The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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iMfwr '
V V ' 'W,
Gooige Oboiuotfcr Instnlled as
Wotshlpful Master Addi esses by
Hon. H. M. Edwnids. Bev. Roboit
F. Y. Plcice, Rov. H. C. McDer
mott nnd Otheis Chilstmas Ex
evcibcs in the Schools nnd Chur
chesBoy Injined by the Cms.
Funerals, Weddings nnd Other
The nowlv elcolotl ollltois nl lljtlo
Pink lodge. Xo. :t!', I'too nnil Adopted
JIlIHOHS, Wolf installed lllsl 1'VOtllllg
with appropriate cciomonlos ill JIusonie
hull. They lite us lollows.
Worshlprul muster, (Sooigo obeuloi
fer, sonloi win don, lliiuy Wilglo.v;
Junior win dtMi. V. !:. Lewis: ticnstner.
William K. Williams; sonetarv, chntles
t:. Lanliig: liustoes.Cltuiles IS. Pitcher,
.lames Jl. i:uton nnd Thomas H Cniey
W. Iluvdcn Kviuis will i epic-sent the
lodge nt thi' (Timid lodge mooting to tip
held dining the coining our. Seetotaiy
Lanlng mid Ticasuiei Williams vveie
to-eloc tod. nnd have solved the lodge
for 1I1IIII.V .VO.IIS.
nothing Woishiplul Jlaslei V. Hity-
flPIl III. HIS W.IS piC'Clltetl wllli u llUlld
nnic pist mic'tei's Icwel 'I'lic Installa
tion was ( tniiliii ted liy nWliiil Deputy
Grand JlaMoi A li. Stevens who has '" t npat llv thhlv-sc
following the lodge tuci't lilts, .in In hill'llll'l was licld In the dining
hall, .it which lion II. Jl. Iltlwnids pic
sldcd us tii.istin.itti lie lti.ttlf ii biicf
addiess, ami was followed 'y 'lev. Hub
ert I. Y. I'ioiie. p.istni of tho I't nil
AtciiiH' H.iptiMt thiiit h: Ki' II c. II''
Doitnotl. pislin or tin- Minic-iiu Jlotlio
dlr.t CpImiip.iI iliuich: Hon .'olin It.
Fair. D .T Davis, nnil otheis
.IuiIsp lain. nils wus intiodiui d by the
iipw wof-liinful inustei. (Icniw Obor
duifoi. who made .1 nt'.tt little spot ill
TIip tnastinaslti v.iid lu. ulwavs h.itl
tlip most absolute inul iiiipliiil boiler In
he in hi' iplf"- ol iniiMiniv. He tlipn
spoke in .i iPiiilnlMciit mood, anil io
l.iteil hit Itlenls of his c nit pi us u uioiii
hpr of tlic ouloi dating hack met Hill t
yens Tin- atniospliPic. in lilin, was
filled with shadows- or ilopailcd bieth
ipn. who in tho hum ago hud ilguicd
onsph iiousl.v in the lodge
lie itiinnliiiiPiUpd the lommltlpp on
tlic liiodtsl, siiiinlc nnd siiisllile lPpast
pioldt(i. and then inti otltatd Pr.
Diiloiip's French Tar
Will piompth icllctc ("lift jpordilv .-inn
fnii!i, cold inil nil Iuiir troiihlo Kim
ue l.j 0. V. .ll.NMSS. 101 South -Miln
leventh Hour
Hirli fi
At our mauy bargaiu counters, from now on till
Christmas live.
Everything of a holidayish nature has a price on it
that will surely close out the entire stock on hand before
the closing hour on Tuesday night.
There's No Time
For Particularizing
These Days.
but if you have not bought your Christmas gilt needs
yet, consider yourself extremely lucky, for the money sav
ing is bigger than you have any idea of, The selection in
Toys Dolls Games Bric-a-Brac
, v . Fancy Goods Perfumery
Toilet Requisites Handkerchiefs
Neckwear of All Kinds, Etc.
is still in first class shape and there is no question
about your being suited just as well as though you had
come earlier, ' '
' l0 ' By the way we'll be open till nine o'clock on Monday
aud Tuesday.
Globe Warehouse
1)1,. I,... lilin itilld lip Willi lllwilVH lltcilxPll
tu uttotiil ii AliiHotih' Biithcilim. He
hioiiRhl the uictiibfi'H of Hyttc i'ih
IihIru ii tovltiKi t'hilMthiii, rriiU-riml
Bit-etlUB, nnd Kiild ho ttiiH pioroiintlly
ItupreFMPtl with the pilnelploM unit
tpiiphltiKH or Muslim y.
The mini, he wild, who will cuip'ully
think or Hip toiichliiRi or the 01 der must
iireils ho ii better num. n kinder rather
nnd a better husband, nnil thus he
InuiiKht rnte to rmo with the stem to
nlltles or lire.
The lenehhiKS or the older uio bused
till the word or the llvlliK tlod, ami mo
founded on the dlvltllnij line between
the dhhie und hlliiimi life. The .splilt
of title niatilinrss Is thus Imtilantnil In
iiipn who me Hup tn their obllKiilltms.
T'.pv. McDeimott followed with a
billllatit uddress, hi whlrh he lufencd
to the oiIkIii and pilnelples of the older,
and said he was glnd to think that
Miisoni'. had Its oiluln iimoiiK those
who bulliletl the temple or (hid. Its
inunibeis me btllldliiB ensiles or wisdom
and know-lpdRf dav by day. and In this
Rolden iirc or friiteiulty It Is u pleus
uie to know that imitinil hplpfuluess Is
one or the golden principles or Ma
sonry The committee In eliarse or the ban
quet was ,1. M Kiiton. D. .1. Uavls.
William Fowlei, M ti. Ulninilek and
(.ItotRo ohoidorfei.
Cluistmns Exeiclses.
The Clnlslmus oeiclhOS nt the Fhst
Welsh lluptlst chili eh will be held this
pveniiiR. when the .Sunday school ehll
dien will iHtsctit the eantttta, "Santii
Chi us" Defenders." The usual Chilst
mas tiee exeiilses will be enjojod.
T.he piimaiy tlep.n tinelit of the Simp
son Mclhotllst Kpistopul Sunday .school
will be I'lilPiliilnrd at I "1 oMotk this
itlpinoon in the chin eh. The atllilL
sihol.ns will hold their entei tiilnmt nt
Chi istmat. nlglit.
The annual Chilstmas tiee eeuises
will be held this peniiiR at the Fiist
Haptlht lunch, and the p.mnth and
fi lends or the seliolais me Lonli.tlly In
vited to attend.
The Fiist Welsh CoiiRieRaliimal
chin ell will hold theh Chiislmas exer
cises this eeiiinR, tor which an elabm
ate pi ori .inline has been piepaietl. It
will Include lecltatlcms, dialoRUes, holos,
etc.. anil t oiitludu with the dlstiibutlon
of piesents to the ehihlien.
The childieu'h Clnlhtmus festival will
be held at St David's Kplbcopul thuich
on the Sunday evening- follow lug Chiist The ineiuheis or the SliPiman Avenue
Mis.sion will picsent on Chilstmas hIrIiL
a cantata, cnlltlt'il "Santa Clans."
under the diieettou of riichiud Phillips.
This evening the Sunday school ot the
Suninei Avenue Viesbvteil.m chip eh
will hold their annual Chilstmas tiee
The Chiistmas pntpi lainment at the
Jackson Sticet Hantlst dim ill will be
held tomonow cv'eninc, when Chailes
Haitley and otheis will entertain.
Epwoith League Services.
I u aciordaiiie with the tiieulai sent
out hv the lioaul of Hishops to make
this a s-p.isnii of special piayer anil
thanksRiviiiK. the Kpwoith League of
flic Hampton stieel .Methodist Kpisio
pal thuich will caiiv out the following
May Reap a
olden Harvest
pioRiiimiiie on Sunday hioi-iiIiir, Dee.
riunilup pia.vor nicpllng, eoudtieied by
H. T. Stone: pienehliiR sot vice nt in.'lO
and 7 "n, subjects siirrfhIciI by I he
bishops will be pi oat bed Upon, At
lOilO the thenie Is "Piiivoi",' at 7.1U the
girt ol I hu Ilolv Hph It."
Mtmday evening prnver meeting
will he led by John II Williams.
Tuesday evening watch night set vice.
The following pi ogt limine on New
Year's eve will he can led out! V.10,
opening service and leniarks, by Chair
man W H. Dh'ht. 10.00. song service,
led by W M Piostwood, IIUO. ept'
i lento meeting: 11:00. seimon bv llev.
Joseph Madison, II. 30. leniarks by the
pastor; 11, IB, coiuperatlon seivlee,
The Clnlstnias cnntatii by the Sun
day school will he i outlet ed Clnlstiuns
night. All inemhpis of the Sunday
school will he admitted by it pound of
some eatable for the pooler tamltlcs of
tho roitgicgiillon. All who me not
meiiiliris will be clmiRcd ten cents Tor
The-w oik on the new thuich Is pio
giesslng nicely and the nienihois me
Imping to dedicate some tltup In April.
The Sunday school board at Its to-
cut meeting le-elceted all the old
uicmheis tor the coming yem. The
Sunday school under the wise leailei
shlp or J. T. Itenille has giown to very
gratirylng pioportlons. The school
will (.liniment e the new ear with over
thiee lumdietl tneuibeis
School Children's Cantata.
The cantata ol' "Santa's Smpilse"
was piesputed nt No. :tl school vcstPl
day atteiuonn by the pupils or 1'iof. V.
II. Wllllanis' ii ml Miss Duvls' looms.
S'l: Esther Wllliauis, Sfl.
Tlie school loom was tletoiatptl with
Cluisliiias tieesand piemen led an Invit
ing appearance. Many patents wcie in
attendant c and enjoyed the tieut.
The cast ol chaiacteis vveie: liess,
Coin Moss; I,ucv. Helen Stall': Maud.
Maud Jones: Tom, Thomas Uviius:
Ned, (Jcoigo .lavnes: Ciooige, liei uar.l
Ctiinnifngs. Captain l!ob, Willie Culleii:
Santa Clans, AVIIlie Moigan; Hashful
rininni.v. I lei beit I.oblo.v.
Songs wuie leiiileicd bv Willie Mtu
gans. William Allen, Ileiheit Lobl' V
and f'oi.i Jloss, mid sovoial choni'es
weie given by the bo.vs and gills. The
oxoicises vieie excellent and enjo.ved by
all piesont.
Hyde Park Father Mathews.
At the meeting of Hip Ilvdo P.tik
Kiither Mathow society, held In St.
Leo's looms on Suntlav afternoon, the
meinbeis discussed "The Best Plan to
Foim a Total Abstinence Society." The
discussion was led by John H. Devlne
and Thomas Langan. of St. Leo's, unci
sovoial otheis also spoke
J. J. Sweeney, M .1. JpniiiiiRs, .1. C.
a.illaghei. M. F. "Walsh and T. .1.
Flanaghan vveie elected delegates to
icpiescnt the soeiel.v at the quaitcily
convention to be held under the aus
pices ol Hip Father AVhltty society in
North Sci.mton on Simdaj, Januaiy 12.
Tho Father Mathow cadets will be
lepiPsontPtl bv J'. F. Sheridan. James
Itegan, M. F. W mhs, John MoIIale
and John Murphy.
Injured by the Cais.
John McLaughlin, aged nine vouis
son of Mi. and Mis. James McLaugh
lin, of Ull Wasliblllll slice!, act oni
panied hv his hiothei, two .veins older,
wont to the Sloan woods vestoidav to
cut a Chiistmas tiee.
The little fellow attempt' d to ndo on
ono of the tais used mound the Sloan
mine, and while seated on one ot the
biiinpois, had his log unshod between
tho cais. lie was icinoved lo his
homo, vvhcie Di. J. J. Bronnan dipsscd
the injury.
Paisonnge Wedding.
Aithui Pool, or this city, and Miss
Claia Skctton. r Stei ling, Pa, were
unilpil in man Inge yosteula by ltev.
James Bonnlngoi. at the paisonago of
the Hampton stieet Methodist Epis
copal i lunch.
They woio unattended, and allot a
biief wedding tiip. will make theh
home In this city.
Four Funerals Yesteiday.
Tho funeial of tho late Daniel T.
James, who tiled fiom injuilos iceoived
In the Continental mine, otcuriPd yes
tpnlay afternoon Iroin the lamily lesi
donco on Luoino stieul. and was laigo
ly attended. The services woio held at
the Tabeiuacle Cnngicgatlonul chinch,
on Ilvdo le avenue, and woio In
ch.nge ot llov. D. P. Jones, the pastor.
Intel moiit was hi ihe AViishbuin street
The tutiPial of the lute Miles Cluik
oicuiipcl esteiday morning at !) o'clock
tiom tho house. Sir. Luzerne stioot. Por
vieos weie held In Holv Cioss chinch
and wore In ihm.Ro of tho pastor, ltev.
William P. O'Donnoll, and Intcimoiit
was In the Cathed'iit emptery. The
tuneral was an excoption.tlly laige one.
and was attended hv membeis of tho
St. Potoi's soploty.ol' Bellevile, of whlpll
clot eased "as a monibpi,
Funeial sei vices over the lonialns of
Die lulo William Oiilnn. who died at
L'JIH Liroino stioot, woio hold nt St.
Patiiik'n Catholic chinch nt ! o'clock
estoidav moining. and weie well at
toiided, Iiiloimout was In the Cathe
thul cemotoiy,
'J'lio liinoial ot the late James Mp
Donald, of fi'll Thlid stioot, octuued
.vistoida.v nioniliiR Horn Holy Cross
thuich, Uuilnl was In the Cathedral
The iibiml weekly school deposits
weie not lecelved ill Ihe West Side
bank estoiilay, owing to the near up
pioai'h to Chilstmas, aud the little
bankeis evidently expended their usual
savings tor piesents
Uflt Heaveis, or South Ujilo Pink
avenue, has ai t cpted a position with
Ihe Intel national Text Book company.
Miss F.thol MoDorniott. of Oneonta.
N. Y., Is spending u few davs with her
patents, ltev, and Mis. II. (', McDor
moll, of Not th Hydn Pail avenue.
Miss A. Jones, of llaniptou
stieet.wlll spend Chilstintis with ft lends
In Bethlehem.
John Stone, of Ninth Biomloy ave
nue, In visiting ti lends In Plttsion.
John llnndolph, of South Ilvdo Paik
avenue, Is sutfoilnu lioni an ludlsposl
lion Mis. It .1 Hughes, of Ninth Biomloy
avenue, Is lecoveilng fiom a slight III-
111 1'S,
Aithui Uavls. oe Mount Veinini, N.
Y, Is visiting his pal cms, Captain and
Mis. John Davis, ot Nmth Sunnier ave
nue. The KleiWlc City Wheelmen will hold
a nuitluce dunce at Hut club house on
Would isc Kiinp' lluUini for llif 'llmul iml
I uiiRf. It u i iiriii more ( nii.l. I "I'1'. A-tllnii.),
Iltumlilli.. Iniiip j ml all lliiiuit .mil luii'.
'Iitiublfi, lli.ui an.i ulhcr iiininlnr. llu noprlc
tor lui jullioilul jii ilrncsit itf ihv JO'i
sjiuplc llutllc lire IQ tuiivlmt jca u! llic mcill
ul tlit bicat iimib liitf, J'c "'J Wv-
New Year's nf lei noon, Dancing will he
eulo.voil from .'..lo lo tl, and Uniier will
furnish the music.
Miss Mary Ihlilte, or SOS lotion stieel,
Is seilotisly 111 at In r home.
Miss Minnie Cal.loy. or I'llce stioot,
has lotiuiiod home fiom u seven
inonths' visit In Huston.
Mr. Tirfany, a student ut Httckiioll
unUotslty, Is the guest ol his cousin.
Wallace tI, Moscr, of Lafayette stieet.
Willlum S. Mrnis and Kdwln O. Pel
ots. who hiivc been located at Joplln.
Mo for some tline. in rived home lust
evening to spend chilstinns. "
Catiavan & Snyers are heuihiuiiileis
for poultry. 100 Mt.ln uvelille. ?1S AVest
Lackawanna u venue. '
A grand children's pnlei tiiinmcnt and
Santa Clans, on Christmas night nt 7
p. in., at Salvation Army hall. 1o:o
Pi Ice street. Candy, nuts, oning",
etc., will be given to the chllihon.
Tho V. T. . Soclul club will run
their ontci tttlnmcitt and social In Moms
Crystal Diamatic Club Will Pioduee
"The Senator's Daughter" at the
Auditorium Christmas Night.
The Ciystal Diumiitli club will pio
tlttco, on Ch.'lslmas ov cuing, In
tho Audltoilum, (ho beautiful foilt
act dtiinia. etitltletl, "The Senator's
Daughter," which has novor bofoie
been seen In Scianton. The oust fol
lows: linn snci.itpj ( ,i, cr.alor finin Kentmki,
I'. tl, ( ilipilv.
I mil llcnn lliu-lniil, n( the Rrltl'li Irpl-
I Ion I) I, '.,im
Maiiiit tic l.i Itotlut'.c ii iiun nf tlio t.mM,
M. .1. (iilijin.
Cnul III S,t0, kiIoiicI I tit Ii t'nltcil Slitis iln I. I. Moi.iu
"(.cue," I.'Ioiiri in di f l.i'. -Ax .!'. .1. Miiiclt
Mi. Vuicll.1 I litru tus, uith mi etc In tin"
fcnilm Vll Ann i W iMi
tunc, .-ln'i Hi up in ililr 1 i-- Kit ii' Hi my
tucli Slil-uii, Hu -cuilmS diumiitli,
Vli-i Vim i llui lie.
V. M. W. Kesolutions.
Tlie follow log lesolutlons wcic unani
mously atloptod at the last regular
meeting of Loggoltt's Cicok local. No.
IfiSO, rnitcil Mine Woi kors of Aineilta:
Micuj-, Dm atlriiliini i luIU 1 to llic fitt
Mill llic I hlui V ri lii-luu ul, i lutt pniliPillliii;
the linpoititlim nt ell (nullc 1 ilri.i Into this
ti unlit, ivplic- on Vljj", loth!; .mil
Whtiriti.. If thi lot Is not ic rnittul .mil thu
tliniint Is iillotttil hoc anil nnluiiniiclcil m s
lu inn iimntiy. It ttoulit lie i Mutt .it th Mit
fniimlition of oiii nnlo'i anil ficc imltttitloiH. mil
ttonld flu illt mil liiPtllililt sullied flee 1 ibnr
In .i unmliiR dipFiiikni t , thdcfmc, lie It
Iti-nltrd, T hu ttr, tlic nicinbeii of l.oril .Xn.
1IWI, f. VI. W. nf V . do uigonllt leipie'l tho
I lilted s1t(. -puilois nf l'iiinj lunli .mil the
toiiKitssinin of tin-, to u-c .ill the in
lliicnic po-i-ihle foi the tc rnic Inn lit nf tlie
fit in j Int. or .nit olhei I nt ttliitli lie nunc
slthiKHil In extluite pittci.
Iii-oltnl, lint i lopt of IIicm-, lie
fultt niled In out fulled, -euitoii .mil ton-PH--1II111
of I lii-. di-trid
Willimi Hopkins shhie.t Wrlih Pairitk Con
nut, committee.
Mine Accident.
Thomas Lewis, of Leggclls sticot, a
miner employed in the Leggotts Cieek
mine, had his aim badly Injtned os
teida. A poitlon of tho loot fell, and
sti nek him on the ai in.
tie then slipped and foil, sti iking on
a shaip piece of coal which toic a gash
in his aim that icnulied sovoial
stitches to close.
lie was lemovod lo his home, wheic
he leeeived medical attention.
This evening the champion North
Kntl Stars will have foi their opponents
tho stiong Philadelphia team at the
.iiitlitoiium On Chilstmas afternoon
th- Stais will play the Crystals of
Ptleeburg, commonb known as La ndo
Jones' team.
William Moigans. ol William stieet,
announces himself a candidate lor con
stable of the First wind.
Atlolph Poldman, the shoo dealer of
West Market stieet, has returned
homo fiom a business tiip to Now
Yen k.
All tho union b.ubor shops of this
end will be closed all clay Chilstmas,
but they will keep open late tonight.
Tho cantata which was to have tak
en place last evening In the Methodist
Episcopal chinch will take place next
Monday evening.
Major J. B. Fish Is In lecolpt of an
Invitation to attend tho meeting of tho
"Old Guard" at Now Yin k on Jun
uaiy 2..
John Devlne and John O'Neill have
i elm ned fiom St. Mary's college, Tor
onto, to spend the holidays with their
The First waul Republican prima) ies
will be hold Satin day, December 28, be
tween the houis or 4 and 7 p. m.. tor
the nomination of waul offices.
The Chilstmas exeu Ises of the Pi ev
idence Piesbylcilnn Sunday school
will tuku plai o this evening and the
public is invited. The programme In
cludes a goodly number of popular fes
tivities with a Christinas tree as tho
centtal flguio.
To all uppeaiances moie people l ode
on the Piovldonte cms yesteiday than
on any day bofoie in two months.
llic I liibtm.i-. iM'iilscs nt tli liiii v.fimr
.miiuIj.v siIhhiI will In held IuiulIiI. it hen ,iu
iittruiiiw piuKriimut' will lie u mined ic lollotfi:
sunt No. -lui. mIiooI; pi.mi, .iiiiii; uiluilon,
IUIiii Uiiii-i, minion nan., I.lmli ismU'ii, led
tullon, (ii.icc Kiriii; irclt.itloii, Jloiuld hu in;
mi, .Iii-oin ltuli"iiMin jnd l.lnduKJiten: ml
l.ilitin, lleiihlii llurl.t't iiiluilou, IUiIiii I'ott
til; ilinlouue, I mikci sudlli mid Sioll.i MidUtii;, Huh Haul; leilutlnii, M.u-iuu'o
su.ul.; duel, Loilune 111 ink, I.lrlc I'onill m.d
.i lion! ; irillitlon, Njii ItuI'dUon, irclUIIni,
Idi Allilii.ul; luilutioii, llottalil Mujin i din.
loKiie, Vllic Couiluin .mil Helen Hist; dlaloaiic,
IIi'IIj siUun .mil (,ii'; ilrlll. lio.ti.' luinJile;
toii Xo. HU), fit hool
'Ihe puplli nt llic Ii iu It vliniil lute niiiile i.
luiihi pirpu illn i ioi Hull ilciluu ever I-C4
tndj.t. Vn etiui.he pinRiiimiie lu liecu pic.
luiitl, iindei the diietllon of Vli.f ( nte, tthl Ii
l fiiin to lie eiiji.tid li.t Hie Inigc nuinliu of
Illt lit il Ktiti-U ttlm ttlll In pit'siul, lie'l
nnil t.lKo ttill lie a'lWil I" Ihe .tliohil jl llm
tlo-e of the tntiiuiuuiriii.
On Xctt i il'o ite, In Niidili.slou hall, llic
( Jtlmlli Miami lb in nliiil .cuoxlalio i, lliiiuli
til, ttlll loiidutt a -iiiluc mid dame 'I lie riiiliict
ill hiRiu al S ii'iluiK and IjI luilll 10 n'' Iv.s
whin tlic ihmlni; ttlll IkjIii
Ihe PilionUi smlal chili 'till loinlml .1
I hllttui.i. etc mkIiI In tldd l'iliott' lull to.
VinuiiK llic lolUvc ilnl'iiU who .uc sprndln;
Hull Iml VH.iou Willi llu'li pncnU nrru
ale; .Idino I ullcii, lonii lliown, .lohn VUllile,
'lliDiiu. .loidan, lo-epu lleal.t, Jclm U.uin. to
uph llaik,
Pi U, It. stauluii. of Philadelphia, Ii the
1,1 if s! of filcudj in tottn
It, X. and fuiilt ttlll tpeud ('liii.tnii
wllh itlatltri. lu I'ill.U'ii.
Can nan i Si)cii ale In jii.Uini!. Ioi poulli.t,
iai Diinkti titt t ''
MIj-i l.ble I'loM', ot I'nuhuii;, is limnr fcr tlu
Skates Shaipened.
Hollow giountl.
Floie.v & Hiooks,
ill WiiHlilngton uvenue.
Committee of Citizens Waited Upon
the Officials of the Scianton Oas
nnd Water CompanyPostal Caul
Received by William Naegell from
Attorney A. J. Colbotn Who Is in
Euiope Fred Mttrsch Threatened
with Loss of Hearing Funeral of
Paul Cramci.
For scvcihI weeks pasl ihe water
furnished by Ihe Scianton 'las and
Water company In this pail of the city
has boon unlit to use either Tor cook
ing purposes or to think, and a commit
tee of lcprpsonUtlve eltlaens hiotlght
the matter to the attention of the
Soranton Ous and AVater company's of
llclals. John Doiiillth, ! led Kb choir, Chailes
Roll ami Aldernvin John Lontos look
two samples direct from their liottjc
lancets a few days ago and carried
tliptn In bottles to the Wyoming ave
nue iniilti nfllce. wheie thpy statocl their
gt Ipvalice.
Although tho committee got no direct
satisfaction, It Is evident tliclr mission
bcuo n tilt, tor .vestorduy employes of
the company opened ninny hydiants on
the pi itieipal streets, for the pin pose of
cleaning the nrilns. Theie 's no up
pment change in the condition of tho
water us yot.
A. J. Colbotn Heard fiom.
AVIlllnni Naegell, ol DOS Plltston avo
liue, ii pioiulnent member or the
Patriotic Older Sons of Ami" lea, was
agieeublv suipilsjd u low days ago bv
tpccclvliiR a iiosl il caul rtom Attorney
A. J. Colboui, tinted Dec. tl itnd mailed
In Ilambing, (ieimany. The itml tn
unlttie In that It Is composed or an
Amei lean Ihig on the lcvoiso side in
led. white and blue, with an excellent
photo of Piesldent lloosevolt In the
centei. TIip gioollng leads, "A Mony
Chilstmas and a Happy New Year."
while tilong the lop line, iirlntcd In
gold lettcis, Is a bar or "Yankee.
Dxtondlng fiom the left-hand corner
to the president's picture is the fol
lowing sentence, also In gold lettois,
"Gloiy to tho Cnion." The caul is a
decided novelty.
A Serious Case.
Ficd Muiscli, of 801 Plltston .imiuio.
Is seriously 111 with an unfortunate nf
llictlon that may lender him deaf for
life. A few days ago one of his ear
th urn nerves became affected and an
operation was made to loliove the pain.
Mr. Mm sell made rapid Improvement
until Saturday nlirht. when the nerve
of ". o other car snapped and left hi in
almost totally deaf.
Dr. AVehlnu was summoned and an
other opeiatlon was decided upon. As
sisted by Dr. Meais the attending
phvslclan neifoimed the delli ate opei
atlon estei(lay afternoon, which was
entirely satlsfactoiy. Mi. Aim sell Is
now confined to bod. but unless other
complications aiise theie Is hope that
his healing will at least bo paitlally ro
stoi ed.
Funeral of Paul Ciainei.
The lemalns o! Paul Ciamcr. a lor
inur lesident ot th's soction, who met
with a fatal accident in Young-stow n,
Ohio, last week, woio letolvocl at his
brothel's homo, at 607 Cedar avenue,
estculnv morning, and intotrecl at S
o'clock in the afternoon.
Funeral services weie conducted by
ltev. AYIUiani A. Noult at the house,
and Interment was made In tho Pittp
ton avenue cemetery. The pall-boaiers
weio: Chailes Itoso, John Hempter,
Philip Ilaitmau and Geoigo Uechttoch.
Last Night's Social.
A niei ly social gatheiing Ioi tnein
hoi s only took place at the South Side
Athletic and Social club looms, (109
Cedar avenue, last nisht. which was
laigelv attended.
The membeis gatheied eaily anil at 0
o'clot k they weie summoned to a lab
bit lunch and suppoi. which was heart
ilv enjoyed. Cateiei Geoige Itosen ic
coiveet the thanks or those present for
his hospitality.
Coming Social Events.
The Fourteen Fi lends have decided to
celebuito the blith of the New Year In
the old stxlo, and they will have a
watch-night putty at their hoaclcpiar
teis In Best's hotel pailois on Now
Yeai's evo.
A committee of eight has charge of
the auungenients, and they will pio
vldo Tor as many as send in their names
by next Sunday to Stewart James Best.
The names of the committee mo a
guarantee that the affair will be ono of
the social events or the season. They
aie: Fred Klirhaitlt, chali man: Alfred
CulheinK, Ben F, Mooie. John Schunk,
AVIlllnni Zelsmer, .1. F. Best. John Lou
ies and Chailes Netlls.
The Knights of St. George aio ac
tively ut work piepailng for their New
Year's banquet and ball, which will
take place In St. Mary's hall. No ex
pense Is being spaicd by the commit
tee, who have seemed excellent music,
superb decorations und a bill of tine
that will eiiual any of tho best hotels In
the city, A very huge ut tendance Is
expected and mrungements .tie being
made accoidlngly.
On Monday, December ".0, the Snon
Reirunde and Mnoniioii'hor societies will
celebrate what is Known as "Welnaehts
Beschooiung," or Chtlstinas tiee festiv
ities, which Included a di awing fot
prizes Both societies liavo energetic
committees at woik, and It Is likely
both will bo well pntionlzed.
The Ulnggold band will give a benefit
peifoimauco to their fomier leader,
Pior. Jacob Outh, In Get mania hall to
luol low ntleiiiooii ami evening
The Havailau N'oieln will hold their
Chilstmas tiee social In Gernmiila hull,
Thin siiay evening,
.iii 'diddus .htJH'uurt tiiov" Nt)
Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will bo hold
in Hail man's hall this evening.
A game of basket hall was pluvctl iu
SI. John's hull on Stone avenue be
tween tho Pastimes and the T c .v, C
teams last evonlng. Tho game was
close and ipleicstltiK ihumghout and
was watched by u luiKe uowd.
An Intel eating nieolllig of Comet
elguis and tobacco, al Mlllei iX. Doeli
fl's, 606 Cedai avenue. Tho best goods
at Ihe lowest piices.
The rutu'ial of Michael Lottus will
tako place unlay tiom tho homo of his
btothcr on Ptospect avenue.
Kiigeni) Tannlei, who bus been sell
ing Chilstmas ttees at tho coinei of
Cedar aveiiuo and Illekmy stieel, lost
some of his stock Sunday night. The
thieves bcleotcd two ol his uosl lives
W, Lackawanna
1st s , x k & a jEjisisy
jMffL ii vflft
i fSSXr -
10-Pound Turkey Free
Carnegie gives libraries Joyce gives turkeys. One feeds
the brain, the other the stomach both are commendable acts.
This is how Joyce does it : Every family requires staple gro
ceries, and at Christmas a turkey, too. Joyce decided upon a
combination grocery ordei, composed of standard articles. Then
he bought them in such immense quantities for his 3 stores--that
the difference between regular prices and "Joyce" prices,
made it commercially possible to give a ten-pound turkey for
good measure.
This is the Grocery Order you must buy to
get the Ten-Pound Turkey Free.
i'i Pniiuil s,i(iv Invfc'q He! I lout, ,1 -ui.ei lor liiciul in ikrr
Iltlf immiil Illinium's Loinmut, llic sUml.ird nf rxccllenci
I lti poiiii.U (iriinrit Itullri,, tin' lotk li'iltum pm
ftto pnutitls llit rJons, hiijil ircilln .it P0t . l pollliil .. ,t
Iliieo pniiiids Jtr. Kinprrss till nrl t otTft 11 In .in i Mpilsilt tlitoi ...
One pound luwc'n Illltllii; I'ouupi, .it jfoml .m lite lies!
l'un I'h. botllci i;liuil, lnMiirti mil Vvnllli, .K . t ilm initttliciv
Ono winl V-tirlctl spurn imnlli in (tfr.t tine
Dm prlci (jni) ( Liiilniulmii t.imoi.t OtTfi) $.1.00
10 puuniK I'nrKi't, .it Im. pi i ppund 1,(0
i "-H.30
A rrcnt $5 worth nnd n $1.59 Turkey all for $.
Everything to eat for the Christmas table, from Soup to Nuts,
will be found at its best here. Money-Saving Prices.
Popular Priced Provisions.
of cotitse. but the patties aio known.
Thej .tie likely to have a moiry
I heiehy announce lmsolf as a can
didate lor the Deincx lutlc nomination
for common council tor tlie Twentieth
waul. Jl. J. Bailed,
''" Cloik at the I.. I. & S, South Stole
The South Side Howling t lull spent
.1 most cnjojable time at their head
tiuaiteis last evening Seveial match
games vveto played and a delicious
lunch was sot veil (luting tho intervals.
tiet youi smokois' supplies, pipes,
tlgai.s and tobacco, at Jllllei it Doeh
ler's, (0G Cedar avenue. The best soods
at the lowest pi ices.
Stuffed fl&s, pulled Ilgs. laver flgr,
dates, nuts and table raisins. V. S.
1'iatt. "
Poultiv lor Xinits. 1;. S. 1'iatt. '
The tinest line of imported cakes lor
Xmas ever displayed In this oit. Oieen
Hlclgo JIaikct. "
Fresh lish, oysteis anil clams. (Jieen
Hidge JJaiket.
Candles ot all description V. S.
Piatt. "
Taney apples, manges bananas nnd
gtapes I". S. Piatt. 8
Candles and nuts; lowest price in
city. Croon Kidgo Market.
Can's home made mince meat. Hi eon
Itldge Market.
Ileadcpiai teis tor laiwnej's and Xmas
candles, n. s, Pratt.
Out 'M and I.'ie. mix candy cunnot be
enualletl. H. S. Pratt.
For cash, (Jieen Ultlge Jluikol. 20
pounds tine Humiliated sugar, 1: one
bushel potatoes, extra flue, 00c.: fancy
Klgin butter, '.'."ic, SO pounds best Hour,
$1,20: ono gallon maple syiup, S'te.
Trailing slainps given. Comer Dickson
avenue it lid Ciicen Itltlge street,
Ilrlck's mlnco meat, cannot bo sur
passed, handled by K. S. Piatt
Plum piitldiiigs and KnglMi liuit
cakes. H. S. Piatt. '
nxtr.i lancy manges, gr.ipo tiult, tan
ginlnes, plneupples, Callfmuln apples,
grapes, etc, (been Itlclee JIaikol.
rancy cheese; all kinds, (ileen llltlge
Xmas tieos, wioathsanil hollj, IJ. S.
Punt, I. "J Dickson avenue. "
Sweol elder, evtut line Uieen Itldgo
('hiise Nr Sanboiu's leas and lottees,
nothing hot ioi flieeu Illdgo Jlaikot
5ll0 Xmas U cos lo select tiom tlieen
Itldge Jlatket. '
Holly w 1 oaths, loose liollv, mistletoe,
1 oping, oti, tli eon Itldgo .Matkct. '
Tut keys, ducks, geese, chickens, utb
blts, etc. Oieop Kldge Jlnikel.
Hllie Points delivered on halt sh -I1
tit 0011 Uhlso Jlaikot.
Ftesli vceetables, all Muds. Huen
Kldge Jlailtot
UClt.SI.D ItYAX, son ot Jli anil Jits.
Jl. .1. Ilyau. of l-M Stone avonm. ill"d
M'sleulay utter a slmi t illness The will take plain this altcinociu
at -'.::o p, 111.
Michael Weitlg an old leslileni of
South Scianton, passed away yesteuia.v
at the Hillside home. The funeial an
nouncement will be mucin lutct
jiiss ji.xiuiAiuvr a. iavui:nck.
ot liiaui stieet, HicKson, died Sutui
du, utter 11 slum Illness. The le
ceased wus S9 of ugo und a .vouug
lady who was much 1 expected. The lit
neial will lake jilace totluy at -' o'clot l.
Intel incut will 'm luaclo lu the Wash
Inn 11 sttect ccinetcl y.
MAUOAItirr 1.0lti:XK. agul twen-ty-jeais,
of fliunt avenue, Dickson
401 Perm
Lyceum Theatre
M. IIMS, Lcssfe tnd Minagrr
A. .1. DUI'tY, Bu! Manutr.
OM. Mt.ltf O.VI.y, 'III.MIM m.CKMBIR 21.
Mr Chailes Frohman, Preaentn
1 ilvtatd lv. IIiikc's iliHm.ilialion nf thr I'jpii ii'
With E. M. Holland in the Title Bolt
I'i up-., 2'n., mi,, TV , il.on. l 50.
M lis on silc aliinlj Al II .1. in
Christmas Day
VVednosday, Dec. 35,
Iaebler & Co. Piesent
Sag Harbor
Hip (.iratc-l n( ihp I m" Heine PIjju.
I'llcc-t MaIhioc 2m.., .'1O1., Tic, jml l.(Kl
Mslit. -'Ji . .'it'i., Th., $1 Jml 1 iD
"seals nil -de MjnJtt ul 'i n'lintl, a. ni.
ritun vmi tiiiinM nr.M.M!S.
I nistmonl ot
Hildred Holland,
In lid net ltonuntii Drama,
The Power Behind the Throne
Matiiid' pri(0i-.'"i nnil :, icnt.: ilillilieti it
.lli.i iiit ul tin' Immr, l"i util. Nicllt piitf
J11 , ,'iHi., Tin, ami -jl.
"I'll- on s lie Wnlii silat ul tt a in.
Academy of Husk
M. IltIS, ttwee. A J. Duffj, Utgt(ir.
One solid Wrck, Ik'Kliiiiini; Monday, Dec. .rtt
ikiitf u.
I'lltp-i Nieln. I". ,J ""I -0 (-fnu.
I'lliri Vlatluc-, 10 anil '.HI toiiln.
( IiiMiiiii Milinoi. ID. 10 anil SO cent
t hiL-lniH Siltlil, Id, -'(), ut and .V) lenti
sali nt soalt mr (. liriMniJ clav epens Mondy
.11 11 a 111
I ALF, 0. llhltlllNGTO.V. Uinifer.
I (INK IVIIKh, t online iicuiK MOMIU, PFO t.
I Wine, Woman and Song
imi.v, mviimi:
city, died .vestoida nioinliiR after
shot 1 Illness. The runetal will tak
pliao today with intouuent in Wash
biiin sti cot cemetery.
l'i.iiiii -ililaliu, tin "ilittiic lit-jld, ' lio '
aiiolul 101 ili'Jll.lR .1 ili'tl lliJIKi ut jlic lv-..uc
MNtlou "inidjj nUht ttui allotted lo 50 hot,
ti' iiioiiiIiih
Mai Milllian, 11 Mrudlaii slice, liad Itror;)
Ituinidi ulicaul ,tceltld foi ill0ltlfl con
dint ami uiaklui: 1I111.C .. .Mdciiti.u Untidy ku
Inn in Ull lit ittliult of .!il0 lull. Knw4,
ttlm .1. a liouidu ut Iht' snllitaii liouv, (rot
iluiuk an) no .clul a iliiimlUli llic futnltjte
mil ill hi- out tlic landlady and oilier oicupinU.
Ulg sale iitUtiial Mai ten seal fa, $7.00.
'l". I.. Ciane, 4i Lackawanna Ave.