The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
r wvf-- wtyy fi yip jtffti gfewt rt f wjpfcr- f. j.,,.!, iM"1' "" 1Clt fff1-!?" btYgrn t 3&&" fcyyiWtfr,tyTfctyqr flw?3f W THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 0, 1902. PuMMicii.DHly, Urupt SumUy. lit" TlieTrlb. utio Publlelilnt Conipjny, at l'lity UnH Monlli. mvv ri. niat.vuii. luitior. O.. I-. IIV.MIIX, llwllifi Manager. srscirs'USS. Ktw Yoik olllce! ISO Xau SI. (J. S. VIIIXIiASl), Kulo Aitctit for l'otflgn Athetlllii. Enteicd af llic 7'olomce l .Scraiiton, l'J.i m Second (;iM Mall Matter. When "space will permit, The Trlbuno Is always glad to print short letters from Its frlondB bony injr on current topics, but Us ltue is that thoBo must be signed, for pub lication, by the vrlter's real name', and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall be subejet to editorial revision. run it,at iiati: rou Ain' 'lho follow Iiir- table- sliowi the ptlcc tier lucli cmli Itwillon, wic to be uetl witliln one yi'iirt "1 "Hun nf" Qlilhlir on""i'iiil IIISI't.AV. Paper HeiilltiK I'nMtion Lf'Tthan COO Intiic A',' ' .2", "" 'no inched 20 .22 - 1(100 " 1(1 .173 .1 ."OW " 1." .17 .IS) mxio n J3 'La' ,s- I'or rarrh o( th.nil. poliitloiu of loniloleiioe ami almllar contributions In tlic naluip nf nil- ort!slii(c The Tribune- makM a charge nf ft cmli a line. Ilati' for C'l.iHflpil Advert Minr. fmiiNlicil nn application. SCUANTON, JANUARY . 1002. In spite of the efforts of yellow pap ers and labor agitators, Porto Itlco Booms to have entered uppn a Reason of pence unil prosperity that bids fair to be lasting. Roosevelt and Schley. AInrOCGH In the event that the pieMdent, after a careful . review of the points In the Schley Ineiulry by the de partment of justice, should sustain the original finding there would bo no rea son to expect that he would not be ns heavily plastered with detraction by Schley's friends as those of Schley's brother officers have been who, alter nn open hearing, have conscientiously rendered their Judgment, he has, It seems, consented to order such it re view to be made, thus once more throwing open a controversy that should long ago have been closed. In so doing the president has acted against the advice- of many of his best advisers. Yet If in his judgment there is the slightest shade of doubt as to the justice of the verdict, it weie better that he should give Schley the benefit of it and exhaust the possibilities of inquiry than that the public should suspect his administration of bias, lie is a student of naval subjects, a former assistant secietary of the navy and a man whose sense of fair play will hardly be questioned by more than a small number of the people. He knows the bureau chiefs who aie ac cused of having engineered a "set up" against Schley; he knows most of the officers -whose testimony llgnred in the inquiry; and he knows both Samp son and Schley. When ho shall have reached a conclusion in tills matter it will be flnal and theie will be no power in the government strong enough to overturn It, and no considerable force in public opinion desirous of further prolonging the deplorable quarrel. Those who argue that taking this step will Injure President Roosevelt politically overlook that the secret of his hold upon public confidence is In the courage he has show n in the per formance of what in every sphere of his official activities has seemed to him to bo his duly. As comm.inder-ln-chlef of the army and navy he is the high court of last appeal In matters both military and naval; and it is fair that no appellant who has the shadow or a ground for an appeal should ! denied a hearing. Having asked for such a healing, Schley has been grunt ed it and must abide Its outcome. There Is no doubt in oar mind as to what Unit outcome will be. liberty Hell lecelves as much hom age on its tour through the .South as the candidate who can make a rear car platform speech. Protection Against Panics, A MJff banking bill just Intro- f duced by Itepiesentatlvc jE Pugslcy of Xew York Is like ly to attract considerable at tention by leason of the novel method It employs to protect and support com mercial credit In times of stringency, Its central feature Is the proposition that a general clearing house for all hanks, both national and state, he au thorized and legally safeguarded In each state. Through this clearing house cadi bank In the association would bo authorized to Issue certifi cates of credit to the extent of 75 per cent, of its capitalization, these cer tificates to bo printed under the super vision of the controller of the currency and to be duly cei titled by htm. "By this sj stein," says tip" Wash ington correspondent of the Now Yoik Tribune, "different functions arc be stowed on clearing houses than can be safely pb'saessfcel by commercial banks. Clearing houses are one remove further away from tho business community, with their urgent appeals, thun are popular banks, and their action, there fore, should be mow conservative In the ipmbVt'qnt matter of the Issue of currency. At the s.nne time they arc so closely connected with commercial banks that they can be appealed to and make Instant response In case of need, It Is contended that by the In corporation of clearing houses under a federal law with these special func tions,. ., banking system Is constituted thatj'ls co-operative instead of competi tive, expansive In case of need Instead of restrictive, and forced liquidation nnd panic are avoided. The clearing; tho country would thus Tie brought Into the closest relations with all commercial banks, and those relu. tlonwould' be H'lrldtly defined by law, which Is no, now the case. This union of hl'&her and lower financial Instltu-tlons-tunder the supervision of the fed eral government would constitute! a true national bunking system, it Is be lleve'd that the system would result In sustaining and prracli)g commercial credit even under tlie 'severest strain." In a sense, this measure-is jipjtlte di rection of the recent suggestion of Secretary Quge that bunks bo per mitted tu federate for mutual support. fr. i " -. There can be little doubt that this will bo the ultimate solution of the prob lem, which now It unsatisfactory by reason of the tack of facilities for promptly relieving stringency In credit In tijttiw of panic. Iblt It Is likely to bo some time before public opinion will be In tt temper to tolerate the sugges tion of asset currency utinttpporlcd by governmolit-held collateral. A decision of court In Chicago holds that the chlirgo of $175 u your for tele phone service1 exacted In that city con trary to Hie clly ordinance, which limits the cliargo to $ll!5, In excessive and unlawful mid need not be paid. Thanks largely to Scrnntoit enterprise, oven $123 a year for 'phone service need not long be paid by the people of Chicago. The new company, In which local capital is Interested, expects to glvo good service und earn u fair profit nt a charge not to exceed $S5 a year. An Admirable Pension Plan. DKTAILS nf the pension plan recently announced by the American Steel und Wire company have been re ceived. They are more liberal than appeared hi the curlier dispatches. They constitute a notable forward step In the development of more harmon ious relations between employers and employes. All who lutc been In the employ of the company for ten years continuous ly are eligible to its benefits. All em ployes who have attained the age of C." years are to be retired, though an employe G." years of age can obtain permission through recommendation of the manager to continue for a longer service. ( liy continuous service is meant service not interrupted nt any one time for more than six months. Those who are discharged from the service of the company for cause or who voluntarily leave its employ and subsequently return, after an interval exceeding six months, have no part In Hie pension system. The pension allowances are upon the following basis: For each year of ser vice an allowance of one per cent, of tho average monthly pay received for the ten years preceding retirement Is made. To Illustrate: If an employe has been In the service of the com pany for forty years and has received on mi average for the last ten years ?."i0 a month regular wages, his pension allowance would be forty per cent, of $50, or $20 a month. Once allowed, the pension is for life except when for feited for gross misbehavior. In one point this pension system Is more lib eral than many hitherto devised. It allows the pensioner to engage in any other enterprise "differing distinctly in character and scope fiom his for mer employment" without penalty of forfeiture. Pensions arc non-assignable and are payable to the benellciary or to his duly qualified agent only. A corielative feature is that no in experienced person over thirty-five years, and no experienced person over forty-five yeais of age is hereafter to be taken Into tho service of the com pany. Persons beyond such age limit may be taken Into the company's ser vice temporarily, but shall have no claim to pension. With the approval of the boaid which Is to administer the pension plan persons may be em ployed Indefinitely, irrespective of age limit, if the services lcquired aie pro fessional or otherwise specitil in their nature. The company is at pains to make clear that the entire project is a voluntary concession on Us putt and not a contract binding it to keep ob jectionable men In its employ, or es tablishing legal claims which would interfere w ith the eillclent conduct of its business. Altogether more than 0,000 men will benefit by this move; men many of whom are working along from day to day without making provision for the inevitable "rainy dny." It might bo argued that it is not the place of the employer to exeicise in the behalf of the employe that foresight which he is unwilling to exercise for himself. But this Is an unkind argument. It may well be counted a Judicious part of tho employer's concern to piovlde n fund offsetting the wear and tear of his la bor, similar to the charge made for de preciation of plant. Nothing, in our judgment, is more certain than that In tho next decade groat advances will be made in the direction of humaniz ing the industry of our country. As soon as President ltoosevelt's opinion has been filed, the Schley case ought to be adjourned sine die, An Experiment That Pays. OUT IN Pittsburg Is an estab lishment known throughout the world Helnz's pickle plant. It Is a monument to honest dealing. Intelligent advertising and liberal treatment of employes. The other day In Pittsburg a convention was held of tho many hundred hustling men employed throughout the civilized world to make known tho virtues of Helnz's pickles; und In a speech be fore this gathering Howard C. Heinz, a member of the firm, told .something about how he ami his colleagues get along with their-.employes. Twenty-flvo yeais ago, when the firm was a good deal poorer than It Is to day, It established tho custom of giv ing a present to every employe on Christmas dav. While not In itself a great matter, It was Indicative of a kindly feeling which has developed with tho passing years. Sluco then sewing and cooking classes have been formed, the firm supplying the equip ment and teachers and tho employes wishing Instruction furulshlnjr their own material. In tho men's dining room u cook and manuger are supplied at actual cost; In tho girls' dining room coffee Is funilslieil at cost, while tho profit from the other articles of food sold Is turned over to a beneficial fund; cli easing rooms and neat uni forms nie.piovlded for nil tho em ployes; nn annual outing in some pleasant giovo is given to all; in the summer u wagonette is furnished to take the girls for drives in the paiks; roof gardens with uwnlugs have been established; lectures are given during the lunch hour, and entertainments und socials are provided during the week, , In other words, while nothing has been done to veukeu the selfrespect of tho employes, everything within reason linn been done to mnlto the conditions and surroundings of employment as pleasant and iitlruoltvo ns possible. Tho firm evidently believes that money ntid ,tlmo devoted to developing feel ings of mutual good will between It self and Its employes nro not wasted. On the continry, the testimony of Mr. Helm? Ir that n direct benefit In more willing service can be traced from these efforts of the firm to ptove that It looks upon Its employes with the eye of friendly Interest. When wild-eyed labor agitation shall generally have given place to Intelli gent leadership of the working hosts, this kind of relationship between em ployers and the employed will not be uncommon In this country. On tho contrary, It will bo uncommon for un employer to be Indifferent to tho just Interests of his employes, us It will bo unctfiuinon for those who enrn their bread In an employer's mine, mill or shop to feel Hint It Is tho proper thing to plan how to make It as( difficult as possible for him to conduct his business at u profit. Uecause Dr. Schaeffer, the state su perintendent of public Instruction, In his report for KiOl speaks commendlng ly of State Treasurer Harnett for his prompt payment among the various districts of tho stulo school appropria tion, the Wnnamaker family organ in timates that the doctor is crooked. That Is Wunainakerlsm for you. The Tribune acknowledges its re ceipt, through the courtesy of Major Isaac IT, Brown, now deputy secretary of internal affairs and likely, It Is be lieved, soon to become chief of that de partment, of a copy of the official rail way map of Pennsylvania, a document valuable for reference purposes. The chaplain of the senate the other day broke all precedents by praying for the newspaper correspondents. Some of them need It. Officials of the old reliable "Pennsy" stop counting dividends long enough to annex a small railroad or two every few days. The spectacular exhibition ut the gates of the Forbidden City certainly hurt a well organized chorus. CONDUCTOR'S FUNNY STORY. "I icil.uu ,nuM lie inleipMeil in a sootl joKo 'bout Itnbcil JliiiiM," f.iid Hie tomlucior of the hollo 1.11. "If a liunl new htoiy vliicli I (Hold on llicic till Hie car .lops won't ,ou h'onie o' thet fool people ulin ijde on MieeL cjis don't Know enough to c.iuy h.iy to a blind lioise!) Well, tall.iu' 'bout limn-. one d.iy he .n e.lted in u t.oein lien (Tin nei'i alloy! Stand out the u,,, and let the litly p.n!) Will, in 1 i a .-.i.wnn', tht-i Holicit lhnns the poet, was hiiu' a good nine fn the luveni, and was ju-t about to (Look out, tlioiel Tint dinned tinllei's oil ,irtjIii! Smith Mieel!) Itob eit 1111111., i-ealed in the same lauin I was liilklii' 'bout, suddenly Iwinl (Jit lool; at that niCKor ucmilin1 up then- wbeic he Knows ho has no bu-iuo-sl I.'a-y Mieit! All oft for J'.i-j !)" "I get otr heie," 1 !-aid: "I'll h,ie to heir (he le-t of that limns sloi.y some other time." Xet morr.insr I w.ijl.ild lib. ear. "ll's in theie," 1 1 Mid, hamlin; me a litter. "It's tlie only way 1 rouhl finbh it. A Iiteraiy man don't stand no at all on a tudley cai "Atlanta t'on-tilulioi:. HIS HUMBLE BEGINNING. Theie N a leit.iiu (treat man heie in town who hates nothing; ipiUe m much as answeiins pei ipie-tions. lie dined out on .one leeent octa-don, and the yuet of honor a an ling;-Ih-hwnmiu who is Idled with the heenc-l and ino-t Ineniiimly espie-'td inkiest in Amuiun ami AiiK'i li .in-. "1 flml jou pci fully win. del fill our heie," i-aid she betwieu the i-alad and the deceit. "Toe Ihes of jour piominent men lead like Your poor bo..s slow up to be million i'.ie.s and your pieat men hae had the most exhauidinaty hcKlnuiugfc. One of Jim presidents, I am told, was ailuallj" a buliher, and the fattier of a newly-mide I'lencii piim.(s was a lailoi. Now .ion, Sir. Blank," tninini? milinsly to the jarat man at her illiow, "1 am Mile join hi. fmy muit be niosl inti i est ins;, bo please, tell me, at whal did jou liixin lite" The Rieat mm Mated nl her in disapproval. ".Madam," bo paid, "I besran life as a baby," Waj-hlnnlon l'o-l. AN INTEMPERATE TOWN. At tlie distiibiitloii of pilres at the National 1'ieuih Soiiely of Teiupei.inie, Ur, l'hllheit, KpeaKiuir of the i.ii.iki'S of aUoholl-m in I'l.ime, mentioned that in a Ullage of I .'22 J Inhabitants in liiittany theie weie 11 public house., lkuh Inhabitant lon-umoil (I) pints of tplilks and 1 7 V 1 pints of wine, idei and lnvr, Ot eu'iy bundled ihinks cii eil on u silien daj Sundiy, October 'Jl last 21 weie eau-de-vie (,1'iaudy distilled from cider), II biaudy, 1J I urn, i absinthe and the lest bier, wine or eulei. The lesiilt is that the lililli late i- tlatloii.ii, .10 per cent, of the chlldieu die befoie I'ley arc tienty, und baiely more than twehe valid cnmulpU aie futulshed eeiy eai. I ma mention, that thu Ullage ot Mailly Slailllet, in tlie department ot the Sonne, Kites points to the doc loir, in tlie matter of diinKlnir s-hoi. 'lho lllasu nimibcis 800 per. win.", iii public hoiws, 2 Incwiiles and ii tils-tillrile-.. It Is pu.bably a icionl. I'ails belter in the London i:pii's. THE OLD MILE SPRING, Tor The Tiibune. Stialglit up and down, (he giay mcks fiuun; lletwi't'ii (lie 1 lills tbe biool; dotli rou; With splutter and tplath, and gleam and Il.ih, Out 011 the bank my u.ileii pour. When the toifsi giay ttietihul tar away, With optnlngs scant and i.ur; And the movy giounil gave bail; 110 sound To the Head of wolf and In. 11; Ihe the beech and oak had felt his stloke, ()i the woodman's u had heaid; When the unly touiul the echoes found, Was tbe lall of bea or blidi Or the wlil-pciing bieiu thniugli (ho leiiy trees, Or (lie Milieu wild biook'a noUy How; Or (ho sullen jar of (he cataract far, As it sinoto tlio locks below. Then came the Hist 10 quern h hl thlrUt With my vvatcis told and cleai, A foi cot child, 1111 Indian wild, Chasing the timid deci. Hut, oh! lho change how uuinliuu? slraiue Would Hut Indian Imulci ken, If ho rould lime back to seek the tiack Of thu led ilci-r up Ihe glen. When- (lie U'ld.iut wood, in lis grandeur nood, He would find u clly vut; And foigc and mill, that ucvei arc still; ' And the furnace's fleiy blat; And tho naiiovr trail of the lion call, Winding along like a etukc; And tho hUslug steam; and the engine's scream, Ami tho giind ot wheel und lnake; And the noisu and hum, that .doth ever tome Wliero bus' tlimu-aiiJj tlcud; The clang of steel and Ihe whlirlnsf wheel And the glow of (lie) lues led; And the only tiling, would bet (lie spring, (lushing out of (lie oeU ot giay, That would not be stiangc or show some change Since the jeara (hat hava parsed away, And hoU of men have tiod lho glen, Hut none have passed me by They pause and f)uatt thu sparkling draught 'ihat I to 110110 deny, llutlj night and day my waters play, Sly voice is nevir still, 'illd bummer'! glow and Winter's snow, My uilsdvii I fulfill. LIKE THE HERO OF A ROMANTIC NOVEL T lllllli: dlcil In etilcmto the otlitr day, at the age of M ear, a man who, If half of wlnij Is told of hlui In a nkclcli in the New Voik Sim it line, utioulil Inile flu. Hied ns the tential flgmo In 11 "lilatorle.ll" lioiet. (.'cncral Thoiii.n lfoer Minuter Sinn. Itrry wo hlx name, and llil, lolil tnincwlut dis connectedly, I, the VJ, fory 0f ,., fe! Tho Keneral'd Kiuiulmothcr, Sophia Anker Mroin, and the rest of the family were drltcn out of Sweden because Hopul.i'n Hint couln killed tlustaf HI at a manqucrade lull, The AhkeuilroMH went to t'lmstn, wheie Sophia, n fainom .SwcdMi beauly, became the morganatic wife of Kltior I'rrdcrlck William II, aecoulliiB to the papers- of the lato (lineral Murntery, who al Mi boasted of his Ifohriis-ollcin blood, Sophia's daughter by the kins was (Jcnrial Slumlcr' mother. Ills father wan n nanlh iijblcninii whrwo Irish amelom had lied fiom Ireland after the battle of the Itoyne. The name bef.ire the flight vm Munster. 'J lie father was dcpilied of Ids place at the DanWi com t bccauo of a duel, and waa made gotcinor ot Santa Cmz. lie left In 1912 anil with Ids wife camo to the Hulled States, Two jcara later the boy Thomu w.111 hoin In llaltimore. When ho was 0 jean old the family went to Denmaik. 0 At the age of V, Thomas Munsleiy really be (tan Ids own life of advcntiite. He went Into tlie II111M1 naiy und seued for tlnre cais. While In port at Hlo do Janeiro he killed Ida flrat man, u negio, who had lnulted him. After IiIji ivei aeiilio he went to Stockholm, wheie he became the pupil of Dr. Lingo, the Imenlor'of tho Swedish a) tent of manage, t'lider I.lngc'a huh action he beiamc an expert Bwmdamali and a tlnmplnn "1.(10113 man." He went In St. I'eleisbiug whin he was 22 yeais old as fencing master and commander of the body guaiil of the Guild Duke (,'ouitautlue. He fought all lumcis theie, tin lading the nlhljineii fiom beyond the bonder, for the amusement ot the court, and a pahne and tieaure wire glicti to htm. The boy Irom lliltlmoie was getting along la the woild famously, when he unlortuiiaiely consented to help his chum, Ivan Orloll, olope with a lady of the court. He was eiied for and went back" to Copenhagen without a ruble. Hut ho gambled as well as he fought, ami foon made enough of a foitune to go to Deillii and ilulm a commission in the army on account of his Itoliciitollem blood. The stoiy nf his parentage was not leltshcd at (he mini, so he was put in prison at Sindau. He neier knew bow he got out of that sciape, but thought that It was be caiwe bis mother pleaded for I1I111, Ills flr-t adienttue after getting out of Jail was to fill In loie with a woman whom another man loved. The other man w.n CfTarles Hansen, a Tlanlali nobleman. They fought, and Hansen was kllli'd. Slumtciy foigot tlie woman, bul lied to this (oiiuti and got into Ihe United Males n.n. He taw some teriltc and m then put in the naval hospital at I'oiUnioutli, N. II., for lepalis. 'J hat tamed I1I111 for awhile, ..nil he tried to sell cigais in Philadelphia, but he smoked moie than he i-old and his MwntU and l,uin weie gelling nisty. He was hungry for a light and bullied oil to Nleaiagiu, wheie he got several. He sened theie hi .seieial leiolutlois, but could niU't leniembcr on what silo he fought. Nor I'ould lie leniembcr tlie number of his wounds ,- the numbir of men he killed in haud'lo-h.ind lumbal. They weie nmneious. c I'loin Me.nagiia lie went In Cuba with Nar- ci.sco l.opc, thence to the United States ef Co lombia, wheie he fomeht for (lie dictatoi, Jde Slaila Slello. To sai; his neik he iti'jped to New Yoil; and in 1S.TJ went back to Copenhagen, whole he Happened to be in the nick of time to srnc (he bp.mUh cbaige il'aftalics in an allalr of honor. The Spaniaid sent him to Madrid, wheie lie fought for Hie euteilalumcut of loyal YOUR UNCLE SAM'S PROGRESSIVE WAY IMitoi- of The Tiibuni Sir: lieet Migar inteie-ls in tin"-, lountiy un glowing. Our consumption of itupoitetl bUgir In I'.JUl was 2,j0,O0O,OOO pounds mole Hun 1;;!), (he highest previous ear; but, in spite of the alleged evil vva.vs of the fo-iallcd eiisar tnist, we pay out $8,000,01X1 li-.s foi the incua-ed quill tity. Southuu Infeicots an- pro-p.uing under lie publlian polkics as never befoic.V few" .veals ago Ihe town of High Point, N. C, was prac tically unknown. Now it is called the (band Kaplilb of the south, having tweiily.ive finiii tme factoiiea with 7J0,00 capital. Hi popula tion baa lucieaicd fiom 500 lo U,0W. hast e.n'a businos of tho c.xpiess companies was the laigct in their lilstoiy. 'the Wells l'argo conipary p. id an elra dividend of two per cent., unking eight pei cent, for the car. The Philadelphia and Hne raihoad bis de flated .1 dividend of two pir cent, 'ibis is its Hist dividend for tcveial C.ij. Ill 1SJ7 the llioadway Tubeiiucle, New Yoik city, kite was bought by tlie ilimrli for TS,000. Now it lias been uold for tfl .300,0'K), u piofit of 1-1,222,000. Hven W. J, Iiian shired last car in our Miunil money piopoiily to the evttnt of s'tO.OOO piotlts fiom lila newspaper. Had his so-called policy tiiumphed in 18011 or 1900 there would not have been enough people witli the neeesoiiy gold dollar.s uble or willing to buy llm 100,000 liicnlatiou. Hcpublieanh-m piotecta its encuiica even against themselves. 'ilidsu nf us who have pro-llocr piejudlees i-hould not lose sight of the fact Ihat sinie tlie South Aifiean war began wo have itceived M2, (Vlo,000 of (heat lliilaln'n money for hoi-es and mules alo'ie, l'rancu is palling hcrielt on the back for being Teaching Respect for Old Dogs, In a ci'ilaiu sklimMi an oflleer got a slight Biralcli on lho leg. The wound was .1 matter of glial gloiy to him, and he uuiacd it lluough af ter da, glowing lamer witli every fear lint (he menior of his bravely might pass out ot mind, One day, lale in life, as ho sit musing Ills leg and pondeiing the gloilous past, a oung nun visiting thei family for the lust lime ap pioathed, and sinpitbellcally iciuaiKed; "Lame, Colonels" "Vcc, sir," after a pause, and with iuevpres slide solemnity; "I am lame." "neen ildliig, sir!" "No" with lebnKlng steinness "I have not breii tiding." "A slip down on the pavement" 'No, sir." witli actual feiotity. "I'etlups then, jou liavo tpiaini'd iiir ankle, sh!" With a painful slowness, Ihe old man lifted his pet leg in both hand, set it laicfully down upon lho floor, 10-e slowly fiom Ids chair, and looking down en ll.o unfoitunate joutb vvlih iniiiglrd pity and v.iath, buist foitli in tlie slbllmlty of lage; "(lo and lead the hUtoiy of cm louuliy, ou lonfniiiided oung pupp !" Tlie Iteglliicut. The Horse Blew Tirst. An I1M1 boru owner vvluse hoiso had beui prioiiibcil for by a vcleilnary tiugeoit ran Into the lattci's cfllii', and, with teats in Ids ces and his faio thu "pit (me of bady luck," tiled: "Oh, Sir. Slorlaity, I'm pooily, Thu powdhei'a kilt me entirely!" "The povvdei!" eiied Sfr. Sloilaiiy. "Why, I didn't tell you to take thf powder. O told ou to plate It in a paper tube ami put one end in the horse's mouth anil blow haul." "Vet, soil"," cileil J'at, "l put the povvdhcr In the thube, and 1 put the cud of it in the Iwims's mouth, with (he other rnil in my own, but, begoua, he blew Hist," London Answers. Newly Married P She was newly mauled, tii.d did not know 1 little bit about cither housekeeping cr shopping, and she was giving her Ihst cider, It was u crusher; but the grocer was a clever man, and was used co all kinds ot oidcis and could inter pret them easily. "I want two pounds of paraljzcd sugar," ho began, witli u businesslike air, "Vivs'in. An thing clj?'' ' Outline Studies of Human Nature ly mid became a court faiorlte, with much gold, The governiiifiil Kent lilm let Cuba to teach tho KolilieM Ihcro how lo no their sworils and baoneli. He lauded at I'liciln l'rlnclpc Just 111 time lo get Into a game of lnontc nt the place, It wan a lean day. Minister" lost all of Ids Sp.iiiUli gold on a queen. That was the nciciilli fortune he had lot. lie had loic affairs and duets In Cuba, rl lotirse, but wn finally illnabled by Ihe licachery'ot a bailier whom he had hired lo bleed him for 11 fcier, Tile liaiber was the agent ot a that duellist, and he cut a tendon In Sltnislery'i! swonl arm, The general cured that, so ho ulivajn told his frlend.1 later In life, by the Irlcki In in.iage lie had Teamed from Dr. Unite. As wion ns he lias able to lluiwt and lunge once moie lie got logelhfr a Immt of fifty-four mlvcntuicr and went to Hon tluias to take pari In a levolullon. They wetc all raptured and Slunslcry was put In a jallard Willi eight men lo guard hlni. The oltlter who posted the guard didn't know Slnnslery or he'd have left a battalion, Tlie general, kilted thicc of the eight, broke the baonets of three more and two ran away. 0 He was about to leave the tountiy when 1'icsi dent (luardiola, a -Mctl.o Indian, heard of the ex ploit In the Jall.ianl anil made him it gen eral and a favoilte to ehow hi gratitude. Minister- fought the "ationg man" of Honduras with Toledo blades before an audlente of 20,ouo folU and won, The plain people rooted for the native stiong man and bet 8,000 copper dollars on him, all theie weie In the countiy, and lost. The followers of the piesldent got the copper. That gae Otiaidlol.i Ida long-sought oppoilunlty of retiring the copper and lefonnlng (ho cur rency. Nothing In Ilonilin.11 watt too Hood (or Munsteiy after (hat, until lie began In think too much of Hie piesidcnt's wife. Then he was ten tenced to fight a bull in the iucn.1. He had a week lo prepare for tlie fray. Willi the aid nf an Aineiic.m friend. Dr. Wells, Slunslcry bought sis bulls at ff2 each and went Into the country to pmtllee flic matador death ttroke. He killed a bull a day in lialning, and (hen won the big light In the niena against a bull with filed bonis, and that after all the picadoies and bandeiillcioa had ile-erled hlui. Dr. Wells emptied tlneo bl shooters Inln the air for Joy without leaving his eat and died of ilellilum lirmens four daS later while still celebrating- Sluii'ter's ktoiy. lint (iuiidlola was Mill Jealous. He sent Shin slery (o light a wild tribe on ihe fiontlrr. Stun steiy was captuicd and tied lo a tiee over night to be biitchcied in the moining. One of the tiibe. who had been Mlet to the late Dr. SVclls, cut the thongs and Sliuisteiy escaped to the 1 her. He Jumped In and went over a cataract without injur. Then be nude his way to San Salvador, wheie lie became bo popular that Or al do Ilarrlos, from Jealousy, condemned him to death. Slunsleiy escaped with twelve followeis to Chiapas, wheie he was made chief of cavaliy in a war against Sllramon and Ortega. He wj ficpaiatcd fiom his uicii in .1 sKliml-h and had to fight alone against ten of Hie enemy, lie killed Lliciu all and got taOU.OOO woitli of Oitega's stolen ticasure, which .10 hid. That was his lat leal tight. One of the ten men wounded I1I111 EO teiiously that Slunsleiy came to this country and ficttlcil in Chicago as a niittio d'aiiiies. 1'ioni time to lime he needed (hat hidden gold, but couldn't find his maps. c In Chicago (he old 1 ampaignei'.s tjietlulty was lialning actois foi hwoid play on the htagc. Among his pupils weie rollout, (ho elder Daien pnit, .luniiis Ilrulas lloolh, Kdwin Booth and Fiancis Wilson. The Rincial'a only motto was: "He who lives by the hwoid lives long." He was S3 when he died and lie had a full bead nf his own hair and all of his own teeth. He was s! feel tall and weighed 100 pound-, lie .smoked twenty cigats a day and never iuiecd a diink. able to float a loan at par, while we :11c having a vvoild of double (0 pievent our sniplus getting Kugcr. In-lead of incieasing laes (0 pay In ci eased inleiest we have to 1 educe ta;.es to ke"p ilown our revenues. w The fiscal ear 1002 v. ill give u- a tieaaiiry .sur plus of ,S100,000,000, besides whieli we, Hie peo ple, have 'ri.OOO.OOO.OOO lo our ciedit 111 the nalional banks i.nd .SOO.OOO.OIIO hi (he tavinga banks. "Today Uncle S.,m's cicdlt i.s such (hat le could boiiow- a billion at (wo pel ecnl. Hut Untie Sam is not hollowing in piotection times, He is buing bis own bonds, canceling his debt and lcdiicing his InbMost chaigeo." American Kconouilst. Secietary Cage's annual leport shows that lie publican policies have decreased the public debt, piinclpal and inleiest, by $110,370,870. In a tingle jear the annual inleiest cliargo has been icdiiced fiom 'flO.OOO.OOO lo .2S,000,000 (.after a vvai), yet Sir. Cleveland, in times of peace, had to bou on $262,v00,000 nt four and five per cent. In coutiast with (he piospeilty uf our coal legions we may nolo tliat the wages of the South Wales mineis aie teven and one-half per cent, levs than last car. Thu net earnings of our laihoads foi die fiscal year ended June 110, 1001, were :-,'j,r.,000,000, cr ?:!J,000,000 in c.ce.a of 1000. Tho dividends paid were $121,000,000, or iJtS.OOO.OOO incieae. 'lho west is ttlll complaining loudly of Ihe shoitagc of cats and of coal, civvlny to the un piccc'dcntcd heavy demand for both. Tho foregoing is most encomaging, but we have now ie:chcd the point vvbeie care should mark each step, "left we loigct" ourselves and bciome reckless, Veiy truly youi.s, Walter J, Itallaid, Schenectady, N. V., Jan. S. "Two tins of tondenined milk." "Ves'm," Ho set down pulvriied tugav and condense. milk. "Ail) tiling moie, nia'ami" "A bag of fiesli silt. He sine 11 is flesh." "Ves'm. What iicMS" "A pound of clesi'iiated codilsh.". He wrote, glibly, "desiccated eod," "Nothing moie, ma'am? We have some- nlie hoise-radUi just In," "No," she said, "it would be of no ue lo us; we don't keep a horse." Then the giocci" sit down and (.imud himself with a patent washboaid, although thu tern pcialuie was neaily fleeting, TiMMU The Proof Was Sufficient. A convict at a 1'ieucli penal settlement whu was uiulcigolntf a life eciiteiue deslied to nuiry a female convict, suih uuiiages being of com mon otcuireiuc The govcinor of thu totally ofleied no objection, but tho pilot proceeded to tmn-c.amlno tho nloi,er. "Hid )ou not many In rianeel" he .itU-il, "Ves," "And your wife Is deadl" "Sho is." "Have )ou any docnmi'iit to show 'that she Is deadi" "No." "Then I must decline to many oii. Von imiat pioduco tonio pioof that our wfe is dead." Theie was a paue, and tho biide-prospccthc looked at the would-be gioom, flu illy he said: "I tan piove that my foimcr wife is dead." "How will jou do so?" "I was sent heio for killing lur," The bi hlo accepted liiui notvvltlistandlng. Hdln biugli Scotsman, Anchor Was Coming, It happened that he had never been on boaid a boat, but he had un aching longing lo tide hu bounding1 billons. Ho sailed 011 boaid a whaler, ami was leaaning over iht- stein tail, making; a minute twain in it ton of (lit- atlaiillc ocean, when the captain thoultd; "Heave up that author?" 'Ihe landlubber ju.-t then saw somethlu;; iiuu estlng in the Ueptlu, "Hey, theifl Aie )ou gobifj; to heave up that anchor?" angrily demanded tho captain. "I think I am, sir," replied lho new one, clutching his cst convulsively; "1 think it's toniin' up new, sir," Deliver Times. ALWAYS BUSY. 1902 Money Saving Sale Is now on. With every pair of our Feel ftutl Henlth SrVvlng Shoes you get n shoo Bhlnei' free. 200 pairs of Men's Double Soled, Vlci Kid and Box Calf Shoes,, worth $2,00. Our 1902 Cash . i'rlce , $ 1 ,40 200 pairs of Youths' Vlci KIJI patent tips, worth $f.oo. - Our 1902 Cash Price .... OUC 100 pairs of Youths' and Hoys' Legglns, mixed lots, not all sixes in every lot, but the size you need In some of the lots, worth -. J5 1.25 Our 1902 Cash Price OUC 100 pairs of Men's Solid Tap Boots all sizes, worth $1.50 to 82.50. Our 1902 Cash Price $1.00 loo pairs of Men's Solid Tapped Soled Shoes, lace and Blucher, worth $1.25. Our 1902 Cash Prico 90C 100 pflirs Ladies' Vici Kid button and lace Shoes worth $1.00 to $1.25. Our 1902 Cash Price 75c 200 pairs Misses and Children's Vici Kid School Shoes, worth 75c to Si. 00. Our 1902 Cash Price 50C Mixed lot of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Slippers, toe a little bit nar row, worth $1.00 to $1.50. Our 1902 Cash Price 50C You can see by tho above list that very littlo cash is required to pur chase good reliable nnd honest foot wnre. Lewis & Reillv, w,.ilV"..i. Hill & Connell's Holiday Furniture There can be no more appropriate gift than one of the following Iims, all of which are marked in plain figures: Wrltlns I)e-Ks, Diessincr Table;, Taney Tables, Chcval eJla'i'.cs Parlor Cabinet", Music Cabinets, C'liiio Cabinets, Pool; Cafe, (Screens, llui rhs Lounge. Work Tables, K.isy Chain, (lilt Chalm. Inlaid Chairs, nockers, Sliavine Stands, I'cdestal!, Jardiuicies, Chairs. Low prices and large assortment to select from, of well made and desir able patterns. Hill & Connell 121 2T. Washington Ave. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Suitable for Wedding Gifts. MercereaU & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. Out ilesS; Sterling Silverware Clocks, EfCi oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRANTON, Organized 1872. Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 Tlietitscnunt rate to depositors Is ,' par cent, per milium Special attention slvcm to all auujuuts uliutlior Inr.'joi" s'niU. Open tiuUiriUy evening h t.) H V clii c. Tluee percont, lateroit pitlil on s.ivIiik dcpmiu. inteii'st compouniloil .lummry Xst and .Inly nt. VIIiLIAM CONNELL, Prosidont, HENRY BELIN, JR Vico Prosidont. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. William Connell, Henry Belin, Jr,, ueo. a, uatiin, Thomas H. Watkins, V, B, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOO Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? Da uu l-h lo Ii.iM' prctt) i itiii-, r We mil bit plciteel p uhnw ou j-'olltalli' DijiuuiiJ ltlm;, DIjiuuikI j ml IjiumuM Itlni;., DU nioiul und Hub 1Ii,jj, IlLiinoiiil ami Itlusx, DUuioiul a ml hiiipliiie- ltlii, Ilia, inoiul ami Turiuoii ltlg. v will nun it any ili'alrcil ioiuIjIiuiIoii to rulii. E. Schim 317 Lackawanna ave. vmtsmmsm FINLM (J January Sale of Fine lislin Underwear Fine Cambric, Ntilnsook und Musljri Undcrgiu'iueiHs ot superior worknian Hlilp und beiiutlful llnlsh, sonic iliilntlly. ti'linmed In nout nnrrow cnibroUlerlce, others more cluborntc, In wide, rich luces the kind that reflect the repu tation of a store. At this time of lho year great riuan tltles of inferior crudes of Underwear tire thrown uuon" the market und ad vertised ut prices that nnneur cheap. You don't find this class of merchan dise here. We believe you do not care to buy such. AVe sell the finest crude Underwear made. Our prices are the lowest pos sible for this grade of work. New line of lino French Lingerie and Urldal SOts. COKSET COVERS from lUc to $6.00 NIGHT (SOWNS from 75c to 15.00 CHEMISES from 50c ta$4.'50. DRAWERS from 25c $4.50 LONG SKIRTS from OSc to $15.00 SHORT SKIRTS from 35c to $3.00 CHILDREN'S DRAWERS Special lot Children's Drawers, made from good quality fine muslin, nice ly trimmed. Sizes from 2 years to 12 years. All at tfne price 19c each. 510-512 Lnckaawnna Ave. l1 Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY i I i i Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunstorfiFoisythl 'i7)'d'o'ii renn avciihc. m mas Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Buslnqas qt Dickson Manufacture Co., Scranton and Wllltes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps, 0 0 0 DIRECTORS, James Arclibakl, Luther Kollor, J. Bonj. Dimmiok. Jame3 L. Connell. Zehnder, ww.mwTZimfZiivsxziimrsif "T A Difference There is as much difference in Diamonds ag there is in human faces, and not infrequently as much hidden deception. When you wish to buy a diamond come to us. You can vcly upon our judgment and representation. E. Schimpff, 317 Lackawauna ave. HI - L