TTfwwjr- cus FJw -- , ' p.V, tribune. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCUANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1901. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. . I FORAKER-HANNA WAR fhe Contest at Goltimbiis Has Ex tended to Factional Circles All Over the State. PRINCIPALS ARE ALSO KEPT VERY BUSY While the Members of the Legisla ture Are Fighting tit Columbus, Senators Foraker and Hanna, Con gressman Dick and Others Are En gaged at the Long Distance Tele phoneMr. Foraker Denies a Silly Yarn A Movement to Defeat Mr. Hanna Is on Foot. Hi r.xrlmlir Wire from The Associated I'rrsi. Cincinnati, Dor. 2!). The contest nt Columbus during tho coining week, be tween the followers or Senator Foraker iiml those of Senator lliinmi, over the organization oC the legislature, has ex tended lo factional circles elsewhere in the slate. Wh'le the members of the legislature and candidates are fighting at Columbus, the principals arc kept busy at Ions distance telephones, nota bly Senator Foraker ami (ioot'Kc H. i'iis in Cincinnati, .Senator Hanna in Wash ington, Congressman Dick, chairman of thi) state executive committee, ami oilier Itcpiiblicau loaders. Senator Foraker Is being visited hero by many leaders and members of the legislature. Today lie made the follow ing statement: "The story published from New York that 1 spoke, to the president in a de rogatory manner of Senator Haumi and that the president communicated (lie Mime to Senator Hanna and told him to he on his guard, lest he have trouble to maintain his leadership in Ohio polities, is an unqualified falsehood from begin ning to end. 1 never had any such tulle villi the president and il Is not credit able to lilm to suppose that ho would have re-told it to Senator Hanna, if I had. This story is but a sample of many others appearing in newspapers and being peddled about from mouth to mouth for mischievous purposes." Movement to Defeat Hanna. Most of the Republican members this year are serving their ilri-t terms nnd according to precedent they are expected to be members of the next legislature which elects Senator Han- I mi's successor two years hence. While '. there is no opposition to the re-elee- ! tion of Senator Foraker two weeks ! hence, it is claimed that there Is an organized movement to defeat Senator ilannu two years hence. As the pre siding ntllcers in the appointment of committees and other functions ha. fn'nn r Ittllniim.ii ttn SVIn.,!., I...I1. ! Senators are seeking to control those positions, as well as all other otlicos, Including the clerkships, sergeant-nt-anns, etc. The Hanna men admit that they are working for results two years hence and charge that there is a "conspiracy to retire Hanna." In former years there were contests between the Slier man and the Foraker factions and later between the McKinley and the Foraker factions, but none of the former factional fights approached the present contest In general Interest. There are separate Foraker and Han na tickets, subject to the senate and house caucuses of the Itcpubllcnn Members next Saturday. Charles L. iCurtz, formerly secretary to Furaker ns governor, and later chairman of tho state committee, leads the autl-Hanna forces and John It. Malloy, tho present secretary of the state committee and . stilt" oil inspector under Oovornor i Nash, leads tho Hanna forces. Uoth sides claim "a sure thing" and these ' claims and counter claims are expect ed to continue during tho week. The Democratic minority presents a scene of harmony. Col. James Kit bourne, formerly the Democratic can didate for governor, yesterday notified ' the members from his county not to ; present his name to the Democniilo joint caucus for their nomination for t'nlted States senator. This leaves ! Hon, Charles V. linker, of Cincinnati without opposition for tho Democratic, j senatorial nomination, JUMPED BROOKLYN BRIDGE. John Finover Desired to Seo If He Could Accomplish the Feat. Py i:clusHe Wire from The Associated Prcs. New York, Dec, 20. John Plnover, a young wholesale liquor dealer of Mld dlotown, Is. Y., today Jumped from tho Hrooklyn hrid:;c, He Is still alive at a hospital, Plnover told the doctors he simply wanted to seo If he could make the jump and live. Tho lean was taken in the afternoon from the girders near the New York tower. ,A government tug lowered a boat and the man was taken out of thu water apparently lifeless, At tho hos pital ho was unconscious for three hours. - LEDOER COAL ARTICLE. Phlliilelphla, !. 2!.-'llii' Lulacr III IU toj' tomoriuiv will fan "The anthracite ial year of llm Is piactltally coiiijlct. it, and tin.' estimated tMin.inu mini'il ami KUl i uuikct nuke it tin' haiinir year fr llils uri'iit Indudiy. 'llu! estimate Is 1l1.1t about M,UMi tons lure been pinihued fur lull, which is an incieaso ot about 8,)uu,()0i) tons our 1'JK) ami by tar Hit- lari.c.-t .' pioihict of I he tiailc. Willi ample facilities for 111.1I ship ment and no car shortage at tho inline I lie mar ket would hate taken .1 inuili larger oul , .u the tlciiiaml for anthracite has exceeded thu hUily during thu latter pait ut thu year, Piuc arc urn-hinged, the full clicuUr rate belna; uli. tidied, and there is no indication ot any ad vance in coiitcmplallou by thu luoduclng loin- SPREADING DENMARK HESITATES, Would Reopen Negotiations for the Sale of Her West Indian Islands. fly Kiihi.she Wire from The Associated l'rm Copenhagen, Dee. 29. The agitation against the sale of the Danish West Indies has placed the government In an embarrassing position. There is con siderable difference of opinion as lo how far public sentiment against tho sale Is genuine and how far It Is the work of speculators and promoters. At any rate, It bus Impressed the foreign minister to the extent that he Is deter mined to request Secretary Hay to al low of an arrangement being made for a plebiscite. This matter will bo set tled through Copenhagen and not through the Danish minister, C. Hrun, at Washington. It Is generally declared In well in formed circles here that tho Islanders favor tho sale. The chief argument ad vanced, howt've, by the large major ity Is that there should be a. plebiscite like that of tSG". The fact that the Danish government is reopening the negotiations Indicates that there is considerable doubt in the minds of the authorities as to how ac curately they have gauged the national spiitimenl. In the mean while, those wlio are opposed to (lie sale are for mulating numerous plans for realizing on the tropical asset so long neglected. A company has just been formed for improving the economic status of the islands, In the event that they are not sold. The capital of the company is not announced, but the directors include Ilolde and (Jlenckstiidt, bank directors; Andersen, a director of the Kast As iatic company, and other influential persons. THE CHINESE ARE PROGRESSING A Number of High Officials Dins with United States Minister Con ger Meet American Ladies. fly Kcluslr Wire from Tin- Associated Press. Pekin, Dec. 2'J. Considerable sensa tion has been caused in Chinese ofllcial circles by a dinner given at his resi dence by 1'nlted States Minister Con ger, and which was attended by the lending olllcials of the Chinese foreign ofllee. Among the olllcials present were Ma Tung, a former "Boxer" leader, and Wang Wen Shao, one of the Chinese plenipotentiaries. The dinner was at tended by several American ladies. It was formerly the custom for promi nent Chinese otlicials never to enter a foreign legation except upon the most formal occasion, while the meeting of foreign ladles socially would have been considered as degrading as would the associating with Chinese women upon the same footing, This event is significant of the pro gressive tendency of today, which has recently been m'anlfested In many ways. TO SELL PANAMA CANAL, A Representative of the French Company Is Hurrying to Reach United States. fly i:.(lusie Wlic from The Associated Prey. Paris, Dec. 29. M. I.ampre, secretary general of the Panama Canal company, sailed for New York this morning from Havre on the French Line steamer l.'Aqultalne. He will confer on his ar rival In the United Slates wllh a num ber of the Panama company's Ameri can representatives, and overtures for the sale of the canal property to the United States will then be renewed. In view of the doubt existing In the United States regarding the price tho Panama Canal company's representa tives Intend to ask for the property, the correspondent of the Associated Press made Inquiries from the best sources of Information on thai subject, and Is en abled to say that the price will be, ap proximately, $10,OCO,000. This figure can not yet bo given ns the exact one, be cause the company has not yet come to it definite decision. But It will not be appreciably higher. Tho isthmian com mission's full report Is now In posses sion of the Panama company, and its valuations will be studied In detail. Tho report of the directors of thu Panama company, cabled to the Associated Press on December 21, said; "Wo offer to accept as tho basis and point of departure of fresh negotiations the figures and declarations contained In the Isthmian commission's definitive report." Tho estimates reached by such emi nent men are not thought to be open to question, though possibly a few Items are susceptible to reconsideration, and a few matters niuv remain to be de cided, such as a valuation of tho com pany's stqeks of supplies; but none of these uj'o calculated to modify the gross llguro to any extent, The company does not Intend to give the slightest ground for any further misunderstanding, and believes the definitive price put forward will now bo acceptable, With M. Lam pro In America, It will not be necessary for the mandatary who Is empowered lo submit tho dl'llnltlvo price to depart from France until later, when the ne gotiations are under way, General Seameus IU, lly i:cliidvv Wie fimn Thu Avwilaled l'uj. Washington, Dec. 2').-'lhc imullllim ol Ailjut. ant (itmi'dl Sciancn, t( California, who lu heen 111 hue for mora tlun tuu ucekv, Is viry 1 illicit tonight, llu falh tu icqioinl to thu innlUlnci then to him. WATCHMAN MURDERED. Georgo A. Bruco's Head Split with An Axe One Arrest Made. Ily llxcluslio Wire from TV Associated Pics. Philadelphia, Dec. 29. George A. Bruce, a watchman of a tool house owned by railroad contractors at Jack son street wharf, Delaware river, was murdered some time during last night. His skull was split with tin axe and his throat was cut from ear to ear with the same Instrument. Harry Johnson, who Is employed as a watchman by the same contractors, reported the murder to the police and was subsequently tak en Into custody by the police pending un Investigation of the alTiilr. The po lice believe the motive for tho murder was robbery, as $12 anil a revolver which Bruce was known to have had In his possession early In the night, are missing. David Henry, who was employed near Jackson street, was also arrested In connection with the crime. WATER SPOUT BURST OVER SAFFE, MOROCCO Two Hundred Persons Are Reported to Have Been Drowned Damage to Property, Enormous. Dy f.wluslvc Wire from Tho Associated Puss. Tangier, Morocco, Dec. 29. A water spout has burst over the town of Saffe, Morocco. It Inundated the lower part of the town for the space of 12 hours', sweeping everything into the sea. Two hundred persons are reported lo have been drowend. There are no I'hiropeana among the dead. The damage to Saf- j fe was enormous. Saffe is a, fortified seaport town of Morocco, It lias a. population or 12,000 including about :t,00n Jews. It is en closed by massive walls and has a palace and a small fort. CHAFFEE SAYS THAT NO FRICTION EXISTS Denies Rumor That There Has Been Ill-Fecling Between Civil and Military Authorities. Uy Kxclu-lrc. Wire from The A"nrinlci! Prew. Manila. Dec. 29. General Chaffee, when questioned today by the corre spondent of the Associated Press con cuinlug t'li'i" allegfu' "Trlctloir 'between the civil enil military authorities in tho l'hilinninn nrchlnolairo. said that ab- solutely no such friction existed and that perfect Harmony prevailed ne tween the two authorities. Genera! Chaffee said that the only occasion when there had been anything ap proaching friction was in tho matter of habeas corpus proceedings In the case of Oakley Brooks, and that upon this occasion a solution of the diffi culty satisfactory to both authorities bad been found. General Chaffee said that he and the members of the commission had at times differed In their views, but that these differences were of purely person al opinion. He said that his relations with Governor Toft and Acting Gov ernor Wright and the other commis sioners were both officially and socially extremely pleasant and that he thought the published statement of friction be tween the civil nnd military authori ties hero must have resulted from a misunderstanding of the facts of tho case. General Chaffee further explained that every time the slightest friction had arisen In the provinces between the two authorities he had Invariably ordered the military to surrender to tho civil authority, and said that tho rela tions of these authorities throughout the provinces, where they frequently hold widely opposite opinions, would In no miv liitei'i'init the existing cor- dial relations at Manila where both worked toward the same goal, namely, the paclllcatlon and welfare of the Philippine archipelago. General Chaffee concluded by saying that he thought the prospect of subduing the Insurrection In all places to bo promis ing. When Acting Governor Wright was questioned on this same matter he snld: "Where men of sense are at the head of affairs, there Is not likely to bo much cause for alarm or friction." LANDSLIDE ON THE CHESAPEAKE Engineer and Conductor of a Train Are Killed Several Other Per sons Are Injured. By Kxeheilve Wire from The Associated 1'ien Lynchburg, Vn Dec. 29, A land slide 911 the Chesapeake railroad near Heuseu'H station, live miles south of Lynchburg on the James river branch today caused n wreck In which tho en gineer, conductor, flagman, and bag gageman of a passenger train were l.lllid and several other persons Injured, but none of them seriously. The slide was caused by washouts duo to tho heavy rain. Marly reports said that 10 or 12 pas sengers hud been killed hut It Is now slated that the passenger car got out of the way Just In time to escape tho hillside when It crushed down over the tracks. The name of the conductor who was killed was Captain Whltaker and that of the engineer, Fisher, Kxpress Mes senger Shannon is missing and It Is believed that he was drowned, the watei being very high about the scene of the wreck. The llreninn, It Is said, was not killed and his Injuries are not llkfly to prove fatal. The dead will number four to live. Steamship Arrivals, II)' r.vclmhc Wire from The 1'rcsi. New York, Dee. 'JU. Arrived; Steamer St. i'aul, Southampton. MORE DAMAGE PROM FLOODS The Recent Rainfall Gauses In convenience at Various Points. RAILROAD TRAFFIC IS HAMPERED All Trains on the Philadelphia and Reading and the Jersey Central Railroads Have Received Instruc tions to Proceed with Caution, Damage from Rains in the South. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Pret J. New York, ec. 20. Reports from Somerville, N. J., tonight say that the heavy rains of the last twenty-four hours have caused the Raritan river and Its tributaries to flood the Raritan valley and do much dtimasc to farm lauds. The situation tonight Is serious, and the business section of Hound Jirook is again threatened with Inun dation sueli as It experienced in the winter of ISOii. The river at that point has already Hooded the tracks of the lirunswiek Traction company and slopped traffic. The river Is rising at the rate of ten Inches an hour tonight, and the resi dents In the lower portion of the town have become alarmed and are moving to the upper stories of the buildings. Jf the river rises a few feet higher, Middle Urook will be again so chockul that It will rush through tho town and cause widespread destruction. All trains on the Philadelphia and Reading and the Jersey Central rail roads have received orders to approach the Middle Rrook at a speed of live miles an hour. The big bridge over the stream is being anxiously watched to night. Saratoga. N. Y., Dee. 2!. A heavy downpour of tain, which begun at :', o'clock this morning and continued all day, threatens to bring on a Hood which, it is feared, will do much dam age. Rainfall at Lancaster. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 29. A heavy rainfall lias bjen continuous in this section since last evening. All the streams in the county are swollen greatly beyond their usual volume, and the Conestoga has overflowed its banks to an extent unknown in recent years. The bridge crossing this stream at EnglcBido is threatened with de struction, and traffic on the JUincaster Strasburg railway, of which the bridge is a link, has been suspended. Tho bridge has begun to move, and is al most sure to lie washed away. It was erected seventy-live years ago. High water at the plant of the Lan caster Electric Light company at Rock Hill, on the Conestoga affected their system and sections of the city are in darkness tonight. The Susquehanna is rising rapidly. At Safe Harbor, where the Conestoga empties, the rise Is at the rate of six Indies an hour. The tracks of the Port Deposit and Colum bia railroad at this point are sub merged and much apprehension Is felt for property on low lying ground. At Raid Friar, further down the river, a landslide has occurred covering tho Hacks at Columbia and Marietta. The river has not yet risen sufficiently to cnuse alarm. In tho South. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 29. Heavy rains for thirty-six hours hero and at all headwater points on both rivers has produced a condition which will result in what may be called a flood stage In the Ohio river by tomorrow, when nt least twenty feet Is predicted. Timely warning by the weather bureau will bo the means of saving much property, and only temporary Inconvenience is expected by the Interests along tho river fronts. At midnight the marks at Davis Isl and dam showed II feet and rhiiujr at the rate of 4-10 or a foot an hour. Roth tho Allegheny and Mouougahela are still rising, Knoxvllle, Teiin., Dec. 29, Incessant rains for tho past forty-eight hours through Eastern Tennessee, threaten to do more damage to property than tho disastrous flood of last May, when eight lives were lost and fully $2,000,000 was done to railway and farming property, Tho Southern railway has annulled all trains between this city and Ashevllle, N. C, owing to water-covered and badly washed tracks between Newport and Rankin. All through traffic and mall will bo handled over the Norfolk and Western. It will be Impossible for tho Southern to handle trains oast via Ashevllle until late tomorrow at least, and possibly longer, for rain Is still falling, The Tennessee river Is Hearing the 30-foot mark at this point, with Indi cations that It will reach forty feet and do heavy damage, lllntou, W, Va Dec, 29, Heavy rains here for the past thirty-six hours have caused Green Urler and New rivers to become very high, They are rising six Indies an hour, Tint daniimo along both streams will be heavy. Tho Ohtsa peako and Ohio tunnel at Allegheny Is blocked by cars belntf derailed by a landslide, Cumberland, Mil,, Dec. 29, The Poto nme river Is rapidly rising, and a Hood Is threatened as a consequence of thirty-six hours' Incessant rain. Socialist Provokes Riot. Dy Kkcliuive Wire from The Associated Press. Naples Da', lili. Tho arrival hero of the So rl.iILt mt'iiihti' nf the thamluT of iIimiuIIm, SIkiioi' , I'euy, to aihliess a niietlui;, iciitiltt'd in tinliuU'nl 1 ili'iuouttialloii whlih the Hoops weie called out tu auppictis. "hulciile uriot.s weie 111.1 Jo. DEATHS OF A DAY. Uy Kichidtc Wire from The Asjoclatcd IVcm. Newliuifih. N. Y., Dee. i .lolm P. IViU. a Ki'ailuale ut Vile and a (oimer In.-tim-Uir in be high uulurblly, illud Ikic today, aed 2i. TROUBLE IN THE ORDER OF R'RITH ABRAHAM Police Are Obliged to Interfere to Quell Disturbance. By Kxchulvc Wire from The Associated Pres. New York, Dec. 29. Five hundred members of the Order of ll'rlth Abra ham mnt tonight In this city. The order, which Is a fraternal one. Is suld to number 40,000 In the country, 12,0'M living In this city. The meeting was called by pant Grand Master Oscar Welner, of New ark, N, J,, Past Orand Treasurer Moses I.ubolsky and Past Deputy Grand Master Robert Strahl, for the purpose of considering matters regard ing the endowment funds of the order. Two, factions developed, one led by the men mentioned, the other by Grnnd Mnster Samuel Dorf. In an effort to elect a chairman of the meeting there was a light In which furniture was broken nnd the police had to Interfere. Finally tho lights were turned off and the meeting perforce went over until next Sunday. SIX MEN KILLED IN A MINE CAGE Tragedy at Mine of the McAlester Coal Company at Hartshorn, Indian Territory. Ily llxchulvi Wire from The Associated Press. Kansas City, Doc. 29. A special from Hartshorn, I. T., says at shaft No. 1, of the McAlester Coal company yes terday while the cage was ascending with eight men it jumped its guidings about 100 feet from the bottom of the shaft. Six of the eight men were kilted, j They were caught between the cage i and the buntings and their bodies ' dropped lo tho bottom of the shaft. Three of the killed so far as could be ' learned are Alexander Romanchok, Michael Pertko and H. Ketchok. All were Russians, There were two oth ers who held to the cage. They were only slightly injured. Tho others killed, whose names are not known, came here only recently from Pennsyl vania, FUNERAL OP MISS NELL CR0PSEY Feeling Against Wilcox Is Still Strong, but There Is Less Danger of Lynching. By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dec. 29. Funeral services over the body ot Miss Nell C. Cropsey, whose remains were discovered in the Pasquotank river, after a search lasting several weeks, were held In the Methodist church here today. The church was crowded to suf focating and the street lending to It was lined with people, who uncovered as the hearse drove past. The Rev. It. It. Tuttle conducted the services, as sisted by the Rev. C. W. Duke and Rev. J. R. Forbes, of the Baptist church. At the conclusion of the services the body was placed In the Sunday school room, and later will bo taken by Andrew G. Cropsey, uncle of the girl, to Brooklyn for Interment. The citizens' committee Investigating the affair acted as pall bearers today. The jail in which young Wilcox, who was arrested for alleged participation In the girl's death, lies only a stone's throw from the church. Wilcox know the funeral was In pro gress, but showed no emotion and merely inquired if a largo crowd was present, He is more nervous than yes terday, but retains much of the easy manner that has characterized him at all times, The guards were withdrawn from the jail today and permitted to go home. Public sentiment Is strong against Wilcox but there Is less talk of lynching and some of the ministers todny look ocaslon In their sermons to advise against mob violence, "Wilcox absolutely refuses under advice of his attorney to say anything regarding the case. Ho asserts that the llrst statment made by him covers nil ho knows of the case. He Is charged with the murder of tho girl, nnd as the of fense Is not bailable in this state, he will have to stay In jail pending a trial. It. W. Turner, a member of tho citi zens committee asserted today that they would have sufficient evidence to connect Wilcox with the crime. He said: "We know Miss Cropsey was killed by a blow on the head with a sandbag or blackjack, if the blow was struck while she was on the porch then her unconscious form was dragged across the lawn to the river only a short dls tancn away. If the blow was struck on the lawn wo are convinced she was induced to cross tho lawn by Wilcox and that while walking across sho was Mruck bj him, There Is another wit ness who may be called upon to testify, It Ik R. F. Parker, who told his wlfo tho night after Miss Cropsey disap peared that ho had seen Wilcox drag ting a girl across tho road in front of the Wilson residence. We will Inves tigate that." m Zionists Establish a Purchase Fund. Dy llnludvo Wire from Tho Associated I'rou. Il.ule, SwIUcrl mil, Die. 29. The ZlonU eon. KirKi, now In n'vion here, hai veolcd tu es. tahlUli ii fund ot 'JOo.lino pounds lo he devoted lo the punluslin; ( land in tivih mid I'.iUVJii", Collect iou.s for thl fund will he mailu In all the lounlrh'i of the woihl. The ron;ic nbu ileildod tu f 01 m nrKJUlJllnus In vaiioiii couie tries In promote thu MihjciU of hn picicnl roil Kicui ami to hold liieiinlil ion0'reeo. Rosebery Declines to Act. Dy Inclusive Whe from The Associated I'rew, London, Dec. 30. The Dally ,'ew, .1 Liberal oiimii, today admits that Lout Iloschciy has ih" 1 lined tu net wllh the Liheial pjily and allhmr,'W thu paper ii't'rils hi vuluntaiy auvcrance fi'im (his patty, it thlnU it well that thu air has been ilfjiul and that .Sir Henry Caniplcll-llauiicrmaii U 111010 tlruily Installed in the leadership. FATAL WRECK ON THE NORTHWESTERN MANILA FIRE. DEPARTMENT. Ex-Chief Hugh J. Bonner May Or ganize the Service. By Ktcltulve Wire from The Associated Prosi. New York. Dec. 29. From 11. reliable source comes the Information that ex Flro Chief Hugh J. Homier Is consider ing a proposition made by President Roosevelt and the war department to reorganize on New York lines the lire department In Manila, Philippine isl ands. It Is said that such was Mr. Hon ner's business In AVnslilncton during the week just ended. Mr. Bonner, when seen todny, prac tically admitted that such a plan is In contemplation. Washington, Dec. 29. Tho tender of the nppolntment to Mr. Bonner was made In consequence of a cablegram from tho Philippine' commission to Col onel Edwards, chief of the Insular bureau of the war department, asking that the best available man for head of the Manila fire department be recom mended to them. Tho cablegram said that a strictly first-class man to organ ize the department was wanted. After some Inquiries Hugh J. Bon ne r wus decided on as In every rcspct the best selection that could bo made. He came to Washington not quite a week ago, went over the situation and when he left was given about a week lo think over the matter of his accept ance ot tlie post, he not being prepared to give an immediate answer. It Is be lieved that ho probably will accept. A law was passed some time ago creat ing the lire department. The original chief .of It Is no longer In tho service and it was decided to recure a man of experience and ability. The place prob ably will pay $.!,0n0 to ?:t,fiIO a year. CHILEAN-ARGENTINA AFFAIR SIMPLIFIED Peaceful Adjustment of the Difficul ties Is Looked for Infante Says There Will Be no War. By Kxclusho Wue (rem The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 29, Advices re ceived by Senor Infante, the Chilean charge, today confirmed the news al ready published that the Argentine minister at Santiago had informed the Chilean minister of foreign affairs that Argentina could not accept, all tho terms of the proctocol heretofore sign ed for the settlement ot the dispute and that some changes would bo necessary In the instrument. The un derstanding here Is that no founal de mand has been made upon the Chilean governement for a change In tho terms of the proctocol but that the matter has simply been one of informal talk at Santiago. This being the case tho hope is expressed that a satisfactory arrangement may yet be reached. Senor Infante continues to express his firm conviction that there will bo no war becauso of the present mis understanding. The government of Chile, he says, has been conducting the negotiations in a very amicable manner and ho confidently look for a peaceful solution of the difficulty. GENERAL MEND0ZA CLOSELY PURSUED The President-elect of Carabobo Is Routed by Castro's Troops Al- ban'3 Faith in Government. By Kxelu.lve Wire from The Associated Press. Caracas, Venezuela, Dec. 29, Genera! Luciano Mendnza (nresident-elect of the state of Carabobo, who rebelled against President Castro, marched on La Victoria and was said to have been defeated, and who wus later reported to have escaped to the neighborhood of San Juan de las Moros) Is now said to have reached Villa de Curn, In the state of Miranda, where he was routed by tho government troops. In company with a small number of followers, he escaped and reached La Pucrta, where ho was again overtaken and again de feated. Accompanied by only forty men, General Meudoza passed Ortiz, In the state of nuarlco, December 21. lie was proceeding In tho direction of mountains considered to bo almost In accessible, Colon, Dee. 29, The Colombian gun boat Hoynca left Panama curly this morning, carrying troops to relnforco Oeueral Castro in the interior, Tho Colombian gunboat fieneral Plnzon Is expected here shortly with &00 men from Rarranqullla. She will return Im mediately to bring 111010 men from that port. Ueneral Carlos Alban Is confident that the Colombian government Is able to defeat tho revolutionists, notwith standing the help, he alleges, they have received from Salvador. Skeleton Found in Church, Dy Kxcliislu" Wire (rem The Aeeialid 1'res.i. lllrmliiKhiiii, Ala., Dec. 2'l.-The l.ehloii found III the iieitio ihuii'h, It.-ar llasll.ilie, Is ihat '( Winter White, .1 liesiio who Is bupnnvil In blmt a mini wmi.iI yean, imo, nnd wli.i wa- .1 fluifltiu irom jiMiic. A mmo wniuiti, ivpiv. tciitlwr liciwlf as Ihe wife nt While, Idea the nun i her hiith.iuil, British Prisoners Released, Ily i:elirdve Wire from 'I lie .Usoclated Prey. London, Dee. 2'.--The war nCUc Ins leociu 1 a dci-patih hum I .ot il Kililieuer, dated .Iidi 1.1. iiriliiin;, jyfin; Ihat the II1I1W1 piMmiel lap 1 111 cil win 11 (lie II his uiiictdiilly nislied Colonel I'll 111 in'.s tamp al K.cloiitchi, Pec, Jl, hale liien llWmliil and leliuned to Detldelieiii. School Building' Burned. Ily Kiclirdic Wire from 'Ihe Associated Press. Pulldown, Dee. 211. The new rat wins el Hie Hill Pie.dijieilin tiliool was iledioyed hy tire euly IliU iiioiuliiic, iiitalllii,- u Lus el' $IO,00. The wlut: loulalied the u limning pool, uiaiiud tuliilm,' loom, chiNi looms and dormitories. Moat of the loutcuu vt the toonu were livid. Four Persons Killed and Elohteen Wounded Several Prob ably. Fatally. FREIGHT COLLIDES WITH " OMAHA FLYER " Two Passenger Coaches, One Sleeper nnd Eight Freight Cars Are Burned Tho Injured Passengers Are Convoyed to Chicago by Special Train List of the Dead and Injured The Freight Train Too Long for the Siding. Dy Kxclukho Wire fioin The As-.orialnl Pies. Chicago, Dec. 29. Four persons weie killed and IS Injured, several of them possibly fatal, In a collision on the Chicago and Northwestern road today at .Malta, Ills.. CO miles west of Chica go. The trains In collision were tho "Omaha Flyer," an cast bound pas senger train, and an eastbound freight train. The wreck caught lire and Iv, 11 passenger coaches, one sleeping car and S freight cars were burned and another sleeping car was partly con sumed. The Dead. (iCOIKJK W. lll'lUn, western asent Kill. Ai.1 (omp.ini; iri!rixt Ounih.i. MltS. (iKIiltl.T, W. Ill HID. Omaha. II. 11. Nil HOLS, Mull:-, l.i. II, tt. DM.NI'AN, blecpius; r.n porter, L'lliuo. The Injured. Ilert ('air, I liiwi,'". I'le.l Dunham, Chicago. (ieonrv W. l'ov, HcuihliT. Coloiado. II. D. (ira.i. Dv.iiiilon, 111. , IMwird Hinckley, Surprise, Nil). Mrs. .1. L. Kail, Chica.'o. Chnenie Laiizerus, Cliiraco. W. A. Swecn.i, lni:lifonl, Iowa. M. 11 Ion Willie, I'mii'int, Neb. Mrs. )mi II ill. I hieauo. Liiiioln TaTI, l.'hic.ico. Veronica Hohimor.iT, .Millard, NrS. 1". Lirraliee, pj.-M'iwr rnidnecr; Icr fractured. L P. (.'orian, llrinuu. !. W. .Uken. janlma-ler. 1'. I). O'Niil, i-ptcial ic'cnl N01 llow.-lrm Yallio.icl, John W. Wilson, ilvll engineer Nordmestem lailioiil. W. It. Dawes, Pullman eomluilor. The Injured passengers were attend ed immediately by surgeons from ttoch elle and DeKalb and later were re moved to it hospital In Chicago by spe cial train. The freight train had taken a siding at Malta, but Ihe train was longer than the siding and the freight locomo tive protruded upon the main track beyond the side track. The Incoming train from the west was not stopped until the two locomotives "cornered" at the switch, the passenger engine be ing thrown into the ditch and several coaches piling upon the wreck. The cars caught fire from the locomotive. Duncan, the sleeping car porter, was the only person killed outright. Mr. and Mrs. Itudlo and Mr. Nichols died from their Injuries while being brought to Chicago. At St. Luke's hospital it is stated that while several of tho In jured are in a serious condition, all, It is believed by the attending physicians, will recover. GREAT BRITAIN'S COAL. Indications Thnt It Will Be Ex hausted in 100 Years. Dy i:clitsive Wire from The Associated 1'res.s. London, Dec. 2!). A royal commission has been appointed to Inquire into the coal resources of Oreat Britain. Tin; questions to be covered by the com mission's Inquiries will include thu rate of possible exhaustion of Urltish coal Ileitis, the effect of export coal on tho home supply, the possibility of a re duction In its cost by cheaper trans portation and whether the coal mining industry of Oreat Urltiiin, under tho existing conditions, is maintaining its competitive power with foreign coal fields, etc, The coniinlrslon Is composed of sev enteen members and includes tho chair men of railroad companies, heads of big colliery companies and prominent engineers and geologists. William Lawles Jackson, M. P., chairman of the Oreat Northern Hallway company is president of the commission. A similar commission was unpointed In lSti.'i and In 1ST- delivered an opinion to tho effect that tho supply of coal to the depth of 1,000 feet was pO,20G,00U, 000 tons. It Is estimated that during the years from 1S71 to 1000 Inclusive the Hrlthli output of coal was r.02.j,000,0O'j tons, a rale of exhaustion far In excess of that assumed by the royal coinmlslon and duo to thu enormous Increase of ex ports. If this ruto of doubling the out put In thirty years bo maintained tho end of the present century will set tho exhaustion of Oreat Ilrltlan's coa' Held, Fire in Department Store. By Cxiludw Wile fimn The Associated Press. Vlctuil.i, II. (', Pee. 29. Spencer' aicaile, Vic toila'- li'i; nip. ilueiit ktorc, was ruined hy ilm and Handed wllh water Pitunlay iiluht. 'llio luss is edinialiil at SiaO.OOO and the insurance amounts 10 about 1 123,000. The lire wa.s causal liv a nom wiie ill Ihe carpet department, llu. loie II was ilUtoiercd the place wa.s full of ,moke and the Haines were leaplne out through the luof ami fiont walls. The Bremen managed tn tontine the lire tt the one btoiv, ulilili rx timls thioush a hloik. 4- 4- -f -f -f WEATHER FORECAST. -f Washington, Dec. 29. l'oreeat for Mon- $- day and Tuilday; Kaatern PrunsylvjiiU -f It j in in eaily inorulnir, followed by lair -f and collier Monday, Tuesday, fair, brisk -f- norlhwot wind. -r-t t-r - . ', Mj&mr. 1 4 ... 1 KyS'L4liiiASL.i. ,--. at ;