rif f oftfi--r-H fsr-ntf PprSTtfl-'f?; ""'VH-! V ' ?; .1V W-v- 1 vi. 1 1 . (V I t ' ; M THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1901'. WEST SCRANTON NOT UP TO THE STANDARD BELLUVVE EISTEDDFOD COMPE' TITIONS WEKE TAME. . Chief Choral Coiuuutillon Won by thu Hydo nrk Choir Christmas Services in the Churches and Ex ercises in the Sunday Schools. Three Weddings Yesterday Can tata at First Welsh Baptist Church Events of This Evening Shorter News Notes and Fetsonnls. In tiolnt of attendance (lta eisteddfod Jit the Hellevue Welsh C M. church yesterday afternoon and evening was a feue'eeps, but the competitions were not tii to tin; stunduid, and the competitors vero ooinp.itnlh'oly few tu number, t'robably Hit; best competition oC Iho day was the ttniil for mixed voices on the seli'dlon "Glory to Ood," In which the Holleviio md Hyde Purlt choirs participated. This was won by the lat ter. The afternoon session was presided over by ','lty Controller Ksdrns Howell, and Jnliii 1J. Thomas acted as conduc tor. The opening number was a sons by William .1. IiuvlH and uhnirmin Howell followed with a brief address. Tiie first competition was a recitation for boys and e.lils, under tr years of iiko, on tlio selection "A Psalm of Life." The competitors were not worthy of the lit st prize, but WashliiKlon Jones was jrlvon the second prlsco of r.O cents. No "iitries wit-' maile on the tenor solo "Willie Sipiull " none of the poets ivponded with addresses, and the llrst and c(ond prizes on the solo, "Hark, Hark, .My .Sould." for ulrls under ir years of ape, wcnl to Tydvil Jones and .Until Tliomus. ''otutcon compositions were nvcived on the enprlyn ."lieu Yell," but Ivor ;. Parre's was adjudged the best, and he was awarded the prize of SI. There was no competition on the trio, for a prize of $3, and the selection was elmiimled from th'.: programme. The prize of !?.'( lor the best impromptu speech on "lileclrielly" was awarded to n resident of Plymouth. The entries on the solo "Cleaelaud," for male adults, were sent in too late, and they were not allowed to compete. The prize of SI on an improplu speech in Welsh or Knff ilsh was divided between AVilllam It. Jones and John Davis. Only one party entered' on the double iiuartctte for a prize of 518, and they were given the prize. That was the Diifofip's French Tar Will nrpmnllv rellpMi ami moodily cure coulis, colils and all luiis tioulilc. For 3 Mlo liy U. . JUMil.NS, 1U1 Suutli JlJItl mi'nuc. TflA We're in no mood for writing "ads" today and the chances are all that you are in no mood lor reading them, conse quently we will merely state that we have gathered all that remains of our special holiday lines and marked them for a speedy clearance at Half Price or Less for myers Who ii'Ccii Slaughter of Book Stock. About .1400 volumes today at prac- lically what you have a mind to pay for i' them. ss&&sa j&jgsgaaggssaaj; Globe Warehouse . .16 .'4 .'."- T y .LrJ" J --... ,. I.j feature of the oftcrnaon seslon. The singers were Mrs. John Itecso James, Mrs. George. Vlpond, MIhkos Kllon James nnd Ellen Thomas, ltooso Hntn net, John II. Jones, John W. Jones nnd Thomas W. Jones. Tito session was closed with tho slnrjlns of "Cms y liar," by tlio conxrcgatlou, led. by Prof. Lewis Davis. Lewis Huberts presided at the even ing session, mid Mine Inspector Pryth crch acted as conductor. Miss Tydvil Jones sung iv solo, and Mr. Huberts de livered u short address. The first prize on tlio recitation, "The Old Arm Clialr." went to Hlodwcn Jones, and the second to Tydvil Jones. David Jenkins won $2.50 Tor his ex cellent rendition of "Arm, Arm, Ye Hrave." Ills opponent was Frank ISvans. Ivor C. Parry was the only one of the bards to respond to the call, and ho rend an original composition uncut the Ticllcvuc eisteddfod. For answering ten questions on the person of Christ, ! William J. Jones received $2. Master Wlllard James won first, Ed gar Allen Morgans second, nnd John Jones third on the solo, "Oh to He Nothing,! for boys under IB years of i age. Ivor C. Parry was awarded the 1 prize for writing a poem in memory of tlio late 0. A. Williams. John J. Hob orts was awarded $3 for the best reci tation In Welsh. At tills point lienju mlti Morgan, of Youngstown, O., sang a solo, "The Prodigal Son." It was well received. Mrs. Ann Davis, of North Scrunton, was tlio only entry on the soprano solo, ; and she was awarded the prize. She i favored the audience with two rcclta ' tions during the evening. Ivor ('. Parry was also awarded the prize for u poem in memory of the late Edward James. "Syml Fardd," unknown, won the prize on the poem In memory of the late Thomas II. Jones. After u piano solo by Master Edgar Allen Morgans, It was learned that there were no entries on the duet, "When We Were Hoys Together." The prize of $2, for suggesting the best method of making the Sunday school effective, was given to "An or Far." The Hyde Park choir easily won the chief choral competition, against tho Ilellovue choir. Heese Samuels led the former, and J. Henry Jones the latter. The singing was not as good as it should have been. Prof. Lewis Davis was the adjudicator on music; Henry Ci. Williams, of Wilkes-Harie, adjudi cated the poetry and recitations, ana Miss Norma Williams acted as accom panist. Santa Claus' Defenders. The Christmas cantata at the First Velsh Baptist church was entitled "Santa Clns' Dot'enueis," and was given a very creditable presentation under the leadership of Prof. Evans. Hev. D. D. Hopkins presided over the cnteitainment, which was attended by several hundred children and parents. The recitations were given by Miss Martha Davis, and the piano accom paniments were played by Miss Eliza beth Lewis. The line old ladles were impersonated by Louise Evans, Maggie Jones, Helen Williams, Mary Heynon and Blanche ermat Come Today ggsS6gggggi igsgygs .SggSg-gggSg; N I Edmonds. Tlio cast of characters was us follows! , Splmtis Ann, Vt.e I.cwl June, IMIt I.cwUj Hue, Lib Wnlklns; .Martha, 1'ejtl .leu I; In j. tJIrls-lMllh, llm.l,! ltlih.mls M.ulr. SMU TIiuiiimi IV.iip, I'lioi'tie (IcjUj'i Ml.ii I'lorintc 'Hnmum Atrk'11.1, Mifdtnv.v llt,vnoii (looilwlll, S.irnli Lewis! Juvp, Helm Wllll.im, II03.1.Mr. Mlncniiti'iiti llrtl Tliniiusj Hairy, Arthur Morgan; llcinutt, Wlllnnt Tlioin.uj tier ni.itiy, IMK.tr I)avl ttiker, Harry lli'Mc. tfjtitii fl.nn wus linpcnioiiiliil by Wllllnm lliilici. Thp Klh nl Siills4 wnn D.ultl 'riiolliin, nnd the tjuci'ii o( stprltm, M.ilnl Uvutit. There was also it number of faiicv sylphs and maglo dolls, and snllor boys, under the direction of Thomas Tliorburn, St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Tho Christmas festival at St. Mark's Lutheran church wnn held last even ing In the. presence of a delightful au dience. The exercises were given under the direction of MIps Clara Sanders anil Included songs, recitations, ele. 1 he church choir materially assisted In the exercises and sang a number of pleasing selections. The Infant school also took a prom inent part In the programme, singing with much spirit and enthusiasm. Miss Nellie Markwlck and Joseph Phelps sang a duet, "Listen to the Angel's Song," which was well received. Hev. Hauler is to be congratulated on the success of the entertainment, nnd tlio cleverness displayed by the scholars under his charge. Simpson M. E. Church. Tlio Christmas cantata, "Santa Clatis' Charms," was sung at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church last even ing before a crowded house. The per formance was given under the direction of L. II. Kresge, and proved to be a de lightful entertainment. The various characters were Imper sonated by George Peek, Maud Perry, Avis Tlbbltts. Margaret Utt. Arthur Heck. Huth Fritz, Uuth Hryant. Huth Acker, Harold Davis, Hay Davis, Hes sle Thomas and Stella Ilallett. A larsre chorus of children also sang in the cantata. Other Christmas Events. The Sunday school of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church ren dered n Christmas cantata lat even ing. Each member of the school con tributed u pound of some edible, all of which were distributed . among the poorer families in the congregation. Tho cantata of "Santa Claus" was sung at tlio Sherman avenue mission of the Plymouth Congregational church last evening, under the direction of Hichard Phillips. It was a meritorious production, and the children are en titled to much praise. A Christmas entertainment wim held last evening at the Salvation Army bar racks, on Price street. Gifts were dis tributed to the children, and a general good time enjoyed. The usual Christmas exercises were bold last evening at tlio Jackson Street Ilaptist church. Charles Hartley, the ventriloquist and minilc, entertained the children in a clever manner. The members of the Hellevue Welsh Calvluistlo Methodist church and Sun day school presented their pastor, Hev. William Davles, with an inkstand, and his wife with a cut-glass water set. A pleasing programme was rendered by the members of the school. Three Weddings. Arthur Salmon, of Taylor, nnd Jllss Beatrice Samuels, of Lincoln Heights, were united in marriage on Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church, in Taylor, by Hev. C. 13. Henry. They were attended by Thomas Hell and Miss Mary Iieeclium. At the home of the bride's parents In Philadelphia yesterday, David J. Thomas, of North Hyde Park avenue, 'id Miss Lillian Miller were united In marriage. Upon their return they will reside in West Scrunton. The wedding of Oliver P. Jones, of South Main avenue, and Miss Margaret Pumbrldge, of North Main avenue, was solemnized yesterday at the home of the bride, in tho presence of a num ber of friends. Tlio ceremony was per formed by Hev. Thomas do Cruelly, D. D pastor of tho Jackson street Hap tlst church. Events of This Evening. The Bible school of the Washburn street Prosbytorlnn church will hold their Christinas exercises this evening. An elaborate programme has been pre pared. The vigilance committee of the Fifth ward will meet this evening In Fair child's hotel, when candidates for ward otllces are expected to register. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Helper, of Heading, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. (leorge I!, lteynolds, of North Main avenue. They will return home today. IJoger Campbell, 11 local pugilist, who was arrested for being drunk and lighting, was lined $.'i in police court. He created 11 disturbance in a pool room on North Main avenue. Announcement has been made of tlio coming marriage of James Degnal and Miss Alice Crnnt. Harry Kresge, of South Hyde Park avenue, has returned homo from mili tary service In tho Philippines. Edward Florey, of South Hyde Park avenue, was the guest of friends at Lake Carey yesterday, A largo crowd of young people at tended tho dance of tho Silver Leaf Social club in Washington hall yes terday afternoon, Dr. Struppler and family, of South Stain avenue, spent Christmas with relatives In Philadelphia. Peter CV Boyle, of 205 North Clariluld avenue, Is suffering from a fractured leg, caused by 11 fall on the pavement. Tlio pupils of grammar A grade In No, 10 school held appropriate closing exercises at the school Tuesday morn ing. Thu annual entertainment and social of tlio West Side Athletic club was held In Menrs' hall last evening and proved to be un enjoyable event, DEATHS OF A DAY. fly Tiibube Wlrr from 'flic Assocljlccl Pre, 1'iris, lice. 25, J.icquci l'laiicoll llonil Foil i.nu'r, tlic publlcUt ami former member of tlio tluiihln'r of deputies, U licit), lie w:H loin Hi'it. 1, l?JS. flilwsi'i, He'C 25. llunlJii Smltli, a loaillnir linaucliT uml ri'il (state dealer oltliU city, died today ul I'licmmnia. Ho wa.-i the ynmisv.t urn nf IVuy II, jjmitli, wlin wa flu iif l.'liiiMgo'n wealthiest cltl.OH ilmlus; the ervciitles and clsihllri. flmiljp Simllli Inherited a lar;,'L fortmiu fiom lib father uml increased it largely tlnu'igli Ids real otate. qieratluiH. A SENSIBLE MAN Would 11,0 Kemp's Hal, am for tho Throat anil l.uii;. It la curing moiu t'oiralK, CoM, Asthma, IlronehltU, Troup all' I all Throat uml Limy Tiutihku II ail any other medU'liie. The taonrlc lor haa auttwrUiii ony dinUt tu kIvu ou a S.iniiK' lluttk 1'iiu to convince j on u! the merit cl tl.ii vrcat remedy, I'iKc, 23v. and 0','c. ISP $83fcMP vtmmmw r 11 imhmu Cured 32 Years of Awful Pile Agony. Sioux Falls, S. D Feb. IS, 1001. "For 32 years I suffered constantly from protruding piles and finally had to lutiiiuuii my irauo ol suiiio-niiisuii. Four months ago 1 begun using Pyra mid Pile Cure, and before I hail used up one BOc. box the disease had entire ly disappeared and there is no sign of Its over returning. I urn completely cured. F. Capps, 216 N. Minnesota Ave." Sold by all druggists, BOc. a box. Hook, "Piles, Causes and Cure." mailed free. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Cantata, "Santa Claus' Defenders," Presented at Christian Church. Drama at Auditorium. Tho Christian church, nn Nnrth Mnln uvenue, presented last evening the beautiful cantata.entltled "Santa Claus' Defenders," in which were rendered several solos, recitations and choruses. The following cast took part: Mr. Dccnntftit William Wexott '"'' John Ileum Hcnn.ni Hay sillick liimmcry, a newsboy ruir Henry "l" Il.in IlirrU H'lkfi" llnv Wi'.scntt Willi Nellie IVry M.iBKic I'e.irl Unity Amelia Mildrcil Wi'tUm Mel.i ,rac .,,tch IV.ii-t i.o. r, r...it....i.- "euilulll MjuiI itm-.-.n " 111.1 KIMey Four t-iin.trif, Ann, .lane, l.u and Martha r.imna rjicn, i trua Siilicn, Jlaiy ana f.irrle l'errv. 1'bo old maids Vr.-. S. I'. D.ivit, .Mrs. Malniiry, Mrs. Patch Mis. KIMey and Mis. M. Oliver. l-'.iiry Slpli H(..P Watklti' Kml.i Claus William Wilson Cliairtnan (Jcoifc'e I'eriy. "The Senator's Daughter." Last night, before u large audience, the Crystal Literary and Dramatic club produced "The Senator's Daughter," at tho Auditorium. Before the doors wore opened several hundred jieople were waiting to seek admission. The Crystal boys deserve great credit for the man ner in which they presented the play. The feature of the play was the work of D. J. Evans, as Lord Henry Beres ford, and Miss Anna V. Itoche, In Lucia Stetson. Basket Ball Game. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, one of the finest and most interesting games of basket ball was played, between the champion North End Stars and the Crystals, of Priceburg. Though the Stars were stronger and more acquaint ed with the game, they had to work hard for their victory. The features of the game were the field playing of Prof. John Tigue, of the Stars, and Stephen Ellery, of the Crystals. The line-up of both teams is as follows: Stars Skiff, forward; James McClus key, forward: John Tigue. center; AVill lam Davis, guard; Thomas McCluskey. guard. Crystals J. Prltchard, forward; D. Coleman, forward; S. Ellery, center; David Owens, guard;' William Owens, guard. The score was: North End Stars, 17; Priceburg Crystals, li. Time of game, 20 minutes. Goals from field, John Tigue. 4; James McCluskey, a; William Davis, 1; fouls, James McCluskey. After this game was over, the strong Philadelphia team, which the Stars de feated the night before, played an ex hibition game under tho National league rules, which have never hereto fore been used In this city. Next Monday evening the Stars will have for their opponents the Taylor Stars. Police Court. Nicholas Daskavllle was arrested by Otileer Jlay for being drunk and dis orderly. He was lined $.", which be paid. William Doggo, of West Market street, was arrested by Patrolman Sultry for disorderly conduct. He wus lined $-1, which he raid. John Hull, of lirlck avenue, was ar rested for disorderly conduct. Fined $10. Martin Malloy, of Ulnoiu avenue, wus arrested for disorderly conduct, Fined ?3. I Stephen Ir '., of Warren street, and James Price ' llolllster avenue, was arrested for rderly conduct. Fined $:i apiece. Shot in the Neck. Fred Unnnach, of Keyser avenue, shot his cousin, Philip nannach, In the neck on Tuesday night, In a drunken quarrel at a house near Stlpp's brick yard. The two men became engaged In an argu ment, and Fred Haniiaeli drew his 10 volvor and shot his cousin before tho other u'liests could interfere. The ball entered Philip's neck, just a half Inch from the Jugular vein, and In passing out at tho back, just barely missed tlio spinal column. The Injury Is serious, but not dangerous. Ho noti fied tlio police of the affair, and Patrol men May und Sultry arrested Fred curly yesterday morning. Ho wus lined $30 by Magistrate Fldler for carrying firearms and discharging the same, tlio Injured man refusing to prosecute on a chargo of malicious mischief, TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Miss Ada Mason, of Fordhiuu street, has returned from a flvo months' trip to England, Joseph Wlgley and daughter have re turned from a visit with Mrs, K, H, Kd wards, of Forest City, Horn, to Mr, and .Mrs. McIIulc, of Steele street, it daughter. Christmas treu exercises were con ducted lust night in the Methodist lJpis. copal church and tho North Main Avo nuu Uaptlst church. At the lust meeting of tho Scranton school board, tieo-iyu Shires, controller from tlio First ward, mudo u motion that the lots in the rear of No. '.'5 school be purchased, in order tliut the chil dren of tho school might hayo lnoto room to play In.'im they aro novconi pellet! to play on tho street In front of the building. Tho matter wus referred to thu buildlns committee, 'ts- 'iKvuiiixjk ". 1 1 -r- limn i ii linn Hii- SOUTHSCRANTGN EXERCISES FOR THE CHILDREN IN THE CHURCHES. Chicken Thieves Paid Their Eifth Visit to tho Hennery of of Mr. McDermott at Beech Street and Irving Avenue Bowling Club Has Been Organized Among the Employees of Casey & Kelly's Brewery L. C. B. A. Is to Conduct a Progressive Euchre Party. The children of this side generally were made happy ns they gathered around tho Christmas trees and feast ed their eyes on the good things fur nished by Santa Claus. At the Hickory street German Pres byterian church, exercises were partl pated In by tho Junior Sunday school classes during the afternoon nnd at 7.30 p. ni. the senior classes were en tertained, nil receiving presents, The English school children will romp around the tree und get their presents this evening. Christmas tree festivities for tho chil dren were also held at St. Paul's Luth eran church, and tho German Methodist Episcopal church on Prospect nvenuc. Large handsome trees were to lm "foil In nearly every dwelling surrounded with happy innocent faces made glad by the nbudance of a prosperous holi day season. The older people enjoyed the day to a great extent Indoors and games of chance and shooting matches wore al most universal for prizes which ranged all the way from a spring chicken to a 30-pound turkey which was contested for at Wapolsky's hotel on Pittston avenue. Athletic hull was well tilled both afternoon and evening by merry dancers who were catered to by tho Victor Social club. Chicken Thieves at Work. Some one has taken a fancy to Mr. McDcrmott's poultry at tlio corner of Beech street and Irving avenue and the liftli visit to ills hen cook took place early yesterday morning. Noth ing wns stolen, however, ns the mar auders were scared away before their plans materialized. The lock bad been pried off with a lllc, however, when the disturbed thieves Hod and the marks of their shoes were easily traced in the snow to the next street corner where they were lost. The owner of the chickens has determined to put a stop to the annoyance and petty pilfering being practiced in the neighborhood. A New Bowling Club. Another bowling club was recently organized on this side which is com posed mainly of employes of Casey and Kelly's brewery. There is about twen ty members of the club which has headquarters in Villager's hull, corner of Pittston avenue and Maple street The usual meeting night Is on Tuesday of each week but this week's session and social took place Inst evening ow ing to the Christmas holidays. Tiie officers of the new society are: President, It. P. Kirschner; vice-president, Joseph Scheuer: secretary, Oscar Polack; recording secretary, Willinm Flesch; treasurer, William Snyder; captain, Oscar Polack. NUBS OF NEWS. The Scranton Saengerrunde held their usual weekly singing practice in Vil lager's hull yesterday afternoon owing to their own hall being occupied by the Victor Social club's ball. The funeral of the late Mr. Weirig, will take place today and not yester day as stated previously. The ladles of the L. C. G. A. will conduct a progressive euchre party in the now St. John's church basement tomorrow night. Christmas tree exercises for the school children of the Church of Peace on Prospect avenue took place last evening. Henry P.oettcher, janitor of tho Re publican building, bad a narrow escape from death yesterday morning. While working under the elevator it descend ed on his brad before he could get out of the way and received a violent blow on tho head. Fortunately It ' was stopped in time or tho consequences might have been serious. DUNMORg DOINGS. Christmas Exercises in Methodist Church Christmas Celebration at the High School. Christmas exercises of the Methodist Sunday school wore held Inst night. Tho church had b'.eu prettily decorated for the occasion nnd presented a very attraetlvo appearance with Its hand somely trimmed Christmas trees heavily loaded with many gift's for the scholars. An attractive programme had been prepared under tlio supervi sion of Superintendent Dun Powell, which wus thoroughly enjoyed by the the audience. The pragrnmme was as follows; Organ Voluntary, ltuby Yost, anthem, choir; prayer, pastor; chorus, "Glory to Knianuel," school; ehoiun, responsive reading, school: recitation, 'My l.ittlo Kittle," Louis Spencer; song, "Karth's I-'ew Horn Saviour," school; recitation, "Greeting," Irne Hums; song, "My I'rotty Dolly, ' Maude lllshop; song, '"Twas u Peaceful Is'ight," school; lecltatlon, "Tho Shep herds," Mary Ncwing; an exercise, "The "World's Great Need," six girls; song, "All IIuil! King Ktuatuiol," school; an exorcise, "ltena's Christinas Tree," eight girls; song, "When tu the Shepherds," school; nn exercise, "When to tho Shepherds," school "Christmas Fruits," mno girls; song, "Stars for Jesus," primary scholars; recitation, "Jn Drills tho Snow is Ly ing," Surah Tivslur; solo, "Tlio Story of Love," llessio 1'owell; nddress, Itev. C. II. Nowlug, pastor; song, "Songs of ; tho Ages," school; recitation, "Two Mitts," Ucna Spencer; song, "Joy Hells King," school; recitation, "Tho Angelic Message," school; closing chorus, "Angel Hosts Adoru Thee," school; distribution of presents, benediction. At tho High School. Thu scholars of the high school en tertained their iriends on Tuotduy uf ternoon with un ut tractive programme which bad been carefully prepared. There was u prlsso speaking contest be tween llvo young ladles, tlio Misses Uesslt' Murphy, Helen Henjainln, Fran cis Gallagher. Ksther Uurkc, Jessie Cron. Thu judges Superintendent IJuv urd, Itov. J. 1. Duboney and C. 11. Swingle, decided that Miss Helen Hcn Jaiuln merited thu prize, wlilen was a. huudsouic buck. There were only three- of the young Jonas Long's Sods Sewing Machines The Jonas Long's Sons' name on our machines s a guarantee of the best for the money. nave Dan Dealings wnicn maKes tnem very light running, simple in construction and very easy to manage. Style No. 3, box top Machine, 3 drawers, full setol attachment nnelv polished wood work c 1 pollen oak color. 0 Price $18.9 Stylo No. 6, drop head machine, swell front and round end, automatic lift head, 5 draw er, full set of at- jtjo tachmenis pZO.UU Style No. 7 machine called the Vmdex Drop - 0 Head, 5 drawers, drop he.id stvlc. Our Special. ... q) I O.50 finch i ties Displayed on Second Floor, Near Elevator. Prices greatly reduced on Ladies' Suits, Coats, Rag lans, Waists and Jackets, and the season is not near over yet A splendid opportunity to buy a winter gar ment cheap. Clearing out pr'ces on Bric-a-Brac, Toys, Dolls and everything that looks Holiday like in appearance in Basement. Sometimes the best You will find some astonishing reductions all the store. ) Candy, Toothsome, Delicious, fresh every day. A choice mixture at ioc per lb. Jonas Long's Sons STAR THEATRE JU.F. 0. linnniNOTOS. Mtnager. OXn WEBK, commonclns MONDAY, DEO. 23. Wine, Woman and Song DAILY MATIXIX. men to enter the list, in their competion John Gllllgan, Harry Dexter, Paul llobert Beattle. Harry Dexter being fortunate one among the boys. Probably one of the most onjoynbio numbers on the program was a paper entitled, "Ye Commercial," lead and edited by Miss Dc-ssle Powell. Tills was replete with inni.y good natured puns on both scholars and ructulty and was evidently much en joyed, nt least by tho scholars and guests present. Several musical selec tions were rendeicd by the school which completed a very enjoyable afternoon. At the elusu of the exercises tho guests were served with dainty refrosh mnts which liiul been provided by the scholars. NEWS NOTES. Prayer meeting will be held tonight in the Presbyterian church. Tiie Christmas ixerclses of tlu Pres byterian Sunday school will take place tomorrow night. Dr. J. II. Gurvoy who has spent the past month In Now York city, pursuing u special cours". is nt home again. Miss F.inma tfuthorland, of Urooklyn, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ltoynl Tn ft of North Mlal.ely. Miss Kllen Vtrouson Is Indisposed ' her home on Kim street. James it. McDonough of Honesdalu Is visiting his sister on Chestnut street. A. L. Urydon nnd family aro guests of relatives In Pittston. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, yesterday Mr. and .Mrs. John Palmer, spent yesterday with friends in Avocn, Dr. J. Harrington Young of I.ansford is lh" guest of his parents on Drinker street. OBITUARY. MI1S. ANNA M. ATKINSON, af,cd VJ years, tiled yestetday at her home, HS Meridian street. The deceased was the widow of tlio lute Gcorgo Atkin son uml Is survived by tlio following children: David, Alfred. William and Nellie. Tlio deceased was a well known member of tho congregation of tlio Ponn avenue Huptlst church and was widely loved for tlio gentleness of her nature, The funeral will bo held on Saturday afternoon at '1 o'clock front tlio home MltS. ,1AM KS KKNNKDY died yes tenluy at. her homo on Chestnut street, Dunmore. Shu If- survived by three sons, Michael, Patrick and Frank. The funeral wilt be held Friday morning, with it high muss of requiem at St. Mary's church. Interment will bo in St. Mary's cemetery. Funerals. The funeral of the lute Mrs. M.iry Whulen will take place litis morning Ironi the house on North Ninth street. Services will ho held In 151. Patrick's church and Interment will bo mudo In the Cathedral cemetery. All our machines I Style No. 5 is a box top machine, 5 drawer-;, full set ol attachments golden oak wood work. $20.46 "rice Style No. 4, drop head machine, swell f ont, fine finish ed wood-wot k, s drawers, full set of attachments . -. Price $24.50 of the feast is the last course, through Leather Goods. Ladies' Purses and Pocket Books, a choice collection. Also a large line ol Chatelaine Bags. 3-THE JOYCE STORES-3 3 lbs for 10c. You must know how good Pacifia Coast Prunes nre nnd the higher figures they usunlly command, sa what's the use of saying more than that, today you may purchase three pounds of these excellent California Prunes for 25c, nt any of THE I fl Joyce Stores Popular Priced Provisions, Lyceum Theatre M. IIKIS, I.csre and Munaurr. A. J. DUFFY, Ilus. Jranastf l'lllDAY AMI SATl ItlUY llYII.NINfiS, SATl'llDAY .MATI.N'IX. Ilius.iuumnt ( nildred Holland, In lifi now Itom.intlc Pr.im.1, The Power Behind (he Throne Mitlici pliers-'.'."i ami 50 unUx ililldron ti any urt nf lliu ii"iif, l" itiiU Xlsdit irlui Jji Mc, ".. .iii'l fl. Sv.it on win Wnlin :d.iy at 0 .1, in. Monday, Dec. 30, Mr. Daniel Sully, Piicntiiii; t I.o Ni'tv YoiU anil llostou Suites "HE PARISH PRIEST" pliy of numloiH tiiiinlli,tiiti'iiwly lutuiMIni ' ikd'II, NsW YORK BOSTON 7WI-I-KXIN ' VI 0lll lATiiu: 1'itoiircuo.v cAinuri). I'ltlt'i:- S5f. t- $1. SmIs on ali- I'iiiIj)-, 9 a. lu Academy of Tlusic M. lti:is, l.ttsce. A. J. Uu!t)-, Manajir am, this vi:i:k. Gibney-Hoeffler Co. On.) mild witI., U'gmiilin,' Monday iut,lit, 1v- "1 Aubrey Stock Co, I'li-.-intn .i ii'i'Kil.iiii nt (kti'ii tut; i mo I'li'dummi-, MdiuIj.v inslil "In I hf l'l.ii' ol in in'' I'liii'-.- Main. u, -" ..Ml '" it'll!; inilinel III uml 2) iinii-. I'liiu lr Xi'W Year's. IUj Jljtlmr, lt. and tW iciiUi nlht, IV, SU, ! jui 00 unit-. APR