The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 14, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    " i-r - ,-, 't ' "a--" "'
ij1 ' " - ' i -.-. ., .t,,
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jvlhc News of
u. Dolnwnro nnd Hudson Itnllrotiu.
... Korcmher 91, lWli
,v Train) levo l city fil.tloli .14 foP
"FUr Scrantfln atxl Vin.c.v1tarrc-u.oo, 7.M.
J0.O1, 10.01, 11.21 J. in. I 1.00. l.ta, 2.60. -M
jB.Od, 7,01), 10.01, 11.00 p. III. , ,
I Bund tulii leave at 3.M. II. SI . n. i'1"'
2.(0, .5o, s.oo ii. iii, . , ......
,. Tor Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, flo'tun.
laif-land point, etc., T.TO a. in. I '
1 lor Waymart mi! llor.0Kl.i1c, T.'ii, H.M . W.S
48.31, o.ia p. itv , ,,..,..,1,1
Sunday train leave U'ajiiiail nnd Hone''"1--
"at n.OT a. in.! 4,(3 .. in. ...m., nitre
- Train airhc nt Cnrhond-Ie Iioiii.W iw ''""J,
mill HeiMnton iu follow.! H.M, WIT. "''.'j l,yi
" '".,, z.iki, n.i.'i, .::!', ti.o. "" "
JI.07 p. in.! Z.0S a. in,
Similar tralni nrrfi-c at O.'Ji a. tn.i
..'.'?, list), 11,"0 p. in.
1M0, 3.13,
-?, H.-.TI, l, .ill p. 111. , . It',...
.uiiun.v nam, arrive ni laiiimi""" -
"m.nt nml llonedolc at 12.17 nnd Tew p. tn.
Now York, Ontorio and Wostern.
c.,i t?. mot.
Trillin leave Cotliomlale lor Scratiton at 7.00 ,
'in.; i.uu p. in.
Sufi b.v train, at
!Mim.i.v ir.iim at t.uii a. in.; . i. ., .
r,-ii.. tK...... r,..u.,.t,i. ,. iw.lntM iiflitu at
'.Oft a. in.! C.00 p. in.
31.1H a. in. On MiiiJjv at tUu a. '".- l'ai"'1
leaving at 11.10 a, In. wtcl; ilaM ami !.10 a, I".
S-iuul.iyf inal.o tonncctloiH for Sew ui., loin
lull, etc.
Tra'nn airivc Irom ScrmttMi nt 11.10 a. in." 'B
p. in.! fiom polnti nnilli, 1.00 p. in. S-ntiWy'1
fiom Srrantnii at 0.10 a. in. ,ind 7. IS p. "!
(Mm ( uili-l.i al ('l p. in.
Erjo Rnlhoad.
.Illlio El. 1101.
Tralm li.m- t'ltv station. ("IiImiiiIi'i'. 'IjJ''
(cci-pt Stmil.iv) ut' 7.00 a. in. ami I.Ki p. m. '
1'r.nitlt nml iiicvili: at !i..i.t a. in., ilally ("p
i,ilni S'linln). lor Hiiiuhaintuii. "1'1"
nivtliiu lor N'ni Ytiik itv .mil lluir.ilo, .ni'l at
J. 10 p. ni. for Kii'iiii'!i.intiii, iiialtlnir ituiiwjlloiii
'ir Hcili'in p.,inl,
, iiiulat liiilii nt 'i. I' i in. fir Siwitii'li.itm.1.
.Willi ni'stirit inniioi i!uii.. .iiiil ii.'T l in., "'"Ii
"Value I'liliii", linni.
Ti.iIim arilvi at . : j. in .ml ' p. m.
Sml.tys at S.VI a. in.
Graphic Description of n Political
Gathering- by Dorrance Buckley
Burtlelte, Who Incidentally Re
lates His Close Escape from Being
Elected Tax Collector His Terse
Somu moil have nut'tiliur I'spefluiicos
tvith divuiiiy. Kuiui'tliiici It travfls at
i haml-car nttu of spend and occasion
ally It flien nloiiff lil;; the UfthtnliiK x
jireHrt tli't shoots fiom one end of tlto
contlncnl t'i th oilier while you uie
taking a loiitf- liroatli. In tlit latter
eiinc the traveler nlont; the roadwido, or
the limit who Is eountltn,' ties on the
road of life Is loll behind. Well, just
now Dorranco Uuckley I'.urdetto, the
Citecnlleld phlloHnpher, Is woniloriuRon
which of these two means of destiny's
conveyances he ought to be a pnsscu
Kor. He's not unite sure whether he's
ahead of the tfnme or behind It. It Is
thus wise: Ho was looking fur the tax
collectorshlp of Oreenlleld and was
enrtuln the olllee was. to be voted on
at the recent caucus In that township.
On the night of the caucus rfe learned
that the ollk'ft was not vacant and
would not be voted on until next year.
Now "Dorle'Ms wondering whether he
is ahead of destiny or whether destiny
putiseil him when the last election took
place. i ifff Is rnther inclined, to' 'the
llrst btjllej', fot; he h:jd a host of iirom
Ises of votes In ease he would run,
which he proposes to hold until next
'yew tfh'eit'he will it(,ralnMie a eandl-.''lalo-.
' ')
"Doric" sends a Kranhle description
of the caucus and humorously relates
how ho had the pleasure Of voting for
himself for tax collector. Ho says:
"The caucus is over. Ton know I
thtuk I am what is called an early bird.
1 think I was the choico' of. the voters
were It time to vole t'pr tax collector.
Hut, 1 am sorry to say() T will have to
wait for another yfiirjWhoro ain't no
tax collector to bi caucused on this
year. This Is all that' saved me from
tiio'awful fate of being Selected. It's
remarkable what clqFui cscniies from
notoriety and fame koine men have,
Isn't It?
"Myself and neighbor, ' Ynrrlngton,
arrived at the caucus fit 1.1)0 and found
the "I'nloii" ill confusion. Xo one
seemed to know how to hold n Union
caucus. I listened for some time. They
were all talking tit once, some wore
talking twice and throe times, and
they could not understand each tither.
J raised my voice tin crescendo and
moved that wo organize a ltentibllcnn
caucus in the othV-r room. Roth rooms
were soon Oiled. I commenced writing
tickets for myself; the test done the
'same for themselves. After awhile It
wis. announced that they were ready
for votes In the Union room. 1 started
out to vote. Mike Mohan secured my
chair, tho only one In the room. The.
Democrats began to appropriate otlr
paper which I had Willi ine for report
ing purposes,
" 'I'leaso regard that us my properly,
said 1, iu as calm u volco as I could
command under thiwolrcumstances.
"'Let mo havo amall niece,' said
tin old-tlmo Democrat. 'This Is a
Hnlon caucus, kind of a lovo feast,
with the love on tho snow bunk out
side.' "At this stage of the game camo
what the man who writes tho 'Old
Sleuth' stories would call a denoument!
something like that anyway. There
j;jinio qn tho soene the tax collector,
tho man who held ,the olllee- for which
lA'WHUi'VJr Xiytjyn biimhlo seeker.
"1 saluted him nml ho Informed me
that he had another year to servo.
It w'uh nu awful blow for Dorranco
.RUtK'PJ'i. '".'il .U.i'itiup.ncar driving me
hWhWw" -
iLduu'.t nee,' said 1,'why you should
havo told mo ut the election last fall
"twit your term was up.'
" 'Must havo been jolting you.' ho-
replied In tt guilty volco, 'nut 1 will
help yon all 1 can next year,' ho said,
nu ho shied to tho right.
"Well, sir, surprise, anger and dls
couvugeiuont danced a tlu'tf0-8ten In
piy bosom as I gluneed up ut neighbor
Ynrrlbeton and contemplated certain
An Aristocrat
1 ;,; among; foods
At Grocers
i t? i . ;!'
things that I don't can' to dlfctlss In
jirltit,' '
"When the voles camp ttroulul, I
couldn't resist tho luitg-antlplpated
pleasure of voting for liiyselt to gather
up what my nolgltbora had accumulat
ed by years of toil, namely, tnxes. So
1 handed In my vote. Tltoy began
placing the slips lit tho boxes provided,
and u'hlch had on the top, school di
rector, . supervisor, utc. When they
cuinu to mine uhd saw tux collector on
It, they handed It back, saying thoic
was no box provided for such nn olllee.
I dropped ihem it Rinllc, saying, 'I will
wait until next year to show you that
there will bu such nn olllee'to be voted
for, nnd that Dorranco lluckley Hut
dettc will be like what I once hoard it
man In Dan nyrtm's jdiow house nay,
"Johnny on the snot." '
"Arthur nml I then retired front the
crowded room nnd went homo. Tho
next morning I went out and set my
traps anew for skunks. After malting
the rounds 1 wont to church. Deacon
Hurdlok. who was one of the lucky
ones. Informed nit' Mint Leo received
the nomination for supervisor In our
end of the townt one Mttllhcux in tho
other end. Tho other olllc'ers were:
Constable. William P.oblnson: school
director, S. Wcdeman: auditor, Wil
liam lhirdlek;, town treasurer, Jesse
fiimluor: town clerk, ,r. W. itoberts;
judge of election. A. Tompkins; in
spectors. W. Worth, F. Mini: would
be tax collector, Dorranco Uuckley
"Yours for success next year,
"D. I!. HtirdellP."
Common Council, at Its Meeting
Last Night. Conctus in the Reso
lution from Select Council Direct
ing the City Engineer to Prepare
a Sketch of the Streets, to Num
ber Houses and Change Numbers
That Are Confusing Other Mat
ters of Common Council.
Common council, by Us action last
night, assured the system of streets
and house-numbering which has been
patiently awaited to remove tho dis
crimination which existed in the mat
ter of postal service.
The action' which assured this sys
tem was the adoption of tho resolu
tion thai, ctinlo over ft out select coun
cil several weeks ego, but which was
sent to committee for some undiscov
ered reason. It slumbered there until
awakened last night by the clamor for
its passage that canto from all sides.
Last night It was called up by .Mr.
Xealon, who made it most commendable
speech, though it was brief. In favor
ot council adopting It forthwith. There
was a refreshing response ou tho part
of every member nnd Its passage went
through with, a rush and with the
hearty approval of all.
Tho resolution is the one introduced
4n select council by. Chairman Flet
cher, of thut body. It directs the city
uglneer to prepare a rough sketch of
the streets, nvontfs and alleys of tho
city; to give names to those which havo
not that dignity to number all un
numbered houses 'and to make tho
necessary changes where there are du
plicate numbers anil numbers that me
In passing, The Tribune wishes to
modestly state that this system of
snoots and house-numbering has been
vigorously and perseveringly urged
through its columns since early last
The City's Fund's Ebbing.
Council was Informed last night,
through recommendations of Control
ler Wheeler, that city funds are de
cidedly low. In bis recommendations
for certain transfer. he showed that
the bonded' debt fund, tho icgular po
lice fund, the fund for bridges, the
fund for cleaning paved streets and
the fund providing for tho payment of
city assessors, were either exhausted
or that only a few dollars remained.
To moot the dellclencies that existed,
ami those which were bound to oc
cur soon, he suggested tho following
transfers: $100 from the appropriation
for wa tor rent, to the bonded debt fund;
MOO from tho appropriation for gas to
the fund for paying city assessors; $10')
from water rent to appropriation for
cleaning paved streets; $'M from water
rent to regular police fund, This
mode $.100 that was scooped from the
water rent fund. The recommenda
tions of the controller were adopted.
It Is believed that there will be no
more transfers necessary.
A list of exonerations from City
Treasurer Connor, unioiintlng to Sl'.OOO,
which was attached to resolution
from select council that recommended
Us approval, was laid aside until the
next meeting, as there was some ones
tlon as to the proper committee of tho
other council having noted on It,
A resolution, by AY. II. Masters, was
iniopieu, exonerating tho Helmont
Street .Methodist Hplfcopal chapel from
tho assessment for paving Helmont
A resolution was adopted directing
tho repair of tho Moor or tho .Mitchell
ilos'i house
The sidewalk ordinance, fathered by
-Mi'. WhllilPld, was called up, but us
there seemed to bo a lack of familiarity
with Its provisions, action was de
ferred, but not until Chairman Collins
nguln urged tho members to acquaint
themselves with tlio ordinance,
A number of bills were directed to bo
Will Take IUace In Council Cham
bers Tonight.
The city 'iteinibllcnn convention ull
lake place tonight. It will bo called to
order in tho council chamber In tho
city building m s o'clock, by Chairman
D. W. Humphrey.
Tho returns of the nrlmurks held on
Saturday will bo received and In order
that they may bo complete the return
Judges urn nituested and uryed to bo
present and havo the. return sheets
wltli theijV to present them to the sec
retary. The First Degree,
The First desreo was conferred on
several candidates by tho C'urbondnlo
Knights of Columbus last night.
"In Peril" K Good Attraction.
-Thf IVrry O'Dell nnd Deo roiiujdlaim
wore wurpily wqleonuul by a crowded
lmuso last night.
Tho opening piece was "In, 1'yril" lit
four acts a strong nielndi'.inm which
was well played and well received by
tho uudteuce, Tlio enst Includes many
who have appeared hero before. The
play was u ittrong one. dealing wllh
life In Mouth America, tho lending
character being n manly young Ameri
can. Tho scenery, especially In tho last
not, showing an old monastery, was of
high order.
There Were no waits between aots,
thu speclnlty artists being of excel
lence. This afternoon ti inutlnco will
bo given nnd this evening " Wicked
doiulon," it very ntronir melodrama.
- - - J -
Contest in the Fourth Ward tlto Only
Incident of the Afternoon.
Tho Democratic primaries took place
yesterday afternoon, between l nnd 7
o'clock. With tho exception of the
Fourth word, there was nothing stir
ring, in this ward, tho contest wits be
tween Select Councilman John F. Mun
ition and Will F. T.ofltts, who contested
his nomination. It was a lively contest,
resulting In tt victory for Munition, Who
captured live of tho six delegates. Mun
ition's delegated tiro Mark Moruii, James
Ilurretl, First district; Dudley .Gordon,
Thomas Moran, Second district: Mark
Hurl, Third district Juntos Toolnn,
Third district, was named for Lotttis.
An stated before, there were no con
tests In nny of tho other districts anil
till of the delegates will go Into tho con
vention, It seems certain, pledged to
City Treasurer Connor for his re-noml-natlon.
Tills gives Mr. Connor the
power to control the convention, and, if
he olectKJSto swing them for the candi
dates of his choice for tho other ofllces.
O'Neill nnd Wheeler, Probabls'.
As'indleated In The Tribune yester
day, Hon. James 4. O'Neill will bo
placed in nomination for mayor at tho
Democratic convention on Wednesday
night, unless, well, unless he decides to
move out of the city before spring,
which is not oven dreamed of.
Tho nominee for controller, it now
appears, will hardly bo John Drldgett,
as was indicated in Tho Tribune yes
terday. Willie there is not the positive
certulnty In this Instance ns In the
nomination for mayor, it is pretty well
settled that the nominee will bo some
one besides Mr. Uridgett. A shrewd
guess' would be John F. Wheeler, who
Is now occupying that olllee. Mr.
Wheeler has not como forward for n
re-nomlnntiou, but tho knowing ones
pitch on him. as the Jessup parliamen
tarian would say, as the one most ac
ceptable for tho party's success.
Auspiciously Opened in Burke's Hall
Last Night.
The fair of the Columbia Hose com
pany was auspiciously opened, last
evening iu Hurko's hull.
All of the conditions were favorable
to a successful opening. The hall was
never more resplendent with decora
tions; It was a beautiful Diet lire of
color, white and pink forming tho
scheme of decorations; the hull was
thronged with merry young people, and
a spirit of enjoyment marked' the
evening front the opening until tVe
Hon. .lames J. O'N'elll made the
opening; addics--, which was character
istically bright and happy. There
was a proMiamrne of musical numbers,
in which Miss Blodwyn Davis and Miss
Nora Ncnlon and the Mnzan orches
tra participated. v
The Mozart orchestra also provided
dance music. Conspicuous among tho
features i-; the Illuminated plum trc-e.
laden with prizes, which come at 10
cents per shake.
.n entertaining programing will also
be offered tonight, besides dance music,
by the Mozart orchestra.
A Big" Contract. .
The Lackawanna Valley Kleclrle
Light and Power company have se
cured a bog contract from the Dela
ware and Hudson company. Tho con
tract calls for the lighting of all tho
shops ,in till" city of that company.
Tlio electric light employes will soon
start at the work of wiring.
Joined the Marines,
James Callahan, of this city, has en
listed in the murine service of tho Uni
ted States. 'With other recruits from
the Scrnntou olllee he has been sent
to Philadelphia navy yard for instruc
tion. Mr. Callahan recently managed
a store in the old O'Connoll building
on Park place.
At the Concert.
The Paur orchestra concert In thu
new armory in Rorantou, last night,
tittracted a number of Carbondolo
people. Among them were; Mr. nnd
Mrs. Edward Lathrope, -Mrs. J. Ii.
Durr, Mr. W. D. Kvann and wife; II.
F, Clink and Miss May Kllpatrlck.
Funeral of Mrs. Murray.
The funeral of tho late Mrs, William
Mftrray took place yesterday morning
from tho residence on Uattle nvonuif
A high mass of requiem was sung over
tho deceased In St. Hose church by
Itt'V. Walter Gorman. Uurlal was In
St. Itose cemetery, to which place a
They Aro Often TogetherTliesB Bays.
They vVorlc Havoc All Over the
Country and in Scrantou.
"Weak, nervous, tho digestion out of
order that Is what alls a host of peo
ple. It comes about In this way; First
from overwork or other causes, the
nerves aro burdened beyond endurance,
nerve waste Is not replaced, ucive
force Is weakened, then tlio stotnacli
loses Its norve-conlrolllng power anil
Indigestion follows. with falling
strength. "When llrst Dr. A. W. chase's
Netvo PIllK came to Seriiuton people
could hardly be convinced that Hir
great nieiTiciuo wnuiil lentove these
troubles. Now It Is an accepted fact,
because of their euro of very stubborn'
cases no oilier nielli Inn would Inilu.
Mrs. J.L. Joluu-ui), of Xo, Tio Nodi,
Main fitt'ot, Scrantou, Pa., says; "Di.
A. W. Cliut-Vs Nerye Pills i(ro cseeU
lent. I wan to dizzy and nervous, and
tilt, stomach digested Its food badly
This condition induced iv feeling of de
bility and lassitude. Hearing of tho
nervo pills at Mathews llros., U20 Lack
awanna uveniie, I got box. and thn
result bus certainly been line. They
gave the stomach strength to bundle
the food properly, the nervousness and
dizziness disappeared completely, mm
my sencral strength and vigor re
turned. Consequently I uin pleased uud
glad to recommend tlto medicine."
Dr. A. V. Chuse's Nervo Pills are
sold ut COc. u box at deuers, or jr. a,
W. Cliuhe'3 .Mcdlolno Co.. liuffalo, N Y,
8o that portrait nnd slgimturo of A,
W. Chase, M, r are on every package.
U.. ...i ,,- . , Ml iihmiiii niHiiiummniiiJU
Miss Sophie Bonham, Vice-president
Chicago Pros and Cons Club, Tells How
She Escaped a Fearful Operation fop
Womb Trouble, by Taking JLydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound..
"Dijar Mrs. Pin-khan : I feel that words arc but feeble to
express a heart's gratitude, when there is so much to be thankful for
as I have. I suffered with womb trouble for live years, and our
family physician said an operation was needed ; but I dreaded it, and
reading of Lyilia E. Pinkham's A'effetable Compound one
day I decided to give it a trial first. To my great joy I found that after
four months' treatment I was strong and well; I experienced no pain or
trouble, and the Compound built up my entire system. I shall
always bless the day I started to take your medicine ; it proved my
greatest 'good." Miss Sophie Bonham, 281 Oak St., Chicago, 111.
"When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leucorrhcua. displacement or ulceration' of tho
womb, Hint boa ring-down feeling, inflammation of tho ovaries, backache,
bloating; (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous proa
trutiori.or are. beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness. lassitude,
excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all
gone" and "wnnt-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues, and hopelessness,
they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Jjydin E.
Pinklium's Yojyetalilc Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medieine, for you need the best. &
Mrs. Pinlclsiuu invites nil sick women to write her for mlvlee.
She 1ms guided thousands to healtu. Address, Lynn, Mass.
long procession followed the deceased.
Tlie pallbearers were: P. J. Tlohmd,
JIatthow Holaud, John 13oland,Wllllnm
IJoland, P. J. Kennedy, .Martin Ken
nedy, Thomas Kennedy and Henry
"The Uoinilc Ihier Hush," which
Manager Byrne has hooked for the"
Grand, is repeating on the road tho
success which characterized its lotlg
run in Xew York. The play, a dram
atization founded upon Iun MacLaren's
stories, appeals strongly to tho admir
ers of this author, and it would stem
that James MacArthur, the dramatist,
in correlating these stories Into u play,
has touched the keynote of human In
terest, for tin- appearance of J. II.
Stoddart in this play is everywhere
the signal for u crowded gallery, as
well as a well-lilled orchestra. The
I newspapers elsewhere seem to agree
with tho Xew York critics that no 10I0
In his long stage career is so eminently
suited to Mr. Stoddart as that of l.a
chlaii Campbell in his present play.
Meetings of Tonight.
Division No. 1, A. O. 11. ;
St. Vincent do Paul society.
Lttcretia lodge, Daughters of ite
bekah. Lackawanna tribe, lied Men,
Knights of Honor.
Local union No. 1011.
Carbondalo Cycle club.
Daughters of St. George.
1'. I.', it.vnii, of Ilono-ilale, v.i at (In- 11.1
llou-c yi'Slil'ihy
Willl.nn lluuioy, of b'cutmin, i fpcwlil!;.;
il.iy-i in ( '.ill. mill il.
lli'in.v J. WoolKu--, of Sluhioii,
.1 fovv
t the
Aiiici Heine yi-itoul.iy.
I'. T. Iti'illy, ot tli.' tji iinium-i'-s
of tlio St'i'Mitnii l'.iilw.i.v (oiiipany, (-pent y
il.i.v .-mil list tiiulit in the city.
Linus Muoiwy, nf Xew Yo:k city, lio Is
1 tins icpii'ient.itlre fur tin; LMiliimltlc
Wmkli'sr 1 uiiiiuny, i-i nt tlw Il.ti 1 i-011 Hon
The following is the annual report of
the Olyphant board of health: Balance
from lust report, $.-;!.7': annual appro
priation received from council, ?Hl!.L'o:
amount received from secretary for
duplicate permits, total, $201. Ex
penditures: Salary paid secretary and
clerk, JGO; salary paid health and sani
tary olllcer, SCO; amount paid for sup
plies, $W.7.'; janitor, $fi; total, $110.7.-;
balance in treasury, $t!0.:.',1; appropri
ation asked for 1002, $139.7.'i. Among tho
list of nulsaner-s there are thirteen of
fensive oes.spools. The following num
ber of contagious diseases wore re
ported: Diphtheria, 17; scarlet fever,
2; membraneous croup, 2; total, 21;
number of deaths, males, (IS: females,
CO; total, IIS; number of births, males,
,'2; females, 5r,; total, 107; number of
matliiiRcs, 70. The causes of deaths
were: Asthma, 1; apoplexy, 2; bron
chitis, U ; Ihlght's disease, 2; cholera
Inraututn, 0; clrosls of liver, 3; con
vulsions, "; colitis, 2; cancer, 1; com
plication of diseases, 2; consumption,
2; disease of heart, 1; disease of kid
new '1: dlnlitlieilii ili-mue ' lln
betes, 2; diarrhoea, 2; erysipelas, 1; in
anition, 1: Inllanunatlon of brain, t;
Jaundice, 1; accidents, l!i; laryngitis, 2;
meningitis, ; marasmus, s: nervous
exhaustion, 2; piioiiiuonlu, 10; paraly
sis. II: tierltoiilils. "r Kciirli,! r.tvui'. 1-
still-born, 7: suicide, 2; tuberculosis, ii;
uraemia. 1; general ileiiiuty, -I; totnl,
IIS. The term of John A. U'llllmnu ,10
a mcnthoi' of tho board of healih from
the Fourth ward has expired. Itespect
I'ully submitted, by order of the board
of health. John J. Carbine, secretary.
.Mr. Carbine, who has been secretary
of the board of health since its organ
ization, gives a painstaking rind thor
ough account of Its proceedings each
.Tamed O'Mnlloy, a pump runner, em
ployed In No. 2 mine of Urn Delaware
and Hudtioti company, met with a slight
accident, while desceiullntr l ho shaft
early yesterday morning. Tho lopo
which wis lowering tho carriage slipped
from tho slveavo and the sudden Jerk
Ing.catiBed Jr. O'Malley to bo thrown
violently vto tho. floor of thu carriage.
His injuries consisted of a sprained
.tallies, the Inrailt ton of Mr. and Mrs,
JnnieH itlchardson, of Dunniore street,
died Sunday night, after u Miort Illness.
Tho funeral will bo held from tlio fam
ily homo tills afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
Iluiiul in Dttuinoro comutory.
Miss Kulo Hudson's puplla In thu
Columbus school, Dlakely, havo pre
pared nn excellent programme for nn
entertainment which wll bo alven In
tho Primitive Mothodlgt church tomor
row ovunlng. Admlbcn. 13 cunts.
Perry, Gdtdl and Die, who played he-
fore a crowded house hero last week,
will appear In their latest melodrama,
"The Indian." ot tho Father Mathow
opera house tomorrow night.
A supper will be served in the Father
Mathew hall, Monday evening, Febru
ary 10, for the bencllt or St. Patrick's
parochial academy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hull entertained
tho members of the Blnkely Whist club
at their residence in Dlakely hist even
ing. Miss Jennie Lovcring, of Greenwood,
is the guest of Superintendent and Mrs.
Joseph Ileese, in Dlakely.
Alex. Dodson, of Hunlock's Creek, Is
visiting relatives In Dlakely,
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, of
Lackawanna street, spent Sunday with
Jermyn relatives.
The remains of tho late Justice of the
Peace Andrew Doles were shipped to
Poughkeepsie, N. Y yesterday morn
ing over the Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western railroad, where interment
was made. Tho Free and Accepted
Masons, of which the deceased was a
member, had charge of the burial.
The Sixth Ward vigilance committee
will meet this evening In James' hotel
at 7 p. m., when all candidates are re
quested to pay their assessment fee.
John Proper, William Lloyd and Wil
liam Davy, vigilance committee.
Elaborate preparations aro being
made by the members of S. J. Phillips'
Sunday school class pf the First Welsh
Congregational church, for the grand
entertainment and social to be held
Tuesday evening, Jan. 22.
The members of Century Hoso com
pany No. 2 are working ssealously for
the entertainment and ball to bo held
at Webet's rink on Feb. 12. ,
A special meeting of all tho ward
vigilance committees of the borough
will be held this evening in the coun
cil chambers for tho purpose of ilxlng
the assessment for tho ofllce of Justice
of the peace, and to transact other Im
portant business pertaining to the com
ing primaries.
Tomorrow a sweepstake shooting
match will be held at Enderllne's
grounds commencing at 1 o'clock.
The Taylor Hose company, No. 1, aro
sparing no expense to make their an
nual masquerade ball at Weber's rink
on Feb. C, it success. Tho nutate for
tho occasion will be furnished by a
fln-t class orchestra. The rink will bo
elaborately decorated.
Tho Christian Culture class of tho
Daptlst Young People's union of the
Calvary liuplist church will hold their
regular weekly exercises this evening,
a full attendance of members Is re
quested. Hew Dr. Harris Instructor.
An Interesting meeting of the Young
Men's Christian association was held
In their rooms on Sunday afternoon In
A'an Horn's hall. John D. Main, assist
ed by tho Glee society of tho Young
Men's Christian association ,of Scran
ton, led I ho meeting.
William Cooper, of Union street, bus
returned from a visit with relutlves nt
Port Oransre. N. J,
Merchant Jf. C!. Judge returned yes
terday from a few days' business trip
to Now York.
John Nelgor Is confined to his homo
Villi IHllPMH.
A dinner will bo served In tho iJuptlst
church on AVodnesduy, beginning at 12
o'clock. Tho ptico will bo 15 cents.
Mrs. J. W. Ptico is visiting tit Chester,
Pa., for u time.
Isaac Dean, who Is nearly 01 years of
ago. will leave the last of this month
for nn extended trip through tho .South.
Ho will btt accompanied by his son's
wlfo, Mrs. W. A. Dean.
So much Interest has been nmull'oHtod
In tho speclul horvlces In the Uaptlst
church that they will bo continued
throughout this week. Tuesday uvon
Ing Hev. AV. .1. Ford, of Scrnutou, will
preach, All aro cordially Invited to at
tend. OLD FORGE,
Mrs. Uumford, of Peckvlllo, Is visit
ing t Iho homo of her .daughter, Mrs.
uolm Thornton.
A number of onsen of chkl:cn-pox am
rc-portcd among the children in, this
Miss Constance rinnnigun. of Taylor,
Is visiting friends In this place.
Mr. uud Mrs. Eugene Depp were vis
itors iu Hci'unum 011 Saturday.
Hans Di'lcstock lb Mouiy linptovlng
front his recent Illness.
Tho funeral services of the latu llop
klns Plekroll were hold at Ids lato reM
deuco on Sunday afternoon. Interment
was In Murcy comutory. Sir. Plekroll
was horn In 1SI3 In Wale, and
emtio to this country nbottt thlrty-fodr
yenril ago. Slneo bin residence in this
plnce ho had gained many friends by
his Jovial disposition ami friendly man
A Joint meeting of the borough conn
rll and tho board ot health In called
for Tuesday evening, Jan. il, nt ".no
o'clock In the council chambers for tho
purpose of dlfottsslng some means of
guarding against smallpox, If such
should enter tho borough. Every mem
ber la requested lo bo present, Dy or
der of J, E. Morgans, chairman ot
council, ,
Philip Swnrlz, 0110 or tlto borough's
best known citizens, lu a candidate for
the nopubllcnn nomination for justice
of thu oencc.
A tnci'tln? of the ilircctoM of the l'Irt Xa
tloiial of .Iciinjn vn lulil .vrolcnhy niter
tioim In .-n-ml)ly kill. Tim micUInu of .1 Mill
utile place to locate took up 11 coii'lilcralile inr
tlon of tho tiieollnir. Many f.noieil the A-Keiii-lily
Work, ninl otlu-W Hie M, 11. lUWi hulMlm,',
It I piolutilo tho Idler wilt be decMcil upon,
ni II jrntiul location W tin linpmlaii!: 1 wi-lili-i-.
a tlon.
The Delaware .nul llmlxjii colliery, after a
tivj weeks' 5i!nemlon, will reu:iie- operation tlih
The Sacrcil He it fair, a general, w.11 t
temleil by n l.irne immlier of people on fesilunUiy
eveiilii'r. The lecltatlon reinleieil by Jlr. .lohn
Mniphy, of South Seranton; tho folo by M.
Mlelncl Kearney, of Ciiliomliile; the violin olo
by Mis) Ciraliam; the ocnl solo by MU'i Anna
Ili-oHii, 1111! tlie lecltatlon of Mln Mamie Tcency
weie lomlly npplaiuleil ami the participant", wcie
reprateilly cniiipelloil to levponil lo .in encoie.
It w.n unuVinbtMll.i the bent entertainment len
ilereil at the fair tlm far, anil the talent hum
Oaibomlale, .'cr.intoii nml Jenn.Mi wire Iho to
clpIenH of t'utittr.Uulaticiii on every haml for the
'excellent manner in which they tendered dieb
v.irlmu solcetli'in and dec! mutton. I'llday nlsht
the llogatth band, In conjunction with ll.-i Nora
Xi'jlon, the iieeoiiiplNlii'd pl.mKl of Cuilmmlale,
furnished the entertainment, and their rendition-!
weie well received. Joseph (trady, of Maytleld,
won tho iIIiiIim loom mit, dirpo'ed of Katimlay
CMiu'hir. Ml-., Annie (iwaly Ii deseivluir nf much
ricdlt for tho talent the piocnrei for the fair.
Iho fair will open acain Saturday evening.
'I1i funeral of the lale l'r.inl; role, mti nf Mr.
and Mr-i. lllchard Colo, of Ma.wkld, vho died of
a f-hort illin-H of liillinmiatory iheuinatUui nn
TIinv-Kl.iy afternoon, iv.n held Sunday tiftcritoon.
The innnlin weie raiinyeil to tlio hjctert Heart
church, where the last ritualt ot the c-liuieh were
celebrated by ltcv. l'ather Dunn, liiteiin-nt w.11
made in Calvary cemetery at Mayfleld.
Tlie Itepubllcan eoueu-i ot the I-' waul voters
will take place in WimUor lull net Moinlny even
ing and not Wednesday evening in announced in
some of yesterdavV paper.
There vyill be a cob-web social ami an ojate'r
supper at the home of Mrs. licoisc Stone, of
Thlid stieet, l-'riiby evcnlrsf. Supper and to
clal, L'j cents. All are cordially invited.
Mrs. .lainc? Dinner, of Witt Ma. Held, is eon
fined to her home by illne-w.
Ilany Arthuis, ot 1'ourth stteet, left ycstirday
for Youni;towii, O.
Oliver I.cVini, who his bun employed for a
number of years as fiietuan en Hie Ontario and
Western railroad, has been pioinoled tn tho po
sition of travellrs fireman owe tho entire f-'xtcm.
31t Sally Thoma'J of Kingston, was a caller
hero on Saturday.
Thomas McDcrmolt, of llulle City, Mont., Is
here on a visit to hi brother, John McPermott,
of South Main street, after an absence of twenty
seven veai.
Tlie employe, of tho Olenwood, I'rio and Key
stone collieiies will be paid tomoirow,
Jerry Oakley, a well known rr-ldi-nt of Seott,
ii forlornly ill.
The bthool board will hold their leiiiilar month
ly tneetlns this eveninj,',
Mrs. OcoiRo liuckiiiKliain, nf Wc-t Ma.Wlclil, l
confined to her home by slikne-i.
Mr. and Mis. William lieprw nnd danjjhb-r,
linra; Mr. and Mis. I'. 1,. bepew and daughter,
Hilda, and Wallace Uepew fpent Sunday at Kdell 1.
William LuiMiian, of Fourth i-lreet, has gone
on a to South l'oik, Ileal' Jnluwrnn-n.
l!oin To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Champion, nf
Thiid (.trcel, a son; and to Mr. and Mrs. Mozart
Lewi, of Mayfleld, a mi.
Mrs. Thomas Ituddy, of the l'.it Side, is crit
ically ill of pneumonia Willi llttlo hope nf recovery.
The ladles of the local older I'.wti-tn Star, aie
iequeted lo meet at 1.30 this afternoon at Odd
Fellows' hill, pi lor to attending the tuneial nf
the late Israel Perils.
'lhere will be a loxul.c." mreliii" of the Wil-nn
Tire company held lit their looms this evening,
v.heji otllu-i,; for the oitMiin; year will be eleited.
A full ntlend.inec of tho members is dcirtd.
Itiebaul ltradley letururd 10 his lahoirt at
Khicksliinnj, after ii.idiii' a few days with his
family here.
Stanley W. Xew ton, one oflhe Third ward's
staunches! Republicans, '-, wiilUng- eaincitb lor
the nmulnatlnii 01 Thiol waul touncllmun. Mr.
Newtcn is a mail capable of tillbi!,' the cilice, .and
hhniild receive full eon, Inn Irom the voters
ot the Third ward.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tnko Laxative Drotno Quinine Tablets.
All druggists -verund the money If It
falls to cure. E. AV. Grove's signature
is on each box. 2."c.
Make-Up of the Board for Today.
Now Station to Bo Erected
at Moscow.
Following Is tho mako-UD of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Wild (ut, i:.n-t-s p. in., I". I-V'iu iM,! 10
When dyspepsia fastens 011 a uiiui it
changes his tcelings and it chatiRes his
looks. He frowns now instead of .smil
ing. His expression is harsh instead of
kindly. He is wearing a false face a
face which does injustice to the real
nobility of his nature.
Dr. Pierce's (loldcu Medical Discovery
cures dyspepsia and other diseases of
the stomach and allied organs of diges
tiou and nutrition, and the record of the
cure is written both in tin lace and the
feelings of the person cured.
"Cioldcn Medical Discovery " is not a
stimulant or temporary tonic. It cures
the diseases that arc tlie cause of ill
health ami builds up the body with
sound flesh.
Accent no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Dh-covery." Tho solo motive for
substitution is to enable the dealer to
make the little more profit paid on the
sale nf less meritorious medicines.
"Ui-,1 tiiiriuB. curly,' 1 wrote you my IVellngs
unci condition," unyt, Mr- A. J. Vandcrvniter, of
87 Wet Division direct. Chicago, III., "and you
advii'dtnctuttik'- l)r rivrvc'. (Solclcn Medical
Iliscovcry. and then write how I felt. I nm
happy to iy I cm xettiiu lo feci line. In all I
have Mx bottlos of t lie I)lcocry' uud
four or Ave viah of tin little i'clltls.' Tiiey
have done me wuild of ood. Alt mv friends
jy: ' V.iudevvvuter, limv well you me looking.'
Tlie medicine, have made tlie 1rrr.1t rhnnjje in
inc : from the i-Uivv uiupc of a that could
hardly crawl, tired nud sick all the time, could
do 110 work, to u man who can work, sleep, eat,
and fuel fine, and that tired feeling ull gone
awny. 1 nut very thankful that 1 wrote to Dr.
l'ieice. Ill, 'Oukleii Midicul DUvovcry' nml
bu Utile liver 'lVllits' have nluuwt made u
new man of me. 1 feel young a I did nt thirty
Dr. Pierce's I'leasunt Pellets cleanse
the clogged bowels.
-fisSP Sl &H w&sM
PraSses Pya-'SJtTiniSaB
Mrs, Aaron Mcdron, of Savannah,
Ou writes: "1 had piles and rectal
trouble for years, until It Was tthbonr
ablo any longer. An I had often soon
Pyramid Pile euro udvertised, 1 deter
mined to try It, and for tvyo years havo
never censed to congrittulato mynelf
that I did so, for I have been entirely
cured of rectal troubles nnd two pack
ages of the Pyramid did It."
Tho P.VMtiuld Pile Cure contains no
cocaine, opium nor nny Injurious drug
whatever, and Is absolutely sate, pain
less and never falls to cure piles In any
Druggists sell full sly-cd treatment of
this remedy for CO cents,
rivals the most suc
cessful "home made"
and absolutely out
classes the so-called
"store" mince meat.
It is compressed
sold in air-tight
packages not out
of a pail or tub that
linnnlinnfl til 1'MIT':7 fV
a juiaauuuu muunu v.--.-
ifj posed for weeks.
which makes two largo
pies. Valuable premium
list enclosed. Beware of
tho "juat-as-goods."
Syracussi N. v.
Cor. Slxtrcnth St. and Irving Place,
American Plan, 3.C0 Per Day and Upward.
European li'n, it.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Rates to Families.
K ---- -'-- 1 -
For Business Men
In tho heart cf tho wholesala
For fcjSioppar.-j
minute:- walk to Wnnamnltors:
S minutes to Steuel Cooper's Eig
Ktoro. l-any of access to the sreus
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One hlock (roin E'way Car.i, glv.
lr.e easy trnnsportation to aU
Dolnts ut Interest.
Only olio lllocl: Irom Broadway.
Rnnm? "R1 Tin restaurant
llUUlib, 05 Up. prices Keuio-iibli
-)- -V -f ---- ---)-
p. 111., J. 1. BmUiait; 11 p. in., O, W. liu-
.lAM'AltV II.
Wild CiH, I'uit 1.30 a. in., (ieotite Tliiinn;
4 a. 111,, .VI, .1, Ilonm'iMii; (I a, 111., llohnken, .1.
II. Siv.ulx; 7 ,1, 111., A, l. dammit, I) a. 111., 1'.
I., llust-l; 10 a. 111., 1". 1". Steven-,! It a. in., VI.
I'lnnerty, 1 p. in., W. . Ldliar; "J p. 111., I!
hokeu, llrady; ,i p. 111., ('. V, Dunn; 0 p. in., i:.
JI. Ilallct.
Summit, lite. it .1. n , J. Cirilug; S a. in,,
riniuifelker; 1 11. in.. M.'lioU; 11 a. lit., I. Mi
AllUtcr; -' p. in., .1. .1. Mumiy. Tliniupyjn'.i ciewj
(i p. 111., .1. lleumt'.ui; S p. in.. .M. Golden.
1'u-lien, il a. 111, Widner; 7 a. 111., I'limeiiy;
8 a. 111.. Ilou-er; 11,10 .1. 111., Mnrani o p. 111., M.
(iinle.Vi (1 p. 111., (. Ilaitholoiuevvi 7.::o p, in.,
Miuphy: 'J p. 111.,-H. II, liuithoIniuev; II) p. 111.,
Wild fit, i:.i.t-i a. 111, W, A. ll.ilholoiue'i
5 .1, in., VI Cuuiod.v; Id a, in., ,1. Oilai.t; 11 a.
111,, (). ltiind.ilph; 1! p, in,, I'. Wall; 1 p. in.,
.lohii (jjliiKaii! 0 p. in., A. II. Kelihiiui; 11 11,
111,. ('. Klns.sliy.
I'.iRM-naer I'iikIi i 7 a. in., (JalTuej i 7 11. in.,
Slngci ; Pi u. 111.. iVaiiuiau; 10 a. 111., ."-eeor: 11. 1;
p. 111., Si.tntonj S.Si) p. in,, MiCSoyfin.
M. W. Luiikjii and rieii will lale tlielr niti
'i'tuwlay iiininluu, .I.11111 try II.
Willi.iui Ivlihy will inn 0 a. 111. wild ci. I ,1m
iiai v II, 1', ('ii (lew, until luither nitice
P. Ilaweity and nesv will go to llohoUen mi
Nn. '''I, .l.miMi'.v II, t, leant MoriN and IN-lh
ThtB and That.
The Norfolk and Western railroad
has placed an order for 1,0. gondola
ears of 10 tons caimclty, each with
Hteol Under fraiulng,
.Suporlutondenl 11, .M itlne, Master
Mechanic K, a, AlvJn, PlvJslon Ungl
neer ltelgel nud !'. P, Hamilton made
a trip over tho Itlnom division yester
day. ISlevut stalls of tho now Lackawan
na railroad iiniud hottso In this city
aro now being occupied, and the ten
jet to be lluls-hrd will bo ready for oc
cupancy In a few weeks,
A new passenger and freight station
will bo cncteil ut .Moscow on tlto
Lackawanna railroad during the com
tug year. Work will soon bo com
incni'ud at tvinodt ling the Nicholson
A Jlfty-foot Hag polo has been erect
ed 011 lop of tho sixty-five foot water
tank recently built In .the Lackawanna
yard. The tan!, will hold 150.3HS gal
Ions of ivaier. The old tank alongside
the new one will be torn down.
V. P. Hamilton, who wui until Aug
ust, 1IKM, tralmnuHlei" on tho Lacka
wanna railroad In this cltv, and later
a dispatcher 011 the Ohio Southern rail
road, has been delected io succeed
Fred P, Van Home, us chief clerk to
Division Sup9iinteniU'nt VMwIn 11.
Hint". Mr. Hamilton will assume hi.i
new dtttleu tomorrow-,
res 0 raw a1
a iiajl avi..ii.d
MKtt 1 "l