The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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'tprctal to the Scrniiloii Tribune.
Titiiklmnnock, Jimvmry s. .TudHti
Frank M. Vnuslin, of McBhoppeii, wns
n visitor In town on Tuesday.
Mr. Ai'tlillr Baldwin and Miss Kalo
Flununci', both oC Ttinkhimnoek, were
united In innt-rltigc at YVIllieH-Harro
on Saturday Inst.
The tncmbci'H of .T. V. Ituynolds He
lief Corps, No) 117, held their annual
election of oflleeiH on Tuesday even
ing, tho following oIllceiH being chosen
for tho ensuing year, viz: t'rc.tltleitt,
Mrs. A. 8. Ket'ler: senior vleo-presl-dent,
Mrs. Mary Funsctt; junior vleo
president, Mrs. W. K. I-otf, treasurer,
Mm. Martha liunncll; secretary, Mrs.
C. Y. much; chaplain, Mrs. 13. C.
Koltlillne; eonduetor, Mrs. s. 8. Day:
tisslfctnnt conductor. Mrs. II. C. Pre
vost; guard, Mrs. 13. H. Blakeslee; as
sistant Buord, Mrs. Kllen nrnuglitun;
color-bearers, Mrs. John Towmiend.
Mrs. Sublnii Jayne, Mrs. .T. h. Cnrlln.
and Mrs. Vernette Space.
Thomas Murray, night telegraph op
erator at tho station here, has been
transferred to La Grange, and his
place is being filled by William Evans,
of Falls.
Martin V. Wuudall, mason and stone
work collimator, of Mohoopany, was
doing business In town on Wednesday.
A lepresentatlve of a Iiath, N. Y.,
vineyard company wns talcing orders
.for Now York slate wines here on
Glhion Brothers, of Owego, X. Y.,
gave ii moving picture entertainment
at Piatt's opera house on Tuesday and
Wednesday evening, which wus much
enjoyed by those in attendance.
The snow storm, which lasted all day
Wednesday, patched up the sleighing
nicely, and it is now very good here.
.Tolm Langan, clerk at the Warren
street hotel, returned on Wednesday
from ills holiday vacation which lie
spent with relatives In Smmlon and
vicinity. '
Tho marilage of Mr. Frank Ilawke
and Adelaide McKown, it is announced,
will take place on Monday, January
Mrs. riuy Jackson, of Koselle, Xew
Jersey, is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Itnlph Avery at this place.
.Mrs. Anno Crawley, of Third street,
who has been quite ill with pneu
monia, is bllghtly improved.
Special to the Siranton Tribune.
Pittson, Jan. S. Another eithp of
small-pox has been found in West
I Ittson at tho home of Mrs. Williams,
the woman who is thought to have
carried the disease here from Ply
mouth. The victim is her young
daughter, who has been sick for a few
days. Theie was boma doubt among
the physicians : to whether or not
the case could b'e diagnosed as small
pox, and Dr. Knapp, of Wyoming, was
this morning called in. The doctor,
who is a member of the state board
of health, ndvls-ed that the house be
quarantined. There are now tlueu
cases in thin vicinity, two In West
Plttston, nmPbne in Plttston. A strict
quarantine Is being kept by the health
The grocery store conducted by
Smith Bros., of Cnmptown, has been
purchased by B. J. Durkln, in whose
building the business Is located. Mr.
Durkiii's son, Timothy, will have
( harge.
Samuel vJeffrey Barber, aged 05 years,
n resident of Wesc Pittston for years,
died tills morning at his home on
Montgomery street, after n long Ill
ness. The funeral will take place Sat
urday afternoon, with interment In
Hollenback cemetery.
A high-class concert will be held In
Music hall on Friday evening of this
week. Among the artists who will
participate are George H. Cave, Miss
Grace E. Spencer, Miss Augusta Do
Mois, Miss Grace Duncan, Thomas
Williams, George H. Cave. Mr. Itowley.
nsslsted by tho Mason Glee club, of
Mrs. ('. IT. Derby and sous, of West
Plttston, are spending a few days at
Clark s Summit.
Th funeral of Mrs. Slgafoos, who
was fatully burned In a lire at her
home here last Sunday, took place this
afternoon from the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Croweli, on
Lagrange street, Interment was In
Plttston cemetery.
Special to tho Sctantoii Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan. S. The Itepubll
can borough caucuses will be held
Jan. 21.
Thomas Lynch, an Elm street young
man, who suffers from epilepsy, was
on Tuesday tuken to the stute asylum
nt Danville, my Poor Commissioner
Herbert Brown.
Attorneys William M. Post and
George P. Little, of Montrose, will pro
fessionally engaged In town on Tues
day. James Bush, of Honcsdale, com
mercial tourist, Is in town today.
Mrs, J, A. Smith. Is 111 nt her home on
tho Oakland side.
Candidates for borough ofllces are
"The Secret Dispatch" company
appeared In Hogan opera house last
Mrs. William Kittell, a former es
teemed resident of Susuehannu, died
nt Greeley, Colorado, Jan. 2, after a
brief Illness. She Is survived by a son
and daughter.
Miss Ollle Boot left for Bethlehem
on Tuesday to attend school,
Moody Post and Belief corps, G, A,
r, on Tuesday evening held n Joint In
stallation of ottlceis.
Tho Grand Jury of the county will
meet on Monday next,
The offlcers-elect of St, John's
branch, Xo. U, C. M, B, A., were last
evening Jnstulled by District Deputy
M. J, nutfy, of Hallateud.
The Erie und other eastern railroads
have announced that they will inako
half rates to employes of other toado
traveling at their own expense, on o
quest, Blgned by the general passenger
agents or higher oflleluls, Xo an
nouncement has been made oh to rut en
to officials of other lalhoadS traveling
In tho interests of tho railroads, uinl
lit first, tit least they will have to pay
to pay the regular inlets '
One of tho Innumerable Browns, of
Harmony township, on Tuesday, before
Justice Gleason, u this borough, sued
thu township for support. The town
ahp won out.
Numerous citizens of Gibson and
Jackson townships made depositions
In this place on Tttesdny, In tho matter
of ilxliie the responsibility for the
maintenance of the noted Alfred
Chandler, n noted wanderer.
The week of prayer Is being observed
In tho lOvaugcllcnl churches of the
Miss Isabella Kittell has returned to
the Grand Conservatory of Music,
New York city.
Local Icemen are storing mint julep
Principal Homer X. Barrett of
Jerniyn, who has been 111 at Lakeside,
Is fast recovering, which will bo good
news to his legion of Susquehnnnn-J-uckawunnu
county friends.
An effort will be mode to establish
un Industry In the old chair factory
building at Brandt.
Homer E. Spencer has been appoint
ed district deputy grand high priest of
the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania,
Holy Boyol Arch Masons.
Tho coal business on the Erie's Jef
ferson division Is cxasperatlngly dull.
Can you read
The trainmen hope for better days in
the halcyon and vociferous future.
Congressman C. Fred Wright and
family will return to Washington on
There's smooth sleddln" out In the
picturesque suburbs.
Colonel William H. Telford Is still ill
at his homcon Broad street.
Several Jefferson division engineers,
who recently went west to secure jobs,
have returned home.
The Erie is doing an excellent freight
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan. S. The choir of the
Honesdale Methodist church will give a
concert in the Promnton Methodist
church Thursday evening, Jail. !).
Miss E. Louisa I-ee and Miss Mary
A. Menner returned on Monday to Vassal-
college to renew their studies.
Miss.M'nbel Broad has gone to Scran
ton to pursue her musical studies, un
der the direction of Professor South
worth. County Superintendent David I,.
Hovver has returned fiom Salladusburg,
Pa., where he spent the holidays with
his parents.
Miss Charlotte Mulr' is visiting rela
tives and friends in West Pittston.
Miss Mary Mumford returned on
Tuesday to National Park seminary,
ForeBt Glen, Md.
Mr. Zetmr H, Hussell leturned to ids
studies at Bustieton, Pa.
Our Maple City Is keeping in line
with her neighbors In the Lackawanna
valley. She has her gas and electric
light plants, national and savings
banks, of which there tire none better;
elevator works, silk mill, glass cutting
shops, shoe manufactories, and various
other Industries.
The Delaware and Hudson has a
large gang of trackmen engaged pre
paring for u new switch, commencing
in me rear of tho Independent build
ing nud running south through the
yard. Preparation will be made for a
weigh scale, and the coal dump Is
about teady for use. Very soon we
may again look upon a large pile of
coal, as wus the ease in time of the
storage tor shipment by canal.
Miss Maine Prugnall, who has spent
the past three months with her sister
at Hnvethlll, has returned to her home
on Third street.
Those who travel on the Honesdale
branch of the Erie will be pleased to
hear that the company Is erecting n
passenger station at Laekawaxen, In
place of the one burned a year ago,
since which time the transfer at Laek
awaxen has been decidedly unpleasant,
The snow, which Is falling today,
gives promise of continuing the excel
lent sleighing which has been enjoyed
for tho past few weeks.
Special ta the Scranton 'nibune.
I.ako Ariel, Jan. 7, Ice cuttliiK at
l.ako Ariel was brisk on Tuesday, Dur
Int" the afternoon, while J, AV, San
dercoek, who had a one-horse bob,
tried to turn the liorso around, in so
dohifr, ran tho rig backwards Into the
lake. 13. A. Jones was Btundlns near
the edge of the water and did not
notice the horse eomliiff until it wus
uopn him. The only way he could get
out of the wuy was to Jump neioss
the channel. He did so, and fell Jnto
tho Iciy water und dislocated his shoul.
dt.r by falling "It the lee. It required
the ben-Ices of Ur, SVIilte, of Lake
Ariel, und. Dr, Stevens, of South Ou
naun, to reduce tho fracture.
Hew tl, 31, ueji is conducting special
meetings in tho new church for a few
Muster Wlnlleld Kdwatds is on the
sick llfct.
Itov. JIuckeller. of Heeeh l.uks, was
visiting Itev. Ilsll mul ,i.niii.i .i,.,
pulpit Suiuluy and Jlonday evening.
M T lll
lTtl 1 Pf
,?r&T&?.UtjNm'AxltaiJ:wKii n caia lu Qas.i2
Ho will return next week to assist bhii
In jho special meetings.
Mrf Patterson Is visiting nt the homo
ot A, Ij. Cobbs. He has just returned
from the Klondike and gives a glowing
account of that region. Mr. Patterson
has been In the frozen Klondike for
uevcrnl years and Is a very Interest
ing talker, Ho and his partner mined
ninety pounds of the "yellow stuff
last winter, and display Heveral lino
nuggets, some being valued at $1,100
and over, tt took him fourteen days
from the time ho left the Klondike
to reach Lake Ariel. Tho expense of
the trip was $157. Ho also displayed
some fine views of Gold Hills and a
view of one and one-half miles of
Bonanza creek. The schools nt the
Klondike nro ilrst class and wages
$" per day, and good cooks get $200 a
month and board. Ho advises those
who Intend going not to take baggage,
as they can get It there nearly as cheap
ns here. From tho time It begins to
freeze In the fall It never thaw's until
spring opens, about May.
BprtUI t the Scranton Tribune.
Gibson, Junuury 8. Misses Beatrlco
and Bernlco Sweet recently visited rel
atives In Scranton.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
scuooi nas ciecteu onicers for tho com
ing year as follows: Superintendent,
E. T. Senior: assistant superintendent,
Mrs. X. L. Guard; secretary, Guslav
this proverb?
Gorisse, jr.; treasurer, Mrs. Ilurlburt;
organist, Mrs. E. L. IIIII.
Mrs. E. A. Sweet und sons, Floyd
and Lloyd, of Binghamton, have io
turned homo after a visit with friends
and relatives here.
J. J. Potter was In Montrose Monday.
Miss May Young, of I.anesboro, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. James
Mrs. H. A. Barrett is visiting i da
tives in Binghamton.
Officers in the Epworth League for
the ensuing term' of six months are:
President, Rev. Gorisse; ilrst vice
president, Mrs. X. L. Guard; second
vice-president, Mrs. G. E. Spencer;
third vice-president, Mrs. Gorisse;
fourth vice-president, E. S. Chamber
lin: secretary, Miss Madge Lupton;
treasurer, Miss Maude Lupton; organ
ist, Mrs. G. E. Spencer;
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Curtis were in
Susquehanna Tuesday.
At about noon on Tuesday an acci
dent occurred on the AVest Side which
resulted In tho instant death of two
fine horses owned by Baker John Mc
Queen. He was delivering goods a
short way above the crossing when the
horses ran away. He ran after them
and succeeded in cntching bold of the
rear of the wagon. Their flight
pitched him to the roadside, and this
was only timely for they had just
reached the gates and plunged through
them, and in an instant were ground
under tho engine. The wagon was en
tlmely demolished. When Mr. McQueen
came on the scene lie could not con
trol his feeling at the sight of the an
imals, and his grief was felt by all the
bystanders. During tho past few
mouths he has lost three horses.
D. J. Uuckley, machinist at the Hill
side colliery, has been promoted to out
side foreman at the Florence colliery.
Mrs. Thomas McHale and son James
returned last evening from Butte City.
'i no dailies' Missionary society will
meet this afternoon nt the home of
Mrs. David Davis, of Lincoln Hill.
At nbout 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ing some drunken rowdies, while re
turning home from their nightly orgies
threw a large stone through Prlnsky's
window and made atoms out of n large
plate glnss window, Before any one
was on the scene they had got away
with two pairs of shoes. The parties
are surprised und It Is a pity that suf
ficient evidence cannot be adduced to
warrant their incarceration.
There will be a. meeting of the
Daughters of iQrlii on Friday evening
at 7.30 o'clock. All members should
be present.
The funeral of Mrs, John Tougher
took place yesterday afternoon. Ser
vices were held In St. Mary's church.
Interment was made In St. Mary's
One on Igeisoll.
Senator Maik lljiuia, when it lame Ills turn
for a story not lony ago in the Waldorf-Astoria,
tolil the follow Ins;
"When llobcrt 0, hiReieoll came to Washing
ton from tho vvcr, hU head filled with lejul loin
and Infidelity, or it would be Iirttoi- to tall It
usnoitltlMii, lio cncounteied in one of tho oi
lidou of tlu capltol un old iirgio vvoman lj
oiously sciiiciblin- (he iloov, when 4hp lic.nd any
one coinlnif, nnd, when the fooUtcrw died, away,
liihlly leading her Wide.
"lie dipped up op her cry quietly one inoin
Inir, and, takintr her by suipiho vtl, her pre
clmw Look, ejd:
" 'Mary, do nti believe all .von lead thcic'
"I iiluly du,' kl,o icplicds 'cbeiy word,
Cubiuel IiigciMill.'
" 'po jou bc-llevp Hut (tod made man uut of
" 'In coum I iloe.'
" 'Sa, it happened tu lain liaid ahout that
time and lap ilu.i wm (.one ami there vvai mill
ins; but imicir
" 'Pen da tcond I.uvv.l Mifi) epoiyh to know
dat It vvj, tliup lo null) dim Uwuia and in
fideh, tuloiiel liiyritol,1
Hull walked away cic.lfjlcn and miotini;
Ti'iinjtun'n 'In Mcmoiljin' 'l.civi' thou tliv la-
ler ubvii bf iu).' " I
-nunaHnn .
TbU sigraatttre la on e'fory box of ik eennrnn
IfiYnfive nrnttin.niiJtiifip.Tflbiett '
Wall Stmt Rovlotr.
Xew Yotk, Jan. 8, llie stock market jlehlcd
thh illuming In (lie fjtutitthi'tld effect of tho
aculo wpiiIiiipm In United Slnles Med Muck ami
fell RrticMllv fiom 1 to 2 points below lint
nlght'i level for the principal stocks. After
the speculum llmildilluii In the United Males
Steel Iiim spent It force tlielo km mi
effective tally In the linltkct, Tho iloslntt wds
Vcly acthc unit sttotitt, with prices tijntriMlu'ly
on the tip HhluV, The iPcovpiy In the Sled
Hocks was not decisive! nnd they clewed at net
lowi nf ?i for the common flml preferred. The
extreme declines Wcrci 214 for tbo prcfericd and
l'i for the common. Considering the fart tint
rmnoM Iccciilly In ilrcnl.Ulim Had placed the
net minlnxi of the United Stiltea Miol rnruoU
tlon for the mutter nt as high in V,00d,0flO, mid
that other nimoM bad ulleiscd ucciaitc monthly
ciinhnn of ?13,ilW,lX0, and tint actual llurM
for the im.irlrr, t'JU,jl,01."i, were nntuially a
dUappolnlinqht, rfltc. tnlly m the three tiiunlh
showed siicceho decline's down to tho ortb
male (or Deeinnber of Icct than fS,O0O,f)UO. '""-'
enoimoii't absorption of Union Pacific and lt re.
uHciy to HHU fiom the cilly low level of
I0li wu? fin effective factor In sootbli'K tlie nil
ejjlncii mined by the moccpdliijrn mt.ilmt the
Xortbciii Neunltlci company Jn the huprenio
Miurt. Ouln to the ulile leaching Importune;
attached to this ttliule Mibject, the rosllemy of
thU ttronp of stocks bad a notable nontlmenlal
eirect on tho whole market, 'I he cxcibe olfered
bv the United Mate" Stfcl mithorttlc ttiat car
Klioitairo and ficlnht blockudra had affected their
cainlnit-c wan tiken .m Irneuc.l tonflrmilion tint
the lalliomlD had nil the limine they could
handle. The speculate! q ibis uf a fawn.ilile
argument for the tillv In the imIIiouW. Some
what fiKoiwhlcntli, l.nt ueek'n harp decie.lie
lu Kio-1 emilm;' In some of the soft coal uir
rlera was atlilbutcd also to ciir thortJere. Itotk
Idand vj? ptroii? on the laigo net earnlngi for
Xoicnibct. The niou'iueiil lp hifirai w.n clui
acfeiistlo of an annual ineetint,' d,iv. Tim rlc tu
12t',i wih nttilbufed lo the b.v the inci
dent of the company for the uhollllon of the
duty m law fitfui-, Total mles today, 8M,SUJ
slmic"). 'Hie IhiiiiI luaiket ' tmuieHlnit IrrcR hut ie.poudeil to the late vlicnirtb of .slocks.
To In I xilcf, par value, I.SOO.fKKI. fulled Mate?
In mis vveie all imchaiiKod on the lat l ill.
Hie follow ln quotit
line by M. 1. Jordan
Mean building:, Serant
loni are furnhheil The Trlb-
Company, mom; T03 ,00
)n. I'a. Telenbone. CU01:
Onto. Illirli f.ow. Cto!i-
Iiik. et. eii. ins.'l',4 l-'I'i ll-H', 121'i
.. 70'4 SOU 71) W4
...1W) lot IflU I'll
... 7D',i 71 B4 7llt 71'j
... m'a "eT nU
... H-.T& fi7'i (ITJ fl7'.i
...lOiVi KI5T4 ()"i ldJTn
.. t(,?4 I7U 4'1'i -t'i
...L''H'i 2.1'!. 2.1 s-VJ
...l(il4 Nil'i liU'i W"
...15.V4 lM'i IV'1 lT,i
Alucrlciiu Sngir ...
Atchison, 1'r
Amiil. Copper ....
Am. Car & I'oumhy
nrook. TiactJon ....
Dull, k Old
CIipj. & Ohio
Chic, k (It. Wet..
Chic, Mil. i- SI. I'
Chic. It. I. fc I' ..
Colo. 1'licl ,(.. lion .. ., Ml
i:ria It. It JJV1
Klip It. It., I'r 7.1'S
Kmili. ,t XuMi li)'ii
Manhalliin Kip i:t1i
Met. Tiactlon 1112'i
Mlouil Paiifli- IOI"-i
Norfolk .V Wetein .... .""','.
X. V., O. k :lt',i
N". Y. (Vnlial 1(m;
Penna. It. It IldVi
neadlmr Itv Mi',
Heading Itv., W Pr.... ,1'A
Soiitliein II. It ;!!
Soiitlicin It. It.. I'r .... !'.!,.
Siullipin Pacific .7)
'IViiu. ( oal . 1 1 on .... M
Te.i-. I'acilli' !'l".s
I'. S. Leather 1
1". S. l.ealher, l'i afc
t'liiou Pacific l(iK.
,1'. .. Meel Co tl,
V. S. Meel Co,, Pr .... 'i.-,'l
Wenlciu 1'iilcm Hi'i
V.ib,i-li, l'r 42i4
Ml i", M
U-H II 421
7tn 7.1 74',i
lltH HIV, lUciVs
lliil'l: 1)1 Vifl'4
111! 1112'i liij.''i
mt mi mi
r.ri r.7 n7"j
" ,rt
1-1 ."i
101' 1
i.-,i, .
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchango
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. ........
County SavhiRS Hank fc 'Print Co..
First National Flank (Carhondale) ..
Standard Urilltug Co.
'third National Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank..
Kconomy Light. If. P. Co
rirst llinlc
Lacks, Tl list Safe Deposit Co
Clark ic Suaver Co., I'r
Scranton Iron rpneo k Mfff. Co. ...
Fcranton Axle WoiLh
Hcr.intoii Sivlns-i Hank
Tradeis' National Bank
Scranton Holt Sc Nut Co
People's Bank ... ;...
New Mexico Iiy. & (J. Co
Scranton Pawenfjer llailvvay, flnt
Mortitage, clue 1020
People's Street Hallway, flist inort-
gaire, duo 191S
People's Street Hallway,
mortgafic, due 1021
Did, urn ilaiiufatturlnc; (,'o
I.acka. Township School 0 per cent.
City of Scranton St. finp. (1 per
Scianton Tiuction 0 per cent
Bid. Askei
107'L- ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. (i. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave)
l'loiir Best patents, per bairel, ?I.G0.
Bean.-. Per bushel, choice manow, fj.2.55.
Iiuttei Pioli creamci.v, 2fic. ; .lure cr aiueiv,
?4c; iLhy. Mlc.
thecfe Pull cie.nn, 1t'j.il2i'.
l'gU Xeaiby, u2c; htoiage. fancy, lOVic.
(lieen Peas Per busbcl, JL.'iO.
Potatoes l'er biiMicl. l.
Onions Per IhhIicI, s-I.W).
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
l'hiliileilphla, Jan. 8. IMical-rimi. i,ai. higli
ei ; contract grade, .liiuuiry, Sli';ab7i. Cum
Steady; Xo. 2 mixed, .lanuaiy, llTadi'Sc, ()at
l'lriu; Xo. 2 white dipped, fil'c, lluttei l'lnu,
fair demand; fancy wcitein cipameiy, U."i!2a2Cc. ;
do. ncaiby ptints, 29c. Kggs l'lnu, good de
mand; fie!i neaiby, JiOc. ; do. wcstein, ROe. ;
do. feoutlnvcsleiu. Stic,; do. i-oiitheiu, '27e. (lee.ll
Film; Xew Yoifc full iipann', fancy mnll,
lllic; do. do. do., fair to i-lioiir, !)'i.illp. He
fined S'ugais 1'ncli.ingcd. Cntlou Steady, Tal
low Quiet but steady; rltv piimc, in tbrcec,
(,'.i'.: luimti.v elo. do., bands, (d.iafi'ic; dark,
v'isojc',; cake., O'v. Live l'ouluy S'teadv,
fair demand; fowls, fHiilO'.ic; old ioo-teis 7c,'.;
ildckcns, PalOc; ducks, Hal2u. ; geese. Sail".;
luike.vrt. Kiallc. Diprsril Piuilli riuu, (air
demand; fowls, ihoice, ld'sc; du. filr tu good,
f'Vi.i loc. ; old roiMors, 7n7',ic ; clilikciw, nearbv,
lluHc.j vvcslcin ili I) 1 1 c-.j tiiikpK, .neiiby
choice to fancy, lJilGc; vvivtein do. do., Uallc;
do. fair to Rood, HlilJi.t ducks nearbv, lOatlc;
westetu do,, ldaU'c; gee-e, Killc. 'iteeclpts
l'loiir, LJOO barrels end :i,:Hli,()iK) iiomids In
jacks; wheal, Wi.OUU bibhels; coin, i".,lHXJ bush
els; oats, 12,0ml Ini'liels, S'lIpnienN Wli"it,
70,000 hu-hels; cqiu, 2,100 l'li-hels; oats, Kl.njo
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Jan. $. I'lnir Fahlv aetlvc, film,
Wheat Spot film; No, 3 rid. III',.'-, t. o. b,
afloat; opt Inn, at flint film ami highci, but un
der subsequent bear piowiiic pileps luokp haiplv
and mled weak most of tho iifleinouii, finallv :.ii
aueiug shaiply on u aic of sliorts, iloeif til 111
at ja'sc net udvunec; Mniili closed bOiJc-i
May, M-Sic; July, SSUc, Cum -Spot steadv;
Xo. i, 70f,c. elevator und 7H'ie. f, n, b, nfloa't;
options opemsl firm with wheat but alter mid
day gsvu vvj), lalljlng in tho last half hour,
however, and ilciicd wily !,c. net lowei; Jtmi
ury closed "Ol.c. ; Miy, Title. ; Julv, Toie.
Oats Spot flun; No, 2. flic; Xo. :l, 52c-.; No, 2
white, flJe.i Xo. 3 white, .Hiti'.t track mixed
weMcin, SSaUtlc; Hack white, MaSUc,; optlom
flun carlv on a scare ot July shorts at Chicago,
but finallv fielded to depletion in other inai
kct. Butter l-'liiu; cipumtiy, la25c; facloiy,
aJalJir.; Juno cicomeiy. I.'ia'22c,! imitation
lOc,; state full cicam small fall nude fancy,
lOttulO'jc; late made best lalge, nvic; do, do,
do., small, I0il0i4c. Fggs Stiong; stato and
Pennsylvania, 3.)a'i4c; wcslern, 27a:l."c. ; south
ern, 23a32c.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
( hlcago, Jan, S.-- nervous, riling and falllnj
wheat market which seemingly tried lo follow
the ant led of tbo foieign maikcts led tlic grain
Vila today. At tlic close May wheat had u liet
gain of ftiiit.; May 0,111 remained uiiihuuge.l
und May oats xvrre up .if4.c, 1'iavl.loin closed
a shade to Oc, higher, Cisli quotations wcie m
follows: I'loui Firm, lov, advame for ttuudanj
biauds; Xo, 2 iprlng wheat, SOae. ; Xo, 3
spilng, 78H'.; No. a led, MJSUo.; Xo 2 ejats, 47
ii47tic.i Xo 2 white, 4'jj.'ajc. ; Xo, ;i while, lo?l
UI11I4C.; No. 3 ije, 7isi'-S fab to iholie null
ing bailey, Coalite; Xo. t llax ncd, iH.0'); Xo. t
lioillivvp.istiru, !?l."2; prlmn tbuothv seed, K'-3";j
mess poik, H(I.M.ilt!.ll! lird, so.MlaD.M, short
libs, .lOaS..'.!); tli) salted tbeiiiliku, 7?;.iitc.;
shoit ileal sides, !v SslaS.M; wldsUpj, ijl.yj.
East Liberty Market,
Fust Liberty. Jan. S. Cattle Sleadv; choice,
isOaiikM; primp, SAMuCli); good, v-,..vui.ui.
Hugs-Slow and lower; prime hcnles, (sl.jOail 13;
heavy inedluiiu, fciJ.aj.i'J.tO; liglit incdtums, .l.'."i
au.SOj liuvr Yoikeis, Vkt3.iu.S0; lljjht do., smu
(1.10; (iIk, 5.00a0; iiiiiIh, Wa. hbee) Steady ;
best welliPH. 4al 21; mils and common, il.finiji
.xcarlbijs, slJf.CVi wl calves, 7.5ilaS.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
ilUtgo. Jan. S, Cattle Itccelpu, IVW;
good tu choice Uong to 10c. lilglurj other
slow, teady; good to irlme, s.suaT,S0; poor tu
insdkun, la(J; ttotkci and feeders, I'j.SSil.T,!
cow, 4l.asai,73 heltcn, t--75a3j cinnsis, $l.$u
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 3 Ctnla lot- l-acli llxtrn I.lnt.
For Ilent.
I'Oll lti:.T--.Vroom lioiuc. Inqnlip 1M X. llj tie
I'aric inemie, ciiy.
l'dll llKNT NlliP-room boue, hot and cold Wa
ter, bath mul furnace, Apply at fl.HI Adanli 'ive,
l'Olt ItllNT-Kpccdivay Hotel. Apply to .1. M.
Kcmineier, 12S I'lAtiklln menup.
roll 1II:NT 912, "loom lionw, Willi bath, ramte
double bealer, etr. Lutrante from Main
aveniip. Inniilrc A"A Sotilb Main avenue or A,
'I'. Ifebcr, 10J Bulitb Main avenue.
foil HUNT $18, otic-half of double home, In
upper (liem Hldgo; igf Jni.l. bath, bet
ami cold water, range, electrb: IUIiU. ft. I'.
Hamilton, fault building, fcprute utiect,
For Sale.
' yvy.w
FOIt SAI.i:- cart for sale at SI2 Hitchcock
court, city.
l'Olt H.I,I:-()iip 1,'JOO lb. Hoiking Imup, one
1,000 lb. driving: or vvi.rkius male, well hied
and would make u trood brood nine; nl-m Divld
Copperlleld, piccr, 2.'2."',1. biy gelding. Iwiiilic
.). II. badniir, 4c. fluio, in at bain, rear ,T,n
Wyomlnir uvenue.
l'Olt HAt.i: The bar and flxlurci of the t'nlon
Hotel on Lackawanna slii'ol, 01 pliutit. Lo
cation excellent. LoiIbcs meet In building, fell
inc; out on account of 111 health. I'. P. .lone,
l'Olt HALi: Slock of the Inleiiutlonnt Text Hook
Company of S'uuHoli (foinnily Ihe Colliery
LiiRlncer Co.), Cliii". 1). H.indci'.oii, ISO Wjoinlmr
:ivenuc, scranton, i'a.
l'Olt SAI.i: CIII:a1'-"MIII; route and ctitht ovf.
(cod chance to Indld up excellent tude. Ad-dic-
Harvey .lacquef, Jloolc, I'a.
PHYSICAL fl.Tnii:. fl.uo-'lhlc sjilciu U ad-
cillxd In the m,i;iirlnc at 2(. 11 develops
eveiy inuc!e In the hum in body. Scut !y mall
upon leccipl of $1, Kied (!. I'pttiii, Seuntnn, 1'u.
"LOCOMOIlILl:" fieam caulaice: new; xeiy
latest l.vle and ImpiovcutciiW; Hit pibp,
S'iOO; will -ell for 700. Addict "Locoliiotiile,"
cirp Tiibiiue, Sci.inlou, I'a.
I'Oll SALi: I "or vant of iip. two k1 hone.t
murcH ; one wcIrIh nlioul 1,100 pniiinl; oili
er nlinut 1.101). Aiplv to Win. 11. Itlchmnnd,
nfclimoiid Hill, .112", Noitlt Main iimuuc.
l'Olt SALI! CIIIIAI' KliPWood, lion lOollns, Hu
bert, hcaide. Ecantlinp:, elc, from old cars:
suitable for all puipn-,". .Iciin'.iius, Central
Jflnc-, svvilcli, foot of ll.i",plon atieet, oft Somh
Main avenue.
l'Olt SU,i:-r Two light vpilng wagons and some
haulers cheap. J'.vam, icar 11J2 Lii7eino
FOR .SAM! Cheap; hoip, piing wagon and
lump--, at No. 1S20 Cedar avenue.
Furnished Booms.
l'Olt IllINT Two rnmfoitably fmiiMipd looms
for gentlemen; modem inipioxcmciits; pri
,ite family. .'."'0 Wablnglnn avenue.
t'Oll IlfIXT Two icmforlablc finiiidictl rooms
for gentlemen: modem inipimcuicnl..; pn
ate family. :).!0 Wasldnglon axeniic.
l'Olt IIK.NT niinlidied flout room, with bent,
bill and gas; near coin I home; gentleman
preferred. Addict Boom, Box 2U9.
l'Olt Hi:."T ruinUhcd room; heat and bath.
0C5 Linden stiect.
FlIltXISHKD HOOMS FOR HF.XT. with lieatrpas
nnd bath, gentlemen piclencd, at f, .9 Adams
Rooms and Board.
A LAHQi: FRONT ROOM, with board, at 521
Adams avenue. Suitable for two joung mer.
ROOMS TO HUNT, with board. t09 Mulberry
Wanted Room and Board.
WANTF!) Room and board in refined jnlvate
family foi tluee ladles; not to exceed 12 pir
week. Oio located within live minutes walk fiom
city hall piefcrred. Addiess, K. 11. Tilbune Ot
flee. ' 1-4
Boarders Wanted.
BOAHDFifs WANTF.D Nice rooms, ,.00(i ota
Hon. HIS Jackson tticet.
I'RIVATK FAMILY wishes to have two nl-e men
to boaid, ttemian or Lnglisb. Call any timj
aftei Thuisday All cuineiilcnces, S07 llaulbon
WANTIID Good second-hand furnace, will pay
cash. Address Lock Hex 130, Scranton, I'a.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted,
WANTF.D Apiil 1, tluee or four unfurnished
looms, located above Adams nnd not above
Moiuoc, between Fine und Linden sfieels, Ad-die-s
J, Y,, Tilbune othec.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTF.D '10 UlIXT Three or fom furnished or
unluini-hed looms lor licihcUepin, Addiess
32i Jefleison uvenue, city.
Money to Loan.
stralglit loans or Huildiug and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on X. V, Walker,
311-315 Council building.
I.OsT seveiity-llvp dullum lu or around the Lu
H'k.i (lull or between the club and O'lliiiu's
saloon. Twenty dollars levvaid. Iteluiu to ('has,
11, .Major, 5.1 J Lackawauiu avenue.
LOST Ludles' gold vvateh. last nigh!, between
Dclawuu- and Hudson slatlmi and Acudiiuy of
Music. Finder please leport to Thomas P. 'llo
laud, 1121 Plttston avenue.
2.S0; IpiiIIs, $t.7Jal.(i0; culvts, M50aU.50; Texas
fisl steers, f).2Ja.'i.23. Hogs IteielpU today, ,
000; tomoiiow, 40,1X10; left t.vir, 10,000: OalOc.
lower, closing active; mixed and butcheis, 5.1(0
u0.4p; good to choice heavy, Sil.2'uil.,1JV.; lough
hravy,; light, i.T5.i0.10; bulk of sales,
ij.OjaiUfO, hheep Receipts, ifl.ooO; eheep active,
steady; l.nnlij. active, M longer; good to eliolco
welheis, i-l.if.75: western slieen ted. Slal.::,: na
tive lambs, ifJ.SOaO; vcslim knulil fed, Hsj,'20i3,75.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Fast Hiillalo, Jan. S. Caltle-Hecelpls, 101
lipid; dull and lovvci; veals, choice to cxtia,
ifSaS.M. Hogs Iteeeliits, ,S00 head; flalOc. low
el; beuv.t, Ssl.50aO.flj; mixed, (I.DO.iii. l.lj pls,
M.DOad; rouglis, tv,; nags, iftal.W), Sheep
and Lambs Receipts, (1,60a head; atllve; lambs,
0al3e. higher; sheep, steely; ton mixed, ?l,10a
1,83; culls tn good, U.S1H; wethers and ycir
lings, Yl.dSa.'i; lop lambs, M,s5j5.lU; a few,
?3.l)i; culls to good, SJ.T5a:i,N).
Oil Market.
(Ill ( If). Jan. S, Ciedlt balances, 115; ftr.
tlllcatcs, no bid; shipments, 77,217 barrels; avei
age, 7II..V2' baileh; 111ns, K),15 bariclt; uveiage,
70,72 baiteli,
Then He Shook Hands Again,
Although Fdwaid Itoscwalcr, fuunder nud id.
itov ot the Omaha Dee, uj not clvited to the
fulled States fceiute from .Vbusk.i in the long
contest last jciir lu bis stale, he Is a political
force wlinm tho pie,ldeut has been itn9ultiug
in uk Jul to Xcbiaska appointments. Mr. lto.,e
water Is .1 man of unique ptisoiiallti, the
Phllidelphla Saturday Fvenliig l'ot. He 1. small
lu statute and niicuks In a low olic, but It.- is a
politician of must piouounied fivhtliur abllltie,,
lli lias, too, met man) ot the fmiom inn jf
the woild,
At n hotel in tjliingt''ii a fev nlghti aitu he
was speaking nt )lr. Audiew Caigenle. "(at.
ncgle and 1," said Mr. Hosewatci, "wtie fellow
lilegtapb npciaiois luuily tout dttjilcs ago.
He was stationed out west and I v.u In Wash
liigtou, Wu got acquainlcd ns operator do
over, the wlies at night, und would call each
other by our Hist names when we spoke tluoiuli
tho medium of our Instruments, ami for nearly
forty )imis we have been pioinl-jhig ouucluvi the
pleasures of meeting.
"1 drifted out to .'vbu.-ku and Cameglc' liLs-
Want Advertlsementn Will Bo
ncceived nt Any of tho Tollow
ing Ding Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDtlltr &CI1ULTZ, comer Mulberry
street and Websler avenue.
OUSTAV l'IClIi:!., WO Adaiiu avenue.
Wast Side
OCORtJi: W. JI'.NKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FHF.D L, TnnPl'L', 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
aUO. W, DAVIrf, comer Noilb - Mlln
venue and Market etiect.
Qieen Rldgo
CHAHLKS 1", JONKS, 13." Dickson
I'. J. JOHN'S, 020 Cicen Wdfce street.
C, LOHF.NiC. comer Washington live
nue and Marion street.
W. II, KNin'FlIL, 1017 Irving avenue.
j. a, BONi: & sox.
Help Wanted Male.
(10(11) ltlXIAlli: MAN tn take enllie iiiniuge
liient of local branch of People' ( icdlt
Clothing Must have buMtiess nblllly
and good 1 efci ciicpk. Fine op mliiidtv lo ilulir
man. People's Credit C lotliiiij, Coiilp.inj, .",17
Laikawami.i avenue.
iiiuiitiiuiiu fnii tl lit; ,n! ,.
lndlinloiK. slinking Cliatcs, I'limaie lllowef, S."
amtius. Steam l'uintis. Maim Wafer t'ulumiis
Siieet and Piston 1'ai king, do. I ulou '-(erni
Specially Co. New 'phone. Kit 1'i.inklln nn'iiue.
WAKTKD lly leading I'liilidclphia houae. hut
clabs wlemai, to f-ell gcneial Hue of pap;r
to the retail tiadc, one who Ins an acnualntanee
prefened; lnut havo bct icfeiciice and be able
to furnish loud. Addiess V. O. Box 20, Pliiia
delplila. Help Wanted Pemale.
WANTIID Four ladies lo canvass and demon
Atutc, 011 talaij. Call afler 4 p. 111. Bogus,
340 Spuiec utiect.
guaianteed. W. K, Beck Ic Son, 339 Adams
WAKTKD Gil! for gencial housework at Dalton.
Address 11. T., care Tribune.
Situations Wanted
SUTATIOX WANT:!! -Ctrl wants plaip to do
liglit hou-ewoik. Addiess Jllnnie Spauldlii,;,
151 Susrpieliaini.L stiect, Biiigbamton, X, Y.
WAXTFD voiing Inly wants to give piivate
Ipsons in slim L hand. Addrcis 11. II., Tiib
ime ofllce.
SlTt'ATlOX WN'Ti:i)-H.v e.xpeiiinced sho
salesman; U atipt modeiate salary. Ad
dipss '., (ieiiei."y DellVPl.i.
SITFATIOV WANTFD-lly tailoiesv, all 01 p.ut
of lime, 011 Loats or linuscis. Addiess II,
care of 'Jitbune.
SITFATION WAM'i:i)-lly jouug lady with p
pencnce; de.shes position a- 11 sluiogiapher
and (povviiter. Aililics A. 11., cic of lilh-.m,.
YOIA'O MAN wishes position in hotel as night
ileik, oral arjthiug In hotel woik; has good
habits and can tome well ici ouiniei.ded. Ail
diess, J. Ik R., moo South Main avenue, Sciaiu
ton. i'a.
A TII()It()l'illLY upto-dale, experienced, flisl
class I'lolhiug salt-iiiau. wants a job; wiltiu,?
to pioo eflfeienev and ability or accept dismissal
without pa.v : competent fti write, edit and like
ihaigo ot all .ulveitising in .111 oilglnal iiiaiinei.
Addles J. A. Ciogan, Wllkcs-Bane, I'a.
A (1001) IIOIKL MAN would like to get some
place to woik evenings till 12 ti'tl,,tk. Best
refeielne given. Chailes Jluir, (ienei.i! Delivciv.
cit). '
WAN'IFD A position as fcienugi iphei nud book
kc"pei ; good U'fiiiiKi'-. given; ovei a jca's
experience. Addict B., Tilbiuifi office.
Sll I'ATIOX WANILD-Ily a voiing man, hi
Mnic as cleik; can speak six language".
Address Samuel Jacob.., 125 South Wa-hingtuii
avenue, eitv.
SITI'ATIOX WAX'IIID-lly bookkeeper, cxpelt,
ojtens, t loses books, balauic sheets; temtioi
ut.v cngagemeiit 01 peiiiianeui, pall il.i). Ixpeit
Audlteir, Tiibune.
S1TPATI0N WANITilJ- n evpeiienccd packer
and shlipei- and Mtclvlug ilcil.. yi.un; nun,
mints situation. AddiPsd Box 10, Stiantou Tilb
une. SITCVIIOX WAX'IFD-By 11 womm as house
keeper; cm give good icfcicmu. Addre s
M. J. Sl 01) phant, I'a.
StriTA'IiON WAVri:i)-B.v a good cook or lauii-dic-s;
can give good icfeienccs. Mis, II. p.,
Ol.vnjiant, Pa.
SITFATION WAXTFD-Fxperlenced book-keeper;
joung nianiwlslie-, sltualluii., Adilu-s, A. F.
M,, caie sJcnmtoii 'J illume.
Till! ANN'l'xb Mi:i;TIN(l of the slotkhoblcis of
tho Thlid Xutloinl II ink, of seiaiiinn. will
bo held Tuesday, Januaiy the tub, 1902, In Ida
Directors' loom of the Hank, between the boma
ot tluee and four o'clock p. in.
WM, II. i'i.CK, Seiielaiv.
Till: ANXl'AL MFFTINd of the stockholders tf
The Siibuiban Lbitito Light compjuv will
bo held at the ofllce vi the compaii), 300 Linden
stieet, Scranton, Pa., s.iluiiluy, Jinu.ny 11, itoj,
at l ji, III., for the election ot dlicitors: lor the
ensuing )cur, and such uthcr lia-inens as in.ij
cume ueioie tiitiu. 1.. at. ntAciv
bcianton. Pa., Dec. If, 1901.
XOTlCi: OF Al'DlTS-Iitates to bo uudltc.l In
the Oiphans' t'nuit of laiikawauua eouun.
Nut Ice Is hereby given that accounts have been
filed and continued ulisolutcly by the eouit lu
the following estates:
1 lj.tate of Lctty Ann Hulaml, deceased; M.
,1. Martin, udiniiilsttator, Monday, Januaiy If,
11102, lit 0 U, 111. ,
'2- Kstato of Frederick Maekwlci., deceased;
John Reese, executor. 'lucday, Januaiy 31,
1002, at I) u. 111.
.'I llidato of llichard llaiiliutton, deev-a.-ed;
John M, Hobeitson, exeinloi. Wednesday, Janu
aiy 13. 1102, at II a. 111.
4 llstate of Clam llnjcr, a minor; W, J.
Shifter, guirdlan (exceptions), Uhursday, Janu
ary I. V.m, at n a. 111,
fl Kslatc of Ann . Connolly, dee eased; L.
T)Ier Connolly, executor. Filday, Januaiy 17,
100!, at 0 .1. 111.
'Ihe ubove .iicouiils roumciatcd and desluiuted
in the above list will bo umlllcd bv tlio llouui
able A. A.Acnbmg, P. ,L, of the Oipluin' Conn,
in the Orphans roiiil 100m, Couvt ilouse, siran.
ton, I'a , during the sessions of tourt oil the
da.vs set opposilc the u.ini'.' of cu-li estate, at
which lime nil pel son inteii'sted shall aitfiul, if
the) see 111, and piesrnt their claims against slid
estate, 01 fciever tlutealter be delraiie.1 fiom
coming in upon said fund. WM. KOCH. Jit..
Clerk of Oiphaiu' Cvuit.
loiy )ou 1 now. Xaturill) 1 was nioie nuxlgm
lo iiicet him lliau ho could piwiblt be- to mutt
me, and a few da)a atto I tailed upon blni.
"I ussiiicd him when ic uiccted me tint I
sought none 01 iili money tor llbuiy 01 tuber
pin poses. Cainegle looked at me seaiihiugb,
Yon tun sec that 1 am a smalt man. I am (, fct
1 inches in height. He Is no taller und Is even
slighter in build than f.
"Suddenly he extended hl bund again ami e..
tlalnud witli uuiiiUtakublc iutciity of feeling;
" 'I am glad Indeed to meet loo, Mr, lto.s;
watci; 1 am glad to ussocjatv with a 111411 s Ii
is 110 bigger limit lam.1 "
.......-l - ..,,.... ..-..-. .p... ... ..,., .TT. r T...
mliMiij I pi"
Insertions 25 Cohts
Tin i I'jur Lines, 6 Cents lor Ildcli ButM LlrtJ,
Cortifled Publio Accountant.
LIWAjll) C. Sl'AUMltNO, 21 TUAfiifltS n.XK
Hulldlng, ond St, Paul Building, New York.
FRLPnitfCK Tt, IIIIOW.V, AltCII. ft.. Itli.t!
latitii llxilunite Hldg,, 120 Washington ave.
Civil nnd Mining Engineer.
11. L. llAttlllxa, 00.1 CONNKLL lHIILDlNO.
. I. 1 -1 . . ,
C. 11. LlI.FNtlFltrtl'.ll. I'AIIf.t lilttl.tifvn
Spiuce Blrcpt, Scranton.
. ,... .; : " . ' ....,
DIt. 0. 0. LAUnACH. 115 noMIN(77vKMJE.
Roonii 12. 14, 10 and IS Burr Hulldlng.
u; ," ItFl'LOffLi:, ATlOltNllY-LOANs: Xi:tT(
tfaled on real eotate securllr. MeM Hiilldln,',
coiner Uu'lilngtmi avenue and Hpmco stiect.
and Republican Hulldlnx,
waIifnglon avenue.
f';,lo''l!'t'l.iw. Conuiionvvextlli lliiildlnj, Koann
10, 20 and 21,
l:.lV,A?.D w 'niAYifit, A-rroRNiiY. "nooitl
tkl-tOI, nih floor, M-in buililliig.
'" ,;. W,'AT1,,:,!' ATI'OIINFY-Al'-LAW, BOARD
ot li.ide Building, Scranton, Pa,
,'A,'r'i:"SO.V k V ll.COXVI'RADF.R'S XATbONVb
Hank Building
C (.OMFOYg. 9.1.; ni'PI'nUCA.V fUIIf.DINO.
'.."';,. ",:,ll'"0I'I,s OFFICII MOVUD TO XO.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
dr. w. 1;. ai.lfn, 31.) NORTH vn.wro:i
DH. fa. W. lAMOIHHUX, OIT'lCi: 3.19 WASH
Ington avemi'. Resilience, WIS Mulbcrrv. ei,eo-t. lu.igs. heait. klelnP)S and
genlto-tultiaiy oigniu a specialty. Iloius, 1
to 4 p. tn.
Hotels and Restaurants.
1111: i:lk cfi:, 125 and 127 franklin avi
nue. Hatea icauennble.
P. ZtLQLLR, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the I.'uropean
Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
ccs3 pools; 110 odoi ; only improved pumps used.
A. B. Hrlgg, proprietor. Leave oulcH ll'lO
North Main avenue, or Ficke's diug store, co
ner Adams- and Mulberry.. Doth telephone.
er)men, store 201 afiliInglon avenue; giecn
lion.-es, 1050 Xoatli Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
.Scranton, Pa., manufactuici of Wire Screens.
also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
Velopes, piper bags, twine. Uaiciiouse, lu0
WaAliliigtcn avenue, Scranton' Pa.
In feci anion at the new'l stands of llcisin.111
Bios., tor, spiucp and 50J Linden: M. Not ton,
''21 Laikawiinna avenue; i. S. Sdiutzcr, 211
Spiuee street.
Real Estate.
FOR SALi: Rcienll) built cottage, villi sum
11111 kitehui attached, two and lluce-iouitl a
lines good lind, wllh 1 miultrf witei; sltiut'l
wilhlii boioiigli of Dillon, bnl not in village: i'
ipptnu.illy fine place foi iiunket gardening, fruit
1 using, 01 foi poiilti.v; toiivenlent lo Lily Lnki ;
po-essjoii given ;inv lime up to Vprll 1st. A
bng.iln, (all or addiivs W. T. Haikrlt, city.
FOIt SALF One acie of land, improved with
nine-loom houe: plenty and vaiicty of fruit;
good location in village of Fleetvllle. Mis. Ollva
Full, Fleetvllle, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
a M'siNK's.s oi'i'oi:ii;xirv.
Tevlor. Pa., Dec. in, l'ml.
A good gold iiiiup fur bond, llie I). J. Powell
and Mis. F.ll.i .lellic),' gold claim, Xo. 117, sit
uated lu the Coullcnllle, Jliilpo-a count) , Cul
dissolved mining dWlIcti about l'-i miles from
Coultcnille. 'ibis is 1 lie uf llif nlilp-t loifttloiit
iiiound ( miller .ille. ft bilng en (he fame lode .11
'Hip Meir Jliiilsoii, has been Inihriiir'iit fur
dllfciem jiailies to Lcip it luulei loiallon, but
never doing .111.1 vvotl. until hurl), when we l.
iiiiiio III ptvwcsftlem ami put sevi-ial slulls down
upon the eln; the lii one wis sunk 10 .1
depth of H5 feet, showing a ledge all the dlstam e,
nud iui leasing in depth until .11 llie bottoi.i lii,
vein shows I fut of ore, whlili will mill abo it' per ton in flip gold, .mil tallies about l'j
pel cent, of siilphmcts, the value of width It u"
knovvii. 'Hie lnialion tnni.-ls o( 1,100 feet alon
the Lodo line; is on the hanging wall of lh
Mother Ltde, und flic tame Ledge at the Meriv I l-n mul Migliil.i .Mines, The claim takes lu
."00 feet on each side ,.( the Lode, 'Ihcie It 1
stieaui of walti liinulng iiernss the gioimd all the
)p.n iiiiuuid, le is a lali piospeil for a Molher
Lode luvestiiient, uutl is well woltii looking Iili 1
to tlio- that have the capital for .1 well p tying
iliieslinent. Ml Infoimation will bo given by
addi(s.sng all immiiimitatiuu.1 to the secret ir,
DWID I. I'OVVF.LL, la.tloi, pa.
l.atkavvuuua Count)
MOUv AMrwillIT TltADUHS without (le,y.
Mnto for our special nlarkrt letter. Free on
applliutlon. S. M. Illhlurd to Co., memberi N.
Y. Consolidated und htoik Sitliange. 41 and (6
llioadwuy. New York, lt:ibllsiecl ISilL Lon,
Dlstince' Phono 2.1fcS Broad.
I, F. lleguigcl. Hoy Chester Megarjjl.
Spencer Trask & Co;,
2? & 29 Pine St., New -York
t. ?
Investment Securities
Jtembeu Xew Yotl. block Fxcliinge.
Branch Otricebi .State St. Albany
U , J', , yv
H-0 t . '