-(Uf Hi '. rt .j ,!; '! JjfJ-.'; X 41 '(I V THE KC'K ANTON THI KUNH-SATnMUVi DKCUMttElt 28, 1001'. 3 1: 'H ", NO MORE HARDSHIPS IN ALASKA TRAVEL C. W. Fulton Talks in an Interesting Wan About His Trip to That Far-Awau Part of Uncle Sam's Domain The Great Cities of the West. '. W. Fulton, who llllS .IllSt lutllNIC'l f l Mill ii trip to Alaska, In one of tlic most Interesting men-to be tnot with .lust now, If you rait meet him ill Ins leisure. Ho vvus not contpnt to merely "have n look" lit things oncounteriil on IiIh Journey, but took the time uml trouble to stop, look and listen, when ever he mine, ueross anything worth while. This, coupled with the fuel Unit he cim tell u story Interestlnglv, nuike.-i h couple ot hours of his company Jui t now it pleasurable and prolltublc period. lie went out by way of the Lacka wanna uml the Lake Shore to Chicago anil on the Mtltilliglou frrnn liil ngo to Ueiiver, thence In Seat tle on the I'uloii r.ieltle ami Northern I'acllle: from Seattle lo .Skagway by the I'acllle Coast Steam ship lotnpany's line, anil trom -ikitgwa:. to While Horse, on the Vukun river, by way of the new one hundred and eleven mile railroad over White Pass, Mo turning from Spiilllc. he swims; down to Salt Lake anil enjoyed the ride ovr the Denver anil Mlo (irande. one of th most picturesque railroad routes in the world. Metut-niug from Denver o Rci-anton via the Muiilngtou and the 1'enusylvnnla. Making a total trip of 10,000 miles over the best inuiuiged loads In the country without the slightest accident. On the v,iy out, he stopped for ulx da.-s at Yellowstone park. and also spent several days along the ('oluinbl.i liver In Oregon. The entire Journey ot about 10,000 miles was made with ii-s much comfort as one can possibly enjoy going from Scranton to New York. Ills Journey was practically a '.imo-inlle straightaway trip through t'nlted Slates territory. It made Mr. Fulton realize, he says, that these t'nitcd States are somewhat of a broml son of place. Things That Impressed Him. The stage trip through Yellowstone Park, the glaciers of Alaska and tin; Moyal Goige on the Itio Oiande weie the three things that Impressed him most, but there was scarcely a mile he covered but what revealed some thing tending to prove the oft-repeated assertion that American travelers need not go abroad to tlnd Intercstinc; sight-. Mr. Fulton was very much pleased with the six-day stage trip through the Yellowstone Park, with its geyseis, canons and beautifully-colored rock formations. The grand canon. Hire.'' miles long, a mile wide and II 000 teet deep, with Its walls of solid rock of every color of the rainbow, vox a truly inspiring sight. All the animals anil birds of the park, bear. deer, buffalo, elk, wild geese and the like have become so tuuie, by rea son of the prohibition against molest ing them, that they are perfectly tame. Hear come to the back yards of the hotels for their meals quite as regular!. as do llie guests to tne (lining room Deer and geese feeding at the vvaysiil" were not disturbed by the passage of ihe tourists' wagons. The story told in the radium! guld" books and repeated by travelers, in the effect that trout can be caught in the Yellowstone lake and cooked in a hot water geyser within the length of ,i tlshlng rod from the lake shore, Is vouched lor by Mr. Fulton. A troiil, utter being cleaned was iuimer.-ed In the hot water pool, and In time minutes was ready for the table. t himself held the watch. Progressive Cities. The extreme northwestern stale have many Interesting and progress! v titles, Mr. Fulton says. Hutt", Mom., for Instance, is novel for a total want of trees or shrubbery of any kind, the poisonous gases from the smelters be ing fntul to nearly every form of vege table life. Spokane is noted for its line residences, being the home of many retired mine owners. Seattle seems to lie the most progressive city on the Paclilc coast and has a great future. It gets most of the shipping bushier to Alaska. Tacoma, Portland and other i itles on Ihe sound are doing an Immense bus' ncss In grain and lumber. Steel ship.', bound for all purts of the Orient, an) among the most interestrng sights of ihe water front. The kind of timber pioduced In thU country Is best Illustrated by an liul ileut coming under Mr. Fulton's per sonal observation. While at Ynm Oli ver, B. -., a reception to the Duke and Duchess of Vol It was given at the Vancouver National pari;. The pail; commissioner drove out to meet the royal party nnd near the gate backel his vvugon an team Into the hollow trunk of a tiee to wait their coining The Uuke had his photographer take a picture of the sight. The trip fiom Seattle to .si-ugwuy Is Hindu ulnio.it wholly on a laud-locked sen. For six hours of the voyage only, Is the ship affected by the roll of the ocean. This is In ciosslng ihe two sounds. Theie Is no more danger of sen-sleUne.ss than there Is on a trip 10 Coney Island from New York Like a Great Long Bay, It Is like sailing In a great, long bay filled with Islands. An Inteiestlng fea ture of the navigation on this route Is thnt the pilots make use of the echo nnd the shadow of the coast lauge of mountains, on very dark nights In keep them on the pioper course. To make use of the echo the gong is blown illd tlio time that elapses before the echo returns can be used In an ac curate calculation of the distance from adore Tho Treadwell gold mines at Juneau, Mr, Fulton says, Is one or the wealth iest properties In the woild. The quartz Is quarried after the manner of quarry ing stone on the West .Mountain. Doug Ins isluud, wlie jo the mine Is located, Is a mountain of gold, mid the Tread scull company owns It all. It is leu Titles long, from two to thiee miles ,vdo mid half a mile high. The lead )r vein, now being worked, is flOO feel u-ross mid the uolso from the stumps ,s so great that the mill employes can 'oinmunlcate with one another only by ilgns. A gold brick containing $:'.", 000 .vortll of precious yellow was exhibited So Mr. Fulton as a pan of one day's un, .Salmon (lulling Is becoming a live In- lustry of tho Alaskan coast. So pica Jful are the llsh that white salmon sell lor a tent apiece mid the led for fi cents to ID cents apiece, ul the can neries Whales on the Alaskan const me as common us culm piles hi Scranton, One large spotiter rose lo the surface with in twenty feet of the steamer, A light between a whale nliil it sword Msh In one of the Alaskan harbors was a novel spectacle. Mr Fulton watched for an hour and a half. The whale was vanquished. On a Glacier. Mr. Fulton spent three bonis on a glacier a half mile wide. ."U0 feet deep, and no one knows how long. The lee Is of a very dark blue and has many beautiful formations. It moves ill in ches a day and empties Into Glacier bay, that is large pieces bleak olT with the noise of heavy cannoding and go sailing to the south to be eventually melted by the sun and the Japan cur rent. The r.iihiMtl from Skagway to White Horse, is one of the most wonderful pieces of engineering in ihe woild, Mr. Fulton says. From sea level at Skag way to the summit of While Pass is only twenty miles, bill the iiillw.ty in that distance reaches an altitude of ::,00l) feet. On the other side of the mountain the sea is .',0nn miles away. The fare on this mad lor one way Is WO for the one bundled and cl-ven miles, Mr. Fulton's i oushi. Airied Williams. Is ihlef engineer of the load. Mr. Fulton got a nass. It's a good load lo have free trauspori.it ion over. On the return trip, Mr. Fulton counted the passengers. There wen two hundred of them. Kach. supposed ly, paid S20 fare, making ?l,iiiin for the run of 111 miles. The mpei luieiident of the load stated tbal the iiiuip.iuy liguies on a freight ear loaded with mixed ipereliaudlse to earn M.Mll) a trip. Nine (,us are run in each train. The completion of tills road hilled i la tow n of DyLa, which was i i- original gateway in the Klondike. The people nui oiii-. u-ii tuur nouses, nut ul--o their household fill nllllie. The lost in' j transpui tatlon was nt gic.u thai il would noi pay lo lake along i.nyihini bulky. Theie an- dishes still Ivi'ng on tables In the de-cried houses or Dye.i. The imvn has not a simile luhublt.ui: ami Is visited only (Kiasionall.v hy some wanik-iing Indian. Potatoes Expousive. The i.iptain of llie steamer told All. Fiillon that in die spring or 1M) ho was importuned to sell som, of h's provlsons io a parly of Klondlkers, ' who had been living on (milieu good,' all winiei. He agreed to dispose of a , bushel ol poiatoes and a irate of orange-.. He was offered and accepted ; llllv iciiN aplice for them, and lie potaloes weie gone llrst. .- I lu the same spiing, an eiilei prlsln j j mail took seven ions ol potatoes to Hie Klondike and sold ihein for n I dollar u potato, On ihe ship with Mr. I Fulton was a woman who was takln-r i I'm) live chickens to Dawson. She bought them for l'.'i cents upleie m Seattle, paid :il..-,il freight m Skau'- way, 7N tor freighting them over the While Pass mid .M) for having them cariied down the Yukon to Dawson The average pi Ice of eggs is :: a dozen in Dawson. This woman paid xii for two windows, sashes and glass i.i Skagway. The irelghi on th-in was VX-.M. A sad sight In Skagway ts the ceme lery, with Its hundreds of giaves of victims of the Willie Pass, bifore Un ralhimd was built. Hundreds of other Victims sllll lie in Up. s.iow, wnere lliey fell ehiiusieil i'ioiii siarvaflou anil cold. I'ontrar.v in the geneml lnipie.sson, llie region about Dawson glows soni" very line vegetables. The summer ( only three months lomi. hut tin sun shines continually during these thr, e months, and Ihe giowih of vut-etntloii Is verj, lapld. Uase ball Is played in inldiilghl and photographs can be taken anv hour of the day or nlghl, Refrigerators Unnoceasary, No relilgeniiors are needed in Daw son, The town Is built mi it Kliulul foriuuiloii nnd In the suniin-i time, wncu u is uesiieii 10 preserve provl--ions by refiiger.it lou, Ii Is only neens sury to place ihein in a hole cut In the ground. In the placer diggings, final Is stllj eueoiinteieil, although some i-f ' I'scavailons have it.ached u depih l.'i) feel. The ground has lo be thawed before miy digging can in done, Perforated hale pipes, three or four feet lu lenaih me sunk Into tho giound at short Intervals am! to ihe top of them is attached hose, cmryliig steam. One day the ground Is thawed uud the next day powerful strean-.n lioin lori-o pipes washes It Into tho slulcuvvuys. The Indians of Alaska, Air. Fulton was bin-prised to learn, are not a low, Indolent people, as many supposed, Most of them mo lalily well-to-do, and many ot them have made big fortunes, Dawson Charley, the Indian who dis covered gold at Dawson, has a wlnlei home lu ftilitornlu, and his childieit me -icnt lo the states to school, ito has a w hite governess for his llve-year-old daughter, and pays her S100 a week. Ills eldest daughter In uiniiipd lo it white inaii, Her father gave her u s in.ooo dowry. The I'oimuou i in-ienty of the whole Alaskan country is gold diwt or tiiiu gets, according to the chill niier of the mining of the locality. 1-Jvor.v slme has scales for weighing Ihe nictul, It hi lugs from !' lo $li! un ounce, according lo Us fineness. An ounce of gold worth $! will buy it dollar's worth less of goods than can be bought for cash. Mr. Ful ton saw a tlilrtv-iilne ounce ntiugel of gold at one of the stores In White lloise. Salmon Industry. The salmon Industry on the Alaskan coast Is quite extensive. Mr. Fulton says, hut it Is small as compared with that of the I'oluinblii liver. The cutchen this year on the ('nlllinbhi me so heavy that canncrs are lefuslug them al any price. Oregoli hi a heavily wooded state and has copious rains. This year It has excessively heavy precipitation, As a consequence, the liver has been a Hood unit Its fresh water has been foiced far out Into Ihe ocean. The salmon net n taste of the Iresh 'water mid follow It Into the mouth of the river tiud then up llie stream. The schools ate so thick thai It is possible to catch the fish by scooping tlu-Mi out of the win r vvilh wheels, attached to the float ol scows or rigged on piers jutting out into the water. These wheels lesemble the paddle wheels of an old-fashioned .Mis sissippi boal. extending the whole width of the vessel, and having blades that form pockets between each of the radiating arms. The llsh swim into these pin kets. are lilted out of the water am! east upon the deck. Mr. Ful ton saw a freight ear being loaded vvilh i holco frozen salmon, and was sur prised to learn they weie being sent lo Copenhagen, Denmmk. via New York. This one linn ships about sevenl.v -live ears a season. Mr. Fulton was in the northwest at the time of the shooting of Picsideiit McKinle.v. He saw Indians and hall breeds lioin the Hitter Hoot its-rva- lion, in .Montana, tiding lil'ly milts dally to secure bulletins of the -ne.-i-detits condition. Holds Him in Esteem. The west holds Pivldenl Moosrvell In ihe highest esteem. Mr. Fulton says, lie is regarded as a western man, be cause of his extended residence theie, aim me inicrnnces. oi nis nisi niesrage on the reclaiming of in id lands w.in es pecially i oiomenilalile in the westerners- eyes. ('leal pn p. nations at-- being made b.v ilregoniaii for llie enisiiion al I'mi l.iud In liKC, to lelebr.ite the .inniver saiy of tilt- l.-wls ami fiat!; expedition lo thai region, Air. Fulton is highly en thusiastic ovei Ihe hemitv and pi aspect.-, of tin- upper I'acllle i o.im. espe 1 1, illy the ( Itles ul' Seattle, Tacoma and I'm Hand. He Is espe, iallv i-nlhushiMle i,.r Loi Lslev Hall, in Sen Ml.l... il.n piliuip.il oe.icli i-,-Mirl ot that lountry. It N lk'H nulls t'loni J'onlmid bj tail and lias a beach eighteen mil s long that N unsurpassed (-, bathin:;. The Japan stieain makes bathing al ibis place possible the year loiiuil. Air. Fulton says Peiiusylv.iiii.ms inn be found almost anywheie. It secl-.ei In-possible to gel so far away that one iiiiiuot find students and an ageiicv fS-5-S '4 V of the Intel luulonnl Col IvslioudeiK e si liools of Hits city Al Mallard, near Seattle Air Fulton visited Ali'f A. II, lladhelil, t forinei resl lent ol Si ruiiion. tier son is en gaged in llie milling business I here and Is veiy piosperous. Ml. Fiillon says the whole western loimiry is in u very piorfperous condi tion. The last two iiiouihs of Air. l-'ul-lon's dip was spent In Colorado, look lug after Interests In thai state, LADIES SYMPHONY OHCHESTBA Will Be Heard nt tho Hifih School Next Tliuvfaday. Tin- Muslim Ladles' Symphony or ihesira will appear al llie High school uudiiorluni next Thursday evening. ,1. iiitmry -J, as llie fourth number of iho High school lourse. The ouheMrn Is composed of twenty young ladles, with Frank W. AleKce as conductor and Carl Cinine as basso. The oicliesira ranks an one of iho best lu the luuuli.v. They have been greeted hi very large uudl-ence.-i wheiever lliey have appealed, and are very highly embused. Air. AIcKee, the conductor, had charge of the liar.i Sehuiniinu orchestra ihe List year of Its hlsiorj. and then the best part of that orchestia came with Air. AIcKee mid milled with llie best half ot llie Moston Symphony orchestra, taking the name of the hitler, mid for tliicu yea is he has led this nu best ra thiough unprece dented touis, The ladles' gowns are said to be ex (Itilhlie, and luken altogether the or cbedtia gives one of the best musical eiilerluiuiiiciits before the public today. The diagr.iiu will open at Powell's music store on .Mommy mornini;. DUNM0JO0K WAS THE FIHE OP INCENDIARY ORIGINS. rire oniclnls Believe Tlmt It Wns nnd Have Caused tho Arrest of the Wife and Mother of Monlza nnd Also of Joseph Calf old n. Bom-dor in tho rlacc This Is the Plnco in Which Officer Golden Wtt3 Shot Two Years Ago. As n result of the Invesllgilllous made into ihe origin of the llie on Thursday morning at the Moulza hotel on Chestnut stieel, the wife and moth er or the proprietor ami a boarder, Joseph Caironl. were last night eoin mllleil to Jail b.v Hurgess litirschcll, charged Willi arson. Tills is the same plai e III wlih ll OlII cer Thomas Golden was shot about two years ago by Tony l.ongo, who wns never appleliendeil. The lire occurred iibolll ." o'clock on Thin sduy morning, hut was extin guished without much damage being done. When act lug chief, L. P. Wert, looked the premises over, he found ev ery evidence of liueiiillarlsm. The car pet in one room had been afire In about a dozen places and had bei n plentifully saturated with kerosene. In other rooms the bedding was found In the same condition, The proprietor was not in the house at the I'me, having spent the day previous In Plllslon. Kviilelice was given as to the condi tion of the premises by L. P. Weit, William Hcckm.in. John Schullz and J T. O'Nell, The deleild. lilts d- I'ied the charge and atleniptpil l" explain-the piesenee of tli" oil by laying it on the dog as it weie. saving that the dog must have tipped over the lamp, but imfortunate lv the tin man found no lamp when they looked over the place in their .-t-aii Ii for tin- cause. I'.uigess Ihir.-vhell allowed the two women lo go under $J,000 ball, fur nished by Vito'Gerarilo until 10 o'clock today, v.hen they will be committed to the county Jail. A sad feature of the case Is that Airs. Aloulza has an lul'.inl child thai will be motherless during her confinement In jail. Christmas Exercises. The Christinas exeicises of the Pies b.v terian Sunday school weie held last night and wen- hugely attended. The church had been attractively decorated for the occasion and presented a very prelly appearance. An nltiactive mus ical programme was icnder-d which bad been carefully prepared under the liadershlp or choirmaster Perry who imfoi tunutely was unable to be pies eiii last nlghl on account of Illness. A specially enjoyable feature of the exercises was ihe work of the boys' or chestra vvhli h has uinuv times been a pleasing I'eatllie oT musical afl.ilrs herctofoie Fhsl .Methodist episcopal ihunh. ltev. Charles Ilein.v Newing, paslor Services at llljill ami 7.110 p. in., Sun dav -lll I in- thiid qumterly meet ing, love feast. !'..',0 and ( oinmtniinn at the morning soivlcc Sunday school at -.:;0 p. in.: evening prayer sen ice, at fi.:'0 ocloi k. The pastor vv il preach In the evening, subject: "Itespoasibil ity of Knowledge" Tuesday evening will b" walch-night service, i iimmeui' ing at !l.::il o'clock. This service will be very interc-ting and helpful to all th.U attend. Tripp Avenue 1'iesb.v leri.iu church Pleaching holh morning and evening by Ihe Paslor .1. O Dahney. Alornlug topic: "Lessons Learned from the Is raelites," evening- topic: "You must lie Horn Again." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All aie welioine. Dumiliile Pie,hyt"i Inn church, llev. W. P. rilblioiis. paslor Service al JD.S0 a m. and ".Ml p. in. Aloriilug subject: "All Tiling-' NeW." livening subject; "Abiding in Cliri-l." Sunday school at lU o'clock. Cliil.stiu.i- i-M-rcIse.-. of the Sunday school of SI. .Mark's Episcopal i-hurcli will b- held in llie parish house this evening. Albert fb pier of Duuinoie and .Miss nrirmle Luui.v. of Chinch .h-enue, Will' UUlP-'l 111 ll'irilage on Tillll Silll.V afteinnoii at e-t Pitlston hv Itev W D. Foi i-.-st They returned In the 1 Ity In the evening and wen teuedi-ied a recep tion at the home of the hrldo's mother, A'lr.-, Caudace Cillery They luive coinineuced housekeeping at :;jn Ituller street. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. KMeusdvc alleiallons me being made lu the Interior of the ildd Fellows building .store loom preparing to Its being occupied b.v II. I ; Spencer, Jan uary 1. CI. W. 11. Allen Is Indisposed at his home 011 Dudley street. Pi oL J. ft. Seior, wife ami daughter of Wilkes. Mario and All.-s ,otln Lucas of Florence. N. J ,iv .spending Ihe holidays with the Itev. mul Airs. Charles Newing. al the Methodist Kplseopul parsonage. Air. mid .Mis. licorge Antss leMirned to their home in Philadelphia, yester day, utter a vlsli of several weeks with lelnilvcs lu town. Miss Anna While of llawley and Lois Hiullh of Carboiidule are guests of tileiuls In town. GREEN RIDGE. Airs, Chillies Chaiuberlaln. of Kings ton, is visiting at the home of her father, Itev. J, W. Howell, of tlrcen Ulilge stieet. A pleasant mid iucn-htug fealuro of the ( 'Illiniums fcslivltle of Asbury is now selling on its quality its real worth. When you smoked your first one, it was out of curiosity, just to try them; but now every man who has smoked a Cubanola (5 cent cigar) n o to s that it is the cigar that 5 cents will 4 ffi&fSt Eoaa f 9 m ij Altihodisl Episcopal church took tilace Wednesday evening, when, at the close of the other exeicises, L. F. Bower. In behalf of the Sabbath school, in an elo quent speech, presented David C. Sew iiid with a sot of P.edputh's "History of tin- Crcat Millers of Mankind," consist ing of eight large volumes. Mr. Sew ard was completely surprised, but re sponded In it happy manner, thanking the school .for th"Ir beautiful gift, which, he nssuieil them, he would nl wa.vs count among his choicest posses sion. He lias been an ollieer or teacher lu the Sunday school since its oigau Iv.alion, twenty-live years ago. and the presentation was made to show the .school's appreiiatlon of his talthful ness and Ken I In the church work. L. D. Wall, of Pieslon Center, was a liieeu Midge visitor yesterday. '. M. I loud, of Dickson avenue, re lumed yesterday lioin Newark. N. J., when- he spent 1 in istm.is. Alls. Fred Warner, of W.voming ave nue, is visiting friends at Muff.tlo. The uniform rank of Columbus 10111 maudery. No. "V., Knights of Alalia, el't'i eted a permanent organization last night by the election of T. 15. Jackson, chairman, and W. C, Vought, secre tary. A resolution was oifered admit ting to membership any one who is a Knight of Alalia. They respectfully in vite any Knight of Malta to Join the new uullonn rank, rue next meeting will be held 111 .Masonic hall. l.'.V! Dick son avenue, January 1. Ileieafter Co lumbus conuiiandery will meet at l.'.V! Dickson avenue, Wednesday evenings, instead of Thursday evenings at Net tlelnn's hall, llrecu Midge street. Co lumbus coiiun.indery conferred llie black tic gi re lust Thursday evening, 1 The flrceu Midge Maptisl church was I filled Inst evening with 11 happy throng, 'gatheted to celebrate the Chllstmns , festival of the Sunday school. N. Ii, Ci.n ictl. supeilntendenl of the school, pieslded over the exercls-'s, and the candy box fheplace, which seems lo be Santa Clans' favorite place of abode In ' C.reen Midge this year, ginceil llie pin t- r.11-111 ilio-ln.r the PMllv nill'l of llie el'ell- 1 : " ,-- ' , , , , , , , lllg anil was 101 11 now 0, uiick o,v oiich, and sea limed among the sehol.iis later. A charming little cmilala, entitled "Tho Mevolt of Santa f kills." was given lu a veiy delightful manner by members ot ihe sihool, mid fiom llrst to last ihe evening's eulciiulninenl was gieally eiijojed by those present. The Sunday school looms of the (Jieen Midge Prcsbyleiiail chill ell were lllled lasi evening with members mid friends ul' llie school, who had gathered to en Joy Hie Christmas nntortitlnuient. The piogi amnio consisted of musical selec tions by Messrs, Wlllard and Lallard, of New York city, nnd several humor ous selections by All, Howe, the popular Impersonator, of Piltston, At the close of this, the members or the school weio invited to the parlors, where candy and oranges weie ilisli United union"; the stiiolais. THE NEXT GRAND JURY, Will Bo Cnliod Together on Monday January 0, The itt-M grand Jury will incut Mon thly. January ii, 1U0.'. District Attorney Levis has adopted the following- sys tem for lulling cases before the grand jury. Wherein the surname of the piosietilur toniiueiiies with the letter A, It, c, U or i: will bo called Alou iluy, Jauiiia-y 1!. F, IS. II, I, J or K Tuesday, January 7; L, M, N, O, p or ti Wednesday January 8; M. S mid w licit- the chief of police of Scranton appeals as prosecutor, Thursday, Jun wiry !. T. F, V, W. N, Y or 7. Friday, .laiiu.a y ID. All cases will be called at the be.;in nlnv ol' the morning sessions lu the ni thr above described, and upon full 1110 of llie prosecutor to answer upon the date named the catca will be ills- pOiCl' Oi, All III rffn 109 Franklin lull. Anne, ubanola Scent Cigar B e c a u s e it Hand Made avana Made by the American Cigar Co. A" Theatrical. TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I.V( III Al '"Mil I'imi-i Ilf-tiilli) Hit- 'II101 .Vlliruoou .mil nmlit. At'VDIIVIV (iilii liuiluii ruinp-iii.t. noon .aid niqlil. sl'.Mt hi-. W.itiiiN .ml "-..ill, ioutiai trinona .mil nilit. fl,i- The Power Behind the Thione.'' Milili.-il lloll.1i.1l In- liciii -1 in In-ii- -1 vi id tunc- in "IIh- I'iihi'i li.'liiml lln 'II1111111." .aid i-uli liin,- tin .ithliiiMi-- ii-i-iii in Kie.i l.nr,tr .enl mini- iiilliii-i.i-tii. T.1-1 nliilii tlicic w.i. inn .1 v.u.aa .-in in tin- l.tmmi .nnl uina I1.11! in i.nul. 'the -11, It ul - -1 be 1'iiucl It Mini I lie 'I lirohc" i- -111111;,' .ant 1 i Ii in 1i1.1ih.1i1, Hlailimi-. It it .1 -lull lli.it 1,,'1,1-i 1 In nu-c 1111111--1 u( i'i,' .null. I'M" II 1,111 till. -(. I,f l.. , ui l j in c-ilil lis liiul fill. Ml-- I I'.I I.kk! ij- .-iiie:li l.i-l iimhl in llie Kile ul Vim. Mm- lu- cb'-i' id il ninnili-. n, i.arnil -nnl.i .nnl -Ino- In 1 ln-l .1 ppc.n j m c !ici ,-li.i- iiuiilii-il In-i inlei pn t iliuii la iiiiui i,f t hi llllir.lt!' lit. It- lui)i Ins in tlui. ii In 1.1I 1011 uhlili iln iniitli ti ili-i n-i- llie on, .nli-li- .mil tu i.iE-1- .my io1i .id.ivi- tin- tuniiiiunel.it i-. In tint iilt-.ir llilnl .nt -In- in nit- 1 fine liieiii, inn List niL.li!. 'Iliicu.liiiiii -In 'l i.v- I In- uii wall ill., (liniliutlni; iimim- .mil In 1 slioni; - t nf with llw Dm lu 1 hj llin iniii- i'IiiiUm- In 1 i,ii?,.tin nt e. Iln- iiiiiii.iii.i- i- .1 j.nui one. Tin- lit'jiitlliil l.illi.m NuiiN -till , 1.1,1, 1 lie iuli ul llie linli,--i uilh lint- i-lbti .aij Wiijilit V, l.miiinii )u i 1-1I I11111-1 U .1 inu-i .i(((-iliilili- Ii-mIIiil; nun liv liu "ink in in- mil- ut 11.11,111 Iti'ii.ild Vim Hull. 11. lulu-. Iln' I'mvci- lltlilnil tin- 'limine" mil ln iiii-.iir'il Iln- .ifiiinuoii mul aula. Mi-.- Illill.lll.l ii I.D1V ll'll.-.llMllj; , i i, lll.l, III. It .-lt( l-VIK-ll- til lllt 1,11 111 lult Ul,, I I(1m tif tin- jiu-cnt M-i-dii, slic h.i- lit tn 11 lit.a-iii'4: Ii liu the lid lliiii- mi l. nnl lei innl.t .ml tli.it "In- liclltits ln- ha a Mtiiifiln; Iln- iiuhlli will like, .it l'-.i-l niii.illi .1- will .is "'Mil' I'um-i lie I1I111I tin- i In (Hie.-- Her lull- will In- th.ii ni ,1 .miiii'U U.iliin uiil J i'i (.ill- tin high iiinn-ili- IS Hell .11 .1 Hhlo Ull'jl' lif I'lll'ltiullll WOlk. Glbney-Hoeffler Company. 'Iln- Vi.iiI'iii; IliN mvk hi- iluiic .1 h-cuiil. IncjkliiK liii.iui'.- uilli 1 In' (illinrt-llui'ltlci 1 mil ium, Vc-li uI.i.i'm pi itiiiiiiJIitt- ,i".i!n iui 1114 iliiuil.. ul.ii wci,' hiulih i'iilii.iliii'il la- "i:,i-i I.i '" . 1 ul "Tin' ( lit Ul oi the UI11." 'llie ieii- piliy linlil- the liiulil I, i'li Ml tin; I'll. Ill'-- I'm IuiI.ii'n 111.11I1111' "liu MiihH in .1 IIjiiimhh" t'. Ill hi- Ihe I'll), .mil 101 luiiislii, "I'llint- el I. in.," .1 plji 011 Hie mild- of "l,i Pili'iiil iroin liulli." TIih ititui'Ui h.i- 111 nit- .1 hie iniii-i'--inn lifir .mil will nliilii in the iirw fui-iic mil) in-ii 1)1.1.1). ..ml ijii'l.nilli'. Appeals to the Heait. I'lj.tH'.l M lli'lll lilt' nl -l.ixi- I , H Hill.- Illll .ll' it-.ll tu lilt- hull. 'I'lie-i' Imhl ihrii ti(e ue(i tlin-i' ul j mm e Hit inn- I. ml aie toigotifii. 'Ilils I llie 1 viieilt'liii- nf P.111I1I siill! new pliy, ''liu- I'lii-li l'iic-1," a lie.iiuiliil irit'Ulluii nf lilt- In IVnii-.Wl.'lii.i. -i'jllicr UI..1I111." ,i iltitti'tl liv Mi, -11II.1 H j 1I111.11 li-i llin liiuii-, -the ilitu'-l lliltlr.l. lie i-i eit'i I'livom Willi In. khiili.i Mil .mil Inviiiu mutt-, lie i will) .mil I1111110111IH nnl .it I Inn'' 1,'iinill.r lentltt. lie ole'iub nu 111..11'- tiiiil. Inn ichmI- .1 l.n lug kith llul tlt-liulil-. "Nilllf" i ln iilt'ti-, Iiii-o hue .ill. 111 u .0 lll.l linli.liif, Inn whit Ii li'iniln.ili- lilJtllv ul Ij-i. Itltr 'bin" 14 .1 in nil t 1I111.11I11. lull ul liuiit',1 tiiill.no .ili'l .1 l))l(-.il K'ilfMlilJliii uf hii 1 I.i.-. Oilier 1h.11 iiti-i- .111- .14 iulim. Mm i.ii iiill he iii'-ii:ti'il Jl tin- l.tiumi In-vl ilj nlijlii. Mini- "Our Now Minister," n mil, die llul will Mlit-lv lill eiio "Jl in Hit- l.iii-imi will I"' in uilciii iii-.e en in vi Ini tial u'-nlii-,", wlit it IK'inniii 'I'lioinp'Oli'., I.ilt.,1 iu . 1 t'M, "iitir New Mliililn," will luic Us In-r plt-i'litiilloli lucalli. It I- now in lu m'ioihI icai, ami pii.nil-ci tu lulltiw ilo-;-l the i.inn ut ii pinhic nr. "liu- "I'I Ih'iii'.tcjil." uul l ii.ii imly .1 lual. Inn -tnneililnir vihlili ,1 uiluits in: the sUKi Mt-ni'i anil Iln lil'.'iil. urn. 1,011 to Miii ilj.v life ill .in.v iiiijI Nin MiigUiel 1 oniiii.nill.i. Il l lull nt liilt'ii, ami I- .1 liil in htnnaii n.iliui- lijieli-ni-il lu liu- IJKf- it will he ;l-.'li Willi 1pr11.1l I'l-aiitlnil iinei jml In an i-xn-n liunilh -Oi'ii'i iiiuipiii.t, pininliiiiil ji.iuhk whom uu: Ji'lin 'lull-. I'luilt, Me.iiiuii, .Inhn lliiku, llciny II. Mutt, .lotni 1', lluwn, .Jo-t I'll Coll.MH, I'll j 1 j 1ji ami Mm. 1,1'iiiki- W. It it im-1. i;,loil" Lwinis, ilau-jlilti v( Allvine) P, Ik l.wmU, wliu ID fin U wiioiesaie TonacGomsis n IbUI) DilliSO! U best buy. 1 s Filler ilk I -11 well known In s-u.inlon society, is a tnomhiir ut I he i)ini.m.t. "The Village Postmaster." ''Ihe V ill.ise I'ostnii.lci," whitli mmes tn ihe l.tKiint on New V.e.11- .ilirinoon .nut uIkIiI. h.i- .1 (li-tini t v.d.ie i'iiiliiciiiti'iit uf it- 1n1.1l .it ino-iiliite .aid it- "le.ill'.ni" in Ihe ituttt-r of Ililc-Iiiii1,' ni.ii I11110-. Iii riot), .nnl lirniii's: .ip pit- nor.--. Tint value lies uil u ul.lilv in ,1 -lui,i uf -1 111 lint nt noil .-h.iii instinct, logk.ill.c inel li. 1111. ilii. illy wuikctl uul. The lone nt it i- litis .mil lint'. Il ii iiiiii.il wiihtuil ini'.ii liliH-'. "Hit- YiIIiki- l'ti-lini-ti'i" r.m fui 22T nichl" in New Viik nntl 1-", nlithts in t IiTt.io. ,uu H withuiit (liiuhl one of the im.-l -nice fill rw I jr.il mil it.i.-. etri- jnoihufil. V toniplctf .mtl nin-t elliifht- )n mini thin of this nuiv taiiunis il 11 will In- uhi'ii In-ie. Cirlii'iil- of -ipiiriy .nnl im ieit ie-aii-curled loi El, .mil Ihe rninpn-.v nin Ikic will inihnh' 111 111.1 uf Iln- in ii; I nil ta-t. Aubiey Stock Company. 'Ilic Anhic.i Mci k lonip.in.v tli.it i- 1 icatini" .-.'I iniith l.ilk tliion-iliiiiil Iln- in'iiiiiy us I hi- tlon- e-t itpnloiit- ti'iiip.ai.i platiiu al 10, -.0 .uul HO (nits, will he hocn licie in .1 (liiTirrnt. pl.ij .ic even' iei iiiun.iiii e. I.'at h ant ciny piniliictiuii that thi.v ptespni is pioilm eil with -pedal miii- rv : Ihe pel Im 111 1111 1.- aw- all artblh anil tfni plib, anil t Mr- artlnK toiiip.iny i- .1 ut of run I'veelleiiie, seliloui --it'll in repc'ttniic. 'flic com pan.i will appeal ut iln- At-.iilelii- lie-it week, pii'-,ntiiiK tin- liillmvliig lept-ittiirc: Jloinliy iiiuhi. "In tin- l'aliic of tin- Cai"; T111-1I.1 iil-flit, "Mt'ii'-.v Vlnl": VVi-ilnt.-ihy nlclii, "Hull's Wjtiil": 'llniii.ilay hikIu, "All Ilisli Aineiiiaii ( nn-lii"; I'iIJjv hIkIh, In he im. nunnieil: s.ainiljv nijjht, "l.u.-l In .New Voik." Matinees dilly, loinniiiuln; Tiip-ilaj. I'liic- im- New Year's D.1.1 Mitintp, 10, -;1 an, 'in irni-; nl-ilir, II), 20, "') -mil M (inU. DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDaED. They Weie Received by the Home fo8 the Friendless. The Home for the Friendless iir kuow'ledge with gratitude the tollnwiup; ilonaiions: lliiluiilt lo, one i.l-c loniittics; VV, II, I'ieiic, i-mlii intl.astcs ir.ul.ci-; Vll-s Zci'llci, Ijarrel ,'l Inc. 11 1, him- anil i.il.es; II. , I'iciii-, lul-liw, inriJiil-, oid potatoes ami u.icki-ix; Scamiin line., limit; Mi-. Ilcllti.i, ilnthliii;; Ml,. 1'. I.'. Tnlie.i, Kill-' mat; Vi-, ni Vh.s, .1, p, siitip.-uii, hint I piitatiu's (ll.uiiliiitoii); .Inliii William-, cut .ie ; VII ,-u-in PiikliiMin, ! mil ; Philip poeiiin, ilutli; Mi-, I.'. N. Ulll.iiil, ta-t iciisoiiiiiic; II, Iveiiili, iiii-.ii; .Innloi- Clirl-tl.hi Ciiileaini- votieti', lliiliui'iic I'm.-Ii.v 11 1I.111 ihiitih, 1 .nil u.DJ; Pun 11:01c 1 mini 11, No. piii, .Innloi' Onlir l.'nii.l Aineiiiaii Metliaiilt-, -aiiilt.liliei; 'Mist Tils sun. loll, icjilliu niattei; liieeu It I.I,;,- I h.i pel kliiilu-K.illi-11, Kiuuili-4 .mil Pi,italile4J im 11.1111P, m pall inilli'li-i S. I". Meore, lnt.nl. bun-, .mtl ph"! Mr-. Ik M, Uc.H'.i, 1 loililng; Mr'. Minim llin, iloililic- .ii"l unit, ii-.tdliig- iiuiter, U'or lioll; Ml-. I . II. Minl-ji, iliillilliili Ml. Sheiwln, ll'i-i-11. i Vi-. W. Ii. Jc up, 11., iIiiIIiIhk; .Mh. iiii n.'l Mini-. 1 lotliiug; Mi .1, V, ll.ni-, i.hitliln;:; Mis, ,lui (,'ilHll. .-I., rllilis ,i, Ic.lllllll,' lll.ltK'l, li- W, .1. Ucl-li, I'lotlimii: it-ailing mallei. filtinl; .Mi-. Van llhni-oni, 1 lothlmr aiel lei; Mi-, 101,1 Meiiili'lil, ii-jiliuir liuiliT! Ml-, T. II. lie lllnlotk, iImicis; Mjjtn Mccs ll.avc.i, ilntliini; ill-, lili-ll slianitir, hihei ihjIMi; William 1 'i. ncll, luiicl Kiiin; llev, l', S, llallcntlni, leaiiinj niittei; tlenif-r -v Zidllii, ta-e hein,j .1, II. Wil, ll.llli- ,,' Hit)., tpuiillti il ln', -Mini" ill.; Mi' llaiilnalon, nilttciii; Ik M. liliie, Iwn il.icn 1,11 1 li'itlal,e; J.iikm stieil lliptl.l i-'miili, ii iiah; Mr J. T. II. Iloi'il I Win 'I. II. pil . i.ikc- ami il.n mi-; Ml,. Will in ni liteuir, 1 1-I1 anil tltiii-tlinul-; Ml. W. Walsun, akl'a; .Ml-. II, Ii, llniiik-, iniliie-: Mil. Sii j, l.tJli'l, ,srsil'-. Mis. V. I'. ImiiihiI.i, laki-; T. I'. Well-, lulu I lli'lll--, Mi(. Mi line. Mi-. I.eaineiil ami Ml,. I.ciilui-llmi-j, ihowiliOw; Mr. Pill. iiuiiit) ul ih ' HI,M llieiftl Dili'. Pmllt'y lilltlni. lU-leil lies-til, l.nt'y l.o-ali Jii'l MJI-U'iiei llH"'k, ipuuiliy tin . Ililes (kill,, loiiliihinul woik ami i..ii" mis, jlnt- i. Mil luie ,S lliuoks. tontrllm't'l -iali. si. ic ). ,-u I- win- ic i'i icil Hum 1 lie lolluniiu'i Mi', P. M. aiiilllmt. Mi-. II. M lnie, Mi,. -. I', Milllicw. Ml. Uillijlll I jiiihII MERCHANTILE APPRAISER. To Re Selected By Commissioners To day or Monday. The iiinunlssloiiers will tod,i or Mon day select a meic.iiitlle appraiser foi Ihe coming year. Thomas .Marshall of West .Scranton Is the present appraiser, lie was named by I'onnnls.sioncr Jlor rls ltibt year. It Is t'oiiimtssloncr IVniunn'n tluie now- ami It lu uuder.stood that h" will Milne Thomas I'altcu of oi pliant. g KWImmiin nil I Mwm l N0 BETTER M 8CICARll Wf,"''l't" I i V . .' ' t i
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