The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 06, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    -w i p jfl'T Wiwn i ' ' HP ii I
p&mFtt&iwifr9 fy
0. I'. HlMlhi:, IhniliMl Mana?ir.
r,c,v Vn.k office. e.BB.,jVNHt
bole Aftcnt lor l'oictn .Villi rtWii.
Enlfinl at the- I'cwlrillcf- nt Sainton, l' c
Vcuml Iln JUIKMAUrf.
Whcn space will penult, The
Ti'lhuno Is nlwaya glnd to pilnt
short letteia fiom Its fi lends bear
ing on cthrent topics, but Its ntle Is
that these must be signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's leal name;
and the condition picccdont to ac
ceptance Is that all contributions
shall be subojet to edltoilal revision.
mi: n.r lt.vri: mit .vmniiriMMi.
The follow hw tnlilr- lio the mice per hull
cadi iMeitlotl, 1U' to be ll'lel within chip Vfnrj
" - -"ritiiirnf Til tiTk on llill "
DISl'MV. I IMpcr HciclliiK Position
f vn tliflli Ml II clieM 2J .27. .ID
flic) Inches "0 J2 .-!
lOUl) " 10 i7" .10
sono " IVi 1? IS")
i two J ,...,. .il.l'i JIH-J.- '''
l'or cards of lliniK. lesciliitlom nt t ouilole m o
nml ulnillm eoiitiilnllltiiii In the niUiio nt ml
uitMnir Tlio 'Irllmiip linkM .1 ilniRC ot 'i cmli
a lino
Italia fur thitilllril VihiMlNiiii: liiiiiMitcl on
npulli-nl Ion
SUItANTON, .1AXUAy G, 1002
Tlie battle In Ohio tui ns out u diiivv
Ilaiinn liai the hotiHe; roi.ikcr tlie
R'ti.tte. Let both be happv nnd snort.
The Change in Judges
UPON" th cceoslon of tin- io
ihemcnt ot Judge I'aipeiitcr
niul the uctc-Hltn of .inclse
elcc t Xovvcoinb, It tut nis
propci to ray whit we ait- xmo is In
the minds of .Ul f.imlllai with imul
r.ffaiit: name-h, that L.iclmvvanna
county Iiuh nuvci hart n laliei or moio
conscientious Judni than J. Whnnton
Carpentci, esq Ho e.inic to the bem h
little KtioU n to the niujoiltj ot our
i 111. oil". He l ethos fiom It known to
nil as a uutn of fl'io qualities
well lnloi inert n- to (he law, ami cvvnie
of his own povvet.. Tlili Ui"t-n.imed
J net is full as liuptutunt as the othci
Piioi to his npopliitmoul to the Judi
cial olllee, JIi. Cat pouter hart ohlellj
been a cabinet lavvvei. Tortio he is In
the llvel aiiifiit ot u trail", ti.ul lie
lioth knows himself and Is known.
"What the bench will lo-e In hi- dis
placement, the bii will train, ami we
inertia that it will he a notkeabk aiu.
Foi Jurtfi-o (.'aipeniei's taiccesiii,
lion. Ii (J. New comb, theie can be onh
one vvKli, and that Is that his term
may bu hucrcitul and pleasant Mi
New comb is a man of stums peisonnl
ity, Intelleetunllv Keen and couiaBeous,
and imbued w ith a high en-e of the
dlguiU and iesponslbilily of the judl
clal olllee, Fiom his .succcsful enieei
at the bai, covoilns as It did a laige
range ot Intel est s and phases of legal
piactlre, it is sate to assume tint he
will be equalh .siuteb'-ful in the new
lelntionship. it is a pleasant leeollcc
tlon of last fall's campaign that not a
ttoidwJs used in the dhcii'-slon of
andldates which needb to he lecilled;
nor was tliete any need to fe.u a de
cline in populai les-pctt lot the henth,
no matter how the ballots weie cast.
It hat. not nlwas been -o in
wannapount, but we tiust that It will
alwajs be so in the futuie.
Some newspapeis aie wondeiing how
long Cuba will hao a pieslrtent "We
lope foieei It would be money In
pocket foi the United States
Abandon the Boycott.
H IIAVi: iec.eled, with a
lequest foi Its publica
tion, the lollowlmr min
ute, adopted at a lcccut
meeting of the Citizens' Alliance.
"the Citizens' Alliance, italling the
benefits tthcud iccehed by the com
munity tluough Us activities et keep
ing eoi In mind its single puipose of
llgliting onlv that which calinol he
mot allv defended, and l ('cognizing the
potonev of the mess in the foimation
ot public opinion, heieby tolls upon
each and eeij join mil, published in
I-nekaw anna count.v, to uphold and
champion, uggiesshel) not pasHhtly,
not onh the noneial pilncipltb of con
duct outlined In its flist manifesto, but,
also, the following specific piopositions.
"Fh st That all oijsaiiii'atlons, what
ever be theli ohlect, should wltlidtaw
all c.slstlnii bovcotts, and hliould 10
fialn fiom the ue of .such iiihtiumeu
talltles In the lutim.
"Secondlj Tluu It Is incumbent on
all oignnlzations, in whose behalf sm
patliy takes the foim of loli nee and
lawlessness, to not only disclaim the
same, but actively to engage in the
suppiesslou theieoi "
These piopositions aie sound ones
nml they have oui eamebt Hiippoit It
has been cleaily .shown that the bo
cott is Illegal, That should bo enough
to condemn II in the minds of eeiy
law-abiding cilUen, leKiiiilless of hrt
innJi or station In life. It should espe
cially be enough to condemn it In the
eyeffof labor unions, which pilde them
selves upon their loyalty to the law
It k equull clear that In most, if not
In ,l, cases the boycott, especially
whoA declined in star chamber session
and wljen enfoited by means of intim
IdatlonIs Immoil, un-Chilstlan and
un-AmeWean, Tliut helng tuie, it
should have no place in the aisenal of
organised label's weapons, unless oi
KiinUed labor means, In Its piuctkes,
to pe false to lis public piofesslons,
Kqually tifte is the statement' of fact
embodied in 'the Citlem.' Alliance's
second proposition, We know of no
orgaTiiutlon inthls tommunliy which
husideclaied In 'favor of violence mid
lawlessness, As li matter of fact, the
majoilty of them Imve specifically do
ploied these attendant featmes of labor
waiS But deploting them Js not
enoilfch. H Is the duty of ul! good cltl
tenslio go for them add suppiebs them,
It eery labor union In this valley
ivould enlist eveiy one of its membeis
in u determined put suit of those who
iro attacking stieet cms, using explo
sives on our public thoioughfutes and
Pdbsjng notice of boycotts, vio Is will
us o believe that Hie, utmospheie
,-vould not soon be cleaner and better
nan u i,sj j !
U l "'Xuuieasonable to'ubU for or
fTiinlzed labor's co-opciatlon In puttlntt
n stop to abuse1? that Injttle evdry ele
ment In mil cltlrritRhlp.
Heoie nnothcr for "the octopus. The
Aincticnii Hteel niul "Wire Lomimny haa
put its 25,000 pinnlojei on it ppnslon
sjsteni, whcichv not only aie old ptn
jiloyes lellied nflri ceitalu Hue and
faithful net vice, hut any hum disabled,
If on the pay-mils only for it tla will
be caiPil tor until testoied to useful
ness. Jt would be Inlet estlng to locale
the labor ngltator cupahle of dolnff
such lliltiKs for labor.
I he Canvass For duvcrnor.
Viirnni'c t'ommlsBlonei Dtu
hiiiu on Ftldny of hist week
tluil, "sink or mvlin," he was
John I' r.lkln for gov pi nor, and
his tircdlcllon that IJlkln would have
piactleiilly no opposition In the conven
tlon, aie justly legaided as significant.
To those acquainted with the political'
situation In this state, it Is not a sur
pilse that the nomination of Attorney
General Hlklii has been iletei mined
upon. Duilng the factional waifaie of
the past sk yeais he has been, nest to
Senator Quuv, pet imps the -most io
sourceful and elilclnnt miholder of the
"tegulnr," oi "oiganlzatlon" foicts.
Feitllc In expedient, novel dlscouroged
or dlscotnageable, a master t.ietltlan,
and thoiotighh acquainted with eveiy
factor In the game of politics as played
lu Pennsylvania, also posbosslng to an
exceptional degiee the peifonal esteem
of those with whom lie has been
In ought in contact, whether tills, or an
tagonist iiolltlenllj, hf- has Uteiallv
won his wav to the fiont and can
tuhlv be called the aithltett of ills own
One Dcctiliuillv about Hi. Ulkln
v hich fm nisbes a Kcv to his popular
ity among the men actively engaged In
politics Is the fact that he never, under
any ciicumstances penults political
cliff ci entts or disappointments to em
bittoi him oi lead him Into epi cslons
of 111 will. It was n singular hlglit dur
ing the acilmonious factional waifaie
at Ilaiilsbuig last w Intel to see Insui
gents In ficquent consultation with the
ntlomej geneial and on as vvaim tenns
of peisonnl fileudsliip with him as if
he weie their own tiolltical leadci In
stead of the most foiinldnble obstacle
to the success of theii plans. This huge
i.ipibllltj foi making filenrts of those
politically hostile is a distinguishing
chai.icteilstic ot successful political
learteishi, and among the ounger
men in politics toclav we know ol none
who have it in a higliei degiee limn
John P lie has peifeit com
mand of hlmstli, and thi1' lact lntn
'iblv impresbes othc is
As to the e:.pedlencv of his nomina
tion .it this time theie lias been con
sirteiable question, not all ot it b Mi
Ulkin's opponents It lb piobabl- that
In the minds of nianj doubt will lingei
until the ballots aie counted, nut theie
Is no loom foi doubt that It the pies
ent leadeis ot the p.uty conclude to
take the ilsl ul nominating him no
outside inllueuie can pievent Tlio
delegates to nominate aie ahead! In
sight. What effect ills nomination w ould
have upon the plans of those whir de
sk o the ovpitlnow ol the so-called ma
chine Is conjeiliiial Theie will un
doubtedlj beanothei attemjit at fusion,
but the xhances for a succes.ifiil fusion
of Demoeiatb and Insuicent loites aie
veiv muck lc-s todi than thej vuno
a few da.vs hefoie the labt election The
lact that the'-o vaiious lusion deals
have invailibly been non-pioduethe so
lai as the DemociatU Diitv woikeis
weie concerned has peueptibh cooled
their enthusiasm foi moi ot the fume
unpiolltnble bi.iiul of "lefoini"
It is Diobable, "-avs a Washington
dlspntch, that the most poweilul men
hi the senate will boldh cspoiibe the
Panama ionic when canal legislation
leaches the uppei ihambcV of congiess
No doubt some ot them will Especially
those who don't waul to have the canal
An Electric Gas Light.
jjVjjRAL months ago, at a
meeting of the Anieilcnn ln
"tltute or" TJlectllcnl Ihigl-
necis, nrnouiueinenr was
made by l'etti f'oopei Hewitt, son ot
Abiair. S. Hewitt, ot Xew Voik, ol the
dlscoveiy b him ol a new light, which
combined mis with eleetilclty. k,a-t
week, at anuther meeting of the "-ame
widely, Mi. Hewitt went anther Into
the details ol his ilitcovei an I al'-o
placed on view spcdinelib ul the new
The notable ot tlie-e specimen
lights was placed over the entiaiico to
the building in which the institute met,
in West Thllt-(ltst silent. It wan In
the foi in ol a column lour leel high
and about loin (in lies lu dlanietei,
emitting a billllant, cold blue-white
light, which illumined the stieet lor
halt a blod. Other lights of Miinllet
dlmenslonh weio placed within, and
weiu equally hiillianl. The Uewllt
lump, as demlb.'d lu the Xtw Yoil;
papeis, is vei.v simple In toiibtii.etlon.
It consists hlmplj ol a glass tube, with
a bulb at one end, into which gas gen
euated lioni men my has been intio
dueed. The tube is then connected
with an electiio euuent, null as is
now used in Incandescent lighting, and
that completes the piooess. Tho mei
ciuy gas acts as a conductor an Hip
eleetilcltj, and as boon as the anient
Is tuined on, Urn lube Is Hooded with
light, In the oullnai Incandefecent
bulb only the niuill filament Is aglow,
but in the Hewitt light the wholo In
tel lor of the tube Is a mash of eyeuly-
dlffuped illumination. In quality It dlf
fens fiom tho common electilo light,
bethei ineiiudebceut or aie, lu liaylng
a nioro pioiiouuced bluUh tint. It Is.
ladiipg In led, Thus Jt hnpaits to ob
jects earning within l align of Its ef
fulgence u ceitnln pallor v hie h at Hist
will beem stiange and possibly objec
tlonublo, but the c-.speits say that for
most pm poses this blue-whltlsh tint Is
not only not objectionable fiom u hy
,,'lenlo standpoint, but Is uttuully beue
litial, ruinlliailtv alone, tliey say, is
in lav or of the mora i eddish light.
Tho main advantage claimed for the 1
' I
Hewitt lamp Ii ita economy, lu In
vontor proCesfcea to he able to prodttcu
his light tor oiie-eiulith the cost or" an
liu,'undcici?ot light ot the same candle
ppvvei, vvhlle in conipailon with aiu or
otctl.iaiy ;;as light, he ilguies that his
light Is only ouc-thlid as expensive,
The Hewitt light calls for nieioly the
oidlnary tllieet mil rent t,hcult lucd In
Incaiirtescent lighting. A point not
eleiued Up In any account of It that
we have load Is the dut ability of the
gas In (lie tube. It would be Intcicst
Ing to know how the life of a Hewitt
tube computes with Unit of nil oirtl
naij Ininndnvccut bulb.
The cot (Utility existing between Piesl
rtent lloosevrlt and Ihimeior William,
nowly exeiuplltletl lu th billet 'h Invi
tation to the former rtaughter to olllel
ate at the c'lulstenlug of his nevr yachl,
Is it mutual consequence ot llielr le
maikable Mlmllailty. IJolh aie stienii
ous men, Uollt ai( fond of men of ac
tion, Holh mo enthusiastic In their be
lief in the ellkaey of sea power. Hoth
have had cxneilencu In mllltatv mat
eis and aiu of a militant tuiii ot mind,
lioth have leputatlons for personal eo
ccnlilcltles which closely lesemble ertcli
other. Doth nic clean and high minded
In their nsphutlons and actuated by
lofty convictions. The star ot each is
In the ascendant What mow nutmnl,
therofoie, than that they should be
diawn together.' It Is a luippy tlicum
stance, especially lu view of the fact
that oine pet sons seem to have detti
nilned that this cuuntiy and aeinmny
must get Into liouble. Whatever tonrts
to dlspiove these foolish picdlctlous
nml lestilt in a better mutual under
standing Is of public Intel est and value
Ac ecu ding to tile chief of the biologi
cal depaitinont ol Pattler unlveislty,
the futuie man, though having to go
through life minus a little toe, a vei
nii'foim appendix and floating ribs, will
otheiwiHc bo a decided Impiovcment
on tho man of luiho. For one thin if,
he will live to the nveinge age or 100
cmm and his capijcitj foi physical ex
el tlon and endutance 111 be coiic
pondlngly inti eased. Theie is consola
tion in this piophecv even though few
of us expect to live to see him.
The countiy at huge natuially knows
moi e about lot met Attorney
tlilggs thin about the othei candi
dates foi the vacant New Jeiscy scn
ntoishlp Consequently its sjmpathles
aie with Oilggs nut it lias no light
to dictate. All that It hns a light to
ask is that Xcw Jeisev shall send to
Washington a good, clean ltepublican,
able to make h's Inlluence iclt in the
Aiidiew Carnegie's flO.OOO.OOO gift
foi an institution lo encouiage the
blghest learning bab at last been put
in shape lm its leception by tho gov
ernment, and his name will go down
the ages as one of the gieatest of hu
manity 's beuelaclois licuutltul is the
light use ot wealth.
The London Satin day Itevlew is
wasting its noi v oils foice in fetuing
that the I'nlted atntes will giab unto
Itself the whole of South Ameilta. The
lecent ej)eiiencc ot this eountiv with
Latln-Amei leans does not piomote
covetouMie-s foi moie.
A westein minister has again l.iit-ed
the question, 'Should iils mopose""
He "-avs vc-, and he is light The
stiain ot leading up to a pioposltlon of
maniage has long enough been home
by weak man
flm?rican Interest
in Ctiban Prosperity
111. tOMMIlier of tin I nitid blik with
the klind if ( uln ilipiniU upon the in
clu tiiil piopcilt.v cf iho l-Uiul llio
I nlteil Silks U todiv vlilmllv tin only
mulct foi li'i iiruducl-. If fhe U ivin .in up
puituuilv to -ill hit wins in tint in ill. el .it i
fill piollt, .-In. will il-o laij in tint miiket.
the -ujiiiofitioit Hi it i icdiietirn of inn turllf
111 fivoi of tn iioi li fiom (iln would be cither
jl flee gill oi on .ict of chuilv K vvbolb ninli
imii It would bo tin. oljlilhhuu nt of i luis
foi .in ischium in piodmti. which would lie of
liiuhnl beuifit, .is gnat upon one .-Wo J upun
the othei.
hi lS'ii ( nlu plOl'lltlll S;( J,UOO,OW vvoilb of
hiigu, mil ;JVl(l"itC w oi 111 ot toliuio, the
glutei 'imt if wlm'i wis told to the United
si sto. Hie imin of that viut weie not IiIl.Ii,
hut tin v wilt lu'i,li iiiougli to i,ivi the lilintm
a fill uluin fm theli iiiili!-.! i nnd investment,
tuhi'rt impoiU foi tint jiu .no ijiviii i bi,
22'Jflll I his n prnuiti'il import it loiw ol fuod
pioduiH, unchlhciv, IiihiIi mil Miiki-, lotion
ilotb, bits, (beiuli il-, pipn, soap, c milli-., mi
ni il nud iiilmil pioiUia-, chin pioducls .mil all
llio minor iillclis u-eful fm and lindful in iho
dallj llio rf tin piupli No iuoio thai .1 Mini)
put of it, povdlil im pei icnt , w v. npim niul
l'j aiti(le which taniiot he idvantigtoupslj tup
pliid bv the Unllid Si ices Dining tint ,vi u the
I lilted static licuht fiom (uln iiieiLhuiiliso to
Iho V lino of 0 J, 110.111. Iln Mlts tu tubaweio
nllected bv u taillf fi lined lu the tpield inkiest
of Spiin, ili Dm eceploii of such articles as
vuie luviied bj I Ik irdpiodt lieatv of ivii,
Toda.v, it i- wholh vvilbln the pouei of the
Unit id Stites tu ivnlite nu lommcuo In hu
own fivoi vvllli die full mil heo coiocnt and io
fnl ition of the people of (uln llui moral
oblUitloii if the Unhid stales tu est In
( ub i tint 'stible nvirmiinil" which U liinbtcil
upun us the miu' ) 1 1 1 nun of L'iiIuu iudepiudiiiie,
liuliulii iln iihlie'il!nu to e-tilill-li ,i dm in-i-im
ol Hat Indiulihl piuspnit which is the
bid of ill ktihlo (.oviinineiit 'lu bIvl I uln
mi oppQilimily foi mkI i pio.peiitv K lo fulfil
mil muni i IdlKiitlon, and ,it the nine lluiu lo
open a V iluihlo nulla foi million, if ilnlluj'
vvoi tli iif Vmeiiiaii prodmU
Clitic's pun busing iown i lodij f 1 1 he-lav
what It was in It'll, tho jiai pieudlni; the vvui,
'I Ida is illuclb tiuieihli! lo lluiu iaues liijt,
tl t vvldetpiead deotiiietlon of the indiulrln of
the island tluouub the pioevaies of n ilivuatathu
wu, toioucl, the 1,10 it dipiiwlon In the marl it
prices of her pilnclpil commodities, thlid, tlio
falluie ol the roveiiiment of tutrivijiitlaii to give
duo aid mid nicuuiairemciit to tho economic (on
Ill Ion, of llio inland 111 this is c.iiut.lo of
lcellv leiiliu-lincnt If llio island bo fclvcii a
luaikit with u fah nuU'iii of piohc foi ni pro.
duitloiis, hei woiiduful nitiiul n,nurcij will
cuon unke Im u puulm-n of meat iiiiuit imo
ill the uiaikcta of llio I iillul Stall i
'llio filllni; olf of incriia'ic trade lu tlic Uland
U iiadlb accounted toi It i in part due tu
tho (,'emial cuuiuuuiil stagnation ie,ultiii' Iumm
limited uud m loiltjMe jmla-lilil prodietioii
llejoiid that H U nttiibutablii to I lie- fait tl at
I, mope is a theupci iii.uktt tluu U die I nltid
bUtu for man) ai tides of pi Imo ncce.sstv 'Ihl
(iiii onlj hu orTeit o ieeliuii li ido wkillins
whlili wonbl t,ivo (.ub i n pioiit ni Im waifi in
tho Aiunliau iiuikit, and miko the lulled
bl.ite, via the ( uhan iifaoin hoiuc, a iliupu
rillii than 1 mope,
o -
'lino aie fiw lo-Uoii, o( tlu United Sutei
whlili will lot bineflt fiom an Iiicicdm. ot our
tiudo with tuba. .S'ciw l.nsland houlcl fill hsr
boots anil klim.. til-hit rlnlltj m.l tl... ...1,...
. " T..-.T, ,-.,,.. .,.W Ul, .1,1 .v.iuiH
4".'i ,!. "'.',. ' IW, m ,oar'11 we '
ml tnil I h,t 11 1 1 I tin .1 j tii.ii ...I ., I.ini.ui
vvoilb ot cotton ilotb, and upwjid of iJ.,00O,0ck)
vvoitlt vt khocs lir jcui. Wu ujw bull her about
10 tier cent, of her cottons, and fiom 21 to S3
per cent, of her hci 6)ic want, building lum
bcr from the-eulb, fuinlliue benn lkhbian, eprii
fmiii lllijiui?, vvluject Usui lienn llw ituithwct,
nlijo ficm Cilirotliii, lion nnd iniclilncry Irom
VhlninA. nnd l'cnnjliilt, Icrortici nnd oltici
oik tinm tlirlr )cclal nroi, rIim rtnd BlaM
wain, pollcij, Inptr, i lei, clllod llh nml dried
licif, Wiilclicic, nml itjiii hioilucts tuln'i imr
t base ol 10,0ut),0')il irlli )ci jmr or of MM,,
ood.nuo Muilh per vcwir of Uwm duIoIm ol
.llnerleim ptoiluctlon nnd iimniifnctim; iicieiuh
nnd ilciciiil Mliollv ii)on lici nlillllj to pheo licr
ona iiediid In tin. t nltdl MillM to n lilr nd
ViintiRc1, -llik
tun In done with im ttitilt antiiKC, lint
Mlhcr with lioncflt to tlic fnlted Slnle. Uo
need licr nnd e unlit lier tutucco. It H
bceomlnjc iiioie mid iiloicnldcnt Hint n fiecr
Importation of Ctibui tobacco for clnnr flllnr
would Iminovc the iimiKct for .Vlncilmn wropppr,
lor wlik'li puipow the Aincilcnu Icil li hcut
ndipltil, Tlio nnut ullibl" nnu's oblnhnlilu
liow tint oui focble lltllo boot stigdr Indintu
N In tio toil Heed of inotccllon iittaltwt even free
law sugir from Cub i. 'lo ilcnv to Ciibm pioil
Iiel4 u mole fivonblo ciitinnci to our utul.iti U
In cut oil n valuable for our own vv ac3,
and to cilnbllih In our iininciUnlo vlelnlly a
people who will be to in Hint wbllli hiluid li
to l.nuliiid. It In to fill in our duly lo n people
foi whom vo line become in ill vvnjii icinii
slbic, and In (brow dvmj inininrrc I ll opporluti.
Itlos vvlilcli lie lcndv nnd upon for cur tikln'.
Albert fl. Itoblnson.
1'iom Hie Philadelphia Vicm
One of tho cciinm Hiding (li,uieii lu the nlittirn
die coll legion li Coiitsitiuiiim Willi mi toiincll,
of Scnnton llo begin life m coal mlnei, nnd
now lie cm tin coil inliin, binkJ, ucHspipeis tiol
lei lines and ii InteieMcd In n sioie of gicit
eiitcrprlvn lb' inhes up in lolltlci nnd is riu
ognlrcd ns one of tho potential tiotltlcal povven
of noitltcattern l'ennjhunii IKiplle lU bu-j
life, (.viiKiiviiiin Connell Iih uevei foigotleu Ids
rulv uIIkIciiu lialnliiR. llo h u member ot tlio
McthodM 1 plscopal church, mil Is i llliernl eon
lilbuioi to ullitlous ind cluiltiblo objects Some
vein no nil Ineveicnt Individual lemliKIng the
fict ns a peculni one, lint a man of Mi. Cu
nell's pioinlncnco In politics mid the business
vvmld vhould Inve uch i ujaril tor n
lliclon, iccclvcd this lipb bom the iged cnu
"mnij nun, it Is i pullv poor soit of i min
who his no ii-pcct foi leliglon 'iho Almlghl
(foil Ins given me beilth, nnd linnil! and bi dn
to in il o of nivelf whit I im, nml if I rinnot
Miow .i -eno of gntltudc foi vvlnt lie his clone
for me, I nin worse thin tvy n igc tint v ilks
li iKcil thiough .in filcin junjle "
The PhlliiKIplili I'uhlle I cdgei Vlnninc for
l'WJ mt the slindud foi jeai liool s in the vv iv
of item lev mil nmpletciicss Its election tables
and oilier dita of intcicst concerning htite mil
liithmil politics unke it inv ilualile to the linn
in public life is well ss lo Iho iieiagc uthnn
who dciiics to kcip pice with lffurs of the
goveinmcnt. hi addition to the festiues ibovc the book contains in mi useful uilpes;
the iwuiil lecouls of evinls of the pf-t Jcir mid
iiimli othei nuttei of lntcipol.
Iho l'liiladdphli Iiiquhei Vlinnmc fm 1J0J
Ins been compiled with (he mmc em as to detail
mil .iceunij tint has mule former editions of
tl e bcok inv limbic It is one of tli" hrtret and
inu-L iiitiiestine of tho inmnls received this
-c i-on, mil is in cvcij w ij vviiilb) of the splen
did journal which It icpiesenls
'Iho 'scnnton 'limes iiinml foi Vitil U b.v fir
the most ambitious publication of the kind that
has been sent out fiom the oflicc ot inn evening
lonlnnpci nj It coiitsiiis the inud 'lUintitv of
loc il Jiti, md iccouls of events of the past
veu which mike it vilushle as a hook of lef 1
nice. Iluidsonic! liilf lone lllu-tutions md a
nest covci al-o ai-Ist in its titi-tic coinplcleiies-.
'the Wilkes liinc ltecoid's "leu Hook and U
miu ii, vhieh has ilw ij been line of the most
compute in Noithct-tein I'ennsjlv una, ia not be
hind lis n,ii il stand ml of excellence in the edi
tion of 1 0U2 Its iccouls of Wilkes lime ind sur
lonndms towns foi the pist tvvilvc months leive
little lu be suiiiit-cd, mil t lie conlents cf the
book hum s( irt to llnUli how lint gint cue
his been ieuiscd b the compilei
V pililne? woild Iim bluhheieii. Ion.?
t) ei the uiikbtcd ki s, inJ Hie uiiriinj sons,
Vnd the unthunk thoushl, not dead, jet 'one,
Hut nun has wept foi the unj iwncd .iwn
Vou hue met, pcichiuce, vUth the thiou'i bun
Who tells vim Hie tiles he bat. (old bifoic ,
"Von hive tiled to smile is he 1 iiundcnd on,
Vud jou vc ncaib hur-t with .111 unv iwn 1 lawn
Oi Hie oulli vho comis &l nights in sien,
Vnd wous the muikii till hilf psst 'lueii,
Who sits, as sic thinks, "Will he si ij til)
On lb safelv vilv of in imviwncd viwn
Oi oll'vc one, puclnnie, to dine 111 Mill,
Some new found W'ebolir to lic-11 mile.
ou'vc pounded the tsblc and (.aid ' (!o on'"
.Vnd unv udlj ciioineil Willi m uimivvneil ivvn
Vnd at chuuh but line '(would be inoner, j oil
1 nun ,
if j 011 esn't sijj unki in eluuili don't 0 -1'v'n
licic oui.'o tbcuiL.bts inn be fu wlthihin
Vnd the fnme convulsed with 111 unv iivned
,v ivvn
Vnd jet, is' mn men of iclinie mj
Theic's uothiiu lint's lo-t, 01 vv islu avvij,
Somewhtie 111 Hie Jiwnlns; depths ot spice
All the unj aw m d jawns nn.v Invo fuuud their
phce. -Clilciero Tiibunc.
Always Busy
Our JflOJ Jloiiey-Savlng Sale begins to
day. With eveiy pair of oui teet and
health-saving shoeb ou get a shoe
ahliier (tee.
114-1 16 Wyoming Ave.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
lit Glass.
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereau- & Connell,
132 Wyoming- Aveune,
In great assortment on ex
hibition this week at
There can be no more
appropriate gift than one
of .the following Iin?s, all
of which are maiked in
plain figures:
Wrilins Desks,
Dicwin; nblts,
1 ancy 'I aides, riias-cs,
l'.irloi raliinets,
jliialo Oihincts,
( urio Cabinets,
Hook dues,
I oune,
Work 1 aides,
Kati Chair-,
(lilt Chilis.
blind Cliaiis
Shaving Standi,
Pcilc-t lis.
Munis Chalis
Low pi ices and Iaige
assortment to select from,
of well made and desii
able pattei ns.
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lanrp.
.n itr ii i
-j.i.a ruiui AVVIIUD. u
Allis-Clialmers Co
Successoia to Alachlne Dullness ot
Dickson Manutactuilnc Co, Kctanton
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationaiy Engines, Boilers, Mining
Maelili-.ei y, Pumps.
Storm tnsh and doom utmc front, 6fflco and
ftorc furniture, In hard oi dolt wood, nml Job
binir. 3.'cl ,V, Wiubn. nve. f SOMMAIl.
ntinniry mid WAOOVS of nil kinds! nk
ltcuios and nulbllnir hots nt ImirAUi. UOIPil S
tbIPl'I O and attOOMCD nt
I.acl.avvannA Tirrlaue Works.
J. B. WoOLSEY & Oo
Dealers in
Plate Glass and Lumber
couritv nuiLoiNa a snviNns uvov
Home office, SOSItV) Mears rtulldlnir, tiannit i
general LullJInj- and loan business tttioughout
too Male or rmnavlvanin
rear Gil LaeU.ivvanin avenue, iinnufacluier ot
VVJro Screens ol all kinds; lulh tircpired tor
tho spring season. Wc nuke all kinds of
screens, elr
We have determined to reduce our stock piior
to our lemoval to our new building at our
former location, 129 Wyoming avenue.
Special Clearance Prices
on Entire Stock.
26 Washington Avenue.
Organised 187 2.
V Depositary of t!ie United States. ;
S Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 c
Y 'IboellHcoitnt into to dapoJlton Is .1 per cent, poi u iintui.
Y Special uttontlou clvei) to all acuoii nts vvlietboi bujooi J mil a
0 Opon feiitimliy uvunltui S to 1) i ul i c
X Unco poi eaiil, lalcroit pile! on t. ivln"! clop islti V
Intcicst compounded Iiiiumi 1st. anil lul lit v
5 HENBY BELIN, JH Vico Piosidont. X
( WIIjLIAM H. PECK, Cashlur. X
b William Connell, Jnnios Aichbald, 0
0 Henry Balin, Jr., latthei' ICollor, Q
Geo. H. Cntlin, J. Bonj, Bimmtuk, q
A Thomas H. V.'ntlcin'?, James L Conuoll, a.
$ W, D. Zohndev. X
! ' 0
VK . . t 4. u o t t; f, f, v, . f.
other leather. On account of miM weather ami other conditions,
we have reduced the prices on Ladies' Shoes os follows; '
Ladies' Hon Calf Lace Shoes
Regular Price $2.25,
Regular Price 2,50,
Regular Price
? nil
Regular Price
N. B.- Mo old stock; every
; stylish lasts.
'A 'A " "4 "4 U i ' A 'A "H 'A Vi 'A 'A 'A V
Suceceor to
We make a specialty of fine bread ttufta.
Orders for Saladv, Oystcre, Croquette), etc.,
promptly filled.
A full line of !.cc Cieam and Icef.
Ocneral Contrncior, Hulldcr and Dealer In
llulld ng Stone. Cementing ol cellars n rpe
elaltj. Telephone 2502
Olflcc, S.7 Waililngton avenue.
Mikri of Paving tlrlik, etc. M. II. Dale,
Cireral Sales Agent, Olflco 329 Washington av.
Works at ay Aug, I'a , 1'. i. W. V. 11 11
.120 Wiuhlngtou Avenue.
Will lie Opened Siliirday, Dec. II.
'the Host the Mmket Aifoids Only.
1 H
tt; i f. t s d t tj v, y, t v, . t. n
Tlic most serviceable leather
for Winter Footwear you will '"
find is Ho. Cilf. You will '
get more real wearing value
lor the monev than in anv it
Special Pi,'ce,,..$i.75
Special Price,.., 2.00
sr,fJr.l, Prif-A en "
Special Price. . . . 3.0 ";t
pair new and made on the most ft
ox m
Vj 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A 'A "A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A " '&