The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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It Is Said That It Is a Great Im
provement Over Those Now In Uao.
Overall Manufacturers of tho Coun
try Have Eormod an Organization.
Object Is to Put a Stop to Competi
tion Lackawanna Steam Plant Is
About Completed Tho Lackawan
na Board for Today.
Jncob li, Stubbleblne, oC Plymouth,
hus an application pending for a pat
ent on un Improved automatic car
coupler. The contrivance Ih designed
to work on any cur, whether in tho
mines or on the willroads, and If udopt
ed it will be the means of saving many
lives and limbs. It Is constructed In
such a manner that there Is no neces
sity whatever of going between the
cars to open or close it. As tho cars
nre bumped together they couple, and
by lifting a light lever on the side they
become uncoupled. Tho working model
shows an upright bolt which drops Into
u notch on each car as they come to
gether. It Is practicable on any curve
or grade of the road or angle of the
The couplings at present In use on
the railroads of the country aie a de
cided Improvement upon the old meth
od, but Mr. Stubbleblne's invention is
apparently far In advance of tho latter.
With this Improved coupling the dan
ger of wrecks by the present compli
cated contrivance falling to the tracks
Is removed ami the rallioads of the
country as well us the employes will
be the gainers. It Is the Intention of
tho inventor to see the practical rail
road managers of this section, with a
view to having them use his coupling
so that Its merits may be fully demon-t-trated.
'Wilkes-Barro iJecuvd.
Overall Makers Meet.
The first convention of overall man
ufacture! s over held In this country
met yesterday at the Hotel Albert, 42
Kast Eleventh street, and formed a
national association. Delegates were
present from about twenty cities. Tho
object of the convention was to devise
ways of putting a stop to competition,
which, it is alleged, is reducing the
margin of profit year by year, until It
Is no longer profitable to manufacture
some of the cheaper grades.
The new organization Is to be known
as tho National Association of Me
chanics' Garment Manufacturers and
will include the manufacturers of
workingnxM's blouses, jumpers and
working clothes as well as overalls.
The following officers were elected:
1'iesident, II. S. Peters, Dover, X. J.;
vice-president, Moses Morris, Balti
more; secretary, Theodore A. "White,
Seranton, Pa., and treasurer, A. Bush,
Detroit. New York Sun.
Steam Plant Completed.
The new steam making plant which
lias been installed nt the Hampton
breaker by the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western company is about com
pleted and ready for use.
A few of the batteries have already
been fired up, and thus far have prov
en satisfactory. The plant will supply
steam for the Hampton breaker and
washery, Continental, Hyde Park,
Sloan and Central collieries.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following'is the make-up of the D.,
L. & W. board for today:
Wild Cat-, Kjst. S p. in., 1'. McDonnell, II.
Duliciij'h new; 10 p. in., John llaxtcr; 11 p. in.,
T. nupatilck.
Wild Hits i:t. 1.H0 a. in., .1. P. UuiMiait; 4
s. in., M. J. llenncsin; 0 i. nt.,, II.
HucfTR; fc a. m., llobokcn, J, V. Dciine; ' a.
in., h. V. LatUmcr, M. 11. Lane's rrci ; 10 a.
in,, 0. W. Burl.; 11 a, in., HolioUen, J. A. Hush;
1 p. ni O. ". I"ll7gcralil; - p. in., Goon?c
'llionias; ; p. in., II. (i. IlammlU; o p. in., 1". 1,
Mnnm I! p. in,, P. I,, liogtro.
l'atsciiitrr Kncinps T a, ni., fiiffnpy; 7 J. in,,
Sinscrj 10 a. in., Nam nan; 10 a. in., becor; 0. (3
p. ni., Manton; S. SO p. in., 0, Jlllloi.
SuruniitE), Ktc.G n. m., J. llpimcguti; S a. :n.,
1'iounfrtkcr; 10 a. in., Nichols; 11 a. in., II. Mo
.MlUtcr; 2 p. in., 'lhoinpson; 0 p, in., William
Kliby, J, GutIkk's 'few; S p. m., tloldcn.
1'uslici tta. m., J. ,T, Murray; 7 a. m., S. I'ln
nnly; 8 a. jn.. Homer; 11.45 a.' in., Moran; 'I p.
in,, C. Il.utliolomcw; 7.S0 p. m., Murphy; 0 p.
in., M. H. llartholonie-r; 10 p. m I,.iinpiiijr,
Wild Ojta Wot. S a. in.. 0. llundolph; 10 a.
in., !'. Wall; 11a. in,, John (ialingjii; -J. p. nt., A.
1!. Kctclium; 4 p. in,, C. lvlinrle.v ; 0 p. in,, T,
Doudkan; 11 p. in,, 1!, Cashier.
ri.iffinrn J, Tlosellc (', 0. ,I( iinliicn, 1 liar
tliulomcw ivill rcpoit S.BU j, in. Jan. U for exam
in.ilion at Y. M. '. v.
Ilr.ikeini'11 S. 1. Colliu.iii, VanZant lullair,
im umt mtu
You can hardly straighten up, the
back feels' so sore. There's a chance
that it is kiduey "trouble," and that
is something which
it is dangerous to
neglect. The best
medicine for disease
jjof the kidneys is
(i)r. rterce's uoutcu
Medical Discovery.
The use of this med
icine has resulted
in souie remarkable
cures. It increases
the activity of the
glands, purifies the
blood- and relieves
the kidneys from
clogging impuri
ties. "I feel it ray duty to
let jou know that I
have recently advised
a young gentleman
who. was buttering tad.
ly with kiduey aud
bladder disease to try
vour 'Golden Medical
.Discovery."' write Prank Static, M. D.. of
Flatouia, Payette Co,, Texas, "lie bought four
bottles from our druggixt here, and after he had
used the first bottle Fie began to improve. Some
times lie was unable to walk ten 'tetu; now lie
can ride any horse without any pain la his back
ud he looks as well and sound as a young boy,
His age is .only a3. He has suffered for ueariy
three years, and nevcral other doctors called the
case Incurable, but I bad confidence in Dr. R. V.
l'iercc'a Golden Medical Discovery. I have been
offered one huudrcd dollars several times at
ready for niy kind advice, but I would not accept
it liccause J want everybody to know what Ur,
1'ierce'b fatuous mediclue cau do.
"This testimony is absolutely true, and the
reason I haven't mentioned the young gentle
niau's name is because he don't want to have
his name published,'1
Accept hq substitute for "Golden
Medical Discqvery," The sole motive
for substitution is to enable the dealer to
make the little tnor'o profit paid on the
wle of lets pferitorious preparations,
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate
the action of the sluggish liver, They
should alwaya be used with " Discovery "
- ivhea there Is need of a laxative.
Surprising Results
A Simple Internal Remedy Makes
Itemnrkablo Cures of Catarrh.
People who have used sprays, in
halers, salves mid washes for catarrh
and have found how useless and In
convenient they nre, will bo agreeably
surprised at results following tho use
of a pleasant, Internal remedy In lab
lot form; druggists everywhere admit
that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, which
they soli at no cents for full sized
treatment, Is tho safest, most effective
and popular of nil' catarrh remedies.
Nearly nil cheap cough mixtures and
throat lozenges contain opiates; these
cheap medicines give u temporary re
lief, especially with little children by
destroying nerve sensation; the Irrita
tion In throat, which causes coughing
Is temporarily removed, not by remov
ing the cause, but by deadening tho
nerves of feeling the Irritation Is not
felt although it Is still there and will
promptly leturn.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets is the best
remedy to remove catarrhal secretion,
whether In the nose, throat or stomach
because they are composed of whole
some antiseptics like Red Gum, lJlood
Hoot, etc.; when you use those tablets
you know what you are putting Into
your system and not taking chances
with cocaine, opiates or similar poi
sons found in so many catarrh cures
and cough medicines.
Dr. Ramsdell, In commentlnc on ca
tarrh cures, says: "I can heartily rec
ommend Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, be
cause they contain no cocaine nor oth
er dangerous drug found In so many
advertised catarrh cures. I have
known of many cases of long standing
catarrh of the head and throat com
pletely cured by the dally use of these
tablets for several weeks. One case In
particular, which I could not reach
with an inhaler or spray and where
tho catarrh caused dally headaches
and a noticeable loss of hearing was
entirely cured by this harmless but ef
fective remedy."
Dr. Walnwrlght bays: "I never hesi
tate to prescribe Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets for catarrhal headaches and ca
tarrhal deafness because I know them
to be perfectly safe for child or adult
and have seer, many remarkable cures
resulting from their regular dally use;
because they are advertised and sold
in diug stores is no reason why any
good physician should not use them
because we should seize upon the
means of euro wherever found."
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are espe
cially valuable for catarrhal colds in
children because they are pleasant to
he taste and may be used freely to
break up severe colds and croup at the
very beginning.
All druggists sell the remedy at fifty
cents for full sized package.
A little book on cause and cure ot
catarrh mailed free by addressing the
F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Samuel Heavers will an to Ilobnkcn on tialn S
and report at Hie olll'.c of rjencral altoiroy, 20
ll.Ncliancre place, Xew York, Jt U a. in., Thurs
day, .Ian. ft.
This and That.
The bulletin board has been removed
from the hall In tho Lackawanna sta
tion to the train dispatcher's oflice.
Lackawanna railroad train men and
engine men have been Instructed to
have their watches inspected by Jan
uary 15.
A private car, "The Genessee," has
been fitted up at the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western car shops for the
use of Superintendent C. J. Phillips, of
the IJuffalo division. It was sent to
Buffalo yesterday.
The West End Coal company has
bought the land adjoining its colliery
at and has staked it out
for the building of 100 houses for the
accommodation of employes. The coin
pony will also build an electric light
plant to light the breaker. Wllkes
Barre Record.
The annual meeting of the Seranton
Glass Manufacturing company was
held yesterday at the oflice of tho
president, Hon. M. K. McDonald. The
old officers were re-elected. The di
rectors are Hon. John V. Klkln, W.
P. Wettllng, T. II, McDonald and John
R. Edwards.
Ited Cross tomiiiandeiy, Xo, 27, at Milton, will
confer the white desue in full foim on Jan.
viaiy SI, Gland Commander S'ir I'llsha, S. l'orn
wald lias accepted ,m imitation to pay the
tomiiuud an official visit at tune, ami a
large number ot ccinpaultns fiom the iniunuiidi
at bunlniiy, Willlampcrt, Koithumberland, Lock
Haven and other places am expected.
.Naurcth coiiiiuandery,. J'o. 12.",, at llirrishurg,
will take charge ot the next Mjlta social to lie
held in that city on January 1. Tho committee
In fhaiRO consists of Past Commanders Sir
Ceorgc '. Paiighcrfy, Sir John A, Uelgcr am)
Sir J'. S. Hester. The event will take place n
the new hall, Union Square aud Howard fetrcct.
This will b the third of the series of bk enter
tainments for t lie ecastn, and will piovc an even
ing of gieat interest.
Carnegie commandciy, No. aio, at Carnegie, Al
legheny county, will receive a large class on Jan.
15, when Grand Recorder (Jcorge II, I'leito will
instruct them in the higher degrees, On Jan,
J7, the lied Cross and Sepulchre will be conferred
by the dcgiee staff of Ariel commander", No, II,,
at McKcespoit, and the class will bo present in
a body.
Holy Cross ctmmandery, No. 21, at I'hlladel.
phia, at its first convocation of tho new year,
ircelred three applications for mcmbeuhlp, and
completed details for a season of great activity,
Almoner coinmandery, No. SS, at Pliillipshurg,
made a gala night of its lted Cross council, on
January 21, when the ultimate degree of Chits
tlan Knighthood was conferred for the (list time
in full form by this command. Kiglitecu no.
vitlatel were received. Kir Charles Campbell
filled the occidental station as mhtcIbii com
mander, and Sir Charles Weston was pursuivant.
Supreme (Irand Gencialisslmo sir John (lowland
delivered an interesting address after tho work
of the evening. Among those present was J dele
gation from Mystic commsndery. No. S13, in
cluding; Sir William J. Weaver, 1). CJ. O.j Slr.1
William II. Ford, S. K. C; Sir Miner B. Sugars,
prelate; sir uerr, s. nurna, st. U., and Sir John
W. Keliock, S. O.
Gerard commandery, at llochestcr, N, Y,, will
take possebalon ot its new home next week, and
the event will be celebrated with a large attend
ance. Tho new council chamber will be known
as Malta temple, and Is located over the Kast
Side Saving bank. The hall has been fitted up
la a very elaborate manner, all tho furnishings
having been made to order, and it now presents
one ot tba richest and most comfortable homes
(or fraternal ma in western New York. Degree
work will uovv begin In earnest.
AtUI)Mi:V-"ilio Secret Dispatch." Xlglit.
STAH-I.tttto Magnet Burlornicr, Night.
"Foxy Qulller" Last Night.
Tlir extremely lilsagtceolile weather ol last
night did not prevent a larga and very represen
tative audience from nouding tho Lyceum to
witness the production of lie Kovcn and bmlth's
opera, "I'o.xy (Julller," -vlth Jerome Hjkcj In tho
titlo role. .Mr. Hykcs made until a decided hit
as the blundering Qulller In "The lllghwajman,"
that lila creators deemed hlm worthy of an
opera of his own and tho one presented last
night is the result,
The humor of the opera lurru on the sublime
egotism and quaint form of speech of Detective
Koxy Qulller of Portsmouth, llngland, wlicic tho
nptra orient. .Money has been stolen from a
ship owner Jiut iclurned from a long voy.ifja
and Qulller takei iliargo of the cave. Ho fob
lows a clue which Ic.uU hlm to Corsica and there;
by a Ecrlc.i of deductions hecoues convinced that
he Is the culprit and In the iiipaclty of Qulllir,
tho thief taltlinr, takes into ituluilv Qulller,
the alleged thief, In Corsica ha become mtuil
up In a vendetta and altogether has a vciy ex
citing time.
The music of tho opeia is not up to the stand
aid lie Kmeu has let ill tunic of his other opeias
but is bright ond gem rally tuneful und was
well sunff last nlr;lit. Arthur T.'ll.irni'st. tenor,
and (Irate Cameron, stprano, had n vciy pietly
duet, "Winding:," In the llrsl act whkh was
welt leeched by the audience. Mr. S.ikes' open
ing song was n ndllckli.g number, "Qulller has
the llriiln." The second act has the best num
ber of the opera and chief of them was "hove
Is for Today," tung by Mies Kleanor Kent, who
possesses a line contralto nivo; the "Peddlai'a
hong," by Mr. SjLei and tboius and "The S:ic
Hide" which lent Itnelf beautifully to Ihe flue
baritone voice of Julius Kteger. lie wa.s ac
companied by an octette of guitar players who
also assisted ill the chonis. "l'hc Parrot Song,"
by Hirry Macllonough and little Adoltili Zink,
was al-u a feituio of this act. The best IhhiKS
in the thiiil act weie the "Song of the Sword,"
by Mr. Sieger, and "Shepherd Song," by the
MKscs Kent and and thorns.
In the development of the humor of the opera
the .tar was assisted by Harry MacDououch and
the diminutive Adolph Zlnk. 'the company was
one of the laigest ever ,ceii In this city wllh a
comic opera nigaulzatlou and tho tlioius was
made up of good and well trained voices. The
costuming and staging was very lith and ap
propriate. At the end of the second act Mr. Svkos was
tailed upon for a speech and dellvcieil it in the
inimitable words of the ledoubtablo Qulller.
Ho It-fused to distlliisionl7r his .indleme bj step
plug aside f l oill his thaiactci.
"Foxy Grandpa."
"Poxy Orandpi" will toon be with lis. Seats
for the old gtntleman'a exploits am) those of
his grandsons go on sale this morning at 9
o'clock. It's been .1 long time s,inic the juve
nile woild has been in such tbioes of expecta
tion as they have since the announcement thac
"Poxy (iiandp.i" will visit us. Mr. Biady has
given the play a lavish mounting and has
equipped it with an incomparable oompmy of
ncuily fifty people. Jo-eph Hart should prove
an ideal "I'oxj" while clever Curie Do Mar
should make an excellent foil fur the dear old
"The Secret Dispatch" Tonight.
A foicoful plij entitled "the Secret Dispatch"
will be plcscntcd nt the Atadein.v of Miuie for
tlnce nights bcgiuing this evening. This dia
matle stoiy is by Hand Hisgin3, the author of
"At I'iney liidgc" and "Up Yoilc State," and
is a vivid melodrama of the border country in
West Virginia dining the late Civil war.
It is a plain uiicct ttoiy and is well told in
four fine acts. A tapible company, including
Mr. Van Kiii7ie, will picsont. the play, Special
and picturesque scenery will he used and
novel ctlVcts piesented. Matinees I'liday and
A Return Engagement.
The (ilbuey-IIocfiler compiny open a return en
gagcinuit on Monday matinee, .lauuaiy 1 i. The
company is pla.vlng u successful two weeks' en
gagement at picscnt at Wilkcs-Pario.
A new net to been been here with this com
pany is "The Musical (ioodiuaus" who came di
lect fioin Keith's theater, Xcw York city. The
I'autzer trio will present a new- act hcic.
When "The f'limbeis" rcutncs its load tour
January 27 Cora Tanner will have Amelia Hiug
ham's role. Vcrner C'larges will have the old
man's pait. Miss llingham opens in New York
in "Lady Margaiet" on that date.
The New York Ljceuni theater is to be de
molished in the spring to make way for offlco
buildings. With the passing of the Lyceum New
York will lose one of tho most steadily pros
perous and profitable plav houses of its entire
The scenes of the new- mu-Ical comedy which
Willie 1'douln Is writing for his daughter, May
I'douin, me laid in a number of European cities
as well as New York. Miss Kdoiilu will iiupcr
bonato nine cluracteis In the of the ac
tion. smith and Herbert aie at woik on a musical
comedy for George l.rderer, which will be put
forward for a summer's mil in New York. It is
on the order of "The Ihlle o( New York" mid
bene Ilentley has already been secured for the
pijncipal lole.
Mrs. James llrown Totter will probably have
a London theater of her own ill the near fu
ture. A big play syndicates is bicklng her and
an elaborate pLv house is to be built. Mrs.
l'otter has alieady written Kjrle llcllew- offering
hlm the position of leading man with her com
panj .
Maggie Cline, after an alwnce of the jeari,
is singing "Throw Him Down, McCloskcy," in
Chicago, and one of the papeia of that city re
in irks that her success is such lint a number of
Inr admirers would bo willing to forswear grand
opera' forever if Mr. Crau thouhl wish it that
California is so new a rouutry that it is full
n( surprises, In SanU Jlosa the minister ot the
People's church has built an edifice on the plan
of ,i Ihcatcr, wllh footlights, ruitaias and Ficn.
cry. At inleivals dining th week be gives pla.vs,
selecting ills ac-tors and iicliesscs from his con
gregation, and on Sundat he preaches and lec
tin cs,
Ever on the Alert Alivo to Every
Form of Oppression Kept on Edge,
Burdened Beyond Endurance.
Nerves Give Out.
The machinery of a mill that grinds
day and night hus to shut down now
and then for repairs. It Is tho same
way with your nerves. Overwork,
t-loso application, our ways of living;
bring about nerve waste that sets up
symptoms of various kinds. It may
be falllnij strength, weakness, languor,
headuche, sleeplessness, etc. What
ever It Is, nerve force Is lacking and
tho means of restoring rests with Dr,
A. AV. Chase's Nerve Pills. A gre"at
many people In Seranton vouch for
Among them Is Mrs. Joseph Mitch
ell, of No. 910 Linden street, M'est
Seranton, Pu,, who says; "Dr, A, "W.
Chase's Nerve Pls are line, I wus all
out of order, nervous, and could not
sleep, weak und miserable, The kid
neys were sluggish and the back lame.
Nothing seemed to help me until I got
a box of the nerve pills at Matthews
Bros, drug store, No. 320 Lackawanna,
avenue. Since I took them I sleep well,
don't Jerk and talk, My nerves are
steady, I feel, strong, and the kidneys
are working well again. I am more
than pleased, and glad to recommend
the medicine."
Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve PIHb are
sold at 50c, a box at dealers, or Dr, A.
W. Chase Medicine Qq Buffalo, N, Y.
See that portrait and signature of A,
AV, Chase, M, D., are gn every package.
A Movement to Wind Up the Affairs
of tho Trust.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated t'rew.
rhllndclphln, Jnn, 8. In order to nil
Just the ufTnltfl of the receivership ot
tho Philadelphia nnd Heading railroad
company, George Ij. Crawford, tho
master, today gave hearings to those
holding claims against the receivers.
The latter have already Hied their ac
counts with tho United States circuit
court and have asked for their dis
charge. Mr. Crawford will report the
result of today's hearings to tho court
and the receivership will ho terminat
ed. Tho action to wind up the receiver
ship, which has extended over eight
years, is tho result of tho recent ad
justment of the claim of tho Lehigh
Valley railroad which grow out ot tho
lease of that road to the Heading a few
mouths prior to its dlftlculttes.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Reutter Had
Valuablo Packages.
Uy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Jan. 8. Thomas Hettt
ter and his wire, Annie, who tiro
charged with stealing household goods
from Thomas Taylor, editor of tho
Pottstovvn Dally News, by whom they
hnd been employed, were arrested here
today. They had stolen two trunks, a
Vuliso nnd a package, which wus
marked, "Diamonds and Jewelry."
The police ofllclnls say Keutter and
his wife have been working the gumo
from California to New York. They
were taken Into custody at 141ii Locust
street, where thoy had secured another
position. They were held In $1,200 ball
to answer in the Montgomery county
Ambitious Individual Who Launched
Into Space Causes a Panic.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picas.
Kingston, Out., Jan. S. At a meeting
of Free Methodists at Verona, one of
the brethren declared he could fly nnd
proceeded to demonstrate his power.
He launched Into space and his head
came in contact with a large oil lamp.
The lamp fell to the floor and the oil
Ignited. At one time five men and
three women were on fire and five out
of the eight were seriously wounded.
The flames spread and caused a panic.
Many were injured in the stampede.
Canal Bills Approved.
By Inclusive Wire from 'Ihe Associated Press.
Albany, N. Y., Jan. S. Canal bills for pre
Fcntatlon to the leglslatuie have been anniovcd
by Governor Odell. One cariles an appiopria
tion of if 15, 100,01)0 for deepening the state canals
nine feet and the oilier calls for the cxpciidlttuc
of $1.),T00,000 for lengthening the locks, elf.
The bills aie based upon and are almost similar
to the nine million dollar art of 180". deduc
tion of the number of lories and the taking out
of all shsip cunes arc piovldcd foi.
Zelaya Re-Eleeted.
By Exclusive Wiie from 1 lie Associated Vicss.
Managua, Nic.iragin, Jan. S. The piesidenlial
electoral vote was counted today in the piccuee
of the Nicaraguan eongiess. General fanto.s J.
Zcla.ia was declared ie-clectcrl unanimously fur
a term of four jears. Congress, in a body,
called on l'lesident Zelaia and congratulated
Pennsylvania Postmasters.
By Inclusive Wiie from The Assoc! lted Press.
Washington, Jan. S. The president today t
to the senate the following nominations of I'enn
s.vlvania postmasteis: 1'rank: It. Cyphers, Kirt
Pittsburg; William II. linker, tlldgway; John
W. .Stuart, Mate College; George II. Washburn,
Winote; Warren 1". Kiuirell, Hallstcad.
Carnegie Reduces Rent.
By Exclusive Wiie from The Associated Pleas.
London, Jan. 8. -In the iccent rent collections
on the Skibo castle estate Andrew Carnegie re
mitted from 20 to 23 per cent, of the amounts
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Eflcct Nov. 3, IDOL
Trains leave Seranton for New York At 1.40.
3.15. 0.05, 7.50 and 10.05 a. m.; 12.15, 8.10, 3.33
p. m. Tor New York and Philadelphia 7.50,
10.05 a. m., and 12.45 and 3.33 p. m. For Toby
hanna At 0.10 p. m. I'or Buffalo 1.15, 0.22 and
11.00 a. m.; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.35 p. in. Tor Blng
hamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10
p. m. For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1.15 and
0.22 a. m. 5 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syiacuvj and
Utlca train at 0.22 a. in. dally, except Sunday.
Kor Montrose 0.00 a. ni. ; 1.10 and 0.60 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m.
llloomsbuiR Division for Northumberland, at
G.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 6.10 p. m. Tor
Plymouth, at t-.10 a. m. ; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m.
Sunday Trains l'or New York, 1.10, 3.10, 0.03
and 10.05 a. in.; 3.40. 3.3.1 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15
and 0.22 a. in.; 1.55, 0.50 and 11.:',.', p. m. I'or
Binghamton and way station-r 10.20 a. ni.
Illoonisburg Division Leave Seranton, 10.03 a.
in. aud 0.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Nov. 3. 1031.
Trains leave Seranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via I. k II.
Ji. It., at B.3S and P.3S a. in., and 2.18, 1.27
(Black Diamond K.xpros), ami 11,30 p. m. Sun
da.vs, 1). ,t II. B. It.. 1.58, 8,27 p. in.
For White Haven, Hadcton and principal points
in tho coal regions, via 1). & 11. It. It,, 0.3S, 2.1S
and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsvllle, 0.3S a. in., 2.13
p. m.
For Bethlehem, Eastou, Beading, llarrlshmg,
and principal Intermediate dtatloas, via I), k II.
H. It., 0.33, 0.3S a. in.; 2.1s, 1,27 (Black Dia
mond Express), 11.30 p. in. .Sundays, I), & II.
It. II., 0.3S a, ni. j 1,03. 8,27 p. in.
For Tunkhanuock, 'lowanda, Elmiia, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via
P.. I,, and W. II. It,, F,10 u, in. and 3.50 p. m.
For Geneva, ltochester, Buftalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points west, via 11, k II. it. It.,
7.48. 12 03 a. in.. 1.12. 3.28 (Black Diamond H-.
press), 7.48, 10.41, 11,30 p. in. bullda.vs, D, k 11.
It. It.. l.'.O.'!, 8.27 p. in.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
Pallor cais on all trains between Wilkcs-Bano
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion Bridge,
BOI.LIN II. WIU1UB, Gen. Supt,, 20 Cortland
htivet, New York,
CIIAnf.ES S. MX, Gen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cortland
street, New York.
A. W, NONEMACUHIt, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South
Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reseivations apply to
city ticket office. 00 Public Sfluarc, Wllkes-Barrc,
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001,
Eeaiu Leave Airlvo
Trains, fscranton. Carbondale, Cadotlo.
No. 1 10.30a, in. 11.10a. ni. 1.00p.m.
No, 7 ,, fl.lOp. m. Ar. Carbondale 0,10 p. in.
Leave Leaip Arrive
Trains. C'adosia, Caibondale, Seranton.
No. , ?'$ '" 7.40 a: in.
No. 2 2.15p.m. 4.00p.m. 4.40 p.m.
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Seranton, Onrbondale, Cidosla.
No. u ,,,.., 8.30a. in. U.lQp.m, 10.45a.m.
No. 5 ,.,...,, 7.00 u. in. Ar. Carbondale 7,40 p. in.
bOU'ril BOUND. '
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale, Scianton.
No. ,.. 7.00a,m. 7.40a.m.
No. io ,, 1.30 p.m. o.oo p. in. o.Wp.m.
Trains No. 1 on week days, and 0 on Sundays.
make main line connections for New York city!
lliddletown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oswego
and all points went.
For further information, consult ticket agents.
J. O. ANDrfltt-ON, (1. l A., New York.
J. E. WELSH. T. P. A., Heranton, Pa.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains for New York, Ncwburgli and inleinnj
diatc H)inU leave Seranton aa followt; a.
in.,; 2.23 p. in.
Arrival 10.33 a. in, fiom Mlddletovvn, Hones
dale, llavvley and Intermediate, points: 0.20 p. in.
from New York, Newburgli und intermedlatt
poiuta. No Sunday trains.
lljnL 1 JUaJ
424426 Spruce Street, Between Washington
Our Annual Sale of Muslin Underwear
Begins This Morning
.niii . . i i mi ii . . .,. nnnin )
"" """"" ii i i a
This January Sale of 1902 will 'surpass any previous sale,
as to quantity and quality of goods offered, good as were the
garments sold at previous sales, the lines we show today are
vastly superior at the same prices. The splendid success
achieved by us in this department, and the praise bestowed
upon our goods, speak more eloquently in their behalf thaln any
eulogistic words in our power to bestow.
8c to $3.75
The 8c Corset Cover is
made of Cambric, well fin
ished. This is the lowest
price in these little gar
ments. Others at 12J4c
19c and up to $3.75,
19c to $4.50
The 19c Drawers are
made of Masonville Muslin.
Splendid value, but not any
better value than those at
25c and 39c.
sWe Give
la 'A "A " 4 'a'A'A'A'A"'" "A
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now ei anted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
Thlg school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for college, and for
tliose studying music.
It will pjy to write for particular
No other school offers tuch uiperior ad
vantages at euch low rates. Addrcjj
J. P. Welsh, ill, Ph. D., Priii.
T. J. Foster, President. Klmer II. Lawall, lTeij.
R. J, Foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secrettrj.
New Jorsey Central.
In Meet Nov. 17, 1001,
Slatlons in New York, foot of Liberty tlrtet
anil South Kerry, N. H.
Trains leave fctionton for New Yen I;, PhllJiM.
phia, i:alon, licttildiein, Allrntovvii, Maucli
t'hunU, White Haven, Ashley and Wllkes-Hjrlo at
7,30 a. m., 1 p. . and I l. ' Sunday, 2.10 p ni,
(Juakei City r.xprfts leaves Siuanlon at 7.30
n. in., through solid vpstihuln train wills Pullman
llullct l'.illoi Cars, fur I'lilladclpliii,
I'or Avoua, Pituton and vVllkc-Uarrc, p, m,
und 4 p. ni. Mimljy, ''. 10 p. in.
I'or Long lliaiuh, Oieau Cliovc, etc., 7,30 a,
in. and 1 p. us.
I'or Heading, Lebanon and Ilarri'burs, via ,1
Icntonn, at 7.30 a. ni. and 1 p. m. feundiy,
2.10 p. in.
l'oi I'otlivillo nt 7,:i0 a, in. and I p. ni.
I'or r.lea 'ind ticket apply to agent at btailon.
('. M, IIUItT, Gen. Paw). st.
V. V. vVP.NTZ, Hen. Supt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In L'ffect November SI, l!l.
Trains for Caibondale leave fccratitju at (1,20,
S.00, 8,53, 10.13 a. m.i I'.'.W, l.SS. 2.31, 3,0
5.20, 0.25, 7.57, 0.15. ll.?0 p. m.i 1,31 a. m.
I'or Hoiiesdale, ti.20, 10,13 j. in.j 2.31 and 5.2')
P. in.
For Wllkes-Uane 0.3S, 7.H,, fUS. 0.4 1
. m.i 12 0J, 1.12, 2.1S, 3.2b, 1.27, U.10, 7.48,
10.11, ll.MI I'. I". ,
Kor ,. V. 11. It, Polnts-0.3S. D.SS a, nt,; 2.13,
4.27 and 11.30 p. in.
I'or Pennsylvania n. It, Points tl.SS, 0,33 a,
m.i 1.12. 3.28 und 4.27 p in,
Kor Albany and all points north 0.20 a, in.
and 3.02 v. in.
Kor Carbondale 3,50, 11,3.1 a, in,; 2.31, 3.5.!,
,52 and 10 52 . ill.
Kor Wllkes-njrre-0.33 a, in. ; 12.03, 1,3S, 3.23,
0.32 and M3 p. m,
Kor Albany and point? norlli 3.5J p. in.
Kor Ilonesdale 3.50 n. in, and 3.52 i. m.
W. I PltYOIl, I), P. A Scianton, I'a.
Pennsylvania Bailvoad,
Stlicilub In Effect June 2, 1001,
Trains leave Sirantom tl.33 u. in., week djjs,
tliiougli vcMlbule train fiom U'llkcj-llauu. I'ull
nuu buffet pallor ur and coaches to Plillad.'l.
phia. via PotUvilli'! topi .at principal Interme
diate ttatloib. Also tonneclH for bunliurr, liar
rltbuiK, Pldladelplila, lUllliuoic, Wasnlin;tun and
for PitUburt; and (lie vvest,
0.38 a. ni., week dais, for Sunbuiy, lUititliurir.
Philadelphia, llalliiuoie, Wuvhlnton and PitU
burg and the vet.
1.42 p. lit., vmk dj4 (SilndJ)tf. 1.53 p. in.),
for hunbury, llJirUbnrtr, Philadelphia, Uaitiiiurc,
v,'iihliistu ami PitUbure und tho west.
3.28 p. in., vveck days, through HMIhule train
from W. ilki'S'liarrc. Pullman buffet pallor car and
cujdic to Philadelphia via Pottuvillv. Stop, at
principal Inteuuediato ttatloiw.
4.27 p. in., week day, for lUilctou, Sunbury,
llartUbiuY, Philadelphia aud PitU.uit.-.
J. II. IIinCUINSON', Uen. Hit,
J. U. WOOD, Cen. IMaa. Agt.
An f I J3s u1ks jl
.Jsl I 1 iliW ?0f I
1. mW
Gowns 39c to $6.25
At 39c A good gown of
standard muslin, Hamburg
Gowns more elegantly
trimmed at 50c, 59c and 69c.
Many original styles at 89c
and 98c. A positive saving
on every garment.
Geen T&dtibg Stamps r
"AM "A 'A "A "A "A "A 'A "A "AA "A 'A 'A A "A "A H "A "A
Mi DBttl
Is fully equipped in the most up-to-date manner, and
we employ none but the most competent bakers.
Our BAKED STUFFS have already gained a repu
tation on a par with our ICG CREAM and CANDY.
You know what that means. Special attention given
telephone orders. Prompt delivery always made.
Ill Our Dinins; Hooms.
Most Appetizing Lunch iu the City.
312-314 Lackawanna Ave.
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.'
NO. 23 8. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Seranton Branch Ofilco, Nos. 1 and 3, Arcatlo Buildinu.
a ."' ...."gcisyiwtiy.,;, l;1u'r.'(;.yTw -
A ten-cent package of this delicious year 'round luxury
NtaE' such
mates Two Large Pies, or,ifyouPrefer it, Three Small Pies
Birflilflillli lUawllif ISs.WH Rill Ito iOlOu HKilinSiuS
SSinflil fmfirsmlW!" ilfll wM lillsa iiillijj lufl
VTrr'TlHlnrBBfnillTlllllrif niTl'i".""iM i 1 1 iffi yywl3MMSllMtljSJ IBBIBBBBBI
t&MM)lfBlByllll rfiiSy,1"r'i'jjf vi'Z-'i iv.'t,. i-tvtiNHMl21mine f!kHI
i tfho
None Such" is
dry, clean torn), tinti
( aho makes
Bdr80iieTcry pacluiKO.
ItvLfw.-iru I'licloinl
Wi'iry';'i".''7.ffffV" i'li''J,iKW?S''-'-'M.r-
W.i m
and Wyoming Avcs. ?
59c to $7.50
The 59c Skirt is made of
muslin, umbrella flounce, a
full liberal garment. Others
with more elaborate trim
mings, 69c and 89c.
The 98c Skirt is a re
markable garment for the
Chemise ,
At 25c, 39c and up to
the dainty high priced
A"A "A "A "A "A 'A A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A fA
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
. the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
.,...,.,. i ..,.. i. k.
3 APrV
''condensoil" that is, compressed hi a
Villi fUVR.Cll Ai iH-lloV( HtlWpvAJ VMWMf
Fruit Pudding and Friiit Cake
pacttett in utr-tigut, vvawr-proot cartons,
Valuable premium list ot "lH7Itpr llros."'
Lot us know if jour dmUx
iv win tell juu out teat wilt M sua w.
Co,, Syrncuso, N.Y.
LV.'iVVrfH''MwJAI'.ViH, ,1' HW
i,rwr qi iiiiiuiturt. sxi us know ii yvi