The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 28, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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p r The News of Carbondale.
" Delnwnre and Hudson Railroad.
.Vol emtio 21, 1'll.
' 'lnliu Inn riflinnihli' nl ill "IHIm ! foi-
"tVi sirililmi nmt WllUfi tliru i. Oil, T ml, 00.
Uimii, mm, ii.ji it in. i wo. m. f"' n '"
C Oil, 7 (nl, 10 01, II 0) p in . , ...
s Iiy tulin Ioim- nl l, II il n i" I ' '"
i! w, r, ,0, s iw )i in .. . ..,,
hi Ul.nn. Miiitniti. M.hiIimI. '"," N"N
,1 iniliml (mints ill , "Wi ii in ' ' ''
Km winiiirl nml IIihiciIjIo. 7 li. II "' "
!'.M, II II (i HI .... i , ,
"iinilii trtlin lone WMviiint nml llrinin
, nl 0"0. in.! 1,11 l in ,,, ...,P
rrulm nitlvc ul riilwiiilflli' limn x "u.'. iA -S
mil smiitun iw ii1Iiivi VI, F IT. l''! ". '
.. in . 1217, 2 Oil. 111,4 2'' line. "01. "i '
31 7 Ii in.: 2 IIS i, in ,.
' iitwlir ImIik iirilic nl l '7 i in. 1'10' ' "'
4 S. (121, It 0 i in ,,.,,
niuli Inln. nnhr nt mlinnliti how ww
inirl mil llnm1ili nl 2 17 nml "" I1 "',
New Yoik, Ontaiio and Westein.
'opt 17, KKll.
IriliH Kni" ( nlionilili for '(r.inton it 7 0) a.
In . I no i m.
niili" trunt it 7 00i. in I 000 p in
train i 1imc Cirlmiul'li' tot liliH inl nl
11 in i. :ii On smliv it 'i Hi 1 I" 1"""
Iritiin; nt 11 10 n. in. mitI. ihv mil 'I Pi i '
MitiiliM null iiimiiillnm fur Now Vuil.. torn-
"'" "'
In'iiH iirlti limn Sainton nl II. 10 a in : f 10
P in . fr, in point-, nnrtli. 4.00 p in "iini'
fiom Sainton .it V 10 I In mil 7 4i p n i
Iioni Clilinii at 0 Oil p in
Eiie Railroad.
.lime J I. 1-101
IruiK 1 no t it v oUtloti, Ciuliowhlc Oily
Ovcipt SimliO nt 7 0(11 in mill 1 p in Iw
Pi irult nml Niiirvili, it "li i in. ilJlh ("
upHiiir Mniili), lor IllnUiiiiilnii Wilms oti
npillins for Not iuik eltj .nml llutriln, unl it
0 10 p m foi l-iiiiit('liilina, in iMiu cntinictlona
fm uiMirn point,,
sntnlij trilm nt 'Ml 1 in foi Sinniirinniii,
Willi cu-tun (munition, ami d J7 p in, itli
Mini' i oniin tinni
Irjlm jrrlie It " "! a tn mul ." I" p in.
SiiihIi.i .it S 5J n in
Mouining Ovei the Death of the
Foui Victims of the Outniio &
Westein Wieck.
Tin' .iwtttl titiROilv Unit . i'ii it I'll
on lite Ontiulo anil AVesU'tn i.illio.ul
jcsUidity i.i'-l It-- '-ImOdow oci Cii-
llOllllulc, foi till- lOtll liM'S '.111111(011
cic kIcii Iiv tendinis nf thN i Itv,
uion Mho weio well Known anil 10
spoi toil thiuiiKhditt the loniiniinlty. 'J ln
lll'WS WHS tolloWLll b .1 llL'IMi sloii (if
-pliits anil the late ol Iho nion who
(lldl at tholr post', was a "-ad loph of
(Mm ns;oii
Alohln AVIiitliiK was iln dUli t uf tin
loin. Ho lcsiilud at J." Can.ian sttoi'l,
with his wlfo ami one il.iiiKhtii. Mi
AVhltlns is In pooi health and tho
miiiow of lifi iitlliitlon is all the mine
hciw. Mi. AVIiitiiif; -vras bom in Xe
Yen U stito about llih tj-lho M'iiis iiko
mil i,inu in this iitv nlinut ton mmii
i!,(i and was omplocd foi that KmikIiI
ol time on tho Ontinio and "Westein.
Cliules A. Mill, ml, the fiienian, w.i
i (inspii nous anions the Minn,; men o1
Hit town. Hi1 was a M'tuali ol th
Hi.inisli-Anu i it an wai, haln eiillsttd
in tln TIili tcontli iciiutnt. somIuk In
('ompanv P until nuisteietl mi' Slnio
then be was- tmplo(il on tin- Ontailo
mil Wisiein. lie is suiit 1 liv his
wife, who wns Ms Ualtle Whetij, ami
an liit.uil Kill He was l!ti jenis nt a(;e.
His iiaitnls, Mi. and Mm Janus Mll
latil, of l-'b iieliuonl sticot, and the iol
IowIiik slsteis and biotheis also sin -le
JIis Leon V Siolt. Hessie, Mu
tle. ileitiude and Jim Mllltutl, all of
. PntikK Dulfy, the middle biakdiiau.
was tlie ion of Mi. and Mis. Midiael
Dulfy, ii family liifjlih esteemed anions
tlioli lieitjhboi s- on (he Y-.t Sldet
About six months nuo, lie f-eeu; til woi.t
on the Ontatio and Westein 1'ilot to
ilint time he wns a Imi tendei in ' Zip"
Hell's itistautant, on Main stiett. Hi
hail a host ot ft , mis. IJufi. was
about "I eats of ago anil was uiiniai
lied. Iticlinid Tllidd, was i! i,us ot am
and unman led. He wai ihe son ot Mr.
and Mis Thomas ttudd, of Ptompton
who wtie tot moi icsidcnts ol ('aibon
dalo. He lied with his lnotlier,
Thomas Hudd, on Helmiiiil stieei. Onl"
a month .iro, he went to wotU on tlie
Oniaiio and Westein. Vtioi to thnt
time he woiUed about the anl o,
the Delawaie tind Hudson.
Xonu ol tin bodifs was urtived ir
this eltv, the tlnee that weie leeoveietl,
Millntd, Dultv and limlil, having been
laUen to "Mlddletow n. X. V to he ii,'
jiaied tor bin ml. Thtie was u biy
tiowd at Hie I oVlool; Ontailo it nI
AVestein tialn, e)et tin!? to ietele the
bodies of tlie tlnee men. but it was dU
npiiotntdl. Tlie bodies nre ep(tlid to
loathed the t Itv toduv.
"WliltltiK's bodv hud not Ik en n inv
ited up to late last nlKht. It is biuiitl
11111101' the one liundioil tons vvoIkIu n,'
Ihe lototnotive and must be teulbiy
t iuhed.
"The Powei Behind the Tin one"
Gieeted with Big Audience.
An mullein c Hint tilled tlie (Hand to
the (loots, pave an entlinsiastlt jrioot
Inpr tn Mlldiod Holland hint nlKht. when
slteappoaied In "The J'ovver Hohlnd the
Tliione," tho i)ay In wliidi Mio hax won
ninny a nlumph .since It was hiagcd, a
llltlo mot u tlian n ji'itc. Tltu pleie was
Kten in Cut Immlule, when II uindo tlie
piotoiiml iinpiesslnn Hint wan the
ineanH of attiartltiB the ciovvded liniiho
of last nlBht. The moiuot ol the i otu
tdy and pathos, the beautiful home Hie
of Alia (Minn Holland), the ionium o
Unit maiktil hot ouui; Hie, lltiKeied in
tho minds of CuihotulallaiiH and liny
won; timer to fiieet Miss Holland ah
they dirt last evenlnvr Tito CMelleuie
of lust season Is also due ol UiIh vuu'h
pioiluitlon, and Ihe iMitluiMluhlk audl
enie bespoUe Hull appteilutiou in
iiuiiiL'iouK i in tain tails, Tlie fuiipoit
Iiib loinpanv Is splendid, the aiies
miiIiih aie, as usual, toluplele In eveiy
detail: ill slant, ikiIIiIiik: wis linking tn
iniiKe a fiiilslitil pei tin main e
As related in IoiikIIi In uunthei ml
iinin in tills ilep.utiutut, this Is .MIsm
Holland's laiowell In 'The I'owti lie.
iliul tho Tin one '
Miss HlUu I'toi lor Otis, who appeal ul
lii'te Cluisiiuas, aunouiKes, in ionium .
Hon with lai iiinnuM'i, Pt.iuK 1. (lood
innn, that she will bIvo an elahotale
diamatlc piodiieilou next sun-on ol Do
Layi's "Mcssalllia," Iliu stoty in vvhlih
L'alve, tho lyilc sotiB-blid. will he In aid
a this Loiintiy for tho (list ilnje with
Mautlio fitau's Metlopolltuii llptta
;oiniany, New YmK.
Diiectors Evening
Tho poor dliectoiH met lot a shoit
tlino last ewnluer and uniKiatnlatud
tliemselvea upon the saliiB in okIuih
they have made this jear In Kinipail
von with (he ouleta (-Ivou b the poor
(lltet'iois of last voitr. In coiupiitlinr
Ihe ntnlll of lust eiir wltlt litis voni's
the illteetois Unit that they have paid
out 1,000 lo's In oulois (Itaii ihe luM.
boiinl, The ditectoiH then piissed on
sevi'tal bills und adjottt m d,
Eitneial of Thomas Powdeily.
The lemalus of the late Thomas l'ow
dell.v wote laid nt test In (hell last test
ItiB pline In St, Hone temeleiv .M'slei
dav mot nltiK. Tlie lai bo t oiieotttse of
ft lends who lollowed Hie leinalns was
testimony to the lespeil and rstfent In
which the dot eased was held hv all who
ldiew 111 tl t The (Oltt'KO loll the lute
home of the du eased ul 'l 10 o'clock and
pioi'ioded to St. Itose li ill t li, wluie a
mass of ieitilem wns uiib ovei tho
bodv bv llev. (leoiBc liKon
The tmll-beniois ueto Maittlte and
('hallos Mi rutin, Jose ph Loll us, Jo
soph and John t'owdiilv and .James
Moonev, of I'lttHton. The llower-cat-ilots
weie James niiBBun and MUhail
MiCaun, and the liat-ianli is weie Jo
si ph Kllpntilik and lihhaid Mi ('aim.
The otit-ol-tow n pi oplo piisent weie.
Hon, T V I'owdi'ilv, of Washington,
1. ('.. Mis. . Callahan and Thomas
Walsh, of New YoiK: Ml. and .Mis. T.
l'owdeilv. Mi, and Mts r. P. I'owdetlv,
MIss t'ella I'owdeih, ol S'ltaiitou; Mis.
J. Moonev and sou, ol I'lttston; Mi.
and Mis. Joints cuuiiuIiibs, ot Olv
phint, und John Mi Hale, ot Aulili.ilil
Tiinity Chuich.
The ('In Istnias inusli will be li peuttd
In Tilultv- t Inn t li on .Suudiiv moiulii';
and evenliiB. 'the lollowitiK music will
he lendeied at the ovonliu, seiviii'.
(llKan Caivonotta (iiulaid
Antht nt ' ("lit Istnias Hells"... Ilaitle't
rillte I'ltlude ttoni "DleSlelslelsln-
Kei" WiiBIl l
AllHieni "HliKhtest and Host.'
DlldliV lilliiv
Sopiano holo. . .. .Miss, Kioiuh
Flute (.1) Ciadle holiB Hiinliul
(li) fSoinaiia . . Ileiilsul
Soimino ' The Hli th of ('In 1st" Lespoli
Anthem (Simla fioin Seventeenth
Mass Moai t
OiBali Hodot's Lai bo
Miss Lvdia Salloi. sopiano. Miss
Minnie dentil, sopiano. Mi Huffcuo
Ham llulesi Mi Cliai li s Uoei sun, oi
iraus(. Ei nest Gamble's Conceit.
Hi in si tlamhlc, assisted bv riideiliK
Moi lej pianld. and Miss fliate Jon
Kins violinist save one "Til the llnost
i out cits evti heal (1 in this Itv at the
fiiand list nlBht It the thhil
nuinhei in the Sniitli-Sinati ionise of
ISukKw.iv entoilalmneiits An aiull
eni e that llllr 1 the opoia house'
Mi (.Samble and his a--soi Kites an en
thusiastic Kii'OlillB Gamble's limllifj
was suntili lie Is a spkniiiii mil
poweilul b isso and touiiil it haul to
satlsij the .ittilleiiic, soveial nunibois
bibiB le-demaiidod Miss JenKms and
Mi Moi lev weie likewise lieutih tli
ioioiI .Mi (Samble mule a dttldod hit.
and is sine to he wtleomtd on a letuin
Isll to c.u bondale
Dan Sully Tonight.
The nlvaiu e s ile foi the pi iv tonight.
The r.nish Piiesl," lias boon mm v
Iuko, and the famed Din Sull will ho
Blt( tod bv a liif,o audit lite tonight.
Mi. Sullv liis in ide .i uat suness in
Tlie Paiish Pi lest " The plav Is 1 1 mil
the lion ol Dm ITai t. of Wllkos-M n l o.
and is roiu tiled to be the best lie has
ovei wiltten
The 111. l wns 111 oillli r il 111 nil lhet.ue
i kits iii the couiitiv, .111,1 lias met with
uniU lliflt il sin i ess The i ist foi to
nitrhi Is a moti otiolli in one. . i mi ill .no
spedillv tlltdlloi the (lilts illnlti i to
'The Eleventh Houi."
'The Clovontli Houi,' u now plav in
live nils, bv the will-Know u plnv
wtiBllt. Liiuoln J (Saiboi, will be I lie
nivl oftoiins it tlie (Si mil, Momlav
It Is salil to ,i an t'Mti iHiibIv bll,ht
plav, lull ot lomtdv, p ithos, sIiuiib
situations and decant si tun v. Il i( a
plav dealing with lite in and aiound
Chii.iBO, and dtus not dopi nd unin auv
mechanical oftoots tin Its simess It
was pioiluced In ChitaBo list .inlnir,
und in ide the most cmphulli hit Hi it
has even boon in ide bv a C.utei attiao
tloil The last is stioiiB and the pit
lons ot the pliy inn looK loiwaid to a
most Intel esihih ivont at 'The Kiev -entli
A Matinee Dance.
The lit dioit be fioiial t In It will i mi
ll in t a inaliiiio d into In ISiuKc's hall
new .veai's atteinoon fioin 2 "0 until IS
o i Im It The 011111? nn n on the i luh's
momliuship mil aie well Known in
sodul (Inks, ' bev aie Hist t lass" t n
tei taint is and a laiBotiowd v 111 spt ml
a (ileasaui i,i w join's tif tot noon with
them Muslt will bo fm nlshed bv Pint.
I'll lb.
Two Accident's.
Mis, fail IUssIbuo, ot South Woin
itiB .sinet, is loulliu'il to hoi home as
tho U'sitli of lallltiB on the steiis In
1 1 mil ol he i home. Site will be utile
lo be mound iibhIii shotilv
Mis. John Cliaple,v ot OaK stud, wa'i
injiuoil In VandlliiB while sbi' was
visittllB hd diltlBlltei. Site loll down
a HIbIU ol stalls
M. E. Chinch Sei vices.
Methodist i Inn ill seivkts will h
hold .Sunday ai W. W, Walls' hall.
I'liaihlliB bv the pnstm, llev. A. V.
One nl the most pievaliin, anuovlnB
and iiltatliiB ttoublis Is UiIiIiib' Piles.
SulleilliB ones (o mil believe they t all
be illlid, beiailsn they have tiled mi
maio lomcdks Hiai tallul, it js mm
an admitted latl Hint )i, ,, ,
I'liase's oluiiiimn neci lulls and to
Iniptess upon S( t anion pcopio the uli
solute Mliet thej have, Matlhows
lltos, in o nuilioiied to liitaiantiti sat
islaction oi loiutid the pi lie puhi,
Ml. 1', J, Manlo.v, ot ,o. i,is uiui,
stud. Snanton Pa., sat r,n cIbIh
jimih I hud boon a suueiei Iinin Udi
lint plies, home iiIbIUs I lottld not
shop al all, and in hoi weathci insi
lots ol time at wotK wHi Hum, the
illtatioil was -o Bum. I tlltil tvetj.
tllillB Willi liu SUiiess until I BOt II
bos of In A. W, Chase's Olntmiiit at
Matthews Ik as' ill us; nine, :s.M LaiKa
vvalilia aeiule I ustd iatt ot the box,
und have ston iiollllUB of the tumble
sltue This lesult 1 lonsldu woildei
lid In the light of asl dloits and lall
uio lit line. It's a BH'at olntmeiii."
Di. A V. Chase's Ointment Is sold
ul Tot. a bo al do.ileis, in Hi. ,.
W. Chase Medkliiti Co, Huftalo, X. Y.
Se( that (ini li alt and slBliatme of A.
V. CliiibO, M. 1), me on eveiy paiKasc.
Cltaffof, nioinliiB at 10.30 and oveiilnt?
at T,:;o, Sunday scliooK same phuo, U
o'l'loi'k. The tut It Is control tubly soalod
and i oinmotlloiis and poisons, act its
tinned tn attend the Mclllndlst dilltdl
aie U'dik'stiil to make this their iliutoli
lioitic until the ditltoli Is ichullt, Stiatt
Kots will ho made welcome at all mh'-
li on. Contt Illinois will lieai' In mlml
Dial the dttiich diios me ntttoh In ni
leiiis mid the tieasiny needs toplon-IsltlllB,
Tlillisdnv tiftei iiiioii ut hot home, Xo,
"J Clink avouue.
Two (lavs htfoie Clillstmns Mis.
Lininott Bave blitlt lo twins and In her
woakeut'd (ondlilon olher (oinpllfa
eatlolis set In mill she slowlj silllK. A
toustiltatlou ol doi'tois was held but
without sticics.
The (loooased was hot it In Cornwall,
IhiBlaud, In 1 Stlil, and tcmovod to this
(Itv with her patents In IsiSS In ISSfi
she became the wife ol John Hlllinoll.
Die oast d was a nieuihei of the Pltst
Metliodlst i:ilsioial dllll ill uml b.v
hoi m.iiiv in Is of ihailtv ami Kindness
won a wide (it do of ft lends, She Is
sin vlv od hv her husband and iIbIH
dilldieii: Joseph, Sella, tlatllel. ISov,
l'"lovd, Hinest, Plot. i mul mi Inl'imt
son five ilavs old. Her maiden name
was llaulet A. Aithtir, and lioi pni
onls, Mi. and Mis. Thomas Aithitr,
tt'slde III this dtv. She Is sinvived bv
six biotheis mul live slsteis ns follows:
Chin lei II.. Thomas, Xeul (!.. Fiank
und Samuel At Hun of this dtv. and
William Ai Hint of Xcw OtaiiBC X.
J.: Mis, v. Ait liur. .Mis. Allied lhn
niott, and M's Illla Aithtii of this
dtv; Mis. Saiuui 1 Collins ot Pioinn
ton, and Mis. A L lUudldi, oL Xcw
OiailBe. V. J. The fiiueial stivlies
will ho londuelcd Sanda.v bv lte A
P. C'liafiee at hi late home at -' !n
o't lot K. Inltimoul will bo m ide in
Maili wood ii'iiii'li i v.
At Baptist Chuich.
At the HeiiMi. Kiptlst ihuiib on
iiiuuliiv moi iiinB, the nien's meetlnr
will be in (hair.c "1 ' . Xivoi At
the ov culnsr spivk,., th(. pasun will
lominue his stiles ol s, i molls on un
dent t.vpos ol model n men Ills suli
iiil will be "I'i'IK, Hi" Piotiasilna
tor "
Wai Veteians Will Meet.
'Ilnie will be a moetiiiB ol "Minnls'.'
Auiei hau veteians and all honoiablv
disdiaiBod solilius who enlisted in lllis
win. al Mltdiell Hose tonipanv -i
bulldiiiB. al s o'cloi K tonlBhl. to taK
atlion t,n the tkalh ol the late chat lis
A. M lllai il
Chi istnias Reunion.
Mi F A. Tallinan and tamilv, of Old
Ciubo, and Mis c ,. Wildonoi. of
IlitnloiK ( ut'K, spent ( 'In Istnias with
Hieii molhei, Mis. H J Tal' if
17 Highland stieit Mi Talhnan aid
tamilv will i etui n home on 'lluusilav
nioining and Mis Wildonoi will spend
i lew weeks with hei uiothoi
Going to Olyphant.
Lelantl, a,ietl ' ei.s and i, nionlli-.
puade In Olv pliant this ev tiling A
fall iiniki the atispkes of a Ihe toiii
pmv fiom th it plaie is liehiK lit Ul
Tho Coltimhl is will be t lit li Biitsts foi
the ev tiling
Death of a Child.
I.olanil, aged L' and sis. mouths
on ol runeial Diiettot and Mis jc. A.
Vuiple. ol Ten ate stuet, died al 11 ,0
o'tlotK last night runt ml uiinouiut
meiit lalot.
The nitmbfis of the .Iiiiuvn Hovs'
hi cade have boon m ide bI id it this
I'hiislni is siason bv a i hei K lot fill,
whii h his been lilntid in the hinds of
the bilgulo duipl iln llev M H.
Tlioinpsoii, bv lilsliliinl Mi I. II Mo
Kiiinon, ol llullalo The gem ions glvei
spidlied simpiv tint Mi Thompson
should use Ids own jiidmnent in using
the luoni'V tin the kooiI of tlie bilgade
It will puibiblv be used tvtlittlillv to
ln the ion! ol the hill, but pan oi It
i an Hist be advanted to puidia'e iml
fm nis for bovs wiio Intend to lemiin In
the In Igade tin at li ast oae veal The
bovs will have tliell lOBUlallv wieKK
1 1 III this i veiling al 7 o'i lot K In lhiti i -pilse
hall All bovs of piopoi age, who
will obi v ouk is, ki t p Hie pledge
against lliiuor, tobuto mil swelling1,
und pav the wnKlv dm of live unts,
aie Invlti ,1 to loin.
Uavid It MoiBin, of Mnh.tnov Citv,
fin nut Iv ol I'.iilioudule, his litiii up.
pointed Inside fou man at the (ilouwonil
shaft, and it Is mmoied the itillieiv,
Willi il bus lit c n Idle im the n ist s
months, will again b" put in opeiatlon
the 111 J-t ol the vi al.
Miss Oaiihui u tialniil muse lunn
the Caibondale HmeiBeniv hospiml Is
tun slug .Jut ol Hllli i, who was so m -ousl.v
In III! d vi stt ul.ij
The staintil glass window In the
Metliodlst Hpisi op il diliu II. whkh was
btoken bv jostiulavs implosion, was
the gilt ol Mis John .leinivn, while the
one btokt ii in .St. Janus i lunch was tho
Bill ol Mi .leinivn. botli being me
mo! la Is
Hiin.v Pi'iin.v ot West Mavlleld, was
tuKeii smldt nl.v III TliuiMluy ulghl
.Mis. John Tom ho, ot 1Mb( l ton. wns
polsoni d Tlillisdnv bv eiiliutr i mined
I i 1 Her i omlltlou Im a time was eiulte
soiious, uuill lollevdl b.v a ph.vHlcian
t'lo.vd Hiintoi w, lotuinod iioinXm
Willi, X. V, whoio he npi nt Clll Istnias,
liev Miivuuid I! Thotuiisou will
puadi In the ilaptist (bun It totuoiiow
ev oiling on "nnoinoil to Heath Vet
UlosMd of Hod "
Jte M H lllltl ol the Methodist
l.plsiopul i Inn oil, has In en sulleiiiiu
f l out nil attaiK ol Hie gllp the (last lew'
.Miss Hhtlui Tiotiwnv. ol Pai.Mins, s
spendlUB Hie holldu.v as the guest ot
.Miss Nellie lloiiiulv, of Wisi MaMleld,
AuioiiB tlio-,o wlio v It-lii il the San oil
Ileal t lull last nveulUBWas llev. I'Vlhoi
L.vuoti, ol Kingston, foimoil.v pastoi of
Hie dumb, who was waiml.v Bti'dul,
The euti ilalunaut last evonlnr was n
violin and piano solo b.s .Miss Hauiiali
.iiiih,v ami Miss Sadie Timlin, a mii
solo b Miss Kale .Mtlioveiu, a piano
solo bv .Miss Sadie Timlin, and a Inn
moniia solo, b.v IIiihj I'luslu, all ot
whldi vvue oi utdltablv i unload
mid minh uijo.vitl The lair was again
laigd.v attendeil
Miss Nidio Itouuil, ol Caiboiidale Is
Ha Blast ot Miss MadiliiH' llmdliK. of
SkoiuI sin 1 1
I'lillstiiins oM'ttlsts ol Hu .Mttluiillsl
Sliiula hi html was held ClnlHlmas eve
The i hua h was pietllly dediuiltd lot
the oi'iaiiloii with eveigieens ovei
the iLUtii! of the plntfoun IiiiiikIiik a
laige gilt star mid on tho kit stood a
handsome I'liilKtmas tiee deioiated
with pop.uiiu and tlnad muauifiils,
and loaded with many gilts mi Hie
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method and beneficial
citouU of the well known remedy,
Svitiu or Fjob, manufactured by tho
Camfoiinia 1'ici Hvnui' Co., lllustrato
tliovtiliteof (ihtnlnltiB the liiiuid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative, and nrusentlng'
them in tho form most refreshing" to tho
t.isto and ueuenlablu lo the b,v, Btem. It
is tho one perfect HtreiiifthoiiiiiB IttMi
tive, cleansing- tliu .svsteni effoutnally,
dispellliiB' colds, headaches and fevcM
gently yet promptly and enabling-onu
to overcotno habit u al constipation per
manontly. Its perfect fieedom fioin
every objcctioiinblo quality and sub
stance, und its aotlncr on the kidneys,
liver and bovvuts, wilhout, woakennifr
or irritating- them, make it the ideal
In tho process uf manufacturing- flg'
aie used, ns thoy arc pleasant to tho
taste, but tho incelicinat qualities of tho
remedy oro obtained from sennnand
other aromatic plants, by :i method
known to tho Camfohnia I"m Svnur
Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial
cifccis and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full nameof theCompany
printed on the front of every packngc.
rorEalcbynll Druggists I'rlccMa.perbottlo.
si hola is and teatlitis u, v. (1 H.
1'itntlie was picseutod vvltli a hand
tome uinlntll i fiom lib mis. MissAu
BUst.i Mllloi was also pi i stilted with
a beautiful gold handled uinbitlla fiom
the Suudiiv sehool. tor hoi faithful sei
vito", and a bible (lldlonaiv and a
i indlo fiom Pair. Millei. An attiattlve
pi obi. inline, entitled. Oood Tidings or
( Jov" was well tallied out undei
the supei v Ision of Pi of Miller.
Mi. Fiod Van Hiunt, of Xew YoiK,
Is sptnillng the holldavs with his p.u
ints, Mi. and Mis. c P. Van Hi lint
Mi and Mis Kmine'ilv and d itiglUi r,
Lou, of Sti mulshing, aie spending1 the
holldavs with li it nils hete
Mi .uul Mis Wallace Swaits spent
Chi islmas at tho home of the fennel's
slstei, Mis II H. Do Pew
Mis Hoiaee Jones entei tallied hei
untie, Mi ("ieoige Ogdon, of Italia la.
X. Y and slsteis. Mis litoek Wiloo
and Maiv rSoiini, of Soianton. on
Ml mil Mis Milton Clown, of Cast
Hiugoi, aie visiting1 lelatlvts in town
Miss IMith Widnell and nophev . Au
Mistinc Chaiiibei kiln, of 'i'Iioi li'ieist.
weie Biiests of the loiniei's slstei, Mts
r.iniile niowii, Clristmis
Jisse (iiiidiiei, a siudtnt ot Ceavtt
Colli'BO, is ill at the home of his p.u -tuts.
Mi and Mis t. R rjaidnei
Mis MiCutdi hi. of vavnint, is a
guest at the pal sun ibo
Mi md Mis O M. Hull sive a
"cousin putv' at thoii lesldenee in
liiakelv last evening. About foitv
lelitivt's weio pieseut and a dellBhtlitl
time was spent in voial and insiiumen
tal seloi tions and lelallng1 old time in
cidents t midnight a delii ious
luiithion vas sei veil
The nieiulnis ol St ("Stoigt's mission
attended the CluNimis lestival in St
Luke's pulsj house in Sd anton I .st
'Ihe annual installation or the Klngs
binv Lodge, Xo 4Gti, rue. mil Anepted
Masons, was in Id in tin it looms in
'swtenev s ball lust evening1 The fol
low lug: ollieeis wtie eleited. Wotship
lul iiiasiei V I. Xotlhup, sonloi wui
ilen C W Housei , lunioi waaleii Ild
v aid Hv.ins ji , tioasuiei, nlmei Ua
Kln. suudaiv II, It Mntibewson, iei
leseututlve to gland lodge, O. (S. Joins;
tiusltes, PianK Williams, p. v Rlinp
son and Ciitlltli Jones Aftti the in
stillation a tin kev suppi i vvas sitvtd
and a "oi I il time en loved bv the inem
b. is
J unts Mi Nh ul was tialnfullv in
llinil 111 Xo J minis slunilv ittti he
big m woiK M'sti iduv mm nlng. A
huge iiiei e ot loeK fell. sliiKlllK him
on the luad and bad., InHltlinB sevtial
llgl lUsli wounds, .Mi Mi Nil ol was
leinovod lo his home on Jones stuet In
the eoinpau.v's amliulaiirt wlieie Pi.
Cains Is atleiidliiB him.
The lb omen's (air , nullum h to al
ti.ul I use Ballioiliigs ovtiv i veiling1
Thl- eviuliis the pioi'ianinic will lie
as loMnvvs, Latest hi llltistnitod songs,
,1 I. Kemp, piano selection, Alls-s Ida
(Sassuti; voial solo, William I.vuolt;
ni uiilolln ami piano, Hawley and Iten
Ja mill, ouil sun .Miss Kate l Coa
liellv. The Columblil Hose i ompanv of
Caibondale will attend the fall this
Ml mid Alts. J. L. Thomas and Aliss
Nina Thomas, or .Maiathon, N Y who
have iKfii In town dinliiB the week-,
i elm nod home vistoulav.
Alva Towiisond mil with an tiuioi
Itlliale ait Ideal at the novelty winks
one day this week While oIIIiib some
niai'hlnoi.v the oil inn was i aught in
the saw, ill, iw lug his hand agalasi It
and soNoilug1 Ills thumb liislantly.
Xo moie heautltul sight Is met shown
lis by Alothei Xatlllo, however piodl
gal In hei pauoiniuii btatily of diang
Iiib M'.tsons, than sudl a one as gi ootid
as on niday iiioiiiIiik, The lain Kiadll
allv dimmed to snow In the night and
bv moiiilng oveij twig1 and bnincli was
(oveud HiliKI) with lloocy snow, iiiak
hiff a slBlu long: lo bo it'inombiad
The .Methodist i;pls(opal dun ill was
lllled to the (lotus on I'lnlslmim eve by
ppiipln who (iimo lo hoar tlie pietty
pi ogi amine ai i aimed Im the onaslon
The inusli was bilBhi and pleasing
letitailous of Hie usual duuaitei who
given with leinaikablit ablllu. Tho
dliet h) .Missis Lcoiioiii lloitioe and
c.uile I'lllioul was ispedallv appiod
iilnl Out lug the oei dsts Uov Air
WainoiK was piisontul with a bp.iull.
lul Aloills tlnili Alossis Tied AVulKei
and T. Halliy also loielvod jitosents
fiom Iheli dasses in Simday si houi
Mi mid Alts. Al IS Cliiioul tntir
inilled a number of ruosis on Alomki)
evelllllB. the Odaslou billlg tilt? Hist ail
nlveis ii) oi thoii maiilago,
llmi) Justin leluuiod liom Xew
yoik on Weiluesdii) , wheio he siieat
soveial ila.
lUmone himioll Is at the home of his
nude, Oi S H. Dndi. dm iug the boll
iln.vs All. and Alls. Sluwatl, ol Sa)ie, Pa,
aie the gui'its ol their dautshtei, Mis
C. , Men III.
tf'onilnuYil fiom Tim I 1
spt't'd was filglitrnl. It seemed as If
It had boon shot nut or a catiitou,
Voting1 Citngeiatd who was on the
tender Iiiiiik oti to the handles beside
hint with a despot ate gmsp, ovpt'ctltm
to be swept olf any minute, tn tho
middle of ait s-lllto cuive ahottt a mile
tills side of Stat light, the Ihinite ot the
looonuitlve wheel Knapped, ol al least
the enlne left the tails at this point.
The speed had not boon doci eased, but
Hoeiiad to be gaining and was "ii or ""0
miles an hour when the dot aliment
took plaio. The lesult i an he plclltied
III one's Imagination. The engine when
Il lumped, shoi aeioss the mlK and
plowed Into fat tli and turned, tlo
soilblng a lialf-diole lief me II loll
ovei on Its side Tlie full foice ot
the (tain btlilnd, of Iho
wtlglilng' L'1 oi ;,o tons, moved and
pushed tlie engine or ion tons about as
II It woio a to). When the tiasli
ceased and the fill Ious foi to or the
mad tialn was spent, llio engine was
it wtoik. Itoat'lilng liom the outer
tall It lay down the Hold. Sunken vvltli
thu eai th, It was a wall aBuinst which
the (ins iiumnod tliomsolvos with a
wild uitiosti allied lot co until nothing
leinniiutl but a mountain of dcbih.
The heavy tlmhois of btout iais weie
(lushed and splluteied like inatih
bo nils. Car t nuk.s weie piled on lop
of each other and some weie lolled
down the incline beside the ttatk. In
two or tlnee places tins weie foued
up Into the ah tor ten ot twelve feel.
The lulls on one side snapped and l lp
pod off and the luuulieds of tons of
eoal coveted the gioiiud foi soveial
toot on both sides of the tiack, II was
a pltliue of teiilble confusion and it
would make one sliutkiei as he vlewtd
the w lockage and contemplated the
falo ol the men who weie caught and
bud theli lives squeezed and (lushed
out. eltht'i between the (ins oi under
their tonlhlo weight.
Died at Their Posts.
None ol the noor im n had tlie
least tlutnoe to save themselves. 'Co
them, to lump tlueatoncd an awful
fate, foi thev lived 111 the hope that
the tialn i ouk! be checked. The on
glneoi, Hi omun and the two biakeuien
weie In this plight. The) weie foi ceil
to stick to thoii posts and theie thev
died. Condiictoi Smith and lliakeman
AValsh weie mnie foitunate The
sliced ol Hie tialn and tlie heaps ot
snow on the (.us pi evented them Horn
makiiiB anv headway So when the
clash lame thev weie onlv a lew oais
oti fiom the caboose. AVIien tlie) felt
the tats jamming and heaid the awful
noise thoy jumped Smith landed sate
lv Walsh did not line so well as his
leap was gi eater. In falling his lie id
came in contact with something that
tin f the lett scalp for soveial Inches.
His Ii rt diouldei was badl) biuisod,
Inlet feilng with must les ol hi- aims
Walsh tould not tell ho.v it bappenei).
The wittk and satilllce weie complele
belcie ho had the least dianc to leal
io what was going on The tialn loll
Po)iilelIe at (S lU. in the iiioiiiIik, and In
a low minuter it was on Its wild i nn.
tn lightning time It passed atniss hl
mind tint the tialn was iiuiiiIiib awa
and m aniitliu instant the riash time
mil he and Smith weie leaping foi
llioil lives ll was a teulble eiei lone,
and Walsh vvas ifulte unueiwd by tlie
onleal. This was the second v.ieek it
whkh he vvas taught, and Is piohubU
the last, as he tesulved )est(ida) to
( hange bis LiupIo)inont. His eailiii
( pnIonte was when a number of tais
toppled over opposite the Noithwost.
Voung Fitageiald. who had stuli a
inliai alous es(.iie bv bolug hui led iioni
Ihe engine to safety w lien the smii' li
tame, told The Tilbuuo man Hint bo
was iiighiomri almost to death dining
the wild i Ide He was alone on tho
tendei when the tialn pas-nl t'leston,
but he needed no one to wain iilni that
the nnin was limning1 away. Th
spied he s.ikl was teiiiblo. and in
speukillj, of it he sllho. 'd as he imi
toinilatod it. Whin tho engine whlsil"
sluifkid for the InaKes and the speed
giev. mad instead of lessoning, lie fell
tliat his time had tome and he gi ippi d
his hold though with little faith that ho
would e-iapo death When ho was nut
oil the engine bv the teiiiblo luiih
when it ploughed into the eaith, In
was not stunned, lie dodniod, and .n
he I iv on the giound ho was almost
luiialveil with feai at the sound of
the (us as they ciasbfl togethoi and
weie tin ii apait. He was half skk all
dav, and would not discuss his epci
idue uiilil he i oiild not tse.i)io the
impm tuultles ot his qut-uioiieis,
Soon altti the wieiKiug news fuoii
Mlddletow ii, N. Y.,"and Ma) Held Yiuil
leadied the stone, the bodies of Ali'
Ki t il. Paiild and IJttlly weie dug1 out o'
Ibe debiis and laktn lo Aliddli'towu, li
bo pi opined im Initial. The lust two
weio louiid neat theteniloi. This hut1
iiitod that llliild had onlv stai led to
set the Inakes Dully was under a
heap ot toil. All tlnee woie teal full ,
ciusheil. Whiiing wns still undoi the
engine last night ami (oiild not hi
i one aed, Poitloiis of his bodv weio
sialtdod about the wheels ol the en
gine. The now was an otni one, eveiy
mull except tlie lonductoi: none ot th
logular hands of this tiaiu came out
to make the i tin. All of the men weio
w ell-Known In Cut bondale. Whiting
lias la on on the load for )ems, AIII
lutd was eiaplo)ed lor two )eais. Uni
ty had been uinnlug for onlv sK
mouths, while fludil vvas only In seivho
two mouths, Alilltud and AVIiltlng worn
mauled and mo sutvhtd by one dill I
SupciHitcudcui It. Ii. AVIIIiams, ot the
Stimiloa division, was on Hie gioiuiil
all da), Ti utile will be open today.
The Women's Cliilstlan Tompeninie
Cnliill lield a meeting .vtstotdio altei
noon at the homo oi .Mis. John W. Hei
shlnioi Itev A, W Cooper has la en illlto 111
at his homo this weoK,
The Chilsiuias etidso-( In the Meth
odist ihuuli on Tuesday evening weie
ot a pleasing- diatadoi On WVilms.
da) evening the ,Suuda) school and
(hoirol tho H.ipllst i hui ( It gave an ill
icit sting chtiMinis piogiumim
Aliss Hlso Hums, ol Sd.intou is
visiting lu i aunt, Alts Iia Kiesgi.
William Mosk-i ot TtmKliauuotK mio
of the Him whkli has bought out c
I) I'liin und Co has moved Ids tainil)
to this pint The) aie oiiup.vug the
Clanks .Miller house aiei.'l) pun
i based bv M 11. Shi i man
linage ('mi and tamilv will move
iii'M week to Wilkes-1 la lie.
All and Alls i: (I, You -siouh, All.
ami Alls. Samuel Staiilk K, ?lss (iuue
Yon Moich Italpli and Lena Mieuimn
s(ient Chilsiuias day with lelativts in
lnii.i It im a ( of In m lag lobs one of
ninny of the Jov i ol Hie, esposes m
dallgoi, lutei lot os with iitpnclly for
usefulness, limits ability to ttaasait
business mid eui.i a living. Alanv au
nttallv nbaliiloa thoii plans, lunblllons
und 1io(iom on an, unit ol loss of boat -lug.
la Ileal Iv eveiy disc of pal Hal or
complete iloafnost time Is aaothor ft.a
tme that to many is nunc tioablevonio
than the dlllli nltv ot lug lite dl--tt
act lug head noises. Those make su li
an linpiossloti on some as lo utmost
dilve them Insaii". 'Ihe ovei lasting
buzlug, ilnging, snapplii!,. nimble or
i out, dlstiaols them bv dav and pie
vents tost at night.
Nine eases out oi ten of head noisns
and progiossiv,' baldness ot hem lug
aie due to mlai'i of the mldle ear or
the lube leading It om It to the lino it.
It should be imdoi stood and ioii
slantlv home In mind that to lestnie
the healing nifl sl'eiiie the dlstrndlng
noises ii tioutlii"iit is leqitiied that v 111
allav liillamnialimi hi the eiislailuan
tubes, i educe Ihe i iiilgostion mid swell
ing and stop the s,.tutton of minus -o
that the tubes , HI be and kiep open
for the lice p iss.ue of air into the mid
dle oar No locillv applied medicine
will olie ctuallv do tills, onlv a seal th
ing alternative and 10
solvoal will caio i.itauli in the deep
ltiesses ot the head.
Two aequaintaines ol thevviltei weie
l ti ii down and killed bv the mis la one
vim. lioth bad uitaiili or the he ul.
which had externa el up tlie eustachian
tubes, k ading uoiti the tin oat to the
middle oar. and v.oio quite ln.d ol hear
lug. In both iass the coionei s jmy
decided that thev came to theh doith
bei.mse ol lo hcu .ml hed
Alls Ch.ules Alillti lias moved hoi
household goods into the stoic whole
she has opened a contei tiotiai v and
dining loom jil ice
Piof. C t! Hanson is slsitlng hi,
pneiits In tlio westein pan. of this
Al the Itaptlst i Inn c li Suiid.iv iiunn
ing tho pastoi will pi each on "The
Way ol the Chiistiau J'togioss" and
ia the ov oning, "How Aie Yon I'slng
Youi Time'' At the evening seiviie
the choli will lendei sesoial selections
ol the Chilstmis musk and In Ibe
liimning Alis. Fiank Calvin will sing
a solo
C. D riim & Co expect to close
theh stoic the (list ol next wie-K and
take an inventoiv of theh stock
Aliss Came Alolt. or Alontiose. vis
ited Alts. D W mown tills week
Peiev Anditws, aged 1-' )eus, and
son, of Mi. and Alls J. H. Andiews, oL
this lilac e. died sostealav at the sol
dioi's oiiihan school at Chester Spiings,
I'a., svheie he has been a pupil shut
last Septenibei. Air Andiews left )ts
lei das to anaiigo lor the funeral or
the hiinglng ot the bods home.
The ( lulstmis iniisle to be undeitd
at the Methodist Hplscopal duiitli to
moiiow owning pioiulses to bo a de
lightful music il anilllteiai) tieut. The
thoii has hi on foi the p ist lew weeks
fnlthtully l obelising undei the ollli lent
dlieitlon ot P.idnnl W ilkins. The pio
giainnio will take (dare histoid of the
os oiling s, iv lies and will be lendeied
as follows
11)11111 'll.uK the lleiald Augds
Sing," bv i ongit gallon, piavu, pastoi
anthem, "Hulk the Heiald Angels'
Sing," (hoi us. udtatiou, Cianii
Tublis lesponslve, i ongit gallon, solo,
'The Cut i owned King ' Mis. J. D
Athc'iton, a illation, S.u.ih Pi lie,
solo. 'The ISIithd.i) ot a King," II
WatKins. leiuale chin us, "Angels'
Song,' i , i Italian, Nina Olnisle.ul: ad
dttss, pastoi, aulheiu, 'The Calie of
Light and Oloiv," ohm us, solo, " I'he
New ISoin King," J V. Tubbs, leolta
tlon. Alis D mills; male qiim lotto,
"Jesus Khali Itdmi," Alossis Hvans,
HdwaliR AVatKlus ami Tubbs, oitei
tiv: olo, "Holy Cltv," I! WatKins, as
sisti d b) dioli. milium. "Aiise Sliliic."
dim us. hvnui, "Dlailein," lotigiega
tion, hem die Hon. Lxotdsis loinmeuccs
(oiimioiuoM at 7 oMotk p. in. All aie
(ouliallv wekome.
The tillieial ol the lite John Coombs
on mi oti )osteulav al lei noon fiom his
late lesiiknco In Ninth Tu.vloi and was
quite hugely iitlellded, Senilis weie
held at -. 0 1) m. and weio hi diaigo
ol llev. Hi. Hauls, oi Hie Calvai) llap
llst diiiah and Itev Ivm Tlimnus of
It.iugor, Pa. At the t lose of the sei -vlie
the fiiueial nutcge moved to the
Km est Homo (emeteiy whole Intel -liiont
was in ide. The pall-boaieis vveii1:
Ciillilli Owens, Hvan Jenkins, Tliomas
Woodwind. Iinaiiiid Owens, Tliom.i"
Jones and John Has is
The tholr ot the Calvai) Itaptlst
diiiah, itiulor the dliodlou of Choi Is
lor Ptol. I). C. Joins have piopiutd
a splendid piogianune fm the Chilsi
uias music oxeldsos toilioiiow. Tho
inogiunillio is an e.xullent one and Is
made up of solos duets, tiios, quin
tettes and i lionises All aie loallallv
Itev iwu Thomas oi Itangoi Pa,
will ot i up) his Imnior diuigo In thu
Wolsli Coimagatlonal diuidi totnoi
low. Itev Thomas will olllclaie at liotli
i oi vices '
Tho Til) lor Choiitl I'iiIoii whh li was
slotoiloiis at tlie ('lit Istnias dsiuldlod
will mod lomoiiow evening at the
Welsh Coiiglihalioliul dlUldl to di
Vl! J It
We do
... a .-,. .
signals thai wore Intended ror thorn
What happened to them Is of Uoqui nl
ocelli elite and Pi tlnee uisos out ol
lour might hive Ken pi evented bv the
ue of Stiliut'H Catiurn Tablets These,
tablets cute all Kinds of (iitauli, Thev
i an be bought at auv dtug stoic lor r)
cents a bos.
That Stum t'fl ( utiitth Tablets' do -f-To(
Ittall) ( mo (iitauli ol tho oustiuhliin
tabes und the h Mil noises and (Iciifucsi
losultlng theieiiom Is attested bv Hit
follow lug:
Alts. Jane llatlow.tlio latnotis modiste
sa)s,: "t Hnallv bad to give up pn
soiiiil attention t. inv iiistomois, and
In lonseiiiienec1 many ol llicin wont
olsewhcie 1 vvas In despah Tot special
ists' seemed powtiless to help me.
Slunit's Catanli 'I ablets i ut oil mo In
lust a little wlille so completely that
now 1 hi ur as well as evoi."
Aimy Stngeou ( '. S Hen oily bet amu
so deaf 1 1 oin entail li that he was foi toil
to it-sign his position and nb union his
piolesslon. Ile 'ays; -or toiuso inv
inlieioni luofosdonal piojudlec was
haul to oven oine but Knowing of tile
Bieat benellt vou bail locelved, mv dear
CSoneial tluoiigh the use of Stunii's
Catanli Tablets, l used them. The
gioat and nhnoU immodinte lollof t
espeilenced was tiulv astoiilslilag. 1
am now- entliely i tiled and have nn
lent ot the disease letutnlng. I go bade
to my old post next month."
Sluai t's Catanli Tablets have doao
It. do do It. will do It. Tiv them and
be (on lined. Thoy aie for sale nt
anv ding nolo al .'0 cents a bos. It
will put .sou to sny little ttouhlo or
expense to piove what they wilt do lor
sou. Send to ' A. Sttnit Co, Alai
sliall, Allth , tot their lice book about
calaiih A post il (aid will bi lag It
AViIte tod iv.
vide' Hie (nine niono). All membois aio
it quested to bo pieseut.
Alts John Jone". ol Ccllovuo. visited
lioi slstei, Mis Thomas Howell ot
South Taj lor )estoidn).
The Ioveis ot the gun and tiap aie
awaiting with much iutetest foi the
i omlng swoipstako shooting nutih
to be at Hndeillncs shooting giouniH
on Now Yen's da).
Tavioi lodge. No (,, Independent1
Ouki of Odd rollows, will meet this
Alis. IMvvaul i: Davis and diughtii,, ol Hailioid stieet, have u
tinned home fiom Wilkes-Itaue, whole
thev visited the foinieis .-on, J. H.
Alasteis P.ussell O'Hoio, Iti ace Vv'aul
and Han) Howells will letuin to it
suino theh studios in the Oh aid tol
liBe, Philadelphia, tuduj. after spuntl
lng theh Chi Istnias with lolatlves hi
fihoillv alter 7 o'clock yesterday
morning otu iltlzens werostmtkd b) it
loud lepotl and a geaeial shaking up
ot buildings. It was at Hist thought
bv mans that the powder mill on the
Hast Side had exploded. I.atei it was
learned that the buiel mill of the
Alooslf Powtloi eomp.ui), located at
Jei myii, had blown up
I'lesbv teiian iliuuli, Itev. S. H Aloou,
D. D, pistol. Soivioos at 10 .SO it. in.
and 7 p in. Sei men Sunday morning
appiopilate to last huntl.iv ol the yeai.
In the osening the pastor will tepeut,
bv lequost, his Tli iilKsgiving seimoii
All aie well nine.
Tho Diaiy Containing Recoid ol
Opeiatioiib of Two Young1 Crooks.
Il Iviln.iw Win fu in I In' .Wot late ilj'rosi
Altoon.i. Pa , Dec J" What the
polli e lousldei two ot the most atiom
plished and ((itainlv the most unlqae
)ouug nooks evei aiiesltil In this i ily
weie appiehi ndod bv Police Chid;
Zpodenbiug and Spei lal Olllier Om ne'
at a lauadi) line tills nioining. Thev
mo John 11 Kostei, alias Pi am is Voi
nloi, l'i vi'ius ol ,ibo, ol 117 Itiihiuoml
stiioi, Philadelphia, and Hauy Olt
son. alias Call Ciown, aged IS yoais,
ol .'Jdii Xoith Lainboit stieet, In thu
s line i ity
Thev mo boaidlug house Hileses and
Kept a diary of theii siealings, A nolo
book dioiqied uiiliothed limn Kostei -poi
Kc l al his boaullng house this
moi ulii'-', The hook led to (hull undo
ing. It was tin nod ovei to the pollic.
lieu taken Into custody thoy ioii
fossod theh (ilmos. On one page was
wilt tea. "Left Philadelphia Dot 11, at
It a. in An hod Ilaiilsbiug (ISO a. in.
and set nidi boa al at Shadei's, 1"l'i
Huatoi stuot Took sold neiMite, sil
ver biactlit, two gold plus, l.i.or, ovoi, pah of shoos, i (tin hanilKeichlols,
waldi chain and two uttktles. dot
boaal same altetnoon at Lewis', 'ill
Xoilll Se'Vontll stnet, lelt llt.xt inotu
ilig u t 7. SO
Took tiaiu lor Altoon.i. Hoc. L'J, m
livul 10 JO a. in, seem oil bond it
101,1 On on as i nuc,"
Chl( f Kant, ot tlio llanisbtiig po
lli e, was notified of the nppioheiisloa
ol iho two men and he lame line to
ulglii mul took tlio men to llmtlshuig
ror ti tul.
Stops tho Cough
and Woiks Off the Cold.
l.axntlw' Hioiiio-ijuliilnc' Tablets cum
a (old III one day. Xu Cute, No Pu5,
Pi ho -' letilH.
You cannot afford
to create a poor imptession of your
business standing and ability,
You will if you .semi out v heap,
tiashv printed mattei.
tlie Kind of piintinj; that j
i.u :,. .o.,.,. i. .. .. i. .. ., i
inane.- ,i nil, as we- iiavc-
llfli inateiial and employ people
who know their business).
? Vt