v; &V"', ' Nk, V 4-f , -' 'M: 8, , THE SCXUNTON TJlUBUiS'E-MOJfDAY, JANL'AKY 6,51902. ' I r I' r. PPT-YEAR ,1 ' OPENS TODAY i CHANGES THAT WILI, TAKE rtAOE THIS MOBNINO. Hon, . C. Nowcomfo to Succeed Judge i Ji W. Carpenter on the Com mon Plena Bench Other Now 6fll ctalu Who Toko Office First Sct'dl Jurors Chosen by New Commis sioners to Begin Their Sosslon. Number of Opinions Handed D6wn by Judge Carpenter. The court year begins toilny. Tim opening of the nesBlon will murk the retirement of Judcc J. AV. Carpenter nnd the Induction ot his huccpbboi-, Hon. K. O. Nowcomb. The commission of the now .ludce will bo read nml President Judge lCdwnrdn will formally introduce him to the members ot the bar. Today will also be marked In that It will witness the llrst sitting of grand jurors, selected, with K. 1?. Sturges and D. J. Campbell acting as Jury commis sioner's. Kdwurd A. Jones mistimes ofllco as the first elected county controller. Ho had boen serving by appointment. Dr. J. F. Sultry succeeds Dr. J. J. Roberts ns coroner, and Milton P. Mitchell takes the place of George K. Stevenson as county surveyor. The county commissioners meet at 10 o'clock for reorganization. John J. IHirkln Is to have a turn at the chair manship. Constables will make their first re turns for the year, and a session of priulty court will be commenced. At Saturday's adjourned session ot court, Judge Carpenter handed down opinions and orders In a number of matins submitted for his adjudication, disposing ot" everything pending before him. NO XKW THIAL. In the case of P. C. Pilger against the Borough ot Thro'op, the rule for ;i new trial was refused. Pilfer secured damages for injury done goods In the cellar of his saloon by water overflow ing from a blocked gutter. The bor ough attorneys, Ieers & Gratnbs, sought a new trial on tho ground that the verdict wus not in accord with the evidence. The rule for a new trial in the case )t Fannie and John Gnlluclier against the Borough of Jermyn was also dis vharged. Mrs. Gallagher had her leg aroken by falling on a defective siile .valk. The jury gae her ?GO0 and her nusband $100. The borough asked for a lew trial on the ground that tho case should' have been non-suited because of contributory negligence on tho part ot Mrs. Gallagher, she having 'taken a path which she knew was dangerous, when she might have gone on the other side of the street to a safe walk. The fad that Mrs. Gallagher was one of a. large number of persons returning from church along the sidewalk in question, when she was injured, de cided tho judge In refusing to hold her guilty of contributory negligence, the law being that a person encountering a possibly dangerous spot on the road may proceed, if he or she reasonably oelleves it can be passed by in safety. ItULU DISCHARGED. The rule for a new trial In the cuse of C. B. Wescott against Thomas C. urWln was discharged, and re'tusal was given the petitioners to strike off the non-suits In the eases of John Coni gan against the Scrnnton Railway com pany, and Ann McGovern against the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company. In the case of the "West Rldse Coal company against C. S. Yon Storch, the former decree was modified so as to equlro tho mining of a minimum of (.',000 tons annually, instead of 33,000 tons, as stipulated in the lease, tho nodiilcation to date from February 1, IM02. Court House News Notes. Two divorce suits were, instituted Saturday. Phoebe J. Kenner asks for a divorce from Benjamin Kenner, on the ground of cruel treatment. They were married fourteen years ago. Hrnest Titfanv wants a dlvoice from Celia E. Tiffany, on the ground of cruel treatment. They were married In 3S90. Next Saturday has been llxi'd as the time for hearing the petition for the dismissal of W. h. Yarrlngton from the otllce of executor of the estate or Jane lluna, late of Carbondule. EPWOETH LEAGUE CABINET. Number of Important Matters Con sidered at Meeting. The cabinet of the Wyoming district organization for the advancement of Kpworth Lenguo work on the district met nt AVllkes-Bano on Thursday. Mutters of Impoitanco were discussed. Tho sub-districts are urged by the cabinet to Identify themselves with tho entire district organization at once, and to report their officers to the sec retary, Miss Laura' White, 5:114 South Franklin street, Wllkes-Uarre. In or der to co-operate more effectually with tho sub-districts, the following mem ners ot tho district cnblnet werj ap pointed to represent the district cab inet: Kingston sub-distrlct, AV. I', Hillings; Wllkes-Bnrro sub-district, Rev, C H, Seward j Scrnnton City Union, J, O. TMcCoimoll; Avoca sub-dlstrlct, C. L. Roiter; Dallus sub-district, S. L. Rlch irdHi and for nil chapters not Included 'In the above, W. A, Sanford. The ofll Vers of each sub-district mo nsked nlso to send the names of each league JtiJjLhelr district to the secretnry named above, that tho district cabinet may Know what leagues ore not in uny dls trlct,' and provide for tho same, Tho' treusurer reported a balance on hand of $65.00, But this sumJand much jnoro can easily bo expended In furth ering the work, and therefore all leagues 'which have not forwarded their per 'capita tux of one cent, nro asked to forward amount duo at once to tho treasurer, Mr, S. L. Richards, Dallas, Pa. The annual convention will bo held the last weokdn May, at a placo to be designated hereafter, Leagues wishing to entertain tin convention will please communicate with the secretary. Pas tors or leugues having subjects which they wish discussed, or which they wish to discuss themselves, should notify the.seoretnry, A BEDSIDE WEDDING, Magistrate Millar Married Couple, . While Dangerously Hi. Magistrate W. a-MllIar Is still a very. sick man, but despite the fact thut he wouldn't ult up in bed on Saturday, he Dr. Lyon's , PERFECT Tooth Powder Uaodvby pooplo of roflnomont forovor a quartor of a century, performed a marriage ceremony. Tho mimes of theyoiing people" Who were wedded aro Vlovnnln Plorl and Marin Teresa SUBsanareln, and both lire Ital ians. , Just a month ago Hnturdtiy the couple presented themselves tit tho magistrate's ofllco ami asked to be married. They were told that tho mag istrate was 111, and they went off, say ing that they would wait till he recov ei ed. They camo again on Saturday, and when told that tho magistrate was still 111, vowed that ho would have to marry them, as they could wait no longer nml wouldn't be married by anyone else. The strange bcdsldo ceremony was accordingly n minced for and per formed, INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Seventy-two Per Cent, of the Busi- ness of the Railroads oftho Country Is Freight. The casual observer will probably argue that the railroads throughout tho United States rater more to the pas senger than freight traffic over the various roads. Tills argument Is usu ally advanced by the fellow who hangs around tho passenger station and watches the Incoming and outgoing passenger trains with their carloads of human freight. But the student of facts and figures t III tell you, and on the best of au thority, that seventy-two per cent, of the railroad transportation Is clone in freight, wlille the remaining twenty eight per cent. Includes the passenger, mall and express business. Tills Is an estimate ot all the toads in tho United States. The unprecedented increase In the freight business during tho past year has broken all previous records, and the percentage would have been much larger, but for the lack of transpor tation facilities. The coming year will undoubtedly witness a remaikable growth in all lines of railroad truilic. This nnd That. Superintendent Rose, of , the Dela ware and Hudson company, has issued an order forbidding the foremen or clerks at any Delaware and Hudson colliery to have anything to do with the purchase or sale of powder kegs. These kegs. Which are worth ten cents each, have been bought up by foremen or clerks for about! five cents. The or der of Superintendent Rose will enable the miner to get a higher price for the kegs, either tho ten cents straight from the powder company or eight or nine cents from tho agents. Some persons think that the Dela ware Valley railroad is the first, out side the Erie, to enter little Pike. Tho Mllford Dispatch tells or three railroad companies to meet there Saturday, January 11. On that occasion directors for the ensuing year will be chosen by the Mllford, Matamorus and New York railroad, the Mllford and Log Tavern railroad and the Mllford and Dlngmau railroad. The latter two roads exist only on paper and the first mentioned extends to tho farm of Hon. Jacob Klacr, one and a half miles from Port Jervis. J)., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the D., L. Ac AV. board for today: SUNDAY. JANTWllV 3. Wild Cat Kast S p. in., W. A. Ihitlioloiniu ; 10 p. in., Jolin B.iMer; 11 p. m., 1". McDonnell, II, Dolurtj's crew. .MONDAY, JAMWIIV . Willi Cits East 3 a. in., I). Ilaggeity; (i a. in., Iloliokcn, It. Itucgsr; 10 as ni Ilolioken, J. W. Ilciine; 1 p. in., T. ritzpatiiik; 2 p. in., lluiKliart; f p. in., .M. .1. Ilvniifan; el p. m., G. W. Hurt. Summits., Ktc. S a. hi., a. I'louufelker; 10 a. m., W. IT. NIeliol-,; 11 j, in., i:. McAllister; 2 p. in., Thoinp-oii; (! p. in., J, Caning; a p. in., M. Uolden. l'tihcis 0 a. in., AVidiiLi; 7 a. in., rinucity; S a, in., Ilouver; II. Ji a, in., Mor.in; ,, p. in,, J. Mutiny; i, p. nt,, I'. llnilholoiiieiv; 7,30 p. in., Mtnpli.v; !i p. nt., V. II. lUithoIomow; 10 p. in.. Lamping. lletpi'is 7 .i. in., (iannoj; 7 a. in.. P. sinaw; 10 a. m., O. Mlllri: 30 a, in.. l II. heioi; U.ij p. in., Stanton; i.SO p, in., C. McfJoxcni, Mild Cats Wet 10 n. in., T. Doiidiiau; 3t .1. in., It. l.'astiicr: :! p, in., M. Caiiuodj; 4 p. in.. O. Itandolpli; I, p. in,, ', Wall; 11 p, in., John (ialiagMi). xoucu. t'otidiutor M. riniiorty will ropurt at upeiiu Undent's cl'llu1, 8 u, in., Monday, Jan, 0. Iliakduan Van I.ubar, b, I). Coniiuii and 'Jm ncl l!rapiu will fcro to llobol.cn on Xo. 12, Tues day, Jan, 7. William Cilliipn u-jwi ti for II. Dolictty, AT HIS BROTHER'S FUNERAL. The Next Day Patrick McGwiil Was Killed on the Railroad. The remains of the man who wus killed near the Throop water tank at Elnihurst Friday last, have been iden tified as Patrick McGrall, aged SO years, who had beon nn Inmate of the Hillside Home during the past ten years. He left tile Home Thursday, and came to the city to attend the funeral of his brother, ths late Michael Mc Clnill, who died at his home, s6s South "Webster avenue. After attending tho services that morning, McGrull started for the Hillside Home, The supposition la thut he boarded a south-bound train on the Lackawanna railroad, and left the train at Klm hurst, and stnited back to Scrnnton, Engine No, S77, In charge pf Knglneer Is'ohlo Johnson, wus packing down to tho Xay Aug yurd, when McGrall stepped In front of It and wus killed, Tho body, utter being Identified, wub brought to Seranlup, where Coroner lloberts viewed it. Superintendent Heeiner, of the Hill side Home, having heard of McOrall's fute, ordered tho body shipped to Clark's Summit, but when it arrived there, a sister of deceased's claimed the body and It wus returned to the letter's home In South Scranton. McGrall was u medical patient at the Home, and had been a BUfferer from hay fever for muny years. Ho was well-liked by all who knew him and was especially liked by Superintendent Geemer, who considered him one of the bet members of his large family, H. M. Hannah's luwoiilcc has been removed to. the second floor, front room, in tho Odd Fellows' building, Nd. 203 "Wyoming avenue, SCRANT0N MEN IN BIG SCHEME WILL REVOLUTIONIZE TELE PHONE BUSINESS. Company Controlling tho "Central ess" Tolophone System and An other Company Installing One of tho New-Fnnglcd Plants In Chi cago, Have local CapltnllBts for Officers and a Big Wad of Ii6cal Capital for Tholr Backing Work ings of the Now System. In yesterduy's New York Herald ap peared an Interesting article on tho passing of tho telephone girl. Tho "passing" Is innile possible, or rather Imperative, by the automatic telephone exchange. Tho article Is extremely In teresting of itself, but It Is of especial local Interest, because of the fact that Scranton plays an Important part In the automatic telephone. First the article; then tho local flavor: ."Hello Contrail" was one ot tlio nineteenth century' pet plir.iea, with its nnsweilng cry, in dulcet or fliarp lonct, from romo feminine tlirtnt far away, "What number, please!" Hut "Hello, Onlial!" now that the twentieth century H here, promises soon to be a phrase merely historic. Science has made a stride forward. Tho "hello girl," presiding genius of the telephone cer blnee Its Installation, must seek fresh emplojnient be fore long-, l'or there has arrhed, and Is now in practical, successful operation, a glrllcss, central Icm telephone s.i stem, with VUitth, with a few twists of a curious dial, any one can get tliu number he wants, directly, in a few second N'o delay, no middcniui; leply, "They're Iiuiy, 'II let jou know!" lurks In the ieccws of this r.ew Instrument. No' third person sits In the t.intallzinir soniewhcie, icady to "listen in," If the pleads to cut oil the hurried man or the flurried woman at will, to JujtkIc with wires, put in and pull out plug, and when the subscriber is driven to the cip;e of desperation not infre quently to "talk back." HAS A PRIVATE "WIRE. On the contrary, he who "calls tip" now, if ho be on the lino of the new telephone, has at once a pilvalc wire in his hand. He slips a tinsel tip into cue of the ten little holes along the cut in; sides of this metal dial on the telephone bo (the holes ale numbered 0 to 9), haling firet taken the icceher off its hook, lie jerks the dial aiound sluiply until It catches. Swung on a p!ot the diil moves easily and quickly. It moes back to Its plicc automatic ally. If 2,741 is the number to be i ailed, the linn inserts his linger In the Xo. 2 hole ami makes the hist moement. l'or Nos. 7, 4 and 1 he twists the dial in the same wa. As the disk dually ionics bad; to its starting point he preves a, button just h"low. At the other end tho bell is alieady ringing-. The con nection has been made, the pcison called in four to flic seconds. Had the other end of the wtie been "busy," the man would hae braid, after he had gone tlnotiKh thee rapid motions, a faint blazing bound. Automatically, again, does this telephone announce the fact that .my other wire is en gased. Otbeiwirp, if the finger is put into tho right holes, the proper number is seemed In fallibly. The delicate, complicated, perfect me chinlsiu behind it all ncer fails. Operated on mathematical principals it is omcr een than huniju hamh. A big, lure room, filled witli lows of high kej boards of glistening metal, is the sulolltuto for "ccnlial." A strange "central" this, in deed! It is nothing but a machine loom, with a single electrician listening to the constant dklcs. Thet.c begin at one low of boau!.s, they are echoed on to a second, thenio to a thiid. XO OPERATORS. There is no sign of a petticoat or any i-ort of a telephone operator. The man in chaigc has sim ply the task of keeping this machine in ordei. Satmday night he, with the drills in the fiont cilice and the manager, locks up the etliange, not to return until Jlouday morning. And thiongh men nights in the week and all day feunday the esclnnge clicks .i.y, the sen Ice goes on without a hitch, with no human hands to aid it. The bant;3 ot iiistiuments in the loom click away, subsci ibers call each other as they plea.se, the "wipers" inoe up and down the "Mdectois." The telephone sill is truly passing. She is no nioie a modem necessity. l'all 1th cr, Mass., has the most complete, laig et and most piacticaliy operated of all the girl less telephone systems of Atneiica, thoug It is closely pressed by those of New- lledfoid, neaiby, and Augusta, Ga, The latter cities lue each more than lite hundred subaciibci on tlieio au tomatic wires. I'all Piter has seven hundred, howoter, and ap pieciatiou of this, senlce in this New Ihighnd mill town is rapidly growing. Yet the!e tluee cities aie but a few ot those that operate tele phones of the new older with no girl at "i:en tial." (leiict j, X. V.; Albuqueique, X", JI.; Albert I.ea, Minn. ; Auburn, X", Y, ; MadKou, Wis.; l'llneeton, X". .).; Ithaca, X". Y., and ecn the far distant wilds of hkaguay, Alaska, all hate automatic telephones. Hut the going of the telephone gill Is on no null sin ill scale as this shoit list would Indicate, 'the Ceiinaii government' has experimented, and Miccessfully, with the new intention. It has had a dial i-ct of ke.tboaids for tOO mom libers woik Jug In Ileilin tor a jcar and u half now, and will uun Install the sjstein on a much laiger hcalv, The Stiowger patents, opciating these iusliu minis, aie to be taken up in l'laure. SYSTEM IX HAVANA. In lbitaua, Cuba, the giiljess telephone is to bo the bjsteni of the Cuban capital, Twi'iity lite bundled iiistrununbi hate been oiduird to begin with, and tin thousand altogether are to be put in place as soon us possible, A curious clicuiiistaucc lias led to the choosing of this "no ccnlial" phono lor llutana, so the story goes. It is said that the difficulty of get. ting "cential" girls who could speak nil the languages leiiulied would bo too great. At all ctcnts no telephone girls .ne to bo theie. Hut It Is in Chicago that the "hello gill" will find her first inipoitant Waterloo, Already the tables aril being laid, Hee will be estali lUheel the first ccntralless telephone) ststcnt of the flist rank. It will take probably two years to get the wlirs In place and tho intricate) mechanism adjusted, but when It is completn Chicaso will start off with fifteen thousand antophoncs, with an ultimate capacity uneler the present plans ' and these) may bo enlaiged of fifty thousarul o( tluvp telephones. Ilttranrdluarily iiitcrestine; are the details ot this mechanism that kiiii to tonic more nearly to human intelligence than any other machinery, and set they are i-o Intricate, and complicated that they aie alniort beyond the cumpiehenslpii of all besides professional cnglurris and scientists. FOTTLT- BABIES . Bottle babies are so likely to get thin. What can be clone ? More milk, condensed milk, watered milk, household mixtures try them all. Then try a little Scott's Emulsion in the bottle, It does for babies what it does for old folks gives new, firm flesh and strong life. You'll be pleased with the re sult. It takes only a little in milk to make baby fat. - Wc'I I send j oil n little to try, I f jou like. SCOTT R DOWN!:, w 1'wr) .trtet, New Voile KIDNEY DISEASE CURED Hollo f Oamo to Hln Aching: Sack from tho First Dottlo, and now this Scranton Minor is Absolutely Cured of Kldnoy Troublo by using DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY .I Tills nun Is only cint ef many thousinds ttlm luue been cum! by ravttllc Heiiieetf, It lllus Hales what this grcyt medicine) Is doing for humanity, ind shows how unncecnary It Is for any one M suffer from Kidney Trouble It nhotts how ---"-"- " ."-". ,. ,... ..UK lfl.ll) ,111'., I, 1IU ,,, time. Don't delay It jou have any of the ubotu kj nipioms, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will Positively Cure Kidney Trouble e,l,!!ii','',S J'c" cv.'le Kll,,'f.v lfira'M 'or over thirty jcais. It is a standard remedf. the pic sciliitlou of one of the uorld's most famous physicians and specialists for Kidney Disease. I,, n,.t5.,rifl!" Wl"' ,?mTf (,c,t Mof your troublo while theie is time. What is one dollar IiemlTw. l ? ou.r ''V1"'' amI PosslbJ- jour life? If jour diugglst hasn't got litorito itcmcclj, we will (.end it to j-ou for one dollar. To Hrov.a what It will do send for Free Sample Bott'e. DOCTOR DAVID KENNEDV CORPORATION, Rondout. N, V. "Kach man his own telephone operator" Is sim ple enough, but the method by which, in the limits of a single room, one line picks up an other without human aid, in a erj- small frac tion of a minute, holds flic two together ns long as elesiicd, and then, upon the simple hanging up of the receiver, disconnects them, is nothing short of the peifcctlon ofiniodern science. Hut one man, life eipert electrician, is sta tioned in all this room. -Ills only elutj-, besides caring for the machincrj-, is to answer "trouble callo" nnd keep liack of the work of h!3 con struction and repair men. So dear "hello girl," "Goodbvl" "Itinsc off." C. D. SIMPSON PRESIDENT. These "centraless" telephones arc all owned and controlled, not only m the United States, but tho world over, by a company of which C. D. Simpson, of this city, is president, and the com pany eng-ac;ed in installing the new phono In Chicago has Edwin "V. Gear heart, of this city, as Its secretary. Both companies have many Scranton men in their make-up. The company owning and controlling the phones is the Automatic Electric Telephone company. It is capitalized at $2,000,000. JIr. Simpson Is Its presi dent and in the directorate are T. II. Watklns and Edwin "V. Gearhart. of Scranton; C. B. Eddy, of New Mexico, anil J. 13. Itussell, of Wilkes-Barro. A number of local men are anions its stockholders. The company Installing the plant in Chicago Is the Illinois 'Telegraph and Telephone company':-' It is eapituliezd at $.-i,000,000. A. G. Wheeler, of Chi cago, Is its president; Edwin W. Gear hart Is secretary, anil Messrs. Simpson and "Watklns are among Its directors. Local parties hold $2,000,000 worth of its bonds. Among its stockholders are the local men above mentioned and 'YV. II. Gearhart, ('. S. Weston, Reese G. Brooks, T. H. D'lle, N. E. Rice, of Scranton; Dr. Bullard and Messrs. Russell, Flick and Hollenbeck, of WIlkes-Baire, AT WORK IN CHICAGO. Two miles of wires have already been laid In the down-town, or buslnes-s dis trict of Chicago, and by June 1, 0,000 telephones will be installed. Even tually, the company proposes to have 100,000 telephones in use in Chicago. The phones are put In without cost to the subscriber, after the fashion of a telegraph messenger call box. There is an automntic meter connected with each phone to register the calls. A charge of so much per message Is made until $85 is reached. Everything above that Js iigured as free. The Bell com pany In Chicago charges $175 a your for a business phone, without legard to the amount of business. The Luxury of Modem Hallway Travel to Florida and the South. The gratitute of tourists who appre ciate the acme of luxury In railway travel Is due in no small measure to tho Southern rallwuy system. Their line of operation Is the great highway that leuds by Washington, D. C, to and tl-,1-ough the Southern states. Veur by year they have adopted every Im provement that c'ould add In any way to the comfort of that nrmy of visitors who jiitike their winter home in the vast territory covered by Its network of lines. An example of the supeili trains operated by the company Is the Southern's- "Palm Limited," which rupns be tween New York, Philadelphia nnd St. Augustine, every day, except Sunday, during the winter months. This mag uinicent train will be Inaugurated Jan. J I, 1U02, leaving Philadelphia nt 3.16 p. in. the most luxurious in tho world, runs through solid from New York to St. Augustine, excepting one drawing-room sleeping cur, which is detached at Bhtekvllle, S, C, and runs to Augusta, for the accomodation of travelers to this popular resort, and Alkeu. S. C. The train Is composed of Pullman composite, compartment ears, drawing-room, sleeping ears, library, observation and dlnhig cars. Two other fust' daily limited trains are operuted, carrying through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, New York nnd Philadelphia to Savannah, Jack sonville, Tumpa, Charleston, Augusta, Ashevllle, Chuttauoogti, Nushvllte, At lanta, Blinilnghum, Memphis, New Or leans, affording excellent service to I''orldu, Mexico nnd the Pncltlc coast, Djnlne car service on all through trains. The popular route to Plne liurst, N. C, Pullmun drawing-room sleeping cars, Washington, Plnehurst, Mouduys, Wednesciuy and Fridays. New York to Thomusvllel, Gu,, Pull man drawing-room sleeping cars every Thursday, comiuoiiclng January 9th. Charles la. Hopkins, dlsttlct passenger agent Southern railway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will furnish all Jn formatloup ' Hurried at Pike's Creek. At the Maple Grove parsonage, Piko's Creek, Pa Jan. 1, 1902, by Rev. U. G, Hamcd, Miss Jesslo P. Bcovillo and Mr. Marvin K. Kins, were joined in holy matrimony, Miss E-c'ovllle lsor- quickly truer win hhiiu ami now .surely atiiuv will bo elTcetcil. Listen to Ids story! "Scrnnton, Pa., March BO, 1900. "Your trlnl bottle came to hand safe. I took Iho medicine ns directed. Then I bought a bit? bottlo untl have tak en that all, and I urn now taklns the second and I do feel a now man'. I have no pain In my back. It Is good for the kidneys, and 1 do recommend It to all that complain of a lame back. I don't liavo uny need of a doctor so Ioiik as I can pot the price of a bottlo of Doctor David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Wm. P. Iteese. Tills "trial bottle" that ho mentions Is a sam ple that wo semi free to niijono who would like to try before they buy. Wo know 1'atorltii Item. cely will cuic, so aie willing to stand tho lest. Symptoms or Kidney Disease. If jou hate a lame back, ficquont desire to urinate, and a scalding pain In passing water; if jour urine stains linen, put some urine In u glass tumbler, let It stand twenty-four hours, see If there Is a sediment or n inilkv, cloudy appear nnce. J'llKK Mi:t)ICAT, ADVICt:. If joti are worried or uncertain about your cafe, send jour symptoms nml the Doctor will advise jou what to do. 'niou'.inels me djlng ctcry week fioni Kidney Trnnhln l.in.mo flirt- Iiii. mf ,.il-..i ii...lt..ln.. In RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Meet Nov. 3, 1001. Trains lcate Scranton for New York At 1.40, 3.1S, 0.03. 7.60 and 10.03 a. in.; 12.4S, 3.40, t.;!3 p. m. Tor New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. in., and 12.43 and .'1.33 p. in. for Toby hanna At 0.10 p. m. l'or Uuttalo 1.15, 0.22 anil 0.00 a. m.; 1.53, 0.50 and 11.83 p. m. l'or Blng hamton and way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. tn. For Oswego, Syiacuse and Utica 1.15 and 0.!E2 a. m.; 1.55 p. in. Owego, Syracuse and Utica train at 0.22 a. m. dallj-, ecept Sunday. Tor Jlontrose d.OO a. in.; 1.10 and 0 60 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m, Uloomsburg Ditislon l'or Northumberland, at G.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and (1.10 p. m. l'or Plymouth, at tUO a. m. ; 3.40 and 9.00 p. m. Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.13, 6.05 and 10.05 a. m.; 3.40, 3.33 p. m. l'or Buffalo 1.13 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.65, 0.50 and 11.35 p. m. l'or ninghainton and way stations 10.20 a. in. Dloomsburg Uhision Lcaic St i anion, 10.03 a. m. ami CIO p. in. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains lcate Scranton. Tor Philadelphia and New York via I), k If. It. It., at 0.38 anil 0.3S a. in., and 2.18, 1.27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.3'J p. m. Sun dajs, P. & It. It. K.. 1.53, 8.27 p. m. l'or White Hat en, llazleton and principal points in the coal legion-, via V. & II. IS. It.. 0.38, 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. For I'ottsville, 0.3S a. m 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Katon, Heading, HarrUburg, and principal intermediate stations, via 1). & II. 11. R., 8.3S, 0.3S a. in.; 2.1b, 4.27 (Black Diamond- Express), 11.39 p. in. gunetajs, U. ,fc II. It. It., 9.3S a. in.; 1.5S. 8.27 p. m. For Ttmkhauuock, TowandJ, Elmiia, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D.. L. and . It. It., F.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. m. For Geneva, ltocheter, Buffalo. Niigara rails Chicago and all points west, la D. k II. it. It., 7.48, 12.03 a. in., 1.42, 3.23 (Black Diamond Ex press), 7.48, 10.11, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. tc II. It. It., 12.03, 8.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley I'arlor cars on nil trains between Wilkes-Banc and New York, Philadelphia, Butlalo and Suspen sion Bridge. llOELIN II. WILBUR, den. Supt., 20 Coitland str.'et. New Yoik. CIIAHI.ES S. I.Et:. Ucn. Pav. Agt., 26 Cortland stieet, New York. A. W. NOXEMAClICIt, Div. Pai. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman re-ervations upply to city ticket offtce, 09 Public Squaie, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pennsylvania Eailroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 2, 1001. Trains leate Scranton: 0.SS a. in., week iln. through cstibule train from Wilkcs-Bairc. Pull, man buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadel phia, i.i Pottstille; stops at iniueipal interme diate stations. Also connect for Sunbury, llai rUbutg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Washington and tor Pittsburg ami the test. 0.38 a. m., week dajs, for Sunbury, llarrisburg, Philadelphia, Ualtimoic, Washington and Pitts burg and the west. 1.42 p. m., week dajs (Sundays, 1.5S p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrlslmig, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Washington and Pittsburg and the west. 3.2S ii. in., week dajs, thiougli c.tlbtie tfaln from Wilkcs-Iiaue. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches lo Philadelphia via Pottsfillc. Stops at principal inteimedlate stations. 4.27 p. in., week davi, for Ilalcton, Sunhuiy, Ilanisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsbuig. .1. B. III'TCIIIXS-ON. Hen. Mgr. .7. B. WOOD, Cen. Iis. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western. In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 17, loot. NOItTII UOL.M). I-eate Leate Airlve lialn-e. Scranton, Caibondale, C'adojla. jfo l 10.30 a. in. 11. 10a, ii. l.uo p. in. n). 7 U.lOp. in. Ar. OarbondaleO.lOp. in. SOUTH UOU.N1). Leavo Leave Anite Tialns. Cadosia, Caibondale. Scranton. No, 0 7,00a, in. 7.40a. m. No. 2 2.15p.ni. 4.00 p.m. 4.10 p.m. SUNDAYS ONLY, NOItril HOUND. Leate Leave Anite Tialn. Scianton. Caibondale. t-dosla. No, 8.30a.m. 0.10 p.m , 10..J5 a, m. No, D 7,00 p. in. Ar. Caibondale 7.40 p. in. SOUTH BOUND. ' Leate Leave Arrive Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. No. S 7,U0a,in. 7.40a.m. No. 10 4.30p.m. 0.00 p. m. U.lSp.m. Trains Nos. 1 on week dajs, and 0 on Sundays, nuko main line conncctioni for New York cltj, Middletottn, Walton, Norwich, Oiuicla, Oiwcjo and all points west. For further infomiatlon, consult ticket agents, J. V. ANDi'.USON. G. P. A., New Yoik, J. E, UT.LSH, T. P. A.. Scranton, Pa, gnnlst of the Loyalvllle Methodist Uplscopul church nml My. King Is teacher ill a school near Trucksvllle, I'u. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing November no and each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday thereafter, the Washington and South western Limited, operated dally be tween Now York, Philadelphia and Now Orleans via the Pennsylvania i Itullroad mm houtliern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Jlroad street station at 0.55 p, m., composed of dining, Pull man drawing-room, sleeping, observa tion ami llbiary cars, In addition will carry u special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-room compart ment sleeping cur to connect with tho Sunset Limited operated between New Orleum: and San Francisco, Tho celebrated trans-continental ser vice offered by these luxurious trains makes a trip to the Pacific roast not only very quick, but most delightful. Churles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Itullway, 328 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish all Information. Men's Box Calf and Enamels. IiegiunhiK January 4, wo offer our $3, $3.50 und ?1 inunti box calf und enam els, winter welghtH, for $2.50 nnd $3. Lewis, Ruddy, Duvlps & Murphy, 330 Luckawuuna uvenuc. Jonas Long's Sods Price Cutting and Under-value Selling Still rules at the Big Store. We do not intend to have any dull days here during 'January. ' Now 'is the ', time to save monev. Percales. A very fine assortment, of dark ground Percales, navy blue, Dewey blue, cardinal and black figured with small designs, dots and stripes, 32 Inches wide. A variety of patterns makes tho choosing easy and marked for quick selling at, a yard. . . .' , . . . C)C A new fabric that just comes to our counters today Is a 36 Inch wldo Twill Flannelette, suitable for Shirt Waists and many other wearable gar ments, light grounds, striped In narrow and wide, with an occasional fig ure In between, the pjnk and blue stripes are very pretty, sx Priced for, a yard I OC Generally sells for 25c. Stoneware. Mixing Board An article kitchen: 1-2 gallon size at 1 gallon size at 1 1 -2 gallon size at 2 gallon size at .... , Batter Palls 3-4 gallon size at 1 gallon size at 1 1 -2 gallon size at Our Great Goat, Suit and Jacket Sale Today. : Among the many bargains you vill find there $10.00 Oxford' Rag lans made from good Melton cloth, with yoke front and back, plain stitched, half lined, deep cuff and velvet collar. Reduced price ipO.75 '$15.00 42-inch Auto Coats with yoke front and back, lay down or storm collar made of Washington Mills Kersey, Tan, Castor, Blue-black and Ox-blood, all sizes. Reduced price is ... . ipV.VO e . I $10.00 27-inch Jacket, box effect, yoke front and back, with storm collar, made of a splendid quality of all-wool Kersey, Tan, Castor, Blue-black and Oxblood, all sizes. Reduced to close Q out p0.9o ooas Lod EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition Is now granted at the V Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for tea'chers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write lor particular. No other ectiool offeis null superior d MivUges at euih low rates. Aeldrcsi J. P. Welsh, A. M., Ph. D. , Pf la. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PA. T. J. Toiter, rrcsielent. Elmer II. Ltntll, Iicil n. J. Foster, Sttnley P. Allen, Vice President. Sscrettrj. RAJLROADjrUETLE3 Delaware and Hudson. In Kflcct November 21, 1UU1, Trains for t'jrbondule luc Sii.uiUn at o,20, S.00, S.M, 10.13 u. HI.; 12.00, 1,20. 2.31, J.5.', 5.29, 0 25, 7.57. P.15, 11,20 p. in. j 1,81 a. in. For HoiiesiUle, U.20, 10.13 j. in, j 2,31 and 5 J9 r'ror WllkevIlJiie-fttW, 7. IS. S.-tl, 0..'!!, in.n i, in,; 12 UI, 1.12, S.1S, 3.2S, 1.27, tUU. 7.43, 10.lt, lt.S'O 1. " Tor h. V. It. It. l'ointi-0.1'3, O.US a, m.; 2.13, 1 "7 nml 11. S3 11. III. For l'eiiiilanl.i It. It. Peilnta 0.38, P.33 a. m.i 1.1.'. 3.2S ami 1.37 p in. Tor Albany ami all points noitli 0.20 a. in. ami S.bl p. . 1 SU.NDW TIIAIN4. Tor Cjiliouilalo S.30, ll.'Jil J. in.; ,t,l, 3.3J, 6.0i iilid 10.5.' p. 111. l'or VllkeBurc 9.3S a, in.; 12.03, 1.,',?, 3.2J, C.::2 awl b.12 !", ,,, Vot Albany ami points noith 3.32 p. in, 1'ur lloHiveUli 8.50 a. m. nnil il.52 p. m. W. Ij. 1'IIVOII, n. I. A Scianton, Pa. New Jersey Central, In lined Nov. 17, 1001. Mutlum in New Voik. foot ot Ulieity kircut ami boulh Terry, .V, It. Trains leaie ricuiitoii for Jev oil', iMlUdvl, pitta, lliiion, Ikllilcliem, AMentonn, JUueli L'liun!., White llaeii, Ahlej anil Wilkea-nario at 7,SQ a. in., I p. in. and I i, in, buiuliy, 2.1U p.m, Oujker City Kmuvh 'eaves Kcranton at 7 M a. in., throiiitli solid etibiila tuiii with Pullman lluiiet PJrlor I'ai. for Philadelphia, Tor Aota, Pitt.ton und Wllkevllarie, I p, in. and 1 p. in. buiiiiay, 2.10 p. in. l'or I.OHB ISiane.li, Ocean (iiulo, etc., 7.30 a. in. ami 1 p. m, For ltcoilinsr. Lebanon and HaiTUbur,', via Al lentoHii, at T.UO a, in. and I p. m. t.uudjy, 2.10 p. m. For Pottille at 7.30 J. in. am 1 p. in. For ralea ami tickets appl to Ji;eut Jt tntien. f. 11. lltlltT, Cen. Pa.s. st W. W. WKNIZ, Ucn. Supt. Erie Kullroad, Wyoming Division. Trains for New Vmk, Neburi;li jnd iuteinie. ell.it'j points leavo Siruiiton as (ollws; 7. -JO a. ,jn..; 2.25 p. ill. .Mruuh lu.iu a. in, irvm .Miuuieioun, Hones. d.ile, lUttlcy ami inlrriuediuto points: 0.20 p. in. from New Yoik, Nenliuriih ami intcruivdlate points. No bumUy trains. n that Is Indlspenslble about tho ' . 8C 15c - 20c 30c 30c 35c 50c ill's W Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK 1LSNER 430 to 4S5 IT. Ninth Street, Telephoao Call, 2333. THB IC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and2, Com'ltb B'l'd'ft 80BANTON, PA. lining: and Blasting UfOa at Mooilo ana ttusa lit Wor'is. LAPLIN A RAND POWDBR CO, '3 ORANGE GUrt POWDER Eleetrto Datterlss, tilootrla Explodtrt zplodlag blasts, ciafitjr iruiual Repauno Chemical Co.'s ux.-lVve- BUV THE GEMUJBUE SYRUP OF FI6S . MANUFAOTTinED BY ,., CALIFORNIA FI(J SYRUP CO. tsrswvi: tiik .vajii;. I'Ur4.frrb cair to 1U d.k)Ktrrr,ibb.,I Ulwotl I'liUoM. Arrrout lblill), ,t aaikvod ' Yat iroffl 1. IStrlrlum (Ha (Mltliirk 1 ndmi'luK.l riplnif try oudiflM. flfdritil fr.uJ. 'w fpr.J TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS g's Sods j S Prof.Q.F.f fiitSSTSIB i sA intritfaUritIlliM lo tur&lnliv mall Hrliala! tAAfi! Jh t ,,' ,j
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