V" v 4,' JT f -(Wft, "-. y I f- ' ,V '! 12 TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, lf)0iJ. mVVIV lflMl INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR - DISTRICT CONVENTION OF THE MINE WORKERS. Matters That Will Como Up for Con sideration at Next Week's Moetlng In Wllkes-TJarre latest Movo of tho Wabash In Dotting Control of tho West Virginia Central and Pittsburg Railroads Is Causing Much Talk In tho Railroad World. Lackawanna Board for Today. Badges for tho delegates to next week's ftctnl-niimtnl convention of Dis trict No. 1, United Mine Workers ot Amoilcu, wilt consist ot u mcOnllion .portrait of National President John Mitchell, surrounded by the wordsi "An Eight-Hour Day for Anthracite Miners." The badges were received hero yesterday by District President T. D. Nleholls. Tho convention will have tho eight hour dny as Its chief subject for con sideration. What action will be taken, none of the otllcers-wlll attempt to say. President Xlcholls stated yesterday lie Mould not bo surprised If the conven tion contented Itself with n discussion of tho subject mid then refer It to the national convention, which opens In Indianapolis the following week. Another liroiulnent member of tho mine workers, who did not care to bo quoted, said he believed the district convention would decide on a policy to be pursued In establishing the eight hour day and bringing about tho other reforms, mich as paying by weight In stead of by the car, and arranging to have stationary engineers and Ilremen included in the membership of tho minors' locals, Instead of In their own respective organizations. Neither of tho two other district con ventions took any action in these mat ters, us far as has been reported. It is understood they decided to let the First district, vlilch Is ns big as the other two combined, take the lead. It may be that next week's convention and the national convention will be able to nr raugo the plans for carrying out tho ends in view, but if they are not, a con vention of the three districts will be called later. When the mine workers last dealt with John Plerpont Morgan, they were told that the mutter of entering Into a formal conference with them this spring depended on the showing the organ ization would make In the Interim, n tho matter of preventing the pestifer ous small strike and otherwise showing that it was actually representative of all the employes. At least, such was given out at the time of tho interview. The mine workers' ollicers feel that the organization has made a splendid showing in this regard and that com paratively little, if any, trouble w'll be experienced In having a formal confer ence between representatives of the two interests. Xatest Move of Wabash. Tho purchase of tho AVest Virginia Central and Pittsburg railroads by in terests friendly to the Wabash means more than nn invasion of the soft co.il Holds of Ohio. West Virginia and Vir ginia, according to the Philadelphia Ledger. It means that Oeorge Gould is planning to gain entrance to tho hard coal region of Pennsylvania. To secure theso ends possession of the West Virginia Central places him In a most strategic position. Tills purchase gives tho Wabash people a system of roads from Zanes illle, O., to ii Junction with the West Virginia Central. This latter road in cluding the Piedmont and Cumberland load, which it leases, extends north west to Cumberland, Mil. Northwest of this terminal, but a short distance, Is .Shippensburg, Pa., to which point, by building n short con necting line, tho West Virginia Central could connect not only with the West ern Maryland but with the Philadel phia and Heading. Poth these latter roads arc practically Independent. Hy tho, Western Maryland an outlet would bo secured tit Haltlmoro, and over the Heading not only Philiidalphla but New York city could be reached. A road from Pittsburg to Shlppeiis burg is not improbable, as recent sur veys have been made along that route. This of course, being a good plan will likely meet opposition from the Penn sylvania or Morgun-Vunderbiit inter ests. The Now York Mall and Express commenting on tho purchase says: "The purchase of this road will give the Wabash a lino to tidewater. It is admitted that this Is a condition which Gould interests have been striv ing for. However, they will not use the Southern port against New York, it Is quite likely that a. connection from Buffalo to this city will bo made by the Wabash through purchase of a stock Interest In either the Lacka wanna or ISIe," By securing this outlet to the At lantic the Wabash Is In a position to become a traus-Atluntie road, us it is likely to soon gain a Western con nection to the Pacific by an alliance with Senator Clark's new road. Here tofore, It hos been hemmed In between tho two coasts with no outlet to either. A despatch fiom Cumberland, Mil., quotes Colonel Thomas B. Davis, brother of President Davis of the West Virginia Central us saying that the purchnco was made in behalf of the Wulmsh by Edwin L. Fuller, a Now York stock broker, and that tho price paid was largely In excess of the re ported figure, 17,000,000. It was though that the Edwin U Fuller mentioned In the despatch was Edward L. Fuller of this city, hut at hl3 ofllce it was stated this Is not so. Board for Today. Following is tho nialce-up of the D t,. & Vt', board for today; ntllUY, JANUAHY 10. Wllil Cits tot. 8 p. in., J), lUggirty; 10 p, i., I'. Ciwnaush; 11 , m., II. CuUi, It, Pflugliert; ' crew, S.VlUItDAY, JANUAHY 11. Willi C'jtJ Kast, 1.30 i. ui., Hobokcn, Biady) I a. pi., John llaittr; P a. m.,' Hobokcn, J, II. tarU; 7 a, in., T, Fltipatrlck; 8 u. m., llo. token, J. Clcirllyj 0 a. in., J. F. Burkhart; 10 a. n., 51, J, Her.ncifjnj U a. in., E. W, Uurtj 1 , i., O, W, ntiifculil; 2 p. in., Gcorgo Tlwmasj ) . in., A. JI. lljiiniicUi 6 p. in., V, 1 Stc. cnj 0 p. in.,!'. L. llugera. SuimnlU, Etc. 0 u. in., J. Hcnenffan; o a. m., Frouurclker; JO a. ni.. It. Caatner; 11 a. in., Mc Allister; i p. in., TbompMui 0 p. fa., William Klrby. J. Curies' crciv; 10 j. m., polden. 1'uihcw. 0 a. in., Widncr; 7 a. in., Hn. tert.v; 8 a. m., Homer; 11.15 a. m Moran; 4 p. ti., O. Bartholomew; 7.SQ p. m., Jlurphyj U p. $& 3i!i?tb? fvuieiiy that, cure a cola lu one Uay. tn.t W, If. narffiolomcw) 10 p. m.t Lamping. Wild Cats West. a a. m., Doiicllcan, 10 a. m., L Carmody; 2 p. m., d. fUndc-IIiS 4 i. m V, Wnlll 11 p. m., John Gohsgsn. PiMenger Engines 7 t. m. GsfTncyi 7 a, m Singer! 10 i. in., Nsumin; 10 a. in., Sccor; 0.18 p. in.) SI in ton; 8.30 p. in., JfcUovetn. NOTICE. M. II, McLane ami crow will go (o llobokcn on No. I J, Jan. II, to Icitn M. and II. division. This and That. tlecnusc of tho discharge of one ot the employes, tho workmen at tho .Grassy Island colliery of tho Delaware and Hudson company have gone on strike, nnd tho COO men and boys em ployed there are Idle. Workmen have been endeavorlnc to put Into shape the new Auchlncloss breaker of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, which was moved by tho severe wind storm of De cember 31, says tho Nantlcoko News. All tho necessary machinery for straight ening structures of this kind is on the ground, but so fur not much headway lias been made. It is a question now whether It would not bo best to rebuild, SUSQUEHANNA. Special to tin Scranton Trlbflnt. Susquehanna, Jan, 10. The Chapot Chamois company, ut Great Bend, Is to be reorganized. Ilallqtead now has five cases of smallpox. Charles M. Kessler, formerly ot Sus quehanna, has resigned Ills position as manager and treasurer of tho Hall steud Chair factory. As yet there uio no signs ot tho re moval elsewhere of the Erie depart ment oillces In .Susquehanna. Perhaps, porbably or possibly they have come to stay. There Is no smallpox In Susquehan na and vicinity. A largo number of Immigrants are "westward ho"--lng over the Eric. Henry Manger, nn aged resident of South Gibson, lias sustained :i slight stroke of paralysis, affecting bis left arm. The Odd Fellows will have n "La dles' Night" social on Wednesday eve ning. Jan. 22. Extra meetings will next week be gin in the Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, Oakland side. Tho Oakland Congregational Sunday school will hold a graphophone en tertainment in the church on Wednes day evening next. The Luxury of Modern Railway Travel to Florida and the South. Tho gratitute of tourists who appro elate the acme ot luxury in railway travel is duo in no small measure to the .Southern railway system. Their line ot operation is the great highway that leads by Washington, D. C, to and through the Southern states. Year by year they have adopted every Im provement that could add in any way to the comfort of that nrmy ot visitors who make their winter home in the vast territory covered by its network of lines. An example of the superb trains operated by the company Is the South ern's "Palm Limited," which uipns be tween New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine, every day. except Sunday, dniing the winter months. This inag nilllcent train will be Inaugurated Jan. 14, 11)02, leaving Philadelphia at 3.1G p. m., the most luxurious in tho world, runs through solid from New York to St. Augustine, excepting one drawing-room sleeping car, which is detached at Blackvllle, S. C, and runs to Augusta, for the accomodation of travelers to this popular resort, and Aiken, S. C. The train Is composed Of Pullman composite, compartment cars, drawing-room, sleeping- cars, library, observation and dining cars. Two other fast daily limited trains are operated, carrying through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars. New York and Philadelphia to Savannah, Jack sonville. Tampa, Charleston, Augusta, Asliovllle, Chattanooga, Nashville, At lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Now Or leans, affording excellent service to Florida, Mexico and the Pacltlc coast. Dining car service on all through trains. Tho popular route to Plne hurst, N. C, Pitllmun drawing-room sleeping cars, Washington, Pinchurst, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. New York to ThomasvUel, Ga Pull man drawing-room sleeping cars every Thursday, commencing January 9th. Charles L. Hopkins, district passenger agent Southern railway, S2S Chestnut street. Philadelphia, will furnish all in- f oi malion. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between Now York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing1 November ;o and each Tuesday, Tnursany ana Saturday thereafter, the Washington anil South western Limited, operated dally be tween New York, Philadelphia and Now Orleans via tho Pennsylvania Railroad and Southern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Broad street station at C.G3 p. m., composed of dining, Pull man druwlng-room, sleeping, observa tion and library cars, In addition will carry a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-room compart ment sleeping cur to connect with tho Sunset Limited operated between Now Orleans and San Francisco. The celebrated trans-continental ser vice offered by these luxurious trains makes i trip to tho Puciflo coast not only very quick, but most delightful. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Railway, 328 Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish ull Information, Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Hallway. Effective Nov. !U, the Southern Hull way will operate through train service from Washington via Richmond, Vu., to Florida and points south. The new train will be known as No. 20 and will leave Washington at 10.C0 a, in. over tho Washington Southern Railway and arrive Jacksonville, Flu. at 3,15 a. tu, This train carries first class coaches nnd Pullman drawing room sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also bus dining car ser vice. The above trun Is in addition to the full complement of train ser vice of Southern Rullway via Lynch burg and Danville. Chas. la. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Rullway, 828, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish ull In-' formation. m m Brynu at Holyoke. By Eacliuive Wire (rom The Auodatcd 1'feu. IJoton, Jan. 10. W, J. Bryan left llo.ton for Holyoke early today, lie will return licic to. morrow and be the gucit ol the city ot Jloctou at luncheon, with Mayor Collins as hoat. In tho afternoon he Mill bo the guest of Mayor Mo Namcc, of Cambridge. This tlgufctaro Is on erery box of the genuine Laxative nromn.Oiiinine Tablets THE MARKETS Wftll Strett lrlttr. Now York, Jan. 10. Tho condition of neglect and professionalism into which tho stock market Is falling became more evident today, not only In the smaller volume of the trading but In the eccentric fluctuations of prices. Tho net changes in tho nfujorlty of tho list will bo found narrow, but tho day's range was considerable nnd tho changes constant and various. The rule of operation has fallen back to the professional room trader's basis of selling on advances and buying on slight recessions. The speculation con tinued quite nctlvo In sugar innd Man hattan, but oven In those the charac teristics wore professional. Generally speaking tho characteristic ot tho mar ket was dullness duo to tho lack of outside Interest and tho discontinuance, ot operations by tho larger specula tive interest. .The tone leaned towards depression ns the lack of demand made the mankct vulnerable to even light selling pressure. The abandonment ot the bull campaign In United States steel and tho desire to await a better defined status for the Northern Secur ities company were general considera tions detracting from speculative in terest. The announcement of the sus pension ot a trust and savings institu tion In Cleveland was regarded as an episode, unimportant In its Immediate results, but with a rather sinister slg nlflcancc in Its possible ulterior bear ings. Tho suspension was associated In the Wall street mind with tho diffi culties of tho Everett-Moore syndicate, which have been- a rather depressing circumstance In the Wnll street back ground for some time past. Tho feel ing In favor ot conservatism In the ex tension of both credits nnd speculative ventures was strengthened by this event. There hns been an extensive speculation In Delaware and Hudson on a confident assumption that the div idend on the stock was to bo Increased, This assumption was strengthened by the action of the Now Jersey Central directors In jumping their dividend rate from 5 to S per cent. The action of tho Delaware and Hudson directors today In limiting the distribution of last year's prollts to seven per cent, to be disbursed quarterly, was there fore a keen disappointment, as it rep resented no bettor return than that of last year. The stock was sold heavily, causing a break of six points, with an influence on the whole market. The unchanged dividend on Louisville and Nashville was also a disappointment, though in much less degree. Total sales fiGS.tOO shares. The bond market was dull and rath er irregular. Total sales per value $2, Sir.,000. United States bonds were all un changed on the last call. The following- fiuiUtioiui arc furnished Tho Trib une by M. P. Jordan k Company, rooms "05 708 Hears building, Scranton, l'a. Tcicptionc, ouut Open- High- Low. Oloi- ink, est. cu Ing. Amcilr.ni Stigir 122',', lil1, 12FH Vll'.i Ahliihoii "Jj'.i 78TA 77 ""' At bison. IT !VS t'i'4 iiVSl !' Am.il. Copper Wn 70'i Wi'A " Am. Car i Fiiundiy.... 2r"i 2fV4 2''.6 '-"i Ilrook. Tuition lid I'm M W) iijii. & Ohio mi? imi; loiu ion' Clie. & Uiii Ii Hi1! IdTi 4HH t-lllt-.. & III. Wo-t .... 2.1 2.1 'ii -2iTl rhir.. Mil. k St. F....1I21 1114 1J VUH lWH rhle., It. !. k I' IMS I'll 1V,-, UV Colo, fuel & Iron 8U Mi M MTi Kric It. It 41' lITi tilt i Krif It. 1!.. IT T.t'U 7t-)8 7-lVa 7'-',i Kfiuls. k N,isli mi" 10il inVi 10.1VO Mjnli.it tan l'lo VSSvi 140 l'lsli 135-Ji Mot. Tiuitlnn I',i Vit'.i liEVa IbJls Mhviilli I'.ieitlo 1(111,!, Wl 101 Mi 101 Norfolk & WiMirn .... ." fi7 .M,r- Mi N. V., O. k W 4i ::i! :il :u N. Y. "cntr.il VH'b 1H3VA 11HI liiS IVnn.i. It. It WU 141N, 1 1Sfi lff34 jlr.nling k.v -Wi WIVs "',.i Wi llCdiliiig, W rr W S! SIV-i Slli Southern llv '(''& '"'.i : 3.1 Southern llv.. IT flll-i !l !H ftf!4 Southern l'jelfie .VI Ml',i .ViH IK) Trail. (.'o.il k Iron .... H4 l !",.. tii Tojs VjiIHc :;ai .vi"'; is-ivi : r. S. l.o.ithor U'i ll'J ll"-! 11H T. S. I.c.ilher, IT W M M'-j M' T. S. lluhbor II II 11 II 1T. S. Slool Co .llJi 4("!, 1.1 ms V. S. Slcl Co., IT . .. 'U II?'. 01 PP-i WVnlern Union 01 'i n7, m Union Kiufio Wi lOCJ 101'f'. lit! Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked Larkawann.i Dairy co rr. 60 County Saiw;a Bank & Trust Co.. 360 First National Bank (Carbondalc) Standard Drlllint Co Third Nall6nal Bank CM Dime Deposit and DUcount Bank.. 275 Economy Light. II. & P. Co I'irht National Hank l.'tOO Laika. Tiust Safo Deposit Co 150 Clark li Siiomt Co., Pr 125 Scranton Iron Tcnic ti Mfg. Co Scranton AIe Works Siidiiton S.nlng3 Bank 500 Traders' National Bank 175 Suantun Bolt Ic Nut Co 107! People's Bank .. XS5 New Mexico By. & C. Co BONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 10'JO 115 People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1018 115 Pcople'a Street Ballnay, General mortgage, duo 1021 , 115 Dickbou Manufacturing Co l.acka. Toumlilp School 5 per cent. ... City ot hcranton St. Imp. 0 per -cent Siranton Traction ti per cent 115 "so K 100 05 100 l(2 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ae.) Flour Best patents, per barrel, $4,00. Ucana Per bushel, choice niairow, $J.55. Butter I'rreli cicainciy, 2ue, ; Jure cr.'aniery, 21c; dairy. '-3Vic. Cheese Pull cieam, ll'.ialic. llgsa Neaiby. 02c,i storaite. fancy, MUc (ircenj'eas Per bushel, ?1.50. Potatoes Per bushel. (1. ' Onlons-1'er bushel, $1.U), Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. riillailclplil.i, Jan. 10. Wheat , lower; con tract (jiaile, January, SilUaSTc. Com I'lini; No. '-' miMtl January, OTaOTlic. Oali Srttaily; No. a uliito cllppcil, SlV4c. Iluttci linn liut v. louvr; fancy western iicaiuiiy, 21c; ilu, near by prints, '.'Vc, Ksgi. I'iriu; Hinli neaiby, 30?.; do, wvsti-rn, 'Mu.: ilo, MutlivcUiii, !lt.t do. eoutliein, li"c. C'liicrt Kirmi Xcv Vol Is lull u earns fancy mull, ll'.ii-. ; do. do, do,, (air to choice, Dalle. Helmed SiiKai Dull, Cotton UneliaiiKcd, Tallow Steady, better dcinaiid; city prime in lleues, (IVic; country ilo. do,, barieli, UVialiUc ; dark, 5?a1Tic. ; lakes, il?e. I.lio I'oultiy Dull and easier; kowls, ualOe. ; old rooatcm, 7c; ilikkcni. blialOc. j duckn, 11a 12c; Beec Uallc; luikey, Willi-, Dtted I'oultiy (juiet; foul, cliulco, 10i,jallc. ; do, fair to tsood. OUnlOc.; old loosters, 7a7He. ; ililikeiu, neaiby, Ual'JV, ; western do., Oaliiio, ; turkejs nearby tlioico to, famy. laloV.i wciern do, do,, ISallc -, do, lair to kooiI, lUal2e, ; ducU, Iftillc.i wettern do,. 10al2i; grrai-, hallc. Hi leipti Hour, ;t,00i lunula unci 2.21U.OUX1 jiouiidl in tacl.i; u liea I, TV.iKXi LiMieU; coin, .r.,IMW liutli fU: oats. 2H.000 biMiela. Sliininenln Ulu-at. ai.fJOO bu-liclsj loin, 0,000 bu.lielii oaU,. 12,00(1 bushels. Chicago Qmln and Produce Market. Chicago, Jan. 10. Xen 01141104 over the gov eminent 11011 icnort epected today ictultcd in tlurp dlpa tu all grain pita followed by good recou'rln; May wheat rlosecl uiiihaiiged; May lorn u bludu higher and May oatu, !ic lower, ProvUloni closed 10al2'je. to 12'(i.il5e, lower. Cai.li ijuolatloiis weie u follows: Flour llarely steady; No. 3 i.prliig wheat. 751sub0c; No. a red, b7aS!ic; No. 2 oata, 4Uc, No. 3 while, 4Malii-.; No. 3 while. lSal8ic; Xo. 2 ije, 07c; fair to iholio nulling barley, UlaOic; No. I flax wed, 1.02; No. 1 iiorthvvolein, 1.0114; lirluii) timothy seed, $0.W; ines poik, 10.75a 10. W; lard, K.MalU0; thoit rtlw. $S.J0a8.10; dry salted khoiilders, V,iiC,i tbort ilcar sides, S8.83 uS.I; whUkey, $1.32. New York Grain and Produce Market New Vork, Jan. 10. Flour Firmly held with a fair trade at old price. ttlu-jt-Ppot steady; tN'o. 2 red, 007ic, f. 0. Ii. altoat and U2U ele vator; No. 1 northern Dululh". wlic f. 0. b. alloat; pplloni, opened ea.y and declined. In tho afternoon, however, libeial lomluz led to a than lully uuO the market iloaed Urui at uu- FINANCIAL. INVESTMENT OFFERINGS AT PRICES TO YIELD FROM 4 TO 5 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Co., Gcnl. Coil. &IstMtg. 5s, M. & N 1!),')7. Chicago Great Western Railway Co.. 4 Per Ct. Debenture Stock, J. & J. 15th. Colorado Springs Electric Co., 1st iiltgc. 5s, A. & O., 1 1)20. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Co., Imp. iMtg. 5s, J. & D., 128. Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn, , 1st Con. (now llrst) 13, J. & J., 11NW. t Uuiisvilic & Nashville Railroad Co., 1st Mfg. Col. Tr. 5s. M. & N., 1031. Louisville, New Albany & Chicago R. R. Co., C. & L. Dlv. 1st 31tg, 5s, F. & A., 101 1. fletropolitan Street Railway Co., Gen. Alts. &Col. Tr. 53, F. & A.) 101)7. Missouri Pacific Railway Co., Col. Tr. 5. M. &S., 1017. riobile & Ohio Railroad Co., .Moiitg. Dlv. 1st Mtg. 5s. F.& A. , 10'17. New York Gas & Electric Light, Heat & Power Co., Purchase Money 4s, F. & A., 1040. Rio Grande Western Railway Co., 1st Con. Mtg. 4s, A. &0., 1040. Southern Railway Company, Klch, & Dan. Deb. (now 2d Mort.) 5s, A. & O., 1027. Southern Railway Company, Vu. Mid. Gen. Mtg. 5s, M. &N., 1030. , Third Avenue Railroad Company, 1st Con. Mtg. In, J. & J., 2000. Descriptive list mailed upon request. SPENCER, TRASK & CO. State and James Sts., Albany. I WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 . ; $400,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC ID POWER COHY Of Butte, Mont. (Butte Ls the greatest copper producing city in the world.) 5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Denomination 1,000, maturing 1 to HO years. Amply provided, for by icscivc and binKEn? fund. Net earnings thrrc and thicc-quartcrs time InliTC-t iharned. Wutc for report ot Mr. Samuel Inauil, President of the Chicago IMison Co., and special cinulai. . RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. 1 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. M Ideas, Safe Methods, Large Returns, (3Umillayvc 6 Bonds of The . Southern Mining Corporation Denomination of Bonds $100 Each. A limited number of these bonds for snle at par, on reasonable terms or lor cash. S200 worth of stock at par given with each bond as a bonus. The safest and most practical mining proposition ever offered. All net profits to be applied to the payment of bonds. Wrjte for prospectus. The Southern Mining Corporation 4517 Frankford Ave-, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad v In Kffpt Nov. 3, 1001, .iTfains leae Scranton. For 1'lilladclplila and New York via D. ti 11. It. It., at tU8 and 'J. US a. 111., and 2.19, 1.27 (Black Diamond i:.ircss), and 11,30 p. in. Sun dajs, II. & II. It. It., 1.0S. 8.27 p. m. For While Haven. Uazlcton and principal points in the coal legions, iu I), k II. It. 1!., (US, 2,13 and 4.27 p. in. For l'ottsville, 0.3S a. in., 2. IS P. in. l'oi Ilctlilelicni, Knilon, Iteadln?, llarrl&hurrr, and principal intermediate etatiom, ila I). ,'; II, n. II., B.38, (1,33 a. in.; 2.1S, 4.27 llllack Dia mond i;vprca.s), 11.30 p, in. Sundays, D. k II. R. It., 0.3S a. 111.; l.uS. S.27 ;. in. Tor TunMiannoik, Towanda, IMmiia, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D.. I,, and U. It. It., 8.10 a. 111. and :i.SO p. ni. For Geneva, Itothejter. DuHalo, Niagara Fall, Chiiago and all poInU went, ia I), k II, II. It,, 7.18, 12.03 0. m.. 1.12, S.28 (Ulack Diamond IJ press), 7.18, 10.11, 11.30 p. ni, Miudajs, O. & II, It. 11., 12.03, 8.27 p. ni. Pullman pallor and eleeplnu or LehlRli Valley Parlor earn on all tialns between Wilkc-liarie and New Vork, Philadelphia, llutfalo and Suspen eiou Drldge. IIOI.LIN II. WILntin, Gen. Supt., 2D Coitland ttr.'et, New Yoik. CIIARI.US S. I.IIK, Ocn. i'aii Agt., 28 Coitland klieet, New Yoik. A. V. NONKMACIICII, Dlv, Pass, Agt., South llclldeheni, Pa. For tlckeU and Pullman rcrnatlons apply to city tkkct otfkc, 00 Public iuare, Wilkcj-riaire, Pa. changed piliea; Maiih closed SOVic; Ma, bSljo; July. b8lic Coin frpot bteady; No. B, TOi;--, elevator J'nd T0',ic f. o. b. afloat; options weak er in the lou-iiooii but recovered finally with wheat and closed steady; May clewed 70',c; Julv. Otic Oatb f-iwt quiet j No. a, 33c; No. 3, 52c; No. 2 wlilto, 53c; No. J white. Sljic; track mixed wchtein, SJaUUt, ; tiack white, Sl'a uVj',:c; optlona easier at first iccoveiini; later 011 11 demand fiom i-horta. Duller UiiM'ttled ond lovvir; ireamery, )a2le. ; fattoiy, 13al3lac; Juno creamery, lliirilUc! Imitation neainery, II alSVjcs blate daily, lla22c Cheoa- Finn; Mate full cieams (aigo fal luado fancy, 10V..a IDe,; sltuto full ireaui small fall inado fancy, HUallUe, ; lato luado bet lame, u'.ii-. ; Utn nude bet mull, ln'.ic Fgg Finn; t-talc and Pcnmjlvatila, 33aJl(..; weitirii, 27aSJc; southern, 2oa32c Chicago Live Stock Market, Chiiago, Jan, 10. Cattle IteceipU, 3,0l)0; steady; good to prime, nominal, $.l0.i7,G0; poor to medium, $lafl.2.; stockerj and feedeu, fi.iii l.M; tows, fl.23al.ba; lielfem, $2.23a5: raiuierx, l.3a2.B0; bulls, W.20a.S0; lahcs, fr2.30aU.2i; Texas fed steeu, f-l.23j3.19. Ilog HevelpU to. day, 30,000; tomorrow, 23,000; left over, 10,000; SalOe. lower, dosing weak) inlsed and butchers, al).575i; good to choiia heavy, jU.3aul.57Va; rough heavy. $S.ltia0.20; light, J.WjU.(; bulk ot sales, iaO.3.1. Slieip Iteielpts, 10.(00; sheep, steady io strong; lambs, stiumr to 10c higher: good to cliolie wethers, lal."3; western sheep, lal.7J; native lambs, fJ.WaO; western Iambs, 6aS. Buffalo Live Stock Market, Fast Iluffalo. Jan. 10. Cattle Ilecelpts, light; active and stronger for hutilicrs' grades; veils, fair to good, if0.Ula7.73; choliu tq bct, 3aS.W). Ilom lteielnts. 13.100 head: slow- but about .steady; h,ca,v.y,$d.50a0.5.'S; mixed nickers, $0.35a 0.11; Yorkers, fJ.20aw.2S-, light uo., &tt,10aU.20; pigs, M.ta)a(i; roughs. f3.10a3.C3; stags. lal.25. fcheep and Ijmbs ltinelpls, 13,2); 10c. strluiger for land's; sheep, stead v; top' mixed, l.2Jal.1-i; olheis, f.'.iOat.IJi wethers. 1.75a3; jcarllngs. il.73a5.!3i too lambs. $0.10a0.13; others. $l.(Va0. FINANCIAL. 27 & 20 Pine Street, New York. 8 . F. MEQARQEL. & CO. STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. I, F, Megargel. Itoy Chester Mcgarg-l. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Direct Nov. 3. 1001. " Trains leave Sci anion for New Vork At 1.10, 3.15, 0.03. 7.10 and 10.03 a. in.: 12.45, SAO, :U3 p. 111. For New ork and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.03 a. 111., and 12.43 and 3.3.1 p. in. For Toby. liaima At 0.10 p. m. For lliitlalo 1,10. U.22 and 0.00 a. 111.; 1.C5, 0.50 and 11.33 p. 111. For tllng hamton and way statiouy 10.2O a. m. and 1,10 p. in. For Oswego, fcjraiuao and L'llt-u 1,15 and u.22 a. 111.; 1.00 p. m. Usucgo, Syracuse and Utlca train at 0.22 a. 111, dally, except t-uuday. For Montrose 0.00 a. 111.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m, Nicholson accommodation 4. WJ and 0.15 p. 111. Uloomtbiirg Division I'or Northumberland, at 0.35 and 10.03 a. m,; 1.55 and 0.10 p. ni. For Plymouth, at b,10 a, 111. ; 3.40 and V.W p. 111. Sunday Trains l'or New Vork, 1.10, 3.15, 0.03 and 10,03 a. m,; 3.40, 3.33 p. 111. For llutfalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. 111.; 1.53, 0.50 and 11.33 p. 111. For ninghamtoii and way stations 10.2U a, in, Illoomsburg Division Leavu Suaiiton, 10.03 a, ni. and 0.10 p. 111. New Jorsey Central. In Direct Nov. 17. 1001. Stations (11 New Vork, foot of l.lbeity street and South Ferry, N. It. Trains leave tieianton for New York, Philadel phia, K.iston, llethlehem, Allrntuwu, M.uicli Chunk, White llavin, Ashley and Wilkes-Banc at 7.10 a. 111,, 1 p. in. uud I p. in. .Snmlj), 2. 1 11 p.m. Quaker City Fxpius leaves h'naiilou at 7.30 a. 111,, tluough solid votibulc tuln with Pullman uunet t-auor v ars, iur i-nuaueipuia, For Avoca, Pittston and Wilkes-Ham-, 1 and 4 11. 111. buiidav, 2.10 11. in. P. in, For Long llranch, Oican Unite, etc., "30 a. 111. and 1 p. in. For lleadi.ig, Lebanon and llarilsbuig, via A. lentovvu, at 7.30 a. 111. and 1 p. in. hundiy 2.10 p " For Pottsvilla at 7.r.0 a. m. and 1 p. 111. For lalid and tiikets aiply to agent at station. C. M. IIUHT, Gen, pa,s, st, W. W. WDN'IZ. Gen. Supt. Pennsylvania Railrond. Siheilulo In Dflcct June 2, loot, Tiains leave feirantoui 0.33 u. 111., ieU ,ij,s thiougli eVtlbulo tiaiu from U'llkio-llane. Pull inan buffet palor tar and coaihei 10 philadel. phia, U Pottsville; stops at. pilneipal iiilcrine. diate stations. AUu iiuinects fur .Sunbury, H41. rlsburg, Philadelphia, llaltlmolv, IVaiiilugton and for Plttsbuig and tho west. 0.38 a. 111., week dajs, fur Siinbiny, HarrUburg Philadelphia, lUltimoie, Washington and Pitts buig and the west. 1,43 p, in., week days (Simdavs, 1,58 p. in.), for bunbuiy, llairUhurg, Philadelphia, Ilaliinuie, Washington and Pittsburg and the wot, 3.28 n. in.,' week dajs, lluouah vi.tlLnIo train fiom WIILesllane. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia la Pottsville. Stops at pilmlpal Intciinedlato stations. 4.27 p. 111.. wiek davs, for llatletou, Sunbury. Ilariisburg, i'hlladelphia and Plttsbuig. ' J. II. III!TCIllXf4).V. Ocn. Mgr. J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. Erie Kailioad, Wyoming Division. Trains for New Yoik. Ncvvburgli ami jntrinm dlatc, points leave Scranton as follivv; 7.20 . la.,: 2.23 p. in. Atriialv-10.33 a. in. from JIMdlctown, Hones dale, Haw ley and lulermedlate points: ii.20 p. in. from New Vork, Ntuburjh and iLtiruiediato uolats. No bundiy tialns: I50)5SJHGk;)JOKX5$; H. Do GLOAKS SUITS SKIRTS -WAISTS 0 We will close out all our 27-inch Jackets at yi former prices. This means $ 5.00 Jackets 10.00 Jackets 15.00 Jackets 20.00 Jackets 25.00 Jackets PH And so on up to new garments. S 324 Lackawanna Avenue Q Take KJKHMKKn)S50JOinKKMK5Kn50I Better mince meat than this cannot be made at borne. It is as juicy, fruity, clean and much more economical. We save you the weary chopping, boiling, seeding, peeling, miring. Last year we sold ten million (10,000,000) packages. Each package makes two large (or three small) pies. So (at least) there were twenty million. " None Such"intnce pfeSU Beware of so-called " wet " mince meat sold from open pails. "None Such" is condensed that Is, compressed In air-tight, water-proofc&rtoa tocts. a package. Premium list of "1847 Rogers Bros'." sllverwaro enclosed. If your grocer won't supply you, notify AIorTeU-Sauio Co., Syracuse, N. V. Mjp: 1 .jjtuaJ!, , - -"ij - , y NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, $3.50 Tcr Day and Upwards. European Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upward! Special Ilatca to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -- ----- For Business Mcu In the htart ot the wholesale district. For Slioyycw s minuter' walk to Wanamakora; S minutes to Siegel Cooper's Bis Htore. Easy of access to tho great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, giv ing easy transportation to all points of Interest. OTEL ALBERT : ajsw 1 unit. Cor. llth BT. ft UNIVEnSITV VU Only one mock from Broadway. ROOES, $1 Up. Pricif Reajonabls ---f-f-f -f-f-f-f-H- -f -f--f RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delaware and Hudson. In Fffect NoumUr 21, 1001. Trains for Ciihoudalo leave biiauluii at 0,20, 8.00, h.33, 10.13 a. ill.; 12.00, 1.29. 2.31, 3.5.', 0.21), 0.2S, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. in.; 1,31 a. ill. For Ifoncsdalc, 11.20, 10.12 a, m.; 2.31 and 5.2J lVor Wilkes-llaue-O.S'S. 7. IS, S.41. f as. io.4i 0. in,; 12.0J, 1.1.', 2.1S, 3.2S, 1.27, 0.10, 7.IS, 10.11. 11 "O !' ' For I.. V. It. It- I'oluls-0.3!i, 0.38 a. 111, j 2. IS, 4.27 and 11.30 p. ni. For I'cnn-vlvaiila It. It. PolnU-sj.SS, 0.33 a. 111.; 1.12. 3.28 ami 4.27 i III. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. ra. and 3.C2 p. aim o.u- 1 &U-Sl)AY TUAIXS. For Carbondalc-S.W, 11,'il a, in.; 2.1,1, 3.U, S.&2 and 10.0- 1. I"- For Wllkes-Uaic-0.3S a. 111 ; 12.03, 1.5S, 3.2i. 0.32 and b,12 p. in. For Albany und lioints potlh 3.52 p, 111, For lloiin.dale S.JO a. in. uud 3.52 p, m. W. I,. PItVOit, I). P. A., Scranton, Pi. New York, Ontario and Western. J11 Uflcct Tue.day, Sept. I", 1001, NOltTlPllOU'M). Leave Le.io Airive Tialns. No. I . :w. 7 bciauiuii. waiuuiiciaie, l-jilujla, ,. ,10.30 a, in, 11. 10a. 111. l.uip. in, U.IU p. 111. ,ir, i.aruuuuaia 0.40 p. 1U. SOUTH UOUSI). h'. ,. .U'u.. A"'V Cadosla. Carbondale. Sciauton. 7.00 a, m. 7.10 a, m. iMJp. m. 4.00p.m. l.lOp. m. SUNDAY'S ONLY, SOUTH UOUNli. Irfave ljCdo Airlva Tialns. No. 0 No. 3 Trains. No. Ii . No. o , Sc'iautuii. Carbondale. L dosla. a.;.u u. in. u.io p.m , i(i.ca a. in. 7,00 ii. in. Ar. Carbondale 7.10 p. uu BUUIIl 11UU.1U, Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Ladosla. Caibuudale. Scunion. No. S ... T.Wa. in. 7.40a. in. No. ID .,4.30 p. in. 0.W p. uu 0.45 p. in. Train Niu. I on week days, and 0 vu buudajt, make mala lino loniieitloiia for New Votk city, kllddletovviv Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oswego and all points wel. For furthtr luforiuatlou, lonsult ticket agents. J. C. Mir.lthON, O. P. A., New Vork. J. U. WCUS1I, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. M3f55(iOyw j-Hjnirn -v.mjmnmnmjm,nn Crane ND will be will be - will be will be - will be bur $50 ones, Elevator. EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of tho legisla ture, free tuition Is now granted at the ' - ' Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. Thin bdiool maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write for particulars. No other school oilers such suocrlor ad vantages at such low rates. Address J. P. Welsh, A. M.,Pli.D.,PriQ, B0KANT0N C0KBESP0NDENCE SOHOOW, SCUANrON, lA. T. J. Foster, President. Flmer II. Lawsll, Itcsj. It. J, Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Becretsry. oil's so H.I CI Lager Beer Brewery Miuuiffictiirera of OLD STOCK PILSNER 430 to 465 N. Ninth Street, .Pfl Tclcphoao Cull, 2333. .-riairH $ 2.50 jjj 5.00 Jgt 7.50 jj 10.00 S 12.50 I! Aug ' r