The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 03, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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HARFORD. lo llic Scranton Tribune.
'llnrford, .Tnn. 2. rtcv. Mr. nnd Mm.
J.. 1'. Munwoll were given a farewell
lcoeptlon IfiMt Friday. Hcvenly-rtvo
partook oC a bountiful dinner that was
perved by the ladles of the church.
After dinner, Dr. A. T. UrundiiRe of
tcrcil player and Mr. M. J. Chamber
lln presented Mr. and Mrs. Manwell
with filterings from their many friends,
which amounted to nearly $30. Mr.
and Mr. Manwell leave for their new
flM of labor this week.
Tho annual creamery meeting of the
Harford HUttcr and Cheese associa
tion will be held ..Saturday. Jan. 4, 1902,
at 2 p. m In Odd Follows' hall.
Itov. Mr. Lake, of Hlnghnniton, N.
'.t will occupy the pulpltsof the Con
BiPBatlonal'cburchiSunday, Jan. i .
The funeral of Mrs. I.iiu narrow
was hold from her late home Monday
at, 2 p. in. Iter. Mr. Hlller. of Wilkes
Htfrro, olllclated. Interment Was In
the Harford cemetery.
"Miss Clara Watson returned Monday
from visiting friends In I'cckvllle.
Mrs. J. C. Urush, of Wlnton, visited
Mrs. K. M. Watson Monday and Tues
day. Mrs. Clinrles Prink, of Montrose, at
tended tho funeral of her sister, Mrs.
Jaiii Darrow, Monday.
Miss ltuth McConnell rcturnetl Now
Yenrs from visiting her sisters la
Master dcorge Booth lias returned to
Wayne county, where he Is attending
school and living with his grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. "Walker.
Jack Hrlggs. of Owego, Is spending
Ills vacation with his mother, Mrs. O.
It, nesacglne.
K. IS. Jones was In Hlughnmton on
Frank narrow, of Plalnslioro, X. J.,
is h6me for vacation.
Mrs. Sterling Is In New York, curing
for her daughter, Mrs. Cieorge John
ston, who Is sick.
Mr. Dolawny and daughter, of Klk
Iake, and Miss Compton, of Middle
town, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George
D ola way.
The funeral of William Brtinduge
was hold at his late home Jan. 2. In
terment was in Peck cemetery. Mr.
Brundngo was once ,a resident of Har
ford, but for a mi m bur of years has
resided In Gibson township.
E. M. Watson was In Scrauton
Mrs. J. U. Tanner Is some better at
tills writing.
Spetial tu the, Scranton Tribune.
Wyalusing, Jan. 2. The many friends
of O. A. Gilbert in this town wore deep
ly grieved at the death of his wife,
which occurred at their home In Mont
rose, neeember 31. Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert were stricken with smallpox a few
days ago. Mr. Gilbert hurled his
mother, to whom he was much at
tached, a few months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, who have
been spending two months at Orchard
cottage, tile home of Mrs. Hlnes. have
returned to their home nt Jersey Cltv,
X. J. '
Frank A'un Dyke, of Central Isllp, t,.
., is1 spending a few days at his holnc
in this place.
U B. Harris, of Scrauton, spent
Christinas with relatives In town.
Miss Sabra Porter visited her sister,
Mrs. K. Crandnll, at Stovensville, Pa.,
last Sunday,
Miss Mina Hlnes went to Wllkes
Tlarrc on Monday last, after spending
Christmas at her homo in town.
The Wyalusing Hose company and
the Andax held their annual banquet
New Year's eve.
The Old Homestead quartette will
give a concert In the Wyalusing Sec
ond Presbyterian church on Friday
evening, January 3.
Frank Donley, of New York city,
called on his ninny friends here last
Friday and Saturday.
Special to llio Scianton Tilbune.
Fnctoryville, Jan. 2. Rev. and Mrs.
Caterer, of Dalton, were guests of M r,
mid Mrs. Brayton last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Crlsman enter
tained a family party with a turkey
dinner on Wednesday.
The remains of Harry Illiodes. son of
P. W. Ithodvs, of Clark's Green, were
buried here last Tuesday, after the
services in the Methodist church. The
young man, died In Manila, October 4",
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Bap
tist church served an oyster supper in
the church Wednesday evening.
Dr. hud Mrs. A. B, Pitch and Dr. and
Mrs. Coult were members of a party
that enjoyed a slelchride to Tuukliun
nock Wednesday evening and heard tho
lecture by Booker T. Washington,
Miss Kcllth .Dubois, of Dalton, was
the guest of M'rs. V. rt. Gardner, Wed
nesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. George X, Cnrr, of Dal
ton, former residents of this place,
have moved to Wllkcs-Bnrre.
Christmas exercises were held In tho
Methodist JCplseopnl church on Christ
mas nve and n very enjoyable pro
gramme rendered.
Ruv, and MrA, Abel Wrlgley, Miss
Madf;o and ' Hexford Wrlgley spent
Christums with Mr. mill Mrs. Charles
Klelnfelter, of Hlnshamtou, N. Y.
Miss monitor and "Will Belseeker, of
Htroudsburg Normal school are upend
ing the hollduys at their respective
Ilexford Wrlgley and Arthur Belseek
er, of State College, aro homo for the
holiday vacation.
Miss Kalheiliio Higgliis, of Jlhilr
Hall, X. J s spending her vacation
with her parents.
Mrs. Emma rt. Jacobs, of Nantlcoke,
and Mrs. W. I,. Speeco, of Scrunton,
were guests at the Vun Busklrk homo
over christums. "
Mlstt May Undebury, of Scr.tnton,
was tho guest of Miss Kleunor Uel-t-cekor
Christmas week.
Miss Kdiui Shelly has returned from
a month's visit in Scranton.
Eugene Fuller Is at home from Jef
ferson college.
Mr ttlid Mrs. U. AV, IJelseeker enter
tajned u largo number of friends at
dinner oi Christmas.
Katherlno Thompson will entertain
tho Elite club Suturduy afternoon una
evening of this week.
.Mr. itlUl Mrs. Edwurd Wurd gave, a
Jjiinlly chrlstnuis 'dinner. The guests
were Mrs. Ui Hue, Ajfss Lu llui( Daniel
and Charles l.n Hue, Mr. and Mrs.
Will La Jtuc and family, Mrs. llunnnh
AVnrd, Miss Wnrd, Mi. and Mrs. 10. It.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ttlchards and
family spent Christinas with Mrs,
Hicluirds' mother at J'lttston.
Miss Eleanor Uelseeker gave a party
Monday evening week In honor of her
friend, Miss lilndebury, of Scranton,
The Elite club held a Christmas tree
celebration on Saturday evening before
Christmas at the home of Mrs. E. IS.
W. C. Van Husklrk.of Johnstown.Pa.,
was a guest of his uncle, C. Van Uus
klrk's family, on Monday anil Tues
day. Mr.andMrs, Robert Ituger anil family
spent Christmas with William Shelly's
family at Wyoming camp ground.
.Miss Emma Van Busklrk has re
turned from a month's visit In Scran
ton. Plttston and Wllkes-Bnnc.
Mrs. John Lloyd, of Forty Fort, spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E, Thompson.
Two children in the woods.
Ibid their big brother?
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion elected the following officers for
the coming year: President, A. Coll
higwood: vice-president, Jacob Iteese;
second vice-president, Richard Rob
erts; secretary, Joseph Whlteford; as
sistant secretary, William B. Morgans;
treasurer, Atherton Bowen. Through
the efforts of the executive committee
namely. John Boyd, A. Colllngwooil,
Jacob Iteese, W. B. Morgans and Ezra
Powell have secured A'an Horn's ball
to hold their meetings in the future.
The next meeting of the association
Will be held on Sunday afternoon. All
members are requested to be present.
Lost On Monday, a child's fur, be
tween Taylor and Oak streets. Finder
rewarded. Leave at Evans' news
Gomer 10. Davis is a candidate for
council from the Fifth ward, subject
to the decision of the Republican
Norman Sunges, of Buckneli normal
school. Is visiting his parents. Fore
man and Mrs, Btur.ges, of Old Forge.
Miss Maud Davis was tendered a
farewell reception on AYedncsday even
ing at her homo on Main street, pre
vious to her resuming her studies at
the Stroudsburg normal school. The
usual party diversions were indulged
and dainty refreshments served. Miss
Davis left for tho college yesterday.
The fair of the St. Lawrence church
came to a successful close on New
Year's night. A large sum was real
ized from the undertaking and the
congregation can now proceed in the
erection of their new edifice.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davis of
AVIlkes-Barre spent the new year with
relatives in town.
David Evuns has returned to his
home in Danville after visiting rela
tives in this place.
Miss Stella Price, of Moscow, has
returned home after being the guest
of Miss Susie Harris of Union street,
Miss Ilaunnh Thomas has returned
to her home In Plttston after visiting
relatives In this place.
reception was tendered Mr.
Alex. Campbell by their frl
ends ,
relatives, upon their return
a very pleasant wedding tour, Mr.
Cumpbell was united In marriage to
Miss Lizzie Berthwlek, of Grove street,
last week. They were the recipients of
many beautiful presents. The young
couplo will make their homo In a new
house erected by the father of the bride,
on Grovo street. The reception was held
Tuesday evening. Those present were;
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Godwallls and
daughters, Katie and Ruth, Air. and
Mrs. AVIIllam Shales, Mr. and Mrs. John
AVhyto, Mr, and Mrs, John Rundall and
son, Sllus; Mr. David Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Borthwlck, Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. David
Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Greene enter
tnlued classes No, 7 and D lit tho pur
sonuge the other evening.
Wllhird D, Howe, Inisiersonator, will
bo heard at the Brick church on Friday
Tho following olllcei'H were elected by
thq Methodist Episcopal Sunday school
for the ensuing year: Superintendent,
Thomas Martin; secretary, Miss Myrtle
Reed; treasurer, AVIIllam Plows; llbrur
lun, Duiiuu R. Dills; assistant, Elmer
Mrs. AVIIllam AVutts, of Scranton,
spent New Years with her father, Mr.
Thomas Nolan.
Mr, and Mrs. John Owens were visi
tors In Scranton on Monday.
The Misses Wealthy unci Margaret
Inodheaa spent Sunduy at Forest City
with their brother, Rev, J. E. Bill
head, AVatch Night services were iiod In
the Brick Methodist Episcopal church
on Tuesday evening. The principal
feature of the evening was burning of
the mortgage of Jl.GOO against the
church, The church had undergone
extensive improvement about Iwo
ytfnrs ago,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Uothwlck
gave n reception on Tuesday evening
to a number of their friends, In honor
of the marriage of their daughter,
Elizabeth, to Mr. Aloxnnder Cotnp
boll. On Wedncmlny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thom
as Sunly received the sttd news of the
death of their son, Corporal George
William Sunly, who was stationed In
the Philippine Islands. Ho died on
November 19 of peritonitis, after un
dergoing all operation. Ho enlisted In
Company C, Fifth regiment. United.
States Infantry, about three yours ago
and his time would have expired In
April next. He was a kind brother,
an affectionate son, and was generally
beloved by all who knew him. A let
ter was received from one of his su
perior otllcers, In which he spoke of
him In the highest terms for his ster
ling qualities as a soldier. He would
soon have been promoted to the rank
of sergeant. His parents were looking
forwnrd with great pleasure to the
return of their son, but now their Joy
has been turned to grief. It Is posslblo
that his remains will be brought here
for Interment.
The Ladles' Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church will meet this nf-
Can you
tornoon at the home of Mrs. Frank
Misses Letitla AVatklns and Gladys
Armllold, of Parsons, are visiting Miss
Mottle Smith, of North Main street.
Misses Maud and Minnie Robllng are
vlsitinsr friends in Plains.
Harry Camvell, of Philadelphia. Is
visiting Ills sister, Mrs. Frank Johnson,
of Miuooka avenue.
Misses Maud Smith and Stella Levan
attended tho matinee in the Lyceum on
New Year's afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, John Dean entertained
a number of friends at their home on
Wednesday evening.
Miss Maine Hinds is spending a few
days in Moscow.
Kansas Miners a Fourth of a Mile
11 tin Now Yolk Sim.
Rice county, Kan., is nearly in the
center of the state. It lies almost on
the border of that western part of
Kansas where, as a well-known writer
has said, "crops are very uncertain
and the farmer must work ten days In
the week and sleep only on holidays."
Its population in 1900, 14,743, increased
in ten years only by 294 souls. Hut
Rice county has attained a claim to
distjnetion that is almost unique in this
country. It is mining rock salt nearly
a quarter of a mile under ground nnd
has dug out of this mineral wealth
about as many streets as there are in
Lyons, tho capital of the county, a lit
tle city of some 1,700 inhabitants.
Fourteen years ago some prospectors
were searching for natural gas or oil
when, much to their surprise, their
drill, nt u depth of 830 feet, penetrated
a body of rock salt. They kept their
drill at work, but It was not till they
had reached u deptli of 1,100 feet that
they got to the bottom of the thick bed
of salt. Several years later a company
was organized to work the salt bed,
and so a shaft was sunk about three
fourths of a mile from the city of
Lyons. The shaft penetrated the bed
of salt to a depth of 20." feet, the bot
tom of the shaft being 1,005 feet be
low tho surface. There were thirty or
forty feet of salt below the bottom of
the shaft,
One vein of salt, eighteen feet in
thickness and of exceptional purity,
was selected for mining, and It Is
through this vein that the under
ground works have been extended. The
bottom of the shnft Is the center of
operations and the works extending
from it resemble the rectangular streots
of a well laid out town. Tho main
streets are twenty-live feet In width,
running east and west. At frequent In
tervals they aro crossed by other streots
of tho same width, running north and
south. From these cross streots rooms
or chambers are dug out, each having
a width of fifty feot; and between each
room and tho one next to It a pillar of
salt Ib left, fifty feot wide, to support
the celling, or, In other words, thu salt
roof over the workings, which Is only
about ten feet ubovo the Moor. As this
bed Is yielding nearly barrels of
suit every year It will be readily under
stood that tho ramifications of these
streets far below tho surface have bu
como quite extensive.
Additional Passenger Train Service
via Southern Itallwny.
Effective Nov, 24, tho Southern Rail
way will oporato through train service
from AVuslilngton via Richmond, A'u
to Florida and points south.
Tho now train will bo known us No.
29 und will leave Washington til 10.50
a. m. over the Washington Southern
Rullway und arrive Jacksonville, FJa.,
at 9.15 u, in. This train carries first
plass coaches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between AVashlugtou and
Jacksonville, also lias dining cur ser
vice, The ubovo truln Is In' addition
to the full complement of train ser
vice of Southern Railway via Lynch
burg und Danville.
Chus. i Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, Southern Railway, $s Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, will furnish iill in
formation. '
Wail Street Review.
NpW York, Jan. 2,The first day of
trading for tho new year on the slock
exchunge was signalized by it Jump In
tho volume of transactions to upwards
of n million shares. The coalers nnd
the Pacifies were easily the leaders In
tho market, but tho dealings were
broadly distributed nnd the strength
was very fairly disseminated through
tho general list. Tho Industrial slocks
wore Inconspicuous, except for a few of
the Important Issues, such as United
States Steel, Sugar and Amalgamated
(topper and people's Gas. Amalgamated
Copper hud it period of weakness dur
ing the early part of the day, nnd Sugar
showed occasional relapses. There was
very heavy realizing in tho course of
the day, but the offerings were Well
taken and at it cost of only fractions In
tho prices. Tho 'way In which one stock
or group of stocks and then another
was brought forward Into the advatlco
was characteristic of the methods of
professional operators of large calibre,
and as each new point of strength de
veloped the preceding stocks Were sold
to realize.
The demand was apparently based on
general considerations of, a good pros
pect of continued prosperity of tho
country for the new year and the hope
of an early relaxation In the money
market. The Inspired intimations of the
.completion of the retirement of North
ern Puclllc preferred and of the rapid
progress of exchange Into the Northern
Securities company's stock hnd a nota
ble effect In relieving tho depression
which was caused by the fears that
that project would be obstructed before
Its successful consummation. The pay
ment for redemption of Northern Pa
cific preferred was believed to be a
factor In rellevliiE tho money market.
Tlio prospect of a further effect from
the large January disbursements was
an additional motive In the specula
tion. "Willi the Northern Pacific pro
ject out of the way, It Is believed that
other projects for combinations will be
pushed forward. It Is confidently be
lieved that the anthracite coalers are
destined for such a combination. The
speculation In this group and the Pa
cities today may be attributed lo these
causes. The buying of Hnltlmore and
Ohio was by the same brokers con
spicuous In the operations in the an
thracite group, It was asserted that
the Pocahontas Coal company had ar
ranged for royalties on much of Its coal
land from companies controlled by the
United States Steel corporation, which
helped the strength In Norfolk and
"Western and also in United States
Steel. The prediction by tin; recognized
authority In tho trade that the coming
year will be one of the banner years In
the steel industry, and rumors of un
impaired earnings for December, also
helped the United States Sleel stocks.
Reports were current of a coining con
solidation of electrical manufacturing
companies. Tho closing was active and
easy on realizing. Total sales today, 1,-0.-2.400
The railroad bond market was active
and broad, and there was a good ab
sorption of high-grade bonds. Total
sales, par value, $4,010,000.
United States refunding 2's and the
old -l's declined Y, and the ,Ts advanced
Va per cent, on the last call.
The following quotations arc limihwied Tin Tiih
line by M. S. .lonl.111 k Company, n.oni- TIV5TU0
Mean, biiildinu, Jkraiilon. l'.i. .Ti'leplione, 0003:
Open- lllich- Low Clos
ing. (M. pi. in.
Anifi kan Siijcir H7',i US'i 117 U77i
AtclilMiii l)t!. li fli.'. sllj
AUIiUm, lr loj'.i liuij. iui iiii3
Aiiial. Copp.T f.'ivi Titij, 1,3'i 7(i.
Am. Carte I'mindiy .... ::0i ;il ."JV-i'i :i
III noli. TimiIIoi 05 (.(ii; lil i!"i!.
Halt. & llhiii Iiliif. ins:;; 107 ln7i
clii'N k Oliii i;n isr, i;i,j 4S'i
Chic. A- (it. Wi-t 2IU 2i 2.i -.M's
Clilc, Mil. & St. V NOV. lc- lii.V.i lH7"i
Cliic. II. f. & I'.ic l.-,ii ISs'i l.-!i 1.-.7
Col. I'nol Ic him h ,W, S.S:)i 8i;
Kile It. II llv, 4lvi Wi II
lliii- It. It.. I'r 7.V,k T.V.'i 7.1 7J'i
l.wiiis. .V: N',1-1 in; in; 1,171;.
Man. Kli'iiiU'ri, 1:1714 Ito'i l.'lili "I:i7',i
Mel. Tr.u Ihui HK'i lltWi Pii 1I.1U
Aliv.i. Pacific- Mil", l'i7 wi " jiici.
N'nifiilk & West riq ,?l4 as ,Vi
X. v., o. k W :r,?i :iv, :i;i.. -m
X. Y. (Vnl1.1l KTO llisi 1117 1IN14
IVmi.i. it. It ". l.'iO, piK-i i.-m!i 111',;
liciiliiiit Ity a7',i .Vi .",7',. .'iMJ
llcnlliig, l-i. I'r Zi ,-.f3i si si'-'.
Niitithcin Ity ,li',i :ii-;, ::Pi ::ii"
Smith. Ity., I'r '.ill; m; m jhi
Simiiii'tii I'.iclllc ikit; ii-j 1.11-; i,-j
Tcnn. Coal - lie lit?; u,i. HPV m.'s I'acilic .vi?; 4014 nus 4i'i
l S'. I.c.ilhcr I:!', IJ', HT; l
1". S. l.catlirr, I'r Mi ,"U M--, XliJ,
C. S. Itnliljci- II H'.i 11
1". S. Steel Co Ki II'.; i::', 11
I". . Slid, I'r. ...-,... W,.. lit", 'i!'.. HI'.
I'niuii i'.Kiiic nn; Mi"-; 10.114 mii;
Wcmciii I'nioi tc.'H 11:1 nj't; !iiv
Wiiij.1-.l1, i'r a 41',; iJ:li rJ4
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
T.acl.mvanna D.iliy Co., I'r
County (siting" Hank k Ttnsr. Co..
First Xatlonni Hank (CtuhunUaU') ,.
Standard llilllins Co
'lliii-d Xatln11.1l Dank
Dime Dcpotil and Discount Hank. .
economy Light, II. Ic I. Co
rirst National ll.nik
I.acka. Tnist SalY Deposit Co
Clark A: Snover Co., I'r
Scranton Iron I'onie & Mfif. Co. ...
Scranton Axlo Woiks
Scuiilon KavlniM Hank
TrnilciV National ll.uik
Suuiiton Holt It Xnt Ci
People' Hank
New JImIco Hy. J: C. Co
noxiw. J
Scianlon Iaeiiacr Hallway, firiT
MoittliRC, 1I11? ltl-JO f.
Pcoplo'a Street Hallway, III,, jnort-
Kagr, ilus 1013
People' Sticct Hallway, Central
muitctigc, due Iftil
Dlckton Mumitactnrins Co
I.acku, Township School p(r cent.
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent ,
Scranton Tiuction 6 tier cent
ll7',i ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by 11. 0. Dale, '-7 Lackawanna Ae.)
Hour Heot patrnn, per luirel, IJLN).
IJeaiu Per Imalicl, choke inuriow. $2.55.
Iluller l-'iei-li civaineij, 2Hc. j .lure cr..inieiy,
S(e. i (.'ulry, SUV,.!-.
Clime Ttill cieani, ll!ial,'-.
liKifii Xeailiy, U2e. 1 torae, fancy, lO'.ic,
(luen l'ea Per bu-iliel. $1.50,
Potatoes Per Inishel, 41.
Onioiu Pir Inuhel, if-LCO,
Philadelphia drain nnd Produce,
1'lill.iilolplil.r, .Ian. 'J. Wheal -nun: contract
Kiade, Jan., Sl'.iah.V. ('nih-rirm, 'ic holier:
Xo. 2 mixed, Jan., WHaut.Tc. OaU Steady: No.
2 white clipped, 3c, Iluller Steady, fair de
mand; fancy wentein ncameiy, 2J!-ic ; do.
deal by piintD, 2llc. I.'twi I'll 111, U'oud demand;
frcili ne.uliy, 2Sc,; do. Motrin, 2Sc. do. koiiUi.'lli, 2c, ; do. touthcin, 27c. Clieee
l'liin, fair demand; Xeiv l'oik full cicaim,
fancy mull, ll','.i do, do, do,, fair lo thujee,
I'ViulU'. Itellued (ukjix Quiet, but nlc.ul).
(Vitun rnvliunveil, TjIIou rinii; illy pi lino
in tleites, OlL-c. 1 eountiy do. do., bbb,, in.fa
Mic 1 dark, fiSiaJTic. ; cake., !);,
try Finn, fair demand; fowls, lOallc; old
roimtcu, 7c.; ihUkeii, uVaalOVac, ; duiks, I la
12c; ueeiM', Ualle.; tuikejn, la)2e, )
poultry l-'hni, falf ilenund; fo.vlt. tholce,
lOU'C.; do. fair to Kuod, DljalOc.; old ootri,
0'iiia7c.i i-liii'ktnu, neaiby, llal.'V,; nr.leiu do,,
)aI2c, ; tmkryi., neaiby iliolep to fancy, l.iillic.;
MTnlein do, tin,, 1:1.1 lit-.; duck, iicail.j, plallc,:
etein do., 10.11'ic; iteexe, lUllc,
Iteielpn-Klur.r, 1,000 luirtU, and l.s&i.on)
pounds in tack-.; wheal. 40,OU) l.n.hiK; com,
l.oni); oats, W.OU). Slilpiueiita Wheat, 4,800
buheU; (0111, 4M1 uat, 10,000.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, .luu, 2. -I'lour-I'alil yaitbe and
film at old pike. Wheat-SKil llim; Xo. 2
led, t0i(v. f. 0. I', alloat, am) 67ii-. elevator;
No. 1 nuillieiii Pulutli, blse. f. u. b. allyat.
Optloiu oci,ei1 lii in ai(d boJine ilrvuj: and ui
the. Later MMtciiul but iln'd i(ead)- ut ill
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Cach Ultra Line.
For Itont.
I'Olt HUNT Store loom Xo. .1i L-arkuwaiina
ovemie, from Apiil 1st, P"2. l(rolbky Itixw,
I'Olt tlllXT flS, nne-liall of doulilo liomf, In
upper (Irctn llldjtel laruc ymd, bath, net
and cold water, lanire, electric llgliK It. I'.
Hamilton, l'aiill Imllitliis, bpruco aticet.
For Gnlo.
mil MALI: A faim. 1 mltn from While llriilue.
Cailmml.iii', on (licenllrlil mad; leiim to wilt
iuicli.ier. I 'or iiartlciilax call on iucniio or
mnirew I". C. Jl.iept. Ciirbonilale, VJ.
roil BALI! CHIMP l'lieviood, Iron rooflnif, Hi"'
ber, board. Beantllnpf, etc.. fioni old er!
nillablo for all nirpo. Jennlim, Central
Mliie.t sw-IIMi, foot of llair.pton street, oft Sooth
Main avenue.
I'Olt SALI-: Two lipid fpilnj: vaoin and wmo
liarniK, rheap. Ilvans rear 1132 Luzerne
I'Olt SALi: Cheap; home, cprliiR waifon and
liarnc, at Xo. 1S20 Cedar avenue.
Furnished-Booms. .
I'Olt IIIIST Two comfortably fuuiMieil looim
tor Kentlrnieii; modem Imiiroiemcilts; pri
vate family. ;K0 Wastiiaglnii avenue.
FOU ItllXT Two rciiiforlalilo fiimUliul rooms
for irentlenirn: modem ImpiovciiK'nls; pri
vate family, sst) WahliiRton avenue.
FOR ItllXT Fiirnlflied flout room. llli beat,
bnlh nnd sim; near couit boiic; sentlcnun
prelerred. Addiet Itooni, Ho 299.
FOIt HUNT Fiiriilhed loom; heat and balli.
03 Linden strret.
FCItXlSIIKl) ItOOMS FOIt MINT, with heat, ras
and bath, gentlemen pictorial, at 530 Adami
Rooms and Board,
A LAHlti: FHOXT POOM, with board, at Ml
Adann .iremie. Suitable lot two young men.
HOO.Ms TO IILNT, with board. S09 llulbcrry
Wanted Boom and Board.
WAXTIID Hoaid, by a les-pei-table jotuic mail,
with pi h, Ho family. II. I)., TiUmne nfflce.
XVKP Itooni and hoaid in iclli'.eii )iiivatc
family for three l.nlUs: not to cueed jjI2 Per
k. One loi.ited within live minute" walk from
nil piefened. Adchiv, K. II, Tribune Of.
Wanted For Bent.
WAXTI'.I) Til ltl'.XT Tin ee or four fuinl.'iut or
uiifiiiiiUlieil rooPH ftn- hoii'ekii-plu, Adihen
r2 Jetfeison aienue, city.
Boarders Wanted.
PlUVATi: FAMILY whlicvto have two nlee moil
to, Cermaii or Kngli-h. Call any tinu
after Tlmioiljy. All comeiilcnica, 607 Hal ii ,om
ae. net advance. May closed S7'r. : July, 87c.
Cm ii Spot thin: Xo. 2, 7liTii. vlevatui, and
71'.4c. t. i). Ii. Option-i ipilc-t all day, but
j-timu; anil liiitliei- In )-yinp.ilhy Willi wheal. After
ca-ins oil Imall.v they clod buielv -te.uly nnd
only iv. net hisliei-. May i-loseil 70?ii-. ; July.
0!)?c. Oat Spot -li mii: Xo. 2, .iJc. : Xo. :;,
."Ic; Xo. 2 white, ."it'.-jc; Xn. .'! wliltc, ."iHie.: mixed wc-lciit. .VJ.i "i2!ti-. ; tuck white,
MiSS'tr. Oplinn-. I'alily aitive ami tinner. Hut-tei-riini;
iie.nnci.i, Hi.i'.'.ic. : lacloiy, 1-J'.i
l-l'.ic. ; June ciennieiy, l."ia21iu-. : Imitation
reaniery, ILilMsc; slale daily. 1..i2.'ii. Cheo'-e
I'lim; -tale full cieani, lame, fall nude,
fancy, Hi'.ia I07ii-. ; do. do., .small du. do. do.,
11 ' l!ii . ; laic made, lies! OUc; do.
do. do., small, lo.illl'ic i:K-l-'iiin; -lnlc
and I'euu.i., ."lie.; we-ti-in, 2::.iJI'i'.; Miutlieiii,
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Cliimso, Jan. 2. Slriustli in wheat, which
hiiiusht n net sain tor the M'-siun nf "kL, ,,
May liail a bullish influent c on the oilier pils
and Mav coin cluscil Ua'.ic up, and .May emu
closed 'Aalji-. up, and May o.ils. He, iiiuhir.
l'loiisiiius ilii-eil iinrhanftod lo 2'L.e. Iilnrlier. Casii
qunUliniw wele a.s fullo'.'.s:
Fliiiu- Steady: Xo. 2 i-piiiiK wheal, 7('14C.:
Xn. .) -piiuar, 7(k-. ; Xn. 2 red. &i.uS7'e. : Xu. 2
iMt, IliUc; Xo. 2 while, 3i(.i'.; No. white,
I7iu Is'ii-. ; Xo. 2, railie, : fair to ihnice
ln.iltlnu-bailey, .'s..ail2'2o. ; Xn. 1 lla.s..i, $l.."n;
Xn. 1 uiiitbweslein,; prime liuiotliy seed,
wl..Vi; nie-w pnrk, l-lil.s".il(l.!iil; I111I, Mi.fl'i.ilO;
(hull libs. NS.riiljk.ia); div Milted .shoulders. 71!
n7"ji-. ; .shun ileal- utile-, gS.MlMtUH; whi-Uev,
CJiicago Live Stock Market.
ChliiiKn, Jan. 2. Cattle Itotcipln, I0..VM;
hleaily at fniiiier advance ! week; kuiuI to prime,
!tii..-),i7.7.'i; poor In lueillum, S4.i0.2."i; stnckeis
and fi-eilei--, ij2.i I.2.1: mws,; lii-il'ci-,
S2a1.2i; e.inuei.4, il.2'i.i2.."0; ImlN, vj,..-,j(,i,,-,.
lalies-, sVlml.Tlo; Texas fed lei'M, ..'.'.il,li!l.
llos Iteeeipts today, 411,000; toinoiiow, "0,
mm; left over, 7.tHiO; upcued weak, eliwd tirm;
iiiIm-iI and bulcheis, soail.MI; owl .in cliuice
lie.ny, !sii.;:.'uil,7o; roush heavy, !s0ui.:i:i; llglit,
K 10.111. III.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
I?a-t HulValo, Jan. 2. Ciittlilteceiits.SO head;
Mc.uly; umN, couiiiioii In sjoul, s'i.;iU.i7.7,",; ihohe
tn extra, Ni.iS.50.
Iloiti. Hcielpls, l hiiuiN 11, IK) liead; iictlve
but lower; heavy. (i..1i)a(l.iiii; .1 few,',;
uit.M'il paikei. isil.::.'iail. 15 ; pins, SJ1.M.1 j.oo;
liiiiitli, 0. li).i.-.70 : l.i, sial.."iii.
Sheep mid lamb fteei'lpir, IS Iioiiim, 17,200
head, liieludluis- 1,2111); hlieei, flead.i ;
tup inlvcd, s,'; 111IU tu Rood. 2.2.",a:;.5');
bandy wellier. !f4..'sial.o."i; lambs, .slow and low
er; top-i. M.s.i.i.'i.tiii; a few fancy, mi; culU to
irni'il, s:t.7.".i5.S0i C.iiMdas-, i,h7!j.-i,;ii.
East Liberty Mnrket.
Fast Liberty, Jan. 2.Catlle Maiket .liudv;
cbulie, Ml.2ihi0.l0; pi hue, !s5.S.'iail; K11111I, Iflja
11.1.U.1; tail-, i,ii..iii; eniunion, !2.7aa.l,7.i.
Ilus itlie at 11 lifeline of fioiu. 10 tn 15
einis; iair 111 prune luavics, (i.A.i.ill.U.11 be.t
lueillunis, YII.l5.ili.CO: be.,y .inikeis, $il.:i0all.4U;
IlKlit do., Wl.10jll.20; pls, isi.U0.iM; iou-4hs. Viil.
Sliccp -Maiket l early; lut wetheH. S.l.tKlal.15;
kihhI, si, 10.1.;. 75; iiiived, ..V)a:l.2'i; mil. and
loiumoii, ii a J ; ,veailliii;s, s,ijt,,-,ii; I.uuIh, Sla
0.10; veal calves, s7as.
Oil Market. .
Oil (llv, Jan, '. Civillt lialauees. Ill; ccr-lllUali-s
no bid, Shliuients, Pee, ill, H2s02; avei
ukc Dee. HI, 02.2.V.'. Ituiis Dee. Ml, H7,Wi7;
literate, d". do., 77.27. shipment, ,1.111. 1, 5S,
wm. Sunt, Jan. 1, 37,'W.
Dlfferoncos of Opinion as to Whether
It Is a Curse or Blessing.
Fioiu the New- Voik Tribune.
AVIth Christmas nt hand tho laiul Is
rent In twain liy two fiercely opposed
opinions nbout tho ClirlHtnuiH tree. A
sad, despairing, vvalllnu, rnncoim note
t'oiues from up tho state, nnd u.tono of
cheer and good will responds from the
halsani forests of Maine, Up New York
state some of tho newspapers havo
beep seized with a gilpliKj- cnllo, ami
they say that tho Clirlstinus tree Is nn
outrage 011 modern society. The cut
ting of Christinas trees Is tho cuttlni;
off of tho forests, wti all the horrorn
which that Implies, ana it should bo
stopped forthwith; und, moreover,
Christmas trees aro of no use.
On tho other hand, a dlspatcli to this
paper from UniiKor says that the lit
dustry In C'liilstiuus trees Is nothing
short of u blessing to tho peojilo or tho
statu of Maine, and a blesslnL' Which
works both ways. For not only do the
fanners on whoso lund they m-ow get
good llttlu amounts of money which are
needed nml.rliiht welcome, hut the re
inoval of tho trees Is a positive benellt.
The fir treo Is the one used, und till the
farmers learned to cut It down and
send it to Dostou und New York they
viewed t with positive dlsinuy, for it
grew like n weed and crowded out trees
of more value. Now, when they lludl
Want Advortlsomenta Will Bo
Becelvod nt Any of tho "Follow
ing Drup Stores Until 10 P, M.
Central City
ALUnnT SCllWrZ, corner Mutbcrrj
street and Wcbalcr avenue,
UUSTAV. I'ICIIKL, 050 Adams avenue.
West Stdo
OLOltat: W. JI1NKIN9, 101 South Mala
South Scranton
WED L. Tlilll'I'i:, 723 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. IV. UAV'IS, coiner North Main
avenue and Market ilrcct.
Croon Ridge
C1IAM.E3 I. JONES, 1537 Ukkson
F. J. JOHNS, P20 Green lUditc atiect.
- C. LOIIKNZ. corner Washington ave
uuc and Marlon street,
1017 Irving avenue.
j. a. BONC k SON.
Help Wanted Male.
To tend
11 roe our
tillnalle of
Indicator. .Shaking (Jintc, Furnace lllowera. Sen
aiatom, Kte.iui l'iluii. Alalia Water (.'alliums
Sheet and I'liton Packing;, etc. t'lilou Stciuil
Specially Cn. 'ow 'phone. 134 Franklin nvcinie.
WASTKIl (,'ood men tn willed anil collect for
ic-ponalble homo; iJ to 1J1! per ilaj ; good
chance for advancement. .Mnii.imi, llonm It,
Uuir building;.
VOl'Xt! JII'.N l.eain inphl letleiliu; for stun",
Mum" e.iriN, tickets etc. Home Mude; book
let fiee. W. A. Th01npM.11, i'onllac, .Mich.
INIll'STIllors. CAI'AllLE men can make fioni iji!
to Jj(10 11 day. IterfciKOf i(iiilied. Call fllO
Spnue ttiect.
WANTnn-Uy leading l'lilladelphla houe, first
tlasi cilefinmi, to sell general line of paper
to the ictall tiade, one who has an acqliaiutamo
prefcired; nui-t have licit icfeience and bo able
to furnish bond. Addicsi P. O. llox 203, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
CI It I, WANTED for general honievvoik. ii0;i
Olive .-tieet.
CIIIL WANTED to take care of ihild in Muall
family. .Mi. Aron-on, .!H 1'enii avenue.
guaiantecd. IV. K. Heck ,t Ron, aa'J Adams
WANTED Girt for gcneial housework at Dalton.
Addicfs 11. T., care Tribune.
WANTED Good second-hand furnace, will pay
ca.-h. Address Lock Box 130, Scranton, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
HAVE YOtT village, clly or town properly, hii-P
ih'-.s or -totk of cum!-) lo n'11 or e.tchaiuo?
Li-t your properly with J. L. Tiacy, Estate
Exihaiige, Waveily, N. V.
WANTED l'ai ties wanting a lucrative l.usiiievi
In -ee the piactleal operation of the 1'rerlo-n
DUIivrnher at Nolan's, tppo.ite Hotel .lerinyn.
STO( h AND WHEAT TltADl'.US without delay.
Wilte for our special market letter. Free on
applitation. S. M. lllhbaril k Co., uiembers N".
Y. Ciiisolidated and Stock .cliange, 41 and IG
Hi-oailvvay, New Yolk. IMiibli-hcil l'Ut. Long
Pittance' Phone S!aS Itroad.
Becruits Wanted.
WANTED FOIt F. S. -AltMYi-Ablc bodied un
man icd men between the age of -Jl and :(.";
elli.eiH of the Fulled of good character
and tcmpcinte habits who tan .-peak, l-ail anil
write Engll-h. I'm- liifoinialinn npjily to Iteerult
ing Olllee, No. 1'i! Wjuiiiing avenue, Scianlon,
.MEN WANTED fur the IT. S. Navy Landsmen
for training at .-eainen, age lb to -J5, 10 per
month; land-men for yeonien, age IS lo 25, (tW)
per inontli iikiii appniutuieiit as jfoim-li tlilid
il.i); i-eameii, age 21 to .'15, M; oulinaiy tea
men, age IS tn .'0, Sill; appienllcc, (till d clai-.
age 15 In 17, V. machini-st-, fiiat class age 21
tu :)., AVi; inaclilnlsts ccond cla.1', age 21 to
:;5, 10; hcpltal aiueutlceh, Hue IS to
L'5, !-J0; appientlies Ant clav, age 21
10 -m. Km; Miipw-iigiit, age 1 10 ;;.i, .1.1;,
-ecoml eli, age 21 to :15, I0; eleo-triciaii-i,
tliinl eLws age 21 to :i5, V"1! copper-.-niltlw.
age -Jl tu 05, .f.'O. Caudidales nnut pasi
a ph,vical es.imiu.itinii -hovviiig them to lie fire
from ilNiiuatlf.ving alllnelts, and eviept laml-i-lien
-mil appicnticeii, an efamluatlou showing
them to be inialhicil for their ratings; lands
men and appicutlic-i tho phy-iiat eiamluatior
only. The leini of eiillsiiuent u four year. A
bonus of tour months' pay and an addition uf
ifl.:iii tn the monthly pay for each ir-eulUtmciit
within four month.- 011 bouoiable dlscluige.
nations, iiiciliclue.- and medical attendance gratis.
I'livllege of ictiiemeiit oil lln ec-qu.11 Ici.s pay
niter thlity yean,' M-ivlie. Able.bodled Ameikans
opeclally wanted who will enjoy euieptloual op
poitiuiitles tor adv luceniciit tn petty elliccis by
the cm 1 l.i- completion of a imiuher nf laign nlilp-.
A icciiiltlng ul lice- will hu opened til the port-ol'llcc-,
third (loot. In Seiaiitou, l'.i,, from Dee. :!)
tu .Ian, I. 1WU. Machtubls, bo-iltal appien
lices and eleclrleiann cpedally wanted.
the cities ready tu buy tho fir trees,
which aro of superior beauty and odor
to others used at Christmas, they get
clear their lands for more valuable
srowtlis and net a little pay for doing:
It. It Is indeed a calamity that forests
should be destroyed without itood pur
pose, hul to one who ooufesses himself
no practical forester, It senilis that the
Christum h trees demanded aro almost
all smalt trees, such as might lie fairly
counted us uudPi'Ki'owth. and that even
if tho perpetuation of their own spe.
ties for other purposes Is desired the
annual supply demanded sliotid affect
no more than a reasonable thinning out
of the crop, leaving room for the better
growth of those which remain.
So much for the hard utilllniiun as
pect of the subject. Christums trees are
useless, Just as songs and pictures and
poems nnd flowers and stories and
InuKlitor and the colors of sunset aro
useless, And tho power of the provin
cial press Is about as liltcly to nut a
stop to any one of these tlilnss a to
any other. There was once a governor
of nhodo Isluutl who, hi u lit of auger,
Issued a proclamation abolishing Christ
mas, yet it Is still observed as a ho(.
day, even In llliode Island, In splto of
governors and editors, there will prob
ably be Chrlstninses and Chrlstinaa
trees, as the Irish say, "as long as
grass grows and water runs,"
A Trip to California or Florida.
Thoio coutemplutlng such a. trip need
but to cull op the local ticket ugent of
the Luckuwunuu railroad and ho will
arrange every detail, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checlting of baggage through to desti
nation; ulso will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive llteruturo und any other in
formation desired on tho subject.
Through sleepers and day coaches to
Chicago. Only one change of cars to
California. ,
v. w r rrw v
? n
llllH 1 1 IKY
3 Insertions 25 Cents,
AtorcTlun Pour Llnei, 6 Cents tor nachtlxtrj. Lint,
Certified Public Accountant.
uumiing, ami st, ram nulldlna:, New York.
Lstate Exchange nidg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil nnd Mining: Engineers.-
DR. a 15. i:iLF.N!!EU(!Rn, PAULI UUILDINO.
Spruce etrect, Scranton.
, Lawyers.
llooms 12, ,H, 10 md 18 Durr Building-.
tlalcd on real eotate aecurfty. Mean Bolldlng,
cotncrk.lValilngton avenue and Spruce atreet.
and counscllors-at-law. Republican Bulldlns.
vva.hlngton avenue.
J1,?!!?,"t,"aw. Commonwealth Building, Room
10, 20 and SI.
00-901, Oth floor, Meara building.
of Tiadc Building, Scranton, Ta.
Bank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
Ington avenue. Resldenec, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic diseases, lungs, beait, kidneys ami
Kcnito-urinary organs a specially. Hours, 1
to 1 p. m.
Hotels and "Restaurants.
line. Rates leanonablc.
P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor.
aeiiKer depot. Conducted on tho Kurope.ui
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
rets pools; no odor; only linpioved punipj used.
A. 1). Brlggn, propiletor. Leave oidcrs 1100
North Main avenue, or Elckc's drug store, cor
ner Adain.s and Mulberry. Both telephones.
er.vmen, hloic Ml Washington avenue; green
liou.-es, 1030 North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7S2.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladles waists. Louise Shoemaker, 211
Adams avenue.
vcloties, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 120
Washington avenue, Scranton, l'a.. '
in Scianton at the news stands of Itebmaii
Hi os.. 400 Spruce and 03 Linden: M. Norton.
;:22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Bpiuie street. .
Heal Estate.
l'nn SAl.l'. Lot on Vine sheet, bctvieen Web
ster and Taylor avenues: a bargain: come,
tee for youiself. Apply 2IS Ilairison avenue.
FOR SALE One acre of land, Improved with,
nine-room houe: plenty and variety ot fruit;
good location In village of Flectville. Mrs. Ollvn
Fish, Flectville, Pa. -
Money to Loan.
straight loans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call 011 N. V. Waikei,
311-315 Council building.
Situations Wanted.
WANTED A r-a-lllnn a.s stenographer and book.
keeper; good lefeicnces given; over a, year's
ilence. Address II., Tribune oflice.
SITUATION WANTED-Uy a young man, In
stole us cleiks -jii H'eak six languages.
Address Samuel Jacobs, I'll South Washington
avenue, city.
SITUATION WANTED By bookkctper, expert,
opaiw, clii-c.s books, balance sheet; tempor
ary engagement or petmanent, patt day, Kxperi
Auditor, Tiihuiie,
SITUATION WANTED An experienced packer
und shipper and leceivlug clerk, young nun,
wants situation. Address llox 10, Scranton TtII).
SITUATION WANTED-By a woman as house'
keeper; can give good references. Addre-
M, .1, M OIihant, l'a.
SITUATION WANTED By a good cook or laiiu.
clrc'M; can give good rcfeicuees, Mrs. E. 1).,
Olynjiant, Pa, .
SITUATION 'ANTED Experienced book-keeper)
young iiiaiii'.ivli.hes situation. Address, ., p,
M can- Scrauton Tribune.
...I .
SITUATION WANTED Uy n Proteelant young
lady; has had course in iucchanlca.1 drawing;
abo eierlenen In olliip work. jAddrysiriiiclij-S
Capouso avenue, ylty. t ' .' ". 5 I ,1 r.4?i
SITUATION WASTED lo go out by the iUj
wiishing, honing- ur i,lMning. .Mrs. Lee, 110
lUlMcad luuvt. . , w
. . .tiI .J(" -j t; ' -
LADV DESIltF.S POSITION as bookkin-'pett vew
bot of rcferenies. Apply l.w.) .ficUon street
WANTED Situation as teamster, or any kind ot
work, by liuitM H"n well jii'qualiitajLwl'niA
city. -Addicts WLV. Tr(bune 'ufui et ''h ) 2
WANTED Washing and lioning to do ut hoint,
or to g'j out by the day. Address U, II.,
TrlbuTw oftice.
SITUATION IVASTED-lly'a-voiIng lady1 to ill
...1 l.n..kal,ril'l. Ill tl 1.111,111 nt l.i'n, .1.1..
;citiia iiuu..". ui i "ii "' fmiti
Jy people pieuin-u, i"i
Ii pilvl egc of atleiidln-,"
1' evrnltiirs arl, w,.l .
SCllllOl IWO Ulicinvv ii
siiiii, ,..w ...,-..."-" -- ,,.--- w.- --- ..v,
wage modcrale. .wureM ","' tare of Trihuinj.
SITUATION WANTEH-Dy middle awilTllij'y j'
housekeeper for a gentleuian In city Lfi-oiin-
IrV, litni ll'ieiVli-C. ,T,,. wt'in I, liuui, tiuiiiv
and inoderatP wag-?. C,".""..'3? Tjjbune Office,
. i
ESTATE OF lUnlfl Lar.gstan", late ef the illy of
Sciantoii, County of Lav'kawaniia, Pcnnivl.
l.illiM lestauieutary on the above ijtuttj having
been granted to the undeisluueil, all persons hav
ing iTalms or demands agalnrt said estate nlll
present them for lu.vuinit, and thosu lidebtel
iheretu will make immediate payment to Sarah
i;. ljiigtai, c.i'iuti, Sci anion, Pa. II. .1, t
Ktieeteit-ajlytwv-, .2i,X- : "- ?
JkS j-ji,
L F. ilegargel. Hoy Chfitcr Megirj.l.
FflMVCMi.. ,.
'Br. asr. J-A V