The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    WWWMIIjMg bigLaWMSygp
Immciiso Resources' In the Wny of
Inexhaustible Beds of lion Ore,
Conl Beds, Mnvble' Qunnles nud
TImbor Iiand3 Pre-eminent na a
Health Resort.
Ailtlcn for 'ilio Minim.
Commercially, ClmtlimooBit Ix very
fortunately located, Blluated on the line
of the Ri-eat cotton kio-aIiik and Brain
ralshiK, lumlior producing and produce
section, also, In close proximity to In
exhaustible buds of Iron 010 and coat
beds, and marble quarries, gives her a
decided advantage as a wholesale mar
ket. Kvery road leurtliu,' to or from
Chattanooga, cuts tlnougli coal or Iron
ore, marble or granite nuarrlo. forests
of pine, and extensive cotton Ileitis -one
or both, for distances ranging
from CO to TuO mllps. At ptesent $-,-000,000
Is Invested In the Iron Industry,
giving employment to over 1,000 men.
In various kinds of wood nuinufactur
lng $1,000,000 'Is Invested and l.L".''i per
sons are employed. All told, there are
200 plants In operation with uii output
of $3.",000,000. Chattanooga Is located
In one of the best timber sections In
the I'nlteil States, near the long loaf
pine belt of Alabama and fieorgla, and
the white pine section of North Car
olina, almost an Inexhaustible supply
of each. The saw mills of the city cut
some 20,000,000 feet of which ::0,000,0'00
feet Is handled by Chattanooga wood
working establishments. And so T
might enumerate of other Industries.
Chattanooga has numerous hotels.
The most prominent are the Head
House and the Stanton House. The for
mer is located opposite the Vnlon depot,
In the heart of the business center,
convenient for hurried commercial men.
It Is a commodious Inlek building and
can accommodate four hundred guests.
It Is considered a first-class hotel.
The Stanton House Is a luxurious,
homo-like, comfortable and up-to-dnte
hotel, located just outside of the noise
and turmoil of the busy city. It occu
pies the center of a handsome public
square, Immediately on the street car
line, surrounded by a very handsome
lawn and shade trees, lending to the
structure a most Inviting appearance to
the stranger. It has large, handsome
apartments, luxuriously furnished, ar
ranged en suite, with private bath: also
commodious public rooms, ladies' and
gentlemen's parlors and a beautiful
dining-room. Every room Is light and
cheery, well-ventilated and furnished
with all modern conveniences. It is
heated by steam throughout, and will
accommodate 300 guests. It is especial
ly adapted as a modem "winter resort"
hotel. The location is unique, facing
the historical Lookout mountain, and
also flom Kb broad planzas may be seen
Itaceoon mountain, 'Mlsslonnry Nidge,
u.nd the sites of many of the battle
Holds of the Civil war. It Is only live
minutes' walk In the Union station,
also a free 'bus meets the forty passen
ger Mains thai arrive and depart dally.
All the employes of the hotel are white
people, selected with ztreat cuie from
eastern hotels, that give absolutely per
fect service. The attractively Mill
formed New llampshlte girls In Hie
dining-room Is it feature that Is not
found In any other southern hotel s be
sides, the "northern cooklnc" .com
mends It to the favor of all of us north
erners. 1 cherrully commend this hos
telry to the readers of The Tribune, as
fin nlshlng all the luxuries and control tH
to the tiled traveler, possible to Benin.
Chattanooga Is situated exactly in the
right place to malic a convenient break
In the long Journey between the North
and Florida, and the Stanton, too, Is
the right plauo to slop at. The man
ager, Mr. T. R Harton, Is an up-to-date
hotel man, having apodal genius
In making bis guests comfortable and
feci' at home. Hy the way, he Is well
and favoiably known In Kcrunton,
where he has many friends, being a
nephew of Kev. Dr. ('hnrles 12. ltobln
son. ,
1 am indebted to Manager Harton,
president or the Chnttimoog.i National
bank and the editors or the Chatta
nooga Times and also News, among the
most progressive papeis of the new
South, for both polite attention and
valuable memoranda.
Chattanooga as a health resort stand"
pre-eminent as one of the healthiest
cities In the Fouth, the death rate
among the whites averaging ten to
Within a radius of ten miles, her cit
Izenf, can hac their homes on any cle
vpllnn they see lit, from 7f0 feel above
sea level in the valleys, up to 2,r00 feet
on Lookout Mountain and "Wnlden's
Uldge, and within that radius from,
theli homes, enjoy Scenery of water
valleys, hills, mountains and canyons
not to be surpassed in beauty, though
they travel n thousand miles, and
that, too, memorable as strategic points
of vast importance during the late
Civil war and historic for Its hard
fought battles.
They need neither to seek the north
In slimmer, nor the south in winter,
having the climate of both right here
In modified conditions, and piecisely
adapted to the promotion of the high
est health and happiness. 'Within ten
minutes ride, one can find In summer,
a change of four to six degrees in tem
peiature and within fifty miles of
Chattanooga one can attain an eleva
tion which gives a climate as cold as
a thousand miles north of the city and
bieathe the tonic of a most delightful
mountain air.
As a health resort Lookout Mountain
has no superior. The ulr is balmy and
oxhillruting, the pine forest that cov
ers its surface, furnishes that restora
tive element so peculiar to the pine
tioes. The absorbent quality of the
light and sandy soil prevents dampness,
malaria and rheumatism being un
known. The elevation guarantees pur
ity of ntmosphere most potent In Its
Influences Upon sufferers from luiiff,
lliiont and nervous diseases, Winter
or summer, it Is certainly a paiadlse.
1 tun satisfied that those who come
hen once will bo disposed to single It
out for n second visit, and ihe fact that
two or the best hotels In the country
are biro oa this uountalii top will com
plete the Inducement to visitors escap
ing from (lie north and west lo the
pleasures of a wanner climate In the
., Intel season. It was a favorite lesort
prior to the war ami Is now one of Ihe
most popular summer resorts In the
south. Many business men of Chatta
nooga have bulltvbeuutlful cottages over
the top of the mountain nud spend the
suti'iner here In' preference to the sea
shore or other mountain resort In the
On a mound or series or mounds,
ilslng out of the plains about half way
between Chattanooga and Missionary
nidge Is the "National .Military Ceme
tery," the largest and most beautiful
"cities of the dead" In this cotinlrv.
Hero over thirteen thousand of our
I'nluu soldiers sleep under the wntch
ful care or the nation they died to save.
The exact number or Interments are
13.09S or which 1.9GD are classed as "un
known." According to "Register of the
Dead," at the superintendent's ofllce,
19S sons of l'eiui" lie here, each grave
being appropriately marked. The cem
etery contains seventy-five acres, en
closed by a substantial six fool gran
ite wall, while a green hedge planted
Just within, and a few feet distant
from the wall, .relieves the rugged
character of the masonry and sug
gests not the city, but the "garden of
the dead." The grounds beautiful
naturally, are kept In perfect ordi .'
and delights the eye. while It touches
the bcart of the visitor. The magnill
cent boulevard made by the govern
ment o the cemetery, together with
the charming drives through the
grounds, the quiet beauty of the spot
Itself and the historical associations
connected with It all tend to make our
visit to this spot one of the most en
joyable feasts which Chattanooga,
with all her wealth of scenery can fur
nish. Of the many unique InscilptloiM
found here, r will quote but three.
Till" in lulling 1 1 oop,
'Die tUMiilig blade,
'Hit IiurIo'i Stirling liljil,
Tin- ili.HKi'. till iltratiful I'.umoiijuY,
'I In- illn unit (limit .lie 1'l't.
No iiiiiii,i of t lie foe's .idvjue
Xnw Meepn uiion the wind;
No lionliled tlioindit .it nildnisM Ii units
Of lincil ones left behind.
No W-ion of the inotrou't. Mrife
'Ihe vnulm' ilinini nlninis;
No lirjiini? horn nor siriMinhn; life,
At (l.u.ii shall tall to nnm.
Among the three other cities of the
dead, the Confederate Is most pioml
nenet. It contains 2,300 bodies gath
ered by the Ladles' Confederate Me
morial association from the battle
fields of Missionary Rldge.Chlckamauga
and Lookout Mountain. A handsome
monument has been erected to the
memory of the Cotifedctnle dead by
this assoelatlon. "These are the rest
ing place or a vast army or those who
died for principle, held deafer thnli
life nnd whose deeds will shed luster
on the fame of American manhood
rot ever."
The seqiiei-y surrounding Chat
tanooga Is very beautiful uild roman
tic, as well as historic, making It a
very desirable place of icsldeiice. Not
only It the city fortunate In scenery,
but It Is hallowed by sacred memories
of Chlcamaugii, Lookout Mountain anil
.Mlsslonnry Ridge. They, too, aio
linked In, iis a pait or the city In the
great tiaglc history or the country.
Interest hits deepened cnelv. year since
the bloody conflict of 1S6.1 In these bat
tleclds, until almost every state hitho
union has aided to convert these
bloody battlefields Into n. National
Military park.
ChuttunooRu Is full of places of deep
Interest to the old soldiers, and the
spots that were once marked by the
blood of their comrades are now
marked with bronzs tablets that will
stand for ages to tell of their gallan
tly. Next week will appear a further
description of the historical places In
and in omul Chattanooga, Including the
battlerields. . J. E. Richmond.
Three Polish Children Die Suddenly
nud Physicians Are Puzzled.
Coioner Is Investigating.
The death of the three small children
or Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vnrkii, I'o
Innders residing on Scott street, Oly
pluinl, from unknown causes, has
caused no little excitement In the bor
ough and has. started an Investiga
tion by Coroner J. ,F. S.tltry.
The oldest child, aged 7 years, was
taken 111 on Sunday last nud Dr.
ICranz, who was 'summoned, was un
able to diagnose the case. The little
girl died on Thursday afternoon and
on Thmsdny night two of the other
diildreii, a girl aged ." years, and a
boy aged .'1 years, were taken sick.
Tlte-e two died yesteiday morning.
Dr. K runs', was at a loss to know the
cause of death and refused to issue a
certificate of death. He notified Cor
onoer Sultry yesterday afternoon and
the latter went up to Olyphant last
night. He performed an autopsy on
the body of the oldest child at Propoko
vltch's undertaking establishment, as
sisted by Drs. Van Sickle and KraiiK.
The medical men were unable lo find
any pathological indications of any
known disease and were forced to ar
ilve at the conclusion that the child
must huve taken something poisonous
into the stomach. The coroner re
moved the stomach and will have an
analysis of Its contents made.
He Imp.inncled a jury and will con
duct an inquest as toon as this analy
sis Is completed.
Pensions Granted.
W.i-liiiiKlon, .Lin. 10. 'Iice pm-loii
lieen planted: Sirnin Moils l'llltoii, M-. lolm
II. llojei, of Cinucn tit, .flO.
has been, welcomed by all smokers (,
of S cent cigars who have tried them. '-4
The cigar dealers are most cordial
because CUBANOLA CIGARS sell.
No urging is necessary. One man
tells another about them, and so the
demand grows daily larger
. i
and more sincere as
it becomes known that
0 CICAnl
L BmW'""Ii"',1IS
jLSbi. J JL J& JL
Are Hand Made
ayana Filler
1 Made by the American Cigar Co. ' M
jtg,jg3iiiaM?Baa3raitiaHbijnaaLllJ.','ifflTiniiii ft pi I'lJUKST -TBSMJM pmiwii l'l''Ma3'gaWraPPWOTMBHIBBgB'mMffT?re'
niwiii hwh. i;ij llll: Iliolln if nMe Mntt F ihnnn nPinnrQ
1 ipu III blyul II evna 1 1 13 u I J m$iois m bUUU U U Up
KE2?SSKi.7aHm3i5aSS3aV?RSffln557iZ3 fSJifiLBtZifiES
I ':'v'7cM ZsaaMl vii .:.i'. mMMRT -V
1 Waft WsmM ww I 1 xLtmfiM. ' i ' Wm
I S3Hi 1 JtflSM "ll
I m Sfe-rmfSm 1 II WaffWl lltMxm I--':'' v -t
I tCt&$r)
I ,
I Hen's 1 1
$3 Trousers reduced to 1.95
v3. 00 Trousers reduced to 2.40
4. 50 Trousers reduced to 2.90
5, 00 Trousers reduced to 3.40
AH Finer Qualities Reduc
ed Accordingly.
f;l fl
s fl
ama mmmmmsmmmB'
This advertisement is written to attract you to this sale. We want you to' see the goods and the
prices at which they are sold. If we can accomplish this, you will not only buy quickly yourself but
will interest your friends. That's what we are aiming at, to spread the newsof this Gredt Cedring Sde
In Our Boys' and
Children's Department
Reefer Overcoats $2.50 Reefers now
selling at $1.90
$3.00 Reefers now selling at, 1.90
$3.50 Reefers now selling at 2.40
Vestee Suits $2.00 Suits now selling at $M5
$2.00 Suits now selling at 1,55
$2,50 Suits now selling at ... , 1,80
Boys' Ulster Collar Reefer Overcoats
$2.50 Overcoats at, ... , , Si. 50
$3.50 Overcoats at , 2,75
$4.00 Overcoats at 2,80
$4,50 Overcoats at 2.90
$7.00 Overcoats at 5,25
$10.00 Overcoats at , 6.00
Hoys' Scotch Wool Sweaters, $1 .
new striped color effects, all reduced to. 69C
0 00
$10 Suits Neat Fancy Wor
sted Cloths, remarked for this Clear- .
ing Sale j)0
$12 Suits Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, remarked
for this Clearing Sale ip
$15 Suits Silk Mixed Worsteds and Casslmeres,
remarked for this Clearing Sale
S18 Suits Fine Cloth Qualities, remarked for t
this Clearing Sale $ I
$20 Suits The Newest Fashion Plate styles, q. .
remarked for this Clearing Sale pl"4
$13 Overcoats Medium Chesterfield length, re-
marked for this Clearing Sale ip.yU
$15 Overcoats Full Box Yoke style, remarked for
this Clearing Sale y .VU
$18 Overcoats Swell Broad Shoulder Yoke, re- . .
marked for this Clearing Sale ,.,,,,,, pl 1 .V U
$2d and $25 Overcoats Fine Cloth Qualities,
remarked for this Clearing Sale ,$ 1 5.UU
$30 Overcoats Best Cloth Qualities, remarked
for this Clearing Sale , . , , , ,
.90 fimmS
.90 mmF
Hi fill
.90 WmS
BIS v,
Clearing Sale
Of Men's Shoes
Every pair of shoes in ihis department Is strictly
up-to-date, having only arrived In this store from the
factory three months ago. It's Clearing Sale time
with us that's the reason for these reductions:
$3 Fine Box Calf Double sole
and heel and extra heavy shank, Clear- & e
Ing Sale Price $2,.D)
$2.50 Shoes, Strong Box Calf, waterproof goat
skin, lined throughout ; a stylise and -.
serviceable shoe, now reduced to p.UU
$4.00 Shoes In box calf, black vici kid, en
amel and patent leather, extra well fin-. . -.
Ibhed, reduced for this Clearing Sale to. J)t5.UU
5.00 Fine Shoes In Wax Calf, enamel box
and crome patent leather; the finest
dress shoes we carry In stock, now re- , An
duced to 4.UU
Gent's Furnishing Prices.
1111 WIS
rM"i iiumiii:i u.k-
iiIji 111 iilu .mil tmMicil. fill 1 nit 3Qr
lljlllj. ll'llllll'll in ti
N.viiUM. rim. wool.. ru:i:u; UuiiMc iiii-jiiii. i'iUu i()i
luiuHii in ,yu
j.I,.- JIAMI.VlTrVX Mllinh-H lm
H'.i-inii'H IjU'H i.lll('lii. Id'- ORr
ilmi'il lo vau
lulttTiH, ilnlunil fur 1I1U C AA
llt-iliif SJlc U ipl' '
ffl.00 Mllll'lh--l HlUll l'.H, nlll J
few vt Mill lutliui. Ileiljinl Ape
S-l.oo sillily -SVu utuin, mill ui-
I h 111 fll'lll tlll UlluM .1 IlKllltll I' U.
v luu iiuikul iliem fur llil, UO("
Hl'lllKIll lU
Stt KATIinS.
$l.ix) (U.OMJS, ilihir J in il or uii.
lhicil "SIikj" ur uu ifoatsKln. JQn
Sow irilmiil lo
HK Hit DHIMXfi fi!.OVi:S-iaunt.
Id tiilf, llno.1 ull iiinliiroy, C-I QS
l'rlu iiUunJ to .po.yo
: M)Of.i:. llOii:, now re. IE,
Uuicil lo u"'
fl.0O DJtK-aS Mil' CASKS, CLJ CO
iww maiUil W.OV
.. iiu:ii Mir casks ct iq
now ri'iliiicil to iPItJ
on will lliul In 0111 rmiiKlili'i: Diiurf
lllt'llt I1UIIV (if till' nciilful ll.litts not
UHiilloiiul lieic ui ( luilti; hjlc jirli'i's.
Complete Outfitters
to Men and Boys
1 I