. John lu inc and Janus .
tuinniliis, hostile 11 Diiiiln?, pioa.
Iturglan. Piter Milluaji: .I.uuim ", O'lliiiti,
pir John Met oimlci,; Jinn-i W. O'lliicr, plus.
William Hull; J uurB . y'Hilcn, pro-.
Foiclble Hull) .mil Ditilmi l.lleu Whiluij
Michael Clohlui, pid. John (, ill.i'hu; Mhlnil
c.oldcn, pros.
llray. William Kauud) j Jknjatiilu J.(l,
puvi. "
Nuisance. Monroe M)eii and lljrr) lliiflmiu;
C II. Tiuedale, pros,
Kohhery. .lames Mruk .ind Diulil lenili.iu;
l'unk Itohllnir, Jr., pios
Malliiou? Misthlcf. Ji .q.h l(ptclil.liii U .
Itliliaid-, pioo.
Theie weie a laige number of ig
npted bills, most ot tliem cases of mi
nor iinpoitnnci'. Among those ot some
general inteiest were the tollowlng.
Knticliia; Jlinoi Jtniilc Mle lUiillii.'; II.
Snivel, pios.
MUUemi-iiior in OflUi-J. . Milhii; lMa
lHlilnko, lili'i.
lon'piuc) J. i:. WillUiii.; . I', sni) tlic,
l.lhel-J. 11. wlllidiin: W. I', wii) the, pun.
liiiperouallng; mi ,Mti,riii)'-J. It. Ihuil);
I hnlis htjud.nnii)cr, pio-i.
The following was also submitted by
the jury;
'Jo the 1 louomlilp llu JiuUps m tin (unit ot
Quarter Sessions uf l.:iil..itt.iiiiu I ounti.
Hie grand jur) now in hIuii iopuiiull) mli.
mil the follow Insr :
In ahout one liunilud and tilt) i.iit no piDiini.
toil, appi.ncil to jnoicciita llielr i.iin, li i.h uliu;
Hut iiiuiiv i.isis .no 6ini into i nut t with no In
tuition cf proiiiiitin.- the i inn. Ni, tlautoip,
liioniincnJ in this iinnulluii that ihc oflnUN
if this rouuty co.illno the pi)iupnl of o.i for
the smile of writs in lhisu i.ies to thc.-o whom
the law ilelgnates bit ill he nulllid to miiie the
'I In tniintl iii) il-ltid the louit.v
lnilldliiiii, mill thoi Oughl) pwniliiiil ttw banii, an J
llnd that the ottlila-, li.ain' the Mid Imililliis. In
i liaise, are intllKJ to loniiiieiulitio'i lor the
manner In whlih they nuuee sihl baildlucs
W rptcuiniend that u new llool he put in Iho
ti'ccptioii room of the lounlj- Jull ami ioerul
with llnohum.
Also thul there he moie i-eits pluud In the
corridor of the thliil Hour uf the ouit liuuo
ilurini; tlu fesslon of the urind juiy to luom
indite the witnesses uppeaiim: hctuiv kali1 Eiaul
Wc (uiniiicnil the illstiut uttouui for liU
lourtious ami tirelcii utteutten duilnir the hp..lon
of tliU praiid jury and the uniform lluilma lie
lu tlioun to iu all.
We nli Lommciul Miim, Jauli Hitter .ml
Nth Kilfu, tlptaio, for their pionipt attention
durlns the ielon of the fraud Jur),
.Ml of whlili 1 rispeclhel)- tubmllM.
Ward It. 1'arkir, roru.un.
The tieusttier's olllce was clo,sed le
fore tlio Juiy was discharged, apd the
Jurora Imd to tjo awuy without their
pay. Judge Edwards directed County
Commissioner Duikln to go ubout the
ofrkes and bortow enough money to
cash the wai rants of the out-of-town
Jurots, but nonu of tho cash drawers
contulned enough to meet thu demand.
Sixty New Citizens.
Judge 13. C, New comb spent the whole
nftunuon pabblug upon applications for
nututallzatlon papers. Out of the sixty
one heard, only one was refused.
'J'Jju test consisted of very ulmplo
questions regarding our fotin of gov
ernment. How, wheie and by whom the
laws aie made In the 1'nlted States and
Peunsjlvanla, and the dlffetenee be
tween our form of government and that
In the c. ounti y fiom which the appli
cant hailed, constituted the .subject
matter of the examination.
One applicant was asked: "Who
makes the laws in PeimsjlvanlaV"
"Villium Astone," was the quick le
spouse. "Well not exactly," lejolned
Judge New comb". The applicant's at
torney explained that the question was
ptobably misundei stood. Another ttlttl
pioed that tho attorney had told him
It was tlie leglslatiue.
Another applicant, who evidently, at
some time or another, was the addtessee
of a warrant, deflated that "Mlclui
Moian, fium up Keiboondnle," made
the laws or the United states. Ho made
good Intel',
Who is the piesldent of the United
States'"' i csulled In all kinds of vio
lence to Hie knlckeibocker cognomen of
the chief mngisttate. One OIphnnt lad
got it "Hosenbetg."
The (list man to be made a cltl.en by
tho new judge was Ueoige Sop.ik, of
Federal Court.
Fcdeial couit of the .Middle dlsttiit
was Lomenedlu AVUllamcpoi t bj Judge
Atchbald jeUeula), The judge, Deputy
Maishal J, AV. Snydet, Cleik V.. H. W.
Senile, Assistant Cleik John AV, Ito'-ft-mond
and Juiots li. H. Stttrgos, i:. I;
JeiniMi and Piank M. Vnndllng, ol this
clt., left for AVIlllatnspoil eatly yeslei
day nioining.
Theie am seven cases on the thil
list, but continuances aie to be asked
lor In tilt cxctpl one, an Instil auco liiso
ftotn Sunbury, The ciimiual list Is a
uithqi e-ctcnslvf one, A number of
fottutei letting cases, including those
it om upper l.usseiue county, In wlikh
attests weie made last week, aie anioug
the most Important.
Court House
News Notes.
.ludsi kill)' )ctcula ei mli it ii ilurtir to the
'iiachiis' Mutual Hull lit a-oclitlon
mle for .1 ilicue win )islinla, named lu
thu Matter of the adoption of (Iiaie M. Vt k In
bon !) ,1, II, Niiholton
Suit in iudt) was hioui;ht Mlndi,v h) 1. ('.
Ilkker Jfc'alimt his loriuif paitnu, s 1). Aliisvr,
to Lompil an lupiiuiitinir. lie l-l iqnpsinUcl h)
Attoiui) W, S, .
'J lie to1ltnir plaie (u the l'lit ilUlrkt udllui
toni .ii )idteula) ilinued from hn Odd Ul
lo' IiuIWIiik' to the hall of the I'.ilio Coiuet
1Jlul, 'Iho poll I ilk' plaic in Siott township Wis
iluHlted fiom the uhoul lioiuj at Montilalc lo the
township hiilldlui.,
'Ihe will uf John V Akiil), late of s.oit,.wu to luohatu ji.ntdav and lettu-, listu
intntir) BTanleil to M. I'. ami It, 1". Aliil.i, 'le
will of Mjij Itiap, late of S.rauton, wa aihulllol
to piohjtt'. In th'i utute uf .lane I-iuuii, late
of Old I'dikc, litters. o( .iduilniitratloii wne
granted lo Mlilnil I.) man.
'Hie case lnoUlng the thina; of the fclurilVa
allowance foi fctdiiij; prbonei caino up foi a
hoailng )eitcruay und was contliiunl for two
wirhs-tliat deposllloiH might lie tuken as to
what the rate b in other louialii It Is ed
inlttcil that the icuit mid not the iniiunivsioiiira
tliould fix the rate, and on the other that tho
rate can he lowcicd duriu;- a slici ill's tirm of
Spcclil to the Scunton Tribune.
Towanda, Jan. J2.Tho cjuestlon of
the advisability of erecting a town hall
is to be voted on by tho taxpayeis at
Wyaluslng, That thriving business
town Is making rapid ptogiess, and no
dbubt an unanimous vote in its lavor
will be tlie lesult at the election.
A meeting of the Republican county
committee lias been called to meet in
Towanda on Tuesday.
A case of black dlplitlieihi has been
lepoiled ti om lleiilek township, which
caused the death of a son ol James Mc
l'heison. Joseph ilviuan, who has been in tho
ttiltoiincr bu'-ln'jss at Towanda lor sev
enteen veins, litis sold out to Chailcs
Wood, and will iii.iku his luture home
in Philadelphia.
The Advocate, tit 'Waveilv, has sus
pended publication, It was established
in 1S50.
The vicinity of Tioy has supplied a
fur dealer with $J,500 wotth of skunk
hides this season.
Dining tho past year theie weie (iSl
deaths and Hit! bliths In this county.
Mis. Jane Uyan, ot "Wnvoily, Is dead,
at the line of 100
A Tilp to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on the local ticket agent of
the Lackawanna inlhoad and ho 'will
niiangf eveiy detail, including nans
poitation, hoi ths leseivatlons and
checking of baggage thiongh to desti
nation, also will furnish nites, foldeis,
descilptive llteiatutc and any other In
to) uintlou deslted on the subject.
Tluough sleepeis and day coaches to
Chicago, Only one change of cais to
Callfoi ula.
To the Soutli via New Jersey Central.
The New Jetsev Cenltal lalhoad Is
tho onlv lino oifoiing Pullman service
to winter lesotts in the Houtli and the
Chaileston expotdilon, with but one
chunge ot cais,
Lowest i ate and quickest time. Pull
man lesenutlons seemed and btiggago
checked thiough lnquitn of ,1. S.
Swlshet, dlsttlct passenger iitrent, GOJ
Wc-Bt LackiUMinnn tivouuc, Sctanton,
Lehigh Valley Kaihoad.
In llffect Ko. s, inoi.
InliiQ leave seiauton.
Tor l'hllidelplua and .Vw Vuik ia 1) i. 11.
It It, at (..:- ami VSS a. in. and 2.15, 1.27
(Iliad. Diamond 1'qness), and 11..T.I p. 111. Sun
ilu)3, I). & II 11. It . 1 M, 8l!7 p 111
j'nr While linen, llJUton anil pnneipil points
in the coal legion-i, ia U. fc If. It. I! , 1, is, 2 IS
mid 4 27 p. in. Foi I'oltsiille, C Si a.. 111 , J IS
p. ill.
Poi Ilcthlelicin, la-ton, Heading, lliiiish 11 c.
and principal iiitcinieiliatc stations, v'a I). A. H
It It, OJS. t).s a in.; 2.1, 4.J7 .lllliclt On
inond Kpies), 11 of p. 111. funda), 1). i. II
It. It.. ' JS u. in ; 1. JS. S 27 p. 111.
Poi 'lunklinnnoilc, 'iowanda, l.hnlia. Itliaci.
Gcneia and intermed'ntc tliitiom, via
U , I, anil W. it It., 8.10 a. in. and .'! 51) p in.
Tor Gencia, liochctir, Pullalo, Miaia PalN,
Chicago and all points wet, li I), .t II. il. U,
7.48, 12 a) a. in., 1.1.'. V, 2S (Uhich Uiauioud K
preis), ".19. 10 41, 11 :,0 11. 111. muhIj.u, 1). & II.
II li . 12.01, 8 27 p
PiiUiiiiii pailoi and sleeping or I.phlgh Vall.v
Pallor in oil all ti iln- belnein Uilkc, liirie
und Vpw VorK, I'hilidelphli, lliiflulo and Suspen
hlon llrldc.
110I.1.IV II. WII.llt'1!, ticn. hiipt., 20 Coithml
(tr.'et, New Y01I,.
CII.MII.IS ,s. 1.1:1:, (Jen. I'a. gt 2 CoitUnd
fctieit, New V01I..
A. . NOM'.M VfilCli, Pn. Pass gt , South
lletlilphiui, l'a.
I'oi liiKttji ind Piilluiaii rp-m itlon-, ippli to
rit) ticket oflite, o'l I'libln. S,iMir,,
I5, t4l. !:,-. Kill
1 1-, :: 2, 4 27, i, n. 7 a,
Delawaie and Hudson.
I lu Kllcct Noiiinbei 21, pun.
Tialn- !oi ( aiboiidih' luti' snuutjii at fi,2,
S,Wt, S.1J, 10 1, .1. mi 12.110, l.2'. 2JI, ,16),
' S 2'i, 0 20, 7.57, 'J li). ll."d p. m ; l..'t .1 m.
rot lloncsilaie, u,.u, 101, a, 111 ; jui aim f,j)
I'oi WlllP-illai'lP-fl.'.S
a. 111.; 12 u:, 1 12,
10 41, 11 -'J P ni.
I'm I.. . II. 1!. I'olnU-l) U i. V W a m.j 2 IS,
4.27 and 11 9 i III.
Tor I'piiii)IwiiI.i l. K. Points n..,s, 'i.:n 1
111 ; l.l.'. 3'2S und I 27 p in,
I'or Albiii) .ind nil points north 0 20 j, 111
and J 52 p. m,
Sl'NDVY I'll UN'S.
Vol Caihondale1-.oO, 11 il a. 111 j 2...I, ::,J2,
S S2 nml 10 J2 p. 111.
I'or VUlkis llira 0S a. ni. ; 12.0.;, 1 5J, 3 2i,
0 2 und h 42 p. in.
I'oi Albin) and points north "32 p. in.
I'or llniinilales V0 a. 111 mid Jfi2 p, m.
W. I, I'UVOlt, P. l'A V Scianton, l'a.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Dili U Nov. ;:, 1001
fraiiis leie Siiuiilon for .New VuiU t 110,
3.15, 0 05, 7..M) and 10 02 a. m ; 12 11, .. 10, I bj
p. 111. I'm New orL and l'liilailililiia 7.S0,
10 uj a in., and 12 45 uud HSJ p. 111. Vol Tcb.v
hanna At 0.10 p. 111, 1 01 llullalu 1 15, 0.22 anil
v.uo a, in,; 1.3J, fl.'A) anil 11. K p. m.' I'or lllut;
hamtoii and wa) stations -10.20 a in. and 1,10
p. 111. I'or 0wit'o, hiiaiuso and I'tka i.Vt and
11.22 a, in,; 1,53 p. 111, Oswigo, and
lit lea train at 0.22 u, 111, dall), exupt uuda).
Vor Montrose 11.00 a 111 ; 1.10 and 0 CO p, ni.
Is ii hol.-on ai-coiiuuuilallon 1.00 and 0,15 i. m,
IlloonisbuiK Division I'or Northumberland, at
0.15 and 10 It a. in,; 155 and 0 10 p. in. Tor
Plymouth, at M0 u in ; ,1,40 and 0,00 p. m.
Suiidav 'lulns lor New oik, 1.10, .113, fl.M
ami 10 05 a. 111.; 3.10, U 'H p 111 I'ur llullalu 1.15
i.nd 0,22 u 111 ; 1,55, 0 50 and II, M p in, I'or
lliiighauitoii und wav ttatlons 10.'2J a. lu.
lllooiuburi: Diilsion-I.iaie bciantun, 10 05 a.
111, and p. in,
By a recent act of the leg!la
tuie, fiee tuition is now gtanted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
' Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those piepailng to teach.
This school maintains coulees
of study for teaeheis, for thoe
piepailng for college, and tor
those studying music.
It will piy to write for particular.
No other school ofTeis sum suoerlor ad
tanUgos cl tech low lutes' Addrcji
J. P.Wdsii, A. M., Ph. D.,PriQ
G3 GS S 1&
H P 0
S3 63 SS C3 iC3 0 4B
mm mi m o
The J. A. Banister Co.,
Proprietors of
Will close their store in this city
at the expiration of their present
lease, which occurs shortly, and
with this end in view have inaugu
rated a great
T, 3, Foster, President. liner II. IawMl, ircis.
P. J. foster, Etanley T, Allen,
Vice President. 1 Srcreterj',
New York, Ontaxio and Weatorn,
In J.ITCI t Tuesday, Sept. 17, I'wit
-I swn Ijou.mj,
Liae A-je Airlve
lialn. JkmiiUui, t'arboiidale, Cadosla.
No. I luwn.iu, 11.1uu.111, ion p. in,
Su, 7 ., 0.10 p 111. Ar. ('4rljoiidaleU.Uii, 111.
I.cuvq I.ialo Aniia
Tialn. Cauosla, Caibondale, Scianton.
No. 0 ,, .W4. in. 7,40a. 111.
No, 2 2.15 p in. 1 00 p. 111. 4 ID u. m.
leaic U-ite Anh
Trains. Eiranlon, Caibondale. t iloli,
ho. 0 .,,,,.., J Wiu. 111. V.1U 11.111,
" Tfolau- IVlr6lJ.Ji,lJl9T)u', ''
I.iaie Lcino ini,
TralM. Cadoola. Carhondale. JV.I anion.
No, 6 1., 7.40a.m.
No. 10 4 50 p. 111. 0.00 p. in. 0 43 p. m.
'ii-ains Nos. 1 on week dayn, and 1) on feunda),
nial,e main line conncctloiu for New ork city,
Jllddlctown, Walton, Norwich, Ontlda, Oswe.-j
and all points wot.
Vol lint hi r information, consult ticket axents.
j. C. AMir.llt-ON, (I. l. A., .N'w ork.
J. L l.'LSIl, f. 1. A., benntou, l'a.
New Jersey Central.
In lifted Nov, 17. 1001.
fctatloill In New WK, foot uf l.lheity klrcet
mini boulh Veil), N. It.
Twins leau Mi.inton foi New Vo,l I'lilladcl.
plilj, I' llou, Hi Ihliluiu, Alleutowii, Munch
hun1,, While Hau'ii, Ashlt) and ll,i'ii.laire at
7,1.0 a. 111., 1 P m and I p. in, bund 11 , 2 10 p 111
Quaker I It) llxpicssi U'lUe-i Sciantnn at 7.,i)
a in, through solid M-tllmle tialn with Pullman
lluirct Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia
Toi Aoca, PitlMon mid Ulll.ia-Uarie, 1 p. m
and 4 p. 111 humla), '2 10, p. 111.
I'or Loni! Ilranih, Otian llroc, etc., 7 SO a
in. and 1 p. m.
I'or Ucadinc, Lebanon and HarrUhurg;, U ,1
lentonii, ul 7,'0 ,1, 111 aijd 1 p. 111, bundiy,
2.10 p. in.
I'oi I'otUillle at 7.0) a, tu and 1 p. in,
For rates and tickeU applv to iiifint at station
C. JI. IIU11T, ten. Pax. t.
W. W. W11N1Z, Urn, Supt.
I! M
i Pennsylvania Jtalhoad,
fcchcdulu In lifted June 2, 1001,
Train. leae Scrantoni U.Ji a. in. week ilns
throuRli vettlhuie train fiom Wilkes Dane. 'Ui'.
moil buftel parlor cat oi.d loaches (o l'hlluld.
phla, via PottIllci tlops lit Principal iiiterme.
illata natioiu. Also connect for bunhur), Hai,
lUburj, I'hiUdclphij, lljltiuiorv, Wa,iilnston and
foi 1'ltUbuii; and llm uett,
l.o! 11, 111., week da)s, for uiihur), Huirlshmir
I'hlladelphlJ, llalliiiiorc, Washington and Pitts'
Lurir ami thu wet.
1.12 p, m.,,eck ih)s (Sunilairt, 1,53 p. )n,)
'or bunhur), UariUbiiru;, Plilladilphla, llaltiuijie
WushiiiKlon alul I'ilta.urf and tho west.
Stls p. 111., wceu ua)s, inrouiai rtllule train
from Wllkc lUrrr. Pullman buiret iiarlor car and
coiches to PhllaiUlphla tli l'ottsile. Steps at
prliulpnl inteimediato ttallonn.
427 p. in., wtek (la)s, for llazleton, bunhuri.
Harrlsburtr. I'lilUdelplila and PitUburp. "
' j. it. iiurciiissov, Ccn Msr,
J. I). WOOIl, Oen. -PaMi. Act.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains for New York, Nowlmreli and Interni-.
tllato iointi leave Ixruuton as (olbwi 7,2e u.
ni.,; i ii p. in.
Arrivals 10 S3 a, in. Iron) Miildlctonn, I lone j.
dale, llawley ond Intermediate poluti; U80 p. in.
from New York, 'N'ewburirh and Intermediate
points. Na buiidsy tral
llaiiuftictiirers .)F
48B to 465
N, Ninth Street,
TeJcpUona Cull, '2iM.
fi Esry Woman
fO ! V
Xhk four diUtfvUt fortt.
-liai M.i.r ...! lui.m fr 11
mir iin.1 KjtriiviinlArf It i'Iuasi
1 It iitfrtii iiUta an 1 'Hie- iims In C
Uoorn COO, Time nd?ef Nw Ycrk.
iu I til ai oat. .In til ntinnlit Lnnir
Ubuutlho UOIlJllfU)
MARVEL Wlilrliun Snrov
Tlo new t islBil bjrloi. iiifec-
HVHlim &VCIIOH lirl -it
llllcaoktt Itkiioiij
i) a
The Newark Shoe Store's Reputation
for ltGood Shoes" is so firmly established
that it is unnecessary to say anything
about the quality of the Newark stock,
except that, owing to the recent business
depression caused by unsettled labor con
ditions, the stock is much larger than
usual, in fact, so large that we can pro
vide A-l shoe bargains for all who will
take advantage of this great "Closing Out
Sale" at the following prices
$7 00 Shoos nt $0 00 Sl 75 S.ioes at $1 50
0 00 s; ' 5 00 150 ' ' 35
5 00 k 4 25 ! 05 i 110
1 00 " " 3 25 t 7U) 0
,, -iO 2 05 ' 1
300 2 50 IT (i
2 50 ' " 2 10 75c (JOc
2 00 (i " M5 50c " " 42c
f k " Jrr
srlLfliB V - .. m.m TTSZ. ,n.
(jjv fffflwWrl
v $ WaUIIJmHxJ'
&rSEli&EtGSC3ta&'Z& GC3aD&aB)4Si
All kjiids ot Llnolypo Composition espetlHloiiBly executed by Tho Tilbune.
J'-iiiliiJkt lm tyt Mr .'.Ji.iit-kv
I W.
' 1 -i n-Bi Aii