The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    wr" --''' vrrfvnT7iffi-tF' ttUFt &V J$5ii'$.,"'X1i-
peek's Socj News
m V N tiiifxpot'lcrt furore Rectus
I to lmvo developed vegard-
I" I IB tho Heuurlnir ot tlcltctn
( for the Knilt Pnur concert, It
vun nnllcl.mtc.l that the
rent mimic lovers would bo .cntlitislnss
tlc . over mioh an tinumutl event
event but It was Hcareely to be
hoped that a response ho univer
sal would bo received. It now looltn
ns K everybody who has any preten
tions to musical taste will be theie.
Organizations of various hinds are go
ing In a body, 3usluess men are buy
ing tickets In large quantities' for their
employes. One gentleman Iiiih bought
enough tq tn):o a chorus choir of a
prominent church. Other persons of
means nave fturchased a largo num
ber of tickets to distribute among
those less nble to patronize the affair.
These people are accomplishing good
In several directions, They are assist
ing a most worthy object the Yotiag
Women's Christian Association, who
nro giving pleasure to those who oth
erwise, perhaps, might be denied It and
are also aiding in the promotion of
taste in music.
It Is a great satisfaction that so cele
brated an organization as I lie Now
York Symphony Otchestrn will attract
nn nudlenee worthy of Its fame in this
city. Our people tne notably fond of
fine vocal music, but they have had
less opportunity to patronize great or
chestra concerts at home. That they
arc so enthusiastic at this time is due
In a great measure to the education
they have received from our own
Symphony Orchestra. They have
grown to know what good orchestra
music Is and are all the more eager to
hear ISnill I'aur anil his musicians lie
cause of the culture gained during
these past few years.
One of tlie series of cotillions was
held last night at the residence of Mr.
and Sirs. AV. Hcranlon. Messrs.
"U'pi-ljiington Scranton and La Molte
Hciln had the dance In chaige. Among
the guests were: Miss Pardee, of
Germantown: Miss llollis. of Philadel
phia; ,)Ir, and Mrs. A. II. Stores. Mr.
and Mrs. 11. K. "Watson, Mr. and Mrs.
X. G. Hobertson, Mr. and Mrs.
Twltchell, Mr. and Mrs. P. , LSolln.Mr.
nntl Mrs. George G. Brooks, Miss Jos
sup, Miss Cl.iyhough, Miss I'ennypaek
er, Miss St urges. Miss Sanderson, the
Misses Archhald. Miss Loverly, Miss
TJellu. the Mioses Matthews. Miss J.ln
lierg; Messrs. Lonmis, Thorne. Torrey,
Strong. Hessell. M. I!. Fuller, Theodore
Fuller, Morris, Dr. Walker, A. CI. lJunt,
Frank Linen.
Mr. .1. 11. Ilrooks gae a golf euehic
Tuesday night at his home, on CJuincy
avenue. The favors Mere unhitio and
beautiful. Among the guests vveu Mr.
and Mrs. II. II. Hrady. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs.
G. G. Krooks. Mr. and Mrs. K. 1". Chase,
Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Brooks, Mr. and
Mrs. A. ('. Twltchell. Mr. and Mis.
"Wlllaiil Matthews, Mr. ami Mis. "W. 1!
JlrClsiVr, the Misses Ali'lllliiltl. MKs
Claybiiugh, of li'illluiiiu. Mit..s .lessiip,
Jvtlf-;-! D.lle, Miss llollis, .Miss Powell.
Miss I'enn.viMcker. .Miss Linbcrg, of
Trenton: Miss Clarke, of orange; Miss
("fr.irr Mneiieer,. Mi.ys KIpuiiot Aliilful.
the Mit-sns Mutfliews, Miss lectin, Miss
Helen Hand, Messrs. Blair, Linen,
'Looinis. Thorne, Nenlo Cliamlieiiiu. M.
B. Fuller, A. (1. limit, "Wnrthiugtoii
Hcranton, V. C. Fuller, .lolm Kem merer.
A number of ai tides, includlm; one
or two hots, sonic Mlrk-pins and ladies'
scarfs, remain at tin- home of Mis.
"William Council, awaiting owners, who
were among the guests at the recent
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brooks gae
a dinner lust night at the KiT.inttm
club, when the guests were: Mr. and
'Mrs, II. II. Brady, Jr., Miss Linbeig,
Miss Hunt, Miss Alice Matthews, Pr.
Claude Walker, Messrs. James Blair,
jr., .1. II. Hrooks and A. U. Hunt.
' .Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Watson enter
tained at dinner last night when the
(guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A, C.
I.Twitdiell, Mr, and Mrs. Paul B. Bella,
.ana Mr. hud Mrs. F. J. Piatt.
1 ';. : -
Mr. ,and .Mrs. J. Alfred Pennington
.will entertain at dinner on Tuesday In
Junior of, Mr. Kmit P.iur and the solo-
iSts vlio are to appear at the concert.
Mrs. X. G. Uobertson gave a small
inrormal tea yesterdny In honor of
Miss Pardee, of Uazletoii.
Mrs. Thcodoic G. "Wolf gave a beau
tiful tea on Wednesday at her home on
Clay avenue, when the guests of honor
weie: Mrs. Wolf and the Misses AVolf
find Mrs. Greve, of itozelle, X. J., and
Mrs. Dunn, of West Philadelphia; Mrs.
Foulke and the Misses Foulke, of
Miss Edith Norton who is spending a
few days at homo with her parents on
Mulberry street, will go to New Yoik
tomorrow, to be bildesniald at the
wedding of Miss Nan Servoss, who 1ms
niado many friends here during her
visits In this city.
Miss May Pennypacker. who has
been hpendlng the past fortnight in
Morrls'own and South Orange, N, J
hns returned home.
Mrs. Lenoro Thomson, the contralto
of Kim Park church, who was called
homo to Minneapolis some tlnw ago
"77" Is a small bottle of pleasant pel
lets that llts the vest pocket, handy to
WHAT IS IT roil?
"77" Is' for Chip, Coughs, Colds, In
duenna, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness In
the hSad and chest. Hoarseness, Soio
fl'hroat, General Prostration and Fever.
"77" breaks up Colds that hung on
ond do not yield to ordinary treatment.
At ull druggists 125 cents, or mailed .on
receipt of price, Doctor's Hook Mailed
liiiiiplirc'' lluiuoupatlilu Medicine Co., turner
William and John Isticels, New Yoik.
r fWvsA
because of the Illness and death of her
sister, has returned to occupy her
place In the quartette whcio she Is so
much appreciated. Mrs. Thomson Is
located at the Holland,
Mis. .7oin Sheier gave a thlmble-tea
on Thursday, at her hoine on Monroe
avenue In honor of Airs. Dickinson, of
Hochestcr, X. Y. The other guests
weie: .Mrs. Jaincs Archbald. Mrs. It.
J. Dennett, Mrs. Ittiiiyoii, Mrs. ,7. S.
Kil Patrick, .Mis. Xye, Mrs. W. 13. An
derson, Mrs. O, illt H, Dliiunlck, Mrs.
C. II, 'Welles, Mrs. A. U. Hunt, Mrs.
('. II. Dei man, .Mis. .1. II. Toirey, Mrs.
C. W. Klrkpntrlck, Mrs. A. II. Christy,
Mrs. !:. G. Coursen, Mrs. J, L. Wentz,
Miss Klin Piatt, Miss Kinlly Stevens.
A wedding of considerable Interest
took place Thursday noon at the resi
dence of John T. Perry, of Yatesvllle.
The contracting parties were Clarence
V. Brisblu, manager of tho Central
Pennsylvania Telephone company, and
.Marlon L. Perry, a former well known
employe of the Tilled National bank.
The ceiomnny was peiTotiued by Itev.
K. B. Singer, assistant pastor of Kim
Park church. Only the Immediate
family of the bible and groom were
present. The employes of the tele
phone exchange reniembeied the hap
py couple with an elegant silver tea
service, and the employes ot the bank
did likewise with a set of sterling- sil
ver ten and dessert spoons. Mr. and
Mrs. Brlsbln have beirun housekeenlnir
on Monroe avenue.
The many friends of Miss Jessie Gay
will be exceedingly sorry to learn that
she fell on Thuisday and fractured her
arm in a serious manner.
Miss M. Louise Ilnrdenbeigh has le
turned from a visit in Harilsburg.
Mis. George P. Boyle,
friends In Philadelphia.
Is visiting
lovemeMs of People
(teoijjc Sentt, of Mclniiim, Scotl & C'otiipiui,
coos lo .Now Ynik .Moml.ij lo piutli.t.-c a Hiring
P.iiiii C.'ilislon, attorney for the Intriiia
tioml Ti'l Hook coinpanj, is in II;.i ii.binsr on
W. It. DoiL-on, ircueial niit'.iacr of l)od.nn Sic
mil l.iitip :in,l l.niiteiu mnipim, Is on a hu.l
ncss trip to Ohio and Kcntuihy.
W. I). Ilovur. II. (.. Iinnli.'iii,' It. ltl.ict-, (
I'onklinr mill Tlii'iduii . Whiti wcrp lejjistcieil
at lhi Hotel Albeit, in Now Vork, this week.
Mall Cm iris W. 11. I'lo-wr, llemy 'Kpllpnuan,
T. .1. 1'iiip, (.rni-rp . CohoM.y .mil W. II.
oirel weie !itels of honm .it the ('rccnhcrKoi
Mi(klfiii. wnlilln T'lin-diy ou'tiinsc.
I'rjnk l l)iiiiiiiiii, of i' nik, paslrrn
iiLiii I'.-cr of tin' kp, .in I . I. (VrnpM,
of I '1 1 i 1 .i e I1 j 1 1 i i . ti.n.'llini; ihpiispi ni;rnt ef
llio ( IniMK'i, lliiilin.liin ami i;iiinr.v ijIIiimiI.
ucrp tailing on l..i(.k.iu.iiin.L i.iilioail otliciiU in
tin' tily 3PU'iil.n
7AVK remarked before and T repeat
the remark that teas and leeepiioas
are pleasant affaiis lo have and In
bold. Tile persons who doesn't like
them, either makes an affectation of
her singula! Ity or else hasn't vcij
many friends that she wants to inert.
You are sure to see all your friends at
a tea. Somehow your enemies always
stay consideeably away. I never met
an enemy at a tea or reception in my
life. Now isn't that odd? Queer too,
that It never occurred to me befoie.
Xo wonder I like to go to teas. Mow
ever one isn't likely to meet enemies
anywhere If one doesn't want lo be
an enemy lo somebody.
Men never can see why wo like to
go to teas. But then they have
Board of Tiadc where they pay a great
deal a year for the privilege of hearing
themselves talk. The disadvantage
there Is that occasionally somebody
has to keep still. Xo such hindrance
exists at a tea. You know that a bore
is someone who wants to talk about
himself when you want to talk about
yourself. 1 am told that many mem
bers of the Board of Trade are con
stantly being made unhappy by this
unfortunate fact.
Xow at it tea when we are tired of
hearing someone talk about herself wo
can always politely step on another
friend's train or Jostle her gently or
do something which will give us the
craved release with never a hint of our
design. It's different at the Board of
They are so nice to you at teas.
They toll you how well you are looking
and what a becoming frock you have
and you believe it all and go homo
purring like a pussy that has had a
saucer of cream. You tiro confident
that they mean l,t all, every word, be
cause you said the same things your
self lo the others nnd you meant it.
Why not? as tho March hare said.
They all have worn their prettiest
gowns and their prettiest smiles; they
all have left the cook and Johnny's
newest tooth at home and they think
of happy things and naturally enough
say them. Nothing In tho way of
scandal Is discussed, for two reasons;
First, tho slster-lu-law of the ono who
Is being scored may ljappau to bo
standing with her shoulder touching
youis on tlie side where you aren't
looking and then tiny way you don't
think of scandal but only of pleasant
things at a tea. .May the fashion
never die out ,
w a
A fair faced, dimpled chinned little
lady said the other day; "Why do
you suppose that people allow so many
unused and antedated blgns to remain
on buildings In this town? There nra
some of (lie most misleading placards
and window signs on neaily every
street, They store out like gaunt faces
from a haunted house telling of In
fluence and power departed and they
don't mean anything in the world but
defeat nnd failure If not death and
oblivion, I should think owners of
olllce buildings and business locations
would make haste to obliterate the
legends which tell of past occupants
who, niqio than likely, are not a source
of unmixed pleasure In the memory.
There are bouio of these signs which
have lemalned years oq windows after
the owners of the bame have long de
parted to another city or country,
Theso forlorn old plucards innke
Scrauton look like a Western bopm
town." Half of the women do not bilng up
their boys to be husbands. They
bring them up to bo society men, to
be friends and chums
and, perhaps
lovers, but ncldatn husbands. They
mean all right these nice hoys' whom
the fond mothers rear In tho ways they
thouldn't go but they often make d
sorry time of It In their efforts to bo
the light sort of husbands.
With. girls, .It Is different! they nro
brought up with thelf 'destiny rather
ftxddly held .before their, gnsw. .Some
tllucn It Is held there too fixedly nnd
too obtrusively. Hny what you will,
(ho average mother, whether she bo
"advanced" or not, Is rattier sure to
wish her daughter to be married, She
inity not be as wildly anxious for tlie
event to bo hurried on as are some of
her sisters but whether or not she
has been entirely successful In her
own marriage venture, hope springs
eternal In the human breast and site
lias a superstitions notion that there
must be a matrimonial prize In the
lottery for her own little girl.
Hut she does not eutcitatn the same
feeling about her son, She Is never
especially desirous of training him to
be somebody's husband, In fact she
does not care to anticipate that time
even In thought. It Is not the pleas
nntost thing in the win Id lo picture
that boy of hers as the property of
another woman. She would almost as
soon give her husband careful Instruc
tions as to ills treatment of his second
wife, and be really solicitous in the
So she trots around contentedly pick
ing up the things the careless young
man scatters In Ids noisy career. It
never oecins to her that she should
Insist upon his saving her steps In
stead of making more for her weary
feet and she also Insists that the
daughters or the household shall wait
upon their brother and aid In spoiling
a good husband for some nice girl.
They are willing abettors to the plot
and It small wonder that the boy, even
In his early social life, falls In many
little courtesies that might help him
much In his own upward progress, is
careless about making dinner calls In
houses where he lias been entertained,
forgets to be more than barely civil to
the hostesses to whom he owes much,
and when he marries Is apt lo be rather
negligent about opening the door for
his wife or removing his cigar when
he walks with her down the street.
He may be a perfect husband, gentle,
true, fond and noble In character and
deed, but she will often wish be were
just a little more considerate and lint
she had not to begin ills training so
'Hit' piu-,iimU (or a ,iuiliiii'i .it Hi 1 mil
l'.iur (omen Mniul.iy nlulil .it Hip Simmy .lie
still inure (iiunii.e;!!!. 'I I it .uiY.tiiti' Mt.1 ot '' u
,h Ijicc .mil it is eimlril Hut Urn ni'h
will liu iiiiiipii'(lriitril. t'n" oi tlie iliii'f .it
(Ultima, will bu Hie iiiii'.ii.iiup or Ailluir
lloilim.ui, lu-i wonilrrttil wntU a. ,i pi.mi.t
l.i-. rImii lilni null itiiiiwii ilif woi bl inn. 1IU
lil.ijlnc li.ii 1 1 cavil t In- Ibulli'si anneal wliw
rl llO ll.H UplXMldl ,111(1 It it llltl'.tllllCll ,-
irulinsly fuiiiin.iii' uu mhIi nuku iii Mr,
lloclim ill Jlul Mis. (illTonl fclmulil b .ulili'il to
llu- pi iigi ,nuiiii kimii b, lliu ukIhsIi.i.
Sir. 1 1 o c 1 1 1 1 1 in luiuiu .ilimi bi' toiiiit'l .in
Allllllt'.lll, (ill .lltllOIIUll III! U.l buill III llllvil.l,
1 1' i.iuif In' Aiiii'iu.i ulifii bin I'iijlit i'.i j nl I,
.mil w.w ill-iuu'iiil" by,nwrH'.i In Xiy
Villi.. Aftriw.nil In- wiiil In ll.'illn Willi lu.uti'i' Mutlloil lliui' fin Miuii' juia.
This i.. Ills In. i AtniTH.m tour iiml lit- im b.'Cii
(,'lwu tlii niiU ttitti'inu imptluai Wr I ('Wi
lli' luH ,ipl",lll'll 111 llllllll'ltillll Willi tho on lies
ti.i iiiul Mi" (lilTniil, .1 ropi'.aiii uf Mli'iit,
.Mv. ilncliiiuii will iippi.n, (If Ml.v, illtfuiil tlie
'liiiics-Pi' uf Ni"v ( .ii:
"'I In in Is Hilliillilli'; ili'llclitfully uIiU'Jiil;
nliinit Ml-t (ill)onl. Ilir fine imil pliriioiiiciiilly
high nhi .mil jiiipilliilic pi'iMin.iliiy ulumhl
cany lifl fJl III! Mill i' U a U'llUlile uiiimily
In tin hUvM.inl r.inxo, ill tin' nppir iicislir ilill-i-jti'
ami hciiitlful, if i'(.inriciit; hmrr flu
pii9.M'ui'. toini' line luiii'i, mill liiwir itlll ,i w,iiin
iiuilliiin. Ilir aii,i, Midi a tin' pii'tly p:i.i,'u
at tin' illl l re uf 'l.aKmo,' lliu '( li.ilnon iiu
la lllle dp Pariah iliilillnl tl.uliis uf line P"ir.
I'l'riun.ill.v Mlm. (illluul In fuvllo ami -li!,
liilhrr tun ili'lli.itt' fui' i imigli luii'i' iliniaiiil,
I'd by a Hiinuoin upuru life."
' I Illl
AiuiiL'i-iiiciils liavu bicn nuili' for cMia licat
at the new armory on Monday night u thai the
patious of tho Kinll I'aur i-onrttt noeil feci no
(umi'ili abuut that puitlon of tlie piofiainini',
l. Hip way. Hip iinislrut puviaiiiine of tho
I'Wniua; U piubably (ha inml ilillulilfnl of an..'
that jus i'ii Imil iui'iiil In Hilt illy. 'I'linii
w u ua:i;i'iiuii thai lot lhi Itii'llnniii i-.wii-plumy
bo Mibilltili'i tlie S.i iiipliony '.itlii'lhiu
in in ill I tu loatlfy Hip iiiiiIi.i ppiiplo who
Hi lu tiuiic up fiom, u.i tliu
Kline piu'ij!iiiiii lu.-, Ihcm pui.iu. for that
illy mi Hit' lullnn liig iilvhl, but W'ilUii-lljr.o
Hln-iw willi luu!;My tiom In umilalii Ilia
"l'ulllltiiiu," U) if it bll't Uuiiil I'lllill'ih fur
ilWcdUai 1 1 u l-u'l (,'ouil iinnuli fur nt. Si
we, too, brui tibU tu cm uiIkIm.iI
ihoiie ami insl.t upun I lie Itivthuvan .viuphun.
t uny rale time will ttaui'ly In,- iuli a at
llirpiiK uf W'llKio-IIaiii'uiK it t lliu Miuiilun (on.
I il I In uuku it u BU'Jt objii'l u illir;it tlu
luofraiiiiiio a it tt.uid.,
"l'uy (fiuiuJpj," u huh will Ik' ma at lis
l.jiciini this attdiiuu luml cu'iilii',', U nn.
ilouliti'dly thi! mutt lucii'tsbil iimli'al (umiily
upon tho lua'l IhU m-awn. Nut unly lliu Jmo
nllo yld, but the iKlirs an well, JU' aiuloas
Iq co "Fvxy (irumlnj," fur llnu,saiidi luo
Lci'll firatly aiiillifd by tlm i'll (if fuiiny
Lt(h(., wlikli haw been luuuln: lu tl.v .V'
I Our Annual Sale
to Make Room
For our Spring Stock begins
We have made substan
tial reductions tliioughout
our entire Stock.and would
especially callyour attention
lo our sale prices on Kid,
Snlo price
S2.00 Kid Gloves ?1.75
1.D0 Kid Gloves 1.35
1.00 Kiel Gloves 87
During this sale we will
offer wonderful values in
Hosiery and Muslin Un
derwear. Price& Jenkins
130 Wyoming; Ave.
late. Kven If It Is true as the Fiench
say that the art of politeness Is the
art of saylng-ln an exquisite manner
the reverse of what ono thinks, still
it Is these small things of life which
go to make it blissful or the contrary.
If the mother hasn't taught her son
that she Is of the most Importance In
the household economy he isn't very
likely lo realize promptly that any
woman Is worth his constant thought
In the matter of little thing.. If it
were necesary for lilni to save her
fiom a bear or a burglar or even a
tot undo, lie wouldn't bo found wanting
but It may not occur to blin to carry
her parcels or led her thai her hat Is
Saucy Bess.
uil Ili'i.ilrt, .iinl now iln'.i i .lib sip
I "IViy (ttnnilpi" .mil ins rn'.iiiiNims at llip fli".ii.
Mr. .lu.iph II nl, wlu Is well l.inmu tu
Si itmio'i tlii'.iti'i-uei.., has i-ri'titi'il tlip put uf
Tovy (traiipa," ami it is -.ihl li.i lairli'il nut
llio lili'jl'i nf tin- .iili-t In ii'ifpillun. In Hip
li'ailint; lull' lip is .isfisli'il b,i CiiiIp Dp,
wliu is iiImi a I'.lioiltp hen', imO ,i laiw n lie
pirn- i.( ii.ii-. Iivl inn! tpi'tliitty pi'il'Dinii'i.s uf nn
ihtnl llioi 11. Aniuiii; thp laillt'S nwici.ili-il In
thp loiiipmy, bpiiili". ('..nip )i Mac, :iip Him
Him I.kli. .I.iiii' P.moii'si, MIIp, I'luaail!,
Auiill.i Kaili', Maicau't Ivniglit ami .Mi ml .Mor
ilsoii. il . I!
Von Mi'iiibi'i;.'. lliu p'ani-l, who kii siuli a
Mtl.f.utLiy iri i In I at M. I.ul.p's Parish lull mi
Tui'siliy nlslit implujs thp Vhjjll CIoIit iupi'mI
lo Mintp iloirp in ills mIiuuI.
'I 'I H
Thp piOKiaiiinio whiili Miss Allin ami -Mifi
I'lt nn in (MM- for Hip Viuiii; Wumi'ii'a t'htistiin
iiM,i'iiilioii uii pw iai'ii tlay, w.u one uf th?
innsl (luiinliih' width tlic-.ii I il Kil I pi I r.rti.ta Imil
pioiliiidl foe tlie plr.uuii' uf lliplr fiioiids,
'I il I
It is i'piitoil that a ipii'pliini will bp clvcn
at llu- .Iii ins li on Tilp-ilay in honoi nf Klilil I'aur
ami the buloi.ts at the luiupit mi Mnulay uIkIH,
I. T. Wall.liis will moll IipkIii ipIiciimIs witb
SI. liuiii Miiiring iuilt'ty, Willi a llow lu yhing
a i oiii fit In tho i-piliii;.
I1 li II
.Mr, WntUii.-, illiritor of iuiisIl' at the Tnt
Pii'Mi.ilL'.laii iliiiuli, l.js pri'p.iuil I lie fulluulu
hi'lulluiis lur loiniiiiiiu's kiiIih;
IIiiiii-Ar.llitin, "t'unio lluly Splitl,"
(olns anil f jiMilclliv
t-ulo 'iliMifiily Ilunip" Xeln
MUi UutdikUs.
Atillieiil "Ji'til llu' Vi'lJ 'llioiiiiht,"
holus ami I hull.
hulii 'ilolil Tiiuu ily II.iihI" fiounuil
.Mi.. II. T. .laiiii',
'Hip I Lull. Siipi.imi,, ,, J). 11. ( bae ami
ills, II, '1'. no 1 alius. Mm. W. I). 1 .0.1 n ami
Sllti) May Klii,',liiiiy; tciviio Will I,. .Iniiid ami
Dr. Oi-oiKC Jl. DpWilti Im, .1. T. Watkliui or
Haiiiit, 1'loii'iit.p llbliinouil,
!i i: il
'Hip fulluuln:,' niiislial M'li-itioi..s will bt leu.
iltii'd at I lie nioiiiliig iiiul ciiiiliij- kPivkM to.
moil on al I'.Iin I'arK ilaiuli, iimltr (lie illirc.
tioa uf J. AUii'il I'liiiiliitun, oiujnut ami iliolr
Oiitjii Aiiilante In II , Moikel
('hull Viitlirin, "'this Is the Paj" Caul
Ort'an IViiiiiiiuilou lu (I llalUtc
t'ulitullii Solo "1'aie to I'.iic'" ..Jolinson
Mm, lnoip 'lliouipioji.
Oigau i'fsitliiili) Su O niliiiii Ile.ssc
Oiifjn Itficrli' In 11. fat Nlioilc
t holr tnlhom, fO 1'jftu ami See" Raul
thrall lioiiuiiia lu A Hat .' .., Moult
Unit isvlrclrU.
V'Mi"-il)iiiii, "-Iiut (miv T9m.l1" HguarJ
Oisau-l'iMtluili.' in I' ,.,,., ......Cado
g n n h i k . k n . n . . .
ti -m, - - s
Women who
r better have a more
io " 'a a "a "a "a 't ' 'a V, "a "a "a 'a 'a 'a "a
'Z' ! ! J i' ' "H !" ! ' 'h $
llpsiili' llio iiiin.x
tiuw hum, biatpli.
IM'IV Iiuiip h tin
plinti'il I'.ilriiiliis Hi it
ill pli-IIIIP tlPlllPss in
I. mil, Ihoip is' llu- 1111
wnttm but uplbii'iiuul Iiinis'-uifi's
lliatTmlowii 1.11I1 muiilh hi till 11 with lis uwn
ppiuliir ilutip.i nnil piliih''is. V "f llicc
irp inoialili'. I'iiuii Hip ilns of u"r pm..u
i-iiiiliiiollioi". April anil l.ij hap lupn cl
111 upi lu tlip ipnu.itit'ii mil fiivtipiiitr; uf
inn iIhpIIi'iks "liuiisi. ilciiiiiur." .Iiiiip, with
lis wpilth uf fniiti. ami flow il. biii.;s ml
mill wpililtnes anil "iiiiiiuu'iui'iiipiil" ila.n,
with thpu .1ltp111l.ini pipp.irilii.ii-'. hat fruit
piPMiiiii as wpII. .Inly M'fs tl.o I pjit.i from
limn to luimlty, with Hip .lit-hins .ml
M,itliluif of Hip ho'iscliulil koJ. Aiicukt,
days rnlLrt Hip nmllipr'h pnoiuh's tti tho i''i
lutiuii of I'uilimr ilrinks anil ,1 stii'l.t of Imv
tu Uppp tlip family uunfoitablp anil w'pll.
S'ilcnil,ir nu .ins t'Pltin'r Hip ihililirn i curly
for mI I airaiu, llio uupuini; uf Hip liou.i:
ami ntoip I'onspri.itiun uf fiuits. Oitobp.4
polls out thp prrp.iiatinn of llip wintPi'i,
W'.iriholip, liio liou.ini oT plants, thp l.aiit'st.
inir of fi ult .mil elm-Mi k or I lip filar bins
in llio luiuiliy. In Hip i'it II"' oii'iiln
of c 1 til .nut iliiiuli .utliilh's .mil tin K"
111 wal of tho .iiininl IruiiRlp Willi Hip limb
lonl, Hip j.iultni ami tin ihiiiibi'i' (of pruiii
ips liKlilly IuoKp'i in ui;aiil tu h".it .mil
Xuvpmbcr mi-Jin pippuallon fui Hip (ami.
ly fcsthitiis Hip iiiaKIni; if tiiliup ini'at ami
p'l.mi puiIilliiK', ChrUlniis iai;p ami wlnli'i'.s
fiopks ami puit.s.
Dei oniliiT liuliM luiuiil Clu'Mmns wilh its
iiltdiilant Bllt-Kiiiua:. its niailili'iii'il Unity
of fllOppillJ,', Hi IttiiiK up o' nlslits fill' lllP
list liuiiiril tltilips 111 thp "HatlPi'liPiK ion.
terpific for ('uiiIii .lane," llu "liuitsp 1u.1t
fur falliir," "ilulls' iheiisr.s fui small Kiiplio.
mil" or milti'iis foi llobprt, Jr."
With Hip laltim; ilmui of tlip ( lu Minns-Kiu'ii-',
Hip ilfapppaiiinip of tho illlpil Hop,
iliJK!siuir iaiioiiiliiloti''ly at tho tail uf tin
toll iii.iii'k nut, Hip ipHiiii of Hip iIiIMipu in ami thp ipsiiuiptloii o( law ami uiilir
in Hip liousp, no mlilpiily tu tin
fait "-'(. 1 intutTs il.iy is at li.niil, v.hin,
.iicoiillm; lo'itll that is (;oui in tiailitiuii,
woukii houhl ii'liun tu t lie lr ta.l.s of pin
llili!,' ami mi'ii lu Dip plow. Ami this brill;;'
mo tu Hip luiiiliii uf my toiy. "bur
It.iln il.ilo," llio iipliulslilua; nf llip family
slink of boil ami IjIiIp linen. Hip hum of tho
llvlnif maihliip ami llip "ilolnat" ul Hip pi tin
while iPttlni.' for llu vial, 'llu- Imnitiniif
of Hip la.t ipuluiy i.ic liilltiltely ulutpll
llt'il wouiaii't. labor In this ii'u.nil. On,'
Ki.iuihnollii'ii, lint oiilv in.iilo all llulr rmu
imil the fauiilii' ilotliliiK by liaml, bit in
liiauv u.-is crlth.iti'ii Hip tla ihi'iiisplii's,
ii'tloil anil ilt'jiuiiiiiul it, pun ami ,m ' it
anil ui'Mi' thought of allow lug .1 iljiulili'i' tu
ilppatl fiom tin patpinal In.iuu without .1
iliPnt lilleil with Iiu pint lull of tho I Iiu 11 out
Ill, ufli'ii loaup anil linuipnp.m, but alivats
swi'i't. puii anil wliuli'siinip. Wo of tojay
thul uttr taU unit, li llithtii. A llt lu llm
liuiii '.hop-, with lliplr attiailiit i-liuw In,-,
.Ins in thp luoiliuts of iiu wii Ill's In mil
lu ihuuit' fiom.
In bu,lnt,' lablp iljncikk tlie l,Uh lltipti will
lie foitnil most satlifactoiy. Tli I'lerih loses
Its gloss ami tho Si-otili is iaillnllv bliuihi?i
with ihloiliio wliltli wpjIhh llio film. The
IrUli U iiia.s-bli'ailipi ami In'ipimrs with
lliui. I 'or i",u,ijy tisp thp uublpatli'tl will
lump bpit, us il 0011 m'U whit, ami wll'i
ijnfiil wahlii'x iipmi' Rmw 1 ilinit.i. (inly
IKteillte niii'lly i-ier wairautii Ilia iiiuluu
of llio iliijpi'jt Oam.i'l.s uf any makp, foi' ii.'ii
if imjI .iilullii.ltiil with loltuii, (lu'V aic loo
tlp.izy In bo M'l'iUi'iihli'.
If buy all Uncus of I'lpi'iivnrpil
ami litiety iIp,iIiu, fui tlioii,'ti mjiiip essen
tial pulnU lu jiuUIni; tan In I'J.lly liauieil,
thi'ii aio olliits whl(li only an expert ran ill--ti'iiiilni.
If -iwuilili! buy lullnn lableilullu for bet,
Willi napkliKS ici 11-iluliUis by rrwu-rlxl lh
Jul fcipuii lu nutili. I'or loiiiiiion ii-p tin
pliTP lijluask will bu (oilli'l Ipis cifllKP.
Kirn u.iil,ln fur "cijiljy may bo 111 uii fiom
liiiiiiantii ol piii'o ilanusK, wlikli uii bu
bought mot tiasoiubly ul llu.' llnon talcs.
liaml nude hcin.tllilili'i; U tho ilalnliot
flnlili for both table am bcdtoom, ihou-rh
not t,u durable for tho latter.
'I'lirce int'hed U u ituod wMtli fui the lliui
Is mm
9 K WWEM il "km
?: im 1 ill i s mmm. cli
s 1 AiHLl
I Matioe9
0 MC
. . t h . j t. . k n k ? h H
r . s a J
wear perfect fittincf', comfortable shoes, walk S
1 U
graceful carriage than those who do not,
s Shoe Store
sole: agents.
"am 'a "a "a a 'a "a 'a "a "tffl 'a 'a "a "a 'a "a "a "a "a
"l" '
2 4 "J l 2 ! 4 4 ! 4
-f -r -f f-f - -f-f-f -f-f-f-
Menu for Sundau. Jan. 12
Ill ipp 1'rnit.
M.illi-il Oats ami Cir.iin.
Iliuilii! Ham. trilli Drauuc I'liltcrs.
Ilikiil I'nlatiips.
( ip.i-.n uf Ci'lnv t-oup.
Olitps. IMi-klnl Hills.
l!oat llppf, oikshlu I'mlilintr.
Bruwri'il I'otatoes. Ilubbtril hcii.i,li.
C.ilih.'iSi' Sil.uJ.
Ililp fhei-'P. Wafeis.
Apile 1'ie. Now- York btale (.'hee-e.
4 t
4 l'olato Sil.ul. Cold Ituast lleef.
4 4-
4 llakinir l'owiler lllcrutt. 4-
tllonpi. Xew- pai'ij Cake. -4
4444 4444- 4444--H-4 -H--f-f ,
of pillow ca.-p-.. I'or fine sheets the "turn,
u.-n" may hive l-iiltun-liolo plltiheil scallops
or a llniii (if l.oniPiuiile linen lace,
In bii.tinj.- bedtooni towils for o-eijiliy u.-e
a ratine may In- effritpil by BPttlns ph'in
liiieii huikiibapk imil tinisliitiff it with a plain
linn. This iuiiips in .iiIn-; wliltlis and ill
u c.ini and full blpach.
A lliu' wpai of mimiieiilcil with
iiuiliit or knit llnin lace and IiimmIIiiii
liukp'i littidstini ihu.ibli alileboaid Marls.
Sump of lliu haiidsoini-'t Inmli'-on iloths
to be used nil rlalp ui'lJsions Ii.iip .1 iliep
boiil.T of lteimiilvuiii'e late, Tills laio,
which waslips wpII ami Is 'IijihNoiiip as Io-ij
as it la.sti, Is alo popular fur do lies and
bullet iucis.
Ci.i'li, when Mifli'iied, makes llu
llCst llisll
Willi ii'y.iid tu tuilii linen, it .sliould bo
iiiiiiiiilipiid rliehm iii an absolutely
illy ittpboiiil iiiu piefirablo to iluuil'-.
Whltiijpapi'i idinliric may bo tspicail uter Ilia
liiltis and liuthliir liotild be put away un
til tlitniHik'lily diled ami well ailed, no Hut
ewiy Mi,tljp nf niobluii' Ins dl-appeaipd.
Liiieii uilliils d.iuipnps-i liimi ipilikly than
iin.Mlilln,' (be. Slmuld the linen hnw -ilxiis
of tuinliiff jellmv, wiliu out in lukctt-aiiu
ooap unit watei, diy and .stun' a;alu.
In bu.ilu:.' ii.uly made heet, tci' In It that
llie.i aio loin; (iiutuh. i:pry i-lieLt; (.limilil lm
at leat Hueu jatils luiij.', In allow foi titil..
lm; in at the foot and lurniti; iluun at lliu
L'cttou tases liotild Im made foi all mat
tnv.e, as ni.iiij are caielcss about luoliillnif
them ly .1 loitr tinier lliu sheet, Tlim'J
khoiihl lo i.i.nlo lu liiiltiui on, tu that they
tan be icadll) iciuiiM'd for lauildeilui,',
While ultia fashions in iounteipiui ihuunu
limn yi'ji tn je.ii- the .Mar-elllt. loU'i Is al.
m.iii- in kuuiI form, If I in i 'lu'.ny fur iiiuht,
it inn bu H mot id and a light olio ulutiluted.
These itillls may bo proiurii) lu while or
lulois hand in inailtliio iinbiuldeiid. Tliu
nuh't eljlioraie imiie wllh (he wlmli pouter
In eml'iol'luj, a bund rniluolileied bmiler
oiilliueil with diawu wmk uud u wide hem
with a line nf drawn wink at the hi ail. On
l.l.iss bids then ijollls uii allowed In lull.;
down nu all hides, tJl.liiif the plaic uf lliu
talari ?.
At" llu uuiiiul cxlillilllon of tho New Yolk
Suiiely of Ceiaiuli Art, a n't ol ( hop plain
wa efcpuially adtulicd. A iray of p,apods
In tho i.otuial pale ifieeit oiruVieulcd olio
Ido nf path plate, llio I Inn li.'lnr " plain cilto
of deep gii'tu.
"Iloulllolle," or iiud-lable 1IkIiI, uio
new, ail title and u.i'fnl, cspeiisito.
They aie lew, three HjliU in each, and wj
&. "-
Y- ' H.h k. . . h r. n k .
' -w'J ,IT VM'kfP -
Allows perfect freedom to every
vein, joint and muscle : the best'
fitting and the most comfortable
shoes ever made. They fit like
gloves ; snugly but without press
ure. They are comfortable from
the moment of trying on and we
can fit any type of foot thick,'
thin, long, short ; high or low in
step. All Styles
All Occasions
House, Dress,
Street, Outing,
AH Styles to
Select From.
328 Lacka. Ave I
'a'a 'a'a'a'a a a a 'a "a a 'a'a'aU'a'a "a "a
h b ! lh ' ! ! b ! ! ! i .J.,
.ui.iusiil li hating mitallii'
llislil, s Id tluuw nil the
Iiiiles ovir e.uli
liKiit upon Hip
I llilc. Tin1- mi' ii'.iiliiy niuiril about, and bp u.pil wilh pkitriuity ot lanilli's.
"There atp not many nf my path ills to
whom 1 roiild idM lllis piospiipllon fur ilipn
inatlsm," -..liil one nf l'liil iilrlplii.i'n mosi;
emiiiiut pli,t-,itiaus, la.t epiini:. "Its very
niuiplli ily wutild in.iko tliem imnilliiifr lo kIip
it a I can assiup you, howpir, that
if you do as I pay, jou'Il tieed no other inedl
line, and jnu will be entirely fieo fiom ihcp.
matisni b,t fall."
Tho piP'eription was faithfully tried. A
deep, imk-walled well on a New lluinpshiie
faun fitiulslied Hie peelflc, and" the le-uillH
weie all lliat thp plihieian ptomised.
'Ibis i nninion-Mii'-c cure fur rhruinati-.m is
imply Hie dilnkinc of two or three qn.irl.s
a day of told (not ieed) puto spring or well
water, lilt or water will not do, as it io,t.
tains Inn I a rue a ptoportlon ol the .s.ilt.l and
nciils wlnili aio ilt-Ietcriou), Diatlllpil water
will not answer, ns tint contains none, and a
mall amount is needful. In Uio city, where
river water is Uspd, Londonderry or any of
of tho pure fprhur waters miy bo piirih.ibPil,
but in the country, Xatine'-i remedy is at
hind, fiep to wlumoeter will. The water
fclioulil not be boiled, but in cold weather
may hate tho chill taken off, if dcuiicd."
Under the uiinlslration.s of tlie ordinary
look "Htca- and bacon" too often dcffenciatei
into :t blatkeued (,'ntt-i-peiclia like snb-.l.ime
that defies the mot robust iliKCotlon. An in
tort lew with Ann the black tutelary goddess
of the kil i hen whose llvor and bacon Is per
fret Inn, elklti'il tho following pxplitlt dlrpc
lions: "1'tLvt I puta de bacon In little talt
water for u moment; then I take-i it out nn'
i laps it in quliI: in a, hot pan, un' that'-)
what nuU'.s bacon ho illp-py an' blown,
Sumo fnlka lonks luion, bh'.s its all dry an'
haul, 'istead o' illpsey, an' lliat' what tpolU
it. Then I puts tin liter Iked nlcii an'
cteii in llio lint water that the bacon was in
an' liU it htuti' In It 'til it is hot nil through.
Xe' I dusts it with Hour; ef joti nits tm
nuii'li Hour nn it inakts a thick ciust an' is
haid'ti a bone. )e dust it, den fry it rlfiltt
quick, fer liter don't need much cuoklii',' an'
jo' bacon un' liter don go lie-win'."'
A kluiple cott.iRO iiiildlng leilpe lliat serves
rqually well u.s a foiiiidaliuti for it takn
IS (I11SI .-lir ill U llll'llll UUP tlipilll ,l l4l s .
and four tablcsiaoufils incited butter.' Add i
two well lie.ltoi eric. iwij-lhlpl n : itfii nl JF
.. ,,.... ....I 1..,. .....j lti,,. In i.l.liS. nnrNMy.1
lldll'l .,,1, ,,, ii's ..'Jut, .,, ,,,..... S...W .vw
pnonful of'inisT puWi'er h been olflcd,
ITator v-llli Icuioii (r taiiill.t.' ,',
A de-lit that aluj's finds favor with men,
ami vet is iiitcd tn llm liuplcr renuliemeiifs
of the clilliiirii, is lii.tde nf utiples Willi ttel.t-
tine. Make a yrup ;i,f oi.poitiid'of strjar
and thuo putts uf witter. J'jip, mm .uidut
in iulvcs twt'lvi laij,! t.nt apples aiul iro'
illtil tin lint Ml lip, lOL'i'llill' willi Hie i u It i
and it llrtle ftf the gratcil yclkwtInil'ora
li'iuoii. -(.'out the 0'pln liutil' tender, but "j.
not uioKeii, iteuiuiii vurviuu.v in i KM.-rpi,u
,aiid ailil to the yiuii a lulf bo of jcUtlue
liil h has In en pievioiisly o.iU'l In ,t HHle
(old water.' When dissolved, Miaiu, turn oyer"
llio apple., in tin ili'l', ami tot in ,i run pliia"
tu li.iiilcii, Nivd.iv lib plan or vvdpt- irujin,.
m- wlilte-i of i-tfs-, ln'ateii In (ijijlt jvl ,
dropped by llio tpeoijful over IIiiJ JeltTcil
opplts. 'IhU qiianllty inakrj lwti: liis.1'
di.lii'S. "1 1 11"
.xii:i(s TD.tmtiiEsi'ovur.xTs.
Jim, W., Ivati-as
van-as Uty.-T'l'U icvIih jiui jU J
pvual iituiubs auo, foi' Vii'ptK)
for. u ven
(roqupllen, wiii ' ililti" Cirt' uil(,"iilAfnil eC'
Aiiioiluii iliun' into. i Miiall jili'p-hluprd ' -I-plni-i.
1 1 JVC icady wn cupfu) of tif hit.
lll'Jin B.lllie lit a raiiiipau. Add the l lil'iis,',' ,',
Hip yolks of two iKk's beatiu and ililutM with' a,a
a little iiimiii. Stir all luitelher, utul let We"i.
niMiiip ifinaiit on tin novo fur j nionuiit,
until Hie elu'i'fp KV "sleady." fj-stson vvltl'iv'"
lull, pepper ?ud n ihistlui; vf uutiuei;, S?t
llm lulMiiie ni;ni WiY mi Hie ice uitiil
Ihurou-Shly told; Hun make into croqticttM,'
-bliapc, Toll in lini) bitad iiuui'n, dip in ixu',
dlieu Ln s,iuub i)itU ami fry n deep Ml,
niokiii1,' hot, until Inu'.vii. Ttu'i uio dv'li
ciois.: . . IIJIM.V I'ADDOtn. lECFORD.
!"" -Sai"v"fSay)''-2 -f!