The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 08, 1902, Image 1
' ' ' limine THE ONLYSCRANTON PAPER RECEiyjNGTIIECOiMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATESTNEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCKANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MO.KINJNG, JANUARY 8, 1902. TWO CENTS. V U CANAL CONTEST BEFORE CONGRESS first Notes of the Coming Battle Heard in Senate and House "Yestcrdau. STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE RIVAL ROUTES Debates Opened in the House in Xively Fashion by Mr. Hepburn. The Offer of the Panama Canal Company Is Considered An Al leged Plan to Secure Delay Ad vantages of the Nicaragua Route " Pointed Out. By Kxcliuit c Wire from The A?ociatcd lrci. AVashlngton, Jan. 7. The llrst notes of the contest between the Nicaragua and Panama routes for the Isthmian canal were heard in the senate today. Sir. Morgan offered and secured the adoption of a resolution which indi cated his purpose to have the commit tee on inter-oceanlc canals Inquire into to relations alleged to exist be tween the truns-contluental railroad companies of the tTnlted "States and Canada and the Panama Canal com pany. In explanation of the resolu tion, Mr. Morgan declared that the al leged relations wore a "wicked monop oly," which already had cost the peo ple of the Pacific coast millions of dollars. The relations involved the control by the Panama Canal company of the Panama Railroad company and the agreement existing between cer tain railroads of the United States and the Pacific Mail Steamship com pany. At the conclusion of business today, the senate paid a compliment to Sena tor Foraker, of Ohio, by adjourning until 2 o'clock tomorrow, in order that senators might attend the marriage of Miss Foraker, which Is to occur at noon tomorrow, without Interfering with their legislative duties. Debate in the House. The debate on the Nicaragua canal bill In the house was opened in lively fashion today by Mr. Hepburn, chair man of the interstate and foreign com merce committee, which reported the bill. For two hours he held the floor, replying to a volley of question con cerning the recent offer of the Panama Canal company to sell its property and franchises to the United States for $40,000,000. The Interest In the debate centered almost entirely in this new phase of the subject. r,Ir. Hepburn maintained that the alleged new offer of the Panama company was part of the plan of delay. All his utterances nlong that line were liberally ap plauded. He pointed out what he claimed was the suspicious circum stance that the Panama company held out for 3109,000,000 until it was decided before the holiday recess to consider the Nicaragua bill, and then suddenly dropped the price to $40,000,000. Mr. Hepburn pointed out the ndvant nges of the Nicaragua route for sailing vessels, on account of the better winds prevailing there, contending In this con nection that It was a mistake to sup pose that the sailing ship was destined to disappear from the ocean, Where the Panama route was located, sailing ships sometimes lay for five months in the doldrums. When Mr. Hepburn said he had hoped that the proposed water way would ho fice of charge to Ameri can ships, there was an outburst of ap plause on the Republican side. If that might be done, he said, it would give a great impetus to American shipping. At all events, he said, the Nicaragua route was 400 miles neuter the United states than Panama. In concluding, Mr. Hepburn said there nuglit ue some Interests In the United Flutes which believed they would be huiniPd by the rivalry of this canal, mil there were gentlemen of honest purpose who thousiht the time was not ripe for the building of a canal, or that an enterprise of such magni tude should not bo undertaken. They were, perhaps, terrified by the spectre of tenndal. The Time for Action. "Hut," ho concluded, "I insist that tlw American people huvo mudo their drcroo that tho luiiul shall bo built, and that now Is the time to build It," (Applause.) After Mr. Hepburn had concluded his set speech, he was besieged with ques tions. Asked us to the advisability of giving the president the authority to build on either route, Mr, Hepburn ugaln raised nn outburst of applause by declaring that ho looked upon any attempt to en tangle the United States in the Pun nma enterprise as an effort to defeat nny canal. Mr. Morris (Minn,) gave notice that nt the proper time ho would offer an amendment to authorize the president, if he could procure the property and rights of the Panama compuny for $40, 000,000, if concessions could bu procured from Colombia and If the Walker com mission bo recommended, to purchaso and proceed to complete the Panama canal, Messrs, Duvls (Florldu), Rich, unison (Alubama), Mann (Illinois) spoke In favor of the Nicaragua bill, mid Adams (Pennsylvania) thought the offer of the Panama company should recelvo careful consideration, If the cost of tho two routes were substan tially euuul, ho contended that tho Panama route was preferable Schley Resolution Introduced. AVashlngton, Jan. 7. Representative Ilqoker, of Mississippi, toduv Intro- ilui-ed a Joint resolution reciting that Commodore Schley was tha senior oill-. cer In command at the battle of Santl-lUie ago; thut lie was In absolute command at that bnttlu nnil Ih "entitled lo the credit due to such commanding olllcer for the glorious victory which resulted In the totnl destruction of the Spanish ships." The resolution provides for the thutiks of congress to Admiral Schley and the olllcers and men under his command, NEGRO ESCAPES LYNCHING. Runs Away from a Crowd That Had a Rope on His Neck, lly Kudiiibe Wire from The AsmicI tied Pros'?. Tampa, Fla Jan. 7. John Miller, a negro, covered with blood and bruises, walked into police headquarters today and stated an attempt to lynch him had been made at Port Tampa City, eight miles below here, last night. Several houses were burned there, and Miller says a crowd of white men, many of whom he knew, placed a rope around his neck and look hlin out into the woods, where they tried to hung him. He managed to escape, and to day was locked up for safe keeping. DISASTER AT IRON MINES From Thirteen to Seventeen Miners Thought to Have Been Lost. By Inclusive Wire fiom The Aosociated Picw. Negaunee, Mich., Jan. 7. From thir teen to seventeen miners are thought to have lost their lives, as the result of a cove-In at the bottom of the old shaft at the Negaunee mine today. The names of the dead, so far as known, are: William AVIlliams, John Sullivan, John Pascoe, John Pearce, Jacob Ilun lall.i. The hitter's body lias been recovered. Dominic Basso, an Italian, was res cued alive. His story Is as follows: "Wo were sitting around the pump nt. the bottom of the shaft when, with out any warning, thousands of tons of ore came down. I remembered no more until I heard the sound of picks and shovels In tho hands of rescueis, and their shouts. When they found me, I was in a drift seventy-flvo feet from the place where I had been sitting." Hundreds of men are at the mine, eager to help In the work of rescue, but It is thought the other bodies cannot be found within twenty-four hours. The Negaunee mine Is considered one of the most unlucky properties in the Lake Superior district. Much trouble has resulted in sinking nnd drifting from surplus water and quicksands. It was at this mine that $1,000,000 was recently expended to sink a shaft to the ledge. From the condition of the shaft It would seem that the men are sur rounded by a large mass of dirt and broken timber. The lower portion of the shaft is so badly twisted that the cage will not operate within 100 feet of where the men are entombed. A res cuing party of about fifteen of the most skillful miners nt the mine was or ganized immediately. Thirty men were working on the level during tho morning but the ma jority of them went to the surface to eat their dinners, those later caught under the debris having taken their lunch with them. A dull roar, and a sound of crashing timbers gave to the men on the sur face the first Indication of the disaster being enacted nearly live hundred feet under ground, A rush was made for the shaft and when all had quieted down, volunteers under the lead of Captain James Piper descended In the cage In an attempt to rescue the men. It was found, however, that the shaft was badly damaged, it being Impos sible to get within eighty feet of tho level In which the men weie burled. Cries for help were heard nt tho lowest point reached nnd the removal of tho timbers which blocked the way found a man who shortly before the cave-In had started for the surface, Ho was uninjured but was drenched to the skin and suffering greatly with cold. The man could throw no light on the fate of his associates, the ma jority of whom are thought to bo Ital ians and Philanders, If tho workmen are not rescued with in tho next ton or twelve hours nil hopn of getting them out nllvo will be abandoned. Tho ofllclals would not muko nny statement for publication as to the condition of tho men or the number of men underground. In fact they will not be able to tell until all the other workmen In that level report at tho office. It Is assumed that this will bo done tomorrow, ALASKA WIRELESS TELEGRAPH. Likelihood of Communication Be tween Nome City and Seattle, lly Hulusho Wire from The Associated Prm Chicago, Jjh. 7, Alaska ami Hie Pulled Slates toon may lie connected by wireless telegraphy, Seattle capitalists uie lu-Kotmiug with Chicago firms for equipment (or the proposed line, uiid the promote! bellcio Hut with (lie opening ol the niinmcr tcason Ihe line jl he In operation between Nome Citj anil beat tie, Valuable Bull Sold, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated 1'ieis. Chicago. Jan. 7. The Hcrcfoid bull "I'cifeo lion W.bUl," was told for $,(joo todjv at the Union dock juuli., Chicago. TliU la tho high, eit pilce cw paid in America for a lleic'onl and the highest price In recent lears tor a bull or cow of any breed. I'eitectlou was (lie cham pion Ileilford bull of the International l.lio (stock e;ipoIibm in December, llo headed the mi or uuj-six annuals taicl today by Thomas , . ' f'. :,Jh l stock Commission p1Uy, of Chicago. TOUR OF LIBERTY BELL. Splendid Ovations All Along tho Line Will RubIj Across North Cnrolina 'Today. By Kxtluslre Wire from Tho Associated I'rrai. Ashevllle, N. C Jan. 7. After n splendid demonstration at Hrlstol this morning the Liberty be.ll swiftly crossed Tennessee and was given a series of ovations such as It has rarely been accorded. At Bristol, which is In two states, the mayors headed an extensive reception committee and there was some fervid oratory and singing of patriotic songs by several hundred school children led by a quar tette. The early morning air was quite frosty but the crowd hung about the bell until the last moment and sent It on Its journey with hearty cheeis. Big crowds greeted the bell at John son City, Greenville, Morrlstown, New port and Mhrshnll. No stop was sched uled for Marshall, but the escorting party hud received such an urgent re quest from United States Senator Prltchard for a few minutes' stop that the change was made. Senator Prltch ard headed the big crowd in waiting and made a speech of thanks. Then began the run up the mountain lo Ashevllle, and as the train moved along the rugged batiks of the beau tiful French Broad river, there was a flutter of flags from every hill side cabin and a shout of greeting as the train swej)t past Hot Springs. There was a warm welcome at Ashevllle, the crowd at the station being huge and enthusiastic. The ovation to the bell continued during the day and evening. After a trolley ride to Sunset moun tain, the bell escort was this evening tendered a banquet at the Battery Park hotel, where a number of speeches were made. Tomorrow the bell will rush across North Carolina and into Georgia, spending the night at Savannah. M'KINLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION Proclamation Issued TJpon the Sub ject by Governor Stone A Fund Expected from Pennsylvania. fly Hxclusbc Wire fiom Tim Associated l'ies. Harrlsbursr, Pa., Jan. 7. Governor Stone tonight Issued the following proc lamation: Tu tho People of I'cnn.-i hunia : The gmcrnor of Ohio lia li.v pulilft pioclatna tion failed attention to the McKinley National Memorial av)claliou organized for tho pmposs of l.iishig a fund for the erection of ,i nittahlo momunenl at the crave ot William McKinley, and lias lccomincndcd that tiie people of Ohio ho ghen an opportunity to contribute, to this fund. The citizen-, of Pernio huuia who hae so richly pioflted h.i Ins life uoik owe a debt to William .McKinley, and the icspomc to the imitation of the McKinley National Memo rial association should bo prompt ami libeial. I, theicfore, heartily join with the cmrrnor ,tf Ohio in Misee.-tlng that Wednesday, .l.inuiry 2H, the fifty-ninth anniversary of the biitli of n ill ium McKinley be olwned by all the neliools of the state as "McKinley Paj" and that on the Sunday pieicding the 2')tli of .lanuiiy special mcinoual exercises be held in all our (huuh"i. I also .suggest that an oppoitunlty be then given in both schools and chinches to those who desire to aid this work. Kacli contributor is requested to give his name nnd postofflee address so that a suitable memorial receipt may be returned therefor by tho association. Contributions may be sent diiect to Mjron T. Henick, treasurer, Cleveland, O. ; or if sent to Thomas jiol.ui, Philadelphia, ur William Me Conway, Pittsburg, trustees of this association, they will be promptly forwarded. (Signed) William A. tonc, d'ocernor, BELMONT'S BATTLE WAGED IN VAIN Montague Lessler Elected to Con gress from the Seventh New York Bitter Factional Fight. By inclusive Wire from Tho Associated i'lcss. New York, Jun. 7. Montague Less ler, Kcpubllcan, was elected to con gress in tho Seventh district today, to succeeed NJcholns Muller, Democrat, resigned, lie beat Perry Belmont, the regular Democratic candidate, by 391 votes, tho county showing thesa fig ures: I-essler. 7,077; Belmont, 7,283. The rest of the vote wus: Ward, Seoul!, Democrat, 107: Llndluger, Independ ent Democrat, 135; Bennett, Greutcr Now York Democracy, 183. The Seventh congressional district Is inado up of Jllchmund borough (Stttten Island) anil thirty elertlon districts In the extreme lower end or this city. Thoro was a contest over the Demo cratic nomination between air. Bel mont and Joseph V, O'Grady, each of whom declared himself to be the regu larly chosen nominee. Justice Scott, of tho Supremo court, decided in fa vor ot Belmont, and tdndlnger, who had nnnounced himself as an Inde pendent Democratic candidate, there upon withdrew. Llndlnger withdrew too late to havo his name stricken from the official ballot. Tho canvas was a most bitter one, as regards tho Demo cratlo factious, Charges of tho tree uso of money were frequent, and lust night Superintendent of iileotlons Mc- Oullagh announced that he had dis covered n plan of wMiolesalo colonisa tion. During today, tho -McCullugh detectives made a score of arrests, Among them, thoso of ex-Alderman Joseph Welling und John Pye, u Demo erntie district captain, who were taken to court on u charge of having abet ted Illegal registration, Each was re leased in 2,000 bull until Thursduy. George II. Jolllffe, chairman of tho board of election inspectors, was also arrested on the charge that he had permitted four men to vote on tho names of two registered voters. His bull wus fixed at ?1,000, Westinghouse Capital Increased, By Hxclushe Who from The Associated Press. Pltuburg Jan. T. At a meeting of the block, holders of the WutlnghouM) Machine company held here today the capital slock was increased fioin Htf.OOO.OOU to $5,000,000. Tho lucllUMi v made to provide additional norkfng capital. , SCHOOL WORK OF THE YEAR Annual Report ot Superintendent Scliaelfer, ol Department o? Public Instruction. NO RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROPRIATIONS Iteport Compliments Treasurer Bar nett for Paying the School Appro priation for 1D01 Five Months Sooner Than Ever Before Appro priations That Will Benefit the Country Districts Eegnrdlng Compulsory Education Statistics of the Schools About the State. Uy Kclulci Wire fiom The Associated Press. Ilartisburg, Pa., Jan. 7. Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, superintendent of public In struction, In his annual report to Gov. Stone for the fiscal year ending June 3, 1901, refers to tho prompt payment of the school appropriation for the current fiscal year and calls attention to the fuct that the last legislature ap propriated over $12,000,000 for school purposes. Dr. Schaeffer makes no recommendations for legislation Inas much as '"there is no legislative session during this winter and confines the re port to a statement of what has been done to carry into effect the enact ments of the hist legislature. The re port compliments State Treasurer Bar nett for paying tho school appropria tion for l'JOl, live months sooner than ever It was before paid. Dr. Schaeffer states that the appro priation of 530,000 by the last legisla ture In aid of township high schools is a slep in the direction of giving the pupils In country districts school ad vantage equal lo those within reach of boys and girls in the cities and larger boroughs. Speaking of the difference In the amounts received by school districts In 1900 and 1901, Dr. Schaeffer says it must be ascribed to the triennial as sessment of 1900, on which the basis of distribution is made. Tho state Is increasing in population and the rate per taxable must decrease. In 1900 it was $1, but In 1901 It Is but $0,915 and unless the increase in a dis trict keeps pace with tho general in crease throughout the state the amount of its appropriation will be reduced. This, unfortunately, will fall hardest on the farming communities, as the larger Increase Is in cities and bor oughs. The appropriation for town ship high schools, however, will re move the inequality to some extent. Dr. Schaeffer thinks it would be wise to increase the high school appropria tion so that it could bo made applic able to all high schools regardless to location. Compulsory Education. Speaking of the compulsory educa tion act, Dr. Schaeffer says that It was the most Important relating to educa tion passed by the recent legislature. Then he adds: "It will require skill, tact and good judgment on the part of school offi cers to secure the best results from the law, Many difficulties will arise which will be hard to overcome in any case, but unless the directors them selves will endeavor to enforce the law In the proper spirit, It will be hard to command the willing co-operation of tho patrons, which is so essential In order to produce the best results." The following statistics are given In the report: No. of school districts in tho Male.. No. of schools No, ot graded Pcliools No, ot dupciintct dents No, of mile tcuchm No. of female tcichcr.s Whole number of tcacheis Atcragc length of tinu in months.. Whole number of pupils Aerago number of pupils in dally at t endinco , An'ragc salaries of male tcieheu per month S Aieiago salaries of female teachers per month u.sio "9,01(1 lo.or. in 0,1 04 sn,o :io,oit 8 "8 J.ldl.MI SI7.4I5 41 14 us 2.1 fust of fcliool lioii'cs pinchushur, building, lentlng, etc 4,!K,09,i 44 Teachers' wages U,:i."iJ,:i.ll 47 LW of tcliool test books ..,....,,, 7(V1,I)S7 10 Cost of wliool Hipplics, other than tet books, iniluding mapx, globes, etc 43.1,347 7(1 1'uul, contingencies, fees of collec tors and other expenses , 0,27.'),li8J S3 Total expenditures S.',8t3,3t'.'l It State appropriation for the school jcar inding Juno I, 1000 (1,000,000 00 la-timatcd aluc of school jiion city , 31,12,'3 S3 OUR SAILORS FIGHT RUSSIAN SOLDIERS A Serious Clash at Nieuchang, China, The Subject of Complaint to Mr, Conger. v 11 Kxilibhu Wiicfioin The Associated 're. Washington, Jan. 7. A serious clash has occurred between American sailors of the United States steamship Yicks burg and the Russian soldiery ut Nleuchung, China, There huvo been three fights and ns u result one RusT uiun soldier is reported wounded. The matter wus inado the subject of complaint by the Russian ambassador oi Pekln to TTnlted States Minister Conger and Mr, Conger In turn has informed the state department. Sec retary of the Navy Long has cabled Commander Herry, of the Ylcksburg, to use every effort to prevent further collisions. Tho Vlcltsburg' Is In winter quurters in a mud dock ut the mouth of tlte river and cannot be released be fore spring. BAGGED THE BRIBER. Tho Oleo Agent Who Attempted to Corrupt a Pood Commissioner Is Caught Greasy-Hnndcd. lly t:dushe Who from The Associated Press. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 7. A special to the News from Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "An attempt to bribe State Food Commissioner W, B. Snow of this city In order to prevent prosecutions for the sale of oleomargarine made by the Hammond Packing company, ot Ham mond, Ind ended In the sensational ar rest last night of Charles II. Thomp son, of Chicago, In Commissioner Snow's house. "Snow wus approached some time ago by an alleged representative of the Hammond company. AVIth the knowl edge of tho prosecuting attorney nnd Governor Bliss, a meeting was ar ranged last night. Snow, so it Is said, agreed to nccept as a bribe half a cent per pound for all the Hammond oleo margarine sold in Michigan and In re turn, was to see that there were no prosecutions of that company's agents In the state for violating the pure food laws. The Hammond man said their sales ran from 2.'j,000 to 00,000 pounds per month. Thompson went to Com missioner Snow's house by appoint ment Monday evening, handed him a check for $120. With It In his hand, Snow opened a door to another room as n signal to Sheriff Glenn Shipman, who stepped out. " 'Let me introduce Sheriff Shlpmun,' said Snow. "Thompson was Immediately arrest ed and spent the night in jail. This morning Food Commissioner Snow swore to a warrant charging Thomp son with offering a bribe. Thompson secured ball." ADMIRAL SCHLEY WILL APPEAL CASE The Decision of Majority of Court of Inquiry Will Be laid Before President Hoosevelt. By i:elinic Wire from The Associated Pics.. "Washington, Jan. 7. Messrs. Kay ner and Teague, counsel for Bear Ad miral Schley, came over from Balti more today alid wore closeted for sev eral hours with their client. Admiral Schley would not discuss tho matter, beyond stating that he had asked his counsel to come here that he might acquaint them with the result of his talk with President Hoosevelt, and agree upon the best method of bring ing the facts before the president. The following statement was given out by Admiral Schley's counsel at, the conclusion of the conference: "Admiral Schley has concluded, af ter mature and careful deliberation, to appeal from the majority decision of the court of inquiry to the president of the United Stales, as commander-in-chief of the army and navy. This action having been determined upon, nothing more can be divulged at this time, the' regulations of the navy be ing such that the nature of the pro posed appeal cannot be revealed, ex cept by tho president, after the formal documents have been filed with him." Mr. Bayner stated that it will take some time to prepare the appeal and that it will not be filed with tho presi dent until after the return of Admiral Schley from his visit to Savannah, about tho 20th Inst. POPULATION OF UNITED STATES Latest Report Issued from the Cen sus Bureau for the Year 1900. Total Population. Dy Uxcliusiie Wire from The Associated I'icsi. Washington, Jan. 7. The census bureau today Issued a report announc ing that the population of tho entire United States, Including all outlying possessions, was 84,233,009 in the cen sus year l'JOO. This Is Itemized as fol lows: Continental United States, or United States proper 73,994,573 (heretofore an nounced); Philippines 6,9G1,339, being the estimate of the statistician to the Philippine- commission; Porto Rico, 1)53,243; Hawaii, 134,001; Alaska, 63,592; Guam, 9,000; American Samoa, 6,100; persons In the military and naval ser vice of tho United States outside of the territory of the United States proper 91,219. The report announces that tho twelfth census only extended to Alaska and Hawaii outside of "Con tinental United States" but that tho llgures for the rest of tho United States domain are taken from the best avail able resources, STEEL CORPORATION EARNINGS By Kzcliulve Wire from Tho Associated Press. New Vnrk, Jan. 7, In tho nluo months ending December III, tho net cmilng of the United bt.ites htcel inrjioratlon weie $SI,570,2tiS, The quarteily iiuetlnir of the dhcitorate wu held hero tod.iy and besides noting tho usual diWdciul of 174 per cent, on pielerrcd und 1 per cent, on common ttu(k u frcneul nt.itemcnt of the Ihuimc:! of the lorpoiation wji made public, 'Ihe net earnings by month urn- us follow,,: April. s7,3W,7lt Muy, $9,(112,31'); .lime, iJ'i.K'l," 7l'l July, l,."fc0,13 1 1 AiiBiit, !r'),8I0,fcb0; Septem bcr, $,ST2,8!Si Oilobir, 13.Sl,77li Noumher, s,7W,8l1 i Dcit-mbcr (estimated), $7,7.50,UX), To tal. 1,J7l),2', ,U to the December earnings the statement made, this explanation! "Iluiiiii,' I lie close of lake iiJtitcalloii from Uu i ember to April, inilulu, the eauilii; of min im? and transportation luuinuiilra aio, of couhc, diiiifnbhed, . "The tlnklng fund on United Slato Med cor poration bondj und the. bond', of etibtdlai.v com panies icivrtiined H-W.iiW mid depieilation ic eerie and contingent funds ami Improvement l),(K17(M, The bum of U,4OO,0u0 was paid in liiterebt on bund for nine moid In and $I,OCU,607 was paid out jn dhidcmU,. The avail able fur surplus or new comtiuctlon amounted to $19,41 1. 4U7. ' Steamship Arrivals. By Kxclushs Wire, from The Atsoclutcd i'reu. Sew York, Jan. 7.-C'leaied: Zeeljud, Anl werp la bouthampton. Rotterdam Aniu'd; Stateudam, New York. l'Imoulh Sailed! I'euu sybanla (from Hamburg:), New York. THE COURT ENTERS FORBIDDEN CITY BECBUITS AB.E WRECKED. Three Men Injured by Railroad Ac cident in Chicago. By n.xcluslc Wire from The Aiocltcd Pre'. Chicago, Jan. 7. A Itock Island special train, bearing 300 recruits bound for the Philippines from Colum bus barracks, Ohio, was wrecked In the Twenty-second street ynrds today. Three men were Injured. They are: Henry Lewis, taken to a hospital; C. C Murnhy nnd Lawrence Hehaefer, who continued on their journey. The accident Is said to have been caused by the failure of n switch to work properly. A sleeper occupied by eight olllcers and the wife of one of them, was thrown to an adjacent track, but maintained its uptight posi tion. After several hours' delay, the train was remade and the journey continued. RECEPTION AT WHITE HOUSE President and Mrs. Roosevelt Give the First Formal Evening Levee. By Exclustic Wire frcm The Associated Picss. Washington, Jon. 7. President and Mrs. Roosevelt gave a reception at the White House tonight In honor of the diplomatic corps. It was the first fqr nial evening levee of the season and tho first at which President and Mrs. Roosevelt have been the host and hostess. A full representation of the diplomatic corps made the affair not ably brilliant. The floral decorations were hand some and elaborate. President and Mrs. Roosevelt received their guests In the blue room. Their entrance was announced by a fanfare ot trumpets of members of tho United States Engi neer band stationed in the long corri dor. Assisting the president nnd Mrs. Roosevelt were Mrs. Root, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hitchcock and Mrs. Wilson. The diplomatic corps accompanied by tho ladles of the legations assem bled in the red parlor and headed by Sir Julian Paunoefote, the dean of the corps, passed the receiving party the Introductions being made by Colonel Theodore Bingham. After them weie received the higher officials of the army and navy, the members of the Supreme court, many senators and representatives In congress and a large number of resident society folk of Washington. President Roosevelt gave every visitor a hearty hand clasp and a cordlnl welcome, while Mrs. Roosevelt, though refraining from grasping the hands of visitors gener ally, was charmingly gracious In her manner. She carried a large bunch of white and purple orchids. All the members of the diplomatic corps wore the full Insignia of their rank, which with the brilliant uniforms of tho army and navy and tho handsome toil ets of tho ladles', made the scene a memorable one. The hours of the re ception were from 9 to 11 o'clock. The music was furnished by the Marino band and tho United States Engineer baud. WRECK AT HAGERSTOWN. Engine Topples Over and Down a Thirty-foot Embankment. By Cxclivhc Wire fiom The Associated Press. Ilngerstown, Aid,, Jan. 7, A serious wreck occurred1 today on the Western Maryland cut-off lino ot Culberton, caused by a Reading freight train slde wlplng a Western Maryland train standing on a siding, Tho Reading en gine was upset down a thirty-foot em bankment and the ilreman seriously In jured. The engineer escaped with slight In juries. Conductor Robert Shober, of tho Reading train, was badly injured. Bolh engines nnd a number of cars were smashed. TWO KILLED BY A BLAST. Colorado Workmen Blown Up in tho Newhouse Tunnel. lly i:clusle Wne fiom Tho Associated Piivn. Idaho .Spiliifjs, Co,, Jun. ".--As u lesull of ,i picmatmc explosion, nf ponder bluoli in the Xewhousc tunnel tno men aie dead, another H fatally lujmed and tuu oIIiuh are In u tcriom condition. The dead me Kmcst Wheeler and John llckard ami the Injured ate A. ('. II, Lanes, fatally; Harry llalrd, ribs bmkvii, and oI.uU Phillips, hand enuhed. The men weie knuv.'ti ns tho ponder g.ius". They weie lnudiutr hides with powder iindei ill icclhm of baues, the fweiiuu, when in ,ome unkiwnn nny the exphnion a caiiuil. Ready to Disperse Lynchers, Uy i:cliulve Wire from The Associated Press. Jaikhon, Mi", Jan. 7. fioicmor l.nnirino has eidereil the C 1 1 su.iul of this illy to hold tlH'tlW'lU',1. Ill C,ldll!CS4 to v In OWoul. The klieiill there i appielniuiie that J moli to night Hill tiy In hnih Will Mithh. OiI.iihI.i I.esler, Will .fttdwon and Whit Oneie., m Jlil Iheie, Three of Ibiw men lecentl." luilc licii comlUcd of tho imndti of (he tno Moutgnuieid, Postal Frank for Mrs. MoKinlsy. lly i:clului Wlie fiom 'Hie Awulatcd 1'iesi, Wu-liliiuton, Jail, 7.-1 bill KiJl.tim; to Mrs, (Klnle.v tlw postal liaiikinir piiillegu lor all her iciiicpoiuleiieo was favotably lepoitcd today by Ihe home committd cu postolllut. ami pi,t, roads similar piiilleirc luie heretofoic been granted to )lr. Tjln, Ih. Untolii, Sir.-.. (Irani, Ml. IU)rs, .Mi. liailleld and Mu. Uigan, Fatal Head-on Collision, 11 ljxcliulie Wire from The Associated ITeii. Hoauoke, Va Jan, 7, A head-end collision on the Heuoiu uhUlou of the Norfolk and Western rallioad occurred at 7 o'clock this morning, in nhlili Hutch Smith, an eipre.o messenger and buKWc nu.tcr of this city, and Flagman John Turner, of Dlucftcld, W. Ya., were, killed. Chinese Empress Dowarjcr, PriiiGG Glum and Others Are In the Procession. PERFECT ORDER - PREVAILS IN PEKIN The Members of the Imperial Court Return from Exile with a Flour ish of Trumpets and Plaunt of Yellow Umbrellas A Street Par ade Through Miles of Kneeling Soldiers Foreign Community Al lowed to Witness the Scene from the Top of the Chien Gate Yel low Jncketb Conferred TJpon Offi cials Who Assisted the Court in the Plight from Pekin. By i:dusle Wire from The Associated 1'tcs.s. Washington, Jan. 7. The following cablegram was received this afternoon nt the state department from Minister Congt-r at Pekln: "Court entered Imperial palace at '1 o'clock today. Perfect order prevails In the city." Pekln, Jan. 7. The imperial cortege, With the emperor and empress dowa ger, entered the Forbidden City this afternoon. It was the most brilliant scene Pekln ever witnessed. The pro cession consisted of a thousand gor geously attired noblemen, mounted upon glittering!" caparisoned horses. The emperor, the empress dowager, Prince Chun, the empress and several princes were borne In yellow chairs, their escort carrying hundreds of gay banners and silk umbrellas. The troops of General Yuan-Shl-Kal, governor of Pe Chi LI, preceded the emperor, The foreign community assembled on top of tho Chlen gale. The emperor and empress dowager entered the temple In the gate and burned incense. Tho empress upon em erging from the temple saw the for eigners peering down and bowed. A double low of soldiers, kneeling, lined the four-mile route. London, Jan. 7. It Is nnnounced In a special dispatch from Pekln that an imperial edict has been issued, con ferring yellow jackets on Yuan Shi Kal, viceroy of Chl-LI, and on Tseii Chun Ilsuan, governor of Shan-Si, who piotectcd the Chinese court's flight from Pekln. Both these olllelals are privileged to ride on horseback in the Forbidden City. CHILE-ARGENTINA AGREEMENT Latter Government to Sign the Pro tocol Today. By Kxcliniie Wiie from The Associated Trew. London, Jan. 7. The Exchange Tele graph company says a cable dispatch has been received by tin Impoitnnt South American financial house l;i tills city saying that the dlfllcultles between Chile and Argentina over the wording of the arbitration protocol have been settled, and thnt the Argentine gov ernment has promised to sign the pro tocol today. Huenos Ayres, Jan, 7, The govern ments of Argentina nnd Chile having come to an ngreoment on the vturdlng of tho clauses In the protocol referring to the policing of the Ultima Ksper nnzu, Argentina's rights in the matter being safeguarded, the representations of Argentina on tho wording of the clauses referred to are ended, All the questions in dispute now will be sub mitted to tho arbitration of the Brit ish commission, CRISIS AT PAN-AMERICAN. Chileans nnd Central Americans Can not Agree as to Arbitration, Dy Kxclmlte Wire from The Associated l'resv Mexico City, Jan, 7. Tho arbitration situation lias reached u crisis among the delegations of the Pan-American conference, Today the Central and South Americans opposed to tho Chile ans held frequent meetings to decldo cm the form of pioceduro under which they will Introduce the arbitration plan Into the conference, If they cannot llnd n form acceptable to other delegations, they will probably withdraw. The Chileans also suv 'that in whatever form the compulsory arbi tration plan Is reported to the confer ence, they will quit, NO ARMY LAW REVISION, Mr. Hull Disclaims Any Desire to Meddle with Present Statute, lly i:chnhe Wire from The, Associated I'rcos, Washington, Jau, 7, Iteprcwntatlvo Hull, chairman of tho house committee, on mllltai.v nlljlis, .ihl today tiiat there would be no uiomi in lliM sc.-!oit of louirie for a leyWon o'f the prcM'iit aiuiy organization or for any bioad gem tial lobulation altccllng the army. "J faior letting tho present Ian" demonstrate, its moluliicM before tinkering with It," added Mr. Hull. f. WEATHER FORECAST, -f- Washing ton, Jan. 7. I'orecoit for Wed- 4- ncsday and Thursdays Kostcru IVim-ol- 4- -4- vanla, cloudy Wednesday: Thursday, fair; -f -4- light easterly winds. 4- iTt TTt.t4-iiJ-i.tttt .