The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Bpeclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Jim, 10, After a foi might
of fear, nervoumtcHH ami nnxlety, be
cause of the presence In our horoiifjli of
the dread smnllpdx, the old town la
rapidly resuming normal conditions,
nnd the 'Jscuro" Is considered to bo
practically over. Not u case of the dis
pose exists within the borouuh limits
nnd there lias been nono since the
death of our lamented citizen, O. A.
Gilbert, which occurred early Monday
morning. The strict quarantine Is still
enforced and will be until, In the opin
ion of the board of health, all possibil
ity of contagion Is passed. Nerirly
everyone has been vaccinated, and
therein has lain the salvation tit the
town. Wild rumors are still circulat
ing In the rural districts, but in town
nil Is peaceful, hopeful and natural. All
danger Is believed to have imssed, and
.life In Montrose wugs on ns of yore.
Dally the number of teams from out of
town Increase, and our merchants nre
again doing their normal volume of
trade. For all of this, a grateful peo
ple return fervent thanks to the Su
preme Ruler of the Universe.
The republican borough cuueuses for
the nomination of candidates to be
voted for at the spring elections will bo
held nt the various polling places on
Tuesday evening, January 21.
There will be no church services held
In Montrose on Sunday, as the neces
sary permission has not yet been given
by the board of health.
A number of Montrose people ure
cqnfined to their homes, tenderly nurs
ing recently and successfuly vaccinated
It is reported that the late O. A. Gil
bert can-led a life Insurance of about
Harry "V. Beach has been unani
mously chosen to fill the vacancy on
the Montrose board of education,
caused by the death of Mr. Gilbert.
Burgess It. James McCauslund has
been appointed an aide-de-cump on the
staff of General James B. Coryell, com
manding the National Association of
Spanish-American War Veterans. The
position carries the rank of colonel.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage at New York, on Wednesday, of
Miss Floience Kerrigan, daughter of
Mr. Dennis B. Kerrigan, of this place,
to Mr. Nelson Clarke Warner, son of
Captain and Mrs. Charles N. Warner,
also of Montrose. The i-ouple are
among our best known and most popu
lar young people, the bride being a.
beautiful and accomplished young ludy,
and the groom a prominent and popu
lar young business man. They both
have a host of friends, who will wel
come them home on January 23, after
which date they will be "ut home" in
this place.
Colonel W. II. Dennis, of Montrose,
has been appointed an aide-de-camp on
the staff of General Levi G. McCauley,
department commander of the Pennsyl
vania Grand Army of the Kepubllc.
P. Burns Dennis Is the guest of
Arthur Denel, at the latter's home in
Little Meadows.
Miss Frances K. Ammerman has re
turned from, a visit with friends at
Lake Ariel and at Scranton.
Miss Mary Jagger has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Harry T. Blrchavd, at
The grand jury for the January term
of court will convene at the court house
in this place on Monday next.
George M. Mulley, of Scranton, was
here on business on Thursday.
N. II. Shafer, of Newton, N. J Is the
guest of his family in this place.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, 'Jan. 10. Mrs. A. Benja
min, of West Lenox, Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Al. Cole, in the town
ship. L. J. DeWItt, of Now Milford, has
been cloine business in Thompson for
the past day or two.
Mts. Harriet Gelutt is quite sciiously
111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Egbert Witter. Her son, James Gelatt,
pf Oakland, has been with her part of
the time this week.
Bev. J. D. Sklllett is at Lenoxville,
doing evangelistic work this week.
Thompson can boast of more flag
Rtone sidewalks than any town of its
size anywhere near It, and today there
ore not more than two hundred feet of
this walk that is safe for a pedestrian
to venture to walk on.
Arthur Brown, of Starrucca, had a
horse killed In a runaway the other
Our merchants -ire busy Just now,
talcing an inventory of their stock.
Itumor has it that some changes will
take place in one or more firms, when
the Inventory is completed.
The Jackson graded school Is closed,
because of three or four cases of scar
let fever at Monroe Walker's home,
near the school.
The frionds of Will M. Van Horn,
from far nnd near, came In upon him
last evening unceremoniously, to re
mind him that he wns twoscore years
old. His wife had lenyned his age and
The Finger PoBts Making the Many
By-Paths of Present Day Troubles
All Seem to Point the Same Way
Lack of Nerve Force,
Day by day tho columns of this
paper 'bring new evidence from Scran
ton people of the great work being
done by DrA, W. Chase's Nerve Pills.
Why they accomplish so much Is
easily explained they are prepared
with an eye single to restoring nerve
force. They accomplish this object,
which no other medicine in the world
has ever been able to do; that's why
hundreds of Scranton people offer their
Mr. Samuol Hogers, of No. US Hydo
Parltj avenue, Scranton, Pa says: "I
was J,n a run-down condition, heud
achc3, norvous and sleeping badly and
the appetite poor, I was told of Dr.
A, W, Chas.e'H Nerve Pills and got a
box. As a result I sleep and eat well
again tho uerovousuesH and headaches
are gone and my general strength back
again. I am very much pleased with
them and glad to recommend them to
others, This I, can do conscientiously,"
Pr, A, W, Chase's Nerve Pills arc
sold at ROe. a box at dealerts, or Dr. A.
W, Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N,-Y.
See tliat portrait and signature of
A, W, Chase. M. D are on every
puckage.. For sale In Scranton ut
Matthews' Bros,, 329 Lackawanna avenue.
had told his friends, and was In readi
ness with refreshments for nil, notwith
standing they numbered threescore and
ten nnd had good uppetltcs. A Jolly
time was hnd, nnd suitable presents
were bestowed.
The Creamery company finished har
vesting Its Ice yesteiday. Thoy have
In now over four hundred tons.
The many friends of Hev. A. C. Olver,
of Como, will be glad to learn that ho
Is Blowly recovering from the Injuries
he received by being thrown from his
carriage, some weeks ago.
Spcclil to thp Scranton Tiibune.
Factoryvllle, Jan. 10. The child of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrctinaumu, who In so
seriously 111 with diphtheria, Is slightly
better, Mrs. Brennoman li also III with
the same disease. Miss Bertha Knapp
Is the trained nurse In charge.
Master Boy Capwell Is still seriously
Mrs. Harry Stone Is spending some
Cut out these parts and form the por
trait of a great writer ,of fiction.
time with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Arm
strong. The Misses Phoebe and Emma Arm
strong, of North Scranton, spent Wed
nesday with their brother, L. D. Arm
strong. Miss Harriet Crisman is visiting rela
tives in Scranton.
Mrs. D. C. Boe left last Thursday for
Laceyville and other towns up the
river, in the Interest of tho Women's
Christian Temperance union work.
Mrs. O. Li. Severson, of West Plttston,
has been the guest of friends, In town
tills week.
Miss Bessie Spencer Is confined to the
house, as the lesult of a fall she re
ceived New Year's night.
Tho borough council, at their tegular
meeting on January 2, appointed the
following citizens as members of the
board of health: Dr. K. T. Wheaton,
Prof. Bromley Smith, A. W. Gardner.
Dr. J. A. Heller and J. W. Kllenbcrger.
Tho board met Wednesday night and
organized, with the following officers:
President, A. W. Gardner; secretary,
W. E. Manchester; health officer, J. w.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Unlondale, Jan. 10. Miss Elizabeth
Broat, of Scranton, is visiting her
parents here.
The funeral of Roscoe Vail, took
place last Tuesday. Interment was
made at Greenfield. Bev. Alfred East
man of the Methodist church, officiat
ed. Miss Tlllle Welble, of Carbondale,
visited friends hero lately.
Bev. A. Eastman and family ,wore
entertained by Mrs. Jerome Curtis,
last Thursday. '
The Ice harvest Is being rapidly
pushed under the supervision of
Messrs. Bronson nnd Westgnto,
J. E, Thomas was a visitor at the
county seat this week. All indications
now point to his being tho next suc
cessful candidate to represent us In
the state legislature.
A surprise birth-day party was given
Mrs. Phllo Burltt. Wednesday. About
thirty loyal friends assembled at her
home, each bearing some token of
his true friendship and good wishes.
Mrs. Burrltt's characteristic hospital
ity Is an established fact nmong nil
her friends.
Mr. und Mrs. Trovener Mills cole
brnted their golden wedding anniver
sary lust Monday. TJierrt was a large
number of guests ptesent and very
warm congratulations were extended
to the venerable pair.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Honebdnle, Jan. 10, Wynuin Kimble
will retire from tho glass-cutting busi
ness, He has disposed of his stock of
cut glass to Now York parties. The
machinery of his plant will go to other
Honesdalo shops.
The movement to divide the borough
of Honesdnle Into wnids, for eleotion
purposes, will meet with some htrong
Ico twelve Inches In thickness Is being
taken from Park lake by Bunnell, thu
ice man.
Kelley & Stelnmnn have tuken pos
session of their new brick factory
building, which will furnish room for
their increasing glass-cutting business,
On Monday evening next one of the
foremost lecturers who comes before
the American people, Dr. James Heuley,
will bo heard In the operu lionise. Ho
fills the fourth number in the Endeavor
course, Subject, "Wisdom's Jeweled
Hlng." The lecture Is pronounced u
musterly production of Intellectual and
moral value und charmingly entertain
ing, From present Indications the Wayne
County Pair association Is In a sound
financial condition. At tho annual meet
lug of the directors It was decide to
erect a coveied grundstund, a new
judges' Btund und other needed build
tugs, und hold the fulr four days the
coming bcasou, September 23-20. Tho
newly elected officers nro: President,
V. It. Ferguson; vlcc-preflldent, W, 10.
Perham: treasurer, J. V. Statues: sec
retary, 15, W, utunmcllt
A largo number of ladles were pleas
antly entertained al the "at home"
given between 3 nnd ! p, m, on Thurs
day by Mrs. Henry T, Dotmolsch, nt
her residence on Park street. Mrs. Dol
tnctsch was assisted in receiving by her
mother, Mrs. Henry Ball, and two sis
ters, Mrs, Dlnsmorc, of Wcllsboro, Pa
and Mrs. McMillan, of West Plttston.
Delicate refreshments were served In
the dining-room. The ruuirnt wero dec
orated with ground pine nnd potted
plants. An orchestra of stringed In
struments, located In the lower hall,
dlscomsetl sweet music.
Special to Hie Scranton Tribune.
Huwley, Jan. 10. The week of piayor
was observed In tho churches this
Hev. J. C. Pnlcry, of Blooming
Giove, was In town on business Friday.
Huwley Is to have a lire alarm sys
tem very soon. i
Mis. F. C. White is very 111 again.
Monday, Jan. fi, A. L. Bishop as
sumed charge of tho Haw ley olecttlo
plant. Boy itolson will be assistant.
Both plant nnd wires will have n thor
ough overhauling. There It a decided
Improvement In the Incandescent lights
already, as they have not been up to
full candle power In some time. When
the plant is In proper shape, Hawley
will have light unexcelled by no other
town in the state.
Attrnoon and
ACADEMY "The Secret
noon and night.
STAll Little M.iqnel llurl'-snucrs,
anil night.
"Foxy Grandpa."
pHuhiilion which 1-, loganlcd with umiiiul
Inlciest anil one will iciulnly atli.ut tl.e
attention of tho.iter-goets thtougliout the coun
try, will lie the IhstioduUion heie of William
A. Brudj'ri musical e-mp-thnt, "l'oy Ci.iudpa,"
made famous by the New Yoik HeiaM. It will
be teen at the Ioieuni this afternoon and even
ins. Pew farciial perfotimiuos hive jumped into
Mich immediate favor .is has "l'o. Crandpi."
Even ill whit aie known as the poorest show
towns, so fir tills season, it lias proved such
a magnet that it lias crowded the larious theateia
to the doors. That "t'ovy Gi.iudpa" lould cur
be ecn In the llcsii is due entiiely to William A.
.loj-oph Hart nnd Miss t'airle De Mir play the
principal pans and anyone who lias had the
pleasure of keeing this eleu-r play instantly real
izes tint the opportunities filtered them have
been taken advantage of most thoroughly. The
company is a large one and unbraces a number
of u lines fauiiliat to IhiMtcr-goei.s, Ini'ludii)!; llu
gene Heeding, .1. It. Ariustioug, ,lolin Keefe, Al
thiir lloianl, lleoigle Mail:, Hobble Itin.v, Maiir
Ico stone, Charles II. llites, licit Young and
the Mles Hcjtrke l,l"b, .lane Dcmoict, Awn
lie Km lo, Margaret Knight, (lulsiluc Cook and
Mile I'leutette.
"Barbara Frietchie."
( l.i tie Pitch's beautiful play, "llailura I'liel
chic," will be piirutetl al I lie Iau'imii lln.ltoi,
Satuulay ufteinonu and niglil, .Ian. IS with the
time e.xiitnes-s as U tieiilo detail, lustuines nnd
ciTccta that chiiaitciized Its pioduUlou at tho
Ciiterion theatu and Aiadeiuy of Music, New
York ill. The play tells s-inpl an I t nJi'b,
et with huh H diunatk' luemiili, a oo tloij
with a tragic cndlutr, which ilws not drprigs thu
pectator's i n I in t lij the tailness, but Irate him
elated by its exhibition of licioUn and devotion.
wiwwwaiMwwiiiiuijanmwiliuitljBHTOBMajjUMiMLiiLuc3 HmiawiMiuMtiimwimwHwi, nmmtwwuicmxuaimnwiwnnKMxMMSMBmq
,iiilli1lilirimnwnMfcwi,Miin.,i 1,11.1 rrMaaMttnnMn...Bi.1.,l ,. -l..M. ..'... illlirBril TTn ' 1 IHl'llllllll ' "" TTJ1 ITnff
Joseph Hart as "Foxii Grandpa," and Georale Mack and BoWu Darru as "Chub" and "Bunt
All Excellent Combination,
Tho pleasant method nnd beneficial
ciTccts of the well known remedy,
Syuui" or Fios, manufactured by tho
CAurottNtA Ii'trt Mvnui' Co., lllustrato
tho vttluaof obtaining tho litiulil lasa
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd prcscnlliifr
them lu tlto form most refreshing to thu
tastu und acceptable, to the system. It
is tho ouo pcrlcct strcufjllicniujr laxa
tive, uleau.siiifr tho FA'.stom effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches anil fovcrn
gently . yot promptly nnd enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
mrtnently. Its perfect freedom from
every objeoUonublo quality and sub
stance, und its actiniT on the liidncv.i.
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it tho ideal
In Ilia process o raunutacturlng figs
aro used, ns thoy aro pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from henna trail
oiucr aromatic pianis, uy a meinoii
known to tho OAr,ii?oitNiA Tio Svnui
Co. only. In order to got its beneficial
eil'ee'is nnd to avoid imitations, please
remember the full naino of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
IiOUtsvilm:, ky. hew touk, it. y.
TorBalo by all Druggists. Price 50a. per bottlo.
Suih Is tho oilWIs of poetiial Iraguly, prftpcily
aitod, -mil this plaj, while II it written In no-.i
and not in the form of pnctle liaifcdy, ruuiuli the
ircnn'ne ti.igii notes In --tionitei' whim. Hut as
In life itself, (oiiiedv is mingled with Us liag
id.v. 'the play is nillteii lluditlj, iloquently and
-oine of its dialogue, like the love m cues on the
Moup of the olil-fa--iiioiieil boutlietii dwelling, has
not besu surpassed by lontemporaiy drama.
'I lie greater anil hnei scenes of the play have
noblo piipnillons. 'Hie s-etling i.u.not be -in-paved,
'lbo ipialiit sluit, witli lis low build
imrc, is one of Hie bet sicnio plituns ever ills
plajed. 'I lie of the ctinolcie period, i'c
bigncd and made by Oa7l.u1,. show the ladies to
ie.illy lutly enect. The title lole of Harhaia,
at ono time esicil by Julia Mailowe, will be
iuteipiittd by Mi-s 1'iauics (launt, a oumr, ver
satile and jnctlj actr's, blixil with
pci'touili'i. -he has bun under Chailes Troll,
man's management for several jcai 1 put, Mks
(launt will bo Mippoited by an I'M'ellinL torn
piny, ilio-en foi tlicir lltnesi for the
roles iiortraud. Seiti go "on sale i.v
moinliig, Jin If!, at U a. 111., foi both iiiitiuca
and cviumg pirfotmaiiit.
"The Secret Dispatch."
"The mil l)i-pilih" at Ihc cadiiti of
Mu-ie was again giected with a tiovvilid boiiss
lat nighl and as on former ocn,ilons made a
fine hnpricftion on the huge audience present.
We M'ldoni see so line a cast in nielotlmaia. Mr.
VaiiMcKinie iecms Hie cii cnibo liuicnt of
I) n 11I lligguis' conieplion of Kdwin (Ira.v.
l'ndciiik Alsei' is a good Feiond ami Malic
Kinzie is ditnily nt home and plav-, Matild 1
till" to life. v. line nnpcisoiiatoi, Ito.itjle? In
giain, niadi1 a line appoaiance and plavs her put
will. We look for iiovvded houo the l"o le
niainiug peifoiuiauccs.
Strong Hepsrtoire jDonypny.
The Gibney-lloefllei loinpiny, who'opui for a
lelum dite Monday matinee. Januaiy 1!, hive
an cveelluit aUl.iilion. Tins senvm the torn
pan.v is uilaiged to twenty acting people and
lanving two leading nun and ivvo leading wo
men Maig.iiilc Dow- and C01.1 I.awton Mitchell,
and M, Clair Kvei-. and J. Wallace Clinton, who
wcie ulciilMcd with the "Three, MiiikitcciV last
Among the pl.i.vs to be Fien this s-oi-am me
"Down in Mime," "Litlli- Minister," "Hie Child
of the Mght," "Com lit Hiotliei-.," ".-igu of
Hie CiucilK," "I'lie 111 nk hiieep." The vaude
ville lit is lieaded by the Pautzcr tiio. the
( llntoi, song illti-tiators 1'ieil I.ingley, mm.
edlaii: Kinuii llolton, impii'-oiiatoi ; the muskal
(fooliuaiis and liutiv others. Spieial Monday
matiuie. "Our l.lttlo Minister" Monda.v night
Lewis Monlson's "'the liidhn "
It t-s -aiil tiat for massive mountings ipiitaui.
lar ellects and ill li costuming, nothing to sur
pass I, klilrr A Conip.iii.v'1. ioIosmI pioduetion if
"Monte Cristo" lias ever hi en .seen on the
Aiueilcim 'stage. When It added that the gicat
loniantii' actoi, James O'.N'elll, is the i-lir of the
produitloii, and that lie is hiippoitcd b.v null
artMs ,.s Kreiletlo De Iiellevllle, Wauin Conlan,
James O'Neill, 1., W. J. Dison, Miss nIouc
.loluiMin and Kale ITetiher, it can be ein Hat
the eng.U'jiient line lakes piecedince of others.
Mi. O'.N'elll and his stiong lonipany will apiear
heie next mot.tli.
'the M'lij-ati'ontl Malrc.'ro ilght in " (ieiitie.
man of l'miic," Ins not bent lanled to lu
Iriiunpliint SI1111-.S wilhout i-eiious niislnps, Mi,
llilhvv liliuself li.u iiielved pot h-.s Hun a lulf
1I07011 svvoid ii,t s, while (uoige Morion, who is
an csciHiul svviiid-iiiin, nnd is Ih'onu I11I0 Hie
ns.iult 011 De M iliac foi this leason, I1.1, lud
Ids pleu1.1l luvliy pu.iiund bv Mi. Ikllevv's
tiustj lilade, and now wcais ,1 plale In
self 1 inaction; not hs than lime nf 1'n-no.vV
ilwpiridoi hive hid In be loiive.veil hume In i.ibs
on dilfeieut nciaslnn; Jii'l as tin' tapilieif, Mi.
Il.iriei lliuton, Ihe jo'iug in m vvliu doe-, the sin
sitlonal fall, while he lm not .vet biokm his
neik, tame mi m-ir u tint a irnvniuan bid to
be ..iimn.oueil bi 1 u be lould leave the the.itii
Mis. Pail lil. 1 auipbi ll's Nev,' York 1 i'.igtmi nt
beglni Mindaj at the 'Inciter llipubllr. As ill
Chiijyo, the will opui in 'Jlagdi," in which
4 Lines 10 Cents
A'oro Than Four Lines, j Cents ior'l3ch nxlrii Line.
For Kent.
l'OK KENT- iil, 7-rcom home, wllli lulli. ramie
double heater, eli'. l.nuniice ironi aniiii air
ntio. Inquire III So"th Muln incline fir A. T.
Iklir, 102 South Miln aviniie.
l'Olt ltl'.NT Vronni hoiMe.
I'jrk nemic, illy.
Inquire 1.M N. lljiln
I tilt RENT -Nine-mom limno, lint Mul i old v.
Icr, tilth .mil Imniie. Applj at Oil Ailatni
l'Olt HUNT S'ponlwiiy lintel. Apply to J. ,M.
Koiiuneier, 128 l'lnliUlii nvenue.
roil ltl'.NT ?I3, onelulf of double home, In
vppn llrcm Mitecs luge jnril, liatli. not
ami coM water, lange. elcitrlr lipids. It. I'.
lljin'tliin, I'aull building. Spruce ulicct.
For Sale.
I'llll .SAI,i:-pfi Ul model Iinimnoliile, iot W!
nnirlv iicvv'i pet ful lotidltinn: Him ptennri;
will ndl at nine rot ?jt)J. 11. ,1, II., Tilbuno of
liie. ' "" mau:- " ' ' J
' w !..
at HIJ IllUtivock
'ol h.U.I'. -One l.swi lb, woiking horw', one
I l.uuu lb. diiving nr woikinr inuv, well hied
''"'l ""!".'' "" " "u . lM.01'1 "'"!'.' U,V. lnV
, '1',llc' , 'I'rtl'lu,''
ioiiiing avVn'iic.
:.'j.)'i, nay KCiuiiig. unpiirc
i-toie, nf al liatn, rear .ijO
' '" ham.-
-'I lie 1i.ii and IKtuies of the Union
i 1 1(,
Hotel in l.jikawaniit fclliet, Oil pliant. l.o-
it ion cMellent. Lodges meet in building. Sell-
i mil nti n, .1 111 It.., III. rC P. .ImipS.
lOlt 1.Li:-Mol: of the fiitein ilioua'. Text Hook
lump my of Str.ipton (formeily the ( "llieiy
Kngitii'ci Co.), Chis. I). eJuhJusoii, 13U Wyoming
avinue, Serantnn, I'a.
I'llVSICAr, fl I.TClli:, Tl.lK) This sjflem is ad-
vuti-eil In the magazines at f20. It develops
evirj miisile in tin- human body, cnt by null
up 111 icieipl of M. fieri (I. l'ctcn, hcranton, l'a.
"l.oroMOIIII.i;" 'team c-iiriago; new; M'ry
lalcl slvle and iniprovements; list puce,
J9IX1; will sell foi i.Tui). Addie-s "I.ocontobllc,"
i.ue Tiibune, Scranton, l'a.
l'Olt SAI.i: Kor want of use, two good honest
nnii'sj one weighs about 1,100 pounds; oth
ci about 1,100. Applv to Win. II. Itiiliniond,
Itlilinioml Hill, 3123 Xorth Main avenue.
FOI! SU.i: CIlllAl'-riievvood, iton roofing, Um
bos, boards, Kcantllng. etc.. tiom old iara;
sullnblo for all pnrpos.'s. .lennings, Central
.Mincjj svvilih, foot of lla'iptou stmt, oft South
Main avenue.
I'OI! SAIX-Two light spring wagons and some
luinuss, clicaj). Kvans, tear lUi Luzerne
FOH SAI.i: rheop; hoite, fprlng wagon and
h..rne-vs, at No. 1S2! Cedar avenue.
Public Sale.
ITIII.1C SVl.i: We will tell at publk sile for
the biiiillt of wboin it may loniiin, 011 Wed
nisilay, .lanuiiv HJ, ut in o'lloik .1. 111.. at tlu
Mm ill's oftlie, in the Coint Homo, of the City
of Kiaiiton, tvvo (I) slmes of stock ot the.
Movvirs' I'nik Talking and l'mvUton Company,
Hie tame being held as 1nll1tr1.1l lo .1 note.
Vi:i,Li:s k TOIilll'A. Attoinejs.
Kenl Estate.
rOI! 8l.r. One acre of land, Improved with
nine-room home; plenty and vanetv of fruit;
good location in illasc of rieetville. Mrs. Olive
Fish, Flcetville, I'a.
Furnished Rooms.
FOI! Hi:XT 'Ivvo comfortablv fiunished looms
foi gentl.miii: moilctn iiiiiioMinents; pri
vate familj. .'UO Wahinglon avenue.
FOR ni:.T nunished front room, vith heat,
bath and gas; near court house; gentleman
prefcricd. Addrcs lluoiu, Ilo 2DU.
FOU HUNT Furnished room;
G25 Linden sheet.
FUIlMSHCn liOOMS FOR RCNT, with beat, gas
and bath, gentlemen prefcricd, at 539 Adams
av enue.
WANT III) S-iiond-liari! mine ainbultncc.
ihcss 11. 1). C. 1'Ittston.
WAXTflD Good second hind furnaie, will pay
cash. Addict Loik flo"; 130, Scranton, Pa.
Unfurnished Booms Wanted.
WANTi:i)-pnl-1, tlnee or Jou- unfurnished
loouii, liK.itcd above Adams and not above
Moiiloe, betvvien Fine and Linden sheets. Ad
drees J. V,, Tiilnine olfiie.
Money to Loan.
straight lojns or Uuilding and Loan. At
fiom i lo 0 tier cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
31J-G15 Council building.
1 liar liter the will appear on Monday. Tuesday
and t cdni sd i,v evenings and at the Wednesday
matinee, On IIiuimIjv, Fiiday and Iratuiilay
evenings slm will otlei "'Hie Second Jlu. Tan
queiaj," nnd at the Saluidjy matinee she
will pioduce lljurn-oii'i new pioblein play, "He
vond Hum 111 Fovvei." Fot hei second week'-, te
pertoiie she will pies-nt "Ihe Notorious Mif.
Lbbmith," for Alondav, Tuead.iy and Wednesday
evenings, and for ilurda.v's matinee; for Wcd
uuda.v's mitlnee, ".Migda"; for 'lhui.idaj and
I'lld.iy evenings, Jose FihcgaLi.t'si "Mu'aiia,"
and fur hatunlav CMiiiug. 'The K'toinl Mi".
Taiiipieinj." 'I lit- piogiammc for the Ihlid week
his not .vet liteu ilelinltely diilded upon, tin,
(.iinphell'8 toin, .iftir hei N'ew Voik cngage
mein, will Iinludi1 Ihe followlug named iltii-f, in
Hie older line sliovvni, Montieal, To
lunlu, Harlem Ojiem House. I'lillailelplila, llalti
moie, Washlmtion, P. ( ; Newark. X. J.;
I'lttsbuig, St Lou s, Dctioit and Cleve'und, Oliio.
Ml dat urn but for a fclnli week, b.ivo Flilla
delpln.i, vvhicli Is for two weeks.
Want Advertisements Will Do
Eccelved at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug StoreB Until 10 P. M.
Central City SCIIIILTZ, corner Mulberry
street nnd Webster avenue.
tlUSTAV I'iCllL'L, 030 Adams avenue.
West SIdo
aFonai: w. jcnkins, 101 souiu suiu
South Scranton
FitL'D h. TLIll'l'L', T20 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OF.O. W. DAVIS, comer North Miln
avenue anil Market street.
Green lUdgo
CIIAIILLS V. JONES, 1537 Dickson
uv enue.
V, J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street.
C. LOllFNZ, corner Washington ave
nue anil Marlon tticct.
W. U. KNLU'FEL, 1C17 Irving avenue.
J. a. DONG & SON.
Help Wanted Male.
Indicator!!, Shaking Orates. Furnace Mow en,. Sep
arator, Steam Pumps, Alarm Water Columns,
Sheet and 1'lston lMiking, etc. Union Steam
Spechlly Co. New 'phone. 134 Franklin avenue.
WAN'Ti:i i:perlenied bookkeeper to open let
of books and one hour (enlces every night.
Address IIcilc, earn of Tiibune.
"?12 WLKKLY for cop.vlng lettets home; either
frcf. Si nil tvvo stamps for pirtlcuUrs.
Lagle Mfg Co., 59 Deatborn St., Chii-igo.
YOI'NC' MLN wanted any, copy letteis,
home evenings nnd letutn to us. We p.iv lis
per thousand, send addri'snei! envelope, pattlcu and copy. F. M. C. Dept. l.lj, llo:. ill,
WANTED Person In each count;,' to icpiescnt old
(.stiiblishcd bolide, .solid financial ptandiug;
fitraiglit, bona-fide vveikly rabb aalaiy of SIS paid
by cheil: eiih Wednesday, with all expenses
direct from lic.idipi.iitir-. Money advauicd fur
espense.s. Fnclose i-elf-addressed stamped envel
ope. Manager, J21) Cavton building, Chiiago.
WANTED An all loimd pliotograjihei'. Apply
In Crainci'M ttudio, illl Lackawanna avenue,
at once.
C'lfi.Vll STOlli: CLEItK wanted; limit have tvvo
nr more years' experience; hlatr age, iijtion
ility and wages epeited. Addicts Wailiingtou,
caie of Tiibune.
WANTF.D Ily leading Philadelphia house, first
class salesman, to sell general line of paper
to the retail trade, one wiio has an acquaintance
preferred; mu-t have best lefercnce and be able
to furnish bond. Addiess P. O. 15o 1!03, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
WAMED Middle aged voman foe cook and
general housekeeper. Mik.1 ionic right away.
John Surber, llabbn Hotel, Old Fotge.
YOUNO LADIES wanted any distance, copy let
ttis, home evenings ami return lo its. Vie
pay vS per thousand, bend addrcvicd envelope,
paitiiuiars and copy. 1 M. C. Dept lllo, Jloc
1411, Philadelphia.
WANTED Girl for gcncial hoasework.
120 Webster iivenue.
guaranteed. W. K. Deck & Son, S3'J Adams
WANTED Girl for general housework at Dalton.
Address II. T, , care Tribune.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED As teamster or stable
boss or take caie of horses. A. It,, 521
PltUton avenue.
SITUATION WANTED Ily a joung girl 10 jcar
old to do light housework, nurse and wash
ing. Address E. D.. 210 Walnut atrcct, Dun
WOMAN, aged 24 years, with experience as a
housekeeper, desires employment at general
hou-sevvoik. Address or call 120 Putnam street.
SITUATION WANTED Girl want.s placp to do
light housework. Addiess Minnie Spaulding,
154 Susquehanna btreet, Ulngbamton, N. Y.
SITUATION WANTED H.V experienced shoo
talesman; will acept moderate oalarv. Ad
dress , (leneral Dellveiy.
SITUATION WANTED Ily tallorcss, all or part
of time, on coats or trousers. Address 11,
care of Tribune.
SITUATION WANTED Hv young lady with o.x.
pericme: desires poiitlon as a stenographer
and tvpewrltcr, Address A. B., caie of Irllaunu
YOUNG MAN vvHict. pasltion in hotel as night
ileik, or nt anything n hotel work; has good
habits and em come well iccommended. Ad
dress, J, E. It., 1000 South Main avenue, Scran
ton, Ta.
A THOROUGHLY up-to-date, experienced, first
ila.'S clothing saleaimu, want!, u job; williu
to prove eflklency and ability or accept dismissal
without pay; loinpilent to write, edit and take
iharge of nil adviitising in an oiiglnal manner.
Addiess ,1. A. Crogan, Wllkes-Uane, Pa.
A GOOD HOTEL .MAN would like to get tome
plaio to vvoik evenings till 12 o'cloik. Rest
rcfeienco given, diaries Ilurr, General Delivery,
LOST Dike, an English teller; levvard if rc
turned to II, c. Frederkl. .1 Cherry lane.
LOST Gold and enimel watch charm with I. C.
S. nionogram; llbiial revvatd for ictum to
P. Wiichel, Collieiy Engineer Co,, main build
ing, joining avenue,
LOST Seventy-ilve dollars In or amunil the L'ti.
reka Club or between the ilub and O'liam'tf
taloon. Tvvcntv dollars leward. Itctuin to Chas.
II. Major, &'U Lackawanna avenue.
Boarders Wonted.
IlOAItDKHS WANTED Nlco rooms, good loca
tion, 1118 Jackson street,
PIUVATK FAMILY wishes to lave tvvo nice men
to board, German or English. Call any lima
after Thursday, All conveniences, b07 Harrison
Wanted To Kent.
WANTED TO I1KNT Tbrco or four furnished or
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, Addrcs.-
321 JelTersou avenue, city,
Wanted To Buy,
WANT to buy a house in a pleasant location.
Price must not bo over s'.'.bOO. Address
llujer, Tribune.
Wanted Boom and Board.
WANTED ltoom and board In refined private
family for three ladles; not to exceed trl- per
week. One located within Ave minutes wulk from
city hall preferred. Address, li, It, Tribune Of
fice. Booms and Board,
LAIIOE WONT llOOM, with board, at !
Adams avenue. Suitable for tvvo oung men.
ROOMS TO HUNT, with board. b09 Mulberry
M -
3 Insertions 25 Cents'
Mors Thai Four Lines, 6 Cents for Uacli Ultra Llns,
Cortined Public Accountant.
nmidlng, and St. Paul nulldlng. New York.
LDWAltl) II,
Estate Exchange Iltdg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce Btreet, Scranton.
Ilooms 12, u, IB and 18 Ilurr Uuilding.
tlatcd on reil C3tale sciurity. Mears Uuilding,
corner Washington avenuo and Spiuco street.'.
and counsellorn-at-law. Itepublican Building,
Washington avenue.
Coinmonvvcaltli Building, lloomi
10, 20 and 21.
00J-004, 0th floor, Meora building.
of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Bank Building
211 Wvomlng avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
DR. W. L
ington avenue. Residence. 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic dl-.ea.xs, lungs, heart, kidneys anil
genlto-urlnary organs n specialty, lloms, 1
to 4 p. in.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rates icasoiiablc.
P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot. Conducted on the European.
pla"l VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
cess pools; no idor; only improved pumps used.
A. 11. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erimen, stoic 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1M0 North Main avenue; sloro tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scianton, Pa., minufactuiet of Who Screcni.-
also ladies waists. LouiaO, Shoemaker, 21 J
Adams avenue.
x elopes, paper bags, Ivvinc. Warehouse, UO
Washington avtfaue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranton nt tho news stands of Rcisiuaii
Bros.. 400 Spruce and SOJ Linden; M. Norton.
322 Lackawanna avenue; 5. S. Schutzcr, 211
Spruce Etrcct.
Business Opportunity.
Write for our special letter. Free oa
application. S. M. Ilibbaid &. Co., members N.
Y. 'Consolidated, and Stock Svchange, 44 and lb
Broadway, New York. Established lSiil. Long;
Distance' Phone 2JSS Brood.
OFFICE 01 the Scianton Holt and Nut Co.,
Scianton, Pa. The Annual Mieliiu' of thu
stockholders of the Scrdnlon Holt and Nut Com
pany, for tho diction of directors for tho en
suing jcar, and for Ihe tion of tuili oilier
business as may propel ly bo brought heforu il.
will be bold at the office of tho Company, at
the Works, on Thursday, Januaiy 21, nt o'Uoik"
p. m. li. Al. HllRTON, Ssciitary.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of
tiio Scriulon Bidding Coinpiny will be held
in the silciooiii of the lonipany, duo l,.ul.i
wanna iivinue, on '1 hill sil.i v , Jamiu.i 21, at l,::0
p. in. F. A, KAISKR. Seuetary.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders "f
the Third Natlull.ll Hank, uf Scranton, will
bo held Tuesday, January Hie lltli, l'W2, in tlm
Dlreclot!,' loom of tho Bank, between thu hours
of three and foui o'clock p. in.
W.M. II. PECK. Secretary.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Moikholdcrs of
The Subillbau Elcitilo Light company will
bo held lit the ciithe ci( the company, ,',0'i Linden
ttrect, Scranton, li Saturday, J iniiaiy 11, HflJ,
at 4 p. in,, for tho ilicliou nf dlreitoi for thu
ensuing, anil such other business as may
coiilu befoic Ihiin. E. M. STACK.
Siraiiton, Pa., Dee. II. 1001,
THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stoikholdin nt
the Diinmoni Ehittlo Li'ht, Heat and Power
compauv will be held at ihc ufllw of tho com
jiany, 500 Linden utrtet, Scianton, Pa., n jv)ujg
nesda, .laiiuarj lltli, lutrj, at 2 n'elock- p.Mn.V
for tho election ol directors (or the ui.iilng jew,
and tuch other biisines I (is niljennie Huforel
tlicm' ' Ki M'&TAt-''t'ft'V-
THE ANNUAL. ineitlnir of the Klnckholicri of
the EiitiiprUo Powdcf Mtmif'icluilng t'om
pinv, for the election of tlim tu und iiji, tjiioe--action
of m.'li other business us" may properly
eoino before it, will bo bchl iniyiilnrulaa .IitFu,-,
ary 22ml, 11W2, ut tho ohTco of tho lompauV,
Scranton, P.i at 3.30 ci'clcck p, ni. Nu irajiK
fer of ttock will bo nude for ten dajs next
lireeedint? tho datcj esf.the, iibove meeting,
li. V. KINGSBURY, Secretary.
, ..,.. ft. --n 7-4-rrr:
the Title Gitaiauty and TrUst iompaby,'lnf
Scranton, Pa., for the elcitlon ot dirimirs-juiit
to voto uimii tho adoption of the by-taws' nf'iho
company us amended, will bo held in tho otbeii
of the coinpaii,"11j Washington avenue, on Sat
urday morning, January li, 1904, at 10 o'cloe.,
a. in. RALPH S. HULL. Secretary.
i i ii J'.. I .y . . p-
Siraiiton, Pj Dvc. lltli. 1HI.
THE ANNUAL; "MEEITNG Of the stockbol.Ii rs of
this bank or the ideitkin of ivvclvo (2). diiec
tors), to serve during the nulling jur wIII.Im
held at the baukins lmne, eoimj ot IVjointlM
uvenuo and Spiuvirsfrcet, Tuesilai, Jjn.'llUi,
W., between the ,,,1
r ,-, f ,
IN THE D1STIHCT COURT of the Unlletl States
for the Allddle DUtrjit of I'cnnsvlvanij. (u
-the nutlet of John ('. Aimbriijt. banl.rupl. No.
11J, in bankruptcy. To the ciedltois of John 1'
Annbriut, of Scranton, In Ihe county of I.acka.
wanna und district aforesaid, u luiiUiupt;
Notice, Is hereby giipn thai o't the Jsth clay. .f
Januaiy. A. Jl. ltW- the wkl Aimbruit; Aw
duly adjudleateil lunkruptv ud that the Ihm
meet Ins, of (heir ciedHprs will bo held JtJjM
oftlco ol the Itefeicc ii the Govcrninint lluiTjlr
iug, in.' the citjv.W iixaiiton, l',.i,, on tho 20ih
day oftJanvaryAt P. llU, ut 10 o'ljock in'tlns
forenoon, at wiiliti illiu tbe said creditor limy
attmd, prove tbcigi'laiips.'uppoiiit Trjutce, iiv
umlne the bankrupt,- and arjiis.u't'Siuli olhei
business as may properly come befoie tatd mint
ing. (V A. Y4.X. OIJMEU Rtteree;
Pi oof of Claim BO-ccnlt?58-17!
hg.'1-rttWjliiiMfiiirfl Kin .iKiiiitt'iircjsaiMtitoiiMiniiiiniii
-!"- ''--'rnriftT'--,;,aJBiiiMt'fii tlfa ''
-wMiH.-:&:: S -Vti'l-iTiV,lTitil - ffinitirffirtof