uyprl F BV THE SCRANTON TBrBUNJS-SATWIDAY, .TANTAlll' 11, 1902. fti ij. '.i'rnar4o.?i-sj U" Z&s&K&i Must Go. illuli pilcpc or punr iii.illlv't Muv In tlih ".T". '"f "'Hie 'toik r iinrirui:s, nt.n:s, NAM, PAPIIII, rlc, h oll (ill lis turrit. H l our ruin in nlivjij. rvp lull ,.im., riiti'it vvliv our iii.Imum, ioiiic iijj.iin nml iijruln. Jacobs & Faso 200 WASHINGTON AVENUE. I'lcf lire, l'l.uicj, Ait CiuuiN, Willi V.iprr. Niirht School St. Thomas College. Classes will reopen on Honday, January 13. YEAR'S WORK DONE AT HOME SHOWN BY REPORTS READ AT YESTERDAY'S MEETING. It Was the Annual Session of the Association of the Homo for the Friendless Report of the Treas urer Showed That the Balance on JIiuul Is $012.82 Old ' Ofllcors Were Re-elected with the Excep tion of One, Mrs. W. H. Perkins, Who Resigned. . The (inmml mooting of tho associa tion of tlto Homo for tin' Friendless Wuh lit'hl yesterday In the rooms of tho Young Women's ClirlHtlnn association. In nmny respects It was nn unusually Interesting session In view' of the lurg tf work wlileh rises before tho liian ngeinent ns the years puss. Many ex members of the Hoard nml friends of the lioine were present. Judge Jf. A. Knupii, of the Advisory Hoard, presided, and llev. Dr. It. F. Y. Pierce offered prayer. The minutes of tho previous annual nieptlinr were read liy the secretary. Airs. T. JI. Dale, In the absence or Mrs. D. 10. Taylor, gave the. treasurer's leport wlileh follows: 7.IH, 1 In nn li.iml !ji ('o7 frt Allllll.ll llltis !;l 7 tltj t'alt i in ,H ai lliiiinii.tKe cilf li Ciuli fur c.iin of liiui.ili'i l'.I.ti ;:,", llnilly I. Monri- cl.ili; li,'i is M.nli' Antuliiillp fell- :i,(IT7 m htule uiiiiiiil.itloii Ij:, in) 1.0.111 flolll 1'llst X.1II011.1I klllU n ;,s Doii.iIIoii il.ty UTi'lpti illl ir. Life mcinliei.'.lilp ,-,i) no TlKink'nlviiiH: (lircrlhRs ."il n. I'lirHiiuiH (iirciliij;i , ,vi 0.) InleicH in lunk -2 75 I City Notes. J ADDITIO.VAI, CONTItllllTIO.Vs.-TliG i Mi- Ciruh lentriliiiluil CO ii'iils, anil James K. Oar li.nt 5-l.oU to tlic .MoKlnle.v momoiiiil fiiml r. leruay. Mixn.vo ot' TicKirr committo:. -riio ticket coiiimlttrc for '.lie l'aur conceit will meet at tlio Yuuiiff WiitiicnV Cliiiilan ion looms Monday afluiiDoii at I! o'tlock, vvlipri all lrpoils niu-t lie In. iiic'Vclistv a cm it. Uv eun-l-tliitf of Cliailw II. (Amr IMvvanl 1'raiiklln, A. 1). Kuivil ntiil Carl (iooilell will Itlvc an ei.tcil.iliiiiient ami supper for Ilic liieni licis of Hie Seianton lllcyile ilnli at tin- clnli Iioiko tonight. isih'iisi:ui:.ts, M.ille Anloli.illi! fete s .Mi'IiiomihIiiiih anil print liiir... Coal ( I o crli s IIiiiri anil incilielncs Shoes l)iy uooil.s S.I l.i lies anil wage Hanks li-iyaiie Itep.iiis ami iii,iiou'iiienN.,.. IllKfiii! l.iKlit Co... Sir.tntun (fas fc Water Co ... Meat Milk Ill-UIJIlie ' . -$ t),S21 '. ijlO.OO'.l 7:1 M 11 : IKH II 7i!'J II) I.i7 71 40 IK) Wl 3i 1,117 W 4,li"i iki liS 25 ftll D!) VI'. 07 257 It 112 lit 217 75 .r.27 5! !l,(l')il CI til 2 M TO KQflP llin.i: l!A.(ii:.-AI a n.eetiiiK liehl In the arnuiiy !at ninlit It was iloehleil to equip tlie aimory lillo i.iiikc Wcik will lie com. incmul toil.iy. It was also lU-uiilcil to lmlil u U'siincnlal smoker, tlie ilclails lieiut a.-iuneil to Lieutenant I,. 1'. L'.iiler, insnittor of lillu piaetlec. ST.NDAY SAI.Oll.NS. Tin- proposal of HMiop Poller anil other clcrmi'ii in tlie cily of .(w Yoik to allow Hijitor saloons to lie kepi open on Sunday, has amtisril a Kieat ileal of feeling. ))r. McLcoil will i-peak on t!ii Milijcct in the I'irst PretliUeiian chinch tomoriow pwiiIii-jt. ti, pulillp i invileil. WI1.I, Illl lsTAI,l.i:i) TO.XKIHT.-iiciicial .T. I'. S. floliin cnninianil, SpenWi War Vctiuiis, will hold an lhsl.ill.iHun f unices this ru-niug and coniltii'l other impoitant Iniaineis at fframl Anny of the llepulilic liall on T.idden Hreet. Tlie hanilioinc lj lccenlly donated liy Cobin will alio lie fmnially pre.-cnteil tonlKht. SLIGHT rilii:. The loot on the coke ouns at the Delaware, Laikawannu and WiMeru foundiy was on fire Iietwecu and 7 o'clock veatculav iiioinlnj', lmt the lironint mllon .,r il,'.. ,,,, u. ilmeiit, and the 111 even ed lln. ll.niinj irom kpri'aiaiijf. 'Iho iI.iiii.iko will aiuniint to lllioilt ';200. "1 nl ""' '" I'lOMipV I'CIIOU man In calllinr out the lite depail: Jailer's riieritelic woik, pievenle oinCEKS i.sTAi,r.i:i).-.i. ivi,.,v 1,,,,, fill). Ladies Catholic lleiievolcnt As-odallou, held installation peici-es TliuiMl.iy piciiIiik at their hall on Capouso sreiiuc. Their fpiritiial advi.-er llev. .lolm .7. Cilllln, delieipil a verv idllyin and cntertaiiiinsr addre., which was iutcneil to with the. clo., atlrnllon and appiecialloii. Afler the Bcrviujr of tcfierliinents, tlie, meetiii" adjouuiod, with a felling that llio cniiins,- vear would bo one of Iho greatest pnmiciilv lor' the branch. A SPLENDID DEBATE. Shnkespeare-Bacon Controversy Dis cussed Last Night. Attorney A. V. Dower and Itov. U. A. Jloy, pastor of the Plymouth Congre gational church, last iijght delmleil tho (luestlon, "Resolved, That Shakespeare, nml not Bacon, was the author of the Shakespearean plays," before the de bating club In the Railroad Young Men's Christian association. Mr. Dower took the negative side of the question, and declared that Bacon, nnd not Shakespeare, wrote the plays. Ills main argument was based upon the fact that so little Is known of Shakespeare and that there Is no rec ord to show how he could have ob tained surh nn education as the man who wrote tho Immortal dramas must have hud. Shakespeare, he said, left no manuscripts, no letters; loft, In fact, nothing that the ordinary literary man leaves behind him. Uaiou, on the contrary, was the mas ter Jftlnd of his age, possessed of mar veloils powers of education and a sclidfiir whose ability was recognized all over tho civilized world, Mr. Dower poliigod out points of similarity be tween the ackuowIedKed works of Racoh and the plays, and argued that everj; known fact about the two men, when, considered impartially, led In evitably to the conclusion that Bacon and only Bacon could have possibly produced them, MrjJ Bower's theory of the reason why Bacon did not publish the plays under his ojvn name wus that it was consid ered lowly in those days to be u play wiigjit and that if Bacon had acknowl edged himself to be the author of tho playgjhe would have lost his high posi tion 'lit court, Mr. Bower said that Iib had tjo sympathy with Ignatius Dop nellyfe cryptogram scheme, by which It was Sought to provu that tho plays complied a cipher, revealing Bacon as thehnjiuthor. Roj-j, Mr, Boyl sought to show that therewas no similarity whatever bo twecKthe Shakespearean plays ami tlie workp; of Bacon, Bacon's style, ho said, was Ury and stiff, and he had noueiof the djyjne lire of poetry with which the playsire Imbued, Bacon was tlie great est lnwyer of his time, he said, and yet four of tho Shakespearean plays nre bnsetj upon un entirely wronur couc-en. tion pf law, proving that ho. cjUl not write them. ' : Tho judges, Henry Cardew, B. T. Stonei'und J. K. l-'agan, decided unani mously In favor of Mr. Bower, $H),0il!J 4:1 The annual report of the recording secretary was then read by Mrs. Mof fat. This report is always a model of exquisite diction and beautiful thought. It follows: SKCIIIlTAItY'sj lllll'OUT. The close of tho of Iho new century finds at the Home for the Ti a f.inillv of 21! women, 27 yirls and 20 hoys. Dui'ini; lDllt tlic-ic Wele til ailinl-sioiw, and M iliinis-,;oii-.; I children have been indentured to families; 1 child was lmleiittiieil to the Home; li iniu.iles died 2 old ladles, 1 .oiiin- hoy nud ;: haliipj. Nine new life iiieiiiliois lue luen added to (ho roll, mid one, Mrs. William Mnoie, has died. A glfl or Rictus was left hy her to tlie Home. The deht. Whidi in llio liiiiuls of llw. ii it. ...... j till leniiiies a c.inilnl letler. ,. iirmnii.0,.1 ., phi(D does It occupy in their thoughts, his heen lediiced In St7,5otl. The old propeily Mill u nialns unsold, despilp all eprtions 'to dl-pn,o nl I, 1,.. l. ,i. . .: ... i. ... .' . ". ... v. int.- him nine in me ntsiory or the Home it has iccelteil slate aid. the leKislaluie iiavintr uranleil us Ij;fi0 a year for two years. In Septemlier last the Home, arcordin? to the pio. Moiw of the will ol Mr. Levi 1'. little who dad in li77, came into possoj-sinu of a property on l'rnu incline, the Mine heiiiK suliject tu ce'iluiu judgments against H. Wlilla our lieucf.iclnr was known to eiy lew ,.f tlie pieent lioaid of man iifivis, It Bieatly nppiociiilcs this gciicrntts action of Mr. Little's, nnanyed liy liiiu M, Ions ii;o when the woik was in its infancy, a mele luicliH ot the (,'icat chanty it Is toiling for today. Wo niu all familiar wilii the old ihnne as io woman's woik-lliat it "is never (lone," and tho iip.-ciipuon applies equally well to Home niatleis. The aiduoiis of liiiilillnir and the ones of sewcihiK and kimiIIiist luln occupied -o much tiuip, llinuiilit and exertion in the pasl, tliere has heen mole lefctnc diirim- Hip last jvav, to devote Io mialler inipioveinnits. A plav room was made for the li.ihies at Iho end of the Kills' dormitory, and the liny people enjoy it extreme ly. Picluie inoldliiK Pas heen' put up in tlm halls ami loom.., and nur picture? iii'o luuijr, add. ins Kieally to Hie atlracllrcnp.s of the interior. Ten m.iplca and ten elms, kIicii liy Mrs. L. W. Jlorss, hap been tel out, .Mr. (liles'l;. Clark c on trihulliiK 55 woilh of l.ilmr mid maleiials toward mo iic.iutif.uiiir of the giuiiiuls. Purine Hie Mini, mer the Hmiio iilot In the Dnnnioir. r,.in,,tei. was Kiaded and .seeded and inaikeis were placed at evciy Kiae. Chaises heen made in tho furnace urates, cnahllin.- us to bum binaller coal, which nialciijlly expenses. Our licarty thanks aie due Messrs. McCUw lc Urooks, who Hindu these urates at a leduction of half their value, and also to Hie Scrjutoii Stove Woihs, whose hill for the patterns was gciiiruiMi- cut in half. ciiAiuTY xkviiu rAii.irni. Looking over'lhe ikmnlion Il-t tor tlie jcar, the wolds "Cluilty never fallelh" vise iiistlnctlvcly to our lips. Whcie el'e cm wp mw so, I, .i ,..,n. tinual nulpoiirhij- of kindness in everv posilblj way? The eiy name of "Home" seems the M'saino mat. unlocks the Jiearrs of e'eryoni. ThmiKli temoved Irom the center of the cllv's activity, the Pennsylvania Telephone company has for years rIvcu hs u,,. tiii.iii.s of reaching anyont! in u tuomnit'K t linos the days inav be hot, but the blir led vvjroii ol the Consumer.,' he company, wllh its cuullna Bft, of ice, Iujuks ni ter comfoit to tho household; Ihe blals nuy blow, but none need idilver, for coal and money to buy it ,-.rc both free will ouVriiik's us Is often the caitatie, and winter Is delled. Sliould our Clipboard (.how digits cf iraemlilliitf that of tnu woild famed old lady, Mother Iliibbnd, a Wiml in the daily pappra coiupletely iIiiiikps Hip out- 1UOI,, The lioaul tpcalls Willi inliialcd pleasino ami amusement what happened on one occa.Iou when tlie Home lielnif in med of Hour, It was dcildul Io laku Ihe city Into 113 cniitldence and leveal niu eMency or me tlliutlon. In Mime tnysteil. om manner the Impoitant wonl kiiltcicd u trans, foiiiiallon, unit our fiiends lead (pohly with niiprlse), (hat wo weio In need of Ihmcrs, which U'oiiltei! tu llotal oflVilima lieini; Iho older of the day. The Delawuie, Lad.iwanii.i and Wmttui eusl. Iiecis have this jcar kIvcii lilgli ilulrv, ll(iiv,eli c.upet and table nil cloth for tho .HiiIiil' room, ami have al.o deposited with tlm tica,uivr money for the iirccrtltli'1 of thla, (heir hhcI.iI ijip, Tho l.'nlio Nous club of joiins ulils cuts Mil loward a fence, vvllli which they liope, homo day, to enclose our irtpuiids. Tlm .lunior flnli. Han Ihuleavor tunely of the Duiuiioro I'lpsbyler chuicli lame ouo Sjlunlar with a ullt of nioney nallieieil In various hjj. one-shlli of the whole amount luring been earned by uuo llttlo girl who popped coin and pi.ule cundy wine li Hie bold. Would Hut we could chronich) uii me iiihh or guuui, c niiu. ami wicletlr to the Home, and tin! iuiblduu Ihey tu fivelv ilUtillmta Ihcic, both by Kills anil pcr.oiial luteic.ti thai we could iiieiitlon Ihu klntluoj of the iliuiihei and of oclj organizjllnns, cf Iho pre., ihe phy. tlciuns, the clew, lli ineuhants, tho bakci, tho HoiMs, the Sjluplay nluH iloiuns, Hie )iur. IceU, the lnu.v people uenrially, o Scianton. To (lie I.aikawjuiu pally coinpjuy we me under liuiiy cibllgjtloiisi fn tho Tuctloii coiiipjiiv wo Kht llunks, n'ulso to l'ofesor Hauer, o'm.i. ter Car llulldor Cauitehl and Chief Dbiulelicr who heard Id remark that lie "didn't know Him; kppl birtlulaji in Vtittlonil" The rclclirjtlon of lt) idest old Imly'a imlal d.iy U oiiip(IiIiiB io wltucm. iho Joy ul Ikislet wa, nrotiglit lioine Io eveiy heart bv ttio nltu of fragrant lilnvonu and In the voiillilul portloii of llio household i.trHculji)y, by a LivIaIi assort, mrnt of rablills and oilier ilellglilftil nnlmnli who lay the llavler fgnt. IVr Ihe elders a ilnlnly tea w.i, iiprvpd by the inrnitiim ot SI. Agne.i Itulld of the Chinch of St., Dunmdre, and It Miould bo Mhl Iliat lialhlinr brliiR? timie en. Jujiiifiil Io llvr have lilllicrto' niu In veiy lnirrow giotftn Ihnn a eniiileiy like this. The occasion e( Is lnplrlmr, and Iravis a ij'lins linpie. Tlie l'nurlli of .Inly, vvllli irainc, firecracker, imllinlled Ice and flrennikK, left imllilnir Io be desired In cspres-rd patriotic ferllnir. Da. ti.illoir il.iy oiirpasspd nil pievlous iecord, i.o oountaiii were us if, OiV this areal occasion the hoard nicniN the day nl Iho Home, provld. Iiilt Hi own dinner, nnd havlnjr many Inteieslliiir PNperlenees. fcald one of (he Inmates: "I only hope Iho Ihilizs'll lomo mi' rnmp mi'st , Imp pleiilyl" "I don't eat," umlldeil nuollier one In a much rnlertaliitd nuiiavrr, "lmt that chlckenl ,Jy How (rood 'Iwail It anitiodv sees Mi.. M. 1 wlsli't they'd tell iier. I et anil ct till I feel like an" While many fiiends were rrnicnilierlng tli-j needs of the lii?lllullnn llieip iused uvv.iv fiom eailh one who ever held the Inlrrcls 'of Ihe Homo iinwt dear. llev. llleli.nd llioins, nlvv.iya leady to lender liny service he could, his cheer ful, Miiiny ilNpeHtlon and rciiIIc maimer had en deareil him alike to old and .voun; vve xlull all miss him. i:pe(jy at ChrMias time did Ilia rhlldren tegaid him as their own, Rleefully dvvclllnif on his tioiis tesenibt.inco to the patron faint of the H'ason. "Is our Santa Clans iiilnis- er dead?" said lillle .Martha. "Well, I Riien he'll have CIiiMiihh In heaven," As we watched tho happy tliionjr, busy with slhclr toys around me uniiiiiiii nee at tin- lioine on Cliil'tmas eve, Ihe icniembiaiire of tlie kindly old friend We had mi ofl.n teeu Ihele on occihIoiis, re curred airaln and .iitaln, and vve knew that tin child was ilKit; he was with the multitude of the heavenly ho.t; he had entered into Ihe Joy OI IIM 1,0111, WOIITIIY or its n-ami:. 11i.inkgiv Inir day was woilhy of its naine; It was not dilllciilt Io fulfill the apo-lolle Injunc tion to itlve Ihanks In rvcrvllilii" It was Hip only thing pos.ihle. The K-holais from Schools Xos. i, ), ai, ii! ,,,! . ,,,mo with vvhroii loads of provision of all description, Willi clollilnir, ftory hooks and money. One friend tent a whole Iambi luike.vs ctune, Ihlitecn of Ihein, and k'nod Ihlnss of which no ai count (all po'sllily be ;lvcn InTej their names weie lejtion. .Mrs. li. Jf. Win. tun piovldid an especial dinner f.jr the old ladles, who felt themselves guests ot honor, and lejoiced accoidinnly. "Mein (loll! this is heaven!" cxehlmcd one, as Ihp team lolled down ner race from theer happiness happiness at be- ins inane so niucli or. "I have so sood a lioine!" "My old heait's lnu;jliiiar!" fald one of another nationality; "the Isiul bo praised!" and t,he ic pealed a psalm In Welsh. (Vice more there were children who had never tasled tiuke.v; it sad state of tiling, now foiever releuated to the p.l-t. Truly the "llilngs" had come, mid there were "plenty," old and youmr rejoiced, with the happy feeling waun at their he.itts tint many people caied for them. Last of alt came Cliilstmas, when "good will toward men" was never moic appitent; when the children sang Clitlslma hynins and the old people thought them; when evei.vthliig heart cutild vvi-h was sent; when the marvelou.s tpirit or tne season was all pervasive. If there should be anyone so s,i(cd with pleasure that life seems to olTor no new sensation of delight, or anyone who dreadful to Ihink of it "does not cue for Christ ilia-." wp should earnestly lecounuend that they attend (if possible) t lie Christinas eve icle bullion at the Home. It is something once seen would be only thereafter misled -must i. luetantly. II is a touching, a beautiful siu'iit. The dinner from the piopilelors of Ihe (,'lobe sloie was, as deliciom and abundant: all the gifts were treasures; surely all the' givers weie blesl. "I am very bu-v," said a joiing lady, "but I must give the old ladies their Christinas lea. I never omit that. " So the tun was lilled, the flagrant tea was pa.s-ed. nml the tecipients sat and hipped, eating delicious rako ami partaking of other goodies, lejoleing that Hip Christmas stars lit up Ihe twilight of their Hvps, The people of Scranton are never so happy as when doing for otlieis; tho principle apjilies whether nnuy or few aie innccuicil; whether, in a liiilllant spec table, as at the kliincs of last lVlmi.iiy when all the oung people were dancing mid older heads weie planning for the home's welfare, or whether one or (wo kind wo men come (juicily ami give a d.iv',, sewing a most kindly cliailly; well has it been willten: "Who gives himself with hN alms feeds three - i Himself, Ins hungering neighbor and Me. SOIIltOW Are Invited Join You TO OUR CIRCLE OF I PLEASED ) PATRONS S. II. Twining, Optician, 131 PENN AVENUB, felt. Xo Institution In this town more exemplliles the work and life of Jesus than the Home for the Friendless It Is hilt ti picture of tho Home to which vw are nil going, UH. rlRncil'H UKMAUKB. ItOV. l)l Plni-fin Nluil!,, vellli miiollnti of his impressions after hearing the re ports. Ho believed the work being done in tlie Homo will last long after the portraits of the workers have faded from the earth, lie concluded his re marks with beautiful Illustrations of the importance of tho llttlo deeds which bind up broken hearts nml mid to the world's happiness. Judge Knapp spoke enthusiastically of the hopeful outlook. 'While the debt Is ?17,r.0O, yet once It was $32,000, and it ima graciriauy ueen reduced. He hoped for the sale ot the Adams uvcnuo prop erty, when the great stress under which the management labors will lm iipvpi1. The meeting closed with the benediction ly Itev. Dr. I.ogan. A general meeting for reorganization will be held next Friday. COURT AND THE CLUB CHARTERS WIIiI. GO SLOW IN QUANTING APPLICATIONS. ! 4, 4. .j, .j. .j, .j. 4. .J..J, .j, .j, .j, 4 t h t Sonto Susptclotts Persons Have Called tho Attention of tho Judges to tho l"nct That Applications for Char ters for Social, Literary nnd Ath? letlc Clubs Como Principally from Localities Where tho Municipal League Was Most Active Jn Its War Against Speakeasies. Semi'AMMal Redtlctiosi Sale i Entire Winter Stock, Hats, Underwear, Etc., to be Sold at or Below Cost. Must be Sold to make room for Immense Spring Stock now being manufactured and imported. Underwear Heavy Ribbed Bal- ACTION NOT IRREGULAR. The Story Published Kegardlng Franchise Ordinance Without Foundation in Fact. un Tin: i'iii:.-ii)i:.T. Iteil time c.nne at the. Home Hie evenln;; of llio saddest of il.ij, Hie loth of l.i-t Seiileinlicr, ami tlie ilillilien vvint t liouht fullv to lest vvllli nut fun or II olio, awed liy the dieanfiil lr.i;edy; It their incident who Ii.ul heen so cruelly murdered; they had a lilit to jsiievv, ,uid tliey pomlcreil, awe-Muni;, mer tho tenihle nloiv. L'r.i.veis mid good nights Hero Mid; tho room Blew unlet; eoou sleep would close t'.o hommfiil houi'.s-. 1'ie-ently a murmur was he.iul in the hoys' iloimitoiv; It mew so canii-l itm ri, illation stopped toftly to Hie noor nnd llslened. "It was loo had," ciiihli-h voices viere hai'lii-r; "(hat gooil maul If only (hey could do sum -Hiliilf! Poor 31m. .MoKlnley! how tliey vvl-led Ihey could comfoit her; they roulil prav'- for Iier, anyhow!" Out of their heds slid nil 'tho HlUe wiino Had men, iluivn on their knees .,n the Hour, and with unconscious pathos e.ieh one of. leied up a iiiilntly winded, simple pelilion for Ihe helpless so solely sliiikui, A mo nient'.s levetent iiaiisc, and vvllli one Impulse, logethrr Ihey repeated tho Lord's prayer. Oueo more the Utile heads wen; laid on their pillows, and vvllli iiiluds relieved, ".luinher fell like a ciouu on nil;" Ihey had done wliat (hey could! "As one whom hk mother toinfoitrlli!" Whole had thc-e children learned Hie divlno lesson of (.jnipalhy and cmufoit? They whose very pio-enco at llio Home Is it mule witness to the fait that to many of (hem a niolhei's lovo and caro nre unknown; thai their pluvious uu-. loundiiiKS were sad to think of; they nre tlie homeless nnd filendless, tin., neirlecled 'and fin. f.ikcn? "Love's daily fouch" iM metainoipho,ed the vvoihl for t Ik in. In the i-lielter which now holds them in Its kcepluir, the iki.vj me heRim and ended with piajer; the (Irm hut penile tide of Iho inatron lias waked up their tlioiii;hU ai,.l sir uieir icet in limii patiis, ,i, (he Home a inolto It might appropiLitely he, "1'rcelv jo have received, freely rrlve." l'or those wlni'ha'ie ponied out their (tills so unstintedly wu di.iw lunk Ihe curtain, and pnintinn to the Hltle kneel ins Kioup, piayinir in their ilidlIi faJilmr, wc tiy; "lleliold, it Is your reward for your ser vice." Von who have helped s.ivn theso iuno. cent children fiom evil, who have (jlven tho nicans tn lilt Ihein up mid uvvav fiom ileci'ild.i. lion mid vvlilcedness, "your wink fhall ho ro- wauled, smiiii llio Lord," Amu II., llecotdliiK Seuelaiy, Home for lh, Jaiiu.iiy 10, l'JO.', The story published in one of yes terday afternoon's papers reirttrdintr al leged "Irregularities" in tlm action uiiu'ii Dy common council on Thursday night In connection with the ordinance awarding a franchise to tlie North Kud Street Hull way company warrants a true statement of the facts. Objection is made to the passage of the ordinance on third reading because it had been amended on second read ins on the same night and because the amendment should have laid over one weelc for printing, it is admitted that the amendment had been printed be forehand and was on the member's uesus, but the objection Is raised that at the head of the ordinance the words -as amended IJocemller 2ti, MOl" are all that appear whereas the words "as amended January 9, 1901" should also appear. The omission of these last words Is alleged to have been part of a deep, dark plot to befuddle the mem bers present. Anybody who has any knowledge of the manner in which business Is trans acted In tlie councils of this cily knows that it is the custom to have an amend ment printed with an ordinance before tlie meeting at which tlie amendment is offered, providing It Is desired to pass the ordinance speedily and also providing that the member offering the amendment is reasonably sure that It will be passed. The action of council in passing the franchise ordinance without waiting a week for the amendment to be printed was therefore not irregular but was rather in accord with established cus tom. The few lines at the head oC the or dinances on the files of councils which set forth the dates on which they have been amended are not an essential part ol me ordinances but are merely placed there for the guidance of the clerk and members. The omission of the words "as amended January 9" was purely an oversight and it is Impossible to conceive how any member could have been deceived with believing that tire ordinance which was being passed was not the ordinance as amended a few minutes before. The amendment in question was of fered by air. Coleman and was read aloud by the dork. Any member turn ing to ills file would have seen that the amendment which was being rend was included in the ordinance and if lie desired to object then was his time. "The charge that councils did not net upon the ordinance considered 'a week prior but upon a "fake ordinance" 1ms no foundation In fact. The ordinance passed on Thursday night was the same ordinance as the one considered a week before with the single excep tion that it included Mr. Coleman's nmendment. It was no nyire n fnl:o ordinance than have been hundreds of others which have passed councils. During tlie past couple of months, court has been petitioned with great froiiuency for churlem for sonlnl. liter ary, and athletio clubs. They come from all purls of tho city, hut tho most of them are from suburban wards. The application, us n rule, simply sets forth that the purpose of the club is "social Intercourse," "lite mutual advancement of Its members In literary mutters," ...u inuiiii, miii-iiii iiirti pnysieni ad vancement of Its members," and tho like. Formerly the court freely granted these charters, feeling that there was no reason why the socjety should not become Incorporated If It so desired, although it was never very apparent why tlie members thereof could nut lm sociable, literary or athletic without tho aid or u charier. Tho recent Hood of these applications, however, caused a suspicion to arise In the breasts of some suspicious persons that some or these clubs were not all, or else ti llttlo more, than they pur- iiur-ieu io ne, unci tneso suspicions were curried to tho judues. It was even told to the court that private Investigation had disclosed lit erary clubs washing down Haeon, T.ainb and other nientul pabulum with beer; and that social and athletic chilis kooiii- ingly considered like beverages indls penslblo to the successful carrying out of their corporate purposes. In fact. some or these auspicious persons were bold enough to point out that these new clubs were most numerous where the Municipal league had been most active. Not that the court, for a moment, al lows itself to fall in with these sus picions, but simply to satisfy these sus picious persons or tho groundlessness or their suspicions, It has decreed that henceforth every application for a char ter for one of these associations must set forth, speclllcally. ittsl what tlm club proposes to do, instead of simply making the general statement that it Is going to be sociable, literary or athletic. This means Hurt the court proposes io nnu out all about the club, its loca tion, paraphernalia, and the like, and to exact from the incorporators un under standing that if it is to be made a guise for a speakeasy it won't go. One charter recently presented has been held up and the attorney present ing it called upon by the court to fur nish specific information as to who and what the club is and what it really pro poses to do. Other charters now pend ing will be similarly dealt with. .f. briggan, fast colors... Heavv silk nr wnnl 1 ileeced 59c All Wool Ribbed ; and Imported Aus- tralian Wool that J were 1.7 y and $2, to be sold at $1.25 Imported Silk and Wools that were $2 ., tf, - ..1. ' anu tfj.iiV, III V4.4D Immense lot of Odds and Ends of High-Grade Under wear, worth 2 and $2.50,10 close out odds at 69c Union Suits Half Price. Natural and Fancv Wool 48c 75c Hats Your choice of any of the $2. or $2 Hats in our windows $1.00 Neckwear All yoc Scarfs 25c, A Si. 00 Srnrfs ftOc All $1.50 Scarfs $1.00 Suspenders All 50c Suspenders... 39c All 25c Suspenders... 19c All 25c Hosiery All 50c Hosiery Hosiery 19c 35c Shirts 1,00 Fancy Shirts... 75c $1. jo Wilson Shirts.. $1.00 I 20 Discount on all Suit Cases, Robes and House Coats. Big Reductions in all departments. See Windows. 4. m&JV.S -trtM.-Tf.V I a 8M? 412 Spruce St. Ask to Sec Our Special All Linen Collar at io Cents Jt J tt A t t J J J t. ij J i ej i $ $ J 4 Jt J J g $ ! $ J nr 1 To Enforce a Bargain. Attorney A. AV. Bertholf brought suit yesterday, for Henry Itace, against David Colcher to recover damages in the sum of $1,560. According to the plaintiff's story, Colcher has defaulted in his end ot what the plaintiff avers was a fair bar gain. Coleher's wife died last August, and he was left alone to take caro of his aged and hillrm mother-in-law. Race, who is a relative, was besought to care for the old woman, and, it Is alleged, agreed io no so, on condition that Col cher would give him a S700 farm in Wyoming county, which Colcher owned and which Ilaco wanted. August 25, 1901, Race undertook the caro of Coleher's mother-in-law. She proved to be no very burdensome care, for within n few months after being transferred to tho Itace home, she passed away. Itace went to Colcher to secure a deed of tho farm, but Colcher refused to live up to his end of the bargain, and hence the suit. iiabby ? Have you a brass bed that needs refinishiiig, or a white iron bed that needs enamelin" ? We can make either look as well as the day it was bought. Let us call and give you a price. We can polish gas fix tures, too, or andirons, or anything of brass. F. A. KAI3ER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Both 'Phones m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Fosition in tho BUSINESS WORLD.4 Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and every profession ." ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton Branch OfHco, Nos. 1 and 3. Arcade Building. DWYEB, AND DAN M'LEOD. Grand Jury Nearly Through. The grand jury has nearly completed Its work, and will today probably finish with the consideration of bills. It is likely, though, that the jury will be held over until .Monday, as it will not have time enough left today to visit the county buildings. No cases, how ever, are likely to be passed upon after today, Yesterday the jury heard the case of Charles II. Major and others, charged with conducting a gambling house, under the guise of a colored men's vlii liHltlP JjilMI qIIiq Department iiiloiieifif k ;ur Values Thev Will WraatlB nt tlio TU,,!,, ?oelal rsi i ' Lackawanna avenues. UIUU JXUUSC. llliic, ol Ilic Di'lavvaii', Ljikavvainu ami Wmturi, l the Young Women' ClnUlljii Attoclaliou, tu I'm 1 1 V" Illl'lliU ill DllllliUUt, I'll I skill, llullon, I'.ulory. villi', llniillntun, Oljiiliant, ami our owu tu-jt cny. IllllTIIDAYS KKl'l', Tin trrnUl lilgli dJi of llio yvar brlri'f umial iHcuwirn, ertii unriiiu- nre M'ttomclliinr; OFFICIOUS Rl.KCTHD. Tlio election of olllcers resulted in no change. They are as follows: Presi dent, .Mrs. YV 11. Kennedy: vIce-rnvHl- dent, Mrs. P. P. Matthews: chief man ager, Mrs. It. a. Urooks; recording sec retary, Mrs. K. K. Moffat: correspond ing secretary, .Airs. v. i, Penman; treasurer, Mrs, T, K, Taylor. Tho seven managers re-elected wero Mrs. it. J. Foster, Mrs. 11. M. AVIntou, Mrs. X. Y. I.eet, Mrs. John Cienter, .Airs. T. 11. Dale, Mrs. K. H. nipple, Mrs. Cora Merrilleld. Tho one elected to f the vacuncy caused by tho resig nation of Mrs. V. 11. Perkins was Mrs. C I., Frey, Jtulgo Knapp remarked briefly upon tlto retilsnatlmt of Mrs, Perkins, who he remembered uH connected with tlio Home In its ilrst years. Ho believed Hint lie voiced tlie sen Iments of every poison when liu paid a tribute to the one who so long had given time and thought without stint u her devotion to this work, and ho suggested that it he thus recorded In .tlio minutes. 'i'i10 auditors, w. 1). Kennedy uud K f. Chamberlln, wero re-elected. Tills completed the business of the meeting, and un opportunity was slven for visitors to inako remarks, itev, Dr. S. C. Logan, through whoso enterprise was largely due tire Inception of the Home, spoke in a reminiscent inood of tho years that hud gone. He touched upon tlie vuluublo work of Mrs. Per- Kins in uioso early days and of the n Hut inuili a.ionWH-4 a new, ino iUy, j tense enthusiasm which tihe always What sliould prove tho best wrestling mutch over witnessed in tills city will taku place, at some near future date, at the Sernuton Bicycle club. Dan Mc I.eod, of Hamilton, Out., has agreed to throw M. J. Dvvyer, well-known In Scranton, two falls within tho space of one hour; falling to do so, Dwyer to bo declared tho winner. The match will be for a purse of $100, catch weights. Uoth men weigh in tho neighborhood of 10," pounds. Dwyer has never met defeat in any of the local matches In which lie lias been a participant, and there are many who think McLeod, despite his great reputntlon, will llud a hard proposition in Dwyer In his present form. The lovers of the sport look forward to Homothlusr out of tho ordinary. PAPER ON DIPHTHERIA. In the olllces uf Drs. C. AV. Hoberts and George M. DoAVItt, In tho board of trade building, a meeting of tlio Lackawanna Homeopathic Medical so clety was held last night. Present wero Drs. AVure. Peck, Uoberts, Clarke, Llndabury, I.ango and DoWltt. Dr. DeAVitt read a very Interesting puper on "Diphtheria and Its Treat. nient," which coveted tho whole sub ject in a most thorough manner. -' m JUMPED TO HIS DEATH, uuiseppe oigiiottl, an employe at Carluccl's stone woiks, jumped from a Delaware and Hudson passenger train, south-bound, as II wus passing Klru street, yesterday morning and fractured his skull, He died li few hours "later nt tho Lackawanna hospital. Jt is supposed that he became con fused and In I1I3 excitement jumped while tlio train was going at u danger ous speed, He lived lu West Scranton. The Best In the World. The famous Carbast brand of men'a corduroy working suits at $8.50 ut Ulelmrd's & AYIrth's, 32S Laeku. Ave. Marriage Licenses, Martin llolicily .' Ili'lliula Hcinlng Walcly!rn!;l V01 una Ilualilcvvlcz .,., I.ovlii Yevraurxzliy .... Mary .Slnlilovvli. Jllcli.ti'1 htaiiKii Il.lll Itolll.lll P.un.u.ilo A, l.aviielil. t'.ituiliu Cliclllno ,,... Uutlii'.w (ijl;!,cv,,t .... K.illii'ilnc (iolmviccM . William McMiilliii ..... Amu Mc Cidltcn I Dunraorr .1)11 W.vouiliiir annuo Su.intuu Sciiinton Scranton Si'iaiitnu S union , Siraiiton I'ailiouil.rlc C'.n I10111l.dc Vrcliliald Aulihalil Cailioiulalo Carliond.ilii .iuiiii nuiiuaiM IJinini ie .Mary Sillier Olj pliant A SERIOUS CHARGE. Thomas Nolan Is Accused by Misa Bridget Oakley, Thouins Nolan, of Connellsvllle, was arrested yesterday at the instance of Miss Uridset Oakley, a young woman soverul years his Kuior, who charges him with a serious offense. Nolan was arrested yesterday by Con stable John Hawks and -arraigned be fore Alderman Uuddy, who held him In ?;;uu ball for hlw appearance ut court. Notice to the Public, Tho additional passenger trains that depart from the Delaware ami Hudson station at-Scranton north hound Imme diately ahead of the ovenllig trains duo to leave Scranton at r.:!9 and 0.25 will bu discontinued after Saturday, ,Iau, U. ....... m ,.., Coal! Coal! Chestnut, Stove uud Kgg coul deliv ered la forty hundred lots to all parts of Scranton at $3.10 per ton; Dunmore. $3.00. Address order to tho Mowry AVIlson Coal Co., Uox 'ill, Dunmore, Pa. has been a big success. Thous ands of customers have secured tickets entitling them to an en larged, un-mounted picture, fin ished in pastel or crayon work. Tho abovo tickets to be good MUST be presented with photo on or before Jan. SO, not Inter. Eor rt little extra money we are prepared to furnish tho VERY PINEST work in Water Colors or Oil. AVe frame portraits in ele gant style and more reasonably than elsewhere. Wo guarantee return of photo. Bring in your tickets at once. Tickets punched on second floor. Greatest F ID AH Scranton fire af F. L. Crane's 310 Lackawanna Ave., gf. Reductions! Reductions! On all our suits, overcoats, punts' fur. nlulilugs, etc. nig burgulua lu uve'ry department, ltlehurds & With, 3:'C Lackii. Ave. Piorce's Market. AVe can hardly enumerate all the good things we have to offer this morn ing: Spinach, kale, lettuce, green onions, tomatoes, radishes, parsley, cu cumbers, celery, etc., oysters, dams and llsh, fruits and fancy canned goods. Wo sell tlie lluest pop corn that grows and we can supply you with hickory nuts, butter nuts, black wuN nuts and any other seasonable goods of thlu description. Please order as early as possible. AY. H. Pierce's Market, 11- Peun Avenue. Democratic Primaries. At tho regular polling places In tlio four districts of the Twentieth ward, the polls will be open on Saturday, Jan. 11, 1002, from i until 7 o'clock, for tho purpose of nominating ward and dls trlct olllcers. Hy order of committee, Persian T.amb Coats, Baumarten collar and rovers, S175; now S100, Persian Lamb Coats, Chinchilla collar and rovers, 9150; now $125, Persian lamb Mink, trimmed, S150; now S125. Persian Lamb Black Dynx, trimmed, 13150; now $100. Plain Persian Lamb Jackets, S50 to 18140. Moire Coats, Astrachan, Chinchilla trimmed, $100; now S70. Electric Seal Jackets, from S20 to S30, Electric Seal Jackets, Beaver trimmed, $30. Plain new Seal Jnckots, from S35 ,to R40. Seal Skin Coats, iu stock, from S10O to S22S. Seol Skin Coata, made to order, from S150 to S300, All Scarfs and Muffs at reduced, prices, FURS REPAIRED. RAW FURS BOUGHT. nUA PADMOslA PER ftSIIBAUNCElcflQPflLMW) . j. J. JT7v..- f MtJtflALU 30t(TUA 8PrTfXhfIEEC,627 ' d or t h 8 xth fit. .... 1. it.t 1. L I'iM-AUhb Lltr.. Aduui. ttliuul l.k,,!, .n..u. j ss'rili'wAHva,itj'irtt(ridEMrlclur(aftr i BBruakra Ursui.r rbok"TrlkVii. Xti UU ptitr. I YVjJ botiiHal tsperUnrff ta Crmij, 84 f Wmty &HkmulWi