The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 13, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' ' 1- I
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4 -
inn MODnntJ iiAnDWAnti aroiM.
$ Guarantee
arc built for wear ami to
give satisfaction. All wearing
parts uiu Httcil with bull
beatings which make It tho
eimlcst running wringer on
tho market. Rolls aro made
of tho beat rubber obtain
able soft unci oIubUo ami
nro warranted for 5 years. If
cither roll wears out during
tblH tlino It will bo replaced
Prices J4.23, JI.GO and $3.00.
Foote & Shear Co.
) iv in vv asnmgiuu xxvc
W? Are Specialists
In tho line of Infants' wenr, nnd
luc many dainties which jou can
not nnd docwherc. Our koocIa
aic Juit .1 llttlo moru distinctive
than others. Wc nlll answer your
iiiost!oiii nnd bcih! catalogue. Bur,
better still, como and sec vs.
510 Spruce- f.;reet,
The Terms
and Conditions
upon which we loan money are
extremely favorable to the bor
rower. "We shall be glad to have
a talis with any who enn offer
acceptable security.
I mrararei?am'gffrarJ!E'
lljiluu It . of Mjdikomille, ! i-iruiliii .1 few
i' with hi-. craiidiivthci, -Mr.-.. K. M, hllsby, of
(.11 Wellington iicnuc'
Hutch rujup, mlional otir.inicr c.f Ihe .mcr
1 .in ion f Labor, h.ii irumicd home after
ii i n.i ni ilis In the wiMi-in uit of llio
i ,r
Dan Ituliiii-nn, fiunpil) i will known hotel
ili'iK ii this cit.i .mil I .nl'nndali', lii.t now man
.i.i i.i tl.i- Ijil Ilililc (10-1. ranlt iium, Is N
1 at I'll1 itli llrll'.
Family of Patrick McDonald Left
Pittston Hurriedly.
Superintendent of Police Day was
notified Suturday night by the Pitts
tun tiollce that Patrick JleDonuld, his
i IV and two children hud left that
city huiiiedly In the afternoon to come
ti this city.
It wan stated that a case of small
ih:j had broken out in the house oc
i upled by the McDonalds and that
fearful of being quarantined they had
li-l't suddenly for this cits'. The police
Inquired at the house of airs. McDon
ald's mother, Mrs. O'Hara, of 444 Palm
stieet, but were informed that the
family had not been there.
It was learned yesterday that the
family had got off ut the Mlnooka sta
tion and they were finally traced to
the home of Mrs. McDonald's sister,
Mrs. John Ruane, of Stafford street,
5 n that place. Patrolman George Jones
islted the house and was told that the
family intended going back to Pittston
yesterday afternoon.
Knights of Columbus to Meet Here
on February 4.
A meeting of the committee which
has In charge the arrangements for the
Mtato convention of the Knights of
Columbus to bo held here on February
4 yesterday afternoon mot In the
Knights of Columbus club house and
talked over the situation.
It was decided to have an exempli
fication of the third degree on tho
night of February 3, this ceremony to
lie followed by a social session ut
which John J. Cunlff will preside.
There Is some talk or having a ban
quet on the night of February 4 but
nothing definite along this line has as
yet been determined. Tho convention
will bring about 75 delegates here from
nil parts of the state,
Attorney A. w, Bertholf, represent
ing Henry Reese, hits begun a suit to
compel David Colcher to live up to an
alleged contract which ho entered into.
It Is claimed that Colcher agreed to
deed to Reese a farm which ho owned
valued at $700, providing that he
(Reese) took care of Colcher's mother-in-law.
Tho latter 1ms since died und
Reese, claims thut Colcher refuses to
inako tho conveyance,
Appeals from aldermen and justices
of the peace must bo tiled In Prothon
otiiry Copeland's olllco today.
G-enrgo V, Putterson, of La Plume,
has been appointed a tipstaff,
Court made an order Saturday hold
ing tho grand jury over for another
Cpeilal (o tho Scraitlon Tribune.
New Mllford, Jan. 12. The second
number of the New Mllford lecture
course will be an impeisonatlon of tho
drama, "Hlck'ry Farm," by Mr. M,
Robinson, which will be given In the
opera houso this evening.
At a recent meeting of tho borough
council, Rurgess William M. Van Colt
appointed a board nf health. The fol.
lowing were to constitute the board:
pr. A. K. Snyder, President R. d,
Frlnk, J. M. Hrundage, D. P.. Tuft and
II. O, Carpenter,
Mrs. Laura Hanger entertained a
number of her lady friends at cards
.Wednesday evening last.
It Wab Arranged by Rev. F. S. Bal
lentlne, Who Dollvored nn Ad
dross on tho Doer War He Bnld
That England Is Worse Oft Now
In South Africa Than Sho Was In
America. During1 tho Revolutionary
War As He Forsoea the End of
tho Trouble.
Several hundred persons attended tho
pro-Boer rally In St. Thomus college
hall Inst night. It was arranged by
Rev. V. S. Hnllentlnc, rector of Christ
Episcopal church, und the principal
feature of It wan a. talk by Mr. Ballen
tlno on tho Boor war, tho talk being
based, to a largo extent, on facts
gleaned by the speaker during a visit
to tho camps where the Boers aro
exiled in tho Bermudas, It was late
when the meeting opened, and Mr. Bal
lontlne was compelled to make his ad
dross much shorter than was his origi
nal Intention.
After the expenses arc paid, the re
mainder of tho fund created by the ral
ly will be sent to the Boors.
Rev. P. J. McMantts, pastor of St.
Paul's Catholic church, Green Rldgc,
was tho chairman of the evening and
announced that the programme would
open with a song written by Rev. F. S.
Ballentiue. Tho latter stated that his
song was based on itudyaid Kipling's
poem, "Tho Absent-Mlnded Beggur,"
which was set to music by G. Sullivan.
That his version might bo the bettor
understood, he read Kipling's poem,
nnd then explained that some time ngo
he received a pro-Boer song, a parody
on the Kipling effort. It lacked rythnie
and was not as strong as It might be
nnd ho had rewritten 11. In a Hue,
robust voice he sang his parody to the
music arranged by Sullivan for Kip
ling's poem.
At the conclusion of his pong, wlilih
was heartily applauded, Mr. Tiallentlno
gave his talk on the Boer war. He be
gan by telling of his efforts to get the
High School auditorium for the meet
ing. Alter considerable effort, he was
referred to Tiincipal W. C. .loslyn, of
the High school. His talk with Prof.
Joslyn showed hhn the professor was a
pro-Britisher, he said, and he feared he
would not get the auditorium, and.
sure enough, he did not. It was sug
gested that he arrange a joint debate
with Hev. James Hughes, he to take
the pro-Boer side, and Rev. Mr.
Hughes, the pro-British. He tried to
do this, but Rev. Mr. Hughes refused
to participate In such a joint debate,
and the matter had to be dropped.
He was amazed, the other day, when
he learned that Rev. Mr. Hughes on
next Friday night Is to deliver a talk
on South Africa in that self-same au
ditorium. Rev. Mr. Hughes la a pro
nounced pro-Britisher, the speaker
said, and he cannot understand why he
should be allowed, In a public school,
to present the British side of tho con
troversy, when the speaker would not
be' allowed to give the Boer view of It.
Ho is considering the advisability of
going there next Friday and demand
ins his right to iponk for the Boers.
Mr. Ballentlne also read a long letter
which he received from F. B. Bissell,
of 1809 Linden street, which went over
the cause of the Boer war from the
British point of view, and urged the
speaker to ) j fair in his statements and
not content himself with giving the
Boer arguments.
"I never accepted a. statement from
a Boer without proving it from British
sources," said Mr. Ballentlne, "and
what I propose to say about this trouble
Is drawn almost enthely frcn British
He then read from a pamphlet, writ
ten by an Englishman named Metlutne,
the story of tho troubles that culmin
ated in the present war. This state
ment was true In the main, he Mild,
but some of the conclusions drawn and
Inferences thrown out were not just to
the Boer.
"The British have more to itintend
with In South Africa than they had In
America when the war of tlje revolu
tion was being fought, and they will
be worse off when the end comes than
they were at the end of the revolution,"
was one of tho stiong statements the
speaker made,
"1 went to the Bermudas," ho con
tinued, "with the Idea that tho South
African war was over, but I changed
my mind after I had talked with the
Boer prisoners who are in exile there.
The English do not understand the
Boets, but bo Boeis undo stand the
English from A tu Ism.
"The Boer plan now is to avoid a
pitched buttle, but to make the war so
expensive for tho English government
that the people will rise up and de
mand that un end be put to the war."
He denied the statements that come
from British sources to the effect that
tho Boers went north because they
could not hold slaves where thev were
after slavery had been abolished In
South Africa by the British govern
ment in 183.1. Tho Boers who went
north to find a new home and escape
tho tyranny of England, weie pilgrims
as surely ns our forefathers who landed
at Plymouth rook, and their subse
quent conduct was much more worthy
of commendation than that of the Ply.
mouth colony, tho speaker suld.
At the conclusion of Mr. Ballentlne j
address, Miss Irene Kami, uccom
punlcd by Miss Elizabeth Harrington,
sang the national song of tho Boers.
She was enthublustlcully applauded.
The next feature of the evening was
the singing of "Comrades hi Arms," by
tho Junger Mnennerchor, of South
Scrnnton, under the leadership of Prof,
Theodore Schmidt. R was given In an
exceptionally flue manner, and in re
sponse to un encoro they snug "Hurde,"
u war song. This was given In Ger
man. The concluding feature of the rally
was In tho nature of a stereoptlcon
display of views of the Bermudas and
South Africa.
Hearing Defore Judge Vosburg in
Orphans' Court Saturday,
Foriner Postmaster w, L. Yarrlng
ton, of Carbondale, was the defendant
In a ense heard before Judge Vosburg
of the orphans' court on Saturday in
which his right to act as executor of
tho will of Mrs. Jane Sweet Hunt, ulao
of Carbondale, was contested.
Mr, Yarrlngton was named as the
executor of Mrs. Hunt's will by tho
terms of which lite rents from certain
real estate valued at over $8,000 were
to go to her son, James Blair Hunt,
In ense the rents were not sulllclcnt to
provide for his support the executor
was authorized to sell part or nil of the
lroperty, the proceeds to be used for
his proper support. Upon the death of
Jniues B. Hunt the property remain
ing was directed' to be equally divided
between tho First Presbyterian and
Trinity Episcopal churches of Carbon
dale. Mr. Yntrlnglon desires to sell tho
property and devote the proceeds to
James Blair Hunt becattso of the hit
ter's statement that ho Is urgently lit
need of funds. Tho trustees nnd ves
trymen of tho two churches contest his
right and seek to have hhn removed,
Attorney J, E. Burr represented tho
two churches at the hearing while Mr.
Yurrlngtou's Interests were looked tit
ter by Attorney II. C. Butler.
Sho Is tho Soprano Soloist with the
Paur Orchestra.
MUs BlecJ.a Clifford, the soprano solo
ist, who will sing tonight in the Paur
concert, Is In the city, having arrived
at tho Jermyn yeslcrdny. Her great
success, both In Europe and on this
side of tho water have not In the smnll-
jiosi rj.m-v ciirroiti).
est respect spoiled the simplicity of this
beautiful girl, who is in her wuy the
highest type of what an American girl
can become through her own efforts.
Mits Clifford's home is In Ohio, and
her first triumphs were achieved In this
country. Vfterwuul, she went abroad
and studied two or thro years In Paris,
with Marchesl and others, singing in
grand opera, both there and in Holland.
Her concert tour this season has been
exceedingly successful. She has been
the soloist at Carnegie hall with the
Paur Smyphony orchestra, has also
sung recently with the Boston Sym
phony and the Now York Philhar
monics, and is engaged for a number of
the great musical festivals and the
most exclusive singing societies. She
has a voice of remarkably wide range,
singing easily above high C, and will
be heaid at her best tonight in the
great aria from "Hamlet."
Oddly enough, since this woild is but
a little place, Miss Clifford has chanced
to meet Charles Doersam, of this city,
In New York, and has offered him
the position of accompanist, having
been delighted with his surpassing
abilities In this direction. Miss Millar,
who Is the mannger of tho Paur orches
tra, and Mist Gifford, are so much in
terested in tho carcer of our talented
young townsman that they propose to
exert considerable influence to his ad
Lt.-Col. Stlllwell Will De Relieved of
Command of the First Battalion
of the Thhteenth Regiment.
A general order Issued by Adjutant
General Thomas J. Stewart on Fiiduy
last provides for the election of an ad
ditional major for the Thirteenth and
other regiments and directs the bri
gade commander, General J. P. S. Go
bin to ilx a date for such elections on
or before January 25.
It was learned yesterday that the
Intention Is to have three majots in
each regiment In the futuie. I'nder
present rules the lieutenant-rolonel of
many of tho regiments acts as com
mander of one of the battalions, it Is
proposed to relievo all lieutenant col
onels from such duty and to make
them simply assistants to the colonels
leady to take the hitter's place In case
of an emeigeney.
The order will have the effect of re
lieving Lieutenant Colonel F, V. Still
well from the command of tho Fhst
battalion of the Thirteenth regiment
which consists of Companies A, B, C
and D. There aro already at least two
candidates In tho Held for the place.
One of these Is Captain John W.
Knmbeclc, of Company B, tho senior
company commander of tho regiment
and Lieutenant George H. Whit
ney, of Honesdale, the regimental
commissary. The latter was formerly
a major In tho old Thirteenth regiment
but failed to pass the physical exam
ination when It was called Into the
United States service dining tho Spanish-American
Number of Government Positions
Are Open.
Tim United States civil service com
mission announces that on Feb. 18 ex
aminations will be held for tho position
of assistant printer of the Railway
mall service; male disciplinarian In the
Indian bervlce; Industrial teacher, fe
male, In tho Indian service; Interpre
ters, Arabic, Italian und French, and
Slavenlsli, Crootlon and Italian In the
Immigration service,
Persons who desire to compete
should ut once apply either to tho sec
jetary of the local board of examiners
or the United States civil service com
mission, Washington, D. C, for appli
cation forms.
.in.. i
The school district of Mooslc bor
ough, through Attorney John M, Har
ris, brought suit on Saturday to re
cover Its pro ruta sltfuo of the school
appropriation for 1000 from Lncka
wanna township, Mooslo borough was
carved out of tjie township about two
years ago.
Tho school appropriation of $3,118
was paid over by the department of
public instruction to tho township with
Instructions to turn oyer to the bor
ough its pro fata share. This has not
been done.
Friends of P. W. Costello Say Ho
Has Fifty Delegates Chosen in
His Interests Out of a Total of
Eighty-three Controller Howell
Says tho Assurances Ho Has Leads
Him to Boliovo no Will De Re
nominated Candidate Vnughan
Is 111 in Dctl.
The Democrats of tho city held their
primaries Saturday afternoon, and to
morrow at 2 p. nt. the delegates elected
will meet In the court house and nomi
nate a candidate for city controller. A
choice will be made from among the
following: Present Controller Esdrtis
Howell, Select Councilman D. W, Vnu
ghan, of the Nineteenth ward, and
County Auditor P. W. Costello. There
was no organized effort to set up dele
gates In the Interest of nny of tho
candidates, but tho friends of P. W.
Coitollo Ruid yesterday that fifty dele
gates had been chosen In his Interests.
If they arc correct, ho will bo nomi
nated. There will be only eighty-three
delegates In the convention.
Mr. Howell said last night he feels
hopeful of the result in the convention,
and from assurances he has received
expects to have a majority of the dele
gates. The delegates elected In tho
North Scrnnton wards aro largely for
Howell, and those in the Fourth, Fifth
Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards also.
Mr. Vnughan was taken HI with the
grlii the day nfter he announced his
candidacy, and has been confined to his
bed ever since. Yesterday his condi
tion was quite serious. His Illness pre
vented him from making a fight for
delegates, but his friends have not
given up the light in his behalf.
Tills evening caucuses will be held in
tlie various poor districts of the city
and candidates will be nominated for
poor directors. These nominations will
be reported to Tuesday's convention.
The districts In which nominations will
be made are South ward, Middle ward,
North ward, of tho borough of Scran
ton; Providence township and Hyde
Paik borough. After the coming elec
tion, thefae poor directors will make
another assault on tho present poor
board and endeavor to put tho mem
bers of it out of office. The result of
Saturday's primary elections in the
various wards follow:
First Ward.
The Democrats of tho First ward
Saturday nominated George H. Shires
for school controller, who a week ago
was defeated by Walter B. Christmas
for the nomination on the Republican
ticket. He is the present controller. B.
M. Arndt, one of the striking street car
men, was nominated for ttssessor, and
M. J. Durklu for constable. The fol
lowing district officers were named:
l'ii-l dlti lit Judge of election, .fiums M.
Iliufhes; in.-putoi, 'llimua I.oftm; ipglstri, .M,
Jl. Ileiny.
Second dUtiict Judge, John (iiiffln; in-icc-tor,
l. J. WeMi; renter, William MeWiln.
'Hind disdk'l Judge, If. .1. Hushes; In-pec-lor,
.lame? HooUhon: ugNfcr, 11. Cliiiper.
I'ouitli ili-tikt Jiid(,i', IMn-ard r.riflln; in-jicc-tm.
'Ihonias Dm Mil ; li-gUter, M. J. Ilolun.
I'lllli dislike Judiri', Thomas ilehiu; 1ii-hh.-tor,
I'. .(. Ili-mp-i'j j icgUter, IMnjid 1'. i'jjnc
Third Ward.
School Cuiitroller Harry B. O'Malley,
of the Thhd ward, had about the hot
test light of his career on Saturday,
but he won out by fourteen votes, se
curing the Democratic nomination over
W. F. Lynott, clerk of the" common
council. The latter secured the sup
port of the younger element but played
heavy odds and lost.
The vote was ns follows: O'Malley,
10S; Lynott, 01; Davltt, 37. John Mc
Douough was nominated for constable.
Eleventh Ward.
Tho Democrats of the Eleventh ward
held their caucus in Schlmpff's hall at
8 o'clock Saturday night. The meet
ing was called to order by Ward Com
mitteeman Charles Posar and Charles
Conrad was chosen as chairman. Pat
rick Ryan was elected secretary. Theie
was no opposition to any of the candi
dates and tho following ticket was
named without any friction:
School Controller Otto Itobln-.on.
Waid Amscssoi Cliailes I.owert.
t'linitahlc JoM'pli i W'oelkers.
1'liet district City dek't'ate-i, Juoejih L'oniad
und deiugc Itontn. Judc of electkn, Alfnd
(iutheinii inspector of election, Jlathla-. Hnukr;
ii'ldatrr of election, Charles huiidaj.
feci oml ilUtrlct Uclegale, William Klein: jud.-e
of ileition, .Martin !; iiibiwtnr uf elec
tion, Thom.n Itochc; uxiitcr of election, fr.uik
Thlul dUlilct Delegate, On en Swoenej ; Judjfp
of election, Jlartin Sweeny ; inipectur of elec
tion, Jnliii .lonet; rciditer of election, John Kli
hcily, Twelfth Ward.
There was a lively battle among the
Twelfth ward Democrats at their
primary election Saturday. The prin
cipal battle was for select council,
Hon, John P. Quiunau, former school
controller; James O'Boylo and the
present select council member, John J.
Shea, being the candidates, Quitman
was nominated with a voto of 175.
O'Boylo had 128 and Shea, El, Quln
nan endeavored to have his opponents
sign a paper befote the caucus was
held agreeing to abide by Its decision.
They declined to do so and yesterday
there wus tnlk to the effect that both
O'Boylo and Shea would bo cuudldutcs,
although neither of them would con
ilrtn the reports.
Daniel Galvln hud no opposition for
a renoniluatlou for common council
and Constable J. V. Mornn also se
cured a rcnomiuatlon unanimously,
For alderman the candidates were C.
C. Donovan, tho present Incumbent,
and I', F, Ilyun. The voto was Dono
van, 22.1, and Ryan, 131. For ward as
sessor the vote was Cullen, 240; Heap,
73; McUrall, 39.
Sixteentli Ward.
At the Sixteenth wnvrt Democratic
caucus, held on Saturday night at Ho.
tel Terrace, Common Councilman E. J.
Coleman was unanimously nominated
for select council. Frank Callahan so
cut ed the nomination fur constuble nnd
G, P. Mouughan und Frank Callahan
were chosen us delegates to tho cjty
convention to bo held tomortow.
No nomination was made for com
mon councilman becuuse of the appar
ent Intention of the Republicans to put
up no candidate for select council to
oppose Mr. Coleman. Theodore Fuller
Is tho only Republican candidate In the
Held for common council and it the
Republicans put up no candidate for
select council he will be unopposed.
Itcptibllcnn primaries will be held to
day between the hours of 4 nnd 7 p. tn.
Nineteenth Wntd.
There was excitement nhd fun galore
Saturday night at Wopowlsy's hotel,
Where the Nineteenth ward Democrats
met to nominate candidates. Fred
lleldonbnch and a man named Cole
man became engaged In an argument
while the voto was being polled, und
they weie soon ut It hummer nnd tongn.
Coleman had a dinner pull In his hand
atid ho struck out with Minli right good
will thut when the police ai lived only
the handle remained. The arilval of
the officers ended the trouble.
Tho principal contests weie for the
ofllces of alderman and school conttot
lor. Christian Storr, who has for yearn
beetr the alderman of the ward, was
opposed by Joseph Schneider, J. A.
Neuls and P. Itoblnbon, and a desperuto
hunt for votes was inude, cairlages be
ing used to bring the old und Indiffer
ent voters In, Storr wus re-nomlnuted
by a snug plurality. Ills voto was 130;
Schneider, 92; Neuls, 84; Robinson, 12.
For constable, tho vote was us fol
lows: Thomas Murphy, 79; Emll Kar
ris, f.7; Anthony O'Donncll, 51; M,
Zwlch, GO; George Romlln, 19; Peter Al
baugh, 7; J. Schomner, 7.
P, Illof was nominated for school con
troller, and John J, May for ward tts
sessor. Neither of them had opposi
tion. The district caucuses will be held
Twentieth Ward.
Excitement run high In the Twen
tieth ward Saturday night and in Bat
tle's hall where the Democrats held
their caucus 793 votes were polled, al
most as many as ut a regular election.
Mark C'ahaltn was nominated for se
lect council to succeed W. CI. O'Malley.
He received 1174 votes against 321 for
Coyne and .83 for Gallagher. For
common council M. J. Cuslek nnd M.
J. Barrett wore nominated, the ward
being entitled to two.
Joseph Murphy was Humiliated for
ward assessor and Michael McMurray
for constable.
The regular Republican primaries In
the Sixteenth ward will be held In the
usuul polling places this afternoon from
4 to 7 o'clock.
Eighth ward Itepubllcans will hold
their primaries this evening ht S o'clock
in Alderman Millar's office. Fred Dim
Is the only candidate for the nomina
tion for select council.
It. J. Sheridan was elected on Sat
urday ns delegate to the Democratic
city convention from the Fourth dls
tiict of the Nineteenth ward. The
Democrats of this district will caucus
tonight In Rem don's store, 170!) Crown
John J. Murphy and John F. Roche
are the Democratic delegates from the
Fit st dlsUiet of tho Twenty-first ward
to the Democratic city convention to
morrow. Their seats are likely to be
contested by A. J. Grogan and P. J.
Gtorge Shires, the present Republi
can school controller from the First
ward, has given out this statement:
"The Baker ballot law provides that
'the members of each vigilance com
mittee shall, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties', take and sub
scribe to the ofllclnl oath, or afllrma
tion, as ptovlded In the act of assem
bly, approved June 29, 1&S1, relating to
primary elections.' Owing to the fact
that none of the vigilance committees
In the five dlstticts of the First ward,
at the recent Republican primaries,
were so sworn before taking S2G votes,
and to the interference of controllers
and residents of adjoining wards, using
money and falsehoods to accomplish
their own selfibh ends, at the request
of many residents of the ward, I have
taken out nomination papers to run on
tho Independent ticket for the olllco of'
school controller, and tnv course has
been endorsed by tho Demoeiats."
Coroner Saltry Believes That All
Three of the Vargo Children
were Mysteriously Poisoned.
Coroner J. J. Saltry said last night
that Chemist George R. Barber, who Is
analyzing the contents of the stomach
of one of the three Vargo children who
died suddenly In Olyphunt last week,
will have completed his labors today
and stated that an inquest will prob
ably be held In Olyphunt tonight.
The coroner said that traces of ar
senic had been found In the stomach
and believes himself that nil three chil
dren died of arsenic poisoning. He is
inclined to the belief that the children
weie not Intentionally poisoned but ad
mits that It is hard to form any other
theory as there Is no evidence to show
that they had access to any poison
Carload of Florida Oranges.
Fine sweet fruit, $3.C0 to $I.D0 it box;
B.'i'. to .'Of. a dozen. Coursen.
JOII.NMI.N' t'Al.ll.NUllll. Ill HLMiituli, I'.i., .1 hi
11, l), liy Itev, . .1. Told, Miillait JjI'.ii
con, of t'lka, X. ., Ml s Untie ('. ( al
Irndei, of N. union.
WALL lu S.uiiti.11, Jan. 11. liw. lkleu
Wall, iLiuuliU'i- of Williiin (I. and May II.
AVall, ukv II jojis mill 13 ill).. S'lvlce nt the
loldenco, Tl-'t cjulwy iiunuc, Tuojda) at II. Jl
a. in. Iiiteimcnt at factor) llle.
for This Week
Ceres Asparagus 25c
Mammoth Asparagus , , , .20c
Carmelo Asparagus SOc
2 1-2-ib Cans.
Courseu's Midget Limas , . 15c
Calumet Limas , , , . Sc
Beach Leaf Peas, , 15c
Sifted Sweet Peas 12c
Early June Pens, , 10c
Fancy Green or Wax Beans,,,, 12o
Fino York State Corn lOo
Fine Maine Corn ;......,. 10c
Per Pound.
Golden Rio Coffee, . , , , 10c
Plantation Java , 25c
Irish Mackorel, 3 for .,25c
E. Q Coursen
List for Carbon, Columbia, Momoc,
Montour nnd Luzerne Counties
Vill Do Called This Morning at
11 O'clock, and tho Lackawanna
County List at 10 O'clock Wod
noBday Moinlng Scnclon Will Last
n Llttlo Over a Weok Judgo
Mitchell Will Not Do Present.
This morning nt 11 o'clock the nnnunl
term of the Superior court will open lu
tho court house, with President Judge
C. E. Rice, of Wllkes-Htirrc; Judge
George B. Orlndy, of Huntington; Judgo
P. P. Smith, of this city; Judge W. D.
Porter, of Pittsburg, und Judgo W. W.
Porter, of Philadelphia, on tho bench.
Judge James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte,
will arrive during tho afternoon. Judge
John I. Mitchell, or Wcllsboro, who la
111, wilt not be present.
This mornln.t the list of ciRies from
Carbon, Columbia, Monroe, Montour
nnd Luzerne counties will be culled,
and motions for admission will be
heard. On Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock the Lackawanna county list will
be called. The term will probably con
clude' on Tuesday of next week, whtm
opinions will be handed down.
While the court is sitting bene It will
probably make known Its decision In
the matter of a rule to show cnuse why
a writ of habeas corpus should not bo
Issued In the cufo of Alexander Berg
man, who threw a bomb at II. C. Flick,
the steel nianufaetiirer, during the
Homestead strike of 1S!2, with tho In
tention of killing him. IIo was con
victed on five Indictments und received
various terms of imprisonment aggre
gating twenty-one years.
It Is contended by his counsel that
three of the Indictments against him
charge offenses that are not criminal In
Pennsylvania, and by cutting off the
nine years he got on these three In
dictments ho would now be entitled to
his liberty.
Opinions may also be handed dow n
In the matter of tho divorce nroceed
Ings against A. L. English, direclof of
public safety of Philadelphia, and the
right of school boards to compel teach
ers to be vaccinated.
They Were Installed at a Meeting
Held Yesterday.
Local No. IL'0, American Federation
of Musicians, have elected and in
stalled officers for tho ensuing year.
The installation look place yesterday
afternoon at Schlmpff's hull, Cedar
avenue. The following officers were re
elected: U'Hltnm V. Griffiths, presi
dent;" Michael c'uslck, vice president;
Theodore Bauschmann, lecordlng sec
retary; John Burkhouser. financial sec
rotary; August Schimprr, treasurer;
Fred Compter, sergennt-at-arms.
The ptosldcnl appointed the follow
ing examination committee: It. J.
Bauer, Jacob Guth, Alfred Lawrence,
Thomas Miles, Miss Kate Reunion; ex
ecutive board, David V. Reese, Frank
Gaird, August Wahler, Joseph Farrar,
A. L. Wurster, Albert Nothacker. Peter
Kelt', (lui Kramer, Thomas S.ingui
Rev. James Hughes Will Talk to the
High School Pupils.
Rev. James Hughes will address tho
pupils of the high school on the sub
ject of the South African war on Fri
day evening, January 17. An admis
sion of 'Xi cents will he charged and
the lecture will bo given in the school
Everybody has heard of Rev. James
Hughes, formerly of Klmberly, South
Africa. He is well qualified to lec
tin e on this great subject. His work
there brought him In contact with
both classes of people, Boers and Eng
lish. He personally knew Cecil
Aud furnish your home
with elegaut furniture
absolutely free.
Will be coutiuued all of
uext year this year's
coupons have the same
value if presented next
year. Visit our graud
show rooms and see the
luaguificcut display of
i fine furniture.
I Dusu lUUi 1
Our Profit
SSierioi Pian
$$$ $& &$0$&4$
Oils, Faints and farasli
iwifiiiwiiim mi iw imw
MaIon?y Oil & Mandfacttiring Company,
f 141-149 Meridian Strest, ,
i Mill MM
i i m- i-M.'.tt.
4- -J"!' !! M ! h -J' !
Save Time 5
and Trouble by t
having your horses
shod with
Used by all lead-
ing horse owners
and Blacksmiths.
Bittenbender&EL t
126-128 Franklin Ave. t
i ! . $ 4. 4, 4, 4,
I Clearing Sale
In order to reduce our stock
before taking our Annual In-
ventory we have made sweep- 1 ,
lng reductions on our line of ! !
Pillow Tops ::
Stamped Linens and
Battenberg Patterns
And for the ten days wo offer
the above mentioned goods at
practically cost prices.
fnamflP. WoTTc Cn
4. .l UIiljl IXlilltJ VU,
y 130 Wyoming Avenue.
.j. 'Phone 353-3.
119 Franklin Ave.
Iiooins 1 and 2, Com'Itb BTdfe
nining and Blasting
Unas ai Mooilo nd HaiatUU Vfottt.
BItotrta Batterlen, Klsotrla ErplotUri,
exploding blast, Safety Fum and
Renauno Chemical Cos bxp"o?p
Broken Ribs
Are Painfull
Ami uiww injury to the liudy. The Mf.
ret .ml (iieipc.n way is to Klin it Ini attention. IT IS OUIt UM.
Illli:i, t.A we aro spn-iklng about. tl'.i
line tho uliou'-niuitionnl .illnmut. uml
aUi carry thu Iwfeit lino ot Umbrella!
and I'.iusola in tho city.
The scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.,
313 Spruco Street.
una siuvia,
-1 i
j fl
507 Linden Street.
Board of Trade Building.
I Neverslip l
! or flaps j
tfterwable i
ffH BB
'., '-.
? , if
: ;
-A , , .!-