V, i" Vif. : 'tf V t ?' ttUPIffll THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, lA., TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1001. TWO CENTS. ufrimuie. .dfE3a 4' GERMANY PROCEEDS WITH MODERATION No Truth in the Storu ol Heated Words at the Venezuelan Capital. GERMANY DOES NOT DESIRE TERRITORY She Simply Wishes to Collect Claims Due German Subjects Vhen This Has Been Accomplished, Will Have No Further Interest in the Xocnlity The German Cruiser Ga zelle Sails for Venezuelan Waters. The Government nt Washington Fully Aware of Germany's Posi tion Herr Knoop's Discharge Is Demanded. By Kwlule Wire from The .Kwlatrd Press, Rerlln, Dec. 30. The German foretell ofllcu authorizes the Associated Press to announce there is no truth whatever in the dispatches from ('mucus, s.iylng that the German minister has left the Venezuela capital, after a heated ex change of words with President Castro. The German charge d'affaires, Hut Von Pilgiim-Raltazzi, Is still sit his idst nnd is continuing negotiations with President Castro. There has not been any question of breaking off diplomatic relations with Venezuela. The German minister to Venezuela, Dr. O. Sehmldt-Ledn, who has been on ii vacation here, is now on his way to Caracas. The foreign otllee again solemnly re Iterates the statement that it does not ontemplnte territorial acquisitions in t'emzuclu. Replying to Germany's assurances to the United States regarding the for mer's plans in connection with Vene zuela, the foreign oftlce here has re ceived an answer from Secretary Hay, expressing full satisfaction with Ger many's petition. Germany still hopes to collect her claims peaceably. , The 't'agehlntt this evening prints a double-leaded cable dlsDtitch from Washington, setting forth that the principal military and naval author ities there consider that war between the United States and Germany, sooner or later, is inevitable. The United States ambassador, An drew D. Wlilt. informed the Goiman newspaper men, who culled at the em bassy today, that tho reports of the possibility of war between the Tjnlted States and Germany .veto "the thinnest Kind of sensational nonsense." Not one of the authorities referred to In the Tageblatt's dispatch, he added, would, under any circumstances, disclose such nn opinion, least of all when the telii tlons between the two countries are so good as at present. "Moreover " said Mr. White, "Presi dent Roosevelt, the commander In chief of both the army and navy, it Is well known, entertains not only olllcial, but personal predilections for Germnny, which have been made not only olllclal ly to the German government, but which have long been known among his friends. Ho studied In Germany reads ond loves German literature, and has u most sincere personal respect for the German emperor. "Any utterance of the kind alleged by an officer of cither service would be sternly rebuked by President Roose velt." Cruiser Gazelle Sails. Today the small German cruiser Ga zelle was ordered to sail Immediately from Kiel to Venezuelan waters. The government Intends to send one or two other small warships to rein force the present German squadron in the Carrlbbean sea, The additions to German's naval force In the Carrlbbean will not be sufficient to give rise to suspicions among the people of tho Vnlted Stntes that Germany meditates anything beyond the collection of claims due German subjects, The Ger man government desires, beyond any thing else In this matter, to avoid dis turbing the government or the people of the United State. German news papers published today are full of ex pressions of this kind and many of these expressions are so much nllku Unit It is easy to Infer their utterance was suggested by the government, A ivmininbo thing Is the fact that there Is not a single unkind expression to wards the United States in any of this newspaper comment. Kven the dispatch from Washington to n New York news paper, printed yesterday, to the effect that persons of Importance In the war nnd navy departments consider war be tween Germany and tho United Stales In be Inevitable, has been reproduced everywhere, thioiighout Germany, Is discussed coolly, and for the most part treated with Incredulity. "Wo hope that this opinion," says the. Berliner Noiicslo Naululchtcii, "Willi h grow out of tliu Spanish war and which we consider to be wholly erroneous, will soon give place to a more correct con ception of Germany's alius, It s quite unreasonable that the people in the United States, holding hiicIi opinion, should connect this opinion with tho Venezuelan affair, in so much as Wash ington has been fuly Informed of Ger many's Intentions." The I.okul Anzelt'er says; "The task for our diplomacy Is to make German Interests prevail against Venezuela, without, at the same time, losing touch with the American govern ment. The authorities at Washington have up to the present time shown such Intelligent comprehension of the situ ation and friendly disposition towards Germany's, wishes that no grounds for apprehensions exist at this point." Knoop's Dischnrgo Demanded. Caracas, Dee. 50. -The Venezuelan - government has sent a request to Mer lin that Herr Knoop, manager of the German railway, be discharged. It Is believed that Manager Knoop will be expelled. The Official Gozotto published today, contains n resolution of the Venezuelan government setting forth that Herr Knoop Is unlit nny longer to deal with the government, as he Is an accomplice in the present revolution and must he discharged. The resolution further says Herr Knoop will probably be expelled from Venezuela. Traffic over the German railway continues to be suspended. It can be said upon excellent author ity that Germany's contemplated naval demonstration against certain Ven ezuelan ports will be postponed until the termination of the present revolu tion against President Castro. CENSUS STATISTICS ON COMBINATIONS Total Capitalization of the 183 Largo Corporations and Value of All the Products. By i:diiMe Wire Irom The Associated 1'ies.s. Washington, Dec. HO. Census statis tics made public today on industrial combinations show a total authorized capitalization May ::i, Ifino, for the is;! corporations reported of $.1,(07.f39.'.!00 and capital stock issued $3,0S5.2U0.S8. The total value of all the products of the IS,", combinations reported is $1,061, 293.3G1. The 1S.1 corporations employed an av erage of ::0!U92 wage earners, receiv ing $104,534,715 in wages. Employment also was given to 24,5S.1 salaried ofll cials. clerks, etc., receiving a total of $3L',cr.3,C2S in salaries. Miscellaneous expenses of these combinations aggre gated $l."ilS51.077. Total cost of mate rial used was S1.0S7.0S3.S2S. The gross value of products less the value of ma terial purchased in partly manufac tured form, gives the net or true value of products of these eo.mb'nations as $l,0."l,0Sl.nSi:. This r-presents the in crease in the value of the raw mater ials resulting from the various pro cesses of manufacture. The 1S3 corporations reported control 2,209 plants that were active during the census year and 174 reported as Idle during that peilod. Tho returns show an average of 11 active plants to each corporation. Of all these industrial combinations 03 were organized prior to 1S07, and in the years lSt7. ISfiS, 1S99 and prior to June 20, 1900, there were or ganized 7, 20, 79 and 13 corporations re spectively. Over DO per cent, of the total number of such corporations were chartered during the eighteen months from January 1, 1S!), to June 30, 1900. The, statistics of industrial combina tions exclude all corporations manu facturing and distributing gas and elec tric light and power, it being impos sible to trace all of the latter, and they do not generally possess the same eco nomic signlllianee. The returns show that the Iron and steel Industry Is at the head of the list, with a gross pro duct of $50S,G2ii,4S2, which is more than double the value of the product of any other group except food and kindred products, and represents nearly ono thlrd of the total gross value of pro duets of all the Industrial combinations. SIGHT RESTORED BY FAITH. Blind Han Kisses a Saintly Relic and Sees. Ily i:eiinlve Who from 'flic Aooiated Press. Rochester, N. Y Dec. 30. Thomas Graham passed through here yesterday on his way to his home in Ontario county, und declared his pilgrimage to Hto. Anne de Itenunre's shrine had re stored his eyesight, A short time ago liiaham was nearly blind. He declares that after he had kissed the relic the liillaiumatiou in his eyes disappeared, lie is now able to discern objects. SHOTGUN STOPPED ELOPEMENT. Girl's Father Shoots Two Friends of the Would-Be Bridegroom. Ily KncIusIvo Wile tiom 'Hie A wcUtvil Prey. Locust Fork, Ala., Dec. .'io. With a double-barreled shotgun J. ii. Hood frustrated the plan of James Glaze, who wanted to elopu with Hood's daughter, Jim Snow and Juke Hood are danger ously wounded as the result of the af fair. (Haste went to the house or the ghl, accompanied hv Jake Hood, Jim Hnoiv ami several other friends. AVhcn the party arrived the father of the girl opened lire. Corporations Chartered, Ily i:u-iilw Wile fiom Tim Associated I'ic, ILiilMmii:, Pee. M). Chattel icie k.ued hy (lie Mute drpaituuiil today In die tullawfng uir. puiatioiiit IImI.ciiIiiiIi I'tluliiiir coiupiny, p. tciiii capital, I.IJ1.IMI. Moiii'i.iMhel.i iiim! IV-tcr Clei-li lie i-uiiipat"., t l.illluii, Allegheny eniuilyj i.iiiul l.im. Valentine I'llne no company, Allenlmwii i.iill.il, KAUMi. MuiiuiiimIii 1.1 alley llicuini; rnii.iii.v, Clalllumij i.iplnl, M.iiVi. IVnniv.ini.i Siiiielm.il Slate lompany, Katou: iaplt.ll, SIII.IIOI. Nultli lllaildocl, l.'ieilrle li'lil puny, Nm III lli.ulilocl.; capital, H,tn. ItanUIn Weenie lenipiny, H.iiiUn; capital, wi.sim. Tim Ve..t Ki.it Luiil iiiliip.ni, WilkivlLiici iapll.d, ?i;u.x. Miller Succeeds Knight, Ily r,rlutitc Wire hem 'I lie Awuclaluil l'ie. Alluuy, N, V., Iter. Ko-liiiicilior (hlell luiUy appointed Nj. t lull-. I,, MIIKi', uf t'oi t I.iml coiiniv. 114 tUle iinnptlolliT, o till I ho wcim-y emwil iy Hie reliutiim uf liluMiu ('. KnlsM, who a4 leieiilly eliileil ini.w.i- f llinljlu. The term uf the new roniptioller ephc January 1, l'AI. m - Pall Bearers at Sewell Funeral. Ily Cxilutltv Wire horn The Awjcbti-d I'rcs. Wuililiigtun, Pie, iJO.-Seeietaiy Hoot uml A'l Jul.int (irneul Coihin, uhn have hiell invited Io ait a pall hearer at the funeral uf Ihe late Keiiater Scucll, will leaie here wily lumorrmv niuruliif fur Camden, N. J. WILL OF GEORGE W. FARR. An Estate Valued at $255,000 Left to Charitable Institutions. Uy Exclusive Wire from 'Ilic Auorlati-il Pros. Philadelphia, Dec. 30. The will of George W. Parr, Jr., a prominent Jew eler, disposes of an estate valued at $225,000, n large portion of which Is be queathed to charitable Institutions, most of them In this city. Among the chnrltles remembered nre tho Ministerial relief association of the Presbyterian church, which receives $10,000; the Presbyterian board of home missions, $5,000: the Presbyterian board of foreign missions $5,000 and the French benovolent society $10,000. Af ter all individual bequests are made the will devises the residue of tho es tate to tho board of publication and Sabbath school work of the Presbyte rian church in tho United States, In trust. HERRERA'S EXPEDITION. The Revolutionists Debark at To nosl from the Liberal Steamers. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcs. Colon, Columbia. Dec. 30. General HerreraBs expedition left at Tonosl, Dee. 2t, from the Liberal steamers Ibis, , Daiicn and Gtiltan und sailing vessels. j Jlerrcrn is the general who upllu luted at Panama, lust year. Ho Is con sidered to be one of the best, If nut the best, general the Revolutionists j possess. He Is a clever and able man, I who has sucrHleced everything for the sake of the revolution. Hen-era Is said to be surrounded by first class men. General 1'orras and Lorenzo are doubtless aware of Herrera's arrival In their vicinity and will do their ut most to join forces with him. In view of Herrera's movement, the government has requested that Hie loinforcements be sent from Uarran qutla. In the meantime, recognizing tho gravity of the situation, the govern ment officials are taking active meas ures to meet all exigencies. Everything seems to point to Hen-era making a final desperate effort. Since the wlhdrawl of the troops along the railroad lino Liberal .-oldiers have been seen at night time in the vicinity of Culbra and Kmperador awl uic supposed to be some of Domlnfeo ' Diaz's followers. J Tho government yesterday garrison ed Las Chispo and Matachln with tho view of intercepting combination with ihe Interior in the direction of tho i enemy. SMALL POX AT MONTROSE A Bank President nnd Wife Are 111 A Strict Quarantine Is Established. Ily KxrliKhe Wire from The Associated l'rc.v. Montrose, Dec. 30. Small pox has made its unwelcome presence known In i this community, the victims up-to-date being Mrs. O. A. Gilbert, wife of Vice Piesident O. A. Oilberc, of the First. National bank, and Mr. Gilbert him- , ' self. The board of health has taken vigorous action in the mutter and a , t strict quarantine has been established. 'It Is believed that there will be no spread of the disease, but that It will I be conduct! to tho family in which it 1 first appeared. In the meantime no . church services nre being held, public assemblages generally are being dl? pensed with, and the doctors are doing a laud office business vaccinating the people. At various times within tho memotlos of our older Inhabitants, small pox hns broken out in Montrose, but In no ease has it ever spread or became epidemic. It Is hoped and believed that In thlr respect, history Is about to repeat Itself Dr. J. a. Wilson, health otlieer of tho borough, has personal charge of tho two cases now existing. HETTBICK UNNERVED. Slayer of Kraus Crazed by Hearing Negro's Execution. Ily I'.Mluslve Wire from The Ai-.oi luted l'rcs.5, Trenton, N. J., Dec. SO. George Het rlck, alias Franklin Williams, who killed John Kraus, the clgurmuker, was so badly disturbed by the execution of Hubert Henson, the negro desperado, last Friday, that he Is grudutilly losing Ills mind, and may go Insane. He saw the gallows when he was ad mitted to the Jail last AVednesduy, and was greatly unnerved. On Friday he heard the blacksmith cutting the shackles from the feet of Henson, Just prior to the execution, and suw him march to his doom, Then ho complete ly broke down, and later became ment ally deranged. GREATEST YEAR FOR POTTERS. Manufacturers Joyous Over Unprece dented Prosperity. Ily Hu-ludte Wire IroniThe Associated 1'icn. Trenton, X. J., Dec. 30. The Trenton potteries are now taking account of stock and balancing books, and tho manufacturers Uml that there has been a rciuurkublo Increase in business dur ing tho year. The Increase In the vol ume of bu.dness has been nearly a mill ion of dollars, the greatest ever known. During thu latter part of the year tho potteries have been behind In their or ders, This prosperous condition had Us effect on real estate, for there ale only u fuv empty houses In the city. Bonner Will Be Manila's Fire Chief, Ily i:clu.lie Wile lloni Tho Ascetnl Crfsi. WjililiiK'toii, pee. :;u Mr, Hu-li llenuer, of New Veil., h.H aircptcil I lie lemler of an ap pointment as il.iif of the Ihe itcpaituu'ii! ot Manila, It U puipoceil Io icori;anle Ihe Manila Ihe lluliiliiu' krrvke on inodein Aiueilcaif Hue.'., ami Ml. Homier wi .s?Iictiil became of liU line tccoul In Xew York i-lly, President Invited to Gettysburg. tiy Inclusive Wire from The Associated t'rew. W'a.hliiutoii, Pee. ;;.lte, Dr. K. I', Wolf, of (.'itlvchiiri,', .i,, today imitcil 1'ioloVnt Itouw. tell Io annul llu memorial oicriUc ut the tlillburc; lialllclklJ, May M AMERICAN COAL IN FRANCE ft Vessel Direct from Philadelphia Unloads a Garob of Black Diamonds at Rouen. IMPORTATION PAST EXPERIMENTAL STAGE Only Question of Time When the United States with Her Own Ves sels Will Supply Most, if Not All, of the French Coal Deficiency Re port of Consul Haynes Anthra cite tho Favorite in Germany. Ily Cxt-liiihe Wire from The Aoclateil Press. Washington, Dec. 30. Two weeks ago for the first time In tho history of the port, a vessel direct from Phila delphia unloaded u cargo of coal on the Itoticn quays, says Consul Haynes, In a report of the state department, dated Itoueu, Nov. S, setting out the prospects of American coal in France. He says In Southern France tho Impor tation of American coal has passed the experimental stage, and that notwith standing the nearness of lCngland, Hel glan and German coal fields, American coal has begun to filter Into Northern France at different points. "If this Infiltration is successfully begun with the employment of foreign shipping," says Mr. Haynes, "it can-be only a matter of time when the I'nited States, with her own vessels, will supp'y most, It not all, of the French deficiency." An Interesting portion of Mr. Haynes report Is devoted to the subject of labor In the French coal mines. It says that a general strike was threatened near the first of November but that work continues, with little interruption. The consul says the miners' principal de mand Is for the eight hour day. Should they eventually win on this point, as tliey have won on other points in the past, the yearly output of coal from France in Mr. Haynes' opinion, would be diminished some seven or eight mil lion tons. The Greatest Objections. Mr. Haynes said that one ot the greatest objections urjnd sgtiinst Amer ican coal In France is its friability. Cut he quotes a French prospector of a large steamship line, between Bordeaux and New York, to the effect that he considers American coal equal to. If not better, than tho best Cardiff. The con sul declares there is no doubt that most of the objections to the American pro duct are due to ignorance of its usage. The state department also Is In re ceipt of n report from Consul Man, at Ih-eslau, concerning American coal in Germany. Mr. Man says that one of the largest coal dealers In Berlin, who recently has returned from a visit to the United States, thinks that the talk of America flooding Germany with coal shows ignorance of the situation. American soft coal, the dealer con tends, cannot yet, even with the pres ent ocean rates, be introduced profit ably into Germnny. He says It can be imported only on the Mtditernuunn with profit. The import of anthracite coal from America Is quite another matter. The Berlin denier left big or ders for this sort of coal In the United States, nnd says that in the Importa tion of anthracite coal into Germany, England Is the only competitor of the United States. ZIONISTS TO ESTABLISH BANK. Branch Is to be Opened in Palestine Capital Not to Exceed 400,000. Uy Inclusive W'lte from The Associated Pre Basle, Switzerland, Dec. 30. The Zionist congress, which opened last week has nrrlved ut a provisional de cision by which the colonial bank Is to keep u certain sum available for the acquisition of concessions. It has been decided to establish a branch bank In Palestine, with a capi tal not to exceed -100,000 francs, to bo confined, for the present, to a strictly banking business, and not to be direct ly collected with thu work of coloniza tion. It Is also announced that up to tlw cud of Inst November SrS,l.m one pound shares hud been taken in the Jewish colonial trust In London. NO PENNY POSTAGE. A Reduction in Letter Rates Would Cause Deficit of $35,000,000. Ily Kxilu.he Wire from The Aa'.oelateil Press. Washington, Dec. 30. llopresentntivo Loud, chairman of the house commit tee on postofllccs and post roads, hud a tnlk with the president today about postal legislation, Mr. Loud sayu that one cent postage is out of the question. "Under present conditions," said he, "penny postage would result In a deficit of $;io,0f;(i,000 annually, Lattimer Colliery Sold, liy Kirlmivo Wiu- from The Asioeliled I'revi. llaclctou, Dec. SI). fill In I'aidee, of Philadel phia, tor inai.y Jens imi.cr id Ihe l.alllimi io. lieiy, loiLy cold the piopeity and In Icav, Id IiU ihlhlieii, who will nuiihict the Im-mct under Ihe linn ii tine of IMulee Itrotlint ti Co. The inriiiheis ol the new linn uie Calvin I'aidee, Ji,, Alfred I'uidee, A. I'.iulie, llow.ud I'aidee, fotelli I'anleo lluhuaii, Alice I'.iulce W'Jiilvn, 01(wi Par dee und Helm I'aidee. Ilentofoie Ihu Hun ujs 1.UOV. u ui (ihin I'aidee A: to. Robbed the Cashier, Ily Inclusive Wile from ihe Associated I'reis. Ilcnton, Pec, "SO.-A mm intcied ihe ufnVe of tlie I'ludeutlal lu.iiiance company in ll'oNhury today, and, po'iitlm; a lemhcr at the youii; wimaii iai.lili'1', Williclmliu otl, ilemauikd vthat money lie had. TViillieil, the pit him jhout in), uhiih u'.ii In I lie lir.miT. The pjlke lute, not hecu idde lo tiace him. The Pope Is 111, ll.v Cm-IiikUi1 Wile fiom The Awielafcd 1'icm. ,ijudoii, llie. :il. A dKpitcli In a ncMn uv'eucy frniii Home .!) that Ihu pope ii tuhjul lu eiiioU) falutiii:; IIU. ACTRESS HALF-CRAZED. Mrs. Patrick Campbell Says the Noloo in Chicago Is Awful. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Aiioclatei) Pre. Chicago, Dec. 30. Mrs. Patrick Camp hull and Pinky Panky Poo, her pet dog, arc In u condition of hysteria due to noise, "I can never get used lo this awful Chicago," said the actress. "Bells ring ing, whistles tooting, vans galloping, newsboys shoutlu,?, elevated trains crashing. Oh, dear me, It's dreadful. 1 never imagined Hudes to bo more tin fortable. 'TIs extraordinary, very ex traordinary." Then Mrs. Campbell picked up her dog and began petting him. "Poor Pinky Panky Poo Is almost crazed by tho noise, lie does not stand It as well as I: but he does like your corn meal mush, nnd so do I, too. All women should eat corn meal mush," JEFFRIES AND SHARKEY A Coming Fight Which Will Involve the Heavy-Weight Fistic Championship. Dy Kxrliwlvc Wire from The Associated PrOM. New York, Dec. 30. Jim Jeffries nnd Tom Sharkey were matched today for a fight which will Involve the heavy weight tlstlc championship of the world. "Billy" Dclaney, who Is Jeffries' manager, met Tom Sharkey and his . manager, Barney Helch, nt a resort , near tho Criminal court house this af ternoon. Delaney said he was anxious to induce Bob Fitzsimmons to meet the champion once more and he had given him due notice of his whereabouts, but neither Fitzsimmons nor any represen tative of h's put In .'m appearance, so Delaney clinched the bargain with Sharkey. According to the articles of agreement the tight will take place on nny day between March 17 and April 30, before the club offering the best In ducement. Immediately James C. Kennedy, rep resenting J. W. Coffroth, of the Yose mite Athletic club, of San Francisco, bid 82Vi per cent, of tho gross receipts and the men immediately ngreed to light In Sun Francisco under the club's auspices. There is Just a possibility that the men will not meet, and according to the articles of agreement the chance Is that if Sharkey is defeated by Peter Muher In their bout In Philadelphia In tho third week of next year, the bout I will bo declared off should Sharkey succumb to Maher. FLOODS IN THE STATES. Rivers and Creeks in the Eastern i Section Are Steadily Falling. , Ily Kclusive Wire 'rem The Associated I'rc.-n. Philadelphia, Deo. 30. Reports from ' all parts of Eastern Pennsylvania to- ' night show that the rivers and creeks, ' which became greatly swollen as a re- ' suit of Saturday night and Sunday's continuous rain, are steadily falling. There Is one exception, however, the lower part of the Susquehanna river being reported to be still rising and ' close to tho danger mark. Although considerable damage was done the losses will not be great, most of the Hooded ureas being lowlands along the upper Schuylkill, Lehigh and Susque- hunna rivers. In tho anthracite coal I district a few of the mines were flooded, causing a suspension of work for the day. Along the lower Susquehanna there Is apprehension that damage will result from Ice gorges. Tho water Is , said to be rising six Inches an hour in that vicinity. Tho Schuylkill river in this city rose eighteen feet above normal, which rise has been passed only once In thirty-two years. Mnnuyunk, one of the mill dis tricts, situated along tho Schuylkill In the northeastern part of the city, suf fered most from the flood. Every mill along the river was forced to suspend operations, throwing out of work for the day about 3,000 persons. The river drives through Falrmount park and several sections of the railroad tracks on both side of the river, between the park and the moyth of the Schuylkill, were under water for a short time dur ing the day, It was feared that the Baltimore and Ohio station, on the east side of tho river at Chestnut street, would be Hooded, but Just as the water got within a few feet of doing harm, the water began to recede and all dan ger was over. The rain, which began falling here ut 7 o'clock Saturday night, ceased ut S o'clock this morning, and In that time the precipitation amounted to 3.HG Inches. FATE OF A SCOTTISH ARTIST, John Dalrymple Dies of Starvation on Christmas Night. ll.v llMlushe Wile from The Asnoelaled lien. London, Dec. 30. Tho Evening News this afternoon prints the following dis patch from Belfast. "A well known Scottish artist. John Dalrymple, died of starvation here on I Christmas night. His body was found In miserably squalid surroundings. Dalrymple exhibited at the Hoyal Academy and took three first prizes for designs at thu Paris exhibition." Boston Bicycle Race, Ily Ihihultu Wire from The Associated Prci. lloMoii, )ce, ;;o.- (If. thu ten team. wlitch l.ii ted hi Ihe i daya' tin hums' a day lilcyclu aie ill l..'!) Ihls .iftciuooii ,u llie Park Square Carden, U wile lied nt 'il mllei. Iliac lapJ, when the 1 1 lilt' expired tonight, while Ihe oilier foul- U'.lins well) within a mile of (lie Ict'lcm. The kl. lenient, ut 1 1.. 1U, when the lint day indod, ueiel Muuioe mid I'lt'iiiiau, llon'jolu and Sliii.ii', lluller uud McLean, .Mcl'mland mil M,ia, MimicUon uml Kin;, and i.ciinlor uud llui.. Schley Considers Case Closed. Ily r.Mliulie Wire bum The Atsoclatcd l'rc. New York, I lee, ). Captain .ianici p.irkcr, of I'cilli Anihoj, X, .1,, one ol Admiral Schley'.i coiiu.cl, Mid today that Admiral Schley lear.N llie i'.i-e iii 1'hv.cd, hut that IiU irleiuh will u..k cousp-cvi to i Indicate him hy ictliiui; him on full pay and i(imuuiiii lilni fur the e.;H'iivC of IiU trial. Postmaster at Jubilee. Ily i:chuhc Wire from The Associated 'rr. Washington, lice., .V). r lalwurds ha hem appointed po.stiiu.UT ut Jubilee, I.avL.nvai,m iuuuly. FATAL FLOODS IN PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. Proposal for Appointment of Com mittee of Jurists Discussed. By Kxchulvc Wlte from The Auorlatcil l'ic. Mexico City, Dec. 30. At today's ses sion of tho Pan-Amorlcnn congress, the proposal of the late Duarte Perelra, delegate of Brazil, for the appointment of a committee of Jurists to codify the public und private International law of the Americans, was discussed. Tho amendment ot Mr. Logcr, of Ilnyti, to the effect that Ruropean governments be Invited to share In this work was voted down, Mr. Leger being the only delegate favoring the Interference of Kurope In this matter. In a strong speech Mr. La Bnrra, of Mexico, said the conference nnd Its work must remain Pan-American. LONG GOING NEXT. Secretary of Navy Decides to Retire. Would Have Left Earlier but for President's Death. Xew York, Dec. 30. A Washington special to the Commercial Advertiser says: That Secretary Long will retire from the cabinet ns soon as he can do so conveniently is well understood here and has been understood for a long time. If President McKinley had not been assassinated Mr. Long would have left the cabinet before this. He has remained only because he did not wish to embarrass the new president ut the beginning of his term and be cause he was urged strongly to stay. The situation ?o far as the secretary ship of the navy Is concerned Is pre cisely what It was when the change in administration took place. There has been no recent development. "While Sec retary Long will welcome a relief from duties which for a long time have been a burden to him, he hns not tendered his resignation even Informally, and he will not tender it so long as there can be the slightest suspicloti that he leaves the cabinet as a result of the Schley controversy. Ills course in the latest stages of the Schley affair Is heartily approved by the president, and even If he wished to resign Immediately, the president would not permit it unless it could be made absolutely clear to the public that the resignation was not In duced even Indirectly by the attacks of the Schley press. But the secretary will not resign now, and tho president will certainly not ask for his resignation. Tho change may come n. little later, probably In the spring. There is no foundat'on for the report that Secretary Long's successor has been decided on and that Charles II. Allen, formerly governor of Porto Itlco, Is the man. Governor Allen is not an impossibility, however. Indeed there are circumstances which might make his selection probable, but there is no reason to believe that the president has come to any conclusion in the matter. SENATOR SEWELL'S FUNERAL. The Last Respects to Be Paid To day. fly Kxclnalvo Wire fiom The Asioclated Prcvi. Camden, N. J Dec. 30. The lust re spects to United States Senator William .1, b'ewell will bo paid tomorrow when Camden's distinguished citizen will be laid to rest with full military honors. Public ofllces and many business places will be closed at noon.' The public will be permitted to view the body from U until 11 In the morning, itellglous ser vices will be held at the late senator's house and will bo conducted by lilshop John Scarborough of the Protestant Episcopal diocese uf Xew Jersey and the Kev. It. A. Hodrlck. pastor of St. Paul's P. K. church, of which (Icnerul Sewell was a vestryman. The military escort will be under the command of Brigadier General Cooper, of the Xew Jersey National Guard. Tho escort will consist of four mounted butteries, I S. A one foot battery, V. S. A., Third regiment, Troops A und B and Battery B, N. a. X. J the tele graph and signal corps of the brigade und tho members of the lute gonei-iU's division stuff, The active pall-bearers will bo eight sergeants of the National Guard, and among the honorary pall-bearers will ho Governor A'oorhees, Governor-elect Murphy, Secretary of War Boot, Adju tant General II. i Corbln, V, H, A., former I'nited States Attorney General Griggs and A. J, t'assatt, president of the Pennsylvania railroad. The list In cludes u large number of past and pres ent olllcluls of tho state government. Major General John It, Brooke, lu com mand of the department of the east, will bo In command of the federal troops. The National Guard of New York uud Pennsylvania will he ofllcliilly represented, DEATHS OF A DAY. Ily i:chiiltc Wile finm The .WicUtril lien, New Voil., Ilee, flu. Theodoie llaiih'll, ot Sinn mil, , .1, .1 leadliK ll'4me In the Kucllim: and It'llniiii: liu!iiei, died at liK limne lod.iv .HUT Hevclill -eek' lill.e.-.. lie ".a, iilinnt 5.1 '", old und hit weallli u nihil .it iduint , ),0'Xi, all of which lie unused hy tiivciit iotia lor iucll In;," and iilliiln,- urcd. New Votk, Pee, W). 51i. laldle t iilein.ui Mini-, ilaiijflilei- of ihe late Senator McI'IivImjii, of New .hi'M-v, I, dead ut the Manhattan hold, I hi, city. Mrs. Mull' Mitfricd Iioiii piKiinniiiia, euiuplicited with mciiklei., A i.ildetiiaiu uji rent to ili. Muii'n hn-liaiul, llr. .lo.eph Muir, ulm I, llui lidlcd M.i 1 1 coiiMil al MncMioliu, .Sweden, .Mm, Muir ill pri.hahly lie luuled hc!do her father und mother lu Wtiihlni'ton, II, ('. Mr.-i. Muir lunli-itril her lather' "III und litigation over the iiol,ion uf the will l.i now pciidln:; hflween bho ami her uiolhci. Mhldlclown, N. V., Pec. 1(0. l'iof. .James II. 'looker, I nov.ii a "ihe saiic of Wawanda," I) dead ut his home near here, aijed SO. For oci fifty Jell" he a a proliili'iit plucuvloitM and plOtdoKiiouiUt. lie died in thu house where he uaj loin and had.ahvjy lhcd. THE SOUTH Four Deaths Arc Reported from the Cotton Belt to Date : Disaster Elsewhere. THREE ARE DROWNED, AN ENGINEER KILLED The Torrential Bains of the Past Two Days In Georgia, Alabama, East Tennessee and Portions of North Carolina, Inflict Serious Damage to All Kinds of Property. The Susquehanna River Still Ris ingNumber of Collieries Flooded. Dy Exclushc Wire from The Associated Prcsa. Atlanta. I5u Dec. 30. Tho torrential rnins of the past two days lu Georgia Alabama and Kast Tennessee ind por tions of North t'arollna caused t!w death of four persons as far ns known and Indicted serious damage to all kinds of property where rains have been followed by much colder weather uoeompanicd by high winds. This weather bureau announced today that the Chutahooeheo river would continues to rise during the next 116 hours and it is feared much damage will result. Three people were drowned .at 'West Point, (5a.. while attempting to cross the turbulent. Chattahoochee nnd Thomas Russell, an engineer on thi Atlanta nnd AVest Point Railroad was killed In a freight wreck caused by a washout near Notnsulgn, Ala. Thous ands of dollars worth of property has been destroyed at West Point nnd there is much sufferelng. Today the wnter In the streets of West point was from 1 to Ji feet deep. Many of the peopio spent the night in Fort Tyler. No trains have been sent through front Atlanta to Montgomery over the At lanta & West Point road since Satuf dny nnd the Southern railway's New York and Xew Orleans limited last night was sent around by Birmingham and Meridian. A washout Is reported on the Southern between Ashevllle and Knoxvllle. At Columbus, Ga., tho Chattahoochee registered 38 feet. The property damage Is already heavy. Xearly live inches of rain has fallen in the vicinity of Rome, Ga. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 30. The Susque hanna river is still rising. The most dangerous point appears to be at Sufo Harbor, where the Conestoga empties. Here the water continues to rise at the rate of six Inches an hour. The water now covers tho Port Deposit nnd Col umbia railroad tracks and tho public roads. The ice on the river has not yet broken, and If it goes, it Is feared a great gorge will result at Star Rock, just above Safe Harbor. People living at the latter place close to the river have abandoned their homed and taken to the high ground. The river is not yet bank full at Col umbia or Murletta, but Is steadily ris ing. Shamokln, Pa., Dec. 30. Rain which fell almost continuously tho Inst forty-eight huurs flooded u number of col lieries In this region. Water rose so high In the' Henry Clay shaft that all the mules were hoisted to le surface and the operation closed down for an Indefinite period. One thousand em ployes were rendered idle. The plant in owned by the Philadelphia and Read ing Coal and Iron compuny. The James River Rising. Richmond, Va Dec. 30. There l.as been it tremendous rush of water down the James last night and today. Thu people In the lower part of the city are moving out and the wharves at Kocketls are under water. The ex terme. lower part of the city la cut off. Owing to the fact that tho wires are down along the James river division of the Chesapeake & Ohio, nothing can be learned definitely of the conditions ubow. Fears are entertained that the freshet will be tho heaviest in years. No fatalities have been reported. The Ruppahannock took a tremend ous rise, putting the Frederloksburtf gas works and electrics light plant under water and plunging the city into darkness. Turlay reports ti great freshet in tho Shenundoah which litis seriously Inter fered with th'. running ot trains. McLeod Beats "Butcher Boy," Uy i:cludic W Ire from The Associated Press. ltolietir, X. V., Dee, .10, Halt .McU'Od, ol Hamilton, lint., Ihe Scutch wrc.tler, heat Molt, llcndciion, Ihe HochcMci- "Imtclicr hoy," in it natch toulKht.lle atiiei'd to put lll'Iidoron douu live lliniM lieddo of mi hour: time forty-liui Minium, foiiy-ItU' wiiiliiU. Mendcii-oii wcluheil llui and Mi'l.co.l 11.0. The conditions were ralili iiocalcleciin, uilh ihe i.tiani;li'.iolil liarrcd, Sic Levi! won all me lalN with thu notch hold, Steamship Arrivals. Uy KmIujIic W'iie fiom The Associated Piew, .Sew Yolk, He''. !' Arrived: Steamer I'm hll.i, l.iicipiKil; l.i ( li.mipaKne, llauc; llvnd.iiii, Itoiiciiliin. (ii iiu.1-Arrived; Steamer I.ain, New Vmlf. Southi.niploiiSallcdi Steamer KieJtnd, Irom Aulweip, Mew VmK. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local data for Pee. SO, 1001. Hik-licitl liiop.'i.iliuc ,,.,.,, .'II dcKnrt l.owct umptialuic ,,,,.,,,,,, 30 degree Itclalhc Humidity: S a, m ,. 00 per cent, s p. m. , ,,,, ,,,, 62 per cent. I'lcclpltatlcn 21 hum ended 8 p. in., 0.31 inch. 4- 4- WEATHER FORECAST, 4- Washington, I)c. SO. Foictatt for -f TucmIj' und Wednesday; Kilern I'emi. f hlanla-l'alr Tuesday mid WednMday j 4- -f uriihlv utl winds. -f f i 4- ft- A I 4