s THE SC1UNTON TKIBUNE-SATUBDAY, JANUARY 11, 1902. ai'fcvw ; J-i.Ml.hr.fthii'K tomtit sumtiWo; :K fine 1'i.t.lW.lt.B wtaulrf at Tilly gnu njntfr 'Mvv'OU-irfiin.'fcmJfr '" ' O. I'. llVMlCK, IlinlncM Mnnajcr. r New yiik'efflcei 1 .j r bole A?ciit Tor rorelgfijilciUlnif. t'lUmiTTt tiie I'ostollko at Sinwloti, !'.. in t(.eoii CIjsj Mall Mailer. Whon space will permit, Tho (Tribune lo always glad to print short lottors from Its friends bear ing: on current topics, but Us rule is that these must bo signed, 'lor puu Ucntlon, by tho wrltor's real name; nntl tho condition precedent to ac ceptance la that nil contributions shall bo subojet to wlitorlal vision. Till! l'l.AT HATH I Oil AllVlilirtSlNO. ' Tho follimliu table slions.llii! I'rlre per Inrli ...I I.. . . . . . - .. -.1 .. J.I.I. n.in .. 11 ! cam iiisiTiion, jpicc in ur men im ,.... ...... llun of StilliU "in 1 "V lleailliW I 1'iwltlon " " .27.-. .SO .JHM'I.AV. LI'.'I'V l.n than :w Irtlie- noo IikIim.... iooo " ::ooo " ."0 ,"i '-' .1(1 .17.1 .!' .1.15 .17 .1" .IS .I'M .I" (iOOO .. . ..... .1. t .. ....... ..I...- 1 ..A...ln1i..ir.rt and ulinlljr cnnlrlliiitloni lu tlio iwtun- of ml MTtlilnj; M lie lilbime null's a charge ol 5 ecnti ' line llatet f(.r Clisflflrd Advert Ijins tuniMieil en application. TWELVE PAGES. SCRAXTOX, JANUARY 11, 1002. Tho c-nr-ninrks of partisan political motive uro increasingly conspicuous in the Times' attitude toward tho new trolley enterprise. Was Thursday night's vote the measure of lln in fluence? For Exemplary Effect. THE ACTIOX of tho 'Citizens' Alliance In furnishing 1111 at torney for the prosecution of a ease involving the un lawful and olfenslve use of the epi thet "scab" should have exemplary value. Jinny persons use this vile word without realising that when shouted at another In derision or insult it con stitutes a broach of the peace. Xo one has any more right to call offensive names at a fellow-clllzen than lo lilt that citizen with a billy or brick. The fact that tlie word "scab" has come into general vogue to designate the working man who does not belong to a union gives no license for its employ ment as a means of attack. In law, the "scab" has jus,, as much right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness" as the man, woman or child who is a member of or a sympathizer with a labor union. It will contribute to the peace and good order of this commun ity to liuve this fact understood and ipfoiccti. These busy days in the court house presage a time not far distant when the necessity for larger couit accom modations will have to be met. The Most Effective Way. OF THK various suggestions evolved in the course of the canal discussion, none, it seems to us, is more sensible than that congress .should authorize the building of a canal, dpcide upon a maximum sum of expenditure, and then pass the whole matter along to the presldont, saying: "You hire what engineers you need, have them decide which is the best route, negotiate for hiiuh concessions as may be needed and go ahead." The canal question in its practical a&peota is peculiarly an executive problem. It Is one that congress can not hope to supervise in detail. There fore, tho sooner congress turns it over lo the executive department, the uoon or there will be satisfactory progress. The president has at his command not only the highly developed engineer ing skill of tho army engineering corps but also the entire professional skill of the country. He, alone, can handle satisfactorily the diplomatic problems involved. It Is objected that the executive is continually encroaching upon tho pre rogatives of the legislative branch, and that, therefore, congress should not encourage but should discourage the centralization of power In the president's hands Tills sounds very well from an academic standpoint, hut it does not remove the modem tendency to get things dono along the lines of the greatest economy, etilcipiiey and least resistance; which explains why the Ameilcan people look for le jiultt) more and more to their presi dent and less and less to their -100 odd congressmen, who are continually changing or disappearing and among whom responsibility Is sometimes al most lost. The canal vote shows that the house can do business when It Is loused, High Time. OVRUXOU NASH of Ohio In his recent message has car- f."v mm immu ih vuiuituie new 4. 1 detail the much-discussed Subject of publicity for "trusts." Hero ra un extract from it worthy of atten tion: "liccatihc corporations ure created fey 'the state and possess certificates Yicaring tho Impress of her seal, people arcs led Ho believe that they are safer lo do business with, and are more en titled to credit, than are private part nerships and Individuals, In very many cases they uro less worthy of Monlldence, They uro authorized by tho state to do business before one dol 'hir of 'cupltal stock lias Iwen paid. This 'hi ti Unfortunate condition of affairs. '(Thej'.Hlnte, before slip gives these cor porations her approval, mid permits ihem to do business, ought to requho hat all their capital stock be paid for ,jn money and Invested In the business Ihoy propose to transuct. ,Sho ought M umke sure of this fact by u report hiurtu to some competent oillcer, Wo fehoiild g6 further and require these Companies (o make annual reports, to he Jlled with and bo inspected by this tifllcer. This report should show, Jime-iiB other things, how much of $he lapltal has been puld, how thq money Jb Invested, what the assets are, 4he amount of liabilities and the names of .jho stockholders," "; , ' " The governor ?oes still further. 'Tho publicity which "Would bo tjlven ;7 v uMJ';rj V'-Y by such action could not, In any pos sibility," ho continues, "Injure a really worthy and sound corporation. It would protect the public against un worthy and falling corporations. As ifiatters now stand, the secretary of state knows nothing about n corpora tion after It leaves his office with 11 charter from the state. He cannot even tell how many of the 40,000 or more corporations chartered by the state during the last fifty years nte now dead, nor how many are still liv ing. Tho state creates tlJe thing, authorizes It to do business, sends it out In the cold, and knows nothing about It forever. It is high time that a change should be made.'1 It Is, Indeed. To bo consistent, the Times should now pitch Into the new gas ordinance. Hut there Is no politics for It In that. Self Help In Philanthropy. TIIERI3 Is much timely com mon sense In a statement recently made by Andrew Carnegie of tho reasons which prompt him to give so much of his money for libraries. "I believe," said lie, "In philanthropy based upon tills eternal truth that that only is helpful which helps people to help themselves. All other fdrms of phllantlnopy are barren of results, false, deceptive, degenerating. C.lvo your money In such foi m that' people using it, as a step, may rise to greater things. Assisting other people to ex ert themselves is the only genuine philanthropy. Hospitals. nurseries, asylums, all are eminently matters for the attention of a municipality. To give such institutions to cities would bp an influence tending to make 'cities forsake their proper functions and dis regard thtir duties. "To care for the health and physical condition of its citizens is the' first duty of organized government. That is why we have the police to protect .us against assault, lights at night, to in sure safety, parks for recreation, a street cleaning department to fiee U3 from the contagion of microbe-teeming refuse and dirt, and public hos pitals where the sick and injured who Sire without money can be cared for without cliarge. Next to public order and health as the prime duty of a municipality comes public education. In that field lie the inexhaustible op portunities for philanthropists. Schools are established, but observation and statistics prove that only the young can attend school, and their period of self-improvement is short. Here, I thought, was my chance. And so I concluded to give my money in the form of libraries, and this I will con tinue to do to the day of my death. "Xo one can get any good out of a public library without working. Thus is my idea of philanthropy fulfilled, for let me reiterate that none are w 01 thy of help who won't work to secure it. When my last day shall come I will be glad if I shall lie able to know that 1 have aided others in life's bitter struggle or spurred into greater ac tivities the currents of the wot Id's thought." Scrantonians do not need any argu ments to convince them of the useful ness of public libraries. Their experi ence with tho Albright institution has taught every watchful observer that of all the forms of public education, the reading encouraged by a free public library reaches and touches a larger number than any other agency except the public school. In a way, the pub lic library is more useful than the public school: for while it acts as n powerful supplement to the work of the school, it carries its influence among many persons who have never had opportunity to secure public in struction. Andrew Carnegie has un questionably found a signally useful way in which to distribute his notable contributions to the betterment of mankind. The Tilbune lias received, with the compliments of Captain James M. Clark, chief of the bureau of industrial statistics, a copy of a valuable mono graph by Professor Albert S. Holies, entitled "The Legal Relations Between the Kmployed and Their ICmployers In Pennsylvania Compared with the Re lations Existing Between Them in Other States." This is a timely digest of legislation bearing 011 employers' liability and It merits widespread sUul. Wo may speak of It again, A man who killed his wife and child Willie intoxicated lias just been convicted by a New Jeisey jury of murder in the first degree. It In too bad that juries elsewhere cannot bo more often persuaded that drunkenness is no excuse for crime. Of all the newspaper almanacs and year books printed In the English lan guage the New York Tribune's is the most comprehensive, compact and trustworthy. For 1902 it is a whole Dunn y in miniature. When In contemplation of tho Ameri can menu cards, Minister Wu no doubt never ceases to thank tho Celestial dragon that ho Is not tue emperor. Among the other causes for New Year conKratulatlons, Is the fact that wo uro no longer greeted with that idiotic Idiom! "Are you a Buffalo?" The discovery that Havana's mayor Is Incompetent Is, we four, prophetic of many unpleasant surprise's In that direction which await free Cuba, For tho sake of our good friend, Councilman Paine, we hope ho will not be called upon to prove every thing ho says. i m I.. A trolley road to Alt. , Slnal Is pro Jected, Tho thunders of Slnal revived by the flat wheel! In these days, an ounce of vaccina tion Is worth u pound of small pox, What Rudyurd Kipling needs Is an I co bath and a long lest. And Kutslu keeps Manchuria with the best of Intentions. The chanting of tho Lord's prayer at the opening of the legislature ut Albany the other day created a pro found Impression according to press reports. The Lord's prayer may have ibeen snmrthlng of a novelty to most of the members. m ' Persons wishing to move In tho spring can llnd no better house hunter than tlin "KOlt KENT" column in Tho Trlbpne. Tho .Tackles at Now-Ghwnng demon strated thnt there In nothing tho matter with the man behind the gloves, cither. t . "" Ornlorlcutly speaking, many of the congressmen did not vote as they shot un the canal question. TOLD BY THE STABS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by AJnccb.ua, Tho Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: ?,3t n, m., for Hitunliy, Janu ary II, WO.'. A ititlil born on tliN iliy will notice tli.it pru IRwltlons in l.iy Heunttin l.liirc hiiiim for rultwiiy franililici lire more numerous than subU.1ntl.1t. Tlie nun wlio 1.111 look unconcerned v.lie'i hi wife informs lilm that lie talks In Ida sleep, i to bo enUed, A good iiuny people line trouble In lircaUn? into soelety onb tu llnd that they, h.nu seemed n gold brltl,, Tlio mnal dii-cour.iRint tliiiiR In "life l lo pce as u penunuKcr and find that ou aic lega til ed as 11 bu body. The eiltlo is mmlb the man who liai a lot of Knowledge that li of 110 benefit to him. 'Ihu piofcsinnnl piaitlcd joker l seldom a !uccc&3 sale as a nuUamc. Numerous Messina in ilNgui-; do not throw off the m.itk until It is too late foi Hum to be appreciated Unwise approval lias chased many a man to failure. The wise prophet lets the other fclluw do the bttlliitf. Ajacchus' Advice. If j 011 cannot marry for either love or monoy, belter remain single. LITERARY NOTES. Aie Unljnd, Scotland and belaud destined, ul timately to become part of "The United Statu of Anwici and Ureal I'ritalnf" is the startlini; Inmiliy which William T. Stead makes in the January Cosmopolitan. He has been one of the picphets of Crcil Ilrllaln, and has, at nil times, been able to see in advance of Ills contemporaries is eents Iuc proeu. He lias been studying the iiev condition? bought about by the indus tila combinations and readies the conclusion tint rjnhiMiil and the I'liiled State are defined to be more closely united and that as soon as the Unglis-li people wake ii to the absurdity ami general elcssnes. as has been shown in the lifer war, of a Kinjf and aiNtocracj, the trend will be immcdiitily in the direction with a. union with the people of the United State. Hocir much one may differ fioin Jfr. Stead, 111 specula tions will be found astly interesting, lie is the first HrltWi subject who has had the courage to &ugget such an outcome. The f'cnturj's "Veai of Anieiieiu lliimoi" con tinues lo pioccnt fiesh contributions In this de partment fiom wiiters both well known and new. Twq biandne contiibulois to maganno litnra tuie in this held to be Introduced in the l'eb Vuary Ccntiiiy are Miss llcatrlce llerfoul, who has been induced In print one of her well-known monologuis, "flic Hook-gent," and John Charles McNeill, a new writer of negro dhleet fioin X01II1 Ciinlini. Other humniuus contribu tions in the .une number are 'The Don't Hnrrj Club," by Albeit lligdnw P.ilne: " fioern incut of the People," .1 story of Oklahoma, by .1. W. I'icuy, of Indianapolis; "An Irish Mother," by Ulene Poster; .1 delightful glimp'e of Arlemus Ward ns .1 lecturer, by Charles J. Woodbui.i " and contributions by (iuy Wetinoie C'arrjl, Charles llittell I.ooinis and otheis. The .lanuiry Oouutiy Life in America is a California number, with superb pletme thaiac teristie of th!.s unique mid beautiful magazine, nnd whollv deioted to the out door world on the Pacific coast, 'the ipecial coers show big trees of the Sierras, nnd a lui.gulliicut frontispiece, the blooming orchard at the foot of Miou-tapped mountain". The leading artiile, by U If. Iliilej, tells of the dUersitled beauties nnd peculiarities of the 1 iml that lloweis in winter and sleeps in summer, nnd a poem by Joiquln Miller, rntitlid "The Ilenes of the Tiring bine," is a notable tribute in erse to the sphit of tho pioneirs. This magazine has certainly established itxelf. "Establishing a Newspaper," n "handbook for the prosper the publisher, including suggestions for the I111.1nci.1l advancement of cM'stlng join 11.1l" is the 'title of a well-printed little book of 110 piges recintly issued by tlie Inland Printing company, ot Chicago. Its uuthor is O. V. Byx bee, business nunagir of The Tribune, who origi nally wrote tho eluptcrs for serial use in the Inland Printer. Itequeots for their prencnation led to their lue In book form, and the lnlumc is meeting with an encouraging rale. Its aim li to tell in a plain and practical manner what ought to be known by the Inexperienced man who feels Incllntd to sjart or buy a neuspapci; but It has much adice of interest to experienced publishers. With "Tlie I'll of KvcliMicness Ij lial" for .1 text, the Wcild't. Woi't for January dcuitr? lis spiio liigclj to the political and ioineiurii.il expansi 1.1 of the couutiy. Neaily every article ghes not only vbld incidents of America abioad to date, but is full, as well, of suggest ions to waul making the imidenls of our tiadc in every limits of the earth .1 great unified niou'incnt. The editorial interpretation of expansion is in comparably line ami inspiring. One of the neatest and ino-l comcnliut cst pocket dililes on lbs market Is baud b.i Laird & Lee, (hlciga. It is oilglnal, faultless and lit I rail ho lu piper nnd binding, nnd the content?, In addition to the aim ul diaiy pioper and blank pages for accounts and memoranda, are surprsl lug in rccpe and lariety, as well as by their uciurjcy, Cutient History for January opens Willi a gra. phlo and llscrluiluitln.t aitlclc on the tarter and iharactr ot the great Chinese loeroy, LI Hung (lung, wiitten by Itiihaid Oleaoon Circeuc. A jortrait of llarl Li series as frontispiece. The usual careful rcilew of the course and status of the world's affairs Is presented. FROM THE ROUMANIAN. Translated for The Tribune by Leo Rous, Duty. Peslic not more; bo pioud ol thine own. Lock orr on xirluc and neer on lio. Leave peaie to thy soul! to thy clilldien iiuowii 1'or them all their honor; for thee, Ueaven'tf priic. nod puulthes ell but etcr lie lows For good done on earth better things lo lepay, Do all tlut thou has to do, happen what may, Tho Doctor, What makes a dooi? speak A mien pjdantli'j ciciy word fut be lu Uitln or (inch; A mighty wig, a gown ubsiiid With fur and satin ilihly lined. In thesa girat qualities iiimblued A learned doctor J on will find. The Pipe. Upon 4 faggot seated, pipe in lips, Leaning my head against I he chimney wall, My heart sinks in me, down my eitlid fall As all alone I think of life's eclipse, llopa that puts olf tomonow fur today Lisa tu ihtligv my sadness for awhile And shows mo with her kind and xouthful binlls A fate mure glorious than men') word (an iy. Meuiitlme the heib In attic sinks and dies, Then to IU iadne back my spiilt Hies, And the old troubles stilt lUu up behind. Lite upon hope and unukc jour plpa all alomi It me j in tlio same when life is passed and done; One U but miotic, the ether Is but wind. CONSPIRED TO THE NOME GOLD FIELDS Uioni the New York Sun, TIIH MINII'ACIMI nl Pan riatielnco tlie oilier day ot uiidgq Nojes, Jtlstrht Attorney Wood and C. S. A. I 'lost, fedeiul ofllchlt linpltcatiil In milling fraud cases nl Nome, Alaska, all of whom Were found guilty of con tempt of totirt In refusing to obey orders of the higher couit, was the final tliaplcr of 11 remark' able conplriHj. The olijtcl of Ibis conspiracy was to Kocuro po-csslon of ail the mining clilmi at Nome tliiougli fake processes ut law. I'or nearly three month of Inst jcir, from July until Ihe hitler part of Septembd, the plot woiked so well that the i.nnps of Nome were completely in the grnp of tho plotter-. During that time the supreme dictator was Alexander McKenzle, who had gone out there ns president of the liist Alaska tiold Mining company, formed to get possesion of eiery mine In that pirt of Aln-kM. I'or .1 (line, according to McKinilc, No) en and the others Implicated with him, shut up in Nome. Il.OOO miles from ealtle, delicti tho summonses of Ihe lilghir courts Issued tor them and until they could be leached by United States marshal practically 1.111 things to suit them sell cs, It was not till last I'obunry Hint punishment c-amc to the Irader, VcKcnric. Then ho was sentenced by the touit whose nnndttes ho had Homed to .1 )c.ir's Imprisonment nnd a fine. He screed four months of this nnd llien on the ground of broken health President McKlnlcv pardoned Mm. Now', by the sentence of the same court, No)cs, nt piescnt sold to be djlng In .1 San i'i.mclco hotel, must p.iv n line of ift.OlX) for contempt and District Attorney Woods and C. S. A. I'rosl, his assistant, must serie four months and n jcai ropcttjtely In Jail, Ciedlt for breaking up the conspiracy is giten to Samuel Knight, a lawyer of Sail l'ranclseo, who was in Nome while it wa In opeiatlou and who gao the facts of It lo Hie outside world. Another .loung lawyer then at Nome who be came famlllir with the mso from its inception was Lanier MeKee of 41 Ccdai street, this city. Mr. MeKee said )esterdij: "It should be umbered tint Nome is only 100 miles from Slbeila and ti.OOO miles from Seattle. The tint discourus of the gold theic weie mostly Swedes and although the United State) mining lnvs hold that only citizens ein locate mining eliitns the Supieme court his held that thu gin eminent is the only party that can nilse that point against claim holdeis, lu the spting of WOO there was organized here the Cast Alaska (!old Mining ermpeny with M,.100,UOO eipllal to operate claims at Nome ami this company got possession of jiunpciR claims that i, claims of persons who had silked oiei the claims of the Swedes, who had alreaely sold their claims to tnmpiiilos in the west. "The ginius of the company founed here wis Alexander MeKenzie, of Dakota, well known in tint state and possessing political indue nee .it Washington. At r.bout that time congress di vided Alaska Into three judicial, disti lets and Ar thur II. Nojes, of Minneapolis, was appointed to tho second division, embracing Nome. Iiy .1 RECOGNIZED AS LEADER AMONG THE NATIONS Special Corcspondencc of Tlie Tribune. Washington, Jan. 10. TUP. STANDING of the United States with her neighbois, and cpecialli with ihase of Ihiiope, is illustrated bj some statements luaele by the London Dailj' Mill Year Hook for 1002, a copy of which has iust icached the tieasury bureau of statistics. In its xari nus eluptcrs it discusses xarioiis features of con ditions 111 the 1'i.lled States. Uncl'i- the head of Wealth, it places the United States at the held of the Hat of gleat nations, the figures of ueiUh boingAtlnUcd States, a.Ill.SJO.OOO.OOO; United KingilanV .CU.MJIkOOO.tViO; Trance, '), l'K,00O,n00; Geffndibri .O.o.U.oio.OO'), and ,ltu sii, CBjri.OOrjOOO. Whilg the United States heads this list ofVountrics in its wealth, it sbov.-s the smallest national indebtedness, the liguic helms: United States . 2.! 1,000,000 (icinuny .' M 1,000,000 United Kingdom 701,000,030 ItussiL 711,000,000 1'i.uuo l.'riO.OOO.OOO 'Ihe peuentago of debt to wealth b glen as Uniteel States.,.,. 3.1 per cent. United Kingdom 0.0 " (ieruniiiy S.l " . Itusiia 11.1 " l'r.inec l.'.S " Under the head cif Commercial Competition it s.ijs that "the first jear of the twentieth century opened b.idlj' for two of the four leading indus trial nations. Tln trade of ihe United Slates was gcod and showed no decline from the boom ing period of 1800 , and J 900. but rather in mo,t industries a continuance of the boom of whiili the United Slates Ins had so dlspioporlionitely laige .l share," and l'rane-e, which had responded lews expanstwly to .the boom, remained unaffected by the decline anil progress, elscwheie. In Kng land and German)', liowc!cr, the decline was felt acutely. ADVANCE NOTICES I'lom the Loudon .Mail. NATUIti: scarce cur stiikes without warning. In so far as disease is conuincd It ghes clear signs of whit is impending da), weeks, months, and eicn jeais before the all iik. If people bmked for tin so signs and took wanting fioni them they would estipe iiiuc.li serioas illness and IHc in my )ears longer thm they do. It is indeed ii'iit.irkahlc bow iniclcsa we arc in this iepccl A man who will anx iously scl n the sky foe sins of coming rain lest hl.s top hat may get spoiled will ncier dream of examining his eyes, nose or finger nalW for signs ot coming illness, The sneeze, for in stance, is ery significant. It Is always a sign lint something Is Injuring the air passigcs, anj wheie from the nose down to tlin lungs. Should It bo only a case of snuh" or pepper, of couise tho sneeze Is of no eniiscipience. But often it Is an indication of congestion. There Is iiiltauimatlon somewhere, with Ico much blood, mid the ob ject of the sneie is lo ghe lellef by getting rid of some of the Hind. This sueezo Js a warn ing that cci) prudent p.-isou should attend U. It is at least the fniciumicr of a cold, But it may indicate an uppinaching attack of bron chitis or pneumonia. When there Is much sihtz. leg, uicompaniid by something like u small shower of lain, the Ucttm will da well to lake a waim tootbath, go to lied, and adopt the other itsual remedies lo cure a cold, o Tlie winter eold Itself is a gra!o warning. When It iccurs two or three times u-ry wlntci, It Is sum to Ihj followed, in Ihe end, by chronic bzionchltis. Once this coined on it is practically Incurable. -Men uie startee) on their liies much s ii shell fioin a camion with a crttniit fixed quantity of cuciu), If disease or accident elocs not cuiry them off, they will die some lime of what we call old ago in othei woids, when the energy with which they sturleel Is spent, Some hue rneigy enough tu carry them oiei the full ccntui) ; olhct haic only sufficient to keep them going for iilnet), tight), seventy, sixay or fewer jeuu. Now, early baldness is u sure sln, with soino exceptions that tho cueigy U likely to fall sooner than lu the lueugc nun. But all kinds (.( baldness luie nut Hits slgiiilkcnec. Sometimes the loss ot hair arise. from scalp disease, caused probably by mil robes. The warning baldness is that kind which commences about the temples and on the iiuv.n of Ihu bead, and giudually eats its ws) owr the scalp, until only u tliiular binge of hair ii left, Blue lulls, or blue hand.,, betoken weak or ubttruvtrcl e Ire illation. They are a warning against owrc.xciliou of any kind. The (distinction may occui from dUoider of scleral olguns in the body. But most commoiil) jlip bluiiiew. Indicate that tho heart is not up to the mark. Yawuing is a somen. hat similar warning. It is a sii'n that the steam has run down and that it Is time to go lo bed, or per haps to go Into tho open air. When you sit in a close room the lui'c do not ic.ehe sufficient ct the xiUI (,'"', oxygen. The jawn is then a SEIZE slrange coincidence McKcnrie and Nojes ar rived at Nome on the Mine steamer. Thnt Mill iner and, as It liasi been held, before the court was properly nrganlml No.es appointed JliKcn rlc rcccher nt most ol the richest claims nt Nome, Ills only ground tor this was the appli cation of some ot .those Jumpers who claimed the ground staked out by the Swedes and who had sold out tn McKcnrlc's company. Sonic of these claims were producing $13,0) wot Hi of gold In twenty-four hours. "The Wild (loose nnd I'lonetr Mining compa nies had bought the Swedes' elihns and nt once applied for 11 dissolution of (he recclieislilp. Their petition was disregarded. They did, how ever, compel Mt Keltic to glvo n bond, but Judge Noycs only demanded of lilm one of f.1,000. Then be refused to allow' an appeal In. the face of the statute uulliorlzlrifT It and commanded McKcn zlc not only lo take possession of the rlainu mid operate them, but also to lake possession of all peisonal property found on them. "Messengers were secretly dispatched lv the companies to San runclsco, whero the United States clictilt court was sitting and on the offi cii! its submitted this court granted 1 stay, stop ping all proceedings at Nome until the appeal had been heard before it. These writs command ed MeKenzie and Noyes to restore tlm property they had taken. Meanwhile the state of thing! at Nome cm h.ndly be described. Milling was eloro and people Ihcil In (error of MeKenzie, who win called the 'King of Itceelvcrs.' The writs arrhed on September VI, 1000, In n terrible storm. MeKenzie and Xo.ces put their heads together and then No)cs decided that the elnult court was without lurlsdictlon In the matter nnd refused to obey the writs. It was Humored that McKcnte was going to wlthdiiw the gold ho had collected from the bank vault, and men slntioned thcmsidcs about the bark with guns. McKcmlo did appear, but at the sight of the guns he lost Ills none and let the gold be, "MeKenzie thought eWdently that by disobey ing the order communication with the outside world would soon be shut olf and then thliiRs could be run to suit himself, Howcirr, Mr. Knight, a San l'ranclseo liwjcr, prepared pi pers for contempt nnd secretly dispatched these to Sin I'rancisto. The couit upon leeching them sent marshals to arrest MeKenzie and bring him In San Francisco for trial. MeKenzie and his gang trice) to keep Knight from going down to San 1'r.nidsco for the trial, and Noyes issued n warrant for bis finest. This Knight dodged by escaping in u steam launch one night, and a scssel which picked him up took him to San Tiancisco in time to testify against MeKenzie. "1'ollowing this strong efforts were made to sa!e Nojes. Urost was sent up as a special agent of the department of justice and reported in his fa! or, but later last spring the circuit court oiderce Noycs Woods and Urost to show caue why they should not be punished for ton tempt. Nojes went to Washington and was do-, fended in the si'iiile. While MeKenzie was In control through Nojes' wiits thousands of dol lars worth of gold was collected by him." Under the bead of Ihe World's Wleat Cro It shows the Uniteel States far ahead of any other eounliy in the production of wheat, the estimate of the world's ciop for 1001 belli,; United states 00 millions Quarleis () Itllsbll 4J " " I'raneo 38 " " India 30 " " Italy 17 " Hungary 10 " " Spain 1.1 " " Itoiuu.inia, Bulgaria. ...,1J " " (fcunany , 11 " " United Kingdom 7 " " AustialU 7 " " () Quarter equals 8 bushels. Uneler the bead of "Fight for the iion trade," it calls attention to the fact "that the United St ites is now the xsoild'a largest producer of pig iron nnd steel, and saj.s "It will be noted tliat the United Kingdom has lost ground, producing 300,710 tons less in 1000 than in 1800, the total for (,'reat Britain being nearly .I.OOO.OOO tons leas than in America. An unsatisfactory fcatuii In the British iron and steel trade is that in 1000 we imported more iron and steel than in any previous )ear, and exported less, while the United States exported more than e!cr." The tables accompanying this statement shows the pig iron production of 1000 to be United Stites 11,7S0,2I2 tons United Kingdom 8,903,570 " Ccnnany 8,irn,:tt' " Trance 2,(i0',40l " ltassia 2, 8.11, 000 " and of steel United SUtcs 10.087,322 tons Croat Britain 4,001,051 " Cermany 4,700,000 " France 1,024,010 " Itussii 1,404,000 " OF COMING ILLNESS ele-qipialo effort of the lungs to ptojiciljt aerate thu blood, and it wains jou tu open the win, dows or to lca!o the room. Wnen ion are out of bed too long or when xou ha!c done an unusually hard elaj's woik, the watc pioductj of jour Iwely aio piescnt in execsshe quantity. Then tho yawn is a warning lo jou lo lie do'wi and lost. o Most people haie a gieat honor ot gelling a "stroke" or fit of upoplevj'. It Is not b) any means as unpleasant as tlie toothache, but tho suddeness of it is whit appalls. There Is icnlly no suddennrsx about It, howeier. No disease ghes sueli early warning. A "stroke" Is n xery simple occurrence, and not nt all hoinble, It re-sults from two oi three causes, but the uiojl common one Is this; A little arteiy in the bialu weais out and lets somo blood escape, which clots, picsscs on the brain, and paiahziH wint erer part of the body is go!cmcd by the pice a of In.iln piesseel upon. Now this artery weau out only In common with other arteries of tlr bodj. In some people they all become what is called athedomatous, or hard and brittle1, At the bamo time they become tortuous, or twisted. We can seo these hard and tortuous aitcrles on thu temples, and then wu know it is not uifo to do an thing widely will congest the brain, leet the one little intery tlinc, which Is especially liable to b'hr way, shall let the blood escape, Likewise warning Is often gficn liv the Hnv ar teries of the eye. They break and let out lltth) traces of blood, which can easily be fceii. Hut u cold or sleepless night nu do the same, When these signs occur, and they occur months and years before the stioke, do not get excited or angrv, no matter ho'v erect the proioeatlor, do int. rush to catch a Miect car, or In any way o!erexert yourself, and do not dine loo heartily, By taking the warnings gHeu by inline )ou will Iihuio joursclf against thLs pleasantcst way of leaving tho world, and be sure of djjmr of cholera, or suullo.x", or sonic othtl respectable disease, o-. The tongue, ghes inanj warnings. It If is large-, tlabby, and )clhm, )ou aru eating loo inuili or In somu way mismanaging )our feeding. It it is small, led, and inflamed, join" stomach Is inflamed, too, and jou must live for a tlnm on milk and bismuth mixture, and aioid tea and alcohol, t Do jou feel deprceted ami look blue alter )our cole) bath? Then be warned and gl) it up till line weather, oi take It tepid, Other wise, owing to loweieil vitality, you run a gooel chance of getting whatever infectious disease Is going. Is there a blue Hue on )our gums near the (tetlif I'crluiM you arc tulTering fiom lead poisoning, so attend to the water pipes, or, if jou arc u painter, carefully wash jour hands and dean jour i:aiL Ik foi e eating. Is there a red Hue on jour gums? Ho to a sanitarium for consumptives, or at least lako cod liver oil, op.-n jour windows nlht and day, and consult a doctor. ALWAYS BUSY. 1902 Money Saving Sale Ib now ou. With every pnlr of ouY Feet nnd Health Snvlnrj; Shoes you get a shoo shiner fice. 200 p.tlrs of Men's Double Soled, Vici Kid mid Box Cnlf Shoes, worth Sa oo. Our 1902 Cash . Arx I'rlcc $1.40 200 pnirs of Youths' Vicl Kid patent tips, worth Sl.oo. Our 1902 Cash Price .... OUC 100 pairs of Youths' and Hoys' Legfiins, m'xed lots, not all sixes in every lot, but the size you need in some of the lots, worth . $ 1.25 Our looaCnslt Price DUC 1 00 pairs of Men's Solid Tap Boots all sizes, worth $1.50 to $2.50. Our 1902 Cash . n Price $1.00 100 pairs of Men's Solid Tapped Sbled Shoes, lace and Blucher, worth $1.25. Our 1902 Cash Price 90C 100 pairs Ladies' Vici Kid button and lace Shoes worth $1.00 to $1.2;. Our 1902 Cash Price 75C 200 pairs Misses and Children's Vici Kid School Shoes, worth 75c to Si. 00. Our 1902 Cash Price 50C Mixed lot of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Slippers, toe a little bit nar row, worth $1.00 to $1.50. -. Our 1902 Cash Price D)C You can seo by the nbovo list that very little cash is required to pur chase good reliable nnd honest foot ware. Lewis & Reilly, w,i;"A6vcn.ac. (SOilil Furniiur I New and Complete Assortment Being' the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN" SCHANTON We carry the greatest assortment of up-to-date Ofllce Furniture. You nre invited to examine our new line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue, A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling .bj Libi Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereali & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. Office Oes Office H P88 Iliil 1 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRANTON, Organized 137". Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 Tlio illsu mill i.ile to ilomUtort If ," par rent, per iriuilin. bpeclitl munition ,'lvm to nil uj3iiuts utietlw lur.'oov s.uV.l. Opi'ii buturiliiy ovo il w H H II i flo 1 1. Tlirci! per com, Inloroit palil on H.nings dopailti. Jiilrrt'ilcoinpoii'iili'il .Iiutimry tht nnd .Inly It'.. WILLIAM CONNELL, Proaidont. HKNRY BELIN, JR., Vice President. WILLIAM H. PEOK, Caahlsr. OIRECTORS, William Connell, James Arohbald, Henry Bolin, Jr., Luther Keller, Oeo. H, Cutliu, J. Benj. Dimralok, Thomas H, Watkino, James L Connoll. W. D. Zehnder. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO raffiHSffiEHSaEJUl i Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? Da jou ul.li to lutv piPttj iliis' B will In' lcasid lo bluin uu Solllalii' Diiinunl llliiiin, Jllamoml ami l.mnul'l Hni,-, ! i- llldllll !1I11 llllll.l HIIUH, I)JII1UI11 .iml (lUl Unxt. Diamond ami S.ii,lilic lllii', lii.i lurml mid Turquolii ll'ii. He nil! niuillt cny doslud (onibliuitlun lo rrJu. E. Schimpff, 317 Lackawanna ave. mt FINLEY'S January Sale of Fine Muslin Underwear Flue Cambric, NaliiKook nnd Muslin tTndorgurineutH ot Hiiporlor workman Hiilp nnd beautiful Ilnlsli, some daintily trimmed In noiil narrow embroideries, others more elnbornte, In wide, rich liiccH the kind thut rcllcct the .repu tation of a store. At this time of tlio year great quan titles of Inferior smiles of Undorweai uro thrown uoon the market and ad vertised nt iirlccs that appear cheap. You don't llnd this class of merchan dise here. AVc believe you do not care to buy such. We sell the finest cnielo Undcrwcai inndc. Our prices are the lowest pos slblu for this grade of work. New line of line French Lingerie antf Bridal Sets. C011SET COVERS from 19c to $6.00 NIGHT GOWNS from 75c to $15.00 CHEMISES from 50c to $4.50 DKAWEKS from 25c $4.50 LONG SKIRTS from 98c to $15.00 SHORT SKIRTS from 35c to $3.00 CHILDREN'S DRAWERS Special lot Children's Drawers, made from good quality fine muslin, nice ly trimmed. Sizes from 2 years to 12 years. All at one price 19c each. 5 10-5 12Lackaawnna Ave. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunsfer&Forsyth 253-327 Pcnn Avenue. L. 1 Allis-Chalmers Co Successor to Machine Business ol Dickson Manufactures Co., Scranton and "Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery. Pumps. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo 1 A Difference There is ao much difference in Diamonds as there is in human faces, and not infrequently as much hidden deception, When you wish to buy a diamond come to uo. You can rely upon our judgment and representation, E. Schimpff,, on jjuuituwanna avo. ei SEn i 1