mm n ! t h Wirt ? J- , v I.. 6 THE SCRANTON TKlBtlNE-jUONPAY, JANUARY 13, 1002. SUNDAY AND THE SALOON DR. M'LEOD DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE OPEN DOOR. In His Sormon Last Night In tho Tlrst Prosbytorlan Church Ho Took Issue with Bishop Pottor find the Others Who Tavor Open ing the SalooiiB of New York for Part of tho Sabbath Objections Ho Urges Against This Ohango In tho Xaws. In his sermon In the First Prosby torlan church Inst night, the pastor, Jtev.Dr. James McLood, took Issue with Bishop Pottor and tho others who arc advocating a uhunRu In tho law of Now York state which will permit tho open ing of tho saloons of that city during certain liours on Sunday. With refer ence to tho utterances of Diahop Pottor on the Sunday saloon Dr. McLood said the bishop "spoke unudvlsedly with his lips." Dr. MoLcod Insists that the Sabbath should bo observed. Ills discourse was, "Sunday nnd the Saloon," and ho took for his text the words In Mark 2, 27-23: "The Sabbath was made for man, nnd not man for tho Sabbath: therefore tho Son of Man Is Lord also or tho Sabbath." Dr. MuLeod spoks us follows: The Smiihi ipu'siioii i nlwitvs tin tiinr up. " vi.h a t.;il)ject (it tuiilinwi-y during Clirisl'ii cut lily nilulntiy, nnd fiom i!iy to UiN, It Iim In en the oiciiImi u( wltlt'spreid interest, nnd of serious disputation. Tin" Pli.irais.ii' SiMiith was .i libel upon trui' lilialon, ,nul therefore f lirlvt condemned It. Tin- rii.ui-.cis Mibstltuted the bi'iiseli".s ami ltiful laws (it ni.ui foi' Ihe vlso inn) holv law !i f Stiil. 'I hey imposed Intolerable burdens upon the people. 'I hey diniamled spirlt ml Iaveiy, while tin' might tu have granted righteous Illicit. The I'liail-a.i. Sabbath neitr vias. muilu for nun. iini'siii:i) in iiiimi vu.w. In oilier to mmliiio the 1' of Ihclr fin ami foil, uin l.iinl fuinuntl) violated their Mlibjth. Ilelng liiil of the '-lUuth, lie brushul aw.iy the rubbish vvltli vililrh liny luil ill-llKiiieil the wired ili.v. lie iibukul ihili i-llly piinililloiis Hess anil t (it'll senseless, mattltii'tistit, .mil He showed tinlo tliiiu I lie utter liollimni -s of ihclr p.uus priluisloiis. Up lulil up lufuu- thill e.vr.s the minor of truth, o that, by mntinst, thry ir.ijrhL i-cc liud lie .i.sli.nuul of their own ill folluil. The rhn!"cc tin Iruc iilej of the i-pli it of ihc fourlii I'viiiirjiiilnient of the Ihtalugw. 'Ihry lame to believe ntiii via-, tiiuile for the Sdliluthi lnit Cliiist tinulit tliiiu 'fhe Hib bill was made for," In dluiss.ions of the Ninda.v ucl imi. tln-e words of our fvoul hue hem widely inli-nndei-tood, and tlieir meaning has hern gili'vou-l; per Mr! eel. "The Sabbath w.i-, ui.ule for nun"; th-'ii Miiely nun ban a right to tlie .-ililulh. 'Ibis light is not .to be confined to .1 few hlghly-fuioud per son;, it is a Divine light, to width ill mankind are entitled. They have ,1 ilahl to i njoy all its priviitges. and the; hive a light to u-e tlie Sib- natli lor the nigh ami I10I1 ends lot which it w.h givtn and designed. Our Lord cundoniued the I'hailsees for keeping the Sabbath in Mich .1 way as tu ou'iilde iir-tlei.' and meiey nnd a righteous liberty. It U ilear from Christ's example, an well as from Ills pre iipls, that the bplilt of flod't, law I-, more im portant than its lettn. Moial duties take pre cedence ovci positive rnmiii.iiids. "I was In the Spirit on the Loid's tii.v" tins slmil M'nte-uce inntains the "heart and soul of all tine Mb bath observance." Uut let nu one iniigine tint the Divine law concerning the .Sabbath has been cither niodltied 01 altered or lepealtd. Chtl-,1 did not tome into this world to destiny the law In juy Fiiiie; on the contrary. He amo to fulfill (lie law hi eu'iy dKe. IL is held in some quarfeis tiiat while tune commandments of the Pecalotjiip are still binding, cue, li.ilnelt. the fouith, has been abro IMicd. The wMi is tither to the thought, 'ihi.s hiise&tioii has been sei7rd ujion bt .seme eccles iastical politii'lin, nnd they .m' doing nil in their power to lomimo the ihureli of L'biM that for nineteni centuries it has bun ginn out to a f-trong delusion, (n bellete a He, toudilng Ihc Ilible doctrine of the hold's da. ori:.M.Ntj or sm.oona 'Ihc discussion that has been going on for sune time in the city of New York, tombing tlie pio priety of opening the whiskey Mlfions of that city on the Loid's day, mak" Hie Suntlay question one 01 moie thin local hignlQcimc. if tlie ihnplre btatc i-hould be luiluceil to jlehl to tho clamor ami Kpruoiis aiguuient of the Ihpior Malooiw and their patrons; .ml if It should icpjal Us llghtious and tmiedionored Sunday liw-, its ni lion, tlioucli most deplorable, would lute nu in fliitncc in etcry state of the union, nml there ia no telling what the esll ieults would be. At the piesent time, pollllil.un and cieleias tics aic wiestllng with the que.-tloii. 1 hey .lie diidcd into panics. 'Ihc cry of ope pirty is opm saloons .-ill the time, frte whiskey and no S'lnda. These are the f Mit-mUt. Aui'uliii jiu ly wants a little of Stmda a few hours in tie morning but fion 1 n'riork, in the .ifteinouii until 11 o'clock at night they want the liquor wloons tu ho open, and they want the Irgislatuie of the state of New lork to enaa a law embodv nig their wMi. Hut theie Is another party and it is to be deuutiy hoped that it is the Mi'ongot that wants to tee our historic Aineiic.ui Sunday hw maintained in tlieii integrity,' our American Sunday pitscned, and its hallowed in fluences in the lnteict of tine nligion and of liiedid rest, for body mil mind, senuely guarded, 'this is the puty to uhiili all true patiiots and all true fluUtians should belong. It is a thousand pities tint any Iiil-tian minis. tir should use Ids liilliienit' on the side of tiio-e who are trjlng to lneak down fair Aniericm Sab luth, 1 ipeak of Illhlinp l'ottn, ol New Yuilc 11I, with great rwpeit, but I i.innot but think that he "speaks uuaiKisedly with his lips," when, as repoitcd a few da ago, he iliainitcrheil 3 most tcipectable body of Christian men and women as "hypocrites." I hate often differed fiom our Piohibillonist friend-, Inn I thlnl: I am Jiistlfini m sa.tina; that, lm the incut part, they are true to their coifcclcnllous iou Idiom, a n't that, proportionately, there aic not many 11101c "hpoirltes" among t lie in than there aie'aniong the eleigy, of whom lllshop Potter Is a lonsplui. oils and honored inetnbei, I think my I'rohlhi. tionlst fiiruds Iiae, at times, been sincerely wrong, but their sincerity should eae them from llio charge of hpoeris.. I In'llete that In the preseut controversy about Sunday saloons, lllshop Potter is sincerely wiong, but while his sin nrlly Is no proof of Ins good Ifidgiiient, It does (ate hini tiiim tlie severe cluige of being a hio. WHAT niSIIOl' POTTI'.lt SAYS. Some .tears ago, lllshop Potter aid: "We shall ret Bd Sunday In America when men leam to recognlo Its, meaning and its uses not when wc hate closed nil tho doors, whltli, if ojieu, might help to teach that lesson, It would seem as If the door o( a library wero one o theso dooisj the door of a well-arranged and well-equlpiicil museum another; tho door of a leally worthy pic. lure gallery another." llut HMiop Potter hat made rapid progress elneo then, for now lie has Iddcd to hU list of good bunday open doors, the door of (ho liquor saloon. Thin the old proterb U criued: Kacllls est descensus Averni, ' The tainted F, W. Hobertson held liberal tleui louelilng Sabbath observance, l.iko lllshop Pot, ler, he held that the fourth tomnundmeiit I not low binding, but unlike the bishop, ho advocated You Could Look Into the future and see the condition ,to which your cough, If neglected, wilt brinir you, you would seek relief at once ami that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption "j jmv Cuarauteed to cure Con. 1 vIJI C sumption, Bronchitis, t-tt 'W Asthma, and all jVubb; Troubles, Cures Coughs aud Colds in a day, 25 cents. Write to 8. C Welis & Co., I,c Roy, W. Y., for free trial bottle. ' Il'nrl'a Clover VaaiTm nnrlftra ih fUnn.t ' J the "rtellglouj non'Obscrrsnce of the fsabbtth." Ubcral though he , there mi no placo In I1I1 broad theology for nuch censorious language as that which was recently used by the Episcopal hlsiop ol New York, In his treatment ol the Sunday question, ho Midi "Ood mode Ilia Sab bath for men In a certain pplrllual stale, bcauo they needed It. The need, therefore la deeply hidden In human nature, Ho who can dispense with It, mtut lie holy nnd spiritual Indeed, and he who still unholy and uusplrltual would Jot dispense with It, Is a man who would tain be wiser than his Maker." "We, Christians, as we arc,J still need the' law, both In Its restraints, and In It aids to our weakness. No man, thcrefoic, who l,nowit him self but will gladly nnd Jot fully Mse the Institu tion, No man who known the need of his breth" rcn will wantonly desecrate It, or recklessly hurt even their scruples respecting Iti observance. And no such man can look with aught hut grate nud strlous nppiehcnslon en nn innovation that will Invito millions to an mire Ualous wo of the day o( rest." I commei'd these wise words of the most famous Episcopal minis, ter of his day, to both tho secular and eccleslas' (leal politicians of New Yoik, who am advo cating the bienklng down of our Amcilwn Sun day. It Is causo for sincere regret that some of our gieat daily newspapers a to advocating the lepoii! of our Sunday laws, and thus arc uslns their Influence to brenl: down our American Hibbath, They are pleading; for homo rule, and for local option lc.tpcitlng It, The plea Is spot Ions and many are deceived by, II, Mom: pt:nsoNij i.iht;rtv. Hut those who want the Sunday laws ol our land abiogated, urge It on the giouml of llbcrtyv Their deunnd is for mom personal liberty. They do not want any law that Interferes with their liberty. Precisely. It is an honest confession. Thieves, profane person', perjurers and murdercis hate serious objection to the laws that resti.iln mid punl'lt Hum. Is the liquor saloon Midi a friend to irood government, and such 11 blessing to humanity Hut it is entitled to poitdiar and I'viltcd pilvlleges? The whole world knows tint ll is 11 great cuisc Instead of .1 gieat blessing to humanity. Hut nlthougli this traffic has bicn greatly f.itored by its far too pliant legislative tools, still lt friends like the horsclioeh and her two daughter Keep on ir.tlng; (lite, give! (Hu us liberty, they ciy. Now what does this cry for liheity meant Does ll mean .1 nunc careful olw'.nt.iiiic of the Lord's day. Does it nicn'i more pmcr, swcetii, happier homes! Dots it mean 11 mote st.1Ie.11t patilotNm and a more Christian citizenship? Does ll mean .1 stionjrr .imi healthier body, nud a clearer mid menu dis criuilnitlng mind? No, a thoiKind times, 110! Win- then this try tor more liberty? Whit docs it me 111? It means liberty to change find's holy day Into .1 ilij of levelry. It inenis liheitv illliei to violate ilghlioiw laws, or ciaso them from the statute b.hik. It means lllinty to in ter the homo .mil lob ll of etcry inrthly iiim foit; libnlv to hivv seccU of nil-cit fiom which my 1 lads must reap 11 h.utc-t of despair: lllwitv to defile the bodies and to destto the souls of llicil victims; llbeity to dcpiiie out sons of their le.isiiii ami our daughter" of their nnnlestv; lib irty to (ill our gaols with iiimiii il-, and our aliuthou-cs with paupeis; libeit.v to 111 ike devoted witis voitc than willows and loving children 'tuisc than trphans: liberty to 1.111 thous.i'iiU of iltlrens ctcr.t tear and liury them In diuiikanl'.s prates! (I temporal O moies! And is tills tho llbeity that a host of our fellott-cltiiens crave? And they ale our fellow citieiisl And they .11 courted and tlatteied and pelted and loddlcd by politicians, beciusc of tlieir liitluenco and theii' power at Hie polls! "I'is Hue. 'tis pity, and pit 'tis 'tis tine. 'I hire is no wisdom in louicaling Hie fact that our Aiiietii.111 Sunila has n host of foes vtho .110 liittei, ?eilous unci lelinth'ss; ami il behootis all true mtiiols ami all Hue Christ! 111s to In tn their guard and lourageously to meet their attacks. all Alii: l.N'ir.itr.siT'.i). All denominations of Christians are inleicstcil in the Sunday iiiestioii, or at least, they all .should be inteieited in it. 'I lie Itonian Catholic iliurch, through its hierarchy, bis spoken 011 this sulijett with 110 lincoitaln voice. It did so at tlie llaltlmoie louncil, and it did so at its 111010 lecent i:ueharistic congress. And on tlie nibjet t of Sunday saloons the voice of this gieat ihuich should be powerful: for 1 believe that two-thirds It mil thieo'fourths of all the liquor saloon keep eis in Hie United States belong nominally to tlu Itoman Catholic church. 'Jhe fact that its chi ! priests .lie outspoken in tlieir opposition to this Sundry liquor Ivtr means much to all the fiienda of our American Sunday. III.itks.tonc was right when lie -aid: "Hie keeping of one day ill seven, vvliollv as n time rf iitie.ttlon and lefre.shment as well as for pub lie worship, is of admiiablc peiviic to the state, coiisldcrrd merely as a citil institution. 1b2 piofanatinr. of (lie Sabbath is usually followed by a flood of immorality." Voltaire knew what lie was talking about when he said: "The:,1 is no hope of ili.stro.ting the Christian icliglon, so lonj; .1 the Chi Mian Sabbath is acknowledged and kept by the people lis .1 sacred da," "Tlie Ioniser I live," said Daniel W'cbsti", "the more highly do I estimate the ChiWIan Sabbath, and the more grateful do I feel towards those who hupioss its Importance upon Hi community." John Quincy Adam;, piestdtn' of the United States, used these significant sentences touching our American Sunday: "It was tlie remark of one of the ablest and puust of tlioso foreigner! who tamo to our aitl in the da.vs of levolutioniry peiil, and who niailo bis home and, recently, his tiave among us Hie lite venerable Piter D11 pont'ciii, of I'hllidilphla tint of all vie claimed as characteristic, our obseivance of the Sibbatb is tlie only one tint is truly national and Ameri can: and, for this cause, if for no other, lie trusted it would never lose Its hold on our af fection and pitiiutUm," "It was a noble thought," sat.s Mr, Adams, "anil may well min gle with higher and nobler motives to stimulate our etroits and encourage our hopes. And, while It is the' glory so eagerly coveted by other in Hons, tint they may be pir-unlncnt in conquests and extended rule, let us glidly anept it as our dl-tlnction, aud vveai it as the fairest of all that KI.110 our escutcheon, that we pie-inilnently honor the Sabbath, and the SabbalhV Lord." IT JIC'hT Sl'KAK OIT. The t hil.stlau pulpit must speak out uu tills subjeit and declare to the p-ople the whole foiuisol nt find loncerning it. Falsehood must be met with the tiuth, Tiicie must bo 110 lower ing of the standard, Tlie good people of this in lion will not permit the liquor saloon and its al lies to fiame our Sunday laws. The press mint Join the pulpit in defending the tiuth, and in maintaining our priceiiss heiltage, We mint give flesh emphasis to the declaration that the Christian Sibballi has been, and still Is one of our national bulwarks, and wc must pre tone It; for If the found itions bo destroyed what will the ilghteous do? The state is In teicsted in this question as well as tint church. All good eitinens should be interested in it. Piety as well as patriotism and patriotism nu less than piety should cry out against every at tempt that is made to profane the sjcred day. "O day most calm, most bright--Tlie world were dark but for thy light: Tli' torch doth show the way," TAYLOR. Tho I lepublicaus of this borough wltl hold their primaries on Monday, Jim, 20, between tho hours of 4 and 7 p. m. at tho various polling places. Tho of ficers to bo filled are: Uoroush at lui'BP, justice of tho pence und uuditor; the ward ufllces to be tilled aro; Coun cilman, school director, constable and assessor. Following aro tho list of as plrunts: For justice of tho peace, YV, U, Howells, C, II. Van Horn, Kdword Allen Charles. J, Kvans, Auditor, Adolph Urwelder, John K. Owens, Pavld needier und William Thomas. First ward For councilman, 'Thomas Moses, William Jones; school director, William Jacobs, ISmll Thomas; con stable, nichard Morris nud John Pow ell, Second ward For councilman, John It. Johns, Henry Welsentluh; school director, no vacancy. Third ward For council, James Mori Is, Jr., Christ Zumbach, David J, Harris, School director William N, Wllllums, James Palmer and Dr. W. H. Olm stead. Fourth ward For council, William Evans; school director, James Evans. Fifth ward For council John P. Thomas, Oomer 13. Davis; school director, Tallie Griffiths and T, H, Da vis. Sixth ward For council, II. E. Harris, James It. Stephens, John Hodge; school director, Simon Getts; assessor, John Proper, Tho villKunce committees of all wards of tho borough aro requested to meet in tho council gmmmomi jMlK BEm ff To any ono suffcrlnff from Brlght's dis ease, vvoalc lddncys, stone In tho bladilor or what is commonly known among -women as "feninlo weakness" wo will Bond ABSOLUTKI,Y FRMK A SAMPiMJ HOTTIjIO OF Dlt, KENNKDY'S FAVOll. ITI3 IlEMtiDY, which will positively euro nny case of kidney, liver, blood or bind der trouble and will restore you to perfect aienltli. . ., , Dr. David Kennedy's Favortto rtcmedy is the only kidney medicine thnt nctn as c laxative. All others cause constipation, We receive thousand of voluntary tes timonials from our patients, who cannot pay enough In praise of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy, which has cured them of their kidney and liver troubles. Our patients who lmvo been cured tell of tho wonderful work dono by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.- D&, BmM lis Mr. J. S Dean, Commander of General Grant Post, a. A. R., of Rondout, N. Y., was all run down with dyspepsia. Doc tors could not help him. hut Dr. David 3Cemiedy's Favorite Remedy cured him, notwithstanding that he had no confi dence In any euro. In one week he felt better, and to-day lie says he is as healthy as It Is possible for a man to be. Dr, DAvt'd Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" J3y special arrangement with the Dr. afy bottlo of till.- wotideriul midlcliii! am! pamphlet of viilunbio medical advice absolutely free, postpaid, by simply sending their full post olllco address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rundout. N. Y., and mention having seen this generous offer in this paper. The editor guarantees tho genuineness eif this liberal offer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy, is sold by all druggists at $1.00 a bottle, or C bottles $3.00, less ono cent a dose. chambers tomorrow evening to trans act business pi entitling to the coming primaries. On Friday afternoon, January 10, the Women's Christian Temperance union met at the homo of Mrs. C. II. Von Horn's on Main street, whore u very interest liiT meeting was held. A pleas ing programme was carried out, and among other things a very helpful and Inspiring address wus given by the county president, Mrs. Vaughn. Itev. J. X. Bailey, of Mooslc, and Rev. C. B. Henry, pastor of tho Methodist Epis copal church, alhi) addressed the meet ing. Tlie session closed informally and light refreshments wero served by the ladles. The W. C. T. I. is gaining in stiength and great interest is shown by tho members. Michael Murray, of Washington street, is confined to his homo by it badly sprained Unee. Tho vigilance committee of the Sixth ward will meet tomorrow even ing at James hall to register candi dates. Ey order of John Proper, Wil liam Lloyd and William Davy, jr., vig ilance committee. Services over tlie temains of the late Justice of tho Peace Andrew Doles were held at his lato homo on Main street yesterday afternoon nnd In charge of the Acacia lodge, Xo. r7S, Free und Accepted Masons of which the deceased was a member. Rev. Dr. H. 11. Harris, pastor of the Calvary church, officiated. Tho remains will be shipped this morning to Poughkeop sle, X. Y on tho Delaware, Lacka wanna, and western 7.40 n. m. train, where interment will bo made. W. CI. Howells is an aspirant for the ofllce of Justice! of the Peace mnde va cant by the death of Justice Andrew Doles. A special meeting of the borough council is called for this evening when action will bo taken to guard against tho dreadful ellsease, smallpox, from locating In this borough. The funeral of Hopkln Plckiell, of Old Forgo, took place yesterday after noon find wtis largely attended, In terment was made in tho Marcy ceme tery. Dr. W. U Van Rusklrk, of Olyphnnt, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Van Uus kirk, of Main street. Miss Lenox Howells visited rela tives In Wilkes-Rarri' yesterday. Arehbald Mine Accidental fund will meet this evening In their rooms In tho Odd Follows' ball when the newly elected oillcers will bo Installed. D., I. AND W". BOARD FOR TODAY Following Is tho make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: .1ASUA1IV 12. Wild f'.its, S p. 111., A. II. Itmver, JO p. in,, W, A, Iiirllioloiiicw; 11 p. in., II, Jblicrty, lASL'AltY n. Wild Cat lliit. 1.80 a. m., llolxikcn, W. .1, Mcteln; I :i, in., 1). Ilaifgcrty; (i ,i. in,, Jlolinkcn, II. .1. I.aileliii 11 a. in.. Ilolmkcn, 11, P. liilll gun; 1 p. in., Ilolinkfn, M. Uiulinci ; 'i p. in,, .1. ILiNtcr; 0 p. m,, O. V, Hurt, Pushers (1 j. tu,, W'ldncr; 7 a, in., S. Pincrly; fi a, in,, Ilouair; ll.J'i j, ni.,; fi p, in., II. Ctislar; II p. in., I'. JlcPonnrll; 7.:'(i p. m., Mnrpli.v ; !) p. in.,' W, II, llartliulonicvvj 10 p. in,, humping;. fcuiiiinit, Etc. 0 a, m Ci. Krouiikfclkeri JO ii. in,, Mcliol-s; i p. in., !. .1, Murray, 'nioinjwon'fl nun; Il a. ni,, I'. .McAUUtcr; G p. in., J, lli'iine i;an; 6 p. in., M. fiolden, Wild OiU West. 7 u. in., vvoilc tialn. O'llira; 10 a, in., O, Itandolpli; Jl n, m., 1', Wull; S p. in., John flahairnn; 4 p. m., A, I.'. Ki'tcliinn; 5 ji. in., 0. Kings,!.'-; U p. in., T. Doudli'un; Jl p, in,, 11, ( 'miner Passenucr DiikIiios. 7 a. in., (Jjfuivy: 7 a. in., Finger; 10 a, in., .V.umian; 10 n, m. , .Scenr; 0.15 ji, in,, Stanton; b.LiO p. in,, Mctiovcin. SOriC'K, J. J. Dully will lake Ids run on pick-tip .Ian. 1J, O, Moran vvill pi out with l'. b, llutferii in place of fi. A. Wlllmutt. A, Hulltvjii icpwiU (or Mi huh. The Luxury of Modenx Railway Travel to Florida and the South. Tho L'nUIUito of tourists who appre ciate the ucme of luxury In railway travel Is duo In no small measure to tho Southern railway system. Their line of operation Is the great highway that leuds by Washington, D, C to und through the Southern states, Year by year they have adopted every im provement that could add in any way to the comfort of that nrmy of visitors, who make their winter homo la the vnst territory covered by Its network of lines. An example of the- superb trains operated by the company Is tho South ern's "Pulm Limited," which rupna be tween New York, Philadelphia and St. which Imperils tho patient's health, "Do you dcslro to urltiato oftcn7 Aro you compelled to get up frequently during the night?" . ..... "Do you have pains In tho small or tho back?'' "Does your urlno stain linen?" , ..... "Is there a scalding pain in passing It? ' "Is It dimcult tu hold tho urlno back?" "Arr- you troubled with vital weak nesses?" . .. If tho nnswor It "Yes" to any of theso questions your kidneys or bladder aro dis ease il. Mr. J. E. Palmatccr of Athens, N. Y., writes: My little granddaughter had eczema tho worst way: sho was u mass of sores; my wife gave Iter Favorlto Remedy, and tho sores disappeared entirely and her skin to-dny Is smooth and cloar. Mr. Pal matccr Buys 'ho was also cured of kidney and bladder trouble by Favorlto Remedy. avorifc' Remedy Thanks to "FAVORITE REMEDY." Miss Anna J. Almea of 320 Soper St., Elmlra, N. Y says that she raised blood and phlegm with every breath, and wus completely broken dojvn in health until sho used "FAVORITE REMEDY." which stopped her rough und restored her health and strength. She sayn It Is the greatest medicine ever discovered. is ihe only Kidney Medicine ihat does David Kennedy Corporation, the readers of &H K ft tt t if. S$ V. t t tu. i k ft ft ft ft & .' h' &' &' &' IV St &' &' 'IV ' liar 1 1; 'iv ll Mat i other leather. On account of mild weather and other conditions, we have reduced the prices on Ladies' Shoes os follows: Ladies' Box Calf Lace Shoes Regular Price $2.25, Special Price.... $i.7s ' Regular Price 2.50, Special Price.. .. 2.00 Regular Price 3.00, Special Price.... 2.50 Regular Price 3.50, Special Price 3-00 N. B No old stock; every pair new and made on the most stylish lasts. , w Is-' iar & LEWIS- RiDI.DflloOIffl, "A'A"it'a'Ayi'mAUMU'a"mA'A'a'A'aytyiHWiyt'AH'A'ax Augustine, every day, except Sunday, during the winter months. This mag nltllcent train will be inaugurated Jan. ll, W02, leaving Philadelphia at 3.1G p. m:, the most luxurious In the world, runs through solid from New York to St. Augustine, excepting one drawing-room tleeplng car, which Is detached at JUackvllle, R. (J and runs to Augusta, for the accomodation of travelers to this popular resort, and Aiken, S. (,'. Tho train is composed of Pullman composite, compartment ears, drawing-room, sleeping cars, library, observation and dining cars. Two other fust dally limited ttatns are operated, carrying through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cats, New York and Philadelphia to Savunnah, Jack sonville, Tampa, Charleston, Aucrustu, Ashevllle, Chattanooga, Nashville, At lanta, Diimlngham, Memphis, New Or leans, affording excellent service to Florida, Mexico and the Pacific coast. Dining car service on till through trulns. The popular route to Pine hurst, N. C, Pullman drawing-mom sleeping cars, Washington, PlnehvYrst, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. New York to Thomasvilel, C.a Pull man drawing-room sleeping cars every Thursday, commencing January Oth. Charles I,. Hopkins, district jiassenger agent Southern railway, S28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing November 30 and each Tuesday, Thursday "and Saturday thereafter, tho Washington and South western Limited, operated dally, be tween New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans via tho Pennsylvania lluilroad and Southern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Droud street station at C.G5 p, m composed of dining, Pull man drawing-room, sleeping, observa tion and library ears, In addition will carry a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-room compart ment sleeping car to connect with tho Sunset Limited operated between New Orleans and Sun Francisco. The celebrated trans-continental ser vice offered by theso luxurious trains makes a trip to tho Paclilo coast not only very quick, but most delightful. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Railway, 32S Chestnut sti'eot, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish nil information, A Trip to California or Florida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to cull on tho local ticket agent of tho Lackawanna railroad und ho will arrange every detail, Including trans portation, berths, reservations and checking of baggage tluough to desti nation; also will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in formation desired on tho subject. Through sleepers and duy coaches to Chicago, Only one change of cars to California. Additional Fassengej- Train Service via Southern Railway, Effective Nov. 21, the Southern Hull way will operate through train service from Washington via Richmond, Va., to Florida and points south. Tho now train will be known as No. TltY THIS TEST. Put somo urlno In glass tumbler and kt It stand 21 hours. If It has a sediment or If It Is palo or discolored, mltky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your kidneys or bladder aro In a had condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorlto Itcmedy speedily euroo such ilnnperoiiB symptoms as pain In tho hack, Inability to hold urine, frequent dc slro to urinate, csprclnlly nt night, and all tho unpleasant and dangerous effects on tho syBtem produced by tho ubo oC whisky, wluo or beer. OTTLE William F. IJader of Drlgps av. and 6th St., Brooklyn, says that ho contracted rhcumatlam after a. severo cold; nothlne would gtvo him relict until ha took Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlto Remedy. Two largo bottles cured him. He suys both his Bister and her child were restored ta health by "FAVORITE REMEDY." Remember, Dr. David Kennedy's Fa vorlto Remedy Is absolutely harmless. It 13 absolutely and purely vegotablo. It contains no narcotics or minerals In any form, no dangerous stimulants, no mercury or poisons. Children and Invalids can talco It with perfect safety. It la a blesalng In old age. It will euro any cast- of kidney, liver, bladder or blood dlseute. not constipate. It acts as a laxative this paper are enabled to obtain a trial ftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft The most serviceable leather for Winter Footwear you will find is Box Calf. You will get more real wearing value for the monev than in anv 330 Lackawanna Avenue. 29 and will leave Washington at 10.50 a. m. over tho Washington Southern Hallway and arrive Jacksonville, Fla., at a. m. This train carries first class coaches and Pullman drawing room sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also has dining car ser vice. Tho above train Is In addition to the full complement of train ser vice of Southern Railway via Lynch burg and Danville. Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent,,Southern Hallway, S2S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. To the South via New Jersey Central. Tho New Jersey Central railroad Is tho only line offering Pullman service to winter resorts In tho South and the Charleston exposition, with but ono change of cars. Lowest rater, and quickest time. Pull man reservations secured and baggage checked through. Inquire of J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, C02 West Lackuwanna avenue, Scranton. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna a:id Western. In UlTect Nov, 3. 1001. Trains leave Scranton fur New York At 1.10, rt.IO, 0.03. 7.W and 10.05 J. in.: J2.t5, i,.IO, l.."J p. in. for Ni'W Yoik and Philadelphia 7.W, 10.05 a. m., and 12,15 and 3.33 p. m. Tor Tuli.v lianna At (1.10 p. m. I'm- lluflalo 1,15, D.S2 and 0.00 a, in.; 1.05. ti.00 and 11. .55 p. 111. l'or Wiw hainion and way ttatlons 10.2(1 a. in. and 1.10 p. ni. I'or Oswego, bjucusp und Utic.i 1,15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.51 p. in. 0ivi'i, bvraeiito and Utlca train at 0.23 a. in, diily, except Sunday, Tor Montrose 0 00 a. in.; J.10 and 0 50 p. m, Nicliulsou accoiiiiuotlitloii 4..00 and 0,15 p, in. Ulooinsburc Uiv Isloii l'or Northumberland, ut fi.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. ni. l'or Plymouth, at 8.10 a, in.; 3.10 and 0,00 p. in. Sunday Traln-ror New Vurk, 1,10. J.15, C.03 and 10,05 a, in.; 3.10, 3.33 p. in. lor Buffalo 1.15 and fl.22 a, ni.; 1.63, 0.50 and 11,35 p. m. For IMnglMiiitnii and way ttations 10,20 a. in, Hlooiiisbiir;; DivMon Leave birantun, 10.05 a. in. and 0,10 p. in. Now Jersey Central. In Kited Nov, 17. 1001. Hatloiu In New York, loot of Liberty street and South Verry, N, It, Trails leave fecranton for :iew Ymk, Plilladel. pliU, Kattun, Uctlilehein, Allentovvn, Maueh Cliuii.t, White Haven, Ashley and WIILvb-Ilairo at 7.30 a. in,, 1 p. m. and 4 p. ni, f-unday, 2.J0 p.m. Quaker City Kxprerf loaves Scranton at 7.30 a. in., tlirouRh solid vestibule train with Pullman lliifTct Pirlor Cars, for Philadelphia, l'or Avoca, PitUton and NHkcs-Uane, 1 p, m, and p. in. Sunday, 2,10 p. in. l'or Lone Itrancli, Ocean (irons etc., 7.30 a. in. and 1 i. hi, , Tor Heading, Lebanon and Harriaburg, via Al IcntovMi, at 7.30 4. in, .md 1 p. in, Sundiy, 2.10 p, in. l'or PotUvlllo at 7.30 a. ni, and I p. in, l'or ratu and tlrUtii applj to audit at station. .(J, M. IIUIIT, (ien, Pats. af, W, W. WENTZ, Gen. Sunt. New York, Ontario and Western. In Hflcct Tuesday, Sept. 17, IMI, XOHTU HOLM). Leavo ra. " Tialin, Scranton, Cailiondale, Cacigslj, No i, 11. 10a, m. 1.00 p, in. C 7 , 0.10 p. in. Ar. rarhciiidale 0.10 p. m, Lcav) Leave Arrive lulu. (ailxindale. Sciantni. Ko. 0 7.00 a. in. 7.10 a.m. v0 2.15 p. in. LOOp. ni. J.JIJn. in. SU.NDAYh ONJ.V, SOUTH 110U.N1. ' Lvavo i'1'1",6. Auivo Trains, buautun. Carbondale, Crdoila. xo u a. tn. p. ni . io. m a, m. vo" 0 7.00 u. in, Ar. Carbondale 7,10 p. in. ""' bOU'fll UOU.N'U. ' Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Cadooia. Carbmidale. .Scranton. Ne'e 7.00 a.m. 7.10 a. m. No. 10, 1.30 p. in. 0.15 p. in. Traiiii Soi. I on week daj, and p vn Sundjis, make main line connections (or New York city, Middlctovwi, Walton, NorttHli, Oneida, OiWeffa and all poluti vveat. ... for further information, icm-ult ticket agents. J. O. ANPi.llf-O.V, C. P, A., .New York. J, E. iVELbil, T, I'. A., Serantou, Pa. iti Box Calf e m Going Out of Business. The J. A. Banister Co., Proprietors of VewarkShoeStore Will close their store in this city at the expiration of their present lease, which occurs shortly, and with this end in view have inaugu rated a great I CLOSING ODT SALE The Newark Shoe Store's Reputation for "Good Shoes" is so firmly established that it is unnecessary to say anything about the quality of the Newark stock, except that, owing to the recent business depression caused by unsettled labor con ditions, the stock is much larger than usual, in fact, so large that we can pro vide A-l shoe bargains for all who will take advantage of this great "Closing Out Sale" at the following prices. 0 ST 00 Shoes at $0 00 SI 75 Shoes at $1 50 (J 00 " " 5 00 l 50 " 1 35 5 00 " 4 25 i or. a no 1 4 no 'i 2 ft )0p ' S0p w 3 00 " " 2 50 2 50 " 2 10 76o 00c 2 00 " 105 50c " ,' 42c I - n v 1 lnrlJilisi f M S t HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccncrnl Agent for the Wyoming District tor Dupont's Powder lllning, Dlastlnir, Sporting, Smokeless and ths Itcpauno Clicmical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Tuse, Caps and Explo'dcrs. Itoora 101 Con- ecII Building ,Scrantcn, AOKSCILS. T1IOS. FORD , JOHN D. SMITH k SON" W. E. MULLIGAN PHUton Plymouth Wilkea-Uarra . Lehigh Valley Kailroad. In EtTect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scianton. For Philadelphia and New York via I). & II. It. It., at 0.38 and 0.0S a. in., and 2.13, 1.27 (Dlaek Diamond Uvprcss). and 11.30 p. m. Sun dajs, I). A; 11. It. 11.. 1.5S, 8.-.'7 p. in. For White Haven, Haileton and piinripil points in tho coal region". la 1). Si II. 1!. It., 0.3S, 2.13 Mid 1.27 p. m. For I'ottavillc, 0.3S a. m., 2.13 p. m. Foi IleUilelieni, i:.iton. Heading, HarrMiuw, and principal intermediate stations, via I). .'; II. II, It,, 0.3S, 0.KS a. in. J 2.1i, 1.27 (Maul: Dia mond Etpreas), 11.30 p. in. Kiinilayj, D. & II, II. It., !.3S a. in.; 1.03. 8.27 p. 111. For Tuiikliannoik, Toivamla, l.'Inilra, Ithaca, fiencva and principal intrrniediate stations, vlt D., L. and W. It. It., J-.10 a, in. and 3.S0 p. m. For Geneva, itoilicilcr, lluftalo, Miigat.i I'alU, Chkago and all points west, via 1). II. it. It., 7,48, 12.K1 a. in., 1.1J, il.2S (Oliak Diamond llv prebs), 7.1S. 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sunday, 1). & II. It. It., 12.0,'t, S.27 p. nr. Pullman pallor and sleeping or T.elileh Valley Parlor cam on all tiaii.t lietwcen Wllkci-Iiarro nnd New York, Philadelpliia, lluflalo and Suspen. hiou Ilridgc. IIOI.I.IN 11. Wli.mjn, (len. Supt,, 20 Cortland etr.'et, New Yoik, CIIA11IXS S, LEI', Uen. Pajs. Agt 20 Cortland btrret, New York. A. W. NONEMACHKIt, Div. Pass. Agt South Iletlileheiii, Pa. .... For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket ofllce, 00 Public Square, Wilkes-Uarre, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November 21, 1001, Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 0,20, 8.00, h.53, 10.10 a. w.S 12.00, 1,20. 2.31. 3.5. 6,20. 6.25, 7.87, 0.15, 11.20 p. 111.; 1.31 a. m, For ilunctdalo, 0.2O, 10.13 u. m.; 2.31 and 5,23 '''l'or Wllkes-Darre-0.38. 7.18, 8.11, 0.38, 10,41 a. m.i 1203, 1.12, 2.18, 3.28, 1,27, 0.10, 7.13, 10.11. ll.M I'. "I. For L. V. It. It. PolnU-0.3S, 0.3S a. m.j 2.18, 1,27 and 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania It. It. I'oiiiti-0,33, 0.33 a, m.i 1.1.2. a.--sl and 1.27 p in. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m. aud 3.52 p. in, auu u.o- i suvd.VY TIIAISS. For Calbondalc S.60, ll.'.'l a, m.i 2.31, 3.51, 6.5.! ami 10.51 p. Ul. For Wllkesdlarre 0.3S a. m.j l.'.CW, 1.3S, 3.2 i, 0.32 and S.12 . in. For Albany and points notlli 3.5J p, ni. For llnneulale 3.50 a. 111. and 3 52 p. tu. W. U PltYOIt, I). I', A., Scianton, l'a, Pennsylvania Balhoad. bclicdule in EITcct Jimu 2, JOOI. 'IVains leavu Sirantons 0,38 u. m week dau, tlirouglt veslibule train (rum WilWllanc. 'ul. man bullet pallor car and roadies to Philadel phia, via Puttsvlllo; rtops at pilnclpal Intense, illato latIon. AUo minuets for Sninbiiry, liar rikburg, Philadelphia, ItiltliiMc, Wa.nington and for I'lttiburg ami thts vvvit. ,, . 0.05 a. in., week dajs, lor bunliury, Haiilsliuig, Plillidilnlila, Ilalllniuic, Washington and Pitts burg and tho west. 1,42 ii, in., ttfclt daj (Sundajrf, 1.3S p. ,i,,), lor Siinliury, IlarrUlmrg, Philadelphia, llalllnwie, Wiitlilngtiiii and Plltsbuig ami tlie wist. 3 28 p. in., vveik dajs, throuali votlbiile train from Wilkes-Ilirre. Pullman liulTvt parlor car ami coaches tn Plilladelpliii via Pottsville. Stop, at piimipal luttimi'diaii" nations. 1.27 p. in., week days, for llazlfton, biinhury, llariUburg, Ph'iladclphla and PltUburg. .1. 11. IIUlflllNSOX, (len. Mr. .1, ll. WOOD, lien. Paw, .Bt. Erie Railroad, "Wyomlngr Division. li-alns for New York, New burgh and liunnin. dtatu points leave Scranton as folliws: 7,20 a. in..; 2.25 p. in. Aulvals 10.33 a. ni. from Mlddletovvii, Hones dale, liaivley and Inlernicdiatt,' polntc 0.20 p. in. from Kvv Yoik, Neivlajrli and intermediate points. No Sunday tralm. n (Si c a a 9 m o 9 to m I i I I 0 I WTLS a EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition Is now Granted at tho Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to leach. This school mulntalns courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will pry to write for particulars. ' No other school offers 6uch euDcrlor ad TinUgcs at such low rates. Addrcj) J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D., Prlii. J B0RAHTON CORRESPONDENCE SOH0OLB, SCRANTON, PA. T. J. roster, President. Elmer H. Lawall, Iteiv. It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. ! liis so Lager eer Brewery Mauuftcturara or OLD STOCK ILSEIER 48R to 458 IT. Ninth Street, .PA Telephoos Cull. 2333. BUY TL4E CSENUINE ... HANUFAOTUHED BV ,., CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. lirXOTIJ TUB NAMB. iS Prof.Q.F.THEEL.52Y JtJM&til uw i . i t 7 -.. . :. " .t-'.i ri Auirrlt. buraar it rur alio b uU 1 rlit UIM4 rlU. (f riOOt UrblUljr, U; Vtaftiwl,' TiriciiVtU L Slrlrlum (ho ruUlou). I uJcTflwBiS IutBUAhruDVCstUraiii.&rJrirrKwraTrtlaiWsilftU4U94ki mw OF F OS nstn tV iV .4 Ul t M : xMMtMMLhsStL attll 'M'l n&&j&e&;2ts & 'afctia j t - si- J -$ts