The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    . 8
Save T?i$n e
and TrOubfe by I
having your rffirses
the lionntiK iiAnnwAnE atonx
$ Guarantee
nt-o built tor wear niul to
rIvc satisfaction. All wearing
parts are lit led with ball
bearings which ninko It the
easiest runitliif? wringer on
tho market, liolls uro liuule
of the heat rubber obtain
able Hoft and elastic and
nro warranted for R years. If
either roll went-H out during
this time It will ho replaced
Prices 5.1.23, J.I.r.O nnd $5.00.
shod with
Wyi , ' '
(f-xv'yl . .S, ttBHKal
! or Williams !
i Skmovable' i
9mm ", j!
Foote & Shear Co
JJ9N. Washington Ave
W? fire Specialists
In tho line of Inhinl-.' weir, niul man) ilalntici hlclt ou i.m
not find rNowlicrp. Our gnoiN
hip JuU a lllllu iiwro ililinello
tlun other. Wo ulll anwcr .voiii'
quetloni iinil -.end catalogue. Bur,
better still, roino unci K-c m.
10 Spruco .:reet.
308-310 Penn Ac, A. B. Wnrman. a
IThose Who Have Signed for Tickets
for It.
The following persons have signed
themselves as patrons of the Pro-Boer
rally to he held at College Hall tomor
row evenin:
Hecordor "W. L. Connell, ex-Mayor
Kara Illpple, Judge A. A. Vosburg, ex
Judge J. "V. Carpenter, Treasurer E.
J. noblnson, Controller Ksdras Howell,
Solicitor G. Jr. Watson, Directors P. L.
"Wormsor, John 13, Roche, Fathers J.
A. O'Ueilly, P. J. McManus, M. A. Don
liui, Brother P. Andrew, Revs. "William
A. Nordt, John Randolph, Doctors John
3.. Wcntz, Troverton, Grower, Laixem
hurger, Duffy, Donnegan, Brogan,
Murey, Green, Attorneys K. Merrllield,
C. V.. Bradbury, George B. Davidson,
Russell Dimmick, Frank T. Okell,
R. J. Bourke, Senator Jr. E. McDonald,
Sheriff Schadt, ox-Sheriff Robinson,
County Commissioners C. E. Morris,
John Penpian, John J. Durkin, J. A.
Seranton, E. J. Lynett. John II. Jor
dan, Alfred Twining, Patrick , Blewitt,
M. E. Sanders, John Power O'Connor,
33. P. RIngsbury, John T. Porter, Con
rad Schroeder, Eugene Schroeder, Matt
Stlpp, John Colllgan, M. J. Ruddy, E.
S. Peck, E. T. Jayne, (J. P. Schwenk
,er, John U. Schwenker, G. P. Buumels
'ter, Charles Graf, A. F. "Westphal,
Hugh Coyne, Michael Miller, E. O.
Slohecker, Charles D. Xeuffer, J. Ij.
Hoffman, C. C. Fcrber, A. B. Clay, M.
P. Dolphin, P. L. Ward, E. H. Call,
C. a. Roland, F. G. Cavell, W. G. Wall,
Aaron Powell, C. J. Powell, J, P.
Wardle, Luther Peel;, W. P. Vaughn,
M. J. Horn, E. J. Horn, P. J. Kelly,
Genter & Zeldler, J. B. Corcoran, W. L.
Hoffman, Frank Bonln, J, B. Rader, J.
V. Roche, J. G. Hughes, J. J. Padden,
J. It. Kelly, M. Manloy, P. II. Durkin,
T. F. McDonough.
Trying to Prevent the Spread of
Small Pox at Duryea.
Halph Barnes, the Duryea man, who
has the smallpox, Is strictly quaran
tined at his homo and Is under the care
of Dr. Burlington, who has been sta
tioned at the house by the hoard of
trade. Three guards have been sta
tioned about the place by the health
authorities with instructions to allow
no one to go near it. Foote street,
Maroy avenue and Foster avenue,
, which lead to the Barnes house, are
ejosely guarded.
There are three suspicious cases In
Stealer's patch and one on Miller's
1 hill, Dm yen, that are being watched
by the health authorities. The publlu
schools nro to be closed.
The Ucst Sort In the World
"A mounment built by and from
Postum," Is the way Mr, J. G, Casey of
AyjT.i, ill., describes himself. He says,
"For years I was a coffee drinker until
at last I became a terrible sutfeier
fiom dyspepsia, constipation, head
uches and Indigestion, and whb a
physlcul wreck.
Tho different kind of medicines I
tried did not cure mo, hut finally some
one told me I must leave off coffee and
take up Postuin Food Coffee. I was
fortunate In having the ey coffee
made strictly according to directions,
eo that, from the start I liked It. It
has a rich lluvor and I made the
change from coffee to Postum wltjiout
any tiouble.
Gradually my condition changed, The
old troubles disappeared and I began
to get well again. My appetite be
"anre good and I could digest food,
.Vow I have been restored to strength
and health. Can sleep sound all night
and awake with a frenli and rested
body. Everyone who meets mo com
ments on my getting so fat und rosy.
I am really u monument built by
Postum, for I was a physical wreck,
distressed In body and mind, and am
now a strong, heulthy man. I know
txautly what made the change, it was
saving off coffee and using Postum," I
The Northeastern Pennsylvania
Bowling League was icorgunlzed last
night at a meeting held in the Elk's
cafe on Franklin avenue. Represen
tatives wero present from all the clubs
and tho following officers wero elected:
President, Charles S. Seaman, of the
Green Rldgo Wheelmen: vice-president,
John T. Hunter, of the West End
AVheelmen, and secretary and treas
urer, John Taylor, of the Green Ridge
The champion Black Diamonds have
disbanded and their places in the
league will be taken by u team from
the Electric City Wheelmen of West
Seranton, which club had originally
intended to enter the Bicycle club's
league. There Is every reason to be
lieve also that the West End Wheel
men, of Wllkes-Bnrre, will drop out
of the league though It was said last
night that every effort will ho made
to keep this club In.
The fact thut there Is only one team
in Wllkes-Barro and the large amount
of travel which Is thus necessitated Is
said to he the principal reason for the
desire of the West Enders to give up
league bowling. If they g"o out it will
be necessary to llnd a sixth team to
tnko their place but it Is believed that
this difficulty could ho easily over
come by the organization of a team
to represent the new Hampe alleys on
Penn avenue.
The representatives of the several
teams present at last night's meeting
also agreed upon the schedule for the
second seilcs which opens on Monday
night, January 20. The schedule has
been made out, taking It for granted
that tho West End Wheelmen's team
will remain In the league and is as
At Home. VIMtlng.
Jan. 20
Dleclrlc City fiiera Itiilse
Uackiu n Kits
Weit Knd s S-ciontou llk.ulo
Jan. 27
Scianton liie.ule ...s We-t Did
l'.lKs i- Itjckm
Oreen IIIiIro - Dectiic City
fell. .1
Elcctlic City -s l'.lh-i
UacKiw is Snuntcm Utricle
West End h Ulccn ltidge
Keb. 10
Seranton UU.icIe s Il.ickiw
Klks ( lUcdiie City
fiicen liulw .i West Did
Teb. 17
Kleclrio City vs Wet Did
l'.lk-t '. k S'n.mton liicule
Itjckm s (iieon ltidge
Teli. 21-
Scianton nie.i.le . YAki
Oicrn ltidge is Hackus
West 1,'nd Kleeliio City
Maifh .1
i:iettiic City v llukiu
Creen llidse s Scianton Illejilo
Wc-,1 i:nd . l.lki
Mai til 10-
Ftianton 13iejcle...,.A'5 fiii'en ltidge .-.-. Wet Did
Backus s Klecllic City
JIaicli 17
Decide City s Scianton Itlcjile
V.kt i.s Creeii ltidge
West Did v Il.Hkiu
Match 21
Scianton lliejele ! r.leetrie City
llackiH .a Wist Knd
Ciecn ltidge s YAki
The matter of selecting and purchas
ing a trophy to be competed for has
been placed entirely In the hands of the
officers of tho league.
Following last night's meeting, the
winning Black Diamonds tendered an
elaborate banquet In the Elks' cafo to
tho other bowlers In the league. Cap
tain II, S. Gorman occupied the place
of honor at the head of the table, and
directly In front of him was placed the
handsome cup which he and his men
put up such a splendid light to win.
The following is the corrected list of
Individual averages for the series of
games just ended:
Plajer, Turn. flames, Average
Hopkins Uackiu HO 177.27
Hard i;iU 12 17H.S
Tajlor Oieen ltidge Ml 17.1.2ii
Wuulell lliejcle chili .';o 171.8
(ioimnn; Diamond, :,()' lilS.l
Jeilrles Wet Did tt 07.:i
Weld 111k 311 l(a!.23
(lold-lllacl; Diamonds H llld.O
Mltihcll llli'jcle ilidi :i(l KM
1'oley lll.uU Diamond tin 1111.21
Melster Uackiu :i0 1111,7
Mahon-tlreni ltidge ,".( iki.
Itojier lllejele club ,. i!(l M.'.S
ilooic lliecle t lull 21 164
limes Wf.t Did II lili.a
l'litlll illki 2t 11,0.10
Yost West i:nd !I0 l.W.SO
SeamaiM (licen ltidge ,'iO lM'.S
.Mian West Did 27 13S.2J
Jtoore (irceu ltidge W) i,.;
Ilftll-llaikus :;u ISit.A
lViklum ll.u kiis ;10 157.13
ruhienlioU Uukiis ,,., :tn 137.13
Heauu HI.hIc Dianioeds SM 137.3
Weigand-et llnd 27 1,'il.S
ll llkuk DiainnmU 27 lu.'i.JI
Dlmlci'-IUcjile iluli 21 13VJ1
(ircen-We,t Did ,.... 27 133,20
DaN-Wet Did , , 21 I3J.10
Xoitlmip llhjele club ;i 131.2
(Ucliwiudl-KIL, 2I 1.30.2
ItejliolilT-lllatk Diamonds 1 II H'lO
Halr-llhjde dul ,,, 11 110.1
.lainei-r.lks I' 141
Woidtn nii)clt; dull .,,,., S 111
llohllng-DIU i Wil.9
Walduev-Uks 0 13U.1
lliidiaid-i:iU 0 U'U
foiei Ulijde dul ,'t 111.2
Dimlci lllk a 131.1
JUwanU-DW 11XA
If the total number of pins and not
the number of gamps won had counted
in the bowling series just, ended, the
Black Diamonds wouldn't have
finished at the top of the head, but
rather In fouith plucv. The total num
ber of plus inude by each team In the
league was as follows:
Uackiu 21,100
Kcrauto'.i lllcjclo dud , 21,133
(in en ltidge tthedmen 2l,!i02
lllaik Pbimjii'l.s ,, 21,078
We.t Knd J10, 1 ,,,, 1,07:1
j:ik 2.1,100
The corrected team leverages wert
us follows: Backus, lot; Scrautor
Hlcyvlo club,' 162.50: Oreen Rldg
Wheelmen, 163.1; Black Diamond;
160.78; West End No. 1. 1&7; Ellis. 16.
two-man team to liun'itlo to compete
In the national bowling tournament
and "Billy" Hopkins, of the Backus
team and Charlie Rlehl, captain of the
Elks, ure the two men selected to rep
resent tho league. Hopkins was high
average of the league, with 177.27 to his
credit, while Rlehl made the highly
respectable average of 1GG.2S. Tho ex
pense of the two avIH bo met by u
number of the bowlers who have sub
scribed during tho past week.
Some very big scores weie rolled up
on Wednesday night lust In New York
city by the Corinthian and Metropoli
tan teams, which aie leading in the
national bowling tournament. The
Corinthians made totals of 3,010 and
990 for the two games rolled, while the
Metropolitans made totals of !C,l and
The Club league has but a few games
yet before completing Its first series.
By winning two games from West End
No. 2 at Wilkes-Barre, Thursday night.
Green Rldgo Xo. 2 again occupies tlrst
place by a. narrow margin.
Harry Wedemnn of Gieen Ridge No.
3 team, Is u new bowler, from whom
great things in the bowling line Is ex
pected by lils friends. Hairy Is one
of tho highest score men now bowling
on the Green Ridge alloys, and In the
match game between West End No. 3
or Wllkes-Bane and Green Ridge No.
", last Thursday, Wedeman made the
highest number of plus rolled In a con
test hereabouts this season, when he
secured C07 pins In three games, an
average of 20J 1-3.
The Electilc City AVheelmen have
considerable good timber for a team.
Among those we cull to mind are Sam
McCracken, Beatty Williams, David
Owens and Frank Wettllng.
The second pair of new iirunswlck
Balke alleys being placed in George
Hampe's. Wide-Awake Billiard and
Pool rooms on Penn avenue is Hearing
completion. One pair has been com
pleted and in use for several weeks.
With one exception, they are the best
alleys In the city, the exception being
the Green Ridge alleys, of which they
are an exact duplicate.
A crowd of local bowling 011111111111813
are going to New York this morning
to see the big match tonight, between
the Rosevllles nnd Buffaloes, on Stars'
When It was given out from the
Democratic committee meeting, at the
St. Charles, Wednesday night, that It
was decided not to have the conven
tion ninko nominations for the poor
board, the whole truth was not told.
It is true the committee decided not to
have the convention make the nom
inations, but it was decided to have
the nominations made. In the call Is
sued, the voters ne Instructed to nom
inate one candidate for poor dliector
In each of the live old districts,
Providence borough, Hyde Park
borough and respectively in the three
original wards of Seranton. It Is also
proposed to have the Dunmore borough
Democrats put up a man.
The terms of the appointed poor
directors and those whom the Demo
crats elected three years ago expire
next March, according to the claims
of the committee and the coming
election Is the proper time at which to
1111 the vacancy,
The mandamua proceedings brought
by Attorney John J. Murphy to oust
the nppolntlve board which are still
pending, will be oidered on the list
for the next term of nrgument court,
which begins February 17, and court
will be sternuously urged to render a
speedy decision.
In addition to the reasons already
advanced for the unsealing of the ap
pointive directors, the Democrats will
urge upon the court, the alleged Il
legality of an nppolntlve body levying
and spending taxes. It will be argued
that this offends against both the
spirit and letter of tho constitution,
and In proof thereof It will be pointed
out that It Is only the legislative
bodies elected direct by the people,
which are given power to inltnte leg
islation levying or distributing taxes,
Seranton Business College
Twenty-eight now students have en
rolled this week nlnteeu fiom tho
city and nine from other places, In
cluding Hawloy, Everett, Jormyu, Oly
phant, Waymtirt. Forest City, Nichol
son, Punxsutawney and Dunnioie.
More aro to come next' week.
Messrs. Buck and Whltmore have
within the past few days received re
quests for a lady stenographer, for n
lady bookkeeper and stenographer to
go with a New York state Urni; for a
young man booker, and for a young
man to do both bookkeeping and sten
ograph work,
1 1 1 1 .
January 9, 1902,
The members of Schiller lodge, No.
313, F. and A. M., are requested to at
tend tlio funeral of odr lute brother,
Edward J. Brog, from 1311 Ash street,
Potersb'urg. on Saturday, Jan, 11, 190J,
ut 2 o'clock p. in. By order of
Peter Stlpp, W. M.
Attest i-Chas. U Gelbeit, Sec,
Notice to Knights of Malta.
Anthracite Commandery, No, 211:
The funeral of companion Arthur E.
Henshall will tuke place at St, Luke's
:hurch, Wyoming avenue;- this after
10011 at 2.30 o'clock. All companions
uv requested to attend f possible.
Signed E, A. Highland, S. K, C; E.
'. Bone, recorder,
The Chief One Is ?1,000 for the Best
Rendition by a Choir of Not Less
Than 150 Voices of "The Night
Is Depnrting" Big Prises for
Prose and Poetry as Well as for
the Vocal Numbers Conditions of
the Competitions and Officers of
the Eisteddfod.
The complete list of the prizes and
subjects for the national eisteddfod to
he held In this city on May 29 and 30
next, has been prepared. Among the
prizes are Uo for $,"0 and $10, offered
by The Tribune, for an English poem
not to exceed one bundled and fifty
lines, In memoilain of the late Presi
dent McKlnley. The complete list fol
lows: (OMl'llllllVi; SlIUiXTS.
i-rMii:u cnows-
.1st piie, $1,001): 2d lirhe, (23(l
"l'he Night Is Depirthy" (Ujimi ot l'i.n-e),
Tor Choir not midir 130 nor ner 173 uike
2 MAM! Clllllirs. (Open Camiietltion)
Ut pil7e, yM); 2d piie, '100
(.1) "The Hilton-,". .Dm I'rollietoe, Sins. Hie
(li) "Al- ll.ul , No-," ("All Tlno' the
Anangcincnt of T. .1. Danes, Mil, llae.
Not under .'0 1101 owe (3 miucs.
if-(ii:ill..V .MAM: CHOItrS. (I Cennan So.
deliis only.)
( ki-s A "Die liluthenfee" Ile;ar
Vol Untiled to anv uiuiihci ot niie.
Cia s 11 "Dm Tilot" I'ugiie, op 40
l'or L hulls not undir 30 inn oer 70 uders.
Class C "Hinkehr,"
Milhehn Mm 111, op 10, No. 2
Tor Cliolr-, not under M not oei- 10 luiu-n.
Note Conditions of, and nature
ot the (1 opine., in the Cennan competition-, to he
announced at .1 later date Unousli tins public
J-l,Al)Ii:y ( IIOIICs. (Opin Competition)
lstjiii.i', si(K); 1 piue, MOO
(a) "sp.(nMt CpM" l.a.ell
(1 1) ".No-, Cal.111" (New Yen's '.v)
Aii.ingcnicnt of J. W. l'.n--nu Piiie
(To he sung- lull thinughoul )
N'ot under 30 inn- out (-3 oicis.
t.3 (jPAMirrn:. (Inaiiompanlcil). -20 i)U
"Miii-et" Dan 1'iotluioe. Mil-. II.10
l'ibe derated hy Mi-. Kate Cios-iu O'Hueii
0 Dl'llT. (-opian& and Coutulto). -13 (V)
"( lieeifulne-," 1'. (.umheit
1'iie diluted hy Hon. A. A. Yoi-buig.
7 Dl'llT. (Tenor and Ilass). 5-13 00
"Co, HafHed Cow.nd, Co" (Oialoiio ot
s,im-cu) 1 landel
l'11e ilruatcd hy lion. A. A. o.-lnug.
Ss()PIt.VM' WII.O. TlO Ml
"'Hie Hitter l.iiiid" l (owen
11 le donated hy Dr. John 0-MiUe..
"Hope On"
l'lle donated hy H,
0-Ti:.Oll MH.O.
"Lend Me 3 our Aid"
I0 no
f, MC.Mllll. l.-l
M0 01
(ijuecn of Muh 1),
l'ii.:e donated hy Dr. .1. .1. liululU
11-HAS-, M1I.1). tfl 00
".lu-t An- tiie Wns of fj, to Man"
((Sam-on) Handel
l'ile donated hy D. M. liejiudd-, lNq. Vi:XII.i: ClUlltl-, (Age limit not abnc
10 je.ll.-).
1-t pliie, -73.O0; 2d pi le, $23.00
"I'll, Siiloi llu, 'lis Hi"....!'. I' Hidhid
I'oi ( lioiis not under -10 1101 ou-i 00 oices.
1 1.Y. 1-t pn.e. .30.'lKli 2il pile, 410.01
"I- Courptil-oi Aihltialioii 1'e.isllile, a a
Method of fettliiisr liidiMital Di'putc.i
in the rnilid Mate-!"
Note 'the I'.-ay to he ill l'.nslMi ind not to
eieid llo tlioiivind wolds.
'Ihe pi io- donated hy I he Sei.iutoli Times.
2 X()Vi:i,. (In the Wel-Ii I.aiii.e).
1-t puze, (y23.0llj 2d plie, JflO.OO
Xol to exceed ten thou-aiid wold-. Illotiatlic
of life in (he Minim,' lli'slons of l'cunvnunia.
l-l'Oi:.M, (In DislMi)-
1-t pi le, I-30.00J 2d iitle, 1-10.CO
"In Mcmoildiii" McKinliy.
Not to exieed one huudied nnd lift linos.
'Ihe are ilonated hy I lie Suuntou Tiilmne
lt pile, 23.00i 2d pi le, M3.00; lid plize, $10.0)
Winds fin Milo and t horns. Subject,
"lint Nun; of l.ahoi."
The '-iihi to cuimM of thiee eljld Hue ,tau,is,
and a Cliouis of (0111 lines. The intention
' beiiitr to M't tlie wold- In piu-h.
Tlio piles aie donated bv the hii.iiitnn 'I111II1.
Cjinraei,'.) 1t 1'liie, f.'.30: 1 pile, 10
"lllmladr Y" ""
lli'h fod illu- l-'O n llnrllaii. Dr(!Hllr l'r Injil-
del K,imv)a dun o ildaiiiralli I lun-r ian'
llluill (jladdas Pv adiodd inewn CUtedi).
Florida Tomatoes, 20c jier lb.
Florida Grape Fruit, 10c.
Itidiau River Oranges, 35c dz.
Navel Orauges, 2jc; 5 dz, $x,
Plautatiou Java Coffee, 30c,
Goldeu Rio Coffee, 2 lbs 25c,
Fiue Peas, today, 10c Can,
E, Q. Cotirsen
( drserlpllie poem in Wdh, '"Ihe Tails of
MitKiuu," not to exieed 1.30 lines),
l-llXdI.YX. I'i!?e, iSj.ol
Test n, "Dull n."
conditions or coMi'iirinoss.
1 Xo prize will ho auaidi'd without mill
2 Tho decisions of the ndliidlrators shall in
all iaea be final, and they will hau- pown to
dlNide, or wltldiold iiliv pile.
!1 ('iiiiiietlliiis n-a pinvide Huir.oMii ni
iniiiiiinst or nwill tliem-eles of (lie seniles
of the nicompinlst.
I I'leliuiliiaiy toinpotltloii' will he held on nil
minor eompetitions i-o that vol mole lli.ui ttue-1
lompetitors lnll toinprle in Hie llnal fonteil.
3 1'iotcsls will he iiiiisldi'iid onle when mule
in vullimr, and pie-enlid lo the committee.
0 All literal' competitions (each lo he hi
companled b nn assumed name onlv.) must lis
in tho liiml.s of the eorie-spotidln? hec irttnji on
or befoie .Mav l, limj.
7 -Successful coinpu-lllons to lie the piupoity
of the eistnidfod lonuultlee,
b 'Ihe nanus of nit lomiietltnrs must be In
the hands of the -eiielai oil or lit tote May 13,
0 Competitions (except on limn in mile
choius tonle-ts). opin to the whole wotld.
Adjudnatois on the l.iteiaiy Compellliou-
lion. II. M. KdnanK Seiantoii, l'a ; 1'iotei-oi
Ceoip- llowill, Niaiilou, l'a.; (I, II. Iluuiplitr,
e-M-. I'tlea, . 3.
Adjiidlealois of niusii will be announced later.
Clearing Sale
X In order to reduce our stock
before taking our Annual In
ventory we have made sweep-
f. lug reductions on our line of
! Pillow Tops
t Stamped Linens and
I Battenberg Patterns
"f And for the ten days we offer
J' the above mentioned goods at
I practically cost prices,
Cramer- Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Avenue. f
'Phone 353-3.
J$l nt a,,,,,,,,
Sasih Curtain lloils
Ilratis, extoiiKlon variety.
The "Hweep" prlco Is...
Complete with fixtures.
Tahlo Covers Chenille
or TupetUry. Values ex
tend from 00c. to $1.25.
Your choice, duiinfr the
rale, for
Nottingham I.ocu Cur
tains 50 Inches wide, il
iittriictlvo llKtiro designs
from which to
Sterling value
f?.ile price ....
U p ho I s t e red India
Keats 15 Inches liluhj
top ineasuroinent, lis
18i IncJies. Upholstered
hi iissorteil color.1) of
velour. A ?1.25 value,
during: the clean sweep 70p
sale, at
Republican City Primaries.
Uy resolution of the city executive
committee the polls will not be opened
on the 13th lust, on account of- "only
one candidate reglsteilng for the ofllco
of city controller.
Tho vigilance committee 111 e Instruc
tion to elect vlgllnnfs for the ensuing
year on the 13th Inst, and report same
to tho convention of leturn judges to
be held Jan. to, at 2.30 p. 111.
15. T. .iuyne, Acting Chairman.
Suits nnd Overcoats Reduced.
In price dining our .lunuary clearing
sale. This Is your opportunity lo buy a
flue overcoat or suit at n bargain. Come
In and look around.
HIchards & WMli,
31'G Luckil. Ave.
Broken Ribs
And causes injury to Ihe body. The sal
oM. in tl ihcapon nil) is lo i;ie It im
mediate attention. II' IS YOlHl ISM
lllU'.l.hA no ore Kie.iklue,' about. We
uue the .iliou'-iuintioned ailment, and
al-o i.irry the hiueit line of I'mluclljs
and l'.nasols in tlio city.
The Scrauton
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.,
313 Spruce Street.
507 Linden Street.
Board of Trade Building.
I ill n h 11 a i
s? &
0 MaIon?y Oil & ManfefacUiring Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
iifii wnnwii i
Opens Emim, Jaieary 11
The annual trade event that holds the place of honor in the recollection
of Housefurnlshlng buyers.
No introduction is necessary, the occasion being simply a renewal of old
Liberal credit accommodations, an important feature of "Economy"
policy, vlll be freely extended during the sale.
The sensational remnant bargains, in the path of this broom, which is
made with bristles of split prices, defy both pen and space. But an instruc
tion can be conveyed of the convention of wrecked values assembled for the groat
rMS'iffiiMfA 12 day3 on,jr M2i
iaiiiM'ffpftffiU 'iB8?2l
Tapestry Carpet
Made u:i; left on our !"
hands, through an error
of measurement. Size, "
xll feet, I! inches. 15 r fr
yards; worth $11.25, for.,tp(.J
Velvet Carpet Made
up. Size, 10 feet 9 Inches
hy II feet 3 inches,
with border. Beauti
ful color combination,
meusures 33 yards; if tl
worth $15.22. Sale price,, JJ. 1Z
landless other oppor
tunities to purcluiao
made-up carpets, nt
Brent reductions. Rrllifj
r (i o m measurements
with you
:::..!:;!; $1.69
lloclters Finished In
Koldcu oak, comfort
ably modeled, wood
seat, easy, broad arm
rests, closely spindled
hack and solid umler
supports. A clean sweep
bargain ,
Sco (ho Sunday Puiier.s ror Mora K.xtcmlcil Aniinoiiiicemoiils.
221, 223, 225, 227
Wyoming; Avenue.
Used hv nil IphH-
- 4
ing horse owners
finrl Rlnrlct-rifl-ic j.!
klllVt U1UV.IJ11IHI1J
Bittenbender &. !
126-128 Franklin Ave. ' t
! J !
Hotel, Will, Home or Office.
L?a Ufuusi
119 Franklin Ave.
v. V).. ';,
. '.;i;:,-.