xr "iitKM.t r '&' $1 km l&tf-i. WE . W&a-tfj p,t f ' V it''' I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1901. Seveland's 0aMifcPotffer It is no trouble to make good cake and biscuit with Cleveland's Baking Powder. Christmas Programmes St. Peter's Cathedral. In St. Peter's Cathedral this morning nt 10.30 o'clock a pontifical high mass will he celebrated nt which mo louuw ing programme will bo rendered: Processional Match K1. Klcsler Umcr's Orchestra. Kjrle (from "IMscale Maw") Lamblllotte Soprano mid llao Solos and Chorus. Mrs. M. J. Leonard and W. It- Ilrudburv. Gloria (from "Pascale Mass") Lamblllotte boprano and Ujm Solon, Uutt and Choriu. Mrs. T. 0. WnMi, Mlis Laura Hatter, and J. Slocbrr. Cicdo (from "St. Cecelia's Mast") Gounod Trio and Chorus. Miss U. A. Laveltc, MesbM. Itcpcrt and Bradbury. Offcilory "Adestcj Fidcles" Vt. Alit Ttnor Polo and Male Chorus. Mr. fius Itcpcrt. Banctus (from "M. Cecilia's Jim") Ciounod Chorus. Bcncdictus (from "St. C'cr Ilia's Mi")... Gounod Soprano Solo and Choi us. Mrs. T. ('. Wabb. Agnus Del (from "Twelfth Mavi") Moult Alto Solo and Choi as Te Ileum (chorus) German Orilirtra, Organ and Choir. Organist and Director W. 1'. Schilling. Assistant Organist W. It. Bradbury. At St. Mark's Luthern Church. St. Murk's Lutheran Sunday school, or West Scmntou will celebrate Iho Christmas festival this evening. A programme of song and recitations, set ting forth the stoiy of Christ's nativity will ho icnderoil by the school. The church choir, under the direction of Jliss Clara Sanders, will assist the school. Proccsfiion.il, No. "9J. The. Verside, IValin, Scripture, Pravcr. llvmn, No. St. "A Merry Christmas fo AH" Uurclla Mliliacl 'Christmas firectlmjs" Doll Deikmlller "A Youthful Wehome" Willie Michiel Anthem "Praise Ye Iho Lord" Choir "The Loving Little Gill" Oliri Kullhcis Christmas in the Heart". ...FIiieiucloikmillcr "A Christmas Greeting" Blanche Sanders Kolo Soltctid Mks Nellie Markwick "Our Gifts" Oneita lictr- "God's Son" I lew Kricgcr CJixintr to the Poor and to the lllili," Hulda ltcnson .i'id l,lh- lohii-on "Ills Natal l)a" Alfred Ucil.mei-kr Duet "Listen to the Aiuril Son','" lacl.son Nellie Markwick and ,Io.-cph Phelps "Cells of Christmas Tide," May Adams, Anna Sherman, llulda Wag ner, Martha Ilnr-on, LIaho llihlke. "If This were Twenty Cciiliuies Ago" Herman Bachnian, 1'i.ii'k Jones and Guilt Guennel. lljmn. No. CO. KxcrcL-'es by Infant School. "The Infant Kins" Clinton Vettcr, Henry Kr.igcr, l'.arl San ders, Carl CarNon, Albin Nelson and Albert Klienbcrg. "Lone Ago." lthea Bartlcs, I'.Uie Manger, Hazle Tietze, Madeline Ibid, Adeline Von Wiisenlluc. "ChrMmas Night," Olga Kullberg, Nellie Stelnman, Aranda Johnson, L'dith Wikhuid, Arllnc Guicr, Uveline Kieinbeig. "As Kach Happy ChrMma-." Infant School St. Paul's Catholic Church. In St. Paul's Catholic church. Green Hldge, the choir will render the follow ing programme nt the 10.110 mass tills morning: .V.pcrgcs Me Ifyrio l'.lcisun (Mass in III ... Gloria in KuMs (M.ki in II) Credo (Miss in 11) Sanctus (Mass in V.) Bencdlttas (Mass in )'.) Agnus Dei (Mass In V.) ... . , ! '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.lliniM oil ! '.!!'.!"!i:ini'isoii ! Kmcrsuii Lineisoii Kmeisoii Umci.sou OlfcrtoryAdestcs I'ulells, Choir, assisted by St. Paul's School Orchestra. The solos will be sung by the following: Miss M. Powell, Miss A. Buike and Miss M. Nlland, und Me-mrs, W. Kenny, .1. O'llara. Organist Ed. Sullhan. St. John's Catholic Church. The choir of St. John's Catholic church of Green Ivldge will render this programme at 10.30 mass this morning: Kjlie Moart Credo Mlllaid S nidus Millard Agnus Die Mlllaid The soloists are the Missus Winifred Melvlu, Catherine Coyne, Mary Mur ray and Anna Mollltt; Messrs. James Mangan, Thomas Needham and Hugh Coyne, Others who will sing are: Misses Elizabeth Durkln, Delia Purcell, Nellie in the national convention of the Mine Mangan, "Winifred Melvln, Mary Cul- Workers, at Indianapolis, Intl. An la Ion, Anna Whalon, Sarah Vauglmn, tlmatlon of this was given at the ses Matllda McGoe, Alice Gibbons, Eliza- Mon of the United Mine Workers' ninth beth Coyne, Julia Kelly, Mary Murray, district convention at Mahanoy City. Winifred Durkln, Anna Mollltt, Bessie District President Duffy, of the Haz llurns, Nellie Heardon; Messrs. James k-ton region, urged upon the delegates Mangan, Patrick Keegan, Patrick Brcen, the need of having full anthracite rep- Thomns lloland, Hugh Coyne, Michael Murphy, Thomas Needham.Jolm Court ney, Daniel Kelly, Michael i.aveiio, St. Mary's Church, Dunmore. In St. Mary's Catholic church at Dunmore today at tho 10.30 a, m, mass the following programme will bo ren dered by tho choir: Hyrlc Klclson ...Weigand's Pcsthal Mis lJuct Chrlste Klelson, ,...,, ...Grand Italian Mass Mis. Al. Miller and Miss S. Gilllgan. Gloria In Bxcclsls l(,i0"nn'! Credo ,,,., Nclgiii'l Sanctus (St Cccclla'a M.is) , Gounod llcncdictus (St. Cecclli's Mass) , Gounod Agnus Dei (St. CecelU'3 Miss) ,.,,, Gounod OiTertory. Adi.to FldclU ,,,,,,,.., ..................Novello Tho sol is will be sung by Mlsi Gilllgan and Mis Miller, and Messrs. W. Crane, A. Uoden, Kd. C'awlej, M. McNuIty, I. Miller, OiganUt, Miss il. A. Millale; cliotUtcr, Mr, L". Sullhau, Elm Park Sunday School, "Santa's Stu prise" will bo given by the Elm Park Sunday school tonight under thu direction of J, Torrlnstoii Watklns. Following Is tho programme; CHAItAOTEIlS. Iloesie , Miss Salllc Tripp Lucy ,,., , Mist Lthel Yout Maud Miss Gcraldlna Waters Chums. Tom ,..,.,...,,,., Hay Walters Ned , ltoljcrt McCUte Jack L'ojd WiUvx Chums. Addt wholesomeness to the food. Bashful Simmy (who Is going to bluer), italpli Grltnlln Dollv Girls-Dorothy Page, Lavcrna Illibliig, DaUy Dell, F.lsle Squantz, Margaret tllttcnhciider, Helen Hamilton, Sarah Chandler, Marlon Nichols. I'alrlca-Cora Dobson. JUt.cl Uikcr, llal Waters, Ilia Marsh, Bessie Marsh, Beatrice (lib pin, Maud Phlniicy. Icicle Boys Arthur Trucsdalc, Frank r-owcll, Harold Adain-i, Itolurt Monro, IMwnid Sprague, IWg.tr Molr, Brooks McCiavc, Harold Hallet. Santa Clam (the children's friend), J, Torrlnglon Wat kins Pianist Mrs. 11. C. Wallace Organist Mr. C. F. Bookman ML'SIL'AL NllMBKIIS. PAhT ONK-INTItODUCJTION. Prelude Organ Prof. .T. Alfred Pennington. "Shepherd's Sons;" Ladles' Chorus "I'm a Jolly Old Santa" Santa Claus "We Hall the Christmas Time" Chorus "Dollies" olly Obli "With Sleds and Bells" Choius "Good Night" Chorus Interlude Organ PART Sr.C0.ND. "Merry Christmas" Chorus "Ifiisli Song" Choiu.i "Santa Song" Solo and Choius "Christmas Kalrics" Fairies "I Itcully Ought" (solo) Simmy Icicle llojs. "Jov to the World" Audience Pcslludo Organ INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Make Up of the D. L. & W. Board for Today Big Order for the Hazard Works. The following is the make-up of the D., 1. and W. board for today: TUESDAY, Di:Ci:.MltKlt 21. Wild Cats llut.-S p. M., 1". 1'. Stevens; 10 p. m., M. It. MelJane; 11 p. m., A. G. llaminitt. wi:dni:si)AY, di:ci:m:h;u e.i. Wild Cats Hist. 1.30 a. in., O. W. Burt: 5 a. in., .1. Burkhait; ci a. in., llobokcn, It. Ititc-'s; S a. in., llobokcn, J. W. DcUne; 10 a. in., O. W. l'ltgciald; 11 a. in., Lattlmcr with 1'. L. ltog"rs' new; 2 p. m., 1. M. ll.illell; ii p. in., 1". Hal Id t; I) p. m., O. W. Dunn. Suninnt', Lctc si a in., east, J. Mennictn; 10 a. in., G. Kreuufelker; U p. m., Thompson; IS p. in., cast, J. Carigg. Pusluis. 0 a. in., Wldncr; 7a. in., S. 1 inner!? ; 8 a. in., Hoa-cr; 11.15 a. in., J. J. Murray; ( p. m., Vi. II irtholomew; 7.80 p. in., Murphy; 0 p. in., W. II. Butholoincw. Passenger Liiginc-. 7 a. m., GilTney: 7 .1. in., Ringei; 10 a. in., Nauman; 10 a. in., O. Miller; ti.IJ p. m., htaiiton; S.30 p. Hi., McGoeiu. Wild tills West. 3 a. in., A. K. Kctchim; .S a. m., C. Kingsley; 10 a. m., K. McAllister; 1 p. in., T. lJoudle.ni; 4 p. in., It. Castncr; b p. in., M. Caimody; 11 p. in., 1'. Wall. NOTICl.'. I). Ilaggerty and crew will run fi p. m. tumniit Doc. 21, in place of .1. llcnlngin and irew. W. 1). W.irfel .mil crew ulll run ll.SO p. m. uild cat. Dee. 21. J. Geiuty aid irew will run S a. in. wild cat, Dec 23, in place nf A. Gerrlty and crew. ItalTorty and enn IU run No. )-', Dec. 23. M. I'innerty jnd new will run li .1. in. wild cat. Dee. 23. 1', D. Sccor and tieiv will run 3.43 p. in. wild cat, Dec. 21. J, McCue and crew will run .1.13 p. m. wild cat, Dec. 23. Drake-man W. M. Depew will go on with M. Finnerty as (kigiuan. Brakcinan Junes Kccnan will go on with John Baxter as n.icman. 1'. P. Clarke reports for J. II. McCmn. Hazard's Big Order. The Hazard Manufacturing company has received another order from the Herreshof Manufacturing company, of Bristol. This late order is for wire rope to bo used on the rigging for the yacht which is being built by the Herreshof company for Emperor William of Ger many. This Is not the lirst order that the Hazard company has filled for the Herreshofs who designed the Columbia and the Constitution and most of the handsome steam ana sailing yachts built in this country. Thin order is, perhaps, not as impor tant as a consignment for the war de partment at Fort Hancock, near New York, that was shipped a few days ago. This order, for large copper cables, was one of the laigest and most Im portant orders that the war depart ment has placed recently and the grade of insulation called for under the spec ulations was the very highest that Is made. The wire was put through a thorough test and it passed Inspection and test exceedingly well. The Hazard company is winning big contracts by the excellence of its product Wllkes Barro Leader. Move to Dispose Mitchell, An attempt, it Is rumored, will be made by the soft coal miners to over throw John Mitchell as president of ! the United Mine Workers. The war on Mitchell, it is expected, will be made resentatlon in tlie national convention, as questions of vital Importance to tho organization ure to come up, Hazle ton Plain-Speaker. MOSCOW. Miss Geitrudo Veaux, of Elmlra, Is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Will lam Veaux. Mrs. Sarah Davis and daughter, Flor ence, of Elmhurst, lslted tho former'n mother, Mrs. Charles Noack, over Sun lln,. day. Daniel Qarduer, of tho University of Pennsylvania, and Arthur Cinrdner, of Wyoming seminary, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, F. U, Garner, Quy Swart s is entertaining company from Stroudsburg, John Lyman and duughter, Myrle, left yesterday for Peekskill, N, V., to visit tho former's sister, Mr, and Mrs. Sllvara returned homo Saturday from a visit In Hinghumton, N. V. Clare Pelton, of tho Stroudsburg Nor mal school, Is spending the hollejv.y va cation ut his home. Mr. and Mrs. Whltlock, of Uoston; Mr, and Mrs. Orrlu Gnlge and children, of Philadelphia; Mr. and M;s. Sim mons and children, of New York, are guests of their parents, Mr. und Mrs. H. If. Galge. Miss Elizabeth Lyman left yesterday for 1'eoksklll, where she will tiUcml school this winter. Outgo Dntrymptc, of New York, Is spending the holidays nt the home of his aunt, Mrs. It, 1-. Clnlgc. AVOCA. Special to (lie Scrahton Tribune. Avociti Dec. i!l. The Star Social rhib will conduct ti semi hi Sarstli'lil Opera house tills til'ternon anil evening. Misses Ilea .tint Anna Meade have returned from Jculrinoiiut, "West Vtt. T. J. Kltuslmmons In seriously 111 of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. llrown of Veek vlllo are spending the day with friends hero. Thomas O'llrleti of Jormyn, wus a visitor here yesterday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Slg lln, a daughter. Mrs. It. A. Carlton of Lackawanna Is the guest of her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Iteed. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morthwlck of Muller Hilt and "yillljm Campbell of Dtirjcu was solemnized at the home of the brides parents lust evening by He v. 1). J. Smytho. Ontv the members of the family were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will reside In a beautiful furnished homo recently built by the brides father. The marriage of Miss Alecla, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of the West Side and Wilson Klshpattgh of South Forks, li. will tnke place this evening at the homo of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. William Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Godwin attended a reception given at Kingston last even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson. Postolilce hours today from 9 to 11 a. m. and from C to 7 p. m. DALTON MAN BANKRUPT. J. Feuerstein Brought Into Court by His Creditors. In United States court, yesterday, J. Feuerstein, of Do lion, wus adjudged an unvoluntury bankrupt, by Jud.'ie Archbald, on motion of Attorney A. V. Dower. Tlie petitioning creditors are the Bal timore I!ai,'alti house, of Baltimore, Md.; Morris Mikolu, of New York; A. C. Nottleton, of Scranton and ltosuwear Bros. & Co. of Norrlstown, N. .1. His debts to these ci editors uuiount to $500. i .i - LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the Scranton Postolilce, Laeluwanni county, Pa., Dee. 23, 1001. Pi r.-om calling for these letters will please say jiHcrtiscd and giic date of list. Lira It. Itipple, pa-muster. AppUm.in, L. D., taicl.ewis, T. I. James Watson. Miy, I'rank Appleg.tle, Mrs. IlancyLeoiurcl, Mis Miy G. Atndtur, Clinics Lewis, Mrs. .les-ic Aulgolv, Vinecnt Lewi-, Mrs. Delbcrt Barnaul. Mrs. It. W. lewis, 'lliomas llnaul, 1'. W. McDonougli, Jliss Anna llraekenberrv, Mi. MusiMi Carthy, Mr-. Banlctl, James Locwll M angle, It. Cheater Uonnon, Peter Mi renin, George Cjry, Hi nre M.ueks, Charles ClMinr, Otto MPlir. A. L. ("rippeii, Geoi. c 1 Mi.nagheu, Mrs. Cithern Conleiii, Miss M P. Dren-tein, Miss ltcbccca Cunningham, W . .1. Pu-ey & Bowe Cooke, Mls.s Man- IMIenParki r, Chailes Divis, Beatrice Pinker, O. 11. Doud. Mis. Joe C. Penney, Mis. Thomas Delnore, Angelo Pitkins, Prank Du-iek, Mi .tennie P.irkhurt. Miss Amy C, Ldmunds, Mrs Mary J. liiS Highland street, Kilw.iuls Mis arali photo. Kohnin, I. W. ll'ce, KoI.mil D. 1'iilW Aiirii-t.l 11 Id. .1. W. Geisiin, llirker S. Itobii-son, fliarlcs, Lin- Hohlu, Mi-s M.iiv C. ilen street. H.irMV, Mrs Itobeit l.Suiitli, Chailes Hogan, T. L. Stephens, A. U. Itiggs, IMwurd Sewill. Henry House. Mi.-s rnie I. 'Irotter, ii.iuace Irih, Miss llais.i Witman. Mrs. L J. Ward, V. W. Washington. Miss Alias Whiting. W. I!. White, Mks Madeline Walter, Le-udnig .Tones, . A. Joney, Mis Winifred Kol'cv. i:. 11. Killi.iin. Mis. Jane Kline, MKs l.bv.'o Kiticht, Gottfiied ITALIAN. Andrea Mirino. Annlto Tugenio, Nicola TifWc, Gui-riuie Pica, Lugenio Giovanni, Gaetno Pitri, Uiiini.ii.t M'ino. Go-eiiiie WacrnUo. Niudo lino, GIu-cppo Cannelli. Lunidio Lnplni, Gioiannilie do Vlneente, Gabrilc P.ilucci, Dondero Citerino, Gisvaiml Pitstco, La It. Peluenodico. POLISH. 1'ranclszek K.iczmaihl. Kelyanner Larzbim, Fiancisek Kosomoskl, Wladjst.iw Uominski P. P. T.uiskv, Winteiitv Malinowstie, Piolicn Woj taehu, Barnailinmi Ciinrewiczu, Kaiol Janowlei, Samuel Tedder, Llik llMistowski. I1UNGAUIAN. t I'lMnci-ka Blip, Ju?ipa.s Jtinkaiulns, .Tozcf Pla-mu-7er.ik, Andres T.iki, Uanoso-iki Janes, Mari ana Wai-leka, JedriJ Nyivt. Gajdor Jurko, Spjak Meh.ilv, Tnhulis Lillewivic, Wiliim Wakunas, I) metre Leeko, Cank Putoy, Vaszily Zgebur, Nitholas Zgebur. West Scranton Station. Miss Amu Vjrnuit. Anton Coar, Mis. M.uid Jones, Mrs. Willi im Smith. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Botween New York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1901-1902. Commencing November 30 and each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday thereafter, the Washington and South' western Limited, operated daily be tween New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans via the Pennsylvania Hallroad and Southern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Uroad street station at 0.53 p. m., composed of dining, Pull man drawlng-ioom, sleeping, observa tion and library cars, in addition will carry a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman diawlng-room compart ment sleeping car to connect with tho Sunset Limited operated between Now Orleans and San Francisco. The celebrated trans-continental ser vice offered by these luxurious trains makes a trip to the Pacific coast not only very quick, but most delightful Charles L. Honktns. district nussen. ger agent, souinorn uauway, 112s Chestnut street. Philadelphia, will bo M .. - .. pleased to furnish all information. Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Railway, EfCectlvo Nov. 21, tho Southern Rail way will operate through truln service trom Washington via Itlchmoud, Vu to Florida and points south. The new train will bo known as No, 20 and will leavo Washington at 10.50 u, m. over the Washington Southern Railway and nrrlvn Jacksonville, Fin,, at 0.15 a. m. Tills train carries llrst- clus.4 coaches and Pullman drawing room sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also has dining car ser vice, Tho ubovo train is in addition to the full complement of train ser vice of Southern Hallway via Lynch burg and Danville. Cluis. h. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S.'S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. A Trip to California or Florida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on tho local ticket agent of tho Lackawanna rulhoud and ho will urrangu every detail, including trans portatlon, berths, reservations and checking of baggage through to desti nation also will furnish rates, folders, descrl le literature und tiny other iu forinafion dtnlied on thu tftibject. Thiough sleepets und day couches to Chicago. Only one 'chungu of curs to 4 California. Heart Disease Gome Facts Regarding the Rapid Increase of Heart Trouble. WmPrM (sK2HHImhiHHI: Heart trouble, at least among the Americans, is certainly 'Increasing and while this may be largely duo to the excitement und worry of American business life, It is more often the ro suit of weak stomachs, of poor diges tion. Heal organic disease Is incurable, but not one case in u hundred of henrt ttoublc Is organic. The close relation between heart tie .Mo and poor digestion is because both organs are controlled by the same great nerves, tlie Sympathetic and Pneumogastric. J In another way, also the heart is nf- ' feeted by the form of poor digestion which causes gas fermentation from i half digested good. There is a feeling ' of oppression and heaviness in the chest caused by pressure of the dls- tended stomach on the heart and lungs, ! terferlng with their action; hence arises palputatlon and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons the bloo.l, making it thin and watery, which irrl- j tates and weaken? the heart. ' The most sensible treatment for heait trouble Is to improve tlie digestion and to Insure promtp food assimilation. ( something that lias reauhed my ail- Thls can be dn'ie by the regular Use ment." after meuls of ?i 'He safe, pleasant and Phil Brooks, Detroit, Mich., says: effective dii;,uti.v preparation like Stu- "Your dyspepsia cure has worked won art's Dyspi i ' '''t.lilels, which may be dors in my case. 1 suffered for years found at most dtug ."tores, and which from dyspepsia but am now entiiely contains valuable, harmless digestive cured and enjoy life as I never have elements in a pleasant, convenient form, i before. I gladly lecommcnd them." It Is safe to su;,' that the regular per- Full sized package of these tablets sistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab- sold by druggists at flO cents. Little lots at meal time will cure any form of book on stomach troubles mailed free, stomach trouble except cancer of the , Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, stomach. Mich. RAJLFOADJinMTBLES Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In LTfect Nov. 3. IDOL Trains lcaie Scianton for New York At 1.40 3.15, 11.03. 7.30 and 10.03 a. m.: 1 ! 13. :..40, t.3i p.m. for NcwVo.k and !!.. a.li.lnl.ia-T.ao, 10.03 a. m., and 12.45 ami .1.3.1 p. m. lor Tobj- liannu Al U. Hi p. III. irr nunaio i.iu, u.s any 0.00 a. m. ; 1.35, (I.S0 ,1 ll.:s. p. in. I'or Bing- liamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 i p. m. For Oswego, Syracuse anil Utica 1.15 and B.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, SjiaciM! and Utka train at 0.22 a. m. daily, except Sunday. I'or Montrose 0.OU a. m. ; 1.10 and cl.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and (1.15 p. m. Bloomsburg Dliision l'or Northumberland, at 0.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.33 and 0.10 p, in. I'or Pi mouth, at (S.10 a. m. ; 3.10 and 0.00 p. m. Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, ;U5, C.03 and 10.05 a. in.; 3.10. S.."l p. m. l'or BiilfaIo-1.15 and 0.22 a. m. ; 1.6 1, O.oO anil 1 !..'). p. in. lor Bingluniton and way stations 10 20 a. in. Blooin-burg Division Lcae Scranton, 10.03 a. in. ami (j. 10 p. m. Delaware and Hu'dson. In Eflcct November 24, 1001. Trains for Cubondale leave Scranton at 0,20, B.OO, S.51, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1,20. 2.31, .1.52, 5.20, 0.25, 7.57, 015, 11.20 p. m.; 1.31 a. m. For Honesdale, 0.20, 10.LS u. m.; 2.31 and 5.20 p. in. For Wilkcs-Barre-C.53, 7.1s, 8.41, 0.31, 10.41 a. in.; 12 03, 1.12. 2.1S, 3.2s, 4.27, 0.10, 7. IS, 10.41, ll.:.! P. in. For L. V. It. It. Polnts-0.3S, 0.33 a. m.; 2.13, 4.27 and 11 30 P. m. For Pcnnsj.i .nil B. B. Points 0.3S, 0.33 a. m.: 1.42, 3.2s and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north C.20 a. m. and 3.52 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. I'or Carbondale S.50, U.'W a. in.; 2.31, 3.52, 6.52 and 10.52 p. m. l'or Wilkes-Barre-9.33 a. in.; 12.03, 1.53, 3.25, 0:.2 and S.42 p. m. For Albiny and points uoith 3.52 p. in. For Ilnnc.sd.lle 8.50 a. in. and 3.52 p. in. W. L. PIIYOIt, D. P. A,, Scranton, Pa. New Jersey Central. In l'.ficct Nov. 17, 1001. Stations In New York, foot of Liberty Blreet and South I'ciry, N. U. Trains leae Scranton for New York, Philadel phia, llastou, Bethlehem, Allrntonn, Maucli Chunk, While llacn, Ashley and Wllkes-Barie at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p.m. (Juakcr City Uprc-.s leaves Srraiilon at 7,r,0 a. in., through solid estibule train with Pullman Bullet Pallor Cais, for Philadelphia. Fur Aioca, Pittston ami Wilkes-Banc, 1 p. m. and I p. in. Sunday, 2.1U p. m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Groie, etc., 7.30 a, in. und 1 p. m. For Iteiduig, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Al lentown, ut 7.30 a, in. and 1 p. lit. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. Foi Pottsillle at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. in. l'or ratis and tickets applv to agent at station. C. M. BUItT, Gen. Pass. gt. W. W. WKNTZ. Gen. Supt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In llllect Juno 2. 1001, Trains lcae Scrantuu: (1.3d a. m., week dajs, through u'stitiulo train fioin Wllkcs-Bairo. pull. man bulfct parlor car and couehci to Phlladob plill, via i'utuiiiu; stops ut iirincipai inierme. diato stations. ,iso Cfiiuecis ior .luiiuury, Bui. ., , ,.i. I,-. ).!.. 1. 1 . ii .1,1. ...p.. r .-..I......... ...i wi s, niiuuu ..i ., ,..i ., .mniii.,,.!, mm I ,0H. ' '! "'! KA Sunlmir. Harrlsbur,-. Philadelphia, Baltiinulc, Washington and Pitts- bing and the west. 1,12 p. in., week dajs (Sumlajrf, l.M p. in,), for Siiiibuiy, ll.nilslMiig, Philadelphia, Biltliiure, uli'ii';t"ii .it..) I'lU bing and tho wm. 3 2s p. in.. Weils days, throuih Vistlbule ti lln f ii.m Wllkca-ll.it I e. Pullman bulfct parlor t ir mid lunclus to Philadelphia via Pottsville, Stop at principil iuteiincdiate stations. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Haleton, Sunbury, llanUburg, Philadelphia and Plttsbiug. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, lien. M,T. J It. VOOD, (Jen. Pass. Agt, Tourist Cars on Nickel Plato Road. Semi-weekly transcontinental tout 1st cars between tho Atlantic nnd tho Pa cific coasts are operated by tlie Nickel Plato and Its connections, Tourist cars referred to afford tho samo sleeping ac commodations, with same class of mattress and other bed clothing that are pioylded in the regular Pullman sleeping cur sorvlco. These tourist ears leave Uoston Mondays and Wed nesdays, and leave San Francisco Tues days and Fridays, Herths in these tourist curs are solet at greatly reduced lutes, Conveniences are offered without eUra cost, for heating food or prepar ing tea or coffee, affording every facil ity for comfort on a long Journey, es pecially for families traveling with children. Lowebt rates muy be obtained always via thu Nickel Plato roud for ull points in tho west. For special In formation regarding ull trains on tho Nickel Piute road, including these tour ist cars, consult your nearest ticket agent, or wtitu F, J. Moore, general agent, 'J9l Main street, Uuffnlo, N. Y. Mrs. Lydla Iinrtram, of Assyria, Mich., writes: "I have suffered from stomuch trouble for ten years and five different doctors gave me only tempor- ury relief. A Mr. E. It. Pago advised mo to try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tublets and four boxes did me more permanent bene.lt than all 'he doctors' medicines that I have ever ' ken. Mrs. G. II. Crossley, fiSS Washington . street., Hoboken, New Jersey, writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets just fill the bill for children as well as for onbr folks. I've had the best of luck with them. My three-j ear-old girl takos them as readily as candy. I have onlv to say 'tablets' and she drops every- thing else and runs for them." ' Miss Leila Dlvely, 1627 Plummer 3t., Pittsburg, Pa., writes: "I wish every- i one to know how grateful I am for Stu- art's Dyspepsia Tablets. I suffered for ' : u long time and did not know what ailed me. I lost flesh right along until , one day I noticed an advertisement of , these tablets and Immediately bought a G0-ecnt box at the drug store. I run ' only on the second box and am gaining In flesh and color. I have at last found HENRY BEL1N, JR., Ccncral Agent for (he Wyoming District for BV ,rt A.J D-.rx1ck UUpOfltS fQWQQT r Mining, Blasting, Sporting, Smokeless and the Rcpauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Boom 401 Con nell Building , Scranton. AGUNCIES. TIIOS. FOllD JOHN B. SMITH .t SON W. E. MULLIGAN Pittston Plymouth ....Wilkcs-Darra N0WHFRH ELSE ON EARTH Can the Seeker After HEALIH AMD HAPPINESS Find Such Rich Reward. CAUFdRNU ISA WINTER PARADISE. Best Reached Via 'SUNi-ET LIMITED." (PALATIAL HOTI'.L ON WHl'.l'.LS ) Leave New York Tuesdays, Thurs days, Saturdays. SOUTHERN FA IFGCO, R, I. Smith, agent, 109 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railrood. In Llleet Nov. 3, lfjOI. Ttaliis lene Scranton. For Philadelphia und New York via D. & 11. It, It., at (1.33 and !.- a. in., and 2.13, 1.27 tlli.ick Diamond Kpies), and 11.30 p. in. Sun- dais, D. .t II. It. It.. 1.53, s.27 p. m. For White llawn, Hileton and principal points in the coal regions, U D. fc II. It. It.. 0 33, 2.13 and 4.27 p. in. For PotlsvlHe, C.33 a. in., 2.13 'l'or Bethlehem, K.iston, Beading, Harrlsburg, and principal intetmedlate stations, via D. I: 11. It. It., 0.33, 0.33 a. in.: 2.13. 1.27 (Black Dia mond i:.priss), 11.30 p. m. .Sundays, D. i: H. It. It., 0.33 a. in.; 1,5s. S.27 p. in. l'or TuiikluiitV"'!;, Towandi. I.lnilu, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate station., via D.. L. and V, It. It,, f In a. in. und 3.50 p. m. For Geneva, It'che.tei, Bultalo, Nlia-.ir.i I all', Chicago and all points west, i.i D. .t II. it. It., 7,13, 12.03 a. 111., 1.12, tS.Ul (Blink Diamond V, picss), 7,13, 10.11, 11,30 p. in, hundajs, D. II. It. It., 12.ai, S.27 p. in. Pullman pallor and flcep'ng nr Lehigh Vally Parlor can on all trail, between Wilkes-Banc and New York, Phllidelphia, Builalo and hutpon. slon Bridge. ltOI.I.IN II. Wll.lU'It, Gin. Snjit , 20 Citlind street. New Yoik. CHAULLS S. MX, Gen, Pass. Ait., 2 Cortland sheet, New York. A. W. NDNI'.MACIIKII, Div, Pass. Agt South llethhlieiii, Pa. . , . I'or tickets and Pullmni re-ervatlom apply to city ticket ofllce, CO Public biniari', Wilkm-llarre, Pa. New York, Ontario and Westorn. hi Lftcct Tuesdiy, Sept. 17, 1001. XOIU'll I1UU.MJ. Leave Loaw Arrive Train. Scianton. Caihondale, Cado.Is, No. 1 ........10 30a. in, II. 10a. m. Mm p. in, Vo 7 , U.llp. in. Ar, Cubondale 0.10 p. in, ' ' Mil'Tll BOUND. I.eaio l.eaio Arilvc Trains. C.ido.lu, Caihondale. Seiaiiton. No. U ,., i.uua. in. 7.40 a. m. Su. 2.13 p. in. 1.00 p. m. 4.40 p. in. SL'MA. ONLY, NOItlli BOU.MJ. Lean- Leavu Arihe Trains. Scianton, Caihuiidilc, (.'dosla, No u .s.i.oa. in. U.lUii.iu, 10.45 a, in. o. 6 .,. 7.W p- in. Ar. ('aihoucUlo7.10p. in. tOl'dl BOUND. Leaio Lene Arrive Train. Cidusla. Caibondale, Scranton. No. 0 ,.. 7 00 a in. 7 40 a in. No. 10 I.JO p. in. l,.ujp. in. U 15 p. in. Tialiis Xos. I on wick da, and II nil bun lav., iiukn main line coiiiicitlon-s for New urk city, Mlddlttowii, Wultun, Noiwlch, Oneida, Oswego and all points west. For fun lie 1 Inhumation, consult ticket agcnU. J. (', AM'r.llsO.N, G. P. A .New York. J, II. WLLSH, T. P, A., Scranton, Pa, Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tialns for New- York, NcMbuigh jnd InU-iin- dlate points leave Scranton as !ollivv: 7.20 a in.,; 2.25 p. in. AiiliatV- 10.:i3 a. in. fiom Mlddlctowu. Hones dale, Mauley and intermediate points: 0.20 p. m. f i oin New- York, Newburgli and intermediate points. No Sunday trains. f ;KKKKKUKKKn$KXKKKUKKUUX: H. D. Crane CLOAKS, SUITS, SKIRTS CARES 0 jS 3 J ffj jj j C5 Our line is of too great an assortment to enumerate, but prospec tive Buyers will be fully repaid by looking us over. g 0 C3 jfti S J C2 324 Lackawanna Ave. TAKE ELEVATOR. RjnnjKGaswcsKsssojX HOTELVICTORIA Bioidwiy, Sib AvaiU3 and 27lh Slnet, NEW VOUK. In tho center of the shopping district. riie Ouly Hotel In ManJmitiui Fronting on Broatlway anil Firth Ave, EUROPEAN RL-AIM. A Modern First-Class Hotel. Complete In all its appointments. Furnishing and decorations entl.ely mw thro." tout! Accommodations for 5 CXI gu.sts; 150 suites with baths. Hot and coU water and telephone in ever) room. Cusine line xccllcil. QBORQE IV. SWEENEY. PROPRIETOR. THB iOSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 anil2, Com'lth B'l'd'g. BORANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER MrtUMMooiloaad KusU Itu Worlu. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. -3 ORANQE GUN POWDER , Beatrlo BattorlM, KlMtrlo Bsplodtri. splodlDK bll, dufoly fait aai Beiaum Chemical Co.'j Mian BXPLO IVE DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 123 Wyoming Avenue, Over Olobo Waicliome. TEHTH IMracted , "" Cleaned ,,,, 10l' bcated , -.73J Crowned, (,-old ,,,.! up Crowned, porcelain ,,,..! up llildcto work ............ 1 up Filled with Bold , 7Jo up Filled wllh .liver .., 50o Killed with Hold Alloy ...JW Full Set of Teeth $5 up i:aiulnation und c.tlniatei (lie, 11 jour leciu .iru uitnf tnir. if you need an artificial set, .1 nu wim oiiie teeth replaced without a Plan;, u vou with i ,.,....... -.---- ,- .. ...i ,.- ...,,,,.,.. uur oi I; done paiiurMiy J"u ! j iviuw. L-iaduntm of lonu experience at the very 1m, iot loiulittnt with good, sub.tantul Dental Woik, vail en me. ktrtMr,4biif,l Ia.H UaahudJ. 11 N&VJBB VirUorrlr &, Strlcturrt ' ruUUs), lmJitU'p. BlTlXnVtii Uri;ni.Sf4 Tvr Sworn 'It tlmoDl4U4ll tiki tiDtnlnsttirJ oifJle4lMJUcUiflfrJ. MrwIUio pvrr.T ";.7i t-Vt i t t t t i i ' 4 S ll(iU4 I irriv vrviir m --J I blUJvlbHLi, J'. Ul Ucrmft bprrlklM luf im Tji tnirrlrt uutrmiff lorvrr u? lV1l AND j "79 EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of the leglsla. ture. free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Dloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will Pir" to writo for particular!. No other school offers filch euneiior d vanuuej at euch low rates. Addrcsi J. P. Welsb, A. M., Ph.D., Priii. SCKANTON CORRESPONDENCE SOHOOU, SCRAN I OS, PA. T, J. Foiter, President. Llmer 11. Lawtll, Itcii. It. J, Foster, nanicy , auco, Vica Prcjldcnt. Secrtiry. BUY THE CENUINE SYW OF MGS . MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Uf NOT K TUBKAME. . I, IHfc . 0m y$ffy.'-! j.t ?