The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    vYl y.s
s?$ W'1'-j '- ffH p
f. -,--.,
T?Wv?rw? .i wm i;? ir- :wi jmm )ipJEwttBu OTHFr wnWfcr.1 mWhWhTH&tf
PuMItitil nally. nn-fpl BnniUy, tar Thn Till
M Publishing Company, tl Fifty Centt a Month.
1 IVY ItlrilAlin, IMItor.
0. P. ttVXM.K, limine) Manager.
Slew VcrL Ofllce: ISO Nimiu Bt.
8. S VniXtiAND,
Sole Agent fof foreign Ajlrcrtlslnr.
Lateral tt the PoslolTlcff at Rrrnnton, Pa.,
Second CImi Mill Matter.
When space will peimlt, The
Tilbune la nlways glad to punt
shoit lettois from Its fiiends betir
Inp on curient topics, but Its rule is
that theso must be signed, for puu
Uctition, by the wilter's real name,
unci the condition precedent to ac
ceptance Is that nil contributions
shall ho subject to editorial revision.
The follo-Un- table shows th price per Inch
rath insertion, tpace to be til within one sear
1 f i thin COO Inchei
im mchca...
1000 ...
nooo ...
eono "
for ranis' ol thanVa, resolutions ot condolence
ml nlmllir contribution! In the nnturo of ail
aertMmr The Tribune makca a charge ot 0 centa
HMm for Claelflcil A-htrtlalng furnished on
scuantox. DiX'UMnnu -jt. j9oi.
In Hplti- of Hit thotiiiii(l of bills al
ic.uly liitimliiunl, It llki'ly that 1111
ini'ious people1 will (oiuplaln that con
lii.4 H nesli'i'tliifr IW litmlnot liclotc
tin' spjsiiiii has hfcti aillmii ihmI
(iood Politico.
TXU'AIU l .iuVnllv moic In
the nppoIntiiKMit of (linei
lioi Shaw ol Juw.t to tlu
-t i it-mi ship of the tie.ii
in than appeal on the suitute. To
liL'ln with, he N ,i Western mini. .n
tsihil ol Wall stmet nttndii" to him
nt to hW appointment. AltliniiKli a
h.mkei ami a i 1 1 1 I iiioiip. man, who.
In is, (lluphnul i (inspleuoiis1 ioiii.ik
In his tinioiiipiomlsliiK ospousil of the
Hold standaid, wllhmil Mlbtei liu,"- oi
( iiloc.itioii, he has neei been iIum
Iv Uli'iitillod with pioff Mslonnl tlii.ui
ileihiK. and no piehulke i an he
moused li, hN selei tloa. A .i publli
ollh lal. his leioiil Is "(.lean as u
hoiind'f, tooth," a ierUlieiiieiit tipo.i
liirli Thooilnio Itoospvell ln!sis, U
l.o tonus as --ow-moi ol low a stand
out in clem lellef loi ,'iitlM', inu -(
uthe ahllltv and ( ompetent li mil
llnjc ol admlnlsliathe problems.
An additional i onsUte.alion lenialns
to be noiul. i'ooiaoi Shaw is a i lo-e
P"ibonal and political lilenil ol Sona
toi Allison, the li .uW of the m ii.Up.
Jit. Allison is i hah man of the Repub
lican senatoiial oaueiis. Ills hand is
upon the pail leoi' that (ontiols the
politics of the senate, "Mnnl .i'-si-i
iated v, itli him is Senaloi Spnonei , l
AVIsi on-lit, anothei jiower in llio sen
ate. Senatoi Spoonei is a i los(- and
Intimate peisonal and political lilend
of llemy ('. l'ajno, the Im oiniiif; pnt
mastei seueial. 'I'he illations be
tween the piesldonl and Senatoi Ald
lkh, the i em.ilnlupr niombei of this
lamoiis tilo of senate leidcis, who !t
tuallv inn the senate, have lout, been
.intimate, and thej weie stieiiKtlu neil
b tile piesident's otlei' ol I iiiblml
pi. no to flovoiiioi ('lane, ol .M.i'sachu-
It lias loi some time been belieed
liv m in v t pei loured nbsoieis ol po
litical mittois that ocnt-5 would he
liKel.v s0 to i iK. thin.selM's duilnr
l liu Jtoosovell adtiilnlstiatioi' as to
hi iliK to a lii-ad the Ioiik (-..Itliei Iuh;
antaBonism between the eoutio mid
the senate. '1 his expectation ni.i be
iiiilounded It jnobiblj N, Dm tin
h" t wa in picMMU ar is to pn
liaie loi ii in time. That, in con opin
ion, i, what the piosldent is doliv
and iloinir ihoioiiKhlv. If w.n ( nine-,
he will be ic.ul loi it, and those who
foice it will have all ol it lliev wan".
3!y this oi lai t of nipld .md hs
tematio inepaiallon. lioweei, the
piesidiul is umKlii H hup.obablo.
No win bi'lwoen the two blanches of
the t,oi'i nineiit (an niiiouul lo mm h
Willi li does not enlist the lead( i s ol"
the .senate lie uttachliifi tho-e lo id
ols to him In peifeiil locjitiimiio
miis, Theodoie loofeelt Is ilspio
liirT the pi eilli lions oi those who h.iu'
been savins; that he would tall down
In his liandlliin ol the iiMes-aiv io.
ll( s ol I ho pli'sldenc ,
Continued papulations foi war Ititll -
oiile that thu Clllle-Alsentlnii piotoiol
is not neoessailly In sooil talth.
The Election of Constables.
Al.TIIOl'dll nun It has been .said
in faor ol bettei pioloi iIuk
..the K.imo and lii.sttthoious
blids of this stuto, llttlo 1ms
been iloun by the Icglslntuio to secuie
Midi pioioetion, A K.tuit toiuinissiou
Ii.ih been oioated, mid the mini ol $!,00(l
liaa been uppiopiiutcil, to pa its e.
petiMhloi two e.u.s. The oiuployinent
of 'tin frunif' wnideiis has been authoi
ied; but thtit is all. The piobleiu, In
its local nupeolH, Is lett to ptlvnte In
itiative lor solution or contempt.
Ij In an itiipoitunt piobleiu,
liiiuo so than many pinions realle, in
a lect'iit coinntunlentlon Dr. Kitlhlus,
heeiotiiiy of thu .state gaiue coinniiaslon,
has iniiile homo of the jiolnts in Its Im
portune o i lenr. SajH he: "Illids nn
,(iiestloiial)ly do iiuuli to niaintnlu the
t(iiillbiluni botwcpii vi'Kntatloit and In
hect HIP, Ucpoita fioin the
dopaitment at AVashhiKtou hlnnv that
tho income of tlu fanner la i educed
luly twelve per tent, by llio tawiKos of
Injuilmm Insects unci lodentH, Tliu blnla
of IVniiHylvanla, plating only ono hlid
to tlm aeie, anil allowlUK that biul but
fifty biiKH oi Insects a day, destiny
tacit day 4,S00 bushelw ot iheso injiii
IniiH touiiH, allow IllfT .'100,000 to tho
biiHht'l," He continues: "A blue blid
hAi been Known lo cany food to Its
oiiuK 230 limes In ono eluy, A chlip
inspauow oxer 200 times. A wieu ill
times in less than live, liouts. A louir
billed maish wien can led thirty lo
custs to tier ouiib in ono hour, ten
houis of daylight would make tho num
ber 300 for one clay. The uveraga locust
weighs fifteen giains and Is capable of
consuming Its own weight of gi owing
coin or dally." And so he goes
on to show Unit protection of tho bluls
is an economic advantage, leaving
iilIwiIIv mil of tho pioblom till other con-
Itun n( IMillnir on
Paper lira-Unit
." .275
.20 .21
.10 .175
.1-.3 .17
.in .!(!
nUlercitliitm, some of whlrh nto equally
The conclusion which he leurhos Is
that In the ctisulntr apilng elections
care should be talten to elect cousin!)
lei who, in nddltlon to their other
ciuatlneiitlous, shall be tucp.ued to net
feailessly as guinp, file and llsh Wtir
e1on, under the iiuihoilty confetieil by
the act of lSSt. That act gives the
consttihle the light ot' soaich or nirest
without wui unit, allow him $10 for
pitch icnivlctloii under the game, fish
or foiestiy laws and niulces his Juils
dlt'tlon ui-ostoiislve with the llmltM of
the count v In which ho Is serving. Un
der the geneiat ganio law of 1SD7 tho
Infounei' teeelves one-lialf of nil lines
lecoveied, so that when the constable
Is the pioseotilor he gels us pay for his
services the ordinal y fee allowed an
oillcer for making an in rest, solving
impels, etc,, $10 otui from the county
and one-half of all flues lecoveied.
Thus he has both the power to en
force the law and a genet mm Incentive
to do It. If good men aie chosen for
this ofllce a clodded change for the bel
ter can bo ccpeeled In this as in many
other dliections affecting closely the
publli well'aie.
Thentilcal manageis aie displaying
a singular lack of their usual entei
prlse In neglecting to eiffer -Mi. Mutiny
an engagement.
Old Age Pensions.
CAHUH dlsp.'iti lies fi om nnglalld
gle meagie net mints ol u plan
lor old-age pensions which Is
to go betoie p.ullainent with
eminent endoiseinent, From what can
be learned of the details It appeals that
t'U'iy liiltisli subjei t at least 1,1 yeais
old, sobti and at one time Industiloiis,
may be letlied Horn active labia on an
allowance amounting to the shillings
a week, ptovldocl that lit the time ot
letitoinent he has no othei means of
Mippoil. While lfctlWng this iienslon
he must not engage In anv g.tlnlul oc
cupation that might hae the eflect of
keeping a ouiigi'r man out ot eni
ploMiienl The pension is in lieu oi or
dinal y pom -law benelits, mid inav be
slopped at anv time for good i ause bv
tlie local ooinmlttees haing eh.uge of
its admliilstiation. Tile cost of tho
scheme Is to be home, two-tbiids bv the
impel lul goveininenl, and one-thiid 1
1im.i1 taxation.
'I'heie .lie difllc lilties III the w.i of
the adoption ot sin li a plan in llio
X'nlted States which could baldly he
ooioome. Hill we hae alwas
thought thai a time would ( omo In the
development ot Ameilean induUiv
w lien ei iv lndustiv will make a
chaise against the consume i sullicient
to lonslitule a mist tund tor the pen
sioning ot all Iiiillitul emplovcs alter
ceiliiln ttiins o sen lie, as well as to
i, lie loi the lnc ipac iiated and lliose
who without peisoual lault have1 sus
t lined loss b leasem ot I he Intlusti's
oiiei.ititin It, tlieieloie. is matil.ving
lo obseue the stead jnogless wlilih
is being made among oiu l.ngc ( or
pin alums in the dlieition ol establish
ing piollt-sliaiing mid ptnsion-iotiie-ment
lealutcs Wo have no doubt
w hat. v ci ill it tliee things aie to go
on. Tllev aie as economic as tho .UP
hum im
1 1 is said the wen Id owes oveiv man
a llvinj. Within ceitaln lestiic lions
this is title. The man must do bis
shaie tow aid collecting the debt. Hut
the wot Id owes moie inoiallv. It owes
to the unloituniito its help in pi inkl
ing against the d i when thev me
liilpless. To ilisihiige this debt with
out cue out aging impioviileure is not an
easy task: but it is one which tan be
poiloinieel when the wish to pel foi in it
Is e.u nest.
It is to be n gi el ted that Cuba is
now menaced b a p u t that leaches
the l Kill)-, i ilieii In leg.nd the Vnltoil
Stales yen eminent as a lomiiion
e nem.
Rosebery to the Rescue.
IMlMIltl'KCT lepoits bv cable of
tho leieut speei h ot Hose
beiy, in wliitli he Indicated Ills
abiudoiinient ot the "lonelv fui
iow ' and g.ivo lno.ul lutlmatlem of bis
vvllllngnoss to ie-enler public Hie, led
to tho inipii'sslon that while the speech
was a liiilll.iut often t i lieloi ic allv It
conltilnod no ilollnlto suggestions lor
impiovlug tlie piesiiit e ouiliic i ot the
Kiltlsh govt mini m.
This pi lives, upon i aiiilnatlim of tho
i utile text, to have been eiieineous, tie
has ii dellnlte plan for ending tho
South Atilean win, He would mi.ingo
u meeting between some lepiesontatlve
ot the lu'lligeient lioeis and a lepiesen
tatlve ol Ills .Majeslj'.s govoininent, at
some place, it meetlngi.ivowi d- in e Imi.ietei, and hu would
have the lpptpsciitutlvc of the llillish
goveininenl nsiottalii fienu tho upie
sentative of the Minus upon what
tonus, if any, eoinpniible with the dig
nity of the Uiltlsh emplie, a sill lender
could bo accomplished. It Is his opinion
that a frank and manly coufeienie
along Iheso lines would evolvo some
basis of seltleinent which would put
nn e.uly end to tho loug-ihnwu out
agony in South Afilue In a way to
make) possible, tho futuie upbuilding of
thu eouutiy to happy conditions under
English soveielgnty.
In olloiing tills suggestion I.nul Mose
beiy fiunkly avows his bellei' in Urn
necessity of letiiiulug bin eoiintl.v's
liold upon the coutiol ot South Afilea.
Anything less, p his opinion, would be
fatal not only to tho piosiigo of Client
Milialn but also equally hai infill to the
Ultimate best luteiosts ol .South Afllcn,
l.otcl nosebcuj, in oilier vvoids, is not a
"Little ihiglaneler," iuinIous to sec llio
scope of ills ccmull's iullueiuu cm
luileil. He is an linpei lallst, witiiout
leaf or apology, Itcbpoiibiblllty does
not appall him. fu tho toutiaiy, hn
favois moio of it us a good means of
furnishing incentive to national vigor.
If ho weie an Ameilean It is cntholy
safe to assume that hi) would ho thu
last to go mound bemoaning that new
teiiitotliil lespouslbillty has como to
tho United .States. Mm ho chaws n linn
between .standing 111 inly for a national
position and sheer mullsliuess, It Is
not dilllcult to lead hi his wends the
thought that ho legmds many of the
ucts of the Ch.imbeil.iin mlnlstiy as
exhibiting nuilislmess lather than an
intelligent adaptation of means to
That u la i ye number of loyal En- j
Rllsltnieii ngieo heartily with the IJnrl
of ltoschcry has alrcadv been shown In
tho enthusiasm with which his speech
has been iccclved, c'eiripspondoiiep
from Ioiidon loaves little doubt that it
new epoch in Uiltlsh politics is opening.
The Ihigllsh people, though doggedly
loyal, aie thing of tho fruitless effoits
of the Chiunboilaln ciowel lo "olvlllo"
.South Aft lea by wholesale devastation.
They want an rally mid an hoiiotablo
peace. .Many of Ihcnt believe this can
lie obtained moie iptlcltly by concilia
tion than bv slaughter, They may lie
mistaken but the number who hold this
view Is ltici easing, and It means at an
eaily day a change of mlnlstilcs, with
intelligent Mhcinllsin icstoted The
ciy Is gtowlng and wilt glow: "Hose
beiy to the tesciie."
The story to the eii'pet that, l'awneu
Mill's show Indians have been sent
upon the warpath bv a taste of Mill'
falo, lends veiy much like an
offoi t of the advance agent. In uny
case, Major I.lllle Is entitled to cuellt
leu mi nttiiiotlve advoi tlsenient, cal
culated to mouse Ititoiost In next stun
mei's Wild "West tour.
To wild i -in cestui Invil ilore iiipilioe t
IHiullir lllcuny Kiiiln' It imitl he lulglit,
Iuii7, mil eiitiiululnir tliiniiMliuiii; tie ile
mtiplloii of scims iml phiiix lnu-t bi iIwjv
suli-iiviuit to llic c hi i ii totr. l li inoclm;
Im ki;roiiiiil ti the aclliii olio muit tieeir il-
II Ht f I dill tllC OctOI" III tills .1 lit Ills C'lillll'liH,
In Ills in iv toi, "T lie DcMin of l)orl," (foil
tlnriilil I'llUiJlilric cuinpiiic, .Ne Ymk) Ins In tl
most Micu -,-ful. 'Ili uliiii; n tin ii nit i iflu'
lliil-lilni; (lie stoii Is tl it ln is liiiKlm' koiiiI
lie i In flit mis hi) lus iittoiupjttlii) on ,i loti,
ill lii;litiil trip iiuni t nuts e Mev
npius on tlie ilccl. of nil in i in fIiiiiiii. uliue
Ml. XiiiiIi, i t nik mllllni liu, imrN Mrs.
i ntuoitli. in wlium in- h ill Inn tlivitcil niiiiv
jenrs liofoti, w In ii ".he was ,i bellu III New Vorc
Micietc. Slio lilu IHI In lino willi tin' title of
Mi loliti Umluoitli .mil nuriliil lilm His ilc ill)
lclt In r will) but liltli' nicins mill In r lioiulhil
il iimlilii. lliin-, vv bum sin' h liMn,' on a trip
iIiiuiikIi I uiopi'. Mi oilh (.bill) joins tin- lil
tli' fdinih pat, whlili Is in HiiMil it lillniltii
b) tin' milul uf V t mini Dial c, the mui rf i
ue iltlie New" loll, (.hippltiff nulilnnt, who is in
loec Itli l)ii" In tluii rnnlihs Ihiouh
tpnn. Moiroeiu. llih. I'c'.ept ami P.ilisllni', lli"
rtrinls of a iKiulili iciniiiie in iutciwoMii with
the eh mil .in. I l.i iut nt life ill llio ililn ililli-itinn-.
mui In a liiiiJit. ill ii in uijlj simple v iv
tho inJir is i irricil with tin bllle pnte ii to
tin' lilhwjes .mil lvw,is cf tin' t out In. nc
Neirli tuo hiiinliicl I.e.. til mil piitiins mile l
lil the tit Jiul lomlitnt' to ini'.c thi, bool. m
of the most npioiMe illntrinil mtiN mi
pipsciiteil to the iieiblle
V lns:e iniiuhei of mui mil woniiii, paitly
fioin liu nuissiij if miiilooi lili. Iml ln'ih"
nntli r Hit' iwmititn llnl t,iois on one whin
limnjit into tin-,' loieli with niltiu, lno 1
e mm. until tillers uf Hie niuiiil miu .is I
suiiiii' of linlili iml iil.'i-in.'. lint ,ith more
with i miw tu miUlijr moiite I he lit hi is still
open, mil llie iltininil fm flistrli--, pioilurli )is
iMinl the suii, : iiiliiini-r fe't I'lot't" In
the I Dm n i Dibne itoi tuius tins pin- of in
iliistie n i v f til 1 1 . loiiu' into llio snliiit ot
tliwii ittlinie mil the uiin,; di tpitili!is in
itinipliti ilit nl, with hints i- lo hippin.r, pitl,,
in' mil Hi ill t!ipiii' if pitifini
When I i ink V VinOulp usiiuil is t'visi mt
sictitin if (he Inismi h,. w,nt ilmutl with
leltus to ill the liniii-tils if (Inline in 1 in ope
mil tpcnl nunc montlis nnesliilin the Imin
tul mil riminerilil siimiiiuii, with pirtiiulir
i fi li in c to (he iiinuils which Vmciicin trulc n
mikinir en the wlmlt oihl 'Ihiu tiiecrwis i
mole impoilint subjtct foi this lountii, ami
Mi Vatiilulip, tlnoii.-Ii his li nninn' as ,i Join,
nilist .mil .is nn ofluu of our irwciittmnt, is
Mctlv fitted to wide upon a with jiijnut nt,
mil In nuke il cntcil iltutu 'I lie (list ol his
utwhs on the "Ann Im i-onn" of I iiiojic
will appui in tlie Imiiiri v. uhiin'.-
Tht Outlook is a wiekl ncupipcr ittl nio'itle
I nui,'iliii In one .nil limit one s'lh-i inilion
ptiet In Vligane nmnliii loi .linuiiN his
Mill illii-tiitu! nuieli-, two stums (one In
snali (line lewetO a i.nfiilb wnttin iimtui i
of tin w eik's ilinn.'s mil mini hook leelcis
Hire He fnllpve pirliiils of in w public il
Itemes of pmniininti , ittliln of inecilotal
lnr.iiih, i nio-l i nti it num.; m-t ilim nt if
I ilw ml luiitt llih's "Mim.mis ol i llninlrni
Veil-,' .mil iiuuli lis' of peinuntni alne.
Die of tin best thiius tin wiiltin In the
1 it i Vithitr l.ri-com ,ipitii I in 'Hie smm -, L
fur .l.iniun. Il i- a lommlli noeililie inllthil
"Prime Itetkh-s," in, t ,, tu wilh the in
fitintiiii oi a eoiiii..- I in mi ii inime mi i
lieintifnl Vim i ii in tnl; mill his ihspiiite nl
tntlius in plii-iiil. il lit i. In, misiinniis ill
ippi n.inii, mil tin uime of his ttiitii. Hie
Moil Ins all (he rluifiits Hilt jro to make pipit
In lit I ion
'I In' Ionian Nillond Vla;iiip in notion will
emit liu the htrt ol i Mile- of aititles In s 'ii.
tin Milk II inn i if Ohio, on tin i iicoi of his
tne ml. Hip lite Piisnltnt Ullliim Vli hml'i. o
nihil mm was mi w iimh cheoiitl to Milnnl.t
oi .-) ilusih In Iiuuli wilh liim 'lin-e aitulis
will I'liiliuth tin .-.ii ilia's i-liiiiile ol In-, fuciul's
iliuittii an I life will., .in I iu mini Itilen-I-int.
nn iilinl- of his c inn.
Mil-In's! foi I inn in hiws i n w il. pulum
in the lulfi', wlihli 1) a h iiitlfnl limlsipe
p.ilillin.' 'Hie li liini), .iilit It in tin in n, iine is
intitliil "Jiiome, liu I'.il'tli i in Mililinl," ini'l
is l slllllli liinl llltlll i li il ii li i blnclf of He'
Kiev lull. ilWiIit itioiin.i, who !- his ul'inal
I'm I he 'I nl, uno
'llitn is no n mill' on Ike fate of Cod's
cm n lailh,
While I ibot u'ltsul, Il lucmpeiise is hue.
Si m it a iisi i,iiU di nt ni lis wuiii,
Vuil nppiiittmltiti- to .nil line lis i-pliiie
'llie sohit mil inilusiiioiis workman calls his
Within i tin i-lioit ii an, sumo plot of
Alul In .1 tiw Uliue, (hire's I little homo,
Wlnie louifoil, li nit 1 1 ) 1 1 1 , is fuiiiiil,
Ills -ons and iljnjlittu to sood heliooU nuy
iMiowlulue mnl ciilliin both, n, ii lie it
tilniil. Ami If anil, ill, n wilh llulr Ic ih doth alow,
V It nlo or a proles,-lon tan be calm, I
One kcmialiuii in Dili ll woik I'liy do;
'Ihe net aie .skillful aiiin, who iteate,
'llio third, piol'i -sion il miu, xiiieevi pmiu,
'Ihe fiuiilli are kii it is line in tin stall,
And ollen Jut one single nun of life
Will see i nun a woiiduoils liclila Jluln,
Ilt,'iiii 'mill fipnlor, poii tt mil niln,
H i litis with lit lies, honor and iloiiiuiu
Mho me the mui in uiu lunl, lu.lji ''
'Hut )uin id ki uoUoiis nf ,l.i i 1 1 woikii lam i),
Mini tiillul and luoilid, ami (on. hi alou
life's veaj,
Who tiled and falltil, Ikllupe, bill tried
Hie mt 1 1 Iiq lit ju I in i', who oiiu.s Ihe nuiiiiiiotli
starlrd as di ik in ouie' f-iiull coimtii tmui
'Hie miu e( Mo.l and him 1,, mice ihuee a
'Ihe' inillloiube was onto a country el mil
'lie ineii wlm own the f. it liny am) mine
Wrought in tluiii onto, lor juil i daily
'llio piiniduit of the itreutcet rallu.ii lino
Was onte the ihlwi of i turiiike ttase.
Who have in in lulus of this ,io,,uiou laudf
How man.) haio bcui wan of Mnikliur tile.'
lloev nun.i of Hum lahuidl with lluir hands,
Ami, btuituu; low, arcv-e to eomi'thin.,
lake the three mait.'ied ones, mil what are
Hie) J
One a poor (iimii's boy. One hum llio
tow path lame.
iiiinpilmilnir inrllinita nchlceril a iiallotul trptl
tiillon hi tuo week.
With il lieu In ilcvrtopllig the I llrlil nl .vmtiiit
itinftaiiiMi In il hniiioiutis ellrcitloii, lite t'eti'
Intv Mtffifltie ininaiinirv u loinpitltloii, wilh ,i
price of 1) for tl o liel orlglmil hiiinoiotn
iliiiwliiir iipprrtptl Up to t lilt limRirlnPi mnl
smillcr pilcc fir the eennil mnl Ihlnl beli
'I he eoiiipi tit Ion li Id icmllii open until the lint
nf Vtiinli, lHOJ,
f'uirriil llldor.v lor Pitrinbrr offen i) worlib
wlile hhvm nl Dieitls ilnrliiif Oclnbri. 'Hip lie1
piiltnrtit on Inlitiiiitloiul ullilii oniiplM tirirlv
twuily pine', In wlilrh nip Ireileil llie slluitlon
In t liliu, Hip lloer war, mnl tlie 1 timiii'iii ulltii'
tloii, V tlnillir ionise mnl eleir 'lipiitincnt II
rIhii In offalis In Atncilui, I'uiopi, Vh mnl
riiaimec.e C. Ilntilikka' lnwct itoeel, "Iha
Miriifftd of the Wrik" (New Vntk! P Apple
Ion A Co), li n tale of carl) culnnlit mhciilnrc
bill of escllltis IntMrnt mid ilriimilli' alliiitlon
It 11010110 to n iliss of noerli that one Willi
warm blood plcki up nml neiei puti down until
the list word Ins In n icid,
"IliclprnelO with fanuli" Is nthonlcil In
the .limniy lointii b n h itlltnr I inuillim pollll
e i hi, Hon. .Mm (hmltou. He nrgnrs thai Hip
lirniflelnl icniilln whlcli Imp followpel Irom free
Irutle belHien Hip atntPi of Hip union would nUo
follow Its apilrntloii to Hie Dominion ol fundi
"llie l'iinces r'jntlili," b.i Mariruprllc Hi
ant, published by the Tunic .V wuriiiIIi cone
pine, .New Vork, Is u plcasmt tnuiincp of love,
ililenlrj, ducllmc mid dcitli told villi inuch
fcllcll) of cvpiesslon nnd delicacy of tuuil burnt.
V Iriii'fiiiinillon Ins been vtiotiRlit In liar
pci'n Vleiklv lnce Clcorgp llnive.v took hold nf
the icllttuhl helm ill earnest. It il now voltllo
with cneme, tlinellncss mil contemporury hiiiniii
interest without loss of lltrran eliaini,
"laiei'i Itinerin," i lomince by !. (", smlili,
published bv the Aliplclon'. is a tlplit Jilly
Htorv of elirlilecntli ccnturv Ihinliliil, Mblm-ii illy
told, with plcnte of wit, luiinoi and Movement.
It makis detlulilfiil rcadhc
I) Applclon nnd enmpini announce tmothei
edition of .",IW0 uf Divld iliiutn. 'Ibis is the
eiichte-t-Mli time tint llie book has been In
pu, mid males .VJ.onu iniilcs plaicd on the
'I he pphtolis aie pttbllsliiiiir I'i ink It. sloik
ton's "Kate lloiinel," 1 truU- MoiUtoiicsquc 10
tiniicp of pnipj, rillned abeijs bj iiiiinil iblc
intioilut lions of the unevpicted
Walter Willnnn )li Chicago ileeoul llirild
SruetTie 1 1 rig will letiie, and his so told the
pic-iiliul, is soon as i inlilii i i il loiitpovcrsv
is at m i ml mil he i in poe up Ins ofllie vellh
out fullnif tint he is finlttin while under fin
Hut in one em sic how Ions tb it lotitiovcrsv
line' iiintiiiue. Piisiiluil Hoosieelt is dolnpr his
Inst to slop it, mil between him and his necie
tarj if the tun Ihoie is thiou'ii iiieitnent,
)iot oule is to the Incuts of tin di-pnte hut 03
to the nitlhoils which siionlii be uloptnl in
hiiulliiiR it Hie piisiilent 1 now- that s-untilj
lonff hn bieu sulijictul lo ill inannei- of unjust
lepie inHlion mil inilieioits nliui' in i oliliot titin
with lids inutroMi-e, mui lie dots not want Mi.
I uiijr to little n Ion? as these unit i-nis ion
tiiiue. "siiitu noile appi it to foiirct that Tlieo
doie ltoo-iilt wis .iistaut Miiellii of tin
li ij foi sump time hifoie Hie bt ),iiililli' of lln
-liani-h w il
1'ilitot of The lilbimi
sn. With vuin line, 1 tile estcplion to
Hu woidiig of uiii si Hue nliionil uinb In
todn's 'Jiiliune lonciinma; les-e Jnuis mil
slurloik llolmi- Mil l lock Holmes loulil not
possible be li'siniiitut liu ui-c foil m Duelc's
iiindttii piulotepe still bees, mil, tuitliuinoie,
II nioniicimiut of the publicition oi a lm.
laplie of .les-e Jaim , veiillcu bv his widow,
pillule tliows tli it miu who mishifoimid.
It niJ) be in the ionise of mills Hut I will
(.end eon an outlliiiil -kileli of Hie auto Inofsnphe
ot Sluiloek lloliuis, anil if I do so use it oi not
at jmu ill-en In n
V'le (tub emus,
-Call seilei, M 1)
1 loin Hie I hit i i iribmii.
How i in eon plow sti inrht fiuious over
Mieli m inuinious i .,1 iill 1,1 a lliis?" j-1 1 il tin.
I lull-Inn ii', win had neeir lieiu in Kan-is le
' Hill's ei-e," sinl Hie uiliee "We follow
liu- i. lull. Is of 1 il lit lit- aid tlie liit'iuli iils of
I mm iltu bin's s,j,u, tt "
Whin we e lo i ompioiui-e with the
devil, In- Vlijesle a-siits Ins ahllite to
Stab the whole tliuij
I ueeei tluie inuili on wlut will lumc nuise
in ginoi il. I notiio Hut Hie fellows who do the
nio-l of lint lie llie hint siiue-'ful, mil I sim
ple lake thltu,s is the' mint, and make the best
I i in out of Hum one il a lime
I'm Hie 'Inlilll e
Oh llaip 1 1 Old die ilil' Oh Hup of Old dill
Oil he Hie ihip llooils ol lit uieludiee bleak,
I'll .-with l tli.i sonn's 1 1 : en the In mils ot Itilli,
Willlllll ill nrs it I. sti il Ih, il' In llltils IHlk.,
Oh' lit me the ihoids of its tlmv In-piio.
On l.i me Imt lai ill,,' o'u its iiukI, il i-tim.'-;
Oli lit me bill fiel tie urn cloiMh of its tuo
Vnl think trim the dinlhs if il- uiinli a)
spilug., - Cioii,p V- Howin.
(Vp llwalia.)
Vnd one a pill He suldltt In his die - j,
Vet while inn loutiti.e i-l mils will list their .
'I litre aie not ine i vupllnii, Ihoiili Hn') "l
I Oa fr
Ti) Kicaltr tliln.-s tluu inv of the u-l,
'Hums mils of i, llitls, whom Ihe public.' knows, ,.
Have pint and huiioie tilncil bv caiuixt ,
eiucst j,
Hue .nc nn Inrs of f.iiuil.t, iitul or eiPli, T
I'u shut muliitioii from i willriuud prire;
A man with pirn'icruiiee, eneii!) and heillli
I'o ma heikht u( wealtli or I line line i.e.
Alt do not I be, tome el til iitioitiade,
Hut rt i-iiin an- not illllnult to tlud,
Si me aie loo indolent Hiriii'ilies to aid;
suine Ink the' i Imai lirl.stiis of tho miu, I; ,
Some be Hull vitl'.u; Inlilts mo htltl iloun; .
Pliisini tails mui f I om the itpnaid trail; T
Dmlii) to how ulf noli) Hi in liny,s,
And Ink of Unlit are n ons Hut thoj fill,
feet In i him) o)iGilunll iluiiitl,
Hut tu til ,m, mo lilllt or foil,) cf thill- own,
'I lu.e failul In take adv ml U'f of the II le,
llnl would I lie borne llinii foilime and .
I enow it, j,
book at llie tollers of tlie foui.u lands, j"
How lli aie In), how pomly ilad? 'j
llow poorlj lhe aie fed, how pouil ( lul V
inaiitU, fr
Mill a lift ot toil, wlm luec the had? f
Sills, follow- fJthois in Hn nine puiiiiit, ,
I or ,i bate nctinaiue, and iiollilin; mora, j,
V lot, but lillli) biilii' th in Hip brule, T
Small wonder tlioiisainU till, our happier "f
llow- man, bom 'inhl l'liropc's toll hit,' liu a, f
i.nt ahuve it rice tu wealth or lamer
'Ihe olulailei of biilh and lank and ilasj,
Make sraiidslie, uic and ton all hi) the
Hut litro in I'loctloiu',. eliorou land, today ,
V man is mouarili of hi' desliu, .
laili as he iIioim.s, nukt.s oi inns liU wa; T
I'ur ids ow( deeds, alone, must uii.wer he.
lluro U no euiiiitrj on tho l.oid'a tieui earth,
'lluru m'tr lilu bun one uliue the woill
Where huinble merit icot mi near Its woilh, !
Or (,'ave) cueli ilunocj to the woikliifuun. j,
FAranlon, Uei;. 26.
Wishing You
The Compliments
Of the Season. . . .
We thank our fi lends for
their nanny courtesies nnd
fnvois of tho past yetii,
nnd trust its closo may find
them ns well sntlsfied with
its results ns we nre. What
we hnvo been able to do for
you in the pnst wo will try to
do better in the coming' year.
Gut Prices
on all Holiday
Novelties, Sil
ver and Ebony
Goods at Half
Silks and
Dress Goods
at greatly re
duced prices.
AH Fall and
winter waists
marked down
510-512 Lackawanna Ave.
Always Busy
Perhaps you were late with
your Christmas gifts. Come
to us, we can help you save
on your
New Year Gifts
Commou-seuse Feet Gifts,
from Slippers to Boots, 50c
to $5.00.
Lewis& Reilly
Always Busy Shoe Store.
114-116 Wyoming Ave.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
32j327 Perm Avenue.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
MerceYeaK & Connell,
132 Wyoming Aveune,
Slntm fiti am) itonri, Mnrr trout, olflit1 mil
ftoro furniture. In lunl ur colt wuuil, nml Job
Jl X. Wiislm. ac. 1 SOMMAIl.
BUfirmq mt WAntm nt nil Unit! ntn
lloiisr-i nml IliilMlns I nti nl InrKiiItu tlOltSt'd
CLIl'i'U) nml (Ill001li:i) nl
l.iKkjuituil Curluijo Wurlvt.
J. B. WoOLSEY eg Co
Dealers in
Plate Glass and Lumber
retr Elt Lackauaniia ticmie, nitntitacltiicr n(
Wire bcrccm cf all kind: fully prepared for
tlie spring sca-on. e nmk? all kinds of porch
tercens. cto.
General Contractor, Ilullder and Dealer In
Dulld ne btone. Ccmi-iitlni; of icllais a fpo
ilalty. Telephone M02
OfQce, o'll Washington n.onue
Home ofBeo, 20S 200 Steam Building, transact! a
general LuHdinc and loan business thioughout
tho fctate ot I'ennIanla.
We have determined to reduce our stock prior
to our removal to our new building at our
former location, 129 Wyoming avenue.
Special Clearance Prices
on Entire Stock.
Rugs, Linoleums, Shades, etc,
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue.
Organized 1872.
Depositary of the United States.
Capital, $200,000 Surplus, , $550,000
'I lirtillMTiiiut latotoilapoiltois Is ,-i per I'cnt. poi iinnum.
hpoiiul attention nheu lo nil iiaoiiuH whotlicr liiuooi snuU.
ilpen Hilmiliy mfnliU'' lu! lot c.
'I luce ptii I'ulil, liilrruU pulil on niiIiikh (lopoilH.
liitritsi compoiiiuli'U liinuiiiy IhUuhI Inly lit,
HENRY BELIN, JR., Vico Prosirtant.
William Connall,
Henry Bolin, Jr.,
Geo. H, Catlnt,
ThorauB H. WiUkins.
W. D.
Occupies nn Imperishable Position
NO. S3 S. Eirjhth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bcrantou Branch Ofllce, N03, 1 and 3. Axcado BuildinET.
The Tribune Job Department is piepared to print your
biiefs in a surprisingly short time.
SucccFflor to
Wo mako a epeclnltj ot fine bread alufts.
OrdeM for Saladft, Ojalcra, Croquellea, etc.,
promptly tilled.
A full line ot Lee Cicam and Icea.
't.'fl'ilnutoii .Uenuc
Mill lie Opei il Silimliy, Ilir II.
'Uiu Uisl llio Jhrkil AHouls Only.
I.Iertrle Wlrlnu and Fixtures
i:lcetrlo Hell and Telephone Work.
309 Commonwealth building
thc schanton Vitrified Brick
Mikeri ot l-aWng flrlik, etc. M. II. Dile,
Cioi'eral bales A(ren, Otflcc Sil) Wanlilnfslon an.
Uorks at Nay Aub, Pa. 1!. & W. V. R. 11
Kingsbury & Scranton ,
Manufacturers' Agents
District Agents for
John A. Itoclilinf-'a fens Co. 'a Wire Ttope and
Flectrlnl Wire. Cutta I'errlia nnd Rubber Mfg.
Co s Ilcltlnrc. 1'aeMnpr, lloic and Methanlcal
Kubber Good. hnoulton l'acklng. Carter's
Oil ClotlihiR. Doom S10 Paul I BUr.
Draperies, I
Jamos ArchbaUi,
Luther Kellor,
J. Benj. Dimmiok,
Jnmes L Connoll.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
ccry profession. ,, ..
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,