v J a ribttti THE ONLY SCR ANTON IVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCUAOTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1902. TWO CENTS. ;r V 0 rx Vo PAWtecE 'i Ik k WEEK'S PROGRAMME OF CONGRESS The Nicaragua Ganal Bill Is Still in the Gommittee Stage in the House. CUBAN RECIPROCITY WILL BE CONSIDERED Healings Will Begin on Wednesday. Gencinl Wood and Others Will Ad diess the Committee The Senate Is Still Without Any Definite Plan of Action Kcpublican Leadeis Have Practically Decided to Make Material Seduction in Tariff on Philippine Impoits. tl Uuhi-itu Mti ram Hie V-"iiiltd I'nx Washington, Jan 1 The lcnlly Ini poitimt woik of the house ot' icpiesen ntlics, aside Horn tho Nicaragua canal dill, Is still In the committee stage, so lint theie is Uttlo of impoituuce to be tonridcied dining tht! coining week. Monday will be given to bills affecting .he Dibliict of roltimbla. Alter that the pension appiopriallon bill will be passed. Although this measuu can Its about X1S9 000,000, it follows the tlepait ment estimates and dots not inole any serious issues, so that aftei a Inlet explanation its passage usually lollows promptly. The was and means com mittee has a few minoi bills on the talendar, for the leclemntlon of ieve nue stamps made woithless by the le peal of ceitaln featuies of the w.u icve nue act. With the disposal of these bills, theie will be little to engnjre the attention of the house, and there piom ises to be sevctul peilods ot adjoin n ment, duilnsr which time the commit tees will pei feet the laigti nieasutes to bo brought befote the house. The thief Intel est of the week will centei In the hearings on Cuban leclpioclty, to be gin at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning before the wnj,s and means committee. The he.ulngs will continue for seveial dajs, and it is expected that Genet al Wood and othei s ptoiuinent In Cuban nffuirs, ns well as the Inteie.st opposed to recipiocity, will adtliess the com nilttee. Senate Without Plans. The senate Is still without am defi nite plan of action for the futuic, and the indications aio that the pusent week will witness a gieatei dlspla tit ,utilty In the senate committee moms than In the senate chambei. Time aie veiy few matters of Impoi tance on the t.ilrntl.ii, but enough to engage atten tion foi a tew hours each daj until Thuii"day, when the senate piobibly will adjoin n for the week. Among the mensuics which theicwill b( an elToit to get out of the committee dining the week aie. Th" Nicaragua canal bill, the Philip pints taiift bill and the shin subsidy bill. The Indications aie that the N'lc nj.ip.ua bill will bo lepoited pi actually as It passed the house, and that the shipping bill will not b materially amended, but the Republican leadeis hac pi.ieticallv decided to make u mn teilal leduttlon of the tariff on Philip pine impoits. It Is not in nimble that the discussion of cithet of these nties tlons will beeln for some time. The utmost that Is to he oMieeteil in that dilution Is a piellmiuaiy aiiangement for tousideiatlon. Which of the mns uics shall leieKe (list attention Is not yet dotei mined, and t onsidPtnbln nv aliy Is Ilktly to deelop for precedence All oi the time measuies will be de batetl at .some length when taken up hi the senate. TO SURVEY WATERS. The Dolphin Sails fiom Washing ton with Three Men Missing. 11 Exclusive Wire from Itic Associated I'rcu. Washington, Jan, 12. The dispatch boat Dolphin sailed fiom AVnshlngton yesteiday for Poito Hlco. Shu will make deep sea soundings on tlio way, will do suivey duty in Potto Ulcan waters, and will mobably return hero in April. Her departuic was delayed by the disappeaianco of Joseph Town shend, William A. Miller and Magnus Nlelson, oidinaiy seamen. Tow-unbend had recently been court martlalled for leslstliiB uriest, and his sentence was In abeyance. The men had not been anested when tlio vessel sailed. Lieutenant Commander Gleaves, of the Dolphin, says the men had no grie vance, and ho does not undei stand why they left tlio ship. .I DIVORCE FOR MRS. SELBY, Alimony of Pugilist's Wife, Five Hundred Dolla?s a. Month. By fxclushc Wire from Tlio Associated TroM. Saratoga, N, Y Jan. I'. Justice J. W. Houghton yesteiday granted ti de cree of absolute divorce to Mis. Julia Woodruff Sclby fiom Not man Selby, better known as "Kid McCoy," tho pugilist, who Is now conducting u sporting place In London. The core spondent named In the uctlon Is one Dnlsy Dixon, To the plaintiff has also been giant ed alimony of JC00 a month. She will resume her maiden name of Julia Woodiuff, The loadhmise on the east shore of Saratoga Luke and known us "the Kid McCoy Farm" is owned by Mrs. Julia Woodruff Selby. i- -Silk Dyer's Suicide. By Ejc1u1c wire from lho Associated I'lew. Nw York. Jan. 12. Kduard llalthaur, 05 vear uld, a well known si lie djer ot tliU city loiimilt ted wIcMe here toda). ll vva piciuintntly ion. nccted with the silk industries and lud ettensho jiUiitd ut Haveutraw, . y While uiHrii! froui 1 neuralgic attack he shut Liiim.lt FRENCH MERCHANTS PROTEST. But the Tieasuiy Department Will Not Revoke Its Order. II) I xilnsltc Wire from The "noelalid I'roi. Wuriilngtnu, Jan U M. tie Maigerio. seitftaiv of the rieiiih ctnbasv, has made a ptotest In behalf of the mei I'httntH of his lountiy against the le tent Order of the tieasuiv tlenaitnieiit piohlbltlng the admission of adulter ated canned fiults to Aineilcan poll. The asstttion was made that the tanned goods on whkh the department has just placed a llgld ban did not contain enough poisonous acid to make tin in dangerous. After consldeilng tho pio test officials dtilded that the older, which was based on an Invebtlgntlon bv the deinrtmeiit of agikultuie, would have to stanil. The liianufaLtuteis contend that suth a smnll ainount of sulnluiious acid Is used for polishing and pieseiviug the ft tilt that It does not atfet t the riult as an eatable. Chemists til the dep.nt meiit ot agiltultute, howevei, saj that in Mibjeitiug the fiult to the polishing piocess the acid ptnneates the liult, and tilt 1 1 b makes It d.inr.cious lm food. MINISTERIAL CAMPAIGN AT ST. ETIENNE The Town Elaboiately Decoiated with Flags M. Waldeck-Ros- seau and Paity Cheeied. II) ImIihIyi W lie from Mil ssov.U(ed 1'itvi St. Ktleniie, ri.tiuc, Jan. .' The opening of the niinistt'tial electotal tampilgn heie today piovtd an tiu iltidllflid success. The wenlhti was lino and told. Sltn.0 yesteiday, the i ipltal ot th" Loiie has been tilled with people fiom the fauiioundlng dlsliiits and nuineioiis lsitors lrom Pails ana othci p.uts of rnuice. Upsides M. Waldei k-ltosse.ui. the Fiencli piemler, the mlnisteis ot wat, mailue, the colo-ilts and commeite, who In u'tendum u. as weie the jiilu ilpal mllit'iti and els II otlieials of the depni tmenl. 'loduj's leienioalHS intlude Islts to the hospital and other local Institu tions of St. Ktienne. The town was rkibiitiitely decoiated with Hags M. Waldeck-Hopscau and the other minls teis wcifgteetod with eheeis and ciies ot "Vle La ltenublkiue," "Vive La Gouencment," and "Vive Loubet." Upon leaving one of the hospitals which was founded In lfiSO, the Fiendi piemlei said: "It Is not a hospital that I base Just Mslted: It Is the et.tlbule to the nioigue'." He pi utilised to do his ut most to sctuie government aid In building another one. After dinner at tin- Hotel D'Vllle. at which Wa'deek Housseau's speech was conllned to lo cal toplts, came the unelliug of the statute to Maile Joseph Francis Gui lder, a taptaln of tin- Fiench nay and an exploter, boin here In 1S39, and whose elf tuts helped to obtain for Fiance her colcTnlal possessions of An num and Tonkin, w hero Captain Gar nlei was assassinated In 187,'! by the "ISIaek Flac." Th" umcilitig of this statue was made the occasion of a gie.it ovation to the Fiench piemier and the othei mlnisteis. A leceptlon by the delegates to the lahur and commeiclal organizations followed. In the evening, at a banquet at the piefeetuie. offered the Fiench premier by the Itppublltans of the de pal ttneut of the Lohe. M. Waldetk Uofeseau, icplyln to a toast to his health, made his piiucipal speech of the day. In It he set loith the posi tion of the government, In view of the coming geneinl elections. The speech took the form of a ic vlow of the polity of the government and the woik of the ptosent legislatuie. It expiessed tho linn conviction that the elections would lesult In a sulk ing Ictory for the republic mid oer tluow all the foices of reaction. M. Waldeek-Uosseau declared that since the formation of his iiilnlstiy the country had iicquhed n security un known for a long time und that it ic tiuiied an incut able pessimism not to iccognlze that the bad days had gone by, When the cabinet took otllce, he said, the factions of the paity which legutded Fiance as its own pioporty and patriotism us a political Industiy, the solo patent of which It confeited upon Itself, was piepuilng to usuip power by the e-cticlse of erltablo tjtauny, and that within the Hist year this tyianny was succeeded by material ami moral dUotdei. He ice ailed tho sweeping Uepubllian vlctoiy In tho municipal elections, ntul said that the hour for action, Instead of defence, had seemed to have nrihed, und that the government .submitted a pi ogi amine of lefoims. He stud the adoption of the law of associations had nuiiked a decisive step forwuid tiom the point of luw of economic develop ment, and its guarantees of society. Notwithstanding a pioductlou uf agita tion, the speaker said thu law of as sociations had begun to be executed, and that It would be tan ltd out In tho splilt In which It was conceived, with out passion and without weakness, llefeiilns to the iiioi legislation, which had lesulted in a loss to the tieasuiy, the piemier said that tho transltoiy deceptions attilbuted to this law wen' not too heavy a pi Ice to pay foi tho suppiession of the bcouigu of akohollHin which tlncntened tho veiy eNlstenco of the race. Alluding to the naval piogramme of F'unee, M. Waldeck-nosseau said that jub-inurlne boats, the constiucilou of Which was duo to Fiench genius, weie calculated to oveitutn tho laws of naval pie-eniluence, The ptemlci spoke of tho develop nient of Fiench-Afilcnn emplio and said that the eneigetlo action In tho far I Jus t had given Fiench lullueucc ft new attthoilty, "Tho piesenco of the Itnllan ut Tou lon," said the inline minister, "Inn shown that we arc capable of Instilling sympathies, and tho presence of the czar of Russia at Uethonv hns shown that we are able to stiengthen an al liance and Ineicasc our stiength In the confidence she has succeeded In In spiling und In the sphit of eciulty which she has shown In nil foielgu le latlous. Wo have thus better set veil the Intel csts of the countiy than by a policy of bluster, which Is moio calcu lated to nlaim eveiybody than fright en anjoiie. Other men may have con ceived loftier designs but they could not have shown that good faith or pei seveinnce. "The woik accomplished b tho lepr lslaune penults us to eontemplule the futuie tonlldentlv. "The coming con sultation with the countiy will be a gi eat'-i v Ictoi y for the l epubllc, bo cause we shall Impose upon ouiselves a stt later discipline." M. Waldeck-nousscau concluded by leculllng the tactics of the adveisarles of the l epubllc. He said the lltst antl Hepubllcan coalition had been fonned of contnullctoiy elements which had found no title that they could avow as thelis The speaker dubliPil It the "nameless piitj" and said that later It took the name of the faction ot tho soldier Iloulanger. "Todav It Is Nationalism," he said, "the name of expectancy, allowing each element to eheilsh the hope of duping the othei s. It Is the inonaichv or Cacsailsin of tomoiiow, a connect ing link between aibttoctats who have become familial and demagogues who have become luuightj. The clevti men who sought success In this equivoca tion have made a false c.tltul ltlon. Thev took too gieat caie to hide them selves lrom tin- ancient paities and thus signed theh abdication and giad uall, atctKtomed the countiy to take note' of theli definitive downfall The twentieth ientui llss on It has foievei tllspeised the tulns of io alty, Oileanlsni and emplie and the Fienth demoeiaty Is picpailug to pass sentence on the vain paiodles and bad foigeries of stneeie palilotlsni and on the splilt of levolutlon " At the com luslon of the bulletin t the Fiench piemiei who was accompanied by his wife, took the tialn foi Pails He was enthusiastic illy cheeied bv the clowd at the station. The other niinisteis will lemnln heie to p.nllii pate In the conclusion of the festivities tomoiiow. The thieatened hostile domonsti.t tlons did not otcur and good oidei was maintained. PEACE MEETING TO BE HELD AT C0RINT0 The Nicaiaguan Officials Will Confer with Piesidents of Other States of Cential Ameiica. Rv 1 ilu-ii' Wire ficmi 1 lie Vvotlateil l'ies Managua, Xicaiagua. Jan. 1J Viesl doni Zelava. the mlnisteis ot his t ihl net and seveial other Nlcaiasruan olll tials hive left heie loi the pent ot Coi Into, on the Pacific, whoie they will meet and confei with tho piesidents of the other states of Cential Ameilcu, who will assemble theie upon the In vitation of Piesident Zelaya. Geneinl Teieuclo Shi a, piesident of Hondmas, and Geneial Tonias Reg aldo, ot Salvadoi, aie already on their vvav to Coilnto. Tho piesidents of tho other lenubllcs, or their lepresenta tlves, aie lepoited as Intending to go to Coilnto latei. The obfect of these meetings Is dcclaied to lie the pitsti vatlon of peac e. Thc.v will omit .1 iini ai y 15 and IT. HUMAN SACRIFICE PREVENTED SIsteis of Charity Save Hy Wong from Being Offeied Up to Joss. lis h c lu-ivo Wilt fiom I lie Vssoilitul I'iim, Haker City, Ote., Jan. 12 A human sacilllce was pi evented by the timely aiilval of some sisteis of ehailtv upon the scene In this city. Hy Wong, a paialyllc Chinaman, who has been n county chin go, was leturned to the cate of his tountiyinen In Chinatown, While ho was an inmate of the county hospital, his que had been out off. On this at count, the Chinese madp pap ulations to offer him as a sacrifice to Joss, Hy Wong managed to get a message to the sisters at the hospital and they lescued hlui befoie his life was taken. It Is nsseited that all piepaiatlons for Hy Wong's execution had been com pleted when the sisteis ai lived at the Joss house, M'KINLEY MEMORIAL. Ten Thousnnd Dollais Contributed to Fund by Pittsburg Woi leers. II) Kxdiwlic Wire lrom 'i tie Associated l'rcsj. Plttsbuig, Jau, 12, Ten thousand dollars was yesteiday eoutilbuted to the national fund tor a McKlnley uie niotlal by the worMiigmcn of Hoine stead. It was one of the laigest amounts foi this pui pose that has been iiilsed In Western Pennsylvania, and the amount, togethei with the names of those who donated to the tause, will be forwnidid to the dltectois of the McKlnley ineiiioilal tommlssloti In Washington eutly this week. The inajoilty of tho woikingmen gave a halt da's pay, fiom the low est laborer to the heads of dcpait rnents. Thcte weie a few, honour, who gave nothing. ANTHRACITE COAL TRADE. 1 l.xthunc Wire (rum 'I lie Assutitinl Vttu. I'lllUikliiMi, Ian. J.' Ilit, Uilgn, in it, coal jrtlclc toinuiiou ull sait. 'Tlit' iintlii ultv ic.il trade iuunu Hid u-ual inldulnttr iunlliii3, 'fie cur sIiqiu'i., nlorni ulbti ut t Ions tu trail lortallon und minim; md ollitr clKliuillliy lue inttifeud ullli Hie niovi, mint pf foal, Imt the conii.iiili an suullng fur. uard all Inn toiuuuc the) can traiijugrt, ua tin dtiiuiid tontliim$ tl and lie maiket lakc all that tan he pit lu ihlcwanr iirt-i or, to ton snmtis. l'lites are fully liulntalnetl uud ocein ficlfhts aie firm. Tliu eoniijaulcu aie now Lnilly engaged in nuklnp up. their statistical i ,oiU o( the hest coal jtai tlity iter hate hau, and are btnlnnliii; u new )car ukltli H tvotti'd to la full) i good. NEW BOOK ON SCHLEY CASE War Correspondent Graham Tells Storij ot the Santl- ci(o Battle. MOVEMENTS OF THE PLYING SQUADRON Views of the Fight with the Spanish rieet Obtained on Board of tho Biooklyn A Defense of Admiral Schley Coi respondent's Veislon of the Signals on the Arrival of the New York. B. t'tliniie Wire from The voclated PrcH Chleirro, Jan.' 12 A book entitled, "Pehley and Santiago" Is In press In this city and will bo Issued within 10 das. The author is Oeoige IJ. Gin ham, a vvai coiiespondent, who has had exceptional facilities for Kntheilnff materials as he was on boaid the Ihooklyn dining the fight with the Sp mlsh fleet. The book Is wild to have the unqualified endoisement of Rear Admlial Schley. When President Itocwevelt was froveinor of New Yoik, he was piesent when Mr. Oiaham gave an ae-ount of the battle to state otli eials and membeis of tho leglslatuie and sa'd: "X am sure j ou feel as pleused at having listened to Ml. Graham as I do, for I have listened to the best ac count I have every beard oi lead of the naval fighting during this win." This book Is the flist and only com plete stoiy of the woik of the fbing stttndion, tommanded by Sthley. Mr. Giahnm was assisted by his camera, which enabled him to add many In tel esting ilitistintlons and the account ho gives of the movements of the fleet and the battle Is evidently sincere. It is fiee of indent and peisonal at tacks; tho aim is to give N a tiiithful statement ot eveiv oeeuirenee In connection with the aitlval ot the New Yoik, Mi. Giaham sajs; "The coiiunodoio leached over to me, took my glasses and looked seaichlngly to the east, bajlng slowlv as ho did so: 'There Is the Teas and theie is. the Vixen, hut I don't see thtijiNevv Yoik, 'and then, as Jn kept the glasses up, -In an Instant he evi dently bad found hoi. for he lemaikcd: "Yes. theie she Is, 1 can tell hot by ht'i smoke." This was at I li o'clotk aftti the Colon had gone ahote, while Captain Cook had iteelved the sut lender of the vessel. At f o'clotk, just as the Ni'vv Yoik lnd got within '..igualling dis tant e. Commodoie Schley oidei ed tho signal taised: "A glorious vlctoiy has been achieved, details later.' This sig nal l enlaced the one which we had been living for nearly thtee-riuaiteis of an houi: 'The enemy has sunend eied,' and which the New Yoik had not answered. Vainly the signal offi cer on the bridge watched th New Yoik for even tho courtesy of an an sweilng pennant showing that she un dei 3tood our signal. None was dls plajed and then It nppaiently dawned upon Commodoie Sehlej's mind that Sampson's ling captain on the New Yoik was Intent on Ignoring him. Picking up the megaphone, Commodoie Schley did the one thing that dav fot which I have alwais criticised him, lowering his dignity sufficient to plead with the commander of the ileet that he might have the surrender of the ship wheie escape had been fiustiated by the 13iooklvn and the Oiegon, thus making complete tho day's vlttoiy. " 'I lequest the honor of tho bin tend er of the Cilstobil Colon,' ho said In a eleai, distinct voice, and fiom the commander-in-chief's tlagshtp came wnfted back tho Insolent nnswei fiom aloft: 'What?' 'I letiuest the honor ol the suriender of the Cristobal Co lon,' ngaln called the commodoie, and this time his volte trembled slightly. We watched the bridge of the New York closely, waited Intently for an answer, but nonoji, came. And that message, ns had all the others pieced Ing It since the desti uctlon of the Spanish fleet, which had been addiessed by Schley to tho Now Yoik remained unansvveied. Somebody i.ilsed a broom nt our masthead on one of the pennant linlvardB nud the ciew of tho Oiegon followed suit and then gave three cheers for Commodoie Schley, On the Texas the men lined up on the foi waul deck ond at the ieo.ue.st of somebody aboard I piesumo of Philip himself gave till en cheers for Commodoie Schley. The little Vixen elided aiouud thtce or four times, her ciew yelling themselves Iiouim! for the HiooKlyn, for Schle) und for the crew. Hut fiom the New Yoik tame never u sound and nevei a cheer" AGED WOMAN ROASTED, Mrs. CiistnPs Chaued ami Lifeless Body round by n Policeman. II) Melinite Ulro fum'llie AovK'Utnl I'rtu Washington, Jan 12. Jlis. Mario Cilstal, aged 7-', was llteially loasted to death last lllshl. Hei chatted and lifeless body was tounil lu hei loom by a policeman, who had been snioku Is suing fiom tho place, The woman's death was a mysterious one and Mni tln distal, her son, is In Jull, await ing tin Investigation. She was u ltubslau. riicuinstauces Indicated that hhe made a stiuggle for life us her bod) was found some ills tamp fiom tho bed vvheio she had been lilug sick, Collie j y Will Resume. II) hu)i)hc Nile from "the .sotUted I'll) bhcitiniliuli, I'll , Jan. .'. The ItnltkubotUr and bheiuitdoali (olileiles ot the Heidlii'.- Coal and Iiun toiutan), and the Lam-emu toUlery of the hthairtr estate, uhltli t(io lend.ied Idle 1 the heavy flooilt (our uiU ao, illl icminj cpi utfoiui touioiltiiv. .VUiut .',liJ mtn a'ud to)4 will Lc glvtii cnij'Io) limit. STATEMENT OF MBS. DENNIS. The Washington Dressmaker Talks of the Mysterious Assault. l)y Kxclmhe Wire from The AnocUtrd Trew. Washington, Jan. 12. Mrs. Ada Gil bert Dentils, the fashlotiablo modiste, who wan tnurdeiously assaulted on the night of Dec. !), was nhlo for the Hist time today to make a statement. The police have been hopeful that what she would say would tin on some light on the motive for the ti line or lead to the dlhcoveiy of the peipetrutor, but Mrs. Dentils' statement contained nothing that would give any clue In cither dl lec'tlon. She said she lemcmbered nothing Im mediately pioceetllng the attack on her, and said the blow was struck while she was asleep. Nor had she the remotest Idea who committed the assault nor the motive for It. Mis. Dennis said she had not been out ot the Iioubc din ing the evening of the night of the as sault, and that bjfote le tiring she had locked the door to the front and back pallors. The latter she occupied as a bed-ioom. One feattue of Mis. Den nis' statement that puzries the police Is that she said her icvolvei and her money weie under bet pillow when she letlred. When the crime was dls coveied the next morning the revolver was In a diawer of a secietary nearby, and the money was In n pocket-book In a bos on a table near the bed. The police aie mote mystified than evei over the nffah. Mrs Dennis' condition today wus veiy much linpiovvd, and the attending physicians now bellpve she will ie eovei. MADAME N0RDICA IS INJURED IN A WRECK Engineer of Tiain Killed The Sing er Sustains Biuised Shoulder. Pianist Simmons Huit. It) Milii'ite Vine hum llie ViTOiited lre. Rome, Gn., Jan 12 As a result of a collision betvvpeu a passengei tialn and a fi eight tialn on the Southern Rail way tliis morning near Reeves station, twelve miles noitli of Rome, Mme. Lil lian Nordlea, the singer, was Injuiod; her pianist, 13 ltomalue Simmons, sus tained a bmtbc'd hand, an engineer was killed ond tluee other employes of the load were Injuied. Engineer Frank Tr.icpy, in attempting to jump, was caught between the two locomotives and crushed to death. Mine. Noidlta's private ear was at tached to the lear of the passenger tialn. When the collision oecurted, Mme. Nordlea was asleep in the pil v ite state room of the car. The sud den Jar threw her fiom her bed to the tloor. It Is expected that she sustained a badly biuised .shoulder and the mus cles of her neck aie said to have been stialncd. Dr. Gaillngton, the lallroad compan's sutgeon heie, attended the ringer. He stated tonight that Mme. Noidlca was not badly hint and lie thought she would be able to fill her engagement at Chattanooga tomoiiow night. Mi. Simmons, her accompanist, sus tained Injuries lo his right hand. BASE BALL TRUST. Mr. Biush Issues a Statement Re garding Spalding's Scheme. II) l'xcltii-he Wire from The .Viiochled Pros.'.. Indianapolis, Jan. 12. John T. Biush todav Issued an elaboiate nnd conob oratlve statement. In which he dis cusses A. G. Spalding's proposed base ball trust, which he says was blocked bv himself and riunk DeHans Kobl son. The documents in evidence are copies of letteis and telegiams passing between Messis Hart, Spalding, Hobi bon and himself, also conveisatlons, which .no proven by letteis. After declining Spalding to bo the oilglnal piomotei of what is known as the base ball tiust, Mr. Brush leads up to a meeting with Ml. Spalding In Chi cago, wheie he was made acquainted with Spalding's plan to oignnlze on the lines of the American Dlcycle tiust. Mr. Hiush furnished a copy of a letter writ ten by him to Mr. Roblson on July 15, at Hip solicitation of Messis, Spalding and Hint, with the view of securing Mr. Hoblson's consent to join Mr. Spalding In hla efforts to formulate a base ball trust, also of the form of op tion that he was asked to sign, which was tho same as that used by Mr. Spalding when he formed the bicycle trust. In this letter Mr. Biush Intoims Mr, Roblson of his opposition to Hpnld Ing'h proposed tiust, fearing that under Its w taking the Cincinnati club might be plated In a plight of some sou In which Its Intel ests could not bo pio tected, DEATH LIST INCREASED. New York Central Tunnel Victims Now Number Seventeen, lly rcultihc Wire from The Ajiotiated I'resi. New Yoik, Jan. 12. The death list caused by the New Yoik Cential tun nel accident, was today swelled to sev enteen. Wlnfleld I'lutre, who hud submitted to tho amputation of one of his legs, died today at Flower hospital. Ho lived at New Hochelle, lllcluud Mollneux-, another New Ho i hello man, who Is at the same hospi tal, Is leported to bo In a ptecaiious condition, The other patients aie pio giesblng Jin ot ably. Tann Hand Mmdeied. It) Kiclule w ho f i oin the Associated I'rttu I'hlludiliilila, Jan 12 -William Mitite, an utail farm hand it ()nd, itir lire, j nun. tkiid sunn I lino last ni,ht m ir that plate. Ills hod) via found tcdi) In a clump ot wiu'N. the sl.ull had hetli tin. lied und the face halttrrd in. I'oiu jh nous wliti nhom he had u miaml ic ttlila) afleliomi, weie placid under aiiut l the Moiittttntur) Liiimt) police on vuc pNluii of l.non. Ini; bomilhlntr uLuut the crime. Steamship Arrivals. II) I'ulmhe Wire from The ,VotIitcd I'reM. .New v.oik, Jan. U Anited: Hrurla, l.itti. pool and Qtift-mtoun; i Uaocotiiu, llaiie; An liukto Victoria, llambuiv, isouthamploii and Chcrbouig; I'alatla, Jlamhuiff airi Houlojuo. ttuvic Arrived: La Clianipajne, New York, EVEN PERSONS BURNED TO DEATH . NURSEMAID BURNED TO DEATH Set Pile to Herself nt Gas Jet While Drawing a Bath. II) l!xtlule Wire frbm Tho An'otlated l're, Orange, N. ,T Jan. 12. As a lesult of burns received this motnltig at the home of Sidney M. Colgate, nt No. Mi Centre street, Orange, Mlis Marlon Dalgilc, a nursemaid, died late this af ternoon at the Otange Memorial hospi tal. Miss Balgrle, who was twenty years old, was a daughter of Andrew W. Ualgiie, of East Orange. Mr. Col gate Is one of the well known ill in of soap manufacturers of New Yoik. Miss Galgrlc, It Is thought, caught Tie from n gas Jet while di awing a bath for tho little Colgate child. Prob ably not until she felt tho flames did the maid leallze her danger. She lalsed no otttciy then, but lan fiom the bathioom Into the nuiseiy, wheie the Colgate child was asleep In bod. Another mnld was In the nursery, but Miss Iinlgrle eluded her und ran Into the hall, still not making an outciy. In the main hall she gave a shriek which lesounded through the house. Mr. Colgate, who was In IiIb own bath room, alairned at the outcry, hastily inn into the hall. At the same mo ment Mis. Colgate ran fiom her apart ment at the other end of the hall, lioth started at onco toward the binning glil. The llames had by that time piactlcallv burned off her dress. Re moving an eiderdown lobe, which she wore, Mis, Colgate throw It about the glil,. and she and Mr. Colgate cairied her Into another apart ment, where they enveloped her In a t ug. In subduing the llames Mrs. Col gate was quite badly burned on both hands, and Mi. Colgate was binned on his right hand, his left aim and his face. EXPEDITION OF WINT AND WELLS The American Columns Drive the Loboo Rebels from Their Bar- xacks and Hamlets. Uv I'xcltWte V ire from 'the tjsociatcd I'resi Manila, Jan. 12. Tho news received n om Batangas province Is cheerful. The expedition to Loboo, in Batangas has been a complete success The col umns under Colonels Whit and Wells have desti oyed a laige number of bai lacks and hamlets and enough rations to keep 20,000 Filipinos for six months Theie was not a single American cas ualty during tlio enthe expedition. The encniv fled befoie the Americans, many of them were killed and soeral sui l endered. Major Hemy Allen, lounerly gover nor of the island of LeMe and now chief of the Insulin constabulary who has been making a tour of Inspections through the Islands of Leyte and Min danao, has returned to Manila and teports that the native constabulary Is fully able to contiol the situation in the piovlnce of Mlsamls, In Northern Mindanao, where he thinks the situa tion hns been much exaggerated. Pre vious repoits concerning this piovlnce caused Generals Davis and Wade to re quest that It bo returned fiom civil to military control. With the exteptlon of the chuich the entlie town of Qulngua, In Iiula can province, L117011, was burned to the giound and thousands of Filipinos hnve been lendeied homeless. Commissioner Beinaid Moses, head of the department of public insti uctlon for the Islnnds, has dellveied an ad diess to the tencheis of Manila In which he paitlculaily uiged the con tinued Instiuetlon or Filipino chlldien in Hnglish. Ho .said tho membeis ot the wealthy Filipino classes were mak ing a gieat mistake in sending their children to Spanish schools, as the consequent neglect in English Instiue tlon would injuie their position and standing In the islands which would Inevitably and lndlssolublv become a poition of the American nation. CANADIAN MINISTER KILLED. Hon. Richaid Reid Dobell Thrown from a Horse. By Exclusive Wire from The Assoclited 1'ren. Folkestone, Jan. 12. The Hon. Rich ard Reld Dobell, Canadian minister without portfolio, was tin own from his hoise, near heie, yesteiday, and Is dead Mt and Mrs. Dobell ai rived here a week ago, and were Joined by Major Hull, their son-in-law, and his family. Mr. Dobell and Major Hull lode to gether to Hythe, Saiuidiiy, attended by a gloom, They weio leturnlng In the afternoon and had I eat lied the foot of Shot midlife tanm, when Mr. Dobell's iimuii urn Ktartlett bv a motor car going at an oulhuuy pace, and tlnew Its rider, who tell upon ni neau. air. Dobell was can led to u toool convules fpiit home, wheie ho leci'lvcd medical atteiidaiiti' He uevtr icgaliittl ton m loudness Working for Eight-Hour Bill. lit I veil.. lie Win twin I hi Aijotiatid rei Vm v,oil, .lm 1-'- Jiuuk I MtCiilon, thalr man ol lliu t,'Ulatlve luinmitteo of tlio .Nation i Wodallon of I'lktoftko lltrUt, lepoited lo a luittlntr uf hunch No I, held line tcdi), un die pre rum nt the tlavdhiatloli an 1 i li,lil hour I III, which the a fotlulon U niKln.' lo hate u'ed In ..un,,.... Hit hidl fmiL'i.iOiu li and tid-am iaIlii all owi tht tiiuntry hate h) lettii it:nllUd thtir approval or lie Hill. DEATHS Or A DAY, H) l.vtliilu Wire from 'flu? .Wuiatid l'ref. Mlentoun, Pa , Jap. 1J John Hon in, one '' AIIuitnuii'4 wealthiest nuithaiits, vice pml ilt nt of tho J.elngli Valley Trut und bafo Pe poult toinpan.v, died toda), UKed U) jur. He wirit lo Oalifoinli in It 19 where he i a btul ntw aMOtiate and inlinuto friends of Mcs. bharon. UaiLi), Hood, O Ilrien and othti bo nanza Mini, uturnlnjr in IftckS. During the Citil war he uned In Captain rrcKotl' cavalry coin pany ot mlncK. Hcnru Pearlstein, Wile and Five Children Perish In the Flames. OWNER OF BUILDING UNDER SUSPICION An Entire Family Wiped Out in a Mysterious Conflagration. Which Occuired Yesterday Morning'. Joseph. Supowski, Owner of tho Building, and. His Brother-ln-Law, Karl Braci, Have Been Arrested. Bjr Exclusive W lie from The Aoclated Pre Buffalo, X. Y Jan. 12. Henry Peail ntelu, his wife and five children, rang ipg In age fiom one nnd a half to l'i yeais, w ere binned to death at an early hour this moinlng In a lire that de sti ojod a two-stoiy frame building. Joseph Supowski, who owned tho building, ami Kail BiacI, his biothei-In-law, have been anested pending an Investigation. Supowski can led an lnsuiunee of $9,000 on the building and its contents. The I'enrislelns and another fnmlly lived lu looms above the shoe store, and weie asleep when the lire started. Supowski told the police today that ho accidentally dionped a lamp. A few minutes after the die began theie was a loud explosion that blew out the fiont of the .stole and hurled some ot the contents ot the windows Into the middle of tho street. Plate glass w in flows on the opposite side of Broadway weie shntteted .md the sound of the explosion was heard two blocks away. The llames enveloped the building In a shoit time. The family living In the icai Hat baiely escaped with their lives. The Peai Istelns were awakened, but before they could reach tho only stairway leading from their looms, the file had undei mined the floor in tho hallway and it collapsed, carrying them down Into a mass of llames. Their chaued bodies wete found aftei the fli emeu had extinguished the flames. The body of the mother and baby w era found together, the little one tlghtlv clasped in Its mothei's aims. Peail stein's body was found close to that of his wife. He also held one of the chil dren in his aims. The bodies of the other tluee chlldien were found hud dled together close to the father's body, PRINCE HENRY'S VISIT. An Elaboiate Progiamme to Bo Pie pared foi- His Entertainment. Ily Evclusive Wire from The Associated I'resJ. Washington, Jan. 12. The announce men that Prince Hemv of Prussia, brother of Ihnpoior William, will como to tho United States nt an early day, already has caused much interestltiE speculation ns to the details ot his re ception. The programnia for his cntei -tainment will be an elaboiate one, ap propriate for his high station. He will be met In New York by rep resentatives of President Roosevelt, an olllcer will bo detailed fiom tho army tuid one from the navy to arrange for the convenience of the pilnco and to accompany him. He is an admiral in the German navy, and when ho arrives ut New York will be gieeted by a sa lute of tvventy-ono guns, which Is th same as a piesidentlal salute. On his at rival In Washington, Pilnco Henry will bo lecelved by tho presi dent und will bo Invited to become the guest of the nation. Whether he will caie to accept this Invitation or to stay at the Got man embassy Is not known, MARCONI IN NEW YORK. The Distinguished Inventor Will Bo Guest of Electrical Engineeis. U) Inclusive Wire from The AswUted Press. New Yoik, Jan. 12. Signer William Marconi, Inventor of wheless teleg laphy, arrived hero today fiom Can ada wheie lie has been the guest of tho Dominion govet nnient. Tomorrow eve ning he will be the guest of honor at tho annual banuuet of the American Institute of Electrical Ihiglncois. He will sail for ICiuope on Wednesday. At the banquet tomoirovv evenlntj Slgnor Mm conl Is expected to speak of his leceut achievements, Others on the list of Hpeakern aio Lieutenant Geneial Ntlson A. Miles, near Admltal Iliadtord and Piof. Pupln, of Coluni. bla uulveirity, Fox Plant Put chased. P) l uluiite W ire from The Auoclited Viitt lolltl, 111 , Jan ri-It is unofficially report"! lino that the lulled Matu Steel corpoialton haa iHiichattil the lov Pressed Stetl compiii)' tsork and that that plant will resumo work tlif-t uirk limit i ut in uuijeinent. Of tic I lU hue ran n.i tonlirm the minor, 'the Vox plant liaj Ixui idle lnu laot uinnier, on account ot labor trou. bin llie mill hai tlio latest Improved inathlntr), jtmplo) buieral hundred men and male ttccd tjiu and timlu - -r -- WEATHER FORECAST, H- Washington, Jan, 1J. forecast for Jlon. -f day and Tuesda) : Eastern I'eniu.vhanM 4- -f fair In foutli, clearing In northern twrtlon' 4- Monday; Tuesday fair continued cold, 4- bibk noithue.it winds UlinliiUhln; by 4- 4- Monday nlsliti Wednesday fair, f4-- 4-.t4:-T-t4-4:.t-fV. ftrrijffiiliiir'nttiii fw -")-'fr Jf intttttttti mm f i I nfh 1 1 HiM ii -awu h ti 1 1 TTni imiriii miiib iimii ii ii-- "Tjm Minisa i i u.fcM:vi'(c .''-- - '-'- f iHrffftJlV'; V,-j& .