The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 28, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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It'Ulljffl.' OT'fi''
TSJT ' V l W.iV-1 i
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1113 QAinTY of holiday week hits
never Mtrptissed this season, us
fnr as evening affairs are eon
eerned, hut there Is a dearth of
the daytime functions usually
noted. Whether It Is a wise provision
of careful chaperons to seeutu much
heauty sleep for their charges Is not
disclosed, certain It Ih that there ai
fewer card pu les, luncheons and tenst
than usual. All thoughts center on the
Hauhelor.s' hall. It Ik the llrst time In
the history of these resplendent affairs
when the work of preparation has pro
gressed so far nt this stage. Hitherto,
the liyruimi could lie secured only dur
ing the previous day by the committee
and all details had to he rushed with
the greatest possible rapidity. The oc
cupation of the Armory this year gives
ample time for arrangements, and the
advantage Is nlrcady evident. The
floor will be superb. 11 Is Hearing eoiu
llletlon, and the boxes are In place,
while the work of decorating has been
begun. Those who are doubtful about
the expediency of using the colossal
building for the ball, wnlch has here
tofore been enhanced by the graceful
setting of the Lyceum, need be no
longer solicitous. The Huehelor.s' ball
of this year will surpass In elegance
and general effect anything In the past.
The great auditorium will be screened
to more cosy proportions. Heatitlful
draperies In delicate tints will be used.
Flowers and the green luxurtancu of
(;lirlstmas-tlde will add to the scene, I
and In every respect the delight of this
Bieat affair of the twelve-month will
be Increased.
Tile heating facilities have been im
proved and many extra lights are to
ndd to the brilliance of the scene. There
III be lovely women In gorgeous
gowns and many lovely girls in the rare
beauty of their youth.
Kveryone knows how entrancing or
chestral or band music sounds in this
vast edlllce. ttnuer's orehestia will
have half a hundred pieces and the
numbers will be new and inspiring,
(.treat trouble has been taken with tit"
music, and the selections embrace the
best and the latest of that which Is
popular in New York society.
The refreshments are to be unu.suully
attractive to the eye cod the tafite.
They will bo provided by I'ursell, of
Xew York. The exquisite protrrunimt"
are from Prendergast's. Clark will dl
ieit the Howl effects and Fuliiiiiuu
will be in charge of the other decora
tions. Tickets are in gioat demand,
and the ball is to be s-'ometliing far ex-
reding the liveliest anticipations of
even the youngest debutante in h"r dreams.
('ongi ostium and .Mrs. William Cou
ncil will celebrate their goldin wed
ding Thursday evening next at their
home, on Vine street. Kltibor.itu prep
arations are being made for the event,
to which a large number of invitations
me issued. .Many out-ot-town guebls
will be piesent.
A musical engagement of the greatest
Interest to the lovers of melody Is an
nounced in the coming of the Klaw &
ICrkinger Opera company to the Ly
ceum theatre, Wednesday evening,
January S. "Foxy Quiller," De Koven
and Smith's successful comic opera, Is
to bo the vehicle and Jerome Sykes, the
bright and particular star. The very
fact that Do Koven and Smith are re
sponsible for "Foxy Quiller" Insures a
delightful evening, in addition to this
that the opera Is produced by Messrs.
Klaw & Erluncrer who have long held
the proud position of being the most
elaborate producers In the country,
make it certain that s-eenic magnifi
cence and handsome costumes will be
exhibited. In addition to Jerome Sykes,
who of couise plays Foxy Quiller, the
east includes Klcanor Kent, Grace
Cameron, Lillian Seville, Marian llent,
Almitu Forrest, .Marie Kent, Julius
fiteger, Harry MueDonough, Adolph
ZlnlS, Arthur T. Krnest, Louis (,'usa
vant and many other favorites. The
sale of seats will open Monday, Jan
uary (!.
Mrs. W. II. Taylor gave a luncheon
on." (Tuesday In honor of her daughter,
Miss Marion.
Miss LI la Stewart, fresh fiom he-.-Xew
York success Just held at the
Waldorf, came to Scrnnton last night
to letnuin for some weeks to prep.ue '
lor me great iienetit entertainment, to
be given under the auspices of the
Teachers' Mutual Heuellt association.
If there is any one object to which
the public should give- support with
enthusiasm. It Is something which will
nesist In forming a fund for ,
una ted teachers. They are underpaid,
overworked and almost Invariably litis e '
more than themselves to support. Miss
Stewart proposes to manage an en
tertainment which will surpass an -thing
heretofore attempted In the win
of a Klrmess. It will be In the shape
of a "Spell Curtenfest," ii "card play, '
with living curds In ti hand of whist,
jiluyed by expert authorities on the
Knmo and with numberless prettv
dances. The dates ate Jan. :!'.), 'M, ;il
und Feb, 1, nt the Lyceum. I
Miss Dale will entertain at eaids this '
I'venlng at her home on Jefferson ave- i
Tim Inst assembly of the year was
held Inst night at the Illcycle club, Mls-i ,
"77" Hook mailed lice,
"77" cures Colds.
"77" cures Chip.
"77" cures Coughs.
77" cures Influenza,
"77" cures Catarrh.
"77" cures Sore Throat.
'77" cures Bronchitis,
"77" makes Colds that cling let go.
"77" Is a small vini of pleasant pellets
that Ills the vest pocket.
At nil druggists, 25 cents, or mailed.
lliiniphri'ib' llonicopithle Slcdlc-lne Co., loincr
William and John SttesU, Jt'iw Yd'-
I Archbnlil, Miss limit and JHbs tlellti
constituted the i-oniiiiittr-e. A IniRO
number of guests attended, Including
tunny from out of town, Among them
were: Miss Post, of New York: Miss
(illhert, of Hariisbilrg! Miss Faye-
weather, of l'aterson; Miss Fisher, of
Hartford: Miss Whitney, of Xew York;
Miss Pitkin, of llosloii; Miss Hastings,
of Rochester. Messrs. Percy t. I'ync,
Arthur Hull and Peat-eon Foster and
Kugeiie Foster, of New York: Frasilei,
of Pittsburg,
The event of litis evening Is (lie beau
tiful dinner-dance, to be given by Mr.
and Mrs. J. llenj. Dlmmlek, at their
home In (ireen llidge. It will be In
honor of their daughter and her guests
and will he enjoyed by the younger set.
Mr, and Mrs. Kveretl Wat ren will
give a dance at the "'ountiy club on
Monday night for .' Margery and
her guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Spencer
gave a dancing party last night at their
home on Wyoming avenue.
The next event of importance after
the close of the holiday festivities will
be the great orchestra concert at the
new armory, for the benefit of the
Young Women's Christian association.
Mr. F. C. Hand, under whose direction
it is to be given, Is receiving the most
encouraging i espouses to his efforts at
making it a great success. The ICinll
l'aur orchestra Is consideied to lead the
list In this country. It will be a most
notable occasion. The soloists, Miss
Klecta filfford and Arthur Hochmun,
have world-wide fame.
Mrs. ltlchard A. Oakford gave the
last elaborate "at home" of the year
yesterday at her stately residence on
Jefferson avenue. Miss Manness was
the guest of honor. The decorations
were in red and the dining room was
elfectlvely charming with polnsetllas
In their brilliant hues. The young
girls who M-rved refreshments wore
white with red ribbons. .Mrs. Oakford
was assisted in receiving during the
afternoon by .Miss Manness, Mis. Jus
tice Cox of Plilladi-Iphlii, and Mrs.
Fleanor Oakford. .Miss Marjorie Piatt,
Miss Kleanor Moffat, Miss Warren and
Miss Jeane Iilminlck were in the din
ing room. A large number of guests
wi-re entertained and the occasion was
on" of an unusually enjoyable charac
ter. The splnsteis will hae another of
their charming dunces next Monday
night at the Hieyele club.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ccorge Sandeison en
tortainod at a dinner at the Scranton
club last night, previous to the Assem
bly, In honor of the guests of Miss
Sturges and of their daughter, Miss
Marlon Kingsbury Samlet s-on. Covers
were laid for twenty-six. The guests
were almost entliely fiom out of the
city. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
James Oardner' S.indernin, Miss Hast
ings, of Itoehester; Mis-s Hrooke, of
Philadelphia: .Miss Leila Whitney, of
New York; Miss Julia Phyfe, of New
York; Miss Itutli Pitkin, of Doston;
Miss Knthnihie Fisher, of Hartford:
Miss Je.ine Dimmlek, Miss Torrey, of
Honcsdule; Miss ("ialuin. Missis. Hen
derson Gilbert, of Pittsburg; Frank
Glazier, of Hartford, Conn,: Messrs.
Worthlngton Scranton, Norman Parke,
Percy It. Pyne, jr.. of New York; Pear
son and Hull, of New York; Dickinson,
Little, of Orange; LaMotte lielin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlager will
give a dancing putty In the near future
for their daughter's guests.
Misses Elizabeth and Grace Sander
son will entertain at cards tills after
noon. Miss Cornelia Gulptn will entertain nt
a luncheon today, when the guests will
be Miss Sturges, Miss .Marion Sander
son, Miss Hastings, Miss Ilennell, Mls-s
Margery Warren, Miss St. John. Miss
Whitney, Miss Fisher, Miss Pitkin, Miss
Torrey, Miss iitooke, Miss Phyfe.
An elaborate event at Moosle, Thurs
day evening, was the mariiage of Miss
Lllla Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
AV. S. Mulchings, and Dr. Aubrey Hod
son Williams, of Deliver, Col. The core-
niony was performed by Uev. S. W.
oung, pastor of the Presbyterian
church. After the eeietnony a recep
tion ws's attended by more than one
hundred guests. The Intel lor of the
handsome residence was beautifully
deeotaied. Mailer's orchestra furnished
the music The bride's gown was of
white satin cicpe, with dueliesse lace
trimmings. She can led lilies of the
valley. Her sister, Miss Mabel A wore
green chiffon and carried Atneiiean
Heauty roses. The best man was Jo
seph J. Jermyn, of this city. The ush
ers wete Selden 11. Kingsbury, of this
city, and .Maxwell l). Lathrop, of Car
boiulale, The wedding supper was
served bv Caterer llanley, Dr, and
Mrs. Williams lell yesterday for Den
ver, where he Is a leading plosleliin,
Ills biide is well-known In this eltv.
wnero sue is a iivuucui guest
She is
ll vc,'' heautlful girl, who will bo gteat-
' nilsseit ny a latge circle of friends,
Miss May Hhinebard gave n card
party yesterday afternoon at her home,
on Jelferson avenue,
Misses Leah and Ituth Kelly, of New
York; Adeline Hurdenberg, of KIlll'.S
ton, N, Y, and l-Imnui S.-udder, of
Trenton, N, ,i ate the holiday guests
of .Miss Lois Schlugei,
The mat l luge of Miss Mortensii Coyne
to Dr. Congiloti, of lllnghimiton, was a
most Interesting event on Thuisiday.
Miss ltuth Hand entertained u num
ber of young girls at n luncheon yes
lerdiiy, when the beautiful home cf
Judge and .Airs. Hand was in gain dress
lor llm guests. They were: .Misses
leimette Schlager, Helen Jones, Kllza
beth Hlalr, ltuth Aichbahl, Margin etta
Hellii, Kuulee Luthrop, Graco Liw,
Jessie Connell, (iraeu L-iverty, Miss
Courtright. Marjorie Piatt, (lerlrudu
Coursen, Floivnco Porter and Helen
Mr. and Mis. AV. D. Zelinder gavo a
beuutlful dance nt the Country club
Christmas night, In honor of their son,
Hilary, who Is at home from Yale mil.
vcrshy. Hauer's orchestra provided
the music. The guests were: Mlea
Botes, Miss Jossup, .Miss Penuy
packur, .MIs Bunnell Miss Maty
Ueurhurt, Miss Lellu Stccll, MIm
Mnry DIcltRon, Miss Kntherlnc Steel!,
Miss Eleanor Moffat, Miss Anna Mi
Anulty, Miss Ashley, of WHItes-Harro!
Messrs. David Holes, Walter Wolf,
Dickson Torrey, Harold and Lnwrente
Wattes, Will Dlmtnlck, Hdgnr Council,
Walter Stevens, Hugh Archbnld, Doug
las Moffat nntl Maxwell llessell.
Mrs. Frank Sllllman, Jr entertained
most delightfully on Thursday after
noon In honor of her little son, Frank.
It was a Christinas affair In every de
tall. There was a resplendent tree
which was lighted for the small guests,
and the eorrldois were cleared to give
ample space for their games. The table
had as a centrepiece a mass of holly,
flanked with two delectable cakes
whose lighted candles added to the
brightness of the general effect. The
llavors were elaborate and the refresh-
I merits were particularly well pleasing
to the guests.
Thoe Invited were: Frances and
Hut-Hut Fulton, Alice Murray, Kathar
ine Sliuptnti, Marlon Kingsbury, Chris
tine JesFtip, Margaret Jermyn, Frances
Christy, Donald Murray, Will Jermyn,
Hdwnrd Warren, George Dickson,
Teddy Watson, Joe Piatt.
Dr. C. K. Hohlnson, the lute paslor
of the Second Presbyterian church,
I has sufficiently recovered his strength
to warrant his acceptance of an invlta-
tlon of the faculty of the Auburn, N.
- n,t,.ni , , , .. ,,, .
... i euiuKic i sum limy, 10 in iciii-
,,.,,,.,, H,. Olli IIC41 IUUI IIIIIIIUX, lilt-
chair of Sacred Ithctniic and Pastoral
Theology, In the absence of Prof. Hoyt
In Europe.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I-:, n. Sturges are eti
terinlnlng a liouse party for their
daughter, the members of which are:
Miss Hrooks, of Philadelphia; Miss
Whitney and Miss Phyre, of New York;
Miss Pitkin, of Boston, and Miss
Katharine Fisher, of New York.
The Misses Archbnld entertained ul
dinner last night. The guests weie:
Miss Fayerweather, of Paterson, and
Messrs. Kugeiie Footer and Hngermun
Foster, of New York, and James Ulalr,
A surprise party was last n'ght ten
dered to Miss Jeanette Laura Myers.!,
of Chicago. 111., who is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Albert Kramer, of 10."i
Linden street. A large number of
young people wete in attendance and
a most delightful time was had by all.
The annual reunion of the class of
'!ifl, Scranton High school, was held last
night at the home of Mh-s Klfrlda Syl
vester, of IlOli Webster avenue. The fol
lowing olllcers weie re-elected: Presi
dent, C. G. Spoeti; vke president, Mls.-i
Klfrlda Sylvester; scetetary, Leon
Levy; treasurer, Kdward Harmes. The
following committee wits oppointed to
irrange for next year's teunlon: George Miss Shook, Ml-s Shepherd, Miss
Peck mid Waller Moult.
The holiday season is saddened to a
large number of Intimate friends and
"Id time acquaintances by the death
of Mr. William Sllknmn. In his ie
moval fiom the active life in which he
has been so long known, the city loses
a personality familiar and honotcd and
many closely connected by ties of soei'tl
relations, one who was held in tender
affection. Few men possess such sup
erb distinction of appearance and still
fewer have the gentle, kindly traits of
character with which Mr. Silkmun was
endowed. His home life was pai-tleu-Ituly
beautiful and that home is in-
ueen a aesniaie ana loriorn spot tins
Christmas tide, for within Its shelter '
ho was the
object of more devotion
than falls to the lot of most men.
lovcmcflts of topis
MIni (iilpin will gl
Dr. and .Mr-. K. M
1 a luncheon today,
btrjtton .-iicnl Cliii-tnu-i
,n "" lon- " I
Unwind Vail is it home from the Unbemh- of ,
I'i nii'i lt.ini.i for the holii'an.
Mif. II. ('. lte.MioldH ha-, returned from u Wait
with her pirenN at Wajne, l'a.
M!.vi lla-tinss, of Itochc-ter, N. V,, H the
1,'ui-l of Miv. .Marlon Ii. Sanl-i-on,
Daiid Owitk, and 5 J. itob.rt-, of I'oultuey,
Vt., jic u.-ltln;: fnnidt in tint city
l),-tiiel Al'omey V. II. I.wK lift for fhil.nIe-1-dn.i
i'-tc-nli.i afternoon on liu-dncM.
.Miv, IMIth Toiiei, of llonc.-d lie, and Mr. Hull,
of New Yolk, .no iruc.t- of Jti-i (ialp'n.
.MKs (iiaie Sprajtue 1-. in lto-lon, where she liw
he. n nincc lhe death of hei ki in.liiiothi r.
Mis. John .1, lijnun, of Dill is, wa-i the gue-t
of lnr mi.thir, Mis. C I titule W. I.juile.
MIsh Anne .M. WatMin I-. rpendin? the holidat-i
with Ml-i Adel Wilvin, of ,I.,i.y Citj, V .1.
( oloiu-1 I". (i. hih loiiunUi will gn Ninth to h a
htniitiful Sunt l,i i n home In 1'lorlda, c.oly in the
Ml- lalith Xorti.ii sii.Mit CliWm.n wi-h her
pinnts, .Mr. ar.d .Mis. M. Xottuti, on Mulhitry
Ml. and .Mil. 1). . s i-ni are .peiiilint; the
liollilij-, Ui Mi-. SiImii'.-, pmnts at 1'iudilli,
New Yoth.
D. It, IViiunn, who has pent tho la-.t teir in
llidliink, .V, .1,, has iitiiru-il to his home on
Midi.-ou n Millie,
.Min T. II. Watts, of Dallon, and Ml-i. Ci.ane
StVtltl'llll, cf W.Ullb, Htllllillll Mia. (IlKlllld'-i
leeipllon ,io-tilda.v,
l!eii.Hlitathes (liaile.s i:. Vooihee-i and Tluo.
dote II. Mnlli, of l'lilladi'lphla, aio In the illy
on a husineas ulp.
(ieoiue Mi Donald, foimetly of this illy, now a
piomluiut .New Viik louliaitoi, wa u-lstciul
at the .I11111511 cp.-(iidi,
.Miss Httrllm: and .Ml- May, of sham.iMii, an
tli of Mr. and Mis. It, .1, 1'ii.tir and tl elr
ton, Taj-lrr, on Clay awniie,
!ul pan tits, Mr, and Ml'. 1'. I,. I'ei l of .lell, r.
son amine. She will leiiitu to the Mkso-i Illy
hdiool, .New orh, net wee!.,
.Mr, and Mis. Aithur II, Williams, of xllv
oil aio holiday hium, of Mi, and Mrs. Wil
liam llaiile., on Muiiioe .ueiiin-,
At uy It. . .Mililiald, -i le.
luiiii-d to his hniiie In that ilt, .cesleid.i.i, alur
sieielliii; I lin.-tniis at the home of hU paunis,
,llnl'e ami Alls. II. n. Aieliliilil,
n,d I'ecl. the .nbanie ruilisenljlli,. foi Klaw- '
A. Ihlmcir-s Mi; oi'iratle mikcss. "l-ow oiiil -
U-r," Is in town complains; aiuiiigc-nu-iits for (hi
iiummolli pioduction, whhh will he mmii hete at
the l.jicum theatir s-hoitly.
Sn.MMHODY hns said that nil women
nio ttllku but that men mo differ
cut, Chrlsttnascs In the uggreguto
are ulllie but ClulhtinitH Is different,
This one was much the sumo as nil
the otheis which have gone Into the
past, and yet it had In It something
evti- new and hweet. Thorn were new
sin prises, new hinds of neckties, new
glils 011 calendars, new hair nruaments
and new wuys of making old sorts) of
devices) for causing useful kitchen arll
cle.s to tuko on tho appearance of brie-ti-brae
for the parlor. There were now
books lu plain dresd and dear old-fsish-loued
homely frlcnd-boolsH lu such gay
uttlro that you would never Imvo spok
en to them when you met. There weie
new ways of spoiling good china under
the hallueltiatlou that you were decor
utlng it. There were new weird things
designed for the confusion of the sim
ple mind of man und foreordained to
tangle up his personal belongings at the
same time with his mentality. Ho may
elect to hang hla new fungled moueholr
enso on the wall Under the Impression
that It Is purely decorative and there
fore, according to his benighted Ideas, a
"tidy," To most men every thing not
good to eat Is a tidy.
There were now ami niieer things for
making the heart of the college men
glad and there were new fripperies to
make the up-to-date college girl more
dangerous. There were any number of
new ntnl Idiotic things for which a
hum's wife had spent his good money
und at receiving which he had been
obliged to smile In ghastly fashion and
simulate delight.
There were those who received a col
lection of gifts, which they promptly
proceeded to swap with various mem
bers of the family to the best possible
advuntage. There Were others who
said wearily: "Dear me, she gave mo
the same sort of an old phi to Inst
year!" and there were also those who
began to plan which things they
the holiday spoke to them
It Is a very sweet and happy occn
slon. and I sincerely trust that the
present custom of observing It will
never go out of fashion, pvpm If i dn
ru.h ,., elves altnost to death In pre -
paring for It. Half the pleasure of the
season consists in just tins hurry and
I J....,.... ...i
the people who have the last red rib-
,, woum, arouml tht. ,.ist w,,,lo tlg.
, ..,, ..,,.. I1,.r ...... ...!, Unfn-U
Christmas, lose a lot of delightful
thrills In the excitement of guessln;r
whether In their haste they will not
forget to send something to their dear
est friend. There is all the uncer
tainty, too, that Christmas eve will
steal on us unaware, when we aren't
neaily ready, and although It really
does Just that nearly every year, some
of us foolish ones never profit by pnst
experience, but keep right on rushing
and hurrying and having a fnr better
time than our more forehanded and
provident sisters, whom a wise Provi
dence intended to be done with their
own preparations in order that they
may help us who are forever In ar
rears. I have always thought It would be
nice, just once, to be ready for Christ
mas, but until tin: days and nights
are longer, that prospect remains but.
a mirage, bilssfu 1 but Improbable,
like (ho vision of Scranton without
Is it a good tiling that we do not
perform whatever little kind acts which
come In our ways, for (lie thanks
that wo iiiuv teceive. Sometimes we
should bo dn ad fully disappointed.
Sometimes we should bo terrlblv dis
couraged. If every small gracious
deed, every nanow diversion from a
beaten track in order to lend a helplnp
hand to somebody weary, every gift
of plcnsiut words mid happy smiles
were to be reckoned up at so much u
j aid or so much a quart as we measure
merchandise, what a very tin some
world it would be. How tiresome those
poople are who insist that the majority
of mankind docs nil good deeds with the
expectation of a return In kind on a
louvf s-mul-llshc-s basis!
If there is anything hi the world ut
terly exasperating it is, when you are
feeling particularly happy over sotno
thing pleasant which has been said to
you or done for you, to have somebody
near nt hand who lemarks In a pes
simistic tone, "Oil, she w suits you to
do something for her," or "He is work
ing for a favor."
y, .. mt!, j-(1 n B,.eat ,u,, rntner
n .. ,-,, ir. vnniin n .., n,t i, !..
;,nt een If tliev li.-ive n inntlve th.-m
not to have them smile at till. But I
do like to think them entirely unselfish
In their smiles and it is most Irritating
to be constantly reminded that one is
not loved for one's self alone. Life Is
a reclptocity treaty at best. AVe pay
for most tilings In one way or another.
Kmllnu nml l.-l.wl -r., ,...n n,, u It
, , "" "'""
change tind It creates a panic when
the Imputation is made that they are
counterfeit. AVe don't expect thanks
for every little pleasant act, but when
the appreciation comes it is valued. I
wont around smiling like a full moon a
whole dav last week because a man
whom I sc-.ucely knew, but whose judg
ment and Intelligence nre superior In
every way, told somebody that he liked
Hie things I wiote. I felt like sending
him a Christmas present for that kind
speech, and it Is just this sort of kind
ness which makes the world a nice
place to live in, and Christmas a bliss
full day. Sauey Hess.
William Mi Kinky iiaimi.nideij, o. .Ill, at
lle.iM-i Tails, (u Die, 17, mufeiieil the IILuU
i decieo upon R-Mlitcni candid it is. Depitl,
(,'iaiul ('ominaudcr Sli llimy llo,e, ot I'iitshui'.',
ouupled the OichUnlal (lull, 'I he lonimand u
j iiittiiiiliiiK u Iiiku cl.uss fr early admlsspiu.
('.iiiiiKii- i-oiiiinii dirv, No, :iii, at CainoRle.
will uielio a 1 ol fei IV l,l.ii. Ts Knlu'it - in
dan, l.'i, mid the Older of the llul tVu.s ami
S puli hie will he cuifurid upon them hy the
delii- -(.itf of Al lei lonmuiidei, .No, It,, at
j MtKicspoit on .lau, 17,
! -Ii-li 11 lluniau lommaiideiy, No, Hit, ut N.llitl
lol.e, icltliiatul Its tooitli ni'iiiu-is.ny on Dee,
II, In Its loiimll ili.inibi 1, with jppioiniato i-i r
monies, AiMicsms weie dellieu-il hj Sir Jehu
i" - flrilfitli, 1'. (., Miiicriiitiiiilint of ki,o,,N
Sir WIHLiiu Willis, 1. C.i and sir Juhn I'uitl
II. (I. ('. Mr (Ikiiw Clothlii, ji iriiileit-il H'V
iral Mine's and niitatlniis that wire heaillly ap
plaiuhd. Iteeorder Sir David A. Davis lead .1 statum nt of Hie lonmiaiidciy fiom .ts
ins t It ill lull, slioulm; that Its tica-aiiy uiflcis
Weie well tlllul. A liamlsoiiin lollatloii I'olluueil.
Anthiaeite conimandery, Xo, 11, of I Ids i-ll.v,
has ndilllici Us ilc-ico mIiuIuIb for llm.', thins
unit, for nny einunallon of iho jcai. Two
nlk'liH li.ive hicn nt aside di liool. iiIkIiIs, whin
the lilillllieis ale rtqucattd to donate ImuU.s to
the comiiiindeiy I ll.iar.i-.
The Knlk'hls of Malta fund has le
nd veil a coiiuihutluii fiom 1'ho-eii Ivuiuhu com.
iiiandeiy, No, 171, ut Yorl.,
St, Kliiio I'onuniiidtry, of Maiden, Miss,, his
a digue flair lint l famous tliiouhool llm
late, and will confer the- A, (!, ilec'lee on Hie
List iououitlou nilit of the .war upon .1 liuc
iiimihci' of laiulldatcj of (iilh-ililllle lulillu Hid
liy, lit Mjldeu.
(hand Commaudi'i "ir DIMu S, I'.innv.ilil, of
lllooiiisbiiru-, l'a,, will pay uu ollleiil 1H to
John 1, ,111111 iinh r.v, No. '.'10, ul Naiitliol.e,
on Jan. 17, lie is aUi ,iriaii;ln,' for n'
vi-lts to other plate, when' tueat Jithlty pic
valK. lie will 1'hllJilelpliia, Cheot r und
Anddei- on Jan. 11, 7 und s,
The jejr llii will he- known to tho oidir of
Malt 1 as iiiio OidluU, -cat of the older, b.
The date is taken fiom the estahlislimi-ut of lite
hcbpllal ut Jiii-ialiiii in A. p. 1D,
Mjstli- conmiandiry, No. ,11 J, nt ltenoldivllle,
l'a,, Is 1 r.iiiUli'f a ilaos for e.nle admission, ami
hopes to M'i'11 hue a tislir comuuud Instituted
In Its vieinlty. Sir William J, Weaver, 1'. ('., ins
li.-ui i-eiiimissloni'd deputy m aid lomuunder of
tills Mitlmi l-y (liind (-ouiminder roinvvuld,
Mucli imliusla.-tle vv.uli Is lulu;: dune all over
the ordei in I'um-.vli aula ut this time, and a
lariru growth is eontldeiitly expected ilurlui; the
early part of the new i-jr.
could chodso from those they dldn t ' ''" nummil.uton or matter, which optr
Wlint. to clvo awav nnvt ifluun "lM " I'"'"1 "l'" ""' 'i'l'in, hit '. fiw
i ,, i i Vi V'."'r lllriuliiKl,.uii, In i-oiiohiiintloii nt tliU i.ilu-
wee the people who were very tired , ,,,, ,lrK,.4 1t ,,,, th,onk, i,,,,!!,!!,,,. I.i
or ( hrlstnuts. Nothing In the spirit of iin-.-nir iii,vi,,. nmt .,.. ..( n,n ..i .,f
"Inaccurate knowledge U itnnjoroiu thins,
So in (II things let us tie accurate."
Holder of the S.tUd would Rttatly ld ma
In my ttnk tiy inking tpicntloiii (not iicees
rlly for publication), which If iwnlMc xxill
he atuvvored in full in an early Iwuc of the
Weekly Salad and their receipt acknowledged
Immediately by null. All audi lommiinlui
tliiim must, however, as a mutter uf cimifi-,
hear the writer' correct name and addrcxs,
as othcrwUo they cannot tie tula II Into ton
alderntlon. What Overwork Menus.
Professor Huxley pair his opinion In 1SHJ tlu'
vxlut Is mlleil oxcrwork iiic.ii'.-, In ,-x latin- pro
portion of i-aos, under oxjgiiullon, nttd omc-
wronif iiiiiititliins N work In stale ulr. Whinner
we douht iihout our ll:illty, we Fl.ouhl ilru'.it
nhoiit our i nl llatlon. Dr. C ho idle leinliuh u.i oiio-thlrd of out Ibci N xjient In our heil
looms, of nhlili Hie air N poh-oucd hc.tnud uhtl
would he tolir.itcil In .i sltlhij,' room. It i-i well
I iT .humulv 'V.he
r.i., ,md especially the v.i
cie- of iionuM ,i4-
ipecUIIy the vjrlom forni-i of noui h-
Inula .mil iicmiwci, depend luitely upon want of
open air c.erilc and Jmufllclciil lentllatloti In
our lb ini; und skeplni; looiui.
Campaign Against Mosquitos
West Africa.
A cty lRorotts campaign -undciliiken at the
Initiative of Major ltoiuld ItosH, nnd timlor tne
nti'plivri of the Liverpool Tropical School of
Medlclni Is helnir w.util nc.ilnst the pestilent
niosijulto in Wcat Afilca. The woil; wan heiru'i
under the Immediate supervision of Major llus,
who has now- returned to Knclim!, nnd is hein
conducted ut the preenl time hy aide lleut ti
ants. On October 21, Maor Iloss rjace a lecture 01
Liverpool, In whlih he told of heme of the hteps
helng taken to rcllc.-e, 1 as in possible, tho
Wot Coast fiom tin' menace and dlseomloit of
the inalarln-bcarlmr niwntilto. It cins that tho
j tlrltlsh iroven.ois and olllcbls generally, in that
pirt of the world, arc lo.vally co-opeiatlni: to
render this eperlment a kucicksj and every
known means is boln,j tuouitht Into play for the
oUiipalbm of the pernicious lined. The hre-d-It'K
pools, whin found, are drained, and larvae
dealt ojeil b.v oil. (Jilllilne is also nnivit-ally
used, (he white population scKieated, and en
tianeis and windows of hoiiies tirotectid by
w I re- cm lire- fcreetis. It Is interesting to not ire
that, contrary to common uport, Major H,m
dei latcs that he doi- not believe it possible en
liiely to lUilii.iti- uiosiuitb.s, but thinks it quite
f,a.shlc crcitly to nduie tlnii nuudier ill limns
by abolishing their brcedili? 'l Hi's. If this
mm Ii inn be aiionipli-hed, the life -if Kuropi.ins
who he In tiophal euiiutrlra vvheri niosqilltu.s
abound will tic rende-nd more- endurable.
Horse Chestnuts as Food.
'the hotse cher-diut eotitnins btsidis March and
fome biiirn, about ten peicent. of bitter lesin
ami fit oil, ai.d tvvinl.v-evin to tvvinlyeic'ht cr
icnt. ol .i1humc:i, .a.v the Inti Confee
tioiier. II is thus 1 U lie r in albiumii than any
rultivatcd plant, liiher cvtu than pens and
beans. Yet, to its bitter and icslnom
taste, (lie hotse chestnut has never been us'd
etcusiielj fooil. 'Iho International Confer
tiouer trees ahead to tell of a icu-nt mention
foi utilizing llii.-i hitleito w.lslul proilud. II
"The cnonuoiis loss of valuable nutriment at
tradul n-icntilie nseiiili, und 11. I lu:a;e, cf
II mover, has be'n finally sunes-fnl in ctrnctini:
the bitter prim iple Hunt the horse ihc.-tttut and
pre purlin; a clicip and slrcnc-thenlm: food. The
I'iller u,ln was "limlnited in the follovviuc- w iv:
Tlie brown .-hell is rcmoveil after .sujieirleial roa-t-ini;,
ti, fiuilititate shilling. The hoily of the
clic-tout is pulvcri(d, nnd the powder Mturited
in .1 tiKhtly-donid pcrudilor with pure aleolnl.
Afttr Mandins fnr a week at nioiNrate limn-ra-lure,
the resin his pnssul inin nilutlon, and tin
fluid in wliieh it is contained is (h.iwn oil. In
order to estrait tiie lesin eouipletely, fresh
quautlti-.s ot the hr.lvcnts mcntioneil .nu us
ipiiicd and are obtained from the lesin solution.
liy licit inp this flui I tlie solvent is v 0l.1t I.11I .mi
tlie bitter resin leiniin--. The capors of the alco
hol .lie cariied by a pipe louduit back into IV
upper pait of the pen olator, an I after lieinir
londenscd l.y 11 i-onliti!- deiiee, arc 11-ed one
more upon the chosti.nt ni".il, th-- beinj
rricr.leil .mtil the fluid runnim; fnn the p"-co-later
is fne from any bitter taste. Tlie alcohol
ict.iined by the chustnut meal Is distilled oil and
the meal diied. the meal contains ull the al
l.umin und starch of the ilustmtt, nnd Is .n
tcellcnr food, possessin? a pleasant lale."
Facts About Boiling Water.
It may H-em prcsuinptuous to sintecst tint few
people know- how- to bolt water, but meh Is the Tho boiling point, under ordiniry atmoa
pl.crii' prossiiro (sex levil), Is 212 devices rahien-
licit; this point haii'-e's nicoidlm; to tlie al'i
tilde. Wlicn buhblci from the- bottom of tlie
kdtle come clear to the surface nnd rupture-
ipilitly, without mahiie,- ,111 ehulltion, we lia-.e
Mnunerinir. At this jmliit the tlienuonieter
sdintihl resl-ter IfO ilcitiee.s rahrenhelt, and it ii
at this temper. itnle that we cook ineat.s and
make s-ouns. When tlie bubbles lieirlix to foun
on the pidei and siuface of tlie vessel and coaio
tovvaid the top of the water, tilde is a niotbn
in the water, but It lias not leal If reached (he
hollim- ilnt. It Is only when the thermometer
re.ii lies '.'12 ilcinvcM r.ihn illicit an I the water is
In rapid motion tint it cm ho Mid to boil; and
the atiim-phcric cases still continue to be given
otf with the Menu foi a 1 onsiiU-rahle time alter
the watu- has lounueiiied to boll rapidlv; in
fad, it is ilifliuilt to determine whin the last
tt.ues have1 been (p.'lled. It i.s site to nip, hovvevci, that ten minutes' boillm; mil
no the water fio-n It.s s:ases, make it tastdis.s,
and tinder ii unlit for the miklnc of tci, loiTee
or ot In r lljilit infiislons of deliiate imterlaN.
Kemovnl of Powder Stains.
Ammonium imll'l, 1 07,; ll-lllle il water, 1 or.
Paint solution on the Mains. 'I hi, will (inn
tin Ul to .1 ruldlsh col.ii, vim h cm be removed
by piiiitlin; with dilute h.vdiochloiie acid Tie
.iiplliatiou of liulueli ,iold is iinle ctfedlve,
al o, lu this trouble.- Mcnk'n Aivhlv.
Eirdllme for Catching Bats and Mice
S. Vernon Kay ,-aj i that cllmile has exeij tiling
to do with the uiiicty of bliiilime In be Use I.
lu l.'iigl.inil, 01 similar tiiniei.He illin.iti.s, the
bllliiile's Kicatest .ulliislve povvcis Miould be ac
tive belvvccu M and Nl decree,.. The tldik re'ii
"Clu-shlie" hlidllmu is found In be the most if.
fee live, but III hot wi ilher it htiomi-s lathir
thin. To make a i-nlon.i ol rats deseit 1I10 1,11;
rovid, Is only iiiivwiary to .1 little blul
lime louud the 1 ritium is. If it Is ih-sired to
citch tin 111, dre-s plenty of Muivvi. und spread
them on the- c'louud near the huiiows,
Ihrowliu; .iiiinntr them Mine attractive bait, such
as in ih Kpiitiklcd with oil ot caiavva.v. The ,iet
uioiniui.', tin- stra'.vs will bo found trathciul ii
Into Utile bmulles, lu the letitir 01 caeh ol
whlih Is .1 lal. 'tlie same method n.av be i.e 1
In lalihlui; uihc. Illidlliue wit imlt .nlhere to
anvlldiii; wit, thuefoi- the hinds and mI-i-ii-,
should lie kept In lint slat,', 'I he knlfo kIiihiIi)
bo l.ipt thy, If hliilllnie , hoiiKht lu tins, it
nliuuld bo w-aimcil tabtly f thin ll, thin the lid
111 i.v bo leinoved and Hie point of a ih.c knife
dipped lulu Iho biidllme, drawl!,;,' ll out lu
rok. These may be ml with wet .-1 Issoi.., and
lie Ididlime Miuuied with the kulte 011 wljliver
il is ixpn lid 10 lokir,
Bestoiatlon of a Celebrated Picture,
'I he Italian iMWiiuiii lit has dcflult I.v ihcl-e
lu Indole I .eon lido til Vilici'n "l-Xst Supper,"
Ordinal liy the rt'sioiatlcii of 1 siu.-itriphve of
p.ilutlni; would he u-.-anhsl us ilatuirous hi i'i'.-C-Miiiui,
hut in this in.-l.ilue Iho lOudltioiH Me
pcuillai. The picture is In null ,1 li.ul loudi
lion that il would be dllttcult to i-pnll it, .ill
the work will ho done in the lua-t uiiiel and
sell nt Hie liiamur. A iih-biuteil epell Iris he-ll
in.-Jh'td to i4vu hi i-i iv iu s, and the Hist w-or,;
will be to dotroy Iho ii,leio-or,'jiil.iin which .Ho
cutliiK up the paint. 'Ilic wall will Ih -n be
irellul m that It .vlll not tie ilamp In ihe 1111111",
und then the woik will be "ntond" with the
help of the old topic of tlie fic-cj and tlie ill
i;ra villus of it.
Pro-Historic Drawings.
Two reuuikjble taxes luxe luvn dlscoxered In
1'ianie by Me.-r. ( apitau und llreull, l.i wliiili
Ihe walls are cox 'red with drawn und minted
llguiu of the Lukulltlile cpuih. TIicms arc
Life Saved Bv
NATIONAL LODGE, Amalgamitid Association
of fron, St 39 1 and Tin Workers of th)
Unit 3d States.
GENERAL OFFICE. Blssell Block.
'07 Seventh Avenue,
PITT" BURG, Pa., Octobe 16, 1901
In 1S9!) I wjifl eotripelleil to tilKitidoti my profession, hocnuso of nervous
prostration consequent upon exposure, linrd study nntl ox-erworlc.
A number of physicians dec-lured 1 would never recover, but i tried Paine's
celery compound und In less thun 11 year incerused In weight from l-tl'.fe to
215 pounds.
During the recent strike of the steel workers, finding; myself ready to col
lapse and fenrllifr 11 recurrence of my former trouble, I returned to my former
friend, Paine's celery compound, and alrcudy am feeling more vigorous and
able to meet and discharge tho duties cf my olllee.
Yours truly. T. .T. SHAFFKR, President.
Much so-called overwork of business men Is the overwork of worry, care,
anxiety, haute. These make the severest drafts on their vitality. Those who
suffer from nervous debility, mental depression, sleeplessness, or dyspepsia,
lind Paine's celery compound 11 powerful restorative. It regulates the liver
and kidneys, cleanses tin- blood, and feeds the nerves and nerve centers all
over the body. Hecovory from diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach by
tlie aid of Paine si celery compound is lasting. It is the greatest of all modern
restorative agents.
Paine's celery compound is prescribed by physicians who differ in many
other things, but agree In estlmuttng highly this greatest of remedies for curing
diseases of the kidneys, rheumatism, gout, dyspepsia, Hrlght's disease and
stomach disorders due to u deranged nervous system.
mostly fl','uns of animal-, and mine of th"in
have been drawn with striking lonectnesi. In
the Hist cave, at i.-ombirclhs (Porde-irneJ. (he
lUures are drawn with a deiplv em;ravid line
and are vlqoious in execution. They ini hide the
mammiiioth, nind-ir and other iminiils pxlfml
in Frame. In tile second caxe. at Konl-de-(jamuc,
not far from the fotmir, lilai I; llu.-i me
Usui, and Mimetlui'.s tlie whole animal is) piimcd
bhiik. fuiiniiur 11 silhouette. Ited oulne is also
Used in tlie tigim-s, vhiih are f-onu times four
feet loin;. .Miny of the liuine -lie i..xcnd witli
a .stiln-mlte deposit, whhh often lea. Ilea .111 null
in tlikl.uo.-:.
Telephoning to the Hospice of St.
Mr. John W. (lite-, of the fnito.1 Mates Nri
torpoiatloii, tills a story about a minds of hid
who went into (lie Alps last siimintr, The
Klcctrical World. "My friind beiran the as-out
to tlie ho-piie of M. Hern ml," said Mr. dates.
"When .ilmut an hour's climb from the pass lie
was stopped bv 11 deiw fosr. lie walled clco.sil
ly, (iectlnir to be ri-iued by the do, and so
lie able to come bail, to us with a tbrillni,'
story. The dons ili.l not ionic, howexer, and the
foic partly lifud, so he icsunicd his illiuli and
finally arrlvisl at the ho-plce. where he vvs .vcl
coined warmly b.v tlie brothers. lib Hist ques
tion was;
" 'Why did 0U not wild the d"Ss out in ?o
damreiciH a fi.''
"He ncirly dropp"d fiom hi' chair when one of
the brothers sahl:
' 'Vim did not telephone us.'
"-rchphone jou?' he cjaculiled.
" 'Ves,' xx .m the answer. 'Vein see, sheltctj,
hue been built all ulrnsf the cliniti, und
shelter has licen piovuled with .1 tcli'i hone. II a
fojf iome up, all one his to do i-i to u to tl'
nearest sheltir and telephone. We imnicdialely
send a man and do; to that shelter. Tlie do-r
carries liri.ul, cheesa and wine. As xve know at
Just what shelter the 1 limber Ls, no time U lost
in looking for him.' "
Mr. Cites saxs Ills friend was so dlsjrustcd with
bavins his rmnintli' notions knocked in the head
that he left SvvlU.'iland at once.
Bridge Building in India.
An Iaiclish IhIiIbc builder with ex-perience of
life in fiidl-i. Kixeh nn Intciesiins nccount of tho
wapes of codie and other caste men who haxe
to he drawn upon for a xvoikunr fmre in rivet
ine:. skilled wotkmen belnir xory scarce. It i.p-
pears that all sorts and co-idltlons of men aie
impressed into the work, xvithont coasldeiation
of their pieiioiLS oceuiations. Wheiea a blaili
smith is always a blacksmith in lndh, and the
man bin 11 to a earpenter-tainer toiiows uu- ir.eie
of lii.s (vaient, in rixvtini; anv cx-to ma.x be
diavxn upon. Accordinsly there nre sometimes
milkmen, butlers, Kiriltiicn, and cxen outcasts
impres-ed into ihislni: Ihe livets ill the sexeial
rnimbiis of bridges, but the Kimlisli IjiI'Iko
builder afoiemuitioned fa.vs that xeiy diastle
methods are practiced to make capible xvoik
men out of the nuterlal at hand. The pry foi
the head rlvetir I.s about 30 cents 1 dav; for tlie
holder-oil, HI nuts. Thej duve ton 1-Inch livets
a dav, sexen divs lu the xvcik, with no extra
pn for r-iindiy, nnd often tiny an- on scillolds
m'i feet from the itrmind lu a toniperature of
11.", in tlie shade; In the sun il Is so hot that a
man cannot hold his baud on the lion.
Archeological Dlscoveiy of Stone
liengo. A Milking ill-coxer.x Ikoii nnde ilinlui; ex
cnxutiuiM whlih weio to laise one ot
Ihe monoliths In tin- finious piehlMmle 1,10.111
at Mntivliiiiitc-, In Vilthlic. Into on iiprl-lil po
sition. Tin- nun iniriKiil in the xvoik have
foiitnl nimurous molltliii' linpleimiits, xxlil'li
had i-xidinllj been ti-cd In (iittini; and sipiiilm;
the Monea, and, whin blunted, had bun turned
Into Ihe beihhnir on whlih the stones an- sup
polled. The iliscoxiry Is held to proxe that the
unlipio spec-Ucle if Monihini,'!' i anterior 10 Iho
llroue aire and the stiucliire" still Xislhlc
was intalily built biloie lWi II. C.
The Lost "Leonids."
Compaiatlvilv fivv oh'frxirs cxpeclid that lh
"Leonids" ni klnmlliij; slu- showers would appeir
lu .my lotishhralile nunilurs lids yen, and, then.
fine, little siiprlse will lie o.xprififcd lit their till
me. The (ait copious showirsof lids nulior
swarm toimuly rciiuud ut Ktlod.s of about 11
thlid of a centiti-, and notaldy In ln.11, war
ranted the Ki'iicial ixpeitalloii thai they would
.iKilu fall in the wine tueasiire in the xears lstci
and 1!0 but It now .-.nuts obvious tint cither
iho mnlrils ot the svv.-iuu has been i-xliauitcil or
thlt it has Imm kh iou-ly nlleitul h.x p-'ituiba.
lions of oiler bulhj. At I'll cunts It Is In bo
lisrettul, for Iho spectacle if teas of tlinisimU
of 'Vlmoiliu Hals" iKvi-iiuhnsr like,
end billliant lu silvery cxaneseiiie,', Is welt woith
xvaitinj; lor, bcsldis the oppnrtuultii'j it allords
lot (In- extension of sclenlllh- knovvlulue.
II will be iimimlHinl the "lionlds" ale
for Iho most put tiny puthles 01 lo.nile uiiltt-r,
levolxini; iihout the sun, and In no nn.-e mi
l.uled with the 1 en-ti li.nleii l.i.i, whicli is -ll an
liiiini'ii-e illstancc, but oe "radiant lioinl" of
the su.iiiii M.mplv lupp.' is I have tint Inipos
Ins; si ir turnip foi Its baek.-rouiid. ll is quite
posdble tlie svvaiiu l the ihhiu ot .1 oi.
inleitr.iled imihI, oihc cui foi a peilod, but .if-terv.-aid
loU to xlcvv. If its Ihlil.esl poilhius
hive been dlveitul by planelaiy attiaclloui,
we due not hope for .1 loiuihhmc if touniir
atltactlon which would hi in;,' thun ak'Jin 1 our
xlsloii, but xve 11MI' exii'iisc patlimu until ull
otlul 1 omit filler and dua) by the wax,
lit I IT..
'Ihe litoM iutlueiillal ol all viltues ate tlioss'
whlih aie the most In ivouesl foi diilv u-e.
'liny wear the bct ut'd lat the loiiKmt. Nip !
line x ii lues, whlih ale above Ihe Miudjrd of
common nun. max o-ily bo mimes cf datuir and
temptation. If a man h to stand creel, il must
I KJSKmfcJtJs MK1:k
be by his own cirorls; for he can not be kept
piopHil up liy the help of otheri. To tie truth
fulfill, to he iiintcnt, to he bent voient, tu.iv tie
common xirtues, hut their lustre i.s as th
brightness of pure cold. l.'arl r-eiler, M. 1).
Mr. I'red Hind has iKsiied Iho foliowinc notiel
to the p-itrntis of the sobs, rlptioti icuitrl:
"iimii. pal sv.Mi'iiii.vv onrin:.sTii.
".Vianton, l'a., Pee. M, IKil.
"lu anuouncmir the sieonil of mv strics of thirl
eonecrts for the si.ison of PMI-OJ, 1 deem it
prop, r to thank my friends ami pation.s for their
liberal support and cn onraKement clxcn on tle
ini.isioii of tlie .N'nrdli 1 loiuerl. Meh mppiit
nnkes it,ic to ftiiuie the xery best arli-t!
and attintioiis oiliied in tin- musical line. As r
tesiilt, Ser.iulou is fast beei'iiiinr; one of tin
hading icnlir.s of miLsic in nierica, nnd i.s at
trailing uttentinr as smb. I . 1 the second ion
cert I have the plca-tuc of pii.-rutim; the in-lly
celebratcl Kmi! Paur S.vmphony orchestra of New
York, an organization wliiili stands very IiIrIi
in the cstitnition ot musical iriliis, and whom
coiuirls In New ork and other larue utiej
durinir the pre-s nt .seanou luxe created the mos,
faxorahle tmptcssione The on he-tra xvtll hi by Mlsrf lilccla fiitford, s-opiano, and Mr,
Arthur llm inn in, pianist, two xery talented art
ists xxho have been will rccci'.ed xxherever they
have appeared. On this oteasiou I have decidrd
to give the entertainment undrr the nuspieni
and for the bcinht or the Yomijr Women's ( hris.
tlau as-oeiation, of hcriiuton, it most xvoilhy in
stitution, nnd one xvhhli his not heretofore c nine
befoie the public under Mich auspices. 'II1I1
concert xxill be gixc-u at the new Armory ot
Mondey cxcuiiur, J.,n. hi, VM2, and 1 trust tin
same nenerous suppoit i;iven me xvlll be niiord
ed the Younir Women's Christian association on
this occasion. "Fred C. Hand."
Amonir the important and ple.isinir miblca!
events of the xveel: xxill be the testimonial con
cert fc'licn at ht. Themis' CoIIcru hall fnr M!sj
Sadie Ihlwaids, of Xew York, a former Scr.intoi
miisielan. Mis.s Kdvvards, xxlm iiossises a rlei
contralto xoice, xvas formerly a pupil of Dr.
Mason, of Wilkes-Hart c, but for Home time pisl
has In en studjlni? In New York. The pruKiaminj
nn Mond-iy nik'lit will be (riven undtr the diiei
tlon of Prof. Ilayden Ilvans. Tlie many friend!
of Mi-s Kdvvards will no doubt bIvi' substantial
exideme of their interest in her xvork on Mondaj
1'rojri.iminc-m.iLin!,' is an art, and the selec
tions should be placed so as to piesent contrast
and at the same time they should be in hit many
with each other. The interest of the audience
must be consulted.
,: 11 ll
liy common njioit the (Tiristmas cantatj
Klxeii at the Kim fail; church, under the dim
tlon of J. T. Watkhis, Is the best excr rIxch
by the Sunday sihool. The sinmni,- and actlnir ol
the thihhen xvas a i;i iiiiuiit surprise to ull, Mr.
W.ilhlns piovlug himself to be an ai tor of na
mean uhllity.
:i 'i 11
Mrs. fteoigo lluisihil, a cifted singer, boil
in t-oluinbiL, Ohio, died on Nov. 7 In London,
Hie xvas the wife of Ihe famous fleorRe Ilcnnclit-I
couduclor, lompo-cr, teacher and singir.
II ll II
.1. T. Watklns will be out of (own next xviek,
,-Utindini; (he Wvouiuu County Teaiheis' inslb
tnii', where he is to diuct the music, III? repm
lath, 11 as dlrectoi or iiunIc al institutes ll
spriadirn; over tlie slate, many new counties lm
iim' oil 1 led him.
r 11 '
One beeome.s .1 singer by devrlopltui
eifl-i of musle and xoice, xxhleh aie Ids, by and
IhroiiRli everything which in ikes him able !
cx-press himself, It is not tho school, the teaen
cr or method which makes thy great nlngcr. II
is the man himself,
!l II II
Mailing out with (he .New YMr J. T. W'atklni
will h.ixe tw-o wiiletles to conduit and mo'l
of his time takm up with pupils, auionr; whin
.tie many ptoiuisliig sluijcis.
Children's Humor.
John Ixindilck- limes I.s of the opinion IhiJ
the llm si Iminor lrc(ucntly diops imrouscioit'l,'
(lorn (he 11k4 of childhood. As nn Illustration u
tho idea, ho tills (Ids stoiy:
"lli-niixfeix, toimuly foienian of tho lliiald'i
lomposlng room, had a litllo ilauglitct, win;
" '.Xl.unnia, xvhat ure tlm slarsi'
"Tin- M.ns, my ihild, aie the Aiitfi-l (labilfl'i
limps. Kveiy iduhl lit twilight Ihe angil Hit's 1,111
cf the gain of I'iridUe with a toich and Hn'ill
all the slais." ' '
"On the pillowing cxenlng a stotni diikcn.'i
tho hc.m-in -ind Ihe lightning zigzagged ijeios
the fuo of the sk.v, 'ihe ihlhl 1 111 to her tnothe.
" 'Mainuii, I think the mi-rel is going to 1IU
Ids lamps iiuxv,'
" 'Why do xou think so, my duvhtiri
' 'l,i,m-e he Is 'stilkin,- Ids matihis on thi
kv,' " -New link Times.
He Meant the Other Biped.
A man nine tmixed as it piccut from a n
captain a line specimen of the bltd known a
the "liughlng Jjikav.," As he xva cirijiug t
home he met a brawny liish naxxy, who stopiut
"I'hwat kind of bund is thai, slir?" atkci
the man.
"Tint's a laughing jackl",'- rxphineil tin
ovvnt-i', genlilly.
ihe IrUhman, thinking he wis loin? made fu'
of, xvasiipial in the occasion, and rc-ponded, wit
.1 twinkle of Ihe c.xp:
'lt' not xirn-H-lt's the burrd I mane, cir.'
Spate Moments.
r '