YTft ' fmyvff i fc'-sp' S Y ifff fr 4ft u . 'fj-) i i? - mV5,sfA t;a f V"-f i A" i ;? jH il.1j" 7 .' t . tri ;Y U &&' ."' . , t'. l' & THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1901. L ,w."'st:t:r""k'T " . j ,' , i ; The News of CarfeoncJaleo RAILROAD TIME TABLES. 'SDelawnie and Hudson Ralhoad. '. November 21, 1U01 ImIiii Inii CatlioiiJalo nt ill Hllon as tot- Por Sorintnn ami Vlll.wirre-linO, TWl, J 00. niM, tool, 1121 a. in.! 1.W, t.t i 2 .in, '. coo, 7 00, loot, it no ii in. , . 1 hi SuihIjj (nilin Imp at 9.M, 11.21 o. m ! 1 "'. 2 4, 5 50. 8 00 p. Ill ...... ,. for Allnny, Puiipxi. Montreal, "",.,,!J,,',1 ,., J'lifflitiil pofnl, ok.. 7.00 J. in ! 1 '' '"' V'oi'iVimiiiirl mil Hononlilc "-- T-0" "' "' '' 3 11. fill l 111. , ,,.,.1,1.. Smulav trilns lnr Ujvnuit ami lloncdii.. at u in n. in.) A 41 p. in. , ... .. I.,..,, Traltn airier nl rurlinndaln froni.1V It." I ' nml Sainton n fc.llni (l VI. 3 '17. vm. " u in i 11 1", 2 0(1, 1.11, 4.2'. ilOS, 7.0), .11, ' ii Jl 7 ii in.; 2 0 a. in. ,. ,,, ,, Similie- tnlm .utile at PJ7 u mi 1' 10, ' ' " 4 '', II SI, II TO l in. , ..... Suniliv Iriliw arilic at 'irlininlile tiom vvfl nnrl anil ltoiiishlo ut 1.' 17 mil 7.V I' '" i New Yoik, Ontmio aud Western. Sept. 17, KOI. "Inliu Icai tarliumlal tor Vranton at TOO a. Ji . I no p. m. , iiiiiIjj traliH at 7,00 a m ! 0(10 p. in. Irilni Icuc I'jrliutiiltlp lor points nortli at II 10 a in On s.uiuliv nt 'MU o. tn In Ii iIi'k at 11,10 a. in. writ. 1j Jiiil ' 10 o. m. SiimlajH 1111I.0 luimcctiuiM lor Nnv uik, I m ti ll ill. etc. . ,. Iriliw atrho fimn ?. rmton il 11 10 i m." " I" P in.! tiom points ninth, 4 00 p m siim!ai finni Si;rmtoti at 'MO a m ami 7 1 P ni , Irom nl flflil p. in. Elie Raihorul. Iiiiif 21. 10J1 Tnlm lc.n" ritl vlitlon, fjrhotiihli . '1'1'v 6'S(iit Siimln) it 7.0(1 n m ami 4 'I P m t llrimir -nnl N'lniM'li! al ) i.1 a in, ilnl cv upline Mimlai), loi IIIiikIuiiiihii. iinKiiiK ion rpitloin tor New lull. iit ami HulTil". an at IU0 p in loi "niUi Iijiiiu, making luiinoi lloua (oi wp-lcrn p ilnls mnlji trains at o 45 a in for Siuuiiduiiii i. ith iptrrn cnniailion-, ami ( .17 p in, with fjtnp inniiMtloii'. Irilm arim" al sji i in ami 5 4S p in. (Mindais at S ri a in Grand Opera House Friday, December 27, riiMM' fiium r. 11 10 I 111 1)1 IIH K MOItl I . I'iiiii. MIS ll'.NMN- Violin MISS HOLLAND'S NEW PLAY tTlie Steiling Actiess Will Be in a New Hole Next Season Her Faie well in ''The Power Behind the Thione" Miss Otis' New Play. ('.iiliontlall.nm li enjovrd Jll .M 11 diecl lIolliinil'4 vphMiillil woik In "The I'nwor HPhiml the Tlnoni'" at tlif t'.iatul last. nlKht, i itnf-xeil lift ifll in t ho 10I0 of Hip (leiotid ami loablo "At In" Tills will be her last .season In tin- nine. In Apiil she iill end he 1 loin aiul will Immediately de ote liei-olf to the pioilili'tlnn wliidi is iilieadl limiei a,i. The name nt the jilei e 1101 the autlioi or aiitluness, lathei. has not been dls tlosed, hut Miss Holland, hoi nnuinRei, IMwaid ('. White, and actlns liianaKei, .1. W. TelloM.s. lme the HlioiiResl laltli in the possibilities ot the Jilet e. It was splertPd Horn a mollis pliiss b the s.iuie .lutluitpss, and on it the tilo lias MtiUed its luduinent il will be een 11 ki eater sueiess than "The t'ow -t 1 Behind the Tin one" The smot-s ol tile lattei has n issed the expet tations ol .Miss Holland and hei innui'i'i, but it has been decided to put it aside al the end of the season In older to s.itlsf Miss Holland's ambition and to pies- nt Is believed ivill be a plav of Bi eater meilt than "The Powei Hehlnd the Thione." In the face of the meilts of the latter, this seems like a In nad s-tateinent, but It onlv emphasizes the stioiiR belief In the supei loi Ity of the new pl.iv. Thete mi' home featuies in the piece now beiiiK nuaiiKed that will be a decided depaituie lioin the tiadl tlon.s of play Ht.iBiUK. and It Is on these that its e.pectPd success. Is based I.iik 1. The ndnilieis of Miss Holland, who sue legion in this city, while leKiettluK her le.ue-t.iIilnR- of the diaiailer ot "Alia." which won them, will welcome die oppoilunlty to Rieet hei In wliat ever chai.icter or lole that 111.1v in ttease the nieasine of hei huccess, Kdwaid C. White, Miss Holland's jiiamiBer, who came fiom New Y01U to spend Clnlstmas with the tompany, laH piesent at the Cliand. AMUSEMENTS. Gamble Concert Tonight. Tallest fhunble. assisted by Miss ill. ue Jenltln.s, Inlhilste, and Viedeiii 1: Moiley. pianist, will be at the Cliand loniKht. the thiid number In the Snilth cJiiif?or (ouise of Otoclcway enteitoln MM. A late conceit Is promised. Ml. .iambic has a splendid bailtone voice and has won the leputatlon of boim? nil attlst. The pi oki amine will be 011 the tollowiHK otdei: l.Iszt, 1'olon.tlBP in 12 major, rieder ieU II. Moiley; iluido I'aplul, Saltiuella, Miss Orace .leiiKlns; Aiubtose Thomas, "l.e Tambour Major," (Tlie Dunn Ma jor) Ihnest (lamble; Scliytte, Adagio and AlleKio fiom Sonntu In B tint, Mr Moiley; TsLtulkowKky-Sauiet, (11) Noctmne, (b) 1Abeillu (The Hoe), Miss Jenkins; Haydn, (a) Iieclt.: "At Last Urn ilciunteous Sun." All . "Willi Joy the Impatleul JIusb.iudinan," (b) "rally One Morning," (c ) "Youiik ltlilmiil," Mr, Gamble; I'linpln, Sehei.o In Ii Minor, Mr. Moiley; Hies, Adagio imin Thlid Hulls, Miss Jenkins; Klevlk lug (a) "Thii Wooing," Homer Xouls, (b) "Thieo Hoses Hud," Illsh sung, ".My hove Nell," Air. Ciamule. "The Palish Pilest." If the sale of seats continues as It did through yestenhiy, Daniel Sully will bo greeted with u ctnwded house when ho appears In "The P.mIhU I'llest" at the Orand on Satin day even ing. Sully is a fuioillo In Caiboiidale and 11111 (ount his ndtulicis hem by the huudieils. i:eryhody knows what a sJ2iTJv)oleso)no pny lie has In Uan Hail's "Puilbli Ptlest," The ehataiieis nrelrikeii from our midst and appear as TTJtUXal iiis, they am seen heieuboiits ery tiny, Th t and liunior of the eliaiacteis who tell the stoiy of the pjpep tue ns blight mill enJoyablH as one ,aiihca,r Jh a inininutilty 1UI1 with tJinsii (Jiaiatteilstlis. Tim (hauuter of old Mlclmel Keainey Is so tine that ond believes he. Is in the uiiiipain of the oiiglnal, Unclaimed Xettets, 1, 1st of letteis leiuninlng In the f'ai hohdale', Pa postofllee; Dev. Jti. l'JOl, for poisons unknown: Asa H. Al blight, Thomas lioyle, John t'ouglilln, A, li. Hernsteln, J, A Holland, (leoige il. Hubbard, (leoigt? Hunt, I'atiliit AluUooney, James Munley, J. I). Mui- phy, .Mart I'lilgeon, Saintti'l T. Slv, 1' Hlalitou, Natliiin Styleo, T. V. Ting lev, M. , Willi en, .Maty t'anibell, Muu r. f'lailt. Mnlide I.eiitie, l'eil Wil liams, Miss l,enu Hoblnsoil, lleltlin Topping, Algein Topplni,, Mils l!diui Wouils. Miss Annie Wllll.uus, Mi it. John I'n icy, Mis. O. N. Sliepaid. J. If. Thnintis, Postmaster. TIMELY TOPICS. Tlie oidluiinte of coinon euunell ltliown us the "Wliltlleld oidln.ilne," tailing for 11 goneial laying ot side walks tlilolighout the clt, Is a meastne that 1 ommetiils Itself lo eveiy lounill luiiii nud meilts his hem licit suppotl. It Is u nieasine iluit Is n step in Hip iti.'iHh of munli'lp il inogiess Unit should be em 0111 aired. II alms tit biliiglng tlie ills- fiom (lie boiilevniil plate In which It Is tiuvellng along tills line and If eiiacUd into legislation will accomplish nun h good. A til v that Is backward in liiiiuoxenients bus no claim tn being u tll. Cloud stipots, Well paled, well kept and well lighted mean mote lor Its welfate limn inn be estlnmleil in dollais and tenls, A iltv without these Imruovemeiits Is no city, It is a hiitnlet or a village and Ciiibon dale has not a suppibiuuliince ol imv of thee; the ttuth Is, she Is deplniablv lai kltijr In them, ns compaied with other cities ol the Hiliil-i lass. Mimic I pnl pilde. leaving oul (lie iijlng necessity for sidewalks, should alone I (impel count Union to pass this oidln ance. It was laid on Ihe table at Mon ila night's meeting lor 1 lie appaient leason that a number of 1 ouncllmeii weie not lamlllai enough with Its 1110 vlslon to take Intelligent action on It. The wisdom of positioning action for lids le.ison, If It was tlie onlv one. iiinnol be disputed, but this should not oiiui ate to the loss ol the liie.isuie Tills postponement may mean the stieiigthenlng ot imv weak points in the oicllliante, it anv .11 e appaient and feu this le.ison the delav may be ot bene fit Hut the 1 ilea sum should not be al lowed lo die. It should he taken up at an i.ulv nicHting, Hie dullest that may be oppoitune anil uiged to 11 speedy adoption. Theie is .1 stiong sentiment in it's f.ioi. this The Tiibune has dis coNfied; but even If iheie should be some objection, no 11101 e than specious leasons can be uilsed ut.ilnst II. It means a foiw.nd step ior the iltv, the same as tlie big iinpiineinmts which weie can led out a lew .eais ago, II iiuely. the p i lug of J'elniont, South Main and Hher .slieots. Then iheie was 11 loud piotest, but todav the titi zens who weie ainonjj the opposition aie tlie most gi.itelul thai the cltj pavements wile laid "Old v oil obseive how 1 ipidh the Uollei cais 11111 thiniii'li Ihe t it. stieets.'" said a meichanl to The Tii bune man jesteliln. 'Tlnv 11111 so last," he s.iid fneotioush, 'thai no one 1.111 get a bo nd them " Leaving the Joke out. the cais do 11m lapldlv. Thev 1 1111 at a late of speed that is (laugpious. This is not s.Ud o baiass the Scianton U.iilw.i companv In Its einb ill issmr nl in tlie way of pationuge, but Is 1 el cued to btcause of the safetv of neilesti.ilns demand that ihe attention of Hie companv 's of Ilii.iU be diiPctcd to the luckless con duct 01 moioimeii on (bis division Un a duv like vesteidav, when the wills weie sllppeiv it would be exiedinglv dilllc lilt to hi lug a cai to a suden stop, should such a necessity 111 ise. As a matter of sntetv ami pioieetion lo the nmiiniiiltv and 10 the willwav companv, ns well llieniotoi men should be counselled to be inoie i.ueful and not speed over the busy stuets as If it was ,1 matui of life and death Tins is the pin pose ot this pu.iguiph and theie is little doubt that due notice will be given it when It comes befoie the ptoper of ficials. The usual lull that follows 11 holiday such as t'lulslmas, in.uked the busi ness .utilities of vesteidai. The oc piesslie saying "nothing doing," had a geneial application dining the day. The ineich. ints and clciks who weie fatigued after Ihe ctra lioins ol the pie-Gluistinns shopping, weie given an oppoilunlty to lenew their lagging on oicisps Tlie shojipeis weie few and those who did come out had lew wants to be satisfied. The hotels luul few guests and do not expect to have much to do until alter New Ye.ns, The school children weie the only ones much In evidence about Hie town. Thev weie about Hie town enjo.vlng their Holies and making the most of the season which means, besides :i visit fiom popular Santa CI ins, an accepta ble lest Horn theli school tasks, Giateful to These Contilbutors. The Woman's Auxiliary 1,0.11 il of Ihneigency hospital makes acknowl edgment to the lollowluu-, who genei ously 1 onti United to the sue cum of the III st "people's da" ut the hospital, which war so happily obsoived on t'lu istmas duv : Moseliiines (', It. Mauville, tl. AV. 'loss, (leoige Paiioisou, John Mollis. Maty Cwilie, 11. H. laitlnope, HailleC KuMior, I'atiick bunny, 11. A. Puiplo, S. Woodwind. J. Hieis, D. Scuiiy. A. Hascoe, (leoige t'oueli, A, W, Hey nolds, W. II, liioiwon, ,1 J. .Monolian, .1. ('.illicit, J. J. Wade, Me (lee, T, Will kei, T, A. Khkwood, .Mis. I. K. M01 lltl, II. W. I'ovv del ly, IMwiud Coimaii, IS. Kilpaliiilt, .1. 11. ('onaughloii, M'll liani Hhaiiiion, J. H. Hinr, ,1, I'. A, Tlngley, r. II. Dennis, p. w. llum plne.v, James Stott, K. D. I.atlirap, M H. Muillgaii, J. .1. Ilioiiiian, James Lnf. tus, r. w. Fulkewson. 1 j. W. ivthick, S. Slngei, ('. A. SevPiuiiie, Josepli Vaiiniin, U.ivls, U, II. Kstabiook. und TIIK KSQUIMO The lChCuinu) cats blubber, The lumbermen cat pork-, These people are constantly e.posecl to cold and physical strain, Experience has taught them that fatty foods give warmth and nourishment. For those who have cold and thin bodies, or are threat ened with consumption or any wasting disease, there is no fat in so digestible and palatable a form as Scott's Emulsion, Physicians prescribe it. Me II t.tii'1 )oua litllctu ir), if ou like iLOlT 4 UOWNt, u-j 1'cjri ttricl Nc Wk. Cliarlei tlronnoih nint Misses Amanda nnil tails Morss, Ilnttle 1'usi oe, Marv clntlaghy, VAWn Coinon, .Maignrot Mlssell, Illnuchp Ainold, Delia Jone-i mid Mmy ilealey, Scianton. and N. 11, Hlller, 1j, A. Hassett, Praiilt Huhlmid, Augustus PiiMcison, I'. A. Caiioll, D. W. Iluinphrey, IMwauls Ss iieese, CiiinoV, (llobe Sloie, J, II. Kclle.v, V. Ktilkeison, Jiiiuuh CoiiKlillit, I'atilcU Ilenle.v, and n Mend, RULES OF PRIMARIES. Chnlrinnn Humplney's Instiuctlons to Republican Candidates. CI111I1 man D. W. lltiinplney of the city Itopubllcmi coiiiinltlep, bus issued a cli culm' Under the t'lavvfoitl county rules whleli will be applied to city elec tions for the (list time net spring. l'acli candidate Is leiiulied to Kglsler his lull name and neldtess with the city chairman ; also the olllce for vvlilih lie Is a canclldate. not later than Jan uary 2 The nssessiiieni, which will lie made know n Inter, must be paid not litter than Juutiaiy -I, SOCIAL HAPPENINGS. Aldei man tt, .1. Del.ivau mid Mis. Doluvim enteitulncil at dinner at their home 011 llelmoiit slleel on Cliilstuias day. Among the guests fiom out of the clly who p'utook of the waiiu-lieai ted hoopltullty of the host and hostess wc le Ml. (Hid .Mis. Joseph Webb, Ninth Snanliin; Miss lidlth Mllloi, HecUvllIe; John W. Miller. .Mucin t I-'uIN, N. Y. Among the giicsls ol .Mr. and Mis. r.ugene Sihafler on Clieuv avenue on Chilstinas weie .Mr. and Mis. Milton Shaller, Mr. and Mis Sidney H.iker and Pi. ink Shalltr-Kaulew Mi. and Mis. William Pilte and ehlldien. Hairy 1'iodoi and .Mr. and Mis W. W. Wil liams, Xu. 1; Misses Ida and Mukel cov, run end. I lev. and Mis. 11. h Abbott, ot Spiing sticet. enteltiiiiiPd Uw and Mis. W. (1. Weaver. Mls Helen Abbott, and John; and l.ouis Abbott, Scianlon. Woodmen's Jollification. The niembeis ol iiitiip. Wondnieii of Hie Win Id. iinllclpale a pleismit time at tin- camp meeting in Sous ol Teiiipeiaine 11 ill, 011 Salem avenue, this evening. Plist on the pioMuinino will be tlie intioduction ct ten 1 andldates. This Is n) oncoui ag ing lealuio. as It Indicates tliul the piinclples of Hie otdei aie spipadliif in tills iltv. The social fe.ituie will be a smoUei, dining which tlie Jollv spliit of Wnodiiieii lile will have lull pi IV. Resignation of Miss Kilpatiick. The cm is of iltv s(.iio(ii en hers will be one less when the school sea son lenpeiis aftei the holldus Jllss M.iv Kllpatiick's lesignation, which was accepted hv the school bo.ud a slinit time ago. has taken effect. Hei place 011 the High Sctiool luevlty will be filled hv Miss Swlgeil, whose elllcieney was given filling lecogni lion in hei selection fo" the iiostion vacated liv Miss Kilp.ililik. Coming- Nuptials. The 111.11 1 iage of Miss M.u.v Nealon, daughtei of Mr. and Mis. Stephen Nea lon, of Pike slice t, and lleniy J. Hal He, son of Select Councilman Thomas liattlc. is minoiiuteit to take plate in St. Hose 1 lunch al U o'cloik, noeiii, Tuesdav, J.iuuaiy 7, 1U0J A West Scianton Biide. Theie was 11 Chiistmis wedding in Simpson on Wednesday when MNs Hose Kahlei, of West Si 1. niton, and Aithui l.ce, of Itli hmoud.ile, weie wedded by Sciulie L ne li. To Enteitain Lady Woikeis. The joiing lad woikeis of Hie Methodist chuich will be entei tuliie d bv Miss Hattie I'ascoe at li ! home tS AVashlnglon stieel, this afteinuou, f 10111 ", until fi o'clock. Meetings of Tonight, lieuige i;, Handolpb camp. Sous ot Yelewins Hwineh J'l, C M. H. A. THE PASSING THRONG. Thomas Howell, of l'ittsuin, was In ihe city jesteielny. It. J. Williams, ol Scianton, was a Caiboiidale visitor .vesleiilav. (1. J. Scholia, J. H. Hi.uly, John J. Mnghi an and A. W. Kellovvs, of Scian ton, weie at the Ilaulson house yestei d.iy. Dr. Joseph HI is, of Philadelphia, spent Clu Istmas ill the home of his pinents, .Mi, and Mis, H. J. Hhs, on Washington stiect. J. W. Johnson, of the flun of John son & Johnson. 01 New Hiunswlck, N. J., accompanied by Mr. Johnson, wcip leglsteied at tlie Anieiicuu jesterdny. They aie on their way to Crjstnl lake 10 attend the f uncial 01 Mi. Johnson's sister. JERA1YN ANDJHAYFIELD. Patilck Collins, bieakei engineer at the Dclawuie unci Hudson eollleiy met with a paint ill nccldont while at wink; jealoiday afteinoon, In lopali Ing ionic of tho innchlneiy it was ueiessaiv 101 I1I111 in .sland upon a plunk. In some maimer he lost Iim balance and fell haekwauls Into one of the coal 110c kets, Although he only fell a distance of tour feet, ho sus tained a liaciuied collar bone aud II H feu eel a couple of his libs aie also bioken, Dt. and Mis. S. D. Davis, Mi. and Mis. A. r, Hebhait and Mr. nud Mi.e. ('. D. Winter ut tendril the wadding of Dr. Williams and Miss l.Illu Hutch. Ing, ill Mooslc last evening. Pi of. (leoige Howell, of Scianton, was heie jesieiilay, visiting his mother, .Mis. Powell, who met with a seilotis incident by lulling nt hor homo on Wednesday. Al the limn she was 1 ai tying u jug of not water and besides being painfully scalded, had two ilbs iiactmcd, and her erudition last evening wns iiilU set tons. Tlieiii will bo un impoitaut meetlii'r of Oscar (', Smith e'liinp, Sons of Veteians, ihls evening, at which all ineuibois hid iceiueslPiI lo be piesent to take action on some tugeiit busi ness. Ml lllias Hviiiih and sou Aithur, Ml, and Mis. Isaac HciiJ.ttiiiu and family, ami Mi. aud Mrs. IMwaid Stuilfoid, ot Vuiidlhig, spent t'luist nius day with Mr, and Mis. T, H. (iillllths, ot Noilh Main stiect. The fair helinf held under the aus plces of Iho eongiegatlou of Sailed Hemt ehtiicli Is piovlug a stioug at ti action, and was again hugely at teuiled last uvenlng. The enteitaln uieut was given bv local talent. 1M. Davis, ot Scianton, spent C'luisliuuH day with her in oilier, Dr, S. D. Davis. Miss Agnes Walsh, of Mav field, bus leslgned her posillnu In Places stoio to accept another at Shlokshlnny. Mr. and Mis. Hobeir. IMwauls and A,. X VUIV otiralf you try. - I 1 al trantf stronc Shiloh's Consumption " 4 4 r mid mi" Il oo Mrotifr vre j C" Kiiarniitecncitreorreimid 7" " .r money, mid wc send you free trlnt bollle If 5011 write for It. SIIIl.OH'.S coVa ;a cents and will cute Con niimptlon, I'tieuinnnlii, DioncIiItU and nil lamer Troubles. Will cure a courIi or cold In a day, and thui prevent rlom resultn. It li.n tieen dolnif these llilnc for CO 1 ears. 8, C. Wittt 1 K tfi , I,e Itov..Y. LTta ClAIaaDji 1-.-. .. ClAaialk V V two daiiRhteis, fllndys and Mlllan, of ('iirliondnle, spent c'httstuiiis day with Jermyu fi lends. Mis. Hllxiibolli Duv Is, of Second stioet, who has been scilotisly III for seveial weeks of Initanuuatcny iheiw niatlmn, Is slowlv itnpiovliiR. Tlie funeial of the late Mis. Mln nlclf took plate on Wodiipsdny after noon. Itilef sen Ices weie held at the house and were nftei wauls continued at the Pilmltlve Methodist chute h, of whleli she was a member for a num ber of jeais. The sei vice was largely attended and Interment was made In the borough cemetery. Atthur Kowlei. of Pliilutlelphla. 1 visiting his pin cuts, .Mr. and Mrs llosiner Tow lei, of fifth sticet. TAYLOR. The following guests weie piesent at the Samuels and Salmon nuptials 011 Tuesday evening: Mr. and Mis, Thom as Samuels, Mi, and Jiis. John Wil liams, T.i.vloi; .Mi. and Mis. William Williams, Mr. and Mis. William Car ter, Mr. and Mts. J. .Sumulto, of Pi ev idence: Mi. and Mis. J. Hint, Mi. and Mis. P. Heechani, Lincoln Heights; Ml. and Mis. W. T. Ueei ham, Ml. and Mis. Pel vv aids, Mr. und Mis. John Shields, Misses Louisa Piedle, Jennie Ulchiiids, Hat 1 let Hie hauls, Ueiihn Thomas, Mamie IMwauls, Iiz.le Hint, Jennie Hoese, .ous,!a Jones; Hertha Kohler, Pllj Mel'oim.itk, M.ny Heeeh 11111, Jennie Pdwauls, Mpssis. Tlioiuiis Davis. William Hint, Hugh Thomas, Ambiose .Magiow. Pva Pvuns, John Sanuiels and Thomas and William Samuels. Mr. and Mis Salmon weie loilplents ol many 1 ostlv and useful piesenls. The lilemh of the newlv wedded wish them joy and happiness In the h new lile. Cieoige Kolilei, emplovpd as .1 helper In the An hbald mine, was seilously liiiuied about the hips jesteidav. He was temoved to the Mosps Ta lor hos pital, whcie it was found his hip was dlsloi uted. 'Ihe fiiemens lellef assm i.illon will meet this evening in the looms of No 1 e ompanv. On Wedneselav (fhiisluius) night a wedding in whiih a consldoiable amount ol Intel est was evinced was celebi.ited at the home of Ml and Mis C'uiey of the Slble.v . when their accom plished diughlei, Miss Ida. was united in mauiige to Ml. lleniy Plice. 11N0 ol that place The bilile was neatly attiud and looki d e banning Tlie biidesinaid was Miss Sophia KehPi. Mr. S Willis acted as the best man Hev. James Walkei of the Puinitive Metho dist chuicli of this borough peifoimed the ceiemon.v. A stimjituous weildlng supper was seived The weie tlie it eipients of maiiv beautilul piesents. At the Atchbald and Pyne Piiinitivo Methodist 1 huu h the Sunday school eficises on CI11 istmas eve weie of an iuleiesting liatiue. The edifice was nli el v filled A cantata entitled "The Infant Messiah" was lendeied by the niembeis of the school flieat eiedit Is due Mi. Aithur Piunoe k, ellieitoi, and Miss M. Sandeis, oignnlst. Mi. Ilenrv I.evvls of Washington, N. J., is visiting hor mothei, Mis. Thom as Hum ells ol South Talor. The funoial ot the late John Coombs will occur this afteinoon al '2 o'clock 1 1 0111 his late home In Ninth T.ivlor. Intel input will be made in the Finest Home eemeteiy. The Woman's Clnistlan Tempeiance union will bold one of their Intel estlng meetings this evening at the home of Miss Pniinu Pelts of Ninth Taylor. All nieinbews nie lequested to be piesent. Masteis HuRsell O'Haio and Hanv Hovvells ,110 homo fiom the Oliard col lege. Philadelphia, to spend the holl davs. OLYPHANT T.ast night another huge uowd at tended the Hi union's t nit in I.lod's hall on Lackawanna street. This evening ihe following pi ogi amine will be lendoied: solo, m.iv Kennedy; selei' tlon, Magnolia Quaitette, Hyde Paik; lecltiitlou, .Miss May Pvans; solo, Lucy Mooney: selection, P. II. (laughan. He fieshincnts and caud aie 101 sale eveiy evening. The liineial of Mis. Miiigaiet Shei 1 dau took place fiom hei lute home In Hlakely, .visteuluy afteinoon at 2 o'clock. The torvlces weie conducled ut the house bv I lev. II. P. Hammond, pastor of the Piesb teiltiu ehuich, The leiualns weie taken to Fiospeit 1 enieterv wheie Intel inent was made. Tho pall be at 01s weie: .lamps lioltoii, Alexander Piew, Pi auk Simpson, Wil liam Throp and Jinlson 1'allender. There weie ninny fi lends and lelatlves ot the family piesent. The committee of the 1. O, O. P. and Hebocca lodges .110 leuuested to meet In their looms this evening at 7 o'clock. The elliectoi.s of tho PltUons' bank weie In town yestenhiy looking mound lor a desliable location for to elect n building, They have seveial places In lev hut no selection has been made. Miss LUzIc Dnheity and Sadie O'Mulley spent jesteulay at Cm lion dale. .Misses Coin Jones and LUzle Pvuns, of Poiest Clly weie the guests ol Miss Mmy J, Davis, of Lackawanna stiect jeslerduy. David P.vans. of Hide Paik visited lelathes heie jesteiduy, Mis. James Webb, of Piovldenip, spent esteidtiy with her paienis in Hlakely, " ' OLD FORGE. The hoiough schools closed on Tues day and will icopeii on Thuiselay, Jan. 2, llioj Ml, William Dawson who lias been so seilously ill lor the past tew clays Is somewhat Inipioved, Mr, William Diake, of Syiacuse, N Y spent ciuistnuis wlih his patents ot this place, Appiopilntu rin Istmas exeuises at No. t school, wl'io held In Miss Hiod head's loom on Tuesday a f lei noon, A number of 11 lends ami patents weio tlieiii and enJoed the exeulses. Mr. II. L. IMsall Is coiilluod to his home by illness. Mis. A. J. Cooper and daughter Nel lie', weie lisllots. ut Seiuutou on Tues day. Mi. Aithur Nov loi is seilously ill at his home, Watch ineetliii; will be held ut tho brick M. P. church on Tuesday even- IllK. Mr. Wltlard Howe of West Plltslon will give 1111 entoitnltitnctit In tlie bilck M. n. flint cli, Jmi, a, 1'JOJ. Pveryhody Is cot dlolly Invited to attend, Mips Maud Climuheilatn (if Salem In the guest of the Misses Herd, PF-CKVILLE. Miles M Male, ot the Tlilul waul, has ilcclmed his Inteiitloim of becoming 11 t'lindliliitp for the olllt'o ot council men In his uspeetlve ward. Tho Wilson flto company attended In a body last evening the fair ot the Px colMlor hose company at olvplutnt. Joseph Pngllsh Is assisting its clot It at the Mt. Jesstip stole on ac count of taking Inventoiy. Miss Hello Heiijaniln Is linptovlng nicely fiom her recent severe IIIiiors. Class No. !) association will hold it Ilrst-class eutcitalnment In the lee tin e room of the Methuillnt lOplstopal church, on Wednesday evening, Jan uary 1, 100.'. Miss Pieltla Kalin, of Scratiton, the noted coon singer; Miss Sally Pilce, of Tuyloi, the well known elocutionist, und some of our best home talent, will appear. Come out and spend tho Hist evening of the new .veat vvllh the hoys. PRICEBURG. Misses Lulu AVelland ami Cliace Ploy were visiting friends In Suntitou f'ln Istmas day. Mr. und Mws. Oeoigo Schmidt, of Maple sti eel, spent On Istmas with lelatlves In Gtoen Hltlge. William Wilson nnd.Tohti Oakey have icturncd home, after solving thue yems In the United States mmy. Miss Llzie Plllcott mid Aithur Hobbs, or lJiovldence, vlslied Mis. Isaac Dawe, of Carmalt stieel, on Wednesday afteinoon. (leoige Schmidt, of Hvde Pin k, spent Christmas day with his aunt, Mis. (Ills Schmidt, of Albeit street. Pi ank Hllckens Is on the sick list. Miss Pnima Oakey and Molly Schmidt visited Tt lends In Hvile Paik on ("In Istmas day. DURYEA. Mi James Pailles has returned to Pottsvllle nftei spending Chi Istmas with his family. Mi. and Mis. P.ilmei. of Dunuioie, wei" visiting at the home of theii daughter. Alls. Jack Whlttman. Mi. Aleck Campbell and Miss Lizzie I lout hoik weie united In man Inge at Hip Piesbvttiian chinch Tuesday even ing. Misses Honedlet and Phillips will open a diessmaklng establishment on .Main sticet, Dtnjea. Phillip McCall, of Latluope, Pa., Is Uitlng with his famllj now. Mi. and Mis. Thomas Ilealey. eif Palilucket, It. I., sue visiting at the homo of the laitei's sister. Mr and Mis Petei Hie hauls of Now Haven, Conn , aie vl ilting at th" home ol the laitei's aunt. Mis John Johns. Resumption of Sunset Limited Sei vice Between New Yoik, Phila delphia and San Fianeisco, Sea son 1901-1902. Commencing Novembet .",0 und each Tuesday, Thuisdav and Satin day then eafter, the Washington and South western Limited, opeiated d illy be tween New Yoik", Philadelphia and New Orleans 1 ia the Pennsylvania Raihoad and Southern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Hroad stieet station nt 0 5,"i p. m , composed of dining, Pull man ell .in ing-i 00111, sleeping, obseiva lion and llbtary cais, in addition will cany a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman ehawing-ioom compail nieiit sleepliiE cai to connect with the Sunset Limited operated between Now Oilcans and San Pinnclsco. The (olebiated trans-continental sei viee offered by these luxurious tialns makes a trip to the Pacific coast not only veiy quick, but most delightful. Chailes L. Hopkins, dlstilct passen ger agent. Southern Railway, ;t!iS Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish all infoimatlon. Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Railway. Pffeutlve Nov. 1M, the Southern Hall way will operate tluough twiin seivieo fiom Washington via Richmond, Vn to Floilda and points south. The new tiuin will be known as No. 2'i mid will leave Washington at 10.C0 a. 111. over tho Washington Southern Rnllw.iy and aiilve Jacksonville, rio., at 9.1.1 a. in. This tialn carries llwsl class coaches and Pullman diawlng 100111 sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also has dining cur spi- ice. The above twiln is in addition to the full complement of twiln sei vieo of Southern Hallway via Lynch but ff und Danville. Chus. L. Hopkins, Distiict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 8JS Chestnut Sl Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. A Trip to California or Ploilda. Those contemplating such a tilp need but to call on the local ticket agent of the Lackawanna liiihoad and liu will in range eveiy detail. Including trans poitatlon. berths, leservatlons and checking ot baggage tlnough to desti nation ; al!"0 will ttiinlsh intos, foldeis, deseilptlve llteiatuio and any other in foimatlon deslieel on tho subject. Through sleepers nud day coaches to Chicago. Only one change of cars to California. Happened Right in the Family. The un.,1 pMiiilnei uji 11 muil mill, vvlnnc cilijul was to clheoueit llic v lines ami ill, e iiilit liL tcstimin,, "Wlnl ilnl )ou SJ) um lume w h " e is till' ill Ot lUI'ltlllll, "Mliluil lliilieili " "Mlclucl Dolieilj, Hi? Jm, luluilj, Miguel tli iintton'ulh, Ale ,iu a iiuruul nun " ' (1 II1I11U mi, OI wji maiiliil " "s jmi think becaini' ou u"t in 11 1 If ii tint .Mill .lie l 111.11 1 I'll nun, ilo v oil J .Nuw, tell m" whom j on nuirlul,'1 "UI10 () innileiH I nuiilcil .1 went in " "Nuw, don't j mi Iviinw lutln 1I1111 lu trill with the iiilillV tlf iiniii.1' Jim liiilllnl 1 n mini, iliil Jim nil I11.11 "f an one iiiiiiIis 11 iiun" ' (, nieil HUM ilM " Spue MuiiiciiU, Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business of Dickson Manufactuilng Co, Scranton and Wllkes-Uaire, Pa. Stationaiy Pnglnes, Dolleis, Mining Machlneij, Pumps. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS, Grand Atlantic) Hotel mo annex MnjInU Ave. nnl licicb, AtUallc City, N. J. Blitb iiir; 3'A Uaulllul iooiiu i'IimiU, tlnflj nil Willi l'tli; liul unil cold niAalcr Lathi lo hotel and annc. Ijjmtlou (elect and ccnirjl, uilbln fen Jrd4 f.f the Steel 1'leei Ortlicitia. Otters special prlntf rUn, lli to SIS by week; iJ 50 up by djy. bpecUl rates lo fimllles. CojcIh'i meet all train). Write lor booklet. CilAltl.13 V. COI'E JONAS LONG'S SONS. JONAS LONG'S SONS, OUR GREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES Sale No. I In Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. The liiy liiisoiiu'iii Stoic conn's to (lie front this l-Yiday w itli the most ck iniordiimn oftoriniis for cjuick Inivcr.s. If von hi-licvc in economy you'll be here In ";cl tlieiii. If von want useful and substantial goods for less prices than you liaie ever boui;lit them at before vou'll be here. The sale siaits proinpt 1 at two o'clock-. This tells the story. Ileavi Preyed Cilass Tumblers, reg ularly worth (itle a do.. To- i da price for (il) iniuiites, each 2C Papier Maclie Travs, suitable for holding water ilcher or glasses. J'i ice each this hour. 3C (irey litianieled Kitchen Ware: This ol'l'eiiii" comprises buckets, sauce pans, tea pans, pudding pans and various other needed utensils worth legnlarly from"" 1.1c to :!(lc each. l;or the hour choose any for. .' 1 (JC M read Kaisers with Covets: These useful aiticles should be be in evei yone's kiLchen. If 1011 h aven't one todav is a good time to buy one for a small o'ullav. Choose from tl'ucc sizes : 1 egular woi th is S!)c to ?l!)0. Sale pi ice OvC I'hamjjcr J'.iils: Crey Rnameled, a s) lot for today's sale. They are full siVe. Onlv one to a cautomer ' lt ice 49C Sale of Lamps: There is .1 lot of handsome lamps that ar rived too late for Christmas selling. They have plain finished fount, decoiated globe aud Rochester biu'iiei. Thev would be excellent value at !?:! Oil. but todav 's piice is ' o"l '. $ 1 ,9o Scrub liruslies: l.aige sie. shaped to fit the hand. Kegular juice Klc: for this hour only, price C Laundiy Soa: The best soap made for household use; uianuf.ictuied bv the celebrated firm X. K. l-'aiibank cc Co., of Chicago. J-'or this hour 12 barb for 2i5C Sale No. 2 Sale of Jiess Goods: Here is an of fering that gives vou the widest range of vaiietv and a most extraordinary op portunity for money saving. The goods in this baig.u'n are mixed Cheviots, I'anci I Maid (ioods. I'iguied lioiubons, In inches wide, 1'lack Cashmere and Heavy Suitings. The 1 egular worth of most of ihem is :',!lc a i.ird. I 'or just one hour choose anv in the lot for, avard '. 1 9C Begins Promptly nt 3 O'clock. Sale of Laces : There is alwai s a lace need, and a sale such as we give today is alw.iis welcome news. J 11 the offer ing are finelv woven Torchon Laces, to : inches wide, handsome designs; legulaily woith Tic and tic a 7 laid : fit this hour only 2fiQ- HOYh' CN'OHUWHAH This is 11 snee ial and most etianidlnaiy lot 15c 1 egu- 15c of Hovs' rieeee-liued Shlils and eh aw 01s; ucular woith g.nment For the limn touioiiovv we olTei li loi a gaiiueut. .. l.ADIHh' WOO LUX 1IOSH Hole is the baignlli of the season, lar -.'c. woolen hose t'olois light and elaik giev; all hies, S'j toll) Pilce pel pall SALI' OP Hoys! SI' ITS (On Hei oncl FI001) .Mothei s bilng Mini boy heie this Pi Ida! and get the gieatest suit baui.tln ever olieiod in Hiian lon. Tlie otToiIng 100 he.ivv all-wool 1 hev lot suits, double bie.isled st vie. to III hovs ! to 1" .veats of nge. The pants have good waist bands and taped scams Some luiiij and jilnln colois Oflc foi just one horn. Pi i e a suit ul" SALH OI-' OUTIXO FLAXNi:i.S Heie is .111 olleiiug that evei.v wo man will uppieeiate, as the goods olieiod .lie suitable loi so many pin -poses The.v aie full T indies wide and he.ivj vvolglil. Hcgulai ac value is 7e a Mild. Tor the liom ml pilce a . nil SALK OP LIUIKS' PHKXCIT FLAXXKL WA1S.TS Those wild have a 1I1 she loi- choice, hauilsonie vuilste and want lo buv them loi Ums lliiiu half vvoilli, have that oppoilunlty todi.v. The waists otieted aie In all the dcsli able shades and hiiiulsomely made, borne aie w 01 th ns c jq miioh as $1 apiece. At this houi, on second llocn. e hoo-e any lor Pi.-' Sale No. 3 tes i Sale of Childien's Dresses on Und fioor: Mother.s who want to spare themselves the diudgerv of sewing will tli nl great plcasuie in today's offering. The Dresses offeied are made of fancv plaid material, have oke tiimmed with ruftle and braid and are sizes to til girls fiom I to V2 years of age. liny , them during the hour, for each 5vC Sale of Japanese China Ware: This is an offering where a few cents will do service most unusual. Pin Tias, Mates, (Yearn Pitchers, Alustaid Cups, P.on lion Hislifs and mam other useful and ornamental pieces. u ot'l'eiiiig dur ing this hour, on Main Floor, each - i.u'P ci'iiTAlssifm Thlid Pluoll llousekooiieis will find Ihls a gieat ii)poiiunity to buv choice Cutliilns lor 11 ici sinall nut lay The iissiutmeut ((insists of Xottlngliain fin ttiin-, M liuies who and Si. ymds long: also a special lot of llobluilt I'uitiitns, with iitlllo edges.' ii'BUlar mlio is ?J 00 a pair. Tiy them iiiilay ct 4 lor ,,,.,,,.., SALI! OF HLAXKrrS-PInn heav.v Fleeee-llutd Hlankots, full ble iinil with tunc) boideis; io)ois. gioy aud while, would be e. "J c e client value any time tor $1, Sale pi Ice, a pair, this hour ... SAW! OF WOMAN'S KID iU.OVUS-TIiIs gives vnu mi nppottuijlty lo hui line Kid Cloves loi gills or lot peisonal use, I he off .u lug eons sts of -2 and .! clasp and Fostei lacing hook Cloves in all the choicest eoleu Ings Their tegular pi ho Is $1 -j:i 10 $!.".' n pair. All slaes mo C Q() In tho sale, Pilie 11 pair , v SAW: OV .MUX'S rxl)i:nVi:AH-r.veiy nuine.v -saving man in Hi Linton should take ailvauluge ot this b.iiKiUn. for U olteis lino velvet, ileeie-llned I'lieleiwear ill all size shins and diaweis, legulaily -jgc win Hi Me fin li. rildiiy lor a gaiiueut ,.,.,,,...,.. Uegliis Proniptlj nt 1 O'clock. saw: 01 Advertisers of Facts Only Jonas Long's Sons ! ft, 1 4, ... jTjy !t,-v.v4JL. t.yW-4 J-.T --