iHTrjrr! t? f-m r V t . p,' IT . -f :''. k- W"p. 'fc -K'; ' W'W' '-- '. Vifi ' ' " - - .: THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1901. 8P NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA STABBING AFFRAY IN MONTROSE JAIL A Tramp Named Kroskey Is 'Mur derously Assaulted by Another Tramp Named Turrell. Bpfilsl to the Scranton 'Itlbiinr. Monti om Dpi. "JC At the SiiHiiuc liiinnti county jail, In tlilH plnrc, thN liionilntr, Hhnrtly nftcr 10 o'clock, n, tcitlblo stabbing affray took place, In which one pilsoncr wtis niiitili'i'otisly nMuiiltcd with 11 knICo by another prisoner, Inflicting Injuries which .lall IMiytdcInn ( 1. Alnekry beleven will ptove fatal. The victim wum it tramp giving al the time or his if! tout the name of Trunk Tlrnwn, who pleaded guilty to the charge of rcnlntlng an nllher and mum heat to jail for thirty tluys by Justice M. II. Van Kcoton, and hit term would have expired In a few days. He now glvt-st his name as Jack Kroske., and hl lesldeni'r as - ClmmbeiM stiect, New at k, N. .1., ami his statement Is generally credited bj the authorities. Ills alleged assailant Is another tramp, who gives lili? name, probably assumed, as James Turrell, and his 1 evidence as Kcrunton, an nc lount ol wlio.se arrest lor larceny and his commitment to jail to await action uf the grand jury has been previously given, lie was anxious to get Into jail, but he will doubtless lose such anxiety befoie he again breathes tile air a free man. lmiuliies by a Tilbune repieenta tive elicited the following paitleulais leg.udlng the affair: Tills forenoon Turrell, who was le giuded at the jail as an inoffensive sort of an individual, vns given a knife and peiniitted to pate potatoes for dinner. "While thus engaged In tin; upper conidor, shortly arter 10 o'clock n. m., he seemed to be taken with a sudden lreir.y, and as Kioskey came near him, ho sprang upon the latter, and hefoic they could be separated, had viiiously attacked tlie defenseless man and inflicted with the knife wounds which Jail Physician Mackay (onsldeis fatal, though Kroskey i, at Uiis wilting, still alive. ICioskey's left car was almost en tliely tut off, a stab In the back of the neck seveied an artety or largo blood vessel; another stab was almost iliiectiy between the ribs, while an other, and the most serious, was just below the heart, a cruel gash, about two inches long and four inches deep. Dr. Mackay at oiue notified the jail ofllcials of the gtavity of the man's (audition, and Justice M. II. Van Sco ten was sent for to taKe wliat is likely to liiove the nnte-iiioi'tein .statement of Kioskey, and also, at the man's le ipiest, Ke . Father A. T. Bioderiek, pastor of St. Jlary's Catholic church, was summoned to give spliilu.il toiii fort and to administer the last lites of the ehuicil for the dying. In his statement, Kioskey claims that the assault upon him was unpio voked, names Tun ell as his assallunl, and aveis that there was and had been no quart el between them. The knife used was an ordinary jack-knife, of good size. This knife is alleged to have been thrown away by Tun el!, after the stabbing, but was uf lei wind found, and is now In the hands of the aiithoiities. It is said that while theie 4as no actual quarrel, theie hud been a geneial disposition among the other pilsoneis to plague or "pick on" Tur i ell, and this, It is believed, had te sulted in the nunderous assuull upon Kroskey, upon w lioni Tun ell appeals to have vented his spite. M a late hour this afternoon, Kros key Is testing menu comfortably than culler in the iluv, but no hope of his reeoM-ry is held out, and the priest has made a second visit to the appar ently dying man. m FACT0RYV1LLE. S-peii.il to the Siiantnn Tubulin, raetoiyvllle, Dee. 2C The I'lirlstiiias entertainment at the Uaptlst church, Tuesday evening and at the Methodist church Wednesday evening were well attended and very enjoyable. The Kvergreen cottage at the Meth odist school was something novel anil very pretty. Aliss I-eona May, the only daughter of Mr. and Mis. A. J. Warner was united in mm riiige to Mr. Samuel '. Reynolds, last Tuesday morning by the Hov, .Tallies X. I-oe. The popular young couple mo taking a bridal tour through New Jersey. Misses lilanehe, Kathiyu, and Nina Stark attended the wedding of their cousin Miss Clara Stark to Mr, Ace, at Mast Lemon, Wednesday evening, Mrs. Haul, mother of W. W. Haul is perlously 111. Mr. and Mis. n. J. Cilsman have been spending a week with ft lends at Mont ose, Hov. and Mis. J. N. I.ee, arc visiting relatives nt Oneouta, N, Y. Miss Anna Woiden of Daltnn, spent I'hilstmas with her brother Mr lUrnni JI. Woiden. Or, and Mrs, Ueaidsley and daughter Miuiel of Hlnghamton, N. Y. and Mr, Mrs. S. N, Sinnell of Scranton weie guests of their mother Mrs. S-'niah Himrell of this place. There will bu no pieachlng at the BIGGER BOX SAME PRICE) Enameline -JHE.MODERN STOVE POLISH, Brilliant, Clean, Easily' Applied, Absolutely uuune:s LIQUID- BETTER YET! 'J FIRE PROOF m Methodist eluireh nest Humluymonilng, owing to the absence of the pastor. tiio union Temperance semen will be held Hundny eienlng. PITTSTON. Speclil fo the Reunion Tribune. Pittston, Dec. UC Tho game of bas ket ball which was to have been played In Armory hall, this city Friday even ing, between the local Y, M. C. A. team and the Ninth Heglment team of Wilkes llarre lins been cancelled owing to the inability of the visiting team to be on hand. The vigilant e committees of the vml osu wauls of West Plttston borough will meet in the town ball Saturday to set a time for the holding of the pri maries. January IS will most likely bo the date chosen, nand a Hepubllca ticket will be nominated for the first time under the Crawford county sys tem. John Knsper, one of the oldest lesl dent of West Pittston, who has been PICTURE ILOPVUKIIITtl) 1 m r. ii i t i . v. ''i1! ' -VJ- r r. '" 1 The Babes in the ciuel uncle and the critically ill for some time, is eiy much impioved although sill confined to his bed. 1-tlwaid Ciowell, of Crie, Pa., secie tary of the Y. M. C. A. at that place, and a former sec-ietuiv of the associa tion lieie. is .spending a lew days with patents and liiends in this city. Mis. Ttoger Powell died Chilstnias morning at her home on Philadelphia avenue, West Pittston, after a long period of suffeiliig with bronchitis. Deceased was JG yeais of age and had been a te.sideni of this jil.ice lor Hie greater part of her life. She is sur vived by five glow n up children, as follows: Thomas Powell, ot Pittston; I.otils Powell, of West Pittston: Mis. Albeit Sutter, of Wilkes-Hart e: Mis. Chester Quinn, and Miss Hvelyn Powell, of West Pittston. The tuneial will take place Ftlday afternoon at two o'clock with interment in Pittston cemetery. A slight lire orcuiied .esterday morn ing in the bottling establishment of T. J. Corcoran located on the alley at the tear of South Main street. Dr. Mahon, president ot Hie hospital staff, Tuesday received a check tor $100 from the Wyoming Valley Ti action company for the hospital. The Mendellshon Mixed choir ol AVest Pittston, under the Ieadei.shiu of Hichaid 1 hurls, will leorganlze and piopare to compete at an eisteddfod to be held in the Uaptlst church at Wllkes Barie next Washington's borthday. For tlie past lew clays P.ev. Father McCoy, of New Yoik city, has been con ducting a mission In St. Cecilia's chinch at Sturmerville, that has been ciowned with much success. Within that time over ;!00 people approached communion. The missions closed with a grand Illustrated lectin e last night on the "hire of Christ," at which one of tins featuies was the rendition of "The Holy Cily" by Mi, Qninnan of thie city. Hesidents of Duryea have a llteraiy treat In stoie for them next week when Wlllaid D. Howe will give impel situa tions of David Copperfleld. Mr. Howe Is lightly considered one of the most clover Impersonators and churacteis in that profession, being considered by ninny a fitting rival for Iceland T. Powers, and is gieeled with well pleas ed uudlences where ever ho appears, on Jan, 3rd, ho will be heard in tlie Brick M. K, church, and diuiiiR the evening soprano solos will be tendered by Mrs, W, H. lOvuns, of Pittston, A, D, Hicks, for the past 23 years in charge of the Delawaiu & Lackawanna station at AVest Pittston, has leslgned his position, his resignation to take ef lect Jan, I, .Mr, Illcks lias proven a ovy elllelent station master, always very courteous and obliging to tlin pattons of that ralhoad, and has many fi lends who will miss his tumilinr IIkuio about the station. Mr. Hicks will de vote ids time in the ftituie to tho sel ling of fitilt tiees, etc. His successor Is F. II. Hogers, of Conklln, N. Y., who has had chaige of the station at that place. SUSQUEHANNA. tfpeclil to th Sonnton Tritium. Susuehanua, Dec. 20. Hugh p, Dur an, one of Susquehanna's most pioinln ent business men, died very suddenly at his home on West Main stteet at iihiilii d o'clock on Wednesday after noon, neieuscd attended Christuum i-ervloes in St. John's Catholic church In tho morning, ami had been In his us ual health. After a sleep in the after noon he was about to Use fiopt the lo'ich, when ho iwplied, almost with out wnriiliuj. Pat lysis was the probable i.msu Ills ago was about seventy yeais. He Is survived by the widow ami two daughteis. He hud been a piouiltient meichunt lieie for more than a quarter of it century, leiuoving here fiom a teat Rend, where he had been In business for many yeuts. His sudden death wus u gieat shock to the lommunlty. Ho wus a loving husband and father, and u good citizen, ills bad nlid Unexpected death Is deeply re gretted by a very wide circle of rela tives nnd friends. The funeral wilt take place from St, John's Catholic chinch on Saturday morning, when ic qtilein high mass will be celebrated, St. John's branch, inn, c. M. II. A., will attend In a body. The Christmas offering In St, Jiihii'ii Catholic chinch was the taigelW lit yea is, Mrs. Joel Drown, an aged and esteem ed resident of the Oakland side, who recently sustained a stroke of paralysis, is critically 111. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chiulcs Curtis, jr., of dlbson, are spending the Chrlstmns holidays with their parents In this place. Christinas exercises weie held and' largely attended last evening In the Methodist Uaptlst and Avenue Metho dist chinches. There has been a large advance sale of tickets for "The Parish Priest" per formance, to be held In Hogiin opera house on Tuesday evening next. In Hogiin opera house this evening, under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus, Henry Austin Adams, of New York city, will lecture on "The Theatre." Hundteds of former Susquehanna people came "here" to spend Chilstnias. HARFORD. Spot Il In flit "miitou Tribune. tlarfoid, Dec. '-'(!. Plot. Adams and wife are spending their Chilstnias PUZZLE. h n Wood. Find their two icibbeis. vacation with Mr. and Mis. K. C. Hauling Miss Floiemc I'obbius has gone to Yonl-eis, to woik lor Mrs. becl Din -enpoi t. Mrs. role, of Syiiiiic-e, was called hole In l he illness ol her sKUi -In-law , Mrs. J. C. Tanner. Miss Hniily Chttuibei lain, who has been attending school at lite Plains, is spending Iter vacation witlt her pat ents, Mr. and Mis. M. J. Chamberlain. Mrs. AV. Ji. Guile spent Chiistmar with her daughter in Sci.iuton. .Mrs. Daniel Hi tinilage was called to Klngsley Monday by the Illness ot her giandclilld. Miss Cl.Mie Patteisoli, Jessie ob bins and Cm lie Hiewster, of Stiouds bttig Noimal school, aie spending their acatlon with their pamits. T.oulse Sophia, of Hlooinsbtug Noi mal school, is home lor (iuisiuiiis va cation. ills. .T. ('. Tanner Is very si( k at this writing. Dr, Cluidnei, ot Jlonl- lose, was called as counsel Chilstnias day. Mr. and Mis. Hugh MeConnell and two daughteis, spent cinistuias Day with .Mis. l.izzle Tiffany in Kingsley. Miss Nellie Picket, of Sciiiiiton. is spending her vocation witlt he" sister, Mrs. Hew Bui dick. Phil. Alworth, of New Yoik, Is home for u isit. Miss Addie Jeffers is home for aci tlon. Mis. Julia Hstabiook is isltlng lier daughter lit Caibondale. The Christmas exercises of both chin dies weie well attended and the Jubilee singeis favoied us with a tine selection. Lynn Hrainaid was going to New Milford with milk last Friday and as he was going down what is known as Mott Hill, Hie pole of the wagon broke, letting the load onto the hoises. The team became iilghteuecl and ran. One horse was killed and ihe other was hurt quite badly. Lynn jumped and escaped with slight Injuiles, AVOCA. The nianaige of .Miss Alicia, dailgh tor of Mr. and Sirs. John Davis, of Pittston avenue, and Louis Klsh paugh, ot South Forks, Vi,, was sol climbed at the home of the bride's paients, al 7.30 o'clock on christman night. At thi' appointed time, the bildal party entered the puilor mvl look their place under a floral at eh of evergreens, holly and cut flowers. Hero they weie met by Hov, II, M, Paseoe, who performed the ceremony. The Initio was at tended by her sister, Miss Ksther. Tlie fonner woie a suit of brown broadcloth, whllo the latter wore a blue mode serge gown, Hotn wete trimmed In cienni silk, and each canieil pink carnations. After the cei oniony, supper was seived to a largo number of invited guests, The couple left on the 10,24 train for Soulh Folks, wheio they will reside, Hugh Jennings spent Sunday with friends here. The condition of T, J. FlUslinuioua was quite critical yesterday, Itev, M. F, Ciaiie spent yesteiday wllh liiends In Jennyu. Tho Smsfleld Literary society will elect ofllcers on Saturday ovcnlug. Fol low lug theie will be a smoker, The Presbyterian chinch on chilst nias night was not half huge enough to ui commodate the cunvd that wished to hear the iiintata, "Star of Light." Theie wem sIMy well-trained voices, and all who were fortunate enough to gain admission pionounced it one of the lluest cautatus ecr given. Much credit Is duo Thomas I'm i y for his woik as choiister dining the past lew mouths. .Miss Margin et Alkuiau was oicanlst. John O'Malley rutin ned to Newport News yesteiday after a few days.' visit lieie. Miss Tetcsa Huike, of Jennyu, Is visiting at the home of her patents on the West Side. THE MARKETS Wall Street &erlew. New Yoik, Dec. 20. The beats In the slock inaiket heat a pieclpltate letieat In the later hours of the day's session nt the stock exchange, and their eager rush to buy In order to cover short contracts developed a fair ly buoyant condition befoie the dose. Theie were some i elapses In the mote volatile slocks, but the closing was generally stlong and nctlve nlid near tho top level, The volume of denllngn showed a nialeilal Inciease over those prevailing for the last Tow ilajs, The bears weie Inclined to tontluue their campaign when the tnatket opened this moiulng, mid ' they effected a number of scilous Im emits upon pilce.i. Hut they soon became awiiie that their offerings were being absoibcd In a Volume and conlldence which sounded a vatnlug. Sugar continued to be a leader of the market, but by no menus In so uvei whelming it pio portlon us of late. The vlgoious sup port accoided this stock and the suc cess achieved In driving the bears to cover In It were Important ractors In turning the general market upwind and In swelling the demand for other stocks to an extent which lessened sugar's propoitlon of dealings In tho market. Tlie beats In the stock showed glowing evidence ot acute ills iress and of having over-extended their accounts, nppaiently In the con fidence thai the leceni experience In copper was to be repeated hi sugar. Hiimots got abioad that negotiations were In piogiess for patching up a tiute In the trade war. Theie was a growing suspicion Hint while both crude and refined sugar are selling at veiy low prices, the margin between crude and leflned Is still stitllc lent in affoul a pioflt upon the Industry of i editing. Whatever may be tla grounds of tudnj's rumors, the shorts weie thrown Into a flight and lushed the price up from the low point at 103"i to 113'. The stock closed al H2',i, a net gain of IT'l. Amalgamated Copper, after sharing In tlie heaviness ol the early market, also developed a veiy sinmg tone, adding to tlie sentimental effect of the ic bound in sugar. Tlie price lo'-e to Oll'jiiud closed oulv a shade lower, at a net" gain ol 2''s. The activity In the stocks of electric mnmiLictill lug com panies may have been connected with the developments In ttie topper trade. Westinghotise Kleetilc was at on time IT points and closed with a net gain o'f '4. The Southwesterly, Pacifies and (liangeis became veiy strong late In the day. The haul and solt coal car rieis weie active and sluing all dio. gains in some of the leadeis leaching between 2 and 3 points, and in Hock ing Valley, four points. Total sales today, T.'il.'jOO shares. The bond nun ket was moderately active and linn. Total sales, par value. X440.nmi. Culled States iVs ad vanced 'I per cent, on tlie last call. 'Il.o fiillonlncr nur.tii mm arc liiniisiiril Tho Trill- mic tic U. s .lurdjii Morn liiiililmi;, Su.uil i Conipiii. liicims ,j ,uo un. IM. 'lVlc'phoni', WHH: Open- Hull- low- ioi- I in;, i-t. i 't ..hi", in'.. niiK 1 111; llJ'i rs'i uii'j t.'i :ins 1,1 li'i H "s Jl'f II. I f-'i VlllCMlC III -vk.u lilii-.in Aliln-i.n. I'i. . .. iinl. ( i ... Vim I .it I'muitll ltlonl, 'll K In n .. IS ill. .V. IMllii ... ( lh-. .V (lino .... I liii. , (,t. Wi-t. (in.., Mil. st. ....llKl's 7'4 .... -217 .... I I'i 10 ll""i .IV -Jl'c ...lull. ....fUl'i! .... S'-1 .... HI i.'.'lOVl ....l.J'l ....Tf'i ....till .... .V. Il'i ....ll.Vj ... it;', . ... "ii' c .... MJl . Jill"., l.'li . .!', lif'N 'JI'j HilU ill', .si'v 40'h Hull'. i ,!,; 1lll'4 WI'h .n"s 1(,TU lls'l .-.P-, V.J I'll 'II' . Ill U,I . :.-'i ni i. :" in.' He, Jl ll,!1 r.n'i; s,u lllVj r.s'4 un .'ii :a"i nr.ij IIT' :,in4 ':'; 'li'l III III !'nil ill.. lll . I.! " 'IJ'l llltlll )' . (in . It. I. A I Mi I'm! & In. it . It. 1! It. II . l'r. . Cul. I.llo i:no I mil ai'i .(. With. .. llK.K Mm. l.lic.iloil . lid Ik l'.l', viol, 'll.ll tinii .. Ml 1 IMi IhL . V.I lull, A il N .. II. .. . . V. Cilltl.ll . I'i mi i. 1! II. .. Hi.iihni; llv. . licnllli;;- ll , I'i S.MIIIlllll lit ,.cil Ii. I(j.. I'i .S'uUlinn 1'uilU 1'li'i V.4 11.7'i H-'J l"li ! .'.)''. ill . . i (H . (..: . if.; . Hl' . 4J 'U'l .101 . '!''. . 12 's 1(i' 'I'i un. Cul , Ii n i.i'. l-'i ll'l M 11 Ml Ti.is Piiifle ... I . s. Ii-ilhir . I . s. 1 ( ,u r. I'i 1'. s, su.l I i, . I s. si(L. ( u , Fulfill IMcinV . Widn I'liiun . AV.ilu-li, Pi. ... ii1. ii I'd 'ii pij'j in" j 'ir u' Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. ii, .,j IiicKiwniiiiu Diiiy Co, l'r no Cciint.v Saving II111K & 'liiit t'n . SfiO first Nationil II ml; ((Mrhondilo) S2' siiimljiil liiillinK Co :o Third .Natlcnil lljnl 11 lliine Doposll nnd llMnunt IlJiiU.. 273 1'cononic I.IrIiI. II. k V. Co 40 Fint National II ink IJiK) Uika Tntt Sale l)opoit Co 110 riail. .1 Snow I Co., I'i 125 Scranton Iiun IVnio ,. Mfs. Cu 100 Scianton Alc UcuKs t5 Sirunton Saclius lljnl: AM Trndois' Natloii.il II ink 17'i bcranlon Holt Ii Nut Co till I'copio's II ml. ,. IIS ... New Mcvlio II. & Co 75 PONDS', hrianlnn l'.wonaoi ll.illvci, Hrt Mortgage, due l'i20 113 People's sluot IUIIh.i', Hut mort- 1W duo 1H1S II 3 People's Shut Itullttjy, Cioucul morlKURO, duo I'lJl 113 IllcLi-oii Manufacturing Co 1(0 I.aika. Timii-hip Soliool ri por cent ... lui City of f-tranloii St. Imp (I por tout 10.! Silunlon 'iuctlon (1 pel tent 115 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coricctul Icy II (' I'Jle. 2 lackananiu Ave) fli in Hi i pat'it., im Ii.iiiiI, l.i(i lle.ui. Pel liibliil, clolic nuriow, .' j."i llultei I'ii-Ii m unci), in ; .line u amci, 2I( ; l ,ll. 2.l'.(, ( licfi-- I'ull iioam, IPjilJi, I'r.n'-1- Nenli, Hi,, ftoui,e, fain, lll'te, lliuil IV.i I'd liii-.li! I, 'l.r.il, PlltltliV- I'll liii-m), ), Union-, I'll Uu-hol, ifl.1.11 Philadelphia Ornin and Pioduce. I'ldlidilplih, Pee, 20 Wliiat Minm;, and -'c. liluliti; iimtiac i hiadi, ln , sl'tasli, Coin ijufil, (ml lc.nl : No, 1 iiiImiI, iii.ii,;t.i tlin - f Jutvl . lnit i.ti'ail,t i Nil J twilti ilippid, ,i I 1'luui 1'inii .tint loil'i, 'ir liiinl liUlui. win til' pupil', ?.',7Vi.ii do. ovlra-., ,ii,2V; niiliin Mlulii ilea, siliji'lW; do. ,.,. u,ili,ii, s.Ku ii.l.V,; ilit. tin. paitiit, l.1il.lu; im,f ileii, s.f.lili'l ij)j do, Mi liuht, i,T.)il, do. piiiui, l at 2D; ilty mill, ivlia, .a.l.2'i do, ileal, n;ii nl,i.ili iln. MiaiKlit. 1-H'Ua.l.hJi lie, iililil, .l 'I ni. to; ie Horn, x;..i'iii.iii pa liiiui i(,i iiioiui I'liiu.i.i liikl.Hln.it II. un. ,'aj.-i pa on n., ,u lo niiilll) ui.il iii.iiiUl.i. Iluiloi I'iiiii, fill ill in ill. 1, f.iiu wMilli 1 1 e.l im n, 2"''1.i2ih,; ... neiiln piini, 2o, i:i.'i,'--piill uihI 2i lown, tu-,li mailii, 2i i do. twMuin .in. I Miulhiw-liui. 2i. ; do m ullii in, 27c. I In i'ii I'iiiii ami lilalill Nt'tt Vml. full cii , laniv .Mil. ill, ll'ii'.i do, il". d" , llir to ih. .lie, ll'.ulli. Ili lluid i-ucai-.- riuhiliitid, (olloii- Pull nnd lioiiihul, Tilluw Ijnlil hut ttc.nl , ill piluie In lleice-,, ll!.i,i u. until do, ilo,, luutN, i.'l d'ii.i daik, 34ji'i.; iakia, f,ii. .w poul 1 1 j I'I I liici , Koud iliiiini.l; l.iwU. Iii.ni, lliijji,, il.i. flii In p'oil, '" I !" . old luoiteis, lii.i'i ; llliilulu, li.Jllii, Il.il'i., uojluii do , lial.'e., tiiile,i, rliolte lo Jan. 1 neailit, IJ.ll,. ihoiie lo lni'i iiclnii, 1 l.i IV ; .ni.K' do,, Uil.ii ; ll.l. t.lll ll, !ll(lll. lll.lll, ' lltll L. tl.i.tl.. .li.it... til fllll.l, IUII. l.i'slllll ll" , lOila.; Cl'ds-, I'.UJi , a lo 'iiiilll.i lliielpta riuin, l'.'iK) lianil-, in. I .07iSU I'Olin.N In i-.iik. wheal, ll,lkl 1 , 1 1 I . , 1 .-, t coin, 21.(1011 Im-diiU; n.lls, H.lhHl liu,!ii'l,. shlpuiPiit . Wlitut, ll.'mil; i ol ii, , ri.lKidi on., 17,0110 liu-,heli,. New York Grain and Produce Hal ket New ,ilk, Pie 20.- l'loiii--Maiket lull (n. hl;iir on Mime ill.uli-, but liilididull ill on- iliiiiue. Wieloi palinij, r..;i; do. Bualala, ijl.'AlaltM; VIIiiiiimiIi i Ui nt-, -s-l I'liil.l'i; win. In c'Mia-i. s'lyila ).'!): wnilu low m.i.li.. sni ui.SO. Wluat Spol llim; Xo. a ted, h'liie, i, o. Ii jiIi.ji; No. 2 nd, b7'ji ilii.iiui, iintioiu ilecclopul a Mroiik' adiamv and (uu-ildiialile lc IMI) ilnMil sloid' at 94aSit pit udi inc. Mauli cluMil sS'ji i Mj. bT'jc, : Jul, bVi, IHi., toe. Coin-spot iuiir; No. i, "lc. c!e THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than four t.lncn,' 3 Cents for Racli llxtra l.ln;. For Rent. IHI.li I'DII HIIM'-Pi) (Im Ii IIIiIkp Rtlcot, M.o'i prr lilulil. I'Oll lll',ST-H, nno-lnilt of donlilo liou'o, In llppir Cliin lllilrti", Iurc .1.11.1, lillll. lint nnd mill ciatoi, laniic, i-lMlrlf Unlit. It. I. Hamilton, I'aiill luilldlinr, feprmo aticet. For Sale, 1011 SM.i; C fli:l' riuwoi.it, iron loollni,', tli.f lur, lioirtU, Rc.iullliiif, ede, (mm nhl cumi iiilliihlo for nil purpii.,". Irniiiiie-t, ffiitMl Minos t Hi li, foul ol lluiiptim idtccl, oil South Jlalii laoiiite. It'll ht,i:-Tuo Unlit piliiK wauom anil "Olno lijiuiyj, ilicjp. Ilcaii", roir IIP lauciiic ilieol. I'Oll Sl,i: ( henpi hone', 'pilm; wiu.on ami liarnew, nt N'o. fyn frilai aomio. Furnislicd Rooms. 1011 IICM'-Tnn coinfnrliilih fiuiil-lied iiuinis foi KUitlimiu: luodeiii linpiow'nitnt; prl wile l.itnlh. !.!ii W j-lilml.iii .iwnue. 10U HUNT Tn iciiifoifalilo fitrnl-hed looms toi in nlli ni n. im.. Kin Impiiiwiuenti; pi tnte fmill.i ,'HO .ildugton nvoiiiio. I'Oll HUM'- t'uiiiUliid dotal loom, llh licit, lj.it Ii mid kh; in .ii iiiuil hoiiio; tjiiitlciuiii proftircd. AdihoM lliioin, Hov 2UII I Oil lli:r I'iiiiiMioiI loom; heat and lulh. l.-.'i lilnil. u ,lu el. I'L'H'ISIIi:i 1I0OMS I'Oll lll'.ST. Willi heat, p.H and hath, goiitlouiiii picloiud, at il'j Adami aicntie. valor, lli'l Tl'Jr f. o. Ii, allnil. Onllon nnikel llpllllll I Hi. lillll Ullllll il lilliid onlv to Im ik amln, ilo-id oik and H.i 'li . lowoi. Mil, 7liTI',.o.: Ilii,. 711's.e. Om spnt flimi'i; No. 2. o'i ; No :i, fill.. N'o. 2 hile. .'it'le.; No. .! while, ,le: trail, nilrid wi"-tun. .'.Ji W.c I link while, r,ir,7r. (Ipliou-i il lu-l steiilnr, hut litir iildnl lo dipu-sloii in nihil' miikils. Iliitui riini; riiimiii, KliJIi,; .Iiiiip iiiiinin, ll i-'l'ie : iuiUaliiiii uenneii', llal's.i : Mali- diln. l'uJ.i. (hi (Juht; st Ho lull in I ii,o fall undo I inn, 1011 1 lll'ii.; -tile full Cli'llll. Mlllll fill mule fill, UallHi ; l.ilo in nli, Ik -t I use, 'I'ii . : lite undo, hct miiiII, llUMl'ji i:.rs- I'liim Mile and I'i mi i, 2 lc , wiMtin, Jiai , viiitliini, 2!ii7i.. Chicago Grain and Produce Maikot. (hiiaso, Die. 20 -A Inoul mil arllie mill-el foi wlieit diwli.pid todiv, Inuih on il.ninue limns f i in the KjutliwiM. M i ih-lnir 'iir'.'. hljiliu; Mil iiun liw d i Mi ule Imwr: Mil oils ',i'ii up. and piow-liiiii Im Mil dilnei liom U'fjilH. IiUIiii lot nh-i, in .IJ'.jC. IukIhi tm polk. ( ili limitation-, weie a- rollow-,- riuin slt.uli: No. .'I -liiiui wliiut, 77'ii7Pe : No. 2 ml, m,i7'jo.; N". 1 cellow, ill' j.iOHi. ; No. 2 oil., Ili'i.il"7(.: -No. 2 .hlto, 4sJi.l I'le. : No. .'I while, i'i it'io : No. I to, of! i., fun lo lime o nnlliiiK luiln, iiOHJi ; No. 1 tii hnil, sl."i7; No I iiuiIIihiMiiii. $1.": ptmio tlmutlii Mid. s.-,o",: iiiv-s pink. fl"i T'lil.l.Ni; int. vi.ii1i'P17'.,j Mioil nli., SSiVViHIid; iliv ultnl Mioiililn-, 7.la7l'.i., Minn li Mile-, --ii(li'i; whi-koi, s ::j. Chicago Live Stock Market. due ago, Un 2H f illle RireipK, IJ.omi; (i'X Tean, wiMnn-, npinul nuw anil Miuiij n Moniln's puns; i lo.i .1 dull; ituod lo piiuu', m, Hi7.7,; iiuui o mtdiimi, s.; 7",tt,; Miuku--iitul fuilii.. -ill 21; ioi, -laid',; luifii-, sV)i5 2i: c in li.'20, liull-. si.r-ni jn, ilie-. ! "ion,; 'lev i- ml Men-, -I ti'it.l-'j. lint,- Itinipts Iodic, lo.niiO, toiiioiinu, Js, ooil; htt nwi, 2.VI0; uliie and Kit. Injicr; llllMil and lilllil.il-. -"Mllti II; tnml lo i Initio In in, M, 2.1 Hi 1.(1, inimli Iii.im. -.I'Kiili II; liulil, -I JliUHj; hulk ol -tli-, -1-i'aij'll sini-Itiinpl-, .s.oiio. -Imp, ldalli. limlici; Iiinh-, II In 21 iint-t luirhii; Kund In ihnlio iiitlni-. -.17011110. wi-tun -hup, -,'.il.2i; ni- tie 1 Huh-, -2 iOi i.- , East Libeity Market. I'l-t lliitlllo. Hi i. 20 -Cattle lien Ipt-, 1( luiil; lit in at Mono ic i pnii-; eil-, -iioii'.ti, -llS Huh- Uciilpt-, 111,100 hold; .1U0.. Iiil.Ik i ; Ili-llV, MilOKiNI; nilwil pnkn-, S, J1l, (1; pi.--.' -IJililtO, ioukIi-, si .'111 OH; -lai,-, "li i .in. Mmp mil liinli- Kin ipt-. III., 70 hold; .icliio nnd Iliili hiu'hi i loi I mih-: lop niliio-, -101 a171, mil- lo itcnd, s ,1 iji; (anidi-. "-". 0i l.ln; -!u,t, ium; top- iiiiid, sMliiol, . nit-, lo mind, sl.lOiJIO; wiilui-, f!71al; leiilmi;-!. -.1 70 1 1 JI MBBMBHHiMHaHMaK 1 j Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I.M 1,1 M- "Iho l'oiier ll-lilml Ihe 'lliioin" MkIi I. P)I,MN -fiihni lliii.'llci muipiii, After noun and uiht. M'MI-U Ine, Uiitucu aid s,,iirf lunipiny. Af titnouii and idlit. Gibney-Hoetfler. "s'. I! (I" m ii I lie mrii di-p'.nfd at the oiihii t-tii,li, 'ind the -lie ut M'll- wa- Mllpplll loitjf In fm o tlie poiloiiiiitiic llPKIll, loin- lied- l I ui; ttuticd awl The plu-, ''liu Nl.hl-i in i II ill". .in" and "ll.iwn in .Millie," pit isi d the liii; audiuitc-, '1'oday foi in itlnee "i:.i-l I.wmi" will bo m'oii, and foi tonight ,t hti; h eitio ptoduiltuu of "New olk Life" will ho mih. ''The Power Behind the Thione." Mihhiil II. .llin. I, tho .li (iiiii'li-li(il ouu; enio ll.in.il at In i, who undo.. i pinpoint nil tiuie-s I i-i -ii-oi. In Im lomiutio ih mil, "Iho I'outi 11. Iimil iho 'lliiouo," pi- a cu it deal of alten I lint to the in-Illinium of liei pit-. Sunn ol Mi-S 1 l.ill.i mi'i- iiha- rojiidiui; ilie .no mi -liupli, n, ii lii.ll and tlowi, ih.it tin ale ol in. He linn ul.lili.ili Inleii-t to the ,iw i,i,i wont in. In ilii ii-Miia; 1.1HWI-. Willi the lullo- of Im' inuipaiA at a nl.i.u-il icuilli, Mi. llulliinl rild' "Hi mi lulu r fnni tluus-.il.'.ill iiun h'iiwii.. I'i i. -I. ii litis-, -hoiilil haw' a Unite,' nt h.i.-l a i h iisln- a- Il.o n.ilii i olio il-"lf; uiiiiiil, hul-Inn- aie an illuliw fi-1 1 ill o lii dei.oi.ill"ii, in I luiil leiititluulu. illitt .-ln.iilil not lie nut- h'likul; lliilil. mi p'oplo l"i fit Hut the h.'ik clew of ii ui-ti'iiio is a- iinpoiiattl a- the flout lo the putiln; man a pmn lall- hull whMt Ii.h ,m i .'Unit illirt in lioni; itiui ill, ll.niln,-llouuie-i im ! haw Mil'inlmr n'flloietiily to nllon cl w ilMiu In-i'le Hull -pheie ut iiillueiii i," Ml.. Holland 1- hooked 10 io-appe.il at I lit- l.w until lluaier on linh.i and Silimla and '-.ilui-ill iitillnce, l)u. "7 and 2. 'The Pariah Piiest." IliuliI Mill' U uilalnl ile-eiwui; of ihe mil um, he hi- t.oii, lie itowr luU-i- a Mic'lo iiun It wlih h ti II- in llu i h ii ii (i-i ho H, taitlifidl i.i.ii-i, mi' 1 III- l utile woik I- tie in, wholi.-nitie mid i ttu Iho. I'.wiv llu.ilili il woik hoidil comliiii'. with iiiun-inii nl miiiii iliinif oi u-,.iiliH'.-.i and lu-tiu. . linn, Mm an i MiiIiiK wild lliulel Ntlly ns rillier ninlui ill "Iho IMil.li l'iie-1" the pe. . llim i.ili l,o I nine titling Hut ho Im nol oulv hull aiiiu.ul, 'luil his h.u mil i Iin-oii, ho ji liutioii ! Iinnkul at Iho I.J ( i inn lor law Jinn d.i ui jilt "i.tU no ium cm ilo, "Our New Minister." .lo-iph (iii.iu., iihu Im hen iilintifuil wllh pome nl tie iuo-,1 llilpoiliiu tin' ill Ii il iili.iilluu, III tic I'.mitn, ih pinuipal u.iiiedian, and win hi- man fikiiil- in sir.inli iiiihji- with "ll.ti Ntw Mini. In" nt the l.wi'imi lluii.r Ne oiiN 0'e ill .1 iliiiatlu Mid lo M u ol llu futiiiiol it miii III a down i.nsf plat, a i nun. It lutiifjlilo, who l.ilu Urn uilulMii' fm i hiiisi: lliul nnd ! Mi-pklou, oi oiei.clind, i it h fioine. ilino kIiiio Mi, Ci.iiju.s plj(i In Siiiiriti.il hU Iiun;' lllil.il, 'will he ylnl'i,, (iiut him. At tho Acndeiny Next Week. 1'ldV fi t. I ('l)I I llkll f ill if i 1 1 r 1 1 l,ni I. i. . I... htjmlliiK o( tin.' Auliuj hiot't luiiiiuiQ, wlilih Dpoiis u ttnk' rnJtrfituiit nt tin Audcmj iipt Mntiiln1 ui iiliir mil la ini,l.,iil.i,ii, it... .j. . .i iiu ut ft Mini Jiul ,ilo otw nt ilie most poiiului, If in...ni. inn, .(.,.... , .1' I.. I . t t 1'iyovMw t m'mviiv u euuuiiiu tmit'eMlll SITUATIONS WANTED PREP.. DIUNUII WANT OPFICKS. Want Advcttlsements Will Do Received nt Any of the Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City At.niIRT bCIII'M', coinrr Mulberry street ami Wcb-ilcr tiwiuic OUSfAV l'ICIIi:!,. W0 Admin nwmtie. West Side (inouai: W. JIINMNS, 101 Smitli Mln nuiHie. South Scranton ritlU) I., 'nlltl'l'i:, 7:0 ( eilar uvoiiii". North Scranton (li:0. V. DAVIS, (inner Notlb Mini uM'tiue and Mmkcl f-tmt. Green Hidge CIIAllf.KS i'. ,iom:' I.ViT Dlckwn menuo. I", J. .KIIINS, ijonitiii Hlilne -licet. V, I.OHI'.N', collier tVa-limston aye uue and Marlon ttreit. Peteisbure . II, KNT.I'IT.t., 1017 In Ins awniic. Dunmoie j. 0. nosi; i. son. Help Wanted Male. MWITI) S,,n,,m iplu 1 .md lpi iitllei , iiun o In (Tllli pi.li Ileal ospei luiil , Mile i-lltil Addiis-i . s. , I ihmtie. WII'D- I'ltniiiii nl 111111, who ihiiiouulih un ilei-t.ttid-t iiui-e-, lo diiio toi phi-lil.in. tin mil,- out of tltc; wivis "ll md bond; -t.ito ipiiiinie. Vddti-- h. .1,, '1 illume ofhu.. AN1 Pi:i:sIV Who Will dl-lllhule I In III Hit l.i -I il.iil -hoiihl ailiin-i .siimlaiil I o. I Will-. (. hit ao. VAMi:il-lli leailms: Phlliilolphia lioif '. fn-t-rl.ii-1 -alt -Ulan, lo -ell Kmotal liu, ol papei to the retail Hade, one who lut an auii mil lino prefeiieil: mint litw- he-l iifeieme and he able to fumMi bond. Addie-i P 0. Hit "0-, Phila delphia Help Vnnted Pemnle. WVNI'l'll ll'dSCI. I'tui iNpeiicmeil -I -ih- ladli-; none hul eieiletupd nnd ippl. Meet Daw'tliiw. .'07 Laokiiw inn i awiiue. l'll'TY OIT i:TOIIS VN'iri)-sioid work Kiiiitiuteod. W, K. IIslU A. njii, .l.'J ilanu awmie. WAXTIID Gli! for seneml hoimwork at Dalton. Address 11. T.. tare Tribune. Help Wanted Male and Female. CANVASM II1 WANI'I'.n -Coud piopo-itioii: Mi nt or totunii ion; to woik in ell, ddre-i flov I. Tribune, Siiaiilou. Canvasseis Wanted. OlNt ss,u- i:iej;l.ni anil -peitaile nn i -in, demon. nation loiiimio-i; pi ,. woikini; out fit ml pattiiulii- I'. I' D.iiiihi .. Co, Op I it im-, im I mil, N. .1. Ilept. I'. Wanted. H WIIMl- Plicate le-.nn- ill (.'l.lli im'- -huilliiul. One 01 two iiriunooii- i ich wiek. Addie--, (.ritntti, Trihiino Oftleo. U'AN'I I'll rut ni-hed 100111, lenttally lurated, modein and in pthato fattiil. K, 'Iribtui' Oillce, cily. VtAXTlIU flood Minntl liuitl fmiiiie, will pay ta-h. Addri-i I.oik l!,i l"0. Suiiilon, l'a Bom deis Wanted. 1'itlVVIi: I'XMII.V wi-he- lo bice two niu- men to boird. (iutnaii ui l'nali-h. (all am lima aflei 'lluu.-ila. All lomcm.'nip-i, !07 lluiii-on aw line Heal Estate. 1011 .sl.i: Lot on me tieii. lulwirn Wih sl--i mid l.i.ihn .nil. in-: a IiiikiiIii, .ouu, mo feu oui-eli.' ppl 21s lljiri-oii a.iiiue I'OIt SM.i; On' ncio of land, irnproced with nine toon lioti-e, pbnl and canity ot fruit; Kood location in vlllaije of I'ketcille. Mib. Ollwi l'l-h. l'lectville, Pa. Business Oppoitunity. W Wlllll Mm with miiiII tapllil, I" nne-li-y in a iriiinl o poiiiiniii In in il.o iiioiioc lap hill. Al the Si, (halli-t holel, -u.llllou, II. II. Mllilltll, HAVr. 0 cillai,e. ill 01 lunn pioi.ui, bit-i ne-s ot Motk of .ood- In -ell ol euhinuW I.i-t com propel 1 with .1. I. Tin, Heal IMtle KxthaiiM'. U.nilli. N, hlO(K AN1I WilKAr 'JHMH'.lt williont iklav. Willo for om -pi i hi maikil Itllir, l'too on aripllrallon. ,s. M. IllbbJid k Co, inenibii- N. V. IVniolidatuI nnd Muik SmIuiikc 44 and lu llioulwaj. New u)il. INr.ihlUltid lwll. Loiii," Ill-iancu' I'liouc 2l'it Ilroad. Booms and Board. A I.AIIOi: I'ltON'l' llOOM, with hoanl, at .121 Adam- aw nuc. Sullalilo lot two .wiunj; mil'. ItOOMS '10 IIK.NI', with buaid, &0' Mulberry etieel, Boaid Wanted. W'ANI I'll-Itoom und hoanl in iifinid jiiicite fainll un Hint1 Iidlis; not lo luud U pu week. On" liuatnl within tho niliiutis w ilk limn ill lull piofuii'd. Addii-i, It, 11, Tllhutio Of. Hi i'. Money to Loan. !-.MO,ii0rt '10 I.OAN-I.oiwwt late-, ilial.'hl or nioilthly ulil. lit-. Milk ' Co., ri.lilu.-'lii.li,'. v Mini r oi mom: 'in j.os-tjuki slialitht Lull.- cu Hulldin ami l.o.in t fioiu I to ( l'U mil. lall on N, , Walkct, 111! ,11,1 ( imiii.il liiilldiu;. Lost. I.I Is I' Hit llu, 21, two I'liUv and white cellei .!).-, inilti and fuiiile; iboiit I uir old; I'lli-wu lo H line of 1'uli. h ami .It'll, iHi.l.'l r. wanli'd, .1. II, ILiliili, "ilH I'iiiii r-t 1 1 1 ( , IIiiiiiiioio, nr llllliiibiitilii v ( n , sciantii'i. Miscellaneous. .11. sTTI'l.l. lillll TIIU' MM s Iik li.iiid.oui. e.-l line "I diamond lilif.- ut cm etuio Wo i.l., i i.iri Iho hiKO.i muk nl loo-e -tomt In he illi, .iii'l will lnoiiut Hum to older while i jii wall. I' Nliimpn, .117 I.ji kan.mii i iwiuio. J-JZGAL. i'sI'VII! M' lUnbl laiifc.tatt, l.tf ot iho tin uf .Siuuli'li, Couu ul I i' Ujw iiiiu I'iiiii- I Jl'U, I .mi., li, uiiii i.l ii mi ill. ..h'' , .-.t.ii iKuia; I oil! Kliinlul lo ihe 'iliili i.-itliiil. ill pet,-,iu- h.u uii4r iIjIiu- ih diiiiiniil, .i;jiiu- (..dd ii,ae ,i pti'-eiil tin in foi pawiiiui, and Iho.i iii.l.lliil I I ii'i el. i will inaki liiimi lialo in)ii"iii ii suin I.. I. until HI. iwiullis, .-. l.lliii'li, M II ',: Mii'vli'i, atli'ini, . .l j i. KjiIi and eiety pla tluf liny pii-un i ii i.i lut il wllli i-pecial Mill ii. Ih, malum mini ile-ile- in Inloini 'lie laliotis l h.u ih Aiibiei Hoik ( uniji.iiii' I., an ii!ii)iw iiiua.lHi.i and blioul.l bo will p.inoiilzid Tlie iiiciubcii, of llu" conipiii aie well known aill-U. V it Hi ri ut ila will bo viien at cadi peifuriuanit', mi that Ihe patioih wilt luio uil cl inoiiiili diiiliii.- the mi-'jiiiiciit In Milt thilr tJ(i'-. 'llu i'1'inlnK pill will In- "In Ihe I'al.K'o uf the ( ui." i i .- v DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cehts Mort Thai Pour Lines, 6 Centt lor Uocli tixlra I.I us. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. I'.IIU'Altl) C. Nl'.Mtt.lllMI, 21 TIIAIll'.llH HNK nullillnit, ami Si. I'ntil llulldlnir, New York. Architects. iiDWAitn ii, iTavis, AitoiimioT, connulu HulldlnK. rtii:t)i:iiicK i. iiiiown. aucii. n itHAti IWiilo Mxtli.niup llldj,'., IM WaihliiKton vc. Civil and Mining Engineers. ii. i.. iiutiiiMi, mm rovxn.ii iiuiMitm Dentists. U. C. II llll.llNlllllltlHIt, I'AUI.I IIDIMIINO, fpruro Klieet, Siranltiii. CIt C. (3. I.MJIIACII, 110 V0IIN0 AVKNUK. Lawyeis. i'iiamj i: novi.r, ArroiiN'iiV'Ai'.iiAW. Hooiik 12, H, la nnd 18 II. il i llulldlnir. V. K. 'lltACV, AII'Y, COMMONWKALIII ni.DO. i. it. ni:i'ioni.i:. aitoiivi:y-i.oani ni.ho- Hilled on roll estalo m'liirlty. Mcart Dulldln, tornrr WiialiliiRlcin aceniio 'lid hpiine btiecl tMM.AIII), lUIIDV ,t KN'AI'P, ATIOIINHVH and tomi-illoi-atdaw, Ilcpublloaii ilulldltii;, ".a-liliiRlon meniio. .H'ssfl ,1. .ICSM'I', A'll'OUNTAS AND f OUn" m'IIuIhji Im. louuiiuimialfli lluilding, Itoomi l'k :'( and 21 UlWAliD W. 'I IIAVfHl. ArmilVI'Y. ltOONH Piljlfll, )ii oi, ,rs ImiKliiih'. I. A. Willi's. A'llOIIVIIY Al'-I.WV, noAitu of ft nlo llitlldlni.-, Suantoti, I'i, l'A'l I'lIllsOV ,c WIICOV, 'IIItlll'lt'H N'AIIONAfj Hank lliilMiii-r ' (OMHOYs', an HI pl'HI.IOA.V IUIILIIINO. a w iiiiu nioi.r, oi'i'ici: moviid io no. 211 U.iunilncr awti'ie. Physicians and Surgeons, on. w. n: ai.uin. ;n Nonni VAbiiiNoio aiciiiie. oi!. & v i,'amoiii:ii, ornci: .iio wash- liiKtmi awini". Ke-i.huto, 1JIS Mullielt. (hiouie tii-en is, lu.in-i. In. ill, kldnejs atel Miilto uiitiii oigam a i-pul.tll. IluiiH. I to 4 p in. Hotels and Restaurants. 1 III: II.K Ci.fi:, 12.1 AND 127 I IIANKUN A II into. Kates ica-onable. 1 P.iroMirt, Proprietor. SCItA.N'lOV 1101'hi:, MI til I), I.. A- V. PAS-tenKi-i depot. Coiidiictul mi the Ilittopciii plan. V1CV0U KOCII. Proprietor Scavenger. A. II. HHIOOS ('I.I)tNS PRIVY Vt;i,T4 AND ce-.s pools; no 3tlot ; out ltnpioied pumps lined. A. 11. Drfun-3. proptirtoi, l.e.tcc otders 1100 North Main acetiii", or I'.lcke'i, dniff stoic, ior ltd Atlatps and Mulheiiy. Tlotlt teloplione-,. Seeds. (1 II C'l.UtKi: A CO. SlIIID'sMCN' AND NUtt-i-eiinieit, -toio 201 i-hington avenue; giecn liji.ff-, lOol) iN'cilli Main aiiliuc; Eloro tele phone, 7s2 Wire Screens. JOSIIPH Kl'r.lTI'.l., 1IIIA11 "ill I.ACKA. AVK. Siranlon, Pa., liiunufactmoi oi Wile Screens Miscellaneous. dim bsMMiiNO rou eiiu.ntinN to ordiir-. al-o 1 idles waisls. l.ouine hliounaker, 21 J Adam- aceliue. AII.OMKillH IIKOs, I'lllN'IIIHS' SUI'l'IilIIS, I.N elopes, pipir ba-, liwne, Waieiiousc, 1..C Wa-luiiKti-n avomie. Si 1 niton, Ta. Till! MIl.IillSllAItlti: UIICOUD CAN' HI! II Ml lu Si i a nt un at the news stands of Hei-nuii Hto- . 40i, !-pruie and OOJ f.iuileii; M. Noiton, '.Ml I atktwanna aiemie; i. S. SdiuUer, 211 Sptuco btreet. Dividend Notice. -J III: 'IKADCIIV NA'IIONAIi IltNK. sirmtoii. I'i.. Ill i'. 21, VWI Al I licit toaulti inn Inn.' todiy lite illiettois ot tin- Intik nldiil -j.1.("l In the surplus, inn, fin; Hut luud mi 121.n(i(), and ileel.ned i mm annual ilhiihml of :i pu cent, deal of all tt i nnd ptwihle .laioitrv I, l'nr. I hocks will ho mailed and tr.ut-fer bo il.-) iluvil until allei lli.il dilo, II. I'. lUSSMOlti:, fa-liter Situations Wanted. I. Ul 1)1 '-IIII.'- I'OSIHON a- boukkicpir; iirv ht-t of n liiinus. Mpl 1 lil'i . I Kk-on street. N I III) -sitiiitniii as leani-lei, oi any kind uf wotk. I'i in H tied iiun well .u.U.iilUe.l wll'i cih. tildit V. I', Tnliuiie oillie, N H'D- Wa-hint; and uotutia; lo do at lioue , in lo s.'i mil b' tin' lia. Adilie-s C, It , 'I illume oflke. MN, .'.' ceais old, not liiinj; in tin- ilii, would like .1 piniticiu as Mle-mau ill .1 fuilii tine Mote; has tut w n' ixpuietuo in i Ih-t-ih,- i i-.li fuiniliuo loio. Addles- ruinlltue, Niaulon Ttihiine. MII'VIIOV WA.NTIIU My a fu-it-elii- Aiok or iliif, ii feu nu- and wauis in Milt, Addie-s (.illitia, Hold trtndall, IIIiibIi.iiiiIoii, .V. Y. WH'.D Wliiitioii, as uillulot or at geneial 'nflite woik, In a ouu' mill, 22 e.ll.s of ii. Willi Kood bahil-, Al iifiiinti', AiIiIiimi .1. V. H.. an- Biiiiial ih Iiun, illy, slU'W'ION WtNIIID-lh a Jiniint lull' to di ouiit.tl lioii-uwiik in ,c Iiuiilv of (wo; I'lelci -c puitile piiltlltd; wllh pihlliRo of atleniluu mIiodI l" afteinoons m icenlni;- nth week; waui- Hindi mli'. V'blrev '"" taie of 'Irilmno slFTwIoN .MI'n-ny imildl. asnl lady cu liou-ekupir loi a (.'onlloiinn in I'll or eouti tri' bc-t icfiimAe- chin. Object, nood iom mid niodiiato in? J, llo 11. 'Itilmno Olflee. Tr .ill eirs old, not Ihlitrf Hi this nl, would ' ' like a po-lllon a falf-nuii in a. furnlluru htoie, has tin iaiV inileiiio in a flr-t lu i ash fuiiutmu floie. Addii-.s I'liiiiilurP, bcramoii 'llihune FINANCIAL, t. WVW."X V. NiV S4 V We Have for Sale The Following: Stocks Lackawanna Trust & Safo Deposi Title Guaranty & Trust Trader's National Bank United States Lumber Alamogoide Lumber Clark ii Snover, Common Clark 6c Snover, Prefer, ed Bolt & Nut Sctnntou Axle Auburn Water Jackson Watei Pomeroy & Mlddleport Water Blooinsburg' Gas cSc' Electric Llfjltt TUeo, White Mfg. Co New Mexico Railway New Mexico Developing Co BONDS Altoona & Beech Terminal, fi's Pomeroy Ac Middlepoit Water, 5'3 Jackson Water, 5'b Owego Gas, 5's Alamogordo Lumber, 5's Alamogordo Iinpiovement Co, O's Auburn Water Co., .Vs Steam Heat, D's Miibkegon Light Si Tiaction Co., 5's I, F, Megarget & Co,, Council Utilltllng. ul tl X m fevHiPw ! f&r ' , XVXtyNlMMh1'