The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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K0mm 'mtii i mmv 'm$
the MODBttn nAnorrAita utorx
Should inspect our line of
fore making their pUi-
t.inn Wfn CtlllV fl fllll
line of stnnduid tools nnd f
many special at tides Tor
mechanics' use all KUainn
teed. What we do not have
lietc wo will gladly order
for jou.
Sturrott'fl Tine Tools niu
the beat.
See our window display.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. "Waihlneton Ave
W? Are Specialists
In the line of Iiifanls wear, mil
line mm) dainties jou iun
not Unci oheulme. Om sooiU
me Jmt a Utile male cll-tlm-llic
tlian cthcr We will nnncr jour
ipieitlon Jinl siml catalogue. Uur,
better still, come ami tee u.
510 Spiuce t.reet.
f ( aGkawanna I
1 "THE
f liaundry
? 30?-3ioPenn Ave, A. B. Warman
Mi-s illio Cein, of Vnlli -Irut, is tlie
truest of liei sistti in lloboken
Mr I II Peck, of 1'iice Mieet, is ciileitiin
inir Miss 1 mnu Pick, of .vMilcj.
Vlis .nni Walkei, of UniilOtuiir. U i i-lilns
lm siitci, Mrn (.coiri ) lleere
Pi I II McCm-laml, of Wllki-linn, ww
Biteiul ut Hie M I liiiles ve-tiulo
Artlim Conn, of u oik, foimeih of It
beik &. Conn, of tins ill."., is at tin .lenmn
Mrs Pelei Wu-infliie, of 218 Mu1l-on lunui
h recowiin,r fioui a bilious ntUik of pniu
M, T dli mi, "f lliii.boio, Onluio, is Cie
puest of Mallei if.i,ut, of '-mill lliumlej
tin- fnenils of Mis I' lulliill Mill bo Klid
to Ip ii ii of hu imitli iinpioted condition fiom
lm -uimis illno-
VIi, T. lUilu mil duuhlir. Inn. of Mi.I
illetown, V., ne ue-U of J)i anil ills C
W. lloheits it Hotel Hall mil
Mis C II W II-, of .in Wcb-lu mimic, in
tiilulmil 1 pitt of lour tables it euihii lue--tln
luniu' I'ii7es tuie iikin b ln I".
Iliililtiipr mil Mi- I. Sped., Mi-.s Ti ViliitUinore
nml Tlionns Hiihi- V hue tdlitlon wjs miuiI
iflei Hie rfinu
Raiptuied One of the laige Blood
Joseph nibble, who has been a Delu
uuie, Lackawanna and Western engi
neei foi thlitj j ems, died -veiy sud
denlj last night at the home of Sirs.
iVelK 111 Noith Seventh stieet, wheio
lie boat ded.
nibble had bci'ii complaining for
some time of not ttellng well, but Ills
-ondltiim was not consldoied Roiious
Io woikcd as u-ual jesteiday and lust
night was plavlng a game of eaids
with soveinl otbei men nt his boatd
Ing house when he complained of a
s-uffoc.iting f-enatlon lie Mood up
and walked out onto the ponh wheie
ho fell and died almost Inhtantly, hav
ing mptuied one of the Iuiko blood
eselH leading to the lungs,
Dr. S. P, Longstieet was called, but
t lion ho nnhed nibble was dead,
The bodv hub i enios eil to the moigue
tt Pilce'8 undei taking establishment,
nibble's homo Ja nt Plaik's Summit,
Oieio his wile leMdes. llefoie estab
ishlng his home at that plate he was
An man jeai.s a ltbldent of this city.
Aequlem Mass in Holy Cioss Catho
lic Chinch.
The funeii'l of Jlis. Jluiy Heap took
pliuo ytsteiday moinlng fiom her Into
lesldenci-, 401 Eynon stieet. The te
nialns weio taken to Holy Cioss
Catholic iluucli, wheie a juqulem
mass was iclebialed by lte. W. X'.
O'Donnell. Inteiment was made In
Duumoie (.emoteiy. The pall beaieia
wno William Pounnce, James Mui
lay, Thomas t'laike, i:aatd Ollioy,
1', MoNull) and Thomas MoAudiuw.
Among tho oiit-ot-town jieoplo at the
funeral weie: L'x-Mnyor ThoinaH Jla
loney, wife and daughter, Hobo, of
Plttston, JIis. ThomttH Shea, Nuntl
cokQi P. SI. Gllllgan und wife, 'Wllkes
Uaie, Di. Oeoigo Heap, Plttston;
Putrlck Jloian, "WllUes-lUuto! JIIbb
Mmphy, Plttston; Dr, Gllllgan and
Miss Maine Jteup, AVlkes-Btme,
The Hooks to Join the Relief Asso
elation. The membeis of the Hook and LaiU
der company at a meeting held lust
night In Duir's hall on Lackawanna
nemiQ decided to join tho Fliemen'a
, Relief association In a body, but to
keep up ther bepuiate oigunluutlou.
There aie sixty membeis In the asso
ciation and their dues will be paid out
of th,e company's tieasuiy,
Jbert Uennd, the secietaiy of the
c ipany, who has lately been mudo
cnlef of the Ptlceburg Ihe depaUment,
wan piesent at the meeting and mode
n brief address. A sptead was enjojed
In Dun's hotel following the meeting.
An Enthuslnatio Letter from Mr.
IMIior ol The Tflbimc.
Sir: It Bhottld ho u souice of ex
tieme grntllleatlon to tho public of
Scrnnlon Hint the Paur Phtlhormonlo
oichcstrn, of Now Yoik, Ib to give ft
contett In our cty next Monday even
ing. 1 doubt It tlieio wns over before n
mimical oigiuilzatlon with bo much to
commend It ub linn tho Pntir
orchestra and assisting soloists.
For jeniB Mr. Paur wns direc
tor of tho HoBton Symphony
oichestra, one of the tlnest In the
woild,comlng fiom aeimany epoclnl
ly for this pmpoRO. On tho expiration
of his contract Mr. Paur wns called to
Now Yoik to become the director of
the orcltcBtni now healing bin name.
The vocal soloist, MIsh GlffouU I
know only by leputntlon. Of Mr. Iloch
mini, tho pianist, t can apeak posi
tively since lils lccent lecltal In this
city, one of the Conseivntory'B nitlBt
lccltnls, was a notablo event and will
not booh be fotgotten. The concetto
In U Hat, by Liszt, which Mr. Hoehman
will play, next Monday evening, with
nccompanlmcnt of full oichestia, la
one of tho most btilllant woiks of the
kind over written, and the peifoimance
of this woik alone will be woith the
price of admission. Tho orchestral
numbers will Include seeinl of the
most celebiated compositions for oi
eheHtra. The Young Women's Chiistluu asso
ciation should not be obliged to beg
the public to attend Blmply for chni
lt's sake. It will be u gteat conceit
and no one with a snaik of musical
appicclatlou can affoid to miss It.
The gieitt new aimoiy should be lit
erally packed, thereby Insuring an
cenlng of laie enjojmenl, a fitting
welcome to the splendid oichestia," and,
lncldentnlly, a geneious bank account
to the w oi thy association who Is ati ly
ing for the success of the conceit.
J. Alfied Pennington,
The Democratic cltv committee met
last night at the St. Chailes and (lxed
next Suttudnv foi the pilinailes and
the following Tuesday for the tomen
tlon, whldi Is to bo held In the couit
Sheiiff t'hailes II. Hihadt pieslded
and Jolin J. Muiphy was becietaiy.
Jlost of the membeis of the committee
weie piesent. The committee consists
of Thomas Cullen, M. F. Geiiltj, Wil
liam Cnslck, Thomas II. MeDonough,
M. T. McHugh, Patiick Muiphj, M. J.
Kellj. Thos. Conneiy, D J. Campbell,
Michael Meehlei, Chailes Kos.ti, John
Keainey, John J. McTague, Joseph n
Donnelly, Joseph J. Langan. Theodoie
Fahienholt, P. J. Honnn, P. F. O'Bojle,
D. W. Vaughan, W. G O'Mitlley and
Matthew Loughnej. Schadt and Secietaiy Mur
phy issued a call for prlmiules in the
Twelfth waid, next Sntuidav, at the
polling place of the Flist distilct, be
tween the houis of i and 7 p. m. Va
cancies in the igilnnce committee
i.iused the duty of tajllng tho piimaiy
to desolve on the cltj committee o(l
eeis The committee spent about two bonis
discussing alious matters among
them the advisability ot nominating
pool dlreitois. It was decided not to
do so.
Theie was a caucus of Sixteenth
wind Republicans at the Manhattan
hotie last night. Theodoie S. Fuller
was the choice foi common council.
Anothei caucus is to be held tonight
at the same place to agiee upon a
candidate for seleit council W A. St.
John is mentioned ns a candidate.
The Deinociats of tho Eleventh waid
will cnucus, Satuidny night, at
Schimpff's hall, to select a candidate
for school conti oiler mid dlstijct ofTl
ceis Otto J, Koblnson is the only
announced candidate for school con-
U Uei.
The Republican voteis of the Foui
teenth waid will caucus Monday night
in Aldeimnn Kellow'B olllce and nom
inate cand'dates loi select and com
mon i ouncil.
The Thliteenth waid Deinociats will
caucus next Filday evening at the
Young Men's Institute looms, Capouse
avenue and Mai Ion stieet.
Little Daughter of T. C. Hanyon Run
Over by a Wagon.
The two little dnughteis of Attorney
and Mis. F. C. H.mon weie coasting
down Mjitle stieet, In ftont of their
home, on Tuesday, when the sled tol
llded with one of the wagons of the
Keystone Btewery company.
The youngest gill, aged 7 seals, was
thiown undei the wagon and one of
the heavy wheels passed over her left
thigh, lushing the bones In a fright
ful manner. Dr. S. P. I.ongstteet wns
called and leduied the fiaetute, but
theie Is a possibility that the 11ml) will
have to bo amputated. The other ghl,
aged !) yeais, escaped without iiijuiy.
Republican City Piimaiies.
Uy tesolutlon of the city executive
committee the polls win not bo opened
on tho 13th Inst, on account of only
ope candidate leglsteilng for the olllce
of city conti oiler.
The vigilance committee aie Instilla
tion to elect vlgllants for the ensuing
year on the 13th Innt. and leport same
to the convention of lotutii judges to
be held Jan. 1", at 2.30 p, m.
H. T, Juyne, Acting Chatiman.
Albeit Ituffer, who was employed up
to December its up ouleily at tho
Moses Taylor hospital, illed In New
Yoik city on Sunday fiom what his
ft lends in this city believe to have been
a luoken heait Tho Hcientlllo m'tin
will piabably say that his death was
the letuilt of neivo btialn bi ought on
by n sudden gilef,
Huffer was n SwIsn and hnd hpen
employed at the hospital for tlnee
veais as mi ouleily. He was deeply
111 love with Miss Annie Wagner, ii
handsome gil icsldlng on Tnyler ave
nue nnd when she was taken suddenly
ill about u mouth ago he began to be
come despondent. He sjient ull his
spate time at her bedside and lavished
eveiy luxuiy that his puise allowed
upon her.
Site became giaduully wotso after
Chilatmas und Iluffer spent seveial
entire night's at her bedside, hoping
against hope. She finally died on Sun
day, December 29, and when her body
A $40,000 FIRE
Olyplmnt Shoo Company's Fnctpiy
and P. T. Dougher's Furnltuio
Store Attacked by tho names Tho
Foiraer Is a Total Loss and the
Fuinituic Store Is Badly Damaged,
Eleven Girls Employed in tho
Shoe Factory Escaped, by Way of
an Adjoining Roof.
Ol) pliant was, yestoidny, visited by
one ot tho moBt dlsastioUB conflagra
tions In the history of tho town. Tho
Hhoo factory, one of its pilnclpal In
dtistilcs, nnd the furnltuio stoic of P.
T. Dougher, one of the largest of the
business places, weie attacked by
flames during the em ly afternoon, and
befoie the firemen had them In check
damage to the extent of neaily ?4O,O00
The buildings adjoin on the plot
bounded on tlnee sides by the liver,
Lackawanna Btieet and River stieet,
the Dougher building facing Lacka
wanna stieet, and the factoiy building
being In the leat. Both buildings
were of finme consti notion, the Dough
er building being two stoiles In height
and the factoiy building thice stoiles.
The shoe factory was totally dc
stioyed, nothing timalnlng but four
chimed walls enclosing a mass of de
bt In and bioken wnehlneiy. The fuinl
tuie stole, thanks to the energetic
woik ot the volunteer fliemen, escaped
with t omnaiatlvelv small damages
The leaf and pait of the loot of the
building weie eaten nwnv and the
whole iuteiior was water soaked.
Tho stock on the main llooi was ear
lied out bv the cltl7ons, but that In
the cellat could not be gotten out in
time to save It fiom the Hood ot water
that was necessaiy to pour Into Ihe
upper puit of the building to an est the
piogiess of the flames
W. A, Robeits and Albeit Zeatfnss,
who with their families occupied tho
second llooi of the Doughet building
succeeded In saving neaily all their
The Ihe slatted at 130 p m , in the
packing loom on the fiont of the sec
ond door of the thiee-stoiy frame
building occupied bv the shoe factoiy.
Its cause is unknown Malinger Al
nieiln Stone and Bookkeeper Thomas
F. McHale had just returned fiom
dlnuei, and Mr. McHale was ascend
ing to the office when he encounteied
flames emitting fiom the packing loom
He gave the alaim and called to Man
ager Stone who, aftei seeing that the
blaze was one that would likely spiead
ipilckly to the stall w a) s, lushed to the
thlid floor to alarm the eleven gills at
work theie By the time they lenchect
the stall way the smoke was coming up
in volumes, and not wishing to have
them take any ilsk, Managei Stone
had them make theli exit bj going
out the windows on to the loot ot the
Dougher building and thence thiough
the scuttle to the stnitwavs inside
Manager Stone, himself, went down by
way ot the factoiy stalls that he might
assist Bookkeeper McHale In getting
out the moif valuable books and
papeis not kept In the safe
Olj pliant Hose companies Kos. 1 and
2, the Dickson Hose compnny of Pi Ice
buig and the Wilson Hose t'ompanj
of Peckvllle, tesponded to thp gong
and telephone alai ins, and under the
dhectlon of Chief John O'Malley, bat
tled biavelv and -vigorously foi moie
than two houis. The fautoiv building
was beond saving befoie the iltenien
could begin their light. That they pie
vented the destruction ot the Dougher
building was most commendable.
While the lliemen weie battling with
the ilames the citizens weie engaged
in lemovlug the fuinituic from the
Doughei building and stoilng it in
neaiby houses. The smoke and flames
bin sting in thiough the pi evented
an entrance being made to the cellar,
or much of the stock theie would also
have been sa-ed fiom the Hood of
The loss to the tactoiy is Sir.,000, in
cluding building, machlneiy and stock
on hand. Insuiaiiee to the amount of
$8,000 wns can led with comnnnles iep
tesented by O'Malley & O'Malley and
C. M. Hathaway.
Mi. Dougher's loss to building and
stock will not be fai shot I of ?3,000.
Ho can led $4,000 insuiaiiee, $.',000 on
the building and $2,000 on the stock.
The factory is owned bv the Olj
phant Shoe lompany. T. r. Joidnn Is
president; A, M. Atheiton, secietaiy;
li. J. Lynch, tipasuier, and Di. F. L.
Van Sickle, M. J. Lavln, James O'Bilen
and E, S. Jones, diiettois It is capi
talized at $J0,000 and has been In exist
ence since two veins ago Inst July.
The factoiy employed toity hands and
had an output of twenty dozen of shoes
n day.
It has not been decided us el w beth
el oi not the tnctoiy will be lebullt.
Donitions Aie Acknowledged by the
The management of the Floience
Mission wish to express the deep gintl
tude which they feel foi donations In
December, as lollovvs;
Cash fiom Mis. W. O. Hlbbu, Mr.
W. R. Stous, Leis.& Retlly. Min. AV,
W. Wulson, Mr. A. B. Dunning, Oma-
was laid hi the ginve two dajs after
all of the joung Swiss' -hopes, am
bitious and day di earns seemed to have
been bulled wllh it. Ho asked for a
week's leuve of absence saying that
the Htuiln was killing him and that
If his mind was not dlveited ho would
either go liibane or die,
On Filday lust he went to Aldeimun
Kasson's ofllce nnd made his will leav
ing JlB.000 woith of estute In
Swltzeiliuul to the lehitlves living In
that countij. He then went to New
Yoik city and the (list news of hltn
heaid was a telegium lecelved by
Chief Pleik C. E. Tobey, of the Dela
waie, Luckawuiina and Western com
pany's coal depaitment announcing
that he had been found dead In the
Aincilcnn hotel on Fouith avenue.
Fuither advices lecelved fiom New
Yoik would tend to show that he did
not commit suicide but, rather died as
the lesult of the neivous stialu
bi ought about by his worrlment.
lift Ten, From Mie. A, D, Stelle, 13
yard Unbleached miiBllnj Mrs. W, H.
denrlmrti Mib. J. A. Pi Ice, a friend,
Mib, Luther Keller, Mib. Judge Aich
bald; Annbttist, Mnibeiger, onch meat
for a dinner; Mis.'F. V. Hand, meat,
two cans com, two chub peasi Mis. F.
A. Bone, clothing; Mr. nild Mib. E. U.
Stuigcs, two bnuels Hour; Mr.. Ste
phen Hpiuks, clothing.
Special ChrluiRtmnH Offoilng. Blin
Park chuich, cash, $48,75, and a largo
donation of canned goods, fitilt, jollies,
gioceilcM, vegelables; Mis. W. H.
Gcnfhiut, Mih. C. D, Jones, Mrs, C, S.
Weston, Mis. C. D, Simpson, Mis. Mc
Anulty, Mrfl. R, G, BiookB, Mib. Cnt
lln, each n turkey; Mrs. Edward Ful
ler, six cans tomatoes, nuts, cinnber
lles, confectionery, sweet potatoes,
onions; Mis. U. W. Klrkpatilck, con
fectionery! Mis. A. V. Stelle, nine pair
hoso and New Yeni's gifts to matron;
Mis. C. D. Simpson, cianbcrilcs; arcat
Atlantic nnd Pnclflu Tea company, ton
pounds coffee; Miss Jennie Reynolds,
Miss Anna Sundeison, Mrs. J. L.
Claw foul, Mis. W. S. Dlehl, each u
gift for each of the family; Mrs. W. II.
Taylor, two do7on eggs, two pounds
pop-coin, mince meat) smoked ham,
two dozen oianges, holly w tenths,
doion Illuminated texts; Mis. Alfied
Ham, $fi woith of gifts, rug and siin
diles! Mis. Judge Hand, mince meat
and laid; Mis. W. T. Ilackett, diess
for baby, other gifts; Mib. Mayer, dress
for baby; Mis. Dr. Rice, oianges, poik
to loast; Mis. J. W. Howaith, New
Year's gifts to niations.
J. M. Robinson, mall on.
Foimer City Engineer E. F. Blewitt
Talks Inteiestingly of One of Its
Aggiesslve Cities.
Fonnei City Eiiglnoei E. F. Blewitt
tetuins today to Guadalajaia, Jlexlco,
after spending the hollduys wllh his
family in this cltv. Ml. Blewitt Is the
geneial manngei of a company which
has the contiact for laying 133 miles
of seweis and SI miles of water mains
In Guidalijain. The chief contiactots
aie O'Bovle & Toy, of Plttston. The
contiact pi Ice is W.OOO.OOO.
The woik Is well tow aids completion.
When It is completed Mr. Blewitt will
have the distinction, veiy likely, of
.having laid moie seweis than any oth
er englncei living or dead. Befoie go
ing to Mexico he dliected the lajlng
of 40 miles of sewei, a good pait of It
In this city.
Guadalajaia Is a state capital In
Mexico, with a population of fifty-seven
moie than Sci anion The state has
advanced funds for Its impiovement
and when the contemplated Impiove
ments .up completed it will be a close
appioich to a model city. Eveiy house
is to be connected with the sewer, and
every householder pays a monthly fee
for the pnvilege. It aveiages about
50 cents
The city has 51 Catholic chinches
and in fiont of eveiy cnuich is a city
pink. Ii' and about tho Cathedial is
the main city, one of the most
beautiful, -accotding to Mr. Blewitt to
be found any wheie in the vvoild.
Theie Is npvei any extiemely hot
weather and of coiuse no cold wenth
ei. Mi Blewitt saj s, and being on
the plateau Is not subject to the fev
eis that nffect some of the lower dis
tiicts. Mr. Blewitt is veiy enthusias
tic ovet this pait of Mexco and de
chues unieseivedls that any young
Ameilcan of biains and eneigy can do
well In that countrj.
Incidentally it might be mentioned
that Mr. Blewitt is a membei of a
mining company which made a big
atilke in the gold and coppei legions
ot Mexico
Given by Mis. Theodoie G. Wolf at
Her Home on Clay Avenue.
Mis. Theodoie G Wolf gave one of
the most elaboiate and beautiful aftei -noon
leceptlons evei seen In Scianton
jestei day at hot handsome lesiilcnco
on Claj avenue A huge number of
ladies, chaimlnglj gowned, assisted the
hostess In lecelvlng nnd entei tabling
the lsilois
Mis. Wolf had house-guests
who lecelved with her. They weie
Mis. Wolf, the Mlses Wolf and Mis
Gieves, of Roselle, N. J.; Mts. Dunn,
of Philadelphia; Mis. R. C. Foulke and
the Misses roulke, of Stioudsbuig,
About the looms weie; Mis c. D
Sandeison, Mis Rufus J. Foster, Mis.
Wlllaid Matthews, Mis. F, M. Spen
cei, Mis. B. A. Hill and Miss Mabel
Schkigei. Mis. E. S. Moftat and Mis.
Rogeis Isiael pieslded at the table
in the dining loom, wheie Miss Mailo
Nettlelon, Miss Stew ait Simpson, Miss
Edith Hill and Miss Foulke setved le
fieshmenls Mis. Chailes Hiulbut
sei ved lemonade.
Tho dining loom was decoiated in
pink. Quantities of Meimet loses
weie employed while the candles made
a sott, pietty light thiough the lose
shades. A bioad pink batln ilbbon ex
tended diagonally acioss the table and
wns tied in huge bows at the coineis.
The floial decoiatlons In the other
looms weie exceedingly lavish and
Says He Is Heie on a Piivate
Business Matter.
Fied Dllcher, who was hen as the
lopiesentntive of the national boaid of
tho United Mine Woikei.s befoie, dur
ing and for some time after the strike,
Is back In the city nnd stopping at the
Coyne house.
When he left heio six months ago it
was to take a position us agent for
tho Standind Oil company, selling a
patent Illuminating nitlclo designed to
take the place of miners' oil. He has
given up this job, but what ho Is at
piesent engaged In ho declines to state.
The only infoimatton about himself
and his visit ho would vouchsafe to
a Tilbutio lepoiter wns that ho wns
heio on pilvnto business und would
stay about ninety das.
Contest Between Messis. Bower and
Boyl at the R. R, Y. M. 0. A.
Next Filday evening, Januaiy 10,
will witness an Intel estlng debate be
foie the Ralliond depaitment of the
Young Men's Clulstlan association,
between Rev, E. A, Boyl and Attorney
A. V Bower. The lesolutlon to be dis
cussed Is "That Shukespeaio not Bacon
wus the author of the Shukespeniean
At the same time the Lltetaiy and
Debating society of the Rallioad de
paitment will be oiganUed for a tlnee
mouths' session, The (list meeting is
open to tho public without regard to
inembcishlp, both ladles and gentle
men may attend and no admission will
be charged. The subsequent meetings
will be for membeis only.
Tho Repoit of the Tiersitier, Pie
sontod at Yesteulny's Meeting,
Shows a Balance of Only $71 in
the Trcnsuty The Splendid Rec
oi d of tho Society's Charitable
Woilc Outlined In the Report of
Mis. Anna M. Ctisick, the Secie
taiy Nominations for Dhcctois,
Theie Is only $71 lcmalnlng In Ihe
tieasuiy ot St. Joseph's society, tho
oigniilatlon which mntinges St. Jos
eph's Foundling Homo, one of tho
most excellent chniltnblp Institutions
In the city, und unless the geneiotiF
people of Uio city lally to Its suppoit,
the home will have hard palling this
This state ot uffnlis wus lovenled
Sestcidny aftctnoou nt tho annual
meeting, hold in tho bnscment of St.
Thomas college. The lepoit of Mis. F.
W. Ounstor, the tteasuicr, showed
that $l,94rj.SS had been lecelved fiom
Miilous sources during the year and
that $4,878.88 had been expended. Tho
lepoit is given below in full;
To bilui'C In bmk .lan 1, 1M . .. .l,(,jr 18
1 loin meiiibeix s mi ;
1'ioni ilnnitlons jlOin)
1'iom llov loll n Lnnihian'ti es
tate , 1 WH) no
1'ioni bo ml of inniitis 1,107 III
l'roni inntnl donation ila . .. I 'l IK)
1'iom bill no fiom Intiiist. .., Riot
1'ioni I. II. S In lour 7 11
Plain ticket inonej fiom i uncut 4 0D
.1,1U IP
lAI'I.XPHUtl s
To St. Willi's Home V.42) 74
'lo Meidinnts' at 1 Midlands'
lnnk 2,000 00
lo Insurance 21 Ml
'lo Cential Pciiiisvlvuiii Ide-
phone comnn "7 "O
To inteiest on nole ,... 210 00
lo executive coiiimltUu 1J0 00
'lo timspoi tn lion 1100
'lo Wistcui Union Idcxiaph Co 1 0-1
To 'smile is Printing Lo IK)
'lo Vtdlile, chief of polici U 00
f 4,878 83
.TamtJij, 'I02, balance in ban 710.)
A sjnopsis of the splendid woik ac
complished by the society during the
j ear 1901 is contained In d excellent
lepoit piesented at jesteidaj's meet
ing by the secietaij, Mis. Anna M
Cuslck. This leads as follows:
In ictieuing the oik ot St. Just nil's1 side.
for the pist Jen, we flml it lis the
vork ilone in ptcvious jiars Ibis no iloubt will
be i homcc of ftrntillciliou to ill of its mini
lit li- Ihe s,,itS jt St .lo-eiib'h rnuinlling
Home b ve ilone I Rieit woik aub I obst irles
which loulil not but rm-li inlnmr but (bus
II in foitlluile Om woik bis ben i on
miilii in tin tllffieiiltltN me of wbldi I will men
tion lieie t Ink of funis 'line, i luvc ii
ceneii in appropilitlon fiom tliu side of sl,i)K),
lint mi ins i Hide mu si(i j,n montn This
with boiitl wo lieiie fiom feonie iniutlis inil
out lines is not siifltucnt to cm on the work
Xou will leulilj see we hue not lull .ins
gtcal iniount of leMtitii-H to Jepcml on
Anions our 1'iotestiiit fi lends vu hive met
mam who ilo not let Met ui uil-in hlnilu I la in
in givinir help to out woik Wi hm onlv one
objiil in om work, tint is the bitleiiiuit of
himiitiit. Ihe pist veil 1ns heen one of die
huilest in listucl lo liuiucis tint the rockt
hail to eucouutti sime its cijri nnr illou in 3-s.
Onh foi the eo opn itiou of mil encom icni'iit
of out bdoviil liishup, lit. Hit Midi id 1. Ilo
bin, wi no iloubt would hue Aheii up th-1
woik lie ilwijs t-puriui us on to till not cnlj
tlie founillhiir but (be fallen nml meil
Ihe upoits of the cetutio loiinuiltce hliowh
that iliniii the e is liXH, slvh one women ami
Kiil vvcic talcn fiom Hies of inlquih oi tesiueil
fiom inipinibii!; ilingei nml f-ent to (he llmi-e
of the Cuitl Slipplidd Oni. hunilnil anil sivt
thihhtn were sent to St Joscpb'ri 1 ountlllii
llomej len were found home-, foi, twdve trills,
filled to Si l'atilik'n oiphm n-vjtun mil elevni
who weie Intelligible wue hint to ufoiniiloiies
in Xch- oik and 1'liiladdplila 'I went fite
weie tent to Alatcinilj bo-plt lis anil t.i vvcic
tiausfeiicd tftet einhntmcnt to llou-e of (looil
Shepheid at their own leiiuesl,
lite ihailt of st Juhinh'a rouudlin llmie
ins not bien cxt.ickil alone lo the Infants but
has been a biven of list and pi ice lo some ignl
piifcons 'Ihe thanks ot si .loneph' totid is
evtended to Pi. John O'Millcj, who bis ten
th ted bis ten ices lo SI Joseph's luiiulliiiK
Home, to the pits", to ill who lino in ant way
had the success ot the homes nt heart and to tho
evecutiie enmmltlte, who bite culled on th;
woik of the past veil.
' The following ladles weie nominat
ed for the ofllee ot dliector, thpie be
ing nine of these oniceis to be elected:
Mis. T. P. Hoban, Mis. F. W. Gun
stei, Mis. R C Wills, Mis. P. J. Vet
tei, Mis. W. B. Duggan, Mis M. Flah
eity, Mis, J. Speieher, Mis. Ft .nil: Mc
Donald, Mis. J. M. McHale, Mis. B.
O'Malle, Mis. James Bell, Mis. M.
CVuey, Mis. J. J. Blown, Mis, P. J.
Hoi nil, Mis. John ColIIsan, Mis. P. F.
Ljnott, Mis. Anna Cuslck, Mis. P. J.
Casey, Mis. A. J. Casey, Mis. M. Chase,
Mis. O. Bui he, Mis. Joseph O'Bilen,
Mis. M. F. Wymbs, Mts. Edgar Con
nell and Miss Elizabeth Walsh. The
election will be held on Filday, Jan
uaiy 17, tho pi ess of business pi event
ing its being conducted yesteiday.
Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J Hoban piesld
ul at yesteulny's meeting and made a
bilef addipss full of Piicniiiagement
and cheei fulness.
Demociatlc Piimaiies.
At the icgiihii polling places In the
four dlstilc ts of tho Twentieth waul,
the polls will be open on Sutuiday, Jan.
11, 100.', fiom 4 until 7 o'clock, foi the
piupoto of nominating waul and dlb
ti let ofllceis. By older of committee.
Indian River
Oranges, 35c Per Dozen
Special ou Faucy Fresh
Striuglcss Cut Beans, 12c per
can. Sifted Early "uue Pea,
12c, Sweet Sifted Sugar Peas,
r5c;$i,5o perdozeu. Courseu's
Tiny Lima Beans, 18c $2,00
per dozen. Canned Spinache
(better thau fresh) 15c per
can. Asparagus, 25c and 29c,
long cans, yi lb. Finest Im
ported Sardiues, 15c, York
State Sugar Corn, xod. Olives
full quart, 35c,
E. G. Coarsen
Ceiomony Pel formed in St, Paul's
Catholic Chuich.
William P. Bolatid and Mliw Lucy
P. Osmond weio united In tnniilnnu
yeflleiday 11101 uliig at 10 o'clock at St,
Paul's chtttrh, Greeti Ridge, by the
pastor, tlev, P, J. McMiintis.
The Initio was attended by Miss Etllo
Fetuth, of llonosdnlo. The best mint
was A. J, Henley and the ushers wdio
John Blow 01s and William Osmond,
Tho bildo was attired In gray cicpp
dp chine ti limned with npplhiuo and
weno a hat to match, The bildesnutld'a
rosttuno vviib of white tnouissellno do
sole. She woie a blnck plctuie hat.
Mrs. J. M. Poland of Wllkcs-Bauu
played the marches,
At the conclusion of the coiemony
the bildal party bioakfasted at the
home of the bible's patents, Mr, and
Mia. William Osmond, sr., ot Dlckpon
avenue. Only the Immediate relative!!
weie piesent. Mr. and Mis. Boland
loft at noon on an extended southern
The gioom In n member of the Insur
ance firm of C. G. Boland & Co., nml Is
also lnigely Intoiested In mining and
other Industries. Ho is one of the city's
most promising young bUBlness men
and has legions of close personal
f 1 lends. His bride 1b a handsome and
giaclous young vvonian and extremely
popular both In Gteen Ridge and her
home, Honesdale.
Present at the wedding weie: Mis.
Charlotte Taenbuei, giandmotlipr of
the bride, Honesdale; Miss Etta Gaul
ncr Fueith, Honcsdule; Mr. and Mis.
James Boland and daughters, Ruth and
Nattma, of AVllkcs-Batic; Ml. and
Mis. ( G. Boland, Mls Anna Boland,
Master James Boland, Miss Manic Bo
land, Mr. and Mid. Moars, Miss Alice
O'Connor, Dr. and Mis. H. B. Lackey.
Miss Han let Lackey, Ml. and Mrs. J.
I. Bloweis, 1r., Mis. John I. Blowers,
Miss Madeline Halt, Mi. Andi pw J.
Healy and Mr. William S. Found.
Rev. F. S. Ballentiuo Will Speak in
College Hall Sunday Night.
Tickets for the pio-Boer meeting, to
be held In St. Thomas'" college bill on
Sunday night next, nie selling lapldly
and theie is eveiy leason to believe
that theie will be a laige attendance.
Rev. P. J. McManiis, pastor of St.
Paul's chuich, will pieslde, an J the
pilnclpal ndcheSs will be mnde by
Rev. F. S. Ballentlne, lector of Clnlst's
To the South via New Jeisey Cential.
The New Jeisev Cential inilioad Is
the only lino offering Pullman seivlce
to w Intel resoits In the South nnd the
Charleston exposition, with but one
change of cms.
Lowest l.ates and ciulekest time. Pull
man leseivallons seemed and baggage
checked thiough. Inqulie of J. S.
Svvlshei, distilct passenger agent, 602
West Lackawanna avenue, Scianton.
Linked Together
Low Prices
Superior Quality
is the stoiy of our assoitment
of lendy made waists today. A
ING WEAR; entiie lot close
out under pi Ice that may go
All $6.00 Mail at 1-1400 and 3.75
All $400 kind ut S3 00 and $3 so
All 3 50 kind at $2.50 and 2 00
WAISTS Flannel, solid col
01s, navy, black or led, lull fiont
tilmmed with black binld.Fiench
back $2.00
WAISTS Wool, solid colois,
black, navy, old lose, sage green,
full fiont, with eight hemstitched
pleats, pleated back $3.00
Fastened in back, ti out tilmmed
with lows of white stitching,
cluslei tucks on each side of
fiont neai shonldeis, shiit waist
sleeve, nnuow cuff; colors black,
navy, new blue, lose, led and
gi een $3.75
SHIRT WAIST, fastened down
back with buttons, fiont tilmmed
with lows of fancy black In aid
fiom bust to waist line; black,
ioj1 blue, led and tan.... $4. 00
A FKW handsome, all-wool
waists In white, blue, old lose,
lavender and Nile gieen, full
front, tilmmed with self Bhado
silk, blitched, stians and but
tons $4,00 ea.
u, B
126 Wyoming Ave.
Broken Ribs
Are Painful!
And causes Injur to the bod) 'I ho ml
rat aid ditapcct wa is to cite, it im
mediate attention. II Is Ol'lt I'M.
llllll.b V we uio pi iking about Wo
due tho above mentioned ailment, and
aLo call the ltiu'e?l. line ol l"iuliidljs
and 1'aiusoh in the ell)
The Scran ton
Umbrella Mauufacturlng: Co.,
313 Spiuce Stieet,
N m m n x
J1J 11 VA J
rf f"
Maloneu Oil & ManfofacNiriha Company,
f 141-149 Meridian Strtsst. J
X TELEPHONE 26-2. , j X
2 Save Time
and Trouble by
having your horses
shod with
or Williams
Used by all lead-
. ing horse owners
and Blacksmiths.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
.j. .j. . .j. .j. .j. 4, . 4. , 4. . ,j. ,, .j, .$. .j. .j,
I January
I Clearing Sale
J III 01 del to 1 educe our stock'
befoie tuklng our Annual In-
C'ntoly we have made sweep
ing 1 eductions on our line of
Pillow Tops
Stamped Linens and
Battenberg Patterns
And foi the ten days we offer
the above mentioned goods at
piactlcally cost pi Ices.
Cramer-Wells Co,,
130 Wyoming Avenue.
3. 'Phone 353-3.
Our Annual Sale
to Make Room
For our Spring Stock begins
We have made substan
tial reductions tluoughout
our entire Stock and would
especially callyour attention
to our sale prices on Kid
Sale piice
$2.00 Kid Gloves $1.75
1.50 Kid Gloves 1.35
1.00 Kid Gloves 87
Dining this sale we will
rilfct wonderful values in
Hosiery .md Muslin Un
derwear. '3
Price& Jenkins
130 Wyoming Ave.
Edison Records of the
For Phonoginph or GiaphapUone,
Also a laige number of songs by
119 Franklin Ave.
507 Linden Stieet.
Ronid of Tiado Building'.
H m tt
Calks i
I Scott,
: latiish