,, "rt-ttrtiVMiantr" ' tfft 'T ' " '"'".(f " 'ji J W7 t rt W " T ' " Wi '-f - rV" ''i'--' 'V--n ?-- ' "ofis'' 1 "iT'pfi jf''" ''?" sfiei.j. '&" v - ' v ,-.. JVC , W ".' " . b . , J.-1. -, .'" .," - ' ! n?4 . a -v ij " vv ' - 1 Jtk i n THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DE0EMI3KK 24, UMJt. Di NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE- Sixilal tn the N.l.ilitpn 'I'lllume. .Mottli-ow, Dpc 2.1. I'hai leu Finn, a (Undent til Kctiktt ooIIckc Kcukit I'm It, S' Y . Ih fpi'iHlllis: tlic liollilny vacation it Hit' tionip or hit .nnontii, Mr. tuul Mm. V O. Finn, hi thlp iiliicn. Tho death or Alrn. Ann .Multlociii. ,v Initio hoiIoiim lllnc?1! htm hot ctcifiil o teen nit'iitlonoil In The THtiunc no i ni'iBtl at tho limne of Iter tliuiBliter. Aim. Kfttlc County, on Parke stieot, on Saturilay-nlglit, at tlic iirc or 87 yenm. 1'lic runpiiit was attended rroin HI. Ttiiiiiiverituw'M chitt'cli at Aulimn.wlieir rdie formr-i ly resided, tills nmuiliiR, the lector. Itev. J. J.- Mcc'iilic oflVclatlnK. William Kullv, Jr.. Is homo from the Philadelphia dental college. In which In stitution he Is u student. rie.lcrlck S. Jilt, 'lintel, who Is ti Htu dent In n Phlladflphla niedlenl i oIIcro, it at home rop the holidays, tils home N at Hlrehiirdvllle. Pa Clarence A. D.iulcy. n stlideiit hi Cor nell at Ithaca. N Y and his brother, Itay Haw ley, n student In Cooke tictttl eni ill Montour Falls N. Y air Riiests dining the holiday at tho home or their rather, S. A. Daw ley, In this place. Hruce 1). Tltmati, son or Hon. ami .Mis. U. C. Tltnian, ot this place, is at home rioni Wyoming seminary, Kings ton, for the holiday acatiou. Mi. I.. A. Backus and daughter. Lillian, lett today Tor Phlladelpblu, wliele they will spend the balance or I lie winter at the home or their daugh ter and sister, .Mrs. W. r, Scott. .Mlsp May Catey anil brother, Rnbcit. aie t-pendlug Christmas at the homo of their patents In Auburn, Pa. Philip Ijoiiei'Riiu, from Dickinson 10I lcge at Cni lisle, Pa., is spending the holiday vacation at home. Klien Flunimerrelt, a student at the Per.mton Business college, is visiting ut. the home or his parents in this place. The Fisko Jubilee slngeis at the Pres byterian church, Friday evening, De cember 27. Admission, 2." and So cents. J5e..ei ved seats on sale at McCausland's. For benefit or Presbyterian church. Indoor bae ball at the armory to night. Company G team versus Mont ioso team. Miss Margaret Buckley, after several weeks' visit at tho home ot her patents In Finnkllu. has leturned to the home of her aunt, Mrs. L. M. Baldwin, in this place. IClbcit L. Blakeslee, a student at Key stone academy, Faetoryvllle, is spend ing the holiday vacation at his home in this id, ice. The letfiilar Chiistinus services will take place at St. Paul's Kpiscopal (lunch on Wednesdav at 10.45 o'clock a in.; the Sunday school service at the Mine church will take place in the cening at 7 o'clock. Miss Flora Jackson, a student hi the Stroudsbuig State Normal school. Is a Kiifs-l at the home of her patents in this place. Arthur Hariington, sou or rounty ('omuiis-iloner and Mrs. U. II. Harring ton, is home lioni Kerantoii, where he N attending a business college. At St. Mary's Catholic ihintli on Christmas day there will be low masses at 6.30 and X o'clock a. in.; high mass, sermon and special music at 10 o'clock a. m. Hauy D. Jones, a eleik in the auditor general's otllce at llairisburg, Is enjoy ing a biief vacation sit his home In this place. One or our most venerable ami ic--pecled citizen, Hev. James AW Rny nor. will leach the seventy-ninth aniii ers.iry of his birth on Thursday, hav ing been born in Montrose, December M. 1S2J. HONESDALE. 5pal.il tn lln Miiiitnn 'liiliunc llonesdalt'. Dec. 20. The eeiilng Krie train fiom New York on Satuulay ieiched Honesdale four and one-halt bouts late. Delay was caused by the tunnel wreck at Jersey City. A num ber or Honesdale passengois weie on till' delayed train. The next number in the Cln ls.lt.in Kndeavor couise will be given by the Symphony oichestra company AVed nesday evening, Jauuuiy 1. Tho Piesbyteilan Sunday school will enjoy a social In the chapel on Thuis ilay evening Instead of observing their regular Christmas eseiclses, which will be omitted this year. Re freshment! will be furnished the schol ars at the social, The two Louilug milI.i1 events lor the holiday season is the annual ball of Freeman's oichestra on Christinas night ami the dance of the Kxchange club op New A'ear's eve. Hoth aie to be hold In the armory. Thcie was special chilstiuas music ts Horse Sense,- " Any fool can take a horse to water, .nit it 'lakes a wise man to make him lrink," says the proverb. The horse eats when hungry and drinks who thirsty. A man eats mid drinks by the ciock, wunoiu re gard to tne needs ot tiature. Hecause of careless eating and drinking "stoinauu trouble" is one of commonest of Uis- '- how ami uh- ter risings, belch inn. unnatural fill- iicv, alter eating, dizziness, headache, tind many other symptoms mark the beginning and pro gress of disease ot the stomach. Dr. Pierce's Cold en Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the slnmui'li and other organs of dj- gesuoti aim nutri tion, It cures through the stom- ucii diseases oi ouicr organs which have Mlii nrifri, til fi illv. eased condition of t fl r. ulnumi'l, a ,, ft allied organs of digestion and nutrition, It strengthi'iiK the .stottiuch, purifies the blood, cures obstinate cough and ueaU weak lungs. "I wjs taken nltli GripiK. vvliicli reiultctl in heart anl storaaili Iroiiblc," writts Mr, T. R. I'audill, Montlaud, Alleelimey Co., N, O. -it was unable to do auvthhiff it gocl part of the time. I wrote to I)r. Pieice about ray lonrtltiou, luNlaetuliconSdeme in lib mediiioe. Ue ad wwd me to take hU'Ootdeu Med-al Ilisiosery,' which I did. Before I bad finished the second bottle I begau to feel better. I have ujeil nearly kit bottles. I feel thankful to Cod for the bene. nt I have received from Dr. fierce'a Oolden Med. It-d niLOery. I cau hlglily recommend it to nil person as a good and safe weUiciue." Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut relicts krep tht 'Uunelb healthy. I W fl i'S.tTUm MBjapPTTT Hfl III the IJotiPsdale chinches on Sunday. At thf! morning snrvlee lt the Presby teilnn ehiireh the choir was composed of Mrs, AW A. Wood. Mrs. Alice Rock well, Misses F.dlih Swin, Jennie Schoonover, Cora Keetic it ml Rebectn Thoinpson; Messts. Howaid Tiney, AugilstiiH Rpllibeln it ml Mr. McMullen. with Miss Mm nut Wnid pretldliig at the organ. They sang several nppro prltUe niithems In a mast creditable manner. Mis, W A. Wood, In excel lent voire, lendetcil a beautiful solo, At the ovenliig service there was a continuation of chilstmim mtttlc. At the Baptist church the subject on which Rev. C. h. Percy spoke at the morning servlie whs "The Song or the Advent." The choir rendered Mis. Ashford's "To Bethlehem Hasten." In the subject was "Clitlsl Summary of Religion." The choir rendeicd the an them. "God So Loved the World." Rev. Percy sang a solo, "The Heavenly Song," by Hamilton Gray. The exercises during the day at the Methodist church were of unusual In terest. Several Clulstiniis anthems PICTURE UOPVIllOIITKn.l Here is the rabbit, linn ter'.' were tendered by Hie ihoir and the sacrament of the Loid's Supper was mlnlsteied by the presiding elder of the district. FOREST CITY. yirUl te tlii Suraaton Tribune. Foiest City. Dee. 2:!. The Methodist choir laBt evening rendereil the sacied cantata, "The Pilnce of I'eace." befoie a congregation which taxed the mpac lty of the church to Its utmost. The music was well tendered and won many words or maise from the heareis. Messis. Leon BIy and Cordon Dimniick, or Carbondale, assisted the singers with violin and comet. Rev. A. W. Hawkes dflheied ills Ihc ture, "The Mission of Mhth," In the opera house this evening berote a t'alr slzed audience. It was an entertaining and instructive discourse, replete with wit and wisdom. Forest City's young people who aie attending the higher Institutions of learning aie nearly all home ror the holidays. Misses Alice Melvln, Orace Menhennett, Loietta F.irrel and Joseph Jennings, James Otding and living Pentecost at rived Friday. fl.AV. Muxey. who is president or the Ann Arbor Stu dents' Lecture association, and one of the editors or the unlveisity dailv, ar livcd last night. Albert Huddv, of Carbondale, spent last evening in town. Members of the Central Labor union fiom Carbondale wete in town Satur day night, visiting one of the mine woi kers' unions. ir the management of the Kile ) all road could but hear the exptessions of disgust and disappioval showered upon them by pel sons who are lompellod to wall in the open nir for the ii.4." ttain these winter nights, they would be edl lled, if not moved to make unaiigc monts for belter nn nmmodntlous of the ttaveling public. It Is a dink and dreary place ai best, and nations who are compelled to stand out lu the old waiting for a train that muv be hours late, have Just cause tor complaint. The bleaker boys' clnlstmas neat, given by Rp. W. Hollhislied, with the assistance of other chuiltably inclined peisons, will begin ut :: o'clock in the opeia house. The Star Ditini corps has vohmteeied their sei vices, and a pto graiumo of music has been prepared. Knell of the lads will be given a box of good enndy and a present of some iisp li i I aitlclu. -Mr. Hollhi'dicd found all he appiouched glad to have a hand lu the good wotk, and bo has a fund of Jl.'fl to spend on the ho,s, Theie n about ton of them. HOPBOTTOM, Speiial in die -u liituu Tlibuiir. llopbottoni, Dec. L'J. Clulslmas tiees with suitable entertainments will bo given at both the .Methodist and Cnl veisullst chinches on Clnlstmas eve, Rev, Lewis, pastor of tho I'nlvcusa Hst church, will spend a two weeks' vacation at the home of his parents at Piovldeuce, R. 1, Miss Beitlin Williams, of Peokville, visited Miss Mella Hiown Satuid.iy and Sunday. Mr. and Mis, A, J, ilii'cu and datiBli ter C'lura ate visiting their daughter, Mis. .allies Heirlcl; at Madison, X, V, School closed on Filday for u vact tloti of two weeks, A traveling toiniMtii has been giving a week of t'ltleilaliinicjiu at Tenant's hall, A pilze consisting of silver knives, forks and spoons was uw aided to the.' baby teieivlng tho l.ugcst num. br of coupons sold with tickets. Tim pilze vvus a warded to the Utile son ot Mr. and Mf. OeoiRO TIlTatu, (l Is iiutiored that tliu hotel owned by Finnk Tenant Is about to change hands. The: dltectois of lite funnels' cieani cry aio considering an offer of lentitl, and coiUtact for handling their milk ft oni Mr. Heiki.troter, of New York. The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist chinch weie entei tallied last week by Bits. McVlcar. ELMHURST Miner Miller, of Carhondale, leturned home yesteiday, nrter spending n week ul the home of Daniel Orlmos. Hull Billings, of Monti osc, Is a guesl til the home of W. F. .tonkins. MIsr SchlniierlliiB Is spending her vacation with her patents nt Thorn hui si. Miss r.mtua Miller, or Duutuuic, wan lite guest or Mrs. Byron Buckingham on Saturday afternoon. Mi', anil Mrs. A. B. Williams, Jr., spent Sunday with the former's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams. Alts. Frank McDonald, ot Plnlntleld, X. .1., Is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Jenkins. She Is acconumnled bv her little son, Langdnn, tind will be Joined by her husband on Christmas day. Rev. C. It. Cole leaves this motnlng ror clink's riroeti, where he will spend Clnlstmas at the home or Rev, It. Pitr lett i:ast. The Piesbyteilan Sunday school will hold their Christinas enteititlnmenl on Friday afternoon In the church. The Christinas exercises or the Bap tist Sunday school will be held on Fri day evening nt the church. All aie In vited to come and the children will en tertain you. Prof, unci Mis. II. B. Rogers will visit friends at Harford dm lug the holiday vacation. "Will Jenkins and Arthtit Seeley have accepted positions In Heranton PUZZLE. but wheie is the I Theatrical j TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. t.vt i:i-i -i.hrii n.,1,1, i, Nii.i,i Afin:vi niiiiKj-iiofiin Kimpiii.!. iiimii .mil nlcht. St'Alt W mi . Wutnt n -it ,1 ,,n i.iiupiin t( t ii(n)ii .ind niuhl. Ml. i' "Eben Holden." siiiiii- in i lie inii-t iii'frful ml lmmliiM f Hi,. ul iif "I'.hui lliililra," whlih I'luil", I'lulninii will pii-piit .it tin- I.mi inn tlioiti'i ini.ilii, an: I.. VI. llolliiiJ.Willniii Il.iiri-. Kitr I). niu-VVil-oii. .1. II. Ili.i'lbiuy. I.ra ll.ni i. Itiili.n.l Ni.-inllu, .lll VVUmIII, 1.01115 I'JIII', .lnllll I'll lb I'lk ( lii.ki .ml I'jil,, II.mIpi. VII el Hitc .ii Ion pl.mil Hun ii-p,iihi' i ,lis ilullis tin- mil.' Iiiiihlnil iiIkIiI' inn (if 'hi' mm il,t .it llic "-jvo) the. iter, .Sow lull.. Miii.kpi PiiiI, HKiiikIv irroiiiiiii'iuU thK .illuclimi t lie ilc l"-t -ecu .11 l!u I.Miiini ll i in i "Sag Haibor." '"is IIoIiiii,' the kii'jIi-i iIj i v ei nntiin li,v Ijnits V. Hi mi', "ill Im i.rn .it tin' I.Mdiui ni'M Wi'ilncrdjv .ifli inunti .mil nlshi. Hi,- t ii-nulilc will be lli" line a. i;iien .a tho 'lliojtu Itcpublli, Ni'w Vol k .ill I lie iimIWIc ..it iint. wliiili i liiitlitullt l. jiit.il i.r tin' little kill m.' (,n dip Viutli Viiinil, .ill tin- ijiLiiui clui.li ICf, liauts .mil tiling", wlilih go ti inilkO up die pictliiM p.i.t.i. .il I'ifi put upn llic !t,i!'. ".-aR llnliei" N mil' ct l.lihh'i In', iIiukc uili-ipll-,. .mil Hie pnlilu, nliu no ,pcn "lt, (IiiiMIjii." "Ill llic I'.iljic n llic Kin;;." tlii hiiiics O'Neill hped uli j .mil "In i IliUniu.' Know li.il to esprit Horn lint tell ililc Hun. "mj; llJltiiil" ll In pll.lfll In (jpilllj lil-'. H,.J wlioio, .Hid Huston, i' Vnl I liuagu .mil Sin luiui-,,1 l.i i ii i inn s Inn), luil p, iIoiiiiiiik., (Iii,-i.iI lli i no. Mw. Nil Multli ,iii, (,,.' vi' Wnocla .n it .no -HII in llic i i.; in i.iii, .ilm.-t .ill (it ilie famoiiN plneis i,r the iniuliul imnpiny will Jpprat In tliN i lit Mildied Holland's Costumes. When Hie qiie.iiiin i ,r pimiilmj: ui.tiinii's lor I lie pieiliullnn of "I he I'mw I llihiuil the 'I In. mi'." Mllilieil llolLiml's iiini.iiiih ill j, .ini-e, ll ,'ieinl"l nut ( sli.lu.llw hlml; in iii.li. lunlli lenlniy Liililun. i nude, wllli .i li lu lining I iie lOktuines uf the v u iou-t iikhiIm i- i.f Ilie uiiiiiuiiy peileci In eeij ilet.iil. VII ic. 1IIU0n Will' l'lll'.tll .Hill ll'l i p, ue M.H -IMieil, h thp ii.ill Hut tin nIihUii pwliii. lion in the mill .in !nm nuie li.'jnlilnl m iii-l Ik ihkisllluie In IliK ii'.-pui. loud llii.ilei-KOci', Hill h.iM ,in iippuiiiiiillk in pmie llio tinlli ul IliU il.iiin when . llnlUml .inn liri cm Hi lit iiinpllik pin ,t letnin re J.cnienl In tlii- i ilk ,ii ilie liiiiuu Ih.'iin, ,.n 1'ihlik jiiiI njiuhIj! n'i,hii, .mil n,(, mi, , iii.iiin,,, llu '7 iinl' "Woman in Blacic." ", j, ii.iii in Hint." illl lui ilie pt,,,i hi hip hoil'iu -u.itilim tlicitcr'Kiiii, .nnl ,i li u hon-e Milled Ihe liilinev-llultlei ininpii.i In ilie up .. IliK iiDiliniiiii, llli'iw.ile wi in i,i illuW ,i'i i.uilnl 'I no i fniip.r.iv 1. ,i hii e hup, ihiiiiIh' lug oiue iMiit,k uiiil icopln, ,un U inui ii liei n Hull IhuIoIi'IO i.nil i h. tlii-. ionip.ii, Ilie jnilollle INI I1.1. kiiin uy ilnri jits. Hue, in imiIIiiiIji, ,.i tlio I'Jiitm Tiiu, jn eit mil i,( Ilie eiiliu.nv ,11 pupiil.n pilii-. 'Ihe .ut .ilnliC ik wullli pJkiln; ihe inoiiei to He h Tmli.k, tm nuilnce, the uiiiipun, pii'-uil j hli; ineln ill 1111,1, l.dlul. "I liilil nt the Mishl," Jlnl mi the nljlil, "W'.i.i pDWii III Milne," .1 plji 1,11 Ilie in ill i'l ' DM 1 1 nun" I .el," will he 4,111. Qood Builesque. M 1 111 l,i ' 1 All iiiiipiuc, I.iiuuii m ihe 'lie, Women Jlul .noiib lliiiipf, Wain J WCvV. ( IIVf.ll.e nu'lil .it the "Ul Ihe llu elenlj inulci nu.-t Uihunle 1 cjitilll loiis. plmlne to iioimIkI Iiuum.. Jlliinui'ii .iii'l c i-nl'iy. 'the npi'iiiiin' l,inlejiiir npmi Ihe cimli'iilli' ii.i'i hJ. lieeu '11111I1 lin pnaiU 1I1U i'jM)ii nnl ihu iluuitei kluiilu.. ,ne IMelleut tii,)iii;ioiit, 'Ihe ullu updinl iln j iiiiiu'Ii'IK elihiiiii I'l wlil-lllli ti.i Allli'ii k Jllo, fulhiunl I i.i Ml. I' Uli'l (,ijtll,i,,, kki pii.iiiliil ,1 IjiiuIi itili. 11 ni'i up, .11 "t'mle Inn." 'tin I'uiill lljll llmolli.'iN I.JW' jii cuciilili u-i.ik .1 1 air ; nnl llJiiy nnl Njdie riehN sji' .1 llnl .1.1 tih, pii-i'iilluir Ilie hi the Uil'il.li ili-lll't'. Iljllmliu' Jli.l lljll. I. vim nu) Ihi iiuiiiIhiv'1 iiiinni; Ihe luiinle-t ui il-h ili.iUklet iuilieiMiMI'iii, i.ipthulul the uiull nip .M'lteiilJ.i uftli thch ,-l.eUli, "(In iliunl Hie luw.i"; 111) lfii-.li nnl lleVue, lllu-ll.llul uin; Jill.l, iiiii' well 1 e. i h eil. liDU'l ml, u i shin h Mile. II011IM jn-l Inr Alllun lllldijil,, nliu Inleipirt the up lu ,ljle lo-jii winu with enthii.la-ui that neui ul! to ciuIkU liemli iitair. 'Ihe pruKUiimic ihikOk with jii jniiiiiui,- .l.eiili, rntllU'J. "MIfJ I'lintii," In whldi Urn t ul it c cumpau.i jppui.. 'I he 'IIk-I-c u-mpjio will te iimIii Jt llu' mji I i'i lie cm lie wi-ii., with null. nee 1I4II). kJL jAv ilk MmFtM v,m'iiMwr jii iiunimj' Ttrmmims v imnumn Cured 32 Years of Awful Pile Agony. Sioux Kails. S. L.. Keb. IS, lUrtl. "For Si! veins I stiffeted eonstuntly from pi olruiltti piles and llnatl.v had to ttbaiiclou tn.v nude of stone-mason, Four mouths ago I bcRiin usIiir Pyra mid Pile Cine, tind before 1 had used up one 50c. bo the disease had entile ly dlsappcaicd and thcie Is no sign of Its ever ictuniliiir. I am completely cuied. F. Capps, 10 N. Minnesota Ave," Sold by all dniRRlsts, 50c, a box. Boole, "Plies, Causes and Cure." mailed flee. Pyramid Dun; Co., Mat shall, Mich. THE MARKETS Wall Stnet Jverleir. Ni w- Voik. Per. '.'J. -I111I.11V "link inithit loiik nil t tin tone ot liollilil (lillhii't.-, iilnl tlu volmiip "1 ileiliti)in fell ,iw.i to lit tic (iM-i Imlf 11 uiilllim Muirs i,f wlih h .1 1 M ct- pinpoiticii w ik In KUII. 'Ihe Hui I111II1111-, lu llic Rinernl tn.iikel weie not of Kie.il InipoilaiHP intlilp nt stiKti. Iheic wh 11 ili-m-ltlin to iilmni e i.illinml -tneki In Ihe I'tilk ileiluur-, e'pediillj the coulei-. hill Ihs i-'i.ulv Ihpiiildlioii ui .Miu.il liuil .111 ilii-ollllt.i: lu fliKiii" ii'i the tuulkit .mil the NtilTncM nf llic 1. til l(.m tiiirl.ct ilifpiniuiKPtl fpeinhillpii. 'llic I1111K1 Kenei.illi .unl.eil up tlieh ft uuliiif. i.ill lejtn to Si pri ri'iit. und tie Rii.uei pint of Ihu ili' In iiii weie iiiin'e til tti.it r.ite. 'the Incite the In hiiNlnci hi .1 mil loin 1.1I1' heln'k- II pet lent, while IihiIpii iIiiikp their i mlnuipn II pel i ell. In i silk stoi !., w.11 thetefiiH' I.iiKii. .'tnl ioii,tni-;i(in limwr-. li,,weil .1 I.iiikukI Itileie-. In the tniil.el. 'Ihe ilei p tut nf ii point-, mule hy lie Aiueih.iti -nj.a Hi fiilnir imnp.mv In the pi in- uf lelii.ul -uj-'ii. Hui- 11111I1 lliiihlini; llieii jniiu ipjl luinpi'lllin. i.in-eil iIImiin-Iiiii of the jimliihllllc uf .1 tPMiiuptlnn ut .1 w.11 lu the ii.ulc. Imt tiiuili tittpnliuu w.K 11I-11 siieu j-i-i'illnii of Ihe illicit ul imnpillliiiii kpuwlni; mil nl 'hi' Kiett iiiin.iue in piuihii tfnii of hiet tii-:lt ,111 1 the M'tk lew pih(4 a ,liuh th.it pioiliKI I4 -I'lllni; lu Ihimpe. Huh iwiee liming (he ilt.i ilhl MiK a mill .1. tun h .in .1 point In iiileiiunt ill pi'i-i-tetit iliiwnw.iiil 1, hum-, 'lie rin.il pi ii e win the lour. I .mil lin helnw- Niltiuhj's 1 lo'-ini.. 'Ihe pi ions luu iiinid .,i Hun kirn wa-i lnoUtii t M ThiIii'n lln.il piiii- win li'ili. Aii.iUj tiullil L'opiiel llMIUMIIIl'tl !H llli'te Mjlile liilie, tlltcllldtillK IC" Ih I'i A poilll flnlll Nrtlmdilv'H leii'l. The -nu 'n n, t h-N i 1. 'Ilieic wa ."nu lonlliiinil illMiutei hi llu 111et.1l 111.11 Lets lu l.on ilnu, v.liiih was lelt-ilul in .1 -I point (Inline ill S'altiiiid l.e.ul liieliiud lieie. the 101111111111 Kioi k .il.o In.ina .1 point. 'Ihe liiniue-s lu the 10.. h". w.in ilue to tht- 111 ni lit iliuutei of the ileni mil till mil, Willi ll I. l"lul'Pll to .tllKlllllt III U fllllilll! .it -miic point. Iii'l- iiiiiiit.iiuiuir the pio'-piiity if the 'en ol l.iiite-1 111 oditit urn and i:te.ilet inn III- in the in.it ll.ule. I'lit-lnuu. C'leielitnl. II111.IK0 .Hid M. Liilil- lo-i- -I, .mil the piefiltcd J',. Niw Vmk VIi Itinlki' litoki llflei'i on llic lepi 11 ol :i iudiittl ihiisioii tiunlii-,1 one of the iiuipiii''s pttint'-. hut Keoieied .1 I npe ,Jtt oi the lo-N lot.il -.le-, "0,jm Nlitri-. H.1111N wen- hut ltiril(i.iti-1k .alike Indii .Hid litoiuln. Tl il Nil,,, pi Mine, S-'.TOi.iwil. I. . N leRiilii .mil Ihe in In ih, lined i pel Kill, on Ilie 1 1 -1 (.ill 'the follow ins: quot moil,, are fiiinin'ied The Trili- line In VI. s .lortlJti 4 t'onipjttv, lootti 705 706 Mean liiiildnif, spmiiIoii. I'a. 'IMi ,.',otie, f,UON- Open- llish- Low. C los- iiil'. ct (. nu.'- 1111 1 11 .111 n,,,..,! , AW. If,, lifiU ! Vtihi-on ".n'j 7n-J4 77"h "n Vklu.oti. I'i HKIs! ltllH llHPj liilil A1111I. C'oppei 1.1. 'i u.m i-"'1.- i',i V111. C.n .. I'ouuih.v .... n' :V M' Hionl,. 'Iiiition (I lV' HI1! (!li. It ill. .C Ohio Pi.' ItlJ tool . PIT; II11-. ,V (Dili 111'.- P.',, Id' j Ui'h C In, , tx Ctt. (.l. . . Jl U 2I'B -JIb liii .. Mil. .. nI. I. ..H.llj ll.P . Ii.i'j Intl., tin,.. It. I. P.11 ,.-ij f.J I.VIll I'll1 Col. I'uel lion "in; pn'i .v)'. " l.'iii It. It Iiil IPs -H'M l'i i:i ie. It. It.. I'i 7r't 7J, 7-"n 7J- l.nui.. ,lr Nii.l 10iji( liki'j Km UK, vi iihk.iiid m'j 1 ,i'j iii'h i,.i; VI, t I .1, tini IIII tut HrJ"H Mil Nnllulk .V VVi'-t ,l. "o'j "il oni; . V II. ., W 'il'j .llij 'il ,JH S. V, ltull.il Ili7 lio4 ll-l, lull IV It. II 117 !P's 117's 1 1 " ttuillta III. . -'iUIh "il'i ' ."''i'.- Ili-ldillS lt., 1-t 11 Ml Ml'j i-ll ()!, -outhelli III M's .!!"-( Urs 'i7 "nnllii'iii II,. Pr ... . 'ii 'itij 'i I us C-lllllllllll I'.iuti iilij iiilU l,(l'4 ui'i Inui Coil lion .... (,ITS ikJ7 di'j i--1.- I', .in P.H ttk -v lis1. :in-4 , stt I . IpiIIk It" Il'i ll'j I Pi I . l.illhei, I Nut., via. nip . niii . I . ". Mul t'i 4 1 .: i.inH Ji I. v, Nl,.,,), I , J?,, IJ"K l, . I,M, I 111011 p.11 111, .. . ,tu ln'J, iiiPj ni.i4 Wo-iPiu I'tiion 'il', ii.. nl nl WiiliHsli, I C! CJt.. : t'U Scrnnton Bonid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK". Did. A iiked I.ad.awimni Bury Co., Pi uo Count Sjiiiiijs link t: 'liusi Co , 3M first .Nalir.n.il Haul. (Catlioiidile) btatiilaril Drlllln.' Co Thlnl National Hank Sd Dime Pfpoi.lt mul DInioiiiiI tlatik.. 27J Kcnnoni l.iulit. II. P. Co ritst National nink l.'Oil I.aika. Tin.t Safe llopn-.lt Co 1V1 fill!, A- hnoki't Co., I'r 1'5 Sirunlon lion I'ence k iUg Co, .vcianton A'-le Woik. Sctuiitou SalnK II ink .(Ml Truileis' .Nulioii.il II ml, 17', biraiiton Bolt .V: Nut Co 1HI People'!, Hank 115 New Jlcvkn 11 .1 C. (V IIOM)!-. (-ct anion IMNnciuri llillway, flrt MortRiKe, due lOJd Ill Peoplc'i, Mnet HjIIwii, Hit inotl- JSe, clue P.ib llu I'coplc'N Sun t ItallnJ, tifiiiul mortgage, due I0J1 Il Did.sou Mamifudulil b o I ui l,.i, Tottii-hip s, hool ."i per tent . . lit i.f MMiauii .M. Imp. fi per lent , . . ... Siiaiiloii 'liai-llon o pel lent .... Id CD VK1 '.'5 10CI 104 1W Scrnnton Wholesale Market. (CoitciUd I, II Ii, Dili.'. -7 I..U l;akar,iu Alp ) I'l.itu ItcM p.itetit., pet h.inel, .n u). Ih un I'M limltil, iholie iiunow, .'.I'i lliitlu I'u n)i ii inui, -V'.; .line it iiuei,,, ?li.: i.iii. Jl'ji I I coi-l'iill i ii'.iui. It'.alJ, l.,iv- Ne.iiln, .iji.i ftoia.'i. lain). I'l'j,', Mull IV.in I'u iitiNlirl, M..1H l'ul.ilne. I'u hu.ii'.-l, v. (Iillolii- I'u I'Ukhel, v,mi Philadelphia Gialu and Produce. I'hilidilphli, Dee. -Jd. Wlu-il I'iiui ami 1 . Iiischei; t nun ii t tiade, llu , S-i'.-iMi , t'un ()iil,'l hut i-li.nlv; .No, -' mlki'il, Il'i., n',.i',,'." , (Ml. Ijiilu Inn Nted) ; No, -J wliili illppul, 'ih, i'loui - I'iiui hut itiiet; w lull I' NUpiiht, JUU i.t0; tin, l'Mij., N.'.niiii.rii I'eiiiii. lollit ileit, nnI.'J"i1I.ii; ilu. ilo. Ml.ilshl, Kl.ioi.t.iiii; wcnIiiii uliilii ile.u. J.l.ni !, Ii, do. i lu. .Ii-niiht, yl. ,i) uJ.l.J; do. do. pililil, "r-1. 7 " 1 1 ; K.iii-.h rlialulil in kiiI.s, !l.ni,'iU; il-i, pjliut in "ii 1,., M.o'a .1.71); fpiliiK ilui, ,.yiil. Tit ilu. Mi.ili.lil, i mi al.N; do, ueiil, il.im.ll. 13; do, fainiite hiaiid., l Jiil.,IV, ill! mill,, i .lia) Kj.'au.l.l'ii do. i lear, Sl..;ui.l.l'i; do. nihUIii, .l oitil.HI, do, pultiil, I.Tti I LU". Hi Hum w.i. .li.uly Iml ipihi ut M..i."i.i.l. Ill pel haiii'l mi il.olic I'i't ua, lliul, kkhi'il Itoiii J dull J ml tin, lunged at .', lui.1..', pit lui) pound., .11 lu ipulii mil ipuntit, iu. tn -1 'it in, I.ill ih'iu.md. ihu wi'sti'iit ui'.iiiiii, 'Jl's'i-" ''" in "Ii) uliil, -'li I'uu. .'i. lottili lu-li in Jii'. . ,"i i ilo. we.tun, t Ik, j do. .uutlimiiiii. !'i : il . .ouilii'iu, 'j.i . ( liee-e r'nn, lull ihliiaudi Ni Veil, lull uiiiu., Ijllik till ill, III do do do,, fill 1,1 l hull e, 'I .llllUi llelluiil .-ucii. Dull. 'Ih- I'i.iiiI.Hu h" limn ii-dtiieil .ill haul usji. Ji point, .md -oil n In poilll.. MiI.iIiui'n lollnikiil with .t int ui 10 i,ilnH and an t'Mii ili-ioiul ul I pei tint, on .ill nut nf town in ih I I'l.'ttii V, ''.''ii ; i uIk-i. I.l.li ; powilelui. I., i ' Kuiuil ilui .mil 1 1 i,l ll V, I liii i ioiiIiiIIoUiIn' V. I.C'i.i No, I, I. ..Ii, ; No., ' and ,1, l,,''i . Nu. I. 1..U .; .No 5, l.lli.. No. ii. I )", , No. 7. .".llu.! No. n ,I.SV ; No. P. I.7.V., No. III. ;:.7oi I No,. II .md I.', ::.7'k-.: Noi. 1 1. II. Ii and Id. .lui. t ul toil - I'lu h.il'-i il. TjIIh. -I'nni. fall duiiuil; lit) pilule ill lliKI., l,C(.i lulllitl) do. do,, luti(l), iiUjui,: do. ilnl., .i',jiV ; taki, c,Ji. Llio poitlli)-v-ieid.i ; fowl,, pad,, (of Minll Jlul nidlililii Jlul IH.julO, . foi Ijilic hejky; old ioonIi'IK, Ii'Ji'i,: ihlikciH, vj,,!,.,. dtlkkv. i)ji-.t Been", Hal i i luikeia, lililli. IIrty.e, poitlll 1'iiiii. ku0'l ikiuJUil: luu I., ihoiie, I"1.;''.; ilo. Uir to li"od, Valilo,; oh I too-tpri, THE TRIBUNE'S WANT 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thn Four LlrieN, 3 Cents lor Each I5xr Lint For Bent. VWitS WWMWVWn1W-'WVVVWVVW,1 tlll.li mil ItllN'l'-'l.'ll tlllfll llliC -IICPl .'M pel liluhl. I'CIII IIKNT I'.irl of lnv ulllifrultPt lilephoitP, limit i Me.iis' liullilliiK. Addte-w V, Tillnitu1. I'OII TIKN'T ilf, imp-half of ilmilile liou-e, In Itppei tltPtti IIIiIkc! hunt .Mini. Iiallt. lit mid inld wulei, latige, plrillli Unlit". It I. Ilitnllliiti, I mil luillillnir, bprttip uticil, For Stile, VWk.WkVWkNIkNWWkWVV fNiNrfW.. W I'Oll SVI.Il-At a litiKlln. hoi-e, Iiiiiip iiml luiRKi. I". I. (toldeii, Acoia. I;0n Svl.i: ( IINVI'-l'liokiiml, nun loolitnr, llu- IllN, Ii01ld, Hl.lllllltllf, Pli'., Iioiii old OIn', sullnlile for all piiipii-. .lenninst-,. (Vtilial llne iwlltli. fool ol llt'iplon ttcet. ofT 'small Main aictuie. I'OIt frt.K To light prlttK wairottN tind -otttc lianitm, iheap. i:ian, leav 1 1 : J LiirirtiP HippI. I'Oit S.VI.K Cheap: Iiomp. -pilnB vviigon and liarnc,4. nt ,N'u. 1S20 Cedai aiciiu. Furnished Booms. mil IIKNT Twn n infotlulile ftirnMiol iooiiin foi Bentleiiien. itroiiun itnpiiirinent; Pr'' lute fmiil), :il(l V iNhlitRlort nietute. I'OI! HUM'- I'liinMinl (tout loom, with hoat, liilh nml h, neai coin t home; gentleman pirlorteil. Aildiett rtootti, Hos iVO. I'OIt IIKNT I'liniUlieil loutti; he.it and lutli. ().'." I.lnden street. I'UHNISHI'.D ttOOVIS FOI! HI'NT. with lioal, en and hath, rtci'tlcinni piclcited, al .VI0 Adam, avenue. Heal Estate. I lilt vvi.tl l.ol on Vine s'leel. helw i Vih- Ntei and t',i)Ioi ncei.tics: ,i tnigaiu: .oiiie, ii' lot )om-ell.' Vpph il II.iiiinoii aunue. FOR 8I.r. One acip nf land, itnproied with nine-i 001:1 liou.e; plenty and varied of fruit; sood loiatiott In illlage of Fleotiille. Mis. Olive Flli. Flcetvlllp, Pa. Business Opportunity. A 111 MM'.nn oppnitTi'Nnv. I'.alor, l'j.. Dee. IH, Hull. V Biiod sold mini' tor -.lie, Ihe I). .1. 1'owell ami Vh. i:ilj .liffn-.kN' (inld il.ilut. No. Cnv. nII uated in Hie Coulleriille, Vlnlpiwi loiint), Cil., tit inlvtil tiilnliiK di-ili Id; 1I1011I l'j niilei flout C otilKikille. 'this in one ,f the olde-l louatlum .Hound Coulteri llic, it Im-Iiir on the Mine lode in The Vint) II.iiiInoii; Iuin heeli indiiietuent for diflirenl luitle to keen 11 mult 1 lot Alton, Int lein iloiinv in) 'Milk until latpl.v, when wi- lip- mine in piw-i-NNion iml put npki.ii 511JIIN uoikii upon the 11 in; Ihe last uue nas nitnk to a ih plli of i"i feet, Nliowini; 11 li(iiP -ill Hie ill. ta. lie, .md luiit-.i-in in d'-nth until -it (lip liottont the iiin nIiown 4 feel 01 oip. wliith will mill .ihuiit V7.I1J pel Ion in fne Ku1d, and tuttip-. nhont Hi per nnl. of Nitlphiitil-, the i.ilue of whiiii I. un known. 'Ihe loinllou (on-M- of I, inn feel il nig-tin- Lode line; i on the hamtitiu. wall of Ihe VIollui l.ode, .mil llu- N.111K I.eiltte n the Vltm ll.nrUon and Viii;iuia Mini--. The ilaim t.ike-i in -KID act on cull .-hli' of the Lode. 'I hew i" a tll-ml of w.ikt iimniiip: .iiio.n ih. mound nil Hu ll ai- .Hound. 11 i- 11 tlii- pio-peit I01 .1 Mother 1-ouV liiie.lminl, .mil U well wottli lool.inir into lo Iho-e that h,.ie the tapil.il foi a well paling IlikiMni, ill. VII iiifoiiuiition will he Knell he uldit-.inir .ill 1 ,iiuiiuuii(.itioii-i io the -ei 1el.1i), OVVID .1. I'llWI.l.l.. 'I.11I01, I'a, l.at k,iw.inui toutil). jTOt h AND WIIKVT 'HtVDKIlS witlunit nelaj. Wine loi- oui -peii.il maiket lettei. Kiee on applii.ition. -. VI, llihh.uil i. Co.. meinber. N. V. C, n-olitlaietl .111, 1 htoi-k SMhanne. 11 and Hi Hioidnai, New Vol I,, lt.itili.hed lSni. l.iUK DNtaiup' l'honp 2I?S Rroad. t,'ii7i ; 1 hit ken., up.uht, llal.;i.; kke-ttin do.. I'tl.'i.; tiukii-. luu) mjitik, fie.; exieplioual lot-, llu.; iihoiie wi-lein do., Hi.: pi hue do, Uilli,; do. tin to Biinil. III1II1.; ilui k-, lie. 11 lie. U.il it . : t-lelli do , lOll.'f. Hiti'iplN riiiiti, luiHI IuiipIn. and I,7.!:ti0') poiliid. ill NiilkN. klie.il. 1 "i.fHHi liii-luU; . te ,t, IS.111W) Iiii-IiiIn; oat-, ll.lKlil liii.lirl-. NliipnieutN Win 11, I.Mim) hu-liil-; (cm. l,.oiil; mi., I .'.1,1)0 New York Grain and Produce Maiket ..,,,,' ,,,,,,,,,,,. , i i.l J ,, I, ,, III, ,,,(, .,l.r.i, ,, iliS'. . : d-t.ili iltlti, 1'iiili. tluee- I'nni; finii" lalae, "-epl., 'fl'ialli'-r-. ; liiniv tiiill, Mpl,, lllllUi.; I tip nude, l,-t In.e, ((iji ; lite inade, ln'( Minll, MiilOUi, Kitsn-Denioi.ill, d: Into .nnl I'i mi i,, -J'ii ; wcMPin, 'Ji'ni , ouih im. .m.i.'7p. Chicago Grain and Produce JMrukut. Chhuito, Di-i, .'.!.- Hip N.ittiitk of led w lulu wlit.it U.IN Ih inniiulliiif. I.iilo' in the wln.lt pi! iud.1) md iiTeiii.il nu nl ihe iiilluciii c of dull lie-., and the il.tiiiiK up "I iIi.iIn ptioi to the holldakr Mil when , h .oil lull.,. Iiichei , 'lu loin. iiiuIi.iiiciI ai Hi. up and Mai oat., , , IiIkIhi. Pioii-ioiiN i lo-ed .i lo lilt, hlgl n I .i.h ipn talioii. wnp aN follow.. I'loui npiiIi.vpii quit f Vo. I i-iulni; win' it, 715ai77i.: No. J ml, 81'..,"i'.i ,; No, J )pluw loin, tii'sil7i.: No. J nil,.. I-1 1'.i'ii . ; No. J while, li'.il-lii.i No. :l wlillp. irdii.: .No, J hi, i, 1'ii.; i.iii lo ihotu iniliimr, ,,N'.it,l.-. , Nn. 1 ILis i-eiil, n.1n; .No. I noitlitte.leiii, t-l.i,0; plillli' IllllOlhk M'lll, Ml. Will ",I)J lilPv. poik, "i lu al"! Mi; hid, N'i.7J'ji",71: .liuil ilh-, il Ijin i'i; ill) filled Nhouldei., 7',i7Ct ; .hm I , Ii n sld ., tN.siN,oii: klilk", SI..IJ. Buffalo Live Stock Market. I i-l Ihill.ih', Dei .'I, I .inle- lliielpi., -.'."im hi .id, iiHlii'llnir ;iki lailnlj..; fall It Nti id) lu dioutt lot aood uiidi.; olliii-, iuih.iuiid; lu'.i Ii'i i, Nii.t'l.ni.'ai; nihil., l.'.'nl.: In Una, v, c .i'i. '',', low., I.iii tu i,ihiiI, iil.-'i; i .nun in .Mil loiiiiuoii, -I, mi.', mi; hull.. .',tiiii.:.pO: faun t. poii hull., "M.il.lil; NtoileiN and iicilei., .ii.ulv tot iiooil .n ol, ln.it. I'i: Huh nm, dull .md ki-ix iijIIi Iiwii, iei.. I..'il.i7.7.1, Unas ltupipl-, 'J7, 'ion held .hide lilahei .md f.llllt .lltili'! Ill.ll), N,:,ii,;;i; mJMd ,,,, iiiuliuiii., ' ninii Jl: ph.-., ni.Iu.I.'.'O; luuah.. n-V..'",.!" '.il; dajN. p.il,'.n. -In 1 1, und l.mil,N- lltulpt., -Jl.unu ln.nl, luiliid Ini; I, noil l. in ul i; .hui,1 i-IIoiii.ii; Inn nil lie litiiti., '-'i. Pill 'ill; ( 1,11s lu hood, s.r,,i; tana ill., V.,'n"..il, liiiMil -Iti'i'p, lop., s-l. Ida Mm; uiiil lo nil. s 7", t-l.,1' h.mil uitlieiN, A.l,7Hii, )i'.nlhn!, s.Ni,i4.'.'' East Llbeity Market. IIj.I l.ihull, Il'i 21. I .inle-'ilead) ; i ii.iii e, YCiliMI; piliue, -.'i. ,.',.,"i.ll uuoil, V'Jui'i.vii. Ilul-sliiw and lowti; piiun he.llli', ifil.'iui ll.ltl; lipaw liieilimil.. Ml.lujo.'il; lHh ilu uii, hi. ll) .iiitkti., ,,klijI,i"i; 1 Ik lit Milkel., i"ni 5 Ml pip., Nl.lila ,..'': ioukIi., II. ',11.11, "ii) she.p n,.i,1ij In. i uilluii, s.l,nl; loiimuiii and t nils s.i-'! ii-jilliii,., s',, in; u , ,,,(,, ni,:.iIi7 'al. Oil Mnikot. CHI C'it). D,i '.M -ll. .lit hi hi i.,,.,, ',; hi illLjIe.-. no hid. 'I'll nu i, u, I7li,.'.1l; .u i ie, lit,7li, linn.. 1111,111! .nii.iite, 7n,sil7. The Modem Piitner. s,e llu muni; III I'l I, lot hi Hit time .lining limn who hui )i,tintai i-.tieiued Iniuuli the an n i-shlhil .md walkul ullli .ill the iiuiiijki.'i . u a while illphlll'; Vi'-, Iml lip h.i, niii , hiinj up j,iiii.t it ami Im nu eil Intl.. v. mi M,, u w It ju-l .1 llllle .lluhl ol Hit- till', liiee,.,'. Iieied, .luu old .she, who hid .1 liiln mi lilm III,'.- a hunk ot It I ii i . .md i)e. ihu hi I. , nhc ihiouiil, ) mi .n ih" iN.ikli p' i,u: and .ii he w.ii lain lo -i'l- t li old nun's loii-uu In lelp. phuiie. Ileloio he Iml iiiiiiIi mole lli.ai col lull im) ihrounh with III, piopiutltiou, tin' Ijih,, ol the fait uue lu ke In: "I don't know -ihu )oii ait, ah. Inn Ii',, ill ilaht " 'Ilui is whi. lo.ljk, ilu- ) oii.i.- man shows ,.o IjIiiU that In- lu'li liki a Muiid inline, S'luu N.'l. Ne-k Vnik, Deo. 'il l'lolll -Killll. lint Ion dull In allow nf at 1 oilktuio. Mheil-.Npol liitii: No. ' ml. nnii(- 1, , p. ,,n : o ,,,,) ,,-,-ni. elnitoi; No, I .tortleiu Duhilli, .S7'Ji. t. o. Ii. atlo.it. Option win- -mpiUiiiLilk nilike and -Itonir .ill In. t IomiI leiy til 111. al l.iliit. lit mil an p. M in It ilo-ed ""ji.j Vl.ik. 87'hi.; lull. '70.; D11., n",!,!. Com -pol dull: No. -. ,1'hi. elei.ilot. mil ,1-v. 1. o. Ii. attuil. lip tinti niaikit w.i. diitl .md haiel) tead). lu the li-l 1, 0111 ll lallnd, howikti, and 1 lo.r.l 'ii. net liiUu-i liii) 1 hi.i-,1 71 i.: I)(i.. ro'i. till spot .leadi : No. i -ill.: N'o, .1, olv,; No. ; white, lli.: No. .1 do., "l'i . liaiL mis 'd wi.tiin, Ihi'iii.; link white, .7i", llpll in. -le.ul) with wlip.it hut lathei quiet. Ilull.i rum; ii'.iuii-i). ll.ij.,i-.; tuioik, Uafi I. ...A . I ........ .. I'.., II. I !.... ........ 14 SITUATIONS WANTED PREE. 1H...N(!H WANT OFFIOIIS. Wnnt Adveitisemputs Will Be Received nt Any of the Follow ing: Drug StoieB Until 10 F. M. Central City ALI1KKV HOIII l.'IA miner MuHiirijf t.tret and Wphilpr avenue. (Jl'STAV rit;ili:i t,5U Atlatm aunuc. West Side fllKlltOi: VV. JKXKIN9, 101 M-uth Main aicniip. South Scrnnton rniiu i.. Tiini'pi:, i'l Li dar aunue. North Scrnnton (It'.O. DAVIS rotnrr Noith M.ii aicnuc and Market t-tirt't. Green Bidge CAltl.i:a l'. .lOSKS, UJ7 llnknon aiPllUC. V. .1. JOHNS, 020 Gipcii nidge fired. V. LORKNZ. toiner Wajhlnglon ave nue and Marlon blicct. Petersburg W. 11. KNGFFCL, 1017 lriltitf aunue. Bunmoie J. o. BOXC 1 SOX. Help Wanted Male. C;i:i!VIVN HOV VVVNT1:I1 at once. IIS l.tc La wanna HM'titip, it,i. M'VNTKD Votitnr unit ai liookk(Piei and ml. leitor, .hui. 1. An .utile, np-lo dull- ou'i; man, pietlentid, mul u aood penman. 'to thp iIrIi! piiNou an t-.ielteul pn-ilion it oftilul. Vdilii'H with tefeii tu i -i mil .ii.ni de-iited. I'. I. VV., III.' Vii.liii'(.'li,ii aiemip. VVVNTCD-Bi lenillitff Philadelphia lions?, lint ctaii tilesniau, to soil itinera! line (it paper to thp iPtall Itaijp, otip who ha an aeiptaititancp prcfetred: iiiiiit haip liet teferenip and be able tn fuuiUh bond. Addicts F O. Bof 'J0. Plnla delplila. Help Wanted Female. VV.VN'I'I'.D V hiitjlif, laieftl nm-e inaiil die two iiai old ihll'l. Apple to Vli C, K. font-sen, 4ltl W'asliiuyton .net, up. ' VV'ANTKD Rood Ritl for Reneral linii.pwoik. Appl) T.tt) .letlertou iietiue. I'IFI V OPKRVroitS VVANTEtl-'ileady work guaranteed. VV, K. lieik & Son, .t"9 Adams avenue. VVANTLD Gil! for Keiifiil housework at Dalton, ddrem II. T., eaic Trlhttne. Help Wanted Male and Female. CANVASsi:rtS U VN mi (iooii propontlon; t.al-ai)-or lomiuiKilou; In wotk in lit). Addrmi Bret 1, Iribinip, S, union. Canvasseis Wanted. N.N'V.'NN.NJN .-.. NNVNN'N.-.N.'NN.N'N'V CANVAS-sKUsi l')plan and spedarlp tied--in; detuoiifltintion louiluip.; in i. working o-it-HI and pfitii id. in I'. I'. D-mihe) k Co., Op ih huii,. V itieland. X. -I. Dept. !'. Wanted. VV AN I IMI- t!rnd mi nml hand nfe: niti-i Ijl ilnap and ahr.kp inediimi sit; . ite in-iilp dim n Moil" I oi I. bo-; .11.'. VV iVl'HP -pihale leN.oni In iJialiam'-i shoitli.i ul One in two afternoons each week. Address, Crahani, 'hihune Of Ilie. WAXTKD riirnklioil room, centrally InoaleiJ, model n anil In pi hate fanillk, IC, 'lnbune Offlie, lit). VV AXTIID Good K'cond'hand fin nor. will pay la-h AdilteNS I. oil. I!n ISO. acraulon. Pa. Boarders Wanted. PltU.VIK I'AVtll.V wishes io liaie tno nu e men To ho ml, Ueini.ni nt hti.-h.-h. (ail an t .tn. allpt llnnsila.v. All toiiieiii.'iiic, t"7 llnrno'i avenue. Booms and Board. A I.AnOl. I'HOM' ROOM, with l.oitil. at ',al Ad.iuii avenue, Suitable lor two .toimt, niei'. 1SOO.MS '10 Ith.NT. with board. i09 Mulberry ctreet. Money to Loan. VinO.OOO 1(1 LOVN Lowest tale,; straight or j lion t Ii 1 p.ikiiieiil. htatl. t. to., 'IridPtVluili;, ANV AM(ll Nl' 01' VIONKV '10 I.OVN C)ul(k. sMalshl lo.un in Uiiihliiij; and Loan. At tout 4 to H pet tent, (all oil .N. V. VVatkei, 811-:,11 l.i'linell biiiidlna;. Lost. I.OiT- Pall of e)e lax-e. in ii,t of I'milke',. Dnu stoie. ltd in ii to 1,'ical Alliuilu and Pat lib Tea iniupau), 411 l.iik.iwiiima aietiiip, lll-sl' V Ikiiinhti Templai wait h iliiiiu, with pail of ilialu Jlt.iihul. on 'Niii'id.n, Dei. "I, I. ihci.il teward If leimneil to VV II. Ihati'lhi, II l.iikanamii .iieti.te, Dividend Notice. 'I IIII i'KMlCIIV N.VIItlN.VI. IIV.NIx, Nrtlltuli, I'J.. Dpi. '-'I. PHI Al lie-it ntculai luiiliiu lodii the illiei lots o iIiIn hank added 1,tHNI tn llu' -ill pin-, lui, Ink Ilui Imiil uov l.'I.COtl, mid duluitd a ni-uil iiiiiu-il diiltlilid of pet' irnt, ileal ut all lis nicl pa.i.tlile .hui'l'in I, I'm.'. I lieiU will In- iiulltil and II in. hi ho.il a ilo-id i mil .ill-l thai dilc. I' P. PVjiVIHIII . I a.lil.i-. Miscellaneous, .11 M"II I.I, IIKII 'IIIVT Mil "VU IIiii1i.iiiiI.oiii i.l line ul diamond ilmts in im .lute. V'.'o ,il-u i ail) Ihe hiiKi-l Klotk nl one .limn In lie nn, ami will inn.iui Ihun lo onhr nhllo ,ii wait. I.. Slinupll, l7 l.aikaitaim.i aiiiuip, LEGAL. 'IIII' VNNI VI. Mi:i;iN(, ol llu Mi, kliuhhl. uf tin llimiiioii- I. in Hi, l.lalil, Ileal and I'owpi timpani will lip In hi ll llu i.dh'O i( the tout p..ni. Mm lindtn Nt mi. Niuiiioii, I'a,, on VV'i-d-iie.dii, .IjuuJl.i IV h. luu.', at ! ii'i hu I, p, in. loi tin- oh i lion nf liltecioH Im tin in.mna' '! and uilt ol III 1 business Is iu,i) iciiie helole 1 l,i in. II. VI. rVCIi, N,,ielai). IN Hi:; lutulpuialli'll ol llu Iiiiuii-illal I lu'i ol M i.iiituii, IVnn-)lwiiU. In the limit in ( I'lilllloli Pleas n I Jilu i.llin.l lolllii) No ill, .IjlillJll 'I'i llu, I'. "I--!. Villi i- In l.i li'lik ithei Ilui ,iii .ipil i jliiui i , bit liiJile to tin .iid t mil t on Ihe 7lh dai ol lui mi), lim.', al ll u'lluik a in., mul, i Hie Ail uf Voiiubli of tho loiuiui'iiweallli of t'um.) Ii.iui.:. I'liUlM " Vu Vil In ploildp im the Imoipoialhi'i and it nidation (I n'liilu loipiuiion.," .ippinud Vptll '."I, Ia"l, ,m, IK -upiiliMClit. ,i thnh. nm lu in Ii, .lii'in I. Heidi iih.iih Charles (li.if, I lull,'. Null., I IuiIp. liiavit, lleiiii Vimbiti.'. .Ii'lili -n( In ui it 1 1 and I nil Ni'hl, loi ilu ihailei ol .in lull-mini ioipialon to lie i tiled Hi" In ,lu-lll.il lltib '( xiaiiluii, Peiiiu-ilkiiiil i, the ihji.ulil anil iiblut n li( in, I Is llu iniuuli mini at'il ptoli'iliiiu 1 1 Huh. hi ii ml', i lim inn mil aid lo .ii li 'ilui, and loi linn puiiu-i. In to hair, I",.-. mi and ilio) ill lue liuhu. i, tie Ills and piiillt.(N ni tin said Ail c! Vs.'tiibli ami its ,u,pleimui 'I VMIIIt .V I1.n, Viioinii, foi ppi,ii,. NO I Hi; Is III.IIHIV (ilM'N lh.it an applna lion will be in.i'Jo In tin- I nun ot I utuiil ut Ph.l. ol I..Hl..i'.l.ll. ua lulllitl on tin- tun da) ut jliitiubii. l'Kil. al u u'i loik a ut., under an ail pioillillll,' loi tin' IlllolpUJllon i in I kuuIj lion ol ii-ilaiii toipoialioiis, aiipiuu'd Vlull V. 1ST I. ami its siippleiiiints. li) vloilliuu II. Inl lk', lames lllull. .It., Albtit li, Html, Pent 11 II. Ileliu and . ililiikeiholl I Inn lie, lot Ilie -h.ii til cf an lulriidi'd t'oiporalidi lo be tailed "'ll.o lljil.cluri." llic iluraitpi and ohjeet o wid.li U lo iiiaiiitaln a ilub lor oilal euo)ruiiil. ami fi tlii, purpose lo hair, p.Mi. and enui all thi llfh(, lnnihU and iiUII,ei lonfi-iiiu b) the jld M and lu supplement,. VV l IHIIIU'V. Sollllfvr DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Dili Pour Lint, 6 Cent lor Uich tUtn Lin:, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Aocountant. i:dvvaiid i. sPADi.iiisn. P'ritTmTns hank niillillitp, and SI. Paul nulldliiar. Now York Architects. KDVVAIID II, UAMH, AltUlllrCur, CONXCI.k nuiidiiiir. pnciiKRiri; t,. miovvv. aiicii. d TtKvt I-atrilo Ijitkliangc llldjr., 12(1 VVaohington art. Civil and Mining Engineers. ii. i,. iiAiiDixo, nod coxxr,i.r. nuit,nixa, Dentists. int. c u. i:iu:mjkri:ku, paum duiluiso, Spline atreet, Ecranton. DR. C. O. I.AUnACH, 115 VVYOIIIXQ AVnNUB. , Lawyers. niANK i:. novidi attorxk.at.la"vv. lioonu 12, ll, io and 18 llurr Bulldlns. t'. K. TRACY, ATT'Y, COMMONVVKALTIl lll,m). D- R. ltr.Pi.O(,t.K, ATTORNEY-LOANS NKOO tlated on real estate accurll). Meara Btilldlni;, coiner Waihlngtun aicnuc and fepruce trect WILIiARD, VVARREX k KNAPP, ATTOItNK1 nil rounacllotsj al'lair. Republican Bitlldln;, VVa'blngton aienue. JIISSUP Ic ,Ii:SSUP, ATTOHNBYS AND COUN- jellois-atdaw. t'ommonwpaltli Building, Roomi in. 'JO and 21. l;uJSVRI) W' THAYHR. ATTORNT.Y. U00M1 WUdXM, Dili floor, Mcari buildlns. 1- A. WATIIE". ATTOnNi:Y-AT-t,AVV, BOARI1 l Trade flullding. Scranton, Pa. Pj,TTERON k WILCOX. TRADER'S XATIONAti Bank Building O. COVIEOYfl, Oil ItCPUniilCAN BUILDING. VV. BERTIIOLI'. OrFICr. MOVED TO NO. 211 vV.vonilnp; atcnue, Physicians and Surgeons. DR. VV. K. ALLEN. 513 NORTH lYASHlKOTO!! aieuuc. VR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OPFICR 339 VVA8H. Ington avenue. Keiddence, 1318 Mulberry. Clironlc diea.-e, Iiiuks, lieart. kidneji anil Rcnlto-urlnary organs a apeclalt. Hotira, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK OWE, 123 AND 1J7 FRANKLIN AVK nue. ltatca reasonable. P. ZinaLKn, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D h. ft W. PAS- tenner depot. Conducted on the Europeia plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BR1G0S CLEANS 1'RIVY VAULTS AND cess pool.-; no odor; only improved punipi mod. A. B. Briggi, proprietor. Leave order 1109 Nortli Main avenue, or Kicke's dniit store, cor net Allan's and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. C. II. CLARKE k CO , Sd'.r.DS.VIEN AND NURS er.inten, s-loio )1 Washington avenue; gtenn lioi.e, m,10 North Main avenue; atoro tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KtlKfrCL, HEAR Oil LACKA. AVE., Strantou, Pa., maimfaettner of Who Sueena Miscellaneous. DRi:MAKIX(l I'OIt CHILDREN TO OIIDb'K; also ladies waisti. Louino Shoemaker, I'll Adams aiemip. MElilHGEi: nilO-... PIUNTI.HS' .SUPPLH.'-. I.N- i elope., paper bus, twine. VVarc'tioaic, 1 u VVashlngtun aunue, Muiitou, Pa. iiii: vvn.iiin.Ri:i: hi.cord can be hm In btianton at the noun standi of Ttehuntti Hioii., luo pluce and SOU Linden: M. Norton. liii l.aikaw .lima aieiitie; i. S. fcilinUer, 211 Spune strut. Board Wanted. WANTED Room and boaul nt tfflned piinte faiuilv foi Ihlfp ladles: not to eiteeil $12 n r neek. One lotaled within flic minute walk limn uty hall pipfened. Addle.". K. II, Tribune. 01 the. Situations Wanted. VV AN ll.D -itiiitliiii in leaniNiet, oi any kind if woik, In mitiiid mill will aiiiiaiiitpil will ill). VddtiNN VV. C , TnhitiiP o'llcp. VV'AN'IED Washinp; und liotim'i lo do al hem , oi lo ui out In the iia Vddte.s C, It , 'liibiute oftiie. vivn, .'.'J veal, old, iiui iiiiusr In this tin, would lil-i' a position as salesman in ,i luini lure pChIp: li.a- It n .veil.' ivpuienip in a lli-i-ia-N i i.h ftuulliiiP Moip. Vildie-ss rninliii.a, Suaiitoii Tillitine. MI'l VTIOX VVVNIED Hi u rli-.tal.iss -oak op i In I ; tefi'iPiiiPs and w.ice In suit. Addi-e.s C.llliliK, HotPl t lamlall. llltiKliaiiiloii, .N. V. VV VN'll'.D- Vlan with lliotnuijli bu-Iiii expeil-i-iiip, dtsltis i iiipli'inii'il : . tapalde oil Riling am pn-ltlon ol lltisl; in ottiee, as liit.i.' nees nuiiagn. fal .null, en liaiellng t,ilesnui ; lilirhi'-l iPfeiitiK"; sain) picuuIiiv i miidoi i llnu. Vildie-s VV. V .lolilison, late bu V( VVllki's-HatiP, Pa. VV VNII'.D Siliialltiii, ai ioIIpi-ioi or at gdiiul ntlli p wink, bi a .iimuR' man, 'J.' ipar ul i"i- iklllt S'"'l liabltit, Al lifeiinip Vdilies, 1. l" IL, i-Hi' Stneial tlelln-i), ill). rit "vTuTs v-n'ii:d By "w uw to ih Limral lioiisiwotl. ill ii fiinlW of Iwo; eldei li- people pnfciied: '' l'iille ol pttrndma; Mlnibl inn iilltinooiis i'l PMliliiks uih neeV; wai. iiii.ilil.tti'. Vihlii-.s " 'Jl'' of Tlibiine. Ml'l VII'IN VV VN'II.D -III luitldle aue.l iadi s lioii-ikeeptt lor a .ililh'inaii in ill 01 mini trt; hi. I iifuenes glien. Ohiiit, good Intuit ind in.dii.ili' iw ', ll"s !' liibinio fMI",f V MVxTl i eat sold, i,oi tiling in ihUiitt, wotil.i llki a'po.itlPi' J ulestiian in a fitriilliir' KtoiP, ba. tin vpar' I'sperh'.ite In .1 8ll ila ia.lt fiunltuii' to". V'l'liess I'liiniline, hirantnii 'i rib inc. -.. FAMWCMjL. , F. MSGARQEL af CO. STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING, I, V. llegarjel. Roy Lheiler MfRUctl Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St New York WE MAIX UPON REQUEST OAHEFULLY PREPARED DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF Investment Securities ilkiuUu .New orl sloi k i:iluiifo. Branch Qllice 65, StUe St. Albany J X.t, ,-, J '