jj-jTir'V- W pW- - .-M mm ,?- t? 1T W " ")f pn I T"SV Tf -i -!"" --T &$&-& 3 , - w h THE SCKANTON TRlBUMi-TUESDAY, JANUAllY 14, 1902. B Va-rttgpg &'-, ij F 'fui)1irf j!iy. r.cit Kii;i. --J, 1'"X,'J ','!!' ' line 1'uUlililne Compn), 1 Id "' i",'"J- 1.IVV S HinilAltt), I'dlKr 0, 1'. llV.XIinl.', UwIiiki .Mimiuir, V AV'iU tmici j vi "vnl-id.AS-i). ' Sul- Atfeti. for lWlii AilreilM"- Iliiicicd at Hi 1'oUslHc 11 -cuiilon, ''" a Su-nil LliJ Mill MjIipi. Whon" space will penult, The Tilbune is always tflnd t pi" short JettciH from Its friends bearing- on current topic?, but Its rule ib that these must he signed, for pub lication, by the writer's leal name, nnd the condition piecedont to i ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall be subojct to edltoilal revision. i in: n. r hati: nm MvnnMN'n. 'I ha (ollt.wliisf Ullc stiot ll.e lirfce pel Intl; mlIi liwillon, HII1' tu III IHCll wltliln wif r! " lliinnt'lMillni'oii; i'jill DIM'I.W. ! l'.iicr IU iilliw-l t'utlliw !.- limn .Vw ii'ctio-' ."J". ' .S"3 M L.W ImliM I Si '" '' Jnuu " .lit .!" !' : no" " i .iv, .ir .To Wil " I .1." I. ".. .-ls-. for i.iul ( Hunk-. Kiiilutlmn nf ( ontl'oli iw ;' Mini uliiilliil cnntriliiitioiii In Hit- luilim- "t 'l nlMiiK Tli" Tilliiimi innU'i ilmgi' ot 5 cuti n Urn1. Kiln fir (.'li.Aftl iUiitl-inir tiiniMuil hi niiliiilluii St'lJANTOX. .lA.NM'AUY H. 1P02. To ,'ovein London, with m!. millions of people, costs SSO,O0O,00ti a youi ; while tn govern Xett Yolk's three nillllolis .'tints more than M'M.OOO.OOu. Fnrtunnto 1, Xi-w Yoik Is hum In n iiilr way to jjvl tin worth of lior tminey. Worth Looking Into. f-JpHI3 PIIOI'OKKD sale of the pioperty anil ollcvts uC the 'fl I'anainii i 'until conipany li for the honulll ol tho bond hulilui?, who loieeloieil on a llrit inortKitKu ami would Tllvltle ainoiiK them the piouocds ulioulil a sale tnlo plan. The I'.tiiiinui I'.inal oainpany N an in clltutlon Ineei'poratetl under Hie laws nl Fr.mi i Vet among the stoekholil- oi whom this xile would diiposaeys an- a nunibei of eltlons of Colombia. At a healing lait wfoU betoiu the s-unato lommlttee on later-oceanic ca nals Senator Morgan, ul" Alabama, who ilooh not tal;u any t-toek Mhatoior In the I'.inama piopoaltlon, but looks upon It as beliui onthely u lilck l'oi pin poses of delay, akcd the lepi'ppun tatho of ilie I'anama lompany if lie thoucht the t'oloinbUiu stockhoktoi (olild be bound bj pioeeedlngs in a Fieneh conit whlili would have the effei t ol dispo.se.ssiny thein of pi op eity. The i epiesimtath e said he thought they could. Uut Senator Moi Kan, an authority on international law, deihued that sin h an opinion was pn postei out,. Wheio expel ts ilKasroo it' behooies laymen to be modest. Hut It seems to us that wo had better be suie about Senator Jloigan'.s point beloie c k much further iIth tlie Panama piopo sitlon. AVo don't want to buy a half done canal and a lawsuit beside. In ISM 70 per cent .of the outstand ing railway stock shaies in thi.s coun try paid no dividends, ami 17 per cent, of the outstanding bonds defaulted hi interest. Five billions of dollnis invest ed In Ami'iican raihva.is Mere non-pro-duetlie. Last year, of the total amount of shaies outstanding, only yt :-:; per ( ent. paid no dividends and the default on bonds was liaidly computable. Tho meie statement of this change speaks lor itself. It will constitute a haul nut lor the Democratic spell-blndois to uack la the next campaign. As to Wireless Telegraphy. ,XY Mi:X of a seientillc dun n of mind have i el used lo place unj iiedente 1 whatsouier In the claims of .Marion!, the uiielcss teleguipher, al U'kIiik thai sulistauilal proot of the luaetieability of i nmiminlcaliny: elee tr(ially without whijs between widely sepriated jjolnts has jet to bo piesont ed. Other hall In the Italian oloetrl clan ihe pioiihet if a new dispensation in modern s-clonce and hnvu no ililil ctilt In tuiuptlnsr hi4 statement of nullity to supeiM'ilo the cable by means of his w he lets appniatus. la such a divided condition of cxpeit ilplnlon it Is eildent that the eryiim need Is for more evidence. It Is the sine cure for skepticism. In one issue of a lending Xew Vork contemporary tho other day we found two in'teiestliiK statements of fact which bear upon this controveisy. One was In an Interview with Senator Doiiew, tho bililuKUonii who had Just stopped down the Kang plank with a iharaeterlstlc budgot of news, opinions am) gossip. Ho was asked to tell of Ihe inoio notable ob-i-ervutloiih of his iceeiu Kuiopean jour ney, and among tho i ('collections lm mentioned was this: ""Wo luul a veiy Interesting expeiience with the possi bilities of wimlesa ruleginphy at sea on ohrN)niy over. 1 sailed on the Kaiser AjHljom and the l.ueunla was behind iii. Hoili are f("li'el with tho .Mai eoijl appajatus, When wo weto out ahffiu a day we picked vi tho I.ucain micTeguu tnlklug with her. Kho was al)oti. uventy-ilvo miles umeiu then. AVtjialkod to her uyeiy day hi this wjiV'jauil on the third day wo were 100 nilfesj ahead of her. AVe Imd been run nbljr through a denso fog, but had come Into blight, clear weather. In a Ao'ry short time that day we picked up tho' laicania and 'told her what iluo weiilher we weie having and she u piled that she had stiueli the fog and was n the thick of It." Tht other exhibit of testimony is In thKjtflrm of a dispatch trom Queens tniVwtjHiul it sayH, "Tho Citnaul line MteuniHlilp Unibiia. fioin New York, ai rlvM hero today. Tho cuptulu reppits thU?-5iJJlJiviiele5!Pnuiilratlon under -the ilnrconl system with tho HtetthlShln Hllliria of the samo line nn tcsfn a dt Jait.8 for two liuuis 'and fjorty min. mm. Tim distance varied from -0 to lOlJmlles'." If It is possible to com municate at sea for a dUtance of moie than, 100 miles, under all circumstances of weather, the lay mind Is prepared in believe In the possibility of extending tho distance- almost Indefinitely. You hear, all kinds of reports thcbe dayo ub.to the altitude of llrltlsh ptib- lie opinion' ictfa.'dliisf tho Muer war. Hardly ahy lu svllhes'jes aKt'c tin to whelhet' It Wants tho War carried through to a finish without reference to cost, or Hi In fat or ot bidding for a jHctip wlihhe Jlopm and an early re lease fiom war btiriWis. Seualor 13e pw's observation on thla point may, theiofore, he worth nolltig. He teporla thai the ocrt helming majority of the niisllqli people are for scelmt lli.- wnr tdroitijh lo tho end, Irrespective of ex pense or lime. It this Is true, It dis poses of the piolmblllty of successful media tlon. , ' Senator Dcpuw was told while on the othei side that In Dcrlln COO.OOO peojile, men and women, on out of employ ment. Uy, contrast Americans certnln ly have ienon to he thankful, riucli Ado About Nothing. Tin: msposio'iox i" mako liHiimlahiM out iif molehills Is not'cnniiuoil to the land of the Schley conlioer.y. Kngland nnd Germany have It UIIp as badly and am making qultf as iltll culous a show of themselves. I5ecalle In a recent speech Jllnlster Chamberlain, the nctuul head of the Hiltlsh Boveinmellt. toolt exception to lontlnontal crlllolsm1' of the manage luenl of Hnglnnd'H war In South Af l lea and especially resented the chaige of unwarranted haibatlly, saying that It was not f haraclerized by the e: i esses which marked a number of pre vious wui", which he named, among them lielnir the Fianco-l'russlun toh lilet, an uutbuist of indignation swept over Oeinmtiy unl gicw so ilneaten Ing that at last the German chancellor, 111 a speech In the lclchstag, had lo take note of It and Indicate dlsappioval of I'liambei Iain's allusion. This he did In language which was meant both to appease Ihe excited homr populace and indicate diplomatically to the British government that It might wisely in fu ture loiego such iiiovoeatloas of lul ta t ion. I'p to this point the episode was amusing uithor than seilous. lint now comes "ISiummngeni Joe" with a new "defy" for the Germans, in which lie practically tells both the Geiman clninielloi and the whole Geiman na tion lo go to Halifax, If they do not like his style. And --o the jingoes on both sides oL tlie Xoi th ta aie making ugly laces at each otlu r and whipping up a war spirit over nothing at all. AVio heads, ot com se, will pi event the folly fiom going too far: but It has already gone much fai ilier than theie ever was any ncicslty rf,i. The llmr. over the exclhe iiucjtlon in Xew Yoik has levlved speculate c talk about separating tho city of Xew Yoik lioni the state ol the same name, and electing the city into a state by itself. One uigumenl oli'eied to piovc that this would be fair is that now the citizens of the clt pay moic than their shaie of the taxes of the state. A report le ivntly issued by the tax conmiisslonei" shows that while the tost ol Hate gov ernment lur each inhabitant of the ilty is $1.70, tlie cost tor each inhabitant of the other counties is onlj, 2 IS-10 cents. Of the state's revenue from indiiect taxation tlie ilty pays moio than two thluls. So far as population goes theic can be no doubt ot the tllj's ability to make a lespectablo state; but like some of the new count schemes hi Pennsyl vania tills new siute scheme is unlikely lo get be oud the coavei'-utioual stage. In a loner "to AYalter J .Uallarcl, of Schenectady, X. Y l.conaid AVood, goveinor geneial of Cuba, says: "Theie is mi probability of any nimble In ('libit, and no thought ot any such thing as an upiislng or-dlsonlers. In lad, the rTolltlctl situation hue has been pioduelive of very little excite ment. The people as a class are Inter ested in obtaining a i eduction on sugar and tobacco and establishing i liner trade relations with the United States. Theie is no leason for Invested capital to have any anxiet.v toncernlug the lu tuie conditions In the Island, Tho Cu ban people hae conducted themselves with great moderation and elf-contiol dining the peilod of leconstiuction, and there has been nothing to Indicate that theie will bo violence or dlsoider In the futuie." Geneial AVood ought to know. , Senator Chandler's arsununt fftr lid ding the jnesident of the United States of the Incessani demands made upon his time and enduianee b the aimless calls of persons who have no businet wilh him Is sound and unanswerable. There Is no othei chief executive In the woi Id who Is expected to do as much, and at the same time waste as much time as the piesideut, A Hat uilo de nying admission to the white house to all pei sons who haw not enough busi ness tlieie lo wai rant the making of an udvance engagement would be a sen sible and highly advantageous Inno vation. It would also defeat for ic electlon the piesideat who should es tablish Ft. Hohiou's piopiHltlon to bo the Hist to solve the questloii of act Jul navigation comes a tillle late. In the departure ot Tammany, Xew Yoik has ptobably given olio of the most satisfactory ex hibitions of the "hying machine" that w 111 lm seen this year. Fioin advance notices 11 looks as though tho Central American piesl deuts would bury tho hatchet to a depth that would thiow all of the Isthmian war coricspoudcius out of employment. Tho Oerman milberClniselle has sailed for Venezuelan waters, but will not bo liable to create much consternation dinting the saucy suhjerts of Castio unless her name Is changed. 11 Is to ho hoped lhai the Schley-at-Sautlagn nlfalr will dlu out liefoio soiuo ambitious writer comes fouvn'rd with tin eats to dramatize the story, French oliicials In this country still contend that the Panama canal at S1U, 000,000 la a vol liable job lot. Chatles Scott, manager of the Lex ington, Ky opera house, u-cently billed an "L'nciu Tom's Cabin" com pany, whereupon tho local organization of the Daughters of the Confederacy di of ted u petition asking him not to permit it to show. He replied! "Tho var has been over about thirty-sis years," Chronologically, Charles In ooireet: hut a manager who Wotild iitand for all "Uncle Tom" show oil irenorrtl principles merits nil the bother lie fit n fret. Lewis XKoii, nlchnrd Croker's site t'espor as the head boss of Tammany, ls a Inan against whose character not an udveise woid win, be saldi Ito ls i loll, well educated, affable, personally nth active, modest iind'fult of fjrlt. The only thing bad about.. him Is his poll tics, nnd even that ougli to Improve under the leadership of it nmn of his oh.'iinotulstles. C,ioH earnings of the steam mufu.ee railroads of Xew York stale In 1001 were $29.5110,009 gi eater than lu 1900: and operating expanses were $24,1 lii, (JtO.18 linger, leaving an excess In net earnings of $3,U3S,nr0.:. Blvldends ot $:l,US,3ii(! weio deciated hi excess of those of 1800. It will be fceeu that la bor got far more- than capital out of the excess 111 grills earnings. The Anieilcan appiopiiatlou for pen sions next year will be In the nelgh bmhood ot $110,000,000, which Is soveti times the pension list of Geimany, louiteen times that of Gieat Hiltalu and equal to the sum of those nf all the nations of Uuiope. Hut It was well earned, and, thank heaven, the Ameil enii people can nlfoid It and do not be giudge It. It Is an Interesting ilicunis'tanee that after many generations of earnest tem perance vvoik the number of Amei leans dependent for their livelihood upon the trallle In Intoxicants Is as large In pio porlion to population as it ever was, constituting by the last census one thlrty-llfth of the entire population. Thhsts have we with us alwaS. Although 150,000 new fi eight e.us weie built last year, It is estimated that the mill cuds of the United States lost $30,000,000 which they might have earned if they had had cars enough. Kvp.inslon has come to stay. 'J'he plan which General lilies Is said to have In mind is to inn lor piesideut on a soldier and sailor ticket; and he w ants Dewey to take second place. AA'e can imagine the Dewey l.nAily's annuel to that. The choice of a successor to King Alexander, of Servla, Belgrade advices say, is limited between rilnce Kara georgevltch and Colonel Constanino vitch. The Seivlans haAO our sympa thy. The win of the base ball magnates Is fast nppioachlug the point wheio It will become necessary for the suffoilng public to do a little uuiphlng on- the Tim lliust plan. Accoidiug to last accounts sutveyois have found Mason and Dixon's lihe in a waiped condition. In Its piesent stage tlie South Afiicun wai has one advantage. It Is heioloss. THE MARCONI SYSTEM. 'I lit- 1 1 urn mule li Maconi Hint lie Inil if coned ,i si'inl at St. .lulm'i, Xiufoundliml, Horn tlie J.iAinl, Cornwall, .k00 mill's avvjj, Ijv nio.iiis ul lih wlrcli i icletri.ijili .tciu, lcvhes inlei- t in Us lm ihoil ul oiii.ittun. 'flic sending inpjutii, tensists of .1 ini-l cir ijing .i who. 'llio wile is cnichill.v insul.ilcd iiy MiiiniOii clui uf lonlnct, mid it is Kit -lis-lonnuti'd ileiulcilly al tliff top. ilio lieii.'it nf tlie mast, .mil loiucinuntly the IciBtli ul ilie wile, v.iiioi wilh tlie disl.inio lo w'uili tr.ni-.-misiuii i dCaitid, and llie ili-tame inrinso wltli die lioiidit. An iinlinii ai.viialliim- nn-t is uliouL Vt fut liii.ii. 'the lower ciul of tlie in mliikd wlie is mm nuil to ,i poncilul null, t oil, ml wlimi .1 ims'ce it sent puwciful SvpuLs .ne ill iwn fuiin tlie elictui'il 'Uicutai umlci the iciitnil it .i I1.1111I Lev, uper.iteil in tlie Mine w ly .is .in (Helm. u.i lluis," wire liicgi inli. 'llie-e pov.iifnl tp.uls, pmiliiced to die rjtlim of dots .Hid dJ.-lies, tliiiii1t.ineou-,y electrify tlie Aoillid wne Mippoiled li.v the tni-t, nml ciusi1 the einls .sion iiuiu it ot ,i loiicspondinj f,ecuciuu of in vhUde liectiW nnvn. 'Ilie-e waves i.uliaie out mil tlie sniiuimdinjr luul or fi i In all iliuw aioiw will, cnoimoio velocity, and wiieievi'i' in tlieii'.iihjnee thev stiil.c a siniilir virth.d wire thev piudi'ie in it a fiilile clectuc dliturluiiir Ij.v a Milt.uilu appaiatu;. 'U.o lieclvins iiMiimunt Is inmiccled tu tic loiciilnx veitii.il wlie at anv position In dUlance wllhiii i lie i.mte (t tnn-niKsinii. 'Ihe pilnelpil i.ilt of the ueeivlnsr appji mis Is tho colicicr, It lOllsisls tssllltilllj Ot II MU..II Klllsl tulii with wim rntuliv Iiuiu hotli cwU, wilh a tan ill '.ip liituccii the wim ui-ide. 'fiiis gap li filled Willi nut.dlle Illiius which hive the piopeily of op pusin, a How of ilciiikltj lu the iiilnul urn ditlon ot the llllnss. On tlie paaaae ot an ilie tile wave, hoivevu, thiovi(,li the colicur Jlie 111 iiiljs ate IiiiukI.i inlu fuller lontuct, as tliouli ileitriiallv vulded, aid llii-.v rimi allow an elee tlie luuent lo jijv. Ily a hiiitahle devke the lllniKJ .lie thin f-liakcit apait, il.t piactiiat K. suit bcin.' tint lie ilols and iiuiu cime out Jtt't as the who li.iiisiiiainl, and ate so nciisd' ed. Wlien nuo-aijes an beiii Mill the colicicr lu dl-cmineclul! it U onlv a-nl fur lcecivuii;. About foity ships in Hie liillish nivr l.ive ro fai luia crpilppul vvilli this appiratiw, mid the innao of biiiiijllln; U about CD iiill;s. Tim Ion,. ent dUtatice yit eevired Willi a nusai;u by Ihe -Miiuuiil sinu jireviom In thai claluied Iji list biliudiy his been fioin !. tatlieil.ie, on tlie bin of Wh;ht, to the 1.1anl, Ciinivv ill, a ills, lanci nf l-il lulled. THE GRAND DUKE'S CLEMENCY. t.'i.iml Pnlvt Cal .li.iiidir, d( Sje-Weiiiui, the- will mid Hiiiossiir nf Uuotlie'rt filend and patiou, Call Aiuu.t, 1 bitter end Inoio favol. ably Known for his ribiidlliie nml t, ndouiem of hint Hun lor lils liitillnlil m ili lies. On a ceitaln iiieaiiiuii thn liiand lIuKu paid .1 visit (it liKpcciluii to one of tlie piivm of his di iuitn, mid In tlie 10'jue of ennveia.itlon wltli tho illieiloi ispiisjul the wish to, t.ee one ot the criminal. "luui join lloyal lll(;hi,i'si wish to k.a a mild oi i ile;iuale cascf" "A ilepuate ca.c," leplled tl.u I'lime, .mid accoiillnijly one of tho life piMnpu wat biouslit up iiuder kii ml. "nliiictoic have oti luide oar abode luief liifjulicd tlie Oiaud Pule of tho ncnvllnir, evil. )ocl,In(r indivlihul in tho toimal, stilted language ilMr.niulitli' ol lili.i, 'ileiaii.e 1 liiuiileriil iny fither," nulled Ilia coin lit. "Von iniitikritl join n!" "cxdnlnuil the iluhe. Oh inj I oil inj! What period iln Jon ejiitiiuplate Hiiiaiiihu imi''" "All my life." , "Pliector," fall Ihe tiiuliidieailid lulu, tuin ins: lo tlie piiion official, "tie last threi jear ul tills iimu'ij aciitci'ic aie uirUllcd." A HANDSOME CAEENDAIt. 11 , One ol the pretllett ealutdaii of ihe reason U luul by Aunour & Co., die Chicago meat paek en. It cmboiIlM Ui l.vpjs of the, American girl of today, as iletcrilicil ill lolois by U ot the foieinitet Aiiii'iliau lllutialuir-riMnedley, Wciui'H, Sjlenicr, riultty, liunt and Kcllw. 'llie diavvaur mc full leiijlh lliiuiij placed against boft-toiwd bJil'iunnil,. Jlacli kLctUi li eliaractirKtle of Its creator and reprecmw hi, 1,1,111 at IU but. THE GERMAN EMPEROR'S GRACEFUL COMPLIMENT Troiii tho New orlc 'it Hume. yIIl: tlF.llMAN rmptior li pa.vliie; lo the Unit' cd htalei ond bt tho liltfhoit mid most J, piaerful eompllmeiiN ot it pcrco'iat iliafac lei' wHhtii Mi powci. It li hi tart a triple compllmint. 'flip llftt put ot It nm the brilei Inic of liU new .vaeht to be built line, lie hit line hlpjardi In Mi own country, ,-,uino of the llnejf In the world, In which mo built liilfilily waiahlpi niul cominerc'lal ipisctii of the nn,l be sides licet and luiurloin pleeure ciatt. It v,w, then, no fnmll tlilnp for hm to linn IiIh back upon Stettin raid to look to Jvwv Unit tor the liulldlni; of nn Imperial .vulil for lilt own ie. lint, honcirr, tnliiht hive been lcuaided ns n mere inciter of bmlncj-), lie undo it, In mldl Hon, mailer nt line un'lment, In the sceoiul .let, when he reo.iiMtrd n, a favor that our piesideut' (UiiRlikr ihIrIii bo permitted lo pel fc.riij the tiamlnp Ceremony over the vend. He tnlctht have selected some daughter of tlcnnaiili to do lint tlilnir In rslitii! Hut Miss ltooevilt liilffht do it he tiamforincd a uratlt.v Intf bmlne'S ti.iiulellon into n eoniptlinerit jo this nation tlivotmh thh nation's head. 'Ihe thlnl net, inaK iiil,' tin (ninpllnient most nniked nnd lito'l pel foual, U Ihe sendlncr hither ot hli biothci, IMInee Hcmy ot l'rus'ii, n ids personal lcpirsentntive, liot meiily, be It noted, to nttciul the latiticliltiir of tlie .vaiht, but to iimlte to II1I1 connli'J- a vl-l; of some dtuatlon, We all icnu ruber how lie vent the I'llnce to China two yean ngu nn (he buiirr of linpellal dijaillj, nnd how on vailoiis niiKiist oecaiioiH he has -dinllaily ionuiilif.ncd him. In sendlnfr hbu now tothis lounliy. lie ptrformi nn act ot tlie inmost personal rourtei, mid one not devoid, in we may well believe, of political siunlllelnce. II will be appiecialcd heie, The United Mnle? -we nm my without a mnpicion ot ill-rourtuj-U neitlud to be lluttiieil nor flitteied by uny NEW YEAR PROSPERITY COMES WITH A RUSH IMItoi of 'Ihe Tilbune. sii: 'Ihe Jaiuuiy Uibiii-emcnt in the cities of Xew Vork, lliltiinoie unci l'hiladelplil t of sjin,(,oo,oui) foi tl.e lialf-je-irV liitnest and dlvi duids lepiesinta uu eaiiiinK of r, per cent, per iiiinuni on tlie Immense -um of s;S, 10(1,0110,00'). We built chiilii,- the lat ulindir vear ll,ll l.illroid cat of i.ll A.iiietlet, an iuueiue of ls,'W ovci list .vear. Xcnlj 1,;,0U fielsjht lau were i ported. Our fcliipincntt this senson on lake Supeiior weie e,HD,ui( tout U,,7!,tt) tons over last car), of vihiih the United Stiles Steel coipor.l tlon shipped 12,700,HOi) tons. ConiHctiiut !.nlni;s link !, io-1 ( - incic.iseil $10,000,000 last eii. Our national debt is benii inluiul .1 the lair ot f 10,000,000 cailj, besides an aniunl tivini: ut J!7,niw,nixi intcict, miking i total pnln jearly uf s7.i,!i0,004 l.viiy otlui yicat lutlon is add ill).' to its dibt or ttxe-, or both, C'onti i-l the Mil cs uf a few uf the leadini; stoikt at fhristuut, lfc!)3 (Domociatlc), witlt (lirlftmt', 1'jOI (ltepiibhcaii): I nion 1'acille 70101, Delaware anil lIudon lu') 17J, Dilavv.ne, Laikivvainn and ostein 19I-S30, Central lvv .lei-ey H0-1IX), Gcmial Hleetile lUJOs.!, Knc 21-1-', Louisville and Nashville S7-107, Itcu'.ine; 21-at, Chicago and Kistcin thin lis 02-1'i, New Voik Cential 110-107. AtcliUon, Top, ka and Santa l'e laihoad con tinues the nuicli of pio-pciitv bv f!iovrin;r an in i lease of $11,221 m ml eainiiiK- for Xoicmbor. M he; Xoithun I'acillo railvay tepoitt an inciease of s02,,000 in net euninv's fm Xuvcinhu, and i:ric ullow suit wilh sisj.uoo. 'Ihe Southein I'lclfto i.iilwaj's aiiiuul icpurt shows a nirnlut eainiiiK ot .!, lud.OOO. London K'leineeiimr admit t that we tuin out filtcen tons ol n; it on fur even ten luii'id out bv L'iikIjw, .mil tvvcnl tout foi cveiy tin tout of steel. OUTLINE STUDIES OF Where Rood Was Born. 'Ihe huu-e in vlilc h foimn .speiku 'ilioni.is 11. ltced was bom is still .standing in Portland, Me. When Mi, hied was b'irii the neieiiboihuud was one ot the bettir iisidinio pirtt of the ilty, not fir fioin the watu .mil loiniujiidiuu: a good viiw ot l'uitland Ilailni. tears aero the i.iilioadt found it eonviiiiei.c to build track's and euct freight liouset aloin that p.nt of the water fiont, and it ii'ised to be attractive foi tho.3 wim could afford to go olsewheic. bout two ;ciis ago tlie people if the city mated nieiiioii.il tablets to in.uk the hhth spot, of some of bei distinguished sons, ami the mud est house in which Mr, ltced Hist aw liglit ot dav is now thus ndotucd. It was occupied feme )c.n ago by i family mined llinnessy. All tlie bo)s and giilt of the neighboihood knew that it wat Mr. Itied's biitii pi ice, and weie alwavt glid to leil liiquiilng visitors all about il. lu one of the schools oivs da) the te.ukei was asking a clast of j-mall lioyt some i'iuimIous in hlstoiv. "While was Washington boiliV" l,c asked. "Virginia," wit llm nntwir. "Whllt' was Adams boiiu" Hid tlie in t )oimgstei icplied, "MavaclimctU." so the teailur lontlimed tliiough tlie list of pieslduits, and thin, to stimulate 1oi.il pride, idle went over the limits of M.nie of ihe cllsiinsuUlicil uln of Jtalue. rinally bhe i-lul: "And wheio win Speaker Peed boiuc" "lllght up in Tom Ileum -.5 's ilhilnj loam," answered the boy whose tmu it was, and the lenilur could not iii.nk lilm mi) tiling but per. fnt. Vcvv Voik '1 lines. Proof of Sobriety. In Lngland ar. oillcir Is couit nuitlilid for being iliunki ami eveivbod) will leiollect llio tory ot (lie ouiik otheer who v.n aciiised of thlt "cilmc" .mil wia veiy uenly got oft by lib hcrvaut. 'llio MTi.u.t, v,ho ".ms nu lil.-lnniii, wat nked by lie court whether lilt mister was sober on the nlghi when he was statid to hive bion ihuiik. "Vet, li," the berv.ua iiuliul, "lie via, ipiito obei." "How do von l.nuw ho was sobeii" "lleeiusi ho a-k"d mo to call him eailr." Thlt was a ernvineli.g answer. Hut one of the officii oi tho eotiii mania!, lemcnibiiing that HOW TO AMEND I'or The Tilbune. Tho simple uglil and Jmtice of a cause it ottcn lest 'mid niutiplie.iout iavv sumo btrldent, pet 1 1 fogging .im, Whota capital Is noUo and bi.i.,s, 'ItvUtK, bciiiU and turn them in mid out, 1'ut II the truth It lo.t in doubt! i And wcns app'aia o near like liglit, 'lh.it mi) me mistake them might. Too many liws'ruu tutntt coiifuundi Too iujtiy'lawcrt do abound. An honest man knows what i liaiit, Wltliout the ad ot Hail light; Ami becking right bhould not be nut, At eveiy turn for iiulbbliiisr nt, Vtio lattca only on the bpuil Wiling out of those whom they tinbioll, Make laws so plain tint all can icid; Make count to lieo that all tan plead; Have lest (,J Iivv, of Justice more, Ami let foulil piate of led lore, )n 'way with loi in, and latin pluate, And try to tcuih and not lu daw. Let prjctlco be to dear and plain, 'ilui none 4 livv)cr need retain. Miard this precedents, followed louj, And judge by luk ot light arid vviong; Wj?vne wljli laid for cjejciuemt', Hut Wild uu ivur lo coimnoii nse. nvctturcl trom mi)' lialloti, tnni It iiiav not ci teem iimventlonil eriemonUlii ni hlalily nt do countrlci In which such fiilncs ate a pail of the tiadltloiiil Boilal and political equipment ( piople nnd irov eminent. Hut wo nic mim llml no rouiilry nppi'eelutci tnoia promplly or more deep ly than this nny ricmilne lnaiiltwlnlloii of Rood will. 'I his la not the first rxpnwlon ot tilemWilp for lhl,t country which the Uetinan lialscr Inn made, and there It every reason to believe It will not be the but. Itom his own point of view It Is the highest pu'slble opuMiui ut Ida amicable ilHiei, and nt sviih the American people will iiratctully accept. It. There Lt probably no clvl llcd inonaich on tlii globn more nvcrie lo re liubllcanl'm than William of (Icunany. Yrl here he It pajlint to thlt lepuhllc lnceUclj" (he form of complimentary attention which he plyt to monaichlet, In tint fact there Is much bIkIiIII entice. We do not need it to boUtcr up our icpubllo or to conflini our fattli In rcpulittr inNin. Hut It l.i none the lest ctrttidil to invc nuothcr fuiIi iloinanttralloii of the polblllly of eonllil U'latlnii'hlpt between lamlt of most illveite foims nt foveinmcnt. A Riiieiitlon or two unn lepub lie uiiil mouaichy looked askant nl each other, each ieftaiillnir the oilier at liccruirllv and c sentlally evil. Today the une icallfet tint a lounti.v nny be pingie?lip and liberal and et a mon achy, nnd the oilier ciruilly reallret that a lounti.v mi) be flable and coiiseivatlve and vet a lepiibllc. Tli i-t cltv and lids cnimtiy will accept tlie halt er's compliment nt itt full Intruded value, and will ciect 1'ilnce Ituiry of I'ruttla for lilt own sake nt n gallant and accomplished erntlrtnan, and for Jilt reptciicntatlve mke at :i llvlnir token of the friendship width the Cumin impcior and tlie tfeiiuiu enipne bar mwald the countiy to who-e foimilttloii mil developiiicnt the Herman line coiitilbutcd so evientlil and to valuible a 1 ill. "It It a sliiklng commentary on the m mel ons ilchet and iicourcit of this countiy ol omt that tlie United States hat bein able dtitlug the la-t tvvcnl) -sk jcart to tiMain a file lot of al most S.OOO.liAt.OOO and hat been dmlnr? nil tint lime liaidly comeiout ut tlie ilialn." Billy riniucint Sews. Theie it Mill loom on, the continent of Amcriei wltli only S 00 lo the equnre mile, nstahist 0100 fur I'.mope, IS.07 foi AU and 11.77 tor Attica. 'llie Amei kin Locomotive company lueakt all recurdt at itt Schenectady vvoiks In' tiunl'ig out 124 locomotives list )ear. Tho Anieilcan bid for ioi'trurtimr a steel via duct in Xew Zealand, belnir much lower than the Dncllsh bid, is ncceptcd by the Xew Zcalind goveinment. Tnia miani a eood deal ot Inidje woik over there for ut. Our cotton linimfKtuiin? imlustiy turned out a pioduct of sa'7,000,000 in the last flscil year, belli;; an inciease ot 2J per cuil. ovci lbW. Ihe incu.ise in .veaily v.i-rej wat 'M per cent, and In vvano-s paid Si pci cent, 'the capital eniplo.vcd it ?lt,7.COO,ono, a Bain of 32 per cent. Cripple Creek- dhidendt for 1001 ceicd ?j,000, 00). 'this and pievious ailicle-f hive putially lubl the story of our flinncinl and iiidtistri.tl pro-pei-out profiest ilutins 1001. lloddet these mated d pains we iiavc f-ocn immense gifts to colieKCt, li liinic's, ho'pitalt and every other line of good work. Me Inve seen our people expn.d in pur,c, power and picstige. Wc hive seen our prosperity made peimanciil bv the conservative leadership oi our caplamt of industry. We inve been va-a pains along cducatici.nl linet at home and in oui dependencies. We are nt peace witli tlie woild and niiisclvc', and we enter on tin new .ve.n Vni vvilli lencv.ed hope and coinage. Viry ttuly our. Walter J. II ill ml. Sclnuectady, X". Y Jan. 11. HUMAN NATURE theie was no call) paiade on Ihe following morn ing, nslicd tho biivaut wlnt i canon IiLs master gave lor v.iehlng to be tailed early. Without a moment's licdltation the bcivant icplied: "Ho said lie wat the tjuun of the Ma), sir." Hint, of coni'e, cotieluded the iise C'indid l'riend Melba's System at Monte Carlo. AVInle fcenitur Depevv vvatilicd hit luiilc pliy loulcttc at Monte Ctilo during their lionevnioon he wat piobibly iciniiided of tho time when lie stood at tho tildes with tovci.il other Aniericant and watched tlie darn.g pliy of Madimo Melha, who threatened to bieal; the bank with a new s.vsti'm. It nltiactcd quite at much attention at Hie time nt lm the new ostein of I.oul Itoss l.vn't tint hat been advirti-ed lately; but, like all h).stcm, it broke down In the long run, and Mclbi lost a lot of money at it. Hut blip goct to Monte Cailo eveiy jcar Just Hie same in fut, ilie it theie ttov.. When play w,is stoppid for tha niglit Jlr Dcpevv was hitrodiieed to Mellia, and advised her, at nu old finauciei, to slop while tihn wat .1 louj way uhead of the game. Liter on he visited the singer at her summer home, ueir Marlon, on llie Thames, Mr. Dcpevv had nm down only for tin" ill-, but Meiba enticed him to liiuahi ovei Sun day and help entertain her filend. "Hut what Mull I do for a night)," asked Cluunccy, "We'll go and buy one," slid Meiba, and stowing tlie dignified pusidtnt of the Xew Yoik CVntial away in the bottom of her ranoo t-hs puddled him to Hie vllhee stole.-I'hllidelpldi l'ic.i-. Miss Koosovelt's Change of Climate, Apiopos of Miot Alice lloostvelt'a romlnis out path, iricnelt ore telllui a story ot her lenlv icpiitce. Miss Alice wat feillnir a little bit undir tliu weather and her iiioth"i- called in a plivsiiian, Ihe litter made n c ireful dlignosii i) i.il advised a thaice ot climate a lilp to P.uiope, if possible. M!"t lt.io-eielt prefened to lemalii at liouie, and did not hesitate to siy to. "you (oigtt, ilocioi," elii' iimiiked, "tint I live In Vw Voik, and git nothing cl-o but change of illmatc." I'ldladolphh I'li-a, OUR COURTS AND LAWS UfjUUfmil fllvo eveiy tatiso an early day, And let tiieie bo no law's delay. Xot vvlso or simple, rlcli or poor s-houhl tan- long at Jiiillce'a door. Abollbli ivciy cot and fee; Make Jutlio absolutely nee; 'Ihe btuto the v,liolo cpiiio should bear, 'Itvould onl) be but Ju and flit. Xoito ticking Udri'.-a til. n would be Detincd bj- feai or poverti-, Xo ilghteoui ilaliu bu held ai lost llciau-o the suitor foara the tnt. Ilui thousand liooks of legal line lloll down to !ei than halt a pcuie, Wilt in a dictluii ho tetsii and pluiii, Xo lommentaiy need tplalii. And UbC (he language of the laud, r'i common foll.s ran uiidiistaud. Don't make a pondeiouj in)tii. Of what each one of u should ", laws we must luve, but lit them be Coikplcuotu for bimpliclt) X'u tangled ub wuvo to iiisiiaie; Xo line duwn points to ipllt a luli; X'or knotty piobluns-, to c'oinpls, That they Hit), ablest Jurist vcc. Put punish Along, pioteet the iliiht And make the evil fear their might. -W, E. 1'. ALWAYS BUSY, 1902 Money Saving: Sale la now on, With every pair of our l?eet nnd Health Saving Shoeo you get a olioe shtnor free, 200 pairs of Men's Double vSolctl, Vici Kid and Box Calf Shoes, tvoilh $2 oo. Our iyo2 Cnsh N . . I'rlce $1.40 200 pairs ol' Youths' Vici Kid patent tips, worth $i.oo. ,,. Our 1902 Cnsh Price .... 5UC ioo pairs of Youths' and Hoys LcRftins, mixed tots, not nil sixes in cverv lot, but the size you need in some of the lots, worth ..-. JS 1.25 Our 1902 Cash Price oUC 100 pairs of Men's Solid Tap Boots nil sizes, worth $1.50 to 2. so. Our 1902 Cnsh t Price $1.00 too pairs of Men's Solid Tapped Soled Shoes, lace and Bkicher, worth $1.25. Our 1902 Cnsh Price 90C 100 pairs Ladies' Vici Kid button and htcc Shoes worth $1.00 to 1.25. Our 1902 Cnsh , Price 75C 200 paiis Misses and Children's Vici Kid School Shoes, woith 7SC to Si. 00. Our 1902 Cnsh Price 50C Mixed lot of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Slippers, toe a little bit nar row, worth $1.00 lo $1.50. Our 1902 Cnsh Price D)C You can see 1y tho nbove list that very little cash is required to pur chase good reliable and hone3t foot waie. Lewis & Reillv, wllWZYCnvc. Ffioe mm en Assortment Being the LARGEST F1TKNITUEE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We cniry the greatest nssoitmont of up-to-date Office Furniture. You are invited to examine our new line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 I Ofnee Furniture New and Complete V Out Glass, Sterling Slims Till) NATIONA OR SCRANTON, Organized 1872 Depositary of the United Stales. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 TliodlM! iitut lulu to (lupoiitQM N .'i lur rent, per iiiuiiuii. SpcflMnttentloiiBhoii to all mMjiiuts wliollmr lurijoi' u 1 1 Open Miiunliiy evu.ilti4 h t ) II t' '1oj. Tlitcoiitrcoiit, luturoit pilil on nivlunu drpuilti. liiteic'steoinpoiiuiloil .lauitiu'y l-t nnd July Ut. WILLIAM CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, JI! Vice Preaitlent. WILLIAM H. PEOK, Cashlsr. DIRECTORS, Wiilinm Connell, James Arohbald, Henry Bolin, Jr., Luther Keller, Goo, H, Catlin, J. Eonj. Dimmlok, Thomas H. Wutlcins, Jnmos L Connell, W, D. Zohniler, Oooooooooooooooooo SESI32HX2E Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? J)o juu null lo luo prctlj Uit.' )i will lu plouscil li' eliott Jon hollulit.' Dijiui'ii 1 Uliu-, DIjiiiqikI .mil i.incrjlil ltli.it-. Uli iiioml uml 1 1 u l lliiic;, Diuui'jiul am) Uul llhiiK, DUirionJ .uid h.iiU'hiui Hiiis. I'iJ. nioiiU Jiul 'iuniuuli IlliiK. U will nun ii ait (1is)(im1 l mil luui'ii lu ui i. E. Schimpff, 317 Lnekawnnnn nve. January Sale of Fine Muslin Underwear Fine t'ntnbrlc, Nainsook unci Jlualln I'lulcrsiinnculH of auueilor workmtin nhlp nnd liciiutlful IIiiIbIi, Home daintily 1 1 1 mined In nent narrow unibrolderlcp, others! more clubonitc, in wide, lleli luces the kind Hint rcllcut tliu repu tation nf ii Htoie. At this time of the year greut ciuaii tllleH of Inferior itrndcs of Underwear me thrown unon the lnaikct and nil vortlned at niiecH that appear cheap. You don't find this clasn of merchnn dlse here. We believe you do not care to buy wticli. Wo sell the Ilnest urade Underwear l'lfide. Our pilecs are the lovost pos sible for tills grade of woik. New line of lino French Lingerie and Bridal fsotn C018SET COYKKS ' IV0111 10c to $(i.0() NIGHTGOWNS IV0111 75c to 15.0(1 CHEMISES iVom50cto$'l.50 D1SAWEUH from 25c $1.50 LONG SMUTS from 98c to $15.00 SHOUT'SKIim from 85c to $3.00 CMILDKEFS HKAWEKS Special lot Children's Drawers, made from good quality fine muslin, nice ly trimmed. Sizes from 2 years to 12 years. All at one price 19c each. 5 105 1 2 Lackaawnna Ave. isiMMf.vn:i.-ff:j?v,vjivii, rac; SKSjBan for Incandescent Gas Manfles, Portable Lamps. H THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent i U Gas Lamp. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Willces-Bnrre, Pa. Stntionary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, I'umps. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'UiiU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo A Difference Tiieie is ns much difference in Dinmoiuls as there is in liuuifiu faces, and not infrequently as much hlddou deception. When you wish to buy a. diamond come to ua, You pan lely upon our judgment p.nd ropiesentaticn. E. Schimpff, 317 Lackawanna ave. I if I li!Sil8rIFersf!li I I '233-327 Fcmi Avenue. i IS A fc Y ,J i