!7FtfWSpisi f 9- A"- -"-s-i -i ,-Jm. , f - - -.-C 2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-8 AT UltOAV, .UNl'AKY 11, 1902. -- '- ! - TteNewsof' Catflboaclale . to V . i Railroad time-tables. "Delaware; ivnd -Hudson BalUoad.' , JZ 3fovember 21, life. ' STralns lc4VTMllu1slo nt L-tlj- Bt.tU6n ti fol- Por Scullion nntl WllkM-ll.mc-0.O0, 7.W, S.00, P.OI, 10.01, 11.21 n. III.) 1.00, I.-. 2.M, H.S0, c:0o, 7.ofl, lo.oi, ii.oo i. in, . , ,- Sunday Imliu lent at S.Wi, 11.21 a. "! -,l 2.J0, D.oO. 8.00 p. m, . ., , ..-, 'For Allmiiv. SjuIorh, MonlrMl. ,".SV.. T. JjjRlallil points, etc., 7.00 n. HI.! 4.W I'--;'1,'- v,J wajinnrl ntiil llotioil.ilo, 7.22, lt-'" ' ,'1'! S.51, 0.13 p. in. . ,, ,,,,, Sunday tmliM Irmo Wayitt.iii mul ltonWilall I'O.RO i, J iM ii. m, ,,,,,. Train? arrive ot Catboinlille Irom Will'" '" mill StMtilnn in follo'vi: (I..VI. S.!!7. -"'; J V, til-S 32.37, 2.00, :i.l!l, I.2&, M.0S, 7.01, P.3I. I'-i'i 11. 117 i. Iil.i .2.0S a, in. ,,.n -, Sunday Irulrn nrilve lit 0.2" a. in. S l'--10' ' ' i.U, (I.2U, n,no it. m. , ,,., Sunday Iralni nrrlvi lit C.irhmul.ilr iim "'' m.ift and Hnncnlnle nt 12.17 ami .-"' !' '" Now Y.ork, Ontnrlo and Western. sept. 17, inoi. . .Train lcaV Cubotiilalc tor Scranlon al ,.00 a. Ji.f 1.00 p. in. ''iiiiday tr.ihw at 7,00 a. in. i 0.00 p. in. TmIiii lime e.irboniHc tor point norm nt 11,10 a. in.- On butuljy nt H.10 a. in. lutiu leaving at 11.10 a, in. week tlj 4 mill IU0 a. in. (Mtiidais ni.il.e coimcclloiH tor New' Yotl., Loin Mall. rto. Trains airlvp from Ptrautoti al 11.10 a. m.t f'.IO p.. In.; from iiolnti north, 1.00 p. in. Sumlaja froin Srranton nt all) a. in. and 7.1., p. m.i (loin Cado'lii at 0.0(1 p. m. v Erie Bnllrond. .llllK- 2.!, IM01. Tl.iltu lent- tlj.v station, Carbond.ili', ilJby Oxeipt suml.iv) at I'M a. in. and l.,":l p. in. lor l'.i'.lli'll nml Mncw-ti; nt !..::! .1. in., dally (e-i-uptlns Siind.il), lor IIIiihIiiiiiIuii. nul.ins: ,'un nrrtloiii for New Vnik ilty and llnfl'.ihi. and at I'.IO p. in, for Su'tpk'liannj, iu.iLlti luiincctiont fi-l' wcti'in point.". Sunday Ir.iim nt 0.1.7 a. in. for Siiiiiui'h.inii.i, Mllli ulcrii i-unm-i-dom, and (!?" p. in., with fame i mnirrtlon. Tialiu arrive- at S.M a. m. anil .".15 p. in. Sund.ijs at 8;5'j a. in. THiPOTlTIGAL BATTLE OF TODAY The Republican Primaiies for City Election to Take Place Between 4 rind 7 This Evening What Mr. Bommelmeyer Says of His Candi dacy for Mayor. The city Republican primaries, In .vlilcli the candidates for election in the spring will he nominated, will take place this uftenioon between 4 unci 7 o'clock, mid ns the result Interest rs keyed to n high pitch throughout the city. This widespread interest Is at tributable, to two things the fuel that tlie Crawford county rules will lie ap plied, for the first time, to municipal elections In furhondnlc, and the num ber of candidates who have manifested their wishes to fill three important otllces that are to be voted for, namely, mayor, treasurer and controller. For mayor there are three candi dates. Frank jlonnnelineyer. Ii. A. Rob erts and Hon. 1U. T. Burke. Mr. Roberts, as is well known, seeks the nomination as the pronounced rep resentative of the municipal water pro ject. He has been the chief worker In this movement and Is now more en thusiastic than ever In this cause. Jlr. Burke was first mentioned as a candidate for treasurer, hut later cast his chances with those seeking the nomination for mayor. What Mr. Bommelmeyer Says. Mr. Hommelmeyer, in his statements to the public, lias indicated that he bas no platform but the platform of Un people, whatever their wishes may be. His aim, he has pointed out. will be to net for the best interests of the taxpay ers and property owners of the city and to stand for all who iii-Re for the prope administration of municipal affairs-. His views in the matter are rellected In the following statement: "It is not for any personal ambition or through any expansion of the band of my hat that I am a candidate at the primaries today, but at the earnest re quest of representative citizens, prop city owners and taxpayers, who m-ro for Rood administration of our munici pal business. "So devoid, to me, are the attractions of the oflice that is highest In the sift of our people. Hint I would not Rive a nickel for a nomination. However (now rend attentively), If the Republicans Saturday, afternoon express by their votes a demand that I be their candi date, r r.hall endeavor to merit their confidence, and ninko a vigorously de termined effort to be the next mayor." Frank lioinmehneyer. For treasurer, there are four candi dates, J. Xormiin fielder, Melvln II. Tappan, Frank It. Dever and Daniel 11, Davis. Kach lias put tip a vIroi-ous fight and the result will be exceedingly close. Interest is centered in the can didacy of Mr. Older and Mr. Tappan, as they aro the representatives of the younger element In the Republican party, Mr. fielder Is an enterprising young man, whoso connection with tho dally newspapers of Hit- town , has brought him Into favorable connection with nearly everybody in the city. Mr. HILL ItHOOK FA KM. 'I'll i Owner Comment On (lrup:-Nuls. A farmer with his out of door work might have reason to expect more than the average of good health if lie would use prdper food' and have It well cook ed, buGCinculy of them, In middle age, suffer Ibi'iiit-nts from dyspepsia, nml followlflfc "that - u weakened nervous system!: "'. To slfow '.tile vnluo of.'a chanae la food vS utiofo., from a letter written by U iTlagrefr:t,'bwne'-:'iif mil Brook Farm. IChttUottSsvlUe.-Va. "I h&Vo spent u very considerable nniounCof money In trying to Cure my Btomaett' trouble with." medicines, una have changed clliiiute several times. About two' years ago 1 was taken worse, SSiy heart and kidneys gave ino much trouble. I could not sleep nights. Was vVVry nervous, thin and ills courtigaa, Finally I changed my food nnd began taking flrapo-Xu'ts Break fast Fffid,'' This" agreed with mo and I thought I could see my way out, so I have sGicUto Orape-NutH for a year and a Tialf and gradually the old troubles? have dls'appeured, I havo made splendid progress In health Niiut 'stre'iigtli, sleep well and pan no do a good day's work for a nuiu ofllfty years. I kntftv that Orape-Nuts caused the changeSand although I am now able to use b'thei" food as I like, still I stick to CJrujjfr-NutH because I know how it nqurlshSd me, and besides', wife and I both llUii thtf food. She sgys nothing has helped her ner vous system like Grape-Nuts. We buy tliefood by the case nita-ut-o wi'y enthusiastic In regard' tWtl ' , It is'vplaln that nervous, "worn out people ranBbToTlin3l.tK-Krohre"ffltff by using GrapeNus Tiippnn Is employed -In the ofllco of -the HotulriOKB company, and Is coimplctioua among the young men of the town, J. H. Shannon,' the welt-known mer chant, ot the Ilnu"of Shannon & Co., and tleorgo Kvuns, pccretury of tho hoard of health, nre the cautllthitcs for controller. The other candidates are. us follows: I'm- 'Avc.or--Tliolii.l Klolt, TJiitm Wntcillcld, VIHI.llr1"ll. WIIII.III11. I 'or School tJontlollor,. Ihiik trrm l'lrt, She nml, l'ltlli nml Mxlli wnrda W. If. CopdJiiil, frank ,1. I.nu Winrt tcitii, V, It. hvniH, X. llomor Smith; Tlur.l nml l'oiirtli v.inb, llniiy Cli.ipin.in, V. I), hoivit. I'm- (,'uiiilaliti'sJ-I'iii.t waul, II. II. I'li-ri-P! Kwonil waul, II. .1. e.iryi I'lflb w.ml, Thoni.n .1. ll.llicr, W.llti-r (Mipy, llnriy D.ilpli, Mcpiu'il (lllbyt SKlli waul, Julm .f. Iliiiniolt. Waul AT.snri I'itiil waul, A. . I'lilialiit 'llilul waul, .tiilm It. 'I tioiii.ii; riflli ward, I'nil II. lllllci; Hlxlli ttilul, William II. Artlntr, .Mm (I. llrutittou, Wllli.un .M.ilmv.lilnor, Poor l)lrcitoi. Scioiiil waul, II. II. Mi)'; I'lltli ward, A. It. Nylin. SVliit Cnnnill -?e. olid ward, II. K. t'ltnk, A. I,. S.ilnn; Sixth waul, .lolin (I. tivaiH, tleoraio IIhIiIh, . I.. Ilimlrr, .lolin M.I7.I-, l'li'd Wlllll- l.-l. Illsntlt'T OITIt'llltK. waul, l-lit ilMrlillli'itlnti-r nt rirt waul, l'lit ilMrlillli'itlnti-r t Mili-n, Klmi-r lliotipnliiii'; jnditi- of rU-ftlnn, (ii-iiiso llnd ; liupcrlnr Tlimii.H -Mniaiui. Si'i'imil waul, l-'lit dUrlrt IIckMit of tUvi, T. .1. Simon-; JiiiIot of i-lii-tiiin, Henry Hall; Impec'iir of ekelloii, V.. A. Wits. Hwoml ilh tllel, ii'Mir "I Mitel's Auji. Uni'iii'iiclnicjrr. 'I till tl w.ild, Sni.nd illtll(-t -lii-sUtri of Mitel's John W, lldw.iuk; JiiiIrc of idee lion, William lKer: lii'p-iloi' of eleelion, .1. II. S.nnpon. I'omtli ill-ti let. ii'Aliler f Miters Wllll.nn A. Ilitslioi; JihIrc "i eleetioii, riinveo llouell; In teeli'i of ,'leilien, Aliialnni .l.ieoli. l'-ifth w.ild, l'ii-1 dMllit-1tei;i-ler of M,l,'r., ('. i:.'l)K; jud,'e of elerlioii, Clonl-.i Alri.iiiili'r. 1.. 1. lillllllL'll. Hlxlli w.ild, I'ii't ilNtili'l Ilrui-ti-r of loin's Inlm T. Ilow.utli; Jmlv of ideollon, .lospli .1. lVloLin; lii-.p'itor nt I'leillon, .Ixliti Mirnniii'll, II. W. llinnpliiey, Cli.iiitn.iti. NEWS OF THE PLAY. Some Incidents of Jere McAuliffe's Company, Which Played to Big Houses at the Grand This Week. Plays Booked for the GranV .Tore Me.Uillffe. the entertaining comedian, showed his popularity in Carbnndale by playing, this week, to the largest audiences that have ever lllled the Grand. While McAullffe Is an old favorite in Carbondale, and he has been seen to good advantage on his earlier appearances, Ills versa tility was never so well shown as this week, when he essayed roles that were quite varied. Aside from the admirers Mr. McAulilTe increased by his enter taining ways on the stage, he also .1RUK M'AT'UFFK. The Successful Singer and Comedian. widened the circle of friends that ho claimed in Caibondale. His personal ity is most pleasing:, and this is one of the chief factors of his success. Mr. McAullffe is the same off as on tho stage, always lllled with good na ture. After Monday night's produc tion Mr, McAullffe was In a lunch room where some one, not recognizing his features, asked how the show was. "Oh, pretty good," replied .left-. "Is .lore as good as ever," again asked his questioner. "Ves, about tho same, but he is get ting old you know," was .Tere's last reply, while be winked at his pet ter rier and ordered another cup of coffee. Where a crowd of jovial spirits trav el and become acquainted with one another In a social way. there Is hound to be some practical jukes perpetrated among them. Such Is true of the Mc AulilTe company. Iletwceu rehearsals and playing time the actors llnd time to turn tho laugh on one another. This weel: Arthur De Yoy was tin- vic tim. In bis dressing room at tho opera house he found a large placard, On It was an Illustration of a man clinging to a lamp-post and apparent ly well supplied with the liquid which Inebriates. Another ilgure asks him what's wrong nnd admonishes hini for being drunk. The lamp-post's com panion does not answer in words, but points to the stage entrance shown on the placard. From a creak In the door, "All Is lost, all Is lost," with any amount of exclamation points Is heard. Those words aro used by Mr. IluVoy In a scene in tho production of "Plavps of Itussla." The victim took the joUe lit his own good natured way and is biding his time. Mr, neVoy is one of the most cap able leading men In lepertolro seen in Carbondale. Besides u well trained voice he has u splendid stage presence. The Mitrtlnu brothers scored such a big hit In their acrobatic work. They tiro influential members of tho famous "While lints" organization, They have signed a contract for a six months' tour In Australia In the near future, With them go, the best wishes of Carhomlalluns who lirjve seen them in their great specialty work. One of the most prominent llgun-s of tho company was Walter l,egreit War ren. Mr. Warren Is the owner of nuke," a handsome St, Uermird dog which, when out with his owner, was iiulte an attraction on the city streets. The JK'Aullffe company will end Its succsssful engagement In this city tills evening, when "Convict 1210," prob. ably the strongest play of tliu week, will be presented. T(ta bill this after noon will bo "Slumus O'Urien." Manager llyrne bus just closed a contract for Jie appearance at t,ho Grand on Feb. 15, of' "Tho Bonnie Hrier Hush," wltluh is headed by J. II. Stoddard, the veteran of the Amer ican rdtige, nn nctor of renown. This is 'a bit of enterprise on tho part ot Mr. llyrne that should ho nppreclrtlett by Cnrljoiidnllans, tin the procurement of fttlclt a rare attraction for tt town of this slsso Is something out of tho or dinary. .. The a rand will have another full week ot attractions next week, IIcrIh ning Monday and -playing every night, hut Wednesday, and giving mntlnces on Tliuisilny and Hatttrday, tho at traction will be Perry O'Doll and Dee's comedians. The opening bill will be "In Peril," a drama whloh has many strong situations, The company conies with many recommendations. On AVediiosdny night, tho attraction will ho "Tho Secret Despatch," which made a hit in Scratitoh, at the Acad emy of Music, on Thursday evening. Van. II. Kenzle, who Is the lending innn, made a splendid impression hero when ho appeared In the chief char acter in David Illgglns' "I'lnoy Kldgc' last season. THE RENT DISPUTE. Poor Bonrd, After a Discussion, De cides to Tost the Question hi Court, If Necessary Other Business. Tho poor board met last night, all members being present. The question of paying rent to tho city .for tlie use of a meeting room In the city building was again discussed. The board's attorney, II. A. JUitlcr, gave his opinion on the matter. lie advised the board to appoint a com mittee to confer with the building com mittee and to try to settle the matter In that way. tie stated that the char tor of Carbondale provided for a poor department but the. poor department was not then established. He advised that tlie facts be given to court to de cide. If they decide that the poor de partment is a part of the city of Car bondale then the poor department, docs not have to pay for the room. McCabe spoke on the matter and also requested the committee to llnd out If a better room could be secured. Attorney liutler was given the case and he will confer with the city solici tor. A young man addressed the board and wanted permission to go to tlte hospital as a charge of the board. De lias already been operated upon sev eral times and will have to be operated upon again. This matter was placed in tlie hands or the Sixth ward direc tor. The bill against Edwin Moon for farm supplies which he secured while on the board was then discussed. Two bills turned up last night for which orders wore drawn for them over a year ago. The matter ot hav ing bills turned in within sixty days after being contracted was then brought up. In the future according to written terms on bottom of the bills the hoard will refuse to pay them if they be turned In after tho sixty days limit. Two bills here again turned up for work done over two years ago and were ordered paid. McCabe reported for the farm com mittee that everything was In good shape and but one inmate. John Hundley, being sick. The hands at the farm are at present cutting Ice. The lie on the dam is ot twelve inches thickness, and a good quality. A num ber of bills were read and orders were drawn up for their payment. The board then adjourned. HUNTED OUT OF SEASON. Five Richmondale Sportsmen Arrest ed for Violating- Game laws. A party of hunters from Hichmon-dal.- fared badly In Dundaff yesterday. The parly, live in number, was cap tured by Constable Henry Uaee and High Constable A. J. Perry, and were brought before 'Squire Kike, on the charge of hunting out of seasoTi. One or-the men escaped, but a search for him Is in progress, The hunters were lined S10 each for the rabbits and $.j for the pheasant. Xine rabbits and one pheasant were found in the party, and the aggregate amount of the lines was 5125, which they paid. One of the men, Jack Williams, lias but recently been discharged from the county Jail. As provided by the law the game was given to Hniergency hospital, tills city. St. Paul's Lutheran Church. St. Paul's Lutheran church First Sunday after Rpiphany. Sabbath school H.CO; services 10,!I0 a. in. Ser mon on Genesis xlv, lo-2l. Melchis edeck, King of Salem. A typical pat tern foV shadowiiav Christ as the king of peace and blessings. All are cor dially invited and welcome. I wish to make the following re marks in regord to our church-year's tables ot scripture lersons, prescribed for tlie Lutheran church for two years' course, free scripture texts not excluded. Within the current year, 1 select the second year's course, us the types forshadowlng Christ in all phases from Ills birth up to His coming as "ICIng of the Kings," with his "heav enly army," to substantiate tho king dom or heaven on earth In tho mllen uiuui of his sovereign reigning on this globe before heaven and .earth totally are reconstituted Into a now earth and heaven In accordance with I level., chapter six and xx. Tlie "King of Kings" will certainly realize what God had committed to Dim from eternity to execute. There Is no fooling! The T, N. G. Club. The members of tho T. X. G. had a highly enjoyublo evening on Thursday as Hie guests of tint Misses Cecelia and Dora Early on Seventh avenue. Flashlight pictures were taken of tho grimy by James Mtilonc, Those pres ent were Misses Maipto and Annie Monahuu, Kate and Xcll Little, Mar garet McDonald, Mary Glennon, Louise Dlshoji, Dora and Cecelia Early, The Centennial Club Dances, The Centennial club entertained at a dance in Hnrke's hall last evening. Tho dunce had all the feature's of a swell enterprise, Tho Mozart orchestra furnished music and, among Die merry gathering were young people conspic uous in society circles. Tho affair was highly successful. Change of Meeting, The Carbondale Medical society will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 15, In stead of Tuesday, Jun, H, as previous ly uiinounceil, Owing to tho meeting of tho medical society of Kcrantou on Tuesday, the time has been chunged here. Dr, Wehlau, of Scranlon, will deliver an address. Danceat 'Royal. The Thursday night ilanujng class Intend having a big time at (lennett'a hull in ltoyal on Thursday night next. GIVE HER A CHANCE! County President W.C.T.U., Mrs. H. F. 'Roberts, of Kansas City, T Says to All Siok Women! "Give Mrs. Pinkham a Ohanco, I Know She Can Help You as She Did Me," "DriATt Mns. PiNKiiAst: Tho world praises gronfc reformers; (heir names and fumes arc in tho curs of everybody, and (ho intbliu viress helps spicnd the rood tiding.". Among them nil J.ydiu E. Pinkhutn's name goes to posterity with a softly breathed blessing from tho lips of thotisnnds upon thousands of women who have been restored to their families when life hung by a thread, nnd by thousands of others whoso weary, aching limbs you have quickened and whose pains you havo taken away. SLJr - MRS. II. F. ROBERTS. "I know whereof I speak, for I have received much valuable bene-' flfc myself through tho use of Jjydia E. Pinlihnm'.s Vegetable Coiu ixmnri, and for year.-, I have known dozens of women who have suffered with displacement, ovarian troubles, ulcerations and inflammation who aro strong and well today, simply through the use of your Compound. I feel sine you will never know one-half the good you have done Im munity, and X only wish every suffering woman could know what you can do for her, would she only just givo you the chance. Fraternally yours, Mrs. II. F. Konmrrs, J-HU iileUeo St., Kansas City, Jfo." "Women, do you renlizo tho generosity of Mrs. PinUiiain's freely offered advice ? Don't hesitate to v.-ritc to Mm. PinUham. She will tmder.st.inil your cifo perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice is free," anil the address is Lynn, Mass. No vomau ever veff retted having written her. and fhe has helped tlionscuds. Her medicine, Ijydiu, IS. Pinkliam'S Vegetable Compound, is the true help for nervous, sick anil ailing women. It regu lates tlie monthly sickness and overcomes all those uterine derangements that excite the nerves. This ia the easy and tho right way to jet the belli you need. Kead the letters from the women slio has helped. "When women are troubled with irregularities, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, indigestion, loucorrheoa, displacement or ulceration of the wonib,inilunnnution of the ovaries, general debility, and nervous prostration, or are Iies.et with such symptoms as dizziness, fniutness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, " all-gone " and " want-to-be-loft-alone " feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Tjydin, K. IMiilcliiun'K Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. !KSJnii he 63 J re fa ' vA 'J3 tJilijlj John Firth and William Collins will accoiniiany the party. The young people are preparinsr to have an en joyable evening:. DancitiK and rel'icfii liients will tola- up their time. S1HS. t'ATUKItINT-3 MUtlllAY, a resident of Carliomlule, her birthplace, nearly half n centmy ago, died yes terday jnorniiiR' at the resilience on lint lie avenue, after a llnfrorliifi- Illness. Mrs. Murray, who was the wife of William Ij. Muriny, t-exton at St. ISose church, wtis born in Carbondale forty- r.lirlll vo.'l 'K ii,.,, mill nhvfivi; Hvn.l lin,A -"- - " ...j., lie fore her marriage she was Miss ! Catherine Murphy. K'.ie led a good J life, one that prepared her for tho end, I unit mice hci- tlm nnnunl.'i rlnn In nn- ! swer the summons with resignation, The influence of her life will survive, The survivors or Mrs. Murray are: Her husband, four daughters, Misses Anna, Jiurii, Kuthi-yii and Mary .Mur ray; one son, William Murray one sister, Mrs, John (VMiilley, and three brothers, Michael, Patrick and .lames Murphy, all of this city. The funeral will be helil on Monday morning:. Tho cortege will leave the house on ilattlo avenue at !l.l.ri nVloH: nnil inn,.,i,l I,, Ht. Hose church, where a solemn re- tiuiciu mass win ue ceienrateii, inter ment will be in St. Itose cemetery, CARD FROM MR. TAPPAN. Today the Itopublicun primaries, under the Crawford county system, will bo held at the usual polling- places, be tween tlie hours of 4 uud 7 o'clock p. m. Ah 1 am a cundldate for the olllco of city treasurer, 1 would respectfully its!; that you givo me your support on this occasion, which, I assure yon, will be greatly appreciated. Thanhlng yon In advance for tho favor. Yours very truly, ' M. II. Tappan. Was Probably George Myers. The Ulnglmintou police hold the opinion that the nitin who was hilled on tho Delaware and Hudson road In this city on Saturday last was O cargo Myers, of that city. Ho was Haven camp's companion in crime, and It Is believed that tho pair were together at tho time of the accident. Civil Service Examination. Secretary P. F. Fox, of tho postal board, announced that a civil service examination will bo held in (his city on Feli, 19, I'm, for tho positions of clerk and carrier in the postoillce ser vice. All applications must be on file with Mr. Fox on Feb, G, Meetings of Sxmdny, Pioneer Father Mathcw society. St. Joseph's Cadets. Order Hallway Conductors, No. 1G. Interested in Big' Fortune.. Mrs, Juliet rtuyiiolds, of -Terrace street, of this city, Is among several persons who are part heirs to the es- Owlnp to the fact that fori"- rlieptical people liavc fioni time to liin questioned !h? Kcnuino tie.ss nt the trstimnnul letter- we ,:ic , onslantlr imh!i-.!-.ine: we r.ivc dctHir.itLtluitfi ilie National Citv iianli.ol I.miii, M.nv;., J:,ckj, which will be paid to any person v.hti vill show iliat il-.e a!.ove tc timtmia h not genuine, or was published before nhtainhi;: the wtiler's special pcrni'.j r.io:i. L,yUa 1C. I'iuUliiim Mcdicino Coumauy, Lynn, Muss. r, l.n 1.1 iwi'TTOii-f p i ira ..' n-gaTT-T-YnTTTrg-.-iai i j.;,aiTiiirMntTnni-T tatf of the late Colonel Raiser, which t-overs about S00 acres of laud in tae heart of the city of Philadelphia. To Conduct a Social. On Easter Monday night In liurke's hall, the St. Aloyslus society intend conducting a joclal, to which all their friends will be Invited, and are as sured of an enjoyable t)me. The Mozart orchestra will furnish music for the dancing. t Meetings of Tonight, Court Lily, No, iiO, Foresters of America. Diamond lodge, Shield of Honor, hocal Killi, united Mine Workers, THE PASSING THRONG. Co:irge J. Xeedlinm, traveling pas senger agent for tlie Union Pacillc railroad, called on ltus3ell Shepherd at the Krle ticket office yesterday. Miss Bessie llurda, of Orange, X, .1., Is tho guest of her brother, S. S. Hards, of this city, JERA1YN AND MAYFiELD. Tlie Jerinyn borough couu,cll held a special meeting last evening, all the members being present except Mr, Dunn, of the First, and Mr. Cubunney, of the Third wards. Secretary Jones read a coiuiminlcalton from Horough Solicitor Miilhollitud on the flallugher case, In which ho expressed the opin ion that, according to the decisions of the higher court, tho Oalhtgliers hud no case, There was a slight doubt in tho mind of Councilman Tln-ron Moon us to tho wisdom of appealing tho mat ter to a higher court. The mutter was disposed of by the appointment of Councllnion Httdgor, Uawllng nnd The rou Moon a committee to consult the borough solicitor and Attorney Torrey, with power to net. Secretary Jones was insti acted to notify tho hoi-ouch solicitor to proceed In the cttso of Stoclu-r versus tho Hor ough, damage suit. Messrs. Dunn, of tho First wardi Hudger, of the Second ward, and Ca bunney, of tho Third ward, are the three couucilnieii wlioso terms expire next month. Mv, Cab.inuey has already announced himself as a candidate tor re-election. Mr. iJadger Is undecided whether or hot to run again. David Jones Is being mentioned as a caiull ilnte for rouncilinaiilo tumors In the First ward, and David Thomas and George Cudllp are spoken of us pos sible candidates In the Second ward. The retiring members of the school board are William H. Monoin, of the Fltst; Mr. Hunter, of the Second, and Mr. KdinundX of the Third. The only one of tho three so fur to announce himself as a candidate for re-election Is Mr. Morcom, who, at tho earnest solicitation of a number of the voters of tho ward, has consented to run again. During Ills term of ofllco he has been a faithful uud conscientious direc tor and bus lllled tho olllco very capa bly. He ought to have little itlfliculty In again securing the ofllcc, The Jeriuy'n Hoys' brigade will at tend tho Hnntlst church in it body tomorrow- evenliiB for tltclr second pub lic service. Their chaiilnlii, Hev, Mtty hard It, Thompson, will talk to them on "Tho Uses and tho 13vlls of Witr." Tho boys met iih usual In Knterpilso hall last evening for drill. Hoys wlsti liic to drill should consult with the chaplain or any member of the brigade. The work Is Itttot'dciioinlnutlonitl and iioii-sectarliin In membership ntul In spirit, and linn no reference whutover to the (ideation of going to war. Tho many friends of Uev. Air. Cook, a former pastor of tho I'rlnilllve Alolho dlst church, will he sorry to learn that lie has been taken hnnm to his friends at I'rli-ebtirg, In nit almost hopelerfs condition, suffering with lieiuorrhageot tho hums. Uev. David mil will preach In the Congregational church tomorrow cvon Jng. Hev. Alttynard Thompson will preach in the First Hantlst church tomorrow morning on "The Peace of Prayer." John Jlowartli, of Cemetery street, who bus been so seriously 111 for sev eral weeks Hint his life was despaired of, Is reported to ho considerably Im proved and hopes are expressed for Ills recovery. t There was a falflv largo attendance at the fair last night. Hogarth's band played a number of selections, and AIlss Neitlon, of Carbondale, played a brilliant piano selection, which was much enjoyed. A 10-year-old son of Mr, and Airs. Hlchard Cole, of Atuylleld, died yester day, after it hrief Illness. Prof, and Airs. Harrett arc expected homo today from lakeside. The pro fessor Is recovering from his late se vere lllncrs. OLYPHANT 1. T. Douglier. who occupied part of the building destroyed by fire oft Wed nesday, has moved his stock of furni ture to the Alutthows buitdinjr, on Delaware streqt. Tho friends of D, .1. Williams, of Blnkely, are urging him to become a candidate for justice or tlie peace In the Second ward, nt Hie forthcoming elec tion. "In Peril" was produced In an uil nilralilo manner before tt large audi ence at the Father AInthew opera house Inst evening. The horough council will meet in regular sepsion on Monday night. In the Blnkely Baptist church tomor row, Dr. David Spencer will preach at 10.30 a. m. on "Divine Refreshment," and nt T.IiO p. in. on "The Greatest of All Questions." Rev. K. J. Hatmhtou, of Dunmore, will conduct tho Episcopal services in Kdwards' hull tomorrow afternoon at 3.110 o'clock. AIlss Alttmie Kuban has ri'turned home, after a week's visit with Car bondale relatives. AIIps Maine Alurphy, of Wllkes-Barre, spent yesterday witli her mother, on Dunmore street. AIlss Nellie Hynn, or Hudson street, is ill with the grip. Airs. H. 15. Bush returned home yes terday, after spending a few weeks with relatives hi Atnuch Chunk. Airs. Alalia ltogan, of Dunmore street, is quite, ill. Hev. J. J. H. Fee-ley, of Inkennan, who has been In town for the past few days, returned homo yesterday. PECKV1LLE. Alembers of the Wilson Fire company are making extensive preparations for holding their fair, which will be given "on Alonday evening, February- 3. The WilFons expect to eclipse all previous efforts !n this line. Air. and Airs. II. P. AVoodward were visitors at Peranum yesterday. ' The First ward Republican primaries will be held at the ofllco of S. AV. Ar nold, on Saturday. January L'n. between Ihc hours of I and 7 v. m. James AV. Smith, AV. J. Bonner, AV. 11. AValker, vigilance committee. John Stiphens of tho Third ward, is a candidate for the olllco of school dl rei tor in tlie Third ward. Peckville Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Tliomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Afoining sub ject, "Tlie Priesthood of Believers;" pvenlnsr subject, "Christianity and Buddhism." All are welcome. Presbyterian church, Hev, S. IT. Aloon, D. D pastor. Services tomorrow at 11.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Subject in even ing, "The .Momentous Pioblem." All are welcome. CLARKSUMAUT. Jot-eph nibble, a resident of this place for many years, died very suddenly at Scranton on AVednesday. The cause was the rupture of a blood vessel, Air. Kibble being apparently in perfect health. Ho leaves a wife, but no l'uin ily. The funeral iirntngi-ments havo not lieen announced at this writing. Charles Singer spent Thursday In Scranton on business. A party fiom the High school made n sleighing trip to Hie home of friends in Sirnntou on Thursday evenlnjr. Samuel Sn viler, of ciilnclillla. was among tho business visitors to our town thin week, Edward, Cirlflln has enlisted In the navy, and Is stationed temporarily at Philadelphia. Tho week of prayer Is being observed at the Alethodlst Hplscopal church thla week. Special revival services will be held later, Tin- sli-lghlug continues excellent, each light snow serving to keep It In good condition. Tho predictions of the weather prophets aro being verified, and lyiylng a sleigh may bo considered once more a safe investment. Fred J. AValker has returned from u trip to AVnvue county. AIlss Jennie Warnuck left recently for New York state, where she expects to remain forseserul months. l.'aii Stone, of Kilellu, visited friends here on Sunday last. MOSCOW. MIhh Cora Wheeler Is III with diph theria, at tho liniiie of her sister, Airs. Robinson. Airs. William Reynolds was a Scran ton visitor yesterday, ' Mrs. lhnlly Travis, who has been iiulte ill, is convalescent. The gold watch which was milled' o)V fur tho benefit of Mrs. Samuel Kschelinan was won by George Houser, of Scranton. Tlie merchants In this vicinity aro busy tilling their leu houses. DURYEA. !-jn'(l.il lo the Su'Jiitun 'filliuiii', Duryeu, Jan.' JO. Teachers of the bbrohgh schools will hold their local Institute today (Saturday). An excel lent progi ammo 1ms been prepared. Alius IvWzlu Stackliouse, of Scranton, is visiting ut tho homo of Mr. Isaiah Kresge. A number of cases of measles and scarlet fever have bean riiortil to the board of health. Surprising Results "& A Simple Internal Remedy Mnkoa Reinnrkhblo Cures of Catarrh. People who have tiseil sprays, he linlci-rt, Halves and washes for catarrh nnd havo found how useless! nnd In convenient they, tire, will bo tigreeably Biirprlscd nt results following tho Use ot it pleasant, internal remedy In tali lot form; tfritggliitB everywhere ndinl! that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, which they sell at HO cents for full sized treatment, Is tho safest, most effective and popular or nil catarrh remedies. Nearly nil cheap cough mixtures and throat lozenges contain opiates; these cheap medicines give u temporary re lief, especially with little children by destroying nerve sensation: tho Irrita tion In throat, which causes coughing Is temporarily removed, not by remov ing the cause, but by deadening the nerves of feeling tho irritation Is not felt although It Is still there and will promptly return", Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is the best' remedy to remove catarrhal secrclloti, whether in tho nose, throat or stomach because they arc composed ot whole some antiseptics like Red Gum, Blood Hoot, etc.; when you uso these tablets you know what you arc putting into your system and not taking chances witli cocaine, opiates or similar poi sons found in so ninny catarrh cures and cough medicines. Dr. Ramsdell, Iik commenting on ca tarrh cpj;es, says: "I can heartily rec ommend Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, be-' cause they contain no cocaine nor oth er dangerous drug found in so many advertised catarrh cures. I havo known of many cases of long standing catarrh of the head and throat com pletely cured by the dully use of these tablets for several weeks. One case In particular, ' which 1 could not reach with tin inhaler or spray and where the catarrh caused dally headaches and a noticeable loss of hearlnrr was entirely cured by this harmless but ef fective remedy." Dr. AA'ninwright says: "I never hesi tate to prescribe Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets for catarrhal headaches and ca tarrhal deafness because I know them to bo perfectly safe for child or adult, and havo seen many remarkable cures resulting from their regular dally uso; because they are advertised and sold In drug stores Is no reason why any good physician should not uso them because we should selao upon the means of cure wherever found." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are espe cially valuable 'for catarrhal colds in children because they are pleasant to the taste and may be used freely to break up severe colds and croup at the very beginning. All druggists sell therepiedy at fifty cents for full sized package. A little book on- cause and cure of catarrh moiled free by addressing the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall! Mich. TAYLOR. Andrew J. Doles, one of the pioneer residents, expired yesterday morning nt 2 o'clock at his homo on Alain street, after a lingering illness. Deceased was 70 years of age, and w:ts highly re spected by all who knew him. Air. Doles had filled the office of justice of the peace for years. . Ho wns well versed in law, which served him well in the ofilce he held up to tho time of his death. Air. Dqles was a prominent member of Acacia lodge. No. 570, Free and Accepted Alasons. of this borough, and served as its secretary for -many years. He was also connected with the Knights Templar, of Scranton. Sabbath services at the Alethodlst Episcopal ch'frch tomorrow at the usual time. Rev. ('. B. Henry, the pas tor, will oillciale. Kpworth lenguo at ,G p. in.; Sabbath school at 2.15 p. m. All are welcome. The second rehearsal ot the "Taylor Oratorio society will bo held on Sun day evening at the Calvary Ruptlst church, and all desirous of carolling should do so at once. The work Is far too important to accept members when tlie book Is liuir finished .or near com pletion. About sixty singers were pres ent ut last week's rehearsal. Forty more are wanted. Tho choruses for study tomorrow evening are "Alourn, A'e Ailllcted Children," and "Hallelujah, Amen," the llrst choruses In tho book. The Archbald Aline Accidental final elected the following otllcers tit a re cent meeting: President, Thomas Wel hy; vico-mvsldent, AVlllinm J. Jones; secretary, David J. Thomas: treasurer, II. 11. Harris: inside sentinel, AI, J. Glynn: outside sentinel, AVllUum An drews: board of directors, Henry P. Jones, AI. J. Butler, Thomas AA'elby, avid J. Thomas, Patrick Gibbons, Ed ward Walsh nnd AVJlllain Anthony. The above-named otllcers will be in stalled on Monday evening. The meeting of tho Young Men's Christian association, In their rooms In Vim Horn's hull tomorrow afternoon, will bo of an Uiteivatliu; nature. Tho Young Alen's Christian Association Glee society of Scranton, under the di rection of Prof. J. D. Alain, will ho present uml render somo of their ex cellent selections, and well-known speakers will deliver addresses. All young men an- cordially Invited. Services tomorrow at the Calvary nuptjst church will be held at the usual hours, The pastor, Rev. Dr. Harris, will olllclate at both services. Tito Lord's Supper will bo administered after tho nvpnlns services. Thuro will bo a special meeting ot tho borough council on Monday evening to discuss some means of guarding ngalnat smallpox. The employes of the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western company will re ceive their senil-inonthly earnings "to day. Delawaro and Hudson Dividend. Ily IImIiuIm.- Wlm fioin The AwJriati'J I'rcw. M-w VjiIv, Jjii, 1".- The lcwnl ut niuusw o Dili JM.itt.iu- ami lIuiUcu lumiuny toiliy tie I'lai'd Hit' ii'sular ilbiiliml u( 7 per unt. fi-i the jwr IWU, pjJihU- hi four iiuilcily lijLia,U. lIH'lllSi, i m Stops the Cough and Works ore the Cold. ;. Laxative Hroiuo-Qulniue Tablets cur& a cold in one duy. No Cure, No Piiy, Price" 25 cents.