tt - ,' -v.- .r-yi ' v m ..w --i i y " -Vif, &? ' ' A ' w --?''''"--"-"' ("r'vjrtr' "K iif''ep-r$i'W fiffflKTBVJp? AT, i G THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1902. ' "J. f WEST SCRANTON SPEAKEASIES DEPIEDTHE LAW ALDERMAN DID NOT GIVE A DECISION IN OASES. Proprietors Claim the Eight to Sell . "Under a Club License Mother and Child Burnod by Fire Weekly School Deposits Two Funerals Yesterday Mrs. Reynolds Fell nnd Fractured Her Arm Events of This Evening Other Notes nnd Personals. The hem-Ins In the speakeasy cases r John Carson, Jlrs. Sheridan and nines lllack were culled yesterday af ternoon before Police Magistrate Da vles. The defendants and their friends assembled In large numbers', ami At torney Robert Murray wan present, to defend them. Assistant City Solicitor D. J. Davis appeared for the m oscc-titlon. The de fense alluKcd that they were privileged to sell under what they termed a "chili license,", and offered their club books In evidence. There was no record there in to allow that they had purchased any Intoxicants for the club. After a lengthy discussion, the iimp Istratt: adjourned the case until Thurs day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Fell nnd Fractured Her Arm. Mrs'. Joscuh Ueynolds, of Hamilton street, mother of the Reynolds I5ros stationers, and Hon. T. Jefferson Uey nolds, fell on the Icy imveuient on Smith Main avenue, Inst evening, and fractured her left arm. She was on her way to attend the sirvlces In the First Welsh Baptist church, when the accident occurred. Friends assisted her to her home, and a physician was called, who set the in--jtired limb. At a late hour last night she was restim? comfortably. Weekly School Deposits. The (list deposits of the new year in the school children's savings fund were made yesterday at the West Side bank, when S.'.7.!" were added to the fund, The collections at No. 13 and No. HI were as follows: No. IS David Owens, $:); Alice Kvnns, $1.73; Bdiia D. Kvnns, ,3.": Catharine Phillips, $L'.S1; Klizn Price, $2.16; Flor ence Freeman. $l.!l; Eliza Lewis, $1: llertha Kelly. .13: Nellie Ulchards, .7:.: Kdna Lewis, .71; Sarah McDonald, .03: total. 31 1.2-1. . No. 1-l-D. AW Phillips, $1; Miss Alur- Diifottr's French Tar Will promptly relicm ami speedily cure roughs, colds ami all lung tmulilc. l'or Mlc by G. W. JKXK1NS, 101 South .Main aicnuc. Surprising Values in Seasonable Underwear. Here's a Sale Without a Parallel. Looked at from any viewpoint we say without the slightest fear of successful contradiction that the values offered below have never been equaled in ,the Bargain-giv-iug Auuals of the city of Scrauton. The Underwear Specified !s All Perfect and of the best makes known to the trade. Kvery bar gain quoted stands for an irrefutable fact, and the only question you need consider is, how to get to the store in time enough to share in these Incomparable Bargains. The Sale Begins This Morning. Crisp Facts for Bargain Hunters. Ladies' Underwear at 10c. llc.ny weight Vcj.ts nml Pauls, In .lei ilblw, witli line woul llocee linings .'.". Or iinlity at 1VU Xndles' Underwear nt 20c. A wonderful tnllrrtloii of .'.0c uon,!-. in Vo'.s iiw) l'auls liicludhg lleei- Kuril, Jrriy ilbbs very clastic; lgjpilan yam goodi, hue ms llnns, cli.; i-m i ic of the pnrls nn- in bioKcu ici, lint vp un mil you i-o matter what tlie Io is It you c-oine milch. Choice n( 9(),. tlio lot --"- Xadies' Underwear at 33c. Fine Merino cooili ami (Mu iiialliy ,lcrpy nibbed I'ndenveur; cnniptcli- range nl i-hrci ami no garment in the lot worth Ic--. than rfl, half a dolUr. 1,'holre 00 Xadle's' Underwear at 75c. , ' iCTht Modif-rciunviicil "Tivuli", In lunU only; pure wool, lull fashioned, etc. 7Cp Actual value, (jsl.-.'S. Tlio ule pilcc... ' uy- Xadies' Underwear nt 70c. In wlilie and natural wool, iIIjIk-i! goods thai sold at $1,25 'li Raiment, The lt list Is not quite complete; othiiwWo the )iilco "7Qr would not lio ' Xadies' Union Suits nt 08c. Tlio celebrated "Oneida" combination suits, in pure wool, full fa-diloned good, ijuglng in ...wlucfruiu l.$y to 2.25 per wit, Some of tlio slics are mUsliig, hence (lie ORf (rice , , -701- phildren's Underwear at 18c. Jersey ritlieil wool Veatu, In all bke-tj e whjlc they last, falc price only,, ,,,,,, I7 Children's Pine Scarlet Underwear Pure wool iu Shirts, Vests, Pants and Drawers, Sizes 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Prices 15c 18c 20c 22c 25c 28c 30c 35c 40c ruk irkMi i V3iuuc warcuuut; vSwvJsiSfa S -y'--'f1i r-i. r?- r-r 'fft?H-r?S ry ray, $3.59! Miss Nlcholln, $l,fi0i Miss Ueamlsh, ,64 i Miss Morgan, $3.17; Miss llutton, $2.00! Miss Kvuns, .77; Miss Davis, 93.45; Miss Kcllow, $5.G0; Miss AViido, .40! Miss Flynn, .12! Miss Mur phy, $1.92; Miss Uurall, $4.20; Miss Peck, $10.94; Mrs. Ferhcr, $3.57; total, $43.73. Mother and Child Burned. An Italian child, whose numc could not he learned, was playlnsr around a street lire near her homo, yesterday, when the llnmcs Ignited her dress, and her screams attracted her mother. The latter rushed out of the house, and succeeded In putting- out the tiro before the child was very severely burned, but In doing so she burned her own hands quite badly. St. Leo's New Officers. The newly-elected anil Installed olll cers of St. Leo's battalion are ns fol lows: President, T, J. Langan: vice-president, John .Shaughnessy; treasurer, I'. II. Buckley; ilnanclal secretary, James MeDonough; directors, James Dcgnal, John Shaiighnessy, Thomas MeDon ough, John Feeney, Thomas H. Con ner. Investigating committee, Kdwurd Devlne: Michael, Michael May: sergeant at arms, John O'Toole; tel lers, Joseph MeDonough; John Camp bell, William Saul. Delegates to the quarterly conven tion to be held at St. Mary's hull, North Seinnton, on Sunday, Jan, 12, T. J. Cillroy, James Murphy, John liurke, John II. Devlne and James Me Donough. St. David's Episcopal Church. At the regular meeting of St. Agues chapter last night, the following olll cersi were elected: First vice-president, Laura Kingdom second vice-president. May nivalis; secretary. Sue Fenton; treasurer. Minnie Gray. The matrons are Mrs. Hill, Miss Ida Evans and .Mrs. Mcllenry. At the meeting of the Sisters of Beth any, on Sunday evening, Mrs. Alfred Pike was elected vice-president: Miss Myrtle Dorsey, secretary, and Mrs. David T. AVilllams. treasurer. Events of This Evening. The Electric City Wheelmen will hold an important regular meeting at the club house this evening, when d large number of applications will be considered for membership. The Silver I,eaf Social club will hold a dance In Washington hull this even ing. Two Funerals Yesterday. The funeral of the late Mrs. John T. Thomas, of Bellevue Heights, occurred yesterday afternoon, the services being largely attended at the .Bellevue Welsh Calvlnlstic Methodist church. Ilev. William Davis, the pastor, was In charge. Interment was made in the Washburn street cemetery. The funeral of the late Joseph Meder occurred yesterday aftrnoon from the family residence on Sixth street. The remains were borne to the Zlou Luth eran church on Mifflin avenue, where Men's Underwear nt 20c. Lot cslr.i ay nayptian Itlhnpd Shirt ami llijweii--, in all hires; were !l7'.4c. To Olin iloie t Men's Underwear at 40c. Including pure wool, scarlet lined Shiits Hut were $1.00; camel's luir Phlits and Drawers that weir- $1.00; uatuial and random (food? Hut weic "Jc. and KV,, etc. Sizes are broken in Koine case.-, hut the price inoic Hum AQr. makes up for thai. Choice of the lot at "-'' Men's Underwear at 50c. Fine licarlet. all wool t'ndeiwear (Uijwrr only), moatly (.mall sizes; ntherwlfe we could not c-ll the hest Jfl.oo qualltv for ihU en week at OyC Men's Undei-wear nt 75c, l'ure woil iliihei SliliU, in (sicy, that were irl.'J."ii heavy wool lined Kood that were 1.25, etc. Ilrokcii .size mostly. Take your "7C,-. choUe at '3- Men's Underwear nt ?1.25. Hade In the world-renowned mllU at Norfolk ami New lliunwlck, llcntlcmsn who appreel ate nuality in thin underwear will inuke a note of thlj luiualn olfer. The uitular $J.0.) ipiality fur l.l8, and the 81,7J CI O c ipiallty for only pi0 Boys' Underwear nt 10c. Natural fleece lined; uUo in laiidoiu weaves and mrys; mine ribbed, others plain, Theic me nioie drawers tliau t-lilrls in thU lot, and t allien run from 23c. to :ro. cadi, sizes i SI to 31. ChoUe of the lot t 34 45c SiJsU-Tt J1 the services were held. Interment was made in the Forest Hill cemetery. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Miss Mao Llndnuurrj, ot South Main avenue, returned to the Stroiidsburf? stnto normal school yesterday after noon to resume her studies. The Mount Pleasant Kindergarten nt the corner of North Main avenue nnd Lnfnyette street, wns reopened yesterday with it larRe enrollment un der the direction 'of Miss Margaret Qlbbs. The West Scrnnlon Prohibition Al liance will organize a mixed choir to sing on February 11, when John O. Wooley will deliver nn address In this city. Evan .1. Davis Is the new superin tendent of the First Welsh Baptist Sunday school, and his assistant Is Miss Jennie Jenkins. Miss May Davis Is secretary, Rowland V. Thomas, treasurer; Thomns Thorbtirn, choris ter; John 12vans, assistant chorister: Miss Hcba Williams, organist: James K. Davis, librarian; Elmer Jenkins, as sistant librarian; Palmer Williams and Hcsslo Davis, auditing committee. The Swedish Citizens' club held a meeting In the French Hoof hall last evening, and outlined their political plans for the coming year. The llrst weekly social under the auspices of the Onelta Social club was held In Washington hall last evening. The Sons of Temperance held n meeting In Morgan's hall last evening at which their recently elected olllcers were Installed, The olllcers of Camp 178, Patriotic Order Sons ot America for 1H02 are as follows: President, David Edwards: vice-president, Peter Young; master of forms, Jacob Kellermaii; conductor, Frank Miller; recording secretary, Stewart Pelseeker; Ilnanclal secretary, U V. Decker; treasurer, J. T. Grun aeher; gunrd. Ivor Jones: Inspector, Milton Decker; trustee, Frank Phil lips. Special services will be held In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. The official board will meet Thursday evening af ter the prayer service. Miss .Lulu Oranacher, ot New York, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Granaeher of North Bromley avenue. Oscar Oswald, of Frlnk street, who has been a patient at the Scranton private hospital for several weeks, Is able to be around again, The William Council Glee club will meet this evening at S o'clock. It is requested by Chorister W. AV. Evans that all members be present. The newly elected officers of St, Crenden's council, Young Men's Insti tute, will be Installed on Tuesday even ing, January 11. The Hetiubllcnus of the Twenty-first ward will conduct a caucus In Mears' hall tonlcht to nominate a candidate for school controller. It is understood that Griffith Davis will be unopposed. Dr. Ft. G. Peddoe, ot South Main ave nue, who has been ill for several days at his home, was somewhat Improved yesterday, although his Illness is criti cal. Last night the Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, I). D., was surprised by the Ladies' Aid society of his church, who presented him with a beautiful ebony gold-headed cane. Upon It Is Inscribed, "Presented to the Hev. Thomas de Gruchy, by the Ladies' Aid of the Jackson Street linptist church." DUNM0KE DOINGS. Important Meeting' of the Borough Council Large Amount of Business Considered. The council met In regular session Inst night with all members present, except Mr. Doudlcan. A committee consisting of Messrs. Brogan.AVard and McLaughlin, was appointed to confer with the Scranton Gas and Water company with reference to rebuilding the Nay Aug bridge, which, it is claim ed, was dislodged by reason of the ex cessive rush of water caused by the opening of the Hood gates at their res ervoirs at the lime of the heavy rains recently. The tire committee was Instructed to arrange with the Gamewell lire Alarm company for the placing of a new Indicator in the O. S. Johnson hose house. A complaint or a. water nuis ance was received from Attorney II. D. Carey, representing AY. II. Derby and others, of Electric avenue, which was referred to the streets and bridges committee. Complaints of a like nature were received from nttornoys repre senting John Gntely, of Bloom street; John Mct'ann, of Webster avenue, and V. U. McOullough, which were, simi larly referred, Burgess Burschell reported no fines collected during the month of Decem ber. Chief Teevan recommended the purchase of 500 feet of additional hose. Mr. Hart, of the Fabric Fire Hose company, wus present and submitted samples of their Keystone brand of wax treated hose, which lie offered to sell on one year's time at 00 cents per foot. The matter was referred to the fire committee with full power to act. Treasurer Wnhlers reported that there was $4,000 in the sinking fund, nud recommended the redeeming of six borough bonds. The chief of police re ported three arrests during the past month and electric lights burning poor ly. The street commissioner's time sheet for $245.70 was approved. The Judlclury committee was empow ered to engage counsel to conduct the case of Mrs, Bridget Mcl.nne, of Grove street, against tlio borough, which Is on the trial list for Jan, 28, Borough Attorney McDonald hnving been re tained by the plaintiff previous to his election as borough attorney, A resolution was Introduced by Mr, McLaughlin In rcferenco to thu Increase In the rate for tire hydrants from $5 to $20 per year by the Scranton Gas and Wnter company. A bid had been re ceived from the water company for $037,50 being the cost of sixty lite plugs for six mouths, with a churge of $30 for thu stone crusher and $7.50 for water furnished the borough build lug, Air, McLaughlin's resolution called for the drawing of an order for $1S7.50, being the amount due at the old rate, Thu chief of police's time sheet for $330 was approved; also the chief of firo department's time sheet for $150 was ordered paid. Miscellaneous bills amounting to $1,093.06 were ordered paid, Adjournment wna tuUen until Wednesday evening next, THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON A well 03 the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and net free a trial bottle ot Kciuii'f Halim for the Throat and l.uiijfj, a remedy that 1 Kuaruiitrt-d to vine ami lelievc all Chronic and Acute C'oujjIls, Asthma, Digiuliltis and Cviuumiitlou. 1'iice '.'Jo. and C-Ovv WHERE DOCTORS FAIL To Cmo Woman's Ills. Lydla E. Pinklinin's Yegetrtblo Com- SiouikI Succeeds. Mi's. Pnuliiio Tittlson Writes : "DKAn Mns. PiNitHAM! Soon after tny mnrrtngc two years ngo I found myself In constant pain. Tito doctor said my womb was turned, nnd this caused the pain with consldcrnblo in flammation, lie prescribed for mo for SHIS. l'AITUNK JUDSOX, Secretary of Hchernierliorn Golf Club, Brooklyn, Now York, four months, when my husbnndbcenmo impatient because I prow worse instead of better, nnd In spealctng' to' tlie drug gist ho advised him to get Lyilin E. Piiikhnm'.s Vejrctuble Cum pound und Sanative "Wash. How 1 wish I had taken that nt first; it would have saved me weeks of Buffering. It took three long months to restore me, but it is n happy relief, nnd we nre both most grateful to you. Your Compound lies brought joy to our home and health to me." Mas. Pauline .Tudson, 47 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1B0OO forfeit If fleet' testimonial Is not genuine. It -would seem by this state ment that "women would savo time and much sickness If they would get lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and also -write to Mrs. Plnkbam at Jjynn, Mass., for special ad vice. It is free and always helps GREEN RIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. Kzra Peckens, who, with their children, have spent the holidays with Mr. Peckens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Peckens, of Monroe avenue, will return to their home In Buffalo today. Mrs. Hill, of Horton, N. Y., Is visit ins: Mrs. Edward Puller, of Dickson avenue. Mr. Knapp, of Capotise avenue, has gone to Cuba on a pleasure trip. An all-day meeting of the Christian Missionary Alliance will be held tomor row in tlio Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue. Sessions will commence at 7.30 and 10.30 a. m. and 2 and 7.30 p. m. Kev. Kobert G. Freeman, pastor of the Baptist church at Sprlngboro, Pa., will be the speaker. The waste pipe from the watering trouRli at Dickson avenue and Green Itidge street is frozen up. and ns the water continues to flow Into the trough, there being no other nutlet, it Hows ovcr the sides ot it and has frozen there and on the sidewalk and road side, until It Is diflicult for horses to drink from the trough because of the Ice surrounding it, and dangerous for pedestrians to use the sidewalk at that point. The Women's Missionary society of the Green Hldge Presbyterian church will meet at the manse tomorrow after noon at 3.30 o'clock. Miss Mabel Fordham Is spending a few days in Kaston, where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs. K. Stanley HlNler. The Woman's Guild of the church of the Good Shepherd will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the guild rooms at the church. JHOOSIC. An Italian, name unknown, was run over by on engine on tlio Spring Brook railroad last night about ii o'clock and seriously injured. One limb was cut oft near the knee and the other foot 1'iushed. He was taken to the home of Charles Brodhend, where Dr. Watson dressed the Injuries, after which he was taken to the Lackawanna hospital at Scranton. The week of prayer will be observed In both churches this week. Miss Cecil Rhodes hns returned to her home in Susauehanua. Miss Vertle Dlx has returned, after spending two weeks with friends at Brooklyn, X, Y. OBITUARY, JAMES POWRLL The home of Mrs. Louis Powell, of Margaret avenue, has been plunged Into profound grief by the sudden death of James Powell, who was visiting the family. Mr. Powell was a native of Mountain Ash, Wales, and was 39 years of age. He was a prominent hotel keeper In his native town. Two months ago air. Powell oame to this country to visit his relatives In this section. Mr. Powell was a lino specimen of manhood and the short time he wus In this coun try he won for himself hosts of friends. During his stay ho ulllllated himself with the North Knd Glee club and the North Knd Choral society who sang with them In the recent eisteddfod held In this section. The cause of his death was Brlghts' disease. The funeral ar rangements will be niude latter, MRS. MAUY RKI3D, aged "5 years, died Sunday night at her home, 401 Kynon street. Deceased Is survived by two sons und two daughters, namely, Martin Reed, of Denver, Col,; John, and Kate, of this city, and Mrs. P. M. Gllll giiu, of WIIUes-Barre. The funeral will take pluce tomorrow morning ut ! o'clock. Interment will be nmdo in the Dunmore cemetery. MRS, HWDOKT OPDAHY, aged 38 years, a resident of 311 Broadway, died nt tlio Hillside Homo on Saturday. The funeral services will bo hold at Holy Cross church at !) o'clock tomorrow morning, iturlul will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. KDWARD DAVIS, the 10-year-old son of Mr. und Mrs. Davis, of Thir teenth und Eynon streets, died nt an early hour yesterday morning, The funeral will tuke pluce tomorrow af ternoon with interment in the AVush burn street cemetery. Funerals. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar garet MeDonough will tuke pluce to morrow morning from the house, 310 Third street. Services will bo held In Holy Cross church, und burial will bo made in the Cathedral cemetery. SOUTHSGRANTON REPUBLICAN- CAUCUS INT THE ELEVENTH WAHD. Peter Neuls Was Renominated Last Night for School Controller, De feating Wllllnm Hucster by Thir ty Votes Peter Mnrker , Nomin ated for Coustnblo nnd Ed. P. Conley for Ward Assessor Lec ture on the PnBsIon Piny Given Last Night by Dr. Piorce. The result ot last night's Hepubllcau caucus In the Eleventh ward was about us predicted In yesterday's Tri bune, and the present school controller, Peter Neuls, was renominated. The meeting was called to order at S o'clock by Charles Boss, and on mo tion. Select .Councilman John .Schuled er was chosen permanent chairman by acclamation. James McGlunls was chosen secre tary In the same manner, and .Messrs. Fred Weichcl, Wllllnm Wlrth and John Schuuk were named as tellers by the chair, On nominations for school controll er being called for Peter Neuls was named by Kmll Bonn and the name, of Wllllnm Httester was placed In nom ination by Fred Schumann. The re sult was as follows: Neuls, fifi; Hues tor, 2G,; Schaffer, 1. The last vote wus cast by mistake. Peter Marker had no opposition for constable, nor had 13d. It. Conley for ward assessor and both were nomin ated by acclamation. District olllcers were chosen as .follows: First district Judge, Adam Frlehtel: Inspector, John I.ewert; register of voters, William Wlrth, Second district Judge, Fred Kelper: Inspector, W. Hermann; register of voters. Philip Schaefer. Third district Judge. Frank Sweet: Inspector, William Luther; register of voters, j. W. Bcrghauser. An Instructive Lecture. The German Presbyterian church on Hickory street was crowded to the doors last night by an Interested au dience who had assembled to hoar the Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D., speak on the "Passion Play." The reverend gentleman was at his best and showed that he was thor oughly conversant with the subject. Scenes from the Oberamagau Pas sion Play were thrown on ' a large screen by means of a stcreoptlcon. The play, he explained, Is given every ten years and Is participated In by 720 people. As a result of the lecture, a neat sum was realized by the promoters, Miss Mary Maus and Frank Hessinger for the benefit of the new parish house. Anniversary Ball. The Athletic club will observe their eighteenth anniversary at the club's headquarters on Alder street, Monday, Jan. 21. The society is one of the old est social institutions In the city, and is composed of the best business and social element on this side. Their an nual affairs are always sources of pleasure to the members and their fam ilies, and this year the members in charge of arrangements promise to eclipse all former events. The committee is composed of the following: Fred Welnlg, Adolph Ham men, Adolph Huesner, Henry Meyers and Charles Diesing. NUBS OF NEWS. Fred W. Schwenkcr, foreman of the Tribune bindery department, Is seri ously ill at his home, 720 Pitlston ave nue. Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, will meet tonight ln( regular session at Hartman's hall on Plttston avenue. Nowicki's hall, at the corner of Kim street and Plttston avenue, was filled with citizens last evening, to view a play given in tlie Polish language. Theodore J. Reif, of 030 Willow street, will bo a candidate for school controller of the Nineteenth ward, before the Democratic caucus, which will bo held next Saturday. John Schneider, jr., who has been spending the holidays with his parents on Cednr avenue.returned to his studies at Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn. The person who stole a valuable dog belonging to Peter Rosar, of Cedar ave nue, is known nnd unless the animal is released shortly something will drop. The Kcllpse Social club held nn enter tainment In St. John's hall last even ing. The Vlcton Social club will hold a masquerade social at the Economy hall Thursday evening. The ladles' committee of Branch No, 10, Ancient Order of Hibernians, have 9 IEALTH The General health of a woman is inseparably re lated to the local womanly health. When the deli cate womanly organism is diseased, the body loses plumpness, the cheeks lose their roses, and a nervous and fretful condition be comes habitual, Thousands of sick women who have been cured of diseases peculiar to the sex by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion have testified to the restoration of the general health when the local dis-. ease was cured, "Favoiite Prescription1' establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals in. flauuuatiou and ulceration and cures female weakness. H used four bottles of l'avor. - itc I'l exception ' ami one of 'Golden Medical Discovery.' "writes Mr. lit iner I. Shearer, of Mouuthopc, I.aucuttcr Co., I'a.. "aiulcnn bay that I am cured of that dread, rd disease, uterine trouble, Am In better health than ever before, liveryoue who knows uie is surprised to ace me look towel!. In June, when I wrote to you, 1 was to poor in health that at lime I could not walk. You omnereU my let. ter and told me what to do. I followed your Bdvicc, aud to-day am cuud. I tell everybody that with God'a help Dr, Tierce's medicines cured me. If these few words arc of uuy ue to you, you are welcome to use them, They might help some other poor sintering woman." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, ioo8 large pages, in paper cov ers, is sent free on receipt of 21 oue cent stamps, to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y, nrtuiiRcd for an entcrlulinneiit nnd ko clnl to be held iu St. Mnry'B hull this evening, NORTH SCRANTON NEWS, Eisteddfod to Bo Held 011 St. Dnvld's Dny 1 in Welsh Congregational Church. On St. David's day the American Truu Ivorltes will conduct an eistedd fod In the Welsh Congregational church of West Market street. The name of the conductor will bo an nounced hitter. The adjudicators arc: Music, Prof. William Davis (dwllym Mortals): recitation nnd speeches, Row J. V. Davis, pastor of tho Welsh Hup tlst church or Market street. Impromp tu writing, John J. Kvnns, Deacon street. COMPI.TITIO.V MIUIHTS. I. ll.i ml of Hope, not mulir . in liuinlirr and lint oirr tU.vo.iM nf lute, "I'cirp Ho Mill," f 1 0111 (loprl H.wtiiK No, l; i-Iidit uiltilti allowed In iKM. I'rbo, ?H. i. lMrly of 8, to 1-2, "HjII Smillntr Morn." Prlio, ?tl. II. M.1I0 knlo, "IIjITijii rhwyil." ("Tlio MI-kIhb"). WVhli or Kindl'li fiom "Sonjs of M.ilo." I'rhr, U; m-coiuI pi Up. M ii-nK I. Kriullo solo, "tiros y Cnu-i;" ("Old- tho Stono"), Vf!li of KiijII.hIi, from Suiiri ef Walls." IVI71', $1; m-ennd p'lro, i"D (diK J. Solo, for girl umlor 15 jour cl aise, "I'ho Hojiitlful Liinl 011 lllitli." from On-pc-I lljinm S and (1. 1'ilze, !1; sirond pili-, BO (Olllx. I!. AVcMi loriLitlou, "Vr Kii'.mi Mai," front 'I', f. JMivurd'-t C'Cjimnfaidd") Kloiutlon book. Competitors tiimt lie out :!0 ynri of .inc. I'rinvij.1; n-innd prim1, ,'i0 tonlfl. ". KiirIUIi rcollution, to U10-0 umlor 20 yoirn uf iiro, "Woodman Sp.uo 'I'liul Tioo," from Slioldon's fomlli u-:idor, l'rlzo, Hi MHonil pilzo. All rent . S. Spool li,,filijoit, "Saint ll.ii Id." l'rio, $1. U. Impromptu writing, live. WoNIi wonts; out 2(1 j tars of ago. I'iIzo, fill routs. 10. lmpiomplii writing, five I'nglloli wold for tho-.o umlor 20 yojis of .ize, l'rlzo, to touts. Meeting of Prominent Citizens. Lust 'evening some of our prominent citizens met In the" tabernacle of the North Main avenue Baptist church and inaugurated an Institution of human development to keep our young men olT the street and from the eylls of the city. They have planned to fix the taber nacle up into a. gymnasium for the boys. The meeting did not accomplish much on account of Illness of their chairman, Itev. Albert H. Smith. They adjourned until, next. Tuesday evening. A committee has been appointed to look the matter up and canvass the citizens for financial help. The com mittee appointed on organization were as follows: Hev. A. II. Smith, chair man; W, Chappbl, Read, Oswald Jones, Hall, Stone, Hntton, Vosburg, Clark, G. Benedict, jr., and Alworth. Father Whitty Officers. The Father Whitty society has elect ed the following officers: President, Andrew McTurrln; vice-president, Thomas Mason; recording secretary, Frank Parrle; financial secretary, Pat rick lluddy; treasurer, Patrick Can non; sergeant-at-arms. Martin Cavan augh; messenger, Michael Shields. The quarterly convention ot these so cieties of the Second district will meet In St. Mary's hall next Sunday. The committee in charge are making ex tensive arrangements for the enter taining of the delegates. The society is making vast arrangements for their military ball which will bo held In the auditorium on Jan. 1C. They intend to make this one of tho greatest af fairs of this kind ever held In this sec tion. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The meeting last evening in connec tion with tlie week of prayer in the Providence Presbyterian church, was attended by a large congregation. Fol lowing the opening services, Rev. Dr. Oulld gave a brief, but especially pro pared address on the topic of the even ing. The devotional services were deep ly Impressive nnd signally helpful. The theme this evening will be prayer that the people may do justly and love mercy and work humbly. The public Is Invited. This evening the Xorth Knd Stars will huve for their opponents tlio strong Black Diamond team of Pltts ton. All members of the North End Glee club will meet this evening in the rooms to take action on the death of their late brother, James Powell, or Wales, at 7.30 sharp. Walter Benedict has returned to Lehigh university whore he will re sume his studies. Last evening the North Knd Stars went to Jessup to play tho represen tative team of that place. Archie Morgan, of Church avenue, after spending the holidays with his parents, returned to Lehigh university to resume his studies. Friday evening the Craekerjacks will play tho strong representative team of Frackvllle. Miss Sarah Brown, of Ilotidleys, Is visiting friends on Deacon street. People of this section arc awaiting with great interest for the coming wrestling match that will take place next Monday evening Iu SI. Mary's hall between Abe Crocker and Tsafler Jones, Patrick O'MulIey, the Truth repre sentative of this section, hits returned home from Shenandoah where he spent the holidays with his parents, Thomas White, of Wllllani Htreot, Is calling on friends In Carbondale, Misses Lucy O'Boyle and Kate Sulli van left yesterday to resume studies at nioomsburg state normal school. Itiv. Albert H, Smith, pastor of the North Muln avenue Baptist church, Is HI. A meeting of the congregation of the Providence Presbyterian Sunday school was held Sunday in which the following olllcers were elected for the coining year: Superintendent of the Sunday school, Thomas Morgan; assls. Hint, II. It. Ilurlbut; treasurer, K. A. Reynolds: seeretury, Miss Grace Atti erton: librarian, George Kvnns: pian ist, Miss Ituth Jackson; assistant pian ist, Miss Uertriulo Guild. BEAVER-TAIL SOUP, Michigan Lumber Camp Delicacy That. Pleased a Mai y lander. Pruni tin- Son Yiiil. him. 'Although I um a Maryland r, mid an Kustern shore one at that," said Cliauiieey F. Itnynor. "and eoiu-eiiuenl-ly know whut good things to eat tire, I want to tell you that I'll lutvo tu take off my hat to the lumber cuiup cook of the upper Mlchlgun peninsula as tho discoverer, fabricator and ills penser of u dish that knocks the Kust ern shore cuisine silly. And that rain lumber cuihp dish Is beaver-tall soup. 1 was with Colonel Park, of Columbus, Ohio, deer hunting In the Rainy hike region of Michigan one full,' Wo lived ut u lumber rump boarding slutnty. !pife Mv flvS All Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant, method and bcnoilcial thovaluoof obtaining tho lihuld laxa tlvo principles of plants known to bo mcdlcinully laxatlvo dnd prcscntlnfr them in tho form most refreshing to tho tnsto and ucceptablo to tho system. It is tho ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling ono to ovcrcomo habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objeetlonahlo quality nud sub stance, nndits noting on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, niako it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figa aro used, us they aro pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tlio remedy nro obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Galifoiinia Fro Sybup Co. only. In ordor to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso remember the full naino of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. GAN FRANCISCO, OAL. LOUISVILLE, icy. ITEW YOKE, W. Y. Forsalo by all Druggists. Price 50s. per bottle. Put '"Joyce" on Your Shopping List unless you aro determined to continue paying the highest prices for groceries and meat. Tho reasons for so doing fol low. v 25 lb. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 (With every $3.00 grocery order.) Joyce's Het XXXX Flour per barrel, 4.X, York State Potatoes, per kiuihel lllfiln Creamery Putter, per lb Best I-'ancy Xllxeit Teas, special per pound , . Jloclui and Javn Coffee Joyco bne- cial blend, per lb C )bi. Choice Larue California Prunes . Other choice goods at similar figures, 7 The 7 0 Joyce Stores Popular Priced Provisions ajvhjsements Lyceum Theatre M. 1IEIS, Leeseo and Jlanigfr. A. JDUFFV, Bui. Mngsr, The Campbells Are Coming. HURRAH! HURRAH! Art. and K'v'g, Tuesday, Jjn. 7 Lyceum Theatre. Auspices of Scranton Caledonian Chili. Fourth Official Concert Tour The Kilties 4Sth Highlanders. Canada' Crack .Military Hand. Forty Muiicians, Sixteen Vocal Choir, Si-c Highland Dancers, Two llagpiperii. Four British Military Buglers, One Clant Drum Major, etc. Appearing in full Kiltie ltcgiincntal.-). Has created a furoio of cnthusaism in 201 American cities. lrjc(.s,fteroon, 2.1 and fiO cents; children iimlcr 1-, 15 cents. Fvcnlng. !!3, M, 75 and S1.00. t'lau open ut I.jccum on Saturdiy morning. Tickets for" sale by club members. WKnxnsmv jcirmT, jasuauv s. Most iuipoitant operatic event of the season Klnw & Erlanger Opera Company, Vresenting JEROME SYKES In Smith and DcKuven's Xcw Opera, FOXYQUILLER Willi an imoinparalile cast of aitiatd. America' largest operatic organization, FltlCT.S Kutlre lower floor, $1.M; box aiiii logo seals, ip'.'i balcony, 50c, Toe. aud $1; bo ami loge nc.its, $1.00; gallery. 25 nml SO ernU Sale of seats opens this iiioiiiiiig nt 0 a, m. Academy of flusic II. BF.IS, Lenee. A. J, Duffy, Manager. Tlllti:i:i)AVSO.f.V, Iwinniiw JJOXD.VY.JAX. t The Jli-atitit'nl Southern Drama, "ON THE SUWANEE RIVEH." Matinee l"ilcr 15 and 25 cents, Jlu-nlng Prices 15, -23, !!5 and CO cenU Matinees, Tuesday und Wednesday. Tllltl-.i; DAYS, beginning Tlll'ItSDAY, JAN. U "THE SECRET DESPATCH," A melodrama of Hie Civil War, by David lllssini author of "At I'lney ltldge," etc, I'riuv-.Mallnee, 15 and 25 cents. Xlght, 15, 21, !!5 and Ml cents. M.ulnecs, Filday and hatuulay. STAR THEATRE AUF. C. linitlllNaTOX, JUnager, TlllltSDAV. I'ltlllAV AND SATl IIDAV. Little Maguet fiorlesqners, Mailure llail.i. New Telephone, 25U1, There were slii of beaver at the upper end of tlio lake, nud a trapper succeed ed In irni'l'lntf ie "f tlio wily dam builders. "Wlion tlio beaver was brought Into camp tlie camp cook went nearly wild, And did tlio lumbermen when they heard the nuws. All lieeause they had been iryiiitf to trap a beaver for weeks not for Its fur, but for Its tall, a they were plnliiK, they said, for bcaver Uill soup. Tho cook took that broad appendiiKe of tho beaver, mailed like an armadillo, tool; from It tho uiuler lylntV bono and meat, and from It made such a soup as ieyer came from any other stock at the beck of the most scientific chef that ever put a kettle on. We could do the same thine, and perhaps better, on the ICastcrn shore, but ho lack one thins. Wo haven't gut (ho boa vers to yield up their tails." 1 tbi!fY?V S c
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