The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 28, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    A1 S 1i
? J
Till: Plymouth Church chimes says
Iho fiillowlllfr pleasant llllllRS of
the Conner pastor of the Second
t'roHbytcrlnn church: "The Kev.
Dr. Chiirlos R. Itoblnson, who has
iimny friends In Plymouth church, has
lately resinned n fourteen years' pas
torale of the Second PttHhyterhin
Hunch, of Scmnlon, Ph., and retlreil
from the aetlve ministry, under elreum
Htttnees very honorahle to him unit
Rratll'yliiR to his fnlemls. Conscious
that his health, never rnbusl, was fall
hiK under the labors of li Is position, and
that It was Impossible lor him to fulllll
his duties to his own satlsfaetlon, in
stead or ii'ultlnir until uetunll.v com
pelled to Klve up aetlve work, ho pre
ferred to withdrawn while his ehureh
was nourishing, in spiritual and ma
terial prosperity. In many ways Its
usefulness has heen enlarged, and Its
membership has been much llict eased,
during his pastorate. Very affectlon
ate and appreelatlve expressions front
the ehureh attended his withdrawal,
and the esteem of his people, for him
self and his helpful wife, was mani
fested In the provision of a substantial
annuity for both during the rest of
their lives.
"Dr. Hohliison has had eloso relations
with Plymouth ehureh. For several
.years he was ealled to supply the pul
pit In the summer, during Mr. Heoeher's
vacation In the White mountains and
elsewhere, and he Rained u place In the
affections of our people well understood
by the older member.0, lie was the
Presbyterian representative among: the
honorary members of the council that
installed Dr. Abbott and Mr. Bliss In
Pitin. a council remarkable for Its in
clusion of ICplscopalian, Daplist, Pres
byterian. Reformed and Methodist, as
well as Congregational members. It was.
In a very practical way, a contrimitlon
to Christian union: It was the 11 rat
council In ecclesiastical history In
which representatives of different de
nominations have united to ordain and
Install rellKious teachers."
The Christmas exercises of the First
Cermnn Methodist Episcopal Sunday
schools on Adams avenue and on Tay
lor avenue were held Wednesday and
Thursday evenings in the presence ot
large audiences. Doth exercises were
of a particularly Interesting nature.
The annual Christmas festival of the
Scranton deaf mute mission will be held
Saturday, December 'M, at 7.4." p. m.
Come and bring your friends. A ser
vice will be held In the church Sunday,
December 2H. at II p. m.
The grand choir of the Peim Avenue
D.iplist church will render their special
Christmas music on Sunday. In the
afternoon the Sunday school will give a.
choice programme of carols and special
exercises. In the evening, in addition
to the appropriate music by the choir,
the pastor will preach on "Farewells to
the Old Year," using original crayon
sketches, made during the sermon.
These services are spiritual and uplift
ing, nnd all "bad people who wish to
be good, and good people who wish to
be better." are cordially invited.
The monthly family meeting of the
Hallroad Young Men's Christian asso
ciation will be held Sunday afternoon
at 3.45. How James Denninger will be
the speaker, lie is among the most
helpful of Scrunton's ministers, and
will he sure to bring a message worth
hearing. The male quartette will ren
der a special programme of music. All
friends of the association, both men and
women, are Invited.
Mr. Mahy will conclude his series
of Sunday afternoon talks on bible
study next Sunday at ?A. Subject,
"Getting at the Heart of Things."
Music by the male choir.
's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
lllm Pail: Metliodi-t l!pl.-i 0).il church I'uks
ami prjjcr ci vice tit l).:M by r.pnitli Iamkiic;
(Headline at lO.iiO by yalor. J)r. ('. M. (iltlln:
i las meeting in Sunday rtc-liuol .-i'iviit after inoi.i.
ins sorilru.; Suuil.iy school at 'J p. in.; .Itinh.r
League at li.IlO; Si'iiloi' I.i'.iuui' at O.liO; ovmini;
tcivlw tit 7.110. The pa-dor will pu-aili on "The
Wiec-I, of Twi'lwr .Months," W.ili-lt i-i'iilu' on
Tuesday c iiiinir at 10 (. in. Alt :ne ui-ltiiiiii'.
Simpson lelhnilit Ppls-uipjl i Inircli Itr-v. II,
C. MoPciinult, pastor, I'rcai hinj; a I. l().:;tl a. in,
anil 7,:W i. in. Miml.iy t-clmnl at 1'.' m,; .Imiioi'
lc.iffiip at ." (i. in. llraniluT Hi is the il.iy vt
prajei' or tin- Ppivntili Iiukhv.-i tliiiniKliniir the
ihuicli. The limine Kivldi il H.::U (i. m. will b"
a une, Tlieie ullI be a senile .Mtiinl.iy
To physical ivaniiiics will
often prevent a scriou9
illness, When there are
oppressive fullness after
eating, bitter risings,
belching, headache, dusti
ness, nervousness, with
physical and mental slug
gishness, prompt atten
tion hlioulil be given to
the condition of the diges
tive and nutritive sys.
terns. Not all these
symptoms will occur at
once or in any single
case, but any one of them
indicates a disordered
condition of the stomach
and other organs of diges
tion and nutrition.
A prompt cure of these
conditions will be effected
by the timelv use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Discovery. It heals ills
cases of the btoiuuch and
other organs of digestion
and nutrition, perfectly
and permanently, Many
diseases, seemingly re
mote from the stomach,
have their oiicin in ;i
diseased condition of the
organs of digestion and nutrition, "Cioldeu
Medical Discovery" cures through the
htomach diseases which have their otigju
in a diseased condition of the stomach, nnd
hence diseases of liver, lungs, heart and
other organs are cured by use of the "l)is,
covciy," It contains no alcohol, neither
opium, cocaine, or other narcotic. It is a
true temperance medicine.
Accent no substitute for "Ooldfti Med
ical Discovery," There is nothing else
"just a good,"
''I wjs a total wreck could not sleep or eat,"
writes Mr. J. O. Ileeri-. of ilerryman. Crawford
Co., Mo. "for two I tried medicine from
loctors but received very little benefit. I lost
rlch ami stienulh, was not able to do u good
day's work. ( commenced taking 1)1. l'icrce'1
Colilcn Medical Discovery, unit when 1 hud
taken one bottle 1 could sleep, ami my appetite
was wonderfully improved. I bnve takcu live
bottles and am stilt Improving."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
itlpatiou by curing the cause. They do
rot beget the pill habit.
ciriilinr and ir-gulir ivalili lilulit pr-rilir Thu
day I'Miiliut.
Il.miplou Mirr-t .Mrlliutli-t ihillth
Itcv. .I.iiiict Ih'iiiilnw, p.idur. Scnlii-i on Sun
day ns follow. Hiintbe' inert Inff at 7
n'rlnckt led hy II, T. Hlonej pri'ilclilln: senile
at IU..MIS mililret n( -trillion. "Iinpoiliiii.itc Pray.
it;" cIim nipellnit alln pti'iti liiim miiIh'I 'sun
djy ilioiil at ; p. ni,; bitenni'illati' Iciitiio nt it
i. III.; ipci'l.ll llpuollll IimhIIi' senile at (I..M),
William I'atsolH, le.l.ler, Kiwiltnr ptiMtliltnr sir
Mil" .It 7,ri); snhect nf kiiiioii, "IViitiiinl,"
I'rjyrr iiii-elliar eieulliii and w.ilih niuhl M'lilec
Tuesday cvoiiIiik.
Avtiiuy .MethodM ilniuh, imner
MoliM'.v inmne ai.d lb i"liet-llei. W. II,
SimpM.n, p. II., p.i-lnr. l),-ntlin,il imvilnjr ot
the Hrr.tlifl Ii.idiI d( SI. Paul nt !'.() n, Hi. I'li'.uli.
Iiib nl W.:;u a. in.! uhjetl, "The l'o-l-hlllllei
ot our .Valine," Mmd.iy ihnol at J. ill)
p. lit. Kpwoilli leaKiie at il.::o i. in. I'r.Mihlus
at 1 1. in.; siihitit, "Tlii- Diiine seiii'l Om
ot Self lido flirlt." I'lMier inei-tlng, Wcilnn
il.iy, at 7,"i p. in. On Tueliy ernlni, Pee. Ill,
wnli li iiluhl senlicji. (lood iiitmie nnd plenty of
it. and ii'llslous tm-ptlnaf. S'.ils live and
all tne wilie.nn'.
1'ioiMrmi' MetlioilM thuuh-ltev.
(,'eninc A. Cine. paMuf. The Hiulherhood of t.
Paul meet for piai-e nl Hi n. in. I'reai IiIhk .it
Kl.Wl. .vtiliji'd, "Vnur Ni'M Dnvlllngi" Sunday
fehool lit 2 (i. in. Kimnrtli Icigui' at lU'i; topic,
"Atriea," Wairen fi, lleese, leader. Ilrenltii;
sernmn nt 7,.'!i hy llev. .tolin l.aliil. of Wyo
ming sfinliuiy.
A.h Street .Melhndlsl l.'til-ci I ihuicli Itcv.
I. It, All-tin, pa-toi. Morning pivaililng teivlie
at l(l.,'!(l, sitbliit, "The S.nlue'H ami Mvri'tneu (
Itecnlli-rtloii." Class Ineellnj; at II. Wl n. In.,
t'harle-i t'lonp. leader; Snndav si honl al C p. in.,
li. Slim:, rlipeiinti'iiilent; .luiilor l.f.mue at .1
(i. in.. Mm. S. . rliiilili, -iiperliiti'inlenti l;i
Mftilh I.'';il'Iic at I!. I p. in.. Mix lteheee.1 H.lmj,
son, leader. Ilienlii'X piculiiiii; sen lie at 7..'lu.
A weleotne.
l'list (.'erui.ui Mcllioili-l Kpi.-eopd ihiuili, Ad
ams aiciiin- and Vine ftieet C. Ilnlillin, pa-lor.
IMvine scnlce.s I0."i) a. in. and 7.;!0 p. in, Sun
day S'hool at noun ulid nl :! o'llncl; p, in. al
the Tajloi ineiiue ihapil. TiicmIjj- I'lriilug,
w.ilcli ulgltt seivhes wilt ln held, liegiiuiiiii; at
S.H0. tin Xew Year's day evening at 7.."i) a union
lueellnif ot the tlnee (in man llpuoilli Umru'S
ot this cily will bo held at nur iliurdi.
X.iy Aug .Methodist KpUeop.ll ehiiuh -Itev. T.
IT. ii-.lin, pasl-tr. Sunilay seliool at .'."11 p. 111.:
class meetlus; at :!..'!(! p. 111. Pieiiihinif eilvlie .it
,.i!(i i. 111. A ( welcome lo all.
Afrieau Mrthndi-t Kisiopal 1I11111I1, Howard
Place Pi'. 11. !:. Pentley, pa-l' r. Piiudihig at
10.WI a. 111.; Sunday sdiool, 2,:a) p. 111., A. Por
ter, Mipeiiiitcndent. (hiisiian Kudemoi- souk and
(irayer senile, 7.15 p. in., leil hy llrothei.s dallies
and Cull. Itev. (!, V. Klneaid. of ("h.iiuhei-liiiiK,
will pii'jih at 7.1, p. in. A (0rdi.1l weleoni"
to nil.
I'enn Vieinie ltaptl-t dmidi. Peim aMime, he
tween Spiuee and Mnileii streets. Ktianueis al
ways weleonie. Prciclilng liioiniug at Kl.iio and
evening at 7,:i0 hy the pastor. Itev. Ituheil 1. Y.
I'irrie, 1). 11. Morning pr.iyei.s in the lower Inn
pie al li. IS. The choir, under the leadei.-liip of
Prof. Haydn Hrans. will lender special Cluisluu.
iiiimc nl all of the sevvire.s. Theme ot the man.
lie; sciinnii, . "The Cliii.stnias Altei-Tlioiinht." Siindiy sdinul ,-eniees at 2 o'eh-ik in llm
.uidltoiiiuii; all the loimer inemheis of the sdiool
and fiiends aie coidially invited. Young People's'
ini'i'tliig i'l (i.iid. Sunilay school at the Jienioiiil
mission al !,.."0 j. 111. Topic of evening sermon
"111 the (lloaniing, or I'aiewells lo the Old Ye.11."
At this seiviee the pastor will iw oiivin.i! (i.iyoii
ili.iwlngs to illustrate the theme. Kraugi-IUtic
meetlne following the M-rvicra 111 the aiidltoiiiun.
1'it-t llaptiht Cliurili, Soulli Main ;ieiiue Hev.
S. 1'. Matthews, pastor. The usual pivaililiii;
-crvices inurning and vrrning. I0..T0 a. 111. and
7.30 p. 111. In (he morning James (S. ll.iiley. of
Colgate imbeislty, will ociupy the pulpit. Il.ip-ll.-ni
at the of the owning stiihe. Sunday
school a p. in.. Dr. II. (I. lieihloe, simeiinlni
dent; liaptist Young Peopled I'iiIoii seulee, Il..'i0
p. in. ill assembly loom. We1l11r.-d.1v evening,
covenant senile, 7."U o'doil,. All are loidi.illy
invited to these seniles.
.laiKsou Street Daitist church -Men's innining
pra.ier meeting at 9.,'Ml. Hi-other lleniainiii Smith,
leader; topic. "The 1'niitles.s Tiee." Seniioii liy
(ho pastor, Idv, Thomas de Crudiy, 1). p.;
topic, "Paul's rum option of l.hhur." The Ilihle
sdiool Mill meet at 2 o'clouk, Chailes llolle.v, m
(.eilnlcnddil, evening son ice at 7 sliaip.
liif (ustor win hoc an mis-ion iry
address, illu-tialed vi lilt -l,ieo)iii(ou; lni.--iriii.iry
h.vuiiut will he simg fioni the canvas--. This sei
ike will lie of gieat interest mid v. ill lead us
through lower Ilurin.ili, tin livid in wlii. li the
:tMstliot nil ion, Adoniram .lii.on, ion.eir.itod
his I It.-. The public me coidially inviled.
gets will he nude weliome.
Memorial baptist chuuli lliiudi aieniie and
Oal, street Itev. W. I-'. Divies, pastor. The pa--tor
will ptcidi 'el.-li In Hie morning and KnglMi
in the rirnlng. Sunday sdin.d m j p. m. AUcr
the evening fermon Hie chinch will have loin
million seiviee, nl whidi lime new uiemhois will
he iidmltled,
fiiTi'li Itidue ll.iill-l Clim-ili-Mniiilng pia.-r
mooting at !U1. (Imuh senic-s nt lii.iiii and
7,iill. Tlie choir will sing 11 number ot Chii-lnus
selections and the pastor will delber shon er
iikiiis al botli senile-, Siind i.v - Imnl al II, I.",-,
meetlus of the . 1 1 1 n i , . r sociely al ii.ii1); pi,ne,
inert Ing of the Senior sue ii-iy al
Shiloh Baptist dnudi-Uo'v. .1. 11. Poddle. pi
(or. All-day inoi'linK. Pieadiing, 11 .,, m i,v
the i.istoi-, siibjeil, "The I'mver ot (lo-l's".
Sunday sdiool at I. :.u i. in. Pieaelilui- at :; p.
in., by Itev. Dr. Hrnlh'.v, ia.or llnwaid I'laie Meiliodi-i chmch, a-.slliil he
Dr. KI111-.1I1I. 7,ii0, pio.irhlne by p.i-ioi; s-ulij,,.'',
"Chll-t, (he llluh I'lle-i." All .lie weh-nu.
ni'i-liiy nnllir ll.iptlsl oim-.' 'eoih- union.
Aioiiiiay pienlnii; lue-d.i.v pm-iiIuu, iholr jn.nil-e
and waldi mtt-tliiu: Wednesday eiinlm;, pioai-li.
luu: 1'ihl.iy owning player nieetlng,
l'ii.-t Wel-h H.iplU ihiiuli, M.iikel sliee!--Itev.
.1. V, Hallos, pa-tor. Seniles III a. ni.
and il i. in,; Sunday -ihnol, 2 p. m. The eieii
III',' senile will lie .lonihi'ted ill the CuhIMi
I'll-I I'le.h.vli'il.m ilienll- Niilei lli.i'll .1,
111. and 7,.'ii! p. m. Dr. Mil.cnd will pioaeli.
Sliaiwois weluiiiie.
Second I' cliin, h, .leliriioli aieniie
MoinliiK sen-lie, i).:i); oieiilng senile, 7,:I0, )r,
W. I'. Ci'diliiiKloii will iieinpy iulpll iiionilng
.11 id CM't'luL'
lliei'li Itldnu I'li'sb.iliil.lll 1,1111 li -ri-, I. (,, pa-ioii Kov. , fuster, awUljnt,
in.iiii .1, in, and 7,i.o p. in., si-iiiiv. nl ivoishlp
with seiiuoni hv the paslni np(iiopilale tn (he
last Sunday nf the ,ioar, 12 1)11,1,. clmol an-
nlioisjiy; il.) (i, in,, I' Ihiile-uoi, .Ml
loullallv iuvlled and welci'inod.
Wa.hbtnii Stieot I'losb.ileilan Cliiudi- Hoi,
.lohii P. .Modal, D, I)., pa.-oi. Senhos .11 i),:lrt
1 and ",) p. in. Hlhle school at 12 in,
I'liiMlan Ktuleaici- jmuig people's coiisoci-iliun
sen-lie al 11.20 p, 111, llul-llnis imbli- 'll lie
lope.iled, tlicheslra will be pievnl. In Hie nb.
.11110 of Hie pi.tor Mr, A, V, Mower will picnh
III the mniiitm; and llev, .1. .1, IhiuMu 111 lie
owiiiiig, All weliiiinc,
Adams Aienue ihapol, New 111k .tieet-'lhe
Hot, lames uies will pioadi al 10.:!0 and id
".sin. Sumla) sdiool al il o'ch, k, Mi, Ch.iiidlei,
ilpeiiileiiinl, Mr, llushrx will leach the iiicu'n
llihle class, Clill-lian Cudeaim- will moel ,il
II, "i, l.aigc .llli-iiiliiius ale e.ieiei .it 1;..,.
closing sinlies of Hie j ejr.
si. I.uki's I'aiUli- Itev. JUmcis liae, D. p.,
louor; Itev, lalwaul .1, lliiiliiou, uiuie. I'a.i
SiiniU) aim (hlbtinj..
SI. Luke's ihiiuli- " a, nt. , holy i-oniuiiiuioii;
UVM .1, m,, iiioruluij; piaiei- ami senium; 7.i!0 p.
in., I'viu sonu.
SI. MaiK's ii.iic S .1. Ill,, holy lOiniiiunionj
lil.iiu a. m,, Minion and IiqIv loiummiloii; il p,
111., SiiiuUy sdionl; 7,iu p. 111., enuiiig prayer
and seiuioii.
St. lieoine's, Oliphanl--2..'lo, Sunday school;
il.llO, I'M'iiiug piajei- and siiinoii,
1,'avt l.'ud inl-sloii, pifscott au'iiue-2.:'o, Sun
day sdiool,
I'lg: Stint iiiisslon, South Slde-2.i:0 p. in., Sun
day mIiooI.
I Imuh of the lioml Shepherd, comer Muiisoy
aieniii' and (bun Itldge .treet-ltev, I'uiiiU R.
Sunday ' School . , -. I,v
Lesson Quarterly Review. j.E.Giibert,D.D
lOr r;..Ml nnnHn Secretary of AmsrlMn
December 29. hourth Qllarte1- ?Son ""
(UlN'MltAI, SI'ltVliV -Willi tin' oreopttoti of
two lc"on, our istl.illes dining Iho ipiailcr haw
bcoii In portions of I lie liblory of lu
l!a)pl. Two lo.tiloi h.tie boon lotHplenniis,
.loeph and .Mixes, both Hie Ml lours of Hielr
pioplc. Ono lid Into llu.ipl, the other led
I i .1(1 nut, Itulli tiunlloslid hluli iU.illties nf
slalt.'in.iii.-hlp and showed what the laie lo.ild
iodiiie, They woie men for their times- Ihey
i mild tint h.tie cvchangeil ilue, The work ot
r.uli fitted Into the illviiie plan in ailMindu'a: the
posteilty of lu lis appointed destiny,
I'lllsT l,'.- (HI, II, ",lno,h Sold Into
Pkpt." I'eiiesls, Msi , 12-JKI. Tin' jnunge.l of
liiiiibV ons was sent by lil.s lather In leain of
the welfare id the shepherd biolhrrs tending the
Hoiks In Sihodiem. Hy this kindly net he
pill In llie powi-l- of tho-e who luted hint he
i.UHenf.l f-itlici's love. I!nvy inoinptod irinile.',
which was itiorlod only to i;li place lo Imi'ib
iiro, Ishmaollllsli tindisiiirn (airy hint Into
Ktlpf. The be.iullllil, dlpie,l lu the blond
of a goal, was made In upir-inr lit.sdiood lo
the gtlef-stllikili father.
sCtON'I) l.l'.i-'-ON.-Ocl. 12. ".lo.-ipli In I'll
son," (Jeuesls xwl.v, 2ii, lo il, 1.",. The Innnirnt
and virtuous young falls liitlm lo i linn
I ions wotuan'.s hate, hut finds favor with his
kieper throuith the inuiy ot (in, I. Appointed to
senile lie prows hlni'clf liu-twoilhy. lu his now
position he oseicl-e-s liLs ttltt whuh l.'od !.ie
liiin to lutotpiet 1110.1111- hy which it fellow pii
soner Is made to kiiuw- hi tale. Seining the op
poitimlly he reelles his hl-loty, (deads hii 'lino
come, and luges kindly treatment nnd iciiitm
liraiue. Tlllltl) I.OMINV-DU. .'id. ".lo-eph i:alted,"
tiencM. .ill, 2S-III. -Pliaiaoli brnuglil .lo-eph out
nf pli-inu In Intel (u c I a dieaiii. I'lca-id Willi Iho
.loiing man's irmd ni.d spiill he itpiiolnled him
In make ready for the famine, which was pu
dlcled. .Iii-opli was set met nil the land of
l!u.ipl Willi iib.-olutp aiilhority over Hie people.
The siicnet. ring was given lo him lor the exeiti
lion of stale affairs, lie was made to ride in a
i hat lot and all the people bowed l-loie li int.
Dining seven jears of plcnly lie g.ilhct"d vi-t
sloies of grain and laid lltiin up lu the granaries
cf the gnat cities.
l'Ol'ltTII l.l'0.-(M. 27, ".tn-cpli and Ills
lliolhicn," tiene-is, ih, l-n.-ln the time if
fallible the sons ol .lamb null" twin; into Kvrypt
to buy coin. Our lesson desciibo theli Inloniew
ultli -losepli mi their -eeend il.-it. At tint time
he wits nl the height of hit- puwei, and they
stippn-ed he was an Kgjptlan (i.-im-e. lint ho
leiogni.ed llieui and inade hiin-elf known lo
lliom. He .illajnl their teals wlildi ii.itiir.iily
aio-o on considering their edl londuit and a-i-silted
tbent that (!rd had oidetcd n,i (lie noml of
Urael. nnd ended by s.i.i lug the household
should be bioiiKht into la.".ipt.
I'll'TH -Nov. : "Death of .lost-ph."
(ieiic.-l. 1, (.V2i;. - ller .l.uob p.K-cd aw-iy .lo.
soph's biotliieu leans! t he wnuM iuui-h llieni
for tlieir wiottg doing. When Ihey sought i'nr
niveiies he Ireatcit lie-iii tilth meat lon-ideia-lion.
The leioi.i-iliation was i-iuplote. the
age of one hundred and ten teais .lo-eph ill-d,
being iii'inillteil lo see his gieat si.iiidchiliheii.
before ileith he i.illod hi- hielhien and evaeled
a'liloilgc on leliirnlug lo I'.in.iin the.t would
i airy Ui his Imnes for, a pledse whuh
was faithfully kepi.
SIXTH I.IM)X. f, II), ". ,i, Opple...-td in
Kit.tpt," .M.iodii-. i. 1-1 1, .lo-eph v.-.i- (he sruir
iliim of lii.s iieople. Atli-i liis death tlio.v ttvio
lecirded ttltli .Mi-pic ion In- llie king wbo did i-oi
know him. As their iiiuuhein had gieadv in-(i-e.tsod.
II wa- te.ii oil llial llio.v luiulil unite Willi
enemies ng.ihit i:u.iil, and po Ihlt tin:
lottutry, giv.itl.i- to its lo-. II was tlrnfoi,,
deemed wi-o in Hie iuloie-l of the peopl ' wel
fnie to iodine them to slatoiy, in Hit.. -ni-illtlon
tliey nilslit moie e.i-il.v bo mt.nnllril mid
lo.lili- in, He piolil.lble in tlteil- likor.
sr.VI'.VIll I.CS'-OX. Xv. 17. "The Cliildhoud
nf Closes." i:odus, li, 1-10. failing by oilier op-
Hatoinan, icttor. Sunday anor (hii-nna.-. Jhun
ing (uayer al ln..:i u'clock: Muulai -ilmul and
lei tor's da al :!.::n p. in.; i-u-niug pia.ier at
7 p. in.
Si. David'.- ihiudi t'ohbiaiion of ih.. p,i
lltidiaii-l, 7,::0 nud Hl.ilii; n.-ning -ong. 7....1;
Sunday tdin, 1, 12 o'eloik. The I hii-lm.i- luii-ii
ttlll be lepealid.
hi L-I-, ihiudi. i-oiiior U.idiingion aienue aid siiii't llei. I', s, Itilhnline. it- int. si.
tiles at 1D..:ii j. mi., .'.;;ii j,, ,. , ;.;!l ,
All seat-, no. All welcom-.
Heformed Episcopal.
Hi.ui' Ib'ioiii'.ed i:pi-mpal i.iiiidi, M.iumuig
aienue, 1,,-liitv llulbiii.t -iicrt-Iti-v. liooige I.
Altidi, (Mstoi. Piayei- and pi ii-e ronho at u. .n
a. in.; Hit tne wo-nip, ii.:;ii a mid 7,:'D (i. 'c.
I'l caching by the p,-toi; inoininy, "The 'lliiiit.
Which I an and the Thing- Wlildi Cannot li.
Mi.'ikeii," II, li. ii: 27; eveniiig, -pei-Ld clang-
Il-Iit -etvite. --doll' (illt". I. a,, i ill ,.i sl.l.l
sdiool at 12 le.; Young IVoplc' i M.i-ielj ot I lui--
iiau i.iiue.iioi-, ii.u p. in. in plan- ,,t lii, Wed-
lllsdl.v elilllllg plajor luiolllll.. ll.lle will be ,i
w.ilih iini-i'iig on Tin-day oniiing al n mi
o'i link. All aie weliiji.i'-.
Evangelicnl Lutlicinn.
Li.iugoliial l.titlirttui-CiMiil. Luke, iiiii.l.lii:
cjii-tle, (il., it :!;.
s-l. Mail, s, W.i-lihiuii and I'ouiieeiiih -.'n-i-t
Itev. -. I.. II unci. I'll. 1)., p i-i.,--. xi-nln, ii..iii
a. m 'I 7. Mi ii. in.; h-aciie. il n. in
sui'ili.i -ihool, 12 in,; li-i,,ii band, 2.UI p. in,
S.ltlllll 1C. S.l I li ... .,,, IV, .1,,.. .1 ,,- v.... I....'
i-v'i.i.l,,,. T .",, " I
Ibd.t Tiinll.t, il.ini- .i'.iiiiio nnd llitlbetiv
slli-el Itet. C. (!. piek.'i-, p,.oi, -i-i-the.
lu.iio n. iii. nud ,,:.n p. m.; l,uth,. loagi e, ii.:;i)
i, HI,; sdiool, IJ in,; lll-sloli liaud, PI a. in.
M, Paul's, -hull .hi line 1,'ev. . ('. I.. Lau-i.
pa-lot. i-u lies lo.iiii and 7..M p. in.; ( .unlay
sdiool, 2.;:n p. m,; Caiediellial i I.i-, ii. 1 ', p. ni.
hill i lunch, t ei I.i i .iM'iiti" and llhch shoot
llev. .lames Vtiiho, pa-tor. S.nlies pi.i'n ,i. m.
mid 7. in p. in,; Miiulaj' sdiool, 2 p. in.
M. Pom's Pii-coll incline l(.-t, .lollll Hall
dolph, instiir, M-rt hes o..:n a, in.; Siuid.i.t
-i lino), 2 i. in.
Ihumiiiiiel Uietiuaii.polishl ihiiuli, l,i,e
slieol-ltev. 1'iiilliiainl Silicliueler, u-li.i.
I'lc.idilug In Ihe I ii ii. inn 1.111-jli.iuc, ID a. In.;
siuiil.iy -i hool, 2 p. In. Htaugellcil l.iillni.iii chinch (;iuei.,l
synod), i inner of Jt.ulU.ui ateime and Mulheiry
sliril Itev, l.iilhir lle.i Waling, pi, tin, !i,;:u ,1,
m., Sunday sdiool; ll'.iii) a Divine woishlp,
l0ilc, "The So.ilnl Yultra"; 7 i, in., You.ii:
People's nii My ClnMlaii I'nde.noi ; ,'iti p. m,,
Dillni- unishlp, liiplc, "Tlie u-li- of llie IIUnY,
I'W'l.thndy W'l'llollle,
Cabai.t lleioiuiod iliimli, Milium- .itoiiuo and
(ilb-on stioot-ltov. JLiilon l I'irur, u,toi. Su
Mi es at') n. pi, ami 7,.-;u p. w, Sunday
seliool, II. I", ii, pi.; llul.llin licl.-.noi, ; p, pi.
Cutis lil-iii, SaluuLiy, :i.i,() p. in. .Mmiilng stibjeu,
"The Woinloilul Naino;" etinlim, "I'nioslght and
All SoiiIk' l'iiuis.ilit ihuicli, Pine -licit, Hoar
Adams lUomii ltd. 'Ihoiiias II. Paine, (Uslot,
Divine soniio wllh .i-iiin,ii at lu.iiu'.i. m, Mil,.
Joel; "Xew lulliualloii-." Miuday sdiool
at 12 in. Seals tioe, llveijbody wehoine,
(iuspi'l Tabiiii.ide, .lelfeis'in incline, lliininoie
.Limes, ii.toi', Sunday m-iiIio;
PieaihhiK, lo.-'i'l li. in., by llev, .loliu ( os, unit
".') i. in. Ilible si hool, 12 in. Young People'
uncling, li.M) i. ni. Mission uy Day. On Tues
day 'tit 1st lu II .Hid Misslouny Alllanic im-t-liiu;
'J.iitl p. m. mid waldinlght ki'iibe at II i, in.
r'lnt Chiucli (Miibt iscieulUl), ulu -Vdanis .-to-i
ue -Sunday soniio,, Id.iai a, in, and 7,.ii) p. m.i
Sunday school, (l.n a. in.; mhji-ir, "Chiistlau
SiielHo." Tostbuoiilil iiieellngs Weilnenlaj eiili
Ins at S o'clock. 'Ihe chuuli Is nl-u oien ovoiy
day ilurlrg the tveik. The Hlblo and nil finis
lion scli-m i' liu-iiitiiiii U keit In lis uoe (uihllc
loading loom, "Science mid lloallh, wllh the
Key In Siilpluif," by May Hiker l.ddy, will Le
liuiiiil to Inii-sliuJliils ivllhoul dingo. Vislijis
and lilliis of imiulij aie welii'iiiod and glun
lomlooiis uttciitiuii ami biloimallou five.
I'llsl I'rlinlllu' Mi-thodl.t chiucli, (iici-n llidiji'
-llev. li., pastor. Pleaching ul lO.lin a, in,
and 7 (i. in.; nihlivw, "Jlomoili's," "Looking
Holli Wa.ts," All ate wiliuiue,
'.Ion I'liilul i:p!-(o(,.il ihiiuli, 20 Cipoii-i'
uiciuif Muel.'.v sdiool. ll.::0; piddling, lo.ilu and
;.ai), ) Ihe p.l.l.'i, Hot. ,1, W. All- Ollgir. Sub
ueip liieasiires to Inline the Israelite. PIi.ii.ii1i
ileloimllioil lo but Iholr male intitnls In ilealli,
thus tn Ki.ulually Iodine nnd iiIkoiIi the popula
tion. A titolhii'.s lute found u way In i"c,tp!
the fills t. All i.lli Mas pttp.lled, her liahe placed
therein ami Moated on the Nile. Pound by lit"
king's il.unilitil, llie mother was hioiiglil by tin!
sister lo tun-,' nnd une lor Iho llllle one, ttlihli
was aflorttnid ndoiloil lulo the in.cil (amity, In
this w.ty 1 In i'c women became the gu inll.uis nf
the o.uly .teats of Mu.-o.
IIKHITII l.i:S0.--Nov. 21. "Uoihl's Toninei
nine Lesson,", 1, ll-2s-The 1 1 1 Is- nf this
lesson is Intended In coter Hie iiha lint on Hits
day Hie ullgloiis tvoihl studied n tiniporatiie l,'
sou. Il piopfi'lt denotes also lint nil Hie win Id
in all time holds ilttiially the same Ideas nit
this Mibjeit. A .lovl-li i.i Her Iwintj-llio nil
liules ago sols loilli I lie etils of strung ililuk
as a lifoiiiui- tvoithl do In our llllle, 'llie -line
i Heel l pioiluced lintf a thou by iilrohnt tipoli
nil the lneiil.ll and physloal pov.-ors, lestillitig In
gloat pmet.slly and potoit.t,
NINTH I.I'.'MIV.- Il.-i. 1, "Tim (all of tojes,"
I'-ViiiIiis, ill. 1-12. The llheiiitnr nf
was eiigauel in his location us a -hip.
held III Mldl.tu whin (inil apiieaied to him, hist
lu ii biunltig biisli ami lb, n in nn addles, Thu
stall ling- phenomenon um-lul hi- atleulioii, nnd
the I. 'id's wonls Iti-liintid him. Hod di'ilaied
his i(ii'iii-i lo debtor his people fiom (he bond
:ire In ligvpt and lo plant them lu fnuaitt, llie
land proiiil-ed lo Hn.ihani, ami proposed lo -end
Mo-es as Hie captain ami orgaiiii-or of I hi- gieat
lio-l, Inil Mo.-es hoslt.ttoil, il itibllug his ahlllly
for the potfoim.ime of so gieat ,i t.i-k.
TUXTII I.Kssox.-llec. S, "Moses ulid I'lia
raoii," Kioilin. i. 1-10.-Mo-os tiohlod al length
lo be Iho In-liunienl in the hand- of (,'od lit
biiiigliig Israel out ol bondage. Hy a long' -dies
of iiileivietv.s he -ought to pci-u.idt' to
lot the people go, but all sill II etltle.llies, ill-coin.
p.iuled us they weie with m. melons dl-;i!ays of
dltbie power, hid little o" no inthti'iiie ttitli llie
absolute king. At leiiglli the Ahnlghly del v
mined In cha.-tl-e the lai.tptians by sla.ting all
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
From Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson )r," PjjMVu.I by F. II. Rsvel
& Co.. Chisago. 111. J
'Ihe eihoe of nur glad Chiistimis time hate
not pa id .iiv,i.i, We can still hear Hie tiiciiy
bells tinging on? their go-pel mi'.-age.s ,-f
and good. will. Mm hate all hiaid Ihe tucs-age?
Hull- iiiipnit.uil that we hate a li-.teu'ng ear and
heed the Ma-tu's me-.-.ige.
'Ihe (Jo-pel hell- are iiiiglng
nur laud Imm -i.i .., s-.,
llie oil now. of live - il --:u ii.ti.
Do the tiling In ton and i-i. ,
I "1 l.oil Hi lined Ihe woiid,
Thai His only -,in He gate -Mho-i.e'ii
holietrlh on Hun
Cinl i-tlng life -hall have:"
Main teaihcis will gite atleulioii in a ci
totiotv ot the SnniLi.i .-chool Ios-oun -it tin, llul I hate nlwat-i tounil il piniitahli
1 on
ject "liiealiing
ll.lll'l." Wohl'lile
lo all. -
Hid 'The
al- fiee.
Recent Death of n Man who
Once Performed Tlmt Astonishing-
I'lom ihe l.i,iii-tl., ( omiii
To go iIdwii In lti.siin-y us tin- iml.v
pornim who over kidnapped a president
ol' thi I'nili'ii Suites jdioiild be- I'liougb
for one niitn. nnd tbls distiiti'tion bc
liuigs to t'upiulii K. C. ('oli'iniiti. win)
(Hod yt'Sli'iiliiy. 'I'lic cpLsiiib' niij't-s inn
ol' tlio inti lest illy, stories ot ;t
i-iii-Ht-r n-nitful nl" sttici'dotcs.
Thin wns in those old dny.s bi'l'oii. tin,
riilli-onds lmil liiuiinl the laud tilth steel,
the days just niter lite .le.liati ivnr.
when tin- .Mh'-dssliipl itiiii the si-innl
wilier roiiil of the i-oiiiitiy's lu-ogri ss,
ii ml the iliiyihttr p.ilaces Hint (illed frotit
I.oii'uvllli' to .Now (irl"iiun ti-epe I'ninoiis
on t wii i-onilncnts, Zacluiry Taylor was
president ol' tlie Tuiied SiiitPH.und i 'up
lain Cnieiiian kliluiuuit'd him nnd ran
uivay Kiiyly up stream ttitli tlie
steamer or eoitveyaiii-i' struggling far in
the tear al'ler tlie river i,re hound Sala
dln. That tvas on Xiichury Tayloi-'s til
uiiiphiil tour of tlie i-oiintry, and the
lanie of tin- exploit brought thousands
on thousands of dollars to the' rolemaus
and established their Hues of uteaiiK-rs
as the foremost lu the river mule
The llrsl Thomas i t'oli'inan owned
a line ol'llne (iiii'keis plyliij, from Louis
villi to .N'div Drleaiis. They were the
big Moating imlaieH of that day, uud the
pride of i be Inl was the Jsiil.iilln.
-N'othliiK that beat ivatcr on two rivers
eould hold her when t'uiitaln t'olenmn
chose to turn her loose "with u nigger
siiiut on her Hiifety valve nnd her fur
puii' iholied with rosin uud pine,"
Voting; T. t'. t'oli'intiii I'oniiuundeil her.
There was a boat belonging to a rival
line that sometimes; disputed with the
Hulmliii tlie sway of the river. Tho rival
always had it chunce, but the Hahtdlii
always got thero Hist.
I'rt'sldeiit Xaehury Taylor was on his
famous tour of thu country. To eom
iiiaud the boat that carried him on tho
Mississippi was nn honor coveted by all
Ilia euptnliiH. "Did I touch and Heady"
mis it Keiitui'Iilaii and a warm friend
of the t'oleinaiis, mi they expected, of
course, to be chosen for the honor of
conveying the pi-p.sldeni, However, thu
wishes of tjeiieral Taylor were not con
sulted, I lu wan at Vlclisburg, Miss,,
nud the reception i-uiiuiiluee thero tb
cided that the rival boat should cany
him up lo .Memphis. When the word
ciilili) to New Orleans, where the boats
were laid up, the disappointment mi dm
fsttladlii was the more Intense, for It
wits Ihe losu of a sure thing, iihlle tho
Joy on the rival boat iviis. of course,
the greater from the unexpectedness
of the victory.
lllg monsters of gloom nud Joy. the
sti'iiniers pulled uwny from thu New
Orleans duel; side by side.
"Anyhow, boys, we'll show them the
Saladlu Is the better boat," said t'up
iulii C'oleiituii, and his crew answered
htm with n will,
Thu Haladln began to druiv ahead.
Then together, llckety-spllt, up the
liver they runic, ami the people on the
levees ami Ihe hands In the Ileitis
stopped tn watch and to wonder, for
they never before had seen tun boats
going uii the .Mississippi that waj. And
Ihelr llisl botn In n flngle iiluhl, 'Iho br.tollles
woie. to be ptnltdotl by Iho IiIimiiI nf the P.m
liver limb wlildi they sirbitded on (he iloor
iost4 n( ihelr dwillliigs,
Itl.r.VI'.xTII libSMIS'.. Doc. I."., "I'he Pass,
liter," Psoilus, Ml, l-ir. - Asa of Hod's
mercy lu spiting Iholr llnl Imm whin the l!gji
t Luis' llr.l horn ttete.laln Iho Lsi-.ioliles by ill
line ii .1 ntn.i in I i h. en id a lo.i-t w hid i was to he
pirpi'tuil Ihioughoiil .illn aeiieratlom, A Liiuh
without blemlili was eatrli h.v u fiiull.i or gtoup
of fanillhw, the liietnbir of which woie glrilel,
with sh'ne.s on Iholr feel and stalf In their hands,
tokens of the oiprdod illglit on the liinirmv fmui
Pgipt to l.iu.1,111, lids w.i- also in crimp i
Hied Willi the eating of linle.ui nod hi cut, begin
lillig aii'l enilmg with a holt contnciiioii.
TWI'.I.I-'TII Ulr-OX.-Pfe. 22, lul-linas I.e.
Sou, l-alali, I'i, 1-7. -The historical part of tills
1e-snti, pel Mining to Y. biihin, Xiphlall and Milli
on foims Ihe ln-l.s fur Iho illd.,(ile poitlou wlildi
wns ih'sli'iicd to coiufoil l-r.irl in a lime ol de
spondency, The picdlctlvo port Ion -eeins to hate
little iifercitci' lo Ihe Idstoiiial and illitactie,
tn he it kind of nii'illim oec.lsloneil hy the nut
pumlng of Ihe Holy splrll. Il ha niwats been
inidolslnoil lo lefer lo Ihe Messiah, and the titles,
U'otideifiil, I'oiin-ellui, Mighty (,'od, llti il.istlng
I'ather, I'liuce ol Peace, hale ben appropriately
iipllied lo ,le.ns and could not be letetiod lo ant
ol her.
CI.OsINt; 'IIIoCtillTS. Lot tho-e who sudor
ittoiiglully turn for eiicniiiagiuicnt to .liieph
Sold lulo skitety by his biethteu, east Into
pil.-ou lluoiigh the liilsi'epies-'iilalloii.'i of Pin
i.ioh's wife, he iieierllniless nllaiued il piisltlon
of great promiti-'iicc uud iisotulno.( wlildi he no
inpleil with linuoi'. Mint can li.iim a mall who
d"is liglil; I.i I tho-e who u-p'te to a mi Ion
ion-idol- that o.uly life is iloiu'eil lo prep.ii.illuti,
It took !o-is dghty yeais, iiol one of them in
vain, to get le.idy to be Hod's i-cpresiiitaitto,
nnd l-i, ill's liMiler, 111 .lo.eph and Mo.-ei we
bate I'ouihltiiil tlilues nin! aliilll li-. The
it, , Id netils men of goodne uud hrain- and will
loc-ognize and n-e llieni.
the I.i-t Sunday of the year lo eninlia-ii'e t!.o
p.i--ilig d.i.t.. and gite -o.-ue to u letioiv of
ille. we Iiol 1 tit ii the nilention ot our sc-lio'i-a.-
to Hie -oleum tiiith thai mil Hies .is will a
t In- .tear diaweth lo il do-oV
The l.i-l S.ibb.illi of Hie j ear Las come. (1 ho.v
itiickiy t!u jears mil hi. Il.nv slight aie the
chinges mad" In the ligtiio. In - the Xew
Ve.ii, as we .-iiiiplj i hang,' 1 in 2. The old
Pud n thing, b,u Ihe i.its ol light fiom ItKH in-.'
i.illing aihwMit our p.ilhw.ij. How aie the
i h inges in out lite- in Ill's on.' -hoil .tiar. None
ol li- hue stood slill, We me nearer beaten m
laitner iiw.iv frcni II than we wuc a .tear ago.
Hear leaeh-r, whiietii ton do in pio-iiiting- ihe
1 1 ii t It lo .tour -chiil ir.i loiii.v. nut to (ui-eiit
le Us a- a ptisonal, pieilou-, ptc-ettl S.ttioi- -o
cadi mi-inher. "Th"re i- no oilier ii.inie giteti
imu'i't- lieatcn wl'."ieby we urn !,e -aie-l." If v
bate sligltiod our pildloge- o- i,egleiled our op
lioiiiniiiic, hi ii- ItCDI'.KM Tin: TIMC, .-u fai
ns we nic able.
Poll,, p not all of our ,-oholai- ale wt.h u- now
thai si.nle-l Ihe tear Willi us. I' not nil
will h" wlih it- when llluj shall do-o. 1'ies-. Iiiuii
Ihe (null wi.-ol.v, ami ,i,i,i-oilullj. and (dead lb-it
hall wiln
oppn-Ile their liauies at the
ol the teat :
Unl-i-pl l'io:ui-i-.
Ioglcitel Opniitiiiitlo-i,
Sliu'Iitcil I'l-itilegi--. Sp-.nii.'il.
Von,. 1'i'p.uil,
il n?igles .Mi-diiccted,
I JJo.iinid hy lle.'.i.v.
I S, r.ntoii, I'.i.
every luiidlne' for the Saludiu was a
winning laadliif.'.
The whole of Vickshurg ivusi gathered
on the bluff to see the president o!T.
Tlie obi soldn i' stood in tin; midst of bis
escort committee, and growled and
bowed. He was heartily tired of so
mill h ceiemony, find waited unxlourly
the coming; ol the boat that was to
curry b'ni on lo MeinphW.
Al last fur ilown ihe river, showed
the tit in puffs of it haul-driven steam
er. "There she i-iiiiiki! There she comes!"
yelled the cruv, d, uud begun cheering
tile lli-c-sident oil',
I'iiIIIuk and snort in;r. tin? hi."; tiler
itreyliomi'l rushed up to the dock. The
g.ingw.'iv catne down In un Instant.
S'h" was riirltt under tlie bluff, nnd the
in op.c nlio.e i-niild on'y luck di.wn upm
her. They were j-cllinir and I'lieerlug,
slioiltlug eiilluislitslle good-bys to the
(iresldont. And In the midst of the e.
cltrnieiit the soldh-r and his escort eom
nilttcc went uboiiiil. Tlu-y went straight
ill) to ih.' cabin, and I hen. as if by
magic, without walling to unload cur
go or anything, the big llyer tore it way
from i he duel,.
As she stiai.'hii'!i"d out In the
stream and began pounding uuay under
full pressure for Memphis the smoke
of another steamer, desperately driven,
i .-line In sight around the last bend
Thcj, had bc-eit going half an hour
when the escort committee sent for til"
captain of th" boat,
"I'll cull t'.iptalu Coleman,' replied
ihe mule addret's?d.
"('apt. Coleman'."' asked the leader
of thu escort committee, "why what
boat Is this',"
"The .tubulin, bound for Louisville,"
came the prompt response,
".My (loll! Stop the bout! Turn
around! Stop, (iilck! Here, all of you,
are on the wrong boat,"
At the shoul of the leader, the lest
of the escort committee crowded about.
"Who',' What'.' What is It'.'" they
"We are on the wrong bout," and
at tlntt in a body the committee rush
ed for Coleniau,
He appeared Just In the inldst of the
e.Ncltnl melt,
"Is there anything- r ran do fop you,
gentlemen'."' He the only eool
mail in llie lot. They pressed tibout
him. The cabin was loud with their
-mill", deinands and deuimclutlonp,
Coleniau wus calm and as smiling Urt
the proverbial basket of chips.
He was awfully sorry, hut he ran mi
schedule lime nnd his boat could not
slop for anything-,
Then the escoit went rr.isiy, They
drew Ihelr pistols anil threatened the
"Do you know, sir," cried one excit
able man, shaking his pistol In Hie fueo
of the smiling oillcer, "do you know,
sir, whut you urn doing? You are kid
napping the I'rffc'ldcnt of the I'ulted
"And tin you know, sir," retorted
i-'oleuiuu. "Unit the president of the
I'nll'eil Htutes Is riding on my bout
without my invitation or my permis
sion'.'" The csi-ort commit ten gasped.
"He caiuo on here," continued Cole
iiiuii, "of his own free will and accord
and certainly i am pot Kolng to put
the president of the United Slut ex off
in) boat unless he distinctly suys him
self thai he wants to get off, Kspcclul
ly Is ( Hits true, when the proldent
Is u man 1 love ns 1 love Xuchury
Taylor. Now, gentlemen, there uro
Tt tfenends on tlie size
of your appetite. rom
NNESliai' .
you can make, as you choose and whenever wanted
Tworr Large -r- Pies
.- 's.-v :, " ' "-.t-v
For variety, it will make u Fruit Pudding or n Fruit Cake, or
n batch of" None Such Hermits." There's lots of clean, honest
value given for ioc. Recipes on every package.
" None Such " Condensed Mince Mtl for lr by every jocd rncer.
Valuable premium lilt of" 1847 Hortri pros,' " silver ate encloied. Beware
If undesirable substitutes. Let us know 11 your dealer refuses to .upply you.
rVe will tell you one ibat will. Kor our mutual benefit wille ti
MERRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. Y,
Marvelous FUxirofLife Discover
ed by Famous Doctor-Scientist
Hint (Jiuvs K very Known
Wonderful Cures Are Effected
Tlmt Seem Like Miracles Per-
formed Tlie Secret of long
Life or Olden Times
' Kevlvcd.
The Remedy Is Free to All Who
Send Name nnd Address.
AfliT ,10.11s nf patient Plmly, itiul lcliinir into
tin' ilii-ty ii'ionl cf (hi- (List, .1- iicll ns fulliiiv
iniz iiiiiiluti i'niiiiii'iili in tin- ic.tltiis of titfili
111I K-ii'iuc, lie. .I11111M IV. Kidil. 1117.1 I'lui N.i
1 ILiiik luiililii:).'. I'mt W. 11 111. Inil., m.ilic,
tlii' 1.1. ittlln-,- .iiinuiiiici'iiii.'iit tint lie Ims kiiiiIi
lilt. .11MI-S UII.I.IWI KIPIl.
iIImi,ii.i'iI tin' 1 v 1 - n I'll- 'll.jt III' is lllll"
'.villi ill,. ,ii,l ,,t .1 niisti'iiiiiis tniiiiiiiiul, Ku.mii
uil.i li liint'i'll, ini'iliiii-il ji 11 ii'-ult nt III"
l"l'l In' ll.H ,-ll'll! Ill l,".lllllllll; till' tills- IU'l-inl.
lifi"Klviit!s- li'.'Ui, t' 1 tin- inn .mil i.iiy iliT.i-,'
llul is Knoiiii in tlie liimuii Iiiuii-. 'I'll, it- is mi
ilinilit ol' tin' iliii'i'iiV I'.iriii'srurvi In nuKiiitr bis
1 l.ilt-i .ni'l llu' iciii.iiKiiliic 1'iiU's tlmt lie- is d.tily
i-iVictliis.' .--ciii" 111 In' if bun ml ii'i.i Aiinuul.i.
ills iliinti ii'Mili In- 11 ill :i iii-i's ii mi" 1: mm-oii
.lllll lll-Cll I'll .sllllll'l oin-iietiii- in .1 tiifilicil i-,it-tll-l'
til tll.llll Il insts ttiiiiini to 1 ii- his
I. mill. .ili'.,- "Klisii nf I. ih'." .11 In' 1 ill- il, lui
ln si'inls it fii'i I" imi inn- nin, is .1 . ml, -i'i I-, 111
Mlltllill't ,IUlllltll's ti, I'l'lll liu-i' n( il - ill ii It t - lu
nut', .11 linn' is .1I1 I'liiicl.i 111, li-l; In nin
1,1111' ot tin- (Hit'- i-ili'il .111 Iivy triii nil. ililc. .ihil
Inn lot- it'li. il'li' ilui'-si'- Mi11l.l li.U'll.i In' ili-ilil-i'il.
Tin' Linn' li.ui- tlnuivii ,inii) i-itili'lii'- .llul
i.. ill. ul all. ul nin r Inn hi tlii'-i' 11. nl.- nt' tin;
uiiicil.i. Tlii' "UK, slirii Ui lii liotni' ilnrtoi..,
luu. in 011 li-:ni''l In tiiui (.imllirs mill (ii, mis
ill I'Uli'rt bl'.lltll. lilll'lllllllil-lll, 111-UlMlji.l. stlilll
.11 II, ll'.lll. IllCI, l.i(llll',l. Iillli'll .lllll si.111 (li-IMsl-s
11111I bl.iilili-i- tinnbli-- i!l-.ii!i,'.ii .1- li.v iiiiuic.
II, .uiji In's, l,.ii-lv,ii I10... iioiinii.iu ', tiii'i-i, run
siiitii:,"ii, ti-nubs, iitt.. .t-il.iii.i., binii
iliitli .ttnl .ill .ill i'i tin n ul Ih" llimnl, lii'i'.'s in
uny 1lt.1l ihi:.iiis .111' I'.isii.i i," ciiniiii' .11 11 -ii.nt
,.l lliiic i- -lni'ly ULiiti lint-.
I'.I 11 I'll Hl.llsis, In mil. line, ,ll'.ii-v,
Kctll. sitiiiul.i mil (lib's 11,' ,;tllil,l,-. .1111I (ii tni.t
lU'lllly ll-IIHIllll. Il lll illr-4 till' l-ll'lll' .,l-tl'll,
jiliimi Mid lis.iics, ii'siuii's iinrniiil n'riv miM-r. .It'll .1 -I. II- I'l' l'll('.l lll.lllll Is iu-lllll-t'll
,tt C'llli'. 'I'll tbc ibll-lnl' .ill s(,.tts 111,'
.illlr 1111. 1 i'1'iiiilr Jil. ill. I by tln.i u''i.'l "lllislr
nf l.lli'." Mini I'M lb'" i"iii"dy iii'l.iy. It Is I'i -.-
tn I'll'ty -lllliti'l.' IMlil lull li'.ltlt til I'l'
rllll'il nt .llul till' "Ul'' ll'llU'll.t f'H II lllll III- -CHI
,1011 1 1 i-i' by ic'tiiin null.
hut two nii'li In the ivorM who nin stop
thly hunt the (ii'i'shlunt mill nil'. T
won't stop hi1!'. It's up to the pi-osl-ilcnl."
'I'lu' t-(inunltici fell hack, They inlttht
1:111 tlii- I'uptutu, hut the linut uuilhl
not stop. Then they went for (li'ui'iitl
'I'lli' picslihuit I'lllli' nut liinUlllK' Vory
"Tom," ltd ht'Biin, 11111I iviilkliiHr up h'
Hliuok his iliiKi'f In fiipliiln t'oli'iuau's
I'uci', "Tom, you sciinip, ivhul ilo you
nii'iiu hy KPttlnif tin' Into thin"."'
Thiui he tuiui'il to thu uiiKfy, -utl;y
fsciiit coiiiiiiliiHi':
"tii'iitli'int'ii, J ii'i'liuu nhout nil wo
can do U to tnkf n ihlnk,"
Anil tlmt i'nili'ii thu Itlilnnppliiis ol tin
Legends Go Back ns Eur us Edward
the Confessor.
I'l'l'lll l,illillllll'r.
"The iveililliif? riniv ol' IhiKluiur' Is of
plain Ktihl, si't with a liirgo (uhlit ruby,
on ii'hli-h thu I'i'oMH of Hi. Ucocko Is cn
Kiavi'il, l.t'peuil miys that this clutf bc
loiiKcil to l-Mwiii'tl thu Confessor, unit
that ho bestowed it on an old uckkuv
who asked an alms uf him, he IuivIiik
uothlniv elso at hand at the moment,
Hoou aftei'waid two iinullsh pIlKilius
lost llu'll' way In the Holy I, uud and
were Mii'i'oi'i'd by a "I'uyre uliio mail,"
who, on partliiH, said to them: "I am
Julian thu evaiiKelyst; and say.-s yo ymo
l'Mwaril, your kynu, tlmt I mete hint
well by thu token thai he kuiV tn me.
th.vs ryiiKe. iith hys one huiults." vr
lain It is that James II, when detained
by tho. Ilhhui'iuuii of .SheonicKs on his
III si iitteiupt to lieu tho country, In Ib'Su,
contrived to hide 11 rim, called il cor
onation 1I11;," In his clutliliiK. This was
it favorite iIiik of .Mary Queen of Hc-ols,
uud was M'lit by Iter ill her li to
James I, linully comliii; Into tlie pus
session of tlcorjie IV, throuijh the chuti
liolu by iihieh he obtiiiiii'il all the re
mainiiiK papers uf the house of Stutirt.
of vour family or Hie siz-
a to cent packuije of - A
Cor. Shtrditli ?'! ami living Place,
American Plan, J.1.30 Pir Pay ami L'nivanK
Kurupoiiu Pl.iti, $1.0) IVi- Day anil VJnvarJi.
bpcclul Itatci to l'amlllcii.
For Dusincss Men
In tho heart of the wholeaalt
For Sliopiiers
t mlnutea' walk to WatiHrnakcrs;
S minutes to Sloeel Uoopcr'H Kit
Eturc. Knsy ot acceaa to the ureal
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'xvay Cam. elv'
tnrr easy transportation to all
points uf Interest.
Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVKP.SITV Pii
Only ono Block from Uroadway.
Rooms, $1 Up. pJi,
Virginia Aie and Ucacli, Atlantic City, N. J.
EUtli year; SJU t'cautilul looms ensuite, clngln
anil Willi Imtlt; liot and rold sca-watcr IjoiIh
in hotel and linncx. Location sclrct and central,
within (civ jaids ,'f II10 t-teel Tier. Orclienti 11.
Oflira tpccial spiini; rates, $1.2 to $15 by week;
i'l.U) up hy day, Special rates to families. Coaches
meet ill t ml n.i. Write or booklet.
Can the Seeker After
Find Such Itich Reward.
Best Reached Via
ti'Ai.ATiAi. 11011:1. on vhi:i:ls.)
Leave New York Tuesdays, Thurs
days, Saturdays.
R. I. Smith, agent, 109 S. 3d st,
Philadelphia, Pn.
Thi' iii'1'liblnhnp puts the liiifr on tho
fourth llnifcr of his iniijcsty's tlRht
huiiil, ruylii;: "I'.ecclvo this rinsr, the
I'ltHlisii nf klimly dlKtilty uml of ilffpiu-e
of the t'iithollc fiillh."
lloiui'O X. Davis 11 student of WVst
Cht'stt'f Nonniil si'luml Is spendlnfr th.i
holliluy ivci'li with his parents, Mr, ittnl
Mis. .V. H. Duvls.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. K. Ar. I.oiifh entortiilu
ed Mrs. I'hully I.t-uoh uud ilitUKhtcf, Mr,
uud .Mrs. William Adams and family
011 f'hrbunms.
.Mr. iintl Mrs, Arthur l.u .Mont, of
Qulni'.v tivontii', ivi'ic Kuct'tn or tho
lutli'r's parents Mr. and Mrs. AV, S.
Friifc on ChrlHtiniis day.
Mr. and .Airs. K. 1). Parker, of th!
AVt'st Sldo, ivt'ii fntcrttiliicd at th
hoinc of tin'1 former's parents Mr. anil
.Mrs. II. V. IMrker.
Mr. uud .Mrs. Allison Aldrleh, of
iiM'fii IlldRe, were the guests 'of Mr,
nnd Mrs. .Unison Wells,
Oharles Wells. 11 student of Olrnii!
colli'Ke, Is spenilliih' the holidays with
his mother and sisters.
J, C. IHfs'slus spent Christum with
friends in (Iri'uii Ithlfff.
Mr. and MrH, A. Slnjrer were enter
tulned by relatives In lireeu l.ldse oil
Mr, nnd Mi's.' W. Cl. Slioolts took
I'hrlstniiiH dlmier tilth their ilatmlitet
and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .leu
ulpcrs. in .Newton.
.Airs. Mary Slayton and daiiKlit'i'
I-hnniii, anil nieee lllrdlo KuIkIiI were
miosis at tlie homo of Mr, und Mrs.
.ludson 11, Aylsworth on t'hrlHtmiifi. '
.Air. and -Airs. .1. O. .Mead, of llliiei.
hanilon, are speudliiir the holidays at
the home of the hitter's parents Air.
and Mrs. U. A". Hoiul.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard i:. ,oithiit.
and son, aro th" nuesta nf tliolattei'!
filunds In ritroudsbitrs.
Mr. und -Airs. W. P. Coon are vlsltlim
relatives in llonesdalc.
M.r. nanlel C Stevens spent hi"
Chrlsiinas at the home of ills parents
near WyaliiHiiiK. and returned here on
The Christinas entertainment River
lu the .Methodist i lunvli wus hlnhly
i-i-eilltiihle and very pleaslni,". it con
sisti'd of niiisie. ii'tltallims und a i-ol-loiltiy
entitled. "Santa Chins' llevolt.'
wltli represri'tuntlons of tho dlffeivii'
nations httvliur lelatlous iilth Ulli'U
Sum's domains. Much etvdlt is ilii;
10 tho Misses Carrie Welis. und Rllza
lii'th for thu sui-ci'st'ul it'iulltlon of Dili
fxit'lK'iil piopruni.
HJSSfl'iTieHO slny ilnpuulcs ur X"N"i
HfflfWiiri'-t In 'IH bourn ivltluiut,,,-, JJl
tSlitcr.iivcnleni'r, iillrc-llnuajmirw li
liigboli (i nd liiliiciloin full. y I