"IT j "n c THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY Id, 1902. WEST tuTLJlj-u-j-i.- j-li-i n -i.-.n.ri.r vnnnfi'1-" "- SCRANTON DAVIS FOR CONTROLLER NOMINATED BY HEPUBIICANS Or TWENTY-FIHST WARD. honor on the board und with credit to his constituent. JIo Is One oftho Most Popular Re publicans in the Ward mid Will Moko n Strong Candidate Electric City Wheelmen to Consider the Advlsnbillty of Conducting n Min strel Show Amount Deposited by the Pupils of Schools Nos 13 nnd 10 Other No,ws Matters. The iteptthllcuti voters of the Twenty llrst ward yesterday placed In noml nii lion the following ticket to bo bal loted for at the Febiuary election: For school controller. Cirllllth T. Du lw; assessor, John CI. Nicholson; Judgo 9 ' ,.Wjg CSIHFFlTll T. DAVIKS. J !c publican Candidate for School Con troller In tho Twenty-llrst AVard. f election, (Icoi-rc Oberdorfer: Inspec tor, Charles T. Watkins; register, Jolin Snyder; constable, Joseph Dean. Flr.st district Vljjlltiuee cninmlttep, IMu.irrl Jletz, Krnest .Scott, Lot L,ud Mlg. .Mr. navies Is undoubtedly the strong- t Kcimlillenn candidate for school controller that could be named in the Twenly-iirwt ward. lie lias hundreds of ardent supportei.s in both districts, nnd is a clean-cut business man, who, if tlected, will serve with dignity and Electric City Wheelmen. A special mooting of tho Kleetrlo City Wheelmen was held In the club house last evening, nt which the social com mittee was Instructed to nrningo for u minstrel performance, which will bo given about (he first week In Mtireh. Prof. David AV. Davis, formerly with Primrose & West's minstrels and "Hlue Jeans," Is spoken or us tho director of the performance. Tho following well-known young men will co-operate with the committee In giving tho performance: Henjnmln Allen, Frank nelidall, Fred AVelnss, (Ins AVelnss, AVIIIIam P. AVIIIIams, Luther Thomas, Thomas Stephens, 13. II. Davis, W. II. Davis, Kmrys Joseph, (.'. M. Floiey, It. AV. I.uce, D. A. Hall, David Owens, ( A. Kynon, Howard AVIIIIam, Arthur Davis, Dr. AV. Itow land Davles, Harry MeCrneken, .Samuel McCracken, Arch McCracken, AV. H. Jones, Adolpli 11. Pruning. John 11, F.d Wnrds, John Thomas, Frank AVettllng, K. D. Morse, Henry Morgan, 'William Jones, Hnyden F.vans, W. C. AA'llllams, John II. Thomas, Henry 0. Hruulng, Thomas Hkerrett, Herbert Chiitfletd, AVII1 Lewis, Arthur Stover, Ocorge Hnr rliigton, John Howell. Hetiben Staples. Will Dlebl, Frank Stuart 'and Fred Itohlnson, The bowling committee has named a number of players who will compete during the present week for positions on the bowling team, which will enter the Northeastern Pennsylvania Howl ing league, and the high average men will be selected to represent the club In the tournament. Prominent among these are Frank Wcttllng David Owens, Samuel Me-Crae-ken, 'AV. C. AVIIIIams, Mont. Car penter, Tom Skerrett, Henry limning, Dolpli Pruning, Arthur Stover, Frank (icndull, Ous AVelnss, Fred AVelnss, ICd ward Davis, 13d ward Moore, and sev eral others. The team will be selected from among the best bowlers In the club. lasher, Peter McDonough, Patrick Mucin, John McDonough. Piesldcnt of tho cadets, M. J. ltcgnii; secretary, MIelinol MeClulnuess. Republican Club Dnnce. The social committee of tho AVest Side Central Itepublleitn club have ur hinged for holding their nrst annual Informal dance at AleiU'H hall on Wed nesday evening, Feb. 10. Tho music committee ImVe also in ranged with Prof, It. J, Hauor for the services of his best musicians from s p. m. to 2 u. m. H Is the desire of the committees In charge to have the genet nl public, uti deistnnd that thlsilnncc Is to be a rep resentative gntheilng of the best peo ple of the city, and not a ragtime nf falr, such as Is of common occurrence In West Jcranlon.Tlie tickets will bo nn sale In u few days at one dollar ouch, and enn bo procuied from any of the committee. Tho club will hold a iegulnr meeting ne.M Thursday evenhfg, at which sev eral matters of importance will be dis cussed, nnd the names of the various sub-comiulttees for the dance named. The names of the patronesses will also be announced In a lew days. Disposition of Police Cases. John MeNnlly, of Hand's court, who moused Patrolman Davis' family tit an early hour Sunday morning, paid a line of $3 In police court yesterday for that privilege. John Ford, of Hcrauton street, who was arrested for abusing bin wife anil children, was fined $.1., SOUTHSCRANTQN JOSEPH KRAMEH MUST PAY A FIFTY DOLLAR PINE. He Is Charged with Having Sold Liquor Without ti LiceiiBe Frank Moeller nnd Mrs. Amanda Schu mlner Arrested on Like Charges, Funeral of Late Matthew Snow. Now Officers of Columbus Council Installed Defenders Basket Ball Team Defeated nt Bloomsburg. ' Vw Jonas Long's Sons' Dtifoar's French Tar Will promptly rc-Uete nnd speedily cure roughs, cold and all lcine; troulilc. Tor ulc t.y O. W. JUNKINS, 101 Buuth Jlaln a cnuc. Weekly School Deposits. The pupils of public schools No. 13 and 1!) made the following deposits In the AVest Side bank yesterday, through their leacheis: u. Tl-I). W. Phillips 111 lent; Mi. XlilinlN, R'l mils: Mi-s Morc.m, .'l.', imta; Jlis i:.m. M..1I; Mi- Krllim-, 2.01 ; s I'hra, 21 ee-iils; Mi-s Pick, '2.I0; Mr... Peiliei, -sj.il.!; MM Mur II, "" lents; Ml.s llciinMi, .- ic-nts; MI'S 11m Inii, lit) cents; Ml-, Palis, M.fiT; Mi-i W.ule. -?1.r,: Mi-n Jlurpliy, )', lent1.; Mi-s Ilui.ill, rl (ems, lot.it, 1,1.0.:. No. 1" I) iM l)nrn, I.S7; P.liz.i Lewis, ,0 (cnlsi Ilcilli.i Kelli, 2.Xi; Nellie Kii-liiuK sl.'JJ; IMn.r !. !. Si cents Sir.ili Mi Donald, 7 icnLs; Miillu W.itMn-, .M nuts; Alice Kliii". 4.S"i; i:dni 1). Huni. .17 cents; (.'.murine Phillip-, M.Cil; I'.liV.i I'liee, .1 cent-.; I'lorruie I'leeiiiin, IS icnts total, All SI. Events of This Evening. Alfred Weyburn, of the Penn Avenue Paptlst church, will have charge of the meeting In the Jackson Street Uuntlst church this evening. The newly-elected olllccrs of St. liicnuen's council. Young Men's Insti tute, will be Installed this evening. A smoker will also bo hold. The AVIIIIam (.'onnell Glee club will incut this evening, when all members mo lociucsted to be present, The Luther league of the St. Mark's Lutheran church, will servo an oyster supper In the basement of the church this evening-. An adjourned hearing In the case against Joseph Kramer, charged with selling liquor without a license, was held last evening before Police Mugls tiate Htorr. Peter llartman, Peter C. Snyder nnd Albert Ouseli swore to getting beer at Kramer's place, and they also sworo they did not pay for It. A lino of $r,U was Imposed and Kramer was given until Feb. 1 to set tlu or furnish 5300 for his appearance at court. Constable Joseph AVoelkers, who was present at the hearing ns adviser to the defendant, was warned by the mag- ioii.iiu iu reiiieiiiiier tne position He oc cupies, as his sympathy for lawbreak ers might gel him Into trouble. GREAT CONTINUED. "Big . Store." Our stocks are large. All the bargains given gesterdag will he continued todag and tomorrow. WIS is a good opportunitg to economize. We call special attention to our advertisement from the Grocery Department. This, in addition to, our White' Sale, will be a great saving. and has the St. Peter's Elect Officers. St. Peter's Total Abstinence Benevolent society, of liellevue, elected the following olllccrs for ensuing year: President, Thomas Cummings; vice president. Michael Oerrity; recording secretary, Martin McDonough ; ilnancial secretary, Thom as Judge; treasurer, John McClreevy. Trustees Martin Ilongmi, ivter Gal- Comlng Entertainments. An entertainment will be- held at Washington hall on January L';i for tho benollt of tho Talent fund of the AVasb burn street Presbyterian church, under the dhectlon of Mrs. Armbrust. Among the participants will be Misses Mar garet Gllibs, Uesle Slole, Aided oolei and Charles Hartley. A concert and presentation of con test r Hues' will be held at St. David's l.'lilbcoptil church on Feb. !, by the SIs- iers or jseinany. An entertainment and social will bo held at the Fourth ward mission Sun Cay school, on Garlleld avenue, A Veil -nesdaj evening. Tho entertainment will be inters-persed through the social period. Those who are expected to tnle part me: Solo, Thomas Abrams; re citation, Huth Thomas; trio, AVilllam AV. Evans, John Evans and Mrs. S. D. Pettll; recitation,. Pessle Uichanls; solo, David Stevens; recitation, Pearl Jenkins: solo, Huth Thomas; recita tion, Phoebe Geaby; duet, Thomas Heddoe and daughter. Admission, 10 cents. Two Other Arrests. Frank Moeller was arrested yester day by Deputy Constable AVilson, act ing for the Municipal league, on a charge of conducting an unlicensed house. Moeller Is steward of the South Side club house, and maintained that he sells only to members which the charter allows him to do. He was taken before Alderman Pul ley mid furnished $100 to appear sit a hearing to take place next Thursday, when evidence for both sides will be produced. Deputy Constable Kofschlnsky. act ing for the league, arrested Mrs. Aman da Schumlner, of Maple street, for selling without a license. The defend ant was given a hearing before Alder man Bailey, of the Thirteenth ward, and was lined $30 and costs. CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC DRESSES, long, and short, at 2 1 C INFANTS' FINE CAMBRIC French - slips, deep hem 3 VC CHILDREN'S WHITE MUSLIN DRAWERS Cluster tucks, has deep hem, a well made garment for, each 1 jQ INFANTS' WHITEOUTING FLAN NEL GOWN A good length. Priced for this sale at 25C INFANTS' LONG WHITE SKIRTS. Priced for this sale 2fiC WHITE SILKS 2 1 -Inch pure Jap anese Silk In cream and white, at 39C 24-Inch White Silk Poplin at 49c 19-Inch White and Cream Satin at.. . 48c 23-Inch Satin Liberty All pure silk In white and cream $ ,00 50-Inch All Wool Cream Cheviot Serge, suitable for shirt waists or evening suits, at 75C ? 30-Inch White Satin Stripe Albatross, . S the newest fabric for ladles' shirt waists, at 65C 40-Inch AH Wnnl Hpnrtptta In eim ! and white, soft finish, at, per yard 50C G Department rocery "AN EXTRAORDINARY HAM SALE." Hams, selected sugar-cured, weighing from 9 to 1'4 pounds, and as fine a lot as it is possible to procure. In order to thoroughly Introduce the merits of our Grocery Department we will sell on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ONLY, hams at, per lb,. . "Not over 1 ham to a customer," "and none sold to dealers." Funeral of Matthew Snow. The funeral or the late Matthew Snow look place yesterday morning at 11 o'clock In St. Peter'H cathedral, when a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Hew J. A. O'Uellly, with Itev. J. J. Griffin, as deacon, and Itev. Father O'B.vrne, as sub-deacon. Itev. Miles Mlllane was master of cere monies. Interment was afterwards made In tho Cathedral cemetery, where the re mains were borne by John Jinn ley, Michael Iteap, Kernnrd Tracy, Peter Kelly, Thomas McCourt and James Kennedy. Surprising News III uOliibu Ion Are Prepared Nay, you naturally expect to buy Winter Coats and Wraps now, for less money than was asked in No vember and early December, but to get OSt Stvlisli eason rnts of Prici The Is a little better thau could be reasonably expected, and yet that is precisely what we are doing now, and the offer holds good for ten days from date. Our Raglans for Ladies i Are the admiration of the city. The variety is un limited, the cut and tailoring are perfect, the mated als aud colorings are iu strict accordance with Dame Fashion's decrees, aud we guarantee perfecting gar ments to every buyer. These Swagger Raglans. Are plain and full with semi, or tight fitting backs. - t ci 'lle materials include Fiue Venetians, Covert Cloths. with plain or fancy backs, Kerseys, Etc, Htc, while the color list includes Oxford or Cambridge Greys, Browns aud Brown Mixtures, Taus, Modes, Castors and Blacks. The Sale of Raglans ..it. m Begins This Horning;, and Don't Forget That . . , tfH 13- Prices Are Cut in Two & lobe Warehouse v I I GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Chi cago, are vlsliliip Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Thomas, of Jackson street. Mrs. tY. X. Chase, of North Bromley avenue, Is recovering from an Illness. The Ladles' choir will meet next Wednesday evening at tho Co-opera tive nail, .orth Main avenue. All members are requested to be present. The West Side Llmburger Social -club will conduct a sleighing party on Thursday evening to Olyphant. The club members will meet at Charles Kimmick's, Swetland street, at 7 p. in. The Gama Nu society of the Wash burn Street Piesbyterian church held nn interesting session last evening in me church parlors. A prayer service was held In the Sunday school room. Miss GweunettR Phillips, of West Kim street, lias returned home from a isit in Henry, West Virginia. William Thomas, of Tforth Garlleld avenue, has returned home from an extended visit in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Daniel McClosUey and Mrs. Purcell, of Wilkes-Iiarre, are tho guosts of Mrs. ltachel Pnreell, of South llydc Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Judson P. Staples Have rcturren bonie from their wedding tilp, and will uiUe on North Hydu Park avenue. Misses Mary Clllllgun, of AVIlkes Harie. and Jennie .Mooney, or Nantl icke, have returned home from a visit villi the Misses Kcklnrode, of AVest Lackawanna avenue. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Daptisi church will meet tomorrow af ternoon nnd elect ofllcers. The so. cb ty will enjoy a ten afterwards. Ilcibert ChaUleld, of West Klin street, has returned hmne from a visit wiui ins relatives at Cohoes and Al bany, N. Y. Tln.ro will be a meeting of tho AVest Side board of trade tonight at 8 o'clock, when tho committee on water rutes will make an Important report. CARNIVAL OF LIEDERKRANZ. Event Is Scheduled for Next Mon day Night. Next Monday evening, tbu Heranton Llederkrans: will hold Its annual carni val In Music ball. It Is the yearly cus tom of all German singing societies throughout tho country to celebrate Iu this manner. The entertainment con sists of an evening of music nnd Wt and humor. Preparations are nlso under way for the nnnual nmsauernde ball, which Is the companion to the carni val, it will be held on Tuesday even ing, February 11. I'UHuuiiiK ih mo nsi or mourners com posing the "Klelnu Until," who have charge of the carnival; Arthur Schmidt, president j Hlegftled Aal, secretary; Fred AVelnss, Kdward Klsele, musters of ceieinonles: Frank llununler. Louis Com ml, Kdnuind Haiti, Frank Pecker, Joseph Albrcoht. F. Muckley, AVIIIIiuii lbniiib, AV. H, Hughes, victor K, Weiixel, Fied liny. Thco. Heniberger, Conrad Hchrocder. I'onrud AWnzel, Jo seph Keller, George AVahl, Jacob Fer ber, II, Osllinus, Charles Ferber, Schley Commended In Kentucky, Vunlfoit. Ky .Km, 19. Hie .vinto today uiiaiiliuuu.'-ly ailopicil u U'lolutlon loiiimciidiiii: Admlrat Mlilo ami uniting liliu to jddrre. llic gciicr.il ii4inljy, Officers of Columbus Council. Ofllcers for the ensuing year were In stalled by Columbus council. Young Men's Institute, In Pharmacy hall, last evening. Following the business of the evening a social session was bold, when refreshments and cigars were passed. The ofllcers are: Chimlnln. Pniimr O'Mulley; president, M. J. Itafferty; first vice-president, J. J. Folan: second vice-president, T. J. Folan; recording secretary, James A'aughan; Ilnancial secretary, Joseph Murphy; correspond ing secretary. Timothy Sullivan; mar shal, Morris Duggan; executive com mittee, Morris Uuggan, 1). A. Dyer, Michael J. Hums, Timothy AValsh and D. Hcllley. COFFEE Fancy Santos Coffee; regular price is 16c. For this sale per pound 13c, or 8 pounds for Our Special Blend Coffee is a trade winner. Per lb 27c, or 4 lbs for Our Garden Growth Coffee, Java and Mocha, has no equal in this city at any price. Per pound, 35c, or 3 for VINEGAR Why use cheap Vine gar when you can buy pure malt vinegar per quart bottle at Fine Tomato Catsup A luxury this year. Per pint bottle $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 15c TEAS Mixed Teas, blended un der our direct supervision. Per pound 29c, 35c, 50c and Our Colored Japan Tea. Per lb. 35C, 50c and Vanilla Extract, guaranteed abso utely pure. Per bottle Vanilla or Lemon Extract, small bottle. Mustard Relish Very appetizing. Per jar at. 10'C 60c 60c 25c 10c 10c i ' ' The Defenders Vanquished. The champion basket ball team of Lackawanna county, who have never met defeat at home, met their AVaterloo at Hloomsburg, Saturday. Some time ago the Hloomsburg players, who aro considered about the best in the state, came to St. John's hall and were beaten by the Defenders, the score being 2-Jt-S. The beaten team asked tho victors m bo their guests and play a return game. Last Saturday's match was the lesult, the score being 31'-2S. It was a great game from start to finish, and the local team died hard. They were given a hearty welcome in Hloomsburg. Accidents of a Day. A 10-year-old son of Anton Flsch. of Cedar avenue, while handling a Flobert rllle yesterday, discharged It In some manner and the contents lodged In the thumb. Dr. Kolb was called and located the bullet under the null, but was un able to extract it. The missile is in a very difficult position to get at and an operation will be necessary. .Airs. Roiick, of 333 Alder street, slipped 011 the ice yesterdaj and In fall ing sustained a badly lacerated hand. Dr. Albert Kolb was summoned and several stitches were necessary In dressing the Injury. water ami W. 1). Kdir.nli, ului'p tcriin of oflkc a. UiMpo had piiriil, wi'ic imuiiinoiM.r n1 I'IdUd to ii'M' tliioo .M'ars. The I'OHKiPSMtlon.il nicctine: tliui sidjouinid, tlic ns-embhse uin.iiii iiiir fcitcd nnd .1 (Inmli iiicptliiK w.i railed for tlic pitipitoc nt coaldcrin;r the quoiUon ot ihoov Int,' 11dditiou.1l (huuh riders. '1 ills meeting u.i-s opened Willi prayer liy IV. fi. Pmke, after wlileli I he iiiemljcH oted tu elect thiee dirndl eldeis, the election to lake place at 11 meeting which will be called by the cliuidi i-cion for 1I1.1I pin lump. At the tlo-e of the. meeting all preienl repaired to the p.ulon below uheie a delightful idal hom Mas ienl ami the oinpinj were binquetcd nt the epeii.e of the tin-tic. ,Thp annual lnrdiiit,' of the Ladle-.' Aid t-ocloly of the (Ireen ltidjje l're-lijteii.m tliuiih w.w h. hi in tlic ihiudi pailor. jeMenl.i nfteincoii and . well atjciiilul. The wcittnsr opened with pra.M-i by tie pin-Mint, Mi. S. 1'. Hull, 'ami the m-c-rotary, Jim. M. (.'. Cm, lead .1 icpoit ot th? bodetj's work for the jear ll'ul. hliuulu;; the lc icipts, nnd rMH'iiililuro. Tlic (jrea'pr part of the jpji'h lefeipN were expended on the duiii-li diht, Wednc.Mliy oicninj; vuial 1,-iien lv tin l.nlin mill klitiuu imfiimcnicnt-. 'Hie lullmdiur ollkm vne clei-led: l'lcidcnt, Sli-s Ttniie, , Ue prefldiut, Mi. i;. II. Shurtl(: Mcril.uy and tic.i-.uicr, MI-.S M.aie Nettlelou: li.-itrt 01 111.11,1 KP1J, MeMljuic-i Mailer Urijijr-., '. TVIoi loll. Helen I'lanklin, I.'. W. Phillip-, W. V. I'lilllliw. II. T. Jack-nii, .1, S Kiikpatiitk, John V. Okell .uid ill--. lleai.. llic Aii'tilan flliei.iiiHiieiijau Aniii-ciiicnt torn piny pioihueil the wolld-fauiotH l'.i-lon liav Iu the lull of M. Paul'.) ihiudi je.terdav aftirnoon and piuIiii;, The ui;i.uiiiuo nlo indudeil twclie scene-, fmni the life and deed, of .loan of Air and wa-. iiilcii-pu-ed hi apploiirlite Mieal ami In-tiuiuiulil liuiili.. I tot ii ctm 1 i.ilnuu nt. weie well atfiudcd and niealli cujoiil. urin him to ieiuiit the u-e of bis name for the oflkp of borough liei-iirer nt the loiiiui? ltepub licau borough tomcntiou. The nuinheis of St. Mary's cnutKil, min; JIcu's Iinlitute, will conduit their aniiu.il dance at Wa-hiiiRlou ball toiittiit. On ThurMliy nlslil n company of local tnlint under the diiectjoii of .Mnui.s. Milner nnd lliadley will Kie n liit das minatrel s-how in Wuhliing ton hull. liwin !5. Miller, who for some time lias been a ist.int ta-hier of the- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 1-1 llni.nl, hia resigned hi- position to accept a moie liiu.ilni- one as ,-tc nojtiaplier fur J, I', (iiajbdl, of the Colliery Knylmci company. German Soldiers' Dnll. The Deutcli Kreger X'erclu bold their annual masque ball In Athletic hull last evening, and iu point of numbers It was the most successful event of the year, Hefoie a o'clock tho hall was (Hied to the doors with merrymakers, and tho fun nnd dancing was kept up until un early hour this morning. The committee of arrangements weie: Frank Jloeller, Kugene Alelcholr, Her nard Troudt, Herman Neubauer, Otto I'lttack, Herman Froebel alul Joint Kramer. Muslo was lurnislied by AVag ner's orciiestrji. NUBS OP NEWS. The funerals ot l.li.ules , Itolh. end .Mrs. J. Huffy, both take place today, 'ilia ( thu lat ter will take plan- ot 11 u'doik with enlie. In St. John's ihiucb, while tlu foiiur will he In. lentil hum Hie family iiMeiuo'oa Stmic aie. line, while .crdios will )c hi Id at a o'clock. 'I In- South Side llowlliij- dub lied an liit,-iiMlm; ..-.... -. nun iiciiiiujiivrii on riii.iou .aleiuia lat cienlni;, Albert Wi.lpfald, niinit ct Ac,lpi.,il',i Kvn. crnl etorert, on I'ltuton ariiiu, was taken ud. ilmly ill un Satiiiday i-ieninir ami f,r t iim- Ids condition was wrloiH. lie was it-poiM ai Mime, what iupioeil la.,t nKht. Comet lodiie. Xo. Jj, will me.!t In uvular Mtttloii anil Install ollluis this cm-iiIuk. Lorui! llabeutroh, tho Cedar aienuo I1.1n1e.-s makir, who wan confined to his bed a week with HjiHiituiiu ot iir.eiiiuonla, h ajtalu jni.inis to bu-luess, Camp 110, Patriotic O.-elcr 'ous of AuietlcJ, held a lesulji- mWr,s and I11.lall.1l olticus lavt eu-nliiir. SOME 'FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a coiish lo urn until It attt beyunel tho ri-adi ot mediilne, They oltiu say, "Oh, t iri wear awoy," but Iu iuit i-.ih-s It will wear thcni away, t ouhl the lie Induce! lo tiy thu fcuci-cM-ful medicine calltd Kniii' ililuiiu, vwhi.li li (.old ah a iHtoliiiv uiiaraiitii. to tun, tiny would luiinvUi4lel.v me the c.Nullviit nfect ut tci tjklu the liist ilo.". Prim -jjv. and ja. 'trial .lie fice. At all (Jniiwlit". GREEN niDCE, 'I'bQ pr.inul lonuriBJllonal mcctJinf of the nteeii Jlidjfe 1'icb.Wuljn dmrili which was held l.nt ewnln; .u in point of allei elauie uml lutcifdt one vt the mot buece,-fti cier held. Colonel I", I,. Illteheoik uded as dulimaii. Thu mectlnir wi opened with piujcr by Hie pator, Itev. I. J. Laming, after whlili tho utielaiy, ,. C, Fuller, icael the inlnutei of the last incetlnj; and tho report of officer weie heard. . 'Hie report of the deik ot the cloii, M. V. fair, the awdstunt iuior, 11. L. rosier, and tho palr. Dr. laiiuliiir, iho M-cretary of the tnutoot, A. ('. l"uller, ami the tieaurer of the lrutct, (), II. Pond, were of treat merit. Aftir tbo reudlm vf then; report were finished Ceoiije A. Clear- NORTH SCRANTON. llifore a lame audience In St. llaiy'.. lull, We .t Jlaiket street) last nlsht, Abe Cinkau, Pal pomul-, defeated Jonas I'-allei. I'M pound-. In a wni-t. liner 111. ill Ii throwing Ids o!'poin.ut two straight I ills ill thlileeii uilut'ti!-, 'I lie lliuli Winks leiiii defeated the Clatke-r. Juki befoie 11 I..I v-''" audieiue Iu the Audlloiluui at luAil ball last uleiil by 1 -101c of 10 1. Alter the dUlild lomciitliii of tlic h.niiitoii Die ce 111 union ill "l. Ma.'' hall ill.' I'.itlur Wldtty sodely seneel tin eeleirates with theii miih- ami aftciw.uds .manful m iiellcnl pro. Kiaiumu which was iiudneil .'. the Tailicr Wld'i," lOollls. Tin- fuuiial of Hie hie .Mis, William I'l.ili-. if llcilltir .iieniie, took plan- fioiu I11-1 late ie.1 dime jc-ieiday nfteiliooii at J n'doiL. Milii weie eonduded b Iho Itci. Itecie, of Ilia Purl tan (.'onv'iek'.itloiiil ihiudi of VeJi Mil kit htleel. InliTlili'lil In the Wutl'hiiiu slieet eenietei.i. The ll-yeui-old mhi of .Mr. and -Mlt. 'Ihoiiits lllihatds died jistcida uttt-r . rlioit illness. Tim e'eci.led had been out the day bifoio pl.lllli with Ids ph null.- and liad lakiii .1 eohl wide 11 ii'dilii'd In hi- de ith, luteiiurnt will be 111 id) In llic Wu.libiiin stieet ctiuttii.i toiuoiimv ufur 110011 at '.' u'doik". Seniles will be held at ilia Louse. John McDonnell, of Vol lb Main atemic, l l.dne; cillli.lllj ill at Ids belue. 'I'll e Siiubeaui dub will lull1 a lull pally at I p. 111. this aitciiiuoii. All Vim., bills an- In v ii.it In ionic mid biliier Ijieli doll. The jouiii; hopb- of lb l'roilditiu l'te.-by. firlau ihuiili will hoe .1 1,-0,11,1 tally ilils i-m-ii. line. Sei-utaiy t.Voiite M.iby, n( ll.e Vomit Jlcn'a Clill.ll.ill ils-iH'lJlkni, will nitdicv, 1 lie 1111 i-l iuii. ('. I'. Wlilitimoie will illieet the tuaUe u-iiiie. llil. Di. licoie.1' 1). liulhl will haw ill nte of the mh Ue a uml.1, Ml jouui; ki pie of 1I1I1 kii'llon am luiltul to tilt-lid, cpeiuliy tin,- .iouiii; un-11. Delia Murphy, of Tlni-I.u.i, ttu-ii, was aiusted In police leant for -. 1 Ii nvr llipior v.lthoiit 11 J (riise. hlie t.is lined s-.'i which she pdel, LlUlclKC lllllll-, 11 plolllllllUl Jl-lllli in. in of lids H'Ulon has ciiteied lulu tin- shoe hu.lne.s in the! Tliouus blod, oil Mjiket t.luil. 'Ilium.is White, nf Williiiiw UK. I. dlil spend. Jiu; tin hulldi) Willi his paiuili, iiliiuu.l In bt. Ilon.iiimuie's lolliia- to iciiinc Ids .-tudiei-. .Mr. and Mis. line), of I'lill uk'lniil.i, .in- (bo ejuisls of lic latin's inolhei 011 I '.twin u i-iieit. " Mu. Jl.uy Mulljikey, d ilkes-lliic, is is IIIiil; fiiiinU 011 Diiiklu i-IKit. Last eu-nllli: the lteiublicuiis if the 1'li.t ills tlict i Ills Nfuu.1 waul .iiKiiiilcil ihe folluwlin; Iull.uuo tuiiniililoe: hobeit .1. IMnaid-. s. II. llobliMUi and (iliituil Slll.lil.ill, JOHN UBFF, acted ot years, a resi dent of 331 North Simmer avenue, died yesterday lnornlmr ut S o'clock, after an Illness of .several weeks, with droiisy. Air. lleff was horn in Frank fort. Oeiinany, and came to the Unit ed States at the acre of seventeen, nnd was employed as a machinist at the Delaware, I.ackuwannn. and AVestern shop for a number of years. He was a member of Knights of I'ytbias, Itoar Intr lirook lodge: the (Jerman IoiIkc, Haii Oini, No. 2G0, of Hyde Far!:, anil the D Ii. & AV. Mutual Aid. He is silt -vivetl bv bis wife and seven children: Mrs. Fred Huck. Annie, Katie, Lizzie, Herman, William and Dora. The funeral will lake pluce lomotitnv alleruoon at 2 o'clock mini the family residence. In terment will be In the Washburn slicet cemetery. MISS. MAItCJ.YItKT MAC'IC, wife of Michael Mack, of 21 Prospect avenue, died yesterday of pneumonia, lined fit) years, llesides her husband, there are surviving her the follow Inif sous ami daushteis: Mis. AVIIIIam Morrisey. Patrick, Hannah anil Mary Mack, aud Sister Mary Anthony, of the Order of fit. Joseph, of .Sprlnsllold, .Mass. The Itinera! will lake place tuinorinw morning; at It) o'clock from S't. Peter's cathedial. Interment will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. JOHN' 11KFF, iikciI Mi yt-ars, died early yesterday ninruliiK at his home, 311 Noith .Suiuner avenue, after a short Illness. Hu was a resident of AVest ficranton for many years. Deceased Is survived by his wile anil the following children. Anna, Katie, Noia, l.lzsde, Mary, Herman and William. Tho fu neral will bo announced later. MltS. Hl'.SAX ItlClI.l.V. lined 31 eais, wife of James Itellly, died 011 Htinday at her honie, 1222 Cnpouse nveiiue. The funeral will bo conducted fiom St. Paul's church, Ciieen HIiIkc, iu 2 o'c lock lids afteinonii, lluilal will bu made in the Cathedral cemetery. Funerals. The fiuiral of .Mrs Aim Unify, of 112 Fit- stieut, will lake place this morning at l."0 o'clock-, from St. John's church, Flic stivei. interment will bo mado in HI. Joseph's cemetery, MI unoka. LECTUKE ON ALASKA. ijcsaEEEEsaaEasnaa; LaslChance To take advantage of the two most liberal grocery offers ever made, will expire with the close of business, Tuesday. The values tell their own story. Two 4-lb Packages of Gold Dust Washing Powder for 25c. 20 lbs of Sugar for $1 With every grocery order, amounting to' S5.00, or over. 7 The I) Joyce Storesi Popular Priced Provisions ;BDaEza I AMUSEMENTS, Academy of flusic M. I'.LiS, LfMCC. A. J, mCj, Mini.er. Hint ax i.N(;(:i:sii:vr ok Tin: Gibney-Hoeffler Stock Compan) Per On-- Wtel; Only. IIikIiiiiIus Jjii. m, 'llm I'.ilile-r Tllo In j inu u.l. Iho lnio.l (I.Hiliii.in., ilin-it 110111 IumiIi's Snc-UI lloiulay linlllii'r, "Oui l.iuli- ni,tii." Mninli.1 ctt-n Inir, l.e-wls Jluiiisun's. ''Hit. iniiijii " I'liiOk-Mjlliuv. 10 ,iiul .'0 1 -nn. Niitlil. 10, MO ,iiul .11) 1 nils. STAR THEATRE AM'. G lll.rtlllNGTO.S-. llntiiger Out- Me-c-K IliKiiiiilne; MhihIji. .1 hi II, "Big Sensation Biirlesquers" Mjtiiii-i I ici) Hit DUNAtOHE. 'llic juiiu.il ioi;;ici,'Jtkii.-il nii'otliij; vl 1 1 1 - Pits-lijti-rljn ehuiili U tin1 1-Ui.lli-ii ut tun I rus tics uii'l tin-" uiitjl of nus tor Hit- iii.iiln-s- ,Mui Kill Lu liflil louiiilit Jt tin- iliini It' Minn it ! Impel & Ihikc nuinlier will be nefit. The nuiiy filciiO j( UmiIm P. Mugs are Jlev. V. K. X,ukens Will Speak riret Preabyterlnn Church. The Itev. V. II. l.llkens lecture nu Alufkn. In the terlan eliurch, nu "Wednemlay evenlnu of this week. TIiIk lectin e will take tho place of the usual Wednesday evening service. .UlmUslim to the leeiute will bn free. It will be delivered under the auspices of the Wmnen'B Home Mis sionary society or the First church- Mr, l.ukens Is anxious to raise enough money tu build a little church In Alaska, wheru Ii In very much needed, aud In this wcirk hu hits thu full sympathy of the boiiul of homo miasms'. Tho lec ture will be Illustrated iiih stereojitl. fiPrTf'.Q.FJHEC02KMl IIS -StH I'bUft'lilyltli, ' Vh (riutn bprrUlb-t U , w 1) Autfl't. 4UM-ttctalrvrf Uulr imaII Trlitlt 1LUtr f'llotfi, udvtt U'ltuit uU X bliruaLro Or Vich . fur? J 4 tit lUtlHjkfSlt jrr raf lliolA, II j ty.ilUi tit rlmcf in Crriny. Sr! fur buok "TrulL Uofu f rri urJItkl A ltrjrl fraud., Utstltii ltl iii IOWA SH BA1 eti per tmm ACL ft'vl.CltlA.- eon views. .Mr. I.ukuns vlblted Alnsl.a last Hitinnier, and hence he can t-peuk Irom porhonal experience and observa tion, Hu luiH dulivcred his lecture In it-verul places and It l hlKhly spoken or us both IntereatliiK and instructive. The public Is cordially Invited. 1 ( tj i, j.-, -