7, .' THE SOHANTON TRIBUNE-TLJASDAV, IJEC.IikUHJ'iK ill, I!)0I. ' , ?(1K(J" ' ,'A . NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTORYVILLE. r'pll.ll III t tip Si Mill 111 'llll'lUll' "iipioryvllli'. Dpi'. ::u. Tln'ic will lir r. Knott cnni'ort lit the Mdliiitlltfl IHIs lopnl olinrcll New Yenr'H tilullt tttidpr 'he miHtilroM o!' tin' 1'invortlt I.ciikiic. Oi-otw tiaklf.v Iihm moved Ills I'mnlly Yoiii this plitti lo Si'i'iintoii whore Mr. Oulttey mill son Ilornce me eni jiloyoil. owIiir to tlu reRiiliir iiicclliiK of tlio iinrotlgll eiiiiliell fiilllliK on -Vow Your's iilf-lit. II will be hi'lil tlio rnllowliiB Tliursdii.v) iiIrIU. Tlio WyomliiK county toncliors' Itistl Uilo oponoil nt TiiiiKliimnix'l; yi'Stt'rdn.v, imil from the imigriimiiic It looks us If IL would he the tnusl iitLuroUlnt; one that Iiiih ever heen liohl in this county. us the following; will show; Monthly fveiilmr, Mnro, the Rreiit iiiiirIoIhh: Ttlesthiy evenlllR, lir. Hymn KIiir on "All the World's n HtiiRo:" Woilnos- Ltlny ovoiiIiir Hooker T. WonhliiRton on The Solution of the Knee I'rolileni In llm ISIiiek Celt of the South:" Tlllirs- lay evonliiR. .1. Wlllhiins Mncoy, liu- liorlst ond linsso. I,. Kdwnril Are, of Nicholson, lllld lllss Clnra A Stork, of lOast l.eiiion, tore inimii'il at the hmiie of the lirltle's lolher. Mrs. Harah Stark, laid Wc-d- silny .Several from the place nt- IcntlPd the weililillR. This county will elect a representa- Ive sliorlff, register and recorder, luce county commissioners, and two iury cominlssliineis, next fall, hesldos otliiR for coiiRressniaii nnd stale sen- itnr. And already n number ot slales- nen are limkhiR the assortment over, voudeiliiR which of t lie lot they could fimke sure of, Henry HardlHR. est., of Tuukhan- Iioik. is now located over at Pcranton lind has laki-ii up the law business of it ho late Tied It. Stark. Ho will he pleaded lo see any of his WyomliiR county friends who hove business In the Kleetrio I'lly. The smallpox scare over at the coun l scat Is dyiliR out, and all the cusps thai ale there are dohiR well. The ho.inl nf health over there Is to be con-Ri-atulalotl upon the way they handled and stamped out the epidemic. The majority of the sidewalks so far this v. Inter have heen badly nesleotcd in regard to cleariiiR of the snow, and at times are In such shape us to com pel pedestrians to take to the street. Klic i-MuiKil have ilecidtii it in time to Ike .ii linn and enforce the ordinance Ertiiininjr In the same, and it Is hot all unlikely that some of the pvop y owners will have to pay for oarliiR their walks with the cost liled. Miss M.ra Siii'iiRiio. a teacher In the Miiiols el New ttrlRlilon, I'.i.. is on lore speiidliiR Hie liuiida.vs Willi nor lareuts, Mr, ami Mrs. (.. II. HpraRUe. HONESDALE. "rial to tlii- Seranton Ti iliune. Ilouosdale, Doc. ::o. A committee ffroin the inenibcrs of the I'hrlsuai) I'.n lurJIir snciely, will hold u reception Son in Hie Presbyterian chapel on the afternoon of Now Year's day, from two to live o'clock, lo which the men are all invited. Mr. and Mrs. I'.evorly Smith, of Now i'ork oily, are the Riiests of .Mrs. Jon ,iie KdRett and daughters Misses Uop.u (intl Lucy. Mr. Jefferson Freeman who lor sev fral years, has been the ulile leader of the orchestra, which hoars ills iiunie ill on January 1, leave Hones-dale, for ;ils future liome, in the vicinity of lMttsburR. The opera house will ho tilled Wed nesday ''veniiiR, .Ian. 1. lo hoar th anions "Ladles Syinphony orchestra," which has been secured by the com mittee for tlio Kndeavor course. The people wil show their appreciation by i liberal patrouiiRe, at the same time enjoy a rich treat. The local washory, at Ilimillpy', which lias been operated by Mcssir, I'Viber and Haiilin. has served its usp 'ulness as a washory. The present pro prietors are about to equip the bulld iir with inaehlnery for the manufac ture of excelsior. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carey, of lllt on, are rucsIs at the home of Mrs. Carey's mother on Third street. Miss Olive llaynes, of Scrantou, has linen spendiUR the holidays with her lister at tlio residence of Mr. and Mrs. (iraat Talhuan. The annual shut-down, of the Jlones dalii Shoe ftielorlos, which occurs the llrst of the year, will bo shorter than on former years, on account of the pressuie of orders, Jn fact all Ilono dnle industries are working full time. HALF A MAN. When a man is sick ami cau only work half the time, he is practically half a man. It requires his whole physical energy to io liaa a man's wont. In general the weak run down condition which cuts the strength nntl energy in half is due to dis ease of the stomach and other organs of digestion anil nutrition. You could not expect a half I starved man to work more Ithan half the time. The condition ot the man kvith weak stomach is lhat of the half starved Inan. lie is weak ugh lack of mitri- 'Ion, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tures diseases of the touuch and other or- ans of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect nutrition :)fthe body and so re stores tue btrengtii. "I hud stomach troiih. e from liirtli " write Mr. Will U Seaman, of IvaslniiKtouillle, Or- liiye Co., ,v, v "ami siiffereil lilli II nioiiMir less ilk I giewup It tlie age of .'j 1 wa broWiu tjwn wan iiyntp4U. Mysiuici. lit was icrrililc. Could not rut lilliout dUtrt'. Coulil only c.it I lew crrtniu tlituc.4 unit was not (hie to work li.ilf the time. I!v. Irv thine I tried onlv uae me Hemporary ielU-f My wife finally pfrsiiaqeil uie to liy lir. I'icice (iotitrn Mnlic.il I)icocry and Hlrusaut I'rllttj.' 1 touk lx liottles of '(iolitcn Mrillcal I)i covtriv' uud lo vlaU of Doctor l'irrcc'4 l'lcasaut I'cllcU. 1 llicu felt so well tlut I ttoppid t.ikinc inrdi-iuc, Strvrrjl month-, have Eakil and 1 can do (lie liardot iud of wort, cau cat anylhini; that is set before me aud enjoy it, I am ; )ears old and tlm H the hrt time I )iae ever been Tell, Hr, i'ierce's l'leasaut l'ellets cute eon-itipation, with fair prosipei is for coiitliiuliiR t;i do so. There Is considerable excitement In Monesthilo today on account of n rumor that the tlaiii that holds tha waters of lake Latloro, limy rIvo way, hj- the pressure of water. Mr. and Mrs, II. W. Uowloy, of Scrantou, wore with Honestlnlo friends over Sunday. The monthly meetlfiR of the Ynuni; People's society of the Itnptlst olitireh. will be held at the residence of Uo. ('. I. Perey, on Thursday ovoiiIiir. It will he a literary nntl musical nieetliiR Miss Mhtncvhe I. Wood, of New Vork. spent the holidays at her Hones dale home. BRADFORD COUNTY. Spetlid to tlic b'lrjnton Tribune. Towiuiila, Dec. ,".0. The murderer of M. Vespasian .Mills, at North Towanda, Is still in liberty. The tloed was done on his farm, and the body was found In the barn with ninety shot holes In his PICTURE BiMBaaaaMBBBiMaaaaaanaaaaaaBMHaBnHMBHaHaaBBX3aiauBaiHa ii iii ii ii i ,"'p-P7inf''ff,,'HTi7vjwYj-Mvyfiirr.'iiuvi-''l'j'iirF"ta' ' " ' This pleture euggests the name of a well-known politician. , face and neck. The assassin. It was found, had ransacked the tlead man's clothing ami also the house. The county commissioners have offered a reward of $."il)u for the conviction of the murderer, and an additional sum of $100 has been offered by Detective Holleru. The Hernlce branch railroad has boon put In operation, after a standstill of n week, caused liy the Hood. While Flunk White and Kdwaril HIlow. of North Towanda. wore play ing with a llobort ride, it was acci dentally discharged and u ball entered young Hllow's left lung, coming out at the shoulder. Jt is expected ho will re cover. A process for removing' ink from print paper has been discovered liy two gentlemen from Athens. A recruiting oltlco has again been opened nt Towanda for all branches of service. Six hundred names have been placed in the jury wheel for next year. (leorge nnd Joseph Uurgess have been pin cod under arrest for disturbing a re ligious mooting. Prospectors are leasing land in East ern Uradford for the purpose of drill ing for oil. The base bull club, of Wavorly, real ized $1,000 at their fair. W. S. Harnes, for some years Lehigh Valley ticket agent at Sayre, has been assigned to a similar position at Uenova. Among other removals, ,. It. Clark has been made agent at the Uuni merfleld and his successor at Standing Stone will lie H. II. Rush. Nine workmen ot the Hell Telephone company wore arrested on Friday at Sayre, charged with injuring a shade tree with a guy wire. At a hearing be fore the justice, each were fined fifty cents and costs, which amounted to $23.M. A distributing agent for the riurfleld Tea company was arrested nt Sayre and lined $t for throwing free samples of medicine to pilvnte houses. Accord ing to a recent stale law, it has become a misdemeanor. This week the county commissioners will pay court house bonds of $:u,(IOO with interest added amounting to $3,000, This will leave a balance of the in debtedness of the county to he $100,000. John Douglass, of AVIImot township, accidentally shot himself In the leg with Ills gun, while hunting. The work-train was called out yes torday by another washout at the Vos burg tunnel. A celluloid comb in the hair of Miss l.eda liesley, of Wells, litis county, caught Urn by coming In contact with a furnace pipe and burned nearly all her hair off. J, F, Gorman, a hotelkeeimr at Wavorly, has llled a petition In bank ruptcy. Ills liabilities am sold to lie $:ii72 and. his assets $ti!C, Detective i-'askey has caused the ar rest or several parties for stealing coal fioni l.ehlgh Valley cars. Tito surveyors have completed their work for the line of the electric rail road between Klnilru and Wavorly, The road will run from F.hnlrii on the west side of the Chemung river to Wells burg, as far as the Mile depot, Thero a bridge will bo built across tho river, which will allow the line to continue across to I.oivuianville, thence to Che mung, then along the VMo tracks to Wuverly, Tim right of way has also heen secured, mid it is possible that the road will he extended farther to Tuwaittla ami also to Owego, o, H, Uluss, of Scrunton, represent ing tho Snilth-Premler Typewriting company, was making his usual trip to Towundu last week. Several machine have been placed In tills place through his agency. IIOLLISTERVILLE, Cutrit) to thi Icrtntou Trllmni. Jiolllstervllle, Dee, 30. The I'hrlst mus tree and entertainment. Riven by the pupils of tlio M. IJ. and M, P. Hun. day schools. In the Methodist Protes tant church, mas evo, wii luracly at tended, and enjoyed by those present. Also the one la the llnpilst church Christmas night, and at the conclusion of both, the children enjoyed the an nual distribution of sucntH. New telephone poles it'te holiicv plnecd tiloiiff the highway, from Madlsonvlllc to this place, by the Moscow Telephone company, who are nrraiigliiR to tiring their tine to this place. Mrs. KIIkii Andrews, Is In very poor health. Miss Itortha Oluistcad, has returned rroin her visit, n menu' relatives Iti Herautoii, Mr. nntl Mrs. i'.'url Hottlstor, and son tMiurles, of Scrantou, spent Christ mas here with Mr. anil 'Mrs. Albert Myers. Miss Nellie M. Ilolllsler. Is spenillt'i; the holiday vacation wllh relatives and friends In New York city. Miss May 15. (Hover. Is vlsltlna; iiiiitniR relatives at While Valley. Mrs. Armlene HpraniRcnhuiR, Is visiting In Scrantou. Mr. II. K. Moore, and family n1 Scrantou, spent Chrlptiniis, here with his mother. Mrs. I .avian Monro. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flsk, of I'lltc burR, are the Riiests or his parentn, Itev and Mrs. S. I). Flsk. HALLSTEAD. SjiriLd In t tic Siratitou Tillnmo. Hnllstead. Dec. SO. Mrs. John Phil lips, mother of Mr. Uiirnoy Phillips, of this place, tiled at her home In the Highlands last week, The remains were brought to Hallstcatl for burial Tliurs- PUZZLE. day. She was a much esteemed ladv and leaves many friends to mourn her death. K. 10. Tuttle conducted the fu neral arrangements. The daughter of Mrs. Arthur Cod (liugton has a fully developed case of small-pox. Tlie case is the llrst on rec ord In Hallsteud for years. Kvory ef fort is being made to prevent the spread of the disease. Dr. A. F. Mor rill, the attending physician, have hopes that the case will not prove fatal, anil that It is but a mild form of the pest. Mrs. C'oddlngtou is clerk in tho posl olllce anil it Is thought she ab sorbed the germs of the disease through handling letters, and in tills way com municated tlie disease to the little girl. The house is now under ininraullne. Physicians have all sent orders for fresh virus and there will probably be many sore arms in llallsteutl lor a lew weeks. The largo exhibit of sample chairs recently sent by the American Chair company of Hnllstead for the exhibit at Grand Itupitls was the finest assort ment ever turned out by the factory hero. Watchnlght services are to bo held In the churches hero on Now Year's evo. Hlg preparations are being made for an enjoyable time at the 15. of II. T. hall New Year's eve in Kistler hall. Saturday evening the men in the car repairing department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad who are stationed in Hnllstead, assem bled in Railroad Y. M. C. A. hall to do honor to Mr. A. I.. Cox for some time foreman ot the department here. Hon. James T. Duiiols finally appeared and on behalf of the railroad men pre sented Mr. Cox with a handsome um brella as a souvenir ot the occasion, Mi' was greatly pleased at the kindness of tho men and was at a loss for a re sponse for a time. Ho leaves his posi tion hero Wednesday for Buffalo, where lie has a more lucrative position await ing him lu charge of the repairing of Hie passenger cars of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad at that place. HAMLINTON. st'il.d In tlie Nt.niliin Tillmne. Hainllntou. Dec. HO. Mr. Homer Pel ton, of the Stroudsburg stale normal school, spent his holiday vacation at homo. Mrs, F, A, Orchard aud Miss Frances Orchard were entertained at Hotel Foote, Ilolllstorvllle, Christmas day, Orval Peel, of the Seranton Oral school, Is home upending his holiday vacation, The genial face of U. H, Wllderber Rer. of Wayniiirt. was seen in town re cently. He was distributing 1902 calen dars aiming tlio patrons of tho several insurance companies, he represents. The Christmas tree and the exorcises in connection with It was enjoyed by a largo audience Christmas evo in the Methodist Kplscopal church. The sing ing by the choir was exceptionally good, Mr, Karl Williams, of Dunmore, ale Christinas dinner with his parents, .Mr, ami Mrs, San ford Williams. Mr. ami .Mrs, John MuoFurlaud of Holllsteivllle, have been visiting friends In town for tho past week, Mr. anil Mrs, Knillo Perrot. of Flor ence. Mass., are being entertained by tho hitter's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. John Watson, of the east side, .Mr, I'errot Is employed as it decorator In the largest luilr brush uiauufactory lu the United States, He Is a native of Franco aud came lo tills country a few years since. .Mr. and Mrs, Gustavo (Iruoiior. of Scrantou, spent Christinas with the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, The animal Installation of olllcers took place in the F. and A. M. lodge Monday evening, December i:t. Mr. Albert lleberllug spent Christ mas with his parents, Air, nnd Mrs. Henry Heherllng, at Panther, P.i. Miss Anna Wolt'fo visited her par enlH, Sir. and .Mrs. Charles. Wolff e at Greontnwn. Pa during Chrlstmaa week THE MARKETS Wall Street &avlow. New York, Dot', .in. Today's stock market was largely n mutter ol" money supplies. The symptoms were liidtihlt iib! that those were scarce, the call loan rate running up at one time to 2 per cent, The general rate for renew als was 10 per cent. There were u num ber of other depressing faetora which reinforced this motive for selling stocks, and the consequence was it gen eral declining tendency of prices during tho morning. Later In tin day the money rate became easlei under offer ings by hankers among whom ,1, P. Morgan & Co. wore conspicuous. A Very urgent demand developed for Heading, which caused an advance of 4 points In that stock at. a new high record price at each step of the ad vance. The dimensions of the trading In the slock were suicli us to show that only the largest tlnanclal Interests could conduct It. Tlio individual blocks taken ran nil the way from 1,000 to ii.000 slimes. Tlie general mnrket stead ied under the Inlliionce of this move ment, but was singularly unresponsive even lu those stocks niosl nearly allied In Interest lo Heading with the excep tion or Now Jersey Central, which made an advance or "i 7-S on light transactions. When Heading yielded to realizing the genera I market, which hud been hold only steady gave away again suddenly and dropped to the low est, the Industrials and Pacltics lead ing. The closing was acthe aud easy. Many rumors circulated to account for the strength of Iteadlng, It was said that it stock re-:tdjustmenl was nt. hand. Another report was that Penn sylvania was buying for the control. The failure of conllriuation of rumors caused a suspicion among professional traders that the powerful demonstra tion In the stock was designated for sentimental effect on the general mar ket to help support prices in accord ance wltli tlio efforts supposed to he making to that end by great banking Interests. The reduction In the Calu met and lleclu dividend and the clos ing down of the Anaconda mine de pressed Amalgamated Copper sharply. Sugar was tpider renewed pressure und showed the lack of recent demand from a short interest. Tlie assembling or the conference of northwestern gover nors to concert measuies of opposition to the Northern Securities company made the Pueillcs weak. 1'nlon Pacific, seemed to be affected also by some dis appointment over the nicagreiiess of details in tlie annual report regarding the methods of financing I ho Northern Pacillc settleiueiil. Prnccdlngs begun lu Ohio under the nntl-triist law re sulted In sharp declines in Ohio soft coal road stock. The controversy be tween Germany and Venezuela had some effect In foreign markets but seemed to be ignored here. Total sales today, Siil.700 shares. The bond market wa moderately ac tive ami Irregular. Tntul sales, par value, $i,:,.J(l.000. The I'nltod States .Vs coupon and tlio refunding -'s registered declined '4 and do. coupon, tlio It's coupon and tlie old i's i. per cent, on the last call. Tlii" following qnntaiioni aro tiiinislieil Tlio Trib une by M. S. .Iiiril.ni A' Company, looms 7(13 708 Mraia'buililiir.;, Si union. I'a. Telephone. 50IH: Open, lliub- Low- Cloi. illL'. (-1. i-t. I"'-. Am. iijr.n- US llsi. llo 1111',, Anhiso Ml HS ;n',i TD'i Vi-hUoii, iv iiu'i nu-'-i. mi nti'i Aiii.iI. Cnppi-r 7n"i TI e.-1', lis Am. (Mr .V r,ni:iiliy Ili'-j .l'i", :mis ::i"'i lllo.ik. Tl.li'lioll l-V'Tt Im3s IM"i oe's ll.ill. - Olii IT, luVj luHi ln'i'i Clii-i. & tllii bi't -17' a Pi's 17'- I hie. At (it. Wi-I -JtWi tils i.:-, ,.M!!i ( hie.. Mil. & M. I' Itr.H, lii'i' ViP Mlli ( lib-.. It. I. . I'.n- I .Mr) i j;(': 1.Vi l.V! Ciiln. I'llcl & hull !-' ! !S fiS Mil I!. I! II'h li"'A II li"'A lllie II. II.. IV 7.rU Tl'i 7.1'i 71! I.1111I-. &. N.isli lll,,--. liMiB llki;, 1111.14 M.111. Klcv.iliil 1:1s l:S 1:;i,'!; Ilii'..', Met. Tllllio II.' Hi.;'.. Ilil'i llil'i Mi"Oi:ii I'.iiili.- III7U 1H7'-. lli?i W.V; Niiiliill; & W'vt ."i7-'i .'i7::.i ;.7 ."7; . V., o W :Hu :'Vi; :s., :.'.v; . Y. (Vnt1.1l Iil7',i Hi7U imp'', lul I'iiiii.i. I!. It l.".ii i.Mi'.i iki's ll.i"; lii'.iillinr Ity "il .Vs ol ." ItiMillnic ltv, M IV S-J ,-ii; M-U irfti s.iiiiicin ity i'l-i .'i.i-'; ;i;i',; .'ii'-'i Niiillu'iii ll. IV pcsit "' M'k ".I'a Niitlriii I'.ii'ltli il ol r.(l"; un. Ti'iin. C0.1l .V lion IMU lil'-. Ill (1 1 ' i Trv.is I'.uifi.- :iiii2 ;: '. :it, ;:iit f. s. l.f.itlin' ip, i;i; ni vj C, S. l.cillicr, I'r .si'.. .-1'i si:. . 1 1 -. C. S. Ituliliri II II 131 v l:;i,i I'. S. Slrol Co II -l.,!', tiH i:i V. S. Sloel Co., I'r "Iti H; i.: 'CiiJ t'nlim l'.ii'ilie nil'.', Hi.'."-; iniij, iiiji, Wetiiin I 'nil iii!14 ''); mi', 01 a; Wiihiidi, I'r -i i'n r;i:. 'V.. Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. l..-,(H.lv.!mu ll.ijiy Co., IV County tnitiir II ml; ,t Trim Co.. Flist Nntionul Il.iiih (Caibonilnii.') .. bliiiul.ml llrlllln Co TI1I11I Natloiul 11 ink Dime Urpnslt uml lllMOiint Hank.. Kconcniy l.iulil. II. k I'. Co t'iist Nutimi.il Ilink I.arka. Tiut Sifp Pip,lt Co CIjiU iV Siiovii' Co., IV f-fliiiiton lion I-Viii k Slur, Co. ... SciMntim Ali" Woik-i Ncinnton Sahc HjiiIc TraJois' N'nllon.il ll.ink M i.mtoii Holt VV Nut Co I'mplp'h Hank New Jicxiio Ity. k P. Co nosiis. f-ci anion Pjurngpr H.iihvjy, flit MoitKagc, ilue 1H'.'0 I'oople'e Muit kallw.iy, lint mcirt- C.ibo. due 1HIS ,, IVoplp'ii Sticit ltdlttjy, (Joiicul moilKin;!', ilno I if.' I Pillion Ma1111f.11 ini'liiit Co ,., I. aika. Timn-lilp S1I100I ." por icnl. City of hViMiUon St. I tn p. (I pur ('Hit fc'U'iintoii Tiaitlou u per cent Uiil. Akci iw "r.ij IJ'.'S no fw 27j 18 1-Ji 1S0 100 PS 400 17."i 1117'i ... JH5 73 115 iii 111 toe KM us Seranton Wliolesnle Market. (Coiici'Uil by II. (,'. ll.de, 'J7 l.ai luwann 1 A.e ) rioin-lle.. paipnt-, nv luiii'l, ifl.iil), llc.iiu IVr IiiiiIk'I, il.olie nuiiow, W,3J. Ilutli'i l'11-li iii'jinei.v, SiV.t .biro 11 .iniviy, '.'let I'allJ. Jl'.-ji. ( Loco- I'nll main. liL..it;. . kiilti -Xiaiby, ::'i'. j rlur.iite. fumy, liijjf, (IrPII I'tMs I'l'l blldil'l, if I, St), I'otUll'C. -I'll' IlllMll'l, !?l. Olliuiis-1'er bildii'l, ift.lU Fliilndeiphin Grain and Produce. I'blluili'lpbi.i. Pit. mi. Wliial-I'iinu loiilr.nt ttiMile, poi M,i,i.ji, t ,1111 I'inn; o. ; 111U11I fM, l'ili.lUl'I.IU MlMll.l ! No. -' WllilK llipp.ll, .'ill'. Ilutlei I 'i 1 111 ; lull ili'iii.iml, mih.v wiMii-in ili'.inii'iy, 'J'l'.j.rJiii'i iln 111'. 11 111 pilnii, -jo,., I'utir, -I Inns llidi ni'aib.i, Svi no .i.uii, ; do, hhiiIimoIiiii, ".'v 1 do. -ouilu'iii, :!"i, I lu'iv Vuii'i but IP m, Ni Yolk mil iiimiiw fJiuy mi it I II !; ilo. do. lo., fan 10 ilioli't-, !-.i 1 1 1 : llelllieil Miu.n. .I'iiIK bin 1. 1111. Cotlnn - l-pv jnwi'li iimlilliii iiI'IjihN, l-lili-. Tallow --I'linii tllv pi line, in lleiiiw, (i'si'j link, .P;.i."i7i'; 1 air., nV. I. In' I'onlli.i I Inn; kooiI ileiii.ind: o s, llialli-; obi iooti'i", 7ri iliiikt'h.-, 11.1I111 ; exuplloii.il lutr, IH'ai'l iliul,, IU4II0; kee", r.i 111 I lliil.i'i., Ilil-V. Hiioi'il I'uiilnji- lai-ni 1 I wl-, iliolie, loUci ilo, lair to i,no,!, ni'.ialiiii !! loo-h'i''. ii'jiTr; I'litikcie, 111111I0,, llupie: uitli'iii ilo., liil'.'c: linki-vi-, liolic in i.iniy ne.11 by, I.I.1I1.1; ilo. do. uiohlli, Main'; ijuod ilo., Pie; n11lin.11 tu la 11, lIUI-.'i ; ilinko, lu-.iiby, liu IP; wi'-inii ilo., ldal, V; tiriM', mill. (eitlpl -rioiii-. o.imi biiii'U uml '.',:ll,ooii poiimN In .Hk-,; wlniil, -Jo, in I liu.liil.i uon, :l.imi liii.heNi oats, l.'.IHHI bibhrl-. Milpniiiil.s Win-11, 'Ju'.ikiii Im.li i; urn, S,a' billuNi 0.1 1 ,, .'i.ulo Iiu.Ih-. New York Grain and Produca Mnrket New Yolk, llei. ;;n. I'loin- riinier at i)W Willi wlieat. but not iiiolabl blliei'; MI11110.0I.1 patenl, M.rtlJ$l.n. Wliial-.'-poi. linn; .No. a nil. mV I. ' ' .ilbul; .No. 2 ieil, txV, ile.i loi; .No. t Not I Pel ii 1 iil 11I It. s7'ji', I. 0, b. .11lu.11; option, for .1 linn' wtie allriliil. Inn in the al ii 1 110011 th.iiply lecnviieil; iIom'iI Him at ?t- net ailvjine; Mju-li diwil. SK-; May tsfi.c; .luh wi'ii'; Pec, W-1. Com- .-iol, linn; Xo. a, 7UV' ileialr .iimI "iivif ultu.tt ; optlun iiinl.ei mM oil at MM, lint oicnlnallt- 1 in, nnd mil c liv-od lit 111 ami V ml Iilulier; llav ilo.i.l. 7UBiej Pec, 7'liic. DUji-liut, liinui; Xo. 2 jej THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than pour Lines ,1 Cents for Each Bxtr t.ln: Tor Kent. . vx kX',VI.UW.V-'S'W..,WXV.W t'tltt tll'AT -Moiii lo.iiii No. :;oi I..u1;.uviitiin Runno, fioni .Vpill Nt, IPO. Kioto-ky IIhw. Toil HUNT H, oiic-liiitf nt ilolililo ImiKP, In upper (lie, n lllilire; l.irge jiinl, li.ltli. lint uml eolil u.'iler, i.iiiae, elerliln Unlit". It. I' lliiinlllun, l'.ioll litilMlinr, Sprttee i-ticcl, For Sale. 'V'V'X'W t WJ'iiW. -V''' rvft'itiWi fdlt S.M.i: 1)11 i:CIIANtIl. Wlii-tiey fertile i.Uin; In) pi n, if. Ail, In.., , (. 'I'libiine ofike. l'llll SAI.I! One lie.n.i botin' :iml uauun; imn twn-lioise liiinliei wanii. pat l lannlier Y.iril, (lieeii Itldse, I'Olt S.M.I, A hooiI boi.e uml IiIikk. at 7IS liv Ug an nne. HUt SAI.i: rllllM'-l-'liewooil, nun loollii, llr.l' bet, boanP. MMiilllnir, ele,, Itom nlil imii', Milliilil). fur nil innptwi. .lemi!na, Ccntial Mines shUcIi, foot ( Ha'iploli ittleet, o(T Sosltll Main nieinte. I'Olt SAI.i: Tim llr.lit 'prlnu imiuoiii uml -ome. Iianuti, ilieap. Hum, rear I I'M liiemo "heel. I'OU .SA1.1J t beap! liore, sprlnpr w.u;on and li.irne.-i. at .No. 192(1 Cellar .1101111?. Furnished Booms. I'Olt MINT -I'uinM.pil roonii, llilul lloor, X'n. ;!l'i l.,i!,.l vv.iiit: 1 lUeniie. I'Olt IH'.X'I'-Twn lonifnitnbly fnitiMieil looii.i lei- itriit It-nit-ii: Inoilein IinprovpiiieiiN; prl late family. :i,:t) Wellington nenue. I'OU HUNT Two ( tiifoi table fiiniMicil loonn for uentleineii: iii'iiiein iiipioienienl'; pil vale family. .Iili) Wadilnslen psentie. I'OU lti:.Vr-l'innl..ipil lionl room. Willi b".it. bath anil a.n; near point Iioii.p; itcnllcnun preleneil. Ailibcvi Itoom, llo: an). 101! HUNT rimiMiril loom; lieal anil lulli. Hi) l.'iiiteti .lieel. rill.NI&tii:il IIOOM- KOI! nKNT. with heal, p.n uml tint i 1 . jjentloiucn piefcnuJ, ul :W AUaim uremic. Booms and Board. A 1. Altai; l'ftOXT ROOM, with l.oavd, at Ml AiI.iiih aieinie. Snllalile tor two yonnir men. ItOOMS TO ItKXT. with board. bO!) Mulberry street. Wanted Room nnd Board. U Wfl'll IIp.miI .mil loom, piiiate f.iinlh'; lailv. Ad.lr. . i:. W. It., Tiibniip. WA.NTi:i)-l!ooni ami boanl. jnit-.ilc l.iinliy: Ki'iilleiii.in. C. II, M., Tiibunp. WAXTi;il--ltooin niid Ixi.iul in utliipil piieat.i family lot three l.nlie-,; not lo iieed iff.' per week. One lii.itid nltlitii lUo niiinile-, walk from lily lull piclened. Ailihe.., K. II, Tiibnnc Of fn.e. Heal Estate. fOlt Sl.i:-l.ot on Vine slieet, between Web ster uml Taylor .neiiues: 11 baipiln: ootne, (pp for yom.ell. Apply aiS ll.ini.oii n. i-niii.-. FOR SALf' One acre of land. Improved with nlnc-ionin hou.e; plenty and vaiiety of fruit; (rood loiallon in villaRC of ITcctvilte. Mi's. Olive l'idi, l-'Iectville, Pa. Money to Loan. AXY AMlllNT OF MONTY TO I.OAX-Ojilck, -M.iljrln 1 0.1 11s ni Iinildini; and Loan. At fioni -1 to Ii pee I'i'iif. Call on N, V. Wniker, :ill-.'a. I oimell biillilin?. Lost. I.O".T Siiiteli teiiiei; icw'.iliU ii letmned to ."0j Madi-on .luiine. I.OVI'-t.'old Inni'ih; opal v..ii, belween I'lni I'.nk chiinli und Millie Mieel, l'lnder iv t tit 11 01 notify ,'ill.j Cunnell llnlldiuit. Dividend Notice. Till; TKAIII'lth XATTO.NAI, IIAXIvT' Sir.inlon, I'a.. Pee. ai. lini, Al tlieir leKidar iiiielini; today the diieitoi ot tbi. bank willed 'a.'i.lKiil to Ihe sinpln-i, lnak ins tint fund now Ma.VX0, and deelined a teinl a111111.it dhiilend nf :; per lent, clear of all tuNui and pliable .laimaty I, l'KU. Clinks will lip mailed nnd trail, tex books iIom'iI until after that date. i;. 1'. I'ASSMOlii:. (a-liier. Xo. ;:, ."ilr; Xn. a whilp. 'Ip; No. :; white, .ll'ie, li.iik iiiIm-iI Hi"-tein, Wsri tl.uk hltp 'r..lein, .'t.iJT'.ii': li.uk whit Mate, ."il.i."',-.o. Optioi'S ipipt mid tiiially .11011210. with other maiketi. Ilultpi Steady; I'le.nnei.i, liiaa.V: fiuloiy, la'.Ji l.V.iii'i .lime I'liMinery, I.V.121 ; imit.itiiin I'lciiin eiy, 1'alSlie; i-tiile dally, l.'uaai'. ('liee.p (Julet J stale full i-ieam-i, laiire fall made f.lliry, lO.lloHi-; ,l.ite do. do., small, do. do, do., llalPio: late 111. 11I0, Pp. I Ian;!', IMie; do. ilo. do. Hindi, lil.i pi'ir, V.kk ITinier; l.ilp and Pennsylvania, roe; wp-lein.at 111.11 kot, jaai'ic; soiilliein nt mar kel, a-.'JjM-. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. ( hiiaso, tier, ;:n. Coveiini,' by shorN to pipn 1111 mi oier-ohl in.nket. wliieh liail beiii bioiiubt about by .1 weakne-s foil mint; mi enily heal Mi lonililloii- today, inlliieiiied ,1 sh.np leiovei.i ill nil tji.ilii-! Unlay, .ilay wiieat elo-eil -Iii; up, .May imn 'iii:!se liiKlicr and May ul ',ie adr.iuie. I'nn NiuiM ilo-eil 111 to aatiie higher. Cadi iiuo. taliom weie as follows: I'loin Sie.nly; .N'o. :1 spline wheat, iiiiTii.iii'.f.i-; Xo. a led, MU iSi'ie; Xo. i oal. li'.i.ilVio: No. a white. I7al7'.m-: Xn. .1 whilp. Illil7',ii'i No. i.vp. (m'4p; lair In iliolie iimiiiiik liailey, .rt's-iice; .No. I llivseed, Jr I.-"'; No. 1 iioilliweli'iii, Ml.mii inline tlniotliv ceeil, sn..ioitl. IV, iiie.s polk, ijlo,(ii)aiiii.M: laid, dll.ia'ii.'ind MO.irr, .ltoi I libs Nliii.rr.7ll; ihv s.illnl diniihh'1'4, 7a7'.je; Mmit ileal' Mm, M'.HH ip'i.ln; whi.key, M..I-.'. Buffnlo Live Stock Market, K.i.t llun.iln, lice. ril.-C.illle-lteceipH, 2,-11) liail; I Do hlxliir lor xood shlpplui; ami rpou led; .-i.r.'.'n IiIkIii1!' tor biilihei'.' unties; lie.t Meei, il.;j-, in..-.il: uicdiinii In unnd i.'i.SU.i'iil.a.-i; liltbt to Knoil hull lieu', si..".',ifli.oil: lielli'l-, K..'1'i nYo.HI; unis, poor lo clmiie, M,7o.il. Ill; hull., 1'.',7oa(.ail; liedi ios scaup uml II1111; eal-, lair lu saiml, .il.nOi?7,7.1; iliolie In bp.1, iiloi s.7."i, IIok--licii'lpts, Is.tiHl head; aitlte, pli I Si liliihri; lii.iv.v. fil.l,()aVil.7.'; lilKed. ijil.liil lfil.i.11; pL-, S.-i.7ii.i.WIj iniwh-, i.i.lKl.i.-.7-i; hinu, si.'J.'iaYl.oii, .'lieep uml l.ainli Iti'ieiiit-, -."J.iKH 1 head, slirir," lor .lieep; top niKi-d, ist.S'.i M.nn; 1 uli In fair, ?l,7;.i;i.7o; "i-llieii,, SI.Oil.i Tl.oii; I. mil'.-, 1. 1. In; tnp. Mi.i)ami.l,v, fair in unoil, W,n.'i.iil,nn: imJI- and coinuioii, i?I,'J.i'i.(.ii; Canada., M.Sniyi.M. ClilcnBO IJive Stock Market, Cliiiaxo, Dei'. ;m.-( ,ittle--lteiepl.., 1S,.5W, t.nmi TiA.ni..; .sliorar to (tin lusher; Rood to piiiup, H. 7.1.ifT..'H; poor lo medium, M.uorfilft!); Inrkiin mid liviliin, W.P0.il.a.V, lows. ijil.a.Vi CI ft'.. I.i.tt...... Wl "....". H ..tn,.. LI .l.nw..,i. welheii., I.IIH.SI.II; l.dr lo ihol.v inlM',1, Kl.tiOi Winij inMi'iii sheep, l.7'i.il..'n; iinllvu lamb,, i.kIjmi.oii; ui-ttini I ill 1 1j -. irl.Miao.hi. East Liberty Market, K.1,1 l.lbeiiv. I'a., Dee. ;iii.-C.illp-Mpadr: iln.il i, iMi.'.'Oiii.f0i piime, .Vj'nivi.iHi; uuuil, y,.:i; u-.-i.il". llokr Aitlve uml lililii'i'j pilnm lie.nlst, MI.MIatil.Ml lieaiy iiieilliun, iil.lfi.ili.7."ij n do., iii.aii.iil.;;fli iniulw, .Vi).liil.a Hiiei-.. li- unit IiIkIii'I: bi'tt in'tlieis', . I.OOjil.n; mil, mid lonimon, l.n.i.!.lH; .M'.itlim;.., ? I,n.l.il.:,il; teal mil 11, it7.i")iM. Oil Mavket. Oil Cil. I'a., Dec. .iil.-Ciidli balame., II.'; iPitillciiei no bid; lilpiui'iity, IMJul; .iieiae, l:i.'J'; 1 1111., Iui.771: .ui'iane. 7:l.M7. Steel Bridges for New Zealand. l IImIii.Iio Wiie lioiu'lhe Aoelali'd l'ie-. Welliiwtoii. X. '.,, Die. :.t). The jjoMiimi nt of Nov. .ealainl h.l deilded lo unler all slul Inidlie.s from the I'nlliil .State In tho luluie. 'I III. iluiik'ii ii'ioii i, a le-iilt of tin; uvent e. pel kin e of tho Maiiawjlu Hallway loinpaiij, when tin' AnieihJii bid 011 u Iii': .leel lijdiut Ji1101111l.il In oue-ijuaitir ol liu- pi he bid b. loiljII.-U lil iii. ,.' I,',..,-. '.-..,.".( '. , , v..,,,,, iff 7. uM,,.',. boll., M,7.'i.il.'AI; ralvei, K.!.;illi'il,.-il; Tev.H'fei li'i'H, f.l.S"! i I !i". Iis llcci'lplii lodav, 'JS.O-M; loiiioiiow, fikOwi! leu uu-r, li.tiiKl; Itip hither; lilKed and luililiei. s-d, lli.fil.7,V, hull; of site.,-, wl.a.'i.r'll.lii). Mleep- ItiulpH, a,',lKlll; .ilurp upj'i.; 1.1 lllll. at 1 I.I I It III 1 "w !ilV 1.1 in., ul ( i i l.j.l... 1 SITUATIONS WANTBD PRRE. 3 Atdr-Thil llltANCII WANT (IIF1CHS. Want Advortlsements Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing Ditin; Stores Until 10 V. M. Central City AI.ni'ltT RCIIl'l.TZ. rorner Jltilbenjr street and Ueli.il ei' nunue. UCSTAV l'lClli;b, C'iU Adauii atcmlo. West Side (ILOIIOi: W. ,li:XKlXS, lOl Moulli Main nicnue. South Seranton lTtnil I.. Tl'.ltl'l'i;, 7W Cedur avenue. North Seranton OIK). W. DAVIS, miner Xoitli Main Uliuc und Maiket sheet, Green B.idgo CIIAIILCS l. .lO.NKS, 1.V.7 DltUiou nieinte, I". J. .IOII.NS. WO Cieen Itldae sticet. C. I.OHi:.NZ. Loiner Wadiinstun avc line mid Mil loo blieet. Petersl'iirg W. 11. KXi:i'l'i:i,, 1017 Irvhitf avenue. Dunmore J. (i. 110x1; & &o.v. Help Wanted Mnlo. WAN'TIID 1'attetn nukei-i and nucliiiiNl: jnod wiises In yooil men. s raiitoii Steam Pomp pomp, my. WAXTTTD I'eiin.iiieiit man. win. Ihoioindili tin ilerslniid. lio.i.., 10 dilie f.n pb.v-lei.m; len mile.-, out of 1 lij ; vagi", 'flo and boanl; stale PNpi'iieiiip. Addle.' If. .1., Tiibunp oltlic. WAXTIID Ity Irailinsr 1'l.il.idetpliln liou-e. fir.-l-clas s.iU'.in.lli, lu sell geni'Ml line of paper to the letait liaile. omp tvlit, h.i an npiiiaiiitani p prpfcjjed; inii-t hae he-t reieieiire ami lie nidi to furnish bend. A'ldiesi I'. 0. ll.u aDS I'liila delphl.1. Help Wanted Female. WANTKIl-A Kill for an111.1l lio'l-wurl,. Appii. WO Ail. mis nit line. WAXTHIl i;peileiii ed .lenomaphei and l.ipe wiiler. Ajiply .lon.ii l.ron'i hoiii. UAXTi;i)-Ailiu'. Milllns!. Mi'11-n'iiiiimioiide.l I1011.1 keeper foe in-tit.llinl: hi , union. An-ttcr lo S. II, lilhunc oltkp. l'U'TV OI'i;itATOS WAXJi;ii-tp.uly work Rii.nantepd. W. K. Ilecl; k Sou, :!39 d.imi avenue. WAXTIIl) Ghl for geneinl housework at Dalton. Addresi II. T., care Tribune. Situations Wanted. SITUATION' WAX'l'i;i)-i:.pcrienii'il book-keepei ; .101111? man; iii.lie. siliiallon. Aililie-., A. I". M,, i.ne Siniiitoii 'I'liliiuip. SITT'A'IIOX WA.Vn:i)-ll a I'loteslanl joimir lady; has had oiiii-i' In meiiiauip.il ih.iwhiu; iiNn pvpeiienip in oilnp woik. Adihp.s liliiii (,'apou.p aieiiue, idly. MTL'.VTIO.N WAXTKD lo mi out by the day w.nhhnr, iionins or clpaninj;. Mi., I.re, 4P! ll.1ll-lf.11l 10111I. I.ADV IIIMKCS 1'0-ITUI.V 11-. bookkeiiei ; eiv Ik'i of lefeiriiie... Apply I ",ir .hik.011 .lieet. WAXTKIl--Situation :.s leam-ler, 01 an., kind of woik, by iniiili'd man veil ai'ipiailiteil with city. Addie.s . ('., Tlllmue oillee. WAXTKD Wa-bln and iioiiiir,- In do at hum , or to o out liy the d.ij. Aihhess (!. It., Tiihune oftn.1'. A MAX, :m iear. old. not liiimr in liii.s ilt.i, would like a po.ilion n ..ile.in.iii lu a lunii. Hut simp; Ii.k Ipii leal." e.iu lienee in a lir... ila-s i-a.h tiuuii'iiip -ton'. A1I1 lie--., ruiniliiio, Seimiloii Tiihune. SITfATlOX WAN'TKD-lle a Iii. tela.. ..ml; or ihpf; lpfei-eine. .mil waaes to miP. AdiPe-s (lillinu4. Hotel C1.11ul.1ll, llimdiamlon, X. v. WAXTi;il Slliiatlon, ;h rnlleolnr or at aeueial pIIIip woik, by .1 yniiiiK man, aj ii.ii.-j m ase. with It'ioil b.ibiti, Al lefereiup. Address .1. '. I)., line KPiieial ikilveij, ily. SITUATION WAXTi;i)-ll.i .1 .louiv; Inly 1,1 ,., ueuei.ll lioii.ewoii, in n family ol two; elder-li- iieople iiieleneil; with piiilleup of iitleiiiMiu s'ehoot twii aftiuiiof.il- in- pipiiluai eaih week; waKi's moderate. Addle-.. "V," i.ire of Tiihune. SITL'ATIOX WAXTKD-ny middle aaed lady ps hoii-el.eepei1 for a unit h man lu eily nr loiin fry; be.t icfereire- Bltcn, Objpit, uood homo and modpralP w.-ik.. Hon 13, Tiihune Ofliie, Recruits Wanted. JII:N W A NIK I) for the I. S. Xavy--I.aiiil.iiieii for tialnim; a- .eaiiien, jrp 1- lo , Hi per moiitli; lanil-ineii lor yeomeii, aae l In .1, t'-H per inoiilh upon nppoiiilment ai .eouini Ihinl ila-s); .-eaiiii-n, iiup til to .'l'i, Wl: oidliiaiy mm men, ace In In ..II, S-IP; uppieiitiee-, Ihlid ela... ace 1.1 to 17,, Ml; iiiiihiiilt, lu-t ila--, iiae :! to :i.1. .Vij 111 iclilni.l.. m-l (iiul 1 l,i , aae al to ."", -T'lO; lio.plt.d tippu'iitni'i", x' l'i t !Ti, -0; hospital nppieiitlie-, Hist ida-vi, aae :il to a-, s;;t); fhlpwilulils .ie -i lo ::;, xft; rlei tiirl.iiH, M'l'onil liar-, .iKi ;ll lo :!'i. -Hi; eh'i-iiliiin.-, thiid ila--, ,iai' '.'I tn .'si. !"": 11'ppii niilllis. nvo '! 10 "1, --.ii. Candid. ilo. 11111-1 pa a pli.ish.il I'samin.itli'ii -Innvtnu- lliein In Is' He lium 1ll.1p1alif.1iUK nllinei'ls, niul eviepl land men and appieulire., mi rviiiilnatloii slnmlua tlipin In In. pl.t I i Hot I for theii latiua-i 1 1 ml nun and appiu.liip-i the pi.j.lr.d ps inilioi only, 'Hie leiiu ot eiill.tininl i- foui jimi. liinui. of four nii'iilli-' pay and an addition of SI.IIU to the inoiilhly pay lor e.u h iC'i'iill-lmeiil within foui' iiioiiili. "ii Imn liable 1II-1 li.il'jc. lliili'ii.'. mediiiiie.-.mil meilli.il iitteudaiiiu aiatl-. Pliilleae ni 11 11111:1, liu 011 llili'i'-iii..ll('i. pir nller tidily ip.ii-' senile. Ahle-hodieil Aiiieilean.. i-pi'Cially wanlPil who will eno.v pMi'i'llonal op-poitniillle- lor nilvai'ieiiiei.t In piiiy dfliu'i- by dip pailv iPiuiliiioii nt .1 iiiuiiIiii' ut laiae ship-. A letinllina' nlltii' wilt be npi'lied ul the po-l-I'lIU e, thiid llooi, In Sii.iiilou, I'a., f.oiu Dei, .'ill to .1.111, I. inn' Maehiiil.N. Iio-pllal npprcir I lies and eei U .-i.iii.s erpnully vaulitl, Wanted. VA.N"fi;D-(,'ood second-hand fin lure, will pay tadi. Addiesi l.ei I. ll.ee l'l. Suanton, I'a, Boarders Wonted, I'lllVVI'i: IAMII.Y wl-liei to hue two ill e ni-ii to liojiil, (.eiiii.in or l.'naliali, (.'all any too.' attei Tlr.n.,il.iy. All cimwiiumci, t"7 IIjiiI.oii Ul f lllll'. Business Opportunity WANTI'.D Man will' -mall .1111 mill, loi li.nl hi leiesi lu ol ihlMieil limine..! p."iii- 1 nor moil.. ('.iilleiikiK, II. Collin., lo.nie llonl. i:TAIi.lii:n l- Mt 111 -Kll-liiipiiivril .mil iloi.lesllo woi'li'li,, liu'li I1.111I lallollnv ii'lu blued; linn ti.ulc; all ne-h i)on.N; aii'..t ile. sluns, Sphiiilld oppoiliiiiily, loi llille u.-.'i uml ..l'llll I Ii Will illlllllol.l. (.mil li'.l.nll. fol nil iii. I'.iilii-ulal-. iall or iiiliie.(, i.i'iua.', II00111 la, I a I I.Jil.avianu.i .inii'ii', .-'i.n.ioii I'a, m"( KANiMMIi; VT Tlt.l)i:ilS willioi'l delay. Wtltu fur our .piiial ni.nkct hltri'. I'luu nu anpllealloii. S, . IllbUml .. l"o., nieiuher. N. V, Ci.ii'.ollil.ili'il aud Sti".k aMliauup. II ani lu Diuailiiuy, New Yoik. ISiiihllslied ISol. 1.011; IlUiJluo' I'l'oro i'l-S lltouil. Financial, NmTvori; ami Oularin Kaaitl (' .Noun: 11 i'i:i:iiv i.im: hi. i me w v.i, ami Onlailii Laud loinp.im will, on 1I1,, n.t ilav ot I'iIiiuii). lb"', tafc. I. 'i iud i J, .'i 1 ii; I'l'lhc I10111D now oiilslaiuliiiK lolled under t i.u noiluavi! nr 1l1.nl ol llil.t. tlaii'il Jan. Ilo, iv. (I. minted l'i- tlie -J id inipaii.i lo Ihe Untr.1 'liut ii.inp.in.i. "I Neil oik, at nil, lie. I'.v pu.illi'. tol iM'ii '"'Ii I'ond I'"' "mi nl Hi l' lull' dud juit till If'i'oi dollais and all luli-li'v a." 11 mil to the f.ild date. 1'a.l ineiit will be nude 1.11 pie.eiiiatlon nf said bouili and nil unpaid coupons, al thu cULt hi tin) 'entj Tiut toni nuaiy, ot Neiv Vmk, No, .11 Wall Mint, in the 1 Ity ol New Vol I.. M.'W OIII. A; (INTMtlO LAND I'OMl'ANV, A, I,. l'Ai;i;i.i:r, Tieumer. New VoiL, July iU, I'JiU. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents I'our Lines, ft Cents for lioclilixtr Llns, PROFESSIONAL. Cottifled Public Accountant. V.W,'.'!I" (' M'-' I.DIMl. -'" TIIAIIIIIISl'llANK llillhlliiq, mid St. Paul Ihtlhlluvr. New Votk. Architects. IIDWAMII II DAVIS. AIICIIITKOT, CONNIXl! Iloililll't;. i'iii:iii:iiiri t.. iniow.v. aiicii. n ui:.tl l.'tate lAihniiup Bld., I21I Waddnaton avc. Civil and Mining; Engineers. M.J. IIAItDIXO, m CO.N'.Nill.l, IIUII.DIN'O. Dentists. u. c. 1:. i'.ii.i:xiii:iit!i:it, I'AuiT'uuii.DiNU, t-piuep slieet, Siianlon. "It. C. C. I.Al'IIACII, II.-, WVOMIXOAVIINUa , Lawyers. VilAyK .' .i),'i.i:, A'rroii'TvifdiAW. Huoim 12, H, 10 and IS ll.irr Ilulldlni;. ''' !' .'l1''('V.ATr,. ( ( i.m iioN tv 1": .tnTni uiVi". d. n. iiiipi.orii.i:, ArioitxiTT.oANslflT(;o! Haled on real i-tal eeiulty. ilear-i HiilMIng, roniei' Wa-liingtnn avriuie ami Spiueo iilieet. wi 1.1, ah i), ma 11 nTix.t iTN'AlMriToi!NrTvi mill ((.uiHeliois-illaw. ltipubllcm llulldliitf, "adilnsloii utciiip. .IHsSCI' k JCSSI'P, ATTOUNI'.VS AXI) COtTx selioiii-nt.l.iw. Cuiiimotiweallli llulldliig. ltoomt 19, !'0 and 21, '''ILI.'AJ.1." 'J. TIIAVi:iI. A-ITOtlXKY. nooj 'JU.I-H0I. nth floor, .Meats btiililliia-. '" V.. ",Tn,:';' ATTOIl.N'lIV-A'r.l.AW, nOAUU I link' Itiillillin;, Sei.iiituu, Pu. I'A'nTllSO.V k WILCOX, TRADIIIt'S XATlONAti Han'; lliilldiiiu- I OMKCIVS. y.1.5 lin'IMll.lCA.N llUII.tltXO. a- "'. . 111:11 riioi.r, oi'itci; movkd to so. lilt .ioiiin aienup. Physiclnns and Surgeons. Hit. W. K. AI.I.I'X, SIS .NOItTII WASIIIXCTON avpiitif. 1)1!. S. W. lAMOItl'.AtfX, OIT'K.i: 3:10 WASH inulon aieiiii". Rp.ldenee, ISIS Miilbcnv. f'hiniiic (li.e.-is( limpi. Iioail. 7sliliicu and KUiito-uiltiaiy oigam .1 specially. Ilouil, I to 4 p. in. Hotels and P.estnuranis. Tin: 1:1, k (,n:. ia:. and jjt ritAXbu avb- line. Hales leaxniublr. P. J',ii:0I,i:R, Prcnrlclor. SCiiA.NTOX IIOI.SI:, XIIAIt D., I,, k W. PAH senaer depot. Cp.nilin.tpd en thu i:urope.m plan. VICTOR KOCH, I'ropiietor. Scavenger. A. It. 11111(1(15 CI.IIAXS I'RIVV VAULTS AXI1 tess pool.; no odoi ; rnly iiupiovpd pumps used. A. II. llriRs', propiietor. I. cue older' 1100 North Main avenue, or lotlie's ihiiE stole, cor ner Allan's mid Mulbeiiy. Both telephones. Seeds. G. R. Cf.ARKi: k CO.. SIXDSMKN AXI) XUItS erjmin, stoic aoi W.i-blnston avenue; Ricuri I1.1u.-c.--, iriJU Xoilh Main airnue; slorc tele plione, 7S2. Wire Screens. .lOSMPIl KttKTTI'.lj, 1IKAK .111 I.ACKA. AVB., Scrniilon, Pa., mntiufncttiier of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. J)lti:SSMAKI.N(! TOR Cllll.Dltl'.N TO OKUKRt al." ladiei waist-;. Louise Shoemaker, 2U AiIjuh aienue. MKCAitoKi: nitos., pitiXTi:Rs' Mii'i'i.iiis, i;x- iiiopes. p.ipir bass Iwine. Waichouse, 1,'ii Wa.-iiiiisk'U avenue, Suanlun, Pa. Tin: wii,ki:m-I!ari!i: itixoisn cax nr. had in Suanlun nt the neiv-s sland of lici.1n.111 Ilius.. lull ."piulp and .'KM linden; M. Xoiton, :-ll laiekawanna aieiiue; I. S. sUmUcr, 211 Spun e street. LEGAL. IN Hi:: liiinipoiaiion of Tin Alllnatoii Social iliih 1 I Si.iiili'O. IViium li.nii.i. In Ihe limit of iiinuuoii plea- of I.. 1 kiiiaiina lounly. No. oil, .lauii.iiy 11 1111, IhtK. Xoliie I. henii.i uhi'li lh.it no apoliialioii will be made lo -aid toon on Moud.i.i, .lamury aillb. 1IKI-J. al !' o'lloik a. 111., I'lidei tlie Ait of A seinlilv of the loiiniii'iiMi'.illli ol Peiin.yli-.ini 1, entitled. "An .Ut In provid" for the inuiiporn lioii and leuulalitui-iif ipilaln inipoiatioii.," np pioved Apt II -. 11-71, ami Ihe -iippli'iicnU llieie- 10, lor the (battel nt an liilendiil coiiior.illon, In he called "The Ailiuulon S01 lal (lull of Seran loll, Pi'iins.i liani.i." the iliiuailei nntl nhjpi'i iil.cipol I- I lie iii.ilntpii.inii of a liub for soiial ciihiwni'iit, .iiul lor llii-p piupivpt In hail, po M' mid injoi all Ihe likiil-. benefil.. mid priiil (due- 01 the .-aid Ail of A pinlily and it- -11)1-pleiiienl-. TAVI.oll .-. I.I'.WIS. Ml'iiliii-i fol Applitant-. NtiTici: i. in:iii:iiv nivr.N. Tim in puimuiui of the i I ot llllici.ll A.M'luhl.v of Apiil, '!-. l-"0, (P. I p. IIH), cnllthil, "An il In pi" llde loi the (l.l ItliMtlnll ot to'lll-lllp- of I'm I'liiiuioiiweallh ullh le-pcit tu tlieir populalioii, lulu two ila i--, etc.." the nullity I'oiuuii. loneu m l.n.kawaiiu.1 couiily bale di-lanileil l.acki w.imii lowti.hlp a. a tiiiuishlp ol Ihe first il.i.. mid hi pur.uanii of .aid Ail do her.-by pioililin .-aid l.iikaivanna towii-blp In be .1 town-hip ,.f the Ih-t 1 1.1 . .IIHIN PIAMAX. .1. COtltir.lt MORRIS, .IIIIIX .1. DLRK1X. Atle-i; ( ounii Coinrii" lonei.i. U. Ii. DNii:i. ('I'll.. Si llllloll. I'.I.. Dec. Ml. IIMI. NOTK I! IS lli:iti:ilV IIIVDN Iiul .111 npplha lion will be made to thu Omit of ('1011111 m Plea- 01 l.aikaw.iiiua luiiutv on tin nth day ,f jlepeiuliir, l'.Hil, at II o'lloik a, 1:1,, under .111 ,ut pioiidiuu' 101 iln inioiperatloii and leuula I Ion nt iciiaiii (nipoiallon-, appuueil Apill . 1(71, mid it- .iippleuieiits, by Moillmei I), Till hi, .lame- IH.ni. dl.. -Mheil II. limit, I'.ml II. 11, lliilii nnd S. Ilrinkeilioll 'I li"l lie. for Hie 'ii.n lir of an Inleiideil uupoiallon lu be i.illed " I'hn lluiaioiv," Hip ihaiaeler uml object ul wlii, , i- to maintain a dub lor .-"vl.il eii lynirnt. niul f.i llil'i ituiorc In ban. )o-ms- and enjov all I1." liuhls. hpiu'tll- 1H11I piiiileup- poiileiied by tin said Ai'l mid its .uppliiiieiili. W. .1, TDRIIIIY, Holliilor. FINANCIAL. K sWVV' , F. MEQARGEL cS OO, STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. I. I". ilfu.ujii. Roy t'.lnjator Mcsir;). Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 2T & 29 Pine St., New York WE MAIL UPON BEQUEST OARErUXIiY PREPARED BESORIPTIVE LIST OF Investment Securities Mi'iutcit ,Nw iiul sioik i:uhiii:i. Hrancli OlVice 05 State St. Albain Mi 1
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