'W!V!r$P& VU .-!f5p j - . rji-j . ,- - t Tij - - - .- 1 f J , ( --;ajTirt' 7 -Jtfffi' 0Ti ".ST , 'V , - a 111 "fcl THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1901. 3'U WmMSTisamwP-La 7 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA DUPEr ,THE LANDLORD. A Traveler Enjoys Hospitality and Skips Over the State Line. Spoil.il to the Sr.itilon Tilhunc. ll-ihttpu-l, Doe, !!. A trnvt'li'i' with II lllll'.U ItlUl WltKOII recently I'CKlMttM'l'il at thn AilltiRton hotel, tellltu? Mr. Urnttnii, the proprietor, that IiIh Iioihq would lie good Hecurlty for the pay ment of the debt. After HtityitiK sev eral tlay and enjoying the hospllttlliy ol' Hie RonerouH landlord, he hltelicd lip IiIh horse Saturday for a pleuHtue drive. Ah he Intel no kIoIkIi ho hltelicd to IiIm witRoti. Hlw ltiiinucvoi's at-oiiwd Httsplt'ton and t'onstnlile Muck, who wow HlelKh-rldlntr with hlw iluimhU'r Lot tie. wiih tiotllled. They drove round the town for a tlnii'. the ronntnble keepliiK the HtrnilK r In view. Suddenly the travelor'.-t whip was taken from the socket and nine down with a ertlel erack ti)ou he horse's liaelt. The frlKhtciU'tl anl .ltitl took a wild Kiilloplnt' paee anil nriicd Into Chureh street toward the tate line. Mack, the constable, drove lis bravest to catch the man but even hoiiKh one bud n cutler and the other ,t wnRnn the fiiKltlve kept the lead. He low Ive's school houce and near the New York stute line Muck was so near the fugitive that a horse shoe which was thrown from the foot of the ah si'oiidhiR boarder's horse narrowly Knitted mack's head. When over the line the man turned around stopped the horse and stuck his lingers tip to his nose in a con temptlous mailer and yelled back: "What arc you Koins to do ubotit It." TUNKHANNOCK. Spoii.il to Ihc Foranton Trihnjio. TimUbannock, Dec. 2!L Itollln 11. rrear, who Is eliirnseil 111 tho stoeii food business with head(iuarteis at IhUTalo. Is visiting his mother on AVest street this week. I'rnf. Jiieob BroldliiKer and wife re turned home on Saturday, after spewd Iiir a few days with tho family of Cap. W. X. Reynolds on Tioga, street. The annual Wyoming county teach ers institute begins Its sessions at the court house today, at two o'clock p. m. The programme for the llrst day's ses sion provides for addresses by Prof. Samuel (.!. Sehnueker and Dr. li. AV. King, and the usual musical entertain ment. The Institute will be opened with prayer by Kov. II. II. Wilbur, or the Methodist church, followed by an address of welcome by Mrs. James V. Piatt, which will be responded to by 1'iof. Keppserly, of Tunklmnuock, and .Tof. Zechuean. of liiieeyville. The evening entertainment will consist of a "lerformaliee at 1'latt's opera house by .tltiro. the wonderful magician. County Superintendent T. II. Jarvis has been to great pains and expense to procure he best available corps of instructors nd lecturers for this occasion, and tlia .-access of the institute seems to be ssured. A gentleman who gave his residence s iloslioppen occasioned some stir bout town on Friday and Saturday. It seems that after spending the even 'ng in u festive manner, he wandered ip Warren street and after arousing the people along that thoroughfare by his clamor, went Into camp for tlia night on a" front porch; the sheriff was sent for and the disturber of the peace was removed to jail for tho balance of the night, after considerable resistance in wliielr he got some contu iion on his face. On Saturday morn ing he was released and being presum ably thirsty, understook to bren't through the quarantine which is main tained around the Wyoming house, but the guards caught him, and Dr. Klaer making bis appearance at about that lime, he was vacillated forcibly mil against ills will, and turned loose with si warning not to come back, lie seems to have been satisfied with his prev ents adventures, for he has not been heard from since. A. 1'. Ilursess, of Korkston, Is the guest of his son, T. C. Burges, at this place. Dr. W. K. Dornsife. of Ceiiierniore land, was calling here on Friday. The small-pox patients here are all on 'the road to recovery, and there is no danger of any new cases; the peo ple here are to be congratulated on tills fortunate termination of the ipldeinle without a single death. The expense to the town In lighting the dis ease will approximate $l.r00. Trial list for court of common pleas, miliary term 1W, week commencing January 27ih: IP), Jan. term., l'jni. Mrs. J.yinan Cliase vs. ICvit U. Crafm, interpleader. SU, Oct. term. 1001, T. AV. Kyte vs. 'I. W. & II. D. Kyto, interpleader. 130, Oct, term, 1H01, Curtis A. l.ooniis vs. Tt. II. Reynolds, et al., replevin, 1111, Oct. term, 1U01, Curtis A. I.ooinN vs. J. AV. Trlvelpiece, interpleader. r,S, Nov. term. IS',17, Mary A. ilundlo vs. MoKluuey & Stephens, Issue. 23, Jan, term, 1SUS, Jones Uros," vs. C AV. Stanton, Isue, 11,4, Juno term, lbBll, AV. V. Hilling', iidinlulstrator vs. Ktlle M. De AVIlt, issue, SS, Jan. term, 1SS7, K. S. Humlrlcit vs. J. c. Collins, ussuinplt, 111. Nov. term. 1SDD, AV. H. Kwlsher vs. rt, T. Reynolds, et al,. replevin. 711, Oct. term, 1000, A. N. AValker vs. Kate A. Dubois, replevin, HM, Oct. term, 1901, A. II. Sterling & Co. vs. John D. Jitinnull, appeal, 12:', April term, 11)01, William 1 Smith ot al vs. U. 0. Ueltz, ejectment. .'ti, Juno term, lottj, J. C. Menger vs. ,1, S, Rrlnk et al ejectment. ir.7, June term, HUl, Nelson R. fluid per vs. Clinton ToSvnshlp, trespass. WELSH HILL. Spidal la 1I10 RcTJiitoii TiibuiH'. Welsh IUII, Dee, 2fl.-Tho Christmas entertainment given by tho children of the Sabbath school was a pleasing one, A full house warmly tippluuded tlio little ones. At tile close of the enter, talmueiit the folding doors behind the pulpit were thrown upon, disclosing two Deautlfully lighted and well-niled trees, Doth younc anil old were remembered. On Christmas the followlnu young people ate turkey in their old homes In this place; Prof. John ItUimrd, of llnlslead; the Misses .Miulc l.loyd and 1'ortla Hennett, of Seranton; .Miss t.eona Dennett, or Kucluryvlllc; David Reese, of Wllkcs-liurrc; Hen Anthony, of Carbondale; Daisy Hennett, of Key Jtouo academy. On Tuesday occurred the death of Mrs. I'Jlleii Owens, of thin place. Tim deceased was the widow of tho hUo fcuniuel Owens, and the sl.iter of Hie Into Robert J, Kills, of South rilbpon, She uns 74 yours old, and for twenty years had hern a patient sufferer from a diseased bone. For over two years she had been tenderly cured for at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Watkltis, of this nlaee, On Saturday lust, II. R. Htiller mid son, Will, attended the runerul of -the former's nephew, Henry llutler, of Vti lulling. S, J, Owens, of Seranton, called on friends In this place today. Mrs. Williams, of Olypliiuit, Is the guest or her dntigliier, Mrs. S, Moyd. On Wednesday evening, December 2r,, at 8 o'clock, at llu home or the bride's parents. .Mr. and .Mrs. John I.. Henuett, or South (Plison. Miss .Verda fieticva Hennett mid .Mr. Thomas J, Jones, of this place, were united in uturrlaKe by the Itev. It. N. Harris. Sweet music was softlv rendered throughout the ceremony by Miss Daisy Hennett, sister of the bride. After the congratulations, one hundred uuests were served with delicious refreshments. The bride was PICTURE Can you read a boy's name in the first picture, and a girl's name in the seconu? Solution for Last Week'sFuzzles: MuiitLiy, )ec. '.!3.--llul(l llic 1 iit 111 1- iiiiilt. down Mini Xnita fl.un i in flip tu t- ju-t ulime thu III Hi' girl's IxmiI. TucsiLiy, f)"i.'. St. Hold pldure nlilcwj) nml flml llic liiintcr In the tire tu the let t . WodneMlay, Doc. 25. Santa f'ljus i in tin' "e jier liRlit'liard loiner of the iiictini'. Tliui'Mhiy, Dec. 2,1. Spaidprk. riiinnlulf. gowned in a beautiful embroidered robe of pearl grey Persian silk, trimmed with tucked white satin. The many varied and costly presents spoke well of the high esteem in which the young couple are held. After an evening spent in music and song, the bride and groom, amid a shower of rice and best wishes, left for Newark. N. .1. Their wedding trip will also Include New York and other points south. Ouests were pres ent from Mosaic, N. J.; Seranton, AVilkes-Uarre, Factoryville. Clifford, Forest City, Herrlek, AVelsh IIIH and South Olhson. THOMPSON. Special to the Siranton Tribune. Thompson, Dee. 27. There were sev eral family Christmas trees in town Wednesday. The one at J. L. Whit ter's seemed to attract the most atten tion, and to cause the most comment. Fred Pease, of the firm of Barnes & Pease, ventured to drive over to Jack sou to spend Christmas with his moth er. Rev, I'. R. Tower left this morning for Rush, called there to assist In the dedication services of the new Metho dist Episcopal church there Saturday anil Sunday. C.uensey Hubbard, student at Keukn college, is spending bis Christmas with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Alden Hub bard, in the town. Miss AVinifred Ollutt. teacher In Keuka college. Is visiting her father, F. M. Ollutt. on Jackson street, for a few days. Mrs. Augusta Lewis, whose Illness we mentioned In our last items, died Christmas eve. She was born In Sus quehanna In 18:14 and came to Thomp son about 1840, where she bus spent her life and was In good repute among her neighbors. She hud been a member of the Methodist Kplseopal church here for years. She was the widow of Hie late fiiles Lewis, esq,, and Is survived by two sons, Charles M. mid frank AV. Lewis. Her funeral was largely attended yesterday afternoon at the residence ol' her sou, F, W where she died. They were conducted bv her pastor, the Rev. A. D. Da1d, assisted by Rev. I'. R. Tower. L. W. Sittil'ord, of lilbson, ate bis Christmas dinner at Rest Cottage. Mrs. Philander Tiffany, of Olbson, after spending a few days with his slHter, Mrs, A, C, Foster, returned to her homo this afternoon. Miss Ruth Leonard, of Poyntelle, has spent her Christmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. F. Deinuray. Miss Mary L. Corwlu, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, P. R, Tower, for the past three weeks, started this afternoon for her home In West A'lr glnla. Martin Pickering and family of Sus quehanna, was In town yesterday, called here to attend the funeral of Mrs, Lewis, . WIMHERS. Mr. Kgge, tln'i minister, and his fam ily were pleasantly surprised Christ mas eve by r. party of thirty walking In, headed by a lady currying a lighted lamp, which they presented to the fam ily, together with a silk liltllller for .Mr, I'-Bse; a fur collar lor his wife, and many presents for tho children. The party dined on refreshments which they brought, mid were entertained by Mr. C. Mack's phonograph. Tho rulllu at U10 hotel wuh a good natured affair Christinas eve. The for titnato winners of turkeys were Rich ard Alt, two; J. Paris, two; N. i.'oinp ton, one; F. Fltisslinnions, one, and the landlord, two. The steam shovels are not limning and tno.tt of tho men arc Idle, except those lit work on the culvert, Mr. .lames Molt Is very III with n ctitiecr. AVOCA. Sprfl.il to the S-crJiiton Tiltnim. Avueih Dec. 20, The d"itth of Tlioinas J. Fltf.slminnns occurred yes terday morning at his home, afP'r several weeks Illness of typhoid fever. Dot eased was 30 years of ago and Is survived by a wife and six stnttll child ren, The dentil of Mr, FIP.slnililoliM Ifi regretted by a large host ot friends, He was a plain conservative inati, 0110 who analysed his thoughts and never fnlled to execute his Ideas. He was consldeied a political tender In this end of the county mid any borough of llee he desired wan granted to him, He was postmaster under Cleveland's ail inllllstriillon and fllllllled the duties of squire during the past few years, His olllce was the rendevotis for ninny rrlends and Ids ready humor was the cause of their spending many Sociable hours, He was a member of the C. M. It. A Sarslleld Literary club, A. O. !1. society and Tlonn Order of Ited Men, The funeral arrangements are not yet completed. The death of Mrs. Mary Dunn, which occurred yesterday morning at the family residence on Main street, re moves from our midst one of the pioneer settlers of the town. Deceased had been mi Invalid for .inuuy years, PUZZLE. T'lid.iy, Hoc. 27. Tho hy llic lillle hill'... h'll tiiKif'.'. I10.11I i found! .11111. One rolilur i in the Iium'I- Irft-li.ind r ellier ! jut .ili'iw lln rniT ei Hie pn tnro; the lillU' tn, V held. S.iliiid.iy, I lei'. '. One i.il.liit i inidi'r the riiilit .11111. Th' (link N under llic h'll nun, and the ntlii-r i.ihhit K to (lie lift ,,t the pioti'Miu's fai i but her cheerful disposition made her company desirable and many happy hours were spent in conversation with the neighbors. She is survived by two sous. Patrick, of Kxeter; and Thomas', of this town; aso two daughters, Kale, al home and Mrs. Patrick Hoylnti. who has heen here fiom liuttc City during the recent Illness. The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2.o0 o'clock. Interment, will be in St. Mary's cemetery. D. J. Hums, of Lincoln Hill, is seri ously ill with pneumonia. The marriage of Miss Kate Maloney of York avenue, and Kdward fillroy, of Lincoln Hill, is announced to tukt! place this month. John P. Mitchell has been appointed postmaster of Dupont. The supper which was to be served by the Daughters of St. (ieorge. tomor row evening has been postponed null! April 2'. FATE OF COEONETS. Lord Brougham's Became George W. Childs' Fruit Dish. I'miil l.imih.n M. A. I'. Peers and their parted when the been served. The coronets are soon ceremonial use has fate of one coronet is told as follows by a correspondent : "When I was staying some years ago In Philadelphia with O. W. Childs. the well known proprietor of the Ledger newspaper there. I noticed at dinner one evening a peculiarly shaped gilt stand used as a support for a clilnfi dish containing grapes. My host, ob serving that I was scanning it rather closely, said! 'Oh, that is tho coronet Lord Hroiighmn wore al the queen's coronation. I have taken out the vel vet cup and turned it upside down; the golden balls form excellent feet, and it makes a most elegant dlsh-slund,' which It certainly did," Hut what Is the fate of coronets coin pared with the fate of coronation robes'.' A large portion of (Ieorge IV's wardrobe Including the coronation robes, was put up at public auction in the Hummer of ISSI, There were 120 lots disposed of, mid some of the Items tire Interesting. A pair of line kid trousers, of ample dimensions, and lin ed with wlilto satin, was sold for 12s The sumptuous crimson velvet corona tion mantle, with silver star, embroid ered wltli gold, which cost originally, according to the auctioneer, judijO, whs knocked down for 17 guineas. A richly embroidered silver tissue coronation waistcoat and trunk hose, iiV,' The purple velvet coronation robe, embroid ered with gold, of which It was said to contain 200 ounces, brought only .Cm, although It cost Ills late majesty A'.'IOO. An elegant and costly green velvet irmnllu lined with ermine of the tlnest quality, presented by the Emperor Alexander to Oeorgo IV, which rost 1,000 guineas, wiih sold for 12."i, A Poet nnd the King, A poet uh,..-r lliif ni'ui would ,1.111 u.i, miiii nii'iu'd lu'lnie the I. Inn nnd eiiinin.iudi'd to slmw l.ni.-e i lie lniiihl not he put In di'.ilh, "II join cur U iuimiii'it." mM il.e l.lutr, "juii luuhl lomil your pliable 011 jour linijin, lite an I diet huiI.injii." "May .will m.leU iiulliu' tour pilule milli ter lv .ni many ejl ii lilli.lln In oil," tahl thu pott U'liieiitly. "I di) remit my llahlfi, lint eU-iive, my lelt hind laths a llngic -hltlm ntl hy 11 iiille." "Thui." Mill the Mux, "tthv don't )uii 101111I cm tho ilithl liiiidl" "Alas!" a die iiply nf the poll, ;i, ,e held up (he iniiliLtdl Ml, "that U luipo,..ilile Ihi-U' is nothing lo count ulih! H I, ihe foicfitiuei' that is ).u Win.-." "I'lifoi pilule nun!" c l.tfincii the k.nnpathcllp iiioiuiili, " mint m.iUe uiiii- liiuli.niein and ilL-ahlllllts lniiiuliil.il. Von lul uilte h'r tho liiJKJiliici,, ,iiilni' llliiie in San I'uihI.mo l.'.f. tiluluei', THE MARKETS SATURDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS The following quotation" Ate lurnlshc-il The Trlle imp by ,M, s. .Ionian ft t'onip.itiy, toomi T05 "Ofl Her hulhllnif, Scrnnlon, Pa, Telpphone, tonll Opote Huh- Low Clov lllrf. Ml, l'l In. .n1pilr.1n Siiir 1lu llsji tr. III", Ali'liUmi mi pntj, mi Mtj, AlthUon, l'r KU ln-jUj HU 101'ii Alil.ll. Ceppoi' Ti' j 72?h Hl'.i ?1fc Am. tar & I'mindi), .. ttii'U miKj inn, :io',d .tll'niil,. 'J'liiitioii 111(1. I..VS, ll,U n'U Halt. Ohio I01?M W,j till Utttfi Chi'i. .'; Ohio 17 47 luTi IHTk lilt, it 111, tti'ii aii( 21 -jiu I'lile. Mil. .V M. P IiISIJ ltr,-iH lllpi Iil.-,1 i-i" it. it it?. ti'!i 4i.? tii Pile It. It,, I 'i 7:i4 7 1 7;!3i 7.li Iflill", fc NihIi IIKI'j ll)7 imilii 11'1'i Man. Illoviiteil I.'is rsU :l7!i, V.W.i, .Mel, 'I11111I011 it pi'd; c,) piji; Jllniul Pacllte IikiIJ iiki?; toil lnr,ri Norfolk ,tc Wrt ','H r,7j ,'i7 ATBi .. 1,, if, ,v 11 V. . IT11lr.1l IViiiu. It. It ttriidlli),' 111' Itciillint Hy., Il l'r. Niiithriii Hy Soiillii'iii llv,, I'l.... Soiilhirn I'aillle .... Ti'iui. I "nnl It lion... Tesin I'.ii'llle f. S. I.nllhi'i' I . S. I. (11 1 her. l'r.... I'. S. Slrel ( o ,, I . S. Wool tAi., Pi... 111 II." II Hi III',' ..IU7U tll7'!i 1U7 ItlT'.i ..ll'l'i l.MI lllii,; 1IH?, .. .VI ,il ,VJ7i fd .. M?; Ml J y .. M'i, :Wi ;ii7i :i:i; .. !js n:i4 iit . .HI'h llliii no'i ill .. ill iii4 hi tu'i .. .i'l :iiii, .in jfitj .. 1 ' )! II'h I I'd .. M'i S-l4 ,tv. M', .. li'i II iK l:l :l',i Ji.t 11.) id I 11(1111 IMi'lltc 1111 iii-t, til.ii; 111.1.14 Western t'lilnn 'iij ' iqaj 111 upi; niiiiisii, it ill;,, 1.514 i y.v Seranton Board of Trnde Exchanfra Quotations All Quotations Based on Pnr of 100. STOCKS. . d. I..irl,.iu'.iim.i Dairy Co., l'r. 00 County S.ilnir Hank Tiust" ?o.. ,1(10 Asked. First National Hants (Cutliolirt.ilo) SlnndJUl DrllliiiK Co. ..'.... TI1I11I yiitloiul llaidc ,12.r. SO l?0 275 IH ti00 ISO 1.3 100 05 too 175 101 .1.13 Dime llpp.-nlt nml l)ie,,unt Hank.. 275 Kcnnomy i.ikIiI. II. P. ( ti. . I'lrst XiiUnmit n.inl: , I.nika. Triii-t ,Safc Urpi'.lt Co. .. ri.uk it Smncr Co., Pr f-'eraiiton Iron rrnre .t Jltir. 'Co. Seranton Axle Works Seranton Sating Hank Trndcra' Nntlonal Hank Seranton Holt tt Xut Co. ..'.'.. I'oopie's Hank .New Jioxko Hy. k ('. Co HON IK. Scrnnlon IMssruzcr ltullwiie, llr.'t MnrtKise. duo lnifl '. 113 People' Mii'it llailtvHt, llrst molt- RaRc. duo mis 113 People's Stiret Hallway, tteiiei.il morlKasfe, due 1!KI 113 Dickfon .Maniifaelurins Co I.neka. Township School 5 per cent. ... City ot Scriiiilnn St. Imp, 0 per cent Seranton Tiaction (I per cent Its 100 102 Seranton Wholesale Market. (Cbirrctcil liy II. (!. Dale, 'J7 Lackawanna Ate.) I'lnni lle.-t palenls, per luiiel, ifl.(,0. Itean-i Per l)uh.'l. clinice niaiiow, i?'.'..",. Ilulli'i' rif.li 1 iv.iiiiuj, an'. j Jure 1 1 ..imi'i'f, !h:-, r'alry. Si',",'. CI so Pull (ie.1111, 11 i.j.i I.','. KrKb Xcailiy, IIBc. ; 'tnrane, fancv, ID'.ir. Cleeu IV.I -Per Ini-hol, .1..V). I'nt.iloo- I'oi hu-nel, SI. Onions lir Imilit'l, .l.l. r TkeaiicaL ! I V,. TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I.VCIXM -"The 1'nii-li l'rir.t." Xiplit. A('AI)i:tlV The Aulircy Mock cninp.iny. Ninht ST1! "The Tinciclci'iv.." Afternoon .mil night. 'The Parish Priest." In "Tlie P.iiMi 1'ileM," '.vhicli i omes In the L.tieuui I en in hi, He me piomiM'd .1 pj.ii of pleat liatinalne.-.. Tor teai.-., Diuiel Nilly has .heen M'i'kiiiir a piny lli.il ' ttouhl :iiihis- .i ttoll 111 leach a sliol.u moi.il li n and Ills mmioIi has at la-i lifi'ii lew.iided. The lines are iuiulit, Ihe (oinedy i.-p.nkliinj and the siliiallous evitinsr nnd lintel. The Ihi'i leal-- wiih imiliiiimi and f.lmtt lio,v people v.ill 1, isi oil ihose v.lm Into and honor them to fain tti'ultli and pnsiiii.u.. Mr. Sully lias ..paied no ispeuse in (he pieseniiiiinii of Ihis pla.i, Iris Miiioiinili'd him-eli nilli n l.is of e. Kpiional Mi'i'iiKtli .tiiI niounleil Ihe play ttltli sjh'i i.i I vein, 't,t and aeit'ssoii,, "Our New Minister." "Ilur New Mim-lei" will leeeivo ils til -1 local pt ovulation .11 Hie Lyieiini Tii".da.t ni'jhl. Tie play is In its m'i'oiiiI .tear of imi'-s ami deils ttilli lite as i Is to I,,, found today in any im.it New Holland cmiiiiuiiiil.t. The M'ene ol the play is laid In llaul-ii.ihlde, X. II.. and Ihe time nils .11,. made up of mi esteiior nf .1 general Hoio and piMnilioo, Hie -lilim: loom nti'l lihi.uy of Tliaildeiis Mioii'a, Hie new minislei, and ihe htitlle of l.em Italisi.iii, a lefoililed eoutiet. IMelle l.oonii-, nf Ihis oily, makes hei Hut loeal staue itppeaianee in this pi i in the el ar aeter of Nan, e Itaihoiii. "The Village Postmaster. "The Vlllayo Poslma.-ler," tthhli 1 unit's In H.e l.,ttciti on Neu Veil's iii.iljnee tnul uiltt, N posllitely unlike .'lit ot Ihe otlii r .Neu Kualaiid plays and ihe Chli.i';o liitor-tK-i .111 .l,s: "ll' I'ftttT than all ihe othei toimti.t pl.its put to. Kt'lher." "The I ill.i'fi' l'o..tn.'isln" Is a p'ay Willi .1 riioiil -fiom! tu uone, h'.s stiuy ol Ion idle hue, tios-etl al limes Inn hi the end lilimipli.iut, leiul.s ihe audieuie plt.i'.aiill.v lluoiuii l,tpita seeueri of New II inip-lill.' Hie. The Inlciestuii: lealmes nf "The Mll.i'ji' I'oslinislir," 11.1I11I11K diy, do. uaiioii p.ui.t al Ih" lillnl-lfi V, I In . s, Inr ,., Ihe l.lllil, Ihe llkhl tveddllis ill Ihe lillle tUla'.e 1I11111I1, mi' all liniitul in nrute tut ii s-st icii. Tlie .ale ot .m'Us opin., Iliis uijiiiiui. "The Belle of New .York." The tovigi-l.it III!;, Iillhiui,e. inllii klm; "llelle 01 New V01K" will li"aln mi I'liyiiiinii'iit "( olio liljil't al Ihe l.weiiiu 'lluiisil,.y uel. lie Muiy nl Im'.v "Tile llelle 01' Xe" 'nik," liller taplmlu!.' Nut Yoik,.t uisseil ntei 1.1 London and 1 .111 nr ii'17 nl'alil- al Ihe Sliifle.lii'i,' ilualii', Is loo Hell knoHIl III the llie.ller B'lt'ls 111 li'ipllll' 11'pe.illn?. "'Che llelle" Is one of ilioe iieisleal i-oiued'es Hint tine ueter Hies ol Mciui; and lioaiitri. The iiiiis,tt' Is hy liiM.iv Iteiker, ami is in ilui uiiii poscrV liei tein, II is 1 1'ii.iilfrnl hy inanf 10 lie Ihc must taltliy I 1 1 1 j , ewr tuiued out hy liim nml at thf jsuuo tlui" his iiiikI "iiiusieianl" tlloit. Aubrey Stock Company. Al the Ai.ideiny of .Mu-to. lonlylil Hie Auhriy Siotk ioinpau,t will opin ,1 tteek's 1 nuauemeiil, pll'selilin;; "In the I'.iluie ol the l.u," ttilli ti lll.lKUllltl'llt Mi'llle Ini'i'i'lUie. Tho toiiipaiiy Is one n( Hie li,t eter Inoiiclit lii'io hy Ihe Auhii.t's and tiniint; tlie week will he M't'ii hire in Ihe follow inir pljy: Tuesday nllllil, "Money Mail"; Widnt'sday nliflit, "Hetll'a W.llid"; Tlnil-il.l.v iilvilit, "An liiali-Auieiie.ui Coii.ili"; I'lidat' nluhl, "III Hit' I'.il.ne of Hie ( ah": S.1I1111I.1.V i,l:,l,t, "l.ot lii New Volt.," .Matluee.s tlaily, nouuem Inn I'ue-day. "Tlie Trocadeios." Waldinii k lli.tiuit'i iiugiilliient unit t,'uihi'oii.s hmli'Mpii' piodiltllon, "Tho Tioijdiios," open an I'litjaKUiient ul Ihe Star today. Olllliliilv ,1 Ihe ke.tuole of .Maiiiituw Waldiou - Ili'.tautV MlttiM Willi the Tioiutleni lliuleMpii'is, u 11,111. pauy tthiili has hioken all leeouls in ll. tl.l'.i 011 thu load Ihis n'.i.suii. Amoiitr the leillnt' pt'ifoinieis who pie.-i'iil eiiteilainlni; aets aie Ihc Claims, imiileal ,uili .Malllit'tts nml Vliley, illfe hoy ami .lew; l.auy Smllli and Mimle Cliauiploii, ttlow hliiili is 0110 of the hum lanifhalile in taiidetillo; Mas. Miii.t iiud llalihiii.ui. a pair ol Ihe atti'tiest ills' ils in the Im-lni'-,; l. I. I.iuihiw, Natuiv's iiiouaitli ot iinil.iloioi Time IIiiIhiis, who aio tvitlioul ipi0ilion the s lea list atiuluu liefoic Ihe piililie. In aOdllioii In tills louii aiul t .11 lid hill, the luaiiaiii'iuint pii'seiiU a m'Hc of leu siiitihly mounted lit jut; plililiis. The luodel.s aie nil i.iiiitr and handsome ulils with Minimiiii j ili;, ines, and hate heen H'leiled ttilli peut iJie tu Inltiprt't. the ililleient lit'lllis in Ihe wviul le piiHlmlioo.s of lamous ttoiks ol an. The iiiliro kliow it III I't' found clean, hillu and wlioloome, and those ttlm like only Hie ht.l In Hipit i'' tiaiaK'.ini and taudetlllo will itiiulnly euoy Ihe pel foi manic I' Ihc splendid oiiilil.allon. Tlif Usual iiiatini't'S will he glu'ii, "IteKular t veil- THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More than Pour Line, .1 Cent lor Hacli Gxtrn I. In:. For Rent. WVVVVVVVWVVVVVV'ViiAVVVVVVWWWV ItAl.li I'OII lll'.X'l IliD (Ireeli ltldj!i' stteel, jl.30 per iiluhl. I'OII IIMS'T tlt, nne-haK nf tlolihle hotue. In itppii Hirtii llliluci lame jiird. hath, hot nml mid ttittei, inline, elnltli' Holds. It. I'. Hamilton, I'.inll hiilldliu;, hpruit' ntirct, l"or Sale. "VWWVSV WSWSSS.SX SSyV IVWWWVW. l'Olt S.M.I!- One heatf Itoiv and ttauoui one tuo'hoi-e lumliei ttauon. Il.it l l.umlier Vuid, Hreeli llldiie. I'OII SAI.li- A Rood hoi.e and liucv.t, at 71H Irv ll'B ateniie. I'OII HAM! CIIKtP -rirettuod. lion itioutiK. lint litrn, tioanK m.iiiHIiik, elc. tiom uhl eats! nllahle for nll puipus'. .Ieiinltni, Cenltal J Ines .wiltli, foul of Hampton atuol, olf Sumli .Main atenoe. HJII HAI.I.'. -Tho light pihu, w.ton nnd nonio liJliii'its, ilirap. Ktans, rear J I'M Luzerne tt ret. I'OU SAI.li (Tieopi lioine, fpring ttagon nnd li.li lies., nt No. IMfi Cedar ntenue. Furnished Rooms. I'OII MINT Tito toinforlahlf fintil-lii'd mollis for enlleiiien: modeui imprntemeiits; prl tate I unity. :() Washington aleiuie. I'OII ItllN'T Ttto n mfoi tatile iinjd-lieil too'iw for u'rnlleuien: niedeui ImpiotTiutntsi', .rl tute family, .wi Washington lifeline. I'OII UI:nT runiWied front loom, ttltli heat, Inllii nnd jrasj near toint hou-ei Kentlrmau preiened. AiMicm Itoom, llov !'. I'OII IIIIXT I'iiiiiMipiI louiii; heat and hath. Co Linden nluct. IT'ItSISlllM) HOOMS rort ni'.XT, with heat, i-as and hath, gentlemen ptrteiieil, at Csi'J Adams ntcniie. Booms and Board. A l.Altni'. ritONT ItOO.M, with t.onrd, at 521 Adams auntie. Suitable tor two young lut'i'. IIOOMS TO HUNT, with hoard. t-U!) Mulberry etrect. Wanted Boom and Board. AXTKII Hoard mid loom, uriviiti: familv; lade. Aildii'M, II. W. II, Tiiliime. WANTi:i) Itoom nml boaiil, piiiate mntli'inan. C. II. SI., Tiilnuie. I.uuily; WANTIil) ltooin and lioaul in K fined piivato family for lliree l.ulli3i uol to exiei'd ill pir tveek. One located witliin Ihe minutes walk fiom ii!y hall prcfuied. Addict, K. II, Tiilnuie Of lii e. Bcal Estate. l'Olt SAI.r. -Lot on Vine stuet. lieltieen Web ster and T.itlor atenues: a bargain: ioni' see tor yoiir-ell. Apply 'JIS llatii-nii mentie. FOU SAI.K One oeie of land, improved ttltli nine-room hou.sc: plenty nnd tariety of fruit; (rood location in village of Ficetville. Mis. Olive Fish, ITcctville, l'a. Honey to Loan. .100.000 TO LOAN 1-oticnt rates; straight or monthly payments, staik It (.'n., TraderaMiidg. axv AJiorxT or .monkv to loan ouuk, slrnlglil loans or Iluihling .mid Loan. At from 4 lo r, per it lit. Call on X. V. Walker, ait-.'iir, Conncll liuildin?. Lost. LOhT Hold Inootli; opal selliin.', lielween Llm I'.uk iluuili and M.title .stieel. I'iuder te luiii oi notity oil.". Council llinlding. , I.OM'-On I lee. 'Jl. one lil.uk mid while seller female dog, alioiil one .tear old, with a white slieak bitvteeii the ctes; lu.s plain Idack sti'.ip iiiII.ii-; Under iittaided. .1. It. Daintv. .11(1 Fifth hi net, lliimiioie, or ISIIteiibnider ,v Co. Dividend Notice. Till: TI!AI-:itS' NATIONAirilANK." Seranton, l'a.. Dec. 21, I'm. At (heir legular meeting today the dlicetor.' of this hank mldeil s-.-,-,,0() t the siupliis, man ing that (mill unit- r.i,iHK, and tletlaied a M'liii annual ilitidend of :i per rut. dear ol all ta's and piyalde .laipnuy I, lull.'. Checks will be mailed and liau-fer bo.ils cioseil unlil aflir lh.it date. i:. i'. 1'as.smoiii:. cjsiiisT. Recruits Wanted, Sli:x WANTKU frt the f. S. Xaty-Land-men for liainitu' n-. seamen, age l.s in "J,, .lll per iinitilli; l.intNuitu lor ,teo:neii, ae I) (o L.",. (,''.U per in iilh upon appoiiitUKUl .a .teomcii Hiird las); caiiH'ii, age "Jl In ;i"i. iil; oitliii.uy sea mt li. age IS i,, ,u, M'i; appu mile-, thlid tla-s, ngc l. lo 17, !; inn liinlst--, first da,', age '21 In ;l.-,, s.Vi; I'l.is liini-st -. seiond class, age 'Jl to .'I'l. 'flllj ho-pital appicliliio, age l'j to Jj, 20; I'opllal nppieiitiee-, fiisl thus, age 'J I lo u'5, "'(l; .liiiivii;:lils. age Jl to :i., is.fi; elei-lilclan-, ee.'iid ills,, age '.'I to :r. ?ll); dec 1 1 ill. in-. Hill, I i l.isi, age 21 lo :i,1, istlU; copper Miilili.. age 21 in '1.1, sto. Camlldates must pass a physical c.iniiiiation howlng them lo b.' ire limn disqualifying .lilinti t.-, and except land" men and apprentice, an examination showing t Ihiii I'l be ipulllleil for Hi-ir iatlus; latiils ni'Mi and appiiiiticc. Hie pli.isieal cauiinalioi i nly. The term of enlistment is (our ycnis, A bonus of film- nioutii.' pay nntl an nddilioii of iH.Wl to the momlily pay for cadi tc-enllsinieut Hitliiu f. mi- niontlis on hon-irahlc iliM-liaigc. Kalloiis, mtillclues and inedlial nlleuilaucc grati-. I'lltili'gc of leiiiimenl on lhii".-iiiiiteis p ic alter tidily .teals' setvlic. Aide. bodied Vmeiicaiis t'.petially Hiinteil Hho will c'ioy ccepliouai op poituultlei foi iidt.iin eiiieni to iietty ofliteis by the cailv comdction ol ti number tit huge t-liip.s. A lit lulling olliie will lie opened al the ,;i-l ollitc, Ihilil llooi, in Miaiitou, I 'a., I.'oin IK-c, :l lo .Ian, 1, 1 1 HI.'. .o li!lil-t-, lio.pllal appieu Hits and eletlilclaus c.-pet (ally wauled. lug piiics will pret.iil at Hie matinee on New Vc.u'n day. Pro-Boer Rally. Tlie -on,', "A I'l.lin and Miuplo llurger," In be sung at Ihc I'lti-lloir . 1 1 1- in m, Thomas inlltyc hall, Miutlay ct'ciihi',, the l'JIli of .lauuiry, tills I he .stoiy of the smili Alritau v.ii In a tiry gl.iplilc and Iclllug lu.iuui'i', ll is a p.uod.t tu Itlplllig'.s "Absoul Mliiiled lleggar," and will he .ling lo (he is.nn.' tunc. 'I lie principal ih.ir.utir in ii I- CluUii.iii de Wet, Ihc ijicatcsl catahy leader n modem lime-. Pe WcI'h IiiIIIIjiiI ta. Iter began Willi the Hot r ctai nation of lllnmi (oiitciu III Jl.mli, lunu. In .me week he oaptiiicil l.miti pilMini'i., m'Mii lanuoiis and M.mifl.tMii of supplies. On 'In' .11,1 of Hie same mniiHi lie Mvtpt tlotwi lii Colonel 1 1 road wood 'n column of l,.un men mid took I .si piisoiicu nnd l;t,1 loaded (upply Hiigons lieloic tho lll'ill-h loiniiiamler knew of his picBi'iiii', lie has killed ami tvoum'ed l,ot llilll-li Mililhi., laptiiicd oter .l.unu piou. crs, unit has i anvil Iheiii a total lo-. In .npplhs of titer i(.iii,ioii,orH). When linns of (iiacc tteie wmic time a-jo i-pokoi of ilc Wl' leniaik was; "My (arm has been ilotm.tfd, lily homo bmiieil, my propcily loolid, my tarns hate beru kilhil In batllc, and my wile has died if a hinkcu hi'.ul, ami I' .h.ill not siuiiuder. I i-lilll leeUl In Ihe end, This ttar khall not cea.p." STAGE NOTES. "Tlie Ni'jlit of Ihe I'otnlh" omc nunc ook the mad I lulsiiii.i- uiglil at llud-on, N. V. Hurt llateil) is Hie cl.ll o( (lie iiimii.iiiv. M i ll I'll Ahoiu, loiincily a piimiliiuit liuine in Hit- wmic op.-ia ttoild, is litiiv ill the vaudctillt' hooking hii'lncas in Nett Vol I.. Tin lit l ..lid In lie mi nunc than thlily-clglit loidtnt llieatlical toik toinp.ltiles in Ihe nli.il,. iiiimlry and ot Ibis nuuiber I'lilludelplila I.J. four, A lagc ti'iloii of I'lpllug'i. "Ihc tiaisb,i" it III rhoiily he piodiicid lu London. The ili'.iin.itl.a lion was tloiie hy Kipling and I'usino llaiuillou, lliiiii'.iii llariison, the liiuiiir pla.tcr mid who first hitiiiuht .l.iliii L. rmllitau out ,i an at tor, 1, now holding a position in the national .e.ut wrvli e. John L. Sullliaii. Hie cxdiaiunioii pugilUt, I, liotv Hjlir,- his hand a. Simon l.c.-icc In an "I'lifli' Toiu'i. Cabin'' coinpany, lienlng (lie New riiglaiul HJli's. 3 More BltANOH WANT OITIOKS. Want AdvertisemontH Will Be Received at Any of the Follow iiifr Dnirj" Stores Until 10 P. M. Central. City Al.nnilV SCIIft.TZ, rorner Mulberry street untl Webslcr ntennc. UL'STAV l'lfJUF.L, W0 Adani.s HVcrnic. West Side (IKOIIOi: W. JIIXKIXS, 101 South Main atenue. South Seranton FRIID L. TLIII'I'i:, 72!) Cedar atenue. North Seranton tiro. W. DAVIS, (oinrr Xoith Main atenue and Mail, el ttiret. Green Ridge CIIAHLLS P. .lOXI'.S, 13.17 Dickson atenue. P. .). .lOIIN'K, MO r.ieen Itldge utrept. C. I.OItLN-'., coiner Wa-lilngton ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KXIII'ri'.L, 1017 Irving avinue. D umn ore J. o. noxi: & son. Eelp Wanted Mnlo. WANTKD 1'iiillifui tnanaaer In lake cli.nge of tll-trilniting ilepol nml office to be opened in Sd'iititou, to further hu-lucM liileic.-ls ol oltl cs. I.ilill-hi'd lii.iniif.il tilling i inn ci n. Salar.t, ispj;, per Inonlli anil extra prolils. Applicant inn-' liinilsh good lefeienie. and hue i-jim tush. Au dies .Manager, I'. II. I!,. 1421 I'liiiadclpliia, l'a. WANTMI1 I'cisoii In each toiinly to n present old I'-lablishcd lion.,', solid iniaueial stamliiig; Hralght, boni-lltlc tteikly ta-li salary of M- paid b,v elicik cull Wcilni'silay, ttilli all expense tllrett fiom headipiaiU'is. Money adtauied tor expense.-. Ludos;. -elf.inldie--''d stanipcd ciitei ope. Manager, ."211 ( axton building, Chit ago. WANTI'.D-I'.illcin iiukets and matldnlsU; goo I wages to good men. Si:. niton Steam I'limp coinpany, WANTI-D--A good hoc at once Appiy al Loiti.s Isaaea' (iciiis' 1'nrnislieH, 112 S,un'c stieel. WANTLD Permanent man, who thninughlv tin dcMandi Iiohc.., to drite fn- phf.iei.iu; ten liillni ii'tt of i III ; wages $1.1 and boaid; i-t.ilf I'XpeiiciKi'. Atldicss K. .1., Tilbiinu ollnc. WANTi:i)--lly lradlng I'lilladelplila luiue. fu.-t-class salesman, In .sell geiieial line of papu to tlie ictnll tiade, one ttlio has an iieipiaintanre prefeiieil; nni't hate het refeieneo nntl be able to fuinis.il bond. Addiess P. O. liov 20S. Phila delphia. Help Wanted Female. WAN'TLD experienced slenogiaphei ami ttpe writer. Ajiply Jonas Long's Sim, YOl'N'O LADIKS WAVI'LI). any iliM.uite. eopt letters, home (tei.iugs nntl tetuin to u. We pay per tlioii-iuid ; send .olilie.sM'il envelope, pmtlculars and topi. I'. M. (., Dept. i:!J. D.ix llll. Pliiladelpliia. WANTLD At the, willing. weil-ieiomnienileil liousckeeper f,,r liisiiiiilior. in Scullion. Answer to S, II. Tiilnuie oftlee. WANTIID AT OXCK-Tivii expel ieined shoe sales ladles; none but c.xpeiieneed need appl... M.tcr Datidnw, 1107 Laikatvanna atenue. FIFTY OPKIIATOIIS WANTLD-Sleadv tvorl; gnatanteed. W, K. Ilctk ": Son, ;M'J ilauii avenue. WAXTFD-flli! for Koneial liousetvork i llalton. Address 11. T,, eaic Tribune. Help Wanted Male and Female. CANVASSi:ilS W.NTi:i) -Hood piopo.-ition; t.al aiy or commission: lo woik in cil. Addresi llox 1. Trilmne. Kcianlou. Situations Wanted. MTVATIOX WANTLD -Hi a Piolc-laiu jouug lady; ha.s hail cnui-e in inccli.inic.il ilrat.'inu; al-o expeiiiii'C in oflitc twill,. Address oi,,i Capou-c ntemtc. cliy. MIT ATIIIN WANTLD lo go out hy the day tt.islilng, iioning or tle.ining. .Mi-. Lee, Hi! Il.ill-lr.nl conn. I.ADV Dr.Mltt:S I'lKII'ION j bookkeipci; ,,"-.i best of l eftl elites. Appl.l l",'l ) ,1 liUon slit-t WANTLD "Ituatitn .is team-lcr, oi an;, kind nf unl.. hi in n i inl man Hell .inpuliited ttu.i oily. Atlihes, . (',, Tiilnuie olllte. WANTLD -W.is.hing and iioning lo tin at liom , or in go out u.i tlie tii.t. .Mldie-s C. It,, Ti'lbuiic olln.e. A .MAX. "I'l .tears oltl, not liiing in lii.s eiti, would like a pn.siliou a .-.iIi'-iiliii in a huni tnrc ttnc; has leu .u -' cxiiei lente in a llr-t-1'l.i.s wish liuniimc stole. Adtlio, I'urultc e, M union Tiibune. SlTt'ATlOX WAVTLD-lt.t u lli..Id.iss .ook m clief; tefeieii'i's mid wage lo Mill. Add'es Hilling, Hotel Ci.intl.ill. Illugiiaiuloii, N. Y. WANTLD .situation, as Lidhdor or al guiual olllte ttcik, bv a .toutig man, -jj j,..,M t age, ttllii got'tl habits, l lei me, Addie-s I. P. II., can" ','i'iici.il ihditei.t. cll.t. sITI'VTION WNTi;i) Ity a .toiuc: I ulv In tin genual lioii-eH'oik in a family of tini: elder lv peopl.' pitliiiid: wltli piHIIegt of iiiiciidmg school Itwi alteuiooiis oi ctiuliigs e.i' i wi'il, wagis nioiieialc. Addles "Y," i.nc of Tiilnuie. MTl VI'ULN MAN'ILD- liy middle aged lady i'.s boiisekeciKi Ita a gentleman In tilt- or conu- tr.t ; I'l'-I li'd'icn is gitcn, Olijut, gootl hon.e mid nioiieialc wag s, lo 11, Tiihuiie Oflitc. Wanted. WAXTLD-fiood second-hand (uiliaee, will pay ia.h. Addiess l.oik llox i::u, Sciauton, Pa. Business Opportunity. lTAIILIsllLD I' sli lll-IN'L-s Inipiottd nnd llollll'slle Woolclls. Illi'llllllll l.iilmlnir com blued; Hue tiade; all lic-li goods; lalwl de signs, splendid cppoitiudly, loi little i.i.-Ii and ,-i i in ill. Will Inti uloi.t. tttietl icaMuis in .-i II iug, I'.lilii lilil". tall or addles., (.cotge, llnoin 12, 121 LaikiiHamiii ntiiuic, SciMiilon Pa. IIAVi: HII' tillage, diy or luwn prnpeiiy, hu-i-pes or stot-k of good. In sell "i exchiugjf l.l-t torn properl.t with .1. I.. Tuty, Ileal IMale Lxthauge, Watcily, X. Y. WANTLD.Man with mull capital, to intc-n-gale a good n poiluull.i lo nial.e inoiict up. idlt. At Ihc si. thaile liotel, Strantoii, II, II. Mlidicll. S'I'Ot It AD WIILAT TIIAPIMIS wilhoul delay. Wiile lot our special m.ilkct let Ice. Pico on application, S. M. milliard .V Co., mi'inhi rs N. Y. C( iiMilldalril nml Mod. SM lunge. II ami Id ilroadttay, New Voik. lUt.ibll.lictl Ivll. I.i.ni; DlsUiue' Phono 2.I5S llroad, SITUATIONS WANTED PKBE. WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 $400,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Of lintte, Mont. (llullf Is the uifJti'sl ioier piodutlng tily in the ttgihl.) 5 First Mortgage Sinking' Fund Gold Bonds jit-nomination .I.UX), ui.tluiiui,- I Id .'ill .team. Amply piotulcd or by le.crtti ami iilihlug fund. Net earnings I 111 -c mid lluei"iiiailcis times iiilcioi iliaige.. Mute for upon ul Ml Samuel luuill, l'li.-ulcnt ol the Ihlta.o lldlion Co., ami pcei 1 in uhl. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. I NASSAU ST,, NEW YORK. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents ! Tlnti Pour Lines, ft Centi lor lincli Hxlrj Line. PROFESSIONAL. Corttfled Public Accountant. LDWAItll c. SPAI'I.PIMI. it TIIADi:itSllAXH IlulliHmr, nnd St. Paul llulldlnir. New York. Architects. rinvAiip ii pavih, .T7hiti:ct, coxni-xc llitlldllig. rilLDKItint L. II1IOWX. .MICH. n IILAI r.Ute l.xchaiige Uldg , 12d Washington av. Civil and Mining Engineera! H. L. ItAIIDIXfi, fiOil COXXLl.l, IIPILDIN'n. Dentists. dp. c. p. i:iLP.Niii:ittn:it, PAi;i,t huildixo. frpiilto sheet, Kcraliliin. UK. C. C. LAIJI1ACTI, 1 irTn-miTNofAVLXUli Lawyet'3. FIIANTC I,'. nOYLII. ,mt)ltXKY-A'IMl.W. """'"s 12, 11, It) and 18 llarr lluildlng. F. It. THACY, AIT'Y, f OJIJIOXw'llAL'lTniuiO 1). II. IlLPl.Oni.L. A'lTOIIXIlY-LOAXS XCOO Haled on real .stale heem-lly. Meurs lluildlng, ttiinei- WnsliiiiRton atenue and tipiucn ntlcet. WILLAIID, WAHIILX k KXAPP. ATTOIIN'LYI and uiuusellnrs-ntlaw. Hcpiibllcan lluildlng, Ha.liliigtoii at emu. JLSSfp ,t .IISSPC, ATTOISN'P.YS AND COt'X-eIloif,..-i..iw. Coinnioiiwealtli lliiilillng, Itoomi ID. 2(1 and 21. Ht.H1' "' 'IIIAYLIt. ATWIIVI'Y. ItOOll UU.I-tfll. Iilh ior, .Mai.s biiildiiig, '" A. ,VAT,,I:C' ATTOItXLVAI'LAW. IIOAIIU "' I '"'Ic lliilldlng, Seunion, Pa. PATTLIISOV ,V WILCoTltADT:i7XA'iToVlI Dank lluildlng C. (OMLOYS. 0 1.1 HI ITIll.K'AX IHIIMILNC."" -"-. HKIITIICHM-', OI'Flt'P. MOVLD TO NO. 211 ityomliig atenue. Pliysicians and Surgeons. J)It. W. L AI.I.LX. ol.'! XOIllll WASIIIN'ti'lO atenue. DII. S. W. t.'AMOULUW, OITTCi: SX W.tSII ington atctiiic. Ilesidenee, l.'IIS Miilbcriv. Chionlc uitra'is, luag., heatt, kidneys and gelilto-uiliiaiy oigaiu u iciijtr. Ilourj, I to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. Till-: KI.K CI'L. 12.1 AND 127 ITIAXKLIX AVll nuc. Hales reasonable. P. ZILOLKft, Proprietor. sritAN'To.v norsi:, xnit ., l. k w. pas- penger depot. (ondiitlctl on the Kurnpcaoi lil.ui. VIC70H KOCH, Piopilctur. Scavenger. a. n. ninofis ci.LAXs privy vaults and cess pools; no :doi ; only improved pumps used. A. It. Hrigg-t, proprietor. Leave oi tiers 1100 North Mnlu nteiuie. or Licke's tlrug sttoie, cor ner Adams and .Mulberry. Doth telephone!. Seeds. C. It. CLAIJKK A: CO., SKLDSMLN AND NURS rrmen, store 201 Washington avenue; gieen liotifes, 10J0 Xorth Main avenue; 6loro tele phone, 7b2. Wire Screens. JOSLTII KtiLTTLL. HLAU fill LACKA. AVE., .Seranton, Pa., nianufacturet- of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. UllL'SSMAKIXa l'Olt CTIII.DItLX TO OllDKn; aUo ladies waists. Louisa Shoemaker, 2U Adams avenue. sii:tiAittii:i: iiiios.. piiixti:iis si;pplii:s, i:x- telopcs, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, lo'l W.i-liingtcii attuue, Stiauton, Pa, Till: WII.KLS-DAltllP. ltKCOIII) CAN 111: HAD in Siianloii at the news stands of Ileism.ui Ilio-., 400 .piucc anil Cut Linden; JL Norton. ."22 Lackiwanna atenue; i. S. Sehulzer, 211 Spnue strict. Boarders Wanted. PIIIVATi: PAMILY wi-lics tu liato ttto nl-c men to lioird Herman or Lngli-li. tall any lima alter Thur.-tiay. AIL coutenienics, M7 ItarriJou atenue. LEGAL. IIAXKItl I'l' 'ALL of -I. lYucii-loin, bankrupt. Dalion. Pa. Ihe uiiiier.signi'il lecenei. 111111" ;ipii,Ulletl lit lilt judge ol the llislliil I'Olllt ("r Ihc tllddlc ili-liiu of I'l'im-y IViini-i. anil In at toidante ttilli an iiiilei- at loi'ip.inying s-ahl up poinliiitnl, made Hie iillli tl i.v ol lleceinbei. 1MII, will expose at public sale, In the highest hli'doi fur 1.1-h, the t til ii ' Mod. and nets of the -111 .IT l-'i-iit i-tciu, bnikiupt, In the hotnngh of Dii Ion, l-itk.iH.iuni lounty. Pa., on Vnnda.i. .laii unit iilh. llirj. al l n'clnt k a. in. 'Ihc -lock eou'sM-i nf dolhlng, gent's l.nnl-liliigs. Inl-, c.lls, sin,,.,, diy gnod.s, l.lllifs' cloaks, I'll'., Mil ami lixtuics, C. t. IIATTLNTILItli. Itcieher. ;iu7 Connell lliiihllmr. S, union. Pa. FINANCIAL. We Have for Sale Tin; Followlnir Slocks Lackawanna Trust & Safe Deposit Title Guaranty & Trust Traders National Bauk United States Lumber Alnmocorde Lumber Clark & Suover, Common Clark & Snover, Preferred Bolt & Nut Seranton Axle Auburn Water Jackson Water Pomeroy & Middleport Water Bloomsburg Gas & Electric Light Tlieo. White Mfg. Co . New Mexico Railway New Mexico Developing Co BONDS Altooua & Beech Terminal, Q's Pomeroy & Middleport Water; 5's Jackson Water, D's Owego Gars, 5's Alamogordo Lumber, 5's Alamogordo Improvement Co, Q'a Auburn Water Co., 0's Steam Heat, 5's Muskegon Light & Traction Co,, 5's I. F. Megargel & Co., Council nnllilliiff.