The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1902, Image 1

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The French Minister Refuses to
Present His Credentials to
Court at Pekln.
Joint Audience of Foreign and New
Chinese Ministers at Pckin Is
Postponed Because of Action of M.
Beau M. Gambon, the French
Ambassador at Washington Un
able to Explain Cause of Difficulty.
B.i r.sclusitc Wire from The Anciatcd Press.
rVUln, Jnn. 10. Tho French minister,
'M. TJenii, refuses to present his ered
ontlitls until China fullills certain de
mands of the French Kovernnient. The
joint audience of the foreign iinil new
Chinese ministers, which had been ar
raigned, bus h"on iostponcd because of
M. Hoau's action,
Ills colleagues are discussing wheth
er to support him or not. A lepotltlon
of the Turkish incident is considered
Washington, Jan. 10. When shown
the news dispatch from Pekln, stating
that the presentation of certain de
mands upon China by the French min
ister at the Chinese capital has caused
a serious hitch in the proceedings
there, 11. Cambon, the French ambas
sador at Washington, expressed great
surprise saying that he was not aware
of any cl.ilms prefered against the
Chinese government b the French re
public which woud be likely to cause
an Interruption of affairs at Pekln. The
ambassador has not received any ad
vices whatever on this subject, and
therefore, was not prepared to give a
speculative interpretation of the dis
patch. It was declared that France
does hold some claims against China
but It was gathered that these were
not regarded as of sufficient importance
to bring about the state of affairs set
out in the press dispatch. At the state
department it was suggested that the
trouble may have arisen from u ques
tion of precedence or procedure in the
enuring presentation of the foreign
Average Yield of Wheat in the Past
Ten Years.
By KuluHtc Wire from ilie Aocialcd Prcv.
Washington, Jan. 10. The statistic
ian of the department of ugi (culture es
timates the aveiage yield per acre of
wheat in the United Slates in 1S91 at
1 1.5? bushels as compared with 12.:!
bushels In WOO. 12.3 bushels In 1890, lfi.3
bushels in 1S9S and IS." bushels, the
mean of the averages of the last ten
The newly seeded area of winter
wheat is provisionally estimated at 32,
000,000 acres, an increase of 5.C per
cent, upon the area estimated to have
been sown in the fall of 1900.
The newly seeded area of winter rye
Js provisionally estimated at 1,230,000
acres, an increase of 2.9 per cent, upon
the area estimated to have been sown
in the fall of 1900.
The department has no reports as to
the condition of winter .wheat later
than Dec. 1. At that date it was 98,7
per cent of the normal as compared
with 97.1 In 1900; 97.1 in 1899 and 92.G in
The department will not Issue any
further estimate of the total produc
tion of any product of the soil nor of
the number of farm animals until It
has made such adjustments of its es.
tlmutes for the last two years as may
seem to be required by the reports of
the census, based on nn actual furm-to-farm
visitation, now in course of
Additional Majors Allowed to Thir
teenth and Other Regiments,
lly Excluslte Wiie from 'flic Awjclaleil l'rcs.
Harrisburg, Pa,, Jan. 10. General
orders were issued today from the
headquarters of the National Ouurd of
Pennsylvania allowing an additional
major to the First, Second, Third,
Sixth. Ninth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth
nnd Eighteenth regiments, each of
Which now has only two ma join.
The commanding otllcets of the re
spective brigades are authotlzed to or
der an election for an additional major
of these regiments to be held on or
before January 23,
Buttonwood Will Resume.
By Kclusne Wire from ihe Associated Press.
Wlkes-Barie, Jan. 10. The TOO nun cmplojed
it the lluttoiittooil ollltry of the I'arij.h Cut
fonipany who went out on fctrike Wednesday he
jiibc a number of non-union hand tvciu' tin.
plojeil about tho woiku, ielI .1 iiieelinif tonight
mil declared the Urll.e oft. Tho non-union men
lltrecd to Join the inlnei' union, 'the mine
kill resume 0ei4tluns toinoriow,
Subpoena for M, Lampre.
By Kwluslte Wire from The Associated Priw.
Washington, Jin. 10, At the lequcst of Sen.
Iter Morgan, chairman of the teuatu comiidtteu
n Inter-oceanic canals, tho cineant at amis of
Ihc senate today tul u nihpoena for SI.
aimprc, recsentins the Panama IVinal coniiany,
to appear before the committee. The nibpoma
Has wrtcd and Mr, I.ampre will attend a meet.
JS of the committee toinoriow,
i m
Plan to Pension Presidents,
ly reclusive Wire from 'the Associated I'tmt.
Washington, Jan. 10. Ilepiocntatlte low
n, of Mawacliiketis, today Introduced .t Mil
irovldlns a salary for rx-piwli)eiiU of the Hilled
Jljtrs, at tho rale of $23,CKXC annually, fiom the
late of ictlicnient from tho picsldcucy. The lilll
to apply to any ex-picudiut llvini; at ihe
4 me the law is enacted.
Ten 'Resolutions and Bills Beating
Upon tho Case in Congress.
My KtiluMu' Who from The Aoilatril l'ic.
Washington, Jan. 10. When tho
house committee on naval affairs met
today for organization Representa
tive Ml soy of Virginia proposed thnt
tho various measures relating to Ad
miral Schley bo considered by the
committee as a whole instead of uwa'll
Ing the consideration of a sub-eommlt-tee.
The sentiment of tho committee was
against the proposition and It was
determined to allow these measures to
tnko the usual course. There are ten
roiolutlons and bills bearing on the
.Schley case and they will be in charge
of the regular sub-committee on or
ganization, rank and pay, consisting
of Representatives Watson Dayton,
Cousins. Taylor, Meyer, Cummlngs and
Senator Davis Believes That Much
Good Will Come of the Meet
ing in Mexico.
B.i I'.xiliithe Wiie fiom The As-ocl.ilul Press, i
Mexico City, Jan. 10. Senator II. G.
Davis, chairman of the United States
delegation to the International Ameri
can conference, who leaves for Wash
ington tonight, took leave of the con
ference at today's session in a brief
speech, saying, in part:
"Circumstances requite me to leave
tonight for my home. F.nough has been
accomplished to assure us that nmcli
good .will come to the American lepub
llcs as a result of the second P.m
American conference.
"Among the achievements of this
conference a plan of arbitration has
been substantially agreed upon that
will be of great value to all of the re
publics. This. I feel sure, is a long step
towards preserving peace and settling
disputes between American republics.
"Permit me to say to my colleagues
of the southern republics, wheio ques
tions so often, and particularly
about boundary lines, if you accept the
opportunity to adopt The Hague ar
ticles it will be the greatest and best
move you can make towaul a peaceful
settlement of all disputed questions,
thus following the enlightened, civil
ized nations oC the world,
"By the construction of the Pan
American railroad, it is believed com
mercial and friendly relations will be
"The government of the United
States appreciates the many courte
sies to their delegates, and are pleased
with tho results accomplished."
Senor Carbon, of Ecuador, presented
a motion to the effect that the confer
ences recognizes the services of Mr.
Davis and regrets his departure. This
motion was seconded by Senor Chuvero
of Mexico; Blest Gana, of Chill, and
General Reyes, of Colombia, and car
ried unanimously by acclamation.
This morning, In company with
United States Ambassador Clayton,
Mr, Davis had a long and cordial In
terview with President Diaz.
Nothing has yet been decided In the
matter of arbitration and, as has been
predicted by the Associated Press cor
respondent, six delegates refrained
from attending the session by way of
protest, viz: Peru, Argentine, Bolivia,
Paraguay, Venezuela and Santo Do
mingo. The approval of the project for the
exchange of publications was the busi
ness transacted at this morning's ses
m n.
Three, Men Killed nnd Several Are
Wounded in an Accident at
Huntington, W. Va.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Huntington, W, Va., Jan. 10. A
boiler exploded at the lumber mills of
Lewis Mltklff, in tho southern part of
this county today, killing three per
sons und Injuilng several others.
The dead: Lewis Mltklff, of Pom
eroy, Ohio. Burt Tiippetl, Salt Rock,
Va.j Benjamin Mesinger, Salt Rock,
W. Vu.
Among the inoio seilottsly Injured
met Hiram Harvey and William, Al
bert and Frank Bills, brothers.
Austin Outclassed,
By Kuliuito Wile fiiiiu ihc .Wvialcd Pre.-.!,
Iljlllinoie, Ji Jan. 10, "Jim" Austin, of
New YuiK, spilt in the foyrtli ro'ind uf ttliat
u.n lo h.iu' luen a t v vlsty-i stniitl luiit with
"Vouiiif 1'etei J.icl.Mm" heie luiitelil, Au.iin
was kiiuply null IuimmI, 'He went dimn lepeat
filly for t!iu limit, mi. I .ifier m Isatl hem knm!,u
HuotiKh Hie inpiN in ili(i niiddlu nf the fuaiili
lotmd he indicated ho had eiioui;li, '
Ex-Convict Shoots His Wife,
lly i:xihil)v Wire fiom The Awilatu ries,
Ralcolmrj,', III., Jan. 10.-IM ( hcuey, a for
mer com ill, thnt hi.) Mile .md hei Ulir, Ah si.
I.ellle (iiwlunii, tlitt eieniiiir, liutli of tlicui
tliiough tin. I.oi L and Iuiin lie tlicu liot him
Mil Ihiougli tlm head, iking, llolli women are
fatally uoumk-d, A domestic quartet ii alleiicil
to bo the (,iii-e of (lie nime.
Admiral Dewey Endorsed.
By i:clusie Wre from The Associated Pre1.
JacUon. JIIki., Jau, 10. ihe state wnate
today pawnl a Joint utoluliuii indotaln the de.
vlalon of Admiral Ptwey in the Schley eomt
of impilry and Oeelailus Hut no test hooka
should tic ii.ed In the schools in thia state, "that
chc to auy. other otllier than Adnilial S.hley
credit for the jc-tlory off Santijso." The icso
lutiou ssii'4 lo the houe for coiiuiiencv.
Assistant Postmaster General Will
Prcparo Supplemental Boxes.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pi ess.
Washington, Jan. 10, In connection
with tho efforts the postolllce depart
ment In making to expedite tho deliv
ery of malls In cities u new scheme for
quicker dispatch of special delivery
letters Is under consideration by As
sistant Postmaster General Shellonber
ger. This contemplates attaching a
supplemental letter box to tho regular
letter boxes on the streets with a view
to depositing thctclu only the special
delivery letters.
This will ho of much benefit to sec
tions of cllle.s remote front the post
olllce us special delivery messengers
would make' a rapid round of these
special delivery boxes at frequont In
tervals, transferring the ordinary let
ters erroneously deposited to tho regu
lar boxes and carrying tho special de
livery letters lo the postotllce for post
marking and then delivering Imme
diately to tho addresses.
Names of President nnd Prominent
Citizens Attached to Living
ston's Petition.
By Kiiiitshe ire from ilio Asocialed 1'ies.s.
Helena, Mont., Jan. 10. A plot to se
cure the release front the. penitentiary
of I. C. Livingston, sent from Silver
Bow county In April, MOO, to serve for
five years for forgery, has failed. The
names of several ptominent New
York people were forged to the petition
that was presented that Livingston
came from tho distinguished New
York family of that name and had
served its a rough rider in Cuba.
Among the names signed to the peti
tion were those of Theodore Roosevelt,
August Belmont, Hugh J. Grant,
Thomas A. liiiison, Jerome W. Astor,
15. D. Morgan and others in New York.
Governor Toole's suspicions were
aroused by receiving a letter from
President Roosevelt last Juno seating
that lie had learned of a clumsy at
tempt to forge his name to a petition
for Livingston's pardon, and he, there
fore, warned the governor. When the
petition was received by the governor
a few days ago, he looked up the letter
and decided to write to Dr. Parkhurst,
August Belmont, Hugh Grant and oth
ers as to the genuineness of their sig
natures. All have replied, denying
having signed the petition.
House Considers the Hopkins Bill.
Strong- Opposition to the
Measure, as Drawn.
I! i;iitiie Who fiom ihc Auuitcd Puba.
Washington. Jan. 10. Thu house
spent the day considering lite Hopkins
bill to create a permanent census bur
eau. While the general sentiment was
in favor of a permanent bureau there
was sttong opposition lo the bill as
drawn, on tho ground thnt it was not
well matured. There also was nn over
whelming demand for a ptovision to
place the present emploj-es of the cen
sus bureau under the protection of the
civil service law and the bill finally
was recommitted with instructions to
report back a bill containing a plan for
a detailed organization of a perman
ent census bureau to include also a
provision to place tho present employes
under the civil service. The light to
recommit was. made under the leader
ship of Mr. Burkett, of Nebraska, tho
new member of the appropriations
A bill was passed unanimously to
give Mrs. McKinley tho fieu mailing
privilege during the remainder of her
life. The house then adjourned until
Bj Kxclu-he Wire from ilio Aitoclatnl I're.s,
(ieu'lam), 0., Jan. in. It va atalul todiy
that timcciuod cirilitoti' of the i:uett-JlooiP
sjndlutc upiecnlim: M,l00,0o0 out o( a total
of 1,000,000 have sinned astieemeut.1 to Kiaut
extensions uiuilnsr a period of eighteen montlH
on their claims. The committee in clutnte of
the affairs of the t'jnlicatc say that ceiy end
itor thin far emiiiuunkateil with li.i- agieed
to maUo tho defied exlenilnn. --
Whitman Commits Suicide.
By i:.XLuMe Wiie fiom The Associated I'ic-s,
llaiilsbuiir, Jan. 10. Daniel P. Whitman, of
02J Statu clieet, tills city, i oiiiinilled Hiliide
hy lahltijr niulphluc. ihe ditnr taken late
in the ufleiuoou and the nun's tundlthiii mhiii
incline M'lloilv Medlial nlleullnii lallid to liu
of miy clfeit and he died ahoiit 7 ii'ih.cli. Whit
man njs II .Man. of Jt,'i) and is Miiviwd In his
wife nnd Imii ihihlim. llnuiislii iufelliily is
slid to hae hieu the ciihu toi tile action.
Cresceus Earns S70f000.
By i:eliirio Wile from The Associated I'rejs.
Toledo, O., .Uii, 10. (IcoiKe B,, the
imnei and ihivei n Ciciriis, amiounied today
that dm in;,' the M'.ir lie leiehed niotu than Sn,
QUO in pluses anil liMHii'! f i I" liihillun.s iritcu
111 .I1IS (LUIS (If till lOlllltlt III 1'll'MI"!..
The Imisi' was Ulan ti tlie lieiiliaiu tana
wheio he will iiuialii liming the wlntii.
Mr. Gage Will Remain Until Feb. 1,
By Cxcli.shu Wiie from Tlie Associated I'resi,
Wasliltn'tou, Jan. 1. - Suietaij lime lias re.
nil id a teU'iriam fiuii) (iouinr Shaw ht.itlii',
that ho cannot jii.iiisu tn.s .irtalis m us to take
chiiire of the tiftuuiy ih'paitnunt on the dale
K't and ashlni: .Mr. Ilage to lemalii until I'lbiu
ai 1, tiiiHUiy (iage has cuiiseuliil lu do so.
Steamship Arrivals.
By i:ilusle Wiie fiom The AoclaleU liess,
New YijiI,, Jan. lO.-tieaudi llvndhani, Hot.
terdaui xl.t Bmiloirne. (ieiioa nhed: luicn.
wllrrii, New VoiU U Naples, iioulont' Sailed:
Itnllcidam, fiom Itottcidaui, N'ew Voik. t her.
Iioiiib Aliiud: Ktoii liliw Wlllielni, New Vurk
for Bieiutn (JUd piocecded),
Hobson as a Candidate,
By r.M.iusie Wire fiom The Aswilalcd Pi est
Chailistton, S, (',, Jau, 10. Captain lllcliiiiond
1', llolicon arrbed here oday to take lliaiue of
the eovi'iiiiuent'a n.nal exhibit at the c'piitlniC
Wiea asled u.s to the truth of the upnrt that lie
would run for congress: in Alabama he dcflieul
to discuss; the matter,
DistriGt Utorncu Jerome and
Others Visit tlie Park
Avenue Tunnel.
Tests of the Signal System in the
Park Avenue Tunnel Demonstrate
That tho Torpedoes Could Not Re
Exploded by an Ordinary Locomo
tive Condition of tho Victims.
By r.xiiushc Wire from Tlie Associated I'ics.
New Yotk, Jan. 30. To better ac
quaint themselves with tlie conditions
In the Grand Central tunnel whine the
terribly futal accident occurred on
AVednesday hist, District Attorney Je
rome, State Hnllroad Commissioner
Heker, Assistant District Attorney
Giirvan nnd Superintendent Franklin
of the railroad, made a trip of inspec
tion through the tunnel today. The
party left the Grand Central station
on a locomotive with no car attached.
A thorough examination of the tunnel
was made, Including the workings of
tlie block signal system. Tests were
made also of the distance at which
lights could be seen through smoke tend
steam in thu tunnel. The slgnuls in
all their workings between Fifty-ninth
and Fifty-sixth streets, v.sierc the acci
dent occurred, were gone over and
closely examined and tested.
At the end of the district attorney's
ttip through the tunnel, otic of those
who had accompanied hltn said they
had found tlie atmosphere fairly clear
most of the way, but at Ninety-sixth
sit cot they were enveloped in a cldud
of smoke nnd steam so dense that
nothing could be seen. On tho return
ttip the tunnel was clear. At Sixty
third street tlie green light showed
plainly, that being thu cautionary sig
nal before entering the block below,
and the observation engine slowed up
until the rod danger light was seen at
Fifty-ninth street. The bell rang, but
tlie torpedo did not explode. The en
nino was stopped, and the railroad ofli
chils explained that the little mogul or
observation engine was not heavy
enough, nor its wheels largo enough to
explode the torpedo as a big passenger
locomotive would do.
After u consultation it was decided
to bring up a heavier switch engine of
the same sh'.e as the passenger engines.
The engine came up, the little obser
vuiton engine was run out of the way
nnd the larger engine was brought
through the block. Again the torpedo
failed to explode. Four more times the
big locomotive was run through tlie
block und not once did the torpedo ex
plode. The railroad olliclals explained
this by saying that the mechanism
throwing tho torpedo into place had
been pressed out of order so that the
i'ange of the wheels aid not touch the
After the inspection of the tunnel,
District Attorney Jerome announced
that he would not oppose an applica
tion for the release of Engineer Wls
chow on $10,000 bail. This action,' he
said, was the result of the Investiga
tion which showed tho authorities that
a charge of murder in tlie flt'st degree
could not be made against the engi
neer. The charge that could be made,
he explained, was manslaughter In the
second degree.
Condition of the Wounded.
The surgeons al Bellevuo hospital say
thai Thomas P. Murphy, whose leg was
amputated last night as a result of
injuries leceived in Wednesday's tun
nel accident, has rallied from the op
eration and has good chances bf recov
ery, Arthur Whitley, who wns scalded and
hurt internally. Is said to bo In it criti
cal condition. He Is IS years of age.
Albert Wadley, who had both legs
fractured, has Improved somewhat,
William R, Iirooks, of Brooklyn, se
riously bruised and scalded, Is still In
a serious condition at ftoosevelt hos
pital. '
George J. Carter, of New Hochelle,
fractuie of tlie right leg .mil scalds on
tho face and body, at Hoosevelt hos
pital, will lecover.
Murgaiot I.ambdon, of New itochelle,
sulfeilug from fractured left leg and
general contusions, at Hoosevelt hos
pital, will recover.
Six victims of the accident were still
at Flower hospital tonight and their
injuries and conditions wero as fol
lows: William Flutze, of New Itoeholle,
fruciuieri right leg and thigh and
burns of tho body; Is not out of dan
ger. II. C. Kcene, of New Itochelle, shock
and slight burns; Improving.
William J, McCieu, of New Rochelle,
spi allied hack, fractured left leg and
general contusions; Is wieadlly Improv
ing. George Winters, of New Uoihelle,
compound fracture of left leg und a
fracture of the right leg; Is not yet out
of danger,
Kverott Collin, uf Now rtochelle, frue
titru of the thigh and general contus
ions; Is improving,
fleorgo I'. Fisher, of J'ort Chester, Is
The victims of the accident at the
Presbyterian hospital tonight were:
Mubel Newman, of New Rochelle,
double fracture of tho right leg, shock
ami minor Injuries, Is Improving,
Sudle Scott, of New Itochelle, fr'uc
turu of tho right leg and bruises; Is
Minnie Wee, of New noehel'le, Im-proving.-
Motive Power to Be Changed.
New York, Jnn. 10. The Herald' to
morrow will says
"The New York Central Railroad will,
change Its motive power In tho Park
avenue tunnel within a year.
"Klectiiclty will bo substituted for
steam on all local trains and as soon
aw possible trunk lines will be hauled
Into and out of the Grand Central sta
tion by loss dangerous methods.
"An extra force of experts has been
added to tho largo force of electricians
and these have been at work within the
tunnel since Wednesday's accident try
ing to devise satisfactory plans for a
speedy change.
Announcement to That Effect Made
by Chnncellor Coloran.
By Kxclmlvc Wire from The Associated Pross.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 10, It was given
out today by Father A. M. Coleran,
chancellor of Hlsliop Hairnet's diocese,
that the ban of excommunication has
been lifted from Father J. J. Crowley,
of Chicago. In making the announce
fnent, tho chancellor said:
"To tho best of my knowledge, the
ban against Father Crowley was re
moved Christmas eve. On Christmas
morning' he celebrated mass in tho
chapel in the convent of tho Poor
Claires, In this city, something he cer
tainly could not have done had not the
excommunication been set aside."
With Unprecedented Holiday Busi
ness Ended Merchandise Moves
to Consumers Promptly.
By Kxchulve Wire from The Aswlatrd Press.
New York, Jan. 10. U. Ci. nun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade tomorrow will
With the unprecedented holiday btnl
ness ended, transporting facilities nre
more nearly adequate for regular re
quirements. Merchandise, moves to con
sumers more promptly, and in the Iron
region there is less interruption to work
because of Insudicient fuel. Normal
conditions have by no means returned,
however, and It will be some time be
fore shippers can safely guarantee de
liveries on a specified date. Labor con
troversies are few and unimportant,
while the new year has In ought ad
vances in the rate of wages at many
Holiday Idleness, inventories and an
nuul overhuulings wero all cut down to
the lowest possible limit at iron and
steel plants in the effort to meet urgent
demands from customers. Foundry Iron
at the east Is still scarce, high prices
being quoted at Philadelphia and Chi
cago mills cannot secure materia! in
desired quantities. Moderate imports
have resulted from the domestic defici
ency, but this will not become a factor
of importance if the situation continues
to improve at the present rate. Al
though railways largely augmented sup
plies of iollltig stock during 1001. cott
tracHs for this year's delivery already
aggregate many months' full capacity
of shops, and In structural shapes there
Is no prospect of a surplus in tho near
future. Weakness continues In the
minor metals, copper selling five cents
below the Inllated price of a month ago,
and the annual reports of output, con
sumption and exports Indicate that the
reduction was fully warranted.
Activity continues at cotton mills, al
though domestic buying Is on a mod
erate scale. A further slight rise has
occurred In the average of wool prices
und the tone Is strong. Footwear fac
tories are well engaged on spring and
summer lines, with prices showing a
firmer tone.
Total exports of wheat from the
United States for the week. Hour In
cluded, were 4.179,262 bushels, which fell
short of the unusually free outgo of 5,
159,795 bushels a year ago, but compare
most satisfactorily, considering the 10
per cent, higher prices now prevailing.
Corn was fairly well held in sympathy
with wheat, but some soft spots devel
oped, as was natural, In view of thu
fact that tho pticp Is now more than .10
per cent, higher than a year ago, while
Atlantic exports for the week wero 212,
711 bushels, against l,453,H In 1901.
Failures for the week numbered S73
in the I'nlted States against 324 last
yeor, and 27 In Canada against 37 last
Blaze Started by Incendiaries at an
Early Hour Yesterday Morning1
, Causes Much Damage.
By Kxcltuhe Wire from ihe Associated 1'icsJ.
Gaines, Pa., Jan. 10, A tire started
by Incendarles at nn early hour this
morning did $30,000 worth of damage
und came near destroying tho lives of
two persons,
At t o'clock this morning tiro was
discovered lit the residence of John
Goodman, The Humes spread rapidly
und In a few minutes tho building was
Fortunately the tire was discovered
in time for Mr. and Mrs, Goodman,
clad In their night elothos, ami bare
footed to escape from a secom, story
window to tho snow covered ground,
A strong wind wus blowing at tho
time and the Humes were swept rapid
ly along one side of Main street, until
tho following six buildings,, all frame
sttuctures, hud been dentioyed: Dwell
ing of John (iooduiiiu; dwelling of If,
Haggles; barber slum and dwelling of
J1, K. Jones; general dry goods anil
grocery stoio of M, M, Smith; liquor
store of 13, M. Atwell; otllce occupied
by Dr. Greenfield",
The big Gullies hotel was In the line
of the fire und the guests, both men
and women, formed u bucket brigade,
and witlv great dlllleulty saved the
building. In the meantime a message
hud been sent to Guleton for nsslbt
unce, Roseberry Dies from P.uins.
By Kxclushe Wire fiom Tho AnwUalnl 1'rea.
( lc,arlUid, l'a Jan. 10. Knunelt 1), Ho,.ehc.iy,
uho uai frightfully huiiied In jcatcida.i's hif
and explosion at (he Itlckejltc SnnOvxplihe
ionium;' ponder mill, died hi iiioinlnj,', m.iK
iii Ihe thiiri death. a a iyult of the tciilh'e
disaster, Flank Zmtiujcr, Mipeiiuteiident cf the
powder mill, who iu, evcicly liutucd, U lu
critical conditjou tonight..
But Patrolman Ross Had to Go Into
a. Dark Culvert to Get Joseph
Kane Who Fought
Patrolman Flnloy Ross, of the
North Scrantou precinct, hod occa
sion to arrest James Kane, of Dun
more yesterday afternoon nnd he final
ly landed his man after a long chase
along the Delaware and Hudson rail
road tracks, which had an exciting
finish In a culvert under Sanderson
avenue at the corner of Marlon street
where the two men struggled fiercely In
Inky darkness and In icy cold water.
Kane and a companion named Pat
rick Carden, of Pine Brook, got fight
ing drunk yesterday afternoon nnd
about 1,30 o'clock started to liven
things up by firing their revolvers at
n party of young people who were
skating near the East Market street
crossing of the Delaware and Hudson
railroad. It is believed that the wea
pons were loaded with real bullets but
fortunately no one who Injured.
Kane and Carden next proceeded to
abuse an Arabian peddlar who xvns
coming along tho street. They knocked
him down and kicked his wares about
at the same time threatening lo shoot
the bystanders who attempted to In
terfere. Patrolman Ross had been no
tified In the meantime and taking Cap
tain Hirtley of Hose company No. 1
with hint ho started after the two men.
They came across Carden and Kane
on the railroad tracks and started af
ter them. Carden ran away towards
the east and Hoss nnd Blrtley decided
to follow Kane. The latter pointed his
revolver at them whereat Patrolman
Itoss fired one shot Into the air. Knno
didn't stop but kept on toward the
Green Ridge station. He passed this
with his two pursuers close at his heels
and appeared to be winded as he
neared Sanderson avenue.
At the corner of Marlon street he
turned suddenly to the left and plunged
Into the mouth of the culvert, through
which runs the brook which ",vs from
the Forest Hill cemetery. ' the
darkness after him xvent Patrolman
Hoss. He cuught up with him about
half way through the culvert and the
two had a desperate fight. Kane tried
to put the officer under the water but
didn't succeed and was finally dragged
out by Roes, who was dripping wet
and covered from head to foot with
mud nnd slliite.
Kane was taken to the North Scran
ton police station by the patrolman
and Captain Blrtley. His companion,
Carden, was captured shortly after
ward on the square. Both were ar
raigned before Magistrate Fidler last
night and were lined $10 each for be
ing drunk and disordeily and xvere
committed lo tlie county jail in default
of $.'.00 bail each on the charge of car
rying concealed weapons.
Man Who Had Seventy-five Convul
sions in Twenty-four Hours
Successfully Operated on.
Peter Relber, aged 32 years, a resi
dent of Binghamlon, was discharged
from the Hahnemann hospital a few
days ago, comparatively cured from a
most peculiar nervous disorder, which
is considered by local physicians to
have been almost unique.
Relber was struck on the side of the
head about two years ago, and after
recovering from the concussion showed
no further bad symptoms until about ti
month ago, when he began to suffer
from convulsions at freriuent Intervals.
lie came to this city and wus ad
mitted to tho Hahnemann hospital.
During the first five days of his stay at
that Institution he had over three hun
dred convulsions, having as high as
seventy-five in twenty-four hours. This
Is a remarkably large number, und
there are few cuses recorded In medi
cal annals in which that number of
convulsions has been noted for that
space of time.
It was decided to perform an oper
ation, becouse of the Imminent danger
of death, and Dr. W. II. Peck and Dr.
Theodore Sureth trephined the skull,
The brain wns explored and It was
found that theie were extensive ad
hesions of the membranes of that or
gan, caused by u localized Inllammittion
due to the injury received three years
ago. i'heso membranes wero liberated
and during the twenty-four hours fol
lowing the operation ho had only nlno
slight convulsive uttueks, and since
that time 1ms been entirely free from
any such seizures.
Ho was discharged a few days ago,
with his former mental vigor and his
appetite and strength restored. Physi
cians say that the case was remark
able, becautie of the long time Inter
vening between the Injury and the at
tack and because of tho largo number
of convulsive uttncliH,
Refuses to Present His Credentials
at the Chinese Court.
By i;ilubc Wne hum The .Woilalcd l'ii,
I'ekln, Jau, 10. 'the l'u mil minister, M.
Beau, lefit-H'J Id pioent his ilnlcntl.llti until
t'hlui fullilK ii I lain dcuiamU of the i'lcuch ftuv
ciuinenl. ihe i'dnt aiulleiiie of tlie foui,-n and
new Chllu'M' inliihteia, Yihlcli had liecii nriiinc.'il,
has hern pu.-tpontd hecaiue uf -M. Bein'a action,
(111 lollcjijutw am ili.niviliit" ulicthiT to blip.
pott liliu or not. A yipetltlon of thu iiirUkli in
cident Is conriilcred po.-lhle,
Grover Cleveland Recovered,
llj i:clr.ile Wiie from The Associated l'irss,
Xiw Vnil., Jan, 10. Ilvl'rc.ldcnt (iioicr Cleve
land Ii ni fat iiTiiwicil from the eltccU of Ms
ii'ient alt iik uf pneumonia us to lute arranged
foi it hunting trip in tho south, lie nlll leave
hi huiiie a I'liliuton, X. J., Jauuaiy 22, for an
island otf (ieoi vetou n, S, O,, ubcrc, with a
party of friend, lie will tenia In several Uaja,
The President Forced to Reslrjn-
fl Senator Killed In the
Ghamberof Deputies.
A Collision Occurs In tho Chamber
During Which Senator Facnndo
Insfvan Is Killed and Several
Other Senators Are Injured The
Quarrel Was Provoked by a Dis
cussion Over tho Presidential Suc
cession Congress Places Govern
ment In Control of tho Vico Presi
dent, j
By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Tres.
Huenos Ayros, Jnn. 10. The reports
circulated here yesterday, of a. revolu
tion in the republic of Paraguay, turn
out' to be well founded. The revolt,
which started at Asuncion, tho capi
tal, was caused by the question of tho
presidential sliccesslon, the term of
Persldent Acoval expiring In Novem
ber of this year.
The revolutionary junta was com
posed of General Caballcro, General
Escobar, Colonel J. A. Kscurra, tho
minister of war; Senor Mnrro, a cab
inet minister, nnd Senator Freitas.
President Aceval resigned the presi
dency and congress accepted his resig
nation. A collision occurred in tho Chamber
of Deputies, during which Senator Fac
ando Insfran, president of the hygienic
council, wns killed, nnd General Cab
allero, Senators Miguel and Corbalan
and Deputy Fernando .Cnrreras wero
severely wounded.
Tho congress of Paraguay has placed
tlie reins of government in the hands
of the vice-president, Senor Hector
Carvalla. Great excitement prevails at
Democrats of the Thirteenth. Ward
Have a Split.
The Thirteenth ward Democrats held
two caucuses last night. Chairman
Pace refused to entertain a motion Ic
I endorse B. T. Jayne for school control
ler or to relinquish the chair when
sixty out of the seventy present voted
to overrule his decision.
The consequence was that the sixty
ignored Chairman Pace, and electing
.Tames Roach chalrmun, proceeded with
tlie caucus. The main caucus endorsed
Mr. Jayne by not nominating any onu
to oppose him. Deposed Chairman
Pace and six or seven others held a
caucus of their own and nominated
Maurice Brown for school controller.
Mr. Brown, It is said, will not accept.
Both factions nominated district ollb
Says the Two Edwardsville Men
Furnished Him tlie "Queer."
Felix Fuskavltch and Stanley Hen
dricks, the two Edwardsville men ar
rested on suspicion of being counter
feiters, wero given a hearing before
Commissioner Halm, in Wilkes-Barrc,
yesterday, and committed to jail in de
fault of $2,000 bail.
Joseph Strlto, the man arrested in
Plttston, Monday night, for passing
counterfeits, was tho principal witness
against them. He testified that he and
tlie two Kdwardsvlllo men passed
counterfeit silver dollars at a ball In
Plttston nnd that they furnished hhu
with the coin.
Illustrated Service of Sacred Song
at Penn Avenue Baptist Church.
Several months ago Rev. Dr. Plerco
conducted a service of sucred song at
the Penn avenue church, using tho
stereoptlcon and many choice pictures
to Illustrate the hymns as they were
sung. A similar servlco will be held
tomorrow evenlng.when the pustor .will
speak upon tho Scripture "Ho Olveth
Songs in the Night."
The great crowds which attend theso
services attest their popularity, whllo
the close attention to the themes pre
sented and the spiritual impressions
received lead many people to desire tc
live the better life.
McKinley Day.
By Cxiltuhc Wire from i'he AssaUated Press.
M. Paul, Jllim., Jin, 10, In icponi to th
action taken hy fiot ri nor Xili nnd tho Mc
Kinley Mtmoilal ooclation Hotel nor Vim sant
today iv.tied a piiiiiumatloii setting- a-lde Janu
my U'J ai McKinley day.
Negro Murderer Hanged,
By r.iclusitc Wiie fiom The AssocUtcd Press.
i)all.i, Te., Jan. 10. Anderson XoiiR .1
iieijii), ttai haiiijeil In tlie McClcllan county Jail
at Waeu, (od.i.t, lm the murder of the wife o
a while (al mi r a .tear aj;o,
I.oial dila for January 10, 1002:
llighiht teiupciatiira ,,,, , to dcifrees
l.ovte-l lenipeialuie ,,,,, 30 iIcbi eca
llelatite huuililitj :
ti a. in 01 per cent,
S p. in .,,.,..,., 73 per cent,
licripttatiou, 1 hour ended 8 p. m., none.
-f Washington, Jan. 10, Forecast for Sat.
unlay and Sunday: Kastrrn 'uns.t-
f- anla, partb cloudy Saturday, piuhahly 4-
r- mow in north portion; Sunday fail, proh. 4-
-- ably coldeij frculi ttc$terly ttimU lncrca- -f
4- Itivr in force Saturday night. -f-
,t -t- t & t .-f f t -tj
. '