ft;ypag, cajwMit ftOiifmiS h?S1IPSPpS115nF tMWmwAi 'miim0mswmietP mi&$$'mQf,tiffmi!&'i y;iw'rfyt'''i''WJwji,'Sii(it7a'g''r''T' "M""." THE SCR ANTON TlUmjOT-TtlCBSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1902, 3 IPC An Excellent Combination. Tho pkusnnt method nnil bonollciaL effects of the woll' known remedy, Bvnur of Fibs, mnuufuctural by tho Califohnia Fio Svitui Co., Illustrate tliavnluauf obtaining- tho liquid laxa tive pririelplcs of plants known to bo medicinally laxative ami presenting' thorn In tho form most refreshing to tho Insto and acceptable to the system. It Is tho ouo perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansiug the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fovcrs gently yet promptly and enabling ono to overcomo habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionaolo quality and sub stance audits nctincr on tho kidnevs. liver and bowels, without weakening1 or 'irritating them, make it the ideal , laxative. i In tho process of manufacturing figs nro useu, as tnoy aro piensanc 10 mo taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Svnur Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso remember tho full nameof thoCompany printed on tho front of ovcry package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAX. T.0UIBVII.I.E. KY. NEW TOBK, N. Y. Forsalo by all Druggists. PrieoSOc. per bottlo. s3j - l&--iJr.-;J Z' 3W. mmm Jly -sssi Must Go. ilitth pr)rc or poor ijiMllly can't stjv in thii Horn. Our oiitlic Mock or l'K-l'l'HKS, l'KAMliS, .VAI.I, PAl'Elt. etc., i. .-olil on its merit. It is our rule to ulwuys give full v.il'ue. That's wlij our customers conic again ami ag.'itn. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 WASHINGTON AVENUE. ''ictures, francs. Art Gooils, Wall Paper. Mdsical InsfrQirtenfs (String and mechanical re pairer), reasonable. Address, "Music," 81)9 Mulberry St. City Notes, J BAItHKItS '10 .Mi:i;r. Tlie llaibeis local, Xu. 21, will lioM a meeting in ltnlbeit's, hall tonight at 8 o'clock. l'.UJH COXUIKT. The iliaKlani or tho sale o c.its. for the l'.iur jmphoiiy iirli-.'.-.tu opens st Powell's mie-ie s-loie at. U u'llotl; tills morn. inir. 1)., I., i" V, PAYS. 'J lie rui)iloe.s of the car hop, were paid yt-iteiil,iy. The M-iul-iiioiitlily u,j anion; the niliio woiki-ii will lu com-inrm-eil I od.i. 1IAII.WAY.S COM.MIlTi:i;.-A H'ecial iiiei'tliijf of the railways connuitlce of the common coun cil will bo held tonight lit 7 o'clock, in the i-lly lull piloi- to (ho liiccllu;,' of couuiil. SPECIAL MIltYICIlS. Spcc-I.il lcliaious 'it- id's will be held in the l'hi-l l'le-ln leii.m ulitirch tilts eicnlnjf and lomoiiow incnini; tit 7.IJ o'clock, piepauloiy to l In' colelnati'm of the Loiri'i. attppei net Mimb. AXMAI. MIXTIVIS. Tin- An-.iiI.iI Ion of the llunie for (he l'i leiulle-,-. will Imlil its animal lincling touioiiow at l'.::ii p. mi. In the loom-, of tho Youn;,' Wou.eii'f Clulill.in .i.-oelatioii, Tho pulillo and all friemU of the llnmc ate inited In ntteiul. IIDIt I.Kll IMOKIIX. A wotn.ni ulvltiif lu r H.1II1C a Irs. Maiy .lone-. Mlpped on the side. walk In fioi.t ut l!oliin-on lirewcr on Wet I.lmlcii slicct last iilslit and fraituieil Iter liiilit leir in ten-nil places. Min wai taken to tho Lackawanna hospital, Till; l)K.( (INS. lu incut lotting jctcrilay the i'l"itloii of officer!, of the I'enn Acnu llaptl-t iliini'h we pae the iuinc. of I!, H. Wllllani, A. 1). Sli-lle, I!, A. Iliii.li ami P. M. Kochler a.s the new deacons. Tlii n an cnor. The- lire the n.'w tiustrix Tlie deaeont ire: .1. I Strllc, (ieoitte I'ltltchey mid (dalles Ilenwooil. THOMAS TOY l.N.li:ili:i).-Thoinas I'oy, of (I'liiUutf axriiue, mie of the Mrcr! cai' men whu nit out on fctilkc, but who Is now cinployeil .n )i lit her by the Anthiiieltc lliewlntf coniiuiif, was liiimiij on TuiMlay nluhl by being tlitown flnin Ids wagon mi Sottli Main meiiuc, Tlio ,ikoii w.i, struck by a sheet ear and almost uH'l turned. l"o.'b Inlmies arc nut setiouj, H.Vnirt WP.lli: IIUOKP.X. -A leant of hoiie.s, tiltitilird to one of tlie North S'uiituti bucs, liecaiue frlshtencd on lluir uipru.ah to the Cut Imiii htreet crossing at ll.:;o o'clock Tuesday lliglit ami iiaxlieil lulu tho ttates, miaslilnc; 1 In in. Tlie Delaware and Hudson train, due in the cily at that hour, was appuuililni; the trosj. tiiif, and iiiiicli exilement prevalli'd. Portuiiately nu one was liijuicd. !'l'.Si;it.M.S AT HOUY r;il().SS.Two funeral fei vices wcte miiihu(ri) at Holy I'ruvt church ycciday inoinlntf over the tcinalns of the late Jlu. Mary (toap, of toi llynoit slieel, and Sir. Mai'k'aict MiDjiicukIi, of till) Thliil t-tuil. HjiIi who rntilniU of the llrllrvue seillon. llev, V. I'. O'DoniU'll aid (he mavis ami pieailirj the erinoin and Interiiicnt of .Mrs. Heap was nude In llunniorp cemetery and ( Mrs, SIvlMuaugli In tho Cathedral cemetery. UNITED STATES COURT NOTES. W. II, llegan, of Wllkcs-Ilarrc, yetenljy tllid a loluiitary ivllllmi In l.ankiuplcy with Cleik Searle, lib liabilities uie ify.OOi) and his assclb I,I(W.W. The bond of John M. WlUon, who his been iipoInteil tcfcrcc In bankruptcy for LjcoiuIiir ml tfutheilaml louullui, was jcklrrdoy approved by .court. Ourlfs V. lloweii, of I'ittston, was yostcrday ppulnlril ifccltr,- in th.; b.ni;iiiitey proifcdings 2ulnst Mlducl I. Kelly, of l'llMvn. Ills bond it) Hie sum of p,WQ was approved by the CQUit- z .. Z-- -i-sa J ZZiST' vstrf s?jxsg? FIRST REPORT COMES TODAY GRAND JURY PASSES ON IM PORTANT CASES. Only Two Witnesses Called In tho Luzerne Street Shooting Case, In dicating That a True Bill Is to Be Returned Flnn-Scrnnton Criminal Libel Cabo to Be Heard Today. Defective Declaration in tho White Divorce CaseHearing In the Dcan-Howell Case Continued. Totlny the Kriiml Jury will nmke list flMt report. Several t'aneH of unuHital Impni'tunco linvp been heard and the report, in consequence, will bo awaited with Interest, Ono of theco onsen In ihut of the Cointnonweitlth itfrnlu.qt Sylvester F. CosBfovo, the Druniiiiotiil detective; FrnnU Ktift'Knlnkl and Frank KIiirs ley. fliai'fietl with the UlllltiB of Ditnlel JteAulllTo, at Slornn's stilorin, on l.u zerne street, Decumbei 9, while the de fendants were attempting to make ar rests for an attack made on a trolley cur the uIkIU before. Only two witnesses were called by the grand jury, which would Indicate, almost conclusively. Unit n true bill Is to be returned. The charge against Cosgrovo Is murder, but the Common wealth by consenting to his being re leased on bull, showed it does not re gard the crime us of the first degree. Another cttse heard yesterday was that In which John Meelmii, of Prlee burg, Is charged with tlio killing of a foreigner at Prlceburg. Meehun hoarded with Thomas McCSulre. Dur ing the night he and' MeOttlre were aroused by a commotion In the chicken coop. They went out with guns and began firing. A charge from Meehnn'H shotgun brought a man tumbling from a tree. It Is supposed the hitter wus In the tree gathering up chickens roost ing on Its branches. Sleehun averred that he fired In the air and did not know there was a man In the tree when heH fired In that direction. The case of criminal libel in which President V. V Scranton of tlie Scran ton (las and Water company is the defendant and Select Councilman Wade SI. Fran the prosecutor Is sched uled for a hearing today. Sir. Scran ton Intimated In it letter to the press Hint councilmen had solicited him to bribe them to vote against the license tax ordinunce. Sir. Finn Introduced a resolution In councils, calling upon Sir. Scranton to give names. Sir. Scranton wrote another letter to the press which caused Sir. Finn to begin libel pro ceedings, i Xlne street car riot cases were henj-d by the jury Monday and will likely be reported today. One of litem had for a defendant Daniel SlcAuliffe, who was shot and killed. lie was charged with assault and battery on a non-union crew and with the breaking of win dows In cars. Petition Was Defective. Sept. 28, 189S, .r. K. AVhlte, a painter, of Daleville, was married hi this city to Helen Smith. A few months ago he mnde application for divorce, alleging that he could prove the woman lie pre sumed to marry was the wife of a man named Fen-ens, formerly of Great Bend, now of Staten Island. The suit was brought against Nellie Slay Fer rens. The respondent made answer denying the allegations of the libellant and attacking the declaration on the ground that the suit should have been brought iignlnst her in linr name of Sirs. Nellie White. Yesterday, Judge Edwards bunded down an opinion sustaining this latter contention. Although the marriage may have been null mid void, the judge says, the name acquired by marriage must be used until the decree prayed for Is obtained. The plaintiff was allowed thirty days lu which to amend his petition. Dean-Howell Case Continued. Tho equity case of Sirs. Jennie Mow-ell-Dean against her brother, Franklin Howell, was scheduled to bo heard yes terday, before Judge Kelly, but was continued on a plea of surprise by the defendant. The plaintiff alleges that the defend ant, who had charge of her estate, mis managed It. She sues for an account ing. Soon after the suit was brought, the attorneys made answer, denying mismanagement, alleging that he had made an accounting, ami further that he wns n partner with his sister in various transactions Instead of innn nger of her investments. The attor neys for Sirs. Dean, Ira II. Burns and Layton SI. Schoch, did not make repli cation until yesterday. The defend ant's attorneys plead surprise, and the cuso went over until tlio next term. The defendant did not appear lu per son at the hearing. An Incorrigible Boy. Judge l-M wards heard testimony yes terday on Sirs, Lena It. Lei tiler's peti tion to have her ll-year-old son, Kd ward Houek, committed to tho house of refuse. She and her husband, Uitrber Fred Lcltner, the stepfather of tho boy, tes tified that the hid Is beyond their con troli that ho will not attend school, and tliut he spends his tlmo with other wayward boys about tho culm dumps, They also stated that lio stole a pipe and a dollut- from his home, They wore corroborated by govern! of their neighbors. Henry Heck, gro cer, ut the corner of Larch street and Washington avenue, told that tho boy stolo apples from his store, John J. Keller, another neighbor, testified that young Houek stole ninety cents from his house and with two other boys went to tho Star theater, At this juncture Judge Edwards said lie did not care to hear any more tes timony. Testimony Much in Conflict. In court room No, 2, there was a hearing, yesterday, beforo Arbitrators Wulter Hrlggs, .1, SI, Walker and Wll Ham Leach, lu tho i-uso of Itiehard Fos ter usalnst Isabella Okell. Olarenco Halentino appeared for tho plaintiff, and tSeorgo SI. Okell for the defend ant, Tho suit Is brought to recover on a ineehanlcs' Hen for tho building of a cellar under the defendants' house In Duumore. The plaintiff alleges that lie. i,nndo n contract for tho work wjth (ieorge M, Okell, aS attorney in fact for the defendant. The defense Is a denial f tills alle gation uud the claim that the contract for the whole house, Including cellar, was inada with Wlieatcvoft & Ilower. The defense avers that it does nut know Foster except an n sub-contractor under Whenlqrotl & Hovcr. , The heat-lug Is lo bo completed at, a future session of tho arbitrators. Yestorday's Mnrrlngo Licenses. .lo.x-pll Zukod-U ,,,,,,, 1. 1 AlcMlilid Murlntiini Kldclkowi'U Archli.ild P.ivld I'onrll U'nlklns Scianlou Dllio M. Ilollhl ,,.,. ....Kcranlut Andrew .Nir.ink'euliz ,.... hlyphant .Mnry twantzkn ,.,.., ......Oliplnul .tohn llokua .,.,..,......,,.,.. i.lcMiip Hoinunl .,,,..,,,,,.,,.,...,,,,. ,, Jessup .tohn Mill i i..,,,,., Scranton SnphJA ( loyi! a ,, Scranton .1octiIi Demi ,,,. .Scranton llnrliara ll.nli Scranton MclinliM Cooper Oil pliant l.lr.-.le .1. 1'iirry Olyphatil .Mm llrbtinu !. Scrnntcti Mary lloshliu , , Scranton COUBT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Tlio will of .loiepli Mcder. lain of tliln ilty. w yesterday admitted tn probate and tetters tesla menUry gintitnl to (Jeorite V. .Model'. In the ca.ie of (I. I'. Peck and other against 1". I,. Peck and others, .tudfrc, Ildw.uds yesterday handed down an opinion ilbinl-wlitK tho plain tiff's bill and decreeing the iliaru of each patty in tlie disputed prcpcily. Attorney Jnliti I-'. Murphy applied yesterday lor a charter for the frown SjcI.iI and l.ileraiy club, which wai formed for "foelal Intercoms? and to enooiiiagc lllcaiy education by literary and ile b.itlni? evertlsf.s." The suk-ulbcrs In the r. tides of Incorpoiatlon aio Patrick I!, llean, Ihoina Polan. Kicd Mattln, Philip Khtliadt, Jo seph kluuifi, JnlliH Troy and Will Jaii.sen. EOE, THE BENEFIT OF Y. W. C. A. Concert of the Paur Orchestra Next Monday Night. "I should have been a good girl and should never have been hero dying in this way," said a young girl in a hos pital not long ago, "If there had been somebody to tell mo where to go when I first came to Scranton. I couldn't af ford to pay much for my board and I went to a cheap boarding house which Is supposed to be respectable. Slay be It Is, as boarding houses go, but peo plu were there who weren't the right kind for a girl to know when her mother Isn't there and nobody else to tell her. Well, I'm here, that's all, and I'm not the kind of a girl you'd speak to If you saw me on the street." The Young Women's Christian asso ciation Is trying to make It impos sible for such a sad story ns the above to be repeated In the ear of some kind one who leans to catch the lust whis per of si poor wrecked soul. It Is far too frequent a tale now In this city. It Is hoped that by means of the funds received from the Emll Paur concert that rooms may be established where young women coming as strangers to the city may find home-like surround ings and safe-innocent pleasures. The concert itself will be something which no one can afford to miss. To hear such a great orchestra as the New York Symphony Is u privilege and to hear it In our big new armory will be a still greater pleasure. A concert by the Paur Symphony orchestra is an event In any city, not excepting New York. Sir. Paur has his orchestra un der such perfect control or perhaps It would be nearer the truth to say In such perfect sympathy with him that the results are little short of mar velous. The delicate nuances, poetic meanings and tremendous climaxes are all brought out with thrilling ef fect. He Is conceded to be the giant among the world's conductors of today. WANTED IN BINGHAMTON. J. E. Havencamp Arrested Here by Detective Stephenson. John 13. Havencamp, who is wanted in Binglmmton. for larceny, was ar rested on Washington avenue on Slon day by Detective Robert Stephenson of the Parlor City, who was here at tending court. He wns committed to the county jail yesterday for ninety days on the charge of vagrancy and while ho Is serving this term requisi tion paners will bo secured. Havencamp and a partner stole thousands of feet of copper wire In Hlnghiimton by climbing poles and cutting It down, playing havoc with tho electric light and telephone facili ties. Detective Stephenson secured warrants for their arrest and when he went to serve them Havencamp drew a revolver and fired at him, the bullet almost grazing his head. Roth men got away. Hy the rarest chance the detective happened to see his man on Washing ton avenue on Slouday afternoon about iUiO o'clock and Immediately placed him under arrest. When searched by Superintendent Day a burglar's tool used for opening shutters was found In his possession. As he can give no sat isfactory account of himself the charge of vagrancy bus been preferred against him. ONE CITIZEN'S VIEWS. Little Ripper Legislation Needed for Water Company. A certain well known citizen writing to Recorder Council in response lo his request for opinions on the water ques tion makes the following apt comment on the situation: "I think a little ripper legislation properly administered would have a beneficial effect If rightly applied, When a lion bus your hand In his mouth it is a rather inopportune tlmo to make terms with tho lion." Another citizen suggests the prac ticability of having a competent board of engineers Investigate tho question fully and report to a committee of dis interested citizens appointed by the recorder, fsnid committee to thoroughly canvuss tho situation and make a rec ommendation to councils. The letters still keep coining in to tho recorder's office and tho majority of the citions writing favor municipal ownership or tho water system under certain conditions. WASN'T A PLUMBER. This Man Wanted to Take Out a Marriage License, A tall, row-boned young intui saun tered Into Director of Public Safety Wormser's office yesterday afternoon and approached the director's clerk, F, !!, Reese. "Want to tnlto out a license," he drawled, "and I guess I'll have to go through u little examination," Clerk Reese mndo tho fatal mistake of sizing tlio mun up for a plumber. "You'd better see the plumbing In spector first," lie said, "and see what he's got to say," "Look here, young man, don't you get fresh," yelled the tall man, "1 ain't no durn fool and don't you forget it. I don't want to seo no plumber. I want to get married and folks told me to come hero for a license. 1 want one, too, and you Just hurry." Clerk Reeso hastened to beg the man's pardon and to direct him to the court house, the locution of which he hud no Idea of,. RESUME OF ITS YEAR'S WORK SOME STATISTICS OF THE SU PERIOR COURT. Figures That Go to Show Thnt Its Establishment Wns n Wise Action, and That Contrary to the Utile In Other States, It Is Not Productive of Litigation Only One Per Cent, of Its Decisions Appealed to the Supreme Court Havo Been Re versed Tho Trial List. W, 1C. Taylor, crier and clerk of tho Superior court, which opens Its ses sions here on Monday next, arrived hero Inst night and Is registered at the Jermyn. Sir. Taylor has prepared on Interesting report of tlio work of the Superior court since Its Inception, In 1893. One of tlio most important fun lures of the report is a comparison which shows that the establishment of a secondnry appellate court In Pennsyl vania, has not, as In some stales, in creased the number of appeals. The total number of appeals taken In 1S91, the year before the BUoorlor court was established, was 1,101. Last year the appeals to both courts num bered only 1,148, an Increase that would be natural with only one appellate court. The relief that tlio Superior court has been to the Supreme court Is shown In n comparative table. In 1894 the Supreme court heard or, at all events, received, 1,104 appeals, lu 1S98, the total number of appeals was 3,130, of which G3."! were made to the Supremo court nnd 4SS to the Superior court. In 1897, the proportion 'was: Supreme court, 71S: Superior court R90; In 1S98 Supreme court, CM; Superior cotirt, 4.r,l : in 1S99 Supreme court, G64; Superior court, CO!); In 1900 Supreme court, 533; Superior court. CS1; in 1901 Supreme court, 379; Superior cotirt, 3b'fl. It Is also interesting to note that In the seven years the Superior court has been in existence, only 29 of its 3,231 cases have been reversed by the Su preme court. In the period of the Superior court's existence, Lackawanna county has sent 131 cases to the Supreme court and 103 to the Superior court. The list for the term will be called next Slonduy morning at 11 o'clock, and is a.s follows: SIONDAY, JAX. 13. orrom-.n tkrm. woi. Coiimionwealtli vs. ,1ume.s II. .lcC'ulloih, up-pi-llant. Appeal and cell. (. S. Illair inimty. JANTAItV TKRM. 1U02. A. C. Holm, appelant, s. p. fl. Rrilne. Ap peal and cert. (.'. P. Columbia county. .M. I. Heiinesey, .idmlni.stialui-, et jl., v. Pan- yiiic .n-tock, appellant. Appeal and ceit. (,'. P. coiiinuua coiuiiy. Julia .H. Cinllelil . tlie IIoiourIi of Hart Strnud-Jiurir, appellant. Appeal and ii-rt. C. P. Momoj connly. i;iiner W. .Moore, receiver, appellant, s. Jos eph I!. Diciltt. Appeal and cert. V. P. Jlonioc county. A. II. Pc AVItt, administrator, et a!., appel lant, vs. (Vlestia Do Witt, ct al., and Lehigh alley Railroad t ompai-y. Appeal and ceit. ('. P. Wyoming county. JAXl'.USY TICRM, 3(101. Hairy C Maion is. James (Jiiinn, et al., appel lants. In equity. Appeal and ceit. ('. P. Lu zerne county. Maifc'.iret A. and Catherine ('. MoAiilmy vs. Simon .Miller, et al., v. appellant. Appeal and cert. C. I'. Luzcine county. Dennis Uri.slin, administrator, w, the Kingston Coal company, appellants. Appeal and ceit. C, P. Luzerne county. Dennis Iliisiin, Kiiardlau, vs. the Kingston Coal company, appellants. Appeal and cert. C. P. Luzerne county. Walter PcnnliiKtou s. II. M. Pace, appellant. Appeal and cert. C. I". I.useine county. I). J. Conlan vs. Mary Coul.ni, appellant. Ap peal and ceit. C. 1'. Luzerne county. (Yunmoimoallh of Pcim.-yUaula, appellant, ". I'l.wuouth tnun-hip. Appeal and ceit. (.'. P. Lu zerne county. (.'. P. Wesley vs. W. It. Shaipe, appellant. Ap peal and cert. ('. P. Liucrnc county. W. L. Itaeili't- .. ('. i:. llutler, appellant. Appeal and ceit. C. P. Lueine county. Zeeuian lliothers s. David Silshenr, et al., ap pellants. Appeal and nil. C, P. Luzcine county. Jl.uy Wiijsht, et al., s. towmhip of Lehman, appellant. Appeal and ceil. ('. P. I.ii.einc county. ((orai" H. Kulp s. county of Luzcine, appel lant. Appeal and ceit. (. P, Luzerne county. Ilauy Jl. W.iKiier, appellant, v. Catiii'iinc IIollm.ui, ct al. Appeal and ceit, C. P. Luzcine (ounty. .lo-epli Mtnovky v.-. Maiy Mi nov-hy, et al., appellant. Appeal and ceit. ('. P. Luzcine loiint.i. l'alth A, Dullard. iippHllanl, s. lljlaw.ue, Lii'knuMum and Western Railroad coiupai.y. Ap pel and icit. ('. P. Liueine county, (', L. Ualdwiu, executor, appellant, e. the l'enn.vhaula Pile IiiMirauci.' company. Appeal and ceit. C. P. Luzerne counly. bimon Hilda is. tlie Home In-ur.UKC company, of ev York, appellant. Commonwealth u. John W. Bunnell, appellant, Apppeil and cert. (J. S. Luen-.e county. Couuncimcalfli .-. Jnuic.t I.. Bunnell, et al,, appellants. Appeal and celt. (. S, Luzerne county. In re : Lunacy of John Doyle, S. W. li.ueu. poit, director, appella it. Appeal and ceit. (,. S. Luzerne comity, JANUARY lllltll. 11102. II. ('. (llbl, ct al., is, Pewlllon Siveet, ap pellant. Appeal and cert. ('. P. Lack manna i ounty. Coiiunoimcallh vs. Gierke W, Re.ile, appel lant. Appeal and ceit. (J. S. Lackawanna county, Louh-a Lyman, appellant, s, Lewis Smith, rt al. In equity. Appeal and celt. C, P, Lacka wanna county, Patiick Carey vs. Jem lo IS. Brink, appellant. Appeal and cert, C, I',. Ijckawanna county. M, J. Ruddy vs. William Itepp, appellant. Ap peal and ceit. ('. P. Lackawanna county, Coniiuonwe.illh c lei. Maitln P, Plynn, ap. pellant, v. Joseph A, Scranton, counly treas urer, etc. Appeal and ceil, C. P. Lackawanna county. lIcorRO Cooper w. city of Scranton appellant. Appeal and int. C, P. Lcckawanna, counly. John Tlcrney Cornelius Smith, appellant, Appeal and cert. C, P. Lackawanna ooun'. Henry llardlni; vs. William Repp, appellant. Appeal and cert, C. P. Lackawanna counly, Ljonore II, (Irosvcnoi- s. Stephen J. Cook, et al., apHllanU. Appeal and cert, C. P. Laika wanna county. llaik K. LMKrT i. O. X. Callender, appell4-il. Appeal and cert, ('. P. Lackuwanna counly. li. P. Reynold! vs. H. X. Callender, appellant. Appeal and cert. C. I. Isickawanna county, I), P. ReplOBlo va, Jane R. Singer, appellant, Appeal and cert. C. 1'. Lickawanna county, (I, L. Peck, timtcc, ci al., appellants, vi. Wil liam Council. Appeal and ceit. C. P, Lacka wanna county. Maiy V, Duffy vs. Mary Duffy, appellant. Appeal ami i-crl. C. P. Lackawanna, county. Conrad Sohroedcr, atpcllant, i, the Sciantcn (las and Watii' company. Appeal and cert. C. I'. Mckaivuuna totally. In ret Condemnation of the Factory! Ille. a,nd Ablution Turnpike and Plank, load by II, W. Xorthup, president, appellant, Appeal and cert. C. P. Lackawanna county, (icoruu W. Potter 4; Son, (Jcotjro W. I'ottrr ap pellant, vs. tlio Scranton Railway company, Appeal and cert. C. I', Lackawanna, county, Charles Lewln s. Martha Y. Paull, adnilnia-ll-atlix, appellant. Appeal and cert. C. P, Lacka wanna county, P. I), Mauley is. Isabella b'. Okell, appellant. Appeal and ccr. C, P. Lackawanna, county, Daniel Kbulusky j. Thomas (Jllboy, ct al., ap pellant. J, D. Caryl, appellant, vs. P. !,'. Xetllelon. Appeal and ceit. ('. 1". Lackawanna county. I'.llen C, Kelley vs. Jaiura' P. Donnelly, appel laut. In eipilty. Appeal and cert. C, P. IjcLj. wauiu county. Pnlnstcl Carter, rt al., v. the Rhine Turnpike tompauy, nppellitit. Appeal ami tcit. 0. P. Liikaivaiini county, In re! lislalo of llrrkel Ounntor, tlrcfMcit, Silas Hartley, appeltanl, Appeal ami cert, ('. P. Iiiilommnu county. Joint A. N'rtiU, appellant, w. cily ol fli-ranton, Appeal and ceil. C. P. Lackawanna cwmly. MONDAY, .(AXtAltV CO. Alexander Head vs. William II. Wilson and MiIrIi Valley Itallrnad company, cunMier, tlerni.nt Bank of I In (Tali), appellant, Appeal and cert. ('. P, Bradford county, Charles V. ..Mitchell, appellant, m. Allen . Spatildliig. Appeal an I cert. ('. P. Druufou! county, Joeph fc'ivnln, appellant. f. Peter Brady. Ap peal and cert. 0. P. Bradford county, I l,m ford b. KpauldliiK, appellant, vs. t'll tries II. Ilntlock. Appeal and cert. (', P. tlr.tdford couuly. Athens Car and Coach company, to use ot C. Tlclcl, asiftnce, 18. J. b, P.lslircc, appellant. Appeal and cert. C. P. llrailtord county. Commonwealth, appellant, is, Clmtlcs Ilazen. Appeal ami ictt. Q. S. Pike connly. A VOLUNTARY BANKRUPT. John I Armbrust, of Penn Avenue, Files a Petition. John l- Armbritfd, the butcher doing business at 10 Penn avenue, yesterday Hied a voluntary petition In bankrupt cy with Clerk K. 15. AS. Searle, of tho United Stules district court, throuitli Ills uttornev, C. II. Soper. Sir. Ai-mbrust's liabilities nro $.",24fl. wlilte his assets amount to only J3.00S. Hu has upwards of fifty creditors, tho amounts of their claims ranging: from $r00 to less than one dollar. The peti tion was received by Judge Archbald who set a hearing for Jan. 13. WOHEN IN METHODISM. Significance of Giving Them Their Rights iu Church Government. Prom the (.'liicago Ttibmic. There are few words more frequently abused than the word "epoch-making." Yet "epoch-making" is almost the only word that adequately describes the re cent action of the Methodist confer ences in giving women the right to sit in the general conference on the same terms with men. Not that the granting of this right will In Itself revolutionize the Methodist church. It may lie years before women appear at tho general conference In any such numbers as to alarm those persons who have a dread of, "petticoat government." It may be that there will be little apparent change in the management ot church enter prises and In the tone of general church policy. But the mere act of giving wo men permission to enjoy the rights which are accorded to all other lay members of the church organizations is deeply significant. It marks clearly and definitely the tendency toward an Increase of power for the laity and toward the elimination of distinctions-In the lay body. The Methodist church Is giving up the pol icy of clerical predominance. It is becoming a church of "the people." There Is no doubt that In doing this It Is accommodating Itself to a drift of thought that is in certain quarters ex ceedingly strong-. It Is gradually mak ing It impossible for the "liberal" and the "Indifferent" to say that "the church" Is nothing but a small group of clergy, uud that tills small group forces its opinions on every one else. The advantages gained are obvious. The church becomes more democratic. It represents more accurately the will ot the majority, and to do that Is to conform to "modern American ideals." Yet the policy embodied In the change is certainly not to be found in the orig inal purpose of the Methodist church. When Wesley laid hands on Coko there is every reason to believe that he in tended no diminution of clerical power, and for many years after that time tlio control of the church was undoubt edly lodged In the hands of the "or dnlned ministry." That period Is now brought to an end. The laymen's elec toral meetings have authority to vote on all constitutional questions; the vote necessary for the amending of the constitution is reduced from three fourths to two-thirds; and distinctions of sex in tlie lay membership havo dis appeared. All these thifgs, however, aro merely a reflection of a tendency that has been long apparent. The laity is increasing in comparative strength and influence. Under the now constitution the Methodist church Is as "progressive" in the matter of Boots for Snowy Weather UEEN mJ Ai ifammJL JL Jk The Famous Shoe for Women f' 1 V i mm 1m Jm imp q hnow has come and bad walking will follow, Protect your health by wearing boots that are made especially to keep the feet warm and dry. Queen Quality Boots for out-of-door winter wear are handsome, grace ful and perfect fitting. The easiest walking boots ever made. MAHON'S SHOE STORE, 328 Lackawanna Avenue, I TOILET SETS I" ?5 Wc show you over one hundred styles of TOILET SETS- lu a . 5 Rrcat variety of shapes. ' m DECORATIONS run from hand painted. If you need a set, no matter now much or how little you want to pay, look our lino over. We have a number of filled In prints with GOLD EDGE, which closely resembles HAND PAINTED DEC ORATIONS, SET .x $3.75 C WmaTVyfo Geo. V. Miliar & Are Your Bed' Have you a brass bed that needs refinishing, or a white Iron bed that needs enameling ? We can make either look as well as the day it was bought. Let us call and give you a price. We can polish gas fix tures, too, or andirons, or anything of brass. Scranton Bedding Go, F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna ani Adams Avenues. church government as almost any one could wish. WATER FROM ANCIENT LAVA. Northwestern States Once Comprised an Immense Lava Bed. A lava sea 200,000 square miles In ex tent and upwards of 1,000 feet deep Is not usually thought of as forming a part of tho United States, yet nearly the whole of Washington, Oregon and a large part ot Idaho were once over run by such a sea of molten rock, the wide spread remains of which form most of their surface today. Into the ancient lava beds the rivers have cut profound canyons several thousand feet deep, some of which, notably that of the Snake, even rivals the Grand Canyon of the Colorado except In bril liancy of rock coloring. Between the rivers on tho upland plains the coun try Is a series of rolling plateaus on which the soil is thick and rich. Here is the great wheat growing country of tho northwest, large areas being par ticularly adapted to agriculture. One of the greatest needs of the sec tion, however, is a larger supply of water for irrigation In the summer sea foii, for stock, and for town and city needs., Thick lay-era of gravel and water-bearing rocks are known to lie between tho lava sheets, and it is from them that water Is looked for. During the summer of 1900 the United States geological survey, through Prof. Israel l llussell, made a detailed examina tion of Nez Perce County, Idaho, a typical portion of tho lava-covered country, with special reference to Its water supply. The results of this in vestigation have just been published by the geological survey In its series of water supply and irrigation papers. Besides explanation of tho geology of the region on which the water supply depends, the paper contains sugges tions of the localities where water is likely to be found, explains the prin ciples for the occurrence ot artesian waters and gives practical sugges tions for testing wells during the pro cess of boring. Mention is also rade of the useful building stones to be found in the section, including tho na tive lime-stones, whose value for the manufacture of cement is explained, and tho probable location of the pre cious metals, such as gold, silver and copper, is discussed. The paper may be had on application to the director of the United states geological, Washington. plain prints to the most -elaborate gp ' "jS Co. ,!Vn0;AT MANAGER. Both 'Phones the reafesf Fur Values Persian Lamjb Coats, Baumarten collar and levers, S175; now $150. Persian Lamb Coats, Chinchilla collar and revets, $150; now $125. Persian Lamb Mink,, trimmed, $150; now $125. Persian Lamb Black Lynx, trimmed, S150; now $100. Plain Persian Lamb Jackets, $50 to $140. Moire Coats, Astrachan, Chinchilla trimmed, $100; now $75. Electric Seal Jackets, from $20 to $30. Electric Seal Jackets, Beaver trimmed, $30. Plain new Seal Jackets, from $35 to 40. Seal Skin Coats, in stock, from $150 to S225. Seal Skin Coats, mado to order, from $150 to $300. All Scarfs and Muffs at , reducec1 prices. EURS REPAIRED. RAW FURS BOUGHT in s k i Lager Beer Brewery Manarrictarcrs or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 Telephone Call(-3333. - NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. SUtfcntli St' and Irving Tlice, NEW YORK. v., American Plan, $3,50 Tcr Py anil Upward,. European I'lan, $1.00 I'cr Bay anj Upward., Special Rate to I'amtltcs, T, THOMPSON, r;pp, 4-4 t 'fff i'nn nnclimae Hlftii . V. 1 For Business Men In the h?nrt ot tha wholeailii district. X For SliQppow it minutes' wulk to Wanamakera; S minutes to Bietet Cooper's Big Btore. Easy ot access to the ere-ir Dry Goods mores. 4 t .t For SlghtseeiM One blocl from B'way Cars, elv. Jns poll mnnv tmnsiini-tatlou tn &1 ... .,. .--"-.--- - points or interest. TEL ALBERT I NEW Y0KK. 4- Cor. Hill ST. UNIVKItSlTV- PL. J 4- Only one Bloc' irora Broadway, t Rooms, $1 Up. vnssmsiu i --H- -t--f4- -f i Shabby ? t Scranton Are F. L. Crane's a. y