The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    L T WfJ9 pfT"'"
1V w M fe t t O ft - J V" . '
: The News of
Ti)oTnwiiro and Hudson Bnllvoad.
November 21, 1001,
" TmIm leave Carbomlalc at city lJllon fob
-'-'rXf Scwnlon nml WllkeJ-lUtre-0.00, T.00, S.nO,
Ml, 10.01, 11.21 fl. III.! 1.nO, 1.13, 2.10. 3.G0.
ww, 7.00, lo.oi, 11,00 t. . . . hi
; Sunday Iraliu leme at S.M, 11.21 . "M 1'1U'
8.10, C..W, fi.00 i. in. , . s..v
,For Albany, Saratoga, JlonltMl, n.n' f.;
lawtaml iiofntj, etc.. 7.00 a. in.! v- '"'
'vj Waymart and Honestlale, 7.22, ll.OS m!
8.31, 0.1U V. 111. , ,,i,l,t
Sunday trains leave Wajmirl nml llonwMH.
t fl.30 a. m.j 4.1.1 p. in. ,, .. 11, fr,
Train nrrlve at C1rl.omt.1ti' b0"OV''? 1,1 m
olid Scrantoii 'in fallow! 11..VI. S.3.. 0..A i';w
III.; 12.!)", 2.01). 3.1.1, 4.DS, ft OS, 7.01, S.-'. ""'
11,87 ti. in.) 2.0S a. in. .,, ni
Sunday train anlve al 0.27 a. m.l 1-'1"' ,,,,
JX. H.2!l, 11.IM 11. 111. . . , .......
Sundav train arrive al rarlinmlale bom v,ii
m.nt and llontmhlc at 12.17 ami 7.J. PJ"
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
Feit. 17, icoi. .
Train leav Caibondale lor Sernulon at i." "
til.! I.O0 p. m.
Kuiiday train at 7.0O a. m. s 0.00 p. " ., ,
Trains IciUc Carbondjle (or lmlnto nortli at
11,10 a. 111. On fcmiilay at IUU a. in.- IriUnl
leaving at 11.10 a. m. week day. und.iUO t. l".
hundayi make loimcitloin (or New ork, Loin
v.ll, etc. . ,.
Trains airhe fiom Scuiiten al 11.10 a. 111.: U0
I. 111.: fiom point norlli, 4.00 p. I". Siindaj
from Scranlon al H. 10 a. in. and 7.V !' "'
1mm Cadoil.i al (i.Oti p. in.
Erie Rnilrond.
..June 2.1. 1001.
Trains It'aVe tllv tJtlnn. Caruondale. da .y
rxcept Piliidav) at 7.011 a. In. and 1.S3 p. m. Ir
r.iamlt and Ninetrli; nt .:! a. in., dally (ex.
upline i-und.n), Inr llliiKliainlmi. nutans ""
mellfin lor Vew Will; ilt.v ami lliillalii. and at
. 10 p. in. tor .Sii.tytielianiu, nuMns; coiincclloia
ler wedrtn point.
Sunday train at 'J.l'i 11. in. tor Hinniicluniia.
Slli wolorn connection, and U.'-'" p. m., witli
Mini- loi.nrclion.
Tialns arrive .it .e.3:i a. in. ami ... Ij p. in.
$mui.ij at S.K a. in.
grand Amu nm
Double Installation of Officers of
William H. Davios Post, No. 187,
G. A. H., and Woman's Belief
Corps, 134, Publicly Conducted in
Odd Fellows' Hall, Make an
Eventful Night Commander Mc
Comb in Charge.
The public Installation of olllcers of
Wlltlnin H. Davles post. Xo. 1S7. Craud
Army of the llcpublio, anil of AVoiiian's
Relief corps, No. 1C1, made last night
an eventful one hi tlu- History of ihepo
oiKanlzatlons of Clruiul Army nii'ti and
their wives nnd (liuislitei-f.
The exerclHos, which wore tilled with
a martial ami patriotic spirit, took
place In Odd Follows hull, on Salem
avenue, and wero. prehaps, the;
Inspiring and eulfylnu; in the history of
cither organization.
The hall was thronged, with uni
formed veterans, who bore arms In
the war for the union, and with Che
old soldiers' friends, who t-elzed the
opportunity to witncsK such impressive
and instructive ceremonies.
A. 13. Stevens, commander of Kara
Griffin post, Grand Army of the Jte-
publlc, of Scrantou, and senior vice
commander of department of Pennsyl
vania, was the installiiiK ofllcer, exem
plifying the ritual In a most worthy
and becoming manner. Ho had an
able assistant In Samuel II. Sh'vens,
also of Grlllln post, who, as olllcer of
the duy, displayed a military bearing
and carriage that was most creditable.
Ills precision and grace In obeying the
commands of the Installing officer were
it revelation to the old soldiers.
Commander John McComb, who suc
ceeded himself in odlce, was In chnrge
of the exercises. He showed a dashing
spirit and a soldierly bearing that wcim
most becoming to the dignity of the
honors which the post heaped on him.
The relief corps olllcers were seated
by Sirs. Adeline Gstabrook, of the
corps, who likewise discharged her du
ties most creditauly.
When the exercises were over. Com
mander McComb took on new graces
as presiding ofllcer, and was especially
happy In his sallies and In diffusing
sunshine through the gathering. Re
freshments, provided by the ladles,
were partaken of, while songs and
jests were keenly enjoyed.
Among the visitor was a big delega
tion from Kzra Grlllln post, Grand
Army of the Heptihllc, of .Scranton.
The olllcers, who were seated, ainld
beautifully impressive ceremonies were
tio following; Commander, John Jlc
Comb; senior vice conminnder, Milo
Felts: junior vice commander, D. Al.
Van Sickle; quartermaster, A, W. Da
ley; surgeon, Dr. J. C. Harding; chap
lain, John Jennings; ofllcer of the day,
Christopher Shultz; odleor of the
guard, George Hctlden; adjutant, W.
. Chase, sergeant major, John Uran
dow; quartermaster sergeant, Jacob
Idle; delegates to department encamp
ment, George K. Kimball, William
Anderson; alternates, W. I-. Ynrrlug
ton, A. W. Daley.
The Itellef corps olllcers were; Presi
dent, Mrs. Jennie Heers; selor vice
president. Airs. Maggie Campbell; Jun
ior vice president, Jllss Jennie Sloan;
chaplain, Airs. Jane Dllts; conductor,
'Airs. Florence Bate; assistant conduc
tor, Airs. Clara Carlton; guard, Airs.
' Amanda Scull; assistant guard, Airs.
JCttzaWcth Jennings; color bearers, Airs.
tlunnM'Murjiil, Mi-B. Carrlo Walters,
, . .Qao'j pooJ Will Do Wonders.
;A-,ttist was madettto Beo how much a
thin person could gnlu by using Orape
Nuts Breakfast Food. A lady In AVnr
ryi, O., says; "Sorno months" ngb 1 was
so thin and poorly nourished 1 thought
I would see what effect Grape-Nuts
would have 011 me, ho'I began taking
tho food regularly for breakfast and be greatly linprovo at once.
I 'kept track of niy weight and found
I gained nearly ten pounds In about
sJwepks, .'Hid I have noyer felt belter
In my life. Huvq no more sour stomach,
find you muy depend I think the food
-ft gYeat success,
1 Aly son noticed ho could memorise
liioio readily slneo" 'lie: began using
Urape-Is'iitu. rieaso. don't publish my
imiftft.'!' XNilAne .eflj) ,be' gven by Pos
Turn "Co., Battle Oceek, Allrh.)
TI10 system will build out the body
to its natural size nnd weight it the
"Rtolrjuch can digest the fopd properly,
So when QruporNUtH food Is taken, be
lngreally ino-dlgested, It, quickly goes
Into, the, blood and makes, not only tis
sue Suid muscle, but P4Vtl(!ulatjy,nour
Jvhes and builds (he JinUn. and nerve
centers. This cornea fi'on'i'the delicate
particles of phosphate. qfci'objBh .which
Is from certain partd ofthri lield 'grains
nnd Incorporated In the; food. , Its ubo
will prove ihdtrlith of the statement.
Mrs. Sarah
Finns for a Splendid Building at
Sixth Avenuo and River Street.
Other Important Real Estate Deals
nnd Contemplated Improvements.
Several Important real estate deals
were consummated In tills city the past
few days.
The trlaiiRiilar plot of ground facing'
Illver street on Sixth, avenue has been
purchased from llryee It. Ulnlr by Airs.
John Gnughan. The purclmse price
was JS.t'OO.
The new owner contemplates the
erection of a three or four story build
ing, In the spring. Architects are at
present at work making the plans for
the structure, and they will be com
pleted and In Airs. Gauuban's bunds
by the latter part of this month. She
has not as yet decided whether to use
stone or brick, but In either case the
building will bo u Splendid architect
ural addition to the city.
It will be of the latest Improved
style and equipped with all up to dale
facilities. Airs. Gatighan does not at
this time give out what the building
will be used for, but It Is probable It
will be 11 villa. The building will set
close to the river, fronting on tttver
street, toward the Seventh avenue sta
tion of the Delaware and Hudson com
pany. The lot has been abandoned for
a number of years, it Is a continua
tion or the plot of ground on which
the Kennedy brothers erected a block
within Hie imst two years.
Other Deals.
Another deal which has cittlsed much
Interest was 1 lie transfer of the Alof
lltt house and lot on Alain street to
James Cotlglilln, the merchant. The
consideration was' $7,000, which is gen
erally believed to be a good ligure. The
property adjoins Air. Coughlln's store,
and when combined with his former
possession will give him one ol the
linest pieces or real estate In the city.
Another Important business deal was
made this week when Airs. I.. II. Sny
der disposed of the stock and good will
of the Snyder estate livery on North
Alain street, to George Wedeman, of
Jermyn. The new proprietor has al
ready taken possession and will make
several Important, improvements.
Proprietor Samuel Williams has be
come Illicit with the spirit of progress,
and on Alareh 1 will have several
changes made in the American hotel.
Tim Lackawanna Valley and Klcclric
and Power Supply company, whoso
ulllces ot cupy the room on the northern
side of the ground lloor, will vacate.
Then the bar will be removed from the
rear of the ofllce to this room. The
present bar room will then be used as
an additional 100111. Among other
changes will be n livery In the rear ot
the hotel. It will be conducted by
Garlleld William beginning April 1.
Martin Jordan, Who Was Shot by
Patrick McNulty, Gives Hospital
Start a Good Deal of Worry Other
Hospital Cases.
Alartin Jordan, the man whom Pal
rick AlcNulty shot on Sunday, Dec.
!!0, while the former was bombarding
the house ot the latter during tho
early morning hours, Is causing the
hospital staff a good deal of worry and
The leg, which was tilled with bird
shot. Is fearfully swollen and wherever
one f the shot lodged there Is pus.
The shots were rusty and unclean, and
this, coupled with Jordan's lowered
vitality, due to bis dissipation, led to
the symptoms of septic poisoning that
have manifested themselves. Ills tem
perature is dangerously high nnd the
fever shows no signs of abating. I-ast
night It was given out at tho hospital
that there were no signs ot improve
ment and that danger was appre
hended. Willie AloIUtt, the 7-year-old son of
Sanitary Policeman P. F. Alollltt, who
was operated on for appendicitis a
few days ago. has passed the crisis
and Is Improving each day. This will
bo good news to the friends of the
family and the Intercstliiir child.
IllciiiS Ilodorlskl, of Forest City, who
was Injured In one of the mines there
on Tuesday, a fall of rock crushing his
hand, was received at Emergency hos
pital yesterday. It Is feared that one
linger, beside the thumb already gone,
will have to ho amputated.
The Mock Trial.
Last night In St. Rose hall Clarence
AlcIIale, In a mock trial, was tried on
two charges; Placing dynamite on tho
trucks of the Scranton Hallway com
pany, causing a car to be thrown off
the track; also of inciting a riot when
ho was arrested by the police. At 1U."
court was ,ca)led to order. Very Itev,
T. F. Coffey, V. G sitting In the
judge's chair, ho having been dele
gated to hear Hie case. Attorney John
V, Deluney opened for tho prosecutor,
after tho following had been sworn hi
as Jurors: .1. W. Toolau, Edward
Golden, Joseph " Connerton, Edward
ilnrte, Frank Nolan, Patrick Carey,
Frank Sullivan, Frank Klllen, Ed
ward Connerton, W. Keating, Thom
as Toolan, und Fred Henry. Several
witnesses for the prosecution wero ex
amined and swore they had seen the
prisoner" place tho caps on tho tracks.
Shortly after 10 o'clock the evidence
was all in and the case given to the
jury. Attorney John Deluney was as
sisted by Attorney Timothy Gllhool,
The prisoners' attorneys wero Frank
KilpatrlcH and Martin Kennedy. The
accused was found guilty.
Their Annual Installation,
The C. W; B. L, held their annual in
stnllatlon of officers last evening In St.
Rose hull. The members wero mostly
nil present and after tho Installation
had a pleasant lime,
AIlss Alarguret Mullady. of Wilkes
Bane, deputy supremo chancellor,
conducted tho Installation. The fol
lowing were tho olllcers: President,
Airs. L, Boylap; vlee-pr.Vldent, Allsa
Elizabeth Hurte; chancellor, Mrs. Sny
der; secretary; AIlss Bridget riethlns;
treasurer, Airs, Kutle Norton; collec
tor, Airs. M. Hrennan; prutor, Miss
Hannah Diiud; guard, AIlss Annie
Walker; inarshull, Miss Joyce; trus
teen, Airs, fterrlty, Airs. Kllputrick und
Airs .Ilinte, The chnneellor, Airs.
Snyder, was presented with u Hilver tea
set by thu uoclety, alio being the out
going preslde'iit. Mies Joyce made the
A.Ij. Iluslng, Almn, W. Va writes:
"I suffered frlghtmily for 20 years
from Itching, blind and bleeding piles.
I tried many remedies without relief;
the llrst application of Pyramid Pile
Cure gave blessed relief and part ot a
CO-cent box cured tne completely." For
sale by all druggists. Little book,
"Piles, Causes and Cure," mailed free.
Pyramid Drug Co., Alarshall, Allcli.
.presentation speech and the recipient
gave her thanks to the donors, ite
freshnients wero then served and a so
cial session was In order until a sea
sonable hour.
Opening: of the People's Lectures on
Friday, Jan.' 17.
The announcement made In The
Tribune several days ago, that the peo
ple's lecture course, which was a sig
nal success last season, would bo re
peated this year, under the sumo aus
pices, the trustees of the Berean Bap
tist church, Was received with eager
Interest, particularly among those who
shared in the enjoyment and benellts
of the earlier course. Already the llrst
lecture Is being anticipated, and many,
besides the natrons of the first course,
are looking forward to this number.
It will bo given on Friday evening,
Jan. 17, when Iter. E. A. Boyl. pastor
of the Plymouth Congregational church
of West Scranlon, a young man, but a
gifted speaker, whose iltuess to address
an audience on his chosen subject will
be readily attested by those who wero
privileged to hear him last season.
Harvesting Ice Crops.
The ponds hereabouts are being
cleared of their annual Ice crops. At
Poyntello a gang of cutters have been
at work with plows for a couple ot
weeks cutting tho big cakes, until the
big houses are almost llllcd.
The mammoth houses of the Lake
T-odore Improvement company at
Keene's lake are almost filled
with the big chunks of frozen liquid
which will be a welcome visitor In
many a home In this section In the
sweltering days of the comlnsr sum
mer. This Is the Ice that will supply
the wants of Carbondalinns next sum
mer, and It will Interest the residents
ot this city that this year's yield is
the best that has conic from these crys
tal lakes:
The McAuliffe Company.
The J ere AtcAuliffe company at
Grand last night in four acts
Shamus O'Brien delighted a large
house. This has been said to be one
of the best in Air. AIcAullffe's reper
toire and It came up to expectations.
The audience was very appreciative.
The play dealt with the lives of Irish
patriots who battled against oppres
sion for freedom. Air. McAuliffe In the
leading role was very clever as well as
the rest ot the characters.
This afternoon "A Young Wife,"
Alonday night's success, will be repeat
ed and tonight "Slaves of Russia."
Innes Band Souvenirs.
The Tribune Is Indebted to AInnnger
Byrne, of the Grand, for nn acceptable
souvenir of the coming of limes' fam
ous band, which Is booked for an early
appearance In this city.
The souvenir is a "petite calendar
and stamp case." It is what would bo
called cute. It is a miniature leather
book, about an Inch square, with sil
ver bound corners, with the days of
the year printed on linen paper, tho
principal feasts and holidays being In
dicated after the dates. A wee bit ot
a halt tone cut ot Innes, tho leader,
forms the frontispiece.
At the IClmball Home.
At the handsome home of Air. and
Airs. George S. Kimball on Spring
street, last evening a party was given
In honor of Allss Aline Gloss, ot Ban
gor, AIo and her niece, AIlss Harriet
Humphrey, of Saleniagmull. The for
ty young people who enjoyed tho hos
pitality of Air, and Airs. Kimball en
joyed themselves with tho two guests
until a lato hour. Games were Indulg
ed In during the course of the evening.
Itcfreshtnents wore served.
Installed Officers in Jermyn.
Henry Chapman, of this city, who 1
1 no most conspicuous memiier here
abouts In the Ancient Order Knights of
tho Alystlc Chain, us district deputy
supreme commander, Installed the offi
cers of Jermyn castle of this order, at
Its recent meeting.
Meetings of Tonight.
Cieiirgtt I'J, Itandolph camp, Sous of
Brunch 39, 0. Al. H. A.
Carbondale canton, Patriarch's AII1I
tant. Gone to Normal School,
Grennry Hlgglns, of the South Side,
left yesterday for the Bloomsburg Stuto
Normal school, where ho will follow a
course of study.
G. Al. Weaver, or Stroudsburg, Is In
the city.
J, T. Ward, of Olyphunt, was In (Car
bondale yesterday.
Alderman Atklnbop was n visitor to
Scranton .yesterday.
William C, Alooney, of Scranton, was
at the Harrison houso yesterday,
AIlss Nellie Gallnijhy has returned
from u pleasant visit In Albany, N. Y,
Air. and Airs, fleargn B.nrdlck have
returned to their homes In Oneonta,
N. Y.
Henry 'A. Russell, tho llonesdalo
banker, was at the American house
Airs. Renu Nichols and Airs. Edward
Boucher, of this city, are visiting in
Jacob llahu ami Henry Theobald, ot
Honesdale, who were employed In tho
ZlTSrfdth 1
National Elevator works In that bor
ough, liave taken up their residence In
At. Stucknrd, Mrs, Btncltard and their
daughter, ot Alba, Pa., ale visiting In
Allfls Jennie Mutter left lust evening
over the Erie for Chicago, where she
will visit relatives.
P. O'Alnlley.cnuliler of the Merchants'
and AtcehnnlcR' bank of Scranton, was
a Carbomlalo visitor yesterday,
William E. Ash, of I.ehlglitoti, owner
of several fast horses, among them
"Silver Mclle," winner of several prizes,
has returned home after a visit of bos'
cral days In this city.
The ladles of the Methodist Episco
pal church will organize 11 girls' sew
ing class In the Sunday school room
on Tuesday afternoon from 'A until fi
o'clock. All those wishing to Join tiro
requested to meet on that afternoon.
A special meeting of local 1025, Uni
ted Mlno Workers of America, was
held yesterday afternoon. The dllll
culty at the Delaware and Hudson col
liery was discussed, but wo are In
formed no action was taken by the men
toward bringing about a settlement of
the dllllctilty, A regular meeting ot
the local will be held tomorrow even
ing. Born To Air. und Airs. George Wood
worth, ot Third street, Tuesday, a son.
AIlss Josephine Davis, of the Pow
der Alllls, entertained bur Sunday
school class at her home on Alonday
Evening. Tho evening was most 011
joyably spent and the guests thorough
ly enjoyed themselves. Those present
were; Allsses George Stevenson, Ellis
Fowler, George Woodwortb, George
Marconi, Edward Giles, William Wood
worth, William Grcenslade and Wln
lleld Stone.
Over four hundred people attended
the Sacred Heart church fair Tuesday
evening. The Young Men's Institute
of Green Ridge arrived hero on the
S.28 Delaware and Hudson train and
marched to the fair in a body. All
evening their was a rush at the ticket
window and (he sum realized sur
passed thntof new year's evening. The
programme was furnished by the mem
bers of the Y. Al. I. of Green Ridge
and It was thoroughly enjoyed.
A child of Afr. and Airs. Dennis AIc
Govern, ot South Alain street, is ill
'with croup.
AIlss Alice Kenwood, of Second
street left Alonday to resume her stud
ies ot the Stroudsburg normal school.
Benjamin Layman Is able to bo about
again after a week's illness.
One of the Scranton Traction com
' nanv's street cars was struck by On
tario and Western engine No. 1H3, at
Alaylleld yard yesterday. The engine
was approaching the yard and was
about ten yards from the street car
tracks when tho conductor of the car
signalled the motorman to go ahead.
The engine knocked the car oft the
track and after a few hours the car
was replaced. No damage to any ex
tent was suffered.
Shapiro & Aronson have moved their
damaged stock from tho Sweeney
building to a store on the corner of
Delaware and Jones streets.
Rev. C. E. Rhodes, pastor 01 tne
Park Presbyterian church at Buffalo,
will be present nt the special services
in tho Presbyterian church on Dela
ware street this evening and deliver an
The fair, which has been in pro
gress since Christmas night, under the
auspices of this Excelsior Hose com
pany, closed last evening. The event
has been a financial success. The
proceeds will not about five hundred
dollars, which will be used to purchase
a larger hose carriage.
County Superintendent J. P. Taylor,
ot Scranton, visited the public schools
at this place yesterday.
This evening a phonograph enter
tainment will bo given in the Susque
hanna Street Baptist church. Tickets,
15 cents.
A large number from here attended
"Foxy Qulller" at the Lyceum theater
in Scranton last night.
A Women's Guild was organized in
St. George's mission yesterday. Tho
olllcers elected are: Airs. S. L. Simons,
president: Airs. J. A. Hull, secretary:
Airs. Frederick Alaunder, treasurer. The
guild will meet the second AVednesTlny
of every month.
Tho regular monthly meeting or the
school board will be held tomorrow
Airs. L. 11. Pecklns, of Buffalo, is the
guest of Air. and Airs. T. J. Parsons
In Blakcly.
Airs. Al. L. Speck, of Green Ittdge,
was the guest of Blnkely relatives yes
terday. AIlss Lizzie Evans, of West Plttston,
who has been visiting friends In town,
returned home yesterday.
The funeral services over the late
Talllo V. Jones will be held at the
Welsh Baptist church this afternoon at
J.U0 o'clock. Tho pastor, Rev. D. C.
Edwards, and Rev. Richard Rutland,
of Providence, will officiate. The fu
neral will move from his lato residence
at 2 o'clock shn'rp. Interment will bo
made In the Forest Home cemetery.
Airs. Alary Al. Keeney, district grand
mistress, of lodge No. 20, Old Forge,
and Airs. It. W. Taylor, ot Sterling
lodge, No. 34, Providence, made a fra
ternal visit to Pride of Lackawanna
lodge, No. IS, Aniorlcan Protestant
Ladles' association, of this town, on
Tuesday uvenlng.
The members of Taylor lodge, No,
COS, liidepedent Order of Odd Fellows,
and Invincible coniniandery, No. 'iVi,
Knights of Alalia, are requested to be
present at their respective halls to
day at 1 o'clock p. 111., sharp, to at
tend the obsequies of their beloved
brother, Tullle AV. Jones.
On Saturday, the employes of tho
Taylor, Pypo, Holden, Archbald, Sloan
and Continental mines, of thU bor
ough, will receive their semi monthly
The schools of this borough will closa
a half day today, to allow the teachers
and scholars to attend the obsequies
of the late School Director Tallle AY.
The fair of the St. Lawrence church,
Old Forge, will open op Jan. 11), mi
which date the contest for the chullce
between Rev. Fathers Cauuvau. of All
nooka, and Morrison, ot Avoca, will
Henry AVIIson, a young boy residing
on rtldgo street, who received an In
jury to his foot at the Pypo mine a
few weeks ago, was admitted to the
Afoses Taylor hospital for treatment oh
Lackawanna A'alley council, No, 81,
Junior Order United Anierleun Ale-
Tola signature In oa every box ot tho neuulnc
Laxative Broino-Qiiinine Tauctr.
remedy lliut 'iirt a fold lit one laj.
All Druiffftsts sell It
chanlcs, will meet this evening, when
olllcers for Jhe ensuing term will be
A sweepstake shooting match will be
held at the Falrvlew hotel on Jan. 15.
The Luxury of Modorn Hallway
Travel to Florida and the South.
The gratltutc ot tourists who appre
ciate the acme ot luxury In railway
travel Is duo In lto small measure to
tho Southern railway system. Their
lino of operation Is the great highway
that leads by Washington, D. C, to
und through the Southern states. Year
by year they have adopted every Im
provement that could add In any way
to the comfort of that army of visitors
who make their winter home in the
vast territory covered by Its network
of lines.
An example of tho superb trains
operated by the company Is the South
ern's "Palm Limited," which be
tween New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine, every day. except Sunday,
during the winter months. This mag
nlllleent truln will be inaugurated
Jan. 14, 102, leaving Philadelphia at
3.10 p. m., tho most luxurious in the
world, runs through solid from New
York to St. Augustine, excepting one
drawing-room sleeping car, which Is
detached nt Elnckvllle, S. C, and runs
to Augusta, for the accomodation of
travelers to this popular resort, and
Aiken, S. C. The train Is composed of
Pullman composite, compartment cars,
drawing-room, sleeping ears, library,
observation and dining cars. Two
other fast daily limited trains are
operated, carrying through Pullman
drawing-room sleeping cars, New York
and Philadelphia to Savannah, Jack
sonville, Tampa, Charleston, Augusta,
Ashevllle, Chattanooga, Nashville, At
lanta, Birmingham, Alemphls, Now Or
leansv affording excellent service to
Florida, Alexleo and the Pacific coast.
Dining ear service on all through
trains. The popular route to Pine-
hurst, N. C, Pullman drawing-room
sleeping cars, Washington, Pinehurst,
Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.
New York to Thomasvllel, Ga,, Pull
man drawing-room sleeping cars every
Thursday, commencing January tlth.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passenger
agent Southern railway, S2S Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, will furnish all In
formation. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1901-1902.
Commencing November 30 and each
Tuesday, Thursdny and Saturday
thereafter, the Washington and South
western Limited, operated dally be
tween New York, Philadelphia and
New Orleans via the Pennsylvania
Rullroad and Southern Railway, leav
ing Philadelphia, Broad street station
at 6.C5 p. in., composed of dining, Pull
man drawing-room, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, in addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping car to connect with the
Sunset Limited operated between New
Orleans and San Francisco.
The celebrated trans-continental ser
vice offered by these luxurious trains
makes a trip to the Pacific coast not
only very quick, but most delightful.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent. Southern Railway, 32S
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to furnish nil Information.
Additional Passenger Train Service
via Southern Railway.
Effective Nov. 24, the Southern Rail
way will operate through train service
from AVaslilngton via Richmond, A'a.,
to Florida and points south.
The new1 train will be known as No.
29 and will leave AVaslilngton at 10.C0
a. m. over the AA'ashlngton Southern
Railway and arrive Jacksonville, Fla
at 9.15 a. m. This train curries first
class coaches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between AVaslilngton and
Jacksonville, also has dining car ser
vice. The above truln Is In addition
to the full complement of train scr
vieo of Southern Railway via Lynch
burg and Danville. ,
Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, Southern Railway, S28 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, will furnish all in
formation. 1 1
A Trip to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on tho local ticket agent of
the Lackawanna railroad and ho will
arrange every detail, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggago through to desti
nation; also will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive illternturo and any other in
formation desired on the mibject.
Through sleepers and day coaches to
Chicago, Only one change of cars to
Too Much to Spend in a Minute.
No nun In lunuri'M Kiuiai liclttr tlm vilif)
til j ilnllir, ami lion' I1.111I ji j 11) net u turt
in I lin Mtuuu iimMiis lino nml hint- i;i.y llui
guMi'ii etitMin paiiiv. In ulh-r It l nine duiIc.1,
tliun SeiLilur Uciiih, ol l.'Uli, .i tho Yuli.
liiV'ton Tiiiii'.. lie line the imcU'iis ot lilt m'ctt
fomine fiom (lie I'Jilli wlll u jiUli, uiul ul.
tli'iti'jlt he iciohcil iiunv lunl I.1101U himvjlf,
bU (lit-iiiU nay I line U luit 11 lilsm'i-luii M
or more ni'iu'imu nun Ut li. kiloiy men In tho
wuld (oday 1I1.111 SiMUtur Kcuim. Koine tena,
tori ueie dUcu.iliiK guilt fniltiiiM in the iloj;
loom Ijrliiie the m'xIoii inlJouriu'U, jii.1 the (Jit
that a nun ol wcdlh 1.4l lami-il $;3,
000,000 In us hU kluie ot (lie i!r of itvu!
In .1 ioiioiuliun.
"Wlut ttonlil joii ilo vtli $7",OrtO,ouo In c.i..h,
Kruuuf" 3l,ril .1 U'lluvy .ciulor, v. ho luuntf
lib (oitunv in the money that iv.i). fit liU mul
let. "Well," rcnlM Mr. Kmu, "Hut ii a llllU
Ion muoji niniuy tu tpcnil In u ltv minute'
Thoy Rnngo from Speedy Dlvorcos
and Great Feato of Travel to Un
precedented Financial Transactions
and Varied Forms of Prosperity.
I'roni the Nov.' York Sun,
The first year ot the twentieth cen
tury, A, V. W01, saw many now records
established In odd linos ot human ac
tivity, while It left 11 pathway strewn
with old records broken. To begin at
the beginning: On New A'ear's day
there were thirty deaths from Violent
causes In various parts of Kentucky.
This record set a new high slaughter
mark even In that state of feuds where
firearms and moonshine whiskey, freely
used on holidays, constitute a double
tnenaco to human life.
Kentucky, by the way, eclipsed nil
former records In another direction. On
January 29 a Kentucky firm sold to a
Chicago house S.fiOO barrels of whiskey,
which Is the largest single transaction
In good old red liquor over known. On
this whiskey the United States govern
ment received $300,000 In revenue tax;
tho total amount of cash Involved In
the deal was about $"".0,000; tho quan
tity or spirits was sutllclent to fill 3,
110,000 pint bottles; retailed at "1", cents
a pint the sum rcnllssed would be $2,
CSO.OOO. There seems to bo no trust
worthy way to estimate this total num
ber of jags contained In all this whis
key, or its fecundity In snakes.
The matrimonial mart usually has big
things to show In a year. All nuptial
speed records were smashed on Sun
day, August 10, at St. Joseph, Allcli. ,
Chicago's Orolna Oreen, when twenty-
seven couples from Chicago were deftly
spliced in one hour and three-quarters,
each couple thus having less than five
minutes to go through tho mill.
The minister who In 1f0l claliped tho
record with reference to the grand total
of marriages and funerals, connected
with a long minister's life, Is the Rev.
J. M. Hatighey. ot Allison City, a little
town thirty miles south of Pokln, III.
During bis career as a preacher, a
period of some forty years, he has mar
ried 1,357 couples and conducted 1.C0O
Turning to the divorce side of matri
mony a side peculiarly rich In speed
records one naturally would look to
Chicago, Oklahoma or the Dakotas for
winners. The Chicago speedy-divorce
calendar for tho year found its stellar
performance In tho case of Airs. f!.
Krueger. It took this lady u trifle less
than ten minutes to convince Judge
Dunne that she ought to be cut loose
from her husband, Henry AVIlllain
Krueger, a saloonkeeper of the Windy
At 9.30 a. 111., August 2S, she filed her
bill in the Circuit court charging that
Henry, whom she had wedded in the
preceding April, was 11 cruel spouse. At
9.40 a. 111., the decree bad been signed
by the judge, awarding freedom to the
bride and tnxing the recreant Henry
$l,iiOO alimony. The highest speed
achievement in former cases in any
part of the United States was twenty
minutes for the legal separation of a
San Francisco couple, In 1900.
Refeiing to feats in travel, 11 cer
tainly was a great year forjftbo au
tomobile. Even In those days of
chronic record-breaking such a per
formance as that of Henri Founder,
the French chauffeur, who drove a
heavy French racing machine a mile
in Si" 1-3 seconds on the Coney Island
boulevard. In November, was most
The long-distance record for horse
less vehicles was broken by Arthur J.
Eddy of Chicago, a former president
of the Automobile club of that city. In
sixty days, from August 1, to Septem
ber 30, he covered 2,900 miles, traveling
through Allchlgan, Indiana. Ohio,
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey,
Alassaobusotts and purt of Canada.
He averaged about 100 miles a day and
at times maintained a sliced 06 forty
miles nn hour.
AVonders Incident to travel were pro
claimed In other classes; for example,
the unchallenged record ot Charles
llellaniy, a Burlington railroad firemen,
who In eleven years of faithful ser
vice traveled G0CS40 miles and shov
elled 32,501 tons ot coal on tho way.
He never lost a trip or' received a
scratch through accident. Railroad
men say that It Is a case of physical
endurance never equalled.
An engine of the Great Northern
Railway lu England, which was built
In 1870, completed In August an aggre
gate of 4,000,000 miles, breaking the
English record in this respect.
The speediest long-distance delivery
of mall ever accomplished lu the world
was that of the consignment which left
Sydney. Australia, Oct. 15, for London,
England, by tho American route, A
distance of lj,2r, miles was covered in
thirty-one days, a saving of four days
over the Sue?. Canal route.
Around tho world In 0 days 13 hours
and 30 minutes Is the now globo-gtnl-Ing
record, which was completed Inst
July by Charles C. Fltr.inorrls. a Chi
cago high school boy. This beat the
best previous fast circuit of tho world
by several days,
The champion gormand of the year
was Elmer Pfolfer, an Areola, 111.,
youth with an elastic stomach a chap
that Carlylo probably would bavo
called u patent digester who 0110 hun
gry day In February devoured twenty
four fat ham sandwiches lu exactly
forty-eight minutes, thereby winning
11 wagor, with side bets of ?7.'i and cs
tabllshlng a record which undoubted
ly was it world beater.
Harry S. Uluek of Chicago and New
York, recently mado tho largest cup
science contribution to Undo Sam
known In the history of tho govern
ment. Ho sent to tho propero tllclals
$lS,0C0.0O, representing the duty on
jewels imported by his wife, which had
escaped the vlgllanco of the Inspectors.
U was u fruitful year In unprecedent
ed financial, commercial and Industrial
transactions, The largest shipment of
gqld which ever left New York In u
single day was sept to Euiope Nov. 19
on the steamship Kaiser AVIlhelm tier
Ocosse. The sum was $7,0S2,B83.I9. No
other ship lu the world's history has
over been so richly laden, Another
record Is noted In the statement that
at the opening of business on July 31
the United States treasury had In Its
possession the largest fund of gold held
by. uny nation lu the world and the
greatest ever owned by this govern
ment, the amount being $354,351,279.
Wall street hud u record-breaking
dny on Jan. 7, when for the first Unit)
Is the Best Tea
On the Market.
Government experts say
that it is PURE. Tea
experts say that it is
keepingexperts say that
Why use an inferior ar-
tide when the best' is.
Ceylon Tea
Sola only in 1,0ml rnckctn.
00c, 60c and 70c, Per found,
In the history of the Now York Stock
Exchange more than 2,000,000 shares
wero traded In on Its floor during tho
live hours of business.
The showing ot national banks In
the country at large was far In ex
cess of anything of tho kind ever bo
fore reported; the comptroller's state
ment In AVaslilngton In June nccounted
fur a total of 4,001 banks with total
resources of $5,00,794,67.
The largest single order ever given
for watches was received by an Anior
lcan manufacturer from a London
llrm, tho former agreeing to-'deliver
to his customer 2,000,000 timepieces
within twelve months.
A. L. Schael'fer, of Edgar county, 111.,
harvested tho largest crop of popcorn
ever gathered In the world. FromhlH
102 acres be had 1,800 bushels, a yield of
a little over seventeen bushels to the
acre. It cost hlin $17 an acre to -raise,
sort, shell and pay ground rent.
The winter wheat yield of Knnsasfor
1P01 was 00,045,514 bushels, valued at
$G0,479,5I0, and breaking the preceding
year's record by 13,450,070 bushels.
These two were the largest wheat crops
over grown by any state.
The llrst year of the new century, was
an all-around record breaker for the
farmers of the United States. The on.
tire year's surplus of the products ot
Held and farm sold abroad amounted tp
no less than $500,000,000. , i
Charles M. Schwab; president of the
United States Steel corporation. Is au
thority for the statement that steel hai?
supplanted cotton In Industrial klngV
ship; that. It exceeded the cotton lp
dustry In. 1000 by more than $100,000,000
and ror.1901 will exceed it by iiiore than
Reports of pig Iron manufacturers
covering production in October show
that the month was a record breaker,
the output reaching the great total of
1,100,000 tons. All previous tonnago
records were broken during December
at tho Carnegie steel mills In Home
stead, the total output for the month
being S25.S01 tons, exclusive of armor
and all other government plate. The
distribution of wages on Dec. 15, cover
ing three weeks, aggregated $500,000, tlio
biggest pay day ever known at this
Imagine, if you can, a live stock train
10 miles long numbering 2,397 cars
and containing ."51,785 head of cattle,
;I8,45G hogs and 22,231 sheep, and you
will have some Idea or the record
breaking dny for receipts at the Union
Slock Yards, Chicago, on AVednesdny,
July 24, 1901. It was tho biggest day
ever known In the history of this big
llvo stock mart.
Tho drought in the Middle and AVest
ern states caused this unprecedented
rush of stock to the market. The total
value of Hie day's receipts was over
$500,000. The cattle alone consolidated
In one mammoth animal would have
made a steer seven times as high as the
Masonic temple, or hi a sluglo llln
would have reached trom Chicago to
This herd weighed about 30,000,000
pounds on the hoof, and furnished beef
caters with about 20,000,000 poitndu of
meat. Tho value of cattle shipments
for that entire week wan estimated nt
over $1,000,000. Tho world's sheep ret
ortl was smashed at these yards on
Monday, Aug. 5, when 32,153 head wero
Taking a broader survey, all previous
records were broken In tho live stock
market of the west during the llrst
nlno months of 1901. Treasury depart
ment reports show that up to Oct. 1
5,23U,3."(! head of cattle had been han
dled ut tho llvo principal llvo stock
centres of the west, During tho sanui
period 13,113,009 hogs and r,331,355 sheep
wero received, milking an aggregate ol
23,'JSl.lKO food animals, or 1,741,209 mora
than the total for the same period 111
To conclude with a few records moro
strictly In the odd class: Two prlze
wlnnlng hogs wero produced. Down In
A'ladosta, Oa., a hog was killed whosn
gross weight was 1,260 pounds; his net
weight was 955. Each liam weighed lirj
pounds. This fat monster produced 510
pounds of lard, or nearly u tierce and a
half enough to last a small family
about four years. ISesldes tho lard,
there- was nearly n wagonluad of satis.'
agu from this one pig, to say uothlnu
of big dlshpaiis full of hogshead cheese,
liver pudding and other products,
Among other curious things, London
had a record-breaking fog on October
25, tho streets being rendered iinpass.
able during all that evening by tlxi
densest and blackest fog known foi
Park Policeman A. J. Stiles, or Chi
cago, says ho Is the champion stopper
of runaways, having during tho year
Increased bis total to 135.
Flnnlly, the entire postal revenue Ql
tho Putted States tu IS01 reached hleh
water mark, being In round numbeia
$Ul,f 00,000.
To Cure a Cold In One Dny
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to etiry. E. drove's Blgnntuw
is on each bos. 2v. '