The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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nut: Monntw itAnnwAnr, siuk
The value of Htmnslo
Stcl Kiiumeled Witra over
tho no-cullcd cheap enam
eled ware. 'Tls true
StintiHky ware costs more
but Hruio the savhiB I"
the oml BtrunsUy wnre
has four noatu oC heavy
enamel and Is guaranteed
for K vears.
Sold it t the Modern Store.
Foote & Shear Co.
1J9N. Washington Ave
W? Are Specialists
In the line ot Infants' wear, ani
lnvo many dainties which yoi can
not flml rtoenhcrr. Our ifuoiii
me jiut a little more diatlnillvo
than others. Wo will nn-nvcr jour
'qtmtlona anil rend catalogur. llur,
belter (,(111, come anil too u.
010 Spruco t:reet.
acKawanna i
3o8-3ioPenn Ave, A. B. Warman.
and Personal
' lie lT'embers ot the Electric City
"Wheelmen entertained their lady
.friends at a dance yesterday afternoon,
'.iltcr which luncheon was served in
.he "tunnel" and then followed an
lllny bowling; contest between two
vlched teams, which afforded the
jadlfs ample opportunity to become fa
miliar with the Karae. The event was
ionounced the mest enjoyable dance
yot lield by the club.
Tho participants were: Jli's. George
Vipond, It. Dena. Rosencrnnz, Bessie
.TTraunfeltcr, Jennie Davis, Anna
Thomas, Jessie Kern, Laura Steubble
l ire, Emily L. Evans, Pearl Kresge,
Mcinrla Grounor, Mary Jones, Mabel
C. Spencer, Ilattio Ilevnn, "West Pitts
ton; Bertha Davis, Lucy Faust, Anna
?lo:s, Louise Simons, Nell Fellows,
lllzabeth lleiser, Estner Davis, Miss
"iVvan, "West Pittston; Miss Morris.
E. Z. Morse, E. 11. Davis, A. G. Dn
1 if; "W S. James, F. L. Stewart, F. M.
Twins, Conrad Lots:, Mendie Davis,
John Dcvine, George Brelg, Henry
Morgan, Fred "Welnss, George Vipond,
V.'. XI. Davis, C. A. Eynon, T. B. Ste
l.hens, Luther Thomas, Ben Eynon, T.
F. Eynon, Sam McCracUen, Gus
Ai'ouiBr. John II. Thomas, Dr. Davis,
Dr. E non, John Howell, Robert Brad
hy. , Tho Scranton Bicycle club house
was thronged last night with a largo
party of young people In attendance
upon u dance given by tho Girard
filrlH, nn organization of clever young
women Over 200 couples were in at
tendance and lnuMu for dancing was
funtirhed by Bauer's orchestra.
The patronesses of tho affair were as
follows.: Mrs. P. II. McCreu, Mrs.
CharleK P. O'Mnlloy, Mrs. M. J. Mer
rick, Mrs. M. "W. Flynn, Mrs. C. C.
ronouii, Mrs. John P. White, MIsb
Elh:ubetli McLane and Miss Sarah Me
I.ano. The commlteo in chargo com
l.i!s!ed tho following young ladies:
Lnrttla A. Convey, Martha E. Kelley,
Iluudo A. "Wlmlen, Lorotta E. Flynn,
Anna M Rntchford, Mary K. McCreu,
Aniui V. McGowan.
The beautiful decorations anauged
in tho Thirteenth regiment nnnory for
tlie Bachelors' ball served as a back
ground for a moat successful military
dunce, conducted last night by Coin
jMHiy C, There were neurly 300 per
sons In attonilanco and Bauer'a band
furnished thej music for tho dancing.
The military uniforms worn by tho
majority of tho young men present
jiiaui) a pretty contrast with tho vari
colored gowns of the young ladles.
.uuchcon was served at midnight by
IWuMner. The committee having the
xft'ulr In charge comprised the follow-
llng menibers of tho company: Can-
tixln Thomas P, Murphy, Karl Guu
Htrr, John M. McCburt and Qeorge
Miss ( lui;i.i 'loskllly entertained
Tuesday owning jit her home on North
Main uvenuc, a company of her nuiuur
c us fi lends. Guinea and amusements
incident to the occasion wero Indulged
(n, after xvhlch I refreshmoutH. wero
nerved. Miss RosUllly proved to ho a
charming hostess. 1
Tho Misses Edith Davis, Ada Dag
ger, Bertha V. Coliover, Eva Phillips,
Sarah rhllllps, Ailiiia Duvls, May A,
Uurney, Martha Jloorur Maria Lewis
mid Mayme Luwlefs, "Will Courtrlght,
V G, Phillip, Evilrett Davis, Charles
Metliews. David Ilblley, A Schoon
ovrr, Arthur ilroYj, Harry Beers,
George. F. Phillips, Biro present.
Mr. and Mrs. JCi Jones, ot 722
Corth Sumner aveuxiM West Park, en
tertained u party of natives at dinner
yustwi'day. Those pi Bent were: Mis.
3 1
Eavld J. GrlflUh and Mrs. Walton and
daughters, Kllen and Lavlnn, of
Plalimvllle, l'a.j Mr. ixtid Mrs. DaVld
1). Davis, Mies M, Hnnnalx Davis ami
Mnster Wilier DaVls, 'of tho North
End; Mr. nd Mri. Thomas tt. DaVles
nnd fatnlly, of Lnfnyetlq street, utxil
Mi and Mrs, Evan Jones and son.
Tim' members of the l'lnunchlc club
met on New Ycar'o uve ut the home of
Mr. nnd Mis, Jacob Klein, 809 Pittston
avenue, nnd IHllngly observed the oc
casion In a so'clnl way. The membera
assembled about 9 o'clock and enjoyed
a supper furnished by the host and
hostess. Several hours' were spent In
games of various hinds, and nt 12
o'clock all Joined In a loving cup tonst
to the new year.
City Engineer Joseph I". Phillips, of
Sxvctlnnd Btreet, was B8 years old on
Tuesday, and to celebrate the event
tho William Cornell Glee club, o
xvhlch he Is a staunch member, sere
naded lilni. They xvore royally enter
tained. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson nnd fam
ily .entertained n Now Year's party on
Wert mwlay at their cottage at Lake
Ariel. Skating was In order, after
xvhlch al lenjoyed tho comforts ot the
warm fireplace.
Daniel Mllm-.t, of llpv, h Willing hit hrothcr,
Will, of Not Ih .Sunnier attune.
.Toscpht XX'agncr Im ictumcd to hi Rtudlei at
the Unhcmlty ot l'ennlv.inla.
Harold Itcmaly, of Xortli Sinnncr uvcnuo, 1
the guest of icUtlvci at Huntliigduti .Mills.
Jtr. SIm, of lioiton, la a Kwt at the home of
JIlw (lorlnidc I'lcoinan, ot South Main avenue.
Mi. XV. A. Held, ol .liukson sheet; U enter
(.tilling her father, Jamcb .Tojiling-, of lul.eini.iii.
Ml3 llahcl Powell, o Xorlh UaifieM acnue.
is tntertalnliiB Misses Nellie and Kll&iticth XVIu
ters, of Mill City.
Ml. William Djviei and daiigliter, I.llllnn, ot
Paterson, N. J,, ate gnosis of Dr. unci .Mrs. XV.
J. I Hcvis, ot South Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Thoina) II. XVIIII.iiim .inil son,
fleorgc, of llazlcton, arc the uiic.ili of Mr. nud
Mrs. D. C. Powell, ot Xorth tlarlleld aienue.
Dr. Clmles ralltonsly lett je.teiday for Drool;
Ijn, where he will sene a luruoon for the
licit two jeais nt tho King's County hospital.
MIk.1 Cora Stuait anhed List night from Phil
adelphia to attend (he Koldcn wcdijln? of Cm
groHsinan Council and Mrs. Conncll. K:;-M.iyor
Kdwln S. Stuatt will he here today.
J!l Angela Itusnell, who jesterday was peon
nt the Lyceum in the leading role of "The Vil
lage Postmaster," and Ml&a IMdlc Ixioinls who
the night befoto appealed in u similar capaeily
in the "Our Xew Minittci" company at the
same house, were class mates in the high tchoool
only a few years ago. Doth ale rapidly win
ning' renown in the theatrical world.
Audience Thought It Was "Fire,"
nnd a Panic Was Narrowly
Averted nt the Acndemy.
Thomas Smith, of Canouse avenue,
aged 16, and Henry Shield, of South
Scranton, a boy of the same age, xvent
to the Academy of Music yesterday af
ternoon and bought admission tickets
for the gallery, as a holiday treat for
themselx'es. The house xvns croxvded,
nnd room in the gallery xx-as not plenti
ful. Shields thought Smith xvns en
croaching on his space and objected.
He followed his objection xvith a blow,
and someone yelled "fight."
The audience thought the cry xwis
fire, nnd there was a rush for the doors,
and for an instnnt it looked like a
panic, xvith all its attending terrors.
"Billy" Walsh, xvho does a monologue
for the Aubrey Stock company, xvns on
tho stage during his specialty at the
time, and he prox'ed himself a most cool
and quick-xvitted person. "There's no
danger; no lire, no nothing. Just keep
your seats and don't spoil my best
stories," lie yelled, as he shot off a
siring of xvitticisms that did more to
cool the audience nnd glx-e it confidence
than anything else possibly could under
the circumstances. The txvo city lire
men xvho xvero on the stage at the time
for just such an emergency, rushed out
and assured the audience that the
building xvns not on fire, and that there
xvas no danger xvhatever if they xvould
only keep cool and remain seated.
The employes of the house, trained
for just such an emergency, xvent down
the aisles and besought the frightened
ones not to become excited, that there
xvas no cause for alarm. Charles Ham
ilton, the doortender nt the first floor
entrance, did great service In prex-ent-Ing
a panic when the first frightened
one began to rush from the house, and
SI. J. Walsh, xvho is in charge of the
police at the house, and Officers John
Murrln, allies McDonald and Samuel
Daxvson, by their prompt action, nipped
the stampede from the gallery in tho
bud. One little girl fainted, and xvas
sent homo in a cab. The pugilistic
youths xvero taken to the police station
Manager A. J. Duffy xvas In the box
ofllce or the thentre xvhen the stampede
began and rushed into tho house. Ho
xvas under tho impression that some
one had yelled lire, and offered a le
xvard of $200 to any person xvho xvould
point the culprit out. He thanked
Actor Walsh for his coolness nnd dis
play of xvlt at such a critical moment,
nnd xvhen he leax'es tho city lie xvill
carry xvith him a substantial token of
Mr. Duffy's appreciation.
To the Republican Voters of tho
Fifteenth Wnrd, City of Scranton:
The primaries xvlll be held Wednes
day, January 8.190J, to nomlnnto ofll
covs as folloxvs:
Ono school controller.
One constable,
Ono xvard unsessnr.
All candidates must register at least
seven days before tho primaries, and
pay their assessments five days before
tho primaries.
John H. Fellows,
Judge of the Second district.
John Reynolds,
Judge of tho First district.
Special Pullman Drawing-Room
Sleeping- Car to Thomasvllle, On.
Via. Southern RaUxvay.
Commencing January 0 tho Southern
Railway In connection xvith tho Penn
sylvania rniiroaa xviu operate a uirougn
Pullman draxving-room sleoplug car on
Thumlay of each xveek to Thomasvllle,
Gu., without change, This special ear
xvlll leave Broad street station, Phila
delphia on Thuo'duyH ut COS p. ni. and
anlvo In Thomasvllle 0,10 p. m. the
next day. The Southern railway's
Florida express on xvhlch train this
speclul train Is carried also has dining
cur service. Charles L. Hopkins, dis
trict passenger agent, Southern yutl
xvay, S2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia
xvlll furnish all Information.
Tho Conservatory of Music,
resumes all classes, bcglnlng today.
The dlugram of reserved seats for tho
second artist recital In the parish
house, Tuesday, Jan, 7, Is now open at
the conservatory oillce.
Reception nt the Young Women's
Christian Association Rooms Was
Largely Attended Those Who As
sisted in Receiving Over GOO Vis
itors Received nt tho Knights of
Columbus Club House Service at
First Presbyterian Church Wheol
men Kept Open House.
The Intense cold xvhlch prevailed yes
terday kept a large number ot persons,
nursing stoves and lire-places In the
house, but, nevertheless, there xvero a
goodly number xvho came out to enjoy
to the fullest extent the first tiny of the
new year.
The receptions tendered by nex'erul of
the clubs xvero largely attended, ns xx'as
also the reception at the Young Wo
men's Christian association rooms, xviille
all three theatres xvero fille'd to over
flowlngxvlth enslly-pleiiBPd holldaynudl
ences. There xvns n general cessation
of xx;orh at nil the mines and nt a. num
ber of the big Industrial establishments.
The only religious service of any es
pecial significance, xvltli the exception
of the services In Episcopal nnd Catlio
lie churches, x-ns conducted In the lec
ture room of tho First Presbyterian
church at 10.30 o'clock. The congrega
tions of the Flist and Second Presby
terian churches united in this service,
xvhlch xvns presided over by Rev. Dr.
James McLeod, the pastor.
Ho made a brief address, basing his
remarks on tho slxty-sex'ontli psalin,
xvhlch is a prayer for the enlargement
of God's kingdom to the gi enter Joy ot
all the peoples. There xvus a general
prayer service, also, participated in by
a number of those present.
AT THE Y. W. C. A.
The reception nt the Young AVomen's
Christian association rooms in tho af
ternoon and night attracted over a
thousand visitors. Mrs. W. R. McClnve,
Mrs. II. J. Hall and Miss Sarah Krig
bnum received In the aftSnoon, xvhllo
coffee x'aspoured by Mrs. E. H. Hippie,
Mrs. J. A. Lansing, Mrs. J. N. Rice,
Mrs. Charles Broome, Mrs. R, Q. Poxveli,
Mrs. John T. Hoxve, Mrs. II. J. Carr,
Mrs. L. at. Gates, Mrs. Madison Larkln
and Misses Clara and Emeline Rich
mond. These indies xx'ere assisted by
the Misses Thomas, Davis, Miller, Bell,
Dunn, Dickson and Woodxvard.
Mrs. E. H. Ripple and Miss Hannah
Deacon received the visitors nt night,
xviille the folloxvlng ladles assisted in
serving refreshments: Miss Dickson,
Miss Woodxvard "and the Misses Dunn.
Between tho hours of 4 and (i o'clock
the pupils of Miss Pauline Hall gax'e a
delightful entertainment. There xvere
piano solos by the Misses Barber and
Boone, and cleverly rendered recitations
by Miss Martha Brondbent, a littla
maid xvith a great deal of talent, ar.a
Miss Gladys Bell. There was also a
piano duet rendered by Mrs. Barber
and Miss Barber.
The physical training class, under tho
direction of Miss Laura King Hills, the
physical director, gave an exhibition
between the hours of C.30 and 7.30 In the
gymnasium on the third door. There
xvas a cleverly played basket ball game
and an exhibition of regular class xvork.
The large throng of visitors xvho
gathered nt night xvere entertained by
the pupils of Miss Cordelia Freeman
and Miss Julia Clapp Allen. The Misses
Edna Caryle, Lldu Houser and Laura
Walter favored tho audience xvith ex
quisitely rendered violin solos, and also
played a trio.
Mrs. G. B. Uthmaii, xvho has a con
tralto voice of great resonancy and xvide
range, sang Neidlinger's "Victory."
Tenor solos xvere xveli rendered by Will
lam F. Jones and Lloyd Kresge. Miss
Edith Benson sang Denza's "Maying,"
in a delightful manner, und Miss Flor
ence Robertson ulso rendered n vocal
One of the rooms had been prettily
decorated xvith Orlentnl rugs and hang
ings by Williams & McAnulty, and xvns
much admired.
The handsome club house of the
Knights of Columbus, on North Wash
ington avenup, xvas thronged xvltli
visitors betxveen the hours of 1.30 and
7 p. m yesterday. The guests xvere
received by a committee composed of
the folloxvlng members of the council:
R. J. Bourkc, T. P. Duffy, John Gun
ster, John Colllgan, John Hayes, F. H.
Coughlin, James Taggart, M. J. Mc
Andrews, Martin Cadden, Richard
Jennings, Michael Cznjaroxvskl and
Mutt. Brown.
Bauer's orchestra, stationed In tho
auditorium on the second floor, ren
dered music throughout tho afternoon
and an impromptu programme of vocal
music xvas rendered, A dainty lunch
xvas served.
Tho announcement that the Green
Ridge Wheelmen xvlll keep "open
homo" Is always looked forxx'ard to
xvith a great deal of Interest, from tho
fact that the entertainments furnished
upon these occasions are always of a
most enjoyable character. Yesterduy's
"open house" xvns no exception to tho
uile, us tho large number of friends
and Invited guests attest. In addition
to Uoxvllng, billiards, pool and cards, a
delicious turkey dinner xvas furnished
from 4 to 0 p. in.
Tho' New Year's reception at tho
North Scranton Young Women's Chris
tian association rooms xvas largely nt-
Olive Oil
Olive Oil packed under
our name is ABSOLUTE
LY PURE. We offer the
New Crop Oil at reduced
Quart Bottles, , , 75c
Quart Bottles, per case, $8
E. Go Coursen
tended yeslcrdny afternoon and night.
In tho afternoon, the younger mein
bors ot the nssoclntlou rendered an ex
cellent programme nnd nt night Miss
Ltiltt ConstnntlncT tho elocutionist, nnd
others entertained.
The members of Hie Firemen's Uellet
association kept open house nil day
yesterday In their rooms nn Spruce
altcet, nnd "welcome nicmoii" xx-ns tho
xvalchword. Liquid nnd other refresh
ments xx'oro served and a most enjoy
able time xvns had by nil xvho attended.
Elnborato Wedding In Zlon Luthernn
Church Last Night.
One ot tho most brllllnnt xvcddlngs
ever xvltnesscd In the pretty little Elon
Lutheran church, on Mlfllln avenue,
was witnessed Inst night, xvhen George
Smith xvns married to MIbb Louise
Hohlottcrbeck, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Christian Schlotterheck. ot 7ir.
Adiims avenue, Duumure, In the pres
ence of a largo- gathering of friends
and relatives.
The brldo xvns beautifully attired In
a gown of xviille penu do sole silk,
trimmed xvith chiffon nnd pearl orna
ments. She xvore a bridal veil caught
xvith a pearl lluer de lis pin, tho gift of
tho groom, nnd carried a bouquet ot
bridal roses and mnldcn hair ferns.
Miss Louise Schuell, the maid ot
honor, xx'ns attired in a costume of pnlo
blue satin, trimmed with duchesse into
and carried xvhlte carnations. Tho
bridesmaids, Miss Josephine Rohrxx-os-ser
and Miss Bortliti Steppcn, xvoro
goxvn of xvhlte moussellne de sole,
. $ 4 & $ ! ! J ! $ 'J 2 ! 'I $
Scranton, Pa., December 30, 1901.
There will be a meeting of the Citizen's
Alliance at the New Armory on Friday evening,
January 3, 1902, at 8 o'clock. Each member is
requested to notify one or more friends by
card, but no one will be asked to join the Alli
ance at this meeting. Hon. W. H. Jessup and
others will address the meeting. The Armory
will be warm and ample seating accommoda
tions will be provided. Entrance will be on
Adams avenue, by card only.
W. A. MAY,
Adv. Leader.
;. . ; ! -J J !' $ ! ! ! -J- 'J "i? 2 J"!'
trimmed xvltli lace Inserting nnd chif
fon. They carried bouquets of pink
The best man xvas Henry Brown,
xvhlie the ushers xveie F. Holznngel
and Theodore Xizlcinan. The ceremony
xvas performed by Rev. P. F. Zizle
man, an uncle of the bride, assisted by
Rex-. A. O. Gallenkump, pastor of the
Folloxvlng the xvedding a reception
xvas tendered the young couple at the
home of tho brldb in Dunmorcr They
left shortly after midnight on an ex
tended xvedding tour, xvhlch xvlll in
clude Philadelphia, Noxv York and Bos
ton. Upon their return they xviil live
in a nexvly-furnl'lied home on Ridge
Sir. Smith is one of the most expert
dyers in the city, xviille the bride has
been for some time a valued employe
at I ho International Correspondence
Celebration of Fiftieth Anniversary
of Marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Van Horn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van Horn, of 721
Green Ridgo street, celebrated their
golden xvedding yesterday. Mr. Van
Horn is xvell-knoivn In the city, having
been engaged in the market and hotel
business since early in the '70s. Few
have led a life of more varied expeil
enco than Mr. Van Horn) He xvus one
of the pioneers to California In IS 19,
previous to xvhlch he xvas engaged on
the survey of iho Panama canal. Upon
his return from California In the 'SOs,
ho engaged In tho hotel business In Jer
sey City, and at the same time held a
gox'ernmont position in the assay olllco
in Now York city, xvhlch position he
held until the Ill-effects of the acids
used In assaying gold compelled him to
With his family he settled In Wllkes
Barre, xvhere he built up an exceedingly
prosperous market business. Here mis
fortune overtook him In the shape of a
lire, xvhlch burned Ills business place to
tho ground nnd which resulted In a
total loss. After this blow, In xvhlch
Mr. Van Horn sustained a heavy flnnu
clal loss, ho moved to Scranton and
embarked In the market and hotel busi
ness successively and xvhlch he carried
on until 1SS4, xvhen ill-health again
caused him to retire fiom business.
From this time up to the present, Mr.
Van Horn has traveled exteuslx'cly
throughout tho xvest nnd Is thoroughly
acciuuluted xvith the part ot our country
xvest ot tho Rocltv mountains,
Ills family, xvhlch consisted of sex'ci
children, four girls nnd three boys, til
of xvhom are living, hax-o mndo th
fiftieth anniversary of their parents ni
occasion of a reunion, nil being preson
except J, II. Van Horn, xvho Is at jircs;
cnt In California and who could not g
Those present xvero: Mr, and Mis
A. Van Horn. Mr, and Mrs. Frank M,
Van Horn and three sons, and Miss
Jennie Van Horn, of Nexv Yorlc city;
Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Nowbury, of Blng,
hainton; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kellurri
and txvo daughters; Mr, and Mrs. F, P.
Christian, son and daughter; Mr. anl
Mrs. II. A. Van Horn, of this city,
The daylx-fis passed xvith festivities
befitting tho occasion, and Mr. und Mt;s,
Van Horn xvero presented xxlth a puree
of gold by their children In remem
brance of the huppy event.
To the Public and Patrons of the
Consume) s Ice Co.
On and after Jan. 1st, 1902, tho price
of coal Ib as follows; Chestnut, stove
and egg coal, 3.60 per 2,000 lbs; pea
coal, I2.E0 per 2,000 lbs.
Mr, Chne. Russell, Concert 'Cellist
and Teacher; of New, York,
Will uccept a limited number ot pupils'
In Scranton. For terms, etc., apply to
Miss Julia C. Allen, 012 Washington
Superintendent of Police Day An
nounces That He Is Going to Clean
Out the Disorderly Saloons In tho
Central Part of the City, and Gives
Warning That Ho Will Remon
strnto Against tho Issuing of
Llconscs to These Places if Fio
prietors Don't Obey tho Laxv.
A crusade, xvhlch promises to bo pro
ductive of far-reaching results, has
been Inaugurated by the police dcpnit
ment against the ladles' parlors In tho
back ot intiiiyof the central cltysnloons.
Mrs. W. B. Diiggan, ugent of the Asso
ciated .Charities, In assisting tho police
In this matter, at tho solicitation of
Recorder W. h! Conncll.
It xvlll bo renicmbeiod that Director
of Public Safety Wonnser Issued nn
oider to the police wine weeks ago,
dliectlng them to close up tho back
rooms of nil saloons In xvhlch disorder
ly conduct Is engaged In. No very dell
nfto results xvero obtained, but the new
superintendent, Lona Day, Is deter
mined that the older shall be enforced.
Superintendent Day, In conversation
!! ! 4 'J 4 X '! l $ ! $ h $ ! $
! 4 ! "J fy & 4 ! $ ! S J i "J"!
xvltli a Tribune man yesterday after
noon, said:
"As long as I am superintendent of
police, I urn going to see to it that there
are no disorderly back rooms or Indies'
parlors In the city, if I can help it, and
I beliex-e I can. The dlsordeily scenes
xvhlch have been enacted lit some of the
saloons In the central part of this cily
are going to bo (.topped. If tho pro
prietors of these plnces don't stop them
voluntarily, the police xvlll step in and
take a hamb
"They say that the police department
is helpless and that there is no way In
xvhlch Uip indies' parlor evil can he
suppressed, but I believe there Is a xvay.
I bplievo that if ivomen of the street
go into tlie bark room of saloons and
put their feet up 'on the tables, smoko
cigarettes and tihe vile and indecent
language, the proprietors of those
saloons can bo arrested for maintain
ing disorderly houses. That's the con
dition ot affairs that exists In many
Instances. Some or tho scones enacted
In these places are too foul even to
speak about.
"I xx-nnt it understood, niso, that xvhen
these men die applications for licenses
this spring the police department will
die remonstrances, unless conditions nic
Improx'ed at once. I tun inclined to be
lieve that tlie remonstrance ot tlie police
department will carry a great deal ot
xvelght x-ith tlie court."
Superintendent Day proposes to ask
City Solicitor Watson for a xwitten
opinion setting foitli the powers of the
police dennrtment In dealing xvith this
question. The superintendent wants to
go as far ns he can, but no farther than
the law allows.
mwarwMai(micwwjwag 1
The year right In the Commercial World means a clean page
in Day Book, Journal, Ledger or other Book.
Books are the famous
Once used, always demanded. They are always RIGHT.
Manufacturing; Stationer,
207 Washington Avenue, Scranton.
! Oils, Paints end Varnish I
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street.
A grcnt deal of doubt exists ns to the
exnet powers of tho police In this mat
tor, nnd the city solicitor's opinion xvlll
have tho effect ot denting up the situ
ation. It Is held by some that the mero
fact Hint, known immoral women ire
quent certain saloons In suillulcnt cuuso
for tho rnldlng of theso plnces as dis
orderly bonnes.
In connection with the crusade against
the Indies' parlors, the police have been
Instructed to use extra diligence In ap
prehending street xvnlkers nnd solici
tors. Any known Immoral xvotntm seen
signaling or falling to a man on the
street xvlll bo promplljvarrestcd.
Penrl Allen, Julia Jordan, Mrs. E.
Anderson nnd Alice (Irotinan, the four
xvomon arrested on Tuesday night for
soliciting, xvero variously lined 1C, ?10
nnd 55 In police court yesterday morn
ing by Magistrate Hoxve.
Congressman and Mrs. William
Connell Married Half a Centuiy.
Congressman and Mrs. William Cou
ncil xvlll today celebrate tho fiftieth an
niversary of their wedding. A thou
sand invitations have been Issued for
the event, and as the acceptances hnx'c
been very general, tharo xvlll bo no end
ot personally extended congratulations.
Extensive preparations have been
mude for tho. entertainment of the,
throng of friends xvho xvlll come to tho
evening reception. At tho western end
of the house a temporary building has
been erected for a dining room. It Is
heated xvith stoma, lighted xvith elec
tricity and r-o profusely embellished
xvith decorntlons that its temporary
character is not nppnrent.
The decorations of the home are llko
xvlso very elaborate. Marvin & Mulr
have those In charge. The catering xvlll
be done by a Noxv York caterer.
Removal Notice.
Dr. L. M. Gates has moved his resi
dence to the corner of Madison avenue
and Mulberry street.
II. M. Hnnnah's law ofllce has been
removed to tho second floor, front
room, In the Odd Fellows' building, No.
200 Wyoming avenue.
The Social Season
Is Now-in Full Swing
And one of the
most important
items of a ladies
wearing apparel
during this season
is Gloves.
We have a fine
line of Ladies'
Gloves, and would
especially call
your attention to
our Sixteen and Twenty
button leneths in White I
H inr1 1 1 rt nr Hi
I Also a full line of de-
lecate Shades in four
button lengths.
I 130 Wyoming Ave.
Are PainfuH
Ami caii-os Injury to the body. The Rid
nt ami cheapest w.iy U to do it im
nio.ll.ila attention. IT IS YOUIt I'M
lllir.M.A c are spc.U.Ing about. XX'e
imo tlie a!ioe-mentioiiPil ailment, and
jI-.ii miry tliu hnrest Hue o I'nilncllas
.mil I'.u.isols In (l.o oily.
The Scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing: Co.,
313 Spruce Street.
Our Stock
f'4' 4' H;fr ;M
We are head- 4
X quarters for J
Iron and Steel
Gold Rolled
Rolled Shafting, 1
Horse Shoes,
! Bittenbender&E.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Years Gifts
Such as Gentleman's Hand
kerchiefs, Ladies' Hnndker-
chiefs, Glove nnd Handker
chief Cases.
Elegant Pillows and num
erous other things in Em
broidery. Work will be found
at the
Cramer-Wells Co.,
30 x-vyominE Avenuo. a.
'Phone 353-3. J
305 Lackawanna Ave.
507 Linden Street.
Board of Trade Building.
Holiday shopping has a tend
ency to cause lloor covo
take a back Beat in the
"Economy" publicity, for
period, at least.
However, tho "breathing
Is utilized In slftintr out J
carpet offerlnijs, with w
reward early buyers, ulq
New Year Is born.
Results, this year, are pil
larly fruitful and if you
see thefle specials before!
charing, tho loss will bo yoJ
there aro many money-save
this one.
Tapestry Brussel
tl.OO inmllty, An ample ael
ment of patterns nt
70c per
Carpet Sweeper Fl
with every CATIPET purcho
$15 or over.
Credit Youp Certainly!
Ghas, I Scott
119 Franklin Ave