"-.. -v9ji& r ei-wrw THE SCltANXON TKU3UNE-I'UJSSDAY, JANUAMY 14, 1902. a . is," NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTORYVILLE. Special to tlie PcranUn Tribune. Factoryvllto, Jan. 13. Mlsn Hertha Knapp, tho trnlncd nurse who linn been taking care of tho diphtheria patient up at Brennnn's, In tho townnlilp, was taken with tlie disease last week, und Is now (it the home of her parents in this place. The board of health 1ms tho house placarded and quarantined, ovury precaution lieliiR taken to pre vent tho spread of the nmludy, Tho Ico harvest in this vicinity Is now in full blast and every available man that can be, Is pressed Into ser vice. The crop Is a good one uriuii tills year and Is about fourteen Inches thick. The January term of WyomlnB coun ty court will commence next Monday. The borough councils arc working on tho subject of lighting tho town by electricity. They will hold a special meeting this evening for the purpose of looking Into the franchises and contract part of It. It may not bo out of place hero to give for the benellt of tlie tax payers and residents a few Ilgure3 In regard to tlie cost of lighting tho streets with the present system, and by lighting them by electricity. At the rate that the borough is paying for tlie lighting of thirty-eight oil lamps nt tho present time, and If they wete lighted every night in tlie yclir, as the electric lights will be, it would cost the borough a little over live hundred and twenty dollars per year, at 11 cents a light per night, outside of the expense for repairs and new lamps, and they make n very uncertain light at that. The proposition from the Keystone dumber Supply company that the councils are now considering Is to burn forty 21-caiKllo-power lights at $r00 per yenr, lights to burn from one-half hour after sunset to midnight every night in the year, tho borough to bo at no expense in the construction of the plant and line, franchise and contract to bo awarded for a tenu of five or ten years. One of tho iM-caiylle-power lights Is suspended over the street in front of the lumber company's mill, and can be seen most any evening. After all, this good old town Is a pretty good and desirable place to live In. There are some, it Is true, that try to better their conditions by moving elsewhere, but generally a fair trial elsewheio convinces them that this town Is the ono above all others, and back they come. Among those who were former citizens bete, and who will again come hack here to reside are: Kx-Counly Commissioner Fred II. Chnse, who now resides in Seranton; J. t Reynolds, who, It is understood, will build a handsome residence at the lower end of Grove street and later occupy It; Solomon Reynolds, who moved to Yonkois, N. Y., about one year ago, will also be welcomed back to our threshold. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of West Nicholson, spent Inst Friday with friends in this place. HONESDALE. Fprcial tn the Scianlon Tribune. Honesdale, Jan. 13. A four-hoist: idclghload, members of Grace church choir and congregation, drove to Wuy inurl, Sunday afternoon, and attended the services conducted by Rev. James P. Ware. T. H. Clark & Co., glass cutters, of Honesdale. have purchased the J. O'Connur gliiss-cuttlng shop, at Haw b y. A larger number of cutters will be employed. Forty thousand dollars is said to bo the amount paid. The reckless roasting- down Peers' hill, crossing the principal streets or Honesdale, endangering the lives of people and danger of collision with teams, has caused the borough author ities to pass an ordinance forbidding coasting on any street in the borough. Tlie annual report of tho Presbyterian Sunday school shows a membership of 113 und an average attendance of 225 during the past year. Four have been removed by death and eighteen have become members of the church. The session on Sunday was of unusual in terest, being the sixteenth annual re port made by the retiring superintend ent, Andrew Thompson, who has so faithfully and earnestly served as superintendent for over sixteen years. After a few words of advice and en couragement to the school und thanks for their loyalty and faithfulness, Mr. Thompson introduced David L. Ilower, his successor ns superintendent, be speaking for him tho co-operation of tlie membership in ills Sunday school work. Mr, Ilower, on assuming charge, spoke very feelingly of the responsible position to which ho had been called, and consented to accept only by a de sire to lie useful. V. IT. Holmes, chair man of the committee, presented reso lutlons on tho retirement of Mr. Thompson, which were adopted by a rising vote. FOREST CITY. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Forest City, Jan. 13, Tho now library project Is rapidly gaining tho luterebt and support of tho people. There should bo found room in tho new borough building for such nn enterprise, and onco started It would by natural stugea ioon grow to goodly proportions, A free library would bq a source of pleasure and profit to nil our citizens, old and youni;. T. A. Surdam was a Seranton visitor yesterday, Tho seinl-nnuual convention of tho Jefferson brunch union of Christian llndeavor societies will bo held in tlie I'resbyterlnn church here, January us. An Interesting progrnmmo Is being pro larcd, Melvlu Robinson, a monologist, will be nt tho opera houso 'Wednesday even ing, as the third number In the papu. Jar entertainment course, Ho will glvt u number of selections from Dickens works, and Is said to be very entertain. Ing. Misses Katharine Flannery, Fannie Knapp and Jennie Tlglio were guests of Forest City friends on Sunday, The annual meeting of the stoeklioldt ers of tho First Nutlonul bank will bo held tomorrow evening In the parlor of the Hillside- Jioso liotibf. LAKE ARIEL. l-pedal to (lie Saanton Tiibutie. (jke Ariel, Jjn, 1J. Iter, 0. M. lull pleached, a very touching Kimon on Sunday evening Test, Daniel v, ST, "for thou art weighed In the buj. mice and found witting." Tbo Ariel Telephone lompatiy organized ivcent. b, contemplate building new Hue between Lake Ariel mid UontwUle. 'Ihe follov(ittr vv slectc-1 ofiusns fo-t lite ensuing jtur; J, W. bin- tlereock, picstiltiilt Dr. II, (', While, vice rcnt dent) i:. II, Kiinmon, sdcrclniyi .1, . llortire, treasurer! II. II. Nect, J, II. llorltre, .1, W. Han' dercock, II. It, Aimson, .t. A, Hutttee, ilitcitprs. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to (he f-'crattton Tribune. Susquehanna, Jan. 13. I. A. Sweet und family iiuvo recently moved from here to their farm In rilbson. Mr. Hunt will succeed Theodore Cur tis ns the mechanical engineer in Sua r'ltchanrin, "" U. M. Tlngley, II. U Abel and O. R. Styles, of Uibson, wore legally engaged here last Wednesday on suit between the townships of Jackson and Gibson. John Valentino has had a very sick horse the past week, but It Is better now. Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Tlngley visited at the home of W. M. Wcucott on Wed nesday. Miss Mubol Lewis was n caller on friends In this plnce lust week. The Erie Is short of firemen for run- PROVERB Can you read ninsr their trains, and there is a great callfor men to work. Stack & Avery have been putting up their supply of ice for the summer. They are going to Brushvllle this week to fill their Ice houses there. The Ited Men are contemplating a sociul hop in the near future. Clare Lewis, of Welsh Hill, is help ing Stack &. Avery with their Ice Job. A number of our young people will go for a slelghrlde Tuesday night. The first blizzard of the season oc curred Sunday and Sunday night. 1. W. Ualley and family have moved from Gibson to this place. MONTROSE- Special to th Seranton Tribune. -Montiose, Jan. U. Dana A. W.i(imi, .,m it Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge II. Watrous Jilt todi tor Philadelphia, where ho has secured a pillion with the Baldwin Locotnothc wotks. The mull-po tears in Montrose i oer, no new c.i.-es hailng appeared, and all of the Miv pects aro uppaicntly in (rood health. The slate-makers nre said to be buily creased nialtlns: up a. local ticket lo be supported .it the lUpublican caucuses net week. It the tiMilt be n (rood slate, let It po through, if not, Miiadt It and make Boinclliins; better. Oeori;c K. l'rlnk has been Idling fi lends at Susiiuchatma, ''Atter weeU of unremitting; cllott, the authori ties believe that they have finally located the source of contagion ttoni which developed the recent eases of small-pov in tliU place and the present tae at Ilallatead. Uuriress JlcCausland hi? prepaicd the following statement loganling it: Mr.f. Ja.Mte, residinp tn l'lymoulh township, Pa., where there has been such an alarming: epi demic of mull-pox, and who had been e.pecd to the disease by contact with neighbors sick with it, went to Youngslown, Ohio, to attend her father's funeral on Deo. 0, 1901, leturnintr by (he Delaware, f-ackawanno. and Western nilliou'd on Dee. 11, 1001. hho was taken sick on the tialn tomliis home and broke out before teaching her destination, but kccplnc her face covered with a he ivy black cin, so that her ttonble wo, not known. As the tialn did not make close icWc lions at bctanton, the had to wait two hours in the Seranton depot before ttettltiff a tialn for Plymouth. There were no cases of sinall-pos In Yoiingbtown, Ohio, previous to Mrs. Jajne'n vUil, but since then there h.u been an epidemic, the disease iM breaking out In the home ot her relative, wheie she ftaed. All the inmates of that home hae now lucl the disease, a sister of Mrs. Jjj tie's haling- died with it. Mid. Jayne was very ill .tfler arriving home, but is now con. Idered nut ot danger, but her husband Is down with It. U,v a strange coincidence, the muse win) attended Mr.. Jayne through her illness was called to nurse Mrs. C'odldngton, who together with tier child, u lster and two brothel's, are now ilck with small-pox at HalUtead, Mw. Cod. dlngton teiiieuibcra that when U-turning- from Binghaintou with her child on Dec. II, 1901, a woman sitting limncdUtcly in front of her wore a heavy black veil, and, from her manner and speech was evidently very silk. TliU wvnian was heard to ak the conductor how long she would have to wait at Hctaiiton befoio getting a train for l'lj mouth. After bieaklng out with entail, pox. Mrs. C'oddlngtott has thought that tho deep-ly-elled and ultangely-acting woman must hate had tho dlscuc, and that she Mrs. Coddlngtou) contracted it front her. Upon the nriltal of the nurse, who was famlllir with the ttlp ot Mis. Jjjne on thai date, and her illness on the train, Mi, Ccdldngton' msplclons wcie continued, On the same car wete Mr. and Mrs. (Illhcrl, lettiin. Ing front lllngbamtnit, and a coiialdeatlou ot the time thai elapsed between the upo,uro of these people to tliU taxi, and their vuWquent lllne,s, ttabliiM the fact that the ca-es nf mall-pox in Montiosu and lall,tcad ,ue due t'j the tin tamliiatfoii ot this woman, Mi. Jajne. pi. IM wards, who is attending Mr, and Mia. J J) lie, tuh. simulates the abotu tails In relation to Mrs, Jajne. Mrs. t'oddlnglon's (.hl'ni, epoaed, Dee. lit lck IKc, Jl (twehc dai.), bloke out, Dec. 27 (slvtem ilajrt. Mrs, Cudidiiglon and the ret of her family took tliu illseattf fioiit the child, Mr. (llbeil, exposed pee, Us silk Die. Si (elcieil dajs); btoke out Pec, SI (touitcen ilj)). Mr, Ollbeit, eOarl Dec. It; sick, Dec, '.'f (sUtffli, djjs); bioke nut, Dec, 2S (eflileen djvsj ' IIOPBOTTOVl. Special to the Stranton Tribune. Ilnpliottom, .Ian. J1. The week of prajer lias bieu olfaenid at the Methodist Kplxoiml cliuicli (ho past week, ami this week rstivat teiiltis will be held each night, excepting Monday and Xitindj.v- iiIkIiIi. Mlts Piborah Dai as In (own uter hutidjr, 'Ihe Willlnar Wotkeru l.i.I ,t il.ll,.,l,lJ ,.. Drookbu last Tliuisday, 'ihe l imeisall.t bunday school will lute J " -'-- ii i - ; jT y ? TltUilguatntaU oh ee'rjr box'ot the fenQtbl cf2har7 Laxative Promo'Quinjne'rbuts v"' 4r3rOlCxf?.bi KWCtUrilWr sxuko a colli Ui v .HJi ileljrh-tlde next Ftiitay ami the Methodist I'-pln-cop.it Sunday school, Saturday of this week, Mr. Paul tkanldey his been Idling tricmls at Nitliolton a few ilav. (I, (' I'lim nml family, of Kltigiley, spent Sun day at N. At. FlimV. Ucorgd .Utterly, of New York, Is Idling friends In town. Tim fad new rcactiid us of the deallt of Mil, W, II, Written, nt lhir.ua, rt former resident of thl place. Miss Maine Tllus bin returned after visiting friends at Ashley, and will resume, tier foriittr position In the p-wlolllce A larjo peirentage nt nnr 'people hate recently l)0i n vaccinated. Mil. EII.U Tcwkibuiy 1 (gain confined to her bed. The Ladles' Aid will meet at the pirton.tge for dinner Wednesday. Mm. W, a. Itodcs wai al Seranton Monday. Alls Carrie Luce, who Ins brctt visiting her patent, will return to fluanlon Monday. Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. ACADEMY Ifoclfler-dlliucy tnntpi'iy. After noon mid night. STAIt The lllg Scmatlnn lluilcnuer. After. noon und-lilght. Qibnoy-Hoeffler Company. Two well tilled houies greeted tlie Olbney. Iloefller company at both mnlliiee itiul night per. PUZZLE. this proverb? fornunces at the Academy ejtcr1l3v in "Little Minislet" and Monhon's "The Indian." New tpccialtles wete seen this trip and paiticulatly good weie the musical Jioolmaiis and the l'anlzei trio in. a new act. Today for matinee the company will piesent "Prince of Uarf," and for tonight "The Sign of the CtucllK" will be picented with (.pectal sccneiy and efleets. The I'.uitnr trio and tl.c musical Ooolin.ins will be seen at r.M-h tieitoim mice. Big; Sensation Company. Zltella l'lj tin's Illg Seri.ilion binlesquc com pany gae .t pleasing peiforinaiicc at the Mar je.-iterdiy lo largo audiences, afternoon and evening, upon the opening of their work's en gagemenr. The company is an unusually meri torious aggregation, containing in addition to the itgulor roniedi.ins anil chorus, a number of cienh- 'ocalUts and dancers. Prominent among thi-tn .lie James Cliundy, Sue Orumly, .Mr. mid Mis. Sherniiii Cosies, Ulla Anderson ".itt.l Teuiile ltu-oell, who gate n pcifonnanee that etoked girat Liithiisi.iMii. r.nnui'1 and Xi-l-on gate a wonderful aciu- b.itlc act! fllO lt.lplirlo Situtrt.a iiln,A.ln.l . ..!. iiig number, with thole Uollns and liiandolini, and the Xewell Sisters rivalled the colored coterie in ehibltloiii of buck und wing dancing. The humor of the performance, was interpreted by Dive Conroy and Hairy Kceler, and Collirs and Nelson. The pingraininc com luded with a laugh tbie farce entitled, 'King of the Itou-liee-Boos." The company will rent tin at the Star all the week, with matinees d.illv. "Barbara Frietchie." "HaibJia I'rietchie," with Miss Fiance., Gaunt as tlaibata, will be the attraction at the Lvceum neU SatunUy, matinee and night. This i-Zcivde Kitch's play which nude sticlt a delightful s'en sation in Xew Voile. It was found tit be a bean, tifnl, unconventional piece, ttliring, pttriotic and toniantle, .ind it piesonted the heroine of Wliilticr's cclcbtatcd "Baibaru I'rietchie" poem, not as a bent and white-haired old wwman, but as a charming, glowing, riederiektonn maiden, whose gohhn heart w.ts given to a federal olllcer. Mr. Fitch told his story to delightfully and the acting was so supeih lhat the play was an acknowledged triumph on Its flrsl night at the filtrtloii theater, New Voile, and it kept tint p.iclous play home crowded to the ihwis for mote than loll petfoniiaiiees Fftverslmm's Heading Woman. Miss Julia Opji, the leading wumati uf Wll Hani Faveitham'a company, which apiwais at the I;)ceuni next 1'uesday, appeared with the Daniel rroliman I.jceum company few jeats ago, Since that season Miss Opp has bet n plajlng in linporlnnt pioductious with leading lompauies In London. It is a curious fact tli.it though she Is tin AiiK'ilc.ui girl, nioit of hei professional ca reer has been speiil in Ilnghtud, MU Opp is, if an,vth!ug, more beautiful than ever, and has made a substantial advancement In her profssloual ait. Slie was specially engaged by Chatles I'toliuiau to come lit this country In play the leading suppoit U Mr, I'atersliam, and to play the loir ot Matita fit Pit Mailer's rptnantlo pliv, "A llmal Hlval." STAGE NOTES. IMvviu Aideii has Mcin.ii an ciigaci'iueui with a bin I'lancUeo atoik loiupjity, and will pity leading toles theie until the end nt the season. It Is Muted that in the Island of Heligoland, wlicte itlchatd Mau.lu Id was Iwin, no pei.-ou mi iter sixteen jc.is of age Is piMinltud in enter a Iheatef, When May Irwin it Hits Irom the tago nest season, It is staled thai 1 'lutein e Heed, daughltT ot the late Itolaud Iteetl, will star In tho Irwin tepeitoiy. II. A. IliiuctS latest imisleal iviitedy, which Is to bo piodueed lot' the lli'.l lime in Huston by the lat'.'ls uf that iltj, l to lie tailed "Tho fehow dltl." William Collier won't uppc.it In llaiiy llusom nml Clay (Jri-elie's "Checkers" alter all. Mr, Collar n the pletu is not tu his jlkluv ill its present ahapc. William II. West, the well known iuiniie, is mlierlng fioui smoktis' lancer, and, although his preHiit condition not critical, It ic feated that It lannol rc-cuvet, "Kin Tov" ran for Sfs) totiu'cutlve perfuiin antes at" lljly's tlu.itrr In London and w.i ih.'it only taken oil betaitM' an eilemiou of time c"t'ld jut be auiired tcr It, htcll.i llammeiatelii, daughter of Oscat Hani iiterstelu, the New- Voik uiauager, nudu her debut on the tage l.i.t Tuesday idght In frnImiati'M "I'locls and nilU." Paul Hester's new pUy, "Mademuillo ;M.tts," will k' piodutcd u London bj Mis. Inguy two weeks ftoni tonlglil, 'Ihe pine jvlU Wvc ct( cltlwrate I'lucntjlluii. THE MARKETS Wftlt Btreot Ksyliir. Kevv Vork, Jan. 13. There will contlntud lok ot animation In the stock market todty and the dealings were palpably In Ihe hands ot profes plon.ll tr.t'lctti Tills clement was be.li lull In Its operations nn the outlook and sold i.totM initio Ircely throughout the day. Tins level nt pilees was tattled genctallr tamt 1 to 2 points under lost Week's ilose. No largi' amount ot llqultl-i tlott was brought tut by this considerable llecllne and them was :t uinvrnient to uover shorts late in the J.ij, tausliig a rally ot A point ot over In some of the most prominent slocks but this tecoviry was practically lost ftRaln befote the closing, which was extremely dull und heavy. Tlie Iicrttiltflr.il granted b.v the United Mates .Supreme court lor the state of Minnesota to argue on It petition to bring suit for the umiulment of the formation of the Northern Securities company, al though Its force was little understood, had u chill ing effect on speculation owing to Its promise ut it prolonged legal struggle and delay In the (total ion ot the company's tccutltles. The chad lug of prices of Copper led to a shatp raid In tin late dealings nit Amalgamated Copper, which helped to unsettle tliu close. Kxcepiloiial move ments wen-made by Latkawanni, which ros: ii and loslMiiost nf Itj (llueoie prefeired, which gained H, and American Lxpress whlih lost tl. Total sties tnthy, 07,300 fhnte'. The bond mar. kct was not very active but il was Irrcgiihir. Tclal sale", par value. W.PIO.OOn. United States letttndliig S'ii declined U and the H's toiipon i per cent, on tho last call, The followlngJiuotatlom are furnished Tlie Trib une by M. H. Jonlsn t Company, ruomj TO.', Id Meats building, Seranton, I'a. Telephone, WXU: Open- High. Low- VAcv Ing. est. est. Ing. American Sugar 122 u-j no loi(j Atchison 7.S 73!i 711; i 77 Atchison. I'r , Iiai m't !W(, 03 Alual. Copper TOfe 70Vi (iSli HS?i Am. Car k ol'undiy 2flt-i 29j 2a',0 '29'1 Ilronk, Traction HCKj COVf, U"i K Ball. ,t Ohio 10V!i Win 10l; KUVs Ches. k Ohio W, 1114, HI lit Chic. A. til. West i!t "at IStj '!.'?s Chic, Mil. fc St. P ....HtlV; 10Ji,S lli KKJi Chic, it. I. & I' trsPi ljfiti 151 15l?s Coin. Fuel k Itou HI ,1 Sji:, t.'it,(, ilrlc It. It Il-'i 1171 0 sU!-j Kile It. It., I'r 7.J!,i 7;l'i 7i!? 7J ol.uls. k N'ath Itlivi Ki'iiti 101',', 10414 Manluttuti Lie I '; VW i:t7Vi l-'i7'. Met. Traction PI2H loj'i 1I1K;; lt',2 Mi'toutl t'acillo 10.! Wiy, 100 llXIH Notfolk k Western fi"U 7!i (ilijj MVi N'. Y O. k W iHU :i4',4 ;;.;, nt-n X. V. Central lBIi lOHi unii lrt".s l'cnna. 11. It 14!) lt'l Its HSU Iteadlng Ity :r)i 5554 stu r,j Heading H.v I'r ...a... Hi's 81?. St SI Southein It. It tl.l',S ran aiv, Sit'. Southern It. It., I'r 0.1 el'i 02V4 !) Southern I'acifle (K)J4 Out',. rMi. Ml Ti-nn. C. 4: Iron (II ill (!2U 1K14 Texas 1'aclfU- ."'I so Jlois Si'j I.'. S, Leather 11!1i 111 lOi 11H I'. S. Leather, t'r SI'.'. '' SI SI C. S. Hubber ll'jj 1K. 14V. 1IV- U. S. Slcel Co Vi 4U3i 42'i I2vi U. S. Steel Co., I'r .... ) 0I, n nt-i'j Wc-stern Union 01 pi po'4 MIT4 Wabish. IV ISt's 42? 4114 4I-14 Union Pacific 102-i HK'a 100'j 101 14 Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co,, Pr. County Savings Hank & Trust Co. First National Dank (Carbondale) . Standard Drilling Co Third National Hank Dime Deposit and Discount Hank. Kconotny Light. II. k P. Co First National Hank Lacks. Trust Safe Deposit Co Claik & Snot er Co.. Pr. Hid. Askci W SCO S25 rto 050 "75 . . . (6 i::uo llit) 12s 100 05 M0 175 1071,$ ... 1S5 73 115 115 115 100 102 Seranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co. t-crantoti Axle works , Seranton Savings Hau'c Traders' National Hank Seranton Holt k Nut Co , People's Hank New Mexico lly. ,t C. Co. .., BONDS. Seranton rnsacneer Hallway, first Mortgage, clue i!i'-i) People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 101S People's Street Railway, Ceneial mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufaeltiriug Co Lacka. Township School 5 pee cent. City of Seranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scianton Traction 0 per cent 102 US Seranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave) Flour Hesi patents, per barrel, 4.ttO. Deans Per bushel, choice martovv, 1-2.55. Butler Prcah crjantctj, 2ilc. ; Jure cr.umery, 24c; dairy, 23We. . Chcefc Full cteain, ll!al2o. l.'ggs Nearby, 32c. j storage, fancy, 10',ic flicen Peas Per bttsbcl, fl.jO. Potatoes Per bnsitel. 1. Onions Per bu-ltel, $1.00. New York Grain and Produce Market New Voik, Jan. 13. Flnm i;a.-ier and less active, ullec'ted by the wheat break; wlttlei tti-ilghts, i.l.fi0a:!.); Minnesota patent, lt.8J.i4.2i). Wheat Spot, weak; No. led, fr'iVii'. t. o. b. ullOJt; No. 2 ml, OOVsc. elevator; No. 1 noithein Hit litth, WVic. f. o. b. altii.it; options, opened steadier but reacted under liquidation. TowauLs noon there was 11 charii recovery but this al-o vlelded later and nniket dosed weak -tt"4c net lews; March cloed 87 Vic; May, HT)gi-.: July, Stlfc. Coin Spot casj ; No. 2, C'J'jic elevatot and 70fc f. o. b. alloat; options Him neatly all day but finally btoko with wheat and closed easy at Vic net decline; -May 1 losed iPtHe-i July, O0i,4c. Outs Spot quiet; No. 2, 01a4c ; No. J, "lVic; No. 2 white, jUjc; No. U white. .11c; ttack mixed wrstcin, olVsaSJie,; track white, iUaSMSt-.; itloin tuiet but taitlv sternly with lorn. Hutter Steady; cic.itnrtv, l(i.t2:i''c ; tat- toty, Ituniuc ; lime cteanii.r.v, llsSle,; imlt.H, iiou creamety, naiBtt-c; natu u.iiry, iiasi'ic Cheese Finn; Male lull ereain laige fall made fancy, KUtaloc; state full cieants sntall fall made fancj, ll'.lalHic,; late made beat large, 0V4c; late made beat small, lUilO'Su. Fggs Finn; atate und Petuis.v Iv.inia, U2i3lc; western, 27ay:Sc ; soutliern, 2tla32c. Philadelphia Grain and Product. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Wheat lc. lower; con tract grade, Januaiy, suaSO'tc. Corn Vic lower; No. 3 mixed January, 0u',ajG7c, Oats Steady; No. 2 white clipped, Jll-c Huttei JJalc. lower; fancy western creamery, 21c; do. nearby ptiutst 27c. Fggs Film; (it-.li neatby, yOc; do. western, uOc. ; do. aauthweatein, K-,; do. aoiithein, 27c Cheese Finn; New Vork (till citunis, fancy small, HV4c; do. do. tin., fair to choice, DUallc. Itetluei! Sugats Dull. Cotton Cncluiiged. Tal low Stetdj ; 1 Ity inline in tletces, itr.j cotinliv, do. du., baircls, fi'UUVlc.; do. daik, do. do,, ;;i nOVict cakes, v. Live Poult rv-(J,tlet but steady; InvvN, U'lOc; nd loostcts, 7c; chicktns, hVJaO'.ic; ducks, Il,tl2c; getaf. 10al2c; tur hejs. lOallc. Dresaed Poultry I'irui, fair tl-. tn.indi fowls, iholie, lUViallc; do. tatr to good, OVi'tlOc; old tooalcts, Ta'hrc; c hit kens neaiby, ll.il3c; western do., Ual'iit.; tuiKevs neaiby iholro to fancy, lalJc; wettriu do. do,; 12al3c; fair to good do., Dalle; ducks nearby. lOatlc; wcstein do., lOtU'c; geeae, Salic Ittiflpts Hour, 4,000 baitels and l,5Wi,00rt pounds in aachs; wheat, 7,000 btisbels; lutn, ll.OOli bit,he; oats, 222,00) ba-lieU. .shipments Wheat, KO.ISIO bush els; com, .1,(101) bushels; oats, 22,000 bushels. Chlcngo Grain and Produce Market. Chiiago, .Ian. 1:1. lleneial beatLh sentiment In tho wheat nil lombattcil tho iiicagin catly bullUli news and after much prcs-tuc loteed a net lo. of '.tlc In av wheat; May toiii iluacd only a shade lower ami May oats unchanged. Piuvis Ions iliM'ii 2U-tl0c lower. CMh-iiiot.itlons weiu as follovvsi I'loiii -i:.iy; Nn. ,1 tilling wheat, 70,,ia77c; No. 2 led, H7Vc. ; No, 2 o.tts, (',4u lliVi-ci No. 2 while. 47ia4:ie.; No. ; white, t7.i8V4f.t N. 8 rye, ii.1f.iuic.; fair to choice nulling, l,2.iic.Vic. : No, 1 fltx teed, $1.02'$; No. 1 niiithwctlcin, tel.tki; prime tlutothv si-cd, ;l..Vi; tines putk, ljlil.i,jili!T(l; laid, HI2inO.I3; sliurt libs. CidaS..'!); diy tallid sliouldei, 7.i7".c.. ; khoit clear sides, j).OJai,.73; whhkey, sl.32. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Jan. 1), Cattle ftccripU. 20,000; good to choice steady; others slow to 10c lovvet; good tu piliue, !ti.lAi7.U3i poot- to mediuin, ta 11.25) stckeis and (edicts, V,25a,50; cows, 1,2U 4.73; heiltts, fj.71aa.a0i tunnels, $l,23a2.30; bulls, if2at.W; ealtis, f2.30a0.23; Texas fed slceis. fr23 a3.23. Iloga llccelpts today, 4.1,0(Xl; tomorrow, 33,00111 hit over, S,0il opened tlow- but sold Bu ItV, lower: mixed and butchers, $5.b3ad,40; good tu clmitr he.ivj, M,.23a0,f,"j lough jieavv, i).!Ai fi.Su; liglit, f.i.(UU, bulk of tales, H.taU.W. Miecn-ltecelpt., 2.i,oOU theep, eteadyj lauiW, stead), Dllui.s weak! good to tbclie wetheis, 1.23 il,73; wctlttn thtt'it fed, flil.73; native lambs, f.t.M.iU; western lunlw, sjjn, Buffalo Lire Stock Market. Last Hutfalo, Jin, 1J. Cattle Itt eelptt, 3,10ft lic.nl, lucludfiig I'sJ faiudas; talilv active and full steady toi desirable fat batihers, and cholio shipping etxit tteets; common unci tlipiery gradea, J0.i2iic. lower; extra piimo hul.lnd tiers quotable $0.tOa0.73 beat heavy shipping and ex 1101 1 1 1 ci i, Mt.23aU.3(l; (all to choice, HJ.23.iH. 10; liglit to good bittrheis, 4a3.2d; heifers, $U 3,30; lows, fair to good. f3.25a4.40; lanuets and (1U1U11011, tl.70.l3; bull.', f.l.&aa4.30; slockers steady for g'ful; llghl dull stockets, f2.4tU3.70; feeders, l.huul.50; fresh tows, very dull and f-iad lower, HogB-Hctelpis, 22,1111 head; opeitul faltly Heady; lie-av.v, W.iriaU.fi.; mixed, U.S0aU.40: pigs, W.KU3.W; toughs, aC,.IOj3.03; .tigs, islal.2). hect and LamU Heecipti, S.OW bead, litelud Inir J,tW Cnadas; steady; shvep, inlxvel, UIO0.1 t.ilii culls to gviod. f2.ftOat 30; wethus. 8l.75a3: jeurllngs, f73.5s'3t ; top native lambs, yU3 THE TRIBUNE'S'"" WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, ,1 Cent. for EVacli tlxtra Hi: Tov Itont. iAr,WWVWsWWWV's FOIt HUNT Five-room Hat; nil lmprocittenl, hit hiding fleam heat, .fit. Also one ..-ir.otti homo, $8- Orecn Illtlgn Lumber Co. FOIt lti:NT-l2. 7-roont liotue, vltlt Jillli, unge double dealer, etc. Lntrance frutn Main ave nue. Inquire 431 Mouth Main avenue or A, T. Itelser, 102 South Main avenue. i'OU IuTnT Spctdwjy'Tiolcr Iipity to J. It. Kemmeter, 128 Fianklln avenue. FOIt Itl'.ST 419, onedinlf of double tintue, In tipper riiettt Itldge; large yard, bath, hot ml cold watei, range, electric lights. 11, P. Hamilton, l'atili building, Kiuucc sttcct, Wnnted To Hent. SfSSS AAAWA r V WASTI'.I) TO ItF.NT Ihree or four furnished or imfiunlsheil rooms for housekeeping. Adihess S2 Jeirerson avenue, city. For Snlc. FOIt SILK Cheap, hoise, catrljge and liarnesit will sell for waul ot use. 207 Ilolllstcr uve, 1011 SALIi .Milk route and cows, togelher or sepntate. Addiess llnivey Jaiqttes, .Muoslc, I'a. FOIl SALF hliavlngs, sawdust and kindling wood. At Atulcy's Lumber Yard, hot Seranton St. FOIt SAI.i: Special tnoilol Isscomoblle, cott !j23; neaily new; pel feet lotidlllon; Hup steaiuer; will sell at once for ?300. V.. ,1, It., Tilbtuie of. tlce. FOR Sf,i: One 1,200 lb, winking hoise, one 1,000 lb, dii'vlug or winking nine, well bred and would nuke a gond blood time; also llttltl Cappcrfleltl, pacer, 2.23V4, bay Rcldlng. llupilrc J. II. Ladvvlg, lc, slote, ot at bant, rear 330 W.voiulng avenue. FOIt SAt.i: Tin- bar nml nMurts of the Union Hotel on Lackawanna stteet, Olvphaut. Lo cation excellent. Lodges meet In building. Sell ing out on account nf 111 health. T. 1. Jones, l'toptletof. FOIl SAt.i: Mock of Ihe Intern tliona'. Test Hook Company o( SiijMhii (foimetly the Colliery Knglneer Co.), Clt.is. I). Stnletson, VM Wyoming avenue, Sci.inton. I'a. FOIl S.U.i: C'lllIM'-Flievvood. lion moling, Um bers, boards, scantling, etc., ftoni old cars; 'tillable for r.ll purposes. ,Ietintiigt, Cential Mines switch, foot of Ilairpton stteet, off South Main avenue. FOH SAT.I' Two light sptlng wagons .tnil some hat ties-, cheap. l'vans, rear 11)2 I,ncr:ie stteet. Tori SAI.I' Cheap; horse, spring wagon and harness, at No. 182(1 Cedar avenue. Public Sale. I't'HLleJ SALK We will sell al public sale for the benellt of whom it in.iv conceit!, on Wed nesday, .l.iuu irj 22, at 10 o'clock a. nt,. .it the Wiei ill's i.llice. Ill the Coin I House, of tin; t'lty d! PfiimlQii. twit (2) lutes of stock of Abe Moivch' I'cik Fat king und I'tovisioti Company, tl.c same being held as toll.itrr.il to a note. Wl'.LLLS k 'lOnill'V. Attotnevs. Heal Estate. FOIl SALt: One acre of land, imptoved with nine-room house; plenty and variety of fruit; good location in village of FlcetUUe. Mrs. Olive Fish, Flectvillc, P. Furnished Hooms. FCIIMSllllU HOOMS for rent, modem improve ments; private family; gentlemen ptetctieil, at 3)7 Adams avenue. FOIl HLN'T Two comfortably furnished looms for gentlemen; modern iuipiovcineiiU; pit vale family. 330, Washington avenue. roil KENT Furnished front room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman prefened. Address ltoom, Bo 290. FOH HENT Furnished loom; heat and rjath. 623 Linden sttcct. FURNISHED HOOMS FOR HUNT, with liest, gas and bath, gentlemen prctcrretl, at MO Adams avenue. Wanted. WANTED- Second-hand mine ambulincc dte-s IS. II, C. Pittston. Ad. WANTED Cood second-hand furnace, will pay cash. Address Loci: Dox 130, Seranton, Pa. Unfurnished Booms Wanted. WANTED April 1, Ihteo or foil- unfurnished looms, located above Ad.im and not above Moi'.too, between Pine and Linden sttects. Ad dress J, Y., Tribune ullkc Wanted Boom and Board. WANTED Hoom and board in remicd piivatc family (ot three ladles; not to exceed J12 per week. Ot.c located within live minutes walk fiom cl.y hall prefened. Addrrss, K. 11, Tribune Of fice. Booms and Board. A LAltnt: FRONT HOOM, with board, at 521 Adams avenue. Suitable (or two joung inert. HOOMS TO HUNT, with board, k.00 Mulberry stteet. Boarders Wonted. nOAHDEHS VASTi:i Sire looms, good loca tion. 1113 Jackson street. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to boaid, German or English. Call uny time after Tliuisday. All convenllntes, 807 llarri.oii avenue. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOC.NT OF MOSEY '10 LO.X-(Jiilck, straight loans or Ilulldlng and Loan, At from 1 to 0 per rent, Call on S, V. Walket, iill-Ula Council building. Lost. LObT Two black and white cttei dogs, male and female; both hate white streak between Ihe r.ves. Reward, J. 11. Dainty, cata of Hittcnbeu tier k Co., Seranton, POCKEIHOOK LOiI", conlainlng inv card .mil Miinii money. Hi turn w lull Penii avenue and teieive levvaid. Piuileiiii' Levi. 0.21): culls to good, isl.23.iil.lll; Canadians, !-,,t0a J.M. , East Liberty Market, East Libvi tr, Jan. 13, -Cattle Active; i.liukc, Hsl.40i0.l0; prime, i3.E0i(J; good, S.33aS,03 Hogs Active, prime heavies, U0a0,5); heavv juc iliuiits. fii.45ail.30; light do., ?i(,40; heavv orkvrs, irll.23aO.20; light do., Aiab.13; pigs. s3.-Oa3.H). sheep Higher; bet wethers, -r,40.il.S0; culls and common, tfla:i.50; ve.ulliig., i,sil,73; veal i.ilves, ifTaf, Oil Market. Oil (it.v. Jait. ll.-CiitPcatis. no bid; ncdlt balaniCa, 113; thipments, 173,270 hands; avrr- age, fcO.002 banels; nuts, 110,81t, batrels; -veraae, 72,200 liaiteU, - ' PECKV1LLE. M Lillian SliulK, of lllughamtMii, V. Y., Is lsillng her aunt, Mi i, Ihotuas llallttune, of .South Main olivet. Ml l.isile Jloiile, pf PhllaiUliihiu, is visiting hei pateuls on South Main atttet, Ms. Mallei, ot Cliluchllla, k visiting ,n ,vll, Jtev. J. X. Ilallcy, this Week, , blflhday HtrprUo patly not UiidctiM Mt. Alcli lleckci, at her home on livutonij avenue, m Friday evening by Ik' neighbors iipd ftleitdi. Mh. tKtkcf was ptt'se tied with n beautiful dull as n token of filnnUhlp, About ootenty-tivc guects wete prcMint, S'l vices will be lojtluued uch iviuing llrs week in the 'resbyetau cliutth. 'Ihe Cpwoilli League biitluen liieellug will be held this evening at the home of Mis Uctte vine KIiooiioht. MUj Agues IlutUr v.a, a caller In Seiaiilou Mvinday, M, Ketti! Hill left today for YUIUniatort, -IfV-ra Kl"' will iwnd liu rrinalndfi uf tin win- situations Wanted 3ueu. IMANUII WANT Ot'FlOKS. Wnnt Advertlaementa Will Do Reeolvod at Any of the Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 V. M. Central City ALIllinT SCItllLTZ. enter Mutb.-rry street nd Websler ntettue. tltlSTAV I'lCIIL'L. 050 Adams avenue. Wost Side GllOltai: V. JKSKI.NS, 101 Soulli Main avenue. South Scrnnton KIIKU L. TKttl'l'i:, 720 Ceilir avenue. Noith Scrnnton HI'O. V. I1AVIS, rntiier .North Mifn venue and Maikct street. Green Ridge UIAHIXS 1'. JONKS, 1337 Dicksjn avenue. F. J. JOHNS, f20 Oieen I'.lilge sttcct. C. LOItHNZ. cuiiicr. Waihlnglon ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. K.NIU'FUL, 1017 Irving avenue. Duninore J. 0. BOSU k SOS. Help Wanted Male. ENGINEERS WANTEDShiSi Indicators. Shaking (hates. Fiunaie llluv,-(is.Sep-aiatois, Me.im l'tiinp-, Alaini Water Columns, Sheet and l'lslon I'atklng, etc Ciiicn 'to tut Specially Co. Nivv 'phone, lilt Franklin avenue. WAXIIMI Hellable .voung nun In solicit und cnllect for tespotislble hon-e. fi pel day to ttart. (lood ilnnce lor iidviiticemeul. Call iohiii 11, Dull' building. VAXTi:il A voung man to woik In stoic II. W. Hallett, 432 Spruce stteet. WAXTKIl Men to le.tin luiber liude. Xew sys tem. Fight wieks completes, ppecl.il inducement- this month. Wages Satuul.iys, Diplo mas avvatded. Steady poi-illon guil.iiittcd when thiouah. Yliltc for tiee citalogue. Addic-s Mold's liuibcr School, .New Voik City. WANTLD-Hy leading l'lilladelphla home, fiit class salesman, tu sell general lino of paper to the retail tinde, one who has an acquaintance preleired: niui-t have besl rcfeienee and be able to rurnh.li bond. Address P. 0. Ilo-cO11. Phila delphia. Help Wantpd Female. WANTED Middle aged woman for took- and geiiei.il liouscktepei. .Must ionic light nw.t. .lohp .Suibi-r, H.ibybn lintel, Old Foigc FIFTY OPERATORS WANT Ell-Steady work guaranteed. W. K. Heck i: Son, 230 Wlams avenue. WXTED Clr! for gcnetal housewoik at Dalton. Address 11. T care Tribune. Business Opportunity. .STOCK AND WHEAT TltAIIEUS without ilrlay. Milte for our spetltl market letter. Free on application. S. M. Illbhaitl k Co., members N. Y. Ccnsolfdated and Stock fxchange. II and 10 Droadnay, New Yolk. Established ISrtl. Long Distance' Plione 23S3 Broad. Dissolution of Partnership. DISSOLUTION OF l'MtTNERSIIIP Notice Is licttbj given tliat the copaitiiei.ship be tween Mud bon F. Ltiklii and John Voik r.il'tlt, ti.ullng as the "Kunii EMiaet Ccin pany," is dissolved, Madison F. Laikm con tinuing in the liu.iness with the light to tt-e the. same linn nime and tollect all .tccitmls .mil piy all lu'lelitedi.e.v, of the linn. MADISilN F I.MIKIN, JOHN YOLICVAXDI'. JGAL OFFICE OF the S'cranloii Holt au.l Nut ('"., Siiniilun, I'a. 'Ihe Annual Meeting cf the stockholder tit the Seranton Holt and Nut Com pany, for the election ol dhei-tots for the i ti ming jcir, and for the tiaiisacliun ut siuit other biisiue-s as may piopttly be biottglit before It, will be held at lb? oftlee uf (he Company, nt llie'Woiks, on Thur-da), January 2.1, at 2 o'clock 1. m. L. 31. IIOH'IOX, Socretaiy. THE ANNl'AL MEETIXl of the stoeklioldets ot the hiianton Hidding Company will bo held in the salesrooms nt the- coinpati.t, (.00 L.tcki wanna avenue, on Thursday, Januiiy 21, at l.lio p. ui. F. A. KAISER, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETINO of the stockholders of the Thiid National Rank, of Scr.tittoii, will be held Tuesday, January the 14th, 1902. In the llitectois' looni of the Hank, between the liotr.s of three and (our o'clock p. in. W.M. II. PECK, Secrctaiy. THE ANNl'AL MEETINO of the .stockholdirs of the Ditnmoic F.lectiiu Light, Heat nml Power cempany will bo held nt the ndlie of the mm pane, 30') Liiideu Mieet, Sciautou, Pa,, on Wed nt'Mlav, Jjini.ii.v 13th, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. to, for the elcttion of diicttora for the eiiailng .vc.u and Mich other business as may toino bclnte them. E. M. STACK", Sectetnry. THE ANNUAL MEETINO ut Ihe atoikholdeis t.f The Moolc l'owdct (iiiupiny will bu held at their olllce In the City ot Sci.iiilon, I'a., i,lt Wednei-day, January 22, 1002, ut t u'doek p. in,, for the purpose of electing dheilors lor the ensuing ye.it and transtctlng such otl.ei' luf-ltti-os M may inmo before them. No tiauslei of nine!; will be made fur ten d.i)s next ptteediiig the day of elei tic n. JOHN 1), SlIEREII, Seciotaij. THE ANNl'M, MEE'llNti of the stiickholdeis ol Ihe Then. A. While .Maiinfn lining t otnpany will be held Tuesda.v, Januiry 21, at 2 p. in., in the olllce cf the iomp.in.v, 121 Linden strec, for tho piilie uf healing icputts, clecllng the boaid ut dltectuis lot the ensuing vcat, and for the tiJiisit-timi of melt uther bu.liiess as may pioptlly come btfoie the tueetlug. L. It. STELI.E, betretaiy. THE ANNUAL JIEETINC of tlie stoe kholders uf Ihe llithwoiiil .Slote Company will be I eld ihe lotiith Wednesday of .Linuaiy, being the 221 ilty uf Jaiiuiiv, 1 002, ill two uMuck i, in., tut' the puipoMi uf elei ling a lloatil ut Dliettots ami lor the ti.in.Mi Hun uf tuih other business us may lupetly conic befoio the mtetlng. 'HIOS. U. JONES Seeretaty. Dated Januaiy II, 11V2, l.STA'li: nf F. D. Stevens, late of lie- Hotuugh nf Dimmvie, Lackawamit county, P.-unsilvanU, ilt'i eased. Letttrs tcslauicntaiy upon tho abovu estate lin ing bieu giauttsl tu the uiidetBlgued, all petsulis having claims against the same will ptesuil them tur pii,tmeut and tho.su Indehted Iheltto will please make Immediate pavnient to DAN POWELL, AihulliUtiator, Ccllier (l tlrove and J)!akly Stietts. , Duiiniute, Pa, Vvlbl.AIID, WAH1IKX k KVAI'i'. Attorneys for Estate. THE ANNUAL SIEKTINtl of the stotkliohUts of the I heriy IIIvit Hoom ui.il Lumber Compauy wlll be held the tomtit Wednesday of Januaiy, being the 22d day ot Januaij, 1002, at len o'clock .(. lit., a tlhe olllce of the OmitiaiiV, Hoard nt T'tadu Hiilldlug, Seranton, P.t (or the iupi'e jil elc-ctlng it Ilojld uf Dilicloji, and tot' the ttalis uctios ut audi oilier btttiuess as inav (iinpeily coiuu befoio the meeting, TIIlK E JONE". Seciilai.t. Dated Jauiuiiv II, I'sij. IX IIEt liieiiipoialiou vif The Atlluatuu Social i lull ut httaulcu. Pemisylvauii. In the louti nt euiiiinuii pleas pf Lackawanna luunlv No. 331, Jauuiiy tenu, iHri, Notice is lieiibv given that tin apiilicalion will be made in ali cumt uu ilonila.v, Januaiy 20tli, 1002, at 0 u'tlock a. in., uudei the Ait uf As sembly ut the commonwealth ut I'cinn.v Iv unta, entitled, Vji Act to piovlde fur Ihe iucoiiiora tloti and legulatlon uf tvilaiii coiimiatloits, up piotcd Aptll 20, s7t, ami the supplement, there to, fin the chattel' uf an intended iiiriiuraiuai, lo be called "'lhc Alllnglon Sn-I.il I lub u( Sciau tou, I'enus.tliaula," lhc- eharsitei and ubleel whcieot Is tlie iiialntniuiiie ol u ilnb for svcUl ciijovmcut, and for tlleu puijw.ses tu have, pM sect, aud-eiijoy all the lights, benefit? and priill edges ot the said Ait ot Assembly und Its tup pUiuents. TAYI.OU i LEWIS, Attorneys lor Applicants. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Alan Tim I'atir Lines, o Cents tor liacli thlra tin, PROFESSIONAL. Cortlflod Public Accouutant. F.I)'Altl) C. SI'XL'MltNd, 2.rTHAnr.lIsllAXU Ilulldlng, and St. Paul Ilulldlng, New York. Architects. EHWAHH If DAVIS. AUCIHTECT, CONNELU Ilulldlng. FREiii:itit:K l. tinow.v. Aitgti. .. Ri:.ti Utatp ExtlniiRc Hldg., 120 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. it, L. IIARDINO. COO COSNELL IIUILDINO. Dentists. Hit. C. E. EILENHEIHIEII, PAUL! IIUILDINO. eptuce stteet. Seranton. DR, C. 0. LAUHACII, 115 VYmtLS(T"AVENt;iX Lavyeis. FI1ASK I.', I10YLE, ATrOHNEV-AT-LAW. lluomt 12, J4, ic ondflS Harr Ilulldlng. F. K. THACV, ATTY, COMMONWEALTH HLDtl. U. II. HEPLOni.i:. VITOHNEY-LOANS NEOlH tlalcd on real estate security. Mears Ilulldlng. eerner Washington avenue tin! Spttico slrcct. Wlt.LAHD. W.MtllE.V ,(.- K'NAPP. ATIOHNKX3 and rimnscllors-it It.v. lit publican Ilulldlng. wa'hitigton .tvenif JLSitJP k JESSIIP, ATIORN'EVS AND COUN fcllcrs at law. (VuihiouwvjHIi Ilulldlng, Hoonti 19, 20 and 21. i:'"v'ni) w tiiayTmi. ATTORNEY. HO0H OO-l-roi, Oti door, Meat's building. '" A. WAT,ll:s) A'nOHNEY-Al'-LAW, HOARD oitititlo Hulldlng, Scinnluu, Pa. . PArrnnsoN ,t wit.cox. trader's nationais Hani: Ilulldlng C. COMKCVfy )-1.; ni'l'IillfJc'AN BUILDISO. A--.W;.."l:i,T"or'1'. OFFICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming menus. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 313 SoTtTHVAsi I INOTOS avenue. DR. S. W. lAMOHF,U.V, OFFICE 330 WASH ington atentie. Residence, 1!IIS Mulberrv. Cliitinic uisea.'cs, lu irs, bcait, kidneys and gciiito-utinarj. ciigans .i specialty. Hours. 1 to i p. in. -- Hotels and Bestaurants, THE L'LIJ CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE title. Hates tcaonab1e. P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor. SCHANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. 3: W. PAS senger depot. Cunducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Tropilctor Scavenger. A. H. DRICiOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTlTASi) ce3 pools; nn odor; only improved pumps u-ed. A. H. Uriggt, proprietor. Leave otdcrs 11C0 North Main avenue, or Eitke'.s drug stole, cor ner Adams and Mulberty. Both telephones. Seeds. G, R. CLARKE A: CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUR1 -frinen, stutc iol XYashington avenue; green houfc'S, 1030 Noith Main avenue; store tele phone, 752. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUKTTEL, REAR fill LACKA. AVE., Seranton, Pa., iitanufactuier of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO OltDhH; also ladles waUts. Louise Shoemaker, 214 Adams avenue. MEaAltCIEE HROS., PHlN'l'EHS' SUPPLIES. EN s elopes, piper bags, twine. Warehouse, 11,0 Washlngtcu accrue, Scianton, Pa. THE WlLKr.SHARHi: RECORD CAN HE HAD in Seranton at the news stands ot ltclsiiian Bios.. 400 tptuce and .003 Linden: M. Notion, .122 Lac'k.ivrauiia avenue; i. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spruce street, Situations Wanted. SITUATION WASTED-lly a juting nun as a teamster lor pilvale family, or uny kind uf woik; tan l,ive tefitence if teiptiied. Addie-,s William Muigan, 732 Ktesslet conn. YOl.'Nti American gltl wauls po-ition at genei.il housewoik in fin ill privnte Iiimllv. Best it icfetence. II. S., Tiiliune ottlcc. SITUATION WANTED By a gill to do genual housework. Call at 213 Putnam alitor. SITUATION WAN'IED s leimsler ot stabli Iiom, nr take "aio ot horses. A. II., i1! Piltston uvuiue. SITUATION WANTED By a joutig gill Hi ,ve..us old to do liglit housewuik, mirsi- and wash ing, Addieas 1.'. l 210 Walnut ttret, Dim iiiute. A WOMAN, aged 21 .veals, with cvp.lieiico us a housekeeper, deslies euiplnjiiient at gttiei.it houstwoik. Addii-ss oi tall 12!) Putiuni slieet. -s- SITI'ATIOX WANTED-liirl wauls place to do light hoitsowuik. Address .Minnie SpjiiUlIn,', 15t Susiiuelunii.1 stieet, lllugliuutoii, N, V. SITUATION WAN'IED H.v c.speileneed Ims salesman; will .iic-pt iiiodctate salaij. VI. dic.ss '., (ienetal Delivei.v. SITUATION WANTED-llv talloies,, all or part of time, on coats ot ttou-cii-. Addiess II, eate nf Tilbunc SITUATION WANTED-ll.v .voting lady with ex pirlenti1; ilcnites iiosltlun a it stenogt'.ipi"r and tjpewilter. Addiess A. II,, die of Tiibutni olllce. YOUNO MAX vvWius po-ltiou ill hotel as night link, or.it aiivthlug in hotel woik; lias good habits and cm tome well ici'ouiinci.dcd. Ad diess, J, E. II., 1000 Sitttli Main uveuue. Set in ton, l'.t. A TIIOROUHHLV up-to-date, e.perlenccd, first-tla-s tliitlilng saliMiiau, wauls a job; willing to piuve ellielcni'y and ability or accept dlsiuUsal without pav; conipetenl to wtile, edit and ttki ihatge ut ull uilvcitlstug ill an oiijlnal JillUUv. Atldrc.'n .1. A. Clogan, Wilkes-Bani', ly, FINANCIAL. I, , MEQARQEU S CO, STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES pONNELL BUILDING. L F, MesiHBvl. - 'Roy Cheeter Mfgarg.'l. Spencer Trnsk & Co., BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St,, New York WE MAII"TJPON REQUEST OAREPULLY PREPARED DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF Inuestinenl SecirifieL Members New York ttock Exchange. Bianch Ojljce tj. Slate , St. Albany f ,