The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Chief Choral Competition Will Be for
ti Prize of !?400 on "Yo Natlonn."
Soclnl Committee of Republican
Club Will Conduct n Dance Dlsns
ttoun I'lro on Follows Street Run
away Street Car Caused' Excite
ment Jackson Street Baptist
Church Notes Other Matters.
The next eisteddfod Hint Ih nttruct
lug local attention Is the Lehigh Val
ley musical festival, which will be held
under the auspices of the Slntlngton
Jlitptlst church at the Lyric theatre,
Allelitown, on St. Patrick's day, March
Already two of the best mule par
ties In Northeastern Pennsylvania, the
William Council a lee club and the
Oxford alee club, under the direction
of their respective leadeis, William W.
Kvans n ml D.ivld Stephens, nre hold
ing regular leheiir.suls oij "The Pll
grlm'ft Chorus," which will be the chief
male voice competition, for a prize of
It Is not definitely known, as yet,
whether or not West Scranton will
furnish a mixed chorus for the chief
choral competition "Ve Nations," for
11 pilze ol" JlUO, but In nil probability
the matter will be taken up In a few
weeks and definitely decided upon. It
Is reported that both North Scranton
and Taylor will organize mixed and
male voice parties for both competi
tions. The piogniinme, olllcers and condi
tions of the eisteddfod are as follows:
Officd 1'ioUh ul uf cmmnlttte, Nuij;c .lo
H ph ItlHunl; 1,'t'iuiiil mucUi.v, Pi. ll.nltl Wit.
li.iiiK-: mm ii't.ii., John It, l'u;;li; ttt1 is
urer, llnliut (!. l'liue.
Coiidiictoif Hi ii. II. M. KilniiriN, Siuntuii,
J'.i.: Ilr. P. i:. liklniiK ohthiRloii. l'.i.
AiljinWi'.itni Mu-ic-. .1. Itnjilvii Mini Is Jim
n.u. l'octr.v .in,J iccit.itiuii-, Ipuni r..nld.
toAii'iniTivi: sn.ii.ny.
511 HC.
1. .Mkrtl Chorus Not to.1 "j okcs, "Vo
.V.III11II-" (Ml lldrl-s-ollll). 1110. 'lull. Ill
(.ii' of only tun iluilrs nmiiictiiiA Hie
in iro will In- 'lllt; iiml AJil If nn iciiipo
lillun. 2. MjIi- I'.nli Not Ir-o M In iiuiiiIkt,
" I iir I'ilmim' Iimus" (Ilr. P.iii.v). Ii l.-e.
".SKI; if mi iiuiipililinii, VI'".
Vi. (l(r -Not los linn ;,u noi' inuri tlMn TO
lolirs, J lie SUrjiii' Klwrnl). 1'iui?,
DtiTottr's French Tar
Will promptly rclii'io nml fpoodily euro
roughs, coMs anil nil lun? Pontile. Tor
Mle hy G. V. JUNUINS, 101 South Shin
The Underwear Sale
You will find our prices are money savers these days,
and our store a money saving iustitution where everybody
is benefitted. It is not a question of cost any more. If you
don't participate in these and other bargains the fault is
your own.
Women's Underwear
25c quality for 19c.
50c quality for 29c.
Children's Underwear
Sale price 15c.
The lots are somewhat
broken but if the sizes are
here, the bargains certaiuly
ilusSin Underwear Bargains.
It is economy to buy now. These fine Cambric and
Nainsook Gowns, Skirts aud Corset Covers, daintily and
tastefully trimmed with lace and embroidery, are offered at
specially reduced prices. Some are slightly soiled, others
"mussed up" with haudling, but all of them are decidedly
bargaiuable. The new prices are marked in plain figures
on each garment. If you waut a thorough bargain in such
things, look at these lots.
Flannel Waists.
The waists themselves rep
resent the best productions
of the season. Here is one
special item :
Colored Flannel Waists,
tucked yokes aud plain, some
choice shades in blue, piuk,
and green,
$1.50 Waists for $1.19.
Counter Soiled Handkerchiefs.
It's a little thiugthat will accomplish big results some
times. In this instance it is little prices that are turning
these Handkerchiefs out of doors. Plain, hemstitched and
lace trimmed Swiss, Iawn aud Liuen Haudkerchiefs that
the laundry will make look "as good as new,"
7c, 10c, 12J4cand 15c each.
i G
lobe Warehouse
av'asv'vs vwvvv
4. Double Qiiatlclto 'Trlmroso" (tlajdcn Mor
ris). Prize, t20.
8. Duct TVntJr nnil la.s, "The Two llilrih"
(ttii)dcn Morris), Prize, ?I0.
0. Soprano Solo-"Valtlng" (Millard). l'rl
7. Contralto Solo "IMrlj.ira rrlelclic" (l.llai.
belli Sloni.m). l'rlie, $S.
5. Tenor Solo "Lend Mo Your Aid" (Gounod),,
11 be, 3.
D. llnrllonc Solo "Tliy fllorlom Deed" (Iteelt
mid .iU from "Samson" (Handel),
I'rlre, $3.
10. I!.i Solo "It la nnougli" (lllljali). rrtif,
J8 00.
11. Cluliireb, lieb foil droa 100 lllncll, Y Plweddur
William (!. I.cnls Calauuqun, l'.i. Clwobr,
llioddedlK Ran l.tlls On en, Yv $10.
12. Cmliien O Kngljnlon "V Mjnj-ild Mas."
Onolir, tin.
13. "'J he Wounded Suldler" (fcfjndaid ltcclt.i-
(lorn No. 3), (or nulci. I'rlre, V.JO.
II, "KeepliiR III Word" (iM.iiid.iril llccft.itiani
No 3), for ftnulcrf. l'rle, """O-
lj. blulp-SpllltltiiC lontcM, In take lilaie upon
the jiljtfoiiu, I'lint prim film, by II. O.
Plilie, Ii V-": f-eeond prize, 10.
lleUlli nml udjudk'.iloiti on Hill lolid'M will
be .mnoiiiH i-il Liter.
1. All loiupoMlloin imiM In' for tliii
eUtrililfnd, IhmI' a mini ili"phuiii' only, nml be In
the lands of Ihe irineiit on or before
Minili I, lliuj.
'.'.The luiiies .ind udclic.-r'j of the loinnolll.
ol" piupirly M'.ileil mu"t be leeeheil by the Kill K'i ii'Ui.v on or befme Jl.ncli 1, llio-J.
.".Ml tonipillois on ihumV.iI ionti"l4 nml
iriil.iliom imiM. foiiinul their turned to the gen Mvretiiy on m before MjilIi 1. lUOi.
I.Clioii'i! of iiienlupjiiNl is nillfjli.l.
. The louiiuinitlee lesene the ilsht In bold
pielfinlu.ny lonii'Ms if deemed neieaiiy.
II. 'Ibe picvme of all Miiii".sful coinpelllon
or icpioeintillus Is liupeiatiie, when piles me
aw.iuled, olheiHl-e tlie prlc will lie wllliheld,
". Meill only will he toiiilileied In. uwjiillng
pil7es nml .iilJudH'jtbrt arc nuthorlznl tu dlildc
or wllhbold the s.inie.
b. Dei Mens of iidjiulk.ilms in all ues tli.ill
be (mil.
P. -No pei-on will be allowed to compete oTi
ntoic one of the olos
10. Smeeful ioinpoltlon' to be tbe propi'ity
of I lie lonunlttee.
11. All nieif-ful (oiiiprtllors If e.illeil upon,
an- lo be at the wrilies of the lonuunilHee.
All Ihe nnnle i.m be obtained of (I. J, .loties at
Jiixepli S. loom k Co., Wllkis-Ilane, Pa and
,1. C. Itobeil-., llo aill.-l'lli.i, X. Y.
Ilr. Ilnid Williams Secielary,
Slatinslon, I.eblgb Co., Pa,
Street Car Ran Away.
A llutter of excitement was caused
at the West hiickfiwannii avenue
erorslng yesterday just before noon,
when a Washburn street car ran nwny
down the Incline leading to tho cross
ing. A Dm yen car was ascending tho In
cline when the runaway car was ob
served, and the motoriutiu of the for
mer reversed his power and ran back
onto' tbe crossing, thus avoiding a col
lision and possible fatal accident. The
runaway car was Mopped on the cross
ing. None of the passengers were in
jured. First Annual Dance.
The social committee of tho West
Side Central ltepiibliruu club met in
the rooms last evening and decided to
bold their first annual dance at II cars'
hall some time during February, the
date of which will bo announced later.
Men's Underwear
37c quality for 29c.
75c quality for 49c,
Boys5 Underwear
Sale Price 19c.
These prices represent val
ues that are two or three
times more than the expendi
ture suggested.
Flannel Waists.
Easy and comfortable to
wear, surprisingly cheap and
Black Flannel Waists sub
stantially made aud finished,
aud notice the new price,
$1.25 Waists for 98c.
HaUcr's orchestra will bo cngaRcd, and
the event will bo made one of the
leading social functlono of tho season,
Tlw, affair will be In rharRO of the
followhiR conunlttce. If. 11. Hecsc,
Tnlilo 1'hllllpH, Watkln H. Wllllnnm,
Palmer L. Wllllamn. W, It. HtiBhott,
W. 10. Johns, .loh n It, Kdwards,
Charles 12. Daniels, Ditvlil Owens, W.
llowland OuvIch, Hnvlil J. Jenkins,
Thomas a. Kvans, William 13. Jumcl
son, Louis A. Howell, D, Jeremy Da
vles, William A. Phillips, 13ly llnrrlfi
and Samuel McCJrackeii.
Flro on Follows Street.
At 10.S0 o'clock yesterday morning a
illro In tho dwelling house of Michael
'Cuslck, nt tho corner of Fellows and
Fourth streets, destroyed tho ptoperty
entailing a loss of about $2,000, partly
covered by Insurance.
The tiro was caused by nn overheat
ed stove which Ignited a quantity of
tar, being used In covering tho roof. A
funeral coach, storrcd away In tho ad
joining annex, was nlso destroyed.
Temperance Rally.
All persons who desire lo join the
choir which Is being organized for the
temperance meeting to be hold
lit the Jnckson Street UuptlHt church,
Feb. 11, tit which Hon. John G. Wool
ley will deliver his new lecture, "Jly
Own Country," are requested to meet
at Morgan's hull this evening.
After reheursal refreshments will be
served. It Is expected that every
Christian Endeavor, llaptlst Young
People's Union, Epworth League, and
Young People's society worker will be
present, und all persons Interested In
temperance work.
Two of the songs selected thus far
ale "Onward Christian Soldiers" and
"My Country 'TIs of Thee." Bring
your song books with you. ICuch mem
ber of the choir will receive a free
ticket to give to their friends.
Fined Fifty Dollars.
John Carson, of Division street; Mrs.
Ann Sheridan, of Sixteenth street, and
James Black, of Frlnk street, who
have been running unlicensed saloons
under the guise of soclnl clubs, were
each lined 0 yesterday by Police
Magistrate Davles.
These cases have attracted consid
erable attention by reason of the fact
that tbe court has granted charters to
social clubs which have overridden
their authority In tho sale of intoxi
cants. In all probability the cases will
be appealed to court, in order to have
the matter definitely settled.
Progressive Euchre Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ISoldry, of
Academy street, gave a progressive
euchre party to a number of friends
on Thursday evening. The Misses
Minnie and Mabel Boldry assisted In
receiving and serving. Those present
wore: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Mr. and
Mrs. MeCoinb and daughter, Beatrice;
Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Post, Mr. and Mrs.
Dimkerly, Mr. and Mrs. Pangburn,
Fannie and IClizahoth Pangburn. Ml',
and Mrs. Charles Boldry, Mr. and Mrs.
George Chase, Misses Rhoda. Klias,
Anna Pool, Margaret Dunkerly, Miss
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. F. Boldry,
Misses Mabel and Minnie Boldry.
L. C. B. A. Elect Officers.
The following ollleois have been
elected and installed by Branch No.
611. ij. C. 15. A., for the coining year:
Past president, Miss Mary Fitzsiiu
mons; president. Miss .Mary J I. Gaha
gun; vice president. Miss Ann MeCor
mlck; second vice president, Miss Bee
Murphy; recording secretary, Mrs.
Kale Ilonney; assistant secretary,
Mrs. Hundley; treasurer. Miss Cath
ryn l.arkin; financial secretary, Miss
Margaret Cusick; marshal, Miss Mar
garet Diliuer; guard. Miss Helen
Dean. After the installation refresh
ments, consisting of coffee, cake and
ice cream were served by the eonmilt
lee. Fourteenth Wnrd Eepublicans.
The Republican voters of the Four
teenth ward will hold their caucus on
Monday, January 111, between the hours
or 4 and 7 p. in. The First, district
voters will meet at the regular polling
pi, ice, and those of the Second district
at Alderman Kellow's ofliee .
Candidates will be nominated for
select council, common council, con
stable, ward assessor, register of vot
ers and vigilance committee. "W.
Stephens Is judge In tbe First district,
and O. Xoack In the Second district.
Installation of Officers.
Kleelric City lodge. No. ;il;i. Knights
of Pythias, have elected and Installed
the following olllcers for the year 1902:
Chancellor, Fred Diehl; vice-chancellor,
William A. Phillips; master-at-nrms,
Joseph Stouetield; prelate, Mor
gan Thomas; master of finance, Steph
en SummerhiU; keeper of records and
seals, William Ciist; master of ex
chectuor, Loula Crist; Inside guard,
Burnett Levy; outside guard, John
Napier; trustee, George Evans.
Jackson Street Baptist Church.
The week of prayer will begin next
Monthly night. Brother E. Howells
will have charge. Tuesdny night,
Brother Weyburn will uddress the
meeting. Wednesday, Deacon I). H.
Williams; Thursday, the pastor; Fri
day, Brother it. Nichols. Let us all
be present each night.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will hold an
all-day session next Wednesday. in
tho afternoon tho election of olllcers
will take place, and the ladles will
servo refreshments.
Tho envelopes are now ready for
VJOi. See that you nro supplied with
your right number. You may secure
them from Albert Davis, or Alfred
Bevan, the financial secretary,
Tho new board for 1002 will soon bo
ready. This new method is u. success.
Tho bourd of deacons and trustees
met for organization Monday evening,
Tho boards are now composed of tho
following brethren: Deacons ntchurd
Nlcholls, president; D. II, AVUlIams,
secretary; George Whldlck, John
Duwes, John Lloyd, Alfred Roberts,
William Protheroe, Trustees Alfred
Roberts, president; Alfred lievtui,
lliuinclul secretory; Albert Davis,
treasurer; Will L. Davis, Lewis
Smith, John Dawes, Edward Collins,
The Sunday school closed the year
with money on hand, The treasurer's
report wua very gratifying. The Sun
day school having raised during tho
year the sum of $098.
Mrs. Hull, of Qlenburn; Mrs. Ualley,
As well a the handsomest, and cllicrs aie Invited
to call on any drugfiit and get lice a trial tioltlo
of luini' Ilalcjm (or (ho Throat ami I.unjjj, a
remedy that I guaranteed to cure anil rclleie all
Chronic and Aiutc Cousin, A.tluiu, Uronchlt!)
and Consumption. 1'tlce 23c. and GOc. ,
GMffsped 20 Years.
GuBed of PIIo3B
A.U Huslng, Alma, W. Vn writes:
"I suffered frightfully for 20 years
from Itching, blind und bleeding piles.
I tried many remedies without relief!
the first application of Pyramid Pile
Cure gave blessed relief and purl of it
no-cent box cured me completely." For
sale by nil druggists. Little book,
"Piles, Causes and Cure," malted free.
Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
of Chinchilla, aud Mrs. Travis, of
Tunkhiinnoek, have been the guests of
Mrs. Keller, of Tenth street, for the
past few days.
Emanuel James, of Lafayette street,
n foot man In one of the mines, sus
tained n sculp wound while at work
on Thursday, by n piece of cement
striking lilin on the head. Dr. D. J.
Jenkins attended him.
Arthur Lunge, of Lafayette, street,
has recovered from a month's illness,
due to rheumatism.
Mrs. William Yohe, of South Brom
ley avenue, Is entertaining Mrs. Emma
Young and Mrs. Carlton, of New York.
Miss Marian Ashland, of North
Bromley avenue, is 111 at her home.
Mrs. Lot Ludwlg, of NTorth Bromley
avenue, has returned home from a visit
at Westerly, n. I.
William Baymond, of Swetland
street, had several of his fingers In
jured by a fall of coal at the Brisbln
mine on Thursday.
William Thomas, of North Brom
ley avenue, and William Seaman, of
Swetland street, have enlisted In the
United States navy, and have been as
signed to the school ship Franklin.
Mrs. Frank Early, of North Brom
ley avenue, was Injured by a fall on
the Ice.
Miss Edith Ludwig. of North Brom
ley avenue, is recovering from the ef
fects of a fractured shoulder.
Wesley Lannlng, of Washburn street,
was injured by a fall on the Ice re
cently. Mrs. John Bandolph, of South Hyde
Park avenue, fell on the Icy sidewalk
recently and sustained severe Injuries.
William Dorman, of Hyde Park ave
nue, is recovering from the effects of a
The Patriotic Athletic club was or
ganized last evening at the French
roof hotel.
While the hook and ladder truck was
being run out of the house early yes
terday morning in response to an
alarm, Tlllerniau John Lynch lost con
trol of the pilot wheel and the rear
truck v heels caught in the doorway,
damaging the truck and building to the
extent of .fr0.
Funeral of the Late F. D. Stevens
One of the Largest Ever Seen
Here Other Happenings.
The funeral of the late F. D. Slovens
took place lrom the Methodist Episco
pal church yesterday afternoon, and
was one of the most largely attended
eer held in this place. The services
were hi charge of Bow Charles H.
Newing, assisted by Rev. J. H, l)ab
uey, of the Tripp Avenue Christian
church. Music was furnished by the
holr of the Methodist Episcopal
church. The floral pieces were nu
merous and very handsome, showing
the high esteem in which the deceased
was held. A wreath and lyro was sent
by the Wholesale Merchants associa
tion; a harp with broken string by
the olllcial board of the Methodist
Episcopal church; basket with dove,
from mother; Masonic emblem, from
Union lodge, No. 29, or Scranton; gates
ajar, lrom wife and son, as well as
countless numbers of smaller pieces
from near relatives and friends.
The services were in chni'ge of Union
lodge, No. 281, F. and A. M., of which
deceased was a member. A large dele
gation attended, as well us many mem
bers of the AVholesalu Merchants' as
sociation. The pallbearers were: H.
E. Swartz, Albert Wagner, Eugene
Barton, A. B. Swartz, Harry Sykes and
Frank Slurges; flower bearers, George
Harper, Samuel Chamberiln, John
Sykes and T. M. Miller. Interment
was inailo in Dunmorc cemetery.
Miner Injured.
Itichurd Itunnlngan, of Walnut
street, a miner employed at. No. G
shaft of the Erie company, was pain
fully Injured by a fall of roof shortly
after 7 o'clock yesterday morning.
His left leg was broken, as well as
serious Injuries about the face and
body.. Ho was removed to his mother's
home, where he lies In a critical con
dition. Sunday's Services.
Dlinmoro Presbyterian church Ilnv.
W. F. Gibbons, pastor. Holy commun
ion win ue celebrated at the morning
service; preaching by tho pastor at
7.30 p.- m., subject "God and tho Sinful
Heart"; Sunday school at close of
morning service.
First Methodist EnlRconnl clim-Mi
Rev. Charles Henry Newing, pastor.
services at iq.30 a. in. und 7,30 p, in,
Mornlmr sublect. "f'lnlwt tin, 'ivnr.
Vino"; evening subject, "Christ Is
PuBsIng by." Tho pastor will preach
at both services. Class meeting at
11.45 a. in. ; Sunday school at 2.30 p.
in.; prayer service at 0.30 p. m. Mid
week prayer meeting, Wednesday even
ing at 7,30 o'clock. Hpworth Leugue
business meeting, Tuesday evening ut
7.15 b'olock.
The Tripp Avenue Christian church
Preaching both morning and evening
byhe pastor, Rev. J, D, Dubney, The
morning topic will be "Pentecost";
evening topic, "Muii und Bread." Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. Every one
made welcome.
The branch car on tho No. 6 Jlne Is
now making regular trips, running un
til midnight.
There will be a special meeting of
tho Electric City Wheelmen on Mon
day night to consider tho mutter of
giving, a minstrel show.
An Exciting Cmmo of Basket BallMn
tho Audltoilum Inst Night Tenm
of Horses Owned by Dr. Jenkins
Ran Away Stopped by a Hitch
ing Post at Mulloy's Storo Fu
neral of the Xnto David E. Prlco
Wlll Tnko Placo Today News
Notes and Personals.
The Crackerjacks basket ball team
Inst night defeated the basket ball
team from Frackvlltc, Pa. It was n
wcll-ptnyod and exciting gnmo from
start to finish. Hughes was the star
player for the local team, throwing six
baskets. Wells throw five. Carr proved
to be the Frackvlllc's star player. The
Frackvllle team defeated tho Cracker
jacks while they were on their south
ern trln, but the homo team proved
their superiority by defeating them by
the score of S-0. The lhie-un was us
CimUnJ.HU lVdllun. I'mikvlllc
Hnslics IL.,t,.r itj,cr
"" l led gii ml l'orney
WIIIIjiih ilaht kuiiiI ItohorN
''Ih i lifht foruMiil Carr
Wcl liw left fonwuil Kylcr
A social followed the game, which
was much enjoyed by the largo num
ber present.
Exciting Runaway.
Yesterday afternoon at r o'clock u
team of horses belonging to Dr. Jen
kins, of North Main avenue, driven by
William IUH, became frightened by a
passing Ontario and Western train,
near the depot, and ran with a mad
dened pace until they l cached tho cor
ner of Market street and North Main
avenue, when they ran upon the plat
form In front of Mulley's 'store, where
the sleigh struck n hitching post and
the horses were stopped.
Young mil was thrown from the
sleigh, but escaped Injury. The sleigh'
was not damaged very much.
Second Ward Caucus.
Last evening the Democrats of the
Second ward held their caucus In No.
2i school, on Perry avenue. The fol
lowing were nominated: For select
council, Martin Gerrlty; common coun
cil, J. F. Evans, Edward Barrett; con
stable, Thomas MoGowan; ward as
sessors, Thomas Mullen. After the
nomination was over the various can
didates made short addresses.
The funeral of the late David E.
Price, of 200 Keyser avenue, will take
placo from his late residence this al
ternoon at 2 o'clock-. Mr. Price was an
old resident, and was for many years
engaged In the milk busines-s. The ser
vices will be conducted by l!e Hugh
Davis. Interment in the Washburn
street cemetery.
This afternoon a shooting mulch will
take placo at the Marvine Held, whcie
some of the best shots of this part of
the city will participate.
Barbers' local, No. 211, will meet Sun
day at 2 o'clock in Leonard's hall.
Election of olllcers will take place. All
memhers aie expected to be present.
Miss Mary Gaft'ney, .of AVest Market
street, has returned home from New
York, after a few weeks' visit.
Mrs. J. A. Hobinsoii, of William
strot, called on friends In Pittston yes
Democratic Caucus Will Be Held in
the Four Wards on This Side
Today Minor Matters.
There will be lively times in the
wards on this side today as Demo
cratic caucuses will be held in the
Eleventh. Twelfth, Nineteenth and
Twentieth wards between the hours of
t and 0 p. m. Delegates to the city
convention -will be chosen llrst and
ward caucuses will follow.
In the Eleventh ward the meeting
will take place at S o'clock at
Sehlmpff's hall and the candidate for
school controller 'will likely bo Otto
Robinson, although Peter llnsar, jr.,
may also be placed In nomination.
A lively fight Is on for alderman of
the Twelfth ward between P. F. Itynn
and the present Incumbent, C. C. Don
ovan. There are several candidates for
select and common council.
In the Nineteenth ward Peter J.
Belt will seek the nomination for
school controller, while John A. Neuls
and Joseph Snyder will contest the
place for alderman against the pres
ent Incumbent, Alderman Christian
Storr. A dozen candidates are In the
field peeking to represent the Twen
tieth ward In select and common coun
cil and it promises to be one of tho
liveliest caucuses ever held In that
A Membership Social,
A largely attended session of tho
Star Social club was held In Mlrtz hall
on Pittston avenue last evening when
several now members were Initiated,
Business pertaining to the approaching
annual ball which takes placo in Ath
letic hall on Monday, Jan, 20, was dis
cussed. A largo six point star emblematic
of tho organization was hung up out
side the headquarters of the society
hist evening and the Illumination was
quite attractive. Tho committee hav
ing chargo of the annual ball are:
Charles F. Kellerinan, chulrmau; Ja
cob J. Mlrtz, , Peter Phillips, jr., and
David Lewis.
Joseph Conrad, of .the First district
of tho Eleventh ward, Is a candldato
for delegato at today's primaries.
'Ihe IhtojK'l' inetllng lomoirnu' at I ho Vouni;
Women's ClirUtlan uasociailmi hmiiw will ho
led ly Mist llrlcMin, ll.c leather if d( medic
uleiiu'. AH ttouieii and ulll me cuiillully In.
lllt'il. 'I'lio Iiuur (or tlieeu iiii'ctliigi I ipfilal"
y roiiunient, for mothers who cannot t;et out
1(1 chuirli at I ho uiul hour for hen he and will
will be irry wcleonu' und lie helped, by lomlm.',
dialled ltolli, u( 700 ' btonc aunue, n well
known and leleited it'tldcnt, wji Hrtid to
li ill )jt night and niry not lltu
until moiiilinjr,
Kwry member o( Ihe -Junger Mienneuhor ll
urged tu attend the tomorrow- after
noon pilor u taking part Jo Ihe pro-lloer meet'
lnt- wliicli will lake pUcc in CdllfKU hall.
The funeral of Ihe late Mia. Thomas I.don
(aU'i pluie tliU mointiia- at t) ,o'eloe!.
MATTHEW SNOW. Sit., one or" tlio
oldest and most respected residents of
South Scranton, died yesterday utter-
Jonas Long's Sons
If s the power of Popular Prices
and Excellence of Quafty that places
the Big Store's Grocery Department
one step ahead
ncsota hard wheat. Every pound guaranteed. 25 pound ,
sacks at 53C
the king of breakfast foods and always sold at ISc a package. . i'
Buy It today for 1 aC
Quaker Oats, per package ioc
Corn Starch, none better, per package 6c
Fruit Pudding, a delicious dessert, assorted flavors,
one package enough for 10 persons, per package, ioc
Jams, assorted flavors, per jar ioc
Fine Tomato Catsup, per bottle, ioc '
hoes Saturday dj f T7
peciaS Saturday
"Woman's" high grade $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes made from Vlcl
Kid, Dongola Kid and Box Calf. Comfortable, flexible, durable and
stylish. A patent tip and stock tip, double and single soles, new heel
and toe shapes. You will be surprised when you see the
value you are getting Saturday "only" by buying this shoe at $ 1 .i
Another Shoe Treat
No store dared to sacrifice $3.50 and $4,00 shoes at so reckless 'a
price as this at $2.91) a pair. JUST THINK OF IT, '
hand sewed, enamel, box calf and vicl kid, Saturday at. . . . $2.90
Get a
A Nickel buys one. No less than
6 to a customer. Price without a
Lyceum Theatre
11. ItUIS, Lessees and Mamircr.
A. J. DUFKY, Bus. Manassf.
Satuiday Matinee and Night,
.I.WI'AIIV 11.
"filt.VNWA, Mlflti: A WONDKII."
Sir. William . lliady piexnH for the llial time,
the new nuiMi.d rnapiot,
By It. Mchilli' ll.ikn-, with Mr. Juscpli ll.irl an
Ml Carrie lie Mm.
ToRClher with IR rntertnlnun. irirlndlng .1 t
rially seUi'leri .-hotu of liiiupKilleit
A play for jounjj people of all .isf.
I'rliei. lliemiis, '!". In $1,0(1; hov !.eiU, I ."..
l'riee-, -Matinee, '.V. and .V) lents.
Heats 1 raily 1IiuimI.i,i niornlnc al nine.
Academy of flusic
if. DEIS. Ltfsec.
A. J. Duffy, Manajsr
ron Tiutm: iius.
"The Secret Despatch'
A Meloiliaina of the' ( ilil Wai, l, IMnl Ills
Kiiw, mitliur of "At I'hry llidiro," ok.
I'lni". Matinee, 13 .mil 2) ioiiI-,
MkIiI. 13, 2."i, :i" and ui) il-iiIi.
Matinees Friday anil Satuiday.
111:1 1'lt.s i:x(.'A(ii:.Mi:sT.
Tor Week nf .lanuiri' 1".
I'llces Matinee. Hi and ill lent".
Mclit. 10, B) and IS) 1011K
Special Mnuil.iv matinee, "Our Little Mini,
tee;" Mondav uuuiii, Lin la Moulson'i, "Tin
ALf. O. IllUtltlXOTON, Manager.
Tlll'ltSlUY, l'lllDAV AND bVILItliW
Little Magnet Burlesquers.
Mutinec lliily. New Telephone, 2'U
Can the Seeker Aftor
Find Such Klch Reward.
Best Reached Via
Leave New York Tuesdays, Thurs
days, Saturdays.
R. I. Smith, agent, 100 S. 3d st.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
noon at his home, 828 Prospect nvenue,
Ho was 7- yearn of aire and for the
greater part of that time had lietn u
resident of South Scranton, where his
worth und sterling Integrity hud won
for 111 in a place of great respect In the
estimation of his neighbors, lie Is sur
vived hy the following children; Mury,
Sister Plillomeiia, of tho Order of sis
ters of the linnuiculati Heart; Henry,
Mrs. 1. J. ltwip, Lizzie and Matthew
Snow, Jr. Tho funeral will he held
Monday morning at l o'cloclt. A re
Hiileiu mubs will be celebrated lit $t.
Peter's Cathedral and Interment will
be niiide In the Cathedral cemetery,
Holllster avenue, died yesteiday, after
a long lllnebs of kidney trouble. Tho
deceiihcd was well known aud highly
respected In North Scruiituii, being uu
active church worker, Shu Is survived
by u largo finally. The funeral will
take place Monday at 1.30.
ooffs Sods
Two 4-1!)
Packages of
Oold Dust
iiing Pow-
der for 25c .
Gold Dust, the standard
cleaner, requires no intro
duction. Listed to sell for
2c. These four-pound
packages have never be-'
fore been marked lower
than ioc.
For the balance of the
week, we shall break all
ow priced records by sel
ling two packages or 8 lbs
)f Gold Dust fora quarter.
With every grocery
u'der, to the amount of
5.00 or over, you may
25 lbs of Sugar
Caterers to th Knnir Man.
(JJoyce Storesj)
Popular Priced Provisions
Ever Woman
t9H and iittelutii, Bett-haf
U51-.UUM 1 uuvriuriiii
flllVMMff uuunujt
ik luur uiutLt fur It.
iriiTniniuLupi'ly tlio
..I 1I .:.. Uf( (MIL IHJ
itii 1 . inn wmi Mmi for II-
UmilM iHiOk- .r.l.J.ll tllCJ
11 r.iriltiiljinnlillie. tiniitln
n IUH Mtii:i, '.,
Iloom GC9, Times DJi.'., New Vcik.
W Y'VVWV about Itiow
BW ST RH l MARVEL Whirling
VV' JS." oji --
SSini..j. C-r"
x y
K f
Ho&BT'ie''.0 'Jny. C'upnutcs ur vi
LlB'Jf'eiit lu-Itt hiiura vllliout ,,, 1
Z iicouvL'ijIem'i', uilectlouf (MIIW 1 1
utu uuil lulucllum tuli.
iW I