The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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7, 1902.
Fpfclil lo (hi Sainton Tribune.
Montrose, Jan. 6. The Itejulbllcnn
county committee of SuBquelmiiim
county, mirmiiiiit to the cull of County
rimlrmnn It. 11. Little, mot tit the court
house today. The meeting wits cnlled
to order ut 1 o'clock lv Chairman
Little. Secretary Ocoiro C. HutiiH, or
Montrose, citllert the roll ntiil slxty
elhl coiiiititttecnieu uimwered present.
This is constdeied n very law itttend
iiiiec, In view of the timidity evinced
by some people uh to vIrIUiift Montrose
at tio present time. Proxlen wero
called for and a number were pre-.
snnted, the roll-onll beliiB corrected ac
cordingly. The question of lining the vncimclen
In the committee from Great Hend bor
ough, Great ilend township, Hallstead
borough and Frlondsvllle. (trowing out
of the contests In thohe dlstrlctH ut the
last county convention, was taken up
and led to a discussion, In which the
principal itrgumentM were made by H.
S. Wright and 15. 11. W. Benrlf. the lat
ter gentleman moving that the report
of the contest committee of the last
county .convention be adopted by the
county committee and that the com
mitteemen therein named us being duly
chosen, bo added to the loll. Mr.
Searle's motion prevailed by a vote of
fi!) to C.
On motion of V. M. Hardy, of Olen
wood, Ralph P.. Little, esq,, of Mont
lose, was re-elected county chairman
by acclamation. Chairman Little's elec
tion was greeted by tumultuous up-'
plauso, to which Mr. Little gracefully
responded with brief and appropriate
remarks, in which he stated that while
he appreciated the honor conferred by
his re-fclectlon, the duties carried with
It were such as to seriously conlllct
with business affairs and he hud hoped
that the mantle might full upon other
shoulders, yet from u sense of grati
tude to the party and a sense of duty,
ho would accept the position for one
more year.
George C. Hums was unanimously
re-elected s-ecretury, but declined on
the ground that It was impossible for
him to spare the time necessary to the
proper performance of the duties of
secretary. Air. Burns, declination was
reluctantly accepted, and John J. Blr
ney, of Montrose, was thereupon unani
mously chosen as Mr. Burns' successor.
The executive committee, one mem
ber from each of the sseven districts of
the county, were chosen us follows:
First district, Hon. C. F. Wright; Sec
ond district, X. 11. Jones: Third dis
trict, C. J. Tiernoy; Fourth district,
T. C. Munzer; Fifth district, U. S.
Tlnsley; Sixth district, 13. J. Churchill;
Seventh district. Chairman It. B. Little.
On motion of Dr. C. E. Taylor, of
Forest City, it was unanimously ugieed
that two conventions be held, the first,
.it which candidates for congiessman,
htate senator and delegates to the state
convention will be chosen, to be held on
Thursday, March fi. the primaries for
which will bo held the previous Tuey
lay, March -t. The second convention,
it which the county ticket will bo
lominated, will be held on a date to be
iyed -by the executive committee.
Caucus notices for the spring; pil
rnurleb' were distributed to the com
mitteemen from the respective dis
tricts. On motion of 10. It. AV. Seaiie, the
committee save a rising and enthusi
astic vote of thanks to Chaiimnn Little
for ills splendid work for purty suc
cess. The committee adjourned, subject to
the call of the chairman.
Vice-President O. A. Gilbert, of the
First National bank, died at his home,
Maple and Church streets, last night
at about midnight, of varioloid. His
wife died last Thursday of smallpox.
Mr. Gilbert was one of the most promi
nent and well-known business men of
Montrose, and he will be long missed
and sincerely mourned. He is survived
by two little sons, and a half-sister.
The burial will take place tonight,
under the direction of the board of
health. No new cases of smallpox have
developed and the danger period lias
almost exphed. If present conditions
continue until the middle of this week.
It Is believed that the worst will bo
over. The bank and the rooms of lles
cuo Hook mid Ladder company, No. 1,
of which Mr. Gilbert was an active
member, are appropriately draped with
emblems of mourning, out of respect to
Mr. Gilbert's memory.
Colonel C. C. Pratt, of New Milfotd,
was a prominent visitor In town today.
FACTORYVILLE. to 'the Scianton Tiibune.
Factoryvllle, Jan. C rtev. J. N.
is wrestling with the grippe for
past few days.
Attorney and Mrs. Iluel U. Capwell
spent New Year's day In this place.
The remains of John Grant was
brought on hero from Parsons ,Sutur
iluy for interment. Mr. Grant was
well known here, and was a brother-in-law
of Nelson and A. J. Gllhnore
of thin town.
Mrs. K. L. Wutklns spent the holi
day week at the home of his parents
'it JcnnlngRVllle, Pa,
Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Hortou, of New
-ondon, Conn., who Imvo been spend -ng
it month hero with relatives, left
for their homo last Saturday,
Hov. lilkanah Hulley, of Keystone
acudemy. occupied the pulpit ut the
Methodist ISplseopul church lust Sun
day evening owing to Rev. Leo being
Indisposed. He delivered a vory inter
eating discourse.
This Is the week of prayer and it Is
being observed at both the churches.
Puulowna Robeknh lodge, No. 51$, I,
O, F. l, will meet lu regular session
this (Tuesday) evening, All meniberH
are especially requested to bo pivs
ent. Tho borough councils me considering
a proposition fioni tho Keys tone Lum
ber company to light tho town by elec
tricity. Dr. J, P, Coult bus opened u dentul
ofllce at 119 Wyoming uvehue, Scran
ton, " " " '
Sl'cbl to tl.e Scranton Tilbuiie, '
New Milford, Jap. . Clmiies Uenjj
mlii Is In Brooklyn this week, on ac
count or the .sickness and death of his
MIpu Kate Quiim Is visiting friends
In Nicholson.
A ton was bom to Mr, mid Mrs,
Frank Huntley, January 1.
Mvp. Kiln Chnpipan Is visiting friends
In Lesjershlro.
Mrs. P. Van Uuskirk and Mlfes Mmide
Trumbull attended a dinner party tit
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Stoddard,
In Franklin, last Tuesday.
The young ladles' quartette wna en
tertained nt tho homo of Mrs. M. O.
Urudley, lam Thursday evening.
Union services were conducted hi tho
nupllst church Sunday nnd last even
ing, and on Tuesday nnd Wednesday
In the Presbyterian church nnd Thurs
day and Friday evening's In the Metho
dist church.
The young people of New Milford en
Joyed it social hop at the opera house,
New Year's eve.
Twenty-two New .Milford young peo
ple went to Hopbottom Inst Wednes
day evening, where they enjoyed a
social dunce nt the Tennnnt house.
Mrs. J. M. VnllcH Is entertaining her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Heche, of Frank
lin. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crosier, of
Thompson, were guests of Mr. nnd Mr.
U. Van Uuskirk, Wcdnesdny.
Horace Seymour, son of Mr. und .Mrs.
Frank Seymour, of this place, was
Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a
Taffy came to my house and stole a
leg of beef.
Find two policemen.
married on Tuesday evening to Miss
Harriet Burkmau, of Blnghamtou. Mr.
and Mrs. Seymour will reside In Rlng
liamton. FOREST CITY.
Spuial lu the 'urautou Tribune.
Forest City, Jan. 0. The public
schools reopened today.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Anderson
went to Starlight today to attend the
funeral of a relative.
On Monday next the grand Jury will
receive tho report of the viewers on
the necessity of a bridge across the
Lackawanna at this place. The last
grand jury in Wayne county con
tinued the report of these viewers and
it is generally believed that tho same
result will be attained nt Montrose
Monday. The bridge Is a necessity.
The Presbyterian congregation held
Its annual meeting last evening.
Messrs. AV. H. Bates and A. L. Moyles
were re-elected trustees and the con
gregation f authorized the trustees lo
purchase 'ground and erect a parson
age. The Duughteis of Rebecca will bold
a supper ' In the Odd Fellows hull
on Thursday evening.
The Young People's society of Chris
tian Endeavor was reorganized in the
Presbyterian church Friday evening.
The Methodist and Baptist churches
are observing this as a week of pray
er. The time for holding the .borough
caucuses is now but u week or two
away yet with the exception of the
olllce of constable. There seems to be
a great dearth of candidates.
The retiring councllmen some time
ago publicly expressed themselves as
desiring to again return to private
life but the latest reports indicate that
they will seek renomlnattons. There
are as yet no other announced candi
dates for this olllce and the people who
would like to represent their fellow
citizens on the school boards are
equally bashful about making their in
tentions known. This unusual quiet
ness, If past years are a criterion, in
dicates a lively time later.
Most of the students who have been
home for the holidays returned to their
school duties the latter part of last
John Matey, a former well known
resident, spent part of last week with
his parents here. He Is now a pros
perous shoo deuler In Pittsburg,
L. 11. Lewis spent Sunday with rel
atives in ITnloudale.
iUl lu Hip hciautnn Tl ibimr.
Susquehanna. Jon, ti. Miss Gertrude
Resseguie, of this place, is visiting at
South Gibson.
Messrs, Will und Elinor DoWItt, of
Jackson, wore In town recontly,
Hlght of the elerkB employed lu the
Erie oilico have bpou moved to Mend
vllle, Out of the sixty-nine persons Unit
have upplled for llcenso to sell liquors
at the county courts It Is Huvprislng to
know that more tluin nne-thlrd uro
from Susquehanna,
11. C, ICstubrook, of Gibson, has been
visiting friends lu town the past week,
Although the small-pox Is all around
us our town has so far pscuped tho
dreaded disease. '
Joseph HendiickHon died lust Sunday
evening ut the homo of his daughter,
Mrs, L. Townsend,
Wallace Hurpes was lu rown recently
culling on his many friends.
Coasting seems to bo the order of the
day with our young pepple.
Llverymuu (leorgo Tiffany, of Peek
vllle, was lu town Saturday,
Prof, tl. W, 11. Tiffany, of Lebanon,
"yWtsX&.toi niuoOyJtat soxw cola la vnsJlsj,
N. J., visited IiIh slater, Mrs. H. I. Wch
cotti the pust week.
Hiirry Moredock nnd Miss Julia Ca
hill were secretly married by Father
Guy WiiHhMurn held the lucky ticket
on the horse sold by tickets recently.
1. A. Sweet, of Onk street, wns In alb
sou on business Tuesday.
Mrs. John Valentine Is sick at her
home on Jackson street. Mrs. Dutchy
Is eating for her.
Special in, t tic (Scnnton Tribune.
Honesdalc, Jan. C Services will be
held lu tho various churches of Hones
dale during the week lu observance of
the week of prayer.
Mrs. Henry T. DolmctRoh will glvo
an "at home" tp n largo number of
ladles, Thursday Jnnunry 0, from a
to C p. in, nt her home on Park street.
Doctor 12. Ti llrown has opened den
tal parlors In the old savings bank
Mrs. John Hurchcr, aged 62 years,
died nt 4 p. m. Sunday nt her homo on
North Main street. The funeral will
be held Tuesday afternoon nt Cochec
ton where Interment will bo mnde.
The deceased wns a sufferer of
Blights' disease which was the cause
of her death.
The new year will bring but one
change about the court house. Mr.
C. M. Betz will succeed Mr. " Relflcr
as county trensurcr. Doctor F. AV.
Powell will succeed himself as county
coroner, he having served by appoint
ment since the -death of Dr. C. H. Fos
ter. ,
A delightful song service was given
In the Presbyterian church Sunday
evening-. Tho choir sang all of the
music used at Christmas time, which
was exceedingly fine.
The next number In the Chiistlun
Endeavor entertainment course will be
a lneture by James Hedley. Subjet,
"Wisdom's Jeweled Ring,". It will be
held on Monday evening, Jan. IS .
AV. L. Pryor, of Scranton, district
passenger agent of the Delaware and
Hudson, was a Honesdule visitor to
Speiial to the Tiil-uuc.
Towunda, Jan. P. The theuter-goers
of this place and vicinity will be given
u rare tieat in the amusement line ut
Hale's Opera house next AA'ednesduy
evening, when Alden Benedict's "Fablo
Roniuni" will be presented by Charles
AV. Chase. The role of "Fablo" is tak
en by Walter Lawrence, while Miss
Murthu Beauford is one of the principal
characters. The scenery Is effective
and brilliant, especially of note being
the eruption of Mount Vesuvius und the
Bay of Naples. One of the special fea
tures will be the Parisian "La Dance
Stereoptleon" by Miss Ollle Cooke.
The auditors will begin their annual
duties next week.
During 1901 there were 140 criminal
cases disposed of or pending In .this
county, which number does not Include
the Ignored bills by the grand juries.
There were sixty-two divorces decreed,
and 114 applications for divorces; 337
marriage licenses were granted last
T, M. Stalford has been appointed an
aide do camp on the stuff of James B.
Coryell, commander In chief of the
state department of the Spanish Ameri
can War Veterans.
Blackleg bus caused the deuth of sev
eral cuttle lu Terry township, this
Llnwood Beltz, of llenickville, wns
accidentally shot through his leg1 while
Tho remains of Mrs. C. T. McKlnney
were brought here from AVllkes-Barro
yesteriluy for buriul. She formerly re
sided here,
Two recruits were sent from this sta
tion on Friday. One goes to Fort
Strong, Boston Harbor, und he other
was sent to Join the Inrantry ut Colum
bus Barracks.
The lU-year-old son of AV. 11. Osborn,
station agent at Athens, wits killed by
the Black Diamond express at ihut
place on Friday evening.
'I lie ( nt Mn. James llulllijun took,
plain Sunday afUim.Aii ul J n'iiu;, S;irn
ivtic held In the Mrtliwliat Kiibcopal,
Itev. II, A, llit'cni' UHclalnm. Intctiuint w
nude in the Marty rcinctcrv.
Tliu ww kllk mill .it Olil I'giuo liu rum opetjtlDim, 'lliu building tlut it ouu
ht h the ulil liitill hIk.uI liutlillni,'. 'Jht iiij.
ililnny iiKludrs'tn luoim, tfn u( ulikli iuv
in luu ami thv other j 'All I rton bo um'cI. TIiu
tlrt urllclci manulaclMinl wen.. llk m-ikllrs tor
tho nlotMiflltlcr. SieU'Ul of our i ItUvu Me In
Icioteil In tl.u iii-w wlfrprbi.'.
The Kimoilh Iimkiip hcM a lmiiitti uuetlng
lt Mcnlng, The follonmir oltkeu were oleilfd
fur llm nisiilng- trim: I'leihleiil, Wum AnJer.
n)( lce piralilcnti Vic II. . Ilrctfuei eoml
ie pr;IJiil, llr. I", Kclliij UiIhI Ut pini.
iNrnt, Ihuus It, ))i!l; liejunT, William Djiiih;
unrtUiy, Mluniu lliiwj.
MIh Cliarlotts tnu,i mul .lut'li KuU.U, both
itmlrnU j( Iliq i:at SUumULinir Xoiuial mhoul,
ui' )o(t to ii-timie llielr ftiall.M atti'i' kjifiidiii
the liullda) acutoii Willi llielr filrnd.
Puaiiu IHIb, v.ho lti been ruiitlui'il to 111
homv with an injurcil aukli, I oinalu( iin-.
TUii Ignatort ti on eVe'ry box o't tb' genom
Laxative BronioOulDineTwu
Wall Strtet RsTlew.
New Yoit;, Jnn. 0. The utock nnuket w
atvilkcncil into uninc thntr at utrdiRtli nnl ant
mil Inn luility, niter cltntN Id tlmt cihI IiiJ
prmnl hitilo for.lhc (jrnilrr imit tf the mmIoii.
'Mi" Incident nlilih moiUcd tlic mnikct ni the
ilnliimlloii nt a ilhldond nl 2 er (cut, on Nc.v
.lerry t'cnlril tock. Tli declination U timed
nt Ihe tnu.ll period (or the iiuurterly ilhldeiid,
wlilcli hid been lunniiifr nt the rait' nt Hi Vr
lent., but tho prculdent ot the lleadlnit coin
wn.v, tolilcli torporiitlnn now conttolii the New
Jciwy L'tnliiil, Heirccatcd u ilmlnUtion of tlib
a iHiailcly illMdend, Jfeverthellsi the street
ni Inclined Ut the irmvlcllrm that tlic olock
wnt in be tomldered uh mi 8 per rent. biiK
lleiidliiff wns nrliuulalrd into Kicnt latUlly nnd
milled from nn tally decline of over n point to
l',( out Haturilaj''H Icicl, Delaware and limb
Kin beiMinc nolle huojnnt, lllnc ll4 pohiU oter
Saturday on confident (inpes Hint it abo Waj
liuokcd for un early Incfenio in dhldcnd. TliSra
was a mildeii fpiut of,33i,ioliti In Mlnneaiiolh
mill HI, I.011K The niarkct gtwrMy m-overed
Miuirlly finin lln putty ilepiemlon, hill very few
ftoil.s nliouccl any )inl;ilal.Rijlni oei Haluiday.
Annlffiiniated Copper .h an oU'cptlcn nnd niter
enily weiknrpn on the further decline In the
prlio of raw comnr lif tomlon ioc 1 oer Sat
urda.i, The United Stale 'Steel flocks weie
npilii dealt lu ,on fait ciionuoiu wale, the pre
(ened leadliur both III point of nctlWty nnd
ftltypKtli. llumom were, rife of the xery fnor
alilti ilmnlng lo be' made by Ihe iitarlcily flnto
mejil of net carnlrgt wlikli U expected to be
pieirnteil ut tomonowV meeting. 'Ihoie wa?
hIkiiIIIcuIIoii of the piohablllty ot any Incicase In
the dltldend rale. Thcic van JnHplcnt upward
niOMK In ii few other IndmtiinN. while the lull
I oiid 1lt tended lower fioni the opening. The
Kcuerill INt wns (.Ingpilarly imiepHnbe to Ihe
ilemnmtratlon lu L'nlteil htte Slecl. 'Ihe rlre
In t'nlleit btiiles Steel eslended to "m and in the
prcfcneil lo jaj. Theie wai quite on ntlbe tie
in met for the loccniotbe atock, the K.ilii III the
prefeucd rc.uhliiK IJ'.'j. The market closed Him
and iiithi'. Total f.iles today, S71,TH0 hIiuo.
The bond market yielded In tin- mnrnliiK '"it ic
apoiulcd putty to the icioiciy In atorkn and
clo-ed IncRiilar. Total sale', par value, .'),TW),.
Wi). Ihe t'nltcd Male toupnti u'n aihanccil ',4
per cent, on the lat i.ill.
'Ihe followintr tiuolillom are furnblied The Tilb
tine by SI. H. Jordan ,k Company, n,ora! 705 708
Mean bullillnp, Scrnnlon. 1'a. Telephone, OOO.S:
Open. Hluh- f.ow. Cloa-
hi if. tH. om. in;.
.MiiciUan ' lli'a 1173 1UIU H7?
UiIiImji MVl ."si 7Di ilri,
AlrlilhOH. IV UK HUH IW H?i
VtnnlKiiniated Copper .. 70'i 7I?A (llVi 711b
Am. (Mi S Voimdiy ... :il4 :it"Si !UU 1
Urook, TiaKiun "11 I17i ( i'
Halt. . Ohio PBli HkHi lll?i PH
the. At Ohio J.7,i I74 t7 17U
Chic, k fit. c,t JtTa J3Ti -2-iH Wi
Chic. Mil. i M. I' ....luflij 1l!7',J lu-ijs Hl7'i
Chic, It. f. fc I' l."il lWli IVJ lo'j'.i
Colo. Pucl i: lum 87?i SS bT'i, 8
Kile It. 1! 42 I.U4 tJI'a ll'.d
Kile It. It.. I'r 71 TIVi 71 7"i,
uI.ilN. ic -Vah 107!i 1II7U tIKiU 107i
Manhattan Klei.itul ....1.'I7 l:t7"4 14?4 l0vi
Met. Tiaetion lhi'i 10.1 liVJ 1W
.MI'KOini Pacific wn J01")), lllllj 1IH
Noifolk .t Wr-ilcrn .... .'.3U W. as ,-rfiA
X. V., O. .t: W ;li aV'H ,'n ,avt
X. V. ( lili'.S lilT'a Kin?; H'71,'!
I'llina. It. It liOli l-.04 llliii IJOiJ
ItiMdliiit lti ral :,v.i ,v,Ti osU
Iteadiuif, M I'r &Ui S:i b Wla
siiitlmn Ity :ii3i :n :u, stVi
Southern It. It., I'r .... '14 !llv4 WJt 'Hi's
Siutheiu l'.ultl.. CliJ lllli iifH, ill
Tenii. Coal vV Iron Ml'i i'hIU ii". uM,
Teim I'.uitle 10'; -tiriii il9i :Wb
I". ". I.eallici- IJ J".; Iiij 1214
l". . la II her, I'r W M'.h h- h-
I iilnii l'adllc Kljaj 1ll.ii, 1ui liUU
I. h. Mccl C i:.8 liii; 4-M Wi
I'. S. sii-el Co., I'r l."!'. !I7 '(; H7
We-t. I'liloii 112'a 'W vl!- 'il'a
Waba-h. IV U U !.;:, I2i, ui
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations TJnsed
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr
CounK Sawnm Hank .v. Trut Co..
Finst National Bank (Carbondale) ..
Standaul DiillliiK Co
Ihiid National II ink
Dime Deposit and DUcount Hank..
Kconomy Ught. II. k V. Co
I'irsi National Hani; ,
I.ncka. Tjii-t Safe Deposit Co
Clark !c hnoier Co., IV
f-cranlon Iron I'ciho k Ml?. Co
Seianton Asle U'otks
"tranloii Nivluo Ilink ,'
Trader' National Hank
Scuiitnn Holt & Nut Co
People's Hank
New JIcnico lly. Jr C, ,C. .-,
UONI). ,
Srianton l'assenjer Hallway, fir-t
UortpaRe, due 1020
People' Mrevt llallnaj, tlr-t mort
gage, due 1IJ1S
I'lople'n htieet Hallway, General
murlKage, due l!IJt
Dick'on Manufacturing Co
Laek.1. Township School 5 per cent.
City cf Scianton St. Imp. 0 per
So .niton Traction 0 per cent. '....
Hid. Askei
107i ...
... 75
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Ciiircclcil by II. (I. Dale, 27 Laikawanna Aie)
I'loui llet patent, per band, 11.00.
IIpjiu I'll Initliel, ihoiip liuiimv, !;2.35.
Uullfr 1'ieMi iliJlni i , Sc; .line rt'iniciy,
21c; i'ali. 'JJ's-i'.
Chi'ise I'ull iieani, ll!jil2e.
I-'bri Neaiby, :&:; sloiaue, fanij, lOiic
Oreen 1'ca Per biM'el. l.0.
Potatoes Per bii-uel, l.
Onions Per bushel, .l.lfl.
Fhilndelphin Oraln and Produce.
Philadelphia, .Ian. Ii. I'lim; lc bish
ei; t Ki.ide, .l.iniuix, MkiHIisC Coin
';c. hishu: No. i mixed, .l.inu.irv, 17!.jl.
(late Vsi. hlRliei j X"o, 2 white (lipped, ."ilUc
Hutlei -1'iini, fair deituml; fanej wcMein iream
eij, 2"'.;.i2ilc.. ; do. npai by, pilntn, 2lii, I'.ets
l'nm. 1c. higher; ucaibt. .'idi,, do. wcsleut,
."lie. i do. Mititiiwthteiii. iiOc. ; do. Miutheiu. J7c.
( liecsc I'lim; New Vuil; full ucaiu-, fancy
sm ill, ll!lc; do. do. do, fill to iholie, ti'.jt
lie. Itellned Mirf.u l'nclianacd. Cotton 1-1'ii.
lower; iniddllni; upland.., b'.ic. Tallow Steady;
i ity pi line lu tidies li'.&r.: do. tin,, d!gail!ir, ;
daik, ")-i."c. ; taken, liic. Live I'oultij
hteady; fowl-, Ii'ial0!!:c.; old moatvin, 7c; ihlik-on.-,
ifalOc; diicn-, llap.'e.; Keese, Sillc; tin
kejK. lOillc. Dit'weil Poullrj hteadv; fair de
mand; fowl-, chohc, 10Vy. : tlo. fair to Kood,
Il!il0i.; old uiu-trj-, UaTc; ihliktuo, ueaiby,
llalilc; we-teru do,, tlal2i.; Iiuke.i, neuby,
iholie to fanij, 1,'nKlc. ; wor-ltm do. do., 1.1il4c;
il.i. fair in kihiiI. inal2c; ilmk-, neailij. luillc;
wrslilli do., HM12c; kith-, Mile. Ileielpu
l'loin, ;t,iKNI Ij.iiii'Ii und t,.l2l,00 poiiuiH in s.uki;
wheat, .11,0111 liu'liel-; nun. 1,100 hii-hol-.; oats
1I,IKI hii-hels Milpiiidits Who it, il.iHHI lni,li
ela; mm, 2.01K) lu-.lii-t-; oats ll.OOo liu.licb.
New York Grain nnd Produce Mnrket
New Yoik, .Ian, il. I'lour Muikel wa lilnlnr
In .some i.i-t's bin mTieially uiiihaiiKid; closln?
Ill til : winter patents !j.l,73i4; do, htialKhln, M.33
iiil.7"i; Mil.iiesot.i piteuts,; winter ex
lias !2.t).iii.20', Mlunei.ot.1 hakeis f2.0 ii:t..Vii
whiter low Kiades ii. 70 ii.Wl. heal Spot limit
No. 3 led, U4c f. ii, Ii. afloat, nnd guftc. ele
valor; No, 1 iioiIIkiii Diilutli, S'?ic f. o. b,; options uctlui mid n'iy uontr nil day;
tloicd .slroui; ut ITic net adiauie; May iloed
MH,ii.j Jul.i, ?9ii. Cniii pot fli in; No, 2,
7l?4c elevator ami 72Hc f. o, li ailoai; uptUuii
much ldi;lii. In iimp.ithy wltli Unlit
mutiny ollYlInus (filaiKed Meiulalite ileuiinil;
iIomuI Hun at a'io. net advance; Slay ilosed,
72c; July. 72c Oata Snot film; No. 2, lie;
N.Vo. il, Bie.j No. 2 while, MJie.i No. .1 do.,
3.l!:c: liaik mixed western, 33c; liaik white,
."il'i.i.V.ic. i options iiitlvu and rtroiiKer Willi oilier
inarkeU. Hutler I'lim; iieaniciy, 1(U2Sc.; lac
toiy, Kiililii. ; .liiiin 1 1 eanii'i.v , 15a22c; bulla,
lion iieaniciy, llJlS'.ii'. ; statu ilihj, l.'ia'.'lr
Clieeoe I'Iiiii; ntale full i reams larue fall nude
taiu-v, KliialDvic ; do, do, muall, do, do, do., 10!
alOVic; lain made bet laige, !!ic; do. ilu, do.,
tmall lOaloVji. Hisifii I'lnii; blale and IViili
sjlv.iula, Itialllc. ; we-tviu, 2a'i.jc ; noiitlivin,
23a:i2 .
Ohicago Ornln nnd Produce Maiket,
Clilcaiio, Jan. 0. Itcionl hiiaklnir pilcea in
wheal set all Kiaiu Jumping tmlay. May
It'lfUti'ltd u net gain for the day of l'.ii.. Iiavlnpr
made u new reconl for the nop of rlc. Ii.
inobij the movlous lecoid; Slay com iloti !!i,a
!iic. up und Slay oats HaUc lilglui. l'iollou
i lu-eil 2!ic liiglier to a ilmde lowei. t ah quo
tations wpie as follovvsi I'lour I'luiu No. 2
hiirinir wheat, WadlVjc, j No, ii nirim;, HltbUUc,)
No. 2 rnl, bU!i ibSS'se. J No. 2 ual, l7Uallv.;
Xo. il white, 4M!li)4c,; No. 2 v, C7!iub!je.
fair lo ilioiio iiulllnir barley, SftaWc; Nu. I la'.
teeil, ijl.oi; No. 1 iioiliitiin, .fl.i); piiinu lliu
otliy M'ed, if J.:i.ait.o1 ; iocs pork, ilii.Lu.il7; laid,
fii.S7iL.iti.IO; thoit lliu, fs.n.iS.SHi illy tailed
thoulders, lUiaTic; hort ih'ir rldei, S$,lhU;
xvhlskey, I.S2.
Buffalo Live Stock Mnrket.
Ka,t lluffalo, Jan. 0.- Ciltle HftclpU, ,W
brad, iuiliidiiiK 200 Cai-adiaus; uitiw und ktiung.
ci for butihera' Knide ami medium tons; bleady
for ahippcid and food lioavj; no eiy piliuo heavy
heip; bct heavy si ma ijuolablo r.50a0.ii.j; nit.
ilium lo good, jj.VUJail.10; llht to good butiber.s,
(SI.Ujj.-i.50; licifvis, f.'J.&'ia3..j0; cuu, iufeilor lo
lu,.t. ifl.70a1.10; bulls. i.'la4.30; ttoik bulb, 2.50
j:s.2.); tloiker, 2.60a.l.75; feed.' is, ReOal.10;
flCyli cuwu. ttiadv; veals Wib-JO. Iloits-llc-(elils.
27,600 hi'jdj aitlvi, 10.120c. lower; heavy,
l.33au.O; mixed, WI.UjiU.M; pigs VlaLIO:
inuah.. .')..'a)aj.73i t'aiit. flal.W). Sheep ami
Lamb. HeielpU, W,uoo iad, includlii? 1,200
Canadian; steady for sheep ; 1UU.V. lower for
IjimI.,; tup Uinbe, ".iWa3.7.5i cull to (rood, fl.75
4 Lines 10 Cents
ft'ore-Tlian four Llnei, 3 Cents (or Hacli Extra tint
For Eent.
KOtl RUNT 1 12, ".inoiti hoiwe. wllh hjtb, Mnsrc
uouiile Healer, etc. I.nlliiluc from .Main
rt venue. Inipilio (ill Smith Main avenue or A.
T. Ilcl-er. 102 Hontli Slain avenue.
l'OH HUNT A "-room lioue ut Alt l.ce court,
the entrance cm be from Adam avenue.
Apply In Win. T. Ilaekcll, 120 und 128 Well
ington avenue.
KOH HUNT I8, line-ball of nimble bouie, In
upper (item Ittclct Uim1 Sard, Intli, hot
and cold water, ranite, electric lluhtit. II, P.
Ilainllton, Paull building, tpruce street.
For Snle.
KOII HAM! Slock of the International Text Hook
Coinnnnv of Hcran on (formerly the Colliery
llnglnecr Co.), Cha. I). Handcron, 1WI Vtyninlii'j;
nveiuie, Mcuinton, la.
l'OH HAM! CIIi:.P-Mlll route and oluht icvvs.
(Icoil chance lo build up cxiellcnt trade. Ail
dress Harvey Jacques, Slooslc, Pa,
PIIVSICAI, CL'Iri'lli:. l.0O ThU MM cm li ail
veitbed In Hie inanatinea at 20. It develops
every iuuclc in Hie liuinan nooy. .eni nj limn
upon receipt of l. l'red (I. I'eteu, Hcianton, P.i.
"I.O(OMOI11M:" .team lani.iRe! new; very
Iatet lie and linproveinenta; llt price,
SaoO; will kcII for $700. AddicU "Loconioblle,"
taio Tillutnc, Hcianton, Pa.
l'OH SAl.i: l'or want of uw, two itood honel
inaren; one wclpln about 1,100 iioiiniN; oili
er nbout 1,100, Apply lo Wm. II. lllclunoiid,
lllcluuond 1 1 ill. 3I2' Notth Stain nvuiue.
l'OH SM.ll A finin. I mile liom White llildae,
, Caibond lie, nn Ciccnlield in id; teruiH to unit
lnichaer. l'or pailliulaia call on puinNiM or
aildirix T. C. Sl.veis, Carbondale, Pa.
FOIt SAI.n Clli:AP-l'liewood. iron loollni.', tlr.i
bera, board-", ccantllng, etc., from old cir;
Millable for all purUKj. Jennings Central
Sline.s svvllcli, foot of Hampton stieet, off Soiuli
Slain avenue.
FOII SAM: Two llchl fining wago'is and some
lunik., (heap. Kvaiis, n ir 1132 I.uzcrne
rOH SAI.i: Cheap; boiae, spring wagon and
huruc'S, at No. 1820 Cedar avenue.
Furniolied Rooms.
I'OU ltr,NT--Two comfortably fiunWiid loonn
loi uentlemeu; modeiii iinpioviment-i; pii
ate f.imil.v. ".10 W.iihiuaton avenue.
l'OH Iti:.T Two ccmforlalile timiMied t"o:in
for gentli'ineii; moiieiu iniproviiuinl''; I'll
xale famllj. ;o WaMiliiRlon avenue.
l'OH HUNT I'liinUlied dont loom, vvllli heat,
bath and sa-: near court home; gentleiuan
prclencd. Aildic Itoniu, Hox 20"i.
POlt lli:.T rnuiMieil room;
(IC3 I.indeu xlicet.
heat and hatli.
rURMSHKD ROOMS POR HKST. with beat, aai
and balh, gentlemen picfened, at ,'i0 Adann
Kooms and Board.
A LAHdi: PRONT ROOM, with board, at 321
Adam avenue. Suitable for two jouug inee.
ROOS1S TO ri:nt,
vltli board. bUO Slulberry
Wanted Room and Board.
WANTilll Room and lioaul in refined piivate
family tin three ladles; not lo weed 12 pir
week. One located within I've minute, walk from
city hall prefeucd. AiIiIicm, K. 11, Tiiliuno Of
flic. Boarders Wanted.
PRIVATi: l'AMll.Y wlsliea lo liaxe two nice men
to boaul, ficiiuan or Ciijli-h (.all any linw
after Thuisdaj. All coiivinienie, io7 Haul on
ax I'liue.
Help Furnished.
ri:m'i:(t,ih,i: ih:i.p iiunuiicti u piiwte iiuiej
and hotels at Cmplojmuit Hiiieni, :M
Wa-lilimlou nveniie. M'lione, Hill.
TIIU ANNl'AT. SIHUTINd of the stockholder of
the Sciantou lli-ildlni; Company will lie lield
lu the Mlcsioomi nl Ihe iiniipani, taw I.aika.
wanna incniic, on 'Ihuinlaj, Jaiiutiy 21, at l.S'i
p. in. I". A., Srcielaiy.
Till: ANN! L MIXIl.M! of the slixkholdcih of
the Theo. A. Mlilte Slaniifailiiiiinf Company
will be held Tue-da v , Jauuiiy 21, at 2 p. m..
in the cifllcp cf the lompauy, 421 f.Iuden strec,
for t lie piupoc of heiiins ii polls, ilectliisv Ihe
lio.iul of illieckas Im Ihe uitiluu: sen, and tor
Ihe ti.niMiitiou of sudi olliei buMnes n miv
iiiopeilv come bifoie the nicet'uj;.
I.. II. STia.l.i:, Surelaiy.
IN Hi:: luioipoiallou ot Tin- Ailiuatou Soiial
club of Penns.vlvaula, lu llie mult
of lomuioii plean of f.ackiiwauna touiit). No. 331,
Jaiiiiuy turn, I'KI-J.
Nollie is henb.v given that an applicallon will
be made lo said comt on Monday, Jaimaij- 20th,
11XV2, at II n'cluiK a. III., under the Ait of As
hembl of the lotumonwcalili nt Pennsylvania,
inlitlid. "An Ail lo pi oxide foi Ihe iniorpoi.i
lion and lcculatlou of leitatn loipoiatious,'1 ep
pioved Apiil 20, 1S7I, and the Mipplements tlien1
to, tor the chattel ot an intended coiporatinu, to
be tailed "'the AiIIiikIou Social Club of S'u.iu
ion, Pemi'.vlvaula," the ihaiaitci anil otijeil
vvheieof i-. tlie inaluteuaiieo of a lub for soiial
enJcvmi'iil, and for tlien' purposes in have, po.
sess and enjoy all Ihe lights, lieucliU and pllvil
edges of the said At t ut Vseiubly and its sup
plements. TA . I.OIt i l.KM I.-'.
Attoinc.vs for ApplltaiiK
a".IJI; sheep, top mixed, lil.2i; mils to go id,
!2a'J..I1; hindy wetliri-, und jr.iillugs, S.7in3,l3.
Ohicngo Live Stock Mnrkot.
Chicago. J 0. Catile-Iteielpts, .no.OOOi 230
Texans; slow and ailvanie of last week losi; good
to piline, !?'i; poor lo medium, IHail; and feeders, tr2al.:i3; tows, ifl.2";
heifers, 2.30a3; canuils, isl,23a2.i; hull-,, 1.7.1 1
LOO; calves. Klall.,10; Texas led sticis, fLailiS.
Hogs Hcctlpta todav, ll.ttX); tonionow, tl'i.OOO;
left over 10,1100; hulk stead) ; dose weak; mixed
and Imlc hen, ;0.10a0.ljil; good to iholie lieavy,
stl.S3aO.70: lough heave, s'tfliO,2i; llgln, s.Msu
I1..10; hulk of sales. tl lou, III. Mieip-Heiels,
2S,(K10; lieeii. weak to Hk-. lowu; lainba weak
In 23c lowei; t,ood to i Im'i e wclhiis, isl.2'ii3;
fair In chobo niixeil, H."Oil; weslein slieip,
tsl.23al.83; rathe I.1111I1-, s.'l..'; we-tein
Unib-, M.IVSH.
East Liberty Market.
I'.a. l.ibeily. Jan. . Cattle Higher: iliolif,
$0.tOa0.eH; prime, V1..MiHj i;ood, if3.,13a"i.n.3.
Hogs Ai live; pilme lieavlci, i,.33.ui.iiO; heivy
mediums, N.nail.3o; light do., l.;;o.i(i. Ill; lieiv.v
YulVeis, i0.23i(l.:UI; if. lit do., .ii.lli.lH.2H; pigs,
s.'i.hOaO; roughs, "u0. sluep-Slow, liot welheis,
i;.l.tKJal,13; mils and (ommoii, la'2i seaillng-, l-.I
al.60; veal tahes, is7as.
Oil Market.
Oil I'll, Jan, 0. -Ciedil luluiuea, 113; ur
tllieates, no hid; shipments, I3J,II37 ham Is; av
eiage, J7.IU-I bauels; iiins, 0j,107 haiuls; avir
age, tt5,a'J7 baileU,
tipiclal to the btrautoii 'liibune,
iMiiinuvllle, Jau, II, I.ilgli Cuhei Is loiuiu.'d
to bis home lij an attui 1. of iiiflamiuatoiy ilion
nialisiu, (ieoiue SI. Lake rcluuied Mtnrday fiom a visit
to Ida btotbei, William, vvhu Is a slock dealer
ut Newark, N, J.
Tliilf ha uually beiu a two wvikV v,u ilhui
of school duiltig Hie holldavs until this ser,
when tlieio wan only two da. '1 his will
t'UiM- the siliool beloie Ibo (list of Apiil.
Men have been woiklng (ho !at two ilajn of
Ihe week filling the lie house nt the milk sutivi.
Piufisuoi SI, I, Ml; n, I'llnclpal of Ilia mIhioI,
l lik with iii'iualglj, and iluiinjj a pait of last
week his suboidiiialivi to mn the silieol.
(Jeoige W. Tliouu I haulms lumber and tene
lu Ills new!) puithaseil piopcity licie with the
intention of building a bam in Ihe spiiug,
, i:. Iloduey ban sold his liotil luoji.'il) to
llieodoio Williams, ut TuiiMtaiu.uik, who e.
pecU to tako ptfetuloii Apiil I. Mr. Williams
Is well veiscd in hotel knowledge ami will l.u
doubt make a good laudloid,
Sloirb Sleight has moved lu the Hilt) farm
just above town i
Want AdvertlaomontB Will Bo
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Contrnl City
At.DKRT SCIIUI.TZ, comer Mulberry
atrect and Welnlcr avontic.
UUSTAV PlCIIKt., 030 Adams avenue.
Wost Side
UtOltai! W. JUN'KtNS, lot South Slain
South Serauton
rnill) h. T1:IIPPI:, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
(Ji:0. W. PAVIS, roiner Koitli Silin
avenue and Siarkct street.
Green Rldgo
CHARLES P. JO.NXS, 1337 Dickson
V. J. JOHNS, 020 Gtccn Itldgc sticct.
C. LORHNZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Slarlon atrect.
W. If. KN'Cl'FUL-, 1017 Irving avenue.
J. 0. BONX J: SON.
Eelp Wanted Male.
(iOOl) RKMAHi: .MAN to lake enllie manage
ment of local blanch of People's Cridit
Clothing Ctaupaii. .Must have buiiuess ability
ami good lefeiciices, rjiie uppoiluult) to llglit
nun. People'11 Cinllt Clothing Company, ;I17
lau kavv anna avtiuie.
To ( nd or
fall foi our
ctlaloeue ti
Ii.dlialois, Shaking- (Irates, l'uinaie Hlovvii". Sep-aiatoi.-..
hteain l'unip. Alaim utcr Coliumis,
Sheet and Piston P.n king, etc I niou Steam
'pei laity Co. New 'phone. Ml 1'i.inkllii avenue.
INDL'sTHIOCS. ( M'Alll.i: mill can make fiom &
lo S10 a da.v. ltirfences lequlted. Call 310
Spiuic street.
WANTi:i)-Hy leading Philadelphia hou-e, fiil.
class sale'nan, lo sell general line ot paper
to the retail ttadc, one who hia an acquaintance
preferred; must hava be-i lefeienee and be able
to fumtsli bond. Addicss P. O. Hox 20?, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
ANTKD Pour ladies In canvass and demon
stiate. 011 salai). Call aflei I p. m, llogei-,
310 spiuce slreit.
guai anlecd. W, li. Ileck k Son, SU Adams
WANTED dill for gensial housework at Dalton.
Addrcvs 11. T., me Tribune.
Situations Wanted.
YOl'Vti MAN wMies position in hotel us night
ileik, in at .nothing in liotel woik; has good
habits and can omc well lei ommeiided. Ad
ihess, .1. i:. II., looo Ninth Main aviime, Strau
ton. Pa.
A TIKlltnnilll.x, up-lo-ilate, cxpeliuiccd, Hist
1 1.i--. 110111111,7 -aleuiin. wants a job; willing
to piove i-lflclcniy and abllllv 01 anept
willioul pa.v; louipeuut to wiile. idit and take
ibiiigc o nil adveiii-lug in an original uiaunei.
Addie-s J. A. Ciog.ui, Wilkcs-HamS Pa.
A (iOOIl IIOTIU, MAN would like to gel sumo
plate 10 wink Mining" till 12 oMoik. H1-1
lefeieme given. Chailes Hull', (iencial IJelivc'iv,
WANTKD V po-Itltiii as sienogiaplier and book
ke-pii'; ,iiod lefdince. given; over a )eu's
cxpeiiemc Vildicvs 11., Tiiliuin; ofilic
SITl'A'l ION WANTi:il-ll) a voung man. ill
Mole as clerk; can speik six language.
Addles Samuel Jacobs, 123 South Washington
avenue, cilv.
Sl'ICVriON WAN'I III) II) bookkeipir, ivpeil,
op?ns, 1 loses bcoks balance sheets; tempor
ary engagement 01 peimaueut, put da), llxpeit
Auditor, 'i'liliunc.
blTCATIOX." WANTIID n evpeilcuted iiacker
and -hippo- and littlvlng ileik. .voinig nun,
vv.iuu situitiou. Addles Hox 10, -.iianlon Tilb
une. SITI'ATION WAN IIIH Ity 11 woman us house
keeper; can give good lefeienus, Addie-s
M. .1. SI., Ol) phalli. Pa.
SlTl'.VIION WANTi:i)-lly .1 good took or laun-die.-.s;
inn give good lefeieutes. Slis. K. i
Ol.vuhant, Pa.
sl't'l'ATION WA.Vri:i)-i:xiei ienccd hnok-kreper;
)oung man; vvMies hltualluii. Addiess, A, p.
SI., caie Siianton Tribune
SITI'U'ION WANTKD-H) a Piolestaut ouns
lady; has liad couise lu iiu'clianhal dinvvliig;
also expeiiincc- in office woik. Addict moo
CapoiiM- avenue, 1 Ity.
SITl'ATION WNTi;i) to go out by th ,1 r.
vvasblng, imnlng 01 tleauiiy. SIi,, 110
llallsleiiil court.
I.Al. DHSIIIKS POsli'lON as bookkeeper ; very
best of icfeienies. Apply 13'r) .hckson street.
WANl'i:il-Siluatioii -s teamster, 01 an, kind of
woik. by mauled man well aequainted witn
illv, Addiess , ( ., Tiibuuc o.'llce.
WAN'I Kll t ashing and Iionius lo do at honu',
or to gj out by Hie Uy. Address (. R.,
Tilljune oflice.
SITl'ATION WANIIIII-Hy a onn;s Inly to do
geiieial lioiii-evvurl; in u family 01 two: elder
lv propla piefirredt with pilvllego of attending
school two afletnoons or evcnliujs each week;
wages mudeiale, Adilies.s "V," caie of Tribune.
SITIA'IION WAN'I i:i)-Hy middle aged lady rs
housekeeper foe a guitlenun In illy or loiiu
try; best rcfiretuia given. Object, good hoiua
aiid moderate wag.'s. Hox 13, Tribuno Olllce.
Money to Loan.
elraiglit loans or lluildlug and Loan. At
from t 10 fi per tent. Call on N. V. Uail.ei,
011.213 Connell bulldlni;.
WANTIIU (iood srconddiand furnaie, will pay
tasli. AdJrc-.a Lock Uox ISO, Scranton, Pa,
Wanted To Rent.
A .-.MALL PLAT OR HOI sK, near tenter of 1 Ity.
Ii man and wife, Addicis W., 'lilbune oflue.
WNTi:i) TO ltLNT 'llueo or four futni.hed or
iinfiillilshcd looms fill lioii'ckeeplin, Addiess
.121 Jctfeoou avenue, tit)
&.t ic. vs. t f. V. H V, V, K V. H V. V. H V. . V1. H. t M ? H K V. . H K . t V. V. H J
' $45 000 ,V
v First Alortjrace. 5 30-Year Gold Bonds ?
uh: roMMONiVF.u.Tii titi.i; i.nm iiaxi'i: and tih'st ro of philxdiilphia,
'"..' """'" : -"" -.". t'.'"'.
'I HI MliK, 'Jin iwnm uiu KtuiuuucLi iy uie rmuurs joiuixuwii. j.ueiuuuii; mg i,4 '
i; 1111 It.illiodd, AVhith U'iil hdt. m huuJetl inilelitciluei ;'!! wliuo uei motltrt far tlic )tur ,V
. ending .hint' Vi HOI, wa-vincr tht timet- tm in If rest ftuiuo mi Hit wliolo Uu ui bond. y
I 'iiiv rv in.iitir urn liiu i.t riifl mill 1. 1 tilt i1a r ulliiij tt linilil.4 III 1 V liit itiri .it (111 llfHiff
or full on will be mailed on aiilicallou. rf
vvi; iitiKit 'lllL-st; llllMi-i hiiiiWT hi
Stocks, Bonds
U '4 'w1 t X VI U U 'ft t A U VI 'ft ' ll 'A
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MortTlln Pour Lines, 6 Cents lor t.'aeli Hxln Mn
Certified Public Accountant.
Riilldlng, and St. Paul nulldlng, New York.
Building. ,
I'RI-.DP.RICK Ij. nilOWN. ARCH, tl., RPJAt
Hstate llxiliango Bldff,, 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
II. I.. HARDING, 000 CONNL'Lfi IltilLDtNO.
iR. c. k, j:ili:niii:r(u:ii, pauli
Spruce atieet, Scranton.
HooiiH 12, 1, 10 and 18 Rurr Ruildlng.
Haled on real ntale uecurlty. '.Mean Bulldlni,
comer Washington amnio and Spruce atrect.
and itounsolloffl-at-law. Republican Bulldlni.
Washington avenue.
JIIS'SUP & Ji:SS0P, ATTORNUYS AN1 COU.N-jcllors-at-lavv.
Comtnoiiwealtli Building, Roomi
10, 20 and 21.
OOJ-tiOI. 0th floor, building.
L- A. ,VATI,KS A'itorni;y-at-law, boarii
of Trade Building. S'cianton, Pa.
PA'rr:n,5o.v &. Wilcox, trader's national
Hank Hulldlng
,' BKRTnor.r. orncn jiovi:d to no.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
n. s. w. iAMoni:AU.v, oitici: 339 wash-
Ington avenue. Residence, Mis .Mulberry.
Clnonlc diseases, lungs, heart, ildneys and
gi-nlto-inlnary organi a specialty. Hours. 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
Tin: r.i.K ovfi:, 123 and 127 franklin aye-
nue. Hates reasonable.
I. ZIP-OLER, Proprietor.
fiengcr depot. Conducted on the European
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
ccj pools; no jdor; only iinpioved pumps used.
A. II. Briggj, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Slain avenue, or Eickc'is drug store, cor
ner Adams and Slulbeiry, Both telephones.
rr)men, stoic 201 Washington avenue; gicca
Ii-ju-cs 1030 .Sol th Slain avinuc; slots tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
Sciauion, Pa., mauufactmei of WIro Screens.
also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, ill
Attains avenue.
velopes, paper bags. Iwine; Warehouse, E.0
Washlnsten avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranlou at the news stands ol ItcUnua
Bros.. 40il plute and 50" Linden; SI. Notion.
022 Laikawanna avenue; I. S. S'chutzer, 211
Spiuce street.
Real Estate.
roil SALE A laree bloi k of buildings on the
tinner of Drinker and Uicainut streets; four
bilge fcloiu buildings and une hotel. Inquiie of
(leoige W. Piost, .No. 401 East Drinker street,
niiiinuiii", Pa.
TOR SALE One aeic of land, improved Willi
nine-loom boiuo; plenty and Variety ol fruit:
good location in village of ricetvlllc. Slis. Oliva
Pish, ITselville, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
sinrk tli WHEAT TRADERS without delay.
Wrlto for our speilal market letter. Free on
application. S. 51, lllhbaid k Co., members N.
Y. fonsulfdated ami stock S.xchangc. II and 16
Bioadvva), New oik. littablishcd 111. Lonvj
Distance' Phone 2!SS Broad.
I. V. Slcgargel. Roy Chester Jlegirgil.
Spencer Trask & Co.,
27 & 29 Pine St., New York
Inuestnnenf Seciirifies
Slembcu New York Slock Eulmnge.
Branch OHice 65 State St. Albany
:..::."'.. :.: . .. .,.. .".'. .v; ; w
fitt.viuis xi.t, ai uisi ami miercat. "J :
and Securities
i ,t
U 'A U mA"A 'A 'A 'A U 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A.