-in" fc W JVY -.-n'r,?,t,-i JVTvtfroryjR &???, r; ? v'.-,. "'i7 ctw Rnsvs-rn-'i'j r-nr ASEHbHVt'nnOT'-srK'! .e slI?i s . .V ... 1fFP& - ft.vfv.to 'ctwv"'- " w,l V. v. , & s 3 -t i ' 1 J- . ,.'-! ' ' .,- . The News of Railroad time tables. . Delaware and Hudson Railroad. X.nemlxT 21, 100). a.Vr.iliu Irate rir!,uinl.ilt .'I illy sUlloii 01 fob v Pur Kaniiloii nn.1 WllkwIlniiP-n'W. .""I1' S'-n' iW, 10 01. 11.21 11. in. 1 UK). 1 11. 2.80. '"n Gnu, 7.0(1, 10.01, 11.00 i. in. , ,,, "H.wiliy Huins Ip.id nt ., 11.21 '" ,'lu 2.10. C',0, S.W) i, in. .. , I'or Albntiy. SarattiKii. Monlicit. H-i'"". ''"' Alifflnml lxiliil, He, 7.IM n. mi ni !' '"' Itlilh). " I'm Wiijm.irl niul lloiionlnlc, 7.!Ui 11.t)J " "'" .M. 0.13 p. in. . Smiilay tuliH Ir.ivo W.ijlinit mvl llonc'tlUc t o.::o .1. in. j l.n p. in. .Tiuliu mrltP nl Ciiilionilili lr.nn WllkM-liitrp ninl Sa.inlnii :i rollout! 0..71. S.:I7. !.".'. II '" . in.! 12.I17, 2.00, 3.1.1, 1 1. Ii.0. 7.01, .:' "'', ll.fi . in. j 2.(ls 0, in, Hiuiiliv tr.iln nrrlip r.l 0.27 .1. in '. 12.10, ' 2. 0 . i.:.o p. in. Pitiiiluy train nrrht nl Ciiliiiiiiliti' bum ' mmt nml llonpilnp nl 12.17 mill 7,f'. . " New York, Ontnilo and Western. . Jcpl. 17, 11)01. Tr.iltn Icmn Carliomlali. lor sVrantoii nt 7.00 . 31.: I.im p. m. .niili.v Irnim at 7.00 n. 111 0.(0 p. tit. 'Inlii', Irivi- ('nilintiiHv (or points I101II1 at 11.10 .1. in. On Sum) iv at 'M0 a. in. 'liaOn Irlllnir nl II III ... ,11 t.ml. il.it.. nml 'J 10 .1. 111. Silml.in tn iKe immi'f (lorn or New V01I., Cuitc M. Mr, Tt.i'ns airlii- finin Si rimloii nl 11.10 .1. ' ' "lfi i. III.; iniii imliiN in. 1 Hi. 4. HO p in iiih!i Irom Sirintnn at .' .1. in. ami 7.11 p. m ; tuiin ( '.1.I1.. I.i nl 0 mi p. in. Erie Railroad. .Iiiiip "1, i'")i. 'I rains li in. ili m.iilnii, ('.iiWiililc, il.il!' (1 mi lit 'viiiliv) nt 7.00 .1 in. uml l..:. p. in. lor rr.itiilt .mil Nini'v -li, 11 '1..11 .1 111, 1I1II (' plllu Sundlll, I111 IIiIiIi.iiiiIiiii, I11.1I.IIIK roll' lifiiinii ,ir N" oil. t'l mil Itiillalii. iti'l nt I. Ill p. Ill (01 Sllllll'llllltll, lll.tkitlvT I" lllll'ltl '1H 1 ! wc-Iiiii points. Miinli.' Irani. .11 'I.I, a. in, for Mi-iiiii'liin'i.i. r.illi wi'.li-ii, inniii'i IIoih. ami (. "" p. 111.. ttiili ninr (i.iiiitioii li.liln 111 1 ni' .11 !-'.'.:; a. in niul .". I.", p. in. tuinl.m ,11 S.",i a m. fm DESTROYS NO. I BREAKER The Recently Rebuilt and Equipiied Screening Flr.nt in Ruins Blaze Started in Engine Room Supposed ly fioiu a Lighted Ci;nr or Cigar ette 400 to 500 Bleu Affected. Loss Between .f-30,000 and $40,000 Ni I blviiUct'. loiiit'il iiliitl Hi' Di'liiUiilT iV; IIikImui iiillroml, nhuilt 1 111 1 It I'lniii the S'ovfiilh nvi'inic stiillon. nml ouiii'il liy that ciniiiiany, wus tl-- tioyeil hy 1 1 iv curly S.itunl.iv cenlii-,. Tlic .stritcliii'e with If: niMi'liiiit'. v 1 UlllllUlU l.t'.il l'lllllll.tf lll'lt. Til" il.'iliinKi' Is I'Stiliin It'll lit iji'l'M'i'ii "). 0011 mid S'.Doou. Mctui'1'11 loo mid ".ml men the most i-m ployt-il nt ntiy upcnliiK nl" the D. & II. in tills city au aftVi tin I liy the lire. The blaze stnrti'd in the oiiRlnc rod 11 Hid In t-Ui(iseil t(i have heeii Hlmltil liy 11 lighted oiKiirette dioiipeil hy (nine of the employes. It was pay-day tit the mines and the sppositloii is th.it c-iinu' one who was -walkiiiu tliroucli the hieaher eart'lessly threw the hnrii Iiik: stuinii iiiniiiiK the oily " ml Kreas-v smiomidinKS of the englm- room. Tlie lire wjir dlseovered about .".1." h; l''ireman Jai-per Liine. -Ml of the em ployees, but he, hail gone home a lev minutes before tliii-. When lu- eain into the eiiijiue 100111 from the 111.' .00111, he found the place ablaze. II" tried to turn In an alarm fiom a nearby f box ..but owliK '.o the fulfill e to 'test th.- iilium system daily, the box number did not vIiik in. A telephone nieai;e suIim1 .liiently biought thf Coliimia and .Mir thell companies 10 Hie scene. Hy th -. 1 lint the tlanies hail jnatle alaimiii: progress. 'I'hey shot up the elevator shaft and wen reaching over th' M hole bieaUfi' to tnki it In their m'asl . j"he facilities ftir lljhtiiiK tin- lire weie ?NceedhlKly poor ami with little to op pose them the Humes soon spiead i.ll n"i' the bif? Ntrueliiii. The only III pliitf available uas taken by I lie 'i' uniinlas. The MitchcH's tllil not ha 1 the opportunity to take their hose of' the leel. In an hour (lie hieaher was lulling lu mills. Ai T o'clock t in" was a mountain of Hit- w lien th in eal'.er stood. While the (lie niKi'il. tin tlani.s .eaclied to tin fan house a lew feet, iwav. and.ahnoxt destroyed It. - 'I'll. tlremeu's ilTorts tteiv centered on this miildlllK as tliele was Kle.lt tluiiuer nl .he Panics eatiiiK their way lu to the nines. Houses that weie cloe 10 ll. nvuker weie also set atlre. though th titer thai was pained on them save 1 them from tlcstruellon. The proper ties of ."Martin .MeKenna and Thomas Jloran weie the ones damaued. The loots of each were burned throiiKl'. Durlii!," the excitement, Mrs. Jtrldmet MeKellllii swooned. The-hreaker and all the in.ichlneiv weie destioyed, ubo art of the tresli" about f.0 feet. There may be soue1 Hiilvufje on the machinery, but It lt doubtful If ninth of It can be le-btlllt 1'or service. While the burned structure was known as a breaker Its actual purpos. was to screen the dllferent slues of (oul, which was afterward conveyed lu '"oalbrook breaker, where It was pep. orated and prepared for the market, Tin bleaker was rebuilt last spilnii nud.Avas operated for the llrst time UmiiiK the month of .May, CSTllIt' process of screenliiK' was new Si this seeilon ami was somewhat of 5u ex)ieiimeni, To euiry nut the Idea SfTew inaehlnery was installed In tin ttilfciellt parts of the btilldlni;. 'I'll jwrirf ifis 'l-ecelved from No. I opeilllur, Ihip'oT-'Hiu old bpenlntis which will now e"hrnvu idle, between no and .".HO Jiieli bei'iiK alfecled. Ounl'" Htiperlnleiuleiil t. 1'. ito if fjcrii'nton-sald hmt nlsht that Inn cnniv XViny had no jiluns lor rc-hulldliiK ami Xff stefis In this direction lould he tjikcu until he visited the pliico ami .spi'veyed the Krouiul. Whether or no; jjie hreiiker will be lehullt ami u Jiulppcil with the same class of JTiichlnery he could nut determine un p ho was rally uciiuaiuled with ilm RkHivwir, -,;;.-. -, . - PupllH' Recital. Tliere-was a spleinlltl lecltal on Mat. tll'ijjiv-j.venlin; at 1 the liomit nl i:Hllsidii I.ailfel Hlieel. "The f UllMlll paitlcl. paiil plK llelj pants woro .My. Kvuus' piano. forte jui. nu, wjio siioweii reinarkulile 111 o- ry nml skill, Artiiui .Mm nan, Youilllsl. 'llSXlRlfd. The members were: Duet. .Military Cliaiire iMuiinli Katharine and l.llllai. Iliur Tarentelle (Haehiiian). Amies Oltih. buim, (a) YnlHif, tb) Kliines. tCwIhlt) ' I.orlnno Cioss. ljonor und'Arins (fiandel), .Mr.Mor. . . ... l,u jMnimntb (llaekh), imih lllsied. At '""oliiir. (Munroe), l.olsi! Dliuoek. Caibondale. The lltiUerlty (Whitney), flraco Whitney, tteellullon, II. Leslie Mvatis, Noeliiiiie, Ihiutto, (Kuhlaii) leather Ine I hi IT. I Love Yott (Milott'i, Mr. JIni'Rilll. Mllittlt Colllinblne (l)elhnye), l.lllliin thirr. The llutlerlly (tlrlefrl, Minnie Her bell. The llottileleio (Allllson). Mr. Mor K1111. Tltailhl (Welley), Jellllle Myiloll, l'olkii He Concert (llarllett), llurtlet JaelfMuii, VICTIMS OF THE WRECK. Funerals of the Four Men to Take Place Today. The Kloom cast over tin toinmtinlly on I'Mday by the death or lour of Its lt'sldentH lu the railroad tragedy on the (). .i W, Wiis darkened 011 Saturdav when the victims 1 eaclied this city ami were taken to the saddened homes. This shadow will be Increased today wli.'ii the rtineinls of the four will lake place ami their nioinnllifr friends will follow In the sad procession to the last i est Ink places. The luueial of llrakeinan Patrick I Ml ff.v will lake place this toreiioon, the pioccsslon leaxluiT the residence of his mi 1 i wiiniM., I.ll.'llllll p.ueni'i on the West Side at U o'clock At l'."l) a hlsfh mass of leipileiu will be "-1111J.V ill St. Hose chill ill. Illlliiil will be 111 SI. ISose t emetery. The services river l-'iiKlneer Mchin WhitliiK will be londiicted at the lesl tlence 011 Canaan slieet. beKiunliiK at I0.:;o o'clnek, by I lev. A. V. Chaffee, pastor of the Methodist lunch. At 11 o'clock then will be services and an eiilosy lu the Klrst I'li'sbvterl.in chui ch by Uev. Mr. Cliuffee. SuIim' iiiently the deceased will be taken to I'eckvilie for builal. This was his for mer home. Mr. Whltliiff was conspicuous uiuouk tile Odd Fellows of this vlelnitv. lie x.'iis a noble m'and of Canibrlan lodKe, and he was also active In the Biolher hood of I'hiHlneers. Fireman Charles Millard will be laid at icst ill Hiookslde cemetery this af ternoon. Itev. . h CliaU'ee will ctm tluct servites al the residence on llel lliont street, lieKliilllllK at 1 o'clock. Mr. Millard was a member of lite t II Mil I Mil. I Ki. 1 in man. llrolhei'lioiiil of Firemen, who will at lend, also the Spanish Ameihan War Yeteians, liiakeuiau Ulchard I'mld was taken to his parentr' home In Proinptoti. The fuui-iiil will take plate al 12 o'i lot k noon tntla.x. lltulal will he in the coiueteiy at I'loiupton, He was a nieniher of Court I.lly, Fousteis of America, ibis city, JAMES BANJTON'S DISASTER. Falls on Icy Wnllc, Trnctmes Ribs, One Puncturinp; the Left Lung'. .lames Itanium, of C.ieeu street, had a tlaiuveious fall on the ley walk on Fan lew nil eel on S.itiudav af let noon, Several of his ribs were fiaelured, one of them lnun 1 uiliiK the left lime. Ilauuiiii Is at Ihuereucy hospital, and Is not regarded as heiiur out of daiiKer, Ills condition Is favorable, but lu cares of this characler then Is dan ger for several days of t oinpllcatloiis that ofleii end fatally. BLOOD HISTORY Horn in bone marrow elk's in the liver. This is the be ginning and the end of the rich, red blood that keeps us all alive. Blood history makes a fascinating story. Scott's Kmulsion often plays a mo..t important part in blood history. ;t the very beginning that is where its influence is greatest. Scott's Kmulsion is a blood footl a rich material for mak ing new blood. Nothing better for bringing color to pale faces. WV'll icllit )UU .1 iniltMu liy. If yull 1 1.1'. SCOIT . hllw'Ni:, j-j 1'tuil unci, .Nf VgiL. WSBEBSm &fegj "J''"! II.IIIIII.IIIIIIIM.IH .1.1111,1., Kllllll 1 IL I n THE SUKA1STON Ilnniion struck the riouiuI with Icr rlhle frit ee, for bcsliles tho llijtiry to his 1 lls and Imp; his head and his fitci tire rearrttlly bruised and swollen. Ills escape flout (tenth wits n close one. TO BANQUET WHILE 1901 DIES Important. Social Event of Carbon- dole Cycle Club on New Year's Eve Finest Spenkeis Hereabouts to Ro5ioiid to Toasts. The members f the Carbondale Cycle dub, Carbtindale's foremost so cial (ii-jptnlzatlon, ate uwalthiK with etiKer aiitlclpatloii Hie lmiHiuet which they will hold on New Year's oe to mark Hit exit of the dylnj,' year and offer m'cetlnns to Time's new nfTtipi'liiK. Tilt Imiuiiit t wlili M will have the fea tuies of a ..I h-nlshl service, will he held at the A;' m linn and will no doubt be the uwi liiin.it hint social event In the history of the club. That It will be all cent, Is evident from the ar rniiBomeiits that are under way and th" keen interest and anticipation or the members. President ileoi'Ke S. Kimball, to whose j;ener(itis spirit the club will be Indebted for the affair, has been chnraeletlstleally broad and lav ish In pivpiirliiK fur I he occasion so the quests know what to eNpeol. The list of toasts pioiulses an hitelleclllal repast. The speakers embrace Car bondale's oratois, several of whom have reputations abroad. This circum stance will make the bautitlet the most brilliant ever held In this city. Theie will be it No mush to enliven the KatherliifT. beside the mirth and Jests that mink such occasions. Tills feature will be lu charge or W. M. Clark. The toasts aie: "The three uretit i;eneraN (lenor.il Peace, (ieneral Plenty and General Satisfaction," Dr. V. W. Fletcher. "The land we live in and he who doesn't like may leave It," Louis C.ram t r. "Here's t.i the man who bleeds I'or his country." Or. II. C. Wheeler. Hole's to the three went physit Inns )i: Diet. Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman," I). W. Jluinpluey. "The rose, the tliNlle, the shamrock, and the Kolden rod .May they llouNh by the common Kraft ol union, l.ev. II. .1. Whalen. "Here's to the man who never lets his touKite cut his own throat," .1. Diinock, "ITIsh Wages ami Sense to Keep Them," Hon. S. S. .limes. "May Hie faults of our neljihljors Is dim and their virtues ghuluir." M. H. L.ithrope. "Fools make feasts and wise men eat them," Hon. .1. V. Itevnolds. "The c.rantl Army t.lvlnj,' and Dead," fSeorRU S. Klmb.lll. May (lenlus and Merit Never Want a Friend," II, I). Carey, esq., Jenny n. SHOT IN THE ANKLE. Martin Jordan Receives Load of Birdshot During' Disturbance on West Side McNulty in Jail for the Act. Martin Jordan, of the West Ride, is In I'buoi'Reney hospital with the llesh siiriounilinjjr his ankle tilled with a load of bird shot that came from the Kun of Patrick MeNnlty. a well known character of the town. .McNulty Is in jail thaiKed with .iooMiik Jordan. The sliootlnjf look place about one o'clock Sunday innrnimr and was done, McNulty's wife claims, in ilel'emllUK her ri mil .Ionian, who Ilrt entle.iv 01 ed to enter I he house and later tin ow stones tin .iiikIi ii window of tile house. According to Mrs. McNulty, Jordan was intoxicated when lie came to tin house anil asked to be admitted. He cause he was drunk she refused to let him lu. She was pivpai iiiK a lunch lor her son who is employed In the silk mill and was standing near til- stove when one of the numerous stones that hJ rained oil the house i .line ciashiUK tliroimh a window. Just missing the lit tle one's head, McNulty. tile woman's husband, who hail stalled down the i oad way to meet the boy on his way 1 1 on) woil:, hastened li.uk when he henid the noisy distill bailee. On euter iiiK the house he sought his itttli and tired in the direction of the Invader. The try of Jordan told that the shot Itiimd a m. uk. Jul dan limped to the hospital, which was neai by, to hae the wound nttr ail ed to. It Is not it'Kaidcd as daimeiotis. Some ol" the shot weie removed. .McNulty was anested shortly after ward by Paliolmett llmldy and Car den. Subsequently, lnforinatiuii was lodged by Mrs. .McNulty aaalnsl .Tor dan, McNulty said that he llreil because he fcaied .Ionian would kill him ami his famllv. .Ionian served a tei in lu Jail some time iiko for having assaulted the .McNulty family. AMUSEMENTS. Dan Sully Pleases in "Pniish Priest." Dan Sully and his associates lu "The Parish Priest," dellchted a lalr-sb-ed audience al the Crand on Saturday evi'iilUK. Sully was eujojahle as ever In his chaiat icrlzailon of Father Whalen, hut not a whit less enjovnble was .lob u I), Oi'llllu, as .Michael Sulli van, 'I'hls characlir Is lilt most unt il! ul of the play, ami there are many whose piet'ereiices lean to Mr, Oilltlu In Ills canltal woik as .Michael, the man of all'alrs. Tho t haracter Is one that call be seen every day heie.thotiis, and then Is a i harm of imtiiiahiess about II that Is ivricslllllK, Indeed, "The Eleventh Hour," Tonight. ChlciiKo mid Its suburbs have many InterestliiK places. .Mr. l.iutolii .1. Car ter has taken these as a luitudatloti for his new play, "The lllevt nth Hour." Some or the IlitfiCHtliiK scenes are the famous lllsiuaick Kardens. a popular resort for all ChlciiMo.ins: the million aire's drawliiK-rooni on Michigan ave nue, which Is said to be the hiiudsniucst Interior set that has ever been pie seuled to the lillhllc In the midst of this costly array of btlc-a-hrac, liirul. lute and statuary, all of which Is cur ried complete In every detail by tho company, a tetrlhle slrilKltle occttis be. twein the villain and the hem--every, tliint; on the slai;o Is smashed to smithereens. Tliu Nuw Year's Attiaction. Delllliau 'I'lioinpsou's latest stlcitssllll comedy-drama of New Kufsmiul life. "Our New .Minister," will be presented at tho Oralid on New Year's afternoon and evening: for the llrst lime hcie. It Is In Its set ond year of success, and Is by the author of ihat Hiealest of all tural ilriimas, "Tho Old Homestead," It was Him pinduced lu the spihifi of lytu. and like 'The Old Homestead," TKLBl)JSE-31UJMJAy, was n fltieee.is from the start, for It Is absolutely true to the lire ll leptesenls. There Is tntieli comedy lu II, niul some sorrow, but no pessimism: the learn one sheds in..'" never bitter. "I'nete Uoniiiiin" has not lived In vain, The world has been matle a belli r and happier place for many because he has shown iih that sweet, wholesome plays tuny ul the same time be of alisoi lilng Interest. "The Village Postmaster." With a reemd or :!:!" nlulits hi New York. 1U0 nlt'hts lu Huston, and VS nlKltts lu Clilcuno, the successful New I'biirlimil piny, "The Vlllnm Postmas ter," will come to the (llatnl on Thurs day night. The piece Is nlli'Kothcr new to our nations. Amoiu: the dramas or rural lire It has won an enviable plate by leason or the dcrtness of the antlmrn In Rhine; nt Unisphere to the work. A coinnlete and most eirectlve pio diietloii of Mils now liimous play will be ulven here. Cat loads of scenery and properties are can led lor ll. anil the company seen heic will Include many of the orli'lual cast. CANDIDATES REGISTERING. One for Mayor and Two for Treas urer, Places Names with Chair man. Intertsl Is Hiowins In the Ueptibll.nn primaries, which will .he,-held on Sat urday, January 11. Those who will be canflltlatps on the ttepiihllenu ticket are maklne; themselves -known as the time limit rot reulsterhij; under the Craw ford county rules will expire Tluuvdpy next. The candidate') will, have registered with Chairman Humphrey thus far are Alexander Huberts, I'or mayor: Frank Dever, Daniel M. Davis and Mehlu II. Tappan, oily tieastirer. On Thursday the assessments for the different olllces will have been deter mined and will be matle known. CANDY STORES CLOSED. An Echo of the Sunday Closing Movement. There wjis an echo yesterday of the Sunday closlm,- movement lnattmirated a couple of mouths ni?o, when Hie candy stores and small met chants In the most public places who have been dohuv a thilvlmr business and quite openly, were ordered to close shop. So far as Is known, no other ulaces were expressly order'-d to close yester day, though It was expected that the law would be I'enerally observed. New Year's Day nt St. Rose. January 1, New Year's day, will be an Important one, as the Feast of the Ciicuincislon. a holy day of obligation, will be observed. The last mass will be the solemn service, a hlsh mass. Squeezed Between Cars. Kilwaid Citilden, ;m employe at No. 1 breaker, was caushl between cars' Sat urday mornitiR; and was painfully, but not tlanKt'tousI.v. squeezed, lie is at Kniei'uency hospital. Meetings of Tonight. Olive Leaf lodge. Odd Fellows. Federal" I'tilon, No. 701. Washington camp, P. O. S. of A. JERVIYN ANDJHAYF1ELD. Albert Hounds, or West Mayfleltl, who is employed In sinking the big- shun tit Olyphanl, was painfully Injured Satur day evenlmv while at work", the thread bar of a drilling machine falling upon him anil tiactiiiing his shoulder-blade. The destruction of No. 1 breaker, at Caibondale. by Hie on Saturday even ing, was plainly visible here and was watched by a number of people. Jacob lllller, the man who was so badly injured in the iiowder mill ex plosion on Fild.iy, is getting along ulct ly. Theie was a small blaze 111 the Man hattan lunch loom on Saliinlay, caused from an old stove, which Propi ietor Layman had lelt lighted while at (Hu nt r. Smoke was seen Issuing fioni the loom by Liveryman Cray, who bmst open tin door and with the help of some others, succeeded in extinguish ing the Haines belore they had obtained a firm hold. The discovery was very lorluiiate. ."Miss Alite Corcuian, of Overton, l'a Is the guest of Miss Sadie Timlin, or Main street. Mrs. Frank Ficas and daughter, Agnes, weie Scranton visitors on Sal unlay. ijulte a number of young people fiom both boioughs witntsscil "The P.uish Priest," lit the Caibondale opera house, Saturday evening. .Mrs. M. . Fuller was islllng In Scranton, Saturday. one of the mains of the Jeiuiyn Water company, inisinij: tin t reek between Second nml Third sticels, burst yester day alternoiiu. Twenty tlollais In gold will be chanced off on Washington's blithday, lor the benellt of the newlv organized Wlllt moie Hose company, of West Maylleld. John Hoclie and Wuller Coon attend ed the Hi-emeu's fair, at olyphanl, on Saliinlay evening. OLYPHANT Tie lilakclv Choral society will hold llielr llrst lec'tnl In the Hlakely Hap tlst chui eh this evening, ll will be u splendid euleitalumeiit, and should be gieete.l bv a full house, Hesldes the choruses ami other parts tendered by the society. Miss Daisy H. Hall, tho leader, will be assisted by such promi nent talent from abroad as .Messrs. Kugone Weiizel, Philip Warren ami Fied K. Wilson, of Scranton; Misses .May Myers, of Wilkos-Haiie; Ida Smith, of Scranton; Messrs. t'hamber lln. of Wyoming seminal y; Henlamln and Haw ley, o Pee;vlIe, The price of admission Is only 1.1 cents. J. A. Lt'iiuon, who has been stpg his home here, returned to New York, Saturday. Tonight will be business men's plght at tliu holiday fair of iho Hxeelslor Hose cninp.iny. New moving plctmes will be iutiodticed this evening, ami tho following piogralliine lelltleicd; Soto, Miss Mary Powdcrly; buck ami wing dancing, Ford and Hooitey; solo, John Washburn. Through the kindness of I'Mltor Kelllled., ul' tilt' Kociild, the iinwsbo,s will be in atteiidauce ami served a frcti liiiuh. On New Year's night, lu connection with Iho fair, a diui.e will lie held n .Mahou's hall. Law I cuff's iirclif sua will I mulsh the inuslc. Henry lioiui, of Wilkes-Hiirre. Wiis a visitor in lowu yeslenlay. on account of tin.' burning nf No. I breaker at Caihimdale. on H.iltuilay evening, the Colipuhiu )ose toiiipauy of that place was unable to attend tho lair, but will be imseut on Tluusdav evening. Mr. and .Mrs. Foience .Mitchell and daughter left the latter pail of the week for Nlagaia, N, Y., whete they will reside, Ml', and Mis. M. K. llatnden have e DtiVmilittLl 3b, 1901', 1 M Mafci i f I,,--- To any one suffering from Ui'lglit'e dl! case, weak kidneys, stonu In tho bladder or -what Is commonly known among women ns "femalo weaknoi" we will srinl AltSOTitlTliitiV FHHI! A SAMPLH HOTTIjH OF DIt. KKNNI-JUY'9 FAVOH 1TI5 UH.MHDY, which will imnltlvely cure iiny case nt kidney, liver, blnnd or bind tier trntiblc and will restore you to pet feet Uicntlh. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlle Hrmcily la the only kidney medicine that arts ns a laxative, Alt others cause conitlpailoti. We receive thousand. or voluntary tes timonials from oar patients, who cannot pay enough In praise of Dr. D.ivltl Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy, which has cured them tit their kidney mid liver troubles. Our patients who have been cured tell of the wonderful work done by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Mr. J. S. Dean, Commander of Oeneral Grant Post, CI. A. R of Rondout, N. Y was all run down with dyspepsia. Doc tors could not help hlr.i, but Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy cured him, mil withstanding that he had no contl deacu in any cure. In one week he felt better, and to-day ' ) .lays he is ns healthy as It Is possible let a man to be. Df Dami'd Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" is ths only Kidney Medicine ihat does Ry special arrangement with the Dr. r-vld Kenncdv Corporation, the readers of ii ! ?arr- -n enabled i. l..i ...1 bottle ' t'-l' woiiderlul incilicine and pur,,-. ! t of valuable Tiii'dlcil advice absolutely free. post,.-!!, 'w in') i'ni,i..i? a. full osr nihil' i dilress to the Hit. DAVID KHNNHDY CORPORATION, Rondout, M. Y c" ' r.' 'stlcm ..i)J'i'C,-.i.".,iUl-1.1' iciiiii-. ot'ii In ." Is paper. The editor guarantees the genuineness of this liberal olfe . Dr. Ur,.'l fcCf" .w.'s IT. -''.ij ....u t i . ' v ' c:. ovists at ?1.00 a bottle, or U bottles S5.0, less than one cent a. doie. - , turned homo, after spending Christmas at ninghaintou, N. Y. The Hlakely Haptist church has cut down Us moilgsge debt Ihe past year $1,3)0. The Misses (irilliths. of Jei'lUMl, vis ited friends at this place Saturday. Miss Kdna S. Tlllyer, of Summit. N. J.. Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Ar lington Siencer, of Hlakely. TAYLOR. Hvan J., age 1.1 yeais. son of Mr. and Mrs. AW (!. llowolls of Main street, ex plicit on Saturday morning at 11 o'tloek after a Huge! lug Illness from stomach trouble during which time he under went treatment at a Philadelphia, hos pital. Death came as a reliel to the patient sufferer. The funeial will be held toniturow afternoon, services will be held in the M. II. church at ".:,0 o'clock. Pastor Uev. U. Henry ai d Uev. Dr. Tl. II. Harris will olltcl.ite. luterrment will be made In the Forest 11111 cemetery. The Taylor choral society which so successlully sang at the recent eistedd fod held at tlie Welsh Congregational church, held a meeting last evenliu; in the parlors of the above church, when the money was divided. The Oerninn (ifee society have near ly completed arrangements for their giand entertnlnmeiit nml ball to In held lu Webber's link on New Year's night. Court has handed down a deeiee re lative to the villages of Pyne. Aieh b.ild. Continental and Sloan which re cently bet aim a portion of this tin Sixth ward. It will lie divided Into two districts. The former two villages will conipiNo the first district and the latter two villages, the second dlstrlei. At the next election tlie new ward will elect two couiiciliuen, one for " yeais and one for "J yeais; and two school directors I'or the same teim. This borough with the annexation of tin above .lac es is linger by about L'.o'l'i ucies including' thiee tollieiics. At torney J. L'.Watkins has been appoint ed auditor by court to Inquire Into tho Indebtedness of the boiouiih and Lackawanna township of which the newly ntinexed vlllnges was part of. Horolish Solicitor .1. M. Harris icpie sentcil Hie petitioners and the liotougK Cliancey Hr.vant who letciilly I c--igneil es night operator at the Jeisey Central station, left yesterday for Coiikllll. X. Y where lie will Ink charge of his new position as ticket agent of the D. L. A: W. company : t that place. He will be succeeded at the local station by Operator II. S Fietlerici, of Heading. Pa. Ta.lor colliery will resume opera tion this morning after a two weeks Idleness for repairs. A new conveyor line has been built in convey die culm, ..I.. I'timi tlw. lii.inl.'m lit ii tin'ee Docker elected at the foot of the plain and will be hoisted uy plain to me ilea lug above. The above linin'ovenien'. will save considerable cMense. The Anthracite dice club will hold nu Important meeting tomorrow eveu- l.i.r lii llinl,. i iwiiiiu 111 I .levvi.l VMS lllltl 'M ..." .- when evety member is requested lo be present, Al the close of the services yeslenlay the Uev. 1). C. Kdwnrds, pastor of the Welsh llapllst church availed himself of the opportunity of thanking bit congregation publicly for llielr Chrlsi nias present to him of u desk -ind bom; case, The gift was preseliletl lo lilm last Tuesday evening. Miss Celia Hoiighuuiu, nf Thorn burst, Pa., Is being entertained 1J Miss Maud Davenport of South .Mam hired. Masters Uiissel o'lliiro, llarrv llowells, and Hi'uce Wind, students of lilranl tollege, Philadelphia have if. turned after spending Christmas with lelatlvet in town. Additional Passenger Train Soivico via Southern Railway, Kl'fectlvt Nov. 21, Ilm Southern Hull, way will nptirnti' thnmgh train mtvIiu from Washington via Klehiuuiid, V.t to l''l(nida and pulnts south. Tim Pew lialll will be known as No. M,j and will leave Washington at lu.. u. in. oyer the Washington Soitth"i.i Hallway and uiiivn JacUsouv llle. Pla., at 'i..1 u. in. 'I'hls tralii inrrles ilrsi ihiss ctiuihe.i ami Pullman diMWiiig lootu Hleiper between Washington ant Jacksonvlllf. also lies iIIuIhk cur sei Vlct. The above triln in in iiildltltm to the full toaipleii d of tialn sur vlcu of Sou i hem Hallway via Lfiich bui'g and Danville. ('has. I,. Ilopklus, Dlsirlct Paatenger Agent, Souiheiu Hallway, &H t'huiinut St., PhlUidelihla, will ftirnlo.li all u, formation. which Imperils the patient's health. "Do you desire to urinate often? Are .ntl compelled to get up frequently dining the night?" . .... "Do you have pains In the small of the li.irkV "Does your urine .tlnln linen?" . . "Is there a scalding pain in piling It?" "In It tlllllcllll to luiltl the urine lurk?" "Are vein troubled Willi vital wi :: irises?" It tin answer la "Yes" to any of th questions your kidneys or bladder arc t i lined, Mr. J. V.. Palmatcer nf Alliens, N. Y.. ... .!,,.. t. 11..,.. .......1.1 .1...... I. ,.i ,,i.i.-.-t, .ii.v little HI .1 iiuiitiiiHi'v. . inei rc'Zeiii.t the worst way, she was a macs nf hurcs; my wlte gave her Favorite Kctncdy, ueii, illy i lit H'tve net J' a vui lit? iki'iin-ti , lid tho sores dls.ipptared entirely and her l.lt. In-.ln.l l ..........I. ,! !.. II 111- riiiii ...-.iti.v . nuiiit'lll llilu v:..'.... ..... ( ,11- nrnteer n.iys lie was also cured or kidney and bladder trouble by Favorite Usmeily. Thanks to "FAVORITE REMHDY " Miss Anna J. Almcs of 3'J) Sopcr st,, Klmlra, N. Y., says that she raised blood and phlegm with every breith, and wan completely broken dn,vn In health until she used "FAVOR1TH nnSIEDY," which stopped her cough and restored her health and strength. She says It la the greatest medicine ever discovered. ite HLLV" I asked, as she laid down the gayly coven tl magazine. 1 was stury for the ending of Ihe tale when the 1,'iay eves feared lo Hash and the kind lips to quiver. "It Is a pretty story, Mr. Norton," she said. "Oh, no; yon needn't shake your head, I'm not sa.ving mi just be cause it's yours. I cannot Imagine how you could write it." "Pen ami ink, whNkey and soda, lall ! or's bill as a stimulus!" j "Please don't make fun. 1 want to be I serious." When she looks tit me in her J earnest way I am helpless. "Does that mean criticism'.'" 1 in quired, leaning a little toward lu r. "Criticism niul Inquiry It' I may." "Inquiry, bi sill iueant. I'm lather iil'iaid of jour criticism, do jtui know V" She is M'ry bright, antl her leiu.ul.s often help inc. as a matter of fact. She opened antl shut Hie magazine absently. "What I was w outlet bur," she said, "was why you vviole so sei iously ami talked so frivolously; whether one mood was the leal you and the oilier a sham, and whli h was which!" "I think-," 1 protested. "1 would rather have the 1 1 iticisin, If you don't mind." Slit laughed softly. 1 like her laugh. "It Is rather an obtrusive question. Hut 1 should very much like to know. You do mean this" she touched the book "a little, don't you 7" "Y-es," I said: "I suppose I do. I did whin I wrote ll. anyhow." "And alterwaid'.'" "1 keep my sciiousncss for serious in cations." "Width is a nbuke to my inquisitive, ness. I suppose?" She Hushed a little. She Is rather pale generally. Some peo ple wouldn't tall her good looking. I do. "1 didn't mean It to be," I apologized. "I ought lo be llultcied al your inter est" "In your tales," she corrected. "Ill mv talcs, o ( riui'M. I suppose Hie l'fti' answer is that I tin not cany my heart upon my sleeve." "Hut you have one, all the same 7" A touch m' wist fulness makes her voice perfect. "Try!" I t'liie.ht her eyts for a mo ment antl s tupped. I had made up my mind to Keep heart-whole befoie I met her. "Now tor the el itiehun," she .011 tluiied, hastily. "Or us large an Installment as I can stand." "The erltlcNm must not be misunder stood. You will remember, please, ili.it I like the tale like It very much, In I'm t." I bowed, "The ci Iticisin is'.'" "That ll Is a rcpcllllon of your other tales." I gasptd. "Why, I thought U was quite dllTcr ttit." She shook her head. "Fresh characters, fiet'h sccnety, new plot, original phriiH'Si-" "Tlie niathluery Is different, but tho stoiy Is it ally the same," "lu what way',' lu In lug a man ami a woman 7" "Yes." I laughed. "If you can Invent a (hli.l kind of per son," l mid, "I'll utilize it with pleas lire. At in. 'sent I haven't intuit tliu .lis cowry." "Don't be aliMinl. What I mean is that vour men and women always do the same thing." "Fall lu love'."' "r:actly." "There are lols of wajs of doing; It," I suggested, "At the present ruin yuti will smip eshaust thcMii. Whatever will oii do llKUlV" I III a clgureut. whli her pci mission, to aid oi;ctiii, "I'm Imiigfil If I know, I've uficu wondered myself. Mulio tlldii fall nut of love, I suppose," "And when vou'vo cshansteil that?" "Make them fall ill again!" Shu Mumped lier foot IllH'Clli'lllly. "On ynu uuKiiIulfl rcUlte to lie nrljj I nu I'.' t .annul th'uU joq t j it yuuisilf luiuico In keeping hitih a hackutynl theme thniu-'h. l admit, you tin It very Ulfll.V." "1 might t'i It belli r if I had pane priii'llr-ll expel luiicc," 1 itiig'.jes'.eil. The rt) Is simii'thlng nluitit In v Me eyes aptj ihi llttli' tli'tip at the curmra id' lu r mouth .vliU'h niatviu a fellot. i,iy thai nun u( thipg. yiu know. ! '',N'v, i'iiiu,itilir uur unnp.u',." Bia. w.Hliwl uif. Y 'To L'l-'ll5i" U ii pure, ly platimlu fs'luntUlilp. 1'yi lucl ttint wirt uf HUiik !n my uip.u. Lmii nu ' V.W8 hllUjlr uown. MMW KM S&M KtfMIPk &&& sri I W& Ml ftJy imi FM m m&2& W' Mw THY T1I19 THST, Tut some urine In glass tumbler .ind WS It gtaml 21 hours. If It has it sediment or If It Is p.ilo or indentured, milky or eliimly. stringy or ropy, your kidneys or lilndtlt r are In n lull condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite lleinedy speedily ettrca t sticli dntigeroits syinptotiis as iialn lu tliu luck, Inability to hold urine, frequent tie sire to tii'lnnte. especially at night, and nil the unpleasant and dangerous effects on the system produced by tho uno oC vlilsky, wine or beer. William V. nailer of Drlggs av. and tilh nt , llronklyn, says that he ctintraotetl I'lieitmatlsm after a severe cold; nntlihig would give hltii rellet until he took Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Two) largo bottles cured him. lit) says botlt hit sister and her child were restored to health by "FAVOKITU HKM13DY" Remember. Dr. David Kennedy's Fa vorltu Remedy Is nlnnlutcly harmless. JL is absolutely and purely vegetable. It contains no narcotics or minerals !tl nny form, no dangerous atlmulantu. no mercury or poisons. Children and Invalids can take tt wlta perfect safety. It Is a blcsidng In old age. It will cure any ease of kidney, UVCIji bladder or blood disease. , not constipate. It acts as ijj.,xr. y-ttiNT. )$m- !nc(or$ "The breaking of a platonle com pact," saiil I, "would be a novel theme, don't you think'.'" "Would it be interesting enough?" she asked doubtfully. "There! What stionger defense could I have? 1 propose to teavo out tho loveiiiaking, and you say that the in terest would be gone." She drummed, upon tlie table with her lingers. "Surely there Is some oilier theme '." I knocked the ash deliberately off my cigarette. "t'poii my word," I confessed; "I'm not sun that there is. Out I'll think over It." Then her brothers came in, and wo changed the subject until I was going. It is part of the compact that she shall sec mo out of the door. I Insisted upon It. "When shall I communicate the re sult of my deliberations?" I asked in the hall. "Tomorrow?" "I'm going to A'erekei's." "Antl Wednesday I'm due at al, smoker. Thursday 7" "If you like." "Thmsday, then. Good night, Mary,"1 It is In the compact that I am noli lo call her Jliirj, but I do. Sometimcl she obji cts, sometimes she doesn't. On this occasion she only tossed her heatl and half turned away fiom inc. Sho is awaie that she looks well lu prollle. 1 suddenly bent over her, and "ITow dare you!" she tried hotly. "I couldn't help ll, Mary; you looked so templing." Hut she ran up.stnirs, with 1'er face seal let. "1 shall not be in on Thursday," slu called, as she l timed the i orner, "or any other da.v." So I went out, feeling triumphantly foolish. Next Thursday I tailed, and slm wasn't out; but she received me coolly, and kept the table between us. "Look here, .Mary," 1 began. "Miss Montague, If you please'" "I don't please. It is quite natural to call a friend by her christian name." "Ye-es: but people might iiilsuudor Htanil, we agreed; and so" "I'm not going to pander to other people's stupidity." 1 said Indignantly; "and I don't . onsldei' that friendship should have lo lie weighed and meas ured In exact win tls" 1 had ptepaied this remark beforehand. "No-o; perhaps not." I knew ll would score. "Still, theie nu bounds to liiendshlp." She shut her little mouth decisively. "If you mean last Tuesday" "1 don't want to talk about It," sho Interrupted. "Have you conMdorid about the stories?" "Yes; I have reasoned out try position most fin efull.v Mary." Shu flow ned. but passed the familial It. "And your t (inclusion?" "Is lu verse." "Oh, how nice!" Women always 111 -i u fellow lo run lo vet se. I suppose it Is lutaiise ho Is sun to give hlmselj away! "Lei nu see ll." "On condition that you nail It aloud." Shu looked object Ions. "I want to hear if 1 have got th swing." So she ileelalined softly. I think I salt ihat she had u pretty voice. '1(1 IIIV. I iiink' ii u .i ul.' ul l ln ttmii't in . i, full nt llilllnlt'l ami UiilillilliK iilmif. Ami tliu till. Ik tlut hu whin lite- kiaiueuniiU ri Hit) mil uf tin' WHS VVJ ll,u'' I wk uif tt ui'C t'l .1 mid lu Hi" id''"' Ulili .i IM nf tin till'i'f. villi' pin. 'il. sii'ikt' iuiiiii, .trli.r jsjIu, tili'l tin- Itslitb'j Ilk nun! Ami dm liii3','li' -urn put .i iiuUI! I ila.iiii'i nu' 4 pl-iy "i ! iiiuiiiifli ul (J""'. Villi liU tMlllll'l" III olIKvti Willie. Ami l.U kpili'aliH'li, lw) UMlf UKi' 4 uuuli to tin Uiill'i Pur u Mir ei luliilit ijr tt't'ir 111' tt"1! I iMiutiiil i lu pulo i'( w ln' " .'dm. lul mi ullellir ill lln' llllilllll I" liiUl. When iniiliil tw Ike .li mil Uu'. Iu.1 nii','t!i niul il uun It auk'liu' Pi.' li',li "' J I. inl! lu', I" If iiu lu'j.i I." a iii"UU'ia be' 'ii.nj, If I'll lull' It 4 lli'C tlMU iili'i'l''. lr ll I'UlIU lelouvl l" ll'" t" "' d1' "" " 'Hm',. 4l) Olll.t JUlll t('t"l. I") ltl'4l! Whep "b nuitf lu I In luit line hoi Vldee Wiltt vwi'' eoSl niul Just a little IrntfUl. I i'Ul ipy ImiuJ un her shout Uh1. mul wo stiunl lookliii; slk'tillv at Ihe paper lot1 u n)lillllt Then 1 drew lier ijci r4v tu nil ijip way ihe sttuiu cpd. -Spp Kmiuitc'et liulletln. . ' , li- ' - j - -1