The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    -.'. fi- .
. " '. ,
r,W : -'
4 f '
' J
p 4"
s Astf-s
. .
Must Go.
Ttteh prlrrc or poor qualltv can't utav tit Ihli
toro. Our entire ntoek of rtOTtJtlKS FltAMCS,
WAUj PAPEIl, "to., If sold on IU merit. It
our nilo to alwnyn glif. full value. That's uli
our cintomm come (tln nnd again.
Jacobs & Fasold,
I'lotiirrs, rratrea, Art Gooda, Wall Paper.
St. Thomas College.
Classes will reopen on
Tlonday, January 13.
I City Notes. J
M'U.I, ArUMARV. A meeting of the McUI
ut.III.iry will Ik lielel in the looturc room nf til'1
Irst Prrsbjtirlnn church at 3 30 o'tlotk this
roWBXTlOV Ol-' . 0. 11 I lie iiu.iitul
"uiiicntinn of thi Aiiefuu Oulei of llilioriiiiii) of
I titkiiuamm count) will ho hell In M. 'I hum it
C'ulletfe hall nrl Sund ly aftcinoon.
N"VUAL PEW LETTISH. The nniiiiil pew let
tint of the rvnn icnue Ilipli-t ctiunh will
take phco lomonoiv cienint,'. Jn nider to lfeljim
vrcwnt sittings and to nuke cIliiuch it it impoi
.ufit that every member plimiltl he present.
.lL'.NK DKAI.KR IIKLD It. Mernli.'i'ti, i junk
denier wIiofo pine of husinest i- louietl on South
WmliinRtoii nimue, was hehl nuclei .1(10 hill on
Niluulay by Aldeinian Huddv on a cliirpti' nf re
celling atolcn bran preferred by "!p" Oftkei
I'lel, of th Delawaie, Ljikjivatiii.i and Western
llalhuad oompnny.
H'CAULCY IX .7 ML. ( bulct P. It. Mcliulij,
the Chicago attorney who is rharged with eon-t-piiacy
by the International Coueapunddicc
inhools, wag lodged n. tiic muni jail csttrtliy
utter haiins been on puole fur ie.ier.ll clai. tie
i to be pnen a hearinu: Iiefoie Abb i nun Kjs
urn this afternoon.
I'L'STIUL Or II. J. UIIOIS.-'llic fimei il f the
late 11. J. Ilrog wa held on Mtiiuli)' attirnouu
from his icsidenec on li i-litet, and wat at
tended by a nunibci ot Mis-on. the deceased hn
luff bein a member of the llisonie fr.tleii'ltj.
The pall-beaicis weic: Henry HirilnT, P. Hum,
M. M. Steimiun and Cluiiet I..utif I. Intel uunt
im made in the Duntnoie tenieteii.
I'V-MOX 111Y PICI I'HI'.S. T lie Aii-tiiin
()beiainintr,c.iii Amusement iouipan will puL'it
moling: pic tuns uf the Pillion Plai thU alter
noon and tonight in the iM'tiucm t M. Pud't
i hiirch, (frcen Klds:e. 'Die pultun w.ic taKui
fiom the p!a itelf and wile not po-id fui on
Niw Yolk lonf Kaidi.ii-. like some which luio
bein pioduted. 'liny ale Baid to be ejiecIiH.
deal and dhlliict.
nE NEW llKriU'Il. Alaj.ii Iliimtt, wh.i
h ii chaise of the nuiiiie ieuultlnr station in this
Ity cnll-ted the following jounj, men list wtik;
Ceoige Kdly aid .lol.n I', Donmlli, of sci in
tnuj John .1. Coleman mid Joicidi I. Clirk, "f
Duumore, and .lamet Hhhtu, of Wllkes-Ilaue.
'I he uiw reiiuils hue all bei u tent to the l.eatim
lilaid naiy lard in I'hllaihlphli, whele tlie,
will uidiu linn pullmliiary lialnlni;.
OIIIC'EHK WEIli: INsl'AI.I.r.D 'Il.e fi.lli. inir
ncwli elcited oitluis weie installed mi atuuli.i
nlclit by Colonel Mimics pn.t, No. .11, di md
Ami of tlie Itopublii : fouimandei, P. .1. Mi
Amlicn; hcuioi ilio unmuandei, P, K. Potter;
junioi ile comuiaiidoi, l'ud Wendliuir, ji.:
(hapliln, Mbct lliissd; iuuterniitu, Patihk; udjiitint, Tunis 'lliumis; fUiittiln ut'i
erifcant. AMIIhui C. .loidin; ofliceis nf the
Mini, John lluhl-lu in.
Frank Sohiocder Oveicome by the
The nil vuu t.iKes of ilto-ptoof um
Htructlon vote 'leveiilert on Stitunlny
nfteniooii when u (lie broko out In the
basempnt of the noaul ot Trade liullil
Ing' on Linden stieet. The Humes were
probably cttused by u live wire ami
bltiPd up among ti litter of papers and
rubbish in the basement under the
i-toie of FuhI H. Smith, dealer in kus
find pleetileal flstuieH.
They reuelied the celling but could
not burst tluouKli bruuic of the teiru
i otta between tho eelllniv and the
lloor above. An ularni vvhh tinned In
nnd tho blasio was extinguished by the
fire companies befoie nny very serious
OuiiHige Iiud been done, Tlieio was no
Rtoek In the basement and praeth'.illy
the only tiling that was burned besides
the rubbish was ti board paitltiou,
The smoke was very dense nnd many
of tho llrtimen suffered from It, Frank
h'eliroetler. call man of tho old Siy
Aug company, went down tho litiBe
inpiit stubs and was overcome by tho
smoke. He was curried out and it was
pome time before ho legatned con
sciousness, . I.
An out-bound Green Uldge Suburban
cap met with u peculiar accident last
night about 10 o'clock, at Noitli Wash
ington avenue nnd Bpiueo slieet. Tho
front truck of the cur passed tho turn
out leading from the avenue Into
Spruce street, but the switch becamu
clogged In borne unknown manner Im
mediately after and bo reur wheels,
Instead of following the front truck,
ran Into the turnout and turned up
Ppruce Htieet.
The car louldn't go both wnyn til
once, so it stopped, and It took upuily
half an hour to get It out of Its peculiar
position, The accident caused u block
nde of all tho in-bound cars coining
down Spruce strtet, unci all the cars
coming into "Washington avenue from
Lackawanna, There weie sixteen curs
utrung around Spruce street and Adams
Avenue at one time,
R ... .-" - eT u4-U
- f.- . - 3 1 J fc-Wi . 1
' a ,vsi.4sfrs-: ii
Thoro Will Do a Dip; Audience, to
Hcnr Pftttr Orcheatrn.
The flnlniB or the Young Women's
association upon the attention uf
the cillstiiun of Hcrnntati have been
recognised in a most gtnclous and sub
stantial tuntincr In connection with the
concert at the urinary tonight, by tho
ptirrlinsu of a tiuuntlty of tickets, with
the rcqncBt that they be given to such
members of choirs and student of
miifle In the city as would otherwise
be unable to attend, There nre many
of the leading men of this city who
could do this to the extent of twenty
llvo or-ilfty dollars, without Incon
venience to themselves, ami so help
one of the most deserving of all of
Hcrnnton's Institutions, and likewise
providing an evening of refined, elevat
ing nnd profitable enjoyment to many
who would otherwise be deprived of
The I'ntir orchestra rendered tho pro
gramme which will bo offered tonight,
Friday aftornon nnd again on Saturday
evening In Carnegie hall, New York,
where tho delight ot the ntldlenco Wufl
unconflnod. There will doubtless be
thousands ot people In attendant p, but
tho armory should bo packed, for no
bettor concert will ever come to this
city. Years ago, Mr. Paur became
famous us a conductor of nn orchestia.,
and all who have hen id Jllsn CJIftord
once lose no opportunity to hear her
again, and Mr. Hocliuuin has been heie
so lecontly and made so muny ft lends
that his greeting Is assured.
Its JCembeis Ate Fnlr-Minded and
Honorable, Says Rev. F. R.
Hev. Francis It., lector of
the Chutch of the Good Sliephenl, In
a sermon dcllveied yesteidnv, hud the
following terse comments to make on
conditions growing out of the piesc-nt
street car stilke:
A few weeks lino a iiimlfeto wis Hsiied an I
puhltidiu in tlie public pipcrt whiih duliitd n
the name of neiily HI.OIil men it em tiade and
profivduu- riih men and poit men, lau.Mis and
labours, cluks and cleijt.Minn, cipitalistt Mil
uir mi n nicinbern of the t'ltlci.-' Alliaine that
(eituin fount of ilolimc .md unbind ition mutt
cti'e and ccasid thei liaie uv will m Hie laie-lc-s
will be swept out of town, or lntli'i still,
inlii Jill wdure they and tlic.ii abittrrt bclonn',
It hat been said tint tbit alliiiiie it cum
po.ed of capitalists and law.urs an I I'lheit wlio,
while dlfterinrf widtlj tiinomi tin ruse hit, bus
agieid to make wai itixiu lawful iuii-.ii- of 1 ilior.
'that it a giaie thiie and if Hue would duuiiit
the mi lout inieM Ifiiliou nf all fair minded men.
But the mecliiigt uf tlie ulliimi are open In all
repei table inui nf an.i awe ni (ailing-, lit jrtn
ml pruuiples nie evpoiuidiil at cieiy iiuetinB
and an nun (an licir llir'm, iiuetinii thtm, ('-.-tMiiisi-
or lejeit tliim at lilt will. The lejdiu of
this inui nif lit, thns' nf tlieiu whom I knnw, ire
men oi stainless ihiraitn and acknoulcdid irnid
btaudimr in tlie loimnunili. Mm of tlaiu .tie
men of leatnimr, tin liumlttl, cautious, hnpnr
alile, whoe uttiiiixtt ban itiicn me a fir bct
tci opinion of Amtiicin citl"iisilp Hun I bad
heroic, and to whoe iiii id, cb it and iiilhl'il
M'litiinent.s I hue li-tuud with piide and delte'it.
Willi snih at thoe the high idialt nt Amtih in
freedom and pmsperlti ale pirfullv s.ite, and at
one of the irowd, nut in tbeii council-, not in
Inn He witli but a (ew of Hum and not tntitlcd
to plak in their i.anie, I m ai;ain I line lis
tened tu then lucid, cle.u ami hiirh liiiudid ell
tiiuouU witli luide ami deliirht. if ihe-e nn n
c innot stiaightcn nut tin .lnmdul tuutle into
ulilili the afliirs of Hut cili and loiumuuweal'.h
liaie fallen, thin indeed we ale in an ewl la-e.
lint tin j tan, liny have begun, and plia-e Hod
they will suiieed lufuic Hie wmld is until jeais
older. Then iliall Hie second put of in tet be
in tme at the Hut one i: "1 will n stole Hn
judijit as at the llr-t, and llu luiui-cllm .'( at
He biKiuniii!;; aftuward thou 'hilt be i.ilbd Hie
liti uf iiKhteousiiss the lallliful cil.i."
'Hun it anrtliir qiustiun jilsinir out nf tin,
lioweni. We arc all, 1 hope, iiWd tint ill
tiuiulatiuii, liou ittinr, ass mil and lialeuce piop
uly belong to whit we call aiiiiihi: that aue
nun O' set ef nun wlm cuitilui lliise weaimui
airiiiist tlieir ueihbuis ei Hie t-iiuial public me
litiblic die iiiut I nd should be dealt i lib in ai
couiaiue witli the law and inli'hlciicd jmbllc
uiuiilun. Hill theie is sniiielliiiiK- woi-" own Hun
lids; hometliin which it hanlei to nmedt, and
wlinli If it be illuiied tu ku umluekiil will de
Mli') Aiiieileau iiistitutii'iit mil nucii.iii mi ji .
Tin the liwletj iliimuts nf siitieli to flu then
liefnious mk ill 1 1 on own evil ii', staniua a
whule till, in killing ,i ft tlj-UKlli at lllij ilum-e.
tint is bid inoiub, lint what if the snnll nt
auiiclii jienade the lull 1-i ui ju-,llee, the louitt
.(I'd the peine! if jiubl'i otliills ill its
m t-tate ale in Hie pay of la bieikets, allcw
riiiiiluils to xo uuini'iiiily
If a nun mike and sell bad it an ictni
llmiiu pi lie m at jnj pliee lie will bile to ;;iie
an aciount of it In the judtrmenti if .' nun pi
les-lnir to be a publli stnaut witlmiit pa; lake
lulbit'ul those wlm M'ek to winii'- the tale Ii"
will lulu to libc an aifovnt oi il in the juls
luciil: if a maiui knnw (hit women and Kill ale
ldi,rhtl, .muni (d in tin fiticeN hi N.iKibondt
who bale nn h isou to teai the pollieniui, and If
Hilt It im.ippri elated hi the umoi be niso of
bit adlieuuic to Hie dhlateu of lualiei nffuiilt
who uie in politics bi me they tan rub with
out l'ln;r lilKliwaimtu and steal without b.ini,'
lucked up, thin, iiIUiiIiikIi be may not be i-hii-sllilci
fnr lids er that iidhiduat in t m i'lmi'
and ma) cwn be peifuiiilli' iuiapible of II, jet
he will he Judged fur il and icquiied to die an
ai count of it.
In line then, if the ilM nf Soauinn It nils.
KOieiiud nnd lis people lubl'id iitul aliased those'
who aie ipiillv will be juil'ed Iiv (iodi but
thus' who had the powit to picitiit It and wuuhl
not it did imt will also be Judaed, fm ihie ilht.
lousne.t It palt of tlie llkh'iou-inss in wblih .1
nun HirriiiKli faith It Jn.tlllrd lwfuic Cnd.
Effort of E. T. Sweet Will Be Pre
sented Wednesday.
The Glbney-noeului' company, whlih
begins a week's engagement at the
Academy toduj, will on Wednesday af
ternoon and evening pit't-ent an oilglnal
vaudeville sketih bv IC, T, Sweet, of
The Tribune staff.
The .sketch, which Is entitled "The
Honeymoon of Mr. and Mis, Potts,"
Will consume abuiit twenty minutes,
and the chaniciers will be assumed by
Mr. Cilbuey and Miss Miugueilte Dow,
Pale blood paleface poor
health ; Scott's Emulsion red
bjood rosy face good health;
that's the order of events.
Our first lines give a conden
sed history of many cases, chief
ly young girls at school. For
some reason girls of that age
are frequent sufferers from pale
blood a real blood starvation.
Scott's Emulsion, a s clean,
white medicine, makes rich, red
blood and rosy faces. It is
blood food.
We'll tend ou i liubHo try, If ou I It.
bl'OTT & JJOWXt, 4uy ('cail meet, New VotW
Rev. H. O. McDormott, Pastor of the
Simpson M. E. Church, Advocates
the Cultivation of Our Own Lives
for tho Master Much of the
World Ha3 Been Possessed by Mis
sionary Enterprise, He Says, but
Much Remains to Bo Subjugated
to the Cross.
The congregation at the Simpson M.
E. church, West Scrnntun, yesterday
morning was treated to what the pas
tor, Rev. II. C. McOerntott. termed "A
Homo Missionary Sermon," his subject
being "The Lund That llonmlneth,"
based nn the text, "Theie reiualneth
yet very much land to be possessed,"
ft dim Joshua xllltl,
Ucv, .McOermott is a forceful pulpit
orator, a man of keen Intellect, nnd a
scholar of exceptional attainment.
Pastor of the Simpson M. K. Church.
During the btiel period of his pnstoialc
In this city he has attiaeted wide
spiead attention, and his latge con
gtegatlons attest the populdiity of his
seimons. Ills lemaiks yesteiday
morning were as lollows:
diishui who suit ceded Moses as the lenhi' nf
I-iael wat now an old man. It w it time to
pliee him on the retiied list. o 15re.1t iscini il
capable of s-uucodlu:? him had aipened. 'Hie
I.oul theicfore diriftul him to Mltle the dili
1 He question ot dhldinp: tile lmd amniij; tins
ttilies. His KUat Inlhience would isn 1 11 tn
w ml an amicable adjiistiiunt of the luillci. fti"C
ji ut had pissed oiiue the conque-t htiraii but
the task was not eompletiu. I'lidn .loslmi's
Kreat Uadoi-lup Isi.ul bad lit.ed .1 peinimont
foothold, but a uiuubtr ot matteied cities and
distiicts in laiioiis putt of tlie laid nniiin d
un.ubduid. The euunti.i had been Jtuen to Abi.i
htm and hit de-eendintt b tlie lmijilit Hi.;
dliine hind definitely 111.11 ked itt houndaiiet and
it wit all to be ndiemed ami uciu)ii(d. So the
I .Old direeled H1.1L i be fully dllidul .11110:14
Hie tubes wiio were t tins to lompltte the con
quest aid puirfe tlie linel fiom Idol wor-hip and
hold il toi (he people of field. We niji adopt
ibis laiiiniii;( in ilew ot out (hiistiiu loiiimis
slou (unqiieAts and inu-jutt. Much of the wmld
has linn poviisseil by niUiiuliiu intcinrise but
inuili 11 mills to be subjugated to the no.,
1 l.T I s 111 fi AT 1IOM1'.
'lime ltuiiiiH iniicli 1 md in 0111 own in uts u
be pns.sessvd foi Hod v hue in a tfeiici il v ly
Mini iiilciid to the Ma-tei. Wo .ickuowliduo Hit
fliiiiii ijiiity, but aie oiu health eoinpliteiv mil
queied b. lllm? re the Hltliv ( inaiuilei if
unbiliif and di-lojalt.i all ca.l niity Aie there
no Ulniis In inn spliltuil iiituie.' -om ut ut
bale a uij slij-ht pereeptbm of tiic alu cf a
whole-hearted loiiseeiaiion to find.
'lheic iinnlris lain! lit urn hoiwehold tu
be pov.e'-sed nf Co I. Manv of lis line ihilditn
luisiitd, and Imtil ones who me not in luxe with
Ic-iet Clnist. In a eij 11ee11ll.11 siu-e .111 wt ic-.-pullvllilc
tin llllllli IKll.k' ill tin iljilt diieetl m
tliuse ot niu own tle-h and blood.
'Hint 1.111.111:3 much lmd in the euuuiuuiit.i
Whit nbuul the mural cunditiun and -piiiluil
piotjit't tt nf niu 1 ilidibiirst Yuii sn "that It nut
0111 liihiii-" Hut lemeru'iei that tied is in
ttUMtd in niu l.cililioi - as unit h .1-. he Is In
us, and lb- sicks t u-e us to lulp niu mili
hots on the w.i) tn litaitn. Tin re aie men
about us tndllftriut, iUnc--ed in diliint who
must be won to 0111 l.nrd 01 -cpuatc I fiom lilm
1 tern illy.
'Ihwo lei.iaint iniieh land In oiu i.itltu tu be
pisMsctl for liotl. rlbe IU -.t and leaiest dot.
of He Aiiitliiau elnuili Is t" luild mciita for
( hlist. 'Ibis It t ,-luiicnn enunli.i, i Mi, (ilid
stone ntiee said, ''lleit it Hie hroadir-t bisis fin
a tuntiimoiit itupiic nil the file uf the una."
'Il.e start and ntripis Ih at oiei mule aeit, Hun
thile aie in the continent uf Eumpe. Heie tie
the iisoumt (or the Kicalri-t union in tho
taith. Am ic-miiicc enou'li to Mntalii
a ll11.u-.1111 uilllluiis nf population MI11e.1l re
bouiitt eiKuiitli to itiliih them all. luitiitlie
tiinltis and uiKliiuiial rkill to lead all utiles
Natuial methods nf InttKumiiiiiuleatloii the most
fin likable for we hilt to.uOO 'lles nf Hwi
Hon eaat of lie ltotl.1 inui.ntjil t. Ilniiii unei
inouitb to sdie uy pinblein of ti utspuit itiu'
Xmv wbil doet all this iiitau? unl.i it iii.'jii.
that (toil has tilieu ut (hi.-, tin at uitluii foi 1
puipose. 'I he liliine pinpose U im nidi tu il
lelop hue the piiiuiple nf m-11 ifuio imieiit but
to J 1 llit a pule f"l ill of ( liil.tliullt Hi' 11
liiicmo of width (dull lie fill In ill IMtinn.. lie
has not put this niaguilletnl lieilt.'e in nut pu.
M'sslou to Kl.itii'.e o.ii m lli.ilursf and piide but
rather Hut the lirtbluud ot nur lid iili-iun
ma.i litiulali fo the tiids of the 1 nt'i
H111 lountti It lliibtlin in its liailltim and
histni. Winn Colimibiis Fit foot on Hn 1 ril
tun of Hit new wnthi he and his. 1 oiiipiubi is
knell ilon 11 ti.ilfilll.i lliiuktil lull .nl
the ciiuiiilt foi Hit .ulilelnli of .I.mi. t h
I'liii. Is tfod't I md Hurt fuir by lb' hiu ration
of lit tiiitsiuil (lUinitieiii. It ii (iod' luil. ti ,
b) the uioiius uf tie c lily iuIiuU'h. 'Uie ci 1
1111 part of the lomitij was not ptopbd foi Hi
-aki nf (.'.lin but lot 1 lie tik of lull. lie,, aid
( lui.t. That n,u the niotiie of tho 1'ili.riiii
P.ithtiBi the Iluuiienclt ami IHilelit and f l.o I
lliltliuoii' and hit fnllu-.ui.. 'I lit) were nol 11 1
lutes but iiilssiuiinilte Hit) uualu fuedulii t
uuihlilp mid tiny bad a boo I hop and itr .c
real for adianciu:; the nu-pe'l. At-aln ( lub-tiauiti
I it n part of the common leu- 1 f England and nu
I tuuiti lulu- it'ptalciSI,! dttldttl that 11 it put of
I tie uiiwillttli lode of thU lounlij
' In all our hUtotj we hae moipiUetl llie lit
Hun's drnciiilwue upon Alinlght lioil ami lu of ttMtlludc tu lllm a fortibb ehowii in
oiftilal utlir.iiiiK fluiii WashlnslonS fucwell
addii9t ami l-llitoln's tu tt.t.-luirt; tpetch lu tic
Ut 'IhaiiksKliiiiif proilaiuilltiii of 'llieodotti
lloo cu-lt. We minmit ihaplalnt ji piddle ex
pense Jn loiiuuti; lu tlie 111111.1 .nn) uaiy, In our
milium and naial aiadeiulet, butt Itnlilatuiei
and uthei li..-lltutloiu
Put all Hits lhliK.s loct-lhcr and Ihe.i coiuti
tutc indubitable proof that in a Ut' fpcilil nine
1I1I1 U Hod' laiuli and that Mr. wai iluht
when he Mid "lliv lilble uud ( llutilug)
do iiioie in foiinl'n; Hie liiialuittic bai l.ijrouiiil
of the attune Aniirit jii'k ilew uf lilt' than In
any ot'ur 1 nmtij in lu wovl."
'I lien- Ihliu cplilu our uatloujl pinrnsi.
We hue hud an uiipirallelid cioulli in nil thovi
things that make J iH-nplj peat. It is not iinfili
to ark if the oiluinul i-eltlei of llii.s 101111I1) had
been fnlluviu of Confuilui would 0111 hl.lory
hae bem the tame? If they had lieu follow
ns of Hie llralimliilsin of Iirli.-.oiild we now- bn
rated ainonc Hie great imwers of Hie worldf I
think not. HUtory teaches Hut ifllKl" of a pro
pic lirgely determines (hen dcitiuy Natioui
You Are Invited
S. H. Twining, Optician,
life or full iHcordlnpr to their rcllgtnni life and
tlmractcr, Ixsid tUcon nttrlbiittd the giralncis
of lluglatitl lo her hired of men,
A recent w liter lias drawn 11 "elnrp contrail
between Kngliml n Utile ship of country wlilili
together with Ireland it Hot half 04 large !ti
Tcx.h nnd India, (hit last empire nt the east
whltli hha controls between China with Ui 400
tiOO.ow people helpliR", liopilcst, prottrali' lufore
tli nations of the world nnd the I'ulted Stlto.1
to whom Vliltu appcalt for aid. He Bhowed llie
rticntl.i1 dlffcrtnec to be in ulU'lon and not
In cllinitc or 111 it.uficlui Iiir- ikjuot or material
wealth." Chrlillnnlty proniotct education, In
dustry, economy nnd thrift, but bejnud thai It
ileiclopet .1 stmier, capibk' maiiliood, 11 better
nunlioud than It tleielopctl under any other re
ligion. A inmliood that Rets tnoie out of the
i-oll niKtctt more fully the forem of nature,
applln 11 tlcurer eienim to the piobtinm nf ma
th mica! iiiotaeti ui.d tiiililei political iiis-Hluttont
more fullv lij rijiht t,itnliul, than Ii feen under
my otbci form of iellt;loiil faith.
Hut If tlu future is lo be a lepefltlon uf Hie
pa-t wu mut net otusehet mole reaoluleli to le
iletuilm; tin1 nnietleeined portions of llilt coiintn
to (.ml. In liew i'( bitot unci
tndltioiH uud of out ohllcitiunt tu Almlvlity
Cntl 1 assert It lo be the par iiiioiint duty of the
(liii-tlan chuieli lo hold this lointry to the
prlmlplet and piactiicj of I'.i.iiigolkal ( bus
ti.iuil. 'I he foice of nil 11 1 c beinic mitsetl all about ut
to nn al. imliii: cMuit. Look at s 1)0011 power, at
the uuttilalistle .standard ot Micccst held up be
file loiuitr null. Thee thlnu't I 1 annul illsius-s.
lu .iildltiuu lo the wcik which Hie homo ihuuh
must tin, we heie .1 1.1st missionary Held In
miiici Tbt'ie it tin question of icathliu: witli
the (inspil the luiplfrn pnpulitlotis of our
titlit We are all ftirelgnert, lllthtr we ui our
p units hale tome fitau some other land. Inuili
1,1 nits have been anil are amunir our bct ilti
7tut. 'Hit' hae home the biunt cf the toll
and l.uilihip in li-iriner up tnd elcxt loping this
iiituitr and hale become idtntified with eiery
thiu Amciitan.
Ilul 111 my ale iuuiIuk lure who do not wont to
In' :iu liiiin. J I11.1 me setlllntr in i;ioupa In our
lilies 'Ibei taniiut be leached by the aieruC
iliurcli 'ibty speak a foreign liiiRiiatte.
'Hie bile hid 1 fuieign tl.imiliK. Tiled peeii
liai habits of thoiiitht and the standpulnl froni
wlilili thei new tlnniit aie not fnulllar to Hie
uidinar ihuitli wuikci. If Hit are not won to.
our ( liiistkimt, tu om Aim r it. 111 Sabbath and
our eelionl sittni. tint will trimple our liber
tut under tlieir Int. Aiiiuiik litem eitiy evil
tbintr ttouri-liis. To iciih llicui and win them
to ,'i'in leiiums the UM triiiiud autney possible.
And fnr siuh an atteiity to be t f lit te lit there must
-tuiil bihind it an ouini?ed mlssioniiy society.
As a MilliodM thi'itli we me tnlnis to do home
of this woili. Our home inissionaiits aie preitn
in,? the !ipil tmlav in fnuitien tlitterent lanrf
iiU's. 111n1iK the l'lentli, (.'ennuis, Xoiweglan-,
( liluesc, .lipmisc, PnitiiKUCRe, ltali.111.1 and olli
cis 111 mil teuton nf pnpulitiou ue aie Heeking
to sue tlie lo-t, to estubll-li and Siimliy
h lionis and nuke Co istiaii tititut and worktr.
out of inui who might ntheiwi-e be rttknned
auioutr tiic diiut'ious clissis.
oM,v I'Aitr or riKi.ii.
Hut the tit is onl.i T pait of our Hicat home
mission Held. 'I iicie aie the newer sections of oiu
tuuiiti in tlie vest, nurtliwest ami soulhwc-t.
(.leal f mums ale bring built ill tlio.c legions
Hut piomi-e to liial in 1 few Jena niine nf the
klugduius uf the old vorld. "In ISt'S Pitsldtiit
Hilii-nn by pinclam ition opened the Oklahoma
comitr tn stttlemtut. Mich hat been the growth
of thirteen eiit ibfit the fell law enough to
aik for statehood. Thousinds of our best people
baie been poiniiu in Hun, just the 1 Ind of inn
ttrnl out of nliiili to build a n ition and a
ihuitli. Lift alone thei would tdmpl be swil
lolled up in their mit'iiil attiiities and iniiiuT
ulitiet. Oiu inissioiiii sUtut finl 1 few wmkcis diwn
tlieic and now comes an appial fnr help to
build PW fiuiitlii chuiihes. (iod has been won
tlirfull lili-s'ii bis wuik As witli Oklahomi
so with othei growing sit turns nf 0111 lounliy
wine iiiiit'illlicnt opportunities ue presented and
spluiilld woik fur liod h being time. Oiu Knj-li-li
speaking home nn ions .ue seitttitd all
alomr the fiontiti md mir the ltoiki mountain
statf. We liaie tleun anniiil lonlinnces and
tight mis-iom. Insldes in the fi.itid .SI tics in
which pcrilces ale cimliulcd in foielgu ling
u Iges.
'Hun theie is the wuik .nuuli',' Hie uiultituelOs
of black pioplc 111 Hie mulli. Hut th" field is too
biuad to be -11111111! mm', 'llie ueiil is impra
tile 'lie Mud tit wuik l the Mil of the nitifn.
lit us not fmget those in the legions hound;
but b all lint ui' bold iliir let us do our dutv
in .seeking 10 posis, this tall land foi Hod. I u-t
jiu the Methudist cliiuih ecpendid tlnuucji the
liirent boiird and llie Woman's Hume Mi-sioniry
fo.leti lnoie than sjis.mio f borne ndssinii
wnk l.iy II hi moie in the t'ut to tome.
Spanish War Veterans Pleasantly
Sui prised at Satiuday Night's
Installation of Ofliceis.
The ineinlji'ts of General (lobln com
mand, Spanish War Veteums, conduct
ed I heir annual insinuation of olllteis
in Itnub's hall on Satiuday night, and
wtte Healed to tt plettwint tun prise
when the captain iecaled a beautiful
,? ' - - - TZJrWSgtfM, -" ? ; -:
.101IN iii:.njmi.s,
liutalled as Liipt'iin of In'lul.ll tuibm I ouiiuaud,
hp.ilibh War Veteiaiia
Hug wlilch liad been (ecelved fiom
qcneral J, P. S. Qobln aa u gift, ex
pressle of tliu w.tiiu feeling he lias for
the command,
Tho olllceis Installed were its follows:
Captain, John AV. Henjaminj Hist lieu
tenant. O. W. Thonitisj second lleuten
nnt, Jcuklii Jenkins; chaplain, Karl
Ouusker; sergeant of the guard, AV. S,
Youiigi adjutant, A, K. A'ooihees;
(luurtcminster, J, D. Kelper.
Coal! Coal!
Chestnut, Stove and Kgg coul deliv
eied lu forty hundred lots to ull parts
of Sciunton at $3.10 per ton; Duumore,
J3.00. Address unlets to the Mo wry
AVilsou Coal Co., Uox 27.', Dunmore,
?&&mi - wm&mm
'i-ysi.csVt jjvsv s 'yvmJ.-ttSMtif'
Elorjuent Pastor of the Green Rldgo
Presbyterian Church Declared
That Those Who Desecrate the
Lord's Day Will Pay Dearly for
Tholr Folly In the Eud The Sun
day Holiday Evolves Into tho
Sunday Work-Day Dofjindlng In
fluences of Sabbath Toll.
llev. Or. Isaac J. Lnntdng, pastor of
the Green llldge I'lesbyterlnn church,
preached last night the second of a
series ot sermons on the Sabbath,
taking for his theme "The Sabbath for
Man and Man for the Sabbath." The
doctor cliosf two texts, Kzeklel, 20:11
12, 13, nnd Mark, 2:27:
And I gaie tlicin my atntiitc, nnd shewed th"m
my JiiilKtnentf, whlih If 11 mm do, lie hlmll en 11
live In Hutu.
Mcrioler, uLso I gaie lliein 111 Siblnlhs, to be
a sign bitiwcn me and tlieiu, tint they might
know tint I am the I.oid tint timllfy Until
Ilut the house of rebellul agiimt tus In
tie wlldcrncii! the walked not lu ml statutes,
and they de-pised mj Judgments, which If a inm
do, ho shall eun Hie In lliiui: and my Siblnths
they gnatly polluted; then 1 mill, I would pour
out inv fur upon tliim in Hie wlldttness to i.'.'i
ninif tlieiu,
Tho doctor, In beginning his icmarka,
enlarged upon the fundamental fact
conlulned In the Inst verse above
quoted. "The Sabbath," said he, "was
made for titan to break or for man to
keep, just u.s he chooses." Continuing,
he said:
And he said unto Ham, Hie S illicit I. was made
for 10.111, and not 111 ill feu the sahbatli.
Theie are tinny mimics of the babbitli Of
coiinv time inc. 'Jhtre nenr was .1 gom! thing
jet without enemies, 'lue inclines of tlie Sabbitli
can be easlh diilded Into clattcs. i'lrst (hire
are IIioiC who realli hate the Sibbat'i beeuiise it
is .1 t'liilstlan iiistilutioii. liny petition ltgls
latures and congrc-.s to tlo awu wltii it. Ibesc
are the peuple whti ait aierjie to the list- of th.
Ibble in couil and who cannot bar anything
conmtted In any way with the Christian le
ligiun. rhue can be pa.eed b because they fon
stltutc but a small part of the rnciniw of llie
Iii the sitond tla-s of the mimics of the 'sib
lutli tan be pined tho-c people whose aiarice
foitca them to wuik on Sundiy and who tomp"l
othtis to weak that tlieir but for money 111 ly he
satiated. We c in sic what this el its of people alt'
doing all aiound us nnd'their number U dull in
creasing. In the tliilil class of the intniles of the Sib
bath can he found those who make nf it a ill
nf pi 1 anil -.port, 'tho-a; who attend .Sunday i"c
cuihioiis ami who (tike part in 01 witness games
01 theati'eils on the land's ilij ore to be found
in tlii3 class. The mijorlty of them cto nor go to
church or If tliej tlo go they do so in a p rfunc
toly hort of way and .illoi" the scniec'i to hive
no effect upon Hem. 'll.tir idea of the 'lb
bith it .1 thii of recrciHuu and diicrsiou. 'Kiev
till to icallze until it is too laic that wliccier
the Sabbath tomes to be made a daj' af pltasiire
it tomes also lo be 11 tlav of woik'.
'Hie fourth class of tiieinies of tlie Sabbath toui
piics tiiOM.' who aie its passiic fiifuiic-. the pto
tic who agree witli the ocktv in width Ibet
nny happen to be; the people who go lo cliuri ii
if Uii'ie with iliurcli gollng people and who
bieak the Sabbath with .1 fight heait it their
companions for Hie day break it. These people
do more haini than any of tha other enemies of
the s,abbatli and they aie far more niuneioi.i linn
any othei clati.
One thing is nn established fact and Hilt is tint
where the Sabbath is ptrsi-ttntly vlolattd it it
made not onlj 1 wit kid da, but the icr.i witk
fdest ihy nt the well.. It it m ide unliolj instead
of holy. I should like to hue fieri L'luistian
111111 and woman adc himself or herself this ipiet
tlcn. If Cod dtsigiuted the Sibbatb as .1 holy
da.i and men make of it the worst day of the
week what will Clod thmk ot these men?
It lias bun proien by .ibuii'lmt obsemtion
tint wheio the Sabbath it piufmcd it beeumes the
wltkedcst day of the nLien. It has been proiei
tint there Is more diunkinness, inula illliinv,
mole el line and more outrage on that di wlieie
it ii publitly dcfe'crated than on an nther thy
of the week, 'llie statistics wlutli I quote .lie
not icttnt but tiny how fully enough the hoi
lihle tiuth.
In Riiiiiinj up to fifteen cars ago ,1: pel cent,
if Hie crime of the week was committed lietwccn
Siituuliy night uud 'Monday morning. In London
up to Kais ago onc-lnlf of the drunktu
niss and two-thirds of the crime weie 1 ounce til
with i halation of the Luid'ji day. In tw orl;
tit prlui to ISO? the tiiinc on Sundi was -10
per tent, greater thin the eiiiue on Tuesday, lu
the peilod between l5t7 and 1370, jut before the
Tweed regime, Alien the sale ins wuc kept closed
tight on Sunday, the crime on Sunday fell off to
null an cstont tint .t bttauie 2", ter tent, list
thin (bo ciinie on nny week dry.
It is a fatl at wide .is the world that when
Hie best it mule bad it becomes the nr) wortst
and this truth applies to the protaned babbilli,
I bale neier doubled lint Sabbitli de-i'raliin
will be billowed by iiltlmilo illsaslir and It
iinit'dlable lulu and lint the ilhlli" intent will
thus be dtinonslrated.
'llie desuiutlon of the Sildutli h a tourtf of
dimige to the itiiununlty nnd is degiullnir to
gu eminent, floldwlii Smith, wlio is no a
Christian and who inaj be failed a tdilliwoplili.l
agnt-tlc- his said "llie ..urtdne.'.s of the Sabbath
and Hit! fieedom of worship hale been llie inak-
I lug of Ainnlta,"
Piorer,or II. M. Si ,n, nf Hie t liicago Tlico
logical seminiry, wlio bis mule a peismnl stulv
of tomlilious in t.'itin.inv ilnlues that
the moral tone of tlie (li'ituan empire is becoming
lowtr anil lowir and be holds the increase in the
mmibu' of saloons during tlie last twenty join
to be ici-pnnaible fm this. The riimibtr of s.i
buns in that inuutry hue Intrei'nl '-0 pu ie:it
lu Iweut) .icir...
I.oul at the bltiutiou in our own luuntii. Oh
sciie that It Is the (iodly neople of Sew lln-r-lmd
"bo hale dominated the thought of this
Iiud for Hie list - jeart and then lenwmbcr
low the uhstntd the Sabbath tliv. I wlsn that
New Vnrk ill, that llibago, penin an I San
I'lamli-tn would think of lint. It Is a well is.
t.iblishcd fitl lint niiinle Ipal lormpUon lu tho
luge Utles is Intlmati) conneittd Willi tho Wo
kit ion of the hold's da.
I warn thitagfi, si. lauds and New "nuh tint
tin' lannot go on lucahlnir the Dtiine liw with
out uniting with lilllliulliili in the end. dill's
eau tiic for giied and ga.uly and get II but ibij
will pi.i for it In the md a thou-aiul tlmri 111010
Hun It Is worth.
pi'iiiiAHi: 'i 111: pooh.
Hie t'li. lilies uf Hit sdihath digtadc the pool bj
ivinpillliig thtm to Moik on Sunday and wh1"!
I lay loinpi'Utd 1 111t.u1 e.ittl) wlm 1 .i.t fur
no unit of good oin'c will lyyis, on the Lord'a
il.ij null's he It obliged to tlo io. Twenty jc.n
ago I liftid 111 ulie ajid deilatul tlnl Hie Hun
iljy hollda would betome In time the Sunday
wotlul.11 and today theie l tin tiines mole work
done on llie Sabbith linn tlii'ia was thin.
Oh, jc, we'll tn to get bael, our Sabbath
when Its gone like poor, ileujlntr l'i nice Is to
ilji but its at hard tu git the Sabbitli bilk when
once it! gout) an It 11 to get 1 hunter link
whin that' gone,
K, )'. hheplitid In bis little loluuiu on capltil
and labor adilsed woikmeii lu strike for Sab
batic rot uud I eclu) bis utiitliiitutn. I'd favor
that kind of a stilke and lomu it will, whether
with blood or not, it will tome.
The monks, ih.traiter and piodtittlilly of the
woilincn are diminished and i!gr.u!id by Sun
daj work. A prominent official of n latge ktte.'t
railway sjitrni iild not long ago that jut tan
not bale an honest stieet tar nun if jou cuinpol
him to woik 011 Suntiay as well at tvery other
day, I think and ponder 01 er that iiuijis. cier)
time I enter a itrcet car and fee the register.! an)
othei devices to pieicnt the itud'iitor from ba
ng dishonest,
All tlusc ills and tlljidiantages gi owing out cf
tho desecration of the lord's day bale lonupoud
Ing adiuutuje on the other aide whlth result
from the proper obtvivance of that da). Keep
holy the Sabbath day and jou will pttabliih
tlicuby u bcaii'ifnl utapdard foi the) Meek. A
! 4 $ ! .j. . : rj, s. . 4. .J..J. . .j, .ji sj. j. .; i -;. ;. ., i.i ;. i
I Semiannual Reduction Sale
Entire Winter Stock, Hats, Underwnn,
Etc., to be Sold at or Below Costs Must bi? .;
Sold to make room for Immense Spring
Stock now being; manufactured and im-
Heavy Ribbed Bal
briggan, fast colors... 48c
Heavy silk or wool
fleeced 59c
Natural and Fancy
Wool 75c
All Wool Ribbed
and Imported Aus
tralian Wool that
were $1.75 and $2,
to be sold at $1.25
Imported Silk and
Wools that were $$
and 3.50, at $2.25
Immense' lot of
Odds and Ends of
High-Grade Under
wear, worth $i.;io,
$2 and $2.50,10 close
out odds at 69c
Union Suits Half Price.
All 25c Hosiery 19c
All 50c Hosiery 35c
Ask to See Our Special
Are Your
Have you a brass bed that needs refinishing, or a white iron bed
that needs enameling ? We can make either look as well as the day it
was bought. Ut us call and give you a price. We can polish gas fix
tures, too, or andirons, or anything of brass.
gGPant&M Bedding &.,
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
T IS USELESS to remind you that thin store
carries the best grade of goods in Scranton. It
is also uselens to say that when we cut prices
one-half you are getting a good garment for a
little money. 4
We Are Determined ;
To Clean Out Our Stock
So will offer the following pricea on tho balance
of our stock.
Raglans and Newmarkets that were $10 are cut to $ 5.00
ItaElrtns and Newmarkets that were 15 are cut to 7.B0
IUiglans and Newmarkets that were 20 are cut to 10.00
Itaclnns and Newmarkets that wero 25 are cut to 12.50'
42-inch Jackets that wero $10 are cut to $ 5.00 -
42-inch Jackets that were 12 are cut to 0.00
42-inch Jackets that were 15 are cut to 7.50
42-inch Jackets that were 20 are cut to 10.00
42-inch Jackets that weie 25 are cut to 13.50
27-in. Box Jackets, Newest effects that wore.S?10 are cut to ?5.00
27-in. Box Jackets, Newest effects that were. 12nvocutto 6,00
27-in. Box Jackets, Newest effects that were, 15 are cut to 7.50
27-in. Box Jnckets, Newest effects that wero. 20 are cut to 10.00
27-in. Box Jackets, Newest effects that were. 25 are cut to 12.50
JJ This lot consists iu part of the Crown Braud g
W Walkiug Jackets for stout people. A better oppor- X
tunity for a good bargaiu was never offered to the 'X
IS pubUc- vwg;
g t Hrf
H ... O
6 324 Lackawanna Avenue
Sabbath well Kept iwlU the ilui Jeter of toil Jiiel
U one ot llie ijiejlitt Intellectual fotcw In tlie
v oriel,
Ate we m t'liilsltjiu geilinf to nt fiiplncly 1
iinj iee the Merctlntis of the Siliballi iU If
coino 4 thins of the put hic4UM of nur con
nlunce, our ucjleit nnel our iUudc oi it we go
Your choice of any
of the $1 or 2 Hats
in our windows $.1.00
All joc Scarfs 25c
All $1.00 Scarfs 69c
All $1.50 Scarfs $1.00
All 50c Suspenders... 39c
All 25c Suspenders.. 19c
$1,00 Fancy Shirts... 75c
1.50 Wilson Shirts.. $1.00
20 Discount on all
Suit Cases, Robes and
House Coats.
Big Reductions in all
See Windows.
412 Spruce St.
All Linen Collar at 10 Cents
Both 'Phones
Shabby ?
ND p.
flefttir. "
. jTt
i ifcz
ing to tiy ami lulus oliout liy our eianiilti unJ
nienintf obrilif,iu.c lo llie feiuttli ioiiiiiuiieluicnU
Fve'sli Creamery Butter, 3
Hi,aU99linli.'9.t? nJ ja-pound boxss,y