The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 30, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
''' '' ," .m r?mSiST ''fen, I ' a : .n TTTT rn WTON TTTTBTTNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1901 $ 1 SJ We are the looilers in everything In the line of PICTURES, FRAMES, ART NOVELTIES, ETC. We especially call your attention to our line of Imported Art Novel ties from Dresden, Germany and Franco. A look at our flinw wlntlnn will tell you wlnl to expect In our slurp, Jacobs & Faold, 200 WASHINGTON AVENTJE. (Store open rtcnlni;,.) ( City NotesT) WATCH NKIIIT. Anllir.ieite entniii.unlcry, SI I, Knights of M.iltn. will watch the iM nut ami the new year In tomorrow night, mliTt. lining iri'sr.uiimo hat lain aiuui;t'il. An DO.VATIONS ACMvNOWI.UDUi:)).- Th.' Koiiml llni; Home ncknowledue.J with thatilcn the follow IiikI Ton pnumU i( niiuly and one tin key liom lr. .lohn O'.Mallcy; one turkey tiom Mi. 'Urns. Kennedy. ADMITTKI) TO ItAll.. Mis. Antonio Mun?.o, Mis. Angcln Ikrvenu and Joseph C', o( Diimnoie, who wcic airested Friday on a charge of ar.-on, wcie h'atuidiy admitted to lull hy JiuIbc Carpenter. In the Mini of !?l,00tl each. si:vi:nti:i:ntii waiid c.mtts. a joint m- piil'llcin raueus uf the Seventeenth waul will he held on Tue-day, .Ian. 7, JlitU, troni i t 7 (i. ju,, ill Aldeiman Howe's ollke. All caiidldat"S for vaul or dUtrti I oillees mt'-t lesl-ter with the .-ecietary, Cuitli Powell, fin! I.aekaivaniu ininue, not later than .Ian. .1, lmil. CHRISTMAS SERVICE. Splendid Programme Rendered at Penn Avenue Baptist Church. The annual Christmas service of the Sunday school of the Penn avenue 15ap tlst church was conducted yesterdnv afternoon in the main auditorium In the presence of n large gathering. The Sunday school children, of this church have two distinctive Christinas celebrations every year. At one, gifts nre distributed while the other takes largely the nature of a religious ser vice. Tills latter was the one conduct ed ypsterday afternoon. The principal feature of the pro gramme was an emblematic exorcise arranged by the pastor, Ilev. Dr. Rob ert F. Y. Pierce and entitled. "The I'hristmas Message." This was enact ed by a number of young ladies, one of whom was dressed to represent a pil grim weary of the world and seeking the real meaning of the Christian mes sage. Young ladles attired- to represent wealth, pleasure, ambition, learning, etc., sought tu show these things were the Christmas message, but the pil grim found no rest until a figure garbed as mercy led to a gate opening Into the celestial city. The gate was opened and inside was revealed u cross from which a crown was taken and placed upon the head of the pilgrim. The rest of the programme included an address of welcome by Paul Benton, recitations by Minnie Smith, Walter Harris and Dorothy Capwell and the singing of carols by the rest of the children. Luther Keller, who presided, yester day rounded out his fifteenth year as superintendent of the Sunday school of this church. ANNUAL DANCE TONIGHT. Enjoyable Affair to Be Given by Catholic Historical Society. The annual dance of the Newman Magazine dub and Catholic Historical society, to be conducted tonight in the Is nights of Columbus club house, prom ises to be one of the most enjoyable tioclal events of the season. The club house has been tastefully decorated, and music will bo furnished by Pallor's full orchestra. Luncheon will be served between the hours of J I mid 1L CALENDARS FOR 1903. Itlttenhinder .- Co, line K.ued a very hull. Mime lalrndar for Hie coming year. It Is illu minated hy a picture of time old men idiakii.i; ilhe, done in iidoi- ih.a is eti-i'ii ly aili-tic. Illttenlii mler .V Co. can In- conKiatulaleil mi liailni; one of the tliif-i caleudau hi- any local Im-lie'-i hon-e thN jcir. Shift's ciiilc calendar f r the nniilni; ear la a woill.y niiie.-.-or to tho-e '.-.ued in the pj-,1 for the iiiiiom- of calliie,' attention to the uodmt )f f-wift - Co., the iiicklm; linn. II is iiiIk-IIMihI Ii.v pliturei of (-prlii',', Mini'iicr, an luiuii and ivlnlir, In colon v lilt li aie u-produc-tliuu of drawing-, by .lulis llelaracli.-, Desserts for New Year's Dinner. If Hanley served your Christmas pud ding or creaii's, you know of the valued '.line saved and pleasure gained, jf not, allow him to help supply, at least, that part of the New Year menu. "Phono or leave orders at IliO Siruco street, f-f-f-f-m-f-H nnwn ncccDiurr uunu uj i Liuruao, t t i 4 t Spring Brook Water.lst Mtg,5s Lncka. Valley Elec, Light, 1st Mtg. 5s, North Jersey and PoconoMoun- taln Ice Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s, Standard Gns Co., 1st Mtg, 5s. f Lehighton Water Supply Co.. t I 1st Mtg, 5s. 4 now niiuwny ana uoal Co., Is; Mtg, 5s, T Descrlj- jn nnd price on applU 4 cation, VUiuaJway, N, V, VllkM-b-V-. OubouJalo. -6 0 Coiuiuonwvaltli Bid;, Scruntou, 1'i. 4-H-M--H -m-f -H-4 iy Xyr NEGLECTED HER CHILD. More Serious Charge May Bs Also Preferred Against Mis. Hlckey. Mis. Maude Hlckey, who runs tilt employment agency on Franklin nvc title. wan arrested on 9,'tturtlny nt the imUuneo t)f Mrs. V. H. Dtlggnn, of Ilia tiHfsooliitett charities, on the specUlo charges of ilrtinkeness tttitl neglect of hut little three 4 year old hoii. Charges of it more serious nature tuny Im pre ferred ngitlnst her If the evidence can ou secured. Tito woman wits Intoxicated when arrested mid the little boy was found lying In the house suffering front if tievei'o cold. Thoro was tin Urn lit and the llttlu follow was shivering with the i.'oltl. 'I'ltu woitiiin hud made the rounds of some of the central city saloons In the morning taking the clillil with her. Mrs. Hlckey was nrraltiged before Alderman Kttddy ami was sent over to the control police station till today when slio will be given a hearing. The child was taken by Mis. Duggitn to St. Patrick's Orphan asylum In West Scranton. Mrs. Duggnn said yesterday aftornon that she had every reason to belloU! thai the employment business done by the woman wtts of a questionable nature. Cases have been reported to her where young amt Innocent glt'H have been sent to questionable resorts as servant!) and thus ruined. She be lieves that It may be possible to trace some of these cases to Mrs. Hlckey. Jits. Duggan believes that an ordin ance should bo passed regulating agen cies of this city. ATTORNEY ARRESTED. George M. Okell Charged With Fraud by Merchant L. Freed- man Cloak House In Trouble. Attorney Otorge M. Okell was ar rested Saturday by Sheriff Schadt on a capias Issued at the Instance of Ij. Freedman, a dry goods merchant of 137 Penn avenue. He was required by Judge Kdwurds to give $1,000 ball. Mr. Freedman alleges that he en gaged Mr. Okell as his attorney in the settlement of suits which a number of creditors were about to bring. Okell, 11 is alleged, secured settlements of all the pressing claims at fifty or seventy live cents on the dollar, bought them up himself, In the fictitious name of R. Williams, induced Friedman to order a stay of execution so as to prevent ap peals being taken, and then, securing an assignment from "R. Williams," proceeded to collect the full amount from his client. Mr. Okell denies that he was acting as Mr. Freedman's attorney, but on the contrary was the representative of the creditors. The allegation that "R. Williams" is a fictitious person is also denied by Mr. Okell. He declares that "11. Williams" is Rawlins C. Williams, formerly of this city, now of Buffalo. He proposes to have Mr. Freedman ar rested for perjury. Hon. John P. Quinnan and E. W. Thayer are Mr. Freedman's attorneys. Want Receiver Appointed. There will be u hearing this morning at ll) o'clock before Judge A. A. Vos burg. of the orphans' court, on a peti tion for the appointment of a receiver for the cloak and suit business con ducted at 11 Lackawanna avenue by G. Welngiirt. The store Is the main pari of the es tate of Mrs. J. Welngart, docensed, of which O. Welngart is executor. The petitioners, who are some of the credi tors, aver that the store is overstocked and that the executor is Incapable of properly managing it. The estate Is valued at .fO.OOO. Of this amount $15, 000 is represented by salable gooils in the stoiv. Jessup-.Iessup, A. V. Bower and Wellls Torrey represent the creditors. Orphans' Court Notes. In orphans' court. Saturday, Judge Vosburg appointed William F. fironvy guardian of Catherine. Agnes and Hel en Urown, minor children of Thomas Pi own, deceased, The bond of James F. Moore, guard ian of Rose .Moore, was approved. In the matter of the contest of the will of Mary Dockcrty, late of Car bond, tl", January 0 was llxetl as the time for argument. In the matter of the estate of Charles Bullock, approval was given the guar dian's bond accompanying a petition for leave to sell a part of the estate. OBITUARY. WILLIAM P. SHOOP, the well-known cigar and tobacco dealer, whose store Is in the Moars' building, died yestet day at his hoim-, IL'1 Adams avenue. The iKccased wits a veteran of the Civil war and a man who was looked ui to as onu of Scninton's best citizens. A wife survives him. The funeral will be held totnoriow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and Interment will be made In the Dun more cemetery. MICHAEL WALTER, Jr., Died at his resilience ."17 Olive street, lust evening at o'clock from an illness of long-standing. Mr. Walter had been an employee of the D. L. & W. car building simps and hu was well and favorably known, Mr. Walter's family consisted or three sons and 0110 daughter: P, Silas, George, Arthur mid Ella. The funeral will bo an nounced later. MRS. CATHERINE O'NEIL died on Saturday night tit the home of ur daughter, Mrs. W. W. Rttane, who re sides tit Wyoming iivenue and Phelps street. The deceased woman was highly respicted by a large circle of friends. The funeral will bo held tomorrow morning at o,30 o'clock from St. Peter's cathedral, Funerals, Loretta, the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Coleman, who died Friday In thu Lackawanna hos pital will bu laid at rest today front tho family residence on River street, Services will ho hold at the Cathedral, and Interment will bu made In Hyde Pin k cemetery, Tho tuuerul ot Mrs, D, E. Reap, who died early Saturday murnlug aged :!3 yours, at her residence 317 Irving ave nue, will take place this morning ut 9 o'clock, Tho deceased who leaves a husband and small family was well known and very highly esteemed. DIED. llltOWX-In Scranton, l'a., Dcv. S7, 1WI1, Clmrh-s M. Iliown, u.'l' M .vi'jii. 3 JiionU.-i uml 20 ilau-i Kui.crul Moiulay, )ei SO, at B p. in., from tli lioiui.' vl lila mother, 91U 1'lnc street. WRECKS ON SEAOF LIFE ELOQUENT SERMON BY REV. DR. C. M. GIFFIN. Spoko Lnst Night In the Elm Park Church of the Dangers Which Beset the Mnrlners on the Stormy Sea of Life Scathing Arraign ment of the Wreckers of Human Llve3 with a Local Application. Praise for Those Who Havo Sailed the Seas Unharmed. Rev. Dr. C. M. lUfllii, pastor ot the Klin Park Methodist Kploopal church, delivered a powerfully eloquent new year's sermon last night taking for his theme, "The Wrecits of a Twelve. Month" and choosing for his text this following sentence from the Klghth chapter of Revelation: "And the third Wirt of Hie Ships were destroyed." In beginning his remarks ho referred to the terrible list of the shlpwreclw on the sea during a year and compar ed this with the sea of life. "Ah, my friends,", said lie, "how many there are who set nail on the sea of life lnst January full of hopes bin who were caught in the tempest of temptation and swept on and on to destruction und after all, what Is the loss of ii craft or a cargo compared with the loss of character and honor. "I remember one year when the City of Washington, splendid steamer that she was, was caught by a gale In mid ocean and torn to pieces but the pas sengers got Into the life-boats and were picked up later. A man down the street here was caught In the teeth of a tempest last October and went down to destruction because he yielded to temptation. QUALIFIED TO SPEAK. "I believe that I am qualified lo speak Intelligently of this sea of life because I havo journeyed over It for many years and have felt the pressures of the great winds thai blow across its bosom. I have heard the shrieks of those who have been engulfed under Its mad waves. I have seen the fires kindling the passions of men upon it until like craft of the sea they havo burned to the water's edge.' "I have noted the sandbars that have caused the wreck of many a' man's life and I have walked along their shores and seen the broken hulls cast up by the waves. 1 have seen the whirl pool of sin and I havo seen men bein-j: sucked slowly but surely down to des truction. I think It best to suggest, some of the reasons for this destruc tion on the sea of life. "We know that ships leak sometimes through small openings and that the water slowly but surely tills until sue sinks. So has it been with more than one life in this city of Scranton during the past year. Evil lias crept In through one or perhaps two Utile, openings and lias been followed by ap palling consequences. "Many wrecks are caused by over loading. Men who own ships put mote into them than they can carry with safety and when the tempest comes they sink. What of the man who al lows himself to carry burdens greater than God Intended he should bear and who goes down to the lowest depths when the high seas come. CARRY TOO MUCH CANVAS. "Many ships go down because they carry too much canvas and be come top heavy. How many men there are who are presumptions enough to think that they can cany any amount of sail with safety and who go jauntily through life until all at once they run Into a squall and over they go "Some wrecks are caused by lost reckoning. The ship loses her way and beats about her course,drlftiiig with this current and with that, until she Is cast , upon some sunken reef and ground to pieces on the rocks. There are so many , men who are drifting to and fro upon the sea of life without any fixed inten- I Hon. When I see them, I almost cry aloud and wish to God that they had set a star to guide themselves by, in- I stead of floating with the tide. I "There are countless wrecks caused ' by bad steering ammratus and bad nii-i-ii.ui.uir.iii,.. v,m mi.- ;,ic-,ii m.i in mi- 1 I ' ' 11 lw nui 10 v ,-Kwriiiini r.ttii run urnni-. i ...f-, MJ.J'.t. niun t'l.- ill ii, 1, . 1 ... ,ii-i ..111 that it be under the complete control of the pilot, the human will which must be kept steady and clear. "1 wish also to speak a little about tho wreckers and tho rescuers who liuvu been at work during the year l'.'Ol, The wricker Is worse than the ghoul who strips the dead bodies of peoph- killed In railroad wrecks, These miserable wretchci tire angels compared with the wrecker who lures 11 ship onto a dan gerous coast by false lights and who plunders her after she litis struck, "Tlicro iiiv wivcUur.s In Scranton to ilny who art! wm'UliiB human lives ami v.ho woiihl Him; with Joy If tho churches veu destroyed nnd tho men of Ciod sent away. Within two blui-kH of this chinch Is tho homo of a luiinun llfc-wreckcr. This homo Is a beautiful one; the windows nru bright and urn hunt,' with expensive curtains. Persons lmssliiK by comment upon Its beauty and remark, 'Isn't that a lovely home,' COVEHED WITH GOUE. "My friends, there are ory drops all over that establishment, it drips with the blood of tho unfortunate iiioi tills, who havo been Hilled by tho Intoxl cutliiK lluuors that Its owner sells. There isn't a tliliiK In tho house that hasn't In on purchased at tho expense of sufferlni," and misery, "When J ponder over thu terrors of this sea of life, 1 am Kind to remember that whilo there are wncUcrs there are also rescuers, who, thank Ood for It, are rescuing tho perishing anil saving millions of rotils from destruction. "Thank Clod for those human Ilvts which were not wrecked In liiOl, Every time I read in the papers tiiat such ami such a vessel had a hard time, that her crew was partly frozen or that her shaft broke, but that sho reached port at last, I rejoice and feel Hko hurrulilnu aloud for pluck and bravery, "Thank noil, I say, for those who nailed tho motto 'nil desjiernndum' lo tho masthead and who sailed safely through tho storms and tempests, if we ail of us set our faces lo tho east und seek Onl's help, we will bo able to rldo safely Into tho harbor nf peace, nt last and Hud all clanger past." Mr. Thomas F. Onlkigher announces himself as a candidate for select coun cil of the Twentieth ward, sublect to tho decision of tho Democratic party. Mr. GalltiKlier Is tho representatlvt- andlduto of tho younger element of the Democratic organization of tills ward, You Are Invited To Join OUR CIRCLE OF PLEASED PATRONS S. H. Twining, Optician, 131 PENN AVENUE. $500 REWARD. Pursuant to a joint resolution of city councils, a reward of $500 is hereby offered for information that will lend to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons found placing dynamite or other ex plosives on any street or highway in the city of Scrr.ntou. W. L. Connell, Becorder. Dec. 10, 1001. WILLIAM BB-YDEN ABBESTED. Young Mining Engineer Committed on Charge of Larceny. William Hryden, of Dunmore, who la well known about town was commit ted to the county jail on Saturay by Magistrate Storr In default of $300 bail on a charge of larceny prefoired by Pert Williams, who tends a, luncn wagon on North Main 'avenue. Williams claims that Bryden came Into the wagon and agreed to attend to customers while ho (Williams) took a nap. The latter went nsleep and when he awoke found that Rryden had dlappeared and with him nearly W which had been In the cash register. Ho followed Rryden over town and had him arrested. The young mnn admitted taking $1.2,-i but said that was the extent of his theft. ... - i '- ' A NABEOW ESCAPE. John Kane Struck by a Delaware & Hudson Passenger Train. John Kane, of Pine Brook, came just about as near being killed on Saturday evening as any person could wish to be. lie was walking home along the Dela ware and Hudson tracks and did not hear the 5.15 special train coming along behind him. Neither did the engineer see Kane until within about fifty feet of him. The emergency brakes were put on and the speed of the train was slackened .), i, ut.-in-k k.-iup who was walkiiur , along oblivious of his danger. He was tossed to one side of the track by the pilot of the engine 'but the only mishap he received was a nose bleed and n few cuts on his face. BATHS IN TUBKEY. Our So-Called Turkish Variety is Unknown in That Country. Plum Hip Hi-Ic-w of tho IVfi-k. "Is the Turkish bath known In !. Turkey?" This curious condition is not unfrequently put to travelers from J the east by people In this country. It j is true there Is not much resemblance i between the external appearance and management of the so-called Turkish bath in England and those of the 1 "haminam" In Turkey. 1 Outwardly the "hainiiiain" usually presents something ot the appearance of a domed sepulchral edifice. Of the little domes or cupolas which rose from Its roof that in the middle is the high est, and is set with many smnll win dows for the purpose of lighting tho bath. The massive .walls that form the sides of the "hainmaiu" have no win dows and it is thought that if tho walls wore pieicod tho outside air would penetrate Into tho interior und cause variations In the evenness of temperature which It is held desirable to maintain. The Interior thus often becomes very close, as ventilation is very slow, being only through the opening by passers to and fro of tho ((,ui,i(. doors of the passage which Everv . . .. .. ... .- , ,, leans to ine cooi enirauce nan. now and then the attendants burn frankincense In the interior of the bath with the idea of purlfynig the air. The great warm hall under the cen tral dome has generally three large niches, two on each side and one In front, as well as two little chambers. Each of these niches and chambers lias it roof In the shape of si half hemis phere, which contains n few tiny glass apertures, and which Is joined to the central dome. In all these niches and chambers there avc according to the I ,!. of th,. bn Ih tub. two or three mar- bio basins which nre ilxcd in the low part ot tho wall, each basin bolupr pro vided with hot and cold water taps, Hound these basins people sit on mar ble or wooden seats which are raised about live or six Inches above the lloor; and seated thereon they havo their bath. Tho little chambers can bo outraged for private use on application, The entrance hall Is square shaped, nnd lias trallcrles runniiiK itlons on each side in which nre many beds. Tho bath keeper Is always to be seen in his place close to tho door, smoking- his plpu or uarKullah, and saluting tho cus tomers who come nud go. in the mid dle of the entrance hall is n fountain, tho pure and cold water of which is eeaselessly plashing Into Its marble tank. In this water fresh fruits and bottles of lemon squash are kept cool in summer tlmo for the uso of custom ers. Near it n man may bo seen al ways busy making coffee on the char coal tiro, for most people are very ready to take' a tiny cup of coffeo at almost any time of tho day. Many of tho Turkish baths are built double, one portion being assigned for tho uso of ladles. In poiiiu places ladles go to tho """ " bath only ou certain days of tho week which nre consecrated to them. Cer- j tain baths, again, am used by thorn every day until 7 o'clock in tho evening, after which hour thoy nro made over for the use of men, The charges are very reasonable. A man can have a complete bath, and may stay on the premises of tho establishment ns long as lie pleases, by paying nbout Is. Sd, Ladles pay much less than this sum; their expenses can hardly bo much over sixpence, as they take all their own soaps, towels and clogs with them, What they pay Is really the "water fee" and n penny or two for tho attend ant. A new feature which has been Intro duced to the old Turkish bath Is tho cold water douche which It is becoming customary for the pi'tle to take after their hut bath. REV. J. H. 0DELL TO COME HERE CONGREGATION AT FULTON BE GBETS DEPABTUBE. On January 2 the Church Offlclnls Will Meot to Take Format Action on His Besignntion, and on Jnnu nry 6 the Presbytery at Syracuse Will Dissolve His Pastoral Bela tlons, Which Will Permit Him to Come to the Second Presbyterian Church of This City. The Observer, of Oswego Kalis, N. Y., printed last Friday, contains the fol lowing with reference to Rev. J. II. Odell, who has accepted a call extruded to him by tho Second 'Presbyterian church of this city: "The First Presbyterian church of Fulton Is again without ti pastor, Rev. .T. H. Odell having tendered his resig nation to accept an urgent call from the Second rresbytorlnn church of Scranton, Pn. Ills rending of his letter of resignation last Sunday morning was not a surprise, although It was regretted by tho members of his congregation In Fulton. It has been known that a com mittee had been here from Scranton to hear him preach and had returned home and reported very favorably to their church. The call given him was on unanimous one bv the Scranton people. "Mr. Odell has boon In Fulton about eight years and during that time ho has proved himself one of the most able pulpit orators In the state. He has shown himself to have tho courage of his convictions and upon public mat ters wherein tho morula and the wel fare of the people were at stake, he had fearlessly denounced wrong from pulpit and platform, while his sermons havo been broad and charitable as re lates to other denominations and be liefs. Ho is a student and among his best friends and advisors are the well selected books In his library. HORN IN ENGLAND. "Mr. Odell was born In England and after living In this country a few years ho concluded to make it the land of his adoption, and hence, took out natural ization papers which were granted this year, and for the first time he voted last fall as an American citizen. "The Presbyterian church of Fulton will scarcely find a man to fill Mr. Odell's place in the pulpit. The peo ple will hardly expect it. But they will wish him every success and happiness in his new Held of labor and love. "During his last year's labors in Ful ton, Mr. Odell had tho satisfaction of seeing the Presbyterian church remod eled In the interior, some seven thou sand dollars having been raised und ex pended for that purpose. "The people of Fulton will also great ly regret that so excellent and capable for good a woman as Mrs. Odell must leave. Her counsel and' advice In church matters have often been taken with profit, and she has greatly endeared herself to those who have formed her acquaintance. "A meeting of the church offlclnls is called for January 2, when It is ex pected that Mr. Odell's resignation will be accepted and that the presbytery will dissolve the relation of pastor and church at the session to lie held in Syrnc'use, January 6. "The church to which Sir. Odell goes is one of the largest In that state, num bering about J0O members. Mr. Odell's letter of resignation follows: LETTER OF RESIGNATION. To the Tirol I're-hyloiijii I'hmtli uf Fulton ami (li.mliy. .My l)i-ji- 1'iipiul.s: Tor mcio tlun ciRlit yi-iM iM- mm tnjji'Uier, shariiiR p.uii others ny nnd sonmra .mil wmklns; for tin- sum- Mair. To mi- tlii-y li.iw liiH-n luippy yours, for ymi lure giu-n m-i-ly of your low, fuomWni .unl fjin IMtliy. You ln-on i.itii.-jii with in,- in my impel foot tcivico unit tov.nul my mist-iki's yon i-.M-rriM.-il iliiiiity. Your support lw.s lu-on .mil linvaijim:. In difficult moment.- I Iijp (imntnl upon your fidelity and liavo noi-or Known il to f.iil, Xn i.i-.loi- can look; upon a pitnr.ito lielur in lilo-Mtur ami joy tli.iu tlil.i li.ia liocii, anil I ,i9,uri jou jou li.uo my lic.irt's ilrcpn-t luo. Tin- met e conlcinplal Ion of Mp.'.ratim; from you glu-n 1110 luin. Tic-, m .-airoii m.-o;ii if tlu-y .-lioulil ho, and jt-t a voiio lmuks in upon tin- union that one- dan- not ilisrcsraul; il i-i tho 1.1II to l.iii;or M-rvk-p. An invitation (o ini.rp.-wd ou-.!- and jrro.itor ooinnpn-ullon mislit In- cully bnl-Jii'il a.side Iml an nrgi-nt . loin aid, iinulvim," wider opportunities in ClirM'f, Kin-,'-1I0111, must lie snioiuly ami m-ayci fully consid crp.1. Suili a call Ii.h come lo n.p and lm runio tlnoiiKli no piisonal amliilioii on my part, A lipid whkli pn-vnt- inum-n.-i- x-,iltlei n-lci fir my m-itIifk. The demand Is imanlmuin anil pntl.u-da-tlo. I feel that I cannot iefu-.i Tho-e whom I p-li-i-m iih my l.p-t 11 lends and wl-ict aihirtrn asrw with what my con'oiom-i- decid.-s. lu rt-ui.liln.r tliis ili'i-Mon 1 have eiven oviry coiisfiliiiiiluii In you and your claim.!, yet Hie lie. ..r,,... t... .1... Sn, all ln.tih in tit-op Mn'nv liom of truest live, I fwl umslr.iliK'd in ul; ton to iinllo with me in ii'iiiiivtiii;; tin' I'R-lijtt'r.v Syr.uu-o to ills- Milt tliu ii'lutlumlilp fxlstliii; liettvcn ui, 1 a.-uru you uf my iilmliusr aflW'tloii uml i"ti'i'in ami alo put on rccoiil my irnitltiKlc for your unfailing Minim" anil uiK)it. Anil I pi.iy lo nur limits ami homes, ami to liis Mou'il ilmrili, t lie liliing of (iml may nunc In cicr-iiitiriidiiir llilnii'.-u a tin1 jiau paa liy, ami Iliat "the jjlury of the" may al. way al'lik" upon ymi, I remain, Vourd in the Mattel's rrlii, .li.-i;.h II. Odell, J'ullon, X. V,. Deo. 2.', Jliol, NURSING ASSOCIATION, Organization Formed to Furnish Nurses at Nominal Cost to Poor and Needy Families, An organization to bo known ns tho 8crantou District Nursing association was formed on Saturday afternoon last hy several well known citizens. Tho following olllcers were elected President, V. II. 1'Viote: vlco-niesldont. P" c ! X5un; secretary, A. D. Dun- limit; treasurer, J, Ueorgo Klsole, At tornoy W, A. Wilcox was chosen us legal advisor and was directed to pro cure a charter as soon as possible, Tho object sought to bo attained by tho association is to furnish nurses at a nominal cost to poor persons m whoso families sickness may exist and who may bo unablo to pay the high wages usually deniunded by trained nurses. Tho association proposes t furnish a nurse one hour every day for tho sum of thirty-five cents. .Subscriptions for the carrying on ot tho work will bo asked for ut first but It Is 1 elloved that later on the associa tion can become self-supporting. One nurse will bo employed at tho outset nnd she will begin her duties curly in Junuury. MVVVYrVMVViVM M WEDDING GIFTS 1 25 This Is nn ngp for things practical, but ttovor losing sight of things beautiful, this makes our stock best stilted fur gifts, as It Is both useful and ornaiuentttl. Now itesortinentH today: rlOMl OtiASHWAlU-2. FINCJER ROWLH, IlANntiED CUKTARtiS, HON-UONK, OMVE, JEIjIA. CAKE and ICE 011EAM DISHES. KAYSER 541NN, u dull, lustcrless metal, suggestive of old-time pewter, non-corroslvo, uncommon nnd artistic. ASH TRAYS, CANDtiE-STlC KS, COVERED VEGETABLE DISHES, ICE TUPS, STEAK COVERS, CANDELAHRAS, etc. 3 5" 3 t&Cien V Millar & Quilt Batts Have you ever made n Quilt or Comfortable? If so, you know how difficult it is to get the sheets of cotton spread evenly and joined per fectly. Try one of our batts made of snowy cotton, in rull quilt size, taking five minutes to put in place, instead of an hour in the old way, with better results for an equal cost. Scranton Bedding Co., F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. F. L. CRANE Established 1866. Seal Skill Coats $150, $17', $200, $225, $250. Persian Lamb Coats $70, $100. $'25, $150- Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. I 1 xSlawJ Jn K$ff A MHgHnHHamnHHHBMHn VM (3 ig'. " W Cushions by far the most comfortable I of all the moderate A Fine Holiday Gift. icranton Oarpif & 406 LACKAWANNA AViNUE. mUSBSBSSOaacaESSBSBtSSMl Are You a Lover of the Beautiful ? Doyouwish to have pretty ringsP We will be plenoed to show you Solitaire Diamond Rings, Diamond nnd Emerald Rings, Diamond and Ruby Rings, Dia mond and Opal Rings, Diamonds and Sapphire Rings, Diamond and Turquols Rings. We will mount any desired combination to order. E. SCHIflPFF, fii .117 LacKn. Ave hi fea;iEE&22iE22&K:; K3H 2 i 1 fv,,..-,-.--1 -.-.- ,v , ....,,. - - - iTfinCMITUr DDCMICD TYDPWP1TPP Occupies an Imperishable Position NC. 23 S. Eieht" St., Scranton Branch Olllco, Nos. CXuxvoTKaW, I Co Wjomiinr Atmiiw g MANAGER. Both 'Phones Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 465 N. Ninth Street, .PS Telephons Call. 2333. Morris Chairs $4.75 Golden Oak, Re versible Velour priced chairs. Furniture Co, Reglshred 317 s A Difference There is ns much difference in diamonds as there is in human faces, and not infrequently as much hidden deception. When you wish to buy a diamond come to us. You can rely upon our judgment and representation. E. SCHIMPFF, .317 Lacka. Ave wim - .r..itjmnfT.viT - ii.gir - i'irrc - nTtTnnTnnil in Hie BUSINESS WORLD, ins IS Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and every profession , ., ., ,. ,, ., ,, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREU, The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 and 3, Arcade Building. l Ml vl M S, -X wtriK